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Multispecies biofilm in an artificial wound bed-A novel model for in vitro assessment of solid antimicrobial dressings

  • Czech Centre for Phenogenomics IMG CAS
Multispecies biolm in an articial wound bedA novel model for in vitro
assessment of solid antimicrobial dressings
J. Kucera
, M. Sojka
, K. Szuszkiewicz
Wound Healing Research Group, ContiproPharma, Dolní Dobrouč, Czech Republic
Cell Physiology Research Group, ContiproBiotech, Dolní Dobrouč, Czech Republic
Institute of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Slovak Medical University, Bratislava, Slovakia
Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Dermatology, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 17 February 2014
Received in revised form 4 May 2014
Accepted 5 May 2014
Available online 28 May 2014
Articial wound bed
Multi-species wound biolm model
Anti-biolm substances
In vitro testing
Wound infections represent a major problem, particularly in patients with chronic wounds. Bacteria in the
wound exist mainly in the form of biolms and are thus resistant to mostantibiotics and antimicrobials. A simple
and cost-effective in vitro model of chronic wound biolms applied for testing treatments and solid devices, es-
peciallywound dressings, is presented in thiswork. The method is based on thewell-established Lubbock chronic
wound biolm transferred onto an articial agar wound bed. The biolm formed by four bacterial species
(Staphylococcus aureus,Enterococcus faecalis,Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) was stable for up to
48 h post-transplant. The applicability of the model was evaluated by testing two common iodine wound treat-
ments. These observations indicate that this method enables assessing the effects of treatments on established
resilient wound biolms and is clinically highly relevant.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Microbial biolms are structured communities of bacterial cells
enclosed in a self-produced polymeric matrix and adherent to an inert
or living surface (Costerton et al., 1999). Sessile and planktonic microbi-
al cells are phenotypically and physiologically different (Donlan and
Costerton, 2002). Bacteria forming biolms are highly resistant to
many traditional therapies. Bacteria in biolms can adapt to a sessile
state by down-regulating cellular activity and encapsulating in a mas-
sive structure of extracellular polysaccharides (Brady et al., 2008;
Sutherland, 2001). There is a growing recognition that biolms are
one of the principal causes of wound chronicity (Wolcott et al., 2010).
Over 90% of chronic wounds contain bacteria and fungi from the skin,
oral mucosa, enteric tract or the environment. Together these bacteria
form a multispecies biolm construct (Attinger and Wolcott, 2012;
Price et al., 2009). Novel treatments for wound biolms have been re-
cently developed, potentially saving many lives by preventing systemic
infections (Wolcott et al., 2010).
In order to develop antimicrobial therapies and test treatments,
it is essential to have appropriate microbiological models. Most meth-
odologies used to study antimicrobials and test medical devices use
planktonic microbial cultures (Costerton et al., 1999). Several wound
biolm models were described previously to study different aspects of
wound biolms. These models use multiple species and aim to mimic
the polymicrobial nature of wound biolms (reviewed by Coenye and
Nelis, 2010). Werthén et al. (2010) developed a model of wound biolm
without a solid surface and grown in the presence of a simulated body
uid composed of peptone and foetal calf serum. One of the more so-
phisticated biolm models is based on tissue-engineered skin (Charles
et al., 2009).
The rst chronic wound biolm model was developed by Sun et al.
(2008) at the Medical Biolm Research Institute in Lubbock, Texas,
and was named the Lubbock chronic wound biolm (LCWB) model.
This model was shown to be a realistic in vitro multispecies biolm
which grows and matures rapidly, is cost effective and easy to set up.
Only liquid or semi-solid substances with putative inhibitory effects
on biolm formation were tested on the LCWB model (Dowd et al.,
2009). This model was also modied for the high throughput testing
of anti-biolm properties of different woundcare products on staphylo-
coccal biolms (Brackman et al., 2013). Furthermore, the LCWB model
was successfully transplanted into murine skin wounds to induce for-
mation of wound biolm (Dalton et al., 2011).
To our knowledge, few models were described for testing anti-
biolm activity of wound dressings and other solid materials. Lipp
et al. (2010) used a drip-ow reactor model with monospecies biolms
only. Hammond et al. (2011) developed a burn wound biolmmodel
that comprised burn wound bacterial isolates grown on cellulose discs
Journal of Microbiological Methods 103 (2014) 1824
Corresponding au thor at: Institute of Microbiology, Facu lty of Medicine, Slov ak
Medical University, Limbova 12, 833 03Bratislava, Slovakia. Tel.: +421 2 59370736.
E-mail address: (M. Sojka).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
0167-7012/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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and placed on agar plates. Different antibiotic ointments soaked in
gauze were applied on the discs.
Recognizing the need for adequate in vitro biolm models for evalu-
ating solid anti-microbial wound dressings, we employed the well-
established superior multispecies LCWB model. We transferred the
pre-cultured biolm onto an articial wound bed and veried the appli-
cability of this model for the testing of wound dressings. Here we de-
scribe the evaluation of this biolm.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Bacteria
Staphylococcus aureus,Enterococcus faecalis,Bacillus subtilis and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, originally isolated from patients with chronic
infected wounds hospitalized at the University Hospital, Hradec Kralove
(Czech Republic), were used in this study. Cryopreserved bacterial
strains were grown for 24 h at 37 °C on Columbia agar plates supple-
mented with sheep blood (Oxoid, Germany). Sodium chloride peptone
broth (buffered peptone bouillon, BPB; Merck, Germany) was generally
used for dilutions and measuring optical density of cultures.
