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Skeletal Muscle Triglycerides, Diacylglycerols, and Ceramides in Insulin Resistance: Another Paradox in Endurance-Trained Athletes?


Abstract and Figures

Chronic exercise and obesity both increase intramyocellular triglycerides (IMTGs) despite having opposing effects on insulin sensitivity. We hypothesized that chronically exercise-trained muscle would be characterized by lower skeletal muscle diacylglycerols (DAGs) and ceramides despite higher IMTGs and would account for its higher insulin sensitivity. We also hypothesized that the expression of key skeletal muscle proteins involved in lipid droplet hydrolysis, DAG formation, and fatty-acid partitioning and oxidation would be associated with the lipotoxic phenotype. A total of 14 normal-weight, endurance-trained athletes (NWA group) and 7 normal-weight sedentary (NWS group) and 21 obese sedentary (OBS group) volunteers were studied. Insulin sensitivity was assessed by glucose clamps. IMTGs, DAGs, ceramides, and protein expression were measured in muscle biopsies. DAG content in the NWA group was approximately twofold higher than in the OBS group and ~50% higher than in the NWS group, corresponding to higher insulin sensitivity. While certain DAG moieties clearly were associated with better insulin sensitivity, other species were not. Ceramide content was higher in insulin-resistant obese muscle. The expression of OXPAT/perilipin-5, adipose triglyceride lipase, and stearoyl-CoA desaturase protein was higher in the NWA group, corresponding to a higher mitochondrial content, proportion of type 1 myocytes, IMTGs, DAGs, and insulin sensitivity. Total myocellular DAGs were markedly higher in highly trained athletes, corresponding with higher insulin sensitivity, and suggest a more complex role for DAGs in insulin action. Our data also provide additional evidence in humans linking ceramides to insulin resistance. Finally, this study provides novel evidence supporting a role for specific skeletal muscle proteins involved in intramyocellular lipids, mitochondrial oxidative capacity, and insulin resistance.
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Skeletal Muscle Triglycerides, Diacylglycerols, and
Ceramides in Insulin Resistance
Another Paradox in Endurance-Trained Athletes?
Francesca Amati,
John J. Dubé,
Elvis Alvarez-Carnero,
Martin M. Edreira,
Peter Chomentowski,
Paul M. Coen,
Galen E. Switzer,
Perry E. Bickel,
Maja Stefanovic-Racic,
Frederico G.S. Toledo,
and Bret H. Goodpaster
OBJECTIVEChronic exercise and obesity both increase intra-
myocellular triglycerides (IMTGs) despite having opposing effects
on insulin sensitivity. We hypothesized that chronically exercise-
trained muscle would be characterized by lower skeletal muscle
diacylglycerols (DAGs) and ceramides despite higher IMTGs and
would account for its higher insulin sensitivity. We also hypothe-
sized that the expression of key skeletal muscle proteins involved in
lipid droplet hydrolysis, DAG formation, and fatty-acid partitioning
and oxidation would be associated with the lipotoxic phenotype.
weight, endurance-trained athletes (NWA group) and 7 normal-
weight sedentary (NWS group) and 21 obese sedentary (OBS
group) volunteers were studied. Insulin sensitivity was assessed
by glucose clamps. IMTGs, DAGs, ceramides, and protein expres-
sion were measured in muscle biopsies.
RESULTSDAG content in the NWA group was approximately
twofold higher than in the OBS group and ~50% higher than in the
NWS group, corresponding to higher insulin sensitivity. While
certain DAG moieties clearly were associated with better insulin
sensitivity, other species were not. Ceramide content was higher
in insulin-resistant obese muscle. The expression of OXPAT/
perilipin-5, adipose triglyceride lipase, and stearoyl-CoA desatur-
ase protein was higher in the NWA group, corresponding to a
higher mitochondrial content, proportion of type 1 myocytes,
IMTGs, DAGs, and insulin sensitivity.
CONCLUSIONSTotal myocellular DAGs were markedly higher
in highly trained athletes, corresponding with higher insulin sen-
sitivity, and suggest a more complex role for DAGs in insulin action.
Our data also provide additional evidence in humans linking
ceramides to insulin resistance. Finally, this study provides novel
evidence supporting a role for specic skeletal muscle proteins
involved in intramyocellular lipids, mitochondrial oxidative capac-
ity, and insulin resistance. Diabetes 60:25882597, 2011
Skeletal muscle insulin resistance (IR) is associ-
ated with obesity and physical inactivity and is
crucial for the development of type 2 diabetes (1).
Unfortunately, the causes of IR within muscle are
not known. Concerted efforts have been made over the past
several years to understand the potential role of intra-
myocellular lipid (IMCL) accumulation in the development
of IR (2). Studies in both animal models (3) and humans (4)
provided early evidence that IMCLs, such as triglycerides,
were associated with skeletal muscle IR. However, we sub-
sequently reported on the athletes paradox in which chron-
ically exercised humans were markedly insulin-sensitive
despite having high intramyocellular triglycerides (IMTGs)
(5), a phenomenon corroborated by others (6). These
observations gave pause to the widely held view that
IMCLs cause IR within the muscle and lent support to the
concept that other potentially damaging IMCLs may play
a role in the development of IR.
Diacylglycerols (DAGs) and ceramides are lipid inter-
mediates widely believed to be the true lipotoxic culprits
underlying the reported associations between muscle tri-
glycerides and IR, thereby explaining the athletes paradox
and the root cause of muscle IR. Indeed, several lines of
evidence from cell systems and animal models indicate
that elevated DAGs (7) or ceramides (8) are associated
with impaired insulin signaling and IR. Previous studies
examining skeletal muscle DAG and ceramide content re-
lated to human IR, however, are limited and inconsistent
(9,10). Because it has become clear that chronic exercise
training increases IMTGs (5,11), recent studies have been
conducted to examine whether both DAGs and ceramides
are reduced with exercise (1214). Another prevalent no-
tion is that higher mitochondria content and capacity for
fatty acid oxidation caused by exercise training are re-
sponsible for lower DAG and ceramide content (15). We
recently have shown that exercise training does indeed
decrease these IMCLs in conjunction with increased oxi-
dative capacity and improved insulin sensitivity (12). The
distinct roles that chronic exercise and obesity may play in
the link between these potentially harmful lipid species and
skeletal muscle IR, however, remain to be elucidated.
Moreover, it is not known whether specic molecular
species of these complex lipids are associated with
skeletal muscle IR according to their fatty acid chain
length or degree of saturation. Therefore, we used mass
spectrometry to quantify the content and molecular spe-
cies prole of both DAGs and sphingolipids within skel-
etal muscle biopsies in human subjects widely disparate
From the
Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabo-
lism, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania;
Department of Physiology, School of Biology and Medicine, University
of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; the
Department of Pharmacology and
Chemical Biology, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania; the
Division of General Internal Medicine, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; the
Department of Psychiatry, School
of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; the
for Health Equity Research and Promotion, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; the
Center for Metabolic and Degenerative Dis-
eases, Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas
Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, Texas; and the
Division of En-
docrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine,
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, Texas.
Corresponding author: Bret H. Goodpaster,
Received 31 August 2010 and accepted 9 July 2011.
DOI: 10.2337/db10-1221
Ó2011 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as
long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for prot,
and the work is not altered. See
-nc-nd/3.0/ for details.
2588 DIABETES, VOL. 60, OCTOBER 2011
for physical activity and obesity to test the following
primary hypothesis: endurance-trained athletes, despite
having higher IMTGs, would have the lowest muscular
DAG and ceramide content, the highest insulin sensitivity,
and the highest mitochondrial content compared with both
normal weight and obese sedentary subjects and that these
differences would be more pronounced for saturated DAG
and ceramide species. In addition, we investigated several
proteins associated with lipid droplet esterication and lipol-
ysis: oxidative perilipin adipophilin TIP47 (OXPAT)/perilipin-5
or lipid storage protein 5 because of its reported role in
lipid droplet formation and enhanced fatty acid oxidation
(16,17); the lipogenic enzymes stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1
(SCD1) and diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1); and
adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL). These data provide
novel insight into the role of lipid-induced IR within human
skeletal muscle.
