Pedro Paulo Orraca Romano

Pedro Paulo Orraca Romano
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte · Departamento de Estudios Económicos

Ph.D. Economics


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PhD in Economics from the University of Sussex. Previously worked as Project Support Assistant at the London School of Economics, as Deputy Director at Mexico's City Ministry of Finance and as Assistant Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Main research interests are Labor Economics, Development Economics and International Migration. Currently Full Professor and Director at the Department of Economics Studies at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Tijuana, Mexico
Additional affiliations
July 2023 - present
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
  • Investigador Titular C
July 2021 - July 2023
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
  • Investigador Titular B
January 2017 - July 2021
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
  • Investigador Titular A
August 2011 - June 2016
University of Sussex
Field of study
  • Economics
August 2006 - June 2008
August 2002 - June 2006
Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
Field of study
  • Economía


Publications (47)
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This paper decomposes labor force participation, the unemployment rate, and the employment shares of self-employment, and of the formal and informal salaried sectors into age, cohort, and time effects. The life cycle patterns of labor force participation and formal employment follow a standard inverted U-shape. Younger workers are more likely to pa...
This article examines how unauthorized immigrant status is associated with the risk of suffering a work-related accident or illness and with the use of medical services after experiencing an injury among Mexican immigrants in the United States. Using individual-level data on 81,004 Mexican immigrants who previously worked in the United States and w...
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Since 2007, large numbers of Mexican migrants in the USA returned to Mexico voluntarily or through deportation. Theory argues that US immigration policy undermines immigrant health through the deprivations of undocumented legal status and deportation, but few studies have considered the combined influences of these exposures on health. We estimate...
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El presente artículo examina la participación laboral en México durante el periodo comprendido de 1960-2020, en el cual la participación femenina se incrementó de 14.3 a 47.6% y la masculina pasó de 92.4 a 84.5%. El aumento en la participación femenina se debió al incremento en los años de escolaridad, la migración de localidades rurales a urbanas,...
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Este estudio analiza el incremento de 100% en el salario mínimo en la zona fronteriza norte de México en 2019 y sus efectos totales, por género y por sector sobre el empleo y los salarios. Con base en datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo, se estiman modelos de diferencias en diferencias y de diseño de estudio de eventos para calcular...
This paper aims to analyze how institutional variations at the subnational level impact entrepreneurship decisions and the path toward productive or unproductive entrepreneurship in an institutionally underdeveloped country. The results offer potentially new theoretical insights and practical implications for developing or emergent countries. The r...
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Este artículo analiza la evolución de los trabajadores transfronterizos que residen en México y laboran en Estados Unidos y cuantifica su importancia económica. Con base en información censal y la ENIGH se estiman modelos de regresión lineal y Tobit. Durante el periodo 2000-2020, el número de transfronterizos aumentó ligeramente y la participación...
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We study whether neonatal health predicts future health and education and test if parents compensate/reinforce early health differences by investing more/fewer resources in their less healthy offspring using a 9-year panel of Mexican siblings. We contribute to the literature, typically focused on birth weight and short-term outcomes, by leveraging...
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Con base en datos de la Encuesta Intercensal 2015 y de los censos de población y vivienda 2000 y 2010, en este artículo se analizan las características laborales de los jóvenes estadounidenses de entre 15 y 29 años radicados en México y se evidencia que sus remuneraciones han sido más altas que las de los trabajadores mexicanos del mismo grupo de e...
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Con el objetivo de contribuir a la literatura que se centra en la estimación del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) potencial, en este trabajo se evalúa el funcionamiento de cuatro métodos de estimación del PIB potencial trimestral de México para el periodo 1998:T1-2020:T2. Los procedimientos utilizados para su estimación son: 1) métodos heurísticos, 2)...
We analyze the presence of non-migrant US-born children aged 0-4 in the northern states of Mexico and associated factors by parental nativity. Based on the 2020 Mexican Census, we describe the location, population size, and sociodemographic profiles of these children. We also estimate regression models to examine factors associated with children’s...