2.2. Modied Lubbock chronic wound biolm (LCWB) model
We used the previously described LCWB model (Sun et al., 2008)
with some modications and amendments to pre-form the matured
biolms for treatment: briey, 6 ml of liquid biolm formation medium
containing Bolton broth base (Sigma, Germany), 1% gelatine, 50% por-
cine plasma and 5% freeze-thawed porcine erythrocytes was dispensed
into sterile 1.6 × 10 cm polystyrene tubes (Gama, Czech Republic). To
control for possible variability in biolm formation caused by the differ-
ent batches of blood in the culture medium, four biological replicates
were prepared in duplicate, each with blood from a different pig.Optical
density-normalized cultures of four bacterial species were mixed to-
gether and 10 μlof10
CFU/ml culture were inoculated into the tubes
by ejecting the pipette tips along with the mixed bacterial suspen-
sion. The inoculated tubes were incubated at 37 °C in an orbital shaker
(1.5 ×g) for up to 48 h. The biolms were harvested at selected time
intervals (12, 24, 36 and 48 h post-inoculation (p.i.)). Biolms harvested
48 h post-inoculation were used to model chronic would biolms and
2.3. Treatment of established biolms
Petri dishes with a two-layer nutrient medium composed of Bolton
broth supplemented with 1% (w/v) gelatin and 1.2% (w/v)agar
(Sigma, Germany) were prepared as follows: a 2-mm thin layer of nutri-
ent medium was poured into Petri dishes. One sterile 20 × 8 mm PTFE-
coated magnetic stirring bar was put onto the agar in each dish after so-
lidication of the nutrient medium. A second 2-mm layer of nutrient
medium was subsequently added. After the medium had completely
congealed, the stirring bars were carefully and aseptically removed
from the agar creating oval-shaped articial wound beds. Pre-formed
48 hour-old biolm was removed from the tube, washed with BPB
and the pipette tip extracted from the biolm using sterile forceps and
a scalpel. The biolm was placed into the wound bedin the nutrient
medium and covered with a piece (2 × 5 cm) of 100% cotton 8-ply
gauze sponge (Batist, Czech Republic), soaked with a test substance
(Fig. 1). Biolm cultures were incubated at 37 °C for 24 and 48 h respec-
tively. After treatment, the biolms were harvested from the articial
wound bed using sterile forceps and a Lang eye spoon, homogenized,
and the bacteria were enumerated.
In our study aimed at model optimization and characterization,
two commonly used antimicrobial wound treatments were applied to
the biolm model: polyvinypyrrolidoneiodine complex (0.2 mg of
)2 ml of 10% Alfadin (Bioveta, Czech Republic) per gauze
and cadexomer-iodine complex (0.2 mg of iodine/cm
)2 ml of 11%
Iodosorb gel (Smith and Nephew, USA), or 2 ml of concentrated Iodosorb
gel per gauze (1.8 mg of iodine/cm
), respectively. Gauze pieces soaked
with 2 ml of BPB were used as controls.
2.4. Biolm processing
Harvested biolms were washed in BPB as follows; excess medium
was removed with sterile cotton and biolms were weighed. Subse-
quently, the biolms were homogenized using a rotor-stator laboratory
homogenizer (UltraTurrax, IKA, Germany). The biolm homogenates
were divided in three equal portions and used for quantication of
biolm bacteria and RNA isolation. Homogenates for molecular assays
were resuspended in RNAlater (Life Technologies, USA), incubated
overnight at 4 °C, pelleted and stored at 80 °C.
2.5. Quantitative cultures of biolm bacteria
Homogenized biolms were initially diluted 1:10 in BPB and vigor-
ously vortexed for 23 min. The suspended cells were then diluted 10-
fold, and 10 μl aliquots of each dilution and undiluted homogenate
Fig. 1. Treatment of pre-formed biolms transferred to articial wound bed. Schematic
drawing displays the cross-section of the Petri dish with a two-layer nutrient medium
and centrally cultured biolm covered with test antimicrobial agent/wound dressing.
Table 1
qPCR primers specications.
Primer pair Target Sequences 5′–3Final concentration Reference
100 nM Nadkarni et al., 2002
SA S.aureus
300 nM Hein et al., 2001
EF E.faecalis
500 nM Rinttilä et al., 2004
PA P.aeruginosa
600 nM Matsuda et al., 2007
BS B.subtilis
100 nM This study
Nadkarni et al., 2002
icaA S.aureus
200 nM Rode et al., 2007
ebrA E.faecalis
GntR family protein
500 nM This study
19J. Kucera et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 103 (2014) 1824
spotted onto agar plates. To differentiate between the four bacterial
species used in this model selective media (Columbia CAP agar
(Oxoid, UK) for S. aureus,E. faecalis and B. subtilis; ENDO agar (Oxoid,
UK) for P. aeruginosa, kanamycin aesculin azide agar (Oxoid, UK) for
E. faecalis) and non-selective Columbia agar with sheep blood were
used. Selective properties of used media together with the growth
characteristics on blood supplemented media wereused to differentiate
between bacterial species. After incubation at 37 °C for 16 h, the CFU
counts of each particular species were determined. The viable bacterial
counts were expressed as CFU per mg of original biolm.
2.6. Bacteria quantication and gene expression assays using qPCR
Propidiummonoazide (PMA) binds to extracellular DNA and, when
exposed to light, creates crosslinks (Nocker et al., 2009). DNA modied
by PMA is a suboptimal qPCR template. This property enabled us to
quantify total DNA in biolmsand DNA in intact cells which is protected
from PMA. Prior to genomic DNA isolation, each of the homogenized
biolm samples was split into two aliquots. To one of the aliquots
PMA (Biotium, USA) was added to a nal concentration of 40 μM. The
samples were then incubated for 10 min in the dark at room tempera-
ture with occasional shaking. Both the PMA-treated and untreated
samples were placed on ice on a shaker and exposed to a 1000 W halo-
gen lamp for 5 min. The samples were centrifuged (8000 ×g,10 min),
the bacterial pellet was resuspended in lysis buffer (20 mg/ml lyso-
zyme, 20 mM TrisHCl, pH 8.0; 2 mM EDTA; 1.2% Triton-X 100, Sigma,
Germany) and genomic DNA was isolated with DNeasy Blood and
Tissue Mini Kit in a QIAcube isolator (Qiagen, UK). An initial lysis step
of 60 min was used and the second elution volume was 150 μl. After
DNA isolation, a third manual elution with 50 μl of AE buffer was per-
formed and the eluates were pooled. DNA concentration was deter-
mined spectrophotometrically.
qPCR was employed for quantication of bacteria and bacterial gene
expression. The primers are shown in Table 1. Power SYBR Green
Master Mix 2X (Life Technologies, USA) was used for quantication of
bacterialDNA with primer pairs 16S, SA, EF, PA and BS usingthe follow-
ing cycling conditions: 95 °C, 10 min; 40 cycles of 95 °C, 15 s; 62 °C,
1 min. Three OD-adjusted samples containing the four bacterial species
in exponential growth phase were simultaneously aliquoted for DNA
isolation and plated for estimating CFU/ml counts. A calibration curve
was set up with the DNA isolated from calibrated bacterial suspensions.
Quantication cycle values and the corresponding CFU/ml values were
subsequently transformed to CFU/mg of biolm.
