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Oral vitamin B12 for patients suspected of subtle cobalamin deficiency: A multicentre pragmatic randomised controlled trial

  • Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (FFHS)

Abstract and Figures

Evidence regarding the effectiveness of oral vitamin B12 in patients with serum vitamin B12 levels between 125-200 pM/l is lacking. We compared the effectiveness of one-month oral vitamin B12 supplementation in patients with a subtle vitamin B12 deficiency to that of a placebo. This multicentre (13 general practices, two nursing homes, and one primary care center in western Switzerland), parallel, randomised, controlled, closed-label, observer-blind trial included 50 patients with serum vitamin B12 levels between 125-200 pM/l who were randomized to receive either oral vitamin B12 (1000 μg daily, N = 26) or placebo (N = 24) for four weeks. The institution's pharmacist used simple randomisation to generate a table and allocate treatments. The primary outcome was the change in serum methylmalonic acid (MMA) levels after one month of treatment. Secondary outcomes were changes in total homocysteine and serum vitamin B12 levels. Blood samples were centralised for analysis and adherence to treatment was verified by an electronic device (MEMS; Aardex Europe, Switzerland). Trial registration: ISRCTN 22063938. Baseline characteristics and adherence to treatment were similar in both groups. After one month, one patient in the placebo group was lost to follow-up. Data were evaluated by intention-to-treat analysis. One month of vitamin B12 treatment (N = 26) lowered serum MMA levels by 0.13 μmol/l (95%CI 0.06-0.19) more than the change observed in the placebo group (N = 23). The number of patients needed to treat to detect a metabolic response in MMA after one month was 2.6 (95% CI 1.7-6.4). A significant change was observed for the B12 serum level, but not for the homocysteine level, hematocrit, or mean corpuscular volume. After three months without active treatment (at four months), significant differences in MMA levels were no longer detected. Oral vitamin B12 treatment normalised the metabolic markers of vitamin B12 deficiency. However, a one-month daily treatment with 1000 μg oral vitamin B12 was not sufficient to normalise the deficiency markers for four months, and treatment had no effect on haematological signs of B12 deficiency.
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Oral vitamin B12 for patients suspected of subtle
cobalamin deficiency: a multicentre pragmatic
randomised controlled trial
Bernard Favrat
, Paul Vaucher
, Lilli Herzig
, Bernard Burnand
, Giuseppa Ali
, Olivier Boulat
Thomas Bischoff
, François Verdon
Background: Evidence regarding the effectiveness of oral vitamin B12 in patients with serum vitamin B12 levels
between 125-200 pM/l is lacking. We compared the effectiveness of one-month oral vitamin B12 supplementation
in patients with a subtle vitamin B12 deficiency to that of a placebo.
Methods: This multicentre (13 general practices, two nursing homes, and one primary care center in western
Switzerland), parallel, randomised, controlled, closed-label, observer-blind trial included 50 patients with serum
vitamin B12 levels between 125-200 pM/l who were randomized to receive either oral vitamin B12 (1000 μg daily,
N = 26) or placebo (N = 24) for four weeks. The institutions pharmacist used simple randomisation to generate a
table and allocate treatments. The primary outcome was the change in serum methylmalonic acid (MMA) levels
after one month of treatment. Secondary outcomes were changes in total homocysteine and serum vitamin B12
levels. Blood samples were centralised for analysis and adherence to treatment was verified by an electronic device
(MEMS; Aardex Europe, Switzerland). Trial registration: ISRCTN 22063938.
Results: Baseline characteristics and adherence to treatment were similar in both groups. After one month, one
patient in the placebo group was lost to follow-up. Data were evaluated by intention-to-treat analysis. One month
of vitamin B12 treatment (N = 26) lowered serum MMA levels by 0.13 μmol/l (95%CI 0.06-0.19) more than the
change observed in the placebo group (N = 23). The number of patients needed to treat to detect a metabolic
response in MMA after one month was 2.6 (95% CI 1.7-6.4). A significant change was observed for the B12 serum
level, but not for the homocysteine level, hematocrit, or mean corpuscular volume. After three months without
active treatment (at four months), significant differences in MMA levels were no longer detected.
Conclusions: Oral vitamin B12 treatment normalised the metabolic markers of vitamin B12 deficiency. However, a
one-month daily treatment with1000 μg oral vitamin B12 was not sufficient to normalise the deficiency markers for
four months, and treatment had no effect on haematological signs of B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B12 deficiency (less than 150 pM/l) is common
in elderly people, with the reported prevalence ranging
from 15% to 20% [1,2]. Most patients show no evidence
of megaloblastic anaemia; however, these patients are still
at risk for neurological abnormalities [3]. Furthermore,
vitamin B12 deficiency leads to hyperhomocysteinemia,
an independent risk factor for ischemic heart disease [4]
and dementia [5]. Comparisons between patients with
known complications and normalcontrol patients [6]
have produced several definitions of cobalamin defi-
ciency. Over the past 15 years, the definition of vitamin
B12 deficiency has included determination of two
metabolites due to their favourable sensitivities and spe-
cificities: serum methylmalonic acid (MMA) and homo-
cysteine (Hcys) [7,8]. Over the past few decades, a
number of publications and two randomised controlled
trials have demonstrated that oral B12 is as efficacious as
* Correspondence:
Contributed equally
Department of Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine, University of
Lausanne, Bugnon 44, CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Favrat et al.BMC Family Practice 2011, 12:2
© 2011 Favrat et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed u nder the terms of the Creat ive Commons
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intramuscular injection, especially for normalising meta-
bolic markers of cobalamin deficiency [9-13], and is also
cost-effective [14].
Nevertheless, there is a lack of randomised placebo-
controlled trials to validate the use of oral vitamin
B12 therapy [15]. Furthermore, few randomised placebo-
controlled trials have evaluated the biological impact of
oral therapy (1000 μg/d) in general practice for border-
line serum vitamin B12 concentrations (125-200 pM/l)
among patients without pernicious anaemia [16,17]. Our
objective was to evaluate the efficacy of oral cobalamin in
reducing MMA levels in patients suspected of vitamin
B12 deficiency but with borderline vitamin B12 concen-
trations. This type of study is important for helping to
determine whether the MMA level indicates or predicts
a clinical condition in need of treatment[18].
A pragmatic [19,20], placebo-controlled, randomised
controlled trial with a four-month follow-up period
was conducted by 16 general practitioners in the wes-
tern part of Switzerland between October 2002 and
September 2004. The study protocol was approved by
the ethics review committee for clinical research of
the Department of Internal Medicine, University of
Lausanne, and was registered in the Current Controlled
Trial Database (ISRCTN 22063938).
Physicians enrolled patients from private practices (13
general practitioners), an academic primary care centre
(counted as one general practitioner), and nursing
homes (two general practitioners). Patients in whom
physicians suspected B12 deficiency based on clinical
parameters were asked to participate. Patients who were
suspected of having cobalamin deficiency met at least
one of the following inclusion criteria: history of
cobalamin deficiency, red cell macrocytosis (>99 fl), or
neurological or psychiatric symptoms (or both) defined
as having three or more positive responses to the symp-
toms described in Table 1.
