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A single sensor hand biometric multimodal system

  • instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa

Abstract and Figures

Nowadays the question of identifying a person assumes a major role in many applications. To circumvent the limita-tions of traditional identity recognition mechanisms (e.g., passwords or ID cards), modern security control procedures often exploit people biometrics. This paper proposes a multimodal biometric system for personal recognition, based on three different biometrics computed from the same hand image. Features extracted from each of the five finger surface areas are fused at score level into a single biometric mode. Hand geometry, palmprint and finger surface biometric features are finally fused at de-cision level to come to a recognition decision. The achieved recognition results of FAR=0.31%, FRR=0.80% and a maximum recognition rate of 98.28% indicate that this work should be continued and might be considered for high security applications.
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Tiago Sanches, João Antunes, Paulo Lobato Correia
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Superior Técnico, UTL, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
e-mail: {tmss, jmfa},
Nowadays the question of identifying a person assumes a
major role in many applications. To circumvent the limita-
tions of traditional identity recognition mechanisms (e.g.,
passwords or ID cards), modern security control procedures
often exploit people biometrics.
This paper proposes a multimodal biometric system for
personal recognition, based on three different biometrics
computed from the same hand image. Features extracted
from each of the five finger surface areas are fused at score
level into a single biometric mode. Hand geometry, palmprint
and finger surface biometric features are finally fused at de-
cision level to come to a recognition decision.
The achieved recognition results of FAR=0.31%,
FRR=0.80% and a maximum recognition rate of 98.28%
indicate that this work should be continued and might be
considered for high security applications.
Reliable and secure access control systems are often re-
quired for many applications, ranging from border control
security checks to the access to restricted areas, or even to
control the presence of employees at the workplace, among
others. The need for improved security systems has been
accompanied by a growing research interest in biometric
technologies. Biometric recognition systems target the
automatic recognition of a person’s identity based on physi-
cal, physiological or behavioural characteristics (something
a person is or produces).
A major advantage of biometric features is that they
cannot be easily stolen or lost, and typically are unique for
each person. Fingerprints are among the most used biomet-
ric features, but many others have been considered, such as
face, hand geometry, palmprints, iris, voice, signature, or
gait, among others. Recent systems often combine multiple
biometrics to increase recognition accuracy and reliability.
Biometric systems need to capture an individual’s
unique biometric features, which are converted into a digital
format, called template. This template is then enrolled into a
database or some other secure storage location (e.g. a smart
card) and later used for comparison with new samples, to
determine whether there is a match for recognition purposes.
Biometric systems’ performance is usually measured
by the type and frequency of errors, namely: acceptance of
impostors as true users – false acceptance rate (FAR) – and
rejection of legitimate users – false rejection rate (FRR).
Also an equal error rate (EER) is often considered, cor-
responding to the operation point for which the FRR and
FAR have equal values. Another relevant measure is the
failure to enroll (FTE), indicating the portion of the popula-
tion for whom the system fails to complete the enrolment
process, according to the conditions specified by the pre-
processing block.
Several types of biometric features can be extracted
from hand images: (i) hand geometry features, such as hand
shape, palm area, width and length of fingers and other
measurements; (ii) palmprint characteristics, like principal
lines, wrinkles, feature points, and skin texture; (iii) finger-
print or finger-strip features, composed of the ridges, furrows
and texture on the surface of the finger.
In this paper the biometric features to be exploited for
recognition are the hand geometry, the texture of the palm-
print and the texture of finger surfaces – see Figure 1. A spe-
cial focus is put on the surface of fingers, as this feature has
only recently started being investigated as biometric for rec-
ognition purposes [1][2][3].
Figure 1 – Hand features to be used as biometric identifiers.
Individual hand features, like finger width and length or palm
area are usually considered for hand geometry [4][5]. Other
times shape-based hand recognition algorithms [6] are con-
sidered. In this paper a selection of finger lengths, widths,
perimeters and palm based measurements are used.
For palmprint biometrics, several techniques have been
actively researched in the past, like: algebraic approaches
analysing statistical data [1][7] examination of the palm line
features [7]; texture-based approaches [7]. This paper uses an
algebraic approach to extract palm features.
For finger surface analysis two main approaches have
been considered in the literature: one analyzing the texture of
the inner surface [1][2][3], the other looking at the curvature
©2007 EURASIP 30
15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), Poznan, Poland, September 3-7, 2007, copyright by EURASIP
of knuckle surface of the fingers [8]. This paper takes the
first approach.
