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Abstract and Figures

Since the start of industrialization, machine capabilities have increased in such a way that human control of processes has evolved from simple (with mechanization) to cognitive (with computerization), and even emotional (with semi/full automation). The processes have also evolved from simple to complicated, and now complex systems. This is notably the case with Intelligent Manufacturing Systems in which processes have become so autonomous that humans are unaware of the processes running, while they may need to intervene to update the manufacturing plan or modify the process configuration if a machine breaks down, or to assist process-intelligent entities when they find themselves in a deadlock. This paper highlights the lack of attention paid to the correct integration of humans in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and provides solutions based on Human-Machine Cooperation principles to retain humans in the process control loop with different levels of involvement identified by the levels of automation. The aim of these principles is to propose a human-centered approach to design and evaluate systems, processes, and their interactions with humans. Herein, these principles are detailled and applied to Intelligent Manufacturing Systems using Artifical Self-Organizing systems (ASO) as an example. An assistance system was designed to support cooperation between ASO and human operators. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the system and its utility in improving the performance of Human-Machine Systems, as well as its acceptability with regard to human factors. The results presented highlight the advantages of the approach.
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Designing Intelligent Manufacturing Systems through Human-Machine Cooperation
Principles: A Human-Centered Approach
Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoinea,
, Damien Trentesauxa, Gabriel Zambrano Reyb, Patrick Millota
a LAMIH, UMR CNRS 8201, University of Valenciennes et Hainaut-Cambrésis, UVHC
Le Mont Houy, 59313 Valenciennes Cedex, France
{marie-pierre.lemoine, damien.trentesaux, patrick.millot}
b Department of Industrial Engineering, Pontificia Universidad
Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
Abstract. Since the start of industrialization, machine capabilities have increased in such a way that
human control of processes has evolved from simple (with mechanization) to cognitive (with
computerization), and even emotional (with semi/full automation). The processes have also evolved
from simple to complicated, and now complex systems. This is notably the case with Intelligent
Manufacturing Systems in which processes have become so autonomous that humans are unaware of
the processes running, while they may need to intervene to update the manufacturing plan or modify
the process configuration if a machine breaks down, or to assist process-intelligent entities when they
find themselves in a deadlock. This paper highlights the lack of attention paid to the correct
integration of humans in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and provides solutions based on Human-
Machine Cooperation principles to retain humans in the process control loop with different levels of
involvement identified by the levels of automation. The aim of these principles is to propose a
human-centered approach to design and evaluate systems, processes, and their interactions with
humans. Herein, these principles are detailled and applied to Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
using Artifical Self-Organizing systems (ASO) as an example. An assistance system was designed to
support cooperation between ASO and human operators. Experiments were conducted to evaluate
the system and its utility in improving the performance of Human-Machine Systems, as well as its
acceptability with regard to human factors. The results presented highlight the advantages of the
Models to design and evaluate the performance of Human-Machine Systems are presented.
A human-centered approach is proposed to design human-aware Intelligent Manufacturing Systems.
The first results of the experiments relating to the usefulness of a human-centered approach are
Keywords: Techno-Centered Design, Human-Machine Cooperation, Human-Centered Design,
Levels Of Automation, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems.
1. Introduction
Human factors have been a focal point when designing transportation system processes. However,
with the rapid rise in the complexity of industrial systems and the organization of the humans
involved, human factors have been considered differently, usually in response to requirements
following negative experiences and industrial disasters (Seveso, Bhopal, AZF, Chernobyl…). In
France, the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, and Energy drew up an inventory of the
technological accidents that occurred in 2014 (Blanc et al., 2015). The report showed that in the case
Corresponding author
of automated process failures, technological accidents occurred in a specific context in which human
operators were directly involved in machine control, and indirectly involved in the design,
maintenance, and supervision of the human-machine systems.
The study also mentions that technological accidents are caused primarily by material failures (37%)
and human errors (63%). Regarding human errors, it highlights that “it is essential to understand the
organizational context that results in these primary causes”. In fact, two main causes are identified
and concern automated process running and design. It highlights several shortcomings in the training
and organization of human activity (26%), the adaptation of workstations to control the process
(15%), the tasks to be performed (23%), and the design of the process itself (30%). These results
underline the inappropriate use of human skills and the underestimation of the importance of training
in performing increasingly difficult and complex tasks. The study identified four types of human
error during accidents: no action (40%), appropriate but late action (31%), aggravating action (24%),
and inefficient action (5%). A recent study highlights that researchers often neglect the strengths and
weaknesses of human operators when designing innovative industrial control systems (Trentesaux &
Millot, 2016). Thus, despite the fact that human operators are systematically “in the control loop” of
industrial systems, researchers adopt a techno-centered approach, favoring the definition and
allocation of tasks to automated systems, only taking human operators into consideration at the end
of the design process once the control system has been defined. Furthermore, it is generally
considered that human operators will be there to handle any unexpected situations efficiently.