Consenting patients with serum vitamin B12 levels
equal to or greater than 125 pM/l but equal to or less
than 200 pM/l were included. Exclusion criteria
included folate deficiency, renal insufficiency, and folate
or vitamin B12 treatment during the preceding six
months. For ethical reasons, patients with vitamin B12
levels less than 125 pM/l after one month received oral
vitamin B12 supplementation for one month. Written
informed consent was obtained from all patients before
screening for vitamin B12 deficiency. Details of refusal,
exclusion, dropouts, and missing data were collected
when available. Blood samples and baseline values were
collected before treatment allocation. All blood samples
were centralised and analysed using a single analysis
Treatment, randomisation, blinding, and adherence to
Participants received either 1000 μg oral vitamin B12
(cobalamin) or placebo daily for four weeks. An inde-
pendent pharmacist delivered active or placebo pills
according to a prior, simple computer-generated rando-
misation list. The active and placebo pills were similar
in appearance and taste and were given in a similar con-
tainer. Patients, caregivers, investigators, and the statisti-
cian were blinded to treatment until the end of the trial.
Each drug package was coded with a unique number
according to the randomisation schedule, then sent to
the relevant practice. The codes were held by the phar-
macists and remained unbroken until the analysis was
completed. Patients were asked not to take any other
vitamin supplements, and the treating physician verified
this at the one- and four-month follow-up visits.
Table 1 Reasons for patient eligibility reported by physicians (N = 49*)
Symptoms Oral B12 (N = 26) N(%) Placebo (N = 23*) N (%)
Do you have a pins and needles feeling in your feet?or Do you have a compelling
urge to move your legs in the evening or at night?
10 (38%) 7 (30%)
Have you recently felt unsteady when walking for reasons other than your rheumatism
or after having an accident?
5 (19%) 3 (13%)
During the past month have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed,
or hopeless?and During the last month, have you often been bothered by having little interest
or pleasure in doing things? [41]
7 (27%) 8 (35%)
Did you feel that you were losing your memory or has someone mentioned this to you lately?5 (19%) 4 (17%)
Has your character changed lately or has someone mentioned this to you?2 (8%) 3 (13%)
Has it been more difficult for you to perform your usual activities,
such as reading a book, watching TV, writing, paying bills, doing your housework, etc.?
5 (19%) 6 (26%)
Anemia detected (blood formula) 4 (15%) 6 (26%)
Macrocystosis (blood formula) 4 (15%) 5 (21%)
* One questionnaire was not returned by the physician.
Favrat et al.BMC Family Practice 2011, 12:2
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serum MMA levels at baseline and after one month of
treatment. Responders were defined as those partici-
pants exhibiting more intra-individual variation in
MMA (a decrease in the serum MMA level greater than
0.076 μmol/l) than that caused by random variation
[21]. Secondary outcomes were changes in serum vita-
min B12 levels, total Hcys levels, and clinical improve-
ment based on symptoms and physical signs at the one-
and four-month follow-up visits. Changes in MMA
levels measured at baseline and after four months were
also determined. The relative improvement toward the
population mean value and the number of patients
needed to treat (NNT) were reported as secondary out-
comes for MMA. Haematological improvement was
measured for mean corpuscular volume and hematocrit.
Cognitive changes were assed using the Mini Mental
State Examination (scale ranging from 30 to 0).
Measurements and laboratory methods
Medical visits and blood sampling were performed by
physicians at baseline and after one and four months.
Participants participated in a structured interview to
record socio-demographic variables, medical history,
complaints, the reason why the physician suspected vita-
min B12 deficiency, medication, importance of neurolo-
gical or psychiatric signs, and state of health.
Blood samples were drawn by standard antecubital
venipuncture from patients who were not fasting. Two
separate tubes were collected; all tubes were centralised
for analysis in a single laboratory. Samples were centri-
fuged and serum concentrations of MMA, Hcys, creati-
nine, vitamin B12, and folate were measured. Renal
insufficiency was defined as a serum creatinine level
greater than 97 μmol/l, folate insufficiency as a serum
value below 7 nmol/l, and red cell macrocytosis as a
value greater than 99 fl. Haematological parameters
were measured by an automated analyser (Sysmex XE-
2100; Sysmex corporation, Hyogo, Japan). Serum creati-
nine levels were measured by the Jaffé kinetic method at
37°C (Modular ANALYTICS system; Roche Diagnostics,
Basel, Switzerland). Serum vitamin B12 and folate levels
were measured by a quantitative radioimmunoassay
using purified intrinsic factor and purified folate-binding
protein. MMA levels in serum were determined by gas
chromatography and mass spectrometry with isotopic
dilution. Analytical performance was assessed by inter-
nal and external quality controls (ERNDIM; http://www. Typical coefficients of variation were less
than 3.8% at 0.39 μmol/l (N = 55) and less than 3.7% at
1.75 μmol/l (N = 61). Total Hcys levels in serum were
quantified by high performance liquid chromatography
with fluorimetric detection [22]. Typical coefficients of
variation were less than 5.2% at 5.5 μmol/l (N = 120)
and less than 3.3% at 16.4 μmol/l (N = 143). Adherence
to treatment was verified by an electronic device
(MEMS; Aardex Europe, Switzerland) that recorded the
date and time of every opening of the pill container.
Unused pills were also counted. Adherence was quanti-
fied by calculating the percentage of days that the pill
container was opened once.
Statistical methods
Our study was powered to detect a mean decrease in
MMA values of 0.2 μmol/l in the treatment group as
compared with 0.05 μmol/l in the placebo group.
Expecting a standard deviation of 0.15 μmol/l with the
significance level set at p < 0.05 and power set at 0.8,
the estimated sample size was 16 participants in each
group. Based on previous data [23], we estimated that
the proportion of responders (as determined by a
change in MMA) would be 10% in the placebo group
and at least 50% in the intervention group, necessitating
the inclusion of 25 patients in each group.
We performed the principal analysis according to inten-
tion to treat (all patients remained in their initially
assigned arm). The planned measure of magnitude of
effects was absolute change difference from baseline
between the treatment and placebo arms. This difference
was determined by computing the least square means of
differences with linear regression, adjusting for baseline
value. Robust standard error [24] was used to take hetero-
scedasticity into consideration. To control for the observed
lack of homogeneity of variance for different baseline
values, we also computed the improvement from baseline
in proportion to what would have been expected had the
values become normal (relative improvement). This sec-
ondary measure of intervention effect was the relative
improvement difference between arms (RΔ%). Based on
previously published information, we considered the
healthy populations mean MMA value to be 0.17 μmol/l
[25], the mean Hcys value to be 10.2 μmol/l [25], and the
mean vitamin B12 value to be 375 pM/l [26]. If the values
changed to exceed the mean population value, the mea-
sure of effect was limited to 1.0. If no improvement was
detected at follow-up, or if the baseline values were already
normal, the measure of effect was considered null. Stu-
dentst-test was used to evaluate the significance of the
observed difference between those patients receiving B12
and those receiving placebo. No measures were taken to
control the overall type I error rate because outcomes
were expected to be highly correlated to each another.
The NNT was calculated considering dropouts and miss-
ing data as non-responders. We set the alpha level to 0.05
and calculated 95% confidence intervals (CIs). All statisti-
cal analyses were performed using Stata 10.0 (StataCorp
LP, College Station, TX, USA).
