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Interferometric Imaging of IRAS 04368+2557 in the L1527 Molecular Cloud Core: A Dynamically Infalling Envelope with Rotation

  • Academia Sinica Institue of Astronomy and Astrophysics

Abstract and Figures

We report new interferometric observations of IRAS 04368+2557 (L1527) in ¹³CO (J = 1-0), C¹⁸O (J = 1-0), and 2.7 mm continuum emission using the Nobeyama Millimeter Array. The continuum map shows a well-defined emission peak with slightly extended features. The extended features are consistent with an 800 μm continuum map. The ¹³CO map shows blueshifted and redshifted outflowing shells characterized by a bipolar V-shape structure with a wide opening angle toward the east and west of the central source. Near the systemic velocity, a slightly blueshifted X-shaped condensation was detected in ¹³CO with its peak coincident with the central source. The symmetrical distribution of the X-shaped condensation centered on the central source suggests that it is a circumstellar envelope surrounding the central source. The C¹⁸O map shows a flattened structure elongated in the north-south direction, perpendicular to the outflow axis, centered on the central source. This flattened structure correlates spatially with the ¹³CO X-shaped condensation. Both eastern and western edges of the flattened structure are concave, as the ¹³CO X-shaped condensation also shows, and they are spatially well anticorrelated with the distribution of the outflowing shells in both blueshifted and redshifted velocities. The flattened structure is hence naturally interpreted as a disklike flattened envelope with an almost edge-on configuration. Its radius and gas mass are estimated to be ~2000 AU and ~0.038 M☉, respectively. The edge-on flattened envelope has both rotational and radial motions with the latter dominant. The large specific angular momentum carried by the envelope gas implies that the radial motion can be infall rather than outflow. The infall and rotation velocities are ~0.3 km s⁻¹ and ~0.05 km s⁻¹, respectively, at the envelope radius of 2000 AU. The flattened envelope is clearly not supported by rotation, but it is dynamically infalling. Its mass infall rate is ~1.1 × 10⁻⁶M☉ yr⁻¹ at 2000 AU in radius. This mass infall rate is consistent with that estimated from the bolometric luminosity of 1.4 L☉ and the mass of 0.1 M☉ of the central star. On the assumption that the mass infall rate is constant with time, the age of the central star is estimated to be ~10⁵ yr, which is comparable to the typical age of protostars in Taurus, even though the central star in L1527 is identified as a very young class 0 source. The rotating motion of the flattened envelope is opposite to the large-scale rotation of the L1527 cloud, suggesting that the rotation of the flattened envelope did not originate from the large-scale rotation.
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THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 475 :211È223, 1997 January 20
1997. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.(
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138;
SUBARU Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
Department of Astronomical Science, Graduate University for Advanced Studies,
Nobeyama, Minamimaki, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-13, Japan
Received 1996 May 31 ; accepted 1996 August 12
We report new interferometric observations of IRAS 04368]2557 (L1527) in 13CO (J \ 1È0), C18O
(J \ 1È0), and 2.7 mm continuum emission using the Nobeyama Millimeter Array. The continuum map
shows a well-deÐned emission peak with slightly extended features. The extended features are consistent
with an 800 km continuum map. The 13CO map shows blueshifted and redshifted outÑowing shells char-
acterized by a bipolar V-shape structure with a wide opening angle toward the east and west of the
central source. Near the systemic velocity, a slightly blueshifted X-shaped condensation was detected in
13CO with its peak coincident with the central source. The symmetrical distribution of the X-shaped
condensation centered on the central source suggests that it is a circumstellar envelope surrounding the
central source. The C18O map shows a Ñattened structure elongated in the north-south direction, per-
pendicular to the outÑow axis, centered on the central source. This Ñattened structure correlates spatially
with the 13CO X-shaped condensation. Both eastern and western edges of the Ñattened structure are
concave, as the 13CO X-shaped condensation also shows, and they are spatially well anticorrelated with
the distribution of the outÑowing shells in both blueshifted and redshifted velocities. The Ñattened struc-
ture is hence naturally interpreted as a disklike Ñattened envelope with an almost edge-on conÐguration.
Its radius and gas mass are estimated to be D2000 AU and D0.038 respectively.M
The edge-on Ñattened envelope has both rotational and radial motions with the latter dominant. The
large speciÐc angular momentum carried by the envelope gas implies that the radial motion can be infall
rather than outÑow. The infall and rotation velocities are D0.3 km s~1 and D0.05 km s~1, respectively,
at the envelope radius of 2000 AU. The Ñattened envelope is clearly not supported by rotation, but it is
dynamically infalling. Its mass infall rate is D1.1 ] 10~6 yr~1 at 2000 AU in radius. This massM
infall rate is consistent with that estimated from the bolometric luminosity of 1.4 and the mass of 0.1L
of the central star. On the assumption that the mass infall rate is constant with time, the age of theM
central star is estimated to be D105 yr, which is comparable to the typical age of protostars in Taurus,
even though the central star in L1527 is identiÐed as a very young class 0 source. The rotating motion of
the Ñattened envelope is opposite to the large-scale rotation of the L1527 cloud, suggesting that the rota-
tion of the Ñattened envelope did not originate from the large-scale rotation.
Subject headings: accretion, accretion disks È circumstellar matter È ISM: individual (L1527) È
ISM: kinematics and dynamics È stars: formation È stars: preÈmain-sequence
Increasing attention has been paid to circumstellar
envelopes around embedded young stars. Observations of
circumstellar envelopes with high angular resolution, such
as interferometric observations at millimeter wavelengths,
are necessary for us to study the role of circumstellar
envelopes in the star formation process because their size is
typically a few thousands of AU, which corresponds to
1 Based on observations made at the Nobeyama Radio Observatory
(NRO). NRO is a branch of the National Astronomical Observatory, an
interuniversity research institute operated by the Ministry of Education,
Science, and Culture, Japan.
at the distance of nearby star-forming regions, such as[20A
Taurus. Recent improvements in the sensitivity of milli-
meter wavelength interferometers have allowed us to inves-
tigate the velocity Ðeld of circumstellar envelopes in detail,
so that our understanding about the kinematics of circum-
stellar envelopes has been changed. Interferometric obser-
vations of HL Tau in 13CO (J \ 1È0) revealed infall and
rotation in the Ñattened envelope of D3000 AU in diameter
Ohashi, & Miyama see also et al.(Hayashi, 1993; Cabrit
The infall motion of 1 km s~1 appears to dominate1996).
over the rotation of 0.2 km s~1 at a radius of 700 AU.
Infalling motion in the Ñattened envelope around L1551
IRS5ofD1kms~1 at a radius of 600 AU has also been
suggested from interferometric observations et al.(Ohashi
212 OHASHI ET AL. Vol. 475
see also et al. These new observations1996a; Saito 1996).
demonstrate that protostars are associated with Ñattened
infalling envelopes. Although previous interferometric
observations also showed Ñattened structures around
young stars, e.g., HL Tau (Sargent & Beckwith 1987, 1991),
L1551 IRS 5 et al. IRAS 16293 et(Sargent 1988), (Mundy
al. and L1489 (Ohashi et al. their kine-1992), 1991, 1996b),
matics, such as infall or rotation, have heretofore remained
poorly deÐned because of insufficient sensitivity and veloc-
ity resolution.
To study another example of an infalling envelope, we
have made interferometric observations of L1527, which is
one of the dense cores in the Taurus molecular cloud with a
heavily obscured IRAS source (IRAS 04368]2557) located
at the center. Although recent 800 km continuum observa-
tions suggested that there is a secondary source (L1527B) in
addition to the primary (L1527A) in L1527 Ladd, &(Fuller,
Hodapp hereafter we will focus mainly on the1996, FLH),
primary source in this paper and call it the central source
throughout the paper. This central source of 1.4 in bolo-L
metric luminosity is considered to be in the earliest(FLH)
evolutionary stage because of its so-called class 0 spectrum
Ward-Thompson, & Barsony and its low bol-(Andre , 1993)
ometric temperature & Ladd et al.(Myers 1993; Chen
A molecular bipolar outÑow whose axis is almost in1995).
the plane of the sky is associated with L1527 et(MacLeod
al. et al. This suggests that any Ñat-1994; Tamura 1996).
tened structure around the central star, if formed as theory
predicts, will have an edge-on geometry. Asymmetric line
proÐles with stronger blueshifted emission than redshifted
emission were detected in L1527, suggestive of infall,
although the proÐles were not Ðtted by spherical infall
models et al. Interferometric observations of(Myers 1995).
L1527 in 13CO and C18O(J\1È0) using the BIMA array
at resolution Evans, & Wang here-11.A9 ] 7.A8 (Zhou, 1996,
after suggested that the line proÐles with the interfer-ZEW)
ometer are also qualitatively consistent with the infall
model based on the collapse solution by Shu, &Terebey,
Cassen However, their maps did not directly demon-(1984).
strate infalling signatures because of insufficient sensitivity,
angular resolution, and the velocity resolution of their
In the present study, we have carried out new 13CO,
C18O(J\1È0), and 2.7 mm continuum observations of
L1527 using the Nobeyama Millimeter Array. In contrast
with we did not combine our interferometric dataZEW,
with single-dish data, thereby focusing only on the compact
structures (see This strategy, together with a factor of° 2).
2È4 better sensitivity, a factor of 2 better angular resolution,
and a factor of 2 better spectral resolution, produced a very
di†erent picture. Our 13CO maps show bipolar outÑowing
shells with a V-like shape as well as a circumstellar envelope
centered on the central source. Our C18O map shows a
Ñattened envelope of D2000 AU radius overlaying the
central source and perpendicular to the outÑow axis. The
velocity structure of the Ñattened envelope can be modeled
with great success in terms of the infalling motion of a disk
with rotation. We will discuss the nature of the Ñattened
envelope in detail as well as the evolutionary status of the
central protostar.
