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Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.)): A Putative Anticancer Agent in Bladder Carcinoma?


Abstract and Figures

The leaves of Camellia sinensis (L.) are the source of tea, the second most consumed beverage worldwide. Tea contains several chemical compounds such as polyphenols (mainly catechins), caffeine, theophylline, L-theanine, among many others. Polyphenolic compounds are mainly responsible for its significant antioxidant properties and anticarcinogenic potential. Bladder cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, and its progression and onset are thought to be controlled by dietary and lifestyle factors. Epidemiological studies showed that the regular consumption of tea can be a preventive factor for this type of cancer, and several in vivo and in vitro studies reported that tea and its components may interfere in the cancer cells' signaling, preventing the bladder tumor progression. The mechanisms responsible for this protection include deregulation of cell cycle, induction of apoptosis while protecting the surrounding healthy bladder cells, inhibition of metastization processes, among others. Herein, we discuss the potential beneficial effects of tea and tea components in bladder cancer prevention and/or treatment, and how they can be helpful in finding new therapeutic strategies to treat this type of cancer.
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26 Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 15, 26-36
Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.)): A Putative Anticancer Agent in Bladder Carcinoma?
Vanessa R. Conde, Marco G. Alves#, Pedro F. Oliveira and Branca M. Silva#,*
CICS – UBI – Health Sciences Research Centre, University of Beira Interior, 6201-506 Covilhã,
Abstract: The leaves of Camellia sinensis (L.) are the source of tea, the second most consumed beverage
worldwide. Tea contains several chemical compounds such as polyphenols (mainly catechins), caffeine,
theophylline, L-theanine, among many others. Polyphenolic compounds are mainly responsible for its significant
antioxidant properties and anticarcinogenic potential. Bladder cancer is one of the most common types of cancer,
and its progression and onset are thought to be controlled by dietary and lifestyle factors. Epidemiological
studies showed that the regular consumption of tea can be a preventive factor for this type of cancer, and several in vivo and in vitro
studies reported that tea and its components may interfere in the cancer cells’ signaling, preventing the bladder tumor progression. The
mechanisms responsible for this protection include deregulation of cell cycle, induction of apoptosis while protecting the surrounding
healthy bladder cells, inhibition of metastization processes, among others. Herein, we discuss the potential beneficial effects of tea and
tea components in bladder cancer prevention and/or treatment, and how they can be helpful in finding new therapeutic strategies to treat
this type of cancer.
Keywords: Bladder cancer, caffeine, Camellia sinensis, catechins, EGCG, polyphenols.
#Author’s P rofile: Marco G. Alves, PhD in Biochemistry, at University of Coimbra, Portugal (2011), mainly works on reproduction,
diabetes, metabolic modulation and cellular metabolic profiles. He serves as editorial board member and ad-hoc reviewer in several journals.
He has more than 55 publications in the last years (2009-2014) in leading peer-review journals.
#Author’s Profile: Branca M. Silva is Associate Professor at University of Beira Interior (Portugal) since 2011. Presently, she is author/co-
author of about 60 publications in peer-review journals, and her research interests are oriented to the Phytochemistry and Phytomedicine
fields. She serves as editor-in-chief, editor, editorial board member and reviewer in several journals.
Camellia sinensis (L.), commonly known as the tea plant, has
been used for many centuries in traditional medicine. The infusion
prepared by using its leaves or buds is known as tea. The main
types of tea obtained from this plant are green tea (GT), white tea
(WT), black tea (BT) and oolong tea (OT). This classification is
based on differences in the manufacture and preparation processes,
which result in distinctive chemical compositions. Recently, tea’s
ability to stimulate the immune system and mitigate several
diseases has raised great interest [1-10], and these beneficial
properties have been attributed to its chemical composition.
Cancer constitutes one of the greatest challenges in terms of
developing preventive, therapeutic and diagnosis methods [11].
Phytomedicine is now considered a h elpful research area for
battling this burden [12-14]. In this context, chemopreventive and
chemotherapeutic properties of tea have been studied, and new data
arise to unveil the molecular mechanisms by which tea and its
components exert their actions. Bladder cancer is among the most
common types of cancer and it can appear under different forms,
being the transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) the most frequent [15,
16]. The majority of TCC tumors are superficial papillary tumors,
and only 10 to 15% of the cases evolve to a much more aggressive
non-papillary phenotype, that invades the muscle wall of the
bladder (for review see [15]). In 2008, nearly 400.000 new cases
and 150.000 deaths were estimated due to this type of cancer, that
most frequently affects men [17].
Many factors are pointed out as risk factors for the development
of this disease (for review see [15]). These include smoking [16, 18,
19], exposure to diesel and combustion fumes [18], genetic components
account the widely accepted health benefits of tea, studying its
*Address correspondence to this author at the Health Sciences Research
Centre, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Beira Interior, Av. Infante
D. Henrique, 6201-506 Covilhã, Portugal; Tel: +351 275 329077;
Fax: +351 275 329099; E-mail:
[16, 18, 20] and liquid ingestion [20, 21]. Of note, it has been
reported that the consumption of milk [21], BT, GT [20] and some
alcoholic beverages [20, 21], decreases the risk of developing
bladder cancer. This type of cancer is thought to be preventable by
modification of dietary factors [22]. Therefore, and having in
effects on bladder cancer can yield new insights on the treatment
and prevention of this disease. Herein, we present an up-to-date
overview of the potential beneficial effects of tea and its components
in the prevention and treatment of bladder cancer.
Tea is one of the most popular beverages worldwide and is
produced by infusion of the leaves or buds of the tea plant
(Camellia sinensis). This beverage has been used in eastern
traditional medicine for many centuries, since it yields several
health benefits [4, 9, 23]. C. sinensis can originate four major types
of tea, depending on the tea leaves’ harvesting and processing [4, 9,
23]. Upon harvesting, the leaves suffer an enzymatic oxidation
process, also called “fermentation” [4, 9]. The enzyme involved in
this process, polyphenol oxidase (PO), is mainly responsible for the
differences in the phenolic profiles of the several types of tea. Its
action can be inactivated by quickly heating the leaves or buds, a
post-harvesting technique commonly used in the production of GT
and WT [4, 9]. GT, BT and OT are all obtained from C. sinensis mature
dried leaves, but they possess different chemical compositions.
Consequently, some very obvious organoleptic differences, namely
in taste, color and flavor are also noted. In the production of GT
[24], the mature leaves are harvested and then quickly heated, to
inactivate PO and prevent oxidation. On the other hand, the
production of BT [25], includes crushing the leaves, which are then
allowed to “ferment” for two hours, and heated afterwards.
Production of OT is similar to the latter; however, the leaves are
only allowed to “ferment” for one hour before being heated [4, 9].
WT, the most expensive and rare type of tea, is produced from the
tips or leaf buds not fully opened, which are quickly heated to
prevent withering and oxidation [4, 9]. Thus, WT’s chemical
composition is similar to that of C. sinensis buds and young leaves.
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Tea and Bladder Cancer Anti-Cancer Agents in Medici nal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1 27
Tea’s chemical composition is very complex, containing
polyphenols, proteins, polysaccharides, amino acids, minerals, trace
elements, methylxanthines and organic acids, among others [4, 9].
The chemical composition of tea may be affected by several factors
such as geographical origin, climate, growing conditions, harvesting
practices, maturity stage of the plant and manufacturing processes
[4, 9, 26].
Tea Cat echins
Polyphenols are the most abundant and active group of
compounds present in tea, and are thought to be the responsible for
much of the health benefits attributed to this beverage [6, 27, 28].
Flavonoids are amongst the major classes of phenolic compounds,
from which is important to highlight the flavan-3-ol family. The
members of this family are also known as catechins. There are
various catechins in tea, such as (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-
epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG ) and (-)-
epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) [9, 23]. These compounds are
thought to possess a very high antioxidant power [28-30].
The health benefits attributed to catechin s are mainly due to
their chemical stru cture. Catechins are essentially comprised of
three rings (the aromatic rings, A and B, linked to a dihydropyran
heterocyclic ring, C) and are characterized by multiple hydroxyl
groups on the A and B rings [31] (Fig. 1). Their chemical
differences are due to the presence of different groups attached to
those rings [4, 9, 31]. In EC, we can find an ortho-di-hydroxyl
group in the B ring and a hydroxyl group in the C; ECG, contains a
gallate moiety esterified in the C ring. EGC possesses a trihydroxyl
group on the B ring, and EGCG possesses an esterified gallate on
the C ring [4, 31]. GT and WT present higher catechin content,
while OT and BT possess in high quantities other phenolic
compounds [4, 25, 26, 32]. The enzyme PO, released during the
crushing of the leaves for production of BT and OT, catalyzes the
oxidation and polymerization of the catechins, producing theaflavins
and thearubigins [25, 26].