Favrat et al.BMC Family Practice 2011, 12:2
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Vitamin B12 deficiency was suspected in 81 patients.
Three patients refused to participate (4%) without pro-
viding reasons, 14 (17%) had B12 serum values less than
125 pM/l and were given B12 treatment, and 14 (17%)
had serum values greater that 200 pM/l and were
excluded. The 50 remaining patients were randomly
assigned (Figure 1) to the placebo arm (N = 24) or the
experimental arm (N = 26). The symptoms that most fre-
quently made the physician suspect B12 deficiency were
paraesthesia and depression (Table 1). Age, sex, and
other characteristics were similar between the groups
(Table 2). Doses and proportion of days with correct
medication were 27.4 intakes and 93.5% of days for the
oral B12 group and 28.4 intakes and 94.4% of days for
the placebo group. Seven patients (one from the
treatment group) had vitamin B12 levels less than 125
pM/l at one month and received oral vitamin B12 supple-
mentation for one extra month. These patients were
included in the intention to treat analysis. One question-
naire was not completed by the physician. Transport
inconvenience prevented 18/145 blood samples (from 13
patients) from being analysed for metabolites. Six of 50
electronic devices used to measure treatment compliance
were not returned; thus, adherence data were missing for
these patients. We observed no relevant side effects of
treatment during the four-month follow-up period. Two
adverse events were reported, both in the intervention
group. One patient was hospitalised for psychiatric rea-
sons and one was hospitalised to receive a blood transfu-
sion. Physicians considered both of these events
unrelated to vitamin B12 administration.
Figure 1 Flow chart of the study design. * B12 concentration was not available for one patient who was assumed not to be deficient. Hcys:
homocysteine, MMA: methylmalonic acid.
Favrat et al.BMC Family Practice 2011, 12:2
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At baseline, 21.7% of patients had MMA levels that
were considered normal (less than 0.26 μmol/l). Serum
concentrations of metabolites at baseline, one month,
and four months appear in Figure 2. A significant treat-
ment effect was observed on surrogate values of serum
vitamin B12 after both one and four months, and on
MMA values at one month (Table 3). Per-protocol ana-
lysis also confirmed the absence of a difference in mean
MMA concentrations between the placebo and treat-
ment groups at four months (-0.02 μmol/l; 95% CI -0.16
to 0.13; p = 0.832). We also measured the relative
improvement effect toward the healthy populations
mean value (Table 4). At one month, patients under-
going vitamin B12 treatment decreased their mean defi-
cit by 48.7% (95% CI 29.0 to 68.3) over placebo. Finally,
the NNT for improving MMA serum concentration at
one month was 2.6 patients (95% CI 1.7 to 9.4).
This study has demonstrated that in primary care
patients with nonspecific symptoms and borderline
serum vitamin B12 levels, serum MMA levels were cor-
rected more often in patients receiving one month of
oral cobalamin therapy than in patients receiving one
month of placebo. However, the benefit to the MMA
level disappeared after three additional months without
cobalamin therapy.
Although treatment has been deemed necessary
regardless of laboratory results for patients with signs of
severe cobalamin deficiency [27,28], in general practice
one might question the impact of treatment for patients
with nonspecific symptoms suspected to be related to
cobalamin deficiency. The definition of cobalamin defi-
ciency remains imprecise; a definition based only on
clinical symptoms lacks specificity up to advanced
stages, except in cases of pernicious anaemia. Therefore,
a serum vitamin B12 level below 125 μmol/l cannot be
the sole criterion for defining cobalamin deficiency. No
clear cut-off values have been defined, and publications
have variously asserted that there are grey areasbelow
295 pM/l [29], 200 pM/l [30], or 250 pM/l [27].
The metabolic markers MMA and Hcys show promise
as markers for improving the diagnosis of cobalamin defi-
ciency [7,8,31]. Our randomised controlled trial showed
an improvement in MMA levels and a nonsignificant fall
in Hcys following oral B12 supplementation for one
month (Table 3). For MMA, our results corroborate
observations from three other pertinent trials [17,32] and
one equivalent trial comparing oral to parenteral admin-
istration [12]. However, our study is the first to follow
patients after cessation of treatment. Our findings sug-
gest that one month of treatment is not enough to main-
tain MMA serum concentrations above borderline
deficit. Furthermore, one month of treatment may not be
sufficient to affect Hcys levels, as other studies have
demonstrated improvement after treatment periods of
three months [33]. The specificity of Hcys is considered
low, which may also explain the low response of Hcys
levels to vitamin B12 therapy [27]. Hcys levels are also
influenced by lifestyle habits (coffee, alcohol, and smok-
ing), renal function, genetic abnormalities, and folate
In the primary care setting, the importance of subtle
cobalamin deficiency and its related clinical impact
remain under debate. Increased concentrations of MMA
metabolites in patients without anaemia define subtle
cobalamin deficiency [29]. The prognostic and clinical
significances of this state are not clear [34]. Neuropathy,
anaemia, and cognitive impairment are possible
[15,35,36], and some observational studies have demon-
strated a clinical benefit from treatment, including oral
therapy [15,35]. However, Solomon found patients with
Table 2 Baseline characteristics of study participants
Oral B12 (N = 26) Placebo (N = 24)
Gender (Female) 14 (53.8%) 13 (54.2%)
n (%)
Mean (SD) 69.6 yrs (SD = 18.8) 68.6 yrs (SD = 18.5)
Median (range) 76 yrs (31 - 91) 75 yrs (18 - 88)
Serum B12
Mean (SD) 164 pM/l (SD = 24) 154 pM/l (SD = 20)
Median (range) 164 pM/l (127 - 203) 150 pM/l (126 - 191)
Serum MMA
Mean (SD) 0.43 μmol/l (SD = 0.25)* 0.41 μmol/l (SD = 0.24)*
Median (range) 0.32 μmol/l (0.19 - 1.1) 0.31 μmol/l (0.15 - 0.92)
MMA 0.26 μmol/l
n (%) 18 (83.3%)* 16 (72.7%)*
Serum HCys
Mean (SD) 18.3 μmol/l (SD = 6.6)* 15.0 μmol/l (SD = 5.3)*
Median (range) 18.1 μmol/l (9.8 - 31.5) 14.3 μmol/l (7.5 - 27.1)
Mean (SD) 40.3% (SD = 4.2)
39.5% (SD = 4.6)
Median (range) 39.5% (32 - 46) 40% (27 - 47)
Mean corpuscular
Mean (SD) 91.2 fl (SD = 9.2)
92.6 fl (SD = 5.1)
Median (range) 90 fl (63 - 100) 92 fl (81 - 111)
Serum creatinine
Mean (SD) 96.4 μmol/l (SD = 27.9) 89.0 μmol/l (SD = 27.2)
Median (range) 86 μmol/l (60 - 160) 89 μmol/l (37 - 137)
Serum folic acid
Mean (SD) 16.6 nmol/l (SD = 9.1) 19.2 nmol/l (SD = 10.9)
Median (range) 16.2 nmol/l (5.6 - 45.3) 14 nmol/l (5.4 - 33)
Hcys = homocysteine, MMA = methylmalonic acid, SD = standard deviation.