Consequently, to deal with a complex process that fails or behaves in a hazardous or even
unpredictable way, humans need to be simultaneously coordinated, efficient, and rapid, i.e. they have
to be “magic humans(Trentesaux & Millot, 2016).
The objective of this paper is to encourage researchers involved in designing industrial control
systems, and more particularly manufacturing control systems - by far those with which there are the
most accidents (Blanc et al., 2015) - to address the aspect of human operators from the early stages
of the design process and to adopt a more human-centered approach. In this paper, the scope is
narrowed to a specific kind of innovative manufacturing system called “Intelligent Manufacturing
System” (IMS), which is justified:
First, by the fact that IMS are considered a promising paradigm along with current mature
technological solutions (Ambient Intelligence, Internet of Things, embedded systems…) and
concepts (Cyber-Physical Systems, Intelligent Products, Holons…) that potentially provide
more efficient, reactive, and resilient control mechanisms than classical manufacturing
systems (Van Brussel, Wyns, Valckenaers, Bongaerts, & Peeters, 1998).
Second, as IMS foster the use of more distributed decisional mechanisms. IMS control
systems are basically composed of self-organizing, autonomous, intelligent, and interacting
decisional control entities (e.g., modeled as holons). Consequently, there is more new
emerging and unpredicted behavior to be addressed. This justifies more the need to integrate
the human operator in the manufacturing control process in order to handle this behavior.
However, it makes it harder to define how to successfully integrate humans due to the lack of
predictability of such systems.
Continuing with the analysis of the current situation presented by (Trentesaux & Millot, 2016), this
paper deals with a human-centered design approach for IMS based on human-machine cooperation
principles. The approach was evaluated through real experiments on a full-size academic Flexible
Manufacturing System (FMS). Section 2 presents the current design of the industrial process,
underlining some problems in terms of IMS. Some solutions are presented in Section 3, which deals
with Human-Machine Cooperation principles and the design and evaluation of IMS. These principles
are then applied to design more cooperative, efficient interactions between humans and intelligent
manufacturing control processes. In Section 4, some experimental results are presented, along with
the advantages of a human-centered approach.
2. Towards a human-centered design approach in IMS
One of the main domains relevant to IMS concerns distributed scheduling in manufacturing control.
Research activities in this domain foster a paradigm that aims to provide manufacturing control
systems with more autonomy and adaptation capabilities through the functional or geographical
distribution of informational and decisional capabilities among artificial entities (e.g., modeled as
holons). This paradigm creates emerging "bottom-up" behavioral mechanisms complementary to
possible “top-down” ones generated by a centralized, predictive system to limit or to push this
emerging behavior evolving within pre-fixed bounds (Cardin et al., 2015). Holons are designed with
the ability to take into account other holon behavior, as well as the current environmental state. The
aim of such adaptation is to improve reactivity, resilience, and robustness of the global system
composed only of holons that choose their own trajectory. This type of entity is also linked to the
concept of “intelligent product” (McFarlane, Giannikas, Wong, & Harrison, 2013) and can be
integrated as part of a more global “cyber-physical system” (Lee, Bagheri, & Kao, 2015).
Researchers in IMS, and industrial systems in general, often consider the human operator as the
overall supervisor (Gaham, Bouzouia, & Achour, 2015), (Zambrano Rey, Carvalho, & Trentesaux,
2013). According to this approach, the human operator has to determine the objectives, as well as
tune the parameters, constraints, and rules in order to influence holon behavior. Even if industrial
system designers perceive this as a “human-in-the-loop” approach, in terms of human factors it can
be interpreted more as a way of keeping humans in the “decisional/responsibility loop” but not in the
“control loop”. This means that each individual decision in such a holonic system impacts the global
control of the system and assumes the withdrawal of human decisions: the human is excluded from
the decisions made by the holonic control system. Moreover, the human, as an external manager
never involved in the dynamics of the construction of holon decisions, is in fact unaware of the
system running and is unable to decide what would be the right rule or parameter to tune.
Figure 1. Techno-centered IMS design approach.