13CO and C18O(J\1È0) observations were made using
the Nobeyama Millimeter Array (NMA), which consists of
six 10 m antennas. SIS receivers with of D200KinT
double sideband at the zenith were employed (Sunada,
Kawabe, & Inatani and spectral information was1993),
obtained with FX correlators with 1024 channels each
et al. We applied a 80 MHz Ðlter to the FX(Chikada 1987).
correlator, which resulted in D0.21 km s~1 velocity
resolution at the frequencies of 13CO and C18O. The 13CO
observations were carried out in 1995 January with the D
conÐguration (two tracks) and in 1995 February with the C
conÐguration (one track), while the C18O observations were
made in 1995 December with the D conÐguration (three
tracks) and in 1996 February with the C conÐguration
(three tracks). The projected baseline length in these observ-
ations ranged from 10 to 160 m, so that our observations
were insensitive to structures extended more than D56A,
which corresponds to D7800 AU at the distance to L1527
(140 pc; The phase and amplitude of the arrayElias 1978).
were calibrated by observing 0528]134, and the complex
passband of each baseline was determined from observ-
ations of 3C 454.3 or 0528]134. The Ñux density of
0528]134 (D5.9 Jy in the 13CO observations and D7.2 Jy
in the C18O observations) was estimated from observations
of Uranus on the assumption of its brightness temperature
of 130 K. After we subtracted continuum emission from the
calibrated u-v data, 13CO and C18O channel maps were
made with natural weight and CLEANed using the Astron-
omical Image Processing System (AIPS). The resultant
beam size was (P.A. \ 157¡) for 13CO and5.A9 ] 4.A76.A0
(P.A. \ 163¡) for C18O.] 4.A9
Two sets of 2.7 mm continuum data were obtained from
13CO and C18O data separately by averaging the line-free
channels. The two continuum maps with natural weight
were CLEANed using AIPS. The resultant 1 p rms noise
levels of the maps were 7.7 mJy beam~1 (from 13CO data)
and 4.7 mJy beam~1 (from C18O data), respectively. While
we detected the 2.7 mm continuum emission in both maps,
which were consistent with each other within the errors, the
data obtained from the C18O observations showed more
signiÐcant emission than that from the 13CO observations
because of the lower sensitivity of the 13CO observations
due to bad weather conditions. Therefore, we present only
the continuum map obtained from the C18O observations
in this paper.
3.1. 2.7 mm Continuum Emission
shows the 2.7 mm continuum map atFigure 1 6.A0 ] 4.A9
(P.A. \ 163¡) resolution, obtained from the C18O obser-
vations. Its peak position [R.A. decl.(1950) \ 4h36m49s.6,
(1950) \ 25¡57@21A] agrees with the position derived from
Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) observations at
2.7 mm Chandler, & Andre and NMA(Terebey, 1993)
observations at 2 mm et al. We will adopt(Ohashi 1996b).
this position as the position of the central source in this
paper. The peak Ñux density and total Ñux of the continuum
emission are measured to be 37 ^ 4.7 mJy beam~1 and
47 ^ 5.6 mJy, respectively, which are also consistent with
the results obtained by et al. The spectralTerebey (1993).
energy distribution (SED) of L1527 shows clearly that the
continuum emission at 2.7 mm originates from thermal dust
emission (e.g., et al.Ladd 1991).
Recent continuum observations at 800 km with JCMT
detected a fainter continuum source (called L1527B) located
No. 1, 1997 IRAS 04368]2557 213
FIG. 1.È2.7 mm continuum map. Contours are drawn every 1.5 p level
from 1.5 p (solid line) and from [1.5 p (dashed line). The 1 p level corre-
sponds to 4.4 mJy beam~1. The gray square indicates the position of the
800 km secondary source by and the gray ellipse represents the beamFLH,
size in FWHM.
20A northwest of the central source though very(FLH),
recent observations in 1.3 mm continuum emission with the
IRAM 30 m telescope do not conÐrm it In the(Andre 1996).
present continuum observations, the secondary source was
not detected, which is consistent with the IRAM result. This
might suggest that the secondary source does not exist. If
the secondary source were not detected because of insuffi-
cient sensitivity of our observations, then an upper limit to
its Ñux density at 2.7 mm is estimated to be D13 mJy (3 p
The continuum emission appears to be marginally resolv-
ed: the emission extends to the northwest, and slightly
northeast and southwest at the 3 p level. The size of the
continuum emission estimated from Gaussian Ðtting is 7.A4
which is slightly larger than the synthesized beam] 5.A4,
size of Such extended features can also be seen in6.A0 ] 4.A9.
the 800 km continuum map by and the 1.3 mm contin-FLH
uum map with an D2 times larger beam than(Andre 1996)
ours, suggesting that these features may be real and more
extended. The deconvolved size of the continuum emission
corresponds to 600 ] 290 AU at the distance of L1527. This
size scale is larger than that of the compact dust disk
associated with the central star, D100 AU, predicted from
theoretical Ðttings to the SED of L1527 (e.g., Kenyon,
Calvet, & Hartmann This suggests that the extended1993).
emission arises from the envelope rather than the compact
3.2. 13CO (J \ 1È0)
13CO (J \ 1È0) emission was detected signiÐcantly at the
LSR velocities ranging from 3.41 to 7.65 km s~1, except for
5.54È6.18 km s~1, with a typical rms noise level of 190 mJy
beam~1 or 0.7 K in brightness (1 p), as shown in Figure 2.
Although the emission is weak in some channels, the detec-
tion may be real because the emission is detected in some
serial channel maps at the same positions. Within the veloc-
ity range from km s~1 to 4.69 km s~1, which areV
\ 3.41
blueshifted more than 1 km s~1 with respect to the systemic
velocity of D5.7 km s~1 (see et al. emissionOhashi 1996b),2
is not detected at the central source position, but weak
emission is detected on the east and west sides of the source.
Similarly, the emission redshifted by D0.5È2kms~1 from
the systemic velocity km s~1) is not coin-(V
\ 6.18È7.65
cident with the central source, but weak emission is located
on both the east and west sides of the source. In contrast,
the emission detected at km s~1, which areV
\ 4.69È5.54
D0.2È1kms~1 blueshifted with respect to the systemic
velocity, is coincident with the central source. It must be
noted that no redshifted emission coincident with the
central source was detected, even though blueshifted emis-
sion was detected toward the central source. The absence of
emission between 5.54 and 6.18 km s~1 is due to resolving
out extended components because of the lack of short
spacing data in the present observations. In fact, the
channel maps by obtained from combination ofZEW,
interferometer and single-dish observations, show 13CO
emission to be extended by D120A in this velocity range.
Such an extended feature cannot be detected in our data.
Note that the absence of the emission at the systemic veloc-
ity is not only due to the absence of short spacings, but also
due to the self-absorption of 13CO emission as seen in 13CO
spectra by Our observations show that the 13COZEW.
emission toward the central source is optically thick (see
° 3.4.2).
In order to examine the overall distributions of the 13CO
emission with better signal-to-noise ratio, we integrated the
channel maps over the above three di†erent velocity ranges,
i.e., 3.41È4.69 km s~1, 4.69È5.54 km s~1, and 6.18È7.65 km
s~1. In each of these velocity ranges, the channel maps
presented in basically show similar distributions ofFigure 2
the emission. Note that the weak emission to the east and
west of the central star in the channel maps becomes more
clear in the integrated intensity maps. In the map integrated
over 3.41È4.69 km s~1 a strong peak appears(Figure 3a),
D10A west of the source, and weak features are elongated to
the northwest and southwest from the peak, with several
peaks. The overall distribution at fainter levels seems to be a
V shape opened widely toward the west. There is also
fainter emission, detected to the east of the central source,
also with a marginal V shape distribution opened widely
toward the east. The western and eastern V-shaped com-
ponents are distributed symmetrically with respect to the
central source and resemble the edges of a biconical struc-
ture. The same biconical/bipolar structure is also seen in the
map integrated from 6.18 to 7.65 km s~1 Note that(Fig. 3c).
in both these maps there is no emission coincident with the
central source. In contrast, in the map integrated over 4.69È
5.54 km s~1 a strong peak appears almost at the(Fig. 3b)
position of the central source with a secondary peak
occurring D15A to the southeast of the central source. At
fainter levels, the emission is elongated to the northeast,
southeast, northwest, and southwest, forming an X-shaped
2 This systemic velocity of 5.7 km s~1 was estimated from C18O(1È0)
observations with the Nobeyama 45 m telescope at Nobeyama Radio
Observatory (NRO) and is consistent with the present C18O data taken
with the NMA. Note that the LSR velocity measured with the NMA and
the 45 m telescope at NRO has been shifted by D0.27 km s~1 for the
Taurus region from those measured at other radio observatories since 1990
December. This is because in calculating the LSR velocity NRO assumes a
basic solar motion, which is slightly di†erent from the conventional basic
solar motion.
214 OHASHI ET AL. Vol. 475
FIG. 2.È13CO (J \ 1È0) channel maps with 0.21 km s~1 velocity resolution. The corresponding central LSR velocities of individual velocity bins are
denoted at the top in each panel. The systemic velocity is D5.7 km s~1. Solid contours are drawn every 2 p level from 2 p, and dashed contours represent [2
p level. The 1 p level corresponds to 190 mJy beam~1 or 0.7 K in brightness temperature. The cross in each panel shows the position of the central source
derived from the central position of the 2.7 mm continuum emission. The gray ellipse at the bottom left corner in the Ðrst panel indicates the FWHM beam
structure of D4000 AU maximum extension with its center
coincident with the central source. This X-shaped conden-
sation is spatially located just between the blueshifted and
redshifted bipolar V compontents.
We note that the V-shaped structures may be part of the
outÑowing shells or cones ejected from the central regions
in the east-west direction. Both the 13CO outÑow imaged
with the BIMA array and the 12CO outÑow imaged(ZEW)
with the NMA et al. appear to Ðt inside our(Tamura 1996)
V-shaped structures. In addition, the V-shaped structures
delineate a 2.2 km infrared reÑection nebula, which orig-
inates from scattering of radiation from the central star by
the dust in the outÑow et al. Our 13CO map(Tamura 1996).
emphasizes the shell structure more than that by ZEW
because the extended smoother component is resolved out
by the interferometer. The outÑowing shell associated with
L1527 has also been mapped in CS (J \ 2È1) with the NMA
et al. although only the southern part of the(Ohashi 1996b),
shell was detected in CS. The opening angle of the V-shaped
shells is almost 90¡, which is wider than the estimates by
The nearly identical spatial distribution of the blue-ZEW.
shifted and redshifted V-shaped components suggests
strongly that the axis of the outÑow is almost in the plane of
the sky, such as the outÑow associated with B335 et(Hirano
al. estimated the angle between the outÑow axis1992). ZEW
and the plane of the sky to be È8¡.
