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Leaf flushing during the dry season: The paradox of Asian monsoon forests


Abstract and Figures

Aim Most deciduous species of dry monsoon forests in Thailand and India form new leaves 1–2 months before the first monsoon rains, during the hottest and driest part of the year around the spring equinox. Here we identify the proximate causes of this characteristic and counterintuitive ‘spring‐flushing’ of monsoon forest trees. Location Trees of 20 species were observed in semi‐deciduous dry monsoon forests of northern Thailand with a 5–6‐month‐long severe dry season and annual rainfall of 800–1500 mm. They were growing on dry ridges (dipterocarp–oak forest) or in moist gullies (mixed deciduous–evergreen forest) at 680–750 m altitude near Chiang Mai and in a dry lowland stand of Shorea siamensis in Uthai Thani province. Methods Two novel methods were developed to analyse temporal and spatial variation in vegetative dry‐season phenology indicative of differences in root access to subsoil water reserves. Results Evergreen and leaf exchanging species at cool, moist sites leafed soon after partial leaf shedding in January–February. Drought‐resistant dipterocarp species were evergreen at moist sites, deciduous at dry sites, and trees leafed soon after leaf shedding whenever subsoil water was available. Synchronous spring flushing of deciduous species around the spring equinox, as induced by increasing daylength, was common in Thailand's dipterocarp–oak forest and appears to be prevalent in Indian dry monsoon forests of the Deccan peninsula with its deep, water‐storing soils. Main conclusions In all observed species leafing during the dry season relied on subsoil water reserves, which buffer trees against prolonged climatic drought. Implicitly, rainfall periodicity, i.e. climate, is not the principal determinant of vegetative tree phenology. The establishment of new foliage before the summer rains is likely to optimize photosynthetic gain in dry monsoon forests with a relatively short, wet growing season.
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© 2006 The Authors DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-822x.2006.00213.x
Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1
Global Ecology and Biogeography, (Global Ecol. Biogeogr.) (2006)
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Leaf flushing during the dry season:
the paradox of Asian monsoon forests
Stephen Elliott1, Patrick J. Baker2 and Rolf Borchert3*
Aim Most deciduous species of dry monsoon forests in Thailand and India form
new leaves 1–2 months before the first monsoon rains, during the hottest and driest
part of the year around the spring equinox. Here we identify the proximate causes of
this characteristic and counterintuitive ‘spring-flushing’ of monsoon forest trees.
Location Trees of 20 species were observed in semi-deciduous dry monsoon forests
of northern Thailand with a 5 –6-month-long severe dry season and annual rainfall
of 800–1500 mm. They were growing on dry ridges (dipterocarp–oak forest) or
in moist gullies (mixed deciduous–evergreen forest) at 680–750 m altitude near
Chiang Mai and in a dry lowland stand of Shorea siamensis in Uthai Thani province.
Methods Two novel methods were developed to analyse temporal and spatial
variation in vegetative dry-season phenology indicative of differences in root access
to subsoil water reserves.
Results Evergreen and leaf exchanging species at cool, moist sites leafed soon after
partial leaf shedding in January–February. Drought-resistant dipterocarp species
were evergreen at moist sites, deciduous at dry sites, and trees leafed soon after leaf
shedding whenever subsoil water was available. Synchronous spring flushing of
deciduous species around the spring equinox, as induced by increasing daylength,
was common in Thailand’s dipterocarp–oak forest and appears to be prevalent in
Indian dry monsoon forests of the Deccan peninsula with its deep, water-storing soils.
Main conclusions In all observed species leafing during the dry season relied on
subsoil water reserves, which buffer trees against prolonged climatic drought.
Implicitly, rainfall periodicity, i.e. climate, is not the principal determinant of vege-
tative tree phenology. The establishment of new foliage before the summer rains is
likely to optimize photosynthetic gain in dry monsoon forests with a relatively short,
wet growing season.
Deciduousness, dipterocarp–oak forest, photoperiodic control, spring-flushing,
tropical dry forests, tropical tree phenology.
*Correspondence: Rolf Borchert, Division of
Biological Sciences, University of Kansas,
Lawrence, KS 66045–7534, USA.
1Biology Department, Science Faculty, Chiang
Mai University, Chiang Mai, 502001, Thailand,
2School of Biological Sciences, Monash
University, Victoria 3800, Australia,
3Division of Biological Sciences, University of
Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA
Climate exerts a dominant control over the distribution of major
vegetation types (Woodward, 1987). It should also determine the
characteristic vegetative phenology of major forest types often
used as indicators of climate (e.g. Koeppen’s classification of
climate). Deciduous, semi-deciduous and evergreen tropical forests
are considered to be indicators of the amount and annual dis-
tribution of rainfall (Walter, 1971) because seasonal variation in
tree water status constitutes a major determinant of tropical tree
phenology (Borchert, 1994a; Borchert et al., 2002). Severe water
stress enhances the abscission of old leaves and prevents the
expansion of new shoots and leaves. Increasing duration and
severity of the dry season should therefore result in trees being
leafless for progressively longer periods and, inversely, the dura-
tion of deciduousness among trees in a landscape should be an
indicator of the duration of severe drought. In common usage,
the term ‘deciduous’ is applied indiscriminately to tropical tree
S. Elliott et al.
© 2006 The Authors
2Global Ecology and Biogeography, Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
species being leafless for just a few weeks or as long as 4
6 months. To enhance the value of deciduousness as a quantit-
ative indicator of seasonal tree water stress, the normal duration
of deciduousness in a species will be given here (e.g. 1–2-month
deciduous or 3–5-month deciduous).
The dry monsoon forests of Thailand (deciduous dipterocarp
forest, mixed deciduous-evergreen forests; Rundel & Boonpragob,
1995; Maxwell & Elliott, 2001) and the Indian semi-deciduous
forests of the Deccan peninsula (Troup, 1921; Puri, 1969) compared
here differ widely in species composition, but share two charac-
teristic features. First, both receive > 90% of annual rainfall of
800 –1500 mm during the 5-month-long monsoon season between
June and October (Fig. 1). The following 6–7-month-long dry
season is subdivided into a cool ‘winter’ season with relatively
low temperatures and a hot ‘spring’ season with rapidly rising
temperatures (Puri, 1969; Walter, 1971; Rundel & Boonpragob,
1995). Secondly, many deciduous species shed their leaves as late
as February or March and, counter-intuitively, most leaf between
March and May, during the hottest and driest period of the year,
1–2 months before the first monsoon rains (Fig. 1; Troup, 1921;
Walter, 1971; Sukwong et al., 1975; Prasad & Hegde, 1986; Bhat,
1992; Rundel & Boonpragob, 1995; Kushwaha & Singh, 2005).
Other species, including the common, wide-ranging Shorea
robusta (sal), exchange old for new leaves between January and
March (Troup, 1921; Rundel & Boonpragob, 1995; Kushwaha &
Singh, 2005). Consequently, leaf cover in Asian monsoon forests
is maintained well beyond the duration of the rainy season.