Theaflavins (Fig. 2) are comprised of the bicyclic benzotropolone
ring, and result o f the catechins’ d imerization. In turn, thearubigins
possess oligopolymeric structures and are thought to be the result of
the hydroxylation of theaflavins, but are still poorly chemically
Fig. (2). Chemical structures of the main theaflavins. Theaflavins result from
the dimerization of catechins and are constituted by a skeleton comprised of
the bicyclic benzotropolone ring . The majority of theaflavins are formed from
an epicatechin and an epigallocatechin. Theaflavin-3,3’-digallate is produced
by dimerization of epicatechin-3-gallate and epigallocatechin-3-gallate.
Fig. (1). Chemical structures of the main tea catechins. These compounds are mainly constituted by two aromatic rings (A, B) and a dihydropyran heterocyclic ring (C).
The flavan-3-ol epicatechin is constituted by an ortho-di-hydroxyl group in the B ring (at carbons 3’ and 4’) and a hydroxyl group in the C ring (at carbon 3), and its
ester derivative epicatechin-3-gallate possesses an additional gallate moiety esterified in the C ring, at carbon 3. Epigallocatechin contains three hydroxyl groups in
the B ring (at carbons 3’, 4’ and 5’) and its ester derivative epigallocatechin-3-gallate additionally possesses an esterified gallate at the carbon 3 of the C ring.
1' 6'
Main catechin structure
Gallate group
R1 R2
(-)-epicatechin H H
(-)-epigallocatechin OH H
(-)-epicatechin-3-gallate HGallate group
(-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate OH Gallate group
Theaflavin H
Theaflavin-3,3'-digallate Gallate group
28 Anti-Cancer Ag ents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1 Conde et al.
The chemical structure of tea’s components is particularly
associated with its antioxidant properties. Studies suggested a
relationship between the content of pyrogallol and hydroxyl groups
and the superoxide anion scavenging ability, as well as between the
presence of galloyl moieties and the ability to quench hydroxyl
radicals [9, 33]. Also, the number and position of the hydroxyl
groups on the molecules influences the antioxidant ability of
flavonoids [31]. Tea catechins such as EGCG lack a 2, 3 double
bond and a carbonyl group at the 4-position, a combination that
strengthens the antioxidant activity [9]. However, the higher total
phenolic component may not always be correlated with greater
antioxidant capacity, mainly because different phenolic profiles can
yield different responses [34]. OT and BT have a lower catechin
concentration but they are also important sources of health
promoting substances and have considerable antioxidant properties.
An analysis of commercial tea extracts showed that BT and OT
may have great importance in processes such as hydroxyl radical
scavenging and nitric oxide suppressing [26].
Among the most important contributions of tea to health are
its antioxidant [4, 7, 23, 35], anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial,
antimutagenic, antimetastatic and anticarcinogenic activities [4, 8,
10, 23, 35-39]. Moreover, studies suggested that regular tea intake
is potentially helpful in protecting against many chronic diseases,
such as cancer, and in enhancing the immune function [1, 6, 23, 27].
Among the tea catechins, EGCG is considered the most abundant
and active [4, 9, 23, 27, 40], and its beneficial effects have been
widely studied. Its anticancer potential has been reported as one of
its most important properties [35, 38, 41-47]. Nevertheless, aside
from the polyphenolic content, there are other tea components that
are thought to contribute to the improvement of health associated
with tea consumption. Caffeine, L-ascorbic acid, L-theanine,
quercetin, among others, may be crucial for the beneficial effects
attributed to tea consumption [4, 9, 48].
Tea Methylxanthines
Caffeine (Fig. 3) is the main methylxanthine present in tea
(ranging between 1.0% and 3.5% in tea preparations [26, 40]).
Other methylxanthines present in tea are theophylline and
Fig. (3). Chemical structure of caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylpurine-2,6-dione). It
is a naturally occurring tea purine derivative with th ree methyl groups at
positions 1, 3 and 7.
Of note, caffeine is one of the most consumed substances in the
world [49]. Tea is thought to be the second major source of caffeine
in the diet of North American adult population [50]. Due to its
chemical stability , caffeine levels in tea are not altered by
“fermentation” [25]. Still, the levels of caffeine present in each tea
type remains a matter of debate [26, 32, 51]. The discrepancies may
be due to different extraction conditions, distinct analytical methods
and the variability of the plants.
There are many adverse effects associated with excessive
caffeine consumption (for review, see [50]). Studies reported death
provoked by excessive intake of caffeine, although it is rare [50]. It
was proposed that reducing the caffeine content in GT may help to
highlight its beneficial properties for human health [52]. Similarly
to tea catechins, caffeine also has different effects at cellular and
metabolic levels (for review, see [53]). Its most important
mechanism of action involves selectively blocking the adenosine
receptors and competitively inhibiting the action of adenosine in the
cells, resulting in an increased release of hormones such as
norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin [50].
Caffeine’s anticarcinogenic properties were also documented. A
study reported apoptosis induction after the topical application of
caffeine in skin tumors in rats, with virtually no effects on normal
tissue cells. The mechanisms were most likely p53 independent,
since the tumor cells displayed p53 mutations [54]. Others
suggested that this compound promotes cell cycle arrest in the
G0/G1 phase in cancer cells, most likely through suppression of
cyclin D1-cdk4 complex activation and consequent inhibition of
retinoblastoma protein (pRb) phosphorylation, in a dose-dependent
manner, suppressing the tumor proliferation without inducing cell
apoptosis [49]. Particularly in studies of tea consumption by
humans, the importance of caffeine in tea preparations was high lighted ,
since decaffeinated teas presented very low (or even inactive)
cancer inhibitory properties [5]. Besides, the intake of decaffeinated
coffee may be related with an increased risk for developing bladder
cancer [20]. However, data on the role of caffeine on tea-associated
health benefits are scarce and much work needs to be done.
The manifestation of cancer is due to a large set of contributing
factors which makes it very difficult to identify th e exact causes,
biomarkers or treatments [16]. Although more studies are required,
especially regarding human bladder cancer, tea and its individual
components remain a field of interest in many studies [2, 3, 6, 35,
36, 39, 42, 46-48, 55-58]. Also, several studies reported that tea can
act against bladder cancer in different situations, as a preventive or
therapeutic factor. After GT ingestion by mice, tea catechins
(namely EGCG) can be widely distributed through the body but
they concentrate in specific organs, particularly in the bladder [36].
However, the anticarcinogenic properties of tea in human bladder
cancer, although predictable, still lack strong supporting evidence.
It was reported, by a number of studies, the beneficial role of tea
as a protective or preventive factor against this disease in humans
[20, 59, 60].
The selected studies performed on this matter (Tab le 1) include
case-controls [18, 20, 21, 59, 61-65] and cohort studies [19, 22, 60,
66] and are mostly based on the statistical analysis of questionnaires
filled by patients or former patients, regarding their dietary and
lifestyle habits in the years anteceding the cancer onset. Some
studies suggested that regular tea consumption can be either a risk
factor for bladder cancer [64] or a preventive factor [20, 59, 60].
Other studies reported that tea consumption has no association with
the disease triggering, development or outcome [18, 19, 21, 22, 61-
63, 65, 66]. Although these studies are very important, there are
also some drawbacks to be considered. The use of questionnaires
makes the studies highly dependent on the subjects’ interpretation
or past memory raising doubt about the veracity, due to the
subjects’ forgetting or deliberately tampering the facts. Besides,
most of these studies also include a complicated analysis of data,
ranging from type and duration of the beverages consumed, fruit
and vegetable consumption, smoking status, among others. Of note,
some of the studies do not refer the type of tea investigated [18, 59-
61, 65], which hinders any association between consumption of one
tea type and bladder cancer development. Finally, most of the
analysis were performed in very different populations, which greatly
vary in terms of age, countries and habits, making very difficult the
extrapolation of results and conclusions.
