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Changes in muscle architecture of Biceps Femoris induced by eccentric strength training with Nordic Hamstring Exercise



Eccentric strength training alters muscle architecture, but it is also an important factor for the prevention of hamstring injuries. The purpose was to determine the architectural adaptations of the Biceps Femoris long head (BFlh) after eccentric strength training with Nordic Hamstring exercise (NHE), followed by a subsequent detraining period. The participants in this intervention (n = 23) completed a period of 13 weeks consisting of a first week of control and prior training, followed by 8 weeks of eccentric strength training with NHE, and concluding with a 4-week period of detraining. The architectural characteristics of the BFlh were measured at rest using two-dimensional ultrasound before (M1 – week 1) and after (M2 – week 9) the eccentric strength training, and at the end of the detraining period (M3 – week 13). The muscle fascicle length significantly increased (t = -7.73, d = 2.28, P < .001) in M2 compared to M1, as well as the muscle thickness (t = -5.23, d = 1.54, P < .001), while the pennation angle presented a significant decrease (t = 7.81, d = 2.3, P < .001). The muscle fascicle length decreased significantly (t = 6.07, d = 1.79, P < .001) in M3 compared to M2, while the pennation angle showed a significant increase (t = -4.63, d = 1.36, P < .001). The results provide evidence that NHE may cause alterations in the architectural conditions of the BFlh and may have practical implications for injury prevention and rehabilitation programs. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
| Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2018;28:88–94.
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Accepted: 13 March 2017
DOI: 10.1111/sms.12877
Changes in muscle architecture of biceps femoris induced by
eccentric strength training with nordic hamstring exercise
D. Alonso-Fernandez1
P. Docampo-Blanco2
J. Martinez-Fernandez3
1Department of Physical Education and
Sports,Faculty of Science Education and
Sport,University of Vigo, Pontevedra,
2Real Club Celta de Vigo S.A.D., Vigo,
3Football Club Rubin Kazan, Kazan,
Tatarstan republic, Russia
Diego Alonso-Fernandez, Department of
Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of
Science Education and Sport, University of
Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain.
Eccentric strength training alters muscle architecture, but it is also an important fac-
tor for the prevention of hamstring injuries. The purpose was to determine the archi-
tectural adaptations of the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) after eccentric strength
training with nordic hamstring exercise (NHE), followed by a subsequent detraining
period. The participants in this intervention (n=23) completed a period of 13 weeks
consisting of a first week of control and prior training, followed by 8 weeks of ec-
centric strength training with NHE, and concluding with a 4- week period of detrain-
ing. The architectural characteristics of the BFlh were measured at rest using
two- dimensional ultrasound before (M1—week 1) and after (M2—week 9) the ec-
centric strength training, and at the end of the detraining period (M3—week 13). The
muscle fascicle length significantly increased (t=−7.73, d=2.28, P<.001) in M2
compared to M1, as well as the muscle thickness (t=−5.23, d=1.54, P<.001), while
the pennation angle presented a significant decrease (t=7.81, d=2.3, P<.001). The
muscle fascicle length decreased significantly (t=6.07, d=1.79, P<.001) in M3 com-
pared to M2, while the pennation angle showed a significant increase (t=−4.63,
d=1.36, P<.001). The results provide evidence that NHE may cause alterations in
the architectural conditions of the BFlh and may have practical implications for
injury prevention and rehabilitation programs.
fascicle, hamstring injuries, injury prevention, muscle adaptation, nordic curl, nordic hamstring exercise,
The architectural characteristics of a muscle largely deter-
mine its ability to produce force1. The pennation angle (PA),
muscle thickness (MT), and fascicle length (FL) are architec-
tural variables which vary when a muscle is subject to me-
chanical stimuli.2-5 These variations affect the function and
the risk of muscle injury; thus, it is important to understand
their nature and potential applications in rehabilitation and
Hamstring injuries present a great impact on sport prac-
tice,7 counting for 12%- 29% of all injuries in event categories
involving high- intensity running,8,9 in addition to reporting a
high recurrence rate ranging 22%- 34%.9,10
The scientific literature suggests two main mechanisms
in hamstring lesions. The first occurs when the muscle is
subject to extreme joint positions.11 The second occurs in
high- speed running.10,12 During the terminal swing phase of
the gait cycle, the hamstrings are required to eccentrically
decelerate the knee extension and hip flexion before weight-
bearing.13 At this stage, the hamstrings reach their maximum
length, with the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) reaching
approximately 110% of its length with respect to the bipedal
anatomical position.7 This elevated eccentric stress contrib-
utes to high rates of hamstring injuries during any running
movement,9,14 mostly in the BFlh.15,16
Lesions in the BFlh seem to have an influence on its archi-
tecture, reducing the FL and increasing the PA, with respect
to the uninjured contralateral muscles.17,18 These changes
alter the muscle function, as a greater length of the fascicle
is associated with a higher maximal velocity of contraction1
and a lower incidence rate of injuries.17,18 Eccentric strength
training became an effective method for prevention.19,20
Among other characteristics, it demonstrated its ability to in-
crease muscle FL values and to reduce PA.4,6 These architec-
tural changes are reversible after a detraining period without
eccentric mechanical stimuli.6
Several studies examined the changes in the muscle archi-
tecture by applying eccentric loading assessed by isokinetic
dynamometry.4,6,21,22 However, the use of isokinetic systems
presents a major drawback in the everyday life of athletes,
that is, their limited accessibility due to the high cost and
complex handling.23 Moreover, they are unfeasible as daily
training equipment (especially for large groups of athletes),
their use is time- consuming,23 and they can also be consid-
ered “non- functional” because they bear little resemblance
to actual sporting activities, being used in the sitting posi-
tion.4,6,21,22 Consequently, there is a need to evaluate alter-
native eccentric hamstring training systems that can become
widespread in the daily practice routine of athletes.
The eccentric “nordic hamstring exercise” (NHE) has
shown improvements in strength and dynamic control after
10 weeks of training,24 a reduction in the maximum peak
torque (when approaching full knee extension),25 and a lower
incidence rate of hamstring injuries in athletes and soccer
players.8,19,26 In addition, these exercises have shown a sig-
nificant relationship between the “break-point angle” (angle
at which the individual performing this exercise can no lon-
ger withstand the increased gravity and falls to the ground)
and maximum peak torque of the hamstring measured with
isokinetic dynamometry23 and its ability to change FL in the
BFlh,27 thus suggesting its effectiveness as a basis for a func-
tional eccentric training for athletes. NHE present a simple
learning technique, which is performed with the athlete’s
body mass without requiring additional equipment or mate-
rial and can easily be applied individually or in groups.
