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Early Evidence for the Extensive Heat Treatment of Silcrete in the Howiesons Poort at Klipdrift Shelter (Layer PBD, 65 ka), South Africa


Abstract and Figures

Heating stone to enhance its flaking qualities is among the multiple innovative adaptations introduced by early modern human groups in southern Africa, in particular during the Middle Stone Age Still Bay and Howiesons Poort traditions. Comparatively little is known about the role and impact of this technology on early modern human behaviors and cultural expressions , due, in part, to the lack of comprehensive studies of archaeological assemblages documenting the heat treatment of stone. We address this issue through an analysis of the procedure used for heating and a technological analysis of a lithic assemblage recovered from one Howiesons Poort assemblage at Klipdrift Shelter (southern Cape, South Africa). The resulting data show extensive silcrete heat treatment, which adds a new dimension to our understanding of fire-related behaviors during the Howiesons Poort, highlighting the important role played by a heat treatment stage in the production of silcrete blades. These results are made possible by our new analytical procedure that relies on the analysis of all silcrete artifacts. It provides direct evidence of a controlled use of fire which took place during an early stage of core exploitation, thereby impacting on all subsequent stages of the lithic chaıˆnechaıˆne opé ratoire, which, to date, has no known equivalent in the Middle Stone Age or Middle Paleolithic record outside of southern Africa.
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Early Evidence for the Extensive Heat Treatment of
Silcrete in the Howiesons Poort at Klipdrift Shelter
(Layer PBD, 65 ka), South Africa
Anne Delagnes, Patrick Schmidt, Katja Douze, Sarah Wurz, Ludovic
Bellot-Gurlet, Nicholas J. Conard, Klaus G. Nickel, Karen L. Van Niekerk,
Christopher S. Henshilwood
To cite this version:
Anne Delagnes, Patrick Schmidt, Katja Douze, Sarah Wurz, Ludovic Bellot-Gurlet, et al..
Early Evidence for the Extensive Heat Treatment of Silcrete in the Howiesons Poort at Klipdrift
Shelter (Layer PBD, 65 ka), South Africa. PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 2016, 11 (10),
pp.e0163874. <10.1371/journal.pone.0163874>.<hal-01399932>
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Early Evidence for the Extensive Heat
Treatment of Silcrete in the Howiesons Poort
at Klipdrift Shelter (Layer PBD, 65 ka), South
Anne Delagnes
*, Patrick Schmidt
, Katja Douze
, Sarah Wurz
, Ludovic Bellot-
, Nicholas J. Conard
, Klaus G. Nickel
, Karen L. van Niekerk
, Christopher
S. Henshilwood
1PACEA, CNRS—University of Bordeaux, Pessac, France, 2School of Geography, Archaeology and
Environmental Studies and Evolutionary Studies Institute, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,
South Africa, 3Department of Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, Eberhard Karls University of Tu¨bingen,
Tu¨bingen, Germany, 4Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of
Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 5MONARIS, Sorbonne Universite
´s, UPMC Universite
´Paris 6, UMR 8233, Paris,
France, 6Department of Geosciences, Applied Mineralogy, EberhardKarls University of Tu¨bingen,
Tu¨bingen, Germany
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Heating stone to enhance its flaking qualities is among the multiple innovative adaptations
introduced by early modern human groups in southern Africa, in particular during the Middle
Stone Age Still Bay and Howiesons Poort traditions. Comparatively little is known about the
role and impact of this technology on early modern human behaviors and cultural expres-
sions, due, in part, to the lack of comprehensive studies of archaeological assemblages
documenting the heat treatment of stone. We address this issue through an analysis of the
procedure used for heating and a technological analysis of a lithic assemblage recovered
from one Howiesons Poort assemblage at Klipdrift Shelter (southern Cape, South Africa).
The resulting data show extensive silcrete heat treatment, which adds a new dimension to
our understanding of fire-related behaviors during the Howiesons Poort, highlighting the
important role played by a heat treatment stage in the production of silcrete blades. These
results are made possible by our new analytical procedure that relies on the analysis of all
silcrete artifacts. It provides direct evidence of a controlled use of fire which took place dur-
ing an early stage of core exploitation, thereby impacting on all subsequent stages of the
lithic chaı
ˆne ope
´ratoire, which, to date, has no known equivalent in the Middle Stone Age or
Middle Paleolithic record outside of southern Africa.
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0163874 October 19, 2016 1 / 27
Citation: Delagnes A, Schmidt P, Douze K, Wurz S,
Bellot-Gurlet L, Conard NJ, et al. (2016) Early
Evidence for the Extensive Heat Treatment of
Silcrete in the Howiesons Poort at Klipdrift Shelter
(Layer PBD, 65 ka), South Africa. PLoS ONE 11
(10): e0163874. doi:10.1371/journal.
Editor: Nuno Bicho, Universidade do Algarve,
Received: December 19, 2015
Accepted: September 15, 2016
Published: October 19, 2016
Copyright: ©2016 Delagnes et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and in the Supporting Information
Funding: We acknowledge support by Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft and Open Access
Publishing Fund of University of Tu¨bingen. The
research of PS was funded by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through the
research project Heat Treatment in the South
African MSA (Grant Nr: CO 226/25-1, MI 1748/2-1,
NI 299/25-1). Financial support was provided to
The intentional heat treatment of silica rocksconstitutes a major technological milestone in
prehistory since the earliest developments of stone tool-making.It provides the first evidence
of a transformativetechnology, i.e. transforming the physicochemicalproperties of a material
for technical purposes, and it marks the emergence of fire engineering as a response to a variety
of needs that largely transcend hominin basic subsistence requirements. Heat treatment of
stone has long been documented in the prehistoric record as an intentional technical process
used to improve the working quality of silica rocks and to enhance the sharpness and straight-
ness the tool edges [13]. This technological process was reinvented many times in the Upper
Pleistocene and Early Holocene in various geographical contexts. Its first occurrence was
recently pushed back to more than 70 ka (thousand years) ago in the South African Middle
Stone Age (MSA) sequences from Pinnacle Point [4] and Blombos Cave [5]. The heat-treated
raw material was silcrete, a continental silica rock [6] of rather good quality that acquires even
better knapping quality when heated. The development of a fire-based transformative technol-
ogy adds a new component to the extensive list of inventive solutions introduced in the MSA,
in particular by Still Bay and Howiesons Poort groups [7,8]. However, southern African MSA
heat treatment of stone still remains poorly documented and much of the debate has focused
on the heating methods and on the induced physical transformations of the silcrete [4,912].
Conversely, very little is known about the role and impact of this new technology on early
modern human behaviors and cultural expressions. In other words, the role of heat treatment
in the MSA technological repertoire still has to be determined. The question remains whether
this early emergenceof stone heat treatment responds to a new set of specialized technological
skills or whetherit is part of the domestic sphere of activities. In this paper we address this
issue through the analysis of the heating technique and technological strategy developed in a
recently discovered and excavated MSA site: Klipdrift Shelter (KDS) (southern Cape region,
South Africa) [13], a site that indicates the extensive use of fire for the heat treatment of silcrete
within one discrete occupation layer of this site.
To date, evidence for heat treatment of stone has been described for a few South African
MSA sites: PinnaclePoint, Blombos Cave, DiepkloofRock Shelter and Mertenhof Shelter [4,5,
9,11,13,14]. They all are stratified sites with successive occupations devoted to a broad range
of subsistence, technical and symbolic activities [4,5,13,1527]. Stone-heating is amongst the
multiple technological and domestic uses of fire performed by the Still Bay and Howiesons
Poort groups [28]. The widespread use of fire, including the repeated burning of living floors in
some sites [29,30], results in archaeological deposits that are extensively burnt. Thus, assessing
the role played by fire with more precision is complicated by the fact that a large number of
archaeologicalitems in these sites were incidentally burnt after use. In this context, a crucial
issue is to differentiate the post-discard burning events, resulting in what we call burnt artifacts,
from artifacts that were intentionally heat-treated, referred to as heated artifacts.
Silcrete is the only raw material for which chemical and structural modifications through
heat treatment by MSA groups has been observed in South Africa. While silcrete's thermal
transformations are comparable to the ones of flint, it has been shown experimentally that the
control of temperature and heating speed is significantly less demanding for silcrete than for
flint [11,31]. The presence of tempering-residue on some heated artifacts from Diepkloof fur-
ther indicates direct contact between embers and silcreteduring the heat-treatment and the use
of a fast-heating process [11]. These data provide an interesting alternative to the model of a
complex heating procedure involving the use of a sand-bath heatingenvironment [4,10]. Sil-
crete is a highly diverse category of rock,comprising a variety of typesthat differ in terms of
texture, homogeneity and color. The visual results of silcrete's heat-induced transformations
Extensive Heat Treatment of Silcrete at 65 ka
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CSH for the excavation of the KDS site and
subsequent analysis by a National Research
Foundation/Department of Science and Technology
funded Chair at the University of the
Witwatersrand, South Africa and by the University
of Bergen, Norway. AD and KD have benefited from
the financial and logistical support of the
Evolutionary Studies Institute (University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg) during their stay in
Cape Town.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
vary significantly from one silcrete type to another, complicating the identification of heat
treatment. This difficulty is probably the reason why most studies on heat-treatment are lim-
ited to small quantities of so-called "diagnostic artifacts". A comprehensive understanding of
the technological behaviors related to the heat treatment of silcrete, its role and impact within
the lithic chaîne opératoire, is thus still missing.
In this paper we present a novel approach applied to all silcrete artifacts (>2 cm) from layer
PDB at KDS. Our study is based on a piece-by-piece comparison, a non-destructive analysis
that allows for the identification of all intentionally heated lithics. The methodological protocol
used to identify the heated pieces is combined with the characterization of the technological
stages or operations related to the heating process. This analysis provides new insights into the
technological use of fire by MSA groups.