For studying the expression of biolm markers, RNA was isolated
with RNAzol (MRC, USA) according to the user manual. Reverse tran-
scription of 0.5 μg of total RNA was accomplished with High Capacity
RNA to cDNA Master Mix (Life Technologies, USA). The reactions were
set up with Ssofast Evagreen Supermix (Bio-Rad, USA) and primer
pairs SA, EF, icaA and ebrA (Generi Biotech, Czech Republic; see
Table 1). The cycling conditions were 95 °C, 5 min; 40 cycles of 95 °C,
5 s 60 °C, 1 min. The resulting quantication cycle valueswere analysed
with 2
method(Livak and Schmittgen, 2001). As a reference genes
were chosen staphylococcal nuclease A (SA primers) and enterococcal
16S rRNA (EF primers). The gene expression was expressed as a relative
change in gene expression of icaA or ebrA between planktonic and bio-
lm bacteria.
2.7. Histological examination of biolms
Biolms cultured in the test-tubes for 12, 24, 36 and 48 h were
xed with 4% paraformaldehyde-PBS at room temperature for at least
24 h. Longitudinal parafn sections of 35μm were stained with
haematoxylin-eosin for visualizing biolm morphology, with Gram
staining for differentiation between gram-positive and gram-negative
bacterial species and with PAS-AB (Periodic Acid-Schiff Alcian Blue) to
visualize extracellular polymeric substances according to standard
protocols. Furthermore, specic immunohistochemical (IHC) detec-
tion was performed with anti-S. aureus (ab37644, Abcam), anti-
P. aeruginosa (ab68538, Abcam) and anti-E. faecalis (ab19980, Abcam)
antibodies and anti-mouse or anti-rabbit EnVision + HRP.DAB (Dako)
detection kit, respectively. Biolm morphology was observed and docu-
mented under 20× to 1000× magnication using an Eclipse 50i (Nikon,
Japan) microscope with attached DS-Fi1 (Nikon, Japan) camera. NIS-
Elements AR 3.2 (Laboratory Imaging, Czech Republic) imaging soft-
ware was used. Evaluation and description of morphology were
recorded and transcribed into text with NovaVoice software (NovaSoft,
Czech Republic).
2.8. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Scanning electron microscopy was performed with dewaxed vacu-
um desiccated histological sections of biolms, sputter coated with
gold in a SC7620 instrument (Quorum Technologies Ltd., UK). Samples
12 24 36 48
weight [mg]
hrs p.i.
Fig. 2. Biolm wet weights at selected time intervals post-inoculation (p.i.). Bars show
mean ± SD; n= 8 (four biological replicates, each in duplicate).
0 12243648
hrs p.i.
N (log10/mg BF)
12 24 36 48
hrs p.i.
N (log10/mgBF)
Fig. 3. Bacterialcountsinbiolms after 12, 24, 36 and 48 h post-inoculation (p.i.)
determined in culture (A) or quantitative PCR (B). Y-axis displays log
of bacterial num-
bers per mg of biolm mass. Mean ± SD, n= 8 for cultivation methods, n=4forqPCR.
(SAS.aureus,EFE.faecalis,PAP.aeruginosa,BSBacillus subtilis.)
20 J. Kucera et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 103 (2014) 1824
were analysed with a VEGA II LSU scanning electron microscope
(Tescan, Czech Republic). Samples were scanned with a secondary
electron detector at 10 kV beam voltage in high vacuum at various
2.9. Statistical analysis
Biolm weights were log-transformed and analysed with ANOVA.
Post hoc comparison of the data was done with Tukey multiple com-
parisons of means (95% family-wise condence level). The Wilcoxon
Signed-Rank Test for one sample was computed to compare percent
of live bacteria to the theoretical 100%. ANOVA was performed to test
the effect of various anti-biolm agents at 24 and 48 h after biolm
transfer, followed by Tukey multiple comparisons of means (95%
family-wise condence level, Tukey HSD). The gene expression levels
of planktonic and biolm bacteria were compared with Student's
t-tests. The above computations were done in the R software environ-
ment (R Core Team, 2013).
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Dynamics of bacterial populations during biolm formation
The wet weights of the LCWB determined after homogenization
are depicted in Fig. 2. Biolm wet weight did not signicantly change
during the course of the experiment. Three of the four biological repli-
cate groupsmade with blood from different pigs showed similarweight.
Biolms cultured in medium supplemented with plasma from one par-
ticular animal tended to weigh more than the others (pb0.01). How-
ever, bacterial counts per mg of the biolm did not differ signicantly
among biological replicates.
Selective culture and qPCR were used for quantifying bacteria during
biolm formation (Fig. 3). Population growth patterns observed in cul-
ture and by qPCR correlated well. A marked increase in viable bacterial
counts was recorded at 24h p.i. as compared with 12 h p.i., especially in
case of S.aureus and P.aeruginosa.Biolms cultured for 2448 h
contained 10
CFU/mg (10
genomes/mg) of three surviving
bacterial species. E. faecalis was the predominant species, followed
12 24 36 48
hrs p.i.
Enterococcus faecalis
12 24 36 48
hrs p.i.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
12 24 36 48
% alive
hrs p.i.
Staphylococcus aureus
Fig. 4. Viability of biolm bacteria determined by qPCR following exposure to PMA. Graphs sho w for each species the mean percent PMA protected bacterial genomes
within uncompromised cell walls (live), normalized against total bacterial genome concentration set to 100%, at four time points post-inoculation. Error bars show standard deviation
(*pb0.05 for one sample t-test, n=4).
Fig. 5. Micromorphologyof model biolms culturedin the test-tubes for 48 h. Relevant serial sections are presented, showing S.aureus (a, b, c), P.aeruginosa (d, e, f) and E.faecalis(g, h, i).
Gram stain(a, d, g), IHC localization of particular bacterial species(b, e, h) and PAS-AB staining of extracellular polysaccharide substances producedby bacteria (c, f, i) are shown. PAS-AB
staining shows production of acidic polysascharides by S.aureus and neutral polysaccharides by P.aeruginosa. No polysaccharide substances were produced by E.faecalis. Arrows show
particular bacterial populations in biolms. Bars represent 100 μm.
21J. Kucera et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 103 (2014) 1824
by S.aureus and P.aeruginosa. The ubiquitous and generally non-
pathogenic bacterium B.subtilis fell below detection level in the course
of the experiment. A few living B.subtilis bacteria were detected until
36 h p.i. by means of bacterial culture. This species was found only occa-
sionally by qPCR. B. subtilis was detectable neither by cultivation tech-
niques nor by qPCR after 48 h p.i.