No. 1, 1997 IRAS 04368]2557 215
FIG. 3.È13CO integrated channel maps. Contours are drawn in the same manner as in The labels are the same as in While V-shapedFig. 1. Fig. 2.
components are demonstrated in (a) and (c), the X-shaped condensation is shown in (b). (a) Integrated from to 4.69 km s~1, which are blueshiftedV
\ 3.41
by more than 1 km s~1 with respect to the systemic velocity. (b) Integrated from 4.69 to 5.54 km s~1, which are blueshifted by D0.2È1kms~1.(c) Integrated
from 6.18 to 7.65 km s~1, which are redshifted by D0.5È2kms~1.
Is the X-shaped condensation the inner part of the
outÑow such as entrained gas, or is it a circumstellar
envelope associated with the central source? Its coincidence
with the central star as well as its clear spatial separation
from both the outÑowing shells, as was shown in Figure 3,
may suggest that the X-shaped condensation is a circum-
stellar envelope associated with the central source, while the
X morphology may suggest that some part of the X conden-
sation may be interacting with the outÑow. A striking point
is that the X-shaped condensation shows only blueshifted
emission without corresponding redshifted emission. It
seems that this can be attributed mainly to confusion with
an extended redshifted component which is suppressed by
the interferometer. The origin of the X condensation and its
asymmetric velocity structure becomes clearer with the
examination of the C18O emission in °° and3.3 4.1.
3.3. C18O(J\1È0)
We detected C18O(J\1È0) emission only in the velocity
range from km s~1 to 6.39 km s~1 with aV
\ 4.90
typical sensitivity of 88 mJy beam~1 or 0.3 K in brightness
(1 p). Note that because C18O is optically thin, the outÑow
that is seen in 12CO and 13CO is not detected in this line.
(Plate 18) shows the C18O total intensity mapFigure 4
integrated over the above velocity range. We can see a clear
Ñattened structure, which is well resolved at the present
angular resolution, with a peak coincident with the position
of the central source. The Ñattened structure is elongated
symmetrically across the central source in the north-south
direction and is almost perpendicular to the axis of the
12CO outÑow, with an apparent size of in15.A5 ] 8.A5
FWHM, corresponding to 2200 ] 1200 AU. There are faint
extensions to the northeast and southeast and weakly to the
northwest and southwest. The east and west sides of the
Ñattened structure can be described as concave. Compari-
son with the C18O map of L1527 obtained from com-
bination of both single-dish and interferometric data (ZEW)
shows that our map detects only the compact structures
around the central source.
The Ñattened structure perpendicular to the outÑow can
be interpreted naturally as a disk or a disklike envelope
around the central source in L1527. Because the axis of the
outÑow is almost in the plane of the sky, as was suggested in
the previous section, the disk associated with L1527 must
be nearly edge-on. Hence, the resolved size of the Ñattened
structure (2200 ] 1200 AU) suggests that it is not spatially
thin. Otherwise the structure should not be resolved along
its minor axis (east-west direction) with the present angular
resolution. Moreover, the concave morphology of the Ñat-
tened condensation suggests that the edges are Ñared.
Therefore, we propose that the C18O emission traces a disk-
like envelope rather than a thin disk, as was implied from
theoretical calculations (Galli & Shu 1993a, 1993b;
et al. Calvet, & BossHartmann 1994; Hartmann, 1996;
Hanawa, & NakanoNakamura, 1995).
(Plate 19) compares the Ñattened C18O envelopeFigure 5
with the 13CO structures presented in The 13COFigure 3.
X-shaped condensation correlates well with the Ñattened
C18O envelope (Fig. 5b). This coincidence suggests that the
X-shaped condensation traces basically the same circum-
stellar material as the C18O emission traces, even though
some part of the X condensation may be interacting with
the outÑow. At the same time, Figures 5a and 5c show that
the Ñattened envelope is located just between the bipolar
V-shaped outÑowing shells, and that the east and west
concave boundaries of the Ñattened envelope are well traced
with the V-shaped shells. This anticorrelation between the
outÑowing shells and the Ñattened envelope supports a
picture in which a bipolar molecular cavity is evacuated
with a wide opening angle when a molecular outÑow is
ejected from the vicinity of a central star that is embedded
in a circumstellar envelope elongated and perpendicular to
the outÑow.
illustrating the channel maps of C18O, showsFigure 6,
the detailed velocity structures of the Ñattened envelope. At
the most blueshifted velocity of 5 km s~1, weak emission is
detected at the position of the central source with an exten-
sion to the south. At 5.21 km s~1, a peak appears at D3A
south of the central source with a component elongated to
the south. In addition to this prominent emission, much
weaker emission extends to the northeast of the source. The
emission becomes most prominent at 5.43 km s~1, where an
elongated structure in the north-south direction can be seen
with a peak almost coincident with the central source posi-
tion and another weaker peak located at D10A north to the
central source. At 5.64 km s~1, close to the systemic velocity
216 OHASHI ET AL. Vol. 475
FIG. 6.ÈC18O channel maps with 0.21 km s~1 velocity resolution. The corresponding central LSR velocities of individual velocity bins are denoted at the
top left corner in each panel. The systemic velocity is D5.7 km s~1. Contours are drawn in the same manner as in The 1 p level corresponds to 88 mJyFig. 4.
beam~1 or 0.3 K. The labels are the same as in Fig. 2.
(D5.7 km s~1 ; see the emission becomes much° 3.2),
weaker and is located at the position of the central source.
This might be due to resolving out of extended features. At
5.85 km s~1, the emission extends to the north side of the
source with a slight extension to the south. At 6.07 km s~1,
a faint hourglass-like emission centered on the central
source can be seen in the north-south direction with a weak
peak at D3A north of the central source. At the most red-
shifted velocity, 6.28 km s~1, weak emission is detected
again toward the central source. The radius of the Ñattened
envelope is estimated to be D2000 AU from the maximum
extent of the emission at 5.43 km s~1.
The above inspection of the channel maps shows that the
emission peak appears to the south of the central source at
blueshifted velocities, and to the north at redshifted veloci-
ties. Such a velocity gradient along the major axis of the
Ñattened envelope can be explained in terms of rotation of
the envelope. We note, however, that there is a north-south
elongation across the central star at both blueshifted and
redshifted velocities, even though the emission peak shifts
from south to north as the velocity increases. Such a veloc-
ity structure cannot be explained by pure rotation. Hence,
an additional radial motion along the plane of the Ñattened
envelope, such as infall, must be present together with rota-
tion. We will discuss the kinematics of the Ñattened
envelope in detail in In the newly detected° 4.1. Figure 7,
components in the present observations, i.e., the 13CO
V-shaped outÑowing shells, the 13CO X-shaped condensa-
tion, and the C18O Ñattened envelope with both radial and
rotational motions, are visualized as a schematic picture
together with components detected previously in other
3.4. Mass
3.4.1. 13CO OutÑowing Shell
Assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium, we esti-
mated the gas masses contained in the 13CO outÑowing
shells as follows:
\ 5.37 ] 10~5T
1 [ exp ([q
140 pc
dv M
, (1)
No. 1, 1997 IRAS 04368]2557 217
FIG. 7.ÈA schematic illustration of the newly detected components in
the present observations, i.e., the 13CO V-shaped outÑowing shells, the
13CO X-shaped condensation, and the C18O Ñattened envelope with both
infall and rotation. The L1527 dense core was observed originally in NH
by & Myers and the 12CO outÑow was mapped byBenson (1989),
et al. and et al.MacLeod (1994) Tamura (1996).
where is the excitation temperature, d is the distance toT
the source, X(13CO) is the fractional abundance of 13CO
with respect to and is the optical depth of 13CO.H
, q
Because outÑowing gas is generally thought to be opti-
cally thin in 13CO (e.g., & Lada we assumeMargulis 1985),
Upper limits in our C18O observations of theq
> 1.
outÑowing shells (1 p) imply Because theq
\ 0.5.
outÑow in L1527 was detected in CO (J \ 6È5) emission
et al. we assume also that is high (see(MacLeod 1994), T
also For K and X(13CO) \ 10~6, the gasZEW). T
\ 50
masses of the outÑowing shells are on the order of 10~2 M
(see Comparing with the total Ñux of the 13COTable 1).
outÑow derived from combination of single dish and inter-
ferometric observations we Ðnd that only D15%(ZEW),
of the total mass of the 13CO outÑow is within the shell
3.4.2. C18O Flattened Envelope
Similar to the 13CO case mentioned above, gas mass
contained in the C18O Ñattened envelope can be estimated
from the C18O integrated intensity using the following
/ S
dv Mass / S
dv Mass
DIRECTION (Jy km s~1) (10~3 M
) (Jy km s~1) (10~3 M
East ....... 0.57 1.7 1.5 4.4
West ...... 2.0 6.0 1.5 4.4
Total ...... 2.6 7.7 3.0 8.8
\ 5.49 ] 10~4T
1 [ exp ([q
140 pc
dv M
, (2)
where is the optical depth of C18O and X(C18O) is theq
fractional abundance of C18O with respect to AssumingH
X(C18O) \ 1.8 ] 10~7 Langer, &q
> 1, (Frerking,
Wilson and K et al. the1982), T
\ T
\ 26 (Ladd 1991),
C18O total integrated intensity of 3.0 Jy km s~1 for the
Ñattened envelope gives us a gas mass of 3 ] 10~2 TheM
observed ratio of brightness temperatures of 13CO to C18O
is D2, suggesting that (see Linke, &q
D 0.5 Myers,
Benson The mass estimates would then be higher by1983).
D30%, or 3.8 ] 10~2 (see Note that theM
eq. [2]).
derived mass is more than 1 order of magnitude smaller
than the core mass of L1527 derived by This isZEW.
because our observations are not sensitive to the extended
components. Even so, most of the emission from the Ñat-
tened envelope may be detected in the present observations,
because large-scale C18O in L1527 is extended mainly in the
east-west direction which is perpendicular to the(ZEW),
direction of the Ñattened envelope.
4.1. Kinematics of the Flattened Envelope
As was discussed in the kinematics of the Ñattened° 3.3,
envelope can be explained in terms of the combination of
rotation and radial motion of the Ñattened envelope. One
possible radial motion is infall toward the central star.