Materials and Methods
Archeological context
Silcrete forms a significant component of the raw materials used for tool production in some of
the Howiesons Poort and Still Bay sites located on the western and southern Cape coasts of
South Africa. The reason for this is the proximity of this zone to the so-called silcrete Cape
coastal belt formed by the Cape Fold Mountains, where primary sources are relatively abun-
dant [32]. Fine-grained silcrete outcrops occur in several localities at a minimum distance of 10
km north of KDS.This archeological site ispart of the Klipdrift Complex,a series of sites
located along the Indian Ocean shoreline in the De Hoop Nature Reserve, southern Cape
region (Fig 1). KDS has been excavated since 2011 by C.S. Henshilwood and K.L. van Niekerk
[13] with a permit obtained from Heritage Western Cape, the Provincial Heritage Agency
based in Cape Town, South Africa. The research permits to conduct archaeological excavations
are issued under the National Heritage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999) and the Western Cape
Provincial Gazette 6061, Notice 298 of 2003. CSH is the permit holder for the relevant permit:
KLIPDRIFT CAVE Permit No. 2010/06/001. No ethics clearance or permit is required to study
the lithic artifacts from the Klipdrift Complex. The specimens used in this article are in a public
collection that is accessible to other researchers. The lithics are housed and curated by the Iziko
Museums of South Africa in Cape Town, as well as at Wits satellite laboratory in Cape Town.
The lithics are catalogued under the labels: KDS 2011, 2012 and an individual record number
is attributed to each artifact. A permit for transport and destructive analysis of 12 KDS artifacts
studied here (Table 1) was provided by the South African Heritage Resources Agency
(SAHRA) (PERMIT NO: 9/2/079/0008). All destructive and spectroscopic analyses reported in
this paper fall under this permit. All necessary permits were obtained for the described study,
which complied with all relevant regulations.
The c. 1.2 m deep sequenceis dated to between c. 70 and 50 ka by single-grain Optically
Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) [13]. All layers contain well preserved archaeological assem-
blages, including marine and terrestrial faunal remains, organic materials, lithics, ochre and
engraved ostrich eggshells [13]. Layers PCA to PAY relate to the Howiesons Poort industry. Sil-
crete is the main raw material usedfor blade production in the lower part of the sequence (lay-
ers PCA, PBE, PBD). The silcrete is predominantly fine-grained. The other materials with good
knapping quality are fine-grained silica rocks (henceforth called chert) and calcrete. Both are
poorly represented whereas local hydrothermal quartz and quartzite together account for more
than half of the raw material used for knapping [13]. Considering that most hydrothermal
quartz and quartzite cannot be expected to show any significant modification of their internal
structure and knapping quality after heating, silcrete is the only good candidate for assessing
Extensive Heat Treatment of Silcrete at 65 ka
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0163874 October 19, 2016 3 / 27
Fig 1. Map of the excavated area at KDS and site stratigraphy with OSL dates (illustration credit:
Magnus M. Haaland, university of Bergen).
Extensive Heat Treatment of Silcrete at 65 ka
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the significance and role of heat treatment at KDS. Layer PBD, dated to 64.6±4.2 ka, was
selected for this analysis because it contains the richest lithic assemblage (c. 2.500 artifacts >2
cm) excavated from a total surface of 4 m
including abundant silcrete artifacts. In layer PBD
silcrete accounts for 46% of the knapped component, the remaining raw material spectrum
being composed of quartzite (35.4%), hydrothermal quartz (17.1%), chert and calcrete (1.5%).
Blade production is the unique target of the silcrete reduction sequence (n = 531/862, 61.6% of
blades), while also being well developed on quartz (n = 150/316, 47,5%) but being quite mar-
ginal on quartzite (n = 81/653, 12.4%) (for more details, see [13]). The assemblage includes
end- and by-products from all stages of the chaîne opératoire, resulting from multiple on-site
technological activities ranging from blank production to tool use and discard.
Quantifying the prevalence of heat treatment of silcrete
When silcrete is heated, it undergoes several chemical and physical changes. These changes
include increased brittleness [33], occasional heat fracturing [34], reddening [35] and the loss
of porosity [11]. Thus, past heating of stone may be identified through archeometric tech-
niques. However, identifying these characteristics does not directly imply intentional heat
treatment because unintentional burning and taphonomic processes such as natural fires at the
site cause identical transformations in silcrete. Therefore, recognizinglithic heat treatment
must follow a line of reasoning that aims to show intentionality, for example, by demonstrating
that rocks were systematically and repeatedly knapped after their heat-treatment. In order to
investigate post-heat treatment knapping, the signature of a fracture that took place after heat
treatment (a post-heating scar) has to be recognized and distinguished from a fracture that
occurred in unheated material (a pre-heating scar). In silcrete, this distinction is generally pos-
sible because heat treatment causes structural transformations that allow the subsequent frac-
tures to propagate more evenly [11]. The resulting fracture surfaces show less micro- relief (i.e.
are smoother) than fracture surfaces on unheated silcrete. Hence, in principle, post-heating
removal scars can be distinguished from pre-heating scars by their relatively increased smooth-
ness. The approach to measure gloss” [4] on silcrete artifacts for determining whether these
artifacts were heat-treated or not is based on the same principle. Gloss on knapped fracture
Table 1. Sample numbers and descriptions of the artifacts analyzed destructively and by IR
Accession number Observed heat treatment proxies Performed analysis
KB421 Pre-heating scar, post-heating scar, tempering-residue IR-ATR, Residue section
K2782 Post-heating scar, tempering-residue on natural surface Thin section, IR-ATR
KB565 Pre-heating scar, post-heating scar, HINC Thin section
K2840 Pre-heating scar, post-heating scar, tempering-residue Thin section, IR-ATR
KB576 Pre-heating scar, post-heating scar, HINC Thin section
K1938 Pre-heating scar, post-heating scar Thin section
KB1817 Pre-heating scar, post-heating scar Thin section
K2714 Pre-heating scar, post-heating scar Thin section
KDS-1 (unpl.) Pre-heating scar, post-heating scar Thin section
KDS-2 (unpl.) Pre-heating scar, post-heating scar, HINC Thin section
KDS-3 (unpl.) Pre-heating scar, post-heating scar Thin section
KDS-4 (unpl.) Pre-heating scar, post-heating scar Thin section
KDS-5 (unpl.) Post-heating scar, tempering-residue on natural surface IR-ATR
unpl. = not piece-plotted during excavation. HINC = Heat-induced non-conchoidal fracture
Extensive Heat Treatment of Silcrete at 65 ka
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surfaces is controlled by several factors, one of whichis the microscopic roughnessof the sur-
faces that causes incident light to be more or less reflected back.The light reflection, or gloss,is
therefore an indirect measure of the micro-topography of fracturesurfaces. However, the
reflection of light is also controlled by the refractive index and the absorption coefficient, two
material properties put into relation by the Fresnel equations [36]. Mineralogical composition
therefore influences the measured gloss values. For example, variations of the anatase (TiO
concentration, common in South African silcrete [6,32], influence the total light reflection
from the silcretesurface because of the relatively high refractiveindex of anatase. This can be
expected to result in different gloss values from two silcrete types, even though they have simi-
lar surface roughness values. This is why we prefer to directly observe the surface roughness
and use the terms smooth’, as the opposite of rough instead of ‘glossy’ and dull’.
The apparent advantage of gloss analysis over the visual estimation of surface roughness is
that it produces absolute values that can be used to demonstrate whether an assemblage is
likely to contain heat-treated artifacts or not. However, single artifacts cannot be identified as
being heat-treated or not heated with this method. The reason for this is the structural het-
erogeneity of South African silcrete types. The silcrete types used for stone knapping in the
MSA range from very fine matrix-supported rocks with almost no inclusions to very coarse
grain-supported types with up to 4% TiO
, resulting in very different natural fracture pat-
terns and gloss values, even without heat treatment. Without the knowledge of the exact sil-
crete type, it is therefore not possible to interpret the gloss value obtained on a single artifact.
The same is true for a visual estimation of surface roughness without prior distinction of dif-
ferent silcrete types. Relatively rough silcrete types, even when heat-treated to high tempera-
tures, may display post-heating scars that are rougher than pre-heating scars of finer silcrete
types. The comparison of Fig 2A with Fig 2F illustrates this problem by showing the contrast
between a removal scar on a fine, but not heated piece of silcrete(Fig 2A) and a post-heating
scar on another, coarser but heat-treated piece of silcrete (Fig 2F). Here, the direct measure-
ment of gloss or the estimation of surface roughness, without the comparison with a mean-
ingful reference collection that contains the different silcrete types would have yielded an
erroneous result.
Such problems can be overcome if pre- and post-heating scars are preserved on a single arti-
fact: the most reliableway to identify post-heatingscars is to directly compare their smoothness
with relatively rougher pre-heating scars on the same artifact. However, such pieces are not the
majority in heat-treated assemblages, where a large number of artifacts show post-heating
scars only [9] and consequently no contrast in roughness. In these cases, the artifacts must be
compared to a geological reference sample of silcrete (unheated and experimentally heat-
treated) with the same structure and micro-facies, hence with the same fracture properties as
the artefact, in order to determine whether the observed flake scars are pre- or post-heating
scars. When choosing such reference samples, it is important to take into account the charac-
teristics that drive the different fracture patterns in silcrete: texture type, clast grain-size, crys-
tallography and grain-size of the matrix, inclusions and alterations of the texture, etc. This is
the approach that we apply to the study of the KDS silcrete artifacts.
Archeological reference samples
12 silcrete artifacts that represent the macroscopic variability of silcrete types in layer PBD
were selected for destructive analysis becauseof the presence of distinct markers of intentional
heat treatment. Petrographic thin sections were cut from 11 of them. Accession numbers and
brief descriptionsof the archaeologicalsamples analyzed destructivelyand by infrared(IR)
spectroscopy are summarized in Table 1.