Total genomic DNA (gDNA) and gDNA from live cells was quantied
by means of differential nucleic acid amplication after exposure to
PMA (Fig. 4). Genomic DNA from E.faecalis and P.aeruginosa was
contained mostly in intact cells. There was a minor increase of extracel-
lular DNA, presumably from dead E.faecalis and P.aeruginosa cells after
36 h (21% and 15%, respectively). In contrast, approximately 40% of
the S.aureus gDNA was extracellular, i.e., likely to originate from dead
cells. The data did not show a clear association between biolm incuba-
tion time and fraction of dead S.aureus cells. Staphylococcal autolysis
probably occurred even in the earliest phase of LCWB formation. Extra-
cellular DNA rise in biolm mainly by cellular lysis and can also be ex-
creted under specic conditions (Barnes et al., 2012). Also, the lysis
may be result of cell death either due to stress or is a part of organized
build-up of extracellular DNA mass. One should bear in mind that differ-
ential amplication of genomic DNA is not capable of distinguishing the
cause of cell death.
Fig. 6. Scanning electron micrographsof the 48 hour-old biolm model formed in test-tubes.Complex extracellular polymeric substances embedding the cells ofE.faecalis (a, b) S.aureus
(c, d) and P.aeruginosa (e, f)are shown. Bars represent20 μmingures a, c, e and 2 μminguresb, d, f; squares in guresa, c, e indicate areasof which the detailsare presented in gures
b, d, f.
22 J. Kucera et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 103 (2014) 1824
3.2. Morphological characteristics and spatial distributionof bacteriain the
The harvested pre-formed biolm had a solidslimy consistency
with macroscopic appearance characterized by thecentral hollow
formed by the pipette tip, the supercial biolm areaat the medium/
air interface and the bottom areaat the pipette tip nozzle. In general,
no major changes in microscopic morphology were observed in the
course of biolm formation before the transfer to articial wound bed.
Extracellular brous network formed the scaffold for biolm-
forming bacteria grown in colonies, as was previously shown by Sun
et al. (2008) and Dalton et al. (2011).E. faecalis was found in discrete
colonies of various densities of bacterial cells, 1020 μm in diameter,
which tended to grow to more than 100 μm over the time. PAS-AB
staining showed no specic polysaccharide production by E.faecalis
(Fig. 5 a, b, c). S. aureus formed highly compact colonies that produced
acidic polysaccharides (light blue colour in PAS-AB), and were found
mainly at the top of the central hollow (Fig. 5 d, e, f). P. aeruginosa colo-
nies were of different size and morphology (more diffuse than those of
other species) and were found predominantly in the biolm cavities
and disruptions. P. aeruginosa was present mainly on the supercial
area of the biolms at all observed time intervals, except that at 12 h
p.i. PAS-AB staining showed large amounts of neutral polysaccharides
(purple to rose colour) surrounding the P.aeruginosa colonies (Fig. 5
g, h, i). The ultrastructure of the biolm was also evaluated by SEM. A
complex, interconnected brous network of extracellular polymeric
substances embedding the microcolonies of E.faecalis (Fig. 6a, b)
S.aureus (Fig. 6c,d) and P.aerugino sa (Fig. 6e, f) was visible. The ndings
are similar to those reported by Sun et al. (2008).
3.3. Expression of biolm RNA markers
To assess whether the bacteria in pre-cultured LCWB werein biolm
phenotype, transcription of biolm-related genes was evaluated.
Expression of two candidate genes icaA and ebrA was previously
shown to increase in S.aureus or E.faecalis, respectively, during biolm
formation on polystyrene tips or cellulose coupons (Rode et al., 2007;
Ballering et al., 2009). We compared gene expression of planktonic
bacteriagrownfor16or24hwithbiolm bacteria (Fig. 7). The expres-
sion of ebrA was signicantly increased in the biolm and did not
change over the time. Interestingly, the expression of ebrA was lower
in planktonic cells after 16 h than after 24 h. However, although icaA
was expressed in S.aureus, there was no difference between planktonic
and biolm bacteria. Differences in icaA transcription among various
S.aureus strains were found previously (Rode et al., 2007), which may
support icaA-independent mechanism of biolm formation. The results
suggest a shift in gene expression towards the biolm phenotype at
least for E.faecalis.
3.4. Effect of iodine treatment on established biolms
Based on the results described above, we decided to use 48 hour-old
pre-formed biolms for transfer to the articial wound bed and treat-
ment. The stability and reproducibility of untreated model biolms
12 24 36 48
Relative expression (log2)
hrs p.i.
12 24 36 48
Relative expression (log2)
hrs p.i.
Biofilm vs.
planctonic 16 hrs
Biofilm vs.
planctonic 24 hrs
Fig. 7. Expression of biolmmRNA markers. AebrA expression in E.faecalis.BicaA expression in S.aureus. Bars represent mean expression of ebrA or icaA relative to planktonic bacteria
(±SD) cultivated16 h (dark shade) or 24 h (light shade). Expression is shown on a log
scale. n=8 for biolm,n= 5 for planktonic bacteria. (*pb0.05,Student's t-testcomparing biolm
and planktonic bacteriafor the given time point.)
C-I (0,2) C-I (1,8) BPB
C-I (0,2) C-I (1,8)
0 hrs p.t. 24 hrs p.t. 48 hrs p.t.
log10 CFU/mg
S. aureus
E. faecalis
B. subtilis
P. aeruginosa
Fig. 8. Countsof viable bacteria in untreated and treatedbiolms 24 and 48 h post-transfer and post-treatment (p.t.).The Y-axis displaysthe log
of bacterialcounts per mg biolm mass.
Shown are means ± SD (*, pb0.05, Tukey HSD comparing bacterial counts for untreated and treated biolm at a given time point, n = 4; BPBbuffered peptone bouillon, PCP-Ipoly-
vinylpyrrolidone-iodine, C-Icadexomer-iodine.)
23J. Kucera et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 103 (2014) 1824
were tested together with possible effects of different forms of iodine
an antimicrobial agent commonly used in wound care. Selective cul-
tures of untreated and treated biolmsweremadetoevaluatethe
response of bacterial populations to transfer to articial wound bed
and to treatment. The data show relatively stable bacterial counts in un-
treated biolms for up to 48 h (Fig. 8).