If amount and seasonal distribution of rainfall were the major
determinants of vegetative phenology, then most trees of Asian
monsoon forests should shed their leaves during the early dry
season, stand leafless for several months and leaf after the first
monsoon rains, i.e. they should be 3–5-month deciduous, as
observed in many species of Neotropical forests with a similar
climate (Frankie et al., 1974; Bullock & Solis-Magallanes, 1990;
Borchert, 1994a). The paradox leaf flushing of monsoon forest
trees during the late dry season raises several questions. (1) How
can leafless, presumably water-stressed trees rehydrate and leaf
during the dry season without rehydration of the topsoil by rain?
(2) Which environmental trigger causes bud break between
March and May, well before the arrival of the monsoon rains?
(3) Is the phenology of monsoon forest trees indeed determined
mainly by rainfall periodicity and hence predictable from cli-
matic data — as suggested by Walter (1971) and others?
The principal internal and environmental controls of major
patterns of vegetative phenology in seasonally dry Neotropical
forests have been identified in recent eco-physiological studies
(Fig. 2; Borchert, 2005). In general, increasing water stress
during the early dry season causes abscission of ageing leaves
(Borchert et al., 2002). Leaf abscission and a high water potential
of twigs are prerequisites for subsequent bud break and leaf
expansion (Borchert, 1994a). Leaf flushing at different times
during and after the dry season is caused by three different
mechanisms characteristic of different ‘functional types’ to be
described below (Fig. 2b–d). In this study, environmental con-
trol of vegetative phenology in monsoon forest species will be
inferred from the observed timing, synchrony and inter-annual
variation of leafing assessed by a novel method (Methods; Rivera
et al., 2002).
The amount and seasonality of rainfall in dry monsoon forests
near Chiang Mai in northern Thailand are similar to the rainfall
pattern of a semi-deciduous forest analysed in Costa Rica (Fig. 2a;
Borchert, 1994a, 2002). To compare the controls of vegetative
phenology in these Asian and Neotropical monsoon forests and
address the questions raised above, we analysed the phenological
records of 19 species observed near Chiang Mai, and the varia-
tion of phenology with tree size and subsoil water availability
among 123 Shorea siamensis trees in another Thai forest. We
found the characteristic spring flushing of many deciduous
monsoon forests species to be induced by increasing daylength
and dependent on root access to subsoil water reserves.
Doi-Suthep National Park (DSNP), Chiang Mai,
The phenology of 128 trees representing 19 species (Table 1) was
monitored along a transect at 650–780 m altitude in the Doi-
Suthep National Park near Chiang Mai in northern Thailand
(19° N, 99° E; Elliott et al., 1989; 1994). Tree species will be
referred to by generic name except for the two genera with more
than one species (Dipterocarpus, Shorea). The site is heavily dis-
sected into steep gullies with mixed deciduous–evergreen forest
and narrow, well-drained ridges with deciduous dipterocarp–
oak forest (Rundel & Boonpragob, 1995; Maxwell & Elliott,
2001). Base rocks are mostly granitic and soils are generally deep
and highly weathered. The area has a typical monsoon climate
(Figs 1 and 2). Mean annual rainfall was 1120 mm during the
study period. In the observed transect, temperatures are 2–3 °C
lower and rainfall is probably 15–20% higher than at Chiang Mai
Airport (312 m altitude, 4.5 km from the study site), where
climate was recorded (Elliott, pers. obs.). For measurement of soil
water content, triplicate soil samples were collected at 0–20 cm
depth during each monthly phenology observation and later
dried for 2 days at 120 °C.
Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary (HKK), Uthai
Thani Province, Thailand
The vegetative phenology of 123 Shorea siamensis Miqu.var.
siamensis trees was observed in a nearly mono-specific 50 × 50-m
plot in the Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Uthai Thani
Province in central Thailand (15° N, 100° E). The plot slopes
slightly from 42 to 50 m elevation and an ephemeral stream bed
cuts through its upper half (see Fig. 7 in Results below). Rainfall
was measured at the Kapook Kapiang Ranger Station 4 km from
the plot.
Functional tree types (Borchert, 2005)
The following patterns of vegetative phenology (functional
types) were identified in Neotropical and Asian monsoon forests.
Dry season leaf flushing
© 2006 The Authors
Global Ecology and Biogeography, Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 3
Leaf-exchanging species are restricted to moist sites and remain
well hydrated during the dry season. Shedding of old leaves dur-
ing the early dry season is accompanied or immediately followed
by bud break and expansion of new leaves (Fig. 2d, January/
February, arrow; Williams et al., 1997). As in Shorea robusta,
leaf exchange generally occurs during the early dry season, but
its timing varies widely among conspecific trees with soil water
availability and between years with the time of the last major
rains of the wet season (Rivera et al., 2002; Borchert et al., 2005;
Singh & Kushwaha, 2005).
Deciduous species dehydrate strongly during the early dry sea-
son and remain leafless for 3–5 months (3–5-month deciduous).
The first wet season rainfalls of > 20–30 mm result in rapid re-
hydration and synchronous bud break of all conspecific trees at a
microsite (Fig. 2b, May/June, arrow; Borchert, 1994b). The vari-
ability and patchiness of the rainfall causes large variation in the
timing of leafing between years and among trees at different
microsites in a landscape. The opportunistic phenology of leaf-
exchanging and 3–5-month deciduous species is determined
mainly by seasonal variation in tree water status at a given site
and trees will leaf whenever they are leafless and fully hydrated.
Leafing of spring-flushing species around the spring equinox,
well before the first monsoon rains, is induced by increasing
daylength (Fig. 2c, March/April arrow; Rivera et al., 2002). It is
Table 1 Tree species of Doi Suthep National Park, Chiang Mai, Thailand, sorted by functional type (see Fig. 2; Results). Habitats: do, deciduous
dipterocarp–oak forest; md, mixed deciduous–evergreen forest (Elliott et al., 1994; Maxwell & Elliott, 2001). Leaf phenology at lower elevations:
d, deciduous; e, evergreen
Species Family
of trees Habitat
phenology Fig.
Deciduous, rain-induced
Antidesma acidum Retz. Euphorbiaceae 5 md d 3, 4a, 5
Colona flagrocarpa (Cl.) Craib Tiliaceae 5 do, md d 4b, 5
Dalbergia cultrata Grah. ex Bth. Fabaceae 6 do, md d 4d, 5
Quercus kerrii Craib var. kerrii Fagaceae 10 do d 4e, 5
Shorea obtusa Wal l. e x Bl. Dipterocarpaceae 6 do d 4f, 5
Terminalia mucronata Craib & Hutch. Combretaceae 6 md d 4c, 5
Irregularly leaf-exchanging
Craibiodendron stellatum (Pierre) W.W. Sm. Ericaceae 5 do d 4j, 5
Dipterocarpus obtusifolius Teijsm. ex Miq. Dipterocarpaceae 12 do d 4k, 5
Dipterocarpus tuberculatus Roxb. Dipterocarpaceae 6 do d 5
Anneslea fragrans Wall. Theaceae 7 do e 4i, 5
Aporusa villosa (Lindl.) Baill. Euphorbiaceae 7 do d 5
Eugenia albiflora Duth. ex. Kurz Myrtaceae 5 md e 4h, 5
Metadina trichotoma (Zoll. & Mor.) Bakh.f. Rubiaceae 7 md d 5
Tristaniopsis burmanica (Griff.) Wils. & Watt. Myrtaceae 10 do e 4g, 5
Castanopsis diversifolia King ex. Hk.f. Fagaceae 6 md e
Ilex umbellulata (Wall.) Loesn. Aquifoliaceae 5 md e
Lithocarpus sootepensis (Craib) A. Camus Fagaceae 6 md e
Rothmannia sootepensis (Craib) Brem. Rubiaceae 5 md e 5
Wendlandia tinctoria (Roxb.) D.C. Rubiaceae 9 do, md e 4l, 5
Figure 1 Rainfall periodicity and tree
phenology in Indian dry monsoon forests.