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Geological reference samples
In order to identify and to assess the presence/absence of flake scars from before and after heat
treatment on the PBD artifacts, we built a reference collection of unheated and experimentally
heat-treated flakes made from comparable silcrete types (S1A and S1B Fig). For this, we
Fig 2. Comparison between fracture surfaces from before and after heat treatment. (a, b, c) = before heat treatment, (d, e, f) = after heat treatment.
SK-13-03C before (a) and after (d) heat treatment; SK-13-04C before (b) and after(e) heat treatment; SK-13-03B before (c) and after (f) heat treatment.
Note that, regardless of the initial roughness of the silcrete type, heat treatment results in smoother fracture patterns but pre-heating fracture scars on fine-
grained silcrete (a) may be smoother than post-heating scars on coarser silcrete types (f). All fracture surfaces were photographed at identical magnification
and in similar raking light conditions.
Extensive Heat Treatment of Silcrete at 65 ka
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sampled different silcrete types in the vicinity of KDS. We collected 31 samples from six differ-
ent locations (Fig 3) and cut petrographic thin sections from each specimen in order to com-
pare them with the thin sections of the archaeological samples shown in Table 1. The purpose
of this sampling project was not to propose a raw material provisioning scheme for KDS but to
collect geological reference material with a comparable structure, and hence, with comparable
thermal behavior, for building the reference collection.
First, we compared the microfacies observed in the archaeological thin sectionswith the
microfacies observed in the 31 geological thin sections. Criteria for this comparison were: tex-
ture type [6], clast grain size and sorting; degree of rounding, dissolution and overgrowth;
cloudy iron oxide-,clay- or anatase-inclusions;presence/absence of indicators of Illuviation
like colloform features [6] or clay skins. Only if all these criteria are identical in two distinct
pieces of silcrete, do we expect that they contain similar amounts of molecular and chemically
bound water [11] and hence, that they show similar thermal behavior. We removed one flake
from each of thesereference samples and thenheat-treated the rest of the sample in an electri-
cal furnace at 450°C for 3h with a ramp of 4°C/min. 450°C is near the upper limit of experi-
mentally determined temperatures of heat treatment [9]. The atmosphere in the oven is
Fig 3. Map of the KDS area showing the six sampling locations for our reference collection (illustration credit: Gauthier Devilder,
PACEA/CNRS-university of Bordeaux). The black spots correspond to primary silcrete and ferricrete outcrops georeferenced by Roberts
(2003). The red x of source 5 indicates that this outcrop was not georeferenced by Roberts.
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expected to have no effect on the thermal transformations [11,37,38]. The ramp rate was cho-
sen arbitrarily because it does not influence the thermal transformations as long as the sample
is held at maximum temperature for >1h [39], it only controls the probability of heat-induced
fracturing [40]. A second set of flakes was removed from each sample after they had cooled to
room-temperature. The flakes produced were used to recognize pre-heating and post-heating
removal scars of the KDS PBD artifacts by directly comparing the latter with the corresponding
silcrete types of the reference collection (as determinedon the basis of macroscopic similarity).
Fig 4 shows three examples of matching thin section micrographs used to identify meaning-
ful reference samples. Because some of the geological samples showed almost identical
Fig 4. Micrographs of archaeological samples and geological samples with similar petrographic textures.
(a, c, e) = Archaeological samples and (b, d, f) = geological samples. Cross polarized light. (a) K2782 and (b) its
geological counterpart SK-13-01A, (c) K2714 and (d) its geological counterpart SK-13-03B, (e) K576 and (f) its
geological counterpart SK-13-04C.
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microfacies, we selected 17 of them that correlated best to the 11 artifacts from PBD (Table 1).
Control flakes were removed from these 17 reference blocks before they were heat-treated.
Two of the blocks shattered during heating while the other 15 did not break and were perfectly
suitable for knapping after the procedure. The fracture surfaces of the 15 flakes removed after
heat treatment differ from the fracture surfaces of the unheated control flakes in that they are
distinctively smoother. Fig 2 illustrates the transformation of the fracture pattern after heat
treatment for three silcrete samples with different grain-size.
Thus, our experimental reference collection contains 30 flakes from 15 reference samples
that are representative of the different silcrete types worked in PBD, i.e. one control flakewith
pre-heating scars and one heated flake with post-heating scars for each of the 15 samples. Dur-
ing the identification of heat treatment proxies on KDS lithics, these reference samples were
laid-out on a table and each artifact was matched to one of the 30 flakes on macroscopic
grounds. HINC fractures were identified on the basis of the criteria described in Schmidt et al.
[9] and the two geological samples that shattered during heat treatment.
Macroscopic identification of heat treatment proxies on artifacts
The identification of the heating proxies was performed for all silcrete pieces from layer PBD
by direct comparison with the experimental referencecollection. As proposed by Schmidt etal.
[9], we identified the following proxies (Fig 5):
Fig 5. Macroscopic heating proxies. A: pre-heating scar distinguishable by the contrast between relatively
rough and smooth surfaces, B: heat-induced non-conchoidal (HINC) fracture, characterized here by a non-
conchoidal fracture plane with scalar features, C: post-heating scars, D: potlid fractures.
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1. Pre-heating scar (Fig 5A): a relatively rough fracture surface corresponding to the removal
of a flake from unheated silcrete.
2. Post-heating scar (Fig 5C): a relatively smooth fracture surface corresponding to the removal
of a flake from heat-treated silcrete.
3. Heat-induced-non-conchoida l (HINC) fracture (Fig 5B): a fracture surface produced by fail-
ure during heating (sometimes also termed ‘overheating’ [40]). HINC fracture surfaces can
be recognized due to their strong surface roughness, the presence of scalar features on the
surface [9] and concave morphologies that often contain angular features. We only identify
this type of fracture surface as HINC when it is clearly cross-cut by at least one post-heating
removal. This technological relationship indicates that the failure occurred during heat
treatment, i.e. that the reduction was continued afterwards. In the opposite case, when such
a fracture surfaceis not cross-cut by a flake removal, it may result from fracturingat any
stage, e.g. during accidental burning after discard, and no technological information con-
cerning heat treatment can be retrieved from it. It is noteworthy that HINC fractures more
likely occur during fast heating and that they are almost absent when silcrete is heat-treated
with slow heating rates like in a sand-bath [9,10,40].
4. Tempering-residue: a black organic tar (wood tar) produced by dry distillation of plant exu-
dations that was deposited on the silcrete surface during its contact with glowing embers
during burning [9]. We only identify a black organic residue as tempering-residue if it cov-
ers a pre-heating removal scar or a natural surfaceand when it is cross-cut by a post-heating
removal scar, otherwise, the residue may result from taphonomic factors after discard of the
In addition to these proxies related to an intentional heating process, we also distinguish
potlid fractures (Fig 5D) or micro-cracks which are formed after the discard of the lithics and
are thus characteristic of incidental events of burning.
Infrared spectroscopy and microstructure of the identified residues
In order to verify that the residue we observed on KDS PBD artifacts is indeed an organic tar,
we conducted infrared analyses on four artifacts containing the residue. We used non-destruc-
tive micro-ATR infrared spectroscopy on their surfaces in order to test whether the black KDS
residue is an organic compound (Table 1). For this purpose, we acquired spectra in the spectral
region that contains the specific absorption bands of C-H bonds (C-H stretching bands)
because such bonds are characteristic for organic compounds. A Bruker IRscope II microscope
with a 20X germanium-ATR objective connected to an FT-IR Equinox 55 spectrometer was
used for this infrared ATR surface analysis (maximum size of the analyzed area 100 μm
, spec-
tra acquired between 2650 and 3150 cm
, resolution 2 cm
After determining the organic nature of the black residue, we analyzed its microstructure
and reflectance properties to confirm that it is wood tar. Because tempering-residue, as
described by Schmidt et al. [9], results from the distillation of plant exudations, it is deposited
on the silcrete surface as a hot liquid. This mode of deposition results in degassing pores that
may be preservedin the hardenedblack residue andthe residue may include micrometre-sized
charcoal inclusions due to the direct contact of the silcrete with glowing embers. The reflectiv-
ity of wood tar is also characteristic [41] and can be recognized in reflected light microscopy.
For analyzing these features, we cut sample KB421 perpendicularly to its pre-heating surface
covered with the black residue. The so obtained section was then embedded in resin and
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polished to obtain a surface suitable for reflected light microscopy. We made microscopic
observations of the sections at magnifications ranging from 100x to 500x, using a Leitz petro-
graphic microscope setup for reflection and oil immersion.
Technological description of the archeological artifacts
Our analysis of the heat-treated silcrete artifacts from KDS is based on a piece-by-piece macro-
scopic identification of the heating proxies described above, in combination with technological
description. The identification of heating proxies was combined with a descriptive analysis of
each artifact based on technological and size attributes. The technological description allows
establishing the chronology of all knapping stages, from core preparation and blank production
to tool retouch or use,while determining the chronological position of the heating proxies in
this reduction sequence. The method developed here presents three key advantages: 1) it is
based on objectiveand easily observablecriteria; 2) it can be applied to complete assemblages;
3) it ensures reliable identification, by combining different heat treatment-related proxies with
the technological stage to which each lithic artifact corresponds. Our study thus provides a
complete characterization of the heated lithics from layer PBD at KDS.