The solidslimy macroscopic appearance of the biolms did not sig-
nicantly change during the course of the experiment. The comparison
of viable bacterial counts at selected time points in treated biolms with
those in untreated biolms enabled an assessment of the anti-biolm
properties of the tested substances. Only stabilized iodine in the form
of cadexomer-iodine at an initial concentration of 1.8 mg I
icantly reduced the number of biolm bacteria for up to 48 h, whereas
polyvinypyrrolidone-iodine and cadexomer-iodine at a concentration
of 0.2 mg I
appeared ineffective against established polymicrobial
3.5. Conclusions
In this study, the benets of using the presented chronic wound
biolm model were clearly demonstrated. Multispecies biolms were
stable for at least 48 h after transfer to the articial wound bed and
thus allow for long term testing of anti-biolm treatments on matured
biolms. Use of the articial wound bed in the model enables to
mimic the situation in chronic infected wound, where biolm is only
in partial contact with wound dressing. As illustrated for two iodine
treatments, the model described here could facilitate the cost-effective
and simple in vitro evaluation for anti-biolm activity of virtually any
topically applied substance or wound dressing.
We would like to express our gratitude to Veronika Hekrlova, Lenka
Nespechalova B.Sc., Pavla Hlavackova, Darina Majercikova and Lucie
Simunkova B.Sc. for their extensive technical assistance. This research
was conducted under nancial support provided by Technology Agency
of the Czech Republic (project TA03011029 - New wound dressings
with programmed release of active substances for biolm inhibition)
and by the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec
Kralove (grant SVV-2014-260058).
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24 J. Kucera et al. / Journal of Microbiological Methods 103 (2014) 1824
... Then, the biofilm was moved to an artificial wound bed composed of Bolton broth supplemented with 1% (w/v) gelatin and 1.2% (w/v) agar ( Figure 2). In every case, the final result was a complex EPS embedding the bacterial cells of each species [60]. As the LCWB model was used to evaluate the effect of different therapeutic treatments on bacterial infections similar to chronic wound infections, other studies exploited the WLM as a basic structure to test bacterial characteristic changes. ...
... In wound models, it is difficult to achieve an ideal model that covers all features of real chronic wounds. Yet, the LCWB model has passed through several changes from the first model [53], prepared to test liquid materials, to the next model [60] for testing wound dressings loaded with active compounds, to the last established model [62] which displayed more similar characteristics to a human wound state. ...
... Lubbock chronic wound biofilm model: (A) schematic representation of the treatment of LCWB transferred to artificial wound bed, adapted from Kucera et al.[60]; (B) mature LCWB of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa grown together; (C) antimicrobial application in a LCWB model located in an artificial wound bed. ...
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Chronic wounds have harmful effects on both patients and healthcare systems. Wound chronicity is attributed to an impaired healing process due to several host and local factors that affect healing pathways. The resulting ulcers contain a wide variety of microorganisms that are mostly resistant to antimicrobials and possess the ability to form mono/poly-microbial biofilms. The search for new, effective and safe compounds to handle chronic wounds has come a long way throughout the history of medicine, which has included several studies and trials of conventional treatments. Treatments focus on fighting the microbial colonization that develops in the wound by multidrug resistant pathogens. The development of molecular medicine, especially in antibacterial agents, needs an in vitro model similar to the in vivo chronic wound environment to evaluate the efficacy of antimicrobial agents. The Lubbock chronic wound biofilm (LCWB) model is an in vitro model developed to mimic the pathogen colonization and the biofilm formation of a real chronic wound, and it is suitable to screen the antibacterial activity of innovative compounds. In this review, we focused on the characteristics of chronic wound biofilms and the contribution of the LCWB model both to the study of wound poly-microbial biofilms and as a model for novel treatment strategies.
... A recent shift has seen wound dressing manufacturers testing antimicrobial products versus biofilms formed on coupons in a CDC bioreactor ASTM E2871-19 (Percival et al. 2017 ), or a drip flow model. Biofilms models of increased complexity, such as the Lubbock (Sun et al. 2008 ), modified Lubbock (Kucera et al. 2014 ), wound milieu (Sun et al. 2008 ), and polymicrobial hydrogel have been used to assess the efficacy of topical antimicrobials and antimicrobial wound dressings. It is therefore paramount that for research to have a translational impact, appropriate models for different stages of testing are developed and standardized (Highmore et al. 2022 ). ...
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Chronic wound infections are generally of polymicrobial nature with aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, as well as fungi frequently observed in them. Wound treatment involves a series of steps including debridement of the wound, flushing and often the use of multiple wound dressings many of which are antimicrobial. Yet, many wound dressings are tested versus single species of planktonic microbes, which fails to mirror the real-life presence of biofilms. Aims Simple biofilm models are the first step to testing of any antimicrobial and wound dressing, therefore the aim of this study was to develop and validate a simple polymicrobial colony biofilm wound model comprised of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans on RPMI-1640 agar. The model was then used to evaluate the topical disinfectant chlorohexidine and four commercially available wound dressings using the polymicrobial model. The model used was as a starting point to mimic debridement in clinical care of wounds and the effectiveness of wound dressings evaluated afterwards. Methods & results Planktonic assessment using AATCC100-2004 demonstrated that all antimicrobial wound dressings reduced the planktonic microbial burden below the limit of detection, however, when challenged with polymicrobial colony biofilms, silver wound dressings showed limited effectiveness (1–2 Log CFU reductions). In contrast a single iodine releasing wound dressing showed potent antibiofilm activity reducing all species CFUs below the limit of detection (>6 log–10 log) depending on the species. A disrupted biofilm model challenge was performed to represent the debridement of a wound and wound silver based wound dressings were found to be marginally more effective than in whole colony biofilm challenges while the iodine containing wound dressing reduced microbial recovery below the limit of detection. Conclusions In this model silver dressings were ineffective versus the whole colony biofilms but showed some recovery of activity versus the disrupted colony biofilm. The iodine wound dressing reduced the viability of all species below the level of detection. This suggests that mode of action of wound dressing should be considered for the type of biofilm challenge as should the clinical use e.g. debridement.
... Thus in vitro biofilm models should allow testing of antimicrobials against deep forms of biofilm infection. Various in vitro models have been described in the literature include microtitre plate models, chamber slide model [26,27] Centers for Disease Control reactor models [26,28], drip flow reactor models [29,30], models with gauze [31,32], cellulose filters on agar [33], and Lubbock chronic wound biofilm on agar model [34]. All of these models are designed to test antimicrobials against biofilms that primarily grow on the surface of the model for maximum 96 hrs. ...