In the remainder of this paper, the three proposed bio-
metrics and the way to combine their partial results (fusion)
are described in Section 2, recognition results are presented
and discussed in Section 3, and conclusions are drawn in
Section 4.
The architecture of the proposed multimodal biometric rec-
ognition system is shown in Figure 2. The system is used for
both user enrolment and recognition purposes. Enrolment
consists in the acquisition of a set of hand images from each
user. These images are pre-processed and a feature template
is generated for each biometric modality. The templates are
then stored in the template database.
At recognition time, a hand image is sensed, pre-
processed and templates for each of the three biometrics are
generated. The acquired templates are tested by the corre-
sponding matching modules, being compared with those
stored in the database. The final step is the fusion block,
which combines the information obtained from the three
different modalities to produce a recognition decision.
Figure 2 – Proposed system architecture.
No sophisticated hardware is needed for image acquisition of
hand images, either for enrolment or recognition purposes. A
medium resolution digital camera, a tripod for image stability
and a well defined environment (i.e., image background), or
in alternative a digital scanner, can be used. A computer is
then needed to run the recognition algorithms.
2.1 Pre-processing
To simplify the segmentation of hand images a constant
background that contrasts with skin colour is selected.
After hand image capture, it is pre-processed to seg-
ment the hand region, leading to a black and white silhouette
used as a mask in subsequent processing steps.
The hand binary mask is used to detect a set of relevant
hand points that will serve as reference points for the three
biometric modalities analysed in this paper. Notably, the fin-
gertips and finger-webs, illustrated in Figure 3, are taken as
hand reference points. To find the hand feature points loca-
tions, a combination of two commonly used techniques is
employed: radial distance to a reference point and contour
curvegram [6]. Since the first is sensitive to rotation and the
second produces a noisy data plot, the combination of both
techniques allows a more robust reference point localization.
Figure 3 – Fingertip and finger-web locations on a hand image.
2.2 Hand Geometry
For recognition based on the hand geometry biometric, a
subset of the features discussed in the literature are used
[4][5]: five finger lengths, twenty finger widths (four for each
finger), five palm based measurements, and five finger pe-
rimeters – see Figure 4.
Figure 4 – Hand geometry template features.
Those 35 features are then statistically analysed for
discriminability, to select only the best performing ones, in
terms of the ratio between interclass and intraclass variabil-
ity of each feature. The most discriminant features present
the highest ratio values.
Interclass variability evaluates how much a specific fea-
ture varies between different users’ hands, based on the stan-
dard deviation. This value is desirably high, indicating that
the specific feature is different for most users.
Intraclass variability evaluates the variation of a specific
feature regarding each user’s set of hand images. A good
feature should not vary much for different images of the
same hand, meaning the feature will always be extracted with
a similar value.
After a statistical analysis of the test database, the 25
features with highest ratio (i.e., the most discriminant) are
selected as the default hand geometry feature set for usage in
©2007 EURASIP 31
15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), Poznan, Poland, September 3-7, 2007, copyright by EURASIP
the multimodal biometric system being developed.
As the values of the selected measurements have differ-
ent value ranges, the comparison of two different feature
measurements will also assume significant differences: for
instance a finger perimeter is significantly greater than a fin-
ger width. As a consequence, the feature values need to be
normalized, in order to guarantee that fair distance measure-
ments are used in the subsequent matching phase. The final
set of biometric feature measurements is arranged into a fea-
ture vector.
2.3 Palmprint
For palmprint analysis, a region-of-interest (ROI) of the hand
is first extracted. The ROI for palmprint recognition purposes
is usually a square region in the central part of the palm.
To obtain the palm ROI, the previously identified hand
feature points are used as reference. The middle points of the
line segments that define the beginning of the index and
pinky fingers are used as vertices of a square region of the
palm [7], from where features will be extracted.
Since for different hand images the ROIs will be of di-
verse sizes and orientations, normalization is required. The
ROI image is converted to grayscale and resized to a fixed
size using bicubic interpolation, so that features can be accu-
rately extracted and compared with other samples.
Due to performance considerations, regarding the proc-
essing speed of the palmprint recognition algorithms used,
the ROI is resized to 16x16 pixels. This size, smaller than the
ones usually considered in the literature, that range from
64x64 [1] to 300x300 [5], nevertheless allows achieving a
reasonably good recognition performance, which is a useful
input to the multimodal recognition system being proposed,
via the fusion with the other extracted biometrics.
As a final step, the ROI image is converted into a tem-
plate vector consisting of luminance values. This template
vector is then linearly transformed into a more discriminating
feature vector by means of statistical analysis algorithms.