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La realidad de los inmigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos mues-tra que, en los últimos años, se ha presentado una notable preva-lencia a sufrir accidentes o padecer enfermedades estrechamente ligadas a su actividad laboral. Su estatus migratorio, el bajo capital humano y el desconocimiento del idioma inglés, son algunos de los elementos que orilla...
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Esta obra es el segundo volumen, producto de la colaboración de El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, A.C. (El Colef), a través de la Red Sistemas Territoriales y Agencia: Conocimiento y Capacidades para el Desarrollo (RSTA) y la Asociación Mexicana de Ciencias para el Desarrollo Regional, A.C. (AMECIDER), para realizar un ejercicio de reflexión sobre e...
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Los resultados acerca de la relación entre la gestión de emprendimientos informales y sus posibilidades de expansión son aún escasos. Con base en datos de la ENIGH y a través de regresiones logísticas, se exploran las características asociadas al crecimiento de este tipo de emprendimientos en México. Se corroboró que el establecer el primer local o...
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Increasingly stringent immigration enforcement in the US interior has led to the deportation of large numbers of long‐term Mexican immigrants with families in the USA. We analyse the statistical association between the intent to return to the USA and leaving minor children with spouses or other people in the USA among Mexican immigrants deported fr...
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This study analyzes the process of labor integration of young American workers in the Mexican labor market. It shows that American youth earn higher wages when compared to their Mexican counterparts, but that this advantage decreases through time. It also shows that the conditions of labor insertion of young American workers in Mexico are better th...
This study examines how variations in homicide rates in Mexico are associated with the likelihood of participating in cross‐border work, that is, living in Mexico but working in the U.S. Based on Mexican census data from 2000, 2010, and 2015, and information on homicides, a series of ordinary least squares models are estimated to analyze the relati...
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The present study aims to determine the common trends and the permanent and transitory components of remittances received by Mexican households. This is done by estimating a small Dynamic Factor Model (DFM), using the approach first proposed by Gonzalo and Granger [1995. “Estimation of Common Long-memory Components in Cointegrated Systems.” Journal...
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Driven by drug-related crimes, homicide levels in Mexico have dramatically increased since 2007. This study examines the effect of students’ exposure to crime on educational outcomes in Mexico. Using school-level data, a panel of the country’s elementary and secondary schools is constructed to analyze the effect of local homicides on standardized t...
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Although 'Seguro Popular' (SP), a healthcare programme for the unin-sured, has been in place in Mexico for more than a decade, its consequences for international migration both to and from the country have received little scholarly attention. Using the spatial variation in the programme's coverage generated through the rollout over time, this paper...
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A partir de la Encuesta Demográfica Retrospectiva (EDER) 2011, este trabajo analiza los niveles de reingreso a la escuela de los jóvenes de tres generaciones en México, así como los factores condicionantes de éste y el nivel de estudios y el tipo de ocupación alcanzados con esta inversión. Se utilizan tablas de vida, modelos logísticos de tiempo di...
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There is a small number of transborder students who reside in Mexico but go to school in the United States. Less than 2.5 percent of students residing in border cities such as Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez or Nogales, are transborder students. Pupils born in Mexico that go to school in the United States represent less than 1 percent of the student populat...
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This research is composed of three empirical essays that analyzes different development and labor economics issues about Mexico and its emigrant population residing in the United States. The first essay examines the role of occupational segregation in explaining th elow wages among Mexican-Americans earn low wages, mainly due to their low levesl of...
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Los estudiantes transfronterizos que radican en México y cruzan diariamente para estudiar en Estados Unidos, representan menos de 2.5 por ciento del total de estudiantes en ciudades fronterizas como Tijuana, Ciudad Juárez o Nogales y 4 por ciento de los estudiantes universitarios. De ellos, los nacidos en México, representan menos de 1 por ciento,...