* Transport inconvenient generated missing total at random data; samples
were not analysed for 2 patients in the oral B12 group and for 2 patients in
the placebo group.
One physician did not report results from the blood formula onto the case
report form. Data were unvailable for one patient in the oral B12 group.
Favrat et al.BMC Family Practice 2011, 12:2
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Baseline 1 month 4 months
Serum B12 pM /l (log scale)
Oral B12 (1 month)
Baseline 1 month 4 months
Oral B12 (1 month) Placebo
ol/l (log scale)
Baseline 1 month 4 months
Baseline 1 month 4 months
Baseline 1 month 4 months
Oral B12 (1 month)
Baseline 1 month 4 months
Hcys mol/l (log scale)
Figure 2 Changes in metabolic values. Red dotted lines correspond to patients from the placebo group who received vitamin B12 for one
month at the one-month follow-up. Hcys: homocysteine, MMA: methylmalonic acid.
Table 3 Different outcomes in the oral B12 treatment group and the placebo group after one and four months
Oral B12 Placebo Impovement from baseline between oral B12 and
Biological marker 1 month Mean
(SD); N
4 months Mean
(SD); N
1 month Mean
(SD); N
4 months Mean
(SD); N
1 month* Δ(CI95%;
4 months* Δ(CI95%;
MMA (μmol/l) 0.23 (0.08); 22 0.41 (0.30); 19 0.37 (0.14); 23 0.35 (0.16); 22 - 0.13 (CI95% -0.19 to -0.06;
p < 0.001)
0.03 (CI95% -0.12 to 0.17;
p = 0.686)
Serum cobalamin
263.4 (89.8); 25 202.6 (56.3); 23 154.5 (41.1); 24 162.9 (39.8); 23 101.6 (CI95% 60.1 to 143.2;
p < 0.001)
35.0 (CI95% 6.4 to 63.5;
p = 0.018)
Hcys (μmol/l) 16.5 (6.1); 22 17.1 (7.5); 19 13.9 (4.3); 23 15.6 (5.8); 22 0.04 (CI95% -1.2 to 1.3;
p = 0.950)
-1.0 (CI95% -4.0 to 2.0;
p = 0.502)
Hematocrite (% red
39.6 (4.1); 26 40.1 (4.0); 26 39.7 (4.6); 24 39.4 (4.6); 22 -0.4 (CI95% -1.7 to 0.8;
p = 0.502)
0.5 (CI95% -1.0 to 2.1;
p = 0.475)
MCV (fl) 89.8 (6.9); 26 89.0 (7.0); 26 92.8 (7.0); 24 92.6 (7.6); 22 -0.4 (CI95% -2.2 to 1.4;
p = 0.674)
-0.1 (CI95% -2.3 to 2.2;
p = 0.950)
MMSE (score 0-30) - 27.8 (2.3); 26 - 28.1 (2.2); 21 - -0.4 (CI95% -1.3 to 0.6;
p = 0.432)
* Least square means were computed using linear regression with robust standard error to take heteroscedasticity into account. Each value at 1 or 4 months was
introduced separately as the dependent variable, with group allocation and baseline value as independent variables. Interpretation of these magnitudes is
nevertheless restricted. Variance is not constant across baseline values (heteroscedasticity). Effects are more important for patients with initial higher levels of
deficiency. Hcys = homocysteine, MMA = methylmalonic acid, MMSE= Mini Mental State Examination.
Favrat et al.BMC Family Practice 2011, 12:2
Page 6 of 8
clinical signs of cobalamin deficiency but normal levels
of metabolic markers [34]. In a randomised controlled
trial in community-dwelling subjects, Lewerin found
that four months of oral 0.5 mg vitamin B12 in combi-
nation with folic acid and vitamin B6 normalised
serum MMA and Hcys levels, but failed to improve
movement and cognitive performance [37]. Hvas also
reported limited clinical improvement following
administration of vitamin B12 to patients with elevated
MMA (0.4-2 μmol/l) levels [18,34,38]. However, con-
troversy continues to surround the question of whether
vitamin B12 supplements affect cognition [39]. In our
study, one month of oral vitamin B12 significantly
increased serum cobalamin levels, but the effect did
not persist after three more months without supple-
mentation. These results are unexpected, given the
liver storage capacity for vitamin B12 and the quantity
of B12 administered during this study, and the effec-
tiveness of intermittent treatment remains uncertain.
Surrogates alone may not provide sufficient evidence
to assume clinical benefits of vitamin B12 supplemen-
tation. Further studies are required to assess the effects
on clinical outcomes.
One limitation of our study lies in defining the popu-
lation for which our results are applicable. Further ran-
domised trials are still necessary to evaluate the
prophylactic effect of oral B12 for preventing neurologi-
cal manifestations [40]. Mishandling of blood samples
resulted in the loss of some data. These unexpected
events and other missing data were not included in our
initial sample size estimation, limiting the power of our
study. Most missing data were missing completely at
random, our results were therefore not biased, and only
the power of the study was diminished. Finally, the
inclusion of essentially non-anaemic patients who are
less likely to respond to vitamin B12 treatment may
affect our ability to generalise our results to an anaemic,
cobalamin-deficient population.
Although oral B12 therapy evoked an important meta-
bolic response, this response did not persist for an addi-
tional three months following cessation of therapy,
causing us to question whether extending oral vitamin
B12 treatment beyond one month would have a signifi-
cant effect on the clinical manifestations of cobalamin
deficiency. Whether correcting abnormal metabolic mar-
kers in hopes of improving clinical symptoms in patients
with suspected borderline cobalamin deficiency is a
clinically auspicious strategy remains under debate.
List of abbreviations
Hcys: homocysteine; MMA: methylmalonic acid; NNT: number needed to
treat; SD: standard deviation; RΔ%: relative reduction difference towards the
healthy populations mean value
We thank the general practitioners who served as local investigators,
without whom this study would not have been possible. We thank the
institutions pharmacy for preparing the randomisation list, sending the
appropriate material to each physician, and for managing the electronic
devices measuring compliance. We thank Françoise Secretan, research nurse,
for her meticulous work as data manager. We also thank Streuli Pharma AG,
Uznach, Switzerland, for preparing pills (placebo and active) and providing
them to us for this study.
Author details
Department of Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine, University of
Lausanne, Bugnon 44, CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Institute of General
Medicine, University of Lausanne, Bugnon 44, CH-1011 Lausanne,
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of
Lausanne, Bugnon 17, CH-1005 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Laboratory of Clinical
Chemistry, Hospices-CHUV, Bugnon 46, CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland.
BF, FV, LH, BB, GA, and TB designed the study. PV, BF, and FV analysed and
interpreted the data. BF and PV drafted the manuscript. FV, LH, BB, GA, and
TB revised and corrected the draft. All authors read and approved the final
Competing interests
BF, PV, LH, BB, GA, OB, TB, and FV all declare the absence of any financial or
non-financial competing interests.