Scope of the silcrete heat treatment
In layer PBD, 92% of the silcrete pieces (n = 793/862 >2 cm) show clear evidence of heating,
while the remaining 8% (see Table 2) are mostly (7.2%) non-diagnostic pieces and 0.8% are
unheated. The non-diagnostic pieces comprise artifacts incidentally burnt after discard as well as
pieces corresponding to silcrete types for which the thermal transformations are not macroscop-
ically distinguishable because of the absence of the respective silcretetype in our reference collec-
tion (S1A and S1B Fig). We can thus deduce that silcrete in layer PBD was extensively, if not
entirely, heat-treated, which strongly argues for the intentionality of the heating process. By con-
trast, evidence of incidental burning is very low, with only 4% of artifactsburnt after discard
(n = 31/793 heated artifacts). The latter are characterized by heat-induced alterations in the form
of micro-cracks or potlid fractures, i.e. circular non-conchoidal hollows formed after the produc-
tion of the artifacts and/or rough non-conchoidal surfaces covering the entire blanks. The burnt
artifacts likely correspond to artifacts abandoned close to or in fireplaces after use.
The heated component in layer PBD (Table 2) includes all categories of end-products and
by-products. Blades (Fig 6) form the main category of end-product, and they are the exclusive
target of the silcrete reduction sequence [13]. Their production conforms with what has already
been described for other South African Howiesons Poort sites [4246]. It is based on a
Table 2. Comparative frequencies of the heated vs unheated or non-diagnostic component and of the heating proxies for the basic technological
All silcrete Blades Flakes Cores Chunks
N % N % N % N % N %
Post-heating removals 531 67 377 71 134 52.7 7 25 13 26.5
Pre-+post-heating removals 198 25 116 21.8 64 25.2 10 35.7 8 16.3
Heat-induced fracture 55 6.9 16 3 18 7.1 7 25 14 28.6
Tempering Residue 9 1.1 4 0.8 4 1.6 0 0 1 2.1
TOTAL heated 793 92 513 96.6 220 86.6 24 85.7 36 73.5
TOTAL unheated/non-diagnostic 69 8 18 3.4 34 13.4 4 14.3 13 26.5
TOTAL 862 100 531 100 254 100 28 100 49 100
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marginal percussion technique using a soft hammer for the extraction of unidirectional blades
from cores that are predominantly exploited on their larger flat surface. Blades are either
unmodified and likely used as such, or more rarely transformed into a variety of formal tools
(n = 24, 4.5% of all silcrete artifacts >2 cm): backed tools and segments (n = 6, Fig 6: 17–19),
blades with slight continuous retouch on one lateral edge (n = 8, Fig 6: 22, 23), notched blades
(n = 2, Fig 6: 20, 21), borers (n = 2), pièces esquillées (n = 2) and miscellaneous tools (n = 4). A
large majority of flakes are by-products of blade production (n =218, 86%), resulting from
core volume preparation, flaking surface and platform preparation, while only 14% (n = 36)
are elongated flakes with blade negatives on their dorsal face and belong to a blade production
stage. Chunks are waste products that result from knapping accidents either due to bad control
of the force and/or locationof the blow or to internal cracks in the raw material that have led to
core fragmentation.
Fig 6. Heated blades and tools on blades from KDS, layer PBD. 1–16: silcrete blades showing their diversity in terms of size attributes and visual
transformations after heating, 17–19: backed tools including one fragment of backed tool (17), one bi-truncated tool (18), one segment (19); 20,21:
notched blades; 22,23: blades with slight continuous retouch on one lateral edge.
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The number of cores (n = 28), together witha core/blade ratio of 1/19and a significant pro-
portion of cortical elements (23.5%), suggest that the knapping sequence was performed on
site, at least in part.A stage of core heating occurredduring this sequence, as 24 of the 28 cores
show evidence of heating before their reduction (Figs 7and 8and S2A–S2D Fig).
Among the diagnostic heating proxies observable on the artifacts, post-heating scars alone
are by far the most frequent (531/793, 67% of all heated artifacts). The technological composi-
tion of this group is consistent with the overall composition of the heated artifacts (Table 2). It
is indicative of long and extensive core reduction sequences that continue well beyond the first
reduction stages which removed the surfaces initially heated. Post-heating scars thus encom-
pass all stages of production, including core preparation (n = 69/531, 13%), blade production
(n = 407/531, 76.5%) and retouch (26/531, 5%). The intensity of core reduction is also
expressed by the fact that post-heatingremovals cover more than one half of the core flaking
surfaces for a large majority of the cores (19/24 cores). These data are consistent with an exten-
sive heating process that took place during an early stage of core exploitation and that impacted
all subsequent stages, basically targeted at producing blades.
Chronology of the heat treatment
Artifacts combining pre-heating and post-heating scars represent only 25% of all heated prod-
ucts, confirming the importance of not focusing solely on this category for assessing the role
played by the heat treatment in an assemblage. They are nevertheless highly informative for
assessing the chronological position of the heating stage relative to the whole lithic chaîne opér-
atoire, as they provide information on the stages that directly precede and follow the heating
stage (Table 2). The information here is more qualitative than quantitative as a significant pro-
portion of the pre-heating surfaces are technologically undeterminable(n = 134/189, 71% of all
artifacts with both pre-heating and post-heating scars, excluding the artifacts with pre-heating
surfaces corresponding to cortex). This is due to the very small size of the surface areas or to
the rough aspect of the pre-heating surfacesthat prevent any accurate characterization of the
corresponding scars. When readable, the pre-heating surfaces preserved on the products
belong to a bladeor flake production sequence(n = 41/189, 21.5%) or to a core preparation
stage (n = 11, 6%), which means that some cores were flaked beforeheat treatment. The analy-
sis of the cores confirmsthis observation. Some cores show pre-heating surfacesthat corre-
spond to blade or core preparation removals (Fig 7B and Fig 8C).Thus, in some cases the
heating stage occurred after an initial stage of reduction, involving a segmented chaîne opéra-
toire in which the heat treatment occurred during an early reduction stage, but not necessarily
during the first stage of core exploitation.
Technological advantages of heat-induced fracturing
Heat-inducedfractures are quite frequent (7%) in layer PBD, and are observedon all categories
of artifacts, including seven cores (Fig 7A and 7C and Fig 8A, 8B and 8C). A distinction has to
be made between heat-induced fractures that occurred at an early stage of core exploitation
and fractures that split cores or blanks into fragments at an advanced stage of transformation.
While the latter may be interpreted as accidentaland indicative of a total failure of the heating
process, the former may not necessarily compromise the knapping process. In layer PBD, all
artifacts with heat-induced fractures show negatives of removals which cross-cut the heat-
induced fracture planes, which means that the flaking stages were subsequent to the heat-
induced fracture of the core. Only a portion of the fragmented blocks actually preserves heat-
induced fractures, and in some cases knapping must have removed them, which suggests that
the real importance of heat-induced fractures is largely under-estimated in our accounts. A
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fairly large number of the raw material blocks must have therefore fractured during heat treat-
ment, which strongly supports a procedure involving fast heating rates, although the exact
quantitative pattern remains to be further experimentally tested.
The presence of silcrete cores that were exploited for blade production after an initial stage
of heat-induced fracturing, combined with the total absence of cores abandoned right after a
heat-induced fracturing, confirm that heat-induced fractures were not an obstacle for the KDS
artisans. Heat-induced fractures also led to the production of large angular fragments suitable
for initiating blade production with minimal core preparation. Portions of heat-induced frac-
ture planes are visible on the flakingsurface of the cores or on the platform preparation surface.
The knappers took advantage of the fracture planes to rapidly start the blade production
sequence, either by using the fracture plane as a platform for blade extraction without any fur-
ther preparation (Fig 8C) or by directly exploiting the large surfacecreated by the fracture for
producing blades after a preliminary stage of platform preparation (Fig 7A and 7C). Fracturing
of the block during heat treatment was thus a controlled risk, fully integrated in the core reduc-
tion sequence.
An additional advantage is that heat-induced fracture minimizes the risk of incidental frac-
ture of the cores through internal heterogeneities or inclusions at a more advanced knapping
stage. Iron oxide-hydroxide concentrations are common inclusions in the silcrete matrix [6],
locally causing lower coherence between quartz grains that can induce knapping accidents.
Such oxide-hydroxides produce H
O steam that may lead to preferentially fracturing the block
at the zones where they are highly concentrated [9,11]. The fragmentation may therefore be
seen as resulting in a cleaning’ of the blocks from unwanted inclusions. The controlled frag-
mentation of lithic raw material in a fire is a technical process also described in ethnographic
records from North America [45,46], the Andaman Islands [47] and Zimbabwe [48]. In the
archaeological record, intentional heat-induced fragmentationof raw materials is also men-
tioned in the Sauveterrian culture of the French Mesolithic [49]. The intention of heat fractur-
ing in these other contexts was to split the blocks for further knapping rather than to optimize
the mechanical properties of the material.
At KDS, it is impossible to assess whether the fragmentation of the silcrete blocks was inten-
tional or whether the artisans opportunistically took advantage of the incidental fracturing of
the blocks prior to their exploitation. The fact that knappers did not stop the knapping process
after the core broke during heat-treatment suggests that it was, at least, an accepted risk. Heat-
induced fragmentation of the blocks results in smaller proportionsof chunks due to subsequent
breakages and consequently higherblade productivity as observed when comparing the com-
position of the heated group with the unheated or non-diagnostic silcrete group (Table 2). It
has been experimentally shown that larger volumes of heated raw material are associated with
higher risks of fracture during the heating process [50,51]. Core sizes are heterogeneous (Fig
9A and 9B), and range from very small sizes (maximum length <30 mm) to small sizes (maxi-
mum length >40 mm), with maximum length values around 50 mm. No direct correlation
between size attributes and heat-induced fractures can be shown from the small sample of
cores that show evidence for heat-induced fracturing (Fig 9A and 9B). As core dimensions only
document the block volumes at their stage of discard, blade dimensions provide useful and
Fig 7. Heated blade cores from layer PBD, KDS. Caption for drawings: 1. knapping platform preparation, 2. convexity
preparation, 3. blade removal without initiation, 4. blade removal with initiation, 5. indeterminate removal, 6. cortex, 7. pre-
heating surface, 8. heat-induced non-conchoidal fracture (HINC), 9. post-heating removal. Note that all three cores (A, B, C)
show a sequence of core exploitation (preparation and blade production) that follows a heat treatment which has resulted for A
and C in heat-induced fractures, and which was preceded for A and B by a first stage of core exploitation.
