Paul de Roos

Paul de Roos
Uppsala University | UU · Department of Neuroscience

Neurologist & PhD student & Medical Educator
Doing research on the Prodromal phase of Parkinson's disease and doing a cohort study


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Additional affiliations
April 2013 - May 2023
Uppsala University Hospital
  • Neurology Resident
  • I have an interest in Parkinson's Disease research and I am a residency program director for neurology
July 2008 - August 2013
independently organised, with support of various organisations
  • Annual International Parkinson's Disease Summer School
  • 5th edition takes place in Montreal, Canada
June 2001 - December 2001
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Research internship in medical studies
April 2018 - April 2026
Uppsala University
Field of study
  • PhD studies att institution for neuroscience
August 2000 - April 2009
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Field of study
  • Medicine


Publications (20)
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Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition that is expected to double in prevalence due to demographic shifts. Value-based healthcare is a proposed strategy to improve outcomes and decrease costs. To move towards an actual value-based health care system, condition-specific outcomes that are meaningful to pati...
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Background Improvement of activity and participation for the disabled and chronically ill is an important aim of rehabilitation. Cervical dystonia is a neurological movement disorder characterized by involuntary contractions of the neck muscles. Until now, research has identified factors contributing to disability rather than factors which may make...
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personcentered care - a core competence in good och safe care. A collaboration between Swedish professional associations of doctors, nurses and dieticians to formulate a shared perspective on this topic. The booklet is part of a series of publications on core competencies.
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Objective: create an international, multi-professional learning and working environment where research questions are generated and ideas are exchanged which lead participants as a team to create relevant research plans in 9 days on Parkinson’s disease.
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Poster Session: Education in Neurology; History of Neurology; Neurology and Arts; Neurotraumatology
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e-Learning is essentially the computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. e-Health is a term for healthcare practice supported by electronic processes and communication. Parkinson’s Disease Summer School is a multidisciplinary project. One of the objectives of the School is to use innovative and interactive methods of education f...
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Academic education is designed around academic departments rather than around students or patients. This initiative puts students and patients in the center and uses engaging educational methods to build academic expertise focused around the topic of Parkinson´s Disease.
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Bu belgede bulunan Tıp Eğitiminde Avrupa Spesifikasyonları önerisi, tıp eğitimindeki evrensel standartların Avrupa Bölgesi’ne uyarlanmasıdır. Bu öneri tıp eğitimin üç dönemini de (temel tıp eğitimi, mezuniyet sonrası eğitim, sürekli mesleki gelişim) kapsamaktadır. Bu öneri, MEDINE (Medical Education in Europe) Tematik Ağı içinde oluşturulan bir ça...
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The 9-day international interdisciplinary Summer School on Parkinson's Disease was designed around Education 3.0 principles with the aim to create realistic and relevant research projects on Parkinson's Disease and to improve teamwork skills in participants. The educational process was supported by WEB 2.0 technologies, academic experts, patients a...
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The International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) and the European Medical Students' Association (EMSA) are proud to present the first outcome-based core curriculum for medicine from the perspective of the medical students of Europe. It covers 76 learning outcomes grouped around nine domains: (1) Clinical Skills, (2) Communicat...
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The proposal for European Specifications in Medical Education presented in this document is an adaptation of global standards in medical education to the European Region. The proposal covers all three phases of medical education: basic medical education; postgraduate medical education; and continuing professional development. It was developed by an...
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Рекомендации для Европейской спецификации в медицинском образовании, представленные в этом документе, являются адаптацией Международных стандартов в медицинском образовании* к Европейскому региону. Рекомендации охватывают три фазы медицинского образования: базовое медицинское образование; последипломное медицинское образование и непрерывное профес...


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