The entire process described above is illustrated in Figure 5.
Figure 5 – Palmprint’s ROI processing procedure.
An optimal technique, in view of class separability pur-
poses, is Linear Discriminant Analysis [9], which is used in
this project for both palmprint and finger surface analysis.
2.4 Finger Surface
To analyze the finger surfaces, a region of interest (ROI) for
each finger needs to be extracted. This is done by finding the
largest rectangle area lying inside the contour of the finger in
a region bounded at about 1/8 and 7/8 of the finger length.
An example of the final set of finger surface ROIs, formed
by rectangular areas for the thumb, index, middle, ring and
pinky finger, is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6 – Extracted ROIs for the five fingers.
The image of each finger’s ROI is converted to gray scale.
Then, its size is normalized by resizing the ROI to a standard
size, again using bicubic interpolation. To guarantee a fast
processing while maintaining the recognition ability, the ROI
is resized to 32x8 pixels. This size is smaller than those typi-
cally used in the available literature, which ranges from
64x16 [1][3] to 128x32 [2]. In spite of using of a smaller ROI
size, the recognition rates of the proposed algorithm,
achieved from the fusion of the five fingers’ results, are good.
Finally, the ROI image is vectorized into a template con-
sisting of luminance values. While in [1][2][3] the Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm is used to extract fea-
tures from this type of template, this paper proposes the us-
age of the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) algorithm
[9], due to its higher discriminability characteristics.
2.5 Fusion
A multimodal biometric system requires an integration of
the various individual biometrics, to allow making a deci-
sion on the user’s identity. This is the step of biometric data
fusion. Recently the interest in multimodal biometric sys-
tems has increased, with results showing this is a worthwhile
investment and promising research area. The fusion methods
adopted in the literature include weighted combination of
scores, support vector machines, decision templates, and
behaviour knowledge space methods [10].
Two different levels of fusion are applied in this paper:
score level fusion is used for the five finger surface features,
by computing their mean score; and decision level fusion is
applied for data fusion of the various modalities, based on the
majority vote rule. For three modalities, as is the case, a
minimum of two accept votes is needed for a final accep-
tance decision.
The test of the proposed biometric recognition system con-
sists in the evaluation of the matching modules and the fu-
sion block represented in Figure 2.
The matching algorithms generate a score for each tem-
plate comparison based on the distance between the tested
and stored feature vectors. The Euclidean distance metric is
used, as it achieves good results at a low computation cost
[4]. The lowest distance score value indicates the best match.
A flag, set by the pre-processing stage, indicating if the
template belongs to a right of left hand is used to eliminate
unnecessary template matching comparisons. Database tem-
©2007 EURASIP 32
15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), Poznan, Poland, September 3-7, 2007, copyright by EURASIP
plates belonging to users that enrolled using a different hand
than that of the query template are not considered for com-
parison. The matching procedure is illustrated in Figure 7.
Figure 7 – The matching procedure.
Whenever the best matching score exceeds a prede-
fined threshold the recognition attempt is considered as an
impostor access, otherwise the recognition attempt is con-
sidered a client access and the system assumes the user has
been correctly identified. When several database templates
scores are below the threshold, the one with lowest score
should correspond to the correct user identity.
Different thresholds can be chosen in order to achieve
the desired FAR or FRR levels of operation, depending on
the application considered for the biometric system. For
instance, high-security applications require a FAR close or
equal to zero.
The results presented in the following were obtained
considering the UST Hand Image Database [11].
The test database enrolment produced a FTE value of
8.2%. Most of the failed registrations, approximately 95%,
are due to poor image acquisitions: the hand crosses two
image borders, e.g. a finger is not completely captured by
the sensing device. This type of error should be corrected at
the image capture stage, by requiring a correct placement of
the hand, always within the camera view.
The results for the finger surface biometric recogni-
tion, after the fusion of individual finger features, are illus-
trated in Figure 8. This biometric generates a good separa-
tion of clients and impostors in the score distribution, as can
also be seen in Figure 9. Also, only one test image of the
564 users1 of the UST database is scored outside the top ten
matching scores.
Figure 8 – Finger surface performance measures.
1 Left and right hands of the same person are considered as different users.
Figure 9 – Finger surface client/impostor score distribution.
The score level fusion of the individual finger surface
scores into a single biometric greatly improves recognition
rates and the EER, compared to the usage of individual finger
results, as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10 – Finger surface recognition performance rates.
Using threshold values that maximize the correct rec-
ognition rates for each individual biometric, after fusion a
FAR of 0.31% was obtained, as illustrated in Table 1.