Due to the high incidence of the hamstring injuries and
specifically in the BFlh,15,16 it is relevant to observe the
changes that occur in its architecture after an eccentric load-
ing training. However, given the difficulties encountered in
using the isokinetic equipment in the actual and everyday
training routine of athletes, an interesting fact is to check
whether an easily applicable eccentric exercise, such as NHE,
produces architectural changes in the BFlh muscle.
The study involved 23 male participants practicing recrea-
tional physical activity with no history of lower limb injury
in the past 12 months and no previous experience in eccen-
tric training (Table 1). All participants provided the written
informed consent form before carrying out the protocol, and
the previous training session took place at the Faculty of
Education and Sport Sciences, University of Vigo, Spain. The
ethical approval for the study was granted by the Autonomous
Ethics Committee of Research in Galicia, Xunta de Galicia,
General Secretariat, Ministry of Health (Spain), in agreement
with the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki (reference
number: 2016/158).
Research design
The study lasted 13 weeks. At week 1, participants under-
took an initial assessment of the BFlh muscle architecture
(M1) and later, two sessions of familiarization with NHE to
ensure proper technical execution. Next, an 8- week period of
eccentric training with NHE was performed. At week 9, the
second assessment of the muscle architecture (M2) was per-
formed. Next, the participants underwent 4 weeks of detrain-
ing, avoiding any kind of mechanical stimulus of eccentric
nature. After this period, at week 13, the third assessment of
the muscle architecture (M3) was carried out. All measure-
ments were made at the same time of the day and under the
same conditions for all participants.
Assessment of the BFlh architecture
The use of ultrasound has proven to be a reliable method for
assessing muscle architectural characteristics of the BFlh.18,28
MT, PA, and the estimation of FL were determined from ul-
trasound images obtained along the longitudinal axis of the
muscle belly using a 2D B- mode ultrasound (12 Mhz fre-
quency, 8 cm depth; 14×47 mm field of view; GE Healthcare
Vivid- i, Wauwatosa, USA). The measurement site was the
halfway point between the ischial tuberosity and the posterior
knee joint fold, along the line of the BFlh. Once the scanning
site was determined in each participant, several anatomical
landmarks were taken (ischial tuberosity, fibula head, and
midpoint of the posterior knee joint fold) and photographs
were taken to ensure reproducibility for future assessment
sessions. All architectural measurements were performed
after at least 5 minutes of inactivity, with the participant in
prone decubitus position, with the hip in neutral position, and
the knee was positioned passively in full extension.
To obtain the images, the ultrasound probe was placed
and aligned longitudinally and perpendicular to the posterior
TABLE 1 Characteristics of participants (mean±standard error
of the mean)
Group N Age (years old) Weight (kg) Height (m)
EG 23 25.2±3.3 75.5±8.1 1.76±0.09
thigh in the scanning site on the participant’s skin, which was
previously covered with a conductive gel. The probe was han-
dled carefully by the sonographer (MFJ) to ensure minimal
pressure and to not alter the accuracy of the measurements.29
After the scan, an analysis was carried out by means of
image processing software, MicroDicom, version 0.7.8, de-
veloped in Bulgaria. Following the procedure conducted by
Blazevich et al.,30 six points were digitized for each of the
images. MT was defined as the distance between the superfi-
cial and intermediate aponeuroses of the BFlh. PA was de-
limited between the intermediate aponeurosis and the
direction of a muscle fascicle previously identified in the
image (Figure 1). The aponeurosis angle (AA) was deter-
mined as the angle between the line marked by the aponeuro-
sis and a horizontal line drawn along the captured image.30,31
Finally, FL was defined as the muscle fascicle length existing
between both aponeuroses. Given that the total of the above-
mentioned length cannot be observed in the field of view of
the probe, an estimate was performed by means of an equa-
tion validated by Blazevich et al.30 and Kellis et al.31
where FL=fascicle length, MT=muscle thickness,
AA=aponeurosis angle, and PA=pennation angle.
FL was expressed in absolute terms (cm) and also rela-
tive to MT (RFL=FL/MT). All images were collected and
analyzed by the same researcher (MFJ), who was blinded
to the identity of the participants during the analysis. This
researcher (MFJ), a member of the Spanish Society of
Ultrasound in Physiotherapy (SEEFi), was previously sub-
jected to an intra- rater study to assess the reliability of the
measure. Twelve healthy subjects participated, five 2D-
ultrasound images of the BFlh being performed in the same
anatomical region in different sessions, obtaining reliable
measurements of the different architectural variables (intra-
class correlations>0.90) within the ranges recommended by
previous scientific studies.28
Eccentric “nordic hamstring” exercise
NHE, also known as “nordic curl,” is an exercise designed
to eccentrically strengthen the hamstring muscles12,14 and re-
quires the assistance of a partner (Figure 2).
The athlete begins in a kneeling position with the hip and
trunk elevated and fully aligned. The assistant applies pres-
sure onto the partner’s heels, ensuring their feet remain in
contact with the ground during the entire execution of the ex-
ercise (Figure 2A). At the time, the athlete’s trunk is lowered
sin (AA
MT/sin (180
PA) )
FIGURE 1 Two- dimensional ultrasound image of the biceps
femoris long head (BFlh) taken along the longitudinal axis of the
posterior thigh. From these images, the superficial and intermediate
aponeuroses could be determined, as well as the muscle thickness and
fascicle angle with respect to the aponeurosis. The estimations of the
fascicle length can be performed through a trigonometric calculation,
using the muscle thickness and the pennation angle
FIGURE 2 Nordic hamstring exercise: (A) start, (B) midpoint
indicating the Nordic break- point angle, and (C) end
forward maintaining the initial position through a controlled
extension of the knees (Figure 2B). This fall is performed at
the slowest speed possible to maximize the muscle load in
the eccentric phase. Hands and arms are used to buffer the
fall after the break-point angle (angle at which the athlete
could no longer withstand the increased gravity and falls to
the ground; Figure 2C) and to return to the kneeling position
minimizing the load of the concentric phase.24 In the present
study, all participants were instructed properly on the correct
execution technique of NHE 2 days before training, to max-
imize their effectiveness. Moreover, graduates in Physical
Activity and Sport Sciences supervised the training sessions
to ensure the quality and consistency of the execution of each
participant at all times.