Regarding animal model and in vitro studies, the conclusions
are more elucidating, although there is still work to be done. GT
showed some promising results in preventing and treating several
types of cancer, including bladder tumors, and its identification as a
key antimutagenic factor dates as far as 1985 [37]. Mainly acting
Tea and Bladder Cancer Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1 29
through its polyphenol components, particularly catechins, it was
demonstrated the GT ability to prevent the in itiation and growth of
bladder tumors in rats [43, 58, 67], inhibit bladder tumor development
and invasion in vitro (in some cases showing positive synergistic
effects with other substances) [43, 48] and protect normal bladder
cells, while killing the malignant ones [43, 46]. Although catechins
alone are a powerful tool to oppose cancer development, GT extract
and dried leaves are also very helpful and a practical way to treat
cancer. They possess numerous components with anticancer benefits,
being less expensive, widely available and safe [67]. However,
there is some controversy about its exact mechanisms of action
and effects. Several authors suggested that GT does not induce
morphological changes in cultured bladder cancer cells, acting
only through modification of matrix components for growth
inhibition [48], while others reported, in the same circumstances,
morphological alterations accompanied by apoptosis in cancerous
cells [43].
Despite BT’s lower concentration of catechins, a study in rats
with N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (BBN)-induced
bladder cancer that consumed BT instead of water for 40 weeks
reported a significant decrease of tumor volume, although GT
showed even more positive results [67]. Regarding studies focused
in consumption by humans, BT is one of the most studied types of tea
(see Table 1). A case-control study in 40 human bladder cancer patients
from southern Taiwan and 160 subjects that did not displayed
bladder cancer or any other urological disease, suggested that the
regular drinking of GT or BT for a period over 30 years may
increase the risk of bladder cancer [64]. In contrast, a population-
based case-control study in 1452 bladder cancer patients and 2434
control subjects from Iowa, reported a preventive/protective role in
the subjects that drank more than 5 five cups of “tea” per day.
Though the tea type was not specified, the authors highlighted that
it may be mostly BT, once it is thought to be the most consumed tea
in western countries [59]. It was also reported the probable
protective role of daily consumption of one or more cups of BT and
GT in a case-control study of 1007 human patients with confirmed
bladder cancer, without treatment previous to the study, and 1299
healthy control subjects [20]. However, most studies focused on tea
consumption found no significant association between consumption
of BT and bladder cancer in humans [21, 22, 62, 63, 66].
Regarding OT, there is not much information on bladder cancer
related studies. A case-control study of southern Taiwan patients
reported no significant association between daily OT consumption
and bladder cancer [64]. On the other hand, a study focused on
consumption of OT by rats with induced bladder cancer showed
that regular OT intake, instead of water, decreased the bladder
tumor volume [67].
Concerning WT, as far as we know, there are no available
studies on its effect on human bladder cancer patients. WT
possesses nearly the same components as GT, although in different
amounts. Thus, this type of tea is expected to present bladder cancer
related health benefits. Moreover, the action of WT against other
types of cancer is well documented [8], as well its superior
antioxidant properties comparing to other types of tea [1, 4, 7, 8].
Overall, although there is some controversy, most of the studies
suggested that tea and its phytochemical components may be a
good strategy to prevent and treat bladder cancer. Nevertheless,
more studies are n eeded to clarify the molecular mechanisms b y
which tea and its phytocomponents act.
C. sinensis can be used to yield teas with remarkable health
promoting benefits. The chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic
potentials of this beverage are well documented, but tea can exert
Table 1. Epidemiological studies regarding regular tea consumption and human bladder cancer. The types of tea, studies and results o btained by
the authors are resumed.
Main Conclusions
Type of Tea Co nsumed
Risk factor
Protective or
preventive action
No associ ation
Main Outc omes
based cohort
GT [19]
[19] na [19]
GT [20, 21, 64]
BT [20, 21, 62-64]
OT [64]
Unspecified [18, 65]
[18, 21, 62, 63, 65]
In patients that consumed GT or BT daily (1 cup or more), for a period over
30 years. [64]
In patients with daily consumption of GT and BT (1 cup or more). [20]
na [18, 21, 62, 63, 65]
GT [22]
BT [22, 66]
Unspecified [60]
[22, 66]
In postmenopausal women who consumed more than 2 tea cups daily. [60]
na [22, 66]
Epidemiological studies
Population-based case-
Unspecified [59, 61]
In subjects with low fluid intake who consumed more than 5 tea cups per day.
na [61]
Legend: BT – Black tea; GT – Green tea; OT – Oolong tea; - Reduced number of cases of bladder cancer; - Increased number of cases of bladder cancer; na – No statistically
significant association. Superscript numbers are references as indicated in references section.
30 Anti-Cancer Ag ents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1 Conde et al.
its anticancer effects through different mechanisms (for review see
[68]). Tea catechins and other components possess anticarcinogenic
properties that have been tested in vitro. However, the metabolism
of catechins may alter their function and/or bioavailability,
hampering its beneficial activities [69]. Tea components were also
proved to be promising chemopreventive agents in vivo. Nevertheless,
most of those mechanisms are not yet fully understood, and the
identification of the exact components that contribute to those
effects is far from being disclosed. Controversy aside, it is widely
accepted that tea components, particularly EGCG and other catechins,
are crucial for its ch emopreventive activity. Some pathways and
targets of tea and its components, to exert their anticarcinogenic
activities, were identified (Fig. 4). These studies were mainly
focused on their antioxidant activity or specific cell signaling
Antioxidant and Pro-Oxidant Activities
Oxidative stress is a major contributor to cancer development
and progression [70]. It occurs when there is an imbalance between
the production of ROS and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and the
levels or activity of antioxidant defenses. Failure to maintain this
equilibrium can lead to the destruction of important biomolecules
and ultimately to cellular damage. Despite its critical significance in
signaling mechanisms, reactive species can induce DNA lesions,
which in turn may produce mutations, known to be on the basis of
cancer onset [16, 70]. Besides, ROS/RNS can react with cellular
proteins and lipids, yielding products with carcinogenic and
mutagenic properties [70-73]. These events can promote significant
alterations to cells’ signaling, regulation and gene expression [71, 73].
It w as show ed that the urine of patients with either bladder or
prostate cancer exhibited high levels of the oxidative stress marker
8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine. This molecule is produced when ROS
cause the hydroxylation of DNA’s guanine and is excreted in urine
upon DNA repair, therefore being known as an indicator of DNA
repair and cellular oxidative stress [74]. Thus, that study illustrates
that the DNA damage induced by oxidative stress may be an
important pathological feature of bladder cancer patients.
The structure of tea catechins has a major influence in their
antioxidant properties [28, 31, 75]. However, these compounds are
relatively unstable, and it is common for catechins to suffer
oxidation processes. This oxidation can either be performed by
catechins themselves (known as auto oxidation), or can be
catalyzed by transition metals such as copper and iron [75]. Studies
reported that antioxidant properties of tea catechins were only
observed in vivo when animals were under oxidative stress,
contrary to in vitro studies, where these activities could nearly
always be observed. Catechins were also suggested to influence the
levels of endogenous antioxidants. A study performed on Wistar
rats showed that continuous administration of EGCG (2 mg per kg
of body weight) for 30 days was able to significantly improve
animals’ antioxidant defenses, ameliorating the oxidative stress
levels in their brains, induced by age [76]. EGCG successfully
induced a rising in the activity levels of the following antioxidant
enzymes: superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase,
glutathione reductase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, as
well as in the levels of nonenzymatic antioxidants such as L-ascorbic
acid, α -tocopherol and glutathione. Also, lipid peroxidation and
levels of protein carbonyls (markers of protein damage induced by
ROS) showed significant decrease after EGCG treatment. Moreover,
treatment with EGCG, in young Wistar rats whose brain tissue did
not displayed oxidative stress levels induced by age, did not yield
the same significant alterations in the antioxidant levels [76].
The beneficial properties of tea catechins can be extended to
many different types of cancer, since the carcinogenic events and
properties of tumor cells are fairly similar in many of them. For
example, catechins and other tea polyphenols were reported to
Fig. (4). Schematic illustration of the main effects of tea components in a bladder cancer cell. Tea’s phytocomponents can exert antioxidant or pro-oxidant
activities, depending on its concentrations. When in high doses, they can induce excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by mitochondria,
contributing to oxidative stress increase. On the other hand, when in moderate doses, they contribute to low production of ROS, which will p rovoke a response
in the cell, augmenting the endogenous antioxidant defenses. These compounds can also interfere in multiple cell signaling pathways, promoting cell cycle
arrest, inducing cell apoptosis and decreasing cells ability to migrate.
Tea and Bladder Cancer Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1 31
protect against skin [10, 44, 54], renal [2], hepatic [3] and lung [8,
42] cancers. Still, in the context of bladder cancer, knowledge and
proof of all these activities by tea catechins are still lacking. In vitro
studies in normal/cancerous bladder cell lines exposed to hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2), an oxidative agent, analyzed the antioxidant
effects of the treatment with GT extract (14% polyphenols),
polyphenon-60 (PP-60, 60% pure catechins), ECG and EGCG and
concluded that ECG, EGCG and PP-60 were able to improve cell
survival. The protection afforded against apoptosis induced by
H2O2 was higher for normal bladder cells than in cancerous ones.