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(1) Background: The discrepant antimicrobial susceptibility between planktonic and biofilm bacterial modes poses a problem for clinical microbiology laboratories and necessitates a relevant 3D experimental model allowing bacteria to grow in biofilm mode, in vitro, for use in anti-biofilm susceptibility testing. (2) Methods: This work develops a 3D biofilm model consisting of alginate beads containing S. aureus biofilm and encased within two thick layers of alginate matrix. The constructed model was placed on a thin Boyden chamber insert suspended on a 24-well culture plate containing the culture medium. The antibacterial activity of bacitracin and chlorhexidine digluconate (CD), either combined or separately, against 2D S. aureus culture was compared to that in the 3D biofilm model. Quantitative analysis and imaging analysis were performed by assessing the bacterial load within the matrix as well as measuring the optical density of the culture medium nourishing the matrix. (3) Results: The 3D biofilm model represented the typical complex characteristics of biofilm with greater insusceptibility to the tested antimicrobials than the 2D culture. Only bacitracin and CD in combination at 100× the concentration found to be successful against 2D culture were able to completely eliminate the 3D biofilm matrix. (4) Conclusions: The 3D biofilm model, designed to be more clinically relevant, exhibits higher antimicrobial insusceptibility than the 2D culture, demonstrating that the model might be useful for testing and discovering new antimicrobial therapies. The data also support the view that combination therapy might be the optimal approach to combat biofilm infections.
... For example, the antibiofilm activity was only studied in monospecies biofilms and the absence of analyses based on metabolic or gene expression, flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction to assess the differences between control and treated biofilms. Future studies should implement these new analyses in the present biofilm evaluation and develop polymicrobial biofilm models to provide a more detailed picture of the antibiofilm effects of stingless bee honeys (Kucera et al., 2014;Sun et al., 2008;Woods et al., 2012). ...
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Biofilms are associated with infections that are resistant to conventional therapies, contributing to the antimicrobial resistance crisis. The need for alternative approaches against biofilms is well-known. Although natural products like stingless bee honeys (tribe: Meliponini) constitute an alternative treatment, much is still unknown. Our main goal was to evaluate the antibiofilm activity of stingless bee honey samples against multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens through biomass assays, fluorescence (cell count and viability), and scanning electron (structural composition) microscopy. We analyzed thirty-five honey samples at 15% (v/v) produced by ten different stingless bee species (Cephalotrigona sp., Melipona sp., M. cramptoni, M. fuscopilosa, M. grandis, M. indecisa, M. mimetica, M. nigrifacies, Scaptotrigona problanca, and Tetragonisca angustula) from five provinces of Ecuador (Tungurahua, Pastaza, El Oro, Los Ríos, and Loja) against 24h biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Candida albicans, and Candida tropicalis. The present honey set belonged to our previous study, where the samples were collected in 2018–2019 and their physicochemical parameters, chemical composition, mineral elements, and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) were screened. However, the polyphenolic profile and their antibiofilm activity on susceptible and multidrug-resistant pathogens were still unknown. According to polyphenolic profile of the honey samples, significant differences were observed according to their geographical origin in terms of the qualitative profiles. The five best honey samples (OR24.1, LR34, LO40, LO48, and LO53) belonging to S. problanca, Melipona sp., and M. indecisa were selected for further analysis due to their high biomass reduction values, identification of the stingless bee specimens, and previously reported physicochemical parameters. This subset of honey samples showed a range of 63–80% biofilm inhibition through biomass assays. Fluorescence microscopy (FM) analysis evidenced statistical log reduction in the cell count of honey-treated samples in all pathogens (P <0.05), except for S. aureus ATCC 25923. Concerning cell viability, C. tropicalis, K. pneumoniae ATCC 33495, and K. pneumoniae KPC significantly decreased (P <0.01) by 21.67, 25.69, and 45.62%, respectively. Finally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis demonstrated structural biofilm disruption through cell morphological parameters (such as area, size, and form). In relation to their polyphenolic profile, medioresinol was only found in the honey of Loja, while scopoletin, kaempferol, and quercetin were only identified in honey of Los Rios, and dihydrocaffeic and dihydroxyphenylacetic acids were only detected in honey of El Oro. All the five honey samples showed dihydrocoumaroylhexose, luteolin, and kaempferol rutinoside. To the authors’ best knowledge, this is the first study to analyze stingless bees honey-treated biofilms of susceptible and/or MDR strains of S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, and Candida species.
... For the in vitro evaluation of anti-microbial dressings, a 48-h viable LCWB wound biofilm model was employed. The LCWB model was transferred into an artificial wound bed containing gelatin and agarose which remained viable for next 48 h and served as an effective pre-clinical in vitro experiment to study polymicrobial biofilms of S. aureus, E. faecalis, B. subtilis, and P. aeruginosa [111]. ...
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Biofilms are population of cells growing in a coordinated manner and exhibiting resistance towards hostile environments. The infections associated with biofilms are difficult to control owing to the chronicity of infections and the emergence of antibiotic resistance. Most microbial infections are contributed by polymicrobial or mixed species interactions, such as those observed in chronic wound infections, otitis media, dental caries, and cystic fibrosis. This review focuses on the polymicrobial interactions among bacterial-bacterial, bacterial-fungal, and fungal-fungal aggregations based on in vitro and in vivo models and different therapeutic interventions available for polymicrobial biofilms. Deciphering the mechanisms of polymicrobial interactions and microbial diversity in chronic infections is very helpful in anti-microbial research. Together, we have discussed the role of metagenomic approaches in studying polymicrobial biofilms. The outstanding progress made in polymicrobial research, especially the model systems and application of metagenomics for detecting, preventing, and controlling infections, are reviewed.
... More recently, there has been a push towards developing engineered in vitro approaches that recapitulate key features of the wound infection state, and enable the study of wound biofilms in the context of the complex microenvironment [13,18,35,36]. These approaches include reconstructed in vitro systems, such as mixed-species biofilms on 3-D host cell surfaces, and in simulant media conditions that mimic the wound milieu [13,18,35,[37][38][39]. In these recapitulated systems, biofilm aggregates display species-dependent localization patterns and characteristic interspecies interactions [13,18,35], underscoring their role as relevant and tractable platforms. ...