The intervention was designed with the aim of promoting a
progressive assimilation of the eccentric mechanical stimuli
and reducing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in
Each training session lasted between 10 and 20 minutes,
depending on the training volume of sets and repetitions ac-
cording to the evolution of the program (Table 2). All ses-
sions were separated by at least 48 hours and preceded by
12- minute standardized warm- up self- loading exercises. All
participants were provided with constant visual and verbal
feedback, to contribute to their motivation and correct tech-
nical execution.
Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS
software, version 24.0 (IBM Corporation, Chicago, IL).
Where appropriate, data were screened for normal distri-
bution using the Shapiro- Wilk test and homoscedasticity
through Levene’s test. The Greenhouse- Geisser adjustment
was applied when the assumption of sphericity was violated
(P<.05 for Mauchly’s test of sphericity). One- way repeated-
measures ANOVAs were used to determine training- induced
changes in BFlh architecture (FL, RFL, MT and PA). The
within- subject variable was time (M1, M2, and M3). In addi-
tion, post- hoc t- tests with Bonferroni adjustments were used
to establish the pairwise comparisons between measured
variables (M1- M2, M2- M3). Significance was set at P<.05,
and where appropriate, Cohen’s d was reported as a measure
of the effect size.
The results obtained are detailed below according to the dif-
ferent measured variables of muscle architecture.
Fascicle length
The length of the muscle fascicle is affected by the ec-
centric training protocol with the functional NHE,
F(1.77- 38.92)=41.39, P<.05,
=0.65. Regarding the pair-
wise comparisons derived from the post hoc analysis, there is
a significant increase in FL between M1 and M2 (t=−7.73,
d=2.28, P<.001) and a significant decrease between M2 and
M3 (t=6.07, d=1.79, P<.001).
Fascicle length relative to
muscle thickness
The fascicle length relative to muscle thickness is affected
by the eccentric training protocol with functional NHE,
F(1.74- 38.21)=18.19, P<.05,
=0.45. As for the pairwise
comparisons derived from the post hoc analysis, there is a
significant increase in RFL between M1 and M2 (t=−5.08,
d=1.49, P<.001). On the other hand, there is a significant de-
crease in RFL length between M2 and M3 (t=2.76, d=0.81,
Muscle thickness
Muscle thickness is affected by the eccentric training pro-
tocol with functional NHE, F(1.73- 38.08)=13.64, P<.05,
No. of
sessions/wk Sets Repetitions
Total no. of
repetitions Rest between sets
1 2 2 6 24 2 min
2 2 2 6 24 2 min
3 3 3 4 36 2 min
4 3 3 6 54 2 min
5 3 3 8 72 2 min
6 3 3 8 72 2 min
7 3 3 10 90 2 min
8 3 3 10 90 2 min
TABLE 2 Eccentric training
progression with NHE
=0.38. Regarding the pairwise comparisons derived from the
post hoc analysis, there is a significant increase in MT be-
tween M1 and M2 (t=−5.23, d=1.54, P<.001) and a signifi-
cant decrease between M2 and M3 (t=3.64, d=1.07, P<.05).
Pennation angle
The pennation angle is affected by the eccentric training pro-
tocol with functional NHE, F(1.92- 42.31)=31.03, P<.05,
=0.58. Regarding the pairwise comparisons derived from
the post hoc analysis, there is a significant decrease in PA be-
tween M1 and M2 (t=7.81, d=2.3, P<.001) and a significant
increase between M2 and M3 (t=−4.63, d=1.36, P<.001).
The changes in the FL, RFL, PA, and MT during the train-
ing and detraining period are shown in Table 3.
This study reported changes in the muscle architecture of the
BFlh in response to an 8- week eccentric training protocol
with NHE and a subsequent 4- week detraining period. The
main conclusion is that eccentric training with NHE resulted
in a significant increase in FL and MT of the BFlh and a sig-
nificant decrease in PA. In addition, a significant reduction in
FL and MT was found, as well as a significant increase in PA
after detraining period.
The main contribution of these findings is in the field of
practical application which, in the actual training, may lead to
obtaining architectural changes by means of an exercise which
is easy to reproduce and perform, such as NHE. So far, the
architectural changes had been studied under laboratory condi-
tions using expensive isokinetic equipment, beyond the reach
of most athletes and coaches, and unusable in large group train-
ing. In this case, the changes in the muscle architecture have
been studied using an exercise which can be applied in the ac-
tual training situations, achieving results comparable to those
obtained in previous studies with isokinetic dynamometry.
The observed increase in FL of the BFlh at rest is similar
to the results found in the previous literature. Potier et al.,4
after an eccentric strength training program of 8 weeks, ob-
tained a significant increase of 34% in FL of the BFlh. More
recently, Timmins et al.6 with an eccentric training protocol
of 6 weeks have obtained similar results, with a significant
increase in FL of the BFlh, of 16%. In the same vein, our
study showed a significant increase of 23.9% for FL of the
BFlh at rest, using an 8- week eccentric strength protocol
with NHE. The differences in the duration of the interven-
tion (6- 8 weeks) and in the training modality (curl leg, isoki-
netic dynamometry, and NHE, respectively) can explain the
differences between studies, but all authors agree on the FL
increase after eccentric strength training that could be due to
an increase in serial sarcomeres.32 This situation is also rein-
forced by a significant increase in RFL, matching the results
obtained by Timmins et al.6 and especially those obtained
by Bourne et al.27 in a recent study, where after applying
10 weeks of training with NHE, a significant increase in FL
in BFlh is observed.
PA showed a significant reduction after the training pe-
riod, which coincides with the results obtained by Timmins
et al.,6 but differs from the non- significant reduction of 3.1%,
obtained by Potier et al.4 although the authors themselves
pointed to this result as “counterintuitive.” The changes in PA
seem to be very closely related to the nature of each muscle,
but it is possible that increases in PA are reliant on the extent
of fiber hypertrophy that occurs and that concurrent increases
in FL may counter the tendency for PA to increase.4,33
The present study is the only one that obtained significant
changes in MT of the BFlh after an eccentric training period,
considering that the previous literature 6 does not provide
significant changes in the above- mentioned variable in the
BFlh. However, studies on the architecture of other muscle
groups, such as the vastus lateralis21,22 and rectus femoris,21
observe a significant increase in MT after a period of eccen-
tric strength training. In addition, Bourne et al.,27 using mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI), observed an increase in the
volume of BFlh after undergoing a 10- week training protocol
with NHE.