Information on the beginning of leaf
flushing (horizontal hatching) and leaf
abscission (diagonal hatching) was obtained
for 81 species of the Deccan peninsula from
descriptions of phenology in Troup (1921).
Rainfall (black bars) and temperature
(curve) are for Varanasi, India (Kushwaha &
Singh, 2005).
S. Elliott et al.
© 2006 The Authors
4Global Ecology and Biogeography, Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
highly synchronous among all conspecific trees in a landscape
and varies minimally between years.
Analysis of phenological patterns observed at DSNP
Tree phenology in DSNP was observed monthly from December
1988 to December 1991. Each of four stages of vegetative pheno-
logy (leafless; young, light-green leaves; mature, dark-green
leaves; senescent, brown leaves) was scored on a scale of 0– 4 (0,
phenological stage not observed; 4, phenological stage at its
maximum; Elliott et al., 1994) and recorded in a spreadsheet.
Species-specific timing, synchrony and inter-annual variation
in leaf flushing among conspecific trees are essential for the iden-
tification of functional types (Rivera et al., 2002) and for inter-
specific comparisons of vegetative phenology. To identify these
variables, the recorded phenological observations were analysed
as follows. The sequence of phenophases during three observa-
tion years was obtained for each tree by sorting phenological
records by tree number and date, subdividing them into four-
column data sets and then transposing them into rows (Fig. 3a).
Missing phenophases were inferred from the timing of the next
phase (e.g. flushing of young leaves precedes the increase in
mature leaves) and added to the record. Mean monthly phenology
scores for all conspecific trees were calculated to characterize
synchrony of leafing within the same year (Fig. 3b). For the
evaluation of interannual variation, 3-year means of phenology
scores were calculated (Fig. 3c) and graphed for each species
(Fig. 4a).
Synchronous leaf exchange generally lasted less than 2–
3 months and several species were leafless or had young leaves
for only 2–3 weeks. At monthly observation frequency these
phenophases were observed only once or not at all. Phenological
patterns are therefore characterized more by the time sequence
of phenophases than by changing values of phenology scores
(Figs 3b,c and 4). Distinct minima of mature leaf scores
accompanied by peaks for leaflessness and young leaves indicate
deciduousness and strong synchrony of leaf flushing among
conspecific trees (Fig. 4a–f ). Consistently low scores for young
leaves and leaflessness may indicate very brief periods of partial
deciduousness (Fig. 4l) or large variation in deciduousness
among trees and between years (Figs 4j,k and 5, Dipterocarpus
tuberculatus; Fig. 6). Inter-specific variation in deciduousness
(Fig. 5) was quantified by counting months without leaves and
with full leaf cover (mature leaf scores of < 1 and > 3, respec-
tively) in the records of conspecific trees (Fig. 3a).
Phenology at HKK as a function of tree size and
Diameter at breast height (d.b.h.), location (xt, yt) and elevation
were measured for 123 Shorea siamensis trees of a 50 × 50-m
experimental plot in HKK. During leafing in spring 1998 and
leaf shedding in early 1999, vegetative phenology was scored as
percentage of crown fullness. The effects of tree size and topo-
graphy on leaf flushing before the first rains in 1998 were quantified
by calculating distances between each tree (xt, yt) and all points
along the creek (xc, yc) as d = [(xt xc)2 + (yt – yc)2]2 and selecting
the smallest d for each tree. Trees were sorted into three size
classes (6–15, 15–24, 24–56 cm d.b.h.) and classified according
to their vegetative phenology as ‘flushing’ (crown cover 20–
100%) or ‘dormant’ (crown cover 0%). Trees with a crown cover
of 10% were ignored. For each size class, means and standard
errors were calculated for the fractions of flushing vs. dormant
trees, distances from the creek bed and changes in leaf cover dur-
ing flushing and leaf shedding.
Synchronous leaf flushing of all Antidesma trees was triggered
by the increase in soil water after the first monsoon rains, as
indicated by the 1-month difference in leafing time between 1989
and 1990 (Fig. 3b, frames; high soil water in March 1990 indicates
Figure 2 Seasonal variation in rainfall and
daylength (a) in a Neotropical semi-deciduous
forest in Guanacaste, Costa Rica (10° N) and
in a dry monsoon forest near Chiang Mai,
Thailand (19° N). Vegetative phenology
(b–d) in Neotropical trees of three functional
types. Arrows indicate the causes of
vegetative bud break during the dry season:
(b) the first heavy rains of the wet season;
(c) increasing daylength around the spring
equinox; (d) drought-induced leaf shedding.
Dry season leaf flushing
© 2006 The Authors
Global Ecology and Biogeography, Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 5
rainfall not recorded at the Chiang Mai airport). Antidesma is the
only deciduous species with rain-induced leafing and a leafless
period of 3–5 months among the 19 tree species monitored at
DSNP (Figs 35).
At the altitude of the observed transect, deciduousness varies
widely among the five spring-flushing species (Figs 4b–f and 5),
which at lower elevations are 1–3-month deciduous. These spe-
cies leafed each year synchronously in March/April, well before
the first monsoon rains (Fig. 4b–f ). In the five leaf-exchanging
species, moderately synchronous leaf flushing in January/Febru-
ary was preceded and hence probably caused by the shedding of
many old leaves (Figs 4g–i and 5; Williams et al., 1997; Borchert,
2000). As in many Neotropical leaf-exchanging species, early
monsoon rains in May/June triggered a minor second leaf flush
(Fig. 4g,i, filled circle in May/June). In the five evergreen species
(Table 1), there was almost no discernable seasonality of vegeta-
tive development (Fig. 4l), i.e. old leaves were apparently
replaced throughout the year.
In D. obtusifolius, D. tuberculatus and Craibiodendron, 3-
year mean phenology scores show low levels of mature leaves,
deciduousness and new leaves throughout the year (Figs 4j,k
and 5). Phenological records of individual trees in these species
indicate that throughout the year some branches were leafing
while others shed old leaves or were leafless (Fig. 6). Thus, in
contrast to the other deciduous species, seasonal development
at higher elevations was asynchronous within the crowns of
these species. Most leaf flushes were preceded by a distinct
decline in the fraction of mature leaves, i.e. irregular leaf
shedding caused leaf flushing unrelated to climatic seasonality
(Fig. 6).