Table 1 – Results for thresholds equivalent to maximum correct
Geometry Palmprint Finger
Rate 91.65% 86.19% 97.25% 96.80%
FAR 3.55% 4.12% 0.46% 0.31%
FRR 4.80% 9.69% 2.29% 2.90%
As the table shows, by applying decision level fusion,
the majority vote method leads to a reduced overall FAR.
By adequately adjusting the thresholds of each biometric
mode to achieve reduced individual FRR values, the overall
FRR is also reduced, while the recognition rate is increased
when compared to each individual biometric modality. It is
for instance possible to set these thresholds to achieve a
correct recognition rate (after fusion) of 98.28%, with a
FAR of 0.92% and a FRR of 0.80%, as illustrated in Figure
Figure 11 – Error rates for thresholds equivalent to a low FRR.
©2007 EURASIP 33
15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), Poznan, Poland, September 3-7, 2007, copyright by EURASIP
The GUI of the developed biometric recognition appli-
cation, which when run against an entire database also pro-
vides the statistical data and graphs needed to assess the
system’s performance, is illustrated in Figure 12.
Figure 12 – The GUI of the biometric recognition application.
This paper proposes a multimodal biometric recognition sys-
tem that exploits several modalities present in hand images.
Image acquisition is based on a simple setup, using fairly
inexpensive equipment. From a single acquired image, sev-
eral biometric features are computed: hand geometry, palm-
print, and finger surface. Different sensors for each biometric
mode are not required, nor does it need specific hand place-
ment as in pegged image acquisition devices. These charac-
teristics make the system practical and easy to use.
The proposed multimodal biometric system has shown
that the usage of multiple biometrics improves performance
in comparison to systems using a single biometric. The com-
bined results are better than the best of the individual biomet-
ric recognition results.
Compared to the literature, the proposed system is able
to achieve a performance similar to the other hand recogni-
tion multimodal systems [1][3][5]. In reference [1], a maxi-
mum recognition rate of 99.28% and an EER of 0.58% were
achieved by fusion of palmprint and finger surface features.
Another multimodal system [5], using bimodal fusion of
palmprint and hand geometry features, was able to achieve a
maximum recognition rate of 98.59% and a 0% FAR. Using
finger surface and hand geometry fusion [3], performance
results with a maximum recognition rate of 97.97% and an
EER of 1.71% were also reported.
From the individual biometrics considered, hand geome-
try and finger surface biometrics achieved the expected per-
formance values similar to the results described in [3][5].
The palmprint modality did not obtain the performance
shown in other work [5], mainly due to the small size of the
normalized ROIs considered here, which was nevertheless
considered sufficient for integration in the multimodal recog-
nition platform, while keeping the computational cost, both
for feature extraction and for feature matching, lower than
those of the alternative solutions. The selected option could
make sense for large databases.
Future work will focus on the comparison of different
fusion algorithms, for example considering a weighted score
level fusion for each finger, so that individual finger per-
formance is also taken into consideration. Other matching
classifiers shall be investigated and compared, such as
Hamming or Mahalanobis distance, and Gaussian Mixture
Models. Also the usage of the so-called soft-biometrics, such
as the size of the hand, can be used to speed up the recogni-
tion procedure.
[1] S. Ribaric and I. Fratric, “A Biometric Identification Sys-
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[2] Pavesik, N., Zibert, J., Ribaric, S., Fratric, I. and Krapac,
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[3] Ribaric, S. and Fratric, I., “An Online Biometric Au-
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[4] Sanchez-Reillo, R., Sanchez-Avila, C. and Gonzalez-
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[5] Kumar, A., Wong, D., Shen, H. and Jain, A., “Personal
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[8] Woodward, D. and Flynn, P., “Personal Identification
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[11] UST Hand Image Database, Department of Computer
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ogy. (Kindly provided by Dr. Helen Shen).
©2007 EURASIP 34
15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), Poznan, Poland, September 3-7, 2007, copyright by EURASIP
... 4. Non-Universality by which the biometrics may not able to acquire meaningful biometric data from a subset of individuals entered to the system. 5. Spoof attacks like as in fingerprints spoofing. ...
... T. Sanches et al [5] proposed a multibiometric recognition system that exploits hand geometry, palmprint, and fingers presented in one hand image. Each three biometrics passed a series of steps including acquisition, preprocessing, and matching of templates to be compared with the templates stored in the database. ...