Received: 16 July 2010 Accepted: 13 January 2011
Published: 13 January 2011
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Table 4 Differences in relative improvement* effects toward the healthy populations mean value between the oral
B12 treatment and placebo group (RΔ%) at 1 and 4 months
Relative improvement effect towards healthy populations mean value
Biological marker 1 month RΔ% (CI95%; p-value) 4 months RΔ% (CI95%; p-value)
MMA (μmol/l) Reduction 48.7% (CI95% 29.0:68.3; p < 0.001) 0.2% (CI95% -17.8:18.3; p = 0.979)
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Hcys (μmol/l) Reduction 1.8% (CI95% -16.4:20.0; p = 0.844) 6.7% (CI95% -11.3:24.7; p = 0.455)
* Improvement from baseline compared to what would have been expected had the values become normal (MMA = 0.17 μmol/l, vitamin B12 = 375 pM/l, and
Hcys = 10.2 μmol/l).
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The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:
Cite this article as: Favrat et al.: Oral vitamin B12 for patients suspected
of subtle cobalamin deficiency: a multicentre pragmatic randomised
controlled trial. BMC Family Practice 2011 12:2.
Favrat et al.BMC Family Practice 2011, 12:2
Page 8 of 8
... Eight studies on older adults were included -five RCTs, conducted in Australia (26), the Netherlands (27,28), Switzerland (29) and the United Kingdom (30), one nonrandomized intervention study conducted in the United States (31), one RCT conducted in the United States (32) and one prospective cohort study conducted in Germany (33) ( Table 5). Sample sizes in intervention studies ranged from 23 to 149 subjects with a mean/median age of 75-82 years. ...
... Eussen et al. (27) found that supplemental B12 doses of 2.5, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 µg/d increased s-B12 and holoTC while MMA and tHcy decreased, all in a dose-response manner. Favrat et al. (29) found that B12 supplementation of 1000 µg/d significantly increased s-B12 and decreased MMA and tHcy in comparison to placebo. Hill et al. (30) found that 10 µg/d elicited improvement in B12 status but 500 µg/d was required to normalize p-B12 and ...
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Objective: To systematically review the evidence for whether habitual or different levels of experimental intake of vitamin B12 from diet and supplements is sufficient to ensure adequate B12 status in groups most susceptible to vitamin B12 deficiency. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Scopus up to 21 May 2021, for intervention studies, prospective cohort studies and case-control studies assessing B12 intake from diet and/or supplements in relation to B12 status (s/p-B12, holotranscobalamin, methylmalonic acid, homocysteine or breastmilk B12). Cross-sectional studies were eligible for studies conducted during pregnancy and lactation. Included populations were children (0-18 years), young adults (18-35 years), pregnant or lactating women, older adults (≥65 years) and vegans or vegetarians. Study selection, data extraction and risk of bias assessment were conducted by two assessors independently. The evidence was synthesized qualitatively and classified according to the World Cancer Research Fund. Results: The searches yielded 4855 articles of which 89 were assessed in full text and 18 included. Three studies were conducted during pregnancy and three during lactation or infancy - all observational. Eight studies were conducted among older adults; most were interventions among B12-deficient participants. Four studies were eligible for vegetarian and vegans, all interventions. The strength of evidence that habitual B12 intake or an intake in line with the current Nordic recommended intake (RI) is sufficient to ensure adequate status was considered Limited - no conclusion for all included populations. Conclusion: Evidence is insufficient to assess if or which level of B12 intake is sufficient to maintain adequate status for all included populations. Population-based cohort studies and low-to-moderate dose interventions that address this question are highly warranted.
... (21) Though, evidence of good effectiveness of oral supplementation is available, there is no high-dose oral vitamin B12 monopreparation available. (22)(23)(24) gastrectomy. (25) Although there is limited data available for effectiveness of high oral dose of vitamin B12 supplementation in comparison to intramuscular route. ...
... In current study, the level of vitamin B12 was increased after 28 days of oral and/or intramuscular high -dose vitamin B12 therapy. Other studies also support these findings, in which two trials assessed effect of high -dose oral vitamin B12 therapy in comparison of placebo (24,(29)(30) , while three trails compared oral vs intramuscular vitamin B12 therapy. (22)(23)31) In disparity of other studies, we detected increased response after intramuscular administration, hence the theory of non-inferiority of oral administration in comparison of intramuscular administration should not be accepted. ...
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EFFICACY OF ORAL AND INTRAMUSCULAR VITAMIB B12 IN EARLY RESPONSE AND PREFERENCES OF PATIENTS BACKGROUND: Deficiency of vitamin B12 can be managed by oral substitution or intramuscular injection of vitamin B12. When different administration routes are present, the preference of patients should also be considered while treatment selection. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of our study was to assess the preferences of patients towards intramuscular injection or oral treatment of vitamin B12 supplementation, and to confirm the efficacy of both treatment options in patients. METHODOLOGY: This was a prospective clinical trial, conducted at tertiary care hospital for a period of one year (June 2020 to May 2021). A total of 42 patients were selected for study. Patients were randomly and equally allocated to oral (21 patients) or intramuscular treatment groups (21 patients). In Group A, patients were given oral tablets of 1000μg cyanocobalamin, while in Group B, 1000μg hydroxocobalamin injections were given to patients. Samples of whole blood were extracted before starting of treatment, followed by 1, 2 and 4 weeks of treatment, and were analyzed for serum vitamin B12 levels. Before and after treatment, the patients were asked to fill questionnaire regarding preference of treatment options. SPSS 24.0. was used for analysis. A p-value of <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. RESULTS: Among all patients, the mean age was found as 46.3±3 years with majority were including the females (63.3%). In Group A, serum vitamin B12 levels were 155 pmol/L (range 144-181) and Group B, it was 161 pmol/L (range 149-169). After 1 month of therapy, the level of serum vitamin B12 level was increased significantly in Group A (368; range 295-419) and Group B (2881 (range 1297-4418). Before starting of treatment, most of the preference was given to oral route of administration. Eight patients changed their opinion after therapy. CONCLUSION: There was significant difference in levels of vitamin B12 in both oral and intramuscular treatment groups. Due to obvious effect in response to treatment, the opinion of patients to select the routes of administration was also changed. Keywords: Vitamin B12, Oral therapy, Intramuscular therapy, Preference, Cyanocobalamin.
... The authors of the other 32 papers (n = 10 for vitamin B12 and n = 22 for folic acid) agreed to participate in this project and to share their data on haemoglobin concentrations or haematocrit fractions after supplementation. These 32 papers comprised 4 unique studies on vitamin B12 supplementation [28][29][30][31] and 3 unique studies on folic acid supplementation (Table 1) [32][33][34]. No additional (ongoing) studies were found on ...
... Second, many of the included studies mainly consisted of participants without anaemia. Perhaps haemoglobin levels in non-anaemic patients are less likely to increase in response to vitamin B12 or folic acid treatment than haemoglobin levels in anaemic patients [29]. Unfortunately, the low numbers of people with anaemia refrained us from drawing definite conclusions on the effects of supplementation in an anaemic population with low vitamin B12 or folate concentrations. ...