H2O2 exerted its apoptotic effects in normal bladder cells mainly by
inducing ROS generation. These effects were either partially
mediated by the superoxide anion or by direct H2O2 signaling.
Although the exact mechanisms by which PP-60 and the selected
catechins were able to diminish the damaging effects of H2O2 were
not thoroughly explained, it was hypothesized that these compounds
can modulate cellular gene expression, possibly by causing the
induction of protein kinase C and downregulation of nuclear factor
kappa beta. These alterations in cell signaling would suppress cell
death mechanisms and counterbalance ROS production [46].
Of note, tea catechins also possess the ability to generate ROS .
The mechanisms of hydrogen atoms/electron transfer and oxidation
processes catalyzed by transition metals often originate highly
reactive species, such as quinone, semi-quinone radicals and other
free radicals (for review see [75]). For instance, the incubation of
several carcinoma cell lines with EGCG resulted in inhibition of
phosphorylation and reduced protein levels of epidermal growth
factor receptor (EGFR) and HER-2/neu, both members of the ERBB
receptor family [77]. These effects were delayed with addition of
the enzyme superoxide dismutase, suggesting that they may be, at
least partially, a result of the action of EGCG oxidation products
[77]. Therefore, these compounds can exhibit either antioxidant or
pro-oxidant properties, which are based on complex chemical
interactions (for review see [31, 75]). This fact is an important
feature to consider not only when fighting a pathological state, but
also due to toxicity that is observed when high doses of tea polyphenols
are administered. For instance, moderate doses of polyphenols
induce low ROS production and activate the nuclear factor Nrf2,
which can then translocate to the cell nucleu s and stimulate th e
expression of antioxidant enzymes [78]. On the other hand, excessive
amounts of polyphenols will produce higher levels of ROS.
Treatment of CF-1 mice with a single oral dose of 1500 mg/kg
EGCG reduced the animals’ survival by 85% and the administration
of daily doses of 500 and 750 mg/kg decreased survival by 20%
and 75%, respectively. High doses of orally administered EGCG
may induce hepatocyte toxicity and even mortality in mice, in a
dose and time-dependent manner. These events were suggested to be
caused by EGCG induction of oxidative stress [79].
Tea catechins may have nefarious effects on normal cells, or
even activ ate certain tumor survival pathways. For example, the
catechins ECG and EGCG were capable of activating hypoxia-
inducible factor 1 in a human breast cancer cell line, responsible for
aiding tumor development and survival under hypoxic conditions.
This was due to their ability to chelate iron ion s, given that
activation was blocked when this metal was added [80]. More
recently, a study reported that EGCG, when used to treat human
lung and skin cell lines, was responsible for an increase in DNA
damage, genetic mutation frequency and apoptosis. These effects
were attributed to EGCG’s reductive ability. It was suggested that
this catechin may hav e more detrimental action in healthy cells than
those of oxidative species, such as H2O2, and known highly toxic
chemotherapeutic agents, such as cisplatin [81].
Cell Signaling Alterations and Other Reported Mechanisms
The numerous and complex signaling pathways that exist in a
cell are extremely important to maintain its homeodynamics and
normal functioning. The disclosure of these pathways has become
very important in the study of several diseases. Cancer cells
normally display several differences in metabolism [82], gene
expression and survival mechanisms, among others. Thus, as
expected, tea and its components can inhibit carcinogenesis through
a wide variety of mechanisms (for review see [68, 83]). These
compounds may induce apoptosis, deregulate cell cycle, inhibit
growth, proliferation, angiogenesis, enzyme activities and gene
transcription, among many other mechanisms (for review see [83]).
These ev ents are controlled by a series of different pathw ays that
may interact amongst themselves, making this subject very complex
and requiring a thorough analysis, which is not yet completely
disclosed [83].
Concerning bladder cancer, some studies were performed
in vivo and in vitro (Table 2), elucidating possible mechanisms by
which tea and its individual components exert their chemopreventive
effects [83, 84]. In vitro studies were performed in many different
bladder cancer cell lines, and reported the anticarcinogenic effects
of tea components (mainly EGCG). The effects of treatment with
increasing concentrations of EGCG in rat bladder TCC cells and
in mouse leukemia cells are well studied. DNA ladder assays
confirmed that cell survival decreased in an EGCG time and dose-
dependent manner in both cell lines. Moreover, histological
observations revealed cellular shrinkage, pyknosis and cell surface
blebbing, also verified in another study [43, 45]. Contrary to
leukemia cells, the bladder cancer cell line showed weak banding
pattern on the DNA ladder assay. Still, cell survival decrease was
confirmed, illustrating that the anticarcinogenic effects of EGCG in
these cells may not include apoptosis induction as a primary
mechanism of action [45]. Analysis of DNA fragmentation was also
performed on NBT-II bladder tumor cells treated with different
concentrations of EGCG. The cells displayed growth inhibition and
evidence of cell cy cle arrest in the G0/G1 phase. Further analysis
revealed that EGCG treatment induced a significant downregulation
of CCND1 gene expression (which encodes the cyclin D1 protein),
decreased expression of cyclin D1, cdk4 and cdk6 proteins and also
decreased hyperphosphorylation of pRb, illustrating that EGCG
may interfere in cyclin D1-cdk4/6-Rb protein machinery, causing
cells’ cycle arrest [55]. Similar results were reported using other
bladder cancer cell lines, which showed a significant growth
inhibition and decrease in cell migration/invasion assays, induced
by EGCG [38, 43]. EGCG activated the p42/44 MAP kinase
pathway and consequently its signaling target STAT3, which is
implicated in several models of malignant tumor progression.
However, in other studies, inhibition of these pathways did not alter
the reduction in cellular migration induced by EGCG, suggesting
that these may not be the sole mechanisms through which EGCG
exhibits its antimetastatic effects [38]. Further studies revealed that
EGCG inactivated the Akt kin ase pathway, also implicated in
cellular migration, and that this mechanism may be underlying the
observed antimetastatic activity of EGCG [38, 43]. Indeed,
antimetastatic properties of EGCG could also be observed in other
studies, and may be related with interference in cellular adhesion
mechanisms since it was demonstrated a reduced expression of N-
cadherin, β -, and ɣ -catenin proteins in cells treated with EGCG
[38]. Besides Akt inactivation, others also correlated the apoptotic
effects of EGCG treatment on bladder cancer cells with the reported
decrease in heat-shock protein 27 and Bcl-2 protein (involved in the
inhibition of cell apoptosis), and the increase in Bad and Bax levels,
known proapoptotic proteins [43]. These events may also be
responsible for increased activity of caspases 3 and 9 in bladder
cancer cells treated with EGCG, furth er illustrating that EGCG
activates the apoptotic mitochondrial pathway [43].
The suggestion that EGCG is capable of inducing cell apoptosis
was also supported by other studies, performed in murine bladder
cancer cells treated with EGCG combined with gold nanoparticles
32 Anti-Cancer Ag ents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1 Conde et al.
that show ed that this combined treatment successfully reduced
tumor cell viability, increased the number of apoptotic bodies
formed, decreased the levels of antiapoptotic Bcl-XL, increased the
levels of proapoptotic proteins such Bad and Bax and increased the
expression levels of caspases 3 and 7. Altogether, these findings
also suggest an involvement of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in
the EGCG mechanism of action [56].
As discussed, the majority of in vitro studies report different
effects of tea (and particularly EGCG), ranging from induction of
apoptosis, cell cycle arrest and inhibition of cell proliferation,
among others. Also, alterations in many different proteins and
mechanisms were verified after cancer cells treatment. Despite
interfering in seemingly different and unrelated pathways, certain
effects of EGCG may explain many of its different anticancer
activities. In molecular mod eling studies, the main intracellular
targets of tea and its components reported so far include membrane
tyrosine kinase receptors such as HER-2/neu and EGFR, which
EGCG can inactivate by direct binding to the active tyrosine kinase
sites, modifying protein conformation or altering the lipid rafts [77,
85-87]. Avoiding receptor activation modifies cell signaling
pathways and consequently alter gene transcription and protein
activity. Interference in those receptors may inactivate the
downstream signaling proteins such as Akt and ERK1/2 [87], thus
modulating their related pathways. This results in the altered
expression of p53 and p27 proteins, along with other known cell
cycle regulators and may cause cell cycle arrest [87]. Another result
of the interference in the Akt activation is the dephosphorylation of
forkhead transcription factors FOXO and the proapoptotic Bad
protein, among other downstream signaling proteins [88]. This may
cause suppression of angiogenesis [89], enhance the expression
of proapoptotic proteins and inactivate antiapoptotic proteins
such as Bcl-XL, thus activating cell apoptosis [87]. Therefore, we
hypothesize that interference in Akt activation is a tremendously
important property of EGCG and may be the base of its anticancer
abilities, reflected in many different cell mechanisms, due to the
several pathways in which Akt participates.