Full-text available
Believing of the importance of biometrics in this research, we have presented a fused system that depends upon multimodal biometric system traits face, iris, and fingerprint, achieving higher performance than the unimodal biometrics. The proposed system used Local Binary Pattern with Variance histogram (LBPV) for extracting the preprocessed features. Canny edge detection and Hough Circular Transform (HCT) were used in the preprocessing stage while, the Combined Learning Vector Quantization classifier (CLVQ) was used for matching and classification. Reduced feature dimensions are obtained using LBPV histograms which are the input patterns for CLVQ producing the classes as its outputs. The fusion process was performed at the decision level based on majority voting algorithm of the output classes resulting from CLVQ classifier. The experimental results indicated that the fusion of face, iris, and fingerprint has achieved higher genuine acceptance recognition rate (GAR) 99.50% with minimum elapsed time 24 sec. The evaluation process was performed using large scale subjects claiming to enter the system proving the superiority of the proposed system over the state of art.
... The LL fusion technique was found to be the better of the two paradigms considered in this work as it produced a lower EER. Sanches et al. (2007) proposed a multibiometric recognition system that combined three different biometrics computed from the same hand image. Features extracted from each of the five fingers' surface areas were fused at score level into a single mode. ...
Full-text available
Classification is a crucial stage in identification systems, most specifically in biometric identification systems. A weak and inaccurate classification system may produce false identity, which in turn impacts negatively on delicate decisions. Decision making in biometric systems is done at the classification stage. Due to the importance of this stage, many classifiers have been developed and modified by researchers. However, most of the existing classifiers are limited in accuracy due to false representation of image features, improper training of classifier models for newly emerging data (over-fitting or under-fitting problem) and lack of an efficient mode of generating model parameters (scalability problem). The Negative Selection Algorithm (NSA) is one of the major algorithms of the Artificial Immune System, inspired by the operation of the mammalian immune system for solving classification problems. However, it is still prone to the inability to consider the whole self-space during the detectors/features generation process. Hence, this work developed an Optimized Negative Selection Algorithm (ONSA) for image classification in biometric systems. The ONSA is characterized by the ability to consider whole feature spaces (feature selection balance), having good training capability and low scalability problems. The performance of the ONSA was compared with that of the standard NSA (SNSA), and it was discovered that the ONSA has greater recognition accuracy by producing 98.33% accuracy compared with that of the SNSA which is 96.33%. The ONSA produced TP and TN values of 146% and 149%, respectively, while the SNSA produced 143% and 146% for TP and TN, respectively. Also, the ONSA generated a lower FN and FP rate of 4.00% and 1.00%, respectively, compared to the SNSA, which generated FN and FP values of 7.00% and 4.00%, respectively. Therefore, it was discovered in this work that global feature selection improves recognition accuracy in biometric systems. The developed biometric system can be adapted by any organization that requires an ultra-secure identification system.
... Thus, in order to enhance the user-friendliness and costeffectiveness while still enjoying the performance benefits of multimodal biometrics, single-sensor multimodal biometrics have been investigated in the past. Researchers have used a single biometric sensor for acquisition of hand images and have extracted features from palmprint, fingerprint and hand geometry biometric traits [10][11][12]. A more recent study utilizes multiple information from a single image captured using a single-sensor, specifically, a CCTV camera. ...
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Biometrics has emerged as a powerful technology for person authentication in various scenarios including forensic and civilian applications. Deployment of biometric solutions that use cues from multiple modalities enhances the reliability and robustness of authentication necessary to meet the increasingly stringent security requirements. However, there are two drawbacks typically associated with multimodal biometrics. Firstly, the image acquisition process in such systems is not very user-friendly, primarily due to the time and effort required to capture biometric samples belonging to multiple modalities. Secondly, the overall cost is higher as they employ multiple biometric sensors. To overcome these drawbacks, we employ a single NIR sensor-based image acquisition in the proposed approach for hand-vein recognition. From the input hand image, a palm-vein and four finger-vein subimages are extracted. These images are then enhanced by CLAHE and transformed into illumination invariant representation using center-symmetric local binary pattern (CS-LBP). Further, a hierarchical non-rigid matching technique inspired by the architecture of deep convolutional networks is employed for matching the CS-LBP features. Finally, weighted sum rule-based matching score-level fusion is performed to combine the palm-vein and the four finger-vein modalities. A set of rigorous experiments has been performed on an in-house database collected from the left and right hands of 185 subjects and the publicly available CASIA dataset. The proposed approach achieves equal error rates of 0.13% and 1.21%, and rank-1 identification rates of 100% and 100% on the in-house and CASIA datasets, respectively. Additionally, we compare the proposed approach with the state-of-the-art techniques proposed for vascular biometric recognition in the literature. The important findings are (1) the proposed approach outperforms all the existing techniques considered in this study, (2) the fusion of palm-vein and finger-vein modalities consistently leads to better performance for all the feature extraction techniques considered in this work. (3) Furthermore, our experimental results also suggest that considering the constituent palm-vein and finger-vein images instead of the entire hand-vein images achieves better performance.