Background/objectives: Low vitamin B12 and folate levels in community-dwelling older people are usually corrected with supplements. However, the effect of this supplementation on haematological parameters in older persons is not known. Therefore, we executed a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised placebo-controlled trials (RCTs). Subjects/methods: We performed a systematic search in PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane and CENTRAL for RCTs published between January 1950 and April 2016, where community-dwelling elderly (60+ years) who were treated with vitamin B12 or folic acid or placebo. The presence of anaemia was not required. We analysed the data on haematological parameters with a two-stage IPD meta-analysis. Results: We found 494 full papers covering 14 studies. Data were shared by the authors of four RCTs comparing vitamin B12 with placebo (n = 343) and of three RCTs comparing folic acid with placebo (n = 929). We found no effect of vitamin B12 supplementation on haemoglobin (change 0.00 g/dL, 95% CI: -0.19;0.18), and no effect of folic acid supplementation (change -0.09 g/dL, 95% CI: -0.19;0.01). The effects of supplementation on other haematological parameters were similar. The effects did not differ by sex or by age group. Also, no effect was found in a subgroup of patients with anaemia and a subgroup of patients who were treated >4 weeks. Conclusions: Evidence on the effects of supplementation of low concentrations of vitamin B12 and folate on haematological parameters in community-dwelling older people is inconclusive. Further research is needed before firm recommendations can be made concerning the supplementation of vitamin B12 and folate.
... Уровень B 12 в крови существенно повысился -на 101,6 пмоль/л (95% CI 60,1, 143,2; p < 0,001). Статистически значимого изменения MCV, гематокрита и уровня гомоцистеина не отмечалось [94]. В исследовании Greibe и соавт. ...
Vitamin B 12 (cobalamin) is a collective name for a group of water-soluble cobalt-containing biologically active compounds belonging to corrinoids. Vitamin B 12 is essential for hematopoiesis, the formation of epithelial tissue; as a coenzyme, it is involved in the metabolism of fatty acids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids. Cobalamin defi ciency is associated with the development of anemia, polyneuropathy, and decreased cognitive function. Due to the nonspecifi city of symptoms and the possible development of severe and potentially irreversible complications, it is important to conduct timely screening among patients from risk groups. Among endocrine disorders, vitamin B 12 defi ciency is found in patients with diabetes mellitus, obesity and autoimmune thyroid disease mostly. In particular, metformin may cause a decrease in vitamin B 12 levels and polyneuropathy, which is diffi cult to diff erentiate from diabetic polyneuropathy. In patients with autoimmune thyroid lesions, other autoimmune diseases are often observed, atrophic gastritis and pernicious anemia notably. Vitamin B 12 malabsorption can lead to defi ciency even when consumed adequately, which possibly explains the relatively high prevalence of B 12 defi ciency in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease. This literature review summarizes recent advances on the role of vitamin B 12 metabolism, potential risk groups for vitamin B 12 defi ciency among common endocrine diseases, and the benefi t for its replacement with high-dose oral forms, cyanocobalamin 1 mg in particular
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Background: The present genome-wide association study (GWAS) aimed to reveal the genetic loci associated with folate metabolites as well as to detect related gene-environment interactions in Japanese. Methods: We conducted the GWAS of plasma homocysteine (Hcy), folic acid (FA), and vitamin B12 (VB12) levels in the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study participants who joined from 2005 to 2012, and also estimated gene-environment interactions. In the replication phase, we used data from the Yakumo Study conducted in 2009. In the discovery phase, data of 2,263 participants from four independent study sites of the J-MICC Study were analyzed. In the replication phase, data of 573 participants from the Yakumo Study were analyzed. Results: For Hcy, MTHFR locus on chr 1, NOX4 on chr 11, CHMP1A on chr 16, and DPEP1 on chr 16 reached genome-wide significance (P < 5×10⁻⁸). MTHFR also associated with FA, and FUT2 on chr 19 associated with VB12. We investigated gene-environment interactions in both studies and found significant interactions between MTHFR C677T and ever drinking, current drinking, and physical activity > 33% on Hcy (β = 0.039, 0.038 and -0.054, P = 0.018, 0.021 and < 0.001, respectively) and the interaction of MTHFR C677T with ever drinking on FA (β = 0.033, P = 0.048). Conclusions: The present GWAS revealed the folate metabolism-associated genetic loci and gene-environment interactions with drinking and physical activity in Japanese, suggesting the possibility of future personalized CVD prevention.
Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is the second most common retinal vascular disorder, after diabetic retinopathy. Most patients suffering RVO develop some degree of visual loss consequent to retinal complications such as edema and microhemorrhages. Even if some risk factors for RVO have been identified, the clinical outcome of RVO remains highly unpredictable because studies investigating potential prognostic markers for visual improvement are lacking. Cyanocobalamin belongs to the group of B vitamins and plays a role in homocysteine metabolism; however, cyanocobalamin deficiency associates with an increase of some toxic bioproducts involved in endothelial injury and platelet activation independent of homocysteine levels. We retrospectively evaluated the levels of vitamin B12 at diagnosis in 203 patients with RVO, and in a parallel cohort of 120 age- and sex-matched patients without RVO from an internal medicine ward, and correlated them with visual outcome at follow-up (median time 150 days, IQR 30–210). In patients with RVO, vitamin B12 levels at diagnosis were significantly lower than in controls and independently predicted worse clinical outcome at multivariate analysis (OR 3.2; CIs 1.2–8.2; p = 0.015). Our data suggest the opportunity to prospectively evaluate the effect on visual outcome of cyanocobalamin supplementation in RVO patients.
Polyneuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus is manifested by a lesion of peripheral sensory, motor and autonomic nervous system. Different severity of damage of sensory, motor and autonomic fibers in typical and atypical forms of diabetic polyneuropathy, require a differentiated approach to therapy, but not the rejection of its implementation. In an interdisciplinary consensus, consultations are held with physicians from different regions of the Russian Federation, and modern methods of diagnosing and assessing the severity of diabetic polyneuropathies, which determine the algorithm for treating patients, are discussed. Keywords: diabetic polyneuropathy, neuropathic pain, gabapentinoids, antidepressants, thioctic acid, benfotiamine, neurotropic therapy, pentasinergy, neuroplasticity, point of no return, therapeutic nihilism, interdisciplinary consensus on DPN.
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Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı intramüsküler B12 replasman tedavisi ile oral B12 replasman tedavisinin kan B12 vitamini düzeyleri üzerine olan etkisinin karşılaştırılmasıdır.Materyal ve Metod: Çalışma Ankara Numune Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi (EAH) Bilimsel Araştırmalar Değerlendirme Komisyonunun 24/07/2013 tarih ve 2013-646 sayılı kararı ile yapılmıştır. Ankara Numune EAH 3 Dahiliye polikliniğine Mayıs–Ekim 2012 tarihleri arasında başvuran ve yeni tanı B12 vitamini eksikliği saptanan, oral veya intramüsküler tedavi başlanan, bir ay sonra kontrole gelen hastalar retrospektif taranarak çalışmaya alınmıştır. İstatistiksel analizler “SPSS for Windows 20,0” paket programı ile yapılmıştır.Bulgular: Oral vitamin B12 replasman tedavisi alan 56, intramüsküler vitamin B12 replasman tedavisi alan 46 hasta bulundu. Başlangıç değerlerine göre tüm hastalarda anlamlı B12 vitamini düzey artışı olduğu görüldü. (220,73±243,47 pikogram/mililitre (pg/ml), p<0,001). Oral tedavi alanlarda B12 vitamini artışı 252,91±297,23 pg/ml, intramüsküler tedavi alanlarda B12 vitamini artışı 182,96±152,90 pg/ml olarak saptandı. Oral ve intramüsküler tedavi alan hastaların B12 vitamini düzey artışları arasında fark tespit edilmedi (p>0,05).Sonuç: Oral ve intramüsküler B12 replasman tedavi kollarına ayrılarak yapılan bir çalışmada 90 günlük tedavi sonrasında oral ve intramüsküler tedavi ile B12 vitamini düzeyinde artış olduğu bulunmuş ancak gruplar etkinlik açısından karşılaştırılmamıştır. Bizim çalışmamızda B12 vitamini eksikliği saptanan hastalarda oral ve intramüsküler B12 replasman tedavileri arasında fark saptanmamış olması, oral replasman tedavisinin intramüsküler tedaviye alternatif olabileceğini akla getirmektedir. Konu ile ilgili yeni, daha geniş kapsamlı randomize kontrollü çalışmalara ihtiyaç olduğu ortadadır.