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complementary information (Fig 9C and 9D). Blade dimensions confirm the high heterogene-
ity of the lithic production in terms of size attributes. The blades range from very small, c. 12–
13 mm maximal length, to large blades longer than 40 mm, with mean values of 26.4 mm (sd.
8.2), 11.3 mm (sd. 3.8)and 3.6 mm (sd.1.7) for length,width and thickness of the heated blades
respectively. The size distribution of the unheated blades does not differ significantly (Fig 9C
and 9D). Blades thus belong to a unique heterogeneous population, and no distinct bladelet
group can be seen, although a significant proportion of blades (30%) are smaller than 20 mm
in length. The diversity of blades is the result of a flexible system of blade production, as
observed from the cores that include a variety of types: unifacial cores, multifacial cores, semi-
rotating cores and cores exploited on their narrow face. We can deduce from this data that core
heat treatment corresponds to the objectives of a flexible but nonetheless highly purposeful
lithic production.
Fig 8. Heated blade cores from layer PBD, KDS. Caption for drawings: 1. knapping platform preparation, 2. convexity
preparation, 3. blade removal without initiation, 4. blade removal with initiation, 5. indeterminate removal, 6. cortex, 7. pre-
heating surface, 8. heat-induced non-conchoidal fracture (HINC), 9. post-heating removal, 10. patina. Note that all three
cores present heat-induced non-conchoidal fractures; the heat-induced fracture visible on core B produced two refitted
fragments, the biggest fragment was exploited as a core whereas the smallest was discarded. Core C shows a pre-heating
knapping stage that includes core preparation and blade production. The initial blanks of cores B and C are flakes
(V = ventral face, D = dorsal face).
Fig 9. Size distribution of the cores and of the heated/unheated blades from KDS, layer PBD. A, B: length/width and length/
thickness distribution of the cores showing heat-induced fractures compared with the cores showing only pre- and post-heating
surfaces, C, D: length/width and length/thickness distribution of the heated blades comparedwith the unheated or non-diagnostic
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Tempering residue
A small number of artifacts (1.1%), comprising blades, flakes and chunks, exhibit a black resi-
due on pre-heating or natural surfaces that is visually similar to the tempering-residue
described in Schmidt et al [9]. The residual deposit is located either on a portion of the outer
natural surface of the initialblank or on a pre-heating surface. In either case, the residue-cov-
ered surfaces are cross-cut by post-heating removals. There is no evidence of residue on the
post-heating surfaces. The residue was thus deposited on these surfaces after an initial stage of
knapping and before the sequence of knapping that succeeded heat treatment, i.e. during the
heating stage itself. If the nature of this black residue is confirmed to be tempering-residue, it
indicates that silcreteblocks in KDS were heated in directcontact with embers in open-air
domestic fires, as recently reported at Diepkloof Rock Shelter [9].
Infrared spectroscopy and reflection microscopy of the tempering-residue. All four
infrared spectra of the black tempering-residue, covering pre-heating removal scars and natural
surfaces on the four residue bearing artifacts, clearly show C-H stretching bands (Fig 10). The
C-H band positions are not identical in all four samples but shift within a range of 10 cm
revealing structural differences in the CH bearing molecules. These differences may be due to
various factors (temperature and duration of burning, differential taphonomic factors like oxi-
dation, different types of plants used for fuel, etc.) and their interpretation lies beyond the
scope of this work. However, the infrared spectra of the black deposit leave no doubtthat the
tempering residue observed on KDS artifacts is an organic compound.
Fig 10. Micro-ATR infrared spectra and reflection photo-micrographs of KDS tempering-residue. Left: infrared spectra in the CH-stretching region:
(a) K2782, (b) KB421, (c) K2840, (d) KDS-5. Spectra vertically offset for clarity. Right: reflection micrographs of a section of tempering residue on KB421.
Note the low reflectance value of the residue (appearing as grey), indicating that it is formed by tar, and the pores close to the silcrete surface, indicate melt
degassing during the formation of the tar as a hot liquid. Reflected white light and oil immersion.
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In the polished KDS section, the residue appears to be a 1-to-20 μm-thick film on the sil-
crete surface (Fig 10). The low reflectance values of the material composing this film are close
to the values known from wood tar [41]. Pores due to melt degassing are observable near the
silcrete surface, indicating a deposition of the film on the silcrete surface as a hot liquid.
Together with the organic nature, this microstructuresupports the model of formations of
tempering-residue as proposed by Schmidt et al. [9], i.e. the deposition of tar on the silcrete
surface through dry distillation of the plant exudations (gum or resin) of the wood that is
burned in the fire. Thus, our microscopic analysis of the residue on the KDS PBD artifacts sup-
ports that it is similar to the tempering residue on Diepkloof artifacts. However, no micro-
charcoal inclusions can be observedin the tar as is the case for the Diepkloof samples. Whether
this is due to differences in the plant species burnedat KDS or due to variable locations of the
silcrete within the hearths must await further microscopic analysis of supplementary artifacts
with tempering residue.
Methodological progress
Our approach of using a reference collection of silcrete with similar microfacies, and therefore
similar thermal behavior, to identify heat treatment proxies on artifacts is a powerful non-
destructive tool. Its application to the KDS PBD assemblage has proven successful as it allows
the accurate characterization of all silcrete lithicsin an assemblage. The results obtained by this
technique are expected to be rather reliable because of the direct comparison between heated
and not heated pieces of the same silcrete type. This approach is especially useful when the
direct comparison between pre-heating and post-heating scars on a single artifact is not possi-
ble because onlyone of these types of removal scars is visible (i.e.the majority of artifacts).In
view of the variabilityof silcrete types in South Africa,this approach can be expected to be
more reliable than the use of a gloss meter [4].
However, 7.2% of all silcrete artifacts remained unidentified after our procedure. The reason
for this is that these silcrete types did not macroscopically match one of the silcrete types in our
reference collection, illustrating the need for exhaustive sampling of all silcrete types present in
the studied archaeological assemblage. Another potential limitation of this approach would be
long distance transport of silcrete [52]. Imported exogenous silcrete cannot be evaluated by our
protocol becauseof the lack of appropriate reference samples.
Technique used for heat treatment at KDS
During our comparison,we identified tempering-residue on some of the KDS artifacts. Struc-
tural and chemical analyses indicate that this residue has a similar origin as tempering-residue
in Diepkloof [9]: an organic wood tar deposited on the silcrete surface as a hot liquid during
heat treatment. The KDS PBD residue is associated with pre-heating removal scars or natural
surfaces, which wereboth part of the outer surface of the silcreteblocks during their heat treat-
ment. Post-heating-scars are free of black residue. Surfaces covered by the tempering residue
are cross-cut by post-heating removal scars, indicating that the silcrete was knapped after the
formation of the residue. This relation shows that the KDS tempering-residues do not result
from taphonomic burning after discard. Although the overall frequency of tempering-residue
appears low in layer PBD, it must be kept in mind that even if the total surfaceon a piece of sil-
crete is in contact with embers, only a small portion of this surface may be covered be temper-
ing residue [9]. Thus, a relatively small percentage of artifactsshowing traces of tempering
residue may still be indicative of a large number of silcrete pieces heat-treated in embers. The
model of ember-heat treatment is supported by the c. 7% of artifacts showing remnants of
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heat-induced fractures. As explained earlier, 7% of all heat-treated artifacts that show remnants
of HINC fractures can be expected to indicate that a large number of the silcrete blocks brought
to the site heat-fractured during heat treatment. Because such heat-induced fracturing during
heat treatment is associated with fast heating rates like the ones produced in an open-air fire
[9,10] and because it ismuch rarer during slower sand-bath heating, thefinding of HINC frac-
tures on the PBD silcrete strongly suggests the use of a fast heating technique at KDS. It thus
appears highly likely that heat treatment in the embers of open-air fires was a technique com-
monly used in layer PBD. Additionally, heat treatment in embers is currently the only archaeo-
logically documented technique in the South African MSA [53] and at our given state of
knowledge it also appears to be the best model for explaining heat treatment at KDS.
Role and benefits of the heat treatment of silcrete at Klipdrift Shelter
The analysis performed on the lithics from layer PBD at KDS provides evidence of the exten-
sive and structured use of fire as a transformative technology for silcrete knapping by some
Howiesons Poort groups. It is a systematic procedure that results in more than 90% of the
assemblage being intentionally heated. The heating stage occurred non-randomly, in an early
stage of core exploitation, which was sometimes preceded by an initial knapping stage. As a
consequence, the whole chaîne opératoire, from core preparation to blade production and tool
manufacturing, benefitedfrom the advantages of the heating process. The heat treatment of a
lithic raw material from the earliest stages of lithic reduction, thereby impacting the entire lithic
chaîne opératoire, is a practice which appears again much later in the prehistoric record, at the
end of the Late Pleistocene [54].
The advantages of heat treating cores are multiple. As pointed out previously, heat treat-
ment greatly facilitates silcrete knapping. The reason for this is similarto that for flint and
chert whose heat treatment leads to a measurable reduction of the material’s fracture toughness
[50] and to an increased hardness [51]. This means that less force is needed to detach a flake or
blade after heat treatment, resulting in better control and precision during percussion. Improv-
ing the knapping quality of lithic raw material is a feature whichseems common to allprehis-
toric cultures that intentionally heated silica rocks[3,50,55]. It was also very likely a major
focus for some KDS artisans, as the extraction of blades using a soft hammer marginal percus-
sion requires high striking precision. Additional advantages which seem specific to this assem-
blage relate to the heat-induced fracturing of the blocks at an early stage of core exploitation.