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Biofilms in wounds typically consist of aggregates of bacteria, most often Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, in close association with each other and the host microenvironment. Given this, the interplay across host and microbial elements, including the biochemical and nutrient profile of the microenvironment, likely influences the structure and organization of wound biofilms. While clinical studies, in vivo and ex vivo model systems have provided insights into the distribution of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus in wounds, they are limited in their ability to provide a detailed characterization of biofilm structure and organization across the host-microbial interface. On the other hand, biomimetic in vitro systems, such as host cell surfaces and simulant media conditions, albeit reductionist, have been shown to support the co-existence of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus biofilms, with species-dependent localization patterns and interspecies interactions. Therefore, composite in vitro models that bring together key features of the wound microenvironment could provide unprecedented insights into the structure and organization of mixed-species biofilms. We have built a four-dimensional (4-D) wound microenvironment consisting of a 3-D host cell scaffold of co-cultured human epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts, and an in vitro wound milieu (IVWM); the IVWM provides the fourth dimension that represents the biochemical and nutrient profile of the wound infection state. We leveraged this 4-D wound microenvironment, in comparison with biofilms in IVWM alone and standard laboratory media, to probe the structure of mixed-species P. aeruginosa and S. aureus biofilms across multiple levels of organization such as aggregate dimensions and biomass thickness, species co-localization and spatial organization within the biomass, overall biomass composition and interspecies interactions. In doing so, the 4-D wound microenvironment platform provides multi-level insights into the structure of mixed-species biofilms, which we incorporate into the current understanding of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus organization in the wound bed.
Although antimicrobial dressings have proven to be crucial in the treatment of wounds, they may give rise to antibiotic‐resistant strains or result in the release of endotoxins after bacterial death, which in turn inhibits wound healing. This study highlights the efficacy of a novel alumina ceramic textile as dressing that utilizes the principles of bacteria capture from the wound bed and inhibition of bacterial infiltration into the wound bed to reduce the bacterial burden and to inhibit the spread of infection, without the involvement of active antimicrobial substances or functional nanoparticles. The alumina textiles are compared to commercial dressings like the non‐woven mesh Cutimed Sorbact and gauzes from LEINA WERKE and performed significantly better in capturing bacteria. They are found to be effective against both Gram‐negative Escherichia coli and Gram‐positive Bacillus subtilis and show promising results in the presence of simulated wound fluid and in artificial wound bed tests from which they can be easily lifted without leaving behind any visible residues. In summary, the alumina textiles exhibit a highly efficient bacterial binding activity, possibly due to the intrinsic material properties of their hierarchical structure including the tricot knit mesh, small fiber diameters, pronounced fiber surface microtopography, and high specific surface area.
Infected wound healing remains a significant issue in clinical medicine and has attracted wide attention in the field of biomedical engineering. Although a range of bioactive materials have been developed, few provide sufficient antibacterial and pro-angiogenic effects for effective wound healing. Herein, we constructed a series of nanofibers (termed PL-n, n = 0, 1, and 2) based on polycaprolactone (PCL), nanosilvers (AgNPs) and black phosphorus (BP) using electrospinning technology. The water contact angle of PL-n decreased significantly from 144.00 ± 1.00° for PL-0 to 0° for PL-2. The photothermal temperature increased significantly from 27.27 ± 0.25 °C for PL-0 to 40.7 ± 0.15 °C for PL-2. After exposure to near-infrared ray (NIR), the release rate of PL-2 increased from 78.00 ± 2.95 % to 89.46 ± 2.05 %. Biological experiments demonstrated that NIR-assisted PL-2 has excellent antibacterial and biofilm ablation activity with good biocompatibility. Furthermore, in vivo studies indicated that the NIR-assisted PL-2 accelerated wound healing by stimulating granulation tissue formation, collagen deposition, and angiogenesis and decreasing expression levels of CD68. The study suggests that this bi-functional nanofiber is indeed a versatile wound dressing, and is expected to be applied in clinical settings.
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Chronic wounds infected by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus are a relevant health problem worldwide because these pathogens grow embedded in a network of polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and extracellular DNA, named biofilm, that hinders the transport of antibiotics and increases their antimicrobial tolerance. It is necessary to investigate therapies that improve the penetrability and efficacy of antibiotics. In this context, our main objectives were to study the relationship between P. aeruginosa and S. aureus and how their relationship can affect the antimicrobial treatment and investigate whether functionalized silver nanoparticles can improve the antibiotic therapy. We used an optimized in vitro wound model that mimics an in vivo wound to co-culture P. aeruginosa and S. aureus biofilm. The in vitro wound biofilm was treated with antimicrobial combinatory therapies composed of antibiotics (gentamycin and ciprofloxacin) and biofilm-dispersing free or silver nanoparticles functionalized with enzymes (α-amylase, cellulase, DNase I, or proteinase K) to study their antibiofilm efficacy. The interaction and colocalization of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus in a wound-like biofilm were examined and detailed characterized by confocal and electronic microscopy. We demonstrated that antibiotic monotherapy is inefficient as it differentially affects the two bacterial species in the mixed biofilm, driving P. aeruginosa to overcome S. aureus when using ciprofloxacin and the contrary when using gentamicin. In contrast, dual-antibiotic therapy efficiently reduces both species while maintaining a balanced population. In addition, DNase I nanoparticle treatment had a potent antibiofilm effect, decreasing P. aeruginosa and S. aureus viability to 0.017 and 7.7%, respectively, in combined antibiotics. The results showed that using nanoparticles functionalized with DNase I enhanced the antimicrobial treatment, decreasing the bacterial viability more than using the antibiotics alone. The enzymes α-amylase and cellulase showed some antibiofilm effect but were less effective compared to the DNase I treatment. Proteinase K showed insignificant antibiofilm effect. Finally, we proposed a three-dimensional colocalization model consisting of S. aureus aggregates within the biofilm structure, which could be associated with the low efficacy of antibiofilm treatments on bacteria. Thus, designing a clinical treatment that combines antibiofilm enzymes and antibiotics may be essential to eliminating chronic wound infections.
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Unlabelled: Enterococcus faecalis is a common Gram-positive commensal bacterium of the metazoan gastrointestinal tract capable of biofilm formation and an opportunistic pathogen of increasing clinical concern. Dogma has held that biofilms are slow-growing structures, often taking days to form mature microcolonies. Here we report that extracellular DNA (eDNA) is an integral structural component of early E. faecalis biofilms (≤4 h postinoculation). Combining cationic dye-based biofilm matrix stabilization techniques with correlative immuno-scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescent techniques, we demonstrate that--in early E. faecalis biofilms--eDNA localizes to previously undescribed intercellular filamentous structures, as well as to thick mats of extruded extracellular matrix material. Both of these results are consistent with previous reports that early biofilms are exquisitely sensitive to exogenous DNase treatment. High-resolution SEM demonstrates a punctate labeling pattern in both structures, suggesting the presence of an additional, non-DNA constituent. Notably, the previously described fratricidal or lytic mechanism reported as the source of eDNA in older (≥24 h) E. faecalis biofilms does not appear to be at work under these conditions; extensive visual examination by SEM revealed a striking lack of lysed cells, and bulk biochemical assays also support an absence of significant lysis at these early time points. In addition, some cells demonstrated eDNA labeling localized at the septum, suggesting the possibility of DNA secretion from metabolically active cells. Overall, these data are consistent with a model in which a subpopulation of viable E. faecalis cells secrete or extrude DNA into the extracellular matrix. Importance: This paper reports the production of extracellular DNA during early biofilm formation in Enterococcus faecalis. The work is significant because the mechanism of eDNA (extracellular DNA) production is independent of cell lysis and the DNA is confined to well-defined structures, suggesting a novel form of DNA secretion by viable cells. Previous models of biofilm formation in enterococci and related species propose cell lysis as the mechanism of DNA release.