To assess the crucial role of subsoil water reserves in dry-
season flushing, we monitored the vegetative phenology of 123
Shorea siamensis trees of different size classes growing at HKK on
a gentle slope transected by an ephemeral stream bed, the probable
location of the largest subsoil water reserves (Fig. 7). In mid-
March 1998, 2 weeks before the first monsoon rains, the frac-
tions of flushing (20–100% crown cover) and dormant trees
were, respectively, correlated directly and inversely with tree size
(Fig. 8a, symbols). Small trees had formed new leaves only when
growing within 2 m of the creek bed (Fig. 7). The mean distance
of small flushing trees from the creek bed was therefore one-third
that of dormant trees, but the difference between distances of
large flushing and dormant trees was relatively small (Fig. 8a,
bars). Two weeks before the first rains, the largest trees
(> 24 cm d.b.h.) had expanded most of their new leaves, but
in medium-sized trees leaf cover was only approximately
20% (Fig. 8b left, circles, squares); leaf buds had just begun to
expand in about half of the many small trees with d.b.h. < 15 cm
(Fig. 7), in which rapid leaf expansion started immediately
after the first rains (Fig. 8b, triangles). During the following
dry season, trees of all size classes shed leaves at the same rate
(Fig. 8b right).
Control of vegetative phenology in Thailand and India
At the altitude of the observed transect in DSNP (650–780 m)
the transition from deciduous to evergreen phenology is more
gradual than at lower elevations (Fig. 5), but the environmental
and endogenous controls of vegetative phenology (Fig. 2) can be
deduced reliably from timing and synchrony of the phenophases
established by the novel analysis of phenological records (Figs 3
and 4; Methods). Distinct minima in mature leaf scores followed
by maxima for young leaves in the 3-year mean phenological
scores indicate synchronous leaf shedding and flushing of
Figure 3 Identification of synchronous
bud break among conspecific trees of the
deciduous species Antidesma acidum in
a mixed deciduous–evergreen forest
near Chiang Mai, Thailand. (a) Seasonal
development of two individual trees over 2
consecutive years. Framed scores — new
leaf flush. (b) Mean phenology scores for
five trees over 2 years. (c) Mean phenology
scores for five trees over 3 years (December
1988–December 1991). For explanations
see Methods. Phenological stages: M, mature
leaves; S, senescent leaves; B, bare, leafless;
Y, young light-green leaves. Grey bars
indicate the time of spring-flushing induced
by increasing daylength.
S. Elliott et al.
© 2006 The Authors
6Global Ecology and Biogeography, Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
conspecific trees at species-specific times with low interannual
variation (Fig. 4a–h, filled circles). Such regular patterns of
phenology are controlled by seasonal variation in environmental
factors (Fig. 2). In contrast, the absence of distinct maxima or
minima for these phenophases indicates that the replacement of
old by young leaves is determined mainly by endogenous factors
such as leaf ageing (Fig. 4i–l).
Antidesma is the only deciduous species with rain-induced
leafing, because leafing time varied with the first monsoon rains
(Fig. 3b). Highly synchronous leafing of ‘spring-flushing’ species
at DSNP and in the majority of deciduous tree species in Indian
monsoon forests (Fig. 1; Kushwaha & Singh, 2005) occurs every
year around the spring equinox, well before the first monsoon
rains (Fig. 4b–f); it is therefore induced by increasing daylength
(Rivera et al., 2002).
At lower elevations of DSNP, spring-flushing species of
the dipterocarp–oak forest are leafless between late January
and March (2–3 months deciduous; Elliott et al., 1994; Maxwell
& Elliott, 2001), i.e. deciduousness is similar to that observed
in Indian dry monsoon forests of the Deccan Peninsula (Fig. 1;
Troup, 1921; Kushwaha & Singh, 2005). Increasing deciduous-
ness with decreasing altitude has been also described for the
Neotropical Erythrina poeppigiana and Tabebuia rosea (Borchert,
Differences in phenology between Asian and
Neotropical monsoon forests
The amount and seasonal distributions of rainfall are similar in
the monsoon forests of northern Thailand and Costa Rica
(Fig. 2a), yet the fractions of evergreen vs. deciduous species vary
widely between these forests (Table 2; Rundel & Boonpragob,
1995). The low degree of deciduousness in DSNP indicates that
water stress during the dry season is distinctly lower than in
Figure 4 Three-year mean scores of
vegetative phenology (see Fig. 3c) for 12 tree
species of five functional types observed in
Doi Suthep National Park near Chiang Mai,
Thailand. Filled circles indicate the first
distinct increase in the formation of young
leaves, i.e. the start of leafing. (a) Deciduous
species: flushing induced by the first heavy
monsoon rains after the spring equinox.
(b–f) Spring-flushing species: synchronous
flushing induced by increasing daylength at
the same time each year around the spring
equinox (March/April, dotted vertical lines).
(g–i) Leaf-exchanging species: flushing
induced during the early dry season
(January/February) by partial leaf-shedding.
Early monsoon rains (May/June) may induce
a second flush (filled circles in May/June).
(j–k) Irregularly leaf-exchanging species:
leaf-shedding and flushing vary widely
among trees and between years (compare
with Fig. 6). (l) Evergreen species.
Dry season leaf flushing
© 2006 The Authors
Global Ecology and Biogeography, Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 7
Costa Rica. This probably has two main causes. First, because of
higher latitude (19 vs. 10° N) and altitude (600,800 m vs. 40 m),
temperatures and hence evaporative water loss are substantially
lower at DSNP than in lowland Costa Rica during the early dry
season (22–24 °C vs. 28 °C). Secondly, subsoil water storage is
likely to be larger in the deeply weathered soils at DSNP than at
the prevailing dry upland sites in Costa Rica.
Tree phenology at lower elevations of DSNP and in Indian
monsoon forests is intermediate between that described here
(Fig. 4) and observed in Costa Rica (Table 2; Fig. 2). The major-
ity of Indian tree species leaf during the late dry season before the
arrival of the monsoon rains (Table 2; Fig. 1), indicating that
substantial subsoil water storage in old, deeply weathered soils
permits spring-flushing during the late dry season.
Soil water reserves and spring flushing
The dramatic variation in the time of leafing with tree size and
topography among Shorea siamensis trees at HKK (Figs 7 and 8)
constitutes the first quantitative assessment of the crucial role of
subsoil water reserves for leaf expansion during the dry season.
Different rates of leafing indicate that near the dry creek bed sub-
soil water reserves were accessible by trees of all sizes, but at
uphill sites they were within the reach of large, deep-rooted trees
only (Figs 7 and 8a). The rapid increase in leaf cover of small
trees within a week after the first rains (Fig. 8b, week 13) indic-
ates that growth of non-dormant buds had been inhibited by
water stress and resumed immediately after rehydration. Leaf
abscission was independent of subsoil water reserves (Fig. 8b,
1999) and was probably caused by increasing leaf water stress
in ageing leaves (Borchert et al., 2002).