This design approach is “techno-centered” and priority is given to solving technical issues instead of
human aspects. A techno-centered approach consists in automating a maximum number of functions
(in nominal or degraded mode) in a pre-defined context and it is assumed that the human operator
will supervise and handle all the unforeseen situations in due course. Several approaches dealing
with the design of Decision Support Systems in manufacturing systems are paradoxically based on
such a “techno-centered” approach (MacCarthy, 2006; Trentesaux, Dindeleux, & Tahon, 1998). With
derision, (Trentesaux & Millot, 2016) call such a human operator the magic human. In this study,
perfect observations
& constraints
Magic Human
“Human-in-the-loop” Intelligent Manufacturing Control Systems
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
several examples, mainly from the domain of nuclear power plants, have been provided that
highlight the overestimation of human operator capabilities. It was also observed that the same risk
will emerge soon, if it has not done so already, in manufacturing systems. Figure 1 presents an
updated version of the initial work presented in (Trentesaux & Millot, 2016). In this figure, the
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) level is responsible for providing the intelligent manufacturing
control system with production objectives (production to be achieved) and constraints (energy
thresholds, etc.), while it gathers key performance indicators (e.g., energy consumption, production
lead times, and throughput).
The techno-centered approach overestimates the ability of the human operator who must behave
perfectly when desired and within suitable response times, as well as react perfectly in the face of
unexpected situations. But are human operators ready to face the unexpected with the complexity of
IMS? Conversely, what should the human operator do when an unexpected event occurs for which
no anticipated technical solution is available and the human is the only entity able to come up with
2.1 Literature review on human-centered design in IMS
The literature on human-centered design in IMS is scarce and still emerging. Long-established
activities concerned the design of assistance systems for IMS (Erbe, 1998). Human-centered design
in IMS has been addressed more recently in some studies dealing with levels of automation (Dencker
et al., 2009; Frohm, Lindström, Stahre, & Winroth, 2008; Lindström & Winroth, 2010; Säfsten,
Winroth, & Stahre, 2007). In these studies, a method called Dynamo (Dynamic Levels of
Automation for Robust Manufacturing Systems) was proposed to measure the level of automation in
terms of both mechanical and informational work tasks. Levels of automation were then identified
according to the business and manufacturing strategy. Consequently, their goals were related more to
studying the balance between strategic objectives (global performance) and available levels of
automation, than to adapting levels of automation according to human factors. Other studies have
been conducted that consider how the human operator can be the key component to react quickly to
operational changes or urgent requests (Grosse, Glock, & Neumann, 2015), to handle the unexpected
(Valckenaers et al., 2011) along with a control system that embeds accurate models of reality
(mirroring process) (Valckenaers & Van Brussel, 2016). Finally, (Trentesaux & Millot, 2016)
proposed a human-centered approach based on a set of specifications to be satisfied when designing
“human-in-the-loop” IMS.
A growing number of researchers, especially in ergonomics and human engineering, are addressing
the domain of industrial engineering to ensure more human-centered manufacturing control system
designs. As a prerequisite, they have worked on Human-Machine Cooperation, Levels of
Automation and Situation Awareness, and Human-Automation Symbiosis (May et al., 2014; Millot,
2014; Romero, Noran, Stahre, Bernus, & Fast-Berglund, 2015). Some EU projects have also been
launched to illustrate this nascent field such as SO-PC-PRO (Subject Orientation For People Centred
Production) and MAN-MADE (MANufacturing through ergonoMic and safe Anthropocentric
aDaptive workplacEs for context-aware factories in Europe). Other research focuses on the
interaction between human operators, designers, and machines, and proposes ontological filtering
systems to provide a knowledge base that supports exchanges for design and control (Lepratti, 2006;
Nishitani, 1996). Interactions between human operators and machines, and between several types of
machine are studied in the same way for the purposes of harmonization to achieve more efficient
control of a flexible manufacturing cell (Solvang, Sziebig, & Korondi, 2012). Another approach
deals with studying a human operator model that could be used to improve human-machine
cooperation (Oborski, 2004). (Pires, 2005) highlights semi-autonomous aspects of industrial robotic
Concerning the industrial state of the art in this domain, numerous studies are underway to correctly
integrate the human operator in manufacturing processes, but they are being conducted mainly at
ergonomic level (Methods-time measurement MTM, etc.) and for low-level operational and
efficiency-oriented decisions (e.g., lean management). Upper levels, dealing with supervision,
scheduling, and control, etc., do not really apply a human-centered approach. This also holds true for
IMS, as there are few full-scale real implementations in this field of research.