A total of 42 older (aged 66.2 60.7 years [range 6075]) volunteers were recruited
and classied as obese (BMI .30 kg/m
) and sedentary (OBS group; n=21),
normal weight (BMI 1825 kg/m
) and sedentar y (NWS group; n= 7), and normal
weight and endurance trained (NWA group; n= 14). Sedentary was dened as
#1 day per week of a structured exercise session of ,20 min. Endurance trained
was dened as ve or more structured aerobic exercise sessions per week.
Subjects were in good general health, nonsmokers, and weight stable
(63 kg) for at least 6 months. Fasting lipid prole, electrolytes, plasma glu-
cose, complete blood count, platelet count, HbA
, kidney function, thyroid-
stimulating hormone, and liver function were determined. A standard 75-g oral
glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed. Potential subjects were ex-
cluded if they had fasting glycemia $126 or $200 mg/dL after a 2-h OGTT,
hematocrit level ,34%, or a thyroid-stimulating hormone level .8mIU/mL or if
they were taking chronic medication known to affect glucose homeostasis.
The University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board approved the pro-
tocol. All volunteers gave written consent.
Body composition. Total body fat mass and lean body mass (LBM) were
measured by dual-emission X-ray absorptiometry (Lunar Prodigy; GE Health-
care, Milwaukee, MI). Visceral (VAT), subcutaneous (SAT), and total (TAT)
abdominal adipose tissue were measured from a single slice (L3L4 level) by
magnetic resonance imaging (Siemens 3T Trio; Medicals Systems, Erlangen,
Germany) or computed tomography (9800 CT scanner; GE Healthcare) (2,18).
To account for possible differences in the two imaging methods, the following
ratios were computed: VAT-to-TAT, SAT-to-TAT, and VAT-to-SAT.
Physical tness. VO
peak was measured with a graded exercise protocol on
an electronically braked cycle ergometer (Ergoline 800S; Sensormedics, Yorba
Linda, CA) with indirect calorimetry (Moxus, AEI Technologies, Pittsburgh,
PA), as described previously (11).
Insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity was measured as the rate of insulin-
stimulated glucose disposal (R
) during a 4-h hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic
clamp (40 mU/m
/min) coupled with stable isotope tracer dilution, as de-
scribed previously (5). Subjects were instructed not to perform physical ex-
ercise 48 h before the clamp to avoid the acute effects of exercise on insulin
sensitivity. Indirect calorimetry (Parvomedics TrueOne, Sandy, UT) was used
during the clamp to calculate oxidative and nonoxidative glucose disposal.
Muscle biopsy. Percutaneous muscle biopsies were performed before the
clamp, following the same standardized conditions as described above. Bi-
opsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis as described previously (19).
After trimming of visible adipose tissue with a dissecting microscope (Leica
EZ4; Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany), two portions of the specimen
(~30 mg each) were ash-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 280°C for
Western blotting and for ceramide and DAG analysis. A third portion was used
for histochemical analysis. A fourth portion (~5 mg) was used for transmission
electron microscopy. All analyses were then performed in a blind manner.
Histochemistry. Histochemical analysis was performed on serial sections
using methods previously described (11,12). IMTG content was determined by
the Oil Red O (ORO). To quantify ber-specic IMTGs, the sections were
costained with ORO and human myosin heavy-chain MYH7 (type I) and MYH2
(type IIa) (all antibodies from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA).
Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) staining was used as a marker for oxidative
capacity. Images were visualized using a Leica microscope (DM4000B; Leica
Microsystems) and digitally captured (Retiga 2000R; Q Imaging, Surrey, BC,
Canada), and semiquantitative image analysis was performed (Northern
Eclipse; Empix Imaging, Cheektowaga, NY). All units for the histology are in
average gray and reported as arbitrary units (AUs). The proportion of type I,
type IIa, and type IIx was computed from ~150 to 300 bers per subject. The
interassay variability for the ber typespecic ORO measure assessed on
three subjects was ,6%.
Analysis of DAGs, ceramides, and sphingolipids. Quantication of in-
tramuscular DAGs, ceramides, and sphingolipids was performed using high-
performance liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry, as described
previously (20). Tissue homogenates were fortied with internal standards
and extracted into a one-phase neutral organic solvent system (ethyl acetate/
isopropyl alcohol/water; 60:30:10 vol/vol/vol), evaporated and reconstituted
in methanol, and analyzed by a surveyor/TSQ 7000 LC/MS System (Thermo
Electron Finnigan; Thermo Fisher Scientic, Waltham, MA) (21). Quantitative
analysis was performed in a positive multiple-reactionmonitoring mode, based
on calibration curves generated by adding to an articial matrix known amounts
of target analytes, synthetic standards, and an equal amount of internal standard.
The DAG and ceramide levels were normalized to total protein levels.
Protein expression. Frozen tissue was homogenized in ice-cold cell lysis
buffer (Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA) with protease inhibitor
cocktail tablets (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany). Protein content was
determined in triplicate with a bicinchoninic acid assay (ThermoScientic,
Rockford, IL). The homogenates were mixed with 53Laemmli buffer and
heated for 5 min at 95°C. The samples were loaded in equal amounts of protein
and resolved in a 12% SDS-PAGE followed by transfer onto polyvinylidene
diuoride membranes (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA). After blocking,
membranes were probed overnight at 4°C with the anti-myocardial lipid droplet
protein (MLDP) (OXPAT/perilipin-5) antibody (American Research Products,
Belmont, MA), anti-SCD1 (Alpha Diagnostic International, San Antonio, TX),
anti-DGAT1 (Novus Biologicals, Littleton, CO), and anti-ATGL (Cell Signaling,
Boston, MA). Blots were normalized to either antib-actin (Santa Cruz Bio-
technology, Santa Cruz, CA). A prestained molecular-mass marker (10170
kDa) was use d to determine protein size (Fermentas International, Burlington,
Ontario, Canada). Immunoreactive proteins were detected by chemiluminescence
(Bio-Rad Laboratories) using appropriate horseradish peroxidaseconjugated
secondary antibodies. Specic bands were quantied by densitometry using the
software ImageJ (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD). To reduce bias,
all samples were loaded on the same day, and all gels and membranes were
processed at the exact same time with the same solutions.
Transmission electron microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy anal-
ysis was conducted in batches, as described previously (22). Approximately
1820 micrographs were obtained from randomly sampled transverse sec-
tions of muscle bers and were acquired (JEM-1210; Jeol, Tokyo, Japan) at
336,000 magnication using stereological analysis with digital-imaging software
(Metamorph 6.3; Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA) .
Statistical analysis. Data are presented as means 6SEM. After checking
normality with the Shapiro-Wilk test and equality of variance with the Levene
test, one-way ANOVAs were performed to examine group differences. Post
hoc tests were performed with the Tukey-Kramer honestly signicant adjust-
ment. If assumptions were not met, comparisons between groups were per-
formed with the Welch adaptation to the ANOVA test. Pairwise correlations
were performed with the Spearman rcorrelation.