The results also showed that the changes in the muscle
architecture induced by eccentric training with NHE were
TABLE 3 Changes in muscle architecture of the biceps femoris long head before (M1) and after (M2) the intervention and after the period of
detraining (M3) (mean±standard error of the mean)
Eccentric protocol with NHE (n=23)
M1 (Week 1) M2 (Week 9) M3 (Week 13) % Change M1- M2 % Change M2- M3
FL (cm) 8.17±1.83 10.12±1.85** 8.90±1.70## 23.9 −12.1
RFL 3.91±0.39 4.53±0.55** 4.27±0.49#15.9 −5.7
PA (º) 14.74±1.91 12.55±1.34** 13.71±1.22## −14.8 9.2
MT (cm) 2.09±0.47 2.25±0.39** 2.10±0.45#7.7 −6.6
FL, fascicle length; RFL, fascicle length relative to muscle thickness; PA, pennation angle; MT, muscle thickness.
**P<.001 vs M1, #P<.05 vs M2, ##P<.001 vs M2.
reversed after a 4- week detraining period. A significant de-
crease in FL and MT is reported, whereas PA increases. These
results are consistent with those found in previous studies.5,6
The responses to the intervention by eccentric training
with NHE and subsequent detraining may be of interest for
the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries to the hamstring
muscles as, as explained, shorter muscle fascicles are more
prone to injury than longer fascicles.18,34 The lesions in the
BFlh modify its architecture, reducing the length of the fas-
cicles, increasing the pennation angle, and making it more
sensitive to relapse.17,18 These reasons seem sufficient to in-
troduce eccentric strength content in the training plan of ath-
letes at risk of suffering hamstring injuries, and this content
has proven to be an element of protection and rehabilitation
of these types of injuries. In addition, the reversibility of the
architectural changes when the eccentric stimulus disappears
indicated that the constant exposure to such stimuli can be
determining to maintain its structural effect in the long run.
So far, these potential benefits of eccentric training were
hardly transposed to the daily routine of athletes, as they had
been obtained with specialized equipment and conditions
beyond their reach.4,6,21,22 In our view, this can be the main
contribution of this study for practical purposes: having ob-
tained a method of eccentric training of the hamstrings with
an exercise such as NHE, which can be easily applied (with-
out additional equipment) and of short duration (between 10
and 15 minutes, 2- 3 sessions per week), proving to be effec-
tive for modifying the variables of the muscle architecture of
the BFlh.
The authors acknowledge that there are some limitations
in the current study. First, the architecture evaluation using
2D ultrasound requires a certain degree of estimation because
FL is not entirely visible in the ultrasound image. Although
the estimation equation used in this study was validated,31
there is still a potential error that should be reduced in fu-
ture works based on 2D ultrasound. Secondly, only the BFlh
architecture was evaluated, and considering that each ham-
string has unique architectural characteristics, it would not be
appropriate to generalize the results to all knee flexors.
Further research will be needed to establish the appli-
cation conditions of this training type in order to achieve
long- lasting architectural effects in different populations of
athletes, but, in our opinion, the results may have practical
implications in the prevention of BFlh injuries and in rehabil-
itation programs that may take into account the architectural
alterations caused by training as a factor that may lower the
risk of future injury.
The mechanical stimuli of eccentric nature seem to modify
the muscle architecture of the BFlh, increasing FL. This
evidence has possible impact on the prevention of hamstring
injuries, as the latter decrease FL, thus increasing the risk
of recurrence. However, previous results have always been
obtained using isokinetic equipment, which is not read-
ily accessible to athletes. This study is aimed at examining
whether the eccentric NHE produce changes in the muscle
architecture of the BFlh. The reason for choosing NHE is
their simplicity and easy reproducibility; thus, they can be
easily applied to any athlete individually or collectively in
prevention or rehabilitation programs, without additional
equipment. The adaptations produced by NHE in this study
may have practical implications for injury prevention and re-
habilitation programs which include the changes in muscle
architecture variables.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Águeda Gutiérrez
Sánchez, Dr. Margarita Pino Juste, and Dr. Antonio Rial
Boubeta for their useful contributions to the production of
this manuscript, as well as to the Faculty of Education and
Sport Sciences, University of Vigo, for allowing the use of
their facilities.
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How to cite this article: Alonso-Fernandez D,
Docampo-Blanco P, Martinez-Fernandez J. Changes in
muscle architecture of biceps femoris induced by
eccentric strength training with nordic hamstring
exercise. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2018;28:88–94.
... (23,24) 2. Having never participated in hamstring eccentric contraction training. (25) 3. Having experienced hamstring muscle strain pain within the past 6 months. (23) 4. Having sustained no anterior cruciate ligament injury within the past 6 months. ...
... They took a 20-second break after each repetition and a 2-minute break after each set. They repeated these steps according to the planned numbers and sets per week (25,29) ( Table 1). ...
... Previously, OSTRC reported that after 10 weeks of training, Nordic exercise could significantly strengthen the muscles by 65.0%. (11) Alonso-Fernandez D, et al. (25) found that it increased muscular strength by 34.0% with a statistical significance after 8 weeks of training. (25) Moreover, Bourne MN, et al. (34) discovered that the 6 weeks of training strengthened muscles by 16.0% with a statistical significance. ...
... 4 Lengthening of the biceps femoris long head fascicles of up to 2 centimetres is reported. [5][6][7][8][9][10] If the increased fascicle length involves an increased number of sarcomeres in series, it might positively affect flexibility and so reduce the risk of sarcomere overstretching. [11][12][13] A change in pennation angle of the biceps femoris long head might be the other preventive mechanism, but the evidence is conflicting. ...
... [11][12][13] A change in pennation angle of the biceps femoris long head might be the other preventive mechanism, but the evidence is conflicting. [6][7][8][9][10] Other reported (functional) results of the intervention is an increase in eccentric hamstring strength, 14,15 and increased anatomical cross-sectional area of the semitendinosus. 5 The semitendinosus is significantly more recruited than the biceps femoris long head during the knee-orientated Nordic hamstring exercise. ...
... Limitations of 2D ultrasound in Nordic hamstring exercise studies are that findings are predominantly limited to biceps femoris long head, 5-9 based on a single fascicle and these measurements are highly operator dependent. 5,[7][8][9]25 There is furthermore no literature, supporting the generalizability of changes in muscle fibre architecture in the biceps femoris long head to other hamstring muscles. The effect of the Nordic hamstring exercise intervention on the muscle fibre architecture of the semitendinosus and semimembranosus is unknown. ...