These advantages include: 1) fragmentation, which results in the elimination of internal hetero-
geneities (iron oxide inclusions, remnants of illuviation features), which could have caused the
incidental breakage of the core at an advanced stage of reduction; 2) the production of angular
fragments with suitable angles and surfaces that can be directly exploited for knapping without
further preparation; 3) fewer constraints on the selection of the volumes to be heat-treated.
This heating procedure echoes the flexibility of the blade production system developed by the
knappers. The flexibilityis evident in the diversity of blade production methods and in the vari-
ability of blade sizeattributes. Our analysis of the lithics from layer PBD therefore shows that
optimal control of the heating procedure, which would include avoiding breakage, was not a
prerequisite for the KDS artisans (e.g.[10]).
Layer PBD relates to the intermediate Howiesons Poort phase as initially definedat Diepk-
loof Rock Shelter [22]. At KDS, this phase differs significantly from the late Howiesons Poort
phase in tool types and raw material frequencies [13]. Silcrete is the predominant raw material
and notched tools are the most common tools in the intermediate Howiesons Poort phase,
while hydrothermal quartz is dominant in the late Howiesons Poort phase, in association with
higher proportions of backed tools [13]. However, many elements of continuity exist from one
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layer to another at KDS. In particular blade production remains the primary objective of the
lithic production in the whole Howiesons Poort sequence and silcrete heating appears as a con-
stant feature, as observed from our preliminary analysis of the layers below (PCA, PBE) and
above (PBC, PBA/PBB, PAZ, PAY) layer PBD. As the proportion of silcrete artifacts decreases
in the upper part of the KDS sequence, it might be expected that heat treatment also becomes
less prevalent.
Heat treatment of silcrete during the MSA
The extensive heat treatment of silcrete in the Howiesons Poort is not only found at KDS. The
recent analyses of the intermediate Howiesons Poort assemblages from Diepkloof Rock Shelter
also indicate high proportions of heat-treated artifacts [9], over 90%, and thus similar to those
observed at KDS in layer PBD. Evidence of heated cores and products in the Howiesons Poort
layers of Pinnacle Point (PP5-6 site) suggests that silcrete heat treatment was also used at this
site for blade production [4,20,56]. While detailed data are still required for in-depth compar-
ative analyses of theheating practices and related technological behaviors, it seems clearthat
some Howiesons Poort groups who occupiedthese sites routinely heat-treated cores for pro-
ducing blades. The KDS and Diepkloofrecords together suggest that the Intermediate Howie-
sons Poort phase, to which layer PBD belongs, would correspond to a period of extensive
development of silcrete heat treatment for blade production.Considering that heatingof lithic
raw materials has only recently been described [4], further analyses are still required to test the
presence of heating practices in a widerrange of sites and time periods.
Silcrete heating by Still Bay artisans comprises a strategy that is different to that in the
Howiesons Poort. At Blombos Cave, it was shown that the heating stage focused on tool
manufacturing, inparticular for the pressure retouch of the apical part of some Still Bay points
[5]. Experiments have shown that silcrete pressure retouching cannot be performed without
prior heat treatment of the raw material. Here, the benefit of heating is to allow and ensure the
successful application of a specifictechnique that contributes to the final retouch of the apical
part of points. Compared to the heating process in layer PBD at KDS, the heating process in
the Still Bay at Blombos Cave is far more targeted. Although significantly different, the Still Bay
and Howiesons Poort heating practices share the common feature of improving the knapping
qualities of silcretefor the productionof specific sought-afterend-products, such as bifacial
points and blades. Stone heating in the MSA is embedded in the on-site domestic activities that
revolve around fire. It is worth noting that, at KDS, silcrete was collected from within a maxi-
mum radius of a few kilometers to a few tens of kilometers from the site whereas at Blombos
Cave the silcrete sources were, according to our knowledge of present sources, located further
Heating stone in prehistoric times: a recurrent and discontinuous
The Howiesons Poort heatingpractices, as definedin layer PBDat KDS, at DiepkloofRock
Shelter and Mertenhof Shelter, are unique and cannot be directly correlated with stone-heating
practices documented in other prehistoric contexts. It is only from c. 20 ka that the heat treat-
ment of stone developedin Asia and Europe [57]. Both in terms of heating method and techno-
logical achievement, the MSA heating practices differ significantly from the heating practices
developed in the late Upper Pleistocene. In the Eurasian late Upper Pleistocene record, the
emergence of flint heat treatment most likely implied setting up more complex heating struc-
tures, allowing a strict control of the heating temperature and rate [54,5761]. Beyond the
recurrent association between heat treatment and industries targeting normalized end-
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products, such as blades, micro-blades or thin bifacial points, there is a significant technologi-
cal gap between the MSA fire-based industries and the late Upper Pleistocene/Holocene fire-
based cultures in Eurasia.
It has not been demonstrated so far that the MSA groups used complex heating methods.
The presence of tempering residue, indicating heat treatment in direct contact with glowing
embers, suggests that this procedure was often realized with a fast process using open fires.
Another proxy strengthening the hypothesis of a fast heating technique is the fact that some of
the artifacts show signs of fracturing during heat treatment (heat-induced fractures), because
thermal fracturing more likely occurs during fast heating [10,40]. The fire-based technology
developed at KDS did not require highly specialized skills and was likely performed as part of
on-site domestic activities. In the context of southern Africa, data are still too limited for
exploring potential patterns of continuity or evolution across the MSA.
Our data add a new dimension to the understanding of fire-related behaviors during the
Howiesons Poort by demonstrating the major role played by heat treatment in the production
of silcrete blades in layer PBD at KDS. It provides the first direct evidence of the intentional
and extensive use of fire applied to a whole lithic chaîne opératoire, based on an analytical
approach that has allowed the analysis of all heated lithics from layer PBD. The heat treatment
of silcrete in this layer has impacted all stages of core reductionand all subsequent operations
of tool manufacturing.For the artisans, the benefitsof heat treatment performedin an early
stage of the chaîne opératoire were multiple. The Howiesons Poort groups considerably devel-
oped and optimized a technology that had possibly emerged from the early MSA [4], and con-
tinued in the Still Bay (c. 77–72 ka) in relation to the Still Bay point manufacturing process[5].
Although further evidenceis required, our analysis indicates that the heat treatment of sil-
crete was a major asset for someof the MSA groups who occupied theCape region, by facilitat-
ing blade production in an area where the most abundant fine-grained raw material was
difficult to exploit for such purposes.The heat treatment of silcretethus reflects an innovative
adaptation based on optimal use of local resources. The adaptable and innovative attitude was
likely one factorthat favored the widespreaddistribution of the Howiesons Poort materialcul-
ture in southern Africa. Fire-based domestic activities were particularly well-developed in
Howiesons Poort sites, and relate to various activities including site maintenance, hearth clean-
ing and burning of bedding [29,30]. The regular occurrence of domestic hearths in the Howie-
sons Poort probably had a causal effect on the significant development of fire-based
technological activities including heating for the preparation of compound-adhesives used for
hafting tools [6265] and making composite tools and stone-tipped arrows [66,67]. Addition-
ally, the heat treatment of silcrete, applied to the entire chaîne opératoire process, can be con-
sidered a significant innovation and was part of a package of new adaptive skills using fire that
has no equivalent in the earlier Middle Stone Age or in the Middle Paleolithic.
Supporting Information
S1 Fig. Sample of silcrete reference collection used for comparison. A, B: illustration of
experimental flakes struck before and after the heating of each block.
S2 Fig. Silcrete cores from layer PBD. A, B, C, D: Picture and technological drawing of each
core. Caption for drawings: 1. knapping platform preparation, 2. convexity preparation, 3.
blade removal without initiation, 4. blade removal with initiation, 5. indeterminate removal, 6.
Extensive Heat Treatment of Silcrete at 65 ka
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cortex or patina, 7. pre-heating surface, 8. heat-inducedfracture, 9. post-heating removal, 10.
burnt after discard, potlids, 11. retouch.
We acknowledge support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and Open Access Publishing
Fund of University of Tübingen. The research of PS was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsge-
meinschaft (DFG) through the research project Heat Treatment in the South African MSA
(Grant Nr: CO 226/25-1, MI 1748/2-1, NI 299/25-1). Financial support was provided to CSH
for the excavation of the KDS site and subsequent analysis by a National Research Foundation/
Department of Scienceand Technology funded Chair at the University of the Witwatersrand,
South Africa and by the University of Bergen, Norway. AD and KD have benefited from the
financial and logistical support of the Evolutionary Studies Institute (University of the Witwa-
tersrand, Johannesburg) during their stay in Cape Town. AD also wants to thank the Labex
LaScArBx, which is a research programme supported by the ANR (ANR-10-LABX-52), for its
support. We all warmly thank Petro Keene, Lisa Hulett and Samantha S. Mienies for their con-
stant help and assistance at the Wits satellite laboratory in Cape Town during the analytical
work, as well as Jens Axel Frick (University of Tübingen) for his help with knapping the refer-
ence collection, Simone Kaulfuß (University of Tübingen) for preparing the polished section
for our microscopic analysis, Magnus Mathisen Haaland (university of Bergen) and Gauthier
Devilder (PACEA—university of Bordeaux) for their last minute assistance in the achievement
of the figures. The content of this article has also greatly benefited from the comments of Peter
Hiscock, Yamandu H. Hilbert and of three anonymous reviewers.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization:AD PS KD SW.
Data curation: AD PS.
Formal analysis: AD PS KD SW.
Funding acquisition: PS NJC CSH.