Nowadays researchers are already able to chemically synthesize
catechin analogs, through series of complex chemical reactions [90,
91], in order to stabilize their structure and enhance their properties.
Studies reported that protecting the hydroxyl groups in the rings
using acetate groups stabilizes the catechins structure and yields
effective prodrugs [92, 93]. Also, chemical enhancement of radical
scavenging ability of catechin analogs has been achieved by
altering the bonds between the B and C rings and the overall
geometry of the catechins structure [94]. However, to our
knowledge, such compounds have not yet been tested in bladder
cancer cell lines. Neverth eless, their anticancer properties were
reported in several cancer types. For example, treatmen t of
leukemia, breast and prostate cancer cells with EGCG analogs
showed that these compounds were more effective at inducing
apoptosis in cells than natural EGCG [93]. Concurrently, others
treated melanoma, breast, lung and colorectal cancer cells with
natural purified EGCG and ECG analogs [95]. Similarly to previous
studies, synthetic catechins displayed higher apoptotic and
antiproliferative properties. Also, smaller quantities of the analogs
were needed to achieve these results, compared to ones used for
EGCG treatments [95].
Importantly, although polyphenols are the major chemical
components of tea, its beneficial effects may also be exerted by
other constituents. Although only caffeine is present in tea, both
caffeine and pentoxifylline showed positive synergistic effects on
treatment of bladder cancer cells with the alkylator drug Thiotepa,
which is commonly used for treating bladder cancer [96]. After
treatmen t with these methylxanthines, survival of the cells
previously treated with Thiotepa decreased significantly. Further
analysis revealed that these m ethylxanthines may prevent G2 cell
cycle delay, which is a normal defense mechanism that allows the
cells to repair their DNA after Thiotepa aggression. In this way,
lethal chromosomal aberrations increased and cell death was
provoked [96].
GT extract, alone [97] and combined with a mixture of lysine,
proline, arginine, L-ascorbic acid and N-acetyl cysteine [48] also
showed positive effects in vitro. Treatment of bladder tumor cells
with different concentrations of GT extract (comprised of 43.0%
EGCG and 13.7% ECG, among smaller quantities of other catechins)
resulted in induction of cellular actin polymerization, a protein that
forms the cells’ microfilaments and is typically depolymerized in
cancer cells, thus enhancing cell adhesion and inhibiting motility.
This mechanism may be due to a GT induced increase in Rho
activity, a regulator of actin stress fiber formation [97]. In another
study, GT extract (containing 80% polyphenols, 30% catechins and
1% caffeine, among other components) also showed antimetastatic
effects. Analysis of cell proliferation, protein expression and
invasive potential in bladder cancer cells treated with different
concentrations of the mixture revealed significant inhibition of
cell invasion and a dose-dependent decrease in secretion of
metalloproteinases 2 and 9, which are enzymes typically secreted
by highly metastatic cancer cells th at allow them to d estroy
components of the extracellular matrix and migrate to other
locations in the tissues [48].
In vivo studies of tea effects on bladder tumors were performed
on mice [38, 43, 56, 57] and rats [45, 58, 67] (see Table 2).
Fortunately, some of the effects of tea components observed in vitro
have been, to some extent, also reported in vivo. EGCG was added
to drinking water (0.05% w/v) and consumed by 6 week old
BALB/c nude mice, 7 days before subcutaneous injection of
bladder cancer cells and 15 days after the referred injection. Results
showed significant decrease in tumor volume. Also, no side effects
were observed, aside from a slight weight gain in the treated mice
[38]. In another study using female C3H/He mice with BBN-
induced bladder cancer, which were fed with a solution of GT
polyphenols (in a concentration of 0.5%), histological and immuno-
histochemical analysis of urinary bladder tissues revealed that a 24
week treatment with GT polyphenols reduced tumor growth and
microvessel density. These results illustrate that these compounds
also possess antiangiogenic effects, which may be responsible for
the reduction in tumor growth, although no specific mechanistic
studies were performed [57].
A more recent study also demonstrated inhibition of tumor
growth in BALB/c nude mice fed with EGCG (in concentrations of
25 and 50 mg/kg per day) during a 42 days period after cancer
induction. The mechanism of action proposed includes activation of
intrinsic mitochondrial apoptotic pathway and is based on in vitro
studies, discussed above [43]. Significant reduction of tumor
growth was also reported in bladder tumor-induced male mice
treated with EGCG conjugated with gold nanoparticles. This result
was accompanied by a decrease in cellular vascular endothelial
growth factor expression, a protein known for stimulating vasculo-
genesis and angiogenesis. These findings suggest that, besides the
apoptotic effects demonstrated by the conjugated treatment in vitro,
the combination of EGCG plus nanoparticles may also be responsible
for an angiogenesis inhibition in vivo, most likely through suppression
of vascular endothelial growth factor. Nevertheless, the exact
mechanisms are still unclear [56]. In a study using male Wistar rats
with BBN-induced bladder cancer, animals treated with GT extract
and powdered GT leaves displayed significant decrease in tumor
volume. Moreover, histological observations revealed an improvement
of histological grade of the induced bladder tumors and tendency to
decreased depth of invasion [67]. Ingestion of GT powdered leaves
(2.5% mixed into a feeding pellet) before and after cancer induction
in male Wistar rats resulted in a significant decrease in the number
of tumors per rat and in mean volume per tumor, relatively to
Tea and Bladder Cancer Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1 33
controls, as well as improvement of histological grade of the tumors
[58]. Treatment of Fisher 344 rats with a solution of 200 µM EGCG
also induced a significant decrease in tumor growth [45]. The
authors suggested that, while EGCG itself is effective as antitumor
agent, its isolation and administration to patients would be difficult,
mainly due to economic issues. Hence, the administration of GT
leaves seems to be a better solution to counteract bladder cancer,
providing an excellent quantity of other beneficial compounds such
as other catechins, caffeine, quercetin and vitamins [58, 67].
Concerning in vivo and in vitro research studies, many
promising results have been obtained (see Table 2). Indeed, tea
extracts and components, either natural or synthetic, showed great
anticancer activities. For example, studies performed on cancer cell
lines demonstrated the efficacy of GT extracts, catechins extracted
from tea and synthetic catechin analogs. However, th ese studies
present some cons that may hamper the extrapolation of the
conclusions to human health applications, such as the fact that the
concentrations of catechins (and other bioactive compounds) tested
in vitro are normally much higher than those verified in vivo.
Moreover, differences between animal species subjected to research
and humans may also hamper the correct interpretation, extrapolation
and practical application of the results and conclusions.
Tea is one the most consumed beverages in the world. Its
beneficial health effects, for so long advertised by traditional
medicine, are now being more deeply investigated by modern
science. Several studies attributed to tea the ability to protect
against infections, chronic diseases and cancer. Tea catechins, the
main phenolic compounds and the most active, are thought to be
responsible by tea’s antioxidant and chemopreventive abilities,
which include induction of apoptosis in cancer cells, inhibition of
metastization and angiogenesis, cell cycle arrest and enhancement
of antioxidant defenses. Bladder cancer is thought to be preventable
by modification of dietary factors, and tea consumption has been
proposed as a possible defense against this cancer type. However,
the fact that tea consumption is indeed an asset in bladder cancer
chemopreventive and chemo therapeutic fields still raises some
controversy. The molecular mechanisms by which tea and/or its
phytochemicals exert the possible protective effects remain unclear.
A key feature of cancer cells is proliferation, which has been
associated with changes in cellular metabolism. Although some
studies showed the potential effect of tea and its components to
change cancer cells metabolism, it remains to be tested in bladder
cancer cells. Moreov er, cell cycle alterations induced by tea
consumption and tea phytochemicals in bladder cancer cells should
also be explored. Nevertheless, tea’s health benefits seem undeniable,
and its ability to inhibit tumor spreading and metastasis was verified
in in vitro and in vivo carcinogenic models. The complex mechanisms
by which tea and its components may exert their benefits are still
poorly understood, and a general consensus has not been achieved
yet. Further studies are needed, since studying tea’s compounds and
mechanisms of action may yield new insights in developing new
therapeutic strategies fo r the treatment of bladder cancer.