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Objectives To evaluate the effect of a Nordic hamstring exercise or Diver hamstring exercise intervention on biceps femoris long head, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscle's fascicle length and orientation through diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) with magnetic resonance imaging. Methods In this three-arm, single-centre, randomized controlled trial, injury-free male basketball players were randomly assigned to a Nordic, Diver hamstring exercise intervention or control group. The primary outcome was the DTI derived fascicle length and orientation of muscles over 12 weeks. Results Fifty-three participants were included for analysis (mean age 22 ± 7 years). Fascicle length in the semitendinosus over 12 weeks significantly increased in the Nordic-group (mean [M]: 20.8 mm, 95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 7.8 to 33.8) compared to the Control-group (M: 0.9 mm, 95%CI: -7.1 to 8.9), mean between-groups difference: 19.9 mm, 95%CI: 1.9 to 37.9, p = 0.026. Fascicle orientation in the biceps femoris long head over 12 weeks significantly decreased in the Diver-group (mean: -2.6°, 95%CI: -4.1 to -1.0) compared to the Control-group (mean: -0.2°, 95% CI: -1.4 to 1.0), mean between-groups difference: -2.4°, 95%CI: -4.7 to -0.1, p = 0.039. Conclusion The Nordic hamstring exercise intervention did significantly increase the fascicle length of the semitendinosus and the Diver hamstring exercise intervention did significantly change the orientation of fascicles of the biceps femoris long head. As both exercises are complementary to each other, the combination is relevant for preventing hamstring injuries.
... The potential explanation for post-exercise changes in muscle morphology and architecture could be related to geometrical alterations due to increased water and fluid content. 50 Therefore, greater muscle thickness may induce a pennation angle and simultaneously result in a decrease in fascicle length, as reported in this study. Previous study by Alonso-Fernandez et al. ...
... 50 Therefore, greater muscle thickness may induce a pennation angle and simultaneously result in a decrease in fascicle length, as reported in this study. Previous study by Alonso-Fernandez et al. 50 showed results after NHE training, where the BFLH thickness increased significantly (p ≤ 0.001), while the pennation angle showed a significant decrease (p ≤ 0.001). Maxwell et al. 51 in their theoretical model described the interaction of variables determining muscle architecture. ...
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This study aimed to investigate the impact of the Nordic hamstring exercises (NHE) on acute fatigue-induced alterations in the mechanical and morphological properties of hamstring muscles. The second aim was to define the blood flow and perfusion after NHE in recreational active volunteers. Twenty-two individuals volunteered to participate in the study. This study investigated fatigue outcomes: rate of perceived exertion (RPE) scale and average force generated during NHE; mechanical properties (stiffness); morphological properties (thickness, pennation angle, and fascicle length), and vascularity index (VI) of the semitendinosus (ST) and biceps femoris long head (BFLH) at baseline, immediately post-exercise and 1-h post-exercise. The NHE fatigue procedure consisted of 6 bouts of 5 repetitions. The results showed an increase in thickness and pennation angle of BFLH and ST immediately post-exercise and a decrease in thickness and pennation angle of BFLH and ST 1-h post-exercise. While the fascicle length of BFLH and ST decreased immediately post-exercise NHE and increased 1-h post-exercise. The VI for two muscles increased immediately post-exercise and after 1-h post-exercise. Moreover, we found a relationship between RPE and average force i.e. as RPE increased during NHE, average force decreased. In conclusion, eccentric NHE exercises significantly and acutely affect BFLH and ST. The NHE fatigue protocol significantly affected the mechanical and morphological properties of BFLH and ST muscles, changing their thickness, fascicle length, pennation angle, and VI.
... Slowly or as slowly as possible. In this phase, the hamstring contraction will maximize the load on eccentric strength during lowering the upper body to the surface [7,[11][12][13]. ...
... According to study by Mjølsnes et al. (2004) nordic hamstring exercises are effective in increasing the eccentric strength of the hamstring thereby may reduce the risk of HSI [14]. While study by Alonso-Fernandez et al. (2018) nordic hamstring exercises can increase the length of the biceps femoris fascicle [12]. So that nordic hamstring exercises are proven to reduce hamstring injuries. ...
... Along those lines, research conducted by Haugen et al. [36] revealed that sprint speed is positively correlated with success in soccer, with faster players demonstrating a higher likelihood of scoring goals and assisting teammates. In agreement with the previous study, recent research has emphasized the importance of sprint speed in elite soccer, highlighting its association with high-intensity actions during matches [37][38][39]. On that note, enhancing sprint speed through targeted training programs can significantly impact players' effectiveness in the field. ...
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Abstract: Hamstring injuries present a notable challenge to the performance and durability of soccer athletes, particularly those situated in rural areas where access to specialized training facilities may be scarce. This literature review delves into the amalgamation of resistance and flexibility training as a holistic strategy for averting hamstring injuries among rural-based soccer athletes. Utilizing existing scholarly works, this review underscores the significance of resistance training in enhancing hamstring strength, power, and stamina, while flexibility training augments muscle pliability and range of motion, thus diminishing the likelihood of injuries. Furthermore, it scrutinizes a range of resistance and flexibility routines customized to meet the specific requirements of soccer and the limitations of rural settings. Through the amalgamation of evidence�based methodologies, this review puts forth the mechanisms of injury and pragmatic suggestions for coaches, trainers, and athletes to implement efficient injury prevention protocols. Highlighting the collaborative advantages of resistance and flexibility training, this methodology strives to enhance performance and shield against hamstring injuries in rural-based soccer athletes. Keywords: hamstring injury prevention; strength training; range of motion training; soccer; rural areas; sports performance enhancement
... Ultrasound studies of the biceps femoris long head, the most commonly injured hamstring muscle during sprinting, [8][9][10] show increased fascicle length and decreased pennation angle. 11,12 If the increased fascicle length involves an increased number of sarcomeres in series within muscle fibers, it might reduce the risk of sarcomere overstretching. 13,14 Another potential explanation for the preventive effect of the NHE might be the change in load sharing between the 3 biarticular hamstring muscles (biceps femoris long head, semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus). ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a Nordic hamstring exercise intervention on biceps femoris long head, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus muscle’s activity and relative contributions through multichannel electromyography. Twenty-four injury-free male basketball players (mean age 20 [3] y) were randomly assigned to a 12-week intervention (n = 13) or control group (n = 11). The primary outcome measures were normalized muscle activity (percentage of maximal voluntary isometric contraction, %MVIC) and relative contribution of hamstring muscles over 12 weeks. No effects were found on any of the primary outcome measures. Between-group differences over 12 weeks were 2.7%MVIC (95% confidence interval 95% CI, −0.7 to 6.1) for the biceps femoris long head, 3.4%MVIC (95% CI, −1.4 to 8.2) for the semitendinosus, and 0.8%MVIC (95% CI, −3.0 to 4.6) for the semimembranosus, P = .366. Between-group differences over 12 weeks were 1.0% relative contribution (%con; 95% CI, −3.0 to 5.1) for the biceps femoris long head, 2.2% relative contribution (95% CI, −2.8 to 7.2) for the semitendinosus, and −3.3% relative contribution (95% CI, −6.4 to −0.1) for the semimembranosus P = .258. A positive value implies a higher value for the Nordic group. A Nordic hamstring exercise intervention did not affect the level of muscle activity and relative contribution of hamstring muscles in performance of the Nordic hamstring exercise.