... i. Human fingers contours and palm print regions to extract features for biometric purposes [11]. To illustrate this idea, a palm image is used, and morphological operations were applied to extract the maximum patch in the palm print region and the fingers print region. ...
Full-text available
In this study, the authors present a simple, reliable, fast, unrestricted-shape geometry, and accurate algorithm which runs in O(log2 n) time to find the axis-parallel largest rectangle (LR) inside a given region of interest (ROI), where n is the image size in one dimension, which means that the proposed model can work in real time. The proposed approach is successful in detecting the LR of arbitrary orientation that is fully contained in the ROI as well. Also, the present algorithm can find the largest empty rectangle in a space containing a set of zero points, whether the axis-parallel rectangle or the oriented one. The strategy followed here is to accelerate LR detection process by searching the rectangle with the largest area inscribed in the ROI, by starting first with the lowest-resolution version of the original image for determining the LR four corners' coordinates, then next searching the new LR corners' scaled coordinates in the higher power resolutions in a multiple resolutions hierarchical model and therefore, a corresponding coarse-to-fine inference procedure recursively eliminates the search space of the LR four corners coordinates. For finding the largest oriented rectangle, the same hierarchical procedures are followed, but combined with rotation-angle resolution.
... The work in [2] proposes a method for the segmentation of a hand image from a complex background by a stereo acquisition system including two RGB cameras. On the contrary, the work by Sanches et al. [36] proposes an approach based on a single RGB camera to extract several hand features from the input image. The approach entails a decision level fusion of the results from matching biometric features related to hand geometry, palmprint and finger surface, and reaches a recognition rate above 98%. ...
The analysis of the shape and geometry of the human hand has long represented an attractive field of research to address the needs of digital image forensics. Over recent years, it has also turned out to be effective in biometrics, where several innovative research lines are pursued. Given the widespread diffusion of mobile and portable devices, the possibility of checking the owner identity and controlling the access to the device by the hand image looks particularly attractive and less intrusive than other biometric traits. This encourages new research to tacklethe present limitations. The proposed work implements the complete architecture of a mobile hand recognition system, which uses the camera of the mobile device for the acquisition of the hand in visible light spectrum. The segmentation of the hand starts from the detection of the convexities and concavities defined by the fingers, and allows extracting 57 different features from the hand shape. The main contributions of the paper develop along two directions. First, dimensionality reduction methods are investigated, in order to identify subsets of features including only the most discriminating and robust ones. Second, different matching strategies are compared. The proposed method is tested over a dataset of hands from 100 subjects. The best obtained Equal Error Rate is 0.52%. Results demonstrate that discarding features that are more prone to distortions allows lighter processing, but also produces better performance than using the full set of features. This confirms the feasibility of such an approach on mobile devices, and further suggests to adopt it even in more traditional settings.
... i. Human fingers contours and palm print regions to extract features for biometric purposes [11]. To illustrate this idea, a palm image is used, and morphological operations were applied to extract the maximum patch in the palm print region and the fingers print region. ...
... In [1] has been proposed a method to hand segmentation from complex background by a stereo acquisition system which involves two RGB cameras. On the contrary, the work by Sanches et al. [13] proposes a single RGB camera approach to hand segmentation and recognition. Hand geometry, palmprint and finger surface biometric features are fused at decision level, to come to a recognition rate that is above 98%. ...
Conference Paper
This paper presents a novel approach to hand-based biometrics that uses mobile devices. Hand-based recognition has been explored via different research lines and taking into consideration different traits. On the other hand, few studies tackle its feasibility on mobile devices. Given their diffusion and availability, their use in this context appears particularly attractive. The work presented in this study aims at investigating at an high level the limitations of using hand geometry to enable biometric recognition on mobile. The first results obtained were encouraging let supposing potential margins of improvement of the proposed method.