To identify patterns of distribution and reduce the dimensionality of the
data, while retaining as much of the variance as possible, a principal component
analysis (PCA) of the individual moieties of DAGs (13 subspecies) and ceramides
(8 subspecies) was performed. PCA was used as exploratory data analysis to
convert a set of possibly correlated variables into a set of data of uncorrelated
variables called principal components or factors, thus revealing the internal
structure of the data in a way that best explains the variance of the data. After
inspecting the correlation matrix, factors were identied on the basis of the
strength ofthe loading; thus the rst factor had as high a variance as possible,and
each succeeding factor had the highest variance possible under the constraint
that it be uncorrelated withthe preceding factor.For each factor, Cronbachawas
computed to assess the degree of homogeneity among the indicators. To assess
the physiological relevance of PCA ndings, we combined the indictors loading
on each PCA factor by summing the different species scores within each factor
and then performed one-way ANOVAs of these combined scores to compare
groups. The alevel was set a priori to 0.05. Statistical analyses were performed
using JMP and SPSS version 16.0 for the Macintosh.
Subject characteristics, body composition, and physical
tness. Subject characteristics are presented in Table 1.
OBS subjects had higher BMI and more body fat than
both the NWA and the NWS subjects. VO
peak was .50%
higher in NWA subjects compared with both NWS and
OBS subjects.
Insulin sensitivity and metabolic variables. Peripheral
insulin sensitivity was higher in NWA subjects compared
with NWS subjects, who in turn were more insulin-sensitive
than the OBS subjects (Table 2). These differences were
explained by differences in nonoxidative glucose disposal
(P,0.01) but not in oxidative glucose disposal (P=
0.25). These differences remained after adjusting for the
higher VAT in the obese subjects. Hepatic insulin sensi-
OBS subjects had higher fasting and 2-h blood glucose
levels, along with higher fasting insulin levels, reecting
their overall worse metabolic prole (Table 2). Total and
LDL cholesterols were similar across groups, although it is
important to note that the proportion of subjects who were
taking lipid-lowering medication was signicantly different
across the three groups as follows: 0% in the NWA group,
29% in the NWS group, and 38% in the OBS group. HDL
cholesterol and plasma triglycerides, however, were both
more favorable in NWA and NWS subjects.
IMTG and lipid droplet volume density. Total-muscle
IMTG content, measured by ORO staining and electron
microscopy, was higher in NWA and OBS subjects com-
pared with NWS subjects (P= 0.024) (Fig. 1). These dif-
ferences were consistent for type I and type IIa myobers.
Neither IMTG measured by the ORO staining nor lipid
droplet density was correlated with insulin sensitivity (r=
20.008 and r=20.25, respectively, both P.0.05).
Skeletal muscle DAGs. Total DAG content was ~50%
higher (P,0.01) in the skeletal muscle of NWA compared
with NWS subjects and approximately twofold higher in
NWA compared with OBS subjects (Fig. 2). Similar dif-
ferences were observed for saturated DAGs (P,0.01) and
for DAG species in which one of the fatty acids was un-
saturated (P,0.01). In contrast, OBS subjects had ele-
vated DAG species that contained an unsaturated fatty
acid on both positions compared with both NWS and NWA
subjects (P,0.01). These disparate results also are evi-
dent across the individual DAG species shown in Fig. 2.
PCA identied three factors that combined to explain
89.1% of the total variance in DAGs (Table 3). When the
species belonging to factor 1 were summed and compared
across groups, NWA subjects had a higher (P,0.01)
content (1,774 6118 pmol/mg protein) than both NWS
(1,203 6167) and OBS (807.9 6112.4) subjects. When the
species of factor 2 were summed, OBS subjects had a
higher (P= 0.046) content (17.8 62.3) than NWS (7.6 63.4)
subjects; NWA subjects were not different (12.2 62.4) from
the OBS subjects or from NWS subjects. The sum of the
components of factor 3 was higher in OBS subjects than in
Subjectscharacteristics, body composition, and physical tness
Athletes Normal-weight subjects Obese subjects
n14 7 21
Sex (male/female) 10/4 3/4 11/10
Age (years) 65.1 61.3 66.5 61.8 66.8 61.0
Weight (kg) 68.1 62.4
70.4 63.4
93.8 62.0
BMI (kg/m
) 23.7 60.6
24.5 60.9
32.9 60.5
Waist circumference (cm) 79.5 62.3
85.5 63.9
109.7 62.2
LBM (kg) 51.5 62.5 43.4 63.5 51.1 62.0
Fat mass (kg) 13.9 61.9
23.7 62.6
38.8 61.5
Body fat (%) 20.3 62.4
34.6 63.3
41.9 61.9
TAT (cm
) 223.6 632.4
359.5 652.3
592.3 626.8
VAT (cm
) 68.3 615.0
105.3 624.2
204.8 612.4
SAT (cm
) 155.3 626.9
254.2 643.4
374.8 622.3
peak (L/min) 2.81 60.17
1.84 62.36
1.71 61.36
peak/LBM (mL/min/kg) 53.8 62.0
41.5 62.8
33.3 61.6
Data are means 6SEM.
Signicant differences between groups (one-way ANOVA).
Metabolic variables
Athletes Normal-weight subjects Obese subjects
n14 7 21
(mg/min/kg LBM) 12.31 60.55
9.74 60.77
6.29 60.45
HGP (%) 99.99 63.49
99.61 64.75
85.87 62.74
Fasting blood glucose (mmol/L) 4.84 60.17
4.56 60.25
5.31 60.12
(%) 5.40 60.12
5.61 60.18
5.84 60.10
Fasting insulin (pmol/L) 17.91 64.70
18.68 66.42
45.08 63.70
Glucose 2-h OGTT (mmol/L) 6.35 60.44
6.75 60.64
8.26 60.37
Total cholesterol (mmol/L) 4.82 60.18 4.67 60.26 4.96 60.15
HDL (mmol/L) 1.67 60.09
1.43 60.12
1.33 60.07
LDL (mmol/L) 2.83 60.15 2.86 60.21 3.04 60.12
VLDL (mmol/L) 0.33 60.04
0.37 60.06
0.59 60.04
Triglycerides (mmol/L) 0.88 60.12
1.03 60.17
1.62 60.10
Data are means 6SEM. HGP, hepatic insulin sensitivity expressed as the suppression of hepatic glucose production. R
, whole-body insulin
sensitivity expressed as the rate of insulin-simulated glucose disposal.
Signicant differences between groups (one-way ANOVA).
2590 DIABETES, VOL. 60, OCTOBER 2011
the NWS and NWA subjects (82.1 615.6, 19.1 623.6, and
32.1 616.7, respectively, P= 0.036). Total DAGs was
positively correlated with insulin sensitivity (r= 0.57, P,
0.05). This positive association was similar for the sum of
the species of factor 1 (r= 0.57, P,0.05). Factors 2 and 3,
however, were not correlated with insulin sensitivity (r=
20.21 and r=20.17, respectively, P.0.05).
Skeletal muscle ceramides and other sphingolipids.
Total ceramide content was higher (P,0.01) in the
skeletal muscle of OBS subjects compared with both NWS
and NWA subjects (Fig. 3). These differences were consis-
tent across both saturated (P= 0.03) and unsaturated (P,
0.01) ceramide species, as well as fatty acid chain length.
Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) also was higher in obesity
(Fig. 3). In contrast, sphingosine was signicantly lower in
OBS compared with both NWA and NWS subjects.
PCA identied four signicant factors, explaining 87.2%
of the total variance in ceramides (Table 3). When the
molecular species belonging to factor 1 were summed and
compared across groups, OBS subjects were found to have
a higher (P= 0.02) content (159.6 618.4 pmol/mg protein)
than NWS (80.2 627.1) and NWA (82.8 621.0) subjects.