The author(s) confirm th at this article content has no conflict of
M.G. Alves (SFRH/BPD/80451/2011) was financed by FCT.
P.F. Oliveira was financed by FCT through FSE and POPH funds
(Programa Ciência 2008). The authors also acknowledge the
Programa COMPETE (PEst-C/SAU/UI0709/2014).
Table 2. Summary of the main effects observed in several in vivo and in vitro studies focused on the effects of tea and its phytochemicals in
bladder cancer.
Effects Observed
Tea/ Compound
Tumor size
Metastiz ation
Cell cycle arrest
Cell cytotoxicity
EGCG [38, 43, 56] nd nd nd nd
Mouse Mode l
GT polyphenols [57] nd nd nd nd nd nd
EGCG [45] nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Powdered GT leaves [58, 67] nd nd nd nd nd nd
GT [67] nd nd nd nd nd nd
OT [67] nd nd nd nd nd nd
In vivo Studies
Rat Model
BT [67] nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
NBT-II [55], J82 [38], UM-UC-3 [38], EJ
[38], KK47 [38], T24 [38], TCCSUP [38],
TSGH-8301 [43], AY-27 [45], L1210 [45]
EGCG nd nd nd
T24, TCCSUP, SW780 TCC, RT4, Urotsa
[46] PP-60+EGCG +ECG (after insult with H2O2) nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Lysine+proline +arg inine+ ascorbic acid+ GT
extract [48] nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
T24 [48, 96]
Caffeine/ pentox ifylline+ Thiotepa [90] nd nd nd nd nd
In vitro Studies
(bladder cancer cell lines)
HUC-PC, MC-T11 [97] GT extract nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
Legend: BT - black tea; ECG – epicatechin-3-gallate; EGCG - epigallocatechin 3-gallate; GT - green tea; OT - oolong tea; PP-60 - polypheno n-60; - Reduced/inhibited; -
Increased; nd - not determined. Superscript numbers are references as indicated in references section.
34 Anti-Cancer Ag ents in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 1 Conde et al.
BT = Black tea
BBN = N-butyl-N- (4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine
EC = Epicatechin
ECG = Epicatechin-3-gallate
EGC = Epigallocatechin
EGCG = Epigallocatechin-3-gallate
EGFR = Epidermal growth facto r receptor
GT = Green tea
H2O2 =
Hydrogen peroxide
OT = Oolong tea
PO = Polyphenol oxidase
PP-60 = Polyphenon-60
RNS = Reactive nitrogen species
ROS = Reactive oxygen species
pRb = Retinoblastoma protein
TCC = Transitional cell carcinoma
WT = White tea
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Received: June 01, 2014 Revised: October 03, 20 14 Accepted: October 06, 2014
... These leaves commonly contain various chemical compounds, including polyphenols, caffeine, theophylline, and l-theanine. The polyphenolic compounds in Camellia sinensis are significant antioxidants and anticarcinogens [4]. Catechins, the active ingredient in Camellia sinensis, are powerful antioxidants known for their ability to inhibit cancer cell proliferation. ...
... Catechins, the active ingredient in Camellia sinensis, are powerful antioxidants known for their ability to inhibit cancer cell proliferation. Several studies have suggested that green tea may have anti-cancer effects [4,5]. Additionally, widely analyzed epidemiological studies have reported favorable effects of green tea on gastrointestinal malignancies, indicating that it may contribute to cancer prevention [6]. ...
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In recent years, the development of green multifunctional nanoformulations with specific anticancer activity has gained importance among scientists. In the present study, Camelia sinensis extract/CuO nanoparticles (CSE/CuO NPs) and cisplatin (Cis)-loaded CSE/CuO NPs were prepared and characterized by various TEM, XRD, FTIR, and UV-Vis techniques. The antioxidant properties of the green CSE/CuO NPs were evaluated using the CUPRIC Reducing Antioxidant Capacity (CUPRAC) and 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS)/HRP methods. The drug release profile of the NPs was studied at pH 7.4 and pH 5.5. Additionally, the cytotoxic effects of CSE/CuO NPs and Cis-loaded CSE/CuO NPs on MIA-PaCa-2 pancreatic cancer were evaluated using the MTT assay and compared with normal HUVEC cells. Subsequently, the apoptotic activity of CSE/CuO NPs and Cis-loaded CSE/CuO NPs on MIA-PaCa-2 cells was evaluated using Annexin-V FITC, and their effects on multi-drug resistance were determined using the ABCG2 antibody by flow cytometric analysis. Our results showed that Cis-loaded CSE/CuO NPs exhibited a pH-sensitive drug release profile. CSE/CuO NPs were highly cytotoxic to MIA-PaCa-2 pancreatic cancer cells, while exhibiting very low cytotoxicity to HUVEC cells. Moreover, CSE/CuO NPs and Cis-loaded CSE/CuO NPs were found to have higher apoptotic activity and lower drug resistance compared to free Cis. Although many studies have been conducted with CSE, this study was the first to show that CSE/CuO NPs were dominantly and selectively effective against pancreatic cancer, and resistance to Cis and its side effects could be significantly reduced by CSE-derived nanocarriers. Additionally, for the first time, the antioxidant property was investigated by applying CUPRAC and ABTS methods. Graphical Abstract
... Medical and healthcare system have defined complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as an approach for patients suffering from bladder cancer. One of these strategies mentions intake of green tea and green tea polyphenols (GTP's) [38]. In one study that compared people with and without bladder cancer, researchers found that women who drank black tea and powdered green tea were less likely to develop bladder cancer. ...
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The most consumed beverage in the world is tea after water. Till today the consumption of black tea is 70% while that of green tea is only 20%. One reason for this percentage is lack of awareness about green tea and invested research. Green tea along with caffeine which imparts characteristic taste, bitterness and stimulating effect, is also rich in a group of chemicals, called Catechin Polyphenols (Commonly known as Tannins, which contribute to bitter taste and astringency) and deliver antioxidant properties. Furthermore, green tea also comprises of amino acids such as Theanine along with alkaloids such as Adenine, Dimethylxanthine, Theobromine, Theophylline and Xanthine. Some vitamins, like vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin C and vitamin E are also found in green tea. The present review gives the study of various constituents of green tea and their impact on human health. Studies provide strong evidence that owing to antioxidant properties daily intake of green tea may be used as a preventive measure for different types of cancer and other diseases. This review gives a detailed analysis of constituents of green tea and highlighting it's potential as a natural nutraceutical. However, although much of the documented literature mentions positive effect yet much had to be explored on correlation between concentration of green tea and toxicity.
... Tea contains several polyphenolic compounds like flavanols as well as flavonoids, and glycosides which reduce the incidence of chronic diseases in humans (Balentine et al. 1997;Yang et al. 2011). These polyphenolic compounds are also known to possess several beneficial properties such as a anti-oxidant, anti-tumor, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory and neurological protective activities (Conde et al. 2015;Xu et al. 2019). The DPPH activity of black tea depends on the redox properties of the phenolic secondary compounds, which is allow them to act as reducing complex agents, single-oxygen condensers, singlet-oxygen quenchers, and heavy elements and surfactant (Macedo et al. 2011;Roy et al. 2018;Fang et al. 2019). ...
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Tannase is a widely used enzyme that improves the quality of tea by facilitating the release of water-soluble polyphenolic compounds, as well as reduces the formation of tea creams. The microbial tannase enzymes are often employed for tea biotransformation by hydrolyses esters of phenolic acids, including the gallated polyphenols found in blacks teas. The study was focused to investigate the tannase enzyme mediated biotransformation of black tea such as CTC-(Crush, tear, curl) & Kangra orthodox which are commonly used by the south Indian peoples. HPLC spectral analysis revealed that tannase treatment on tea cream formation (CTC & Kangra orthodox tea) allows the hydrolysis of the EGC, GA, ECG, and EGCG. A significant reduction in the formation of tea cream and increased antioxidant activity has been observed in the CTC (1.62 fold) and Kangra orthodox (1.55 fold). The results revealed that tannase treatment helps to improve the quality of black tea infusions with respect to cream formation, the intensity of colour, and sensory characteristics of tea. The result of this study indicates that E. cloacae 41 produced tannase can be used to improve the quality of both tea samples.
... Drinkers of tea and coffee significantly showed a reduction of the risk of RCC, which was consistent with the findings of previous studies (Lee et al., 2007;Wang et al., 2012). This result may be due to the fact that tea contains polyphenols, such as catechins, which have antioxidant effects (Conde et al., 2015). Coffee contains many phenolic compounds, such as cafestol and kahweol, which may reduce the genetic toxicity of certain carcinogens (Cavin et al., 2002). ...