Critical applications ranging from sensitive military data to restricted area access demand selective user authentication. The prevalent methods of tokens, passwords, and other commonly used techniques proved deficient as they can be easily stolen, lost, or broken to gain illegitimate access, leading to data spillage. Since data safety against tricksters is a significant issue nowadays, biometrics is one of the unique human characteristic-based techniques that may give better solutions in this regard. The technique entails biometric authentication of users based on an individual’s inimitable physiological or behavioral characteristics to provide access to a specific application or data. This paper provides a detailed description of authentication and its approaches, focusing on biometric-based authentication methods, the primary challenges they encounter, and how they have been addressed. The tabular view shows the benefits and downsides of various multimodal biometric systems, and open research challenges. To put it another way, this article lays out a roadmap for the emergence of multimodal biometric-based authentication, covering both the challenges and the solutions that have been proposed. Further, the urge to develop various multi-trait-based methods for secure authentication and data privacy is focused. Lastly, some multimodal biometric systems comprising fingerprint and iris modalities have been compared based on False Accept Rate (FAR), False Reject Rate (FRR), and accuracy to find the best secure model with easy accessibility.
A biometric identification system is an automatic pattern recognition system that identifies a person through their specific physiological and/or behavioral characteristics. Unimodal biometric system often suffers from some limitations due to noise in sensed data, intra-class variation, inter-class similarities, spoof attacks, etc. Multi-biometric systems seek to overcome some of these limitations by providing multiple pieces of evidence about the person identity. The increased performance of multi-biometric systems motivated our investigation of a new approach for multi-biometric identification systems based on the combination of five finger surface instances of a person. The proposed approach has the particularity of using a new fusion scheme based on the rank level integration method to consolidate the results obtained from the different five biometric instances. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time the rank level fusion approach is designed to incorporate the results of five finger surface instances to produce more reliable recognition results. To highlight the contributions of our approach, this paper presents a comparative experimental study of several rank level fusion approaches that can be useful in combining multi-biometric systems. The experimental evaluation was conducted on the real hand database ‘Sfax-Miracl hand database’. The experimental results suggest that our novel approach produces a significant performance improvement in the recognition accuracy over approaches based on individual finger surface. They also indicate that the rank level integration of the five finger surfaces is poised to provide a promising direction to finger surface-based multi-biometric systems.
Conference Paper
In this paper, we investigate a new multimodal biometric approach for personal recognition, based on two different biometrics computed from the same hand image: palmprint and fingerprint surface. The detection of these modalities is conducted with no constraints imposed on the subject. In addition, this approach has the particularity of using a new fusion scheme based on the rank level integration method to consolidate the results obtained from the different biometric instances. Rank level fusion is a relatively new fusion approach. It is not a well-studied research problem, yet it has a high potential for efficient consolidation of multiple unimodal biometric outputs matching. To the best of our knowledge, we present the first application of the rank level fusion to consolidate the rank information produced by the five individual fingerprint surface and the palmprint. The achieved experimental results have shown that the designed system achieves an excellent recognition rate and provides more security than unimodal biometric system.
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An approach to personal authentication using the fusion of the finger-geometry and the novel biometric features called eigen- fingers at the score-matching level is presented in this paper. The online biometric system integrates finger-geometry features ex- tracted from the four fingers and eigenfingers features extracted by means of the Karhunen-Loève (K-L) transform applied to the four finger strip-like regions. Additionally, the system has a liveness detection module, which uses an IR image of the dorsal surface of a hand. Authentication experiments were conducted on a database consisting of 1270 hand-images (127 persons). The verification results, EER = 0.04% and minimum TER = 0.04%, suggest that the system can be used in medium/high-security environments.
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The problem of person recognition and verification based on their hand images has been addressed. The system is based on the images of the right hands of the subjects, captured by a flatbed scanner in an unconstrained pose at 45 dpi. In a preprocessing stage of the algorithm, the silhouettes of hand images are registered to a fixed pose, which involves both rotation and translation of the hand and, separately, of the individual fingers. Two feature sets have been comparatively assessed, Hausdorff distance of the hand contours and independent component features of the hand silhouette images. Both the classification and the verification performances are found to be very satisfactory as it was shown that, at least for groups of about five hundred subjects, hand-based recognition is a viable secure access control scheme.
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A work in defining and implementing a biometric system based on hand geometry identification is presented here. Hand features are extracted from a color photograph taken when the user has placed his hand on a platform designed for such a task. Different pattern recognition techniques have been tested to be used in classification and/or verification from Euclidean distance to neural networks. Experimental results, up to a 97 percent rate of success in classification, will show the possibility of using this system in medium/high security environments with full acceptance from all users.