Although expansion is also possible, the infalling motion is
more likely for the Ñattened envelope, as discussed later. We
discuss here the kinematics of the Ñattened envelope using a
simple model in which a disk has both rotation and infall.
Note that we consider that the Ñattened envelope surrounds
a single star, even though the extended L1527 cloud prob-
ably has an additional source, as suggested by WeFLH.
assume further that the stellar mass dominates over the disk
In our simple model, we assume a spatially thin disk of
2000 AU radius with an edge-on conÐguration with respect
to the observers, even though the Ñattened envelope is not
spatially thin. In addition, we suppose that the disk is con-
tracting dynamically with rotation. In that case, the angular
momentum of the disk is conserved. Therefore, we assume
that the rotational velocity is inversely proportional to the
radius of the disk, while the infall velocity is inversely pro-
portional to the square root of the radius. For such rota-
tion, the rotational velocity is independent of the central
stellar mass but depends on the initial angular momentum,
or on the rotational velocity at the outer radius. Details of
the model are described in the Appendix.
presents the observed position-velocity diagramFigure 8
of the Ñattened envelope along the north-south direction
across the central source (Fig. 8a) and the corresponding
diagram obtained from the model, in which the central
stellar mass is 0.1 and the rotational velocity is 0.05 kmM
s~1 at 2000 AU in radius The observed data in(Fig. 8b).
show the following characteristics:Figure 8a
1. At higher blueshifted and redshifted velocities, the
emission is conÐned to the vicinity of the central star, while
218 OHASHI ET AL. Vol. 475
FIG. 8.ÈPosition-velocity diagram of C18O, cutting along the north-
south direction across the central source, is compared with position veloc-
ity diagrams obtained from model calculations. The vertical and
horizontal lines in each panel show the systemic velocity and the position
of the central source, respectively. (a)C18O position-velocity diagram
obtained from observations. Contours are drawn in the same manner as in
(b) Position-velocity diagram obtained from a model, where a diskFig. 6.
of 2000 AU in radius has both dynamical infall and rotation with a 0.1 M
central star. The infall velocity yielded by the 0.1 central star is D0.3M
km s~1 at 2000 AU in radius, while the rotation velocity at the same radius
is assumed to be 0.05 km s~1.(c) Same as (b), but obtained from a model in
which a disk of 2000 AU in radius has only Kepler rotation with a 0.1 M
central star. The resultant Kepler motion at 2000 AU in radius is D0.2
km s~1.
the emission extends to the north and south as the velocity
approaches the systemic velocity.
2. Two emission peaks appear in the vicinity of the
source in addition to a peak at D1400 AU north of the
source: one is D0.3 km s~1 blueshifted and the other is
D0.2 km s~1 redshifted. The blueshifted peak is shifted to
the south from the position of the central source with an
extension to the higher blueshifted velocity, while the red-
shifted peak is shifted to the north from the center with any
extension to the higher redshifted velocity.
3. Near the systemic velocity, the emission is relatively
These three characteristics are well reproduced in the
diagram obtained from the model except for the peak at
D1400 AU north, indicating that dynamical infall and rota-
tion of a disk can explain the kinematics of the Ñattened
Radius (AU) ..................................... D2000
Mass (M
) ....................................... D0.04
Infalling velocity (km s~1, at 2000 AU) ...... D0.3
Rotation velocity (km s~1, at 2000 AU) ...... D0.05
Mass infall rate (M
yr~1, at 2000 AU) ...... D10~6
envelope. In contrast, where Kepler motion withFigure 8c,
a 0.1 central star is represented, shows clearly that aM
disk with only rotation cannot explain the observed data.
Similarly, a disk with only infall cannot explain the
observed data: in the case of only infall, the obtained
diagram shows two peaks located just at the position of the
central source (i.e., on the horizontal axis through the
center; see the not shifted from the central posi-Appendix),
tion as observed. Simultaneous existence of infall and rota-
tion is, therefore, essential to explain the kinematics of the
Ñattened envelope.
The shape of the position-velocity diagram calculated
from the model including both infall and rotation depends
on the central stellar mass and the rotational velocity at the
outer radius. In the present calculation, we adopted a
central stellar mass of 0.1 which yields a dynamicalM
infall velocity of D0.3 km s~1 at 2000 AU radius, and a
rotational velocity of 0.05 km s~1 at the same radius. The
0.1 central stellar mass is consistent with that estimatedM
from the bolometric luminosity (1.4 of the centralL
; FLH)
source. If we use a higher stellar mass, such as 0.3 theM
two peaks in the vicinity of the central source in Figure 8b
will appear at higher blueshifted and redshifted velocities,
which is inconsistent with the observations. On the other
hand, if we use a higher rotational velocity, such as 0.2 km
s~1 at 2000 AU, the resultant position-velocity diagram
resembles those calculated with only rotation (see the
This suggests that the envelope must rotateAppendix).
slower as compared with infall. This second restriction leads
us to another important point: that the rotating motion of
the Ñattened envelope is not Keplerian. In the case in which
a disk is accreting with Kepler rotation, such as a viscous
accreting disk, the radial motion is very small as compared
with the rotational velocity, which is inconsistent with the
second restriction above. This suggests that the envelope is
not supported rotationally but is contracting dynamically.
Physical parameters of the infalling envelope with rotation
are summarized in Table 2.
One might argue that the observed result could be
explained in terms of a radially expanding disk with rota-
tion rather than an infalling disk with rotation. Indeed, we
cannot distinguish a radially expanding motion from a radi-
ally infalling motion because the Ñattened envelope is
almost However, if the Ñattened envelope orig-edge-on.3
inates from expanding material ejected from the central
star, or from the vicinity of it, the ejected matter may not
have enough angular momentum imparted from the star. If
a central protostar rotates at breakup speeds, D140 km s~1
Adams, & Lizano et al. then the(Shu, 1987; Shu 1988),
3 If a disk is not edge-on, we can Ðnd from morphology of an associated
outÑow which side of the disk is the far side, so that we can distinguish
radial expansion from radial infall in the disk plane. In this case, however,
we cannot distinguish expanding motions in the outÑow from infall in the
No. 1, 1997 IRAS 04368]2557 219
ejected matter rotates at 0.001 km s~1 at 2000 AU in radius,
which is really 2 orders of magnitude smaller than the
detected rotation of 0.05 km s~1 for the Ñattened envelope.
If the additional angular momentum is provided by a stellar
wind, then a very high wind velocity, such as º500 km s~1,
is required & Shu This fact supports our infall(Najita 1994).
Another point that may support our infall scenario is the
asymmetry of intensity between the stronger blueshifted and
the weaker redshifted emission seen in AccordingFigure 8a.
to a spherical molecular envelope with infallZhou (1992),
shows asymmetric line proÐles with stronger blueshifted
emission when it is observed in relatively optically thick line
emission: blueshifted emission arising from the back side of
the envelope traces gas close to the central source, where the
temperature of the envelope is relatively high, while red-
shifted emission arising from the front side of the envelope
traces gas far away from the center, where the temperature
of the envelope is relatively low. Such asymmetric line pro-
Ðles were detected from L1527 in other observations (Myers
et al. Because the Ñattened envelope is not1995; ZEW).
spatially thin and almost edge-on (see ZhouÏs argu-° 3.3),
ment can be applied to the present data even if we do not
have spherical symmetry, as long as C18O in the Ñattened
envelope is relatively optically thick.
The 13CO X condensation, which traces the same circum-
stellar gas as the Ñattened envelope, also shows a similar
asymmetric velocity structure, in which only blueshifted
emission was detected while redshifted emission was sup-
pressed because of missing short spacings (see ° 3.2).
Because the 13CO emission from the circumstellar envelope
is more optically thick than the C18O (see the 13CO° 3.4.2),
redshifted emission from the envelope must trace gas
located further away from the central star as compared with
the redshifted C18O emission. This suggests that the
envelope observed in the 13CO redshifted emission must be
more extended than the gas traced by the redshifted C18O.
This may be the reason why the redshifted 13CO emission
from the X condensation is resolved out. In contrast, the
13CO blueshifted emission from the circumstellar envelope
must trace gas located closer to the central star (i.e., more
compact) than the redshifted C18O. Thus, the blueshifted
13CO is not suppressed by the interferometer.
We must note that part of the Keplerian disk of 100 AU
scale around the central star may be entrained by a high-
velocity wind. Thus, the Ñattened envelope might be
a†ected by such an entrained outÑow/expanding motion
et al. Even so, it is likely that the entrained(Cabrit 1996).
matter moves in the vicinity of the concave surfaces of the
envelope on the east and west sides, where the molecular
outÑow may interact with the envelope. Hence, the fraction
of the entrained matter in the Ñattened envelope must be
small. Moreover, if the whole Ñattened envelope might be
expanding, then its mass outÑow rate would be D10~6 M
yr~1, which is comparable to the mass accretion rate onto
the central star estimated from the bolometric luminosity of
the central source (see This means that matter is° 4.2).
ejected through the Kepler disk at the same rate as the
accretion onto the central star. Such a situation may be
physically unnatural. Taking the above discussion into con-
sideration, we conclude that infall motions with rotation
seem to be more appropriate than expanding motions with
rotation for explaining the kinematics of the Ñattened
If our infall scenario is correct, the dynamically infalling
envelope with rotation should form a centrifugally sup-
ported disk at the radius at which the infall velocity is com-
parable to the rotation velocity et al. et(Hayashi 1993; Lin
al. Using the 0.1 stellar mass and the 0.05 km s~11994). M
rotation at 2000 AU in radius, the radius of the centrifugally
supported disk is estimated to be D100 AU, which is com-
parable to the value predicted from Ðttings to the SED of
the central star (e.g., et al.Kenyon 1993).
4.2. Mass Infall Rate of the Flattened Envelope and
Evolutionary Status of the Central Star
We estimate the mass infall rate of the Ñattened envelope
using the formula where R is the radius ofM0
\ MV
the envelope, is the mass infall rate at R, M is the massM0
of the envelope within R, and is the infall velocity at R.V
From M \ 0.038 (see and km s~1 atM
° 3.4.2), V
\ 0.3
R \ 2000 AU (see the mass infall rate is estimated to° 4.1),
be D1.1 ] 10~6 yr~1. The derived mass infall rate isM
consistent with the mass accretion rate onto the central star
of 1.8] 10~6 yr~1, derived from the bolometric lumi-M
nosity of 1.4 and the central stellar mass of 0.1L
In contrast to L1527, HL Tau et al.M
. (Hayashi 1993)
and L1551 IRS 5 et al. show a higher mass(Ohashi 1996a)
infall rate by 1 order of magnitude. This is not surprising
because the bolometric luminosity of L1527 is 1 order of
magnitude smaller than those of HL Tau and L1551 IRS 5.