The effect of tree size, topography and soil quality on dry-season
phenology depending on subsoil water reserves has been
Table 2 Fraction of species of three major functional types in a Neotropical semi-deciduous forest (Costa Rica: Frankie et al., 1974) and in three
Asian monsoon forests (India: *Troup, 1921; †Kushwaha & Singh, 2005; Thailand: this study). At all sites > 90% of annual rainfall of 800–
1600 mm is received during the wet season between May/June and October/November
Functional type
Costa Rica India* India† Thailand
species % species % species % species %
3–6 month deciduous 38 41 23 23 2 22 1 5
Spring-flushing 32 34 62 63 6 67 8 42
Leaf-exchanging: evergreen 23 25 13 13 1 11 10 53
Species total 93 98 9 19
Figure 5 Var iations in deciduousness (period w ith mature leaf score
< 1) and full crown cover (period with mature leaf score > 3) among
16 species of five functional types in Doi Suthep National Park near
Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Figure 6 Seasonal variation of vegetative phenology in three
Dipterocarpus obtusifolius trees in Doi Suthep National Park near
Chiang Mai, Thailand.
S. Elliott et al.
© 2006 The Authors
8Global Ecology and Biogeography, Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
observed elsewhere (Sayer & Newbery, 2003; Borchert et al.,
2004). It is particularly well documented for the life history of
Shorea robusta. During the monsoon season Shorea seedlings
grow well in a variety of soils; during the dry season those on
sandy riverbanks usually die, whereas those on sandy loam sur-
vive, but die back regularly until they have developed deep roots
(Troup, 1921). The vegetative phenology of mature trees varies
with topography from evergreen to 1-month deciduous (Singh &
Kushwaha, 2005). During consecutive years of severe drought,
mortality is low at moist sites with deep sandy loams and high at
relatively dry sites (Troup, 1921; Seth et al., 1960; Borchert, 1998).
Deep-rooted trees of evergreen forests in eastern Amazonia
maintain full leaf cover during exceptional drought by extracting
> 500 mm water from a potential reservoir of > 800 mm of
plant-available water (Nepstad et al., 1994).
The opportunistic phenology of other drought-resistant
dipterocarp species also appears to be determined by tree
water balance during the dry season. Trees exchanged leaves
irregularly at higher elevations with moderate water loss (Fig. 6),
but were 1–3-month deciduous at lower elevations, where
Figure 7 Distribution, size and leaf cover
of 123 Shorea siamensis trees observed in
mid-March 1998, 2 weeks before the first
rainfall of the wet season. The 50 × 50-m
experimental plot at the Huai Kha Khaeng
Wildlife Sanctuary in central Thailand is
slightly sloped and crossed by a dry creek
bed (thick grey line with squares to calculate
distances of trees from the creek bed).
Numbers on straight grey contour lines
give elevation in m above the lowest point
at right. Diameters and tree numbers (in
parentheses) in the four size classes shown
are: 6–13 cm (32); < 17 cm (29); < 22 cm
(34); 23–56 cm (28).
Figure 8 Var iation of vegetative phenology in 123 Shorea siamea trees with tree size and topography at the Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary
in central Thailand (see Fig. 7). (a) Size-dependent fraction of flushing (squares) and dormant trees (circles) and their mean distance from the
creek bed (flushing trees, hatched bars; dormant trees, grey bars). (b) Leaf flushing before (weeks 10–12) and after the first rainfall (bars) in week
12 of 1998 (left) and leaf shedding during the mid-dry season in 1999 (right). Mean d.b.h. and fraction of all trees for the three experimental
groups are 25.5 cm (14%, circles), 19 cm (15%, squares) and 16.7 cm (71%, triangles). Standard errors of all means for crown cover, d.b.h. and
distances from creek are < 0.1 (not shown).
Dry season leaf flushing
© 2006 The Authors
Global Ecology and Biogeography, Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 9
they leafed whenever their water balance became positive
(Fig. 8b, left).
Adaptive significance of spring flushing
In India and Thailand, increasing daylength after the spring
equinox signals the approach of the monsoon season. Induction
of leaf flushing by increasing daylength assures that a full com-
plement of young, photosynthetically competent leaves is in
place when the monsoon rains begin, yet precludes prolonged
exposure of young leaves to severe drought. The predominance
of spring-flushing species among Indian monsoon forest trees
(Table 2; Fig. 1; Kushwaha & Singh, 2005) suggests that this pheno-
logical strategy is particularly advantageous, probably because
it optimizes use of large subsoil water reserves for photosynthetic
activity during seasonal drought and thus extends the relatively
short, wet growing season. The characteristic phenology of
spring-flushing species is controlled mainly by two non-climatic
environmental variables, water storage in deep soils and photo-
periodic induction of leafing, which also determine tree pheno-
logy in other tropical dry forest species around the globe
(Borchert, 1994a; Rivera et al., 2002).
Bhat, D.M. (1992) Phenology of tree species of tropical moist
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abnormal drought and rain. Biotropica, 34, 27–39.
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Bulletin of the Siam Society, 37, 137–141.
Elliott, S., Promkutkaew, S. & Maxwell, J.F. (1994) Flowering and
seed production phenology of dry tropical forest trees in
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the lowlands of Costa Rica. Journal of Ecology, 62, 881–919.
Kushwaha, C.P. & Singh, K.P. (2005) Diversity of leaf phenology
in a tropical deciduous forest in India. Journal of Tropical Eco-
logy, 21, 47–56.
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Doi Sutep–Pui National Park, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.
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Nepstad, D.C., de Carvalho, C.R., Davidson, E.A., Jipp, P.H.,
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(1994) The role of deep roots in the hydrological and carbon
cycles of Amazonian forests and pastures. Nature, 372, 666–
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Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Plant Sciences),
96, 121–133.
Puri, G.S. (1969) Indian forest ecology. Oxford Book and Station-
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Rivera, G., Elliott, S., Caldas, L.S., Nicolossi, G., Coradin, V.T.R.
& Borchert, R. (2002) Increasing day-length induces spring
flushing of tropical dry forest trees in the absence of rain. Trees,
16, 445 456.
Rundel, P.W. & Boonpragob, K. (1995) Dry forest ecosystems of
Thailand. Seasonally dry tropical forests (ed. by S.H. Bullock,
H.A. Mooney and E. Medina), pp. 93–123. Cambridge Uni-
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Central America. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 19, 539 –548.
Seth, S.K., Khan, M.A.W. & Yadav, J.S.P. (1960) Sal mortality in
Bihar. Indian Forester, 86, 645 679.
Singh, K.P. & Kushwaha, C.P. (2005) Paradox of leaf phenology:
Shorea robusta is a semi-evergreen species in tropical dry
deciduous forests in India. Current Science, 88, 1820 –1824.
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S. Elliott et al.
© 2006 The Authors
10 Global Ecology and Biogeography, Journal compilation © 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Williams, R.J., Myers, B.A., Muller, W.J., Duff, G.A. & Eamus, D.
(1997) Leaf phenology of woody species in a Northern
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bridge University Press, London.