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In the final part of this three-article collection on the training strategies of Brazilian Olympic sprint and jump coaches, we provide a detailed description of the resistance training methods and exercises most commonly employed by these speed experts. Always with the objective of maximizing the sprint and jump capabilities of their athletes, these experienced coaches primarily utilize variable, eccentric, concentric, machine-based, isometric, complex, and isoinertial resistance training methods in their daily practices. Squats (in their different forms), Olympic weightlifting, ballistics, hip thrusts, lunges, calf raises, core exercises, leg curls, stiff-leg deadlifts, and leg extension are the most commonly prescribed exercises in their training programs, during both the preparatory and competitive periods. Therefore, the current manuscript comprehensively describes and examines these methods, with the additional aim of extrapolating their application to other sports, especially those where sprint speed is a key performance factor.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide accurate and non‐invasive diagnoses of lower extremity injuries in athletes. Sport‐related injuries commonly occur in and around the knee and can affect the articular cartilage, patellar tendon, hamstring muscles, and bone. Sports medicine physicians utilize MRI to evaluate and diagnose injury, track recovery, estimate return to sport timelines, and assess the risk of recurrent injury. This article reviews the current literature and describes novel developments of quantitative MRI tools that can further advance our understanding of sports injury diagnosis, prevention, and treatment while minimizing injury risk and rehabilitation time. Innovative approaches for enhancing the early diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries in basketball players span a spectrum of techniques. These encompass the utilization of T 2 , T 1ρ , and T 2 * quantitative MRI, along with dGEMRIC and Na‐MRI to assess articular cartilage injuries, 3D‐Ultrashort echo time MRI for patellar tendon injuries, diffusion tensor imaging for acute myotendinous injuries, and sagittal short tau inversion recovery and axial long‐axis T 1 ‐weighted, and 3D Cube sequences for bone stress imaging. Future studies should further refine and validate these MR‐based quantitative techniques while exploring the lifelong cumulative impact of basketball on players' knees. Level of Evidence 5 Technical Efficacy Stage 2
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Purposes: In this paper, we used Meta-analysis to study the effect of NHE on hamstrings and to find the scientific evaluation index of NHE effect. Method: In this paper, we systematically searched all data since the establishment of the database through PubMed, Embase, Web of science, and Cochrane Library databases, with PubMed search formula (((Nordic) OR (Russian)) OR (NHE)) AND (((((((Hamstring) OR (Hamstring Muscle)) OR (Muscle, Hamstring)) OR (Muscles, Hamstring)) OR (Biceps Femoris)) OR (Semimembranosus)) OR (Semitendinosus)).The search field was full text and the search date of April 7, 2022. The quality evaluation, Meta-analysis, sensitivity analysis and publication bias analysis of the included literature were performed using Review manager 5.4 software. Results: A total of 950 studies were retrieved for this study, and after strict inclusion and exclusion, a total of 11 studies were included, with 497 subjects, including 282 in the test group and 215 in the control group, and the overall quality of the literature was high. NHE can be used as an effective intervention method, which can significantly improve the eccentric hamstring strength peak(MD=46.16, 95% Cl: 28.70-63.63, P=0.00001<0.01) and the eccentric peak torque of the hamstrings (MD=10.87,95%CI:3.86-17.89,P=0.002<0.01) and the eccentric peak torque of the hamstrings muscles to body weight (MD=0.17, 95% CI: 0.01-0.33, P=0.04<0.05), increase BFLH fascicle length (MD=0.62, 95% CL: 0.11-1.12,P=0.02<0.05),improve H:Q functional ratio(MD=0.07,95%CI: 0.02-0.13, P=0.01<0.05),and decrease the hamstrings eccentric angle of peak torque(APT) (MD=2.53, 95% CI: 4.63-0.43, P=0.02<0.05).
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Hamstring strain injury (HSI) is a persistent problem in elite sport and the most common injury in baseball. The influence of muscle strength and limb imbalance on HSI risk is equivocal and remains unexamined in this population. The purpose of this study was to determine whether preseason strength and limb imbalances measured using the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) and single-limb isometric bridge test (SLIBT) are associated with future HSI in baseball players. A secondary purpose was to compare strength measures using each test. Professional baseball players (n = 465) from eight teams affiliated with a single MLB organization completed a preseason hamstring strength assessment as part of routine athlete monitoring prior to the 2019, 2021, and 2022 seasons. Thirty-eight new HSI events were recorded among 36 players over 751 player-seasons included in the analysis. Lower strength levels in subsequently injured limbs were observed compared to the two-limb average of healthy players for NHE (403.5 ± 90.4 vs. 440.5 ± 76.0 N, p = 0.017) and SLIBT (365.1 ± 58.4 vs. 390.9 ± 589.6 N, p = 0.014). Players with NHE peak force below 377 N exhibited a significantly higher risk of HSI (RR = 2.49; 95% CI 1.18 to 5.27, p = .027). Logistic regression indicated an inverse relationship between strength and HSI risk, with each 10 N increase in NHE and SLIBT force corresponding to a 6.2% and 7.4% risk reduction, respectively, with no interaction effects between tests. Moderate correlations (r = 0.33-0.39) were observed for absolute and relative strength for each test but not for asymmetries. No measure of limb asymmetry was associated with HSI risk. Low levels of hamstring strength but not limb-imbalance were associated with an increased risk of future HSI in professional baseball, and each test appears to measure unique and relevant aspects of hamstring strength.