2.2 Specifying a more human-centered design in IMS
The authors think that nowadays, particularly in IMS but also in industrial systems in general, it is
crucial to revise the basic research design patterns to adopt a more human-centered approach to limit
the hidden assumption of the magic human. This is obviously a huge, complex challenge. However,
this paper does not intend to provide absolute solutions, but rather aims to raise the alarm and to
provide some initial tentative models. These models are based on a set of facts that were identified in
the paper (Trentesaux & Millot, 2016) and are summed up in the following paragraphs.
The human can be the devil and unfortunately, some design engineers consider him/her to be just
that: his/her rationality is bounded (cf. “Simon’s principle”), he/she may forget, make mistakes,
over-react, be absent or even be the root cause of a disaster. For example, due to poor understanding
of the system behavior the human decides to switch to secure mode (Three Mile Island), or does not
do the right thing due to a lack of trust in the automated system or a lack of knowledge of the
industrial system (Chernobyl) (Schmitt, 2012). The controlled system must be designed accordingly
to manage this risk. A typical example of such a system is the railroad “dead-man's vigilance device”
where the driver has to regularly push a button so that the control system knows that he/she is really
in command. This is a first level of mutual control between the system and the human, which
assumes that the other is of limited reliability. More elaborate levels could address the issue of wrong
or abnormal command signals either from the human or the control system.
The human can be the hero, and we often believe that: he/she may save lives through unexpected,
innovative behavior (e.g., Apollo 13). The whole human-machine IMS must be designed to enable
the human to integrate unforeseen processes and mechanisms as much as possible. The human is also
an opportunist who can perceive and use unexpected information in such a way to improve the
current decision or action (Woods, Tittle, Feil, & Roesler, 2004).
The human can be the powerless witness: he/she may be unable to act despite being sure he/she is
right and the automated system wrong. The human can helplessly watch a disaster unfold due to the
design of an automated but poorly sized plant, for example (Fukushima) (Schmitt, 2012). The
automated part of the IMS control system must be designed to ensure it can be observed and
controlled by the human whenever desired.
The human is legally and socially accountable: the issue of allocating authority and responsibilities
between humans and machines is not so easy to resolve (e.g., automatic cruise control, air traffic
control, automated purchase procurement processes, automatic process scheduling). The designer
must consider this aspect when designing and allocating decisional abilities among manufacturing
control entities (Flemisch et al., 2012). In other words, if the human is accountable, he/she must be
allowed to fully control the IMS.
Based on these facts, some specifications to design a more human-centered IMS can be formulated.
Some of these are described in the paper by (Trentesaux & Millot, 2016), and are detailed in the
following paragraphs.
The human must always be aware of the situation: according to (Endsley, 1995), Situation
Awareness (SA) is composed of three levels: SA1 (perception of the elements), SA2 (comprehension
of the situation), and SA3 (projection of future states). Each SA level must, therefore, be considered
to ensure that humans can make decisions and continuously develop their mental models of the IMS
(e.g., to recover control or just to know what the situation is).
The levels of automation (LoA) must be suitable and adaptive: some tasks must be automated (e.g.,
automated manufacturing operations) but some cannot be. However, the related LoA must not be
predefined and definitively established. It must evolve according to situations, events, and human
and holon competences and capacities. Sometimes it must facilitate the work of the human (in
normal conditions, for example), and other times restore his/her control of critical tasks (when
abnormal situations occur in the IMS, for example). Consequently, the automated part of the IMS
control system must cooperate differently with the human according to the global situation. So, task
allocation must be dynamic, handled in an adaptive way, and justified.
The diversity and repeatability of decisions must be considered: typically, to avoid boring repetitive
actions/decisions as often encountered in manufacturing. This also requires the clarification, as much
as possible, of all the rare decisions for which the human is not prepared (e.g., emergency escape and
secure stopping of production, recovery procedure after major failure or hazardous situations). For
that, a time-based, abstraction-based hierarchy (e.g., strategic, tactical, and operational levels) and a
typology of decisions (e.g., according to skill, rule or knowledge-based behavior (Rasmussen, 1983))
can be defined.
Therefore, the human mental workload must be carefully regulated: according to some of the
previous principles, an “optimal workload” can be found between “nothing to do”, inducing a
potential lack of interest, and “too many things to do”, inducing stress and fatigue. A typical
consequence is that the designer must carefully define different time horizons (from real time to long
term), and balance the reaction times of the human