Stephen Elliott is Co-Director of the Forest Restoration
Research Unit (FORRU) in the Department of Biology at
Chiang Mai University in Chiang Mai, Thailand. He is
Lecturer in Ecology and Wildlife and has carried out
research on the restoration of tropical forest ecosystems for
18 years.
Patrick Baker is Lecturer of Vegetation Ecology at Monash
University, Melbourne, Australia. He studies the historical
stand dynamics and disturbance histories of tropical forests.
Rolf Borchert is Professor Emeritus of Ecophysiology in
the Division of Biological Sciences at the University of
Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA. He has analysed the
environmental control of the phenology of tropical forest
trees for more than 25 years.
... We also found that leaf flushing declined during the long dry season (Figure 1 and Figure S8) presumably an adaptation to reduce risks from drought (Ciais et al., 2005;Doughty et al., 2015). The pattern agrees with studies that have found that persistent leaf flushing after major rains is related to improved growth potential (e.g., Eamus, 1999;Elliott et al., 2006;Manoli et al., 2018). ...
... follow key environmental factors-for example, in many monsoon environments deciduous trees develop new leaves and start to transpire in an apparent anticipation of the rains, so despite a correlation the rains and the cues of leaf growth are distinct (Dang Hoi & Dung, 2021;Elliott et al., 2006;Nanda et al., 2015;Singh, 2005). ...
Phenology influences many forest functions and can inform forest conservation and management, yet representative phenological data for most common tropical forest tree species remain sparse or absent. Between June 2011 and December 2013, we investigated flowering, fruiting, and leafing patterns in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, a montane forest located near the equator in Uganda, drawing on 16,410 observations of 530 trees of 54 species located between 2066 and 2527 m in elevation. The park's climate is equatorial with two wet and dry seasons each year. Flowering and fruiting were strongly seasonal while patterns in leafing were less pronounced. Flower occurrence peaked at the beginning of the short dry season followed by a pronounced trough during the beginning and the middle of the short wet season. Fruit occurrence had a pronounced peak during high rainfall months in March through April with most fruits ripening during drier months in May through July. Fruit scarcity was observed for a 4‐month period spanning September to December and most flushing of leaves noted at the end of the wet season in November and December. Our binomial generalized linear mixed models indicated that flowering and fruiting were negatively associated with temperature and that leafing activity was positively associated with rainfall and temperature. These findings are consistent with the insolation‐ and water‐limitation hypotheses suggesting that the seasonally varying availability of resources such as light, water, and nutrients determines these phenological patterns. Ideally, prolonged, multi‐year community‐level studies would be supported so as to better characterize the influence of climate and of climate variability.
... A lowering of precipitation, the start of the dry season, and a reduction in the soil moisture content mark the period of leaf and flower initiation in the dry tropics. The phenology of trees in BNP is no different and is also similar to the studies undertaken elsewhere (Elliott et al., 2006;Nanda et al., 2020;Prasad & Hegde, 1986). ...
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Phenology is the study of the timing of recurring natural stages in the life cycle of an organism. These natural stages, such as the plant's reproductive cycles, are being affected by the changing climate. The current study aims to understand the effect of weather parameters on the phenology of dry forests in Bannerghatta National Park. Two transects with 504 reproductively mature individuals were monitored monthly for vegetative and reproductive phenologies. Different phenophases were scored as a percent of the canopy quantitatively. Weather parameters and soil moisture were estimated for each month. Data were analysed for the observed general pattern of phenology and the influence of climate on different phenophases. The intense phenological activity was observed during the dry season. Community-level leaf initiation and flower initiation were positively correlated with maximum temperature (rs = 0.524, p<0.05 for leaf initiation; rs = 0.586, p<0.05 for flower initiation) and sunshine hours (rs = 0.552, p<0.01 for leaf initiation; rs = 0.546, p<0.05 for flower initiation). Leaf and flower initiations were highly correlated and significant (rs=0.926, p<.001). Principal Component Analysis of weather parameters reveals that 88.5% of the variance is accounted for by the first three principal components. Principal component regression of the first three principal components and the phenophase intensities confirms a positive correlation with leaf initiation (multiple R = 0.716, p<0.01) and flower initiation (multiple R = 0.638, p<0.05). Our studies reaffirm that moisture-related factors are the major drivers of phenophase intensities, and changes in these factors could alter the timing of leafing, flowering, and fruiting.
... There was however, some new flushing after the earlier growing season dry spell in the 2022 rainfall year (see January-February 2023; Fig. 6b). Leaf flushing throughout the growing season is not uncommon in savannas and has been reported from African (Moyo et al., 2015;Masia et al., 2018), Asian (Elliott et al., 2006), Australian (Williams et al., 1997) and South American savannas (de Camargo et al., 2018). This work and our results would suggest that deciduous savanna trees can flush new leaves after a growing season dry spell, but this likely depends on when in the growing season the dry spell took place, the duration of the dry spell and how many resources were available to the trees in the preceding months. ...
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Increasing rainfall variability is widely expected under future climate change scenarios. How will savanna trees and grasses be affected by growing season dry spells and altered seasonality and how tightly coupled are tree–grass phenologies with rainfall? We measured tree and grass responses to growing season dry spells and dry season rainfall. We also tested whether the phenologies of 17 deciduous woody species and the Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index of grasses were related to rainfall between 2019 and 2023. Tree and grass growth was significantly reduced during growing season dry spells. Tree growth was strongly related to growing season soil water potentials and limited to the wet season. Grasses can rapidly recover after growing season dry spells and grass evapotranspiration was significantly related to soil water potentials in both the wet and dry seasons. Tree leaf flushing commenced before the rainfall onset date with little subsequent leaf flushing. Grasses grew when moisture became available regardless of season. Our findings suggest that increased dry spell length and frequency in the growing season may slow down tree growth in some savannas, which together with longer growing seasons may allow grasses an advantage over C3 plants that are advantaged by rising CO2 levels.
... ). Dry-season green-up, wherein deciduous trees ush their leaves well before the end of the dry season, is common across the tropics(Elliott et al. 2006;Williams et al. 2008;Ryan et al. 2017) and is likely enabled, in part, by these adaptations. Understanding the coordination between leaf habit and other forms of drought avoidance or tolerance may contribute to explaining some variation in deciduousness observed across tropical forests.By the same token, our model also heavily simpli es water availability, focusing on rainfall and rainfall seasonality as key variables. ...
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In tropical forests, deciduous and evergreen leaf habits represent contrasting tree adaptations to precipitation seasonality. Both rainfall seasonality and interannual variation in rainfall are determinants of forest deciduousness, but their relative influence is not well understood. In this study, we evaluate the extent of deciduous-evergreen coexistence in tropical forests and develop a simple model of competition for water between leaf habits. Using this model, we formalize two mechanisms representing rainfall variability across time scales that may explain their stable coexistence: the temporal storage effect via interannual variability in rainfall vs. rainfall partitioning via evergreen access to dry-season rainfall. In our model, both mechanisms resulted in coexistence, but coexistence was more robust via resource partitioning. Empirically, remotely sensed deciduousness increased with precipitation seasonality, but effects of interannual rainfall variability on deciduousness were minor. We hypothesize that dry-season rainfall may prove a stronger influence on coexistence between leaf habits, and that changes in rainfall seasonality will have a greater impact on forest deciduousness than changes in the interannual variability of rainfall.