Investigation: AD PS KD SW KLVN CSH.
Methodology: AD PS.
Project administration: CSH.
Resources: NJC CSH.
Supervision: CSH.
Visualization: AD PS KD.
Writing original draft: AD PS.
Writing review & editing: AD PS KD SW LBG NJC KGN KLVN CSH.
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Supplementary resources (2)

... However, in the southern Africa MSAwhich is the focus of our work hereheat treatment appears to have been applied exclusively to the pedogenic rock silcrete (Schmidt & Mackay, 2016;Wadley et al., 2017). Moreover, rates of heat treatment are often very high, accounting for 75-90% of all silcrete artifacts in some assemblages (Brown et al., 2012;Delagnes et al., 2016;Mackay et al., 2022;Schmidt et al., 2013;Schmidt et al., 2015;Schmidt & Högberg, 2018). ...
... While these disagreements have largely focussed on the methods by which rock was heated during the MSA, less attention has been paid to the flexibility of its deployment in reduction sequences. In other words, having worked out how to heat treat rock more than 100,000 years ago, did people use it as a blanket strategy in the preparation of rock prior to knapping (Brown et al., 2009;Delagnes et al., 2016)? Or did they pursue multiple, contingent heat treatment strategies during the management of reduction (Mourre et al., 2010;Schmidt & Högberg, 2018)? ...
... The most reasonable interpretation of the sequence of actions performed on this core is that an unworked pebble was split in half by placing it into a fire or onto embers, which caused it to heat-fracture and thereby formed faces and angles that were suitable for flaking, and that all knapping took place after the heat fracturing had altered the shape of the rock. A similar technique used to heat-treat silcrete was proposed at several other sites in the South African MSA and LSA (see for example: Delagnes et al., 2016;Mackay et al., 2022;Porraz et al., 2016;Schmidt et al., 2015). Thus, there are several arguments for heat treatment applied to silcrete in an early stage of reduction. ...
Silcrete heat treatment was the earliest known transformative process enhancing the mechanical properties of materials. Its study has implications for our understanding of the cultural evolution of early humans in the Middle Stone Age and southern Africa. Here, we analyze a silcrete assemblage from the South African site Klein Kliphuis. We first investigate the relative prevalence of heat treatment in assemblage and then the position of heat treatment within reduction sequences. We found that ∼60% of all silcrete was heat-treated prior to knapping in one post-Howiesons Poort assemblage and ∼85% in two Howiesons Poort assemblages. However, heat treatment early-on was not the only strategy present in the site. Late-stage heat treatment was occasionally deployed to extend the utility of small cores. This finding emphasizes the ability of early anatomically modern humans in Africa to adapt their tool making behavior to changing economic conditions related to raw materials quality and availability.
... The use of complex technologies reasonably increased the extractive abilities of past foragers, but their production likely entailed substantial energetic and social investment at the outset (Bousman, 1993;Brooks et al., 2018;Potts et al., 2018;Stolarczyk & Schmidt, 2018;Wadley & Prinsloo, 2014). Manufacturing complex stone artifact technologies was potentially expensive in terms of, for example, acquiring the necessary rocks to do so through direct procurement or through taking on the set-up costs of manipulating the properties of lowerquality nodules that were more locally available (Brown et al., 2009;Delagnes et al., 2016;Mourre et al., 2010;Shennan, 2001). Further, the transmission and maintenance of complex technological strategies within groups required close social interactions between individuals, and their geographic spread was likely facilitated through high-fidelity transmission structures such as exchange networks (Andersson & Read, 2016;Högberg & Lombard, 2016;Miller & Wang, 2022;Way et al., 2022). ...
... The significance of differences in mean polynomial shape between the relevant temperature ranges was again estimated with MANOVA, to test the prediction that there would be one or more mean group differences between the shapes of curves associated with each temperature range. For this purpose, we again used the function Manova in the R package car (Fox et al., 2019) and applied it to the first 6 principal components of spectra variation with temperature range as the dependent variable. ...
Full-text available
The lengths of—and numbers of steps in—stone artifact production sequences are often used as proxies for the emergence of cultural complexity in our lineage. This line of reasoning has been applied to the heat treatment of silcrete rocks by past hominins, where both the lengths and numbers of steps involved are contested. To simplify, one position argues that silcrete heat treatment was an elaborate, multi-level procedure involving the prolonged and indirect exposure of these rocks to fire. Each stage of production (building a fire, burying rocks at a specific depth below the fire, maintaining prolonged insulated heat, managing gradual cooling, and making or shaping blanks) was potentially reliant on the stage that came before. Others argue that silcrete heat treatment was far simpler, involving fewer steps (direct exposure of blanks to embers and/or flames in an open-air burning context), and that this process was managed by hominins no differently to everyday fire-related activities. A more nuanced position draws on the variable fabric texture and structural response to heating of different silcretes to argue that no single approach to heating may be suitable for all types. Determining maximum temperature exposure and/or heating rate would potentially allow one to differentiate these processes as described and thus resolve the implications of heat treatment for cultural complexity. Here, we present the results of experiments wherein multiple specimens of two structurally different South African silcretes were systematically heated to a controlled set of temperatures ranging from 110 to 750 °C, and the infrared responses to each temperature change were quantified. Importantly, measurements were collected non-destructively on stone flakes, providing for the archaeological applicability of the results to the Middle Stone Age record of southern Africa. We then use a combination of multivariate statistics, differential equations, and decision trees to develop a framework for reconstructing the annealing temperatures of silcrete flakes, demonstrating that heating temperature range can be predicted at success rates of 79.5 to > 95% in a large sample of N = 225 observations.
... For example, during certain archaeological units such as the Howiesons Poort (dating 65-58 ka ( (Jacobs et al., 2008;pace Lukich et al., 2019;Tribolo et al., 2013) there is evidence for intensive occupation of sites reflecting either extended or more frequent periods of site occupation, or both, with under-explored effects on wood acquisition (Esteban et al., 2018;Karkanas and Goldberg, 2010;Mackay et al., 2014;Miller et al., 2013). This period is also associated with frequent heat treatment of the pedogenic rock silcrete as an element of tool production (Delagnes et al., 2016;Schmidt et al., 2013), which may have entailed additional and potentially specific fuelwood requirements, particularly if carried out as a dedicated activity (Esteban et al., 2018). ...
... There are two departures from this pattern. The first is a noted decline in artefact discard coupled with a decline in silcrete in the middle of the Howiesons Poort, around Dvi11 (Mackay, 2011b), producing a bimodal pattern also observed on the south coast at Klipdrift (Delagnes et al., 2016). The second decline initiates with the transition to MIS 3 and post-Howiesons Poort technologies, signified by the appearance of unifacial points and changes in flake production, and is sustained thereafter. ...
Full-text available
We explore the correspondence between changing palaeoenvironments, patterns of site use, and lithic technology at the rock shelter site Klein Kliphuis (South Africa) across the interval 65–55 000 years before present. This period coincides with the termination of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4, and the disappearance of an iconic late Pleistocene archaeological unit known as the Howiesons Poort. Wood charcoals indicate sufficient soil moisture around Klein Kliphuis throughout the Howiesons Poort to support diverse tree species at a time when site occupation was relatively intense. At least some fuelwood‐gathering in this period may have been undertaken to support heat treatment of silcrete, which was the dominant lithology in tool production. A coherent set of changes occurs across the MIS 4/3 transition: occupational intensity declines, tracked by declining diversity of fuelwood species, an increase in the proportion of charcoals from shrubs and small flowering plants, lower prevalence of silcrete, and less heat treatment. While declining soil moisture is implied, there appears to be a significant change in behaviour relating to site usage, whereby foraging for dense fuelwoods was replaced by the construction of ‘fast fires’ that may reflect briefer visits and increased forager mobility in early MIS 3.
... In the case of fire use, MHB was often associated with the intensification of fire use, a higher degree of control over fire, and the application of pyro-technologies (e.g., [3,4,74,128]). For example, finds pointing to an advanced use of fire by AMHs during the Middle Stone Age in Pinnacle Point in South Africa, some 164 kya, including the application of pyrotechnologies for the intentional and controlled heating of silcrete [74], have been used to raise claims concerning the alleged cognitive superiority of AMHs over Neandertals. ...
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We examined lithic artifacts from the late Neanderthal site Sesselfelsgrotte (Bavaria, Ger-many) in order to evaluate the possibility of fire use and intentional flint heat treatment performed by late Neanderthals. We analyzed 1113 flint pieces from the G-layer complex (~60 to 45 kya; Micoquian) and 946 from the lower-layer complex (~115 to 70 kya; Mousterian). Based on macroscopic traits associated with the exposure of flint to heat and fire, we assigned artifacts to one of three groups: burnt, unburnt, and possibly intentionally heated. Our results show that while both complexes demonstrate the clear presence of fire, fire is more common in the younger G-layer complex. Moreover, possibly intentionally heated pieces are significantly more frequent in the G-layer complex, especially among the tools and specifically among side scrapers, suggesting a link between heat treatment and the production of these tools, most probably due to their functional and cultural significance. We therefore suggest that the flint in the G-layer complex of Sesselfelsgrotte underwent intentional heat treatment. The proportions of burnt flint artifacts in both complexes suggest an intensification in fire use at the site over time, while the appearance of possibly intentionally heated artifacts in the G-layer complex suggests the development of this advanced pyrotechnology by Neanderthals sometime between these two timeframes. Our results are supported by sedimentological and faunal data. We view these results as further indication of the advanced cognitive and technological capabilities of Neanderthals, which did not fall short of those of early modern humans.