High total urinary arsenic concentrations and low estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) increase the risk of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). This study aimed to determine whether other metals or metalloids can affect RCC. A total of 401 patients with RCC and 774 age- and sex-matched controls were recruited between November 2006 and December 2012 in Taiwan. Surgical resection or image-guided biopsy of renal tumors was performed to pathologically verify RCC. High-performance liquid chromatography linked to a hydride generator and atomic absorption spectrometer were used to measure the urinary arsenic species concentrations. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used to determine plasma selenium and red blood cell cadmium and lead concentration. Plasma selenium levels were inversely related to RCC, whereas red blood cell cadmium levels were directly related to RCC. The odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were 0.14 (95% CI, 0.10–0.20) and 1.33 (95% CI, 1.03–1.72), respectively. A low plasma selenium level tended to interact with high total urinary arsenic levels or with high red blood cell cadmium concentration to increase the OR of RCC. In particular, low eGFR multiplicatively interacted with high red blood cell cadmium concentration to increase the OR of RCC (Pinteraction = 0.003). This study was the first to find a significant multiplicative interaction between eGFR and the red blood cell cadmium levels on the increased OR of RCC.
... This type of tea is very rich in polyphenols and flavonoid-derived combinations termed as catechins (Dias 2013). Recent investigations showed that white teas exhibited a series of potent bioactivities including, anti-inflammatory (Thring et al. 2011, Zhao et al. 2013, Dai et al. 2017, anti-cancerous (Mao et al. 2010, Conde et al. 2015, Hajiaghaalipour et al. 2015;anti-mutagenic (Santana-Rios et al. 2001, Ioannides andYoxall 2003), and anti-oxidants through the elevation of GSH level and reducing the expression of CYP3A4 (Koutelidakis et al. 2009, Carloni et al. 2013, Dias 2013, Damiani et al. 2014, P erez-Burillo et al. 2018, Cao et al. 2020. Several reports provided a neuroprotective impact of White tea against Alzheimer's via suppression of acetylcholinesterase (Liu et al. 2018). ...
The current investigation was accomplished to evaluate the hepatoprotective effect of White tea and Raspberry Ketone against toxicity induced by acrylamide in rats. Sixty adult male rats were divided randomly into group (I) control; group (II) rats received RK with dose (6 mg/kg/day); Group III: rats received 5 ml of WT extract/kg/day; Group IV rats received AA (5 mg/kg/day); Group V: rats administrated with both AA (5 mg/kg/day) and RK (6 mg/kg/day) and Group VI: rats administrated AA (5 mg/kg/day) and 5 ml of WT extract/kg/day. The biochemical assays exhibited a significant increase in serum levels of Adiponectin, AST, ALT, ALP of the group treated with acrylamide if compared to the control group and an improvement in their levels of groups V and VI. The histopathological and immunohistochemical findings confirm the biochemical observations. In conclusion, the present investigation proved that the supplementation of WT and RK enhanced the liver histology, immunohistochemistry and biochemistry against the oxidative stress induced by acrylamide.
... Camellia sinensis is valued worldwide for its positive effects on physical and mental health [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] and hence massive amounts of tea are delivered to global markets daily through complex and diversified supply chains. This makes a detailed and efficient control of its quality necessary. ...
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We investigated caffeine and L-theanine, quality characteristics for camellia sinensis, in milled and ground black tea samples with near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy giving a direct comparison between the performances of benchtop and handheld NIR spectrometers. The constructed partial least squares regression (PLSR) models for all spectrometers were validated by test-set-validation and according to the obtained root mean square errors of prediction (RMSEP) the performances of the spectrometers were as follows: The benchtop spectrometer NIRFlex N-500 (Büchi, Flawil, Switzerland) showed the best results for milled samples with a RMSEP of 0.14% for caffeine and 0.12% for L-theanine. For the ground samples, a RMSEP of 0.17% for caffeine and 0.12% for L-theanine was gained. While the handheld spectrometers MicroNIR 2200 (Viavi Solutions (former: JDS Uniphase Corporation), Milpitas, USA) and the microPHAZIR (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, USA) both provided good results for the prediction of caffeine in milled samples (RMSEP of 0.22% and 0.26%) only the microPHAZIR was able to satisfactorily determine the caffeine content in ground samples (RMSEP of 0.28%). The investigation of L-theanine with handheld spectrometers did not lead to convincing results, since R² was ca. 0.75 for milled samples while ground samples could not be calculated. Decisive differences were concluded in how different NIR instruments capture the chemical information on caffeine vs. L-theanine. The handheld spectrometers manifested limited applicability to L-theanine. Deeper insight was obtained through the detailed NIR band assignments of caffeine and L-theanine derived from quantum mechanical simulation. Narrow working spectral region of handhelds omits the characteristic absorption bands of L-theanine. Therefore, information on L-theanine content measured by the evaluated miniaturized spectrometers is insufficient to enable its effective quantification. In contrast, the most characteristic NIR absorption of caffeine matches the working spectral regions of the handheld NIR spectrometers, hence their performance is comparable with the benchtop device.
In recent years, numerous studies have investigated the effects of caffeine on exercise, and provide convincing evidence for its ergogenic effects on exercise performance. However, the precise mechanisms underlying these ergogenic effects remain unclear. In this study, an exercise swimming model was conducted to investigate the effects of orally administered with caffeine before swimming on the alterations of proteome and energy metabolome of liver and muscle after swimming. We found proteins in liver, such as S100a8, S100a9, Gabpa, Igfbp1 and Sdc4, were significantly up-regulated, while Rbp4 and Tf decreased after swimming were further down-regulated in caffeine group. The glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathways in liver and muscle were both significantly down-regulated in caffeine group. The pyruvate carboxylase and amino acid levels in liver, including cysteine, serine and tyrosine, were markedly up-regulated in caffeine group, exhibiting a strong correlation with the increased pyruvic acid and oxaloacetate levels in muscle. Moreover, caffeine significantly decreased the lactate levels in both liver and muscle after swimming, potentially benefiting exercise performance.
The atmospheric-thermosonication extraction (ATSE) of bioactive compounds from freeze-dried aqueous extract of green tea (FDGT) and green coffee (FDGC) herbal plants was performed to improve the separation of phenolic compounds. The extraction process was optimized by considering the operating conditions of temperature (25–85 °C), extraction time (15–35 min) and the amplitude of ultrasonic waves (0–100%) to achieve freeze-dried herbal extracts (FDHEs). According to Pearson correlation statistics approach, strong and negative correlation was observed between two main quantitative indicators of (EC50 and TPC) for FDGT (r = −0.9717 & R2 = 0.944) and FDGC (r = −1.00 & R2 = 1.00), respectively. While the extraction productivity ratio (TPC/EC50) of FDGT and FDGC under conventional extraction (maceration extraction technique) was significantly increased to ∼24.61 and ∼76.60 respectively, the noted parameter increased at rates of ∼34.19 and ∼88.64 after applying ATSE treatment at the similar conditions. Additionally, the caffeine content of FDGT was ∼50% more than FDGC. Overall, ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic antioxidants from herbal plants used much less energy than those extracted with conventional method and obtained extracts had a higher quality and inhibiting components against pathogenic microorganism than those extracted with commercial method due to extraction at lower temperatures.
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Green Tea Catechins (GTCs) - unarguably the wonder compounds with numerous medicinal properties and health benefits. And most importantly, these benefits include antiviral effects, so significant nowadays in our corona-hit world. The major catechins of green tea are four - epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin, epicatechin, and epicatechin-gallate. While each one of these has its own unique properties, EGCG, as per different studies, has been reported to be the most effective catechin showing significant antiviral activity against a broad spectrum of human and animal viruses. The antiviral properties of green tea extracts are manifold and target different areas. These include direct inactivation of the virus particles, prevention of entry into the target cell, inhibition of gene expression, inhibition of protein expression, inhibition of intestinal α-glycosidases that are important for processing glyco-conjugates of viruses, and lowering of proliferation of virus. Furtehrmore, a positive correlation between the antioxidant effects of catechins and their antiviral activities has been suggested. The growing concern about our health and the persistent fight while we are amidst the present coronavirus pandemic makes the inhibitory effect of GTCs a promising area of research. Due to their “relief and rectification” properties, these may be considered as a food supplement to ameliorate the harmful and deadly effects of the virus. The bioavailability of these polyphenols has been shown to be influenced by factors such as temperature, food processing methods, food matrix, and interaction with other compounds. Furthermore, the hydrophilic nature of EGCG molecule limits its bioavailability at the site of action. However, this limitation can be overcome and bioavailability of GTCs can be increased by chemical interventions, such as attachment of fatty acids. These ensure wide availability, and even wider use. The leading objective of this review is to collate, summarize and explain the information available on GTCs, and their effect on various pathogenic viruses in humans and animals. The GTCs surely promise to be an important weapon in our armour to fight corona and other pathogens.