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The present study investigated the longitudinal growth of the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle using four eccentric exercise protocols with different mechanical stimuli by modifying the load magnitude, lengthening velocity and muscle length at which the load is applied. Thirty-one participants voluntarily participated in this study in two experimental (EG) and one control group (CG). The first EG (n=10) exercised the knee extensors of one leg at 65% (low load magnitude) of the maximum isometric voluntary contraction (MVC) and the second leg at 100% MVC (high load magnitude) with 90°/s angular velocity, from 25° to 100° knee angle. The second EG (n=10) exercised one leg at 100% MVC, 90°/s, from 25° to 65° knee angle (short muscle length). The other leg was exercised at 100% MVC, 240°/s angular velocity (high muscle lengthening velocity) from 25° to 100°. In the pre-post measurements we examined the fascicle length of the VL at rest and the moment-angle relationship of the knee extensors. After 10 weeks of intervention we found a significant increase (~14%) of VL fascicle length compared to the CG, yet only in the leg that was exercised with high lengthening velocity. The findings provide evidence that not every eccentric loading causes an increase in fascicle length and that the lengthening velocity of the fascicles during the eccentric loading and particularly in the phase where the knee joint moment decreases (i.e. deactivation of the muscle) seems to be an important factor for longitudinal muscle growth.
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Hamstring injury risk assessment has primarily been investigated using isokinetic dynamometry. However, practical issues such as cost and availability limit the widespread application of isokinetics for injury risk assessment, thus, field based alternatives for assessing eccentric hamstring strength are needed. The aim of this study was to investigate the validity of the angle achieved during Nordic hamstring lowers (break point angle) as a field-based test for eccentric hamstring strength. Exploratory Study. Laboratory. Sixteen male (n=7) and female (n=9) soccer players (mean ± SD: age = 24 ± 6 years, height = 1.77 ± 0.12 m and body mass, 68.5 ± 16.5 kg) acted as subjects for the study. The authors explored relationships between the Nordic break point angle (the point whereby the subject can no longer resist the increasing gravitational moment during a Nordic hamstring lower) measured from video and isokinetic peak torque and angle of peak torque of right and left knee flexors. The results revealed a meaningful relationship between eccentric knee flexor peak torque (average of right and left limbs) and the Nordic break point angle (r = -0.808, r2 = 65%, p<0.00001). However, there was a weak relationship observed (r = 0.480, r2 = 23%, p=0.06) between break point angle and the angle of peak torque (average of right and left limbs). The results suggest that the break point angle achieved during Nordic hamstring lowers could be used as a field-based assessment of eccentric hamstring strength.
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Hamstring injuries are the most common muscle injuries in male amateur soccer. Eccentric strength of the hamstrings is recognized as an important modifiable risk factor, leading to the development of preventive exercises such as the Nordic Hamstring Exercise. This study aims to investigate the preventive effect of the Nordic Hamstring Exercise on the incidence and severity of hamstring injuries in male amateur soccer players. Cluster-randomized controlled trial with soccer teams as the unit of cluster. Dutch first class amateur field soccer. Male amateur soccer players (mean age 24.5 years, SD 3.8 years) from 40 teams were allocated to intervention (n=309 players) or control group (n=310 players). The intervention group was instructed to perform 25 sessions of the Nordic Hamstring Exercise within a period of 13 weeks during the first months of 2013. Both the intervention group and control group performed regular soccer training and were followed for hamstring injury incidence and severity during the calendar year 2013. At baseline, personal characteristics (e.g. age, injury history, field position) were gathered from all participants via questionnaire. Primary outcomes are initial and recurrent hamstring injury incidence (number of hamstring injuries) and injury severity (number of days injured). Interim analysis after intervention (2 months follow-up) show a total of 2 hamstring injuries in intervention group vs 12 hamstring injuries in control group (χ(2)=7.5, P<.05). Regarding injury severity, no difference was found between intervention and control group (t=0.3, P=.77). Preliminary analyses during the summer break show substantial hamstring injury incidence reduction by incorporating the Nordic Hamstring Exercise in regular training. With a total follow-up of 9 months, final analyses (survival analyses including the number of injuries per 1000 playing hours) will be performed in January 2014.
Background There has been significant interest in exploring the patterns of muscle activity in hamstring exercises, however, there is no research examining the architectural and morphological adaptations of these muscles to different exercise interventions. Objective To evaluate changes in biceps femoris long head (BFLH) fascicle length and hamstring muscle size following Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) or hip extension (HE) training. Design In this longitudinal study, participants were randomly allocated to one of three groups: 1) HE training (n=10), NHE training (n=10), or no training (CON) (n=10). BFLH fascicle length was assessed before, during (Week 5) and after the intervention with 2D-ultrasound. Hamstring muscle size was determined before and after training via magnetic resonance imaging. Setting Laboratory based. Patients (or Participants) Thirty recreationally active males (age, 22.0±3.6 years, height, 180.4±7 cm, weight, 80.8±11.1 kg). Intervention A 10-week progressive intensity strength program consisting exclusively of NHE, HE training, or a period of no training. Main Outcome Measurements BFLH fascicle length and hamstring muscle volumes. Results Compared to baseline, BFLH fascicles were lengthened in the HE and NHE groups at mid- (d=1.12–1.39, p<0.001) and post-training (d=1.77–2.17, p<0.001) with no difference observed between training groups (d=0.49–0.80, p=0.279–0.976). BFLH volume increased more for the HE than the NHE (d=1.03, p=0.037) and CON (d=2.24, p<0.001) groups. Compared to the CON group, both exercises induced significant increases in semitendinosus volume (d=2.16–2.50, ≤0.002) which were not significantly different (d=0.69, p=0.239). Conclusions NHE and HE training both stimulate significant increases in BFLH fascicle length, however, HE training may be more effective for promoting hypertrophy in the BFLH.