The same pattern was found for factor 2, with a higher
content in OBS (13.7 61.7) than NWS (7.1 62.4) and
NWA (6.2 61.9, P= 0.03) subjects. The component of
factor 3 revealed no differences (P= 0.28) across the
groups, whereas component factor 4 was signicantly (P=
0.04) higher in NWA (1.99 60.27) and NWS (1.87 60.35)
compared with OBS (1.10 60.24) subjects. Total ceramide
content was negatively correlated with insulin sensitivity
(r=20.48, P,0.05). Similar associations were observed
for saturated ceramide and unsaturated ceramide (r= 0.44
and r= 0.50, respectively, P,0.05). When the sum of the
species belonging to the PCA factors were correlated to
insulin sensitivity, factors 1 and 2 were signicantly neg-
atively correlated with insulin sensitivity (r=20.46 and
r=20.47, respectively, P,0.05), whereas factor 4 was
positively correlated (r= 0.38, P,0.05) and factor 3 was
not signicantly correlated (r=20.08, P.0.05) with in-
sulin sensitivity.
Mitochondria, oxidative capacity, and proportion of
skeletal muscle ber types. Mitochondria volume den-
sity was signicantly higher in NWA than in the two sed-
entary groups (P,0.001) (Fig. 4A). SDH content was
higher in NWA than NWS subjects, who in turn had higher
SDH than OBS subjects (P,0.001) (Fig. 4B). Mitochon-
dria volume density and SDH content were positively
correlated with insulin sensitivity (r= 0.51 and r= 0.67,
respectively, all P,0.05).
NWA subjects had a higher (P,0.01) proportion of type 1
myobers (70.2 64.2%) compared with NWS (34.4 64.0%)
and OBS (43.7 62.1%) subjects and a correspondingly
lower proportion of type 2 bers. The proportion of type I
bers was positively correlated with insulin sensitivity (r=
0.56, P.0.05), whereas the proportion of type IIa and IIx
bers was negatively correlated with insulin sensitivity (r=
20.39 and r=20.59, respectively, P,0.05).
Lipid droplet protein content. NWA subjects had sig-
nicantly more OXPAT/perilipin-5, SCD1, and ATGL than
the two sedentary groups (all P,0.05) (Fig. 5). No dif-
ferences between groups were observed for DGAT1. There
was notably more variability in OXPAT/perilipin-5 ex-
pression, as indicated by the larger error bars, although
this greater variation is not adequately depicted in the
representative bands for this protein. This was likely a re-
sult of the greater biological variability. OXPAT/perilipin-5
content was positively correlated with insulin sensitivity
(r= 0.52, P,0.01) and lipid droplet volume density (r=
0.45, P,0.05). SCD1 was positively correlated with in-
sulin sensitivity (r= 0.58, P,0.01) and with lipid droplet
volume density (r= 0.33, P,0.01). ATGL was positively
correlated with insulin sensitivity (r=20.48, P,0.01) but
not with lipid droplet density (r= 0.28, P= 0.25). DGAT1
was not signicantly correlated with BMI, insulin sensi-
tivity, or lipid droplet density.
A primary nding of our study was that DAG content
was approximately twofold higher within the highly
FIG. 1. IMCLs and lipid droplet protein content in vastus lateralis.
IMTG measured by the ORO stain (A) and lipid droplet volume density
measured by electron microscopy (B). Bars are mean values and error
bars are SEMs. The letters A and B above the bars denote signicant
differences between groups (P<0.05, one-way ANOVA).
insulin-sensitive skeletal muscle compared with obese skel-
etal muscle. This clearly does not support a common con-
temporary view, largely based on evidence from animal
models, that muscular DAGs explain IR of obesity, aging,
and type 2 diabetes (23). To the contrary, our data suggest
that higher DAG content in chronically exercised, insulin-
sensitive muscle represents another athletes paradox (i.e.,
total cellular DAG content is associated with better insulin
sensitivity). These data are particularly signicant given
that few studies have examined skeletal muscle DAG con-
tent in association with IR, and still fewer studies have been
performed in human muscle (10,11,13,24). Our data also
are in accord with recent ndings that DAGs are not ele-
vated in insulin-resistant muscle after controlling for obe-
sity and physical tness (24) and higher levels of DAGs in
lean subjects compared with obese volunteers (25), as well
as with an animal study indicating that increased DAG
content in muscle and IR are not necessarily related (26).
FIG. 2. DAGs in vastus lateralis. Total DAG content (A), saturated species (B), unsaturated species (C), and individual species (D). Bars are mean
values, and error bars are SEMs. The letters A, B, and C above the bars denote signicant differences between groups (P<0.05, one-way ANOVA).
2592 DIABETES, VOL. 60, OCTOBER 2011
Our results also differ somewhat from our previous report
demonstrating that moderate exercise reduced muscle DAG
content in previously sedentary obese subjects (12,27). It is
possible that these discrepancies are a result of the amount
and/or intensity of chronic exercise and the model system
used (acute lipid oversupply) or a result of subcellular DAG
location (i.e., membrane-bound or part of neutral lipid
droplets). It also is possible that particular DAG species
may differentially affect insulin action.
Ours is the rst study to provide a comprehensive prole
of the distinct molecular species of DAG within muscle of
obese, normal-weight, and athletic human subjects, sug-
gesting that particular DAG species may be associated
with IR in muscle, whereas others clearly are not. This did
not seem to be related to the fatty acid chain length of the
DAG or the total degree of fatty acid saturation because
we found that exercised muscle had higher levels of both
saturated and unsaturated DAG species. It is difcult to
reconcile our results with those in a recent study by
Bergman et al. (28), who found that the degree of satura-
tion of DAGs within muscle in athletes was lower com-
pared with sedentary subjects and was related to higher
insulin sensitivity. One possible explanation is that the
younger athletes in their study had a different diet com-
position. In addition, they measured the total fatty acid
content within the DAG pool, whereas we quantied spe-
cic DAG species. Our methods revealed that DAG species
containing one unsaturated and one saturated fatty acid
are lower in obese muscle but that DAG species containing
unsaturated fatty acids on both positions was higher in
obese muscle. The PCA supports this and suggests that it is
not the overall concentration of DAGs that is deleterious
but that particular DAG moieties may be lipotoxic even in
relatively smaller amounts. Additional studies are needed
to determine whether specic fatty acids stimulate DAG
synthesis and whether this is linked to IR.
Another key nding of our study was that ceramide
content was twofold higher in the obese muscle compared
with normal-weight sedentary and exercise-trained mus-
cles. These results are supported by previous studies in
human subjects reporting higher total ceramide levels in
obese muscle (8) and associations with IR and a lower
oxidative capacity (24,29). This also is in accord with our
previous report that moderate exercise training decreased
intramuscular ceramide levels in previously sedentary obese
subjects (12). Likewise, Bruce et al. (14) found that exer-
cise training tended to reduce both the total ceramide
content and the saturated ceramide species in obese insulin-
resistant subjects without signicant weight loss. In agree-
ment with Helge et al. (30), we did not nd signicant
differences between the athletes and normal-weight sed-
entary subjects with respect to total muscle content of
ceramides, which could be simply attributed to the levels
of ceramide required for normal physiological function.
Our results also are consistent with animal models and cell
systems linking ceramide content in muscle to impaired
insulin signaling and IR (3133). Higher ceramide levels in
obesity and in association with IR were consistent for both
saturated and unsaturated ceramides, which is consistent
with our recent report (24). The PCA for ceramides sug-
gests, however, that a specic group of ceramides may be
related to better insulin sensitivity. Because ceramides have
several functions in normal biology, including comprising
mitochondria membranes (34), mechanistic investigations
are needed to examine the specic role of these ceramide
species on insulin action.
To our knowledge, this is the rst observation of higher
S1P in obese, insulin-resistant muscle. Among the bio-
active sphingolipids, ceramide, sphingosine, and S1P have
been proposed to exert differential effects on cells (35).
Ceramide is converted to sphingosine by the action of
ceramidases, and, subsequently, sphingosine is phosphor-
ylated to generate S1P (29,36). Ceramides and sphingosine
inhibit growth and are involved in apoptosis (3739), in
contrast to the effects of S1P, which are to promote cellular
proliferation, survival, and inhibition of apoptosis (35).