Such di†erences in mass infall rate in the envelope may
result in di†erences in Ðnal mass of the central sources.
The 0.1 central stellar mass is small as comparedM
with the typical mass of 0.4È0.8 for preÈmain-sequenceM
stars in Taurus & Kuhi suggesting that the(Cohen 1979),
mass infall in the envelope may continue for at least a
few ] 105 yr after the present epoch. The mass of the Ñat-
tened envelope is, however, only D0.04 which will beM
consumed in 4000 yr at the mass infall rate of 10~6 M
yr~1. This suggests that the more extended envelope in
L1527 should accrete onto the Ñattened envelope and even-
tually onto the central star. et al. detectedMyers (1995)
asymmetric line proÐles over a 40A region in L1527, indicat-
ing that the infalling region may be more extended than the
size scale of the Ñattened envelope.
The small central stellar mass of 0.1 might suggestM
that the central star is extremely young, as expected from
the result that the central source is identiÐed as a class 0
source et al. However, we must note that the(Andre 1993).
mass infall rate in the envelope is also small: the small
central stellar mass may be attributed to the small mass
infall rate. If the mass infall rate in the envelope is almost
constant in the star formation process on average, it takes
D105 yr to form the 0.1 star at the mass infall rate ofM
10~6 yr~1. This means that the age of the central starM
may be D105 yr, which is a typical age for protostars in
Taurus et al. et al. If this(Beichman 1986; Kenyon 1990).
argument is correct, the central source is not extremely
young, even though the SED of the central source is charac-
terized by the class 0 spectrum et al. The SED(Andre 1993).
of the central source may be a†ected by high extinction
resulting from the edge-on geometry of the Ñattened
envelope et al.(Tamura 1996).
4.3. Comparison with the Rotation of the L 1527 Cloud Core
We found from the present observations that the Ñat-
tened envelope of 2000 AU in radius in L1527 rotates
220 OHASHI ET AL. Vol. 475
counter-clockwise as viewed from the east side of the Ñat-
tened envelope. On a larger scale than the Ñattened
envelope, the L1527 molecular cloud core shows a velocity
gradient, which may also be identiÐed as rotation.
et al. who analyzed data of L1527Goodman (1993), NH
obtained by & Myers found that theBenson (1989), NH
core of 0.1 pc in radius has a velocity gradient from north to
south; i.e., the blueshifted emission is located to theNH
north of the source, and the redshifted emission is located to
the south. If this is rotation, the core rotates clockwise as
viewed from the east side of the core: the rotational direc-
tion of the cloud core on a large scale is opposite to that of
the Ñattened envelope on a small scale. Moreover, the veloc-
ity gradient of the core gives a relatively large speciÐcNH
angular momentum, 8.14 ] 10~3 km s~1 pc, corresponding
to a rotation of D0.8 km s~1 at 2000 AU in radius on the
assumption that the rotation velocity is inversely pro-
portional to the radius of the cloud core (the case of the
angular momentum conservation). This rotation velocity is
more than 1 order of magnitude larger than the observed
rotational velocity of the Ñattened envelope at 2000 AU in
The inconsistency in rotation between the large and small
scales in L1527 suggests that the rotation on the small scale
might not originate from the rotation on the large scale, but
rather via some other mechanisms such as magnetic Ðeld.
Alternatively, the velocity gradient on the large scale may
not be rotation but rather due to the outÑow or motions of
some small clumps. Indeed some cores presented by
et al. show velocity gradients that are dueGoodman (1993)
to motions other than rotation.
We carried out interferometric observations of L1527 in
13CO, C18O(J\1È0), and 2.7 mm continuum emission
using the NMA. The main results are summarized as
1. The 2.7 mm continuum emission had a well-deÐned
peak with a slightly extended structure. The peak position
and Ñux density of the emission are consistent with previous
measurements with interferometers.
2. The 13CO maps showed bipolar V-shaped com-
ponents with wide opening angles toward the east and west
of the star at the velocities more than 1 km s~1 blueshifted
and redshifted with respect to the systemic velocity. The
bipolar V-shaped components delineate well the 12CO
outÑow, suggesting that the V-shaped emission originates
from outÑowing cones or shells.
3. At the velocities blueshifted by less than 1 km s~1,an
X-shaped 13CO condensation was seen with its peak coin-
cident with the position of the central source. No 13CO
emission was detected toward the central star at the corre-
sponding redshifted velocities. The X condensation is dis-
tributed symmetrically with respect to the central star and is
spatially separated from the outÑowing shells. The X con-
densation is hence considered to be a circumstellar envelope
associated directly with the central star.
4. The C18O map showed a well-resolved Ñattened com-
ponent elongated in the north-south direction, almost per-
pendicular to the outÑow axis, with concave boundaries on
the east and west sides of the central star. This Ñattened
structure, spatially coincident with the 13CO X-shaped con-
densation, is interpreted naturally as a Ñattened disklike
envelope associated with the central star. The gas mass and
radius of the Ñattened envelope are estimated to be D0.038
and D2000 AU, respectively.M
5. The Ñattened envelope seen in C18O has a velocity
structure that can be explained in terms of the combination
of both infall and rotation in an edge-on disk. According to
a simple model calculation, it is found that the kinematics of
the envelope can be characterized by the infalling and rota-
tional velocities of D0.3 km s~1 and D0.05 km s~1, respec-
tively, at the radius of 2000 AU from a central star of D0.1
Such a slow rotational velocity compared with infallM
suggests that the envelope is not supported rotationally, but
dynamically infalling.
6. The mass infall rate of the Ñattened envelope is esti-
mated to be D1.1 ] 10~6 yr~1 at 2000 AU in radius.M
This rate is consistent with that onto the central star esti-
mated from the bolometric luminosity of the central star
and the central stellar mass of 0.1 The age of theM
central star is estimated to be D105 yr using the derived
mass infall rate and the stellar mass on the assumption that
the mass infall rate is constant with time. The derived age is
comparable to a typical age of protostars in Taurus, which
may suggest that the central star is not extremely young,
even though the central star is identiÐed as a class 0 source.
7. If the previously reported velocity gradient of the
L1527 cloud originates from the rotation, then thisNH
rotation on a large scale is in the opposite direction to the
rotation of the Ñattened envelope, with a larger speciÐc
angular momentum than the Ñattened envelope. This sug-
gests that the rotation of the Ñattened envelope may not be
directly related to the rotation of the L1527 molecular cloud
core on a large scale.
We acknowledge the sta† members of NRO. We would
like to thank P. Andre for showing us a new 1.3 mm contin-
uum map of L1527 prior to publication. We also thank T.
Hanawa, L. Hartmann, J. Najita, T. Nakamoto, T. Nakano,
and K. Tomisaka for fruitful discussions. An anonymous
referee provided invaluable suggestions that improved the
paper. N. O. is supported by a Smithsonian Postdoctoral
Fellowship. P. T. P. H. is supported in part by NASA Grant
In this we describe calculations of position-velocity diagrams using a simple model discussed in We assumeAppendix, ° 4.1.
a spatially thin disk of 2000 AU radius with an edge-on conÐguration with respect to observers. As illustrated in Figure 9,
Cartesian coordinates within the disk plane are adopted with the x-axis along the line of sight and the y-axis as the projected
distance in the plane of the sky across the disk plane.
In the present model, the disk has both dynamical infall and rotation. The infall velocity is inversely proportional to the
square root of the disk radius, while the rotational velocity is inversely proportional to the radius because of angular
No. 1, 1997 IRAS 04368]2557 221
FIG. 9.ÈSchematic illustration of our model. A disk with both infall and rotation is edge-on with respect to the observers.
momentum conservation. Using the coordinates in the infall and rotational velocities at the position (X, Y ) areFigure 9,
written as
, (A1)
\ V
, (A2)
where G is the gravitational constant, is the central stellar mass, is the disk radius, and is the rotational velocityM
at We adopted AU in this calculation. Note that the rotational velocity is independent of but depends onR
. R
\ 2000 M
Detectable components of the infall and rotation are the velocities projected onto the line of sight. Hence, theirV
0 .
observable components are written, respectively, as
obs \ V
, (A3)
obs \ V
\ V
. (A4)
By adding to we obtain the observed velocity including both the infall and rotation as below,equation (A3) equation (A4),
obs (X, Y ) \
] V
. (A5)
The observed brightness temperature was simply assumed to be proportional to the disk column density integrated along
the line of sight. We suppose that the disk surface density has a power-law dependence on the disk radius with an index p, i.e.,
&(X, Y ) P [(X2]Y2)1@2]p, where & is the disk surface density. We adopted p \[1.5 in the present calculation. We
calculated both and & at (X, Y ) every 5 AU along the x-axis and every 10 AU along the y-axis with limitation ofV
(X2]Y2)1@2 ¹ R
To illustrate position-velocity diagrams, we calculated integrated surface densities by summing up the disk surface density
along the line of sight (i.e., along the x-axis) for each Y as follows:
&(V3 , Y ) \ ;
[&(X, Y )] if V
¹ V (X
, Y ) \ V
, (A6)
by stepping every 5 AU from [2000 to 2000 AU and [0.8, ...,0.7km s~1 with km s~1.InX
\[0.9, V
\ V
] 0.21
is the horizontal axis of the position-velocity diagram with a grid of 0.1 km s~1. The values of are given byequation (A6), V3 V3
The velocity width between and km s~1, is equivalent to the actual velocity resolution of(V
] V
)/2. V
, V
[ V
\ 0.21
the observations. After this summation, the brightness temperature of position-velocity diagrams is calculated byT
(V3 , Y3 )
smoothing Y ) along the y-axis with *Y \ 700 AU, corresponding to the angular resolution of the observations, as&(V3 ,
(V3 , Y3 ) \ ;
[&(V3 , Y )] , (A7)
where [2100, ...,1750 AU with AU, and is the vertical axis of the calculated position-velocityY
\[2450, Y
\ Y
] 700 Y3
diagram with a grid of 350 AU. The values of are given byY3 (Y
] Y
222 OHASHI ET AL. Vol. 475
FIG. 10.ÈResultant position-velocity diagrams obtained from model calculations with a 0.1 central star. All the diagrams show a cut along the y-axis.M
(a) A disk with only an infall motion. The 0.1 star yields infall of D0.3 km s~1 at 2000 AU in radius. (b) A disk with an infall and rotation of 0.05 km s~1M
at 2000 AU in radius. (c) Same as (b), but with rotation of 0.15 km s~1 at 2000 AU in radius. (d) A disk with only Kepler rotation.
shows the resultant position-velocity diagrams. We adopt for all the cases. The case of KeplerFigure 10 M
\ 0.1 M
rotation was calculated using instead of It is found easily that the caseV
obs \ (GM
)1@2Y /(X2]Y2)3@4 equation (A5).
without rotation (Fig. 10a) shows a position-velocity diagram that is axisymmetric with respect to the velocity axis, though
the cases including both infall and rotation (Figs. 10b and 10c) do not show such an axisymmetric diagram. As V
becomes larger, blueshifted and redshifted peaks move away from the central position toward the opposite directions and the
whole shape resembles the case without infall (Fig. 10d).