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Green tea (Camellia sinensis) is a popular herbal plant with abundant health benefits, and thus, it has been used as a potent antioxidant for a long time. Based on the available literature, the diversity and the availability of multifunctional compounds in green tea offer its noteworthy potential against many diseases such as liver and heart diseases, inflammatory conditions and different metabolic syndromes. Owing to its bioactive constituents including caffeine, amino acids, l‐theanine, polyphenols/flavonoids and carbohydrates among other potent molecules, green tea has many pharmacological and physiological effects. The effects of green tea include anti‐oxidative, anti‐inflammatory, anti‐arthritic, anti‐stress, hypolipidaemic, hypocholesterolaemic, skin/collagen protective, hepatoprotective, anti‐diabetic, anti‐microbial, anti‐infective, anti‐parasitic, anti‐cancerous, inhibition of tumorigenesis and angiogenesis, anti‐mutagenic, and memory and bone health‐improving activities. Apart from its utilization in humans, green tea has also played a significant role in livestock production such as in dairy, piggery, goatry and poultry industries. Supplementation of animal feeds with green tea and its products is in line with the modern concepts of organic livestock production. Hence, incorporating green tea or green tea by‐products into the diet of poultry and other livestock can enhance the value of the products obtained from these animals. Herein, an effort is made to extend the knowledge on the importance and useful applications of green tea and its important constituents in animal production including poultry. This review will be a guideline for researchers and entrepreneurs who want to explore the utilization of feeds supplemented with green tea and green tea by‐products for the enhancement of livestock production.
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Clinical trials have shown that antioxidant supplementation increased the risk of lung and skin cancers, but the underlying molecular mechanism is unknown. Here, we show that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) as an exemplary antioxidant induced significant death and DNA damage in human lung and skin normal cells through a reductive mechanism. Our results show direct evidence of reductive DNA damage in the cells. We found that EGCG was much more toxic against normal cells than H2O2 and cisplatin as toxic and cancer-causing agents, while EGCG at low concentrations (≤100 μM) increased slightly the lung cancer cell viability. EGCG induced DNA double-strand breaks and apoptosis in normal cells and enhanced the mutation frequency. These results provide a compelling explanation for the clinical results and unravel a new reductive damaging mechanism in cellular processes. This study therefore provides a fresh understanding of aging and diseases, and may lead to effective prevention and therapies.
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Response surface methodology (RSM) has been used to optimize the extraction conditions of antioxidants with relatively low caffeine content from green tea by using ultrasonic extraction. The predicted optimal conditions for the highest antioxidant activity and minimum caffeine level were found at 19.7% ethanol, 26.4 min extraction time, and 24.0 °C extraction temperature. In the predicted optimal conditions, the experimental values were very close to the predicted values. Moreover, the ratio of (EGCg + ECg)/EGC was identified a major factor contributing to the antioxidant activity of green tea extracts. In this study, ultrasonic extraction showed that the ethanol concentration and extraction time used for antioxidant extraction could be remarkably reduced without a decrease in antioxidant activity compared to the conventional extraction conditions.
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Background: Bladder cancer is the second most incident malignancy among Lebanese men. The purpose of this study was to investigate potential risk factors associated with this observed high incidence. Methods: A case-control study (54 cases and 105 hospital-based controls) was conducted in two major hospitals in Beirut. Cases were randomly selected from patients diagnosed in the period of 2002-2008. Controls were conveniently selected from the same settings. Data were collected using interview questionnaire and blood analysis. Exposure data were collected using a structured face-to-face interview questionnaire. Blood samples were collected to determine N-acetyltransferase1 (NAT1) genotype by PCR-RFLP. Analyses revolved around univariate, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression, along with checks for effect modification. Results: The odds of having bladder cancer among smokers was 1.02 times significantly higher in cases vs. controls. The odds of exposure to occupational diesel or fuel combustion fumes were 4.1 times significantly higher in cases vs controls. The odds of prostate-related morbidity were 5.6 times significantly higher in cases vs controls. Cases and controls showed different clustering patterns of NAT1 alleles. No significant differences between cases and controls were found for consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea, or artificial sweeteners. Conclusions: This is the first case-control study investigating bladder cancer risk factors in the Lebanese context. Results confirmed established risk factors in the literature, particularly smoking and occupational exposure to diesel. The herein observed associations should be used to develop appropriate prevention policies and intervention strategies, in order to control this alarming disease in Lebanon.
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An urgent need for the discovery of novel anticancer agents is required for the long term therapy of cancer. Many novel bio-active and potential anticancer agents are being used in clinical and pre-clinical trials. Although many heterocyclic compounds are already available commercially as anticancer agents, great efforts have been put to identify novel anticancer targets. This review provides an insight of the novel anticancer targets and molecules of the first and final stage of clinical and pre-clinical trials.
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Background: Results of studies of fluid consumption and its association with bladder cancer have been inconsistent. Few studies have considered modification effects from genetic variants that may interact with the type of consumed fluids. UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs), which are membrane-bound conjugating enzymes, catalyse the transformation of hydrophobic substrates to more water-soluble glucuronides to facilitate renal or biliary excretion. Whether genetic variants in UGTs could modulate the association between fluid intake and bladder cancer has not been studied. Methods: We conducted a case–control study with 1007 patients with histopathologically confirmed bladder cancer and 1299 healthy matched controls. Fluid intake and epidemiologic data were collected via in-person interview. Multivariate unconditional logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and the 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Results: After adjustment for potential confounders, high quantity of total fluid intake (⩾2789 vs <1696 ml per day) conferred a 41% increased risk of bladder cancer (OR=1.41; 95% CI=1.10–1.81). Specific fluids such as regular soft drinks and decaffeinated coffee were also associated with increased risks, whereas tea, wine, and liquor were associated with decreased risks. Among 83 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the UGT gene family, 18 were significantly associated with bladder cancer risk. The most significant one was rs7571337, with the variant genotype conferring a 29% reduction in risk (OR=0.71; 95% CI=0.56–0.90). Conclusions: Total and specific fluid intakes are associated with bladder cancer risk in the study population and that genetic variants of UGT genes could modulate the effects. These results facilitate identification of high-risk individuals and have important implications in bladder cancer prevention.
Refrigerated sperm storage reduces its viability, due to oxidative unbalance. Unfermented teas present high levels of catechin derivatives, known to reduce oxidative stress. Herein, we investigated white tea (WTEA) effect on epididymal spermatozoa survival at room temperature (RT), using green tea (GTEA) for comparative purposes. WTEA and GTEA aqueous extracts chemical profile was evaluated by 1H-NMR. (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate was the most abundant catechin being twice as abundant in WTEA extract. The antioxidant power of storage media was evaluated. Spermatozoa antioxidant potential, lipid peroxidation and viability were assessed. The media antioxidant potential increased the most with WTEA supplementation, which was concomitant with the highest increase in sperm antioxidant potential and lipid peroxidation decrease. WTEA supplementation restored spermatozoa viability to values similar to the obtained at the collection time. These findings provide evidence that WTEA extract is an excellent media additive for RT sperm storage, to facilitate transport and avoid refrigeration deleterious effects.
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the major biologically active compound in green tea, is a well-known chemoprevention agent. Although several reports have shown that EGCG exerts its anticancer activity by targeting specific cell signaling pathways, the underlying molecular mechanism(s) are only partially understood. In the present study, we report that EGCG had a profound antiproliferative effect on human lung cancer cells. EGCG inhibited anchorage-independent growth and induced cell cycle G0/G1 phase arrest. The mechanism underlying EGCG antitumor potency was mainly dependent on suppression of the EGFR signaling pathway. Short-term EGCG exposure substantially decreased EGF-induced EGFR, AKT and ERK1/2 activation. Moreover, long-term EGCG treatment not only inhibited total and membranous EGFR expression, but also markedly attenuated EGFR nuclear localization and expression of the downstream target gene cyclin D1, indicating that EGCG treatment suppressed EGFR transactivation. Additionally, knockdown of EGFR in lung cancer cells decreased their sensitivity to EGCG. Thus, inhibition of the EGFR signaling pathway may partly contribute to the anticancer activity of EGCG.