Furthermore, S1P is implicated in the clearance of ceramide
(40), is a potential regulator of de novo ceramide synthesis
(41,42), and has been shown to inhibit Jun NH
kinase activation (43). Samad et al. (44) reported a similar
observation in ob/ob mice, which had higher plasma levels
of total ceramide, sphingosine, and S1P compared with their
lean counterparts. Additional inquiry is needed to deter-
mine whether these specic sphingolipids actually affect
insulin action within muscle.
We also placed our novel lipid data within the context
of specic proteins associated with lipid droplet esteri-
cation, lipolysis, and oxidation. First, the lipid droplet pro-
tein OXPAT/perilipin-5, reported to be highly expressed in
highly oxidative tissues (16,45,46), was more than seven-
fold more abundant in the skeletal muscle of the endurance-
trained athletes, corresponding signicantly with their higher
lipid droplet volume and their higher insulin sensitivity.
One previous study in humans demonstrated no correlation
between OXPAT/perilipin-5 protein content in the skele-
tal muscle and insulin sensitivity in obese type 2 diabetic
subjects and BMI-matched control subjects (17). Our data
support a role for OXPAT/perilipin-5 in both higher lipid
droplet content and fatty acid oxidation, and, although our
observed associations with insulin sensitivity are intriguing,
additional studies are needed to determine whether it
directly mediates insulin action. Second, we investigated
two key lipogenic enzymes, SCD1 and DGAT1. SCD1 is
a rate-limiting enzyme that converts saturated fatty acids
to monounsaturated fatty acids and, in animal and cell
culture models, has been previously implicated in the
Exploratory PCAs
Exploratory PCA on DAG species
Factor 1, eigenvalue 5.7 (43.6%)
Di-C16:0, C18:0/18:1, C16:0/18.1, C16:1/18:0, C16:0/18:0,
Di-C18:0, and Di-C18:1
Factor 2, eigenvalue 3.7 (28.4%)
Di-C16:1, Di-C14:0, and C14:0/18:0
Factor 3, eigenvalue 2.2 (17.1%)
C14:0/18:1, C14:0/16:0, and C16:1/18:1
Exploratory PCA on ceramides species
Factor 1, eigenvalue 3.3 (41.3%)
Lingoceric (C24:0), nervonic (C24:1), stearic (C18:0),
and arachidic (C20:0)
Factor 2, eigenvalue 1.3 (16.6%)
Dihydroceramide 16 and palmitoleic (C18:1)
Factor 3, eigenvalue 1.2 (15.1%)
Palmitic (C16:0)
Factor 4, eigenvalue 1.1 (14.3%)
Myristic (C14:0)
% refers to the percentage of variance of the data explained by each
development of dysregulated fatty acid metabolism, in-
creased triglyceride storage, and obesity (47,48). In con-
trast, although conrming that it tracks with higher muscle
triglycerides, our data in human muscle clearly demonstrate
that SCD1 is higher in metabolically healthy, more insulin-
sensitive muscle. This is in agreement with observations
of increases in SCD1 content after acute (49) and chronic
aerobic exercise training (27). The lack of differences in
DGAT between the groups is in accord with our previous
report (27). Third, we report elevated levels of ATGL
in endurance-trained athletes compared with sedentary
subjects. These data are supported by previous exercise-
training studies (50,51). ATGL is important as the rst
step in hydrolyzing triglycerides to DAG on its way to fur-
ther hydrolysis and ultimate energy generation, which could
explain the higher DAG levels in the muscle of the athletes.
Our interpretation of this nding is that these alterations in
esterication and lipolysis within exercise-trained muscle
FIG. 3. Ceramides and other sphingolipids in vastus lateralis. Total, saturated, and unsaturated ceramide content (A), sphingosine and S1P (B),
and individual species of ceramides (C). Bars are mean rates, and error bars are SEMs. The letters A and B above the bars denote signicant
differences between groups (P<0.05, one-way ANOVA).
2594 DIABETES, VOL. 60, OCTOBER 2011
lead to an elevated pool of neutral DAGs, similar to that
of triglycerides that can be used as a fuel source during
physical activity. Taken together, these data suggest an
enzymatic prole of enhanced neutral lipid storage and
oxidation associated with enhanced insulin sensitivity with
exercise training.
These human studies cannot directly determine mech-
anisms or causes of IR. Although we did not determine
whether IMCLs are associated with specic defects in
insulin signaling, we clearly show that insulin-stimulated
glucose disposal in skeletal muscle differed according to
study groups. Additional studies are needed to examine
whether the specic lipid species or their cellular location,
in particular DAG within muscle, are mechanistically linked
with impaired insulin signaling. It will also be important to
determine whether the fatty acid composition of the diet
affects insulin action within muscle because dietary patterns
have been shown to inuence lipid metabolite content and
saturation (3). We did not measure other intracellular lipids
that have been implicated in muscle IR, such as long-chain
fatty acyl-CoA (52,53) because of the limited availability of
tissue within the relatively small biopsy samples. Another
important element to consider is that the amount and
intensity of physical activity performed by these highly
trained athletes do not allow us to extrapolate these
ndings in athletes to more moderate physical activity as
emphasized for general health. Thus, the possibility remains
that there is some threshold level or dose-response effect of
physical activity on insulin sensitivity and these lipids.
In summary, high-level exercise training was unex-
pectedly associated with considerably higher total DAG
content within skeletal muscle concomitant with higher
insulin sensitivity, thus extending the athletes paradox to
muscle DAGs and to triglycerides across ber types.
Therefore, the total cellular DAG content cannot explain
skeletal muscle IR. This suggests instead a role for specic
molecular species of DAGs and possibly their subcellular
location in this metabolic abnormality. Ceramides and S1P,
on the other hand, are consistently elevated in obese and
insulin-resistant muscle. Moreover, formation and metabolism
FIG. 4. Mitochondria and markers of oxidative capacity in vastus lateralis. Mitochondria volume density (A), example of micrographs (B), and SDH
content (C). Bars are mean values, and error bars are SEMs. The letters A, B, and C above the bars denote signicant differences between groups
(P<0.05, one-way ANOVA).
of these complex lipids were associated with key pro-
teins expressed in human muscle, which in turn corre-
sponded signicantly with IR. These novel translational
data form a basis for more mechanistic studies to be per-
formed in model systems to determine exact causes of lipid-
induced IR.
This study was supported by National Institutes of Health
(NIH) Grants (R01-AG20128 to B.H.G. and R01-DK068046
to P.E.B.), funding from the American College of Sports
Medicine Foundation (to F.A.), University of Pittsburgh
Student and Faculty Grants (to B.H.G. and F.A.), an NIH/
National Center for Research Resources/Clinical and
Translational Science Award (UL1 RR024153), and Univer-
sity of Pittsburgh Obesity and Nutrition Research Center
Grant 1P30DK46204.
No potential conicts of interest relevant to this article
were reported.
F.A. researched data; contributed to the study concept,
design, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and wrote
the manuscript. J.J.D. researched data and reviewed and
edited the manuscript. E.A.-C., M.M.E., P.C., and M.S.-R. re-
searched data. P.M.C. reviewed and edited the manuscript.
G.E.S. contributed to the statistical analyses and reviewed
and edited the manuscript. P.E.B. contributed to the discus-
sion and reviewed and edited the manuscript. F.G.S.T.
researched data and contributed to the discussion. B.H.G.
contributed to the study concept and design and the analysis
and interpretation of the data and wrote the manuscript.
Parts of this article were presented in abstract form
at the 27th Annual ScienticMeetingofTheObesity
Society, Washington, District of Columbia, 2428 October
We appreciate the cooperation of our research volun-
teers, along with the skills of Steve Anthony and the nursing
staff of the Clinical and Translational Research Center of
the University of Pittsburgh.