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... The eastern outflow lobe harbors a compact (∼1″ long) radio continuum jet close to the protostellar position at centimeter wavelengths (Reipurth et al. 2004). Ohashi et al. (1997) identified a flattened infalling and rotating envelope with a radius of 2000 au from 6″-resolution C 18 O observations. The presence of a rotationally supported disk was initially inferred from 13 CO observations with the Combined Array for Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA; Tobin et al. 2012), which also resolved the continuum at 0 35 resolution, and was later confirmed by observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA; Ohashi et al. 2014;Aso et al. 2017). ...
... The 1.3 mm continuum image of L1527 obtained with a robust parameter of −0.5 is shown in Figure 2, and a gallery of images made with different robust parameters is presented in Figure A1. The continuum image displays an edge-on disk with the major axis along the north-south direction, as previously observed (e.g., Ohashi et al. 1997;Loinard et al. 2002;Tobin et al. 2008Tobin et al. , 2010Tobin et al. , 2012Tobin et al. , 2013Sakai et al. 2014b;Aso et al. 2017;Nakatani et al. 2020;Ohashi et al. 2022;Sheehan et al. 2022). The flared nature of the disk inferred by radiative transfer modeling of multiwavelength continuum emission (Tobin et al. 2013) is now clearly visible at this high resolution. ...
... The large-scale C 18 O moment 8 map ( Figure 4) displays X-shaped emission (8″), while very faint and narrow X-shaped emission is visible in some 13 CO velocity channels ( Figure B1) and very weakly in the moment 0 map on smaller spatial scales (4″). This structure was previously observed for 13 CO J = 1-0 emission (Ohashi et al. 1997). One of the reasons for the difference between the 13 CO and C 18 O moment maps is that while 13 CO (and 12 CO) emission is resolved out near the systemic velocity, C 18 O is detected in all low-velocity channels. ...
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Studying the physical and chemical conditions of young embedded disks is crucial to constrain the initial conditions for planet formation. Here we present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations of dust continuum at ∼0.″06 (8 au) resolution and molecular line emission at ∼0.″17 (24 au) resolution toward the Class 0 protostar L1527 IRS from the Large Program eDisk (Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks). The continuum emission is smooth without substructures but asymmetric along both the major and minor axes of the disk as previously observed. The detected lines of ¹² CO, ¹³ CO, C ¹⁸ O, H 2 CO, c-C 3 H 2 , SO, SiO, and DCN trace different components of the protostellar system, with a disk wind potentially visible in ¹² CO. The ¹³ CO brightness temperature and the H 2 CO line ratio confirm that the disk is too warm for CO freezeout, with the snowline located at ∼350 au in the envelope. Both molecules show potential evidence of a temperature increase around the disk–envelope interface. SO seems to originate predominantly in UV-irradiated regions such as the disk surface and the outflow cavity walls rather than at the disk–envelope interface as previously suggested. Finally, the continuum asymmetry along the minor axis is consistent with the inclination derived from the large-scale (100″ or 14,000 au) outflow, but opposite to that based on the molecular jet and envelope emission, suggesting a misalignment in the system. Overall, these results highlight the importance of observing multiple molecular species in multiple transitions to characterize the physical and chemical environment of young disks.
... IRAS 04368+2557 in L1527 (hereafter referred to as L1527) is a low-mass Class 0/I protostar that has been thoroughly studied in previous works (e.g., Fuller et al. 1996;Ohashi et al. 1997;Sakai et al. 2014b;Li et al. 2017;Nakatani et al. 2020;Cacciapuoti et al. 2023). Located in one of the closest star-forming regions, the Taurus molecular cloud, the protostar presents a bolometric luminosity of 1.6−2.75 ...
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IRAS04368+2557 in L1527 is a Class 0/I protostar with a clear disk-envelope system revealed by previous Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations. In this paper, we discuss the flared structure of this source with observed sulfur-bearing molecules included in the FAUST ALMA large program. The analyses of molecular distributions and kinematics have shown that CS, SO, and OCS trace different regions of the disk-envelope system. To evaluate the temperature across the disk, we derive rotation temperature with the two observed SO lines. The temperature profile shows a clear, flared “butterfly” structure with the higher temperature being ∼50 K and the central lower temperature region (<30 K) coinciding with the continuum peak, suggesting dynamically originated heating rather than radiation heating from the central protostar. Other physical properties, including column densities, are also estimated and further used to demonstrate the vertical structure of the disk-envelope system. The “warped” disk structure of L1527 is confirmed with our analyses, showing that sulfur-bearing molecules are not only effective material probes but also sufficient for structural studies of protostellar systems.
... Note that IRAS 32, with the combination of two close disks and a large circumbinary disk/envelope, complicates the fitting process. In addition, the fitting process is also more complicated for young sources with evidence of infall from the envelope onto the circumstellar disks in PV diagrams (see Ohashi et al. 1997 and specifically their Figure 10). ...
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Young protostellar binary systems, with expected ages less than ∼10 ⁵ yr, are little modified since birth, providing key clues to binary formation and evolution. We present a first look at the young, Class 0 binary protostellar system R CrA IRAS 32 from the Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks ALMA large program, which observed the system in the 1.3 mm continuum emission, ¹² CO (2−1), ¹³ CO (2−1), C ¹⁸ O (2−1), SO (6 5 −5 4 ), and nine other molecular lines that trace disks, envelopes, shocks, and outflows. With a continuum resolution of ∼0.″03 (∼5 au, at a distance of 150 pc), we characterize the newly discovered binary system with a separation of 207 au, their circumstellar disks, and a circumbinary disklike structure. The circumstellar disk radii are 26.9 ± 0.3 and 22.8 ± 0.3 au for sources A and B, respectively, and their circumstellar disk dust masses are estimated as 22.5 ± 1.1 M ⊕ and 12.4 ± 0.6 M ⊕ , respectively. The circumstellar disks and the circumbinary structure have well-aligned position angles and inclinations, indicating formation in a smooth, ordered process such as disk fragmentation. In addition, the circumstellar disks have a near/far-side asymmetry in the continuum emission, suggesting that the dust has yet to settle into a thin layer near the midplane. Spectral analysis of CO isotopologues reveals outflows that originate from both of the sources and possibly from the circumbinary disklike structure. Furthermore, we detect Keplerian rotation in the ¹³ CO isotopologues toward both circumstellar disks and likely Keplerian rotation in the circumbinary structure; the latter suggests that it is probably a circumbinary disk.
... Yoshida et al. (2021) constrained the inclination of L1448-C to be ∼34 and ∼46 for the blue-and red-shifted lobes, respectively (in this case, we report the main value and scatter between the two). The inclination of L1527 is well constrained to be almost perpendicular to the sky plane (e.g., 85°in Ohashi et al. 1997). Finally, Plunkett et al. (2015) and Podio et al. (2021) independently and qualitatively assessed that the jet of SerpM-SMM18a lays in the plane of the sky, so we set it i = 90°. ...
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Low dust opacity spectral indices ( β < 1) measured in the inner envelopes of class 0/I young stellar objects (age ∼10 4–5 yr) have been interpreted as the presence of (sub-)millimeter dust grains in these environments. The density conditions and the lifetimes of collapsing envelopes have proven unfavorable for the growth of solids up to millimeter sizes. As an alternative, magnetohydrodynamical simulations suggest that protostellar jets and outflows might lift grains from circumstellar disks and diffuse them in the envelope. We reframe available data for the CALYPSO sample of Class 0/I sources and show tentative evidence for an anticorrelation between the value of β 1–3 mm measured in the inner envelope and the mass-loss rate of their jets and outflows, supporting a connection between the two. We discuss the implications that dust transport from the disk to the inner envelope might have for several aspects of planet formation. Finally, we urge for more accurate measurements of both correlated quantities and the extension of this work to larger samples, necessary to further test the transport scenario.
... This is of particular interest because the feature is often used to distinguish between the disk and envelope. In a rotationally supported disk (i.e., Keplerian disk), the rotation velocity should be proportional to R −0.5 , while it is proportional to R −1 if the gas falls with a constant specific angular momentum (e.g., Terebey et al. 1984;Ohashi et al. 1997Ohashi et al. , 2014Takahashi et al. 2016;Sai et al. 2022). In the analysis of the CO emission from both the envelope and disk, the P-V diagram is compared with these power laws. ...
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We performed synthetic observations of the Ulrich, Cassen, and Moosman (UCM) model to understand the relation between the physical structures of the infalling envelope around a protostar and their observational features in molecular lines, adopting L1527 as an example. We also compared the physical structure and synthetic position–velocity ( P–V ) diagrams of the UCM model and a simple ballistic (SB) model. There are multiple ways to compare synthetic data with observational data. We first calculated the correlation coefficient. The UCM model and the SB model show similarly good correlation with the observational data. While the correlation reflects the overall similarity between the cube datasets, we can alternatively compare specific local features, such as the centrifugal barrier in the SB model or the centrifugal radius in the UCM model. We evaluated systematic uncertainties in these methods. In the case of L1527, the stellar mass values estimated using these methods are all lower than the value derived from previous Keplerian analysis of the disk. This may indicate that the gas infall motion in the envelope is retarded by, e.g., magnetic fields. We also showed analytically that, in the UCM model, the spin-up feature of the P–V diagram is due to the infall velocity rather than the rotation. The line-of-sight velocity V is thus ∝ x −0.5 , where x is the offset. If the infall is retarded, rotational velocity should dominate so that V is proportional to x ⁻¹ , as is often observed in the protostellar envelope.