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In this paper we propose to use the common trends of the Mexican economy in order to predict economic activity one and two steps ahead. We exploit the cointegration properties of the macroeconomic time series, such that, when the series are I(1) and cointegrated, there is a factor representation, where the common factors are the common trends of th...
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This paper examines students who live in Mexico but attend school in the U.S., and looks into the factors associated with their decision to study abroad. Based on Mexico’s 2015 Intercensal Survey, cross-border students are described in terms of their number, location, educational level and socioeconomic characteristics. Subsequently, the study esti...
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This article studies the evolution of the earnings obtained by Mexican-born workers that live in Mexico but work in the US, with respect to the earnings obtained by Mexican-born workers that reside in Mexico in municipalities adjacent to the United States. Between 2000 and 2010 there was a significant decline in the quantity of cross-border workers...
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Se estudia el papel de la segregación ocupacional en los bajos salarios entre los inmigrantes mexicanos de primera, segunda y tercera generación en Estados Unidos. Los mexicano-americanos obtienen menores salarios que los negros porque poseen menor capital humano. Respecto a los blancos, sus salarios menores también son producto de sus retornos men...
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This paper studies the role of occupational segregation in explaining the low wages among first, second and third generation Mexican immigrants in the United States. Mexican-Americans earn lower wages than blacks mainly because they possess less human capital. With respect to whites, their lower wages are also a product of their smaller rewards for...
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RESUMEN: Se estudia el papel de la segregacio ́n ocupacional en los bajos salarios entre los inmigrantes mexicanos de primera, segunda y tercera gen- eracio ́n en Estados Unidos. Los mexicano-americanos obtienen meno- res salarios que los negros porque poseen menor capital humano. Re- specto a los blancos, sus salarios menores tambi ́en son product...
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Este estudio examina el papel que desempena la segregacion ocupacional sobre la brecha salarial de genero en Mexico. Mediante informacion censal y con base en la descomposicion propuesta por Brown et al. (1980), se observa que la brecha salarial de genero se incremento entre 2000 y 2010. Las diferencias salariales dentro de las ocupaciones tienden...
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This study examines whether Seguro Popular, a free-of-charge publicly provided health insurance program for otherwise uninsured households, crowded-out private transfers in Mexico. Using data from the National Household Income and Expenditure Survey, the effects of Seguro Popular are identified using the spatial variation in the program's coverage...
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Este artículo estudia las diferencias entre los mexicanos que residen y trabajan en la zona fronteriza de Estados Unidos y los mexicanos que viven en México pero trabajan en Estados Unidos. Los inmigrantes y los trabajadores transfronterizos son comparados en términos de su magnitud, características socioeconómicas, estructura ocupacional e ingreso...
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This article studies the effect of birth order and low household economic resources on school attendance and labor market participation among the population of minors in Mexico. Drawing on data from the Child Labor Center, this work estimates a series of multivariate probit models with different specifications, aiming to minimize problems related t...
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This article studies the effect of birth order and low household economic resources on school attendance and labor market participation among the population of minors in Mexico. Drawing on data from the Child Labor Center, this work estimates a series of multivariate probit models with different specifications, aiming to minimize problems related t...
This article analyzes the type of migrant who is most likely to be exposed to the risk of death or be a victim of aggression by U.S. authorities while illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, and the impact this has on the future migration intentions of repatriated or deported individuals. On the basis of a logistic regression analysis, the study...
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This article analyzes the type of migrant who is most likely to be exposed to the risk of death or be a victim of aggression by U.S. authorities while illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, and the impact this has on the future migration intentions of repatriated or deported individuals. On the basis of a logistic regression analysis, the study...
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This paper conducts a cohort analysis of labor participation in urban Mexico in recent decades. The rates analyzed are the labor force participation, the unemployment rate, and the employment shares of the formal and informal salaried sectors, as well as of self-employment. These rates are decomposed into age, cohort, and time effects. The life cyc...


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