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Aim: Warfarin, which is widely used for preventing thromboembolic events, can cause major and minor side effects. The aim of this trial is to evaluate the effect of nurse home-support program on self-management of patients receiving warfarin therapy. Method: A randomized, controlled trial was conducted using 36 selected and eligible patients who had 12-month home-visit follow-ups. The bleeding risk score, potential and preventable warfarin-related complications, patients' self-management behaviors, and anticoagulation satisfaction were examined. Data analyses were performed using parametric and nonparametric tests, split-plot analysis of variance, multiple regression analysis, and Bland and Altman plots test. Results: The bleeding risk score was an effective variable for assessing patient satisfaction (p<0.05). The self-management group demonstrated decreased bleeding risk at the end of the trial. The Duke Anticoagulation Satisfaction Scale mean score represents a statistically significant improvement in the self-management group (p<0.05). Patients' self-management behaviors improved significantly in the self-management group compared to the control group (p<0.05). The number of international normalized ratio values within the target range was significantly higher in the self-management group (174/432) than in the control group (82/432). The self-management group showed significant reductions in both thromboembolic events. Conclusion: This trial demonstrated evidence that use of nursing home care is effective in developing self-management behaviors, improving patient satisfaction, and preventing complications in patients receiving warfarin therapy. This model could be easily adopted and implemented by home care services and health organizations.
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Trials of healthcare interventions are often described as either explanatory or pragmatic. Explanatory trials generally measure efficacy-the benefit a treatment produces under ideal conditions, often using carefully defined subjects in a research clinic. Pragmatic trials measure effectiveness-the benefit the treatment produces in routine clinical practice.An explanatory approach recruits as homogeneous a population as possible and aims primarily to further scientific knowledge. By contrast, the design of a pragmatic trial reflects variations between patients that occur in real clinical practice and aims to inform choices between treatments. To ensure generalisability pragmatic trials should, so far as possible, represent the patients to whom the treatment will be applied. The need for purchasers and providers of health care to use …
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Offering a unifying theoretical perspective not readily available in any other text, this innovative guide to econometrics uses simple geometrical arguments to develop students' intuitive understanding of basic and advanced topics, emphasizing throughout the practical applications of modern theory and nonlinear techniques of estimation. One theme of the text is the use of artificial regressions for estimation, reference, and specification testing of nonlinear models, including diagnostic tests for parameter constancy, serial correlation, heteroscedasticity, and other types of mis-specification. Explaining how estimates can be obtained and tests can be carried out, the authors go beyond a mere algebraic description to one that can be easily translated into the commands of a standard econometric software package. Covering an unprecedented range of problems with a consistent emphasis on those that arise in applied work, this accessible and coherent guide to the most vital topics in econometrics today is indispensable for advanced students of econometrics and students of statistics interested in regression and related topics. It will also suit practising econometricians who want to update their skills. Flexibly designed to accommodate a variety of course levels, it offers both complete coverage of the basic material and separate chapters on areas of specialized interest.
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Vitamin B(12) (B(12)) deficiency is common in Indians and a major contributor to hyperhomocysteinemia, which may influence fetal growth, risk of type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this paper was to study the effect of physiological doses of B(12) and folic acid on plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) concentration. A cluster randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, 2 x 3 factorial trial, using the family as the randomization unit. B(12) was given as 2 or 10 microg capsules, with or without 200 microg folic acid, forming six groups (B(0)F(0), B(2)F(0), B(10)F(0), B(0)F(200), B(2)F(200) and B(10)F(200)). Plasma tHcy concentration was measured before and after 4 and 12 months of supplementation. From 119 families in the Pune Maternal Nutrition Study, 300 individuals were randomized. There was no interaction between B(12) and folic acid (P=0.14) in relation to tHcy concentration change and their effects were analyzed separately: B(0) vs. B(2) vs. B(10); and F(0) vs. F(200). At 12 months, tHcy concentration reduced by a mean 5.9 (95% CI: -7.8, -4.1) micromol/l in B(2), and by 7.1 (95% CI: -8.9, -5.4) micromol/l in B(10), compared to nonsignificant rise of 1.2 (95% CI: -0.5, 2.9) micromol/l in B(0). B(2) and B(10) did not differ significantly. In F(200), tHcy concentration decreased by 4.8 (95% CI: -6.3, -3.3) micromol/l compared to 2.8 (95% CI: -4.3, -1.2) micromol/l in F(0). Daily oral supplementation with physiological doses of B(12) is an effective community intervention to reduce tHcy. Folic acid (200 microg per day) showed no additional benefit, neither had any unfavorable effects.
Because cobalamin deficiency is routinely treated with parenteral cobalamin, we investigated the efficacy of oral therapy. We randomly assigned 38 newly diagnosed cobalamin deficient patients to receive cyanocobalamin as either 1 mg intramuscularly on days 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 21, 30, 60, and 90 or 2 mg orally on a daily basis for 120 days. Therapeutic effectiveness was evaluated by measuring hematologic and neurologic improvement and changes in serum levels of cobalamin (normal, 200 to 900 pg/mL) methylmalonic acid (normal, 73 to 271 nmol/L), and homocysteine (normal, 5.1 to 13.9 μmol/L). Five patients were subsequently found to have folate deficiency, which left 18 evaluable patients in the oral group and 15 in the parenteral group. Correction of hematologic and neurologic abnormalities was prompt and indistinguishable between the 2 groups. The mean pretreatment values for serum cobalamin, methylmalonic acid, and homocysteine were, respectively, 93 pg/mL, 3,850 nmol/L, and 37.2 μmol/L in the oral group and 95 pg/mL, 3,630 nmol/L, and 40.0 μmol/L in the parenteral therapy group. After 4 months of therapy, the respective mean values were 1,005 pg/mL, 169 nmol/L, and 10.6 μmol/L in the oral group and 325 pg/mL, 265 nmol/L, and 12.2 μmol/L in the parenteral group. The higher serum cobalamin and lower serum methylmalonic acid levels at 4 months posttreatment in the oral group versus the parenteral group were significant, with P < .0005 and P < .05, respectively. In cobalamin deficiency, 2 mg of cyanocobalamin administered orally on a daily basis was as effective as 1 mg administered intramuscularly on a monthly basis and may be superior. © 1998 by The American Society of Hematology.