... L1527 houses the Class 0 low-mass protostar IRAS 04368 + 2557, known as a prototypical WCCC source (Sakai et al. 2008(Sakai et al. , 2010Sakai & Yamamoto 2013 ). Previous works reported on the infalling motion of the envelope gas while conserving angular momentum, based on interferometer observations (Ohashi et al. 1997 ; Yen et al. 7.0 × 10 −11 9.0 × 10 −11 2.0 × 10 −10 HCO + 1.7 × 10 −10 3.8 × 10 −9 1.0 × 10 −9 H 2 CO 1.4 × 10 −9 1.9 × 10 −9 2.2 × 10 −9 CH 3 OH 7.6 × 10 −9 2.8 × 10 −10 1.2 × 10 −8 CH 3 CHO 9.5 × 10 −11 2.0 × 10 −11 9.5 × 10 −10 SO 5.0 × 10 −9 1.3 × 10 −10 8.8 × 10 −10 H 2 CS 3.5 × 10 −10 3.5 × 10 −11 9.4 × 10 −10 CS 5.8 × 10 −10 4.2 × 10 −10 2.5 × 10 −9 CCS 1.2 × 10 −10 7.0 × 10 −11 2.8 × 10 −10 NH 2 D 1.8 × 10 −9 1.8 ×10 −11 5.0 × 10 −9 CN 1.7 × 10 −9 3.2 × 10 −9 3.9 × 10 −9 HCN a 6.0 × 10 −10 8.0 × 10 −10 2.5 × 10 −9 HNC 2.0 × 10 −10 1.4 × 10 −9 2.8 × 10 −9 HNCO 4.3 × 10 −10 3.2 × 10 −11 3.8 × 10 −10 C 2 H 1.3 × 10 −8 1.9 × 10 −8 4.4 × 10 −9 C 4 H 3.0 × 10 −9 2.8 × 10 −9 4.6 × 10 −10 c-C 3 H 2.0 × 10 −10 1.7 × 10 −10 1.3 × 10 −10 c-C 3 H 2 5.3 × 10 −9 5.3 × 10 −10 3.1 × 10 −10 CH 3 CCH 2.3 × 10 −9 8.5 × 10 −10 2.5 × 10 −9 a Abundance of IRAS 4A estimated from the LTE-RADEX fit using CASSIS software. ...
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The characterization of the molecular inventory of solar-type protostars is of crucial importance for a deep understanding of the chemical complexity underlying our cosmic origins. In this context, we present here the full millimetre line survey of the Class 0 protostellar object NGC 1333 IRAS 4A in the spectral bands at 3, 2, and 1.3 mm. In recognition of the powerful tool that unbiased spectral studies provide for investigating the chemistry and physics of star-forming regions, we provide a detailed description of the survey and the results of the analysis. We describe the identification of 1474 spectral lines belonging to 97 different molecular species, including complex organic molecules, which together cover the most ubiquitous chemical elements of life on Earth, namely carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulphur. The abundances obtained herein are compared with the Class 0 protostellar objects L483 and L1527, and selected molecular ratios are used as tracers of physicochemical properties of the sources. Particularly, the dominance of oxygen-bearing species and the presence of distinct excitation temperature regimes support the attribution of NGC 1333 IRAS 4A as a hot corino featuring three physical components with distinguished and diverse chemical composition.
... The C 18 O emission takes a diamond shape, with emission in all four quadrants of the PV diagram (Figure 5,left panel). This is indicative of infall-dominated motions (e.g., Ohashi et al. 1997;Figure 5. PV diagrams of C 18 O (left), 13 CO (middle), and SO (right). All cuts were made with a width of 1 beam. ...
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Protostellar disks are an ubiquitous part of the star formation process and the future sites of planet formation. As part of the Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks large program, we present high angular resolution dust continuum (∼40 mas) and molecular line (∼150 mas) observations of the Class 0 protostar IRAS 15398–3359. The dust continuum is small, compact, and centrally peaked, while more extended dust structures are found in the outflow directions. We perform a 2D Gaussian fitting and find the deconvolved size and 2 σ radius of the dust disk to be 4.5 × 2.8 au and 3.8 au, respectively. We estimate the gas+dust disk mass assuming optically thin continuum emission to be 0.6 M J –1.8 M J , indicating a very low mass disk. The CO isotopologues trace components of the outflows and inner envelope, while SO traces a compact, rotating disk-like component. Using several rotation curve fittings on the position–velocity diagram of the SO emission, the lower limits of the protostellar mass and gas disk radius are 0.022 M ⊙ and 31.2 au, respectively, from our Modified 2 single power-law fitting. A conservative upper limit of the protostellar mass is inferred to be 0.1 M ⊙ . The protostellar mass accretion rate and the specific angular momentum at the protostellar disk edge are found to be in the range of (1.3–6.1) × 10 ⁻⁶ M ⊙ yr ⁻¹ and (1.2–3.8) × 10 ⁻⁴ km s ⁻¹ pc, respectively, with an age estimated between 0.4 × 10 ⁴ yr and 7.5 × 10 ⁴ yr. At this young age with no clear substructures in the disk, planet formation would likely not yet have started. This study highlights the importance of high-resolution observations and systematic fitting procedures when deriving dynamical properties of deeply embedded Class 0 protostars.
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The massive star-forming region G332.83-0.55 contains at least two levels of hub-filament structures. The hub-filament structures may form through the "gravitational focusing" process. High-resolution LAsMA and ALMA observations can directly trace the gas inflows from cloud to core scales. We investigated the effects of shear and tides from the protocluster on the surrounding local dense gas structures. Our results seem to deny the importance of shear and tides from the protocluster. However, for a gas structure, it bears the tidal interactions from all external material, not only the protocluster. To fully consider the tidal interactions, we derived the tide field according to the surface density distribution. Then, we used the average strength of the external tidal field of a structure to measure the total tidal interactions that are exerted on it. For comparison, we also adopted an original pixel-by-pixel computation to estimate the average tidal strength for each structure. Both methods give comparable results. After considering the total tidal interactions, for the scaling relation between the velocity dispersion sigma , the effective radius $R$, and the column density $N$ of all the structures, the slope of the $ relation changes from 0.20pm 0.04 to 0.52pm 0.03, close to 0.5 of the pure free-fall gravitational collapse, and the correlation also becomes stronger. Thus, the deformation due to the external tides can effectively slow down the pure free-fall gravitational collapse of gas structures. The external tide tries to tear up the structure, but the external pressure on the structure prevents this process. The counterbalance between the external tide and external pressure hinders the free-fall gravitational collapse of the structure, which can also cause the pure free-fall gravitational collapse to be slowed down. These mechanisms can be called "tide-regulated gravitational collapse."
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Context . Organic features lead to two distinct types of Class 0/I low-mass protostars: hot corino sources exhibiting abundant saturated complex organic molecules (COMs) and warm carbon-chain chemistry (WCCC) sources exhibiting abundant unsaturated carbon-chain molecules. Some observations suggest that the chemical variations between WCCC sources and hot corino sources are associated with local environments and the luminosity of protostars. Aims . We aim to investigate the physical conditions that significantly affect WCCC and hot corino chemistry, as well as to reproduce the chemical characteristics of prototypical WCCC sources and hybrid sources, where both carbon-chain molecules and COMs are abundant. Methods . We conducted a gas-grain chemical simulation in collapsing protostellar cores, adopting a selection of typical physical parameters for the fiducial model. By adjusting the values of certain physical parameters, such as the visual extinction of ambient clouds ( A V amb ), cosmic-ray ionization rate ( ζ ), maximum temperature during the warm-up phase ( T max ), and contraction timescale of protostars ( t cont ), we studied the dependence of WCCC and hot corino chemistry on these physical parameters. Subsequently, we ran a model with different physical parameters to reproduce scarce COMs in prototypical WCCC sources. Results . The fiducial model predicts abundant carbon-chain molecules and COMs. It also reproduces WCCC and hot corino chemistry in the hybrid source L483. This suggests that WCCC and hot corino chemistry can coexist in some hybrid sources. Ultraviolet (UV) photons and cosmic rays can boost WCCC features by accelerating the dissociation of CO and CH 4 molecules. On the other hand, UV photons can weaken the hot corino chemistry by photodissociation reactions, while the dependence of hot corino chemistry on cosmic rays is relatively complex. The value of T max does not affect any WCCC features, while it can influence hot corino chemistry by changing the effective duration of two-body surface reactions for most COMs. The long t cont can boost WCCC and hot corino chemistry by prolonging the effective duration of WCCC reactions in the gas phase and surface formation reactions for COMs, respectively. The scarcity of COMs in prototypical WCCC sources can be explained by insufficient dust temperatures in the inner envelopes that are typically required to activate hot corino chemistry. Meanwhile, the high ζ and the long t cont favors the explanation for scarce COMs in these sources. Conclusions . The chemical differences between WCCC sources and hot corino sources can be attributed to the variations in local environments, such as A V amb and ζ , as well as the protostellar property, t cont .