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... Aside from increased subcutaneous and visceral adiposity, patients with type 2 diabetes also exhibit ectopic fat deposition within their skeletal myocytes [2][3][4] . This ectopic intramyocellular fat accumulation is intimately linked to the development of insulin resistance, which is the single most defining pathophysiological characteristic of type 2 diabetes 5 . Surprisingly, increased intramyocellular fat storage also occurs in the skeletal muscle of healthy, endurance-trained athletes who, in contrast, are highly insulin sensitive 6 . ...
Full-text available
Despite opposing insulin sensitivity and cardiometabolic risk, both athletes and patients with type 2 diabetes have increased skeletal myocyte fat storage: the so-called “athlete’s paradox”. In a parallel non-randomised, non-blinded trial (NCT03065140), we characterised and compared the skeletal myocyte lipid signature of 29 male endurance athletes and 30 patients with diabetes after undergoing deconditioning or endurance training respectively. The primary outcomes were to assess intramyocellular lipid storage of the vastus lateralis in both cohorts and the secondary outcomes were to examine saturated and unsaturated intramyocellular lipid pool turnover. We show that athletes have higher intramyocellular fat saturation with very high palmitate kinetics, which is attenuated by deconditioning. In contrast, type 2 diabetes patients have higher unsaturated intramyocellular fat and blunted palmitate and linoleate kinetics but after endurance training, all were realigned with those of deconditioned athletes. Improved basal insulin sensitivity was further associated with better serum cholesterol/triglycerides, glycaemic control, physical performance, enhanced post insulin receptor pathway signalling and metabolic sensing. We conclude that insulin-resistant, maladapted intramyocellular lipid storage and turnover in patients with type 2 diabetes show reversibility after endurance training through increased contributions of the saturated intramyocellular fatty acid pools. Clinical Trial Registration: NCT03065140: Muscle Fat Compartments and Turnover as Determinant of Insulin Sensitivity (MISTY)
... A reduced oxidative capacity in the mitochondria can lead to an accumulation of intramyocellular fatty acids. Increased levels of diacylglycerols, sphingolipids, and ceramides, as well as alterations in their subcellular localization, are also correlated with insulin resistance [104,105]. These fatty acids can be precursors for the synthesis of toxic lipids such as ceramide and diacylglycerol. ...
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Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterized by a state of hyperglycemia in the blood due to insulin resistance developed by organs such as muscle, liver, and adipose tissue. A common factor in individuals with T2D is mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondria are dynamic organelles responsible for energy and antioxidant metabolism in the cells. Estrogens, such as 17β-estradiol (E2), are steroid hormones that have shown a great capacity to regulate mitochondrial function and dynamics through estrogen receptors (ERs), modulating the expression of mitochondrial biogenesis-related genes and cell signaling mechanisms. The accumulation of reactive oxygen species, the low capacity for ATP synthesis, and morphological alterations are some of the mitochondrial processes impaired in T2D. Insulin signaling and secretion by pancreatic β-cells, ATP-dependent processes, are also altered in T2D. In this review, mitochondria were exposed as the central axis for the action of estrogens in individuals with T2D. Estrogens increased glucose uptake, insulin signaling, and mitochondrial bioenergetics, and decreased ectopic lipid accumulation in non-adipose tissues and oxidative stress, among other processes, in various preclinical and clinical models of diabetes. The development of strategies to target compounds to mitochondria could represent a novel therapeutic alternative to potentiate the effects of estrogens on this organelle in patients with insulin resistance and T2D.
Fatty acids are stored within the muscle as intramyocellular lipids (IMCL). Some, but not all, studies indicate that following a high-fat diet (HFD), IMCL may accumulate and affect insulin sensitivity. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to quantify the effects of an HFD on IMCL. It also explored the potential modifying effects of HFD fat content and duration, IMCL measurement technique, physical activity status, and the associations of IMCL with insulin sensitivity. Five databases were systematically searched for studies that examined the effect of ≥3 d of HFD (>35% daily energy intake from fat) on IMCL content in healthy individuals. Meta-regressions were used to investigate associations of the HFD total fat content, duration, physical activity status, IMCL measurement technique, and insulin sensitivity with IMCL responses. Changes in IMCL content and insulin sensitivity (assessed by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp) are presented as standardized mean difference (SMD) using a random effects model with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). Nineteen studies were included in the systematic review and 16 in the meta-analysis. IMCL content increased following HFD (SMD = 0.63; 95% CI: 0.31, 0.94, P = 0.001). IMCL accumulation was not influenced by total fat content (P = 0.832) or duration (P = 0.844) of HFD, physical activity status (P = 0.192), or by the IMCL measurement technique (P > 0.05). Insulin sensitivity decreased following HFD (SMD = –0.34; 95% CI: –0.52, –0.16; P = 0.003), but this was not related to the increase in IMCL content following HFD (P = 0.233). Consumption of an HFD (>35% daily energy intake from fat) for ≥3 d significantly increases IMCL content in healthy individuals regardless of HFD total fat content and duration of physical activity status. All IMCL measurement techniques detected the increased IMCL content following HFD. The dissociation between changes in IMCL and insulin sensitivity suggests that other factors may drive HFD-induced impairments in insulin sensitivity in healthy individuals. This trial was registered at PROSPERO as CRD42021257984.
Ceramides are signals of fatty acid excess that accumulate when a cell's energetic needs have been met and its nutrient storage has reached capacity. As these sphingolipids accrue, they alter the metabolism and survival of cells throughout the body including in the heart, liver, blood vessels, skeletal muscle, brain, and kidney. These ceramide actions elicit the tissue dysfunction that underlies cardiometabolic diseases such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, metabolic-associated steatohepatitis, and heart failure. Here, we review the biosynthesis and degradation pathways which maintain ceramide levels in normal physiology and discuss how the loss of ceramide homeostasis drives cardiometabolic pathologies. We highlight signaling nodes that sense small changes in ceramides, and in turn reprogram cellular metabolism and stimulate apoptosis. Lastly, we evaluate the emerging therapeutic utility of these unique lipids as biomarkers that forecast disease risk and as targets of ceramide-lowering interventions that ameliorate disease.
17α-estradiol (17α-E2) is a naturally occurring non-feminizing diastereomer of 17β-estradiol that has lifespan extending effects in rodent models. To date studies of the systemic and tissue-specific benefits of 17α-E2 have largely focused on liver, brain, and white adipose tissue with far less focus on skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle has an important role in metabolic and age-related disease. Therefore, this study aimed to determine if 17α-E2 treatment has positive, tissue-specific effects in skeletal muscle during a high fat feeding. We hypothesized that male, but not female, mice, would benefit from 17α-E2 treatment during a HFD with changes in the mitochondrial proteome to support lipid oxidation and subsequent reductions in DAG and ceramide content. To test this hypothesis, we used a multi-omics approach to determine changes in lipotoxic lipid intermediates, metabolites, and proteins related to metabolic homeostasis. Unexpectedly, we found that 17α-E2 had marked but different beneficial effects within each sex. In male mice, we show that 17α-E2 alleviates HFD-induced metabolic detriments of skeletal muscle by reducing the accumulation of diacylglycerol (DAGs) and ceramides, inflammatory cytokine levels, and altered the abundance of most of the proteins related to lipolysis and beta-oxidation. Similar to male mice, 17α-E2 treatment reduced fat mass while protecting muscle mass in female mice but had little muscle inflammatory cytokine levels. While female mice were resistant to HFD induced changes in DAGs, 17α-E2 treatment induced the upregulation six DAG species. In female mice, 17α-E2 treatment changed the relative abundance of proteins involved in lipolysis, beta-oxidation, as well as structural and contractile proteins but to a smaller extent than male mice. These data demonstrate metabolic benefits of 17α-E2 in skeletal muscle of male and female mice and contribute to the growing literature of the use of 17α-E2 for multi-tissue healthspan benefits.