BACKGROUND: Vitamin B-12 deficiency is associated with cognitive impairment in older people. However, evidence from randomized trials of the effects of vitamin B-12 supplementation on cognitive function is limited and inconclusive. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to investigate whether daily supplementation with high doses of oral vitamin B-12 alone or in combination with folic acid has any beneficial effects on cognitive function in persons aged >/=70 y with mild vitamin B-12 deficiency. DESIGN: In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 195 subjects were randomly assigned to receive 1000 microg vitamin B-12, 1000 microg vitamin B-12 + 400 microg folic acid, or placebo for 24 wk. Vitamin B-12 status was assessed on the basis of methylmalonic acid, total homocysteine (tHcy), and holotranscobalamin (holoTC) concentrations before and after 12 and 24 wk of treatment. Cognitive function was assessed before and after 24 wk of treatment with the use of an extensive neuropsychologic test battery that included the domains of attention, construction, sensomotor speed, memory, and executive function. RESULTS: Vitamin B-12 status did not change significantly after treatment in the placebo group; however, oral vitamin B-12 supplementation corrected mild vitamin B-12 deficiency. Vitamin B-12 + folic acid supplementation increased red blood cell folate concentrations and decreased tHcy concentrations by 36%. Improvement in memory function was greater in the placebo group than in the group who received vitamin B-12 alone (P = 0.0036). Neither supplementation with vitamin B-12 alone nor that in combination with folic acid was accompanied by any improvement in other cognitive domains. CONCLUSION: Oral supplementation with vitamin B-12 alone or in combination with folic acid for 24 wk does not improve cognitive function.
Background: A high prevalence of cobalamin deficiency occurs in the elderly population, which may be treated orally or with injections. Little is known about the relative bioavailability of crystalline cobalamin added to food products. Objective: The objective was to assess the effect of supplementation with 1000 μg crystalline cobalamin, carried either by a milk product or a capsule, on cobalamin status in mildly cobalamin-deficient elderly Dutch persons. Design: Two double-blind randomized controlled intervention studies, each covering a 12-wk supplementation period, were carried out in parallel. Mildly cobalamin-deficient elderly persons (n = 112) were separately recruited for the milk and capsule trials. Mild cobalamin deficiency was defined as a cobalamin concentration between 100 and 300 pmol/L and a plasma methylmalonic acid (MMA) concentration ≥0.30 μmol/L. Allocation to the placebo or cobalamin carrier was carried out independently in both trials. Results: In the fortified-milk group, the mean (±SD) increase in serum cobalamin was 250 ± 96 pmol/L, the median (5th and 95th percentiles) decrease in plasma MMA was 0.19 (−0.76, −0.04) μmol/L, and the median decrease in plasma homocysteine was 4.0 (−7.3, 3.0) μmol/L. All changes were significantly different from those in the placebo milk group (P < 0.01). Likewise, in the cobalamin-capsule group, the mean increase in serum cobalamin was 281 ± 136 pmol/L, the median decrease in plasma MMA was 0.18 (−2.95, 0.14) μmol/L, and the median decrease in plasma homocysteine was 1.8 (−10.6, 2.4) μmol/L; all changes were significantly different from those in the placebo capsule group (P < 0.01). No significant differences were observed between the fortified-milk and capsule groups (P > 0.40). Conclusion: Crystalline cobalamin added to milk is an effective alternative to cobalamin capsules for improving cobalamin status.
THE TREATMENT of pernicious anemia with cobalamin is one of medicine's great success stories. However, the usual practice of giving the drug as an intramuscular injection has several drawbacks. Injections can be painful, difficult to provide for some patients who are elderly or living alone,1 and costly if given by health professionals.2 It is therefore not surprising that the search for an oral preparation began soon after cobalamin was isolated and introduced for parenteral use in 1948. Preparations containing oral intrinsic factor were tried, but antibody production caused some patients to become refractory and relapse.3 Other studies revealed that a small but constant proportion of an oral dose of cyanocobalamin was absorbed without intrinsic factor, so that by sufficiently increasing the dose, adequate absorption could be attained.4,5 Promising results from early studies of oral cyanocobalamin therapy led to the use of increasingly larger doses, and several
Abstract The concluded results of an experimental study are reported, confirming that the absorption of vitamin B12 takes place in two ways: 1. through the mediation of intrinsic factor; 2. without mediation of intrinsic factor. The former mechanism allows a B12 absorption in normally IF-sensitive cases of pernicious anemia and in normal persons with an upper limit of about 2 μg. The latter mechanism allows an absorption of vitamin B12 which is roughly proportional to the oral dose administered, and amounts to about 1.2% of the dose, within a very wide dose range. Thus, it is possible to increase the uptake to any desired level. This direct uptake was found to be of the same magnitude, irrespective of whether the patient had a normal absorption, was suffering from pernicious anemia with or without resistance to intrinsic factor preparations, or had some other form of disturbed B12 absorption (idiopathic malabsorption, postoperative state after extensive gastric or intestinal resections, or ileitis). The result of a long-term clinical trial is also reported, in which a daily oral dose of 500–1000 μg of vitamin B12 without intrinsic factor was given to patients with pernicious anemia and other types of vitamin B12 deficiency. The material comprised 64 patients followed for up to more than 5 years. After the remission period very few serum B12 determinations showed borderline or subnormal values, and low levels were never of long duration. At the conclusion of the study the serum B12 values were well within the normal range in all cases. Also the individual mean values of the B12 determinations, made during the observation period from the second month of treatment, were normal in all cases. No neurological complications were observed. The blood values were normal in all but a few cases, in which concurrent diseases were present (malignancy, chronic infections, iron deficiency states). Experimental evidence obtained indicates that oral treatment with 500 μg of B12 daily has also resulted in replenishment of the B12 depots. The treatment with high oral doses of vitamin B12 thus constitutes a convenient and completely reliable maintenance therapy in pernicious anemia and other states of B12 deficiency, and is a fully acceptable alternative to the conventional method of vitamin B12 injections. This type of therapy (1000 μg B12 daily) was introduced into Sweden in 1964 and is now extensively used.
Cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiency is particularly common in the elderly (> 15%). Management of cobalamin deficiency with cobalamin injections is well codified at present, but new routes of cobalamin administration (oral and nasal) are being studied, especially oral cobalamin therapy for food-cobalamin malabsorption. The objective of this review is to evaluate the efficacy of oral cobalamin treatment in elderly patients. To reach this objective, PubMed data were systematically searched for English and French articles published from January 1990 to July 2008. Data from our research group on cobalamin deficiency (Groupe d'Etude des CAREnce vitamine B12 - CARE B12) were also analyzed. Three prospective randomized studies, a systematic review by the Cochrane group and five prospective cohort studies were found and provide evidence that oral cobalamin treatment may adequately treat cobalamin deficiency. The efficacy was particularly highlighted when looking at the marked improvement in serum vitamin B12 levels and hematological parameters, for example hemoglobin level, mean erythrocyte cell volume and reticulocyte count. The effect of oral cobalamin treatment in patients presenting with severe neurological manifestations has not yet been adequately documented. Oral cobalamin treatment avoids the discomfort, inconvenience and cost of monthly injections. Our experience and the present analysis support the use of oral cobalamin therapy in clinical practice.