Although several palmprint representations have been proposed for personal authentication, there is little agreement on which palmprint representation can provide best representation for reliable authentication. In this paper, we characterize user's identity through the simultaneous use of three major palmprint representations and achieve better performance than either one individually. This paper also investigates comparative performance between Gabor, line and appearance based palmprint representations and using their score and decision level fusion. The combination of various representations may not always lead to higher performance as the features from the same image may be correlated. Therefore we also propose product of sum rule which achieves better performance than any other fixed combination rules. Our experimental results on the database of 100 users achieve 34.56% improvement in performance (equal error rate) as compared to the case when features from single palmprint representation are employed. The proposed usage of multiple palmprint representations, especially on the peg-free and non-contact imaging setup, achieves promising results and demonstrates its usefulness.
User verification systems that use a single biometric indicator often have to contend with noisy sensor data, restricted degrees of freedom, non-universality of the biometric trait and unacceptable error rates. Attempting to improve the performance of individual matchers in such situations may not prove to be effective because of these inherent problems. Multibiometric systems seek to alleviate some of these drawbacks by providing multiple evidences of the same identity. These systems help achieve an increase in performance that may not be possible using a single biometric indicator. Further, multibiometric systems provide anti-spoofing measures by making it difficult for an intruder to spoof multiple biometric traits simultaneously. However, an effective fusion scheme is necessary to combine the information presented by multiple domain experts. This paper addresses the problem of information fusion in biometric verification systems by combining information at the matching score level. Experimental results on combining three biometric modalities (face, fingerprint and hand geometry) are presented.
Conference Paper
A new approach for the personal identification using hand images is presented. This paper attempts to improve the performance of palmprint-based verification system by integrating hand geometry features. Unlike other bimodal biometric systems, the users does not have to undergo the inconvenience of passing through two sensors since the palmprint and hand geometry features can be are acquired from the same image, using a digital camera, at the same time. Each of these gray level images are aligned and then used to extract palmprint and hand geometry features. These features are then examined for their individual and combined performance. The image acquisition setup used in this work was inherently simple and it does not employ any special illumination nor does it use any pegs to cause any inconvenience to the users. Our experimental results on the image dataset from 100 users confirm the utility of hand geometry features with those from palmprints and achieve promising results with a simple image acquisition setup.
Conference Paper
In this paper we present a novel approach for personal identification, which utilizes finger surface features as a biometric identifier. Using dense range data images of the hand, we calculate the curvature-based surface representation, shape index, for the index, middle, and ring fingers. This representation is used for comparisons to determine subject similarity. Our experiments involve the use of a large data set of range images collected over time. We examine the performance of individual finger surfaces as a biometric identifier as well as the performance when using the three finger surfaces in conjunction. The results of our experiments are presented, which indicate that this approach performs well for a first-of-its-kind biometric technique.
This paper presents a multimodal biometric identification system based on the features of the human hand. We describe a new biometric approach to personal identification using eigenfinger and eigenpalm features, with fusion applied at the matching-score level. The identification process can be divided into the following phases: capturing the image; preprocessing; extracting and normalizing the palm and strip-like finger subimages; extracting the eigenpalm and eigenfinger features based on the K-L transform; matching and fusion; and, finally, a decision based on the (k, l)-NN classifier and thresholding. The system was tested on a database of 237 people (1,820 hand images). The experimental results showed the effectiveness of the system in terms of the recognition rate (100 percent), the equal error rate (EER = 0.58 percent), and the total error rate (TER = 0.72 percent).
Shape-Based Hand Recognition Personal Authentication using Multiple Palmprint Representation Personal Identification Utilizing Finger Surface Features
  • E Konukoğlu
  • E Yörük
  • J Darbon
  • B Sankur
  • A Kumar
  • D Zhang
  • D Woodward
  • P Flynn
Konukoğlu, E., Yörük, E., Darbon, J. and Sankur, B., " Shape-Based Hand Recognition ", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 1803-1815, July 2006. [7] Kumar, A. and Zhang, D., " Personal Authentication using Multiple Palmprint Representation ", Pattern Recognition, Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 1695-1704, Oct. 2005. [8] Woodward, D. and Flynn, P., " Personal Identification Utilizing Finger Surface Features ", in Proc. 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, San Diego, USA, June 2006, Vol. 2, pp. 1030-1036.
A Multimodal Authentication Based on Hand Features Extracted from Multispectral Images
  • N Pavesik
  • J Zibert
  • S Ribaric
  • I Fratric
  • J Krapac
Pavesik, N., Zibert, J., Ribaric, S., Fratric, I. and Krapac, J., "A Multimodal Authentication Based on Hand Features Extracted from Multispectral Images", in BioSecure Research Project Workshop, Vigo, Spain, Sep. 2006.