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Preadipocyte differentiation represents a critical stage in adipogenesis, with mitochondria playing an undeniable pivotal role. Given the intricate interplay between transcription and metabolic signaling during adipogenesis, the regulation of sirtuin 5 (SIRT5) on mitochondrial function and lipid metabolism was revealed via multiple omics analysis. The findings suggest that SIRT5 plays a crucial role in promoting mitochondrial biosynthesis and maintaining mitochondrial function during preadipocyte differentiation. Moreover, SIRT5 modulates the metabolic levels of numerous bioactive substances by extensively regulating genes expression associated with differentiation, energy metabolism, lipid synthesis, and mitochondrial function. Finally, SIRT5 was found to suppress triacylglycerols (TAG) accumulation while enhancing the proportion and diversity of unsaturated fatty acids, and providing conditions for the expansion and stability of membrane structure during mitochondrial biosynthesis through numerous gene regulations. Our findings provide a foundation for the identification of crucial functional genes, signaling pathways, and metabolic substances associated with adipose tissue differentiation and metabolism.
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Introduction: The global burden of diabetes mellitus is escalating, and more efficient investigative strategies are needed for a deeper understanding of underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. The crucial role of skeletal muscle in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism makes it one of the most susceptible tissues to diabetes-related metabolic disorders. In tissue studies, conventional histochemical methods have several technical limitations and have been shown to inadequately characterise the biomolecular phenotype of skeletal muscle to provide a holistic view of the pathologically altered proportions of macromolecular constituents. Materials and methods: In this pilot study, we examined the composition of five different human skeletal muscles from male donors diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and non-diabetic controls. We analysed the lipid, glycogen, and collagen content in the muscles in a traditional manner with histochemical assays using different staining techniques. This served as a reference for comparison with the unconventional analysis of tissue composition using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy as an alternative methodological approach. Results: A thorough chemometric post-processing of the infrared spectra using a multi-stage spectral decomposition allowed the simultaneous identification of various compositional details from a vibrational spectrum measured in a single experiment. We obtained multifaceted information about the proportions of the different macromolecular constituents of skeletal muscle, which even allowed us to distinguish protein constituents with different structural properties. The most important methodological steps for a comprehensive insight into muscle composition have thus been set and parameters identified that can be used for the comparison between healthy and diabetic muscles. Conclusion: We have established a methodological framework based on vibrational spectroscopy for the detailed macromolecular analysis of human skeletal muscle that can effectively complement or may even serve as an alternative to histochemical assays. As this is a pilot study with relatively small sample sets, we remain cautious at this stage in drawing definitive conclusions about diabetes-related changes in skeletal muscle composition. However, the main focus and contribution of our work has been to provide an alternative, simple and efficient approach for this purpose. We are confident that we have achieved this goal and have brought our methodology to a level from which it can be successfully transferred to a large-scale study that allows the effects of diabetes on skeletal muscle composition and the interrelationships between the macromolecular tissue alterations due to diabetes to be investigated.
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Intramyocellular lipids, including diacylglycerol (DAG) and ceramides, have been linked to insulin resistance. This randomised repeated-measures study examined the effects of diet-induced weight loss (DIWL) and aerobic exercise (EX) on insulin sensitivity and intramyocellular triacylglycerol (IMTG), DAG and ceramide. Sixteen overweight to obese adults (BMI 30.6 ± 0.8; 67.2 ± 4.0 years of age) with either impaired fasting glucose, or impaired glucose tolerance completed one of two lifestyle interventions: DIWL (n = 8) or EX (n = 8). Insulin sensitivity was determined using hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamps. Intramyocellular lipids were measured in muscle biopsies using histochemistry and tandem mass spectrometry. Insulin sensitivity was improved with DIWL (20.6 ± 4.7%) and EX (19.2 ± 12.9%). Body weight and body fat were decreased by both interventions, with greater decreases in DIWL compared with EX. Muscle glycogen, IMTG content and oxidative capacity were all significantly (p < 0.05) decreased with DIWL and increased with EX. There were decreases in DAG with DIWL (-12.4 ± 14.6%) and EX (-40.9 ± 12.0%). Ceramide decreased with EX (-33.7 ± 11.2%), but not with DIWL. Dihydroceramide was decreased with both interventions. Sphingosine was decreased only with EX. Changes in total DAG, total ceramides and other sphingolipids did not correlate with changes in glucose disposal. Stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 1 (SCD1) content was decreased with DIWL (-19.5 ± 8.5%, p < 0.05), but increased with EX (19.6 ± 7.4%, p < 0.05). Diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) was unchanged with the interventions. Diet-induced weight loss and exercise training both improved insulin resistance and decreased DAG, while only exercise decreased ceramides, despite the interventions having different effects on IMTG. These alterations may be mediated through differential changes in skeletal muscle capacity for oxidation and triacylglycerol synthesis. NCT00766298.
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Adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) catalyzes the first step in adipocyte and muscle triglyceride hydrolysis, and comparative gene identification-58 (CGI-58) is an essential cofactor. We studied the expression of ATGL and CGI-58 in human adipose and muscle and examined correlations with markers of muscle fatty acid oxidation. Nondiabetic volunteers were studied. Subjects with impaired glucose tolerance were treated with pioglitazone or metformin for 10 weeks. Subjects with normal glucose tolerance underwent a 12-week training program. We examined changes in ATGL and CGI-58 with obesity and insulin resistance, and effects of exercise and pioglitazone. Adipose triglyceride lipase messenger RNA (mRNA) expression showed no correlation with either body mass index or insulin sensitivity index in either adipose or muscle. However, adipose ATGL protein levels were inversely correlated with body mass index (r = -0.64, P < .02) and positively correlated with insulin sensitivity index (r = 0.67, P < .02). In muscle, ATGL mRNA demonstrated a strong positive relationship with carnitine palmitoyltransferase I mRNA (r = 0.82, P < .0001) and the adiponectin receptors AdipoR1 mRNA (r = 0.71, P < .0001) and AdipoR2 mRNA (r = 0.74, P < .0001). Muscle CGI-58 mRNA was inversely correlated with intramyocellular triglyceride in both type 1 (r = -0.35, P < .05) and type 2 (r = -0.40, P < .05) fibers. Exercise training resulted in increased muscle ATGL, and pioglitazone increased adipose ATGL by 31% (P < .05). Pioglitazone also increased ATGL in adipocytes. Adipose ATGL protein is decreased with insulin resistance and obesity; and muscle ATGL mRNA is associated with markers of fatty acid oxidation in muscle, as is CGI-58. The regulation of ATGL and CGI-58 has important implications for the control of lipotoxicity.
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The obese insulin-resistant state is characterized by elevated lipid storage in skeletal muscle tissue. We tested whether differences in muscle triacylglycerol (TAG) and diacylglycerol (DAG) lipase content and activity are associated with incomplete in vivo lipolysis and lipid accumulation. Two case-control studies were conducted on skeletal muscle biopsies from lean (n=13) and obese (n=10) men (study 1) and from 11 nonobese type 2 diabetic (T2D), obese T2D, and healthy normoglycemic men (study 2). Skeletal muscle lipase protein content and activity and muscle lipid content (TAG and DAG) were determined. Skeletal muscle hormone-sensitive lipase protein content was lower (0.39±0.07 vs. 1.00±0.19 arbitrary units; P=0.004) and adipose triglyceride lipase protein content was higher in obese men compared with lean controls (2.17±0.40 vs. 0.42±0.23 arbitrary units; P=0.008). This apparent difference in lipase content was accompanied by a 60% lower ratio of DAG to TAG hydrolase activity in the obese men (11.4±2.3 vs. 26.5±7.3 nmol/h·mg; P=0.045), implying incomplete lipolysis. Lower hormone-sensitive lipase and higher adipose triglyceride lipase content was confined to obesity per se, because it was observed solely in obese T2D men but not in healthy normoglycemic controls and nonobese T2D men. Muscle total DAG content was not higher in obese men but was even lower (6.2±0.7 vs. 9.4±0.9 μmol/mg dry weight; P=0.017). TAG content did not differ between groups (84.7±18.9 vs. 70.4±12.4 μmol/mg dry weight; P=0.543). Our data do not support an important role of total muscle DAG content in the development of insulin resistance in obese men.