... The leaf initiation timings in the dry period suggested that trees were sure of better utilizing the short growing season by projecting well-formed leaves well before the advent of monsoon periods as also observed in Vindhyan dry forests (Singh and Kushwaha, 2006). Such a high frequency of leaf senescence events at the advent of a low-temperature dry period helped the trees to maintain turgidity in the shoots which helped in leaf bud and flower bud break-up in the dry period itself strengthening the water stress hypothesis (Elliott et al., 2006). Individual trees had shown varied deciduous periods (30-136 days) which indicated that certain individuals could tolerate, and few individuals avoided the water stress conditions in the hot dry season, that were dependent on the microhabitat condition of the location. ...
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The study was conducted at Cauvery wildlife sanctuary, Karnataka, India from 2015 to 2019. This study intended to understand the periodic events in biological life cycles concerning changes in the timings of seasonal events. It includes leafing, flowering, and fruiting patterns among the selected tree species of Terminalia chebula Retz., which is an important non-timber forest product (NTFPs) species in the Cauvery wildlife sanctuary. A total of 32 adult individual trees, from two transects at different places were selected and were observed at thirty days intervals. It was observed that there was a species-specific phenological relationship between the deciduous period and the initiation of seasonal rainfall and warm periods. Leaf maturity peak was in August. Leaf fall activity was in January before the arrival of an intense dry period. The reproductive phenology like flowering, fruiting, and fruit obsession was significantly varied across the different seasons among the observed tree species. The majority of tree species (56%) revealed synchronous flowering with Leaf flush activity. The results indicate that Leafing (58%) and flowering phenology (75%) occur during the dry period before the onset of first rains and fruiting, fruit fall timing was in consequence to utilize the growing season. Thus, species specificity was recorded concerning flowering and fruiting and was found to be with the seasonal rainfall distribution and in turn soil moisture availability in the study area. The results of the study would help in better management of fruiting tree species in natural forests.
... In temperate regions, leaf production and loss are regulated by temperature and photoperiod, but in seasonal tropical climates, water availability and photoperiod appear to be the most important regulating factors (Adole et al. 2019, Borchert and Rivera 2001, Singh and Kushwaha 2005, van Schaik et al. 1993. The availability of water as a key resource is influenced by both the absolute amount of precipitation and the capacity of the soil to store water, in addition to the ability of species to access this water (Borchert 1994, Elliott et al. 2006, Kushwaha and Singh 2005b. Furthermore, the variability in the timing of phenophases in tropical trees indicates contrasting physiological responses to climatic cues within and between both species and locations (Reich 1995). ...
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Analysing phenological diversity of tropical trees provides a potential tool to detect climate change effects and devise forest management options. In this study, the leaf phenological activity of 28 dominant tree species in a moist sub-tropical hill forest of north-eastern India was examined for a period of 2 years and related to functional traits (i.e. leaf mass per area (LMA) and wood density (WD)). The peak phase of leaf fall occurred in the cool dry period (November to January) with leaf flush peaking in the pre-monsoon period (February to March), but variation was found between species as influenced by their phenological strategy, i.e. evergreen, leaf-exchanging or deciduous (<4 months leafless). Photoperiod and minimum temperature were the environmental factors most strongly correlated with phenological activity, and the synchrony index within species for both phenophases was 0.81. LMA was less in the deciduous species compared with the evergreen species, whereas WD did not differ. LMA was negatively correlated with the length of deciduousness as well as timing of leaf flush and fall indicating that LMA may be more important than WD in influencing phenological patterns in this forest. The study revealed that the phenological diversity of tropical trees is related to changes in environmental variables and has implication for forest management under changing climate. Further study will help in understanding the phenological response of trees to climatic factors and their potential future changes.
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The study unravels the ecological and biological parameters leading to untimely endangerment of three endemic and threatened tree species viz. Drypetes malabarica, Hydnocarpus macrocarpus and Prioria pinnata, distributed in the southern Western Ghats. Population structure and diversity along with population dynamics of the target species were explored. The reproductive constraints including insect-pest incidence, low abundance, habitat specificity along with human induced habitat threats upsurges the possibilities of rarity of these species in the Kerala part of the Western Ghats.
The phenological development of polyclonal rubber plantations has been little explored, although they present adaptive potential to specific biotic and abiotic conditions. Between 2016 and 2021, rubber tree seedlings were evaluated for leaf ontogeny, leaf area index (LAI), and reproductive phenology (flowers and fruits). The climatic conditions were correlated with the foliar and reproductive rubber phenology and the incidence and severity of the South American leaf blight (SALB). The tree phenology showed a relationship between defoliation-refoliation with the water deficit intensity and high temperatures. The development of the trees in a polyclonal plantation was heterogeneous, and the defoliation-refoliation phases were extended over time. A higher SALB severity was associated with higher relative humidity and radiation periods, reducing the leaf area (atypical defoliation) and changing flowering and fruiting seasonality. The intensity and duration of climatic factors, particularly water deficit, are important for determining phenological processes and fungal diseases such as SALB, which serves as a tool to build management strategies both in seed production and obtaining latex in scenarios of climate change.
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Global decline in biodiversity warrants its systematic monitoring in space and time. Remote sensing derived Rao’s Q index has been proposed as a proxy for species diversity yet its scope for seasonal tropical forest is untested. The study assessed the influence of phenology on Rao’s Q index derived using multi-date Sentinel-2 NDVI to estimate tree diversity. Plot level vegetation inventory data (n = 61) was used to estimate tree diversity (Shannon-Wiener index (H')) of Nandhaur landscape in North-West Himalayan foothills. Rao’s Q index and H' showed lower correlation at the landscape level than individual forest types. Rao’s Q index based on NDVI observed higher correlation with H', especially during the leaf flushing period. NDVI-based multi-dimensional Rao’s Q index offered better performance for dry deciduous (R² =0.69) followed by moist deciduous forest. The present approach can be used for estimating tree diversity, especially in seasonal tropical forests.
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Prolonged seasonal drought affects most of the tropics, including vast areas presently or recently dominated by 'dry forests'. These forests have received scant attention, despite the fact that humans have used and changed them more than rain forests. This volume reviews the available information, often making contrasts with wetter forests. The world's dry forest heterogeneity of structure and function is shown regionally. In the neotropics, biogeographic patterns differ from those of wet forests, as does the spectrum of plant life-forms in terms of structure, physiology, phenology and reproduction. Biomass distribution, nutrient cycling, below-ground dynamics and nitrogen gas emission are also reviewed. Exploitation schemes are surveyed, and examples are given of non-timber product economies. It is hoped that this review will stimulate research leading to more conservative and productive management of dry forests.