... Heat-treatment of rocks and minerals may have been engineered 164,000 years ago at Pinnacle Point (Brown et al., 2009) and somewhat later at other South African sites like Diepkloof (Schmidt et al., 2015), Mertenhof (Schmidt & Mackay, 2016), Klipdrift (Delagnes et al., 2016), Hollow Rock Shelter (Schmidt & Högberg, 2018), and Blombos (Mourre et al., 2010). Brown and colleagues (2009) suggest that preforms were buried below res and that pressure aking to produce ne points proceeded when the prepared blanks had cooled. ...
This handbook is currently in development, with individual articles publishing online in advance of print publication. At this time, we cannot add information about unpublished articles in this handbook, however the table of contents will continue to grow as additional articles pass through the review process and are added to the site. Please note that the online publication date for this handbook is the date that the first article in the title was published online. For more information, please read the site FAQs.
... It echoes the broader patterns in how hominin life was increasingly organized at a landscape scale, where diverse materials were sourced, processed, sometimes transformed, but often also brought together and combined into various accumulations within the "home" sites. In particular, these collaborative agglomerations formed around hearths, where fire itself is the elemental agent responsible for the transformation of the adhesives, as it was for other materials, including heat treatment of stone, a process altering the internal structure of rock and emerging in the Middle Stone Age at least by 70 Ka (Delagnes et al., 2016). Moreover, the compound character of adhesives may even reflect collaborative creation, a novel form for the organization of attention, skill, and information. ...
This handbook is currently in development, with individual articles publishing online in advance of print publication. At this time, we cannot add information about unpublished articles in this handbook, however the table of contents will continue to grow as additional articles pass through the review process and are added to the site. Please note that the online publication date for this handbook is the date that the first article in the title was published online. For more information, please read the site FAQs.
... The surfaces' shine might suggest that heat treatment was also applied. Such treatment has been shown to render siliceous matrixes finer [65,66] and a stone's color more intense without altering its translucence or hardness. Further support for heat application in the beads' production process is provided by the observation of luster in fresh breaks of platforms (Fig 4I: a) [65] and the occurrence of intensive red particles in some beads' fabrics (Figs 3: 5-6, 3: 8 and 4I: b). ...
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Eight olivine beads found at the Middle Chalcolithic site of Tel Tsaf (ca. 5,200-4,700 cal. BC), Jordan Valley, Israel, underscore a new facet of interregional exchange for this period. The current paper presents the olivine beads assemblage, its morphometric and technological characteristics, and chemical composition. The results of the chemical analysis suggest that all eight beads derive from the same source. By means of comparison with the chemical characteristics of known olivine sources, we argue for a northeastern African-western Ara-bian provenience and cautiously suggest Ethiopia as a probable origin. Finally, we discuss the significance of the assemblage, its possible origin, and the mechanisms that may have brought the beads to the site.
... The surfaces' shine might suggest that heat treatment was also applied. Such treatment has been shown to render siliceous matrixes finer [65,66] and a stone's color more intense without altering its translucence or hardness. Further support for heat application in the beads' production process is provided by the observation of luster in fresh breaks of platforms (Fig 4I: a) [65] and the occurrence of intensive red particles in some beads' fabrics (Figs 3: 5-6, 3: 8 and 4I: b). ...
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Eight olivine beads found at the Middle Chalcolithic site of Tel Tsaf (ca. 5,200–4,700 cal. BC), Jordan Valley, Israel, underscore a new facet of interregional exchange for this period. The current paper presents the olivine beads assemblage, its morphometric and technological characteristics, and chemical composition. The results of the chemical analysis suggest that all eight beads derive from the same source. By means of comparison with the chemical characteristics of known olivine sources, we argue for a northeastern African–western Arabian provenience and cautiously suggest Ethiopia as a probable origin. Finally, we discuss the significance of the assemblage, its possible origin, and the mechanisms that may have brought the beads to the site.
Klipdrift Shelter (KDS; 34.45° S, 20.72° E) is situated in De Hoop Nature Reserve on the southern Cape coast, about 150 km east of Cape Town, South Africa. KDS forms part of a larger archaeological cliff-face complex consisting of multiple truncated archaeological sites (Fig. 1). The larger, western cave is c. 21 m deep and contains at least two sites, Klipdrift Cave (KDC) and Klipdrift Cave Lower (KDCL), where KDC contains Later Stone Age deposits, while KDLC needs further dating to establish association. KDS is separated from KDC and KDCL by a quartzite promontory and is c. 7 m deep. KDS is characterized by Middle Stone Age (MSA) deposits and was first excavated in 2011 with subsequent seasons in 2012, 2013 and 2018. Sedimentary rocks of the Table Mountain Group, Bokkeveld Group (shales) and Uitenhage Group (mainly shale conglomerates) form the basal geology of the area, on top of which Pliocene calcarenites, Pleistocene aeolianites and unconsolidated Holocene dune systems are deposited (the Bredasdorp Group formations) (Bateman et al., 2004; Malan, 1990). Towards the seaside of the nature reserve, the TMG quartzites form topographically rugged wave-cut platforms and sea cliffs exposing the overlying Bredasdorp Group formations. It is within one of these south-facing coastal cliffs that KDS is located, c. 15 m from the Indian Ocean and c. 19 m above sea level.
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When heat treatment of silcrete for stone knapping was first discovered in the South African Middle Stone Age (MSA), the procedure used for it was suggested to be similar to the one used for heat treatment of finer rocks in other parts of the world: slow sand-bath heating. This comparison may have been based on published data from the fields of ethnography, experimentation and archaeology, describing sand-bath like structures and processes. In this review, I discuss whether the available data from these three fields indeed justify the suggestions that sand-bath heating was used in the context of MSA silcrete heat treatment. A careful revaluation of the available data shows that, although sand-bath heating is a widely accepted procedure that is documented in other parts of the world, understanding the earliest known cases of heat treatment in the MSA calls for another technical procedure.
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People heat treated silcrete during the Middle Stone Age (MSA) in southern Africa but the spatial and temporal variability of this practice remains poorly documented. This paucity of data in turn makes it difficult to interrogate the motive factors underlying the application of this technique. In this paper we present data on heat treatment of silcrete through the Howiesons Poort and post-Howiesons Poort of the rock shelter site Mertenhof, located in the Western Cape of South Africa. In contrast to other sites where heat treatment has been documented, distance to rock source at Mertenhof can be reasonably well estimated, and the site is known to contain high proportions of a diversity of fine grained rocks including silcrete, hornfels and chert at various points through the sequence. Our results suggest the prevalence of heat treatment is variable through the sequence but that it is largely unaffected by the relative abundance of silcrete prevalence. Instead there is a strong inverse correlation between frequency of heat treatment in silcrete and prevalence of chert in the assemblage, and a generally positive correlation with the proportion of locally available rock. While it is difficult to separate individual factors we suggest that, at Mertenhof at least, heat treatment may have been used to improve the fracture properties of silcrete at times when other finer grained rocks were less readily available. As such, heat treatment appears to have been a component of the MSA behavioural repertoire that was flexibly deployed in ways sensitive to other elements of technological organisation.
The silex blond or honey-coloured (Bédoulien) flints which originate in the Vaucluse are distributed over a wide area of the south of France and beyond. Examination of the features of cores and blades shows that a variety of supply systems were in use: in some cases the raw material was transported as blades, in others as heated preforms to make it easier to knap. Different places were targeted with different products. The paper is dedicated to Patricia Phillips who beat a path through to this more sophisticated, more diverse Neolithic world.
Heat-induced fracturing of archaeological stone is a worldwide phenomenon, yet it is poorly understood. Not only does confusion surround the common perception of heat fracturing, where it is often confused with heat-treating, but our knowledge of the specific processes responsible for heat fracturing has been retarded by a lack of explicit and controlled experimental investigation. Apart from two North American experimental studies (Purdy 1974, 1975; Patterson 1999, no published and/or widely available experimental data on heat fracturing of archaeological stone material exists. In the absence of a sound experimental basis, unsubstantiated and untested explanations have been invoked to account for the archaeological presence of heat fractured stone. The research described in this paper sets out to clarify the distinction between heat-treating and heat fracturing before providing some experimental evidence of the conditions in which heat fracturing occurs. This evidence is subsequently used to develop taphonomic principles of heat-induced fracturing. These principles can be used when developing archaeological explanations for sites featuring stone material displaying heat-induced fracturing. The paper concludes with examples that highlight the significance such research has for archaeologists.
Pyrotechnology, or the use and control of fire, was important during the Middle Stone Age (MSA). Fire would have been used for tasks such as cooking, hafting and possibly heat treatment ofsilcrete, and it might have been necessary to control the temperatures of the fire to achieve the desired result in these tasks. In this paper I report results from ten actualistic fire experiments conducted to illustrate the effort involved in controlling fire temperatures, such as the planning, labour, maintenance skills, fuel resources and attention to the process. The experiments were conducted in open air, and variables such as wood taxon, wood mass and topsoil horizon were controlled. Dichrostachys cinerea wood was used in all the ten fires. Six of the fires each burned totals of five kg of wood and no logs were added du ring these fires. Four fires each burned totals of 15 kg of wood and logs were gradually added to these fires at intervals of 30 minutes. The temperatures of the fires were recorded using Major Tech MT 632 thermometers attached to thermocouples recording surface and subsurface temperatures during the fires. The peak surface temperatures varied greatly, whereas the subsurface temperatures were more predictable. These experiments suggest that some effort, such as attention to the development and maintenance of the fire, and gathering plentiful fuel resources, is necessary when a specific range of temperatures is needed for an activity.
In an attempt to provide objective measures of the changes induced in chert by heat treatment, ten pairs of preforms were made, and one of each pair was heat treated, using a probable aboriginal technique. Paired bifaces were then chipped from the preforms. Differences in the flaking qualities of the heated and the unheated materials were noted. The bifaces made with the heat treated material were significantly thinner in cross-section than those made from raw material. Analysis of the debitage indicates that heat treatment fosters the removal of larger flakes.