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It has been proposed that skeletal muscle insulin resistance arises from the accumulation of intramyocellular lipid metabolites that impede insulin signaling, including diacylglycerol and ceramide. We determined the role of de novo ceramide synthesis in mediating muscle insulin resistance. Mice were subjected to 12 weeks of diet-induced obesity (DIO), and then treated for 4 weeks with myriocin, an inhibitor of serine palmitoyl transferase-1 (SPT1), the rate-limiting enzyme of de novo ceramide synthesis. After 12 weeks of DIO, C57BL/6 mice demonstrated a doubling in gastrocnemius ceramide content, which was completely reversed (141.5 ± 15.8 vs. 94.6 ± 10.2 nmol/g dry wt) via treatment with myriocin, whereas hepatic ceramide content was unaffected by DIO. Interestingly, myriocin treatment did not alter the DIO-associated increase in gastrocnemius diacyglycerol content, and the only correlation observed between lipid metabolite accumulation and glucose intolerance occurred with ceramide (R = 0.61). DIO mice treated with myriocin showed a complete reversal of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance which was associated with enhanced insulin-stimulated Akt and glycogen synthase kinase 3β phosphorylation. Furthermore, myriocin treatment also decreased intramyocellular ceramide content and prevented insulin resistance development in db/db mice. Finally, myriocin-treated DIO mice displayed enhanced oxygen consumption rates (3,041 ± 124 vs. 2,407 ± 124 ml/kg/h) versus their control counterparts. Our results demonstrate that the intramyocellular accumulation of ceramide correlates strongly with the development of insulin resistance, and suggests that inhibition of SPT1 is a potentially promising target for the treatment of insulin resistance.
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Intramuscular triglyceride (IMTG) has received considerable attention as a potential mechanism promoting insulin resistance. Endurance-trained athletes have high amounts of IMTG but are insulin sensitive, suggesting IMTG content alone does not change insulin action. Recent data suggest increased muscle lipid synthesis protects against fat-induced insulin resistance. We hypothesized that rates of IMTG synthesis at rest would be increased in athletes compared with controls. Eleven sedentary men and 11 endurance-trained male cyclists participated in this study. An intravenous glucose tolerance test was performed to assess insulin action. After 3 days of dietary control and an overnight fast, [13C16]palmitate was infused at 0.0174 for 4 h, followed by a muscle biopsy to measure isotope incorporation into IMTG and diacylglycerol. Compared with controls, athletes were twice as insulin sensitive (P=0.004) and had a significantly greater resting IMTG concentration (athletes: 20.4+/-1.6 microg IMTG/mg dry wt, controls: 14.5+/-1.8 microg IMTG/mg dry wt, P=0.04) and IMTG fractional synthesis rate (athletes: 1.56+/-0.37%/h, controls: 0.61+/-0.15%/h, P=0.03). Stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 mRNA expression (P=0.02) and protein content (P=0.03) were also significantly greater in athletes. Diacylglycerol, but not IMTG, saturation was significantly less in athletes compared with controls (P=0.002). These data indicate endurance-trained athletes have increased synthesis rates of skeletal muscle IMTG and decreased saturation of skeletal muscle diacylglycerol. Increased synthesis rates are not due to recovery from exercise and are likely adaptations to chronic endurance exercise training.
Although lipids play a critical role in membrane formation by providing the structural backbone for cellular and organeller membranes, a functional role for lipids in cell regulation is emerging. This is clearly established for membrane glycerolipids which play critical roles in signal transduction through the generation of important metabolic products (such as diacylglycerol, inositol trisphosphate, and eicosanoids) which function as second messengers. The phosphatidylinositol (PI) cycle provides the most compelling paradigm for the involvement of membrane lipids in signal transduction. On the other hand, an analogous role for membrane sphingolipids in signal transduction has not been defined. Sphingolipids demonstrate significant structural diversity and complexity even exceeding that of glycerolipids, with multiple biologic activities and functions attributed to these molecules (1–3). The discovery of the inhibition of protein kinase C by sphingosine raised the possibility that sphingosine and other sphingolipid-derived molecules may function as second messengers (2). Indeed, studies over the last few years have begun to elucidate a sphingolipid signal transduction pathway involving the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin (SM) and the generation of ceramide, in what has been termed the sphingomyelin cycle. This chapter will highlight our current understanding of the regulation of the SM cycle, and will concentrate on more recent insight into the second messenger function of ceramide and its mechanism of action. A hypothesis suggesting a role for ceramide as a tumor suppressor lipid will be discussed.
Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation provides an important energy source for cellular metabolism, and decreased mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Paradoxically, mice with an inherited deficiency of the mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation enzyme, very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD), were protected from high-fat diet-induced obesity and liver and muscle insulin resistance. This was associated with reduced intracellular diacylglycerol content and decreased activity of liver protein kinase Cvarepsilon and muscle protein kinase Ctheta. The increased insulin sensitivity in the VLCAD(-/-) mice were protected from diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance due to chronic activation of AMPK and PPARalpha, resulting in increased fatty acid oxidation and decreased intramyocellular and hepatocellular diacylglycerol content.
Whether sex differences in intramuscular triglyceride (IMTG) metabolism underlie sex differences in the progression to diabetes are unknown. Therefore, the current study examined IMTG concentration and fractional synthesis rate (FSR) in obese men and women with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) vs. those with prediabetes (PD). PD (n = 13 men and 7 women) and NGT (n = 7 men and 12 women) groups were matched for age and anthropometry. Insulin action was quantified using a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp with infusion of [6,6-(2)H(2)]-glucose. IMTG concentration was measured by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and FSR by GC/combustion isotope ratio MS (C-IRMS), from muscle biopsies taken after infusion of [U-(13)C]palmitate during 4 h of rest. In PD men, the metabolic clearance rate (MCR) of glucose was lower during the clamp (4.71 ± 0.77 vs. 8.62 ± 1.26 ml/kg fat-free mass (FFM)/min, P = 0.04; with a trend for lower glucose rate of disappearance (Rd), P = 0.07), in addition to higher IMTG concentration (41.2 ± 5.0 vs. 21.2 ± 3.4 µg/mg dry weight, P ≤ 0.01), lower FSR (0.21 ± 0.03 vs. 0.42 ± 0.06 %/h, P ≤ 0.01), and lower oxidative capacity (P = 0.03) compared to NGT men. In contrast, no difference in Rd, IMTG concentration, or FSR was seen in PD vs. NGT women. Surprisingly, glucose Rd during the clamp was not different between NGT men and women (P = 0.25) despite IMTG concentration being higher (42.6 ± 6.1 vs. 21.2 ± 3.4 µg/mg dry weight, P = 0.03) and FSR being lower (0.23 ± 0.04 vs. 0.42 ± 0.06 %/h, P = 0.02) in women. Alterations in IMTG metabolism relate to diminished insulin action in men, but not women, in the progression toward diabetes.
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance remains a major medical challenge of the twenty-first century. Over the last half-century, many hypotheses have been proposed to explain insulin resistance, and, most recently, inflammation associated with alterations in adipocytokines has become the prevailing hypothesis. Here we discuss diacylglycerol-mediated insulin resistance as an alternative and unifying hypothesis to explain the most common forms of insulin resistance associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus, as well as lipodystrophy and aging.