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Shorea robusta, widely distributed in moist and dry forests in the tropics, has been paradoxically described as deciduous, semi-deciduous or evergreen species. To assess this contradiction, quantitative documentation of leaf dynamics, flowering and fruiting (by monthly counts on tagged twigs) was made in marked individuals of Shorea in a tropical dry deciduous forest. Annual leaf exchange seems to be a survival strategy in Shorea during the period of seasonal drought; it replaces all old leaves of differing longevity with new leaves to reduce water loss due to transpiration, and simultaneously supports asynchronous flowering. During March (the transitional month for the leafing phenophase) four phenological variants, reflecting considerable functional diversity in conspecific trees, were recorded. These were: variant a, leaf fall completed and leaf flush begins; variant b, leaf fall and leaf flush overlapping; variant c, leaf fall completed but leaf flush delayed, short leaflessness; variant d, leaf fall incomplete (old leaves persist) and leaf flush delayed. Individuals of Shorea responded variously (leaf exchange or evergreenness to leaflessness or deciduousness, but ≤ 1 year leaf lifespan) to microsite conditions, making it essentially a semi-evergreen species. It is suggested that semi-evergreenness in Shorea, an indicator of high adaptability, permits its extensive distribution in the tropics, from moist to the dry regions.
The control of vegetative phenology in tropical trees is not well understood. In dry forest trees, leaf abscission may be enhanced by advanced leaf age, increasing water stress, or declining photoperiod. Normally, it is impossible to dissect the effects of each of these variables because most leaves are shed during the early dry season when day length is near its minimum and leaves are relatively old. The 1997 El-Niño Southern Oscillation caused a ten-week long, severe abnormal drought from June to August in the semi-deciduous forests of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. We monitored the effect of this drought on phenology and water status of trees with young leaves and compared modifications of phenology in trees of different functional types with the pattern observed during the regular dry season. Although deciduous trees at dry sites were severely water stressed (ΨSTEM < −7MPa) and their mesic leaves remained wilted for more than two months, these and all other trees retained all leaves during the abnormal drought. Many trees exchanged leaves three to four months earlier than normal during the wet period after the abnormal drought and shed leaves again during the regular dry season. Irrigation and an exceptional 70 mm rainfall during the mid-dry season 1998/1999 caused bud break and flushing in all leafless trees except dormant stem succulents. The complex interactions between leaf age and water stress, the principal determinants of leaf abscission, were found to vary widely among trees of different functional types.
During 1969-70, 185 tree species at a Wet forest site and 113 species at a Dry forest site in Costa Rica were systematically observed for changes in leafing, flowering and fruiting. (1) At the Wet forest site, the greatest amount of leaf fall in the overstorey and understorey trees occurred primarily during the first (more severe) dry season. At that time, 17% of the tree species from both storeys lost leaves. (2) At the Dry forest site, the period of greatest leaf fall coincided with the long dry period; at that time 75% of the species lost leaves. (3) Most Wet forest species flushed large quantities of new leaves during the first dry season. This was in contrast to the Dry forest site where most species flushed leaves at the onset of the first rainy season. (4) Two apparent flowering peaks in the overstorey tree species and three apparent flowering peaks in the understorey tree species were recorded during the year at the Wet forest site. These major flowering periods in both layers occurred during wet as well as dry seasons, and two of the peak periods of the overstorey appeared to be out of phase with two of the understorey. The species at the Wet forest site were well represented by both `seasonal' and `extended' flowering species. (5) At the Dry forest site, two peak periods of flowering activity were recognized. One extensive period occurred during the long dry season and a second peak period was recorded at the onset of the rainy season. Most species were of a `seasonal' rather than `extended' flowering nature. (6) With regard to Wet forest fruiting, substantial numbers of species (at least 37) from both storeys were in mature fruit during each month, but a peak in fruiting occurred in both layers during the second dry season (August-October); the fruiting peaks of the two storeys were separated by one month. The disseminules of most Wet forest species were not adapted for wind dispersal. (7) A peak period in the production of mature fruit occurred during the latter part of the long dry season at the Dry forest site. A significant proportion (31%) of the Dry forest species had disseminules adapted for wind dispersal. (8) When phenological patterns of vicarious species of the two forests were compared, only flowering patterns showed similarity (11/27 species). Leafing and fruiting patterns of vicarious species tended to follow the general trends of the respective forest ecosystems. (9) Periodicity patterns of most species in common between the two forest sites were similar. (10) The phenological patterns recorded are discussed in relation to climatic `triggers' (proximate factors) and plant-animal interactions (ultimate factors).
Many trees of tropical dry forests flower or form new shoots soon after leaf shedding during the dry season, i.e., during a period when trees are likely to be severely water stressed. To resolve this apparent paradox, phenology and seasonal changes in tree water status was monitored during two consecutive dry seasons in >150 trees of 37 species growing at different sites in the tropical dry lowland forest of Guanascaste, Costa Rica. Tree development during the dry season varied considerably between species and between sites of different moisture availability. Leaf shedding, flowering, and shoot growth (flushing) were strongly correlated with seasonal changes in tree water status, measured by conventional and newly developed techniques. Tree water status varied with the availability of subsoil water and a variety of biotic factors such as structure and life-span of leaves, time of leaf shedding, wood density and capacity for stem water storage, and depth and density of root systems. Observed tree species differed widely in wood density (from 0.19 to 1.1. g/cm^3) and stem water storage capacity (400-20% of dry mass), which was highly correlated with the degree of desiccation during drought. Only hardwood trees at dry upland sites, lacking stem water storage and access to subsoil water, desiccated strongly (stem water potential
In connection with the quantum-mechanical variation principle, it is shown that the Brillouin theorem and the stability conditions usually associated with the Hartree-Fock scheme in the many-electron theory may be generalized to the case of arbitrary trial functions depending on a set of linear or non-linear complex parameters.
The question of which factors limit the occurrence of a plant species to a particular site is addressed by considering 53 cases in which the distribution of Pinus species has changed in the last century. The authors consider expansions of pines in and adjacent to their natural ranges in the Northern Hemisphere and the spread from sites of introduction in the Southern Hemisphere well outside the contemporary range of pines. They consider a neutral hypothesis (with respect to climate or biological interactions as determinants of invasion): invasion simply requires that a species is present in sufficient numbers, with sufficient propagules over sufficient time to invade. They then explore the relative importance of climatic changes, disturbance, competition, herbivory, pathogens, and other agents that might influence pine membership in communities. Environmental stresses created by moisture and temperature appear to exercise primary control on invasibility at xeric and high-elevation sites, respectively, but play a smaller role at intermediate locations. At these sites, range limits are determined principally by interactions between pine seedlings and the resident biota in adjacent communities. Pine invasions are most prevalent where there is limited competition in the regeneration niche and occur more easily in habitats where the dominant growth form is most different from that of pines, namely in grasslands. The disturbance regime in the receiving habitat is important and interacts directly and indirectly with the "inherent' susceptibility to invasion. Severe disturbances may initiate pine invasions at any latitude, but are essential for reducing the cover of vigorous plant growth (and hence competition in the regeneration niche) in tropical and near-tropical regions. -from Authors