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Context. The fragmentation mode of high-mass molecular clumps and the accretion processes that form the most massive stars ( M ≳ 8 M ⊙ ) are still not well understood. A growing number of case studies have found massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) to harbour disk-like structures, painting a picture that the formation of high-mass stars may proceed through disk accretion, similar to that of lower-mass stars. However, the properties of such structures have yet to be uniformly and systematically characterised. Aims. The aim of this work is to uniformly study the kinematic properties of a large sample of MYSOs and characterise the stability of possible circumstellar disks against gravitational fragmentation. Methods. We have undertaken a large observational programme (CORE) making use of interferometric observations from the Northern Extended Millimetre Array (NOEMA) for a sample of 20 luminous ( L > 10 ⁴ L ⊙ ) protostellar objects in the 1.37 mm wavelength regime in both continuum and spectral line emission, reaching 0.4″ resolution (800 au at 2 kpc). Results. We present the gas kinematics of the full sample and detect dense gas emission surrounding 15 regions within the CORE sample. Using the dense gas tracer CH 3 CN, we find velocity gradients across 13 cores perpendicular to the directions of bipolar molecular outflows, making them excellent disk candidates. The extent of the CH 3 CN emission tracing the disk candidates varies from 1800 to 8500 au. Analysing the free-fall to rotational timescales, we find that the sources are rotationally supported. The rotation profiles of some disk candidates are well described by differential rotation while for others the profiles are poorly resolved. Fitting the velocity profiles with a Keplerian model, we find protostellar masses in the range of ~ 10–25 M ⊙ . Modelling the level population of CH 3 CN (12 K –11 K ) K = 0–6 lines, we present temperature maps and find median temperature in the range 70–210 K with a diversity in distributions. Radial profiles of the specific angular momentum ( j ) for the best disk candidates span a range of 1–2 orders of magnitude, on average ~10 ⁻³ km s ⁻¹ pc, and they follow j ∝ r 1.7 , which is consistent with a poorly resolved rotating and infalling envelope-disk model. Studying the Toomre stability of the disk candidates, we find almost all (11 out of 13) disk candidates to be prone to fragmentation due to gravitational instabilities at the scales probed by our observations, as a result of their high disk to stellar mass ratio. In particular, disks with masses greater than ~ 10–20% of the mass of their host (proto)stars are Toomre unstable, and more luminous YSOs tend to have disks that are more massive compared to their host star and hence more prone to fragmentation. Conclusions. In this work, we show that most disk structures around high-mass YSOs are prone to disk fragmentation early in their formation due to their high disk to stellar mass ratio. This impacts the accretion evolution of high-mass protostars which will have significant implications for the formation of the most massive stars.
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The young stellar object in B335 is studied with interferometric observations to determine the scale of the outflow collimation and the structural attributes of the outflow and the disk. Observations with high angular resolution are described that address the (C-12)O (J = 1-0) and 2.6-mm-continuum emission. A biconical outflow structure is identified in the (C-12)O high-velocity emission that is focused with approximately 1000 AU of its origin. A 2.6-mm-continuum source with a peak flux of approximately 80 mJy identified within about 4 arcsec of the outflow center indicates that a very dense field of n(H2) of more than about 10 exp 8/cu cm surrounds the object. The dense material is thought to both drive and collimate the outflow, and a model is proposed that accounts for the increase in velocity away from the center observed near the origin. The dynamical model describes the velocity field of B335's outflow with acceleration and deceleration in regions of certain ambient density gradients.
Very high spatial resolution millimeter and centimeter wavelength observations of a proposed proto-binary system in the nearby (160 pc) Ophiuchus molecular complex are presented. Flux measurements from 18 cm to 25 microns show that the majority of the millimeter wavelength emission arises from dust within 300 AU of the individual central objects. The total dynamical mass of 1.1-1.3 solar mass, coupled with the present mass estimates for the sources MM 1 and MM 2, suggest that the mass in circumstellar material is comparable to that of the central stellar cores. Since the stellar masses are constrained to be not more than 0.5 solar mass each, it is likely that the bolometric luminosity of 30-40 solar luminosities is derived mainly from accretion of the observed circumstellar material. It is proposed that the SO emission detected toward MM 1 is a result of the outflow activity associated with this source and that the outlying emission clumps trace regions of mild interaction between the outflow and the ambient cloud.
In connection with the huge masses and energies involved in high-velocity molecular outflows, such flows must have important implications for the processes of star formation and molecular cloud evolution. With the objective to obtain self-consistent mass estimates for a number of flow sources, spectral line observations have been conducted, taking into account six sources of both (C-12)0 and (C-13)0 in the two lowest rotational transitions. All data presented were obtained with the aid of the 11 m and 12 m NRAO antennas at Kitt Peak using the cooled, dual-channel Cassegrain receiver. The reported investigation shows that very reliable mass determinations can be made for the considered molecular outflows, although uncertainties exist in the determination of the column density fo low-velocity gas in molecular outflows and the projected area of these outflows.
In this paper we follow the evolution of an unstable magnetized cloud core modeled with the density distribution of a singular isothermal sphere and threaded by a uniform magnetic field. We include neutral-ion slip, and we solve the equations by an expansion about the known self-similar problem without magnetism. We find that the magnetic field does not significantly modify the standard rate of mass infall because of two offsetting effects: the Lorentz force that impedes gravitational collapse, and the increased characteristic speed that causes the initiation of infall to travel outward faster (as a fast magnetohydrodynamic wave rather than an acoustic wave). Strong magnetic pinching forces deflect infalling gas toward the equatorial plane to form a flattened disequilibrium structure ("pseudodisk') around the central proto star. The perturbative approach allows us to calculate analytically the dependence of the radius of the pseudodisk at small times on the physical parameters of the problem when a dimensionless coefficient of order unity is supplied by a separate numerical calculation for the nonlinear flow in the inner region (Paper II).
High-resolution (2.7 arcsec) observations of (C-13)O (1-0) emission around the young star HL Tauri confirm the presence of circumstellar gas distributed in an elongated structure. Thermal continuum emission, centered on the stellar position, is unresolved (radius 190 AU or less) and suggests a mass equal to or greater than 0.1 solar mass. The (C-13)O extends along PA 160 deg to radii of almost 2000 AU but is less than 380 AU in width. Extended molecular emission is observed only at velocities close to the systemic value, about 6.6 km/s. Higher velocity gas, and most of the system mass, is confined to a core of radius 190 AU or less. Satellite condensations, with masses only a few percent of the main concentration, are also observed; these must be less than 100 AU in size to survive. The general form of the rotation curve is consistent with the gas moving in bound orbits about the central star. A low-velocity molecular feature, emanating from the stellar position along the disk axis, may be a low-velocity neutral flow from the disk itself.
High-resolution (about 3.5 arcsec) maps centered on the embedded infrared source, L1551 IRS 5, have been made in the J = 1-0 transition of C(0-18), using the Millimeter Wave Interferometer of the Owens Valley Radio Observatory. An elongated concentration of gas, with its long axis about 700 AU in radius, and of mass about 0.1 solar mass, has been detected. The orientation is perpendicular to the direction of outflow of the high-velocity molecular gas, suggesting a casual relationship. The observations are consistent with this gas being bound to the star, and the overall properties are fairly similar to those of the HL Tau system. It is not yet possible to establish whether the rotation curve shows Keplerian motion for the gas.
We present a new high-quality observation of HL Tau carried out with Nobeyama Millimeter Array in the 13CO (J = 1-0) emission. We have confirmed the presence of a gas disk elongated perpendicular to the optical jet. The disk has a mass and radius of 0.03 M⊙ and 1400 AU, respectively, and is located outside the inner compact disk observed in the dust emission. Examination of the velocity field has revealed that accreting motion is dominated in the disk plane, although there is an indication of rotation at a speed of 0.2 km s-1 measured at 700 AU in radius. The observed radial velocity of 1 km s-1 is consistent with that obtained when the gas is dynamically accelerated by the central star. This means that the outer gas disk is undergoing dynamical accretion toward the central star/inner disk system, and that it is not a centrifugally supported viscous accretion disk. We estimate the mass accretion rate of 0.9 × 10-5 M⊙ yr-1, which is an order of magnitude larger than that estimated from the luminosity of the inner disk. This suggests that the accretion in the entire HL Tau disk system is nonsteady.
We followed the fragmentation of magnetized filamentary clouds and the formation of disks with numerical simulations and a semianalytical approach. Two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical simulations showed that a filamentary cloud with longitudinal magnetic fields fragments to form gemoetrically thin disks perpendicular to the magnetic field. Each disk contracts dynamically toward the symmetry axis keeping quasi-static equilibrium in the direction parallel to the axis. We followed the late-stage evolution of the disk with a one-dimensional numerical simulation assuming that the disk is infitesimally thin and found that hte disk approaches a state in which the surface density is inversely proportional to the distance from the center, suggesting the existence of a similarity solution. With some simplification we obtaine numerically some similarity solutions for one-dimensional dynamically contracting disks.
A total of 149 dark cloud positions were surveyed for evidence of 'dense cores' in the (J,K) = (1,1) rotating inversion line of NH3. Clouds with strong emission were mapped to determine the position of the core, and maps of 41 cores are presented. The spectrum of the peak emission is fitted by least-squares analysis to determine the optical depth, velocity, intrinsic line width, and excitation temperature. Statistical equilibrium analysis is used to determine the density of the core and the kinetic temperature when possible. Most of the dense cores have temperatures of 10-15 K, densities of 2000-20,000/cu cm, and intrinsic linewidths of 0.2-0.9 km/s. The core masses range from about 0.5 solar in L1517B to 760 solar in L1031B, and their sizes range from 0.06 to 0.9 pc. The cores are not generally spherically shaped, wtih aspect ratios ranging from 1.1 to 4 4. Cores with stars have broader lines than cores without stars.
In a previous paper (Paper I) we presented a perturbative analysis of the collapse of a molecular cloud core threaded by an ordered magnetic field, obtaining a semianalytical solution applicable over a moderate range of temporal and spatial scales. In the present paper we supplement this analysis with a numerical solution of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations that include the effects of ambipolar diffusion, valid in the region where magnetic effects dominate the dynamics of the collapse. We focus on the formation of a flattened disequilibrium structure ("pseudodisk") around the central protostar. The numerical solution gives dimensionless values for the radius of the pseudodisk as a function of time. Combined with the analytical scaling laws found in Paper I, these results provide in the small time limit a simple power-law expression for the dimensional radius of the pseudodisk as a function of the initial magnetic field B0 and effective sound speed a of the unstable molecular cloud core. We tabulate in nondimensional form the velocity, density, and magnetic fields as functions of the radius, polar angle, and time for two values (χ = 11.3 and ∞) of the ion-neutral coupling constant. We apply the results to the density and magnetic field structures on the astronomically interesting scale of a few hundred to a few thousand AU around protostars with mass in the range 0.57-2.0 Msun. The resultant magnetic field topology causes us to speculate on the importance of neutral-ion slip, ohmic dissipation, and reconnection in the overall problems of the loss of flux and the isolation of the magnetic fields in the pseudodisk (and smaller centrifugal disk) from their interstellar origins. We conclude by comparing our results with observations of flattened dense structures around young stellar objects in various stages of evolution.