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Chronic wound infections are typically polymicrobial; however, most in vivo studies have focused on monospecies infections. This project was designed to develop an in vivo, polymicrobial, biofilm-related, infected wound model in order to study multispecies biofilm dynamics and in relation to wound chronicity. Multispecies biofilms consisting of both Gram negative and Gram positive strains, as well as aerobes and anaerobes, were grown in vitro and then transplanted onto the wounds of mice. These in vitro-to-in vivo multi-species biofilm transplants generated polymicrobial wound infections, which remained heterogeneous with four bacterial species throughout the experiment. We observed that wounded mice given multispecies biofilm infections displayed a wound healing impairment over mice infected with a single-species of bacteria. In addition, the bacteria in the polymicrobial wound infections displayed increased antimicrobial tolerance in comparison to those in single species infections. These data suggest that synergistic interactions between different bacterial species in wounds may contribute to healing delays and/or antibiotic tolerance.
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Biofilm formation is often considered the underlying reason why treatment with an antimicrobial agent fails and as an estimated 65-80% of all human infections is thought to be biofilm-related, this presents a serious challenge. Biofilm model systems are essential to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in biofilm formation and resistance. In this review a comprehensive overview of various in vitro and in vivo systems is presented, and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed.
Bacteria that attach to surfaces aggregate in a hydrated polymeric matrix of their own synthesis to form biofilms. Formation of these sessile communities and their inherent resistance to antimicrobial agents are at the root of many persistent and chronic bacterial infections. Studies of biofilms have revealed differentiated, structured groups of cells with community properties. Recent advances in our understanding of the genetic and molecular basis of bacterial community behavior point to therapeutic targets that may provide a means for the control of biofilm infections.
A chronic wound is a wound that is arrested in the inflammatory phase of wound healing and cannot progress further. Over 90% of chronic wounds contain bacteria and fungi living within a biofilm construct. Each aggregation of microbes creates a distinct biofilm with differing characteristics so that a clinical approach has to be tailored to the specifics of a given biofilm. Defining the characteristics of that biofilm and then designing a therapeutic option particular to that biofilm is currently being defined. Biofilm becomes resistant to therapeutic maneuvers at 48-96 h after formation. By repeatedly attacking it on a regular schedule, one forces biofilm to reattach and reform during which time it is susceptible to antibiotics and host defenses. Identifying the multiple bacteria and fungi that make up a specific biofilm using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) allows directed therapeutic maneuvers such as application of specific topical antibiotics and biocides to increase the effectiveness of the debridement. Most chronic wounds contain biofilm that perpetuate the inflammatory phase of wound healing. Combining debridement with using PCR to identify the bacteria and fungi within the biofilm allows for more targeted therapeutic maneuvers to eliminate a given biofilm. Therapeutic options in addition to debridement are currently being evaluated to address biofilm. Using PCR to direct adjunctive therapeutic maneuvers may increase the effectiveness of addressing biofilm in a chronic wound.
The two most commonly used methods to analyze data from real-time, quantitative PCR experiments are absolute quantification and relative quantification. Absolute quantification determines the input copy number, usually by relating the PCR signal to a standard curve. Relative quantification relates the PCR signal of the target transcript in a treatment group to that of another sample such as an untreated control. The 2(-DeltaDeltaCr) method is a convenient way to analyze the relative changes in gene expression from real-time quantitative PCR experiments. The purpose of this report is to present the derivation, assumptions, and applications of the 2(-DeltaDeltaCr) method. In addition, we present the derivation and applications of two variations of the 2(-DeltaDeltaCr) method that may be useful in the analysis of real-time, quantitative PCR data. (C) 2001 Elsevier science.
Aims: Although several factors contribute to wound healing, bacterial infections and the presence of biofilm can significantly affect healing. Despite that this clearly indicates that therapies should address biofilm in wounds, only few wound care products have been evaluated for their antibiofilm effect. For this reason, we developed a rapid quantification approach to investigate the efficacy of wound care products on wounds infected with Staphylococcus spp. Methods and results: An in vitro chronic wound infection model was used in which a fluorescent Staph. aureus strain was used to allow the rapid quantification of the bacterial burden after treatment. A good correlation was observed between the fluorescence signal and the bacterial counts. When evaluated in this model, several commonly used wound dressings and wound care products inhibited biofilm formation resulting in a decrease between one and seven log CFU per biofilm compared with biofilm formed in the absence of products. In contrast, most dressings only moderately affected mature biofilms. Conclusion: Our model allowed the rapid quantification of the bacterial burden after treatment. However, the efficacy of treatment varied between the different types of dressings and/or wound care products. Significance and impact of the study: Our model can be used to compare the efficacy of wound care products to inhibit biofilm formation and/or eradicate mature biofilms. In addition, the results indicate that treatment of infected wounds should be started as soon as possible and that novel products with more potent antibiofilm activity are needed.
Topical treatment of burn wounds is essential as reduced blood supply in the burned tissues restricts the effect of systemic antibiotics. On the burn surface, microorganisms exist within a complex structure termed a biofilm, which enhances bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents significantly. Since bacteria differ in their ability to develop biofilms, the susceptibility of these biofilms to topically applied antibiotics varies, making it essential to identify which topical antibiotics efficiently disrupt or prevent biofilms produced by these pathogens. Yet, a simple in vitro assay to compare the susceptibility of biofilms produced by burn wound isolates to different topical antibiotics has not been reported. Biofilms were developed by inoculating cellulose disks on agar plates with burn wound isolates and incubating for 24h. The biofilms were then covered for 24h with untreated gauze or gauze coated with antibiotic ointment and remaining microorganisms were quantified and visualized microscopically. Mupirocin and triple antibiotic ointments significantly reduced biofilms produced by the Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa burn wound isolates tested, as did gentamicin ointment, with the exception of one P. aeruginosa clinical isolate. The described assay is a practical and reproducible approach to identify topical antibiotics most effective in eliminating biofilms produced by burn wound isolates.