Background The architectural and morphological adaptations of the hamstrings in response to training with different exercises have not been explored. Purpose To evaluate changes in biceps femoris long head (BFLH) fascicle length and hamstring muscle size following 10-weeks of Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) or hip extension (HE) training. Methods 30 recreationally active male athletes (age, 22.0±3.6 years; height, 180.4±7 cm; weight, 80.8 ±11.1 kg) were allocated to 1 of 3 groups: (1) HE training (n=10), NHE training (n=10), or no training (control, CON) (n=10). BFLH fascicle length was assessed before, during (Week 5) and after the intervention with a two-dimensional ultrasound. Hamstring muscle size was determined before and after training via MRI. Results Compared with baseline, BFLH fascicles were lengthened in the NHE and HE groups at mid-training (d=1.12-1.39, p<0.001) and post-training (d=1.77-2.17, p<0.001) and these changes did not differ significantly between exercises (d=0.49-0.80, p=0.279-0.976). BFLH volume increased more for the HE than the NHE (d=1.03, p=0.037) and CON (d=2.24, p<0.001) groups. Compared with the CON group, both exercises induced significant increases in semitendinosus volume (d=2.16-2.50, ≤0.002) and these increases were not significantly different (d=0.69, p=0.239). Conclusion NHE and HE training both stimulate significant increases in BFLH fascicle length; however, HE training may be more effective for promoting hypertrophy in the BFLH. © 2016 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd & British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine.
Purpose: To determine i) the architectural adaptations of the biceps femoris long head (BFlf) following concentric or eccentric strength training interventions; ii) the time course of adaptation during training and detraining. Methods: Participants in this randomized controlled trial (control [n=28], concentric training group [n=14], eccentric training group [n=14], males) completed a 4-week control period, followed by 6 weeks of either concentric- or eccentric-only knee flexor training on an isokinetic dynamometer and finished with 28 days of detraining. Architectural characteristics of BFlf were assessed at rest and during graded isometric contractions utilizing two-dimensional ultrasonography at 28 days pre-baseline, baseline, days 14, 21 and 42 of the intervention and then again following 28 days of detraining. Results: BFlf fascicle length was significantly longer in the eccentric training group (p<0.05, d range: 2.65 to 2.98) and shorter in the concentric training group (p<0.05, d range: -1.62 to -0.96) after 42 days of training compared to baseline at all isometric contraction intensities. Following the 28-day detraining period, BFlf fascicle length was significantly reduced in the eccentric training group at all contraction intensities compared to the end of the intervention (p<0.05, d range: -1.73 to -1.55). There was no significant change in fascicle length of the concentric training group following the detraining period. Conclusions: These results provide evidence that short term resistance training can lead to architectural alterations in the BFlf. In addition, the eccentric training-induced lengthening of BFlf fascicle length was reversed and returned to baseline values following 28 days of detraining. The contraction mode specific adaptations in this study may have implications for injury prevention and rehabilitation.
Purpose: This study aimed (i) to determine the reliability of two-dimensional ultrasonography for the assessment of biceps femoris long head (BFlh) architectural characteristics and (ii) to determine whether limbs with a history of strain injury in the BFlh display different architecture and eccentric strength compared to uninjured limbs. Methods: This case-control study (control [n = 20], injured group [n = 16], males) assessed the BFlh architecture at rest and during graded isometric contractions using two-dimensional ultrasonography. The control group were assessed three times (>24 h apart) to determine reliability. Previously injured individuals were evaluated once. Results: The assessment of BFlh architecture was highly reliable (intraclass correlations >0.90). Fascicle length (P < 0.001; d range = 0.67-1.34) and fascicle length relative to muscle thickness (P < 0.001; d range = 0.58-0.85) of the previously injured BFlh were significantly less than the contralateral uninjured BFlh at all intensities. Pennation angle of the previously injured BFlh was significantly greater (P < 0.001; d range = 0.62-0.88) than the contralateral uninjured BFlh at all intensities. Eccentric strength in the previously injured limb was significantly lower than that in the contralateral limb (-15.4%; -52.5 N, 95% confidence interval = -76.2 to -28.4; P < 0.001, d = 0.56). Conclusions: These data indicate that two-dimensional ultrasonography is reliable for assessing BFlh architecture at rest and during graded isometric contractions. Fascicle length, fascicle length relative to muscle thickness, and pennation angle are significantly different in previously injured BFlh compared to an uninjured contralateral BFlh. Eccentric strength of the previously injured limb is also significantly lower than that of the uninjured contralateral limb. These findings have implications for rehabilitation and injury prevention practices, which should consider altered architectural characteristics.
Purpose: Are eccentric hamstring strength and between-limb imbalance in eccentric strength, measured during the Nordic hamstring exercise, risk factors for hamstring strain injury (HSI)? Methods: Elite Australian footballers (n = 210) from five different teams participated. Eccentric hamstring strength during the Nordic exercise was obtained at the commencement and conclusion of preseason training and at the midpoint of the season. Injury history and demographic data were also collected. Reports on prospectively occurring HSI were completed by the team medical staff. Relative risk (RR) was determined for univariate data, and logistic regression was employed for multivariate data. Results: Twenty-eight new HSI were recorded. Eccentric hamstring strength below 256 N at the start of the preseason and 279 N at the end of the preseason increased the risk of future HSI 2.7-fold (RR, 2.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.3 to 5.5; P = 0.006) and 4.3-fold (RR, 4.3; 95% confidence interval, 1.7 to 11.0; P = 0.002), respectively. Between-limb imbalance in strength of greater than 10% did not increase the risk of future HSI. Univariate analysis did not reveal a significantly greater RR for future HSI in athletes who had sustained a lower limb injury of any kind within the last 12 months. Logistic regression revealed interactions between both athlete age and history of HSI with eccentric hamstring strength, whereby the likelihood of future HSI in older athletes or athletes with a history of HSI was reduced if an athlete had high levels of eccentric strength. Conclusion: Low levels of eccentric hamstring strength increased the risk of future HSI. Interaction effects suggest that the additional risk of future HSI associated with advancing age or previous injury was mitigated by higher levels of eccentric hamstring strength.
Introduction: Changes in muscle architecture induced by eccentric knee extensor training remain unclear, as well the adaptive responses of synergistic knee extensor muscles with different geometrical designs. Methods: Ultrasonography images were taken from rectus femoris (RF) and vastus lateralis (VL) of 20 male volunteers before and after a non-training control period of 4 weeks, and additional evaluations were performed after 4, 8, and 12 weeks of isokinetic eccentric training. Results: RF and VL had significant changes in muscle architecture within the first 4 training weeks, and the adaptive response throughout the intervention was similar. Muscle thickness increased by around 7-10%, fascicle length increased 17-19%, and pennation angle was unchanged. Conclusions: Increased muscle thickness due to eccentric training was related to increased fascicle length and not to pennation angle changes. Although RF and VL have a different fascicular geometry, they had similar morphological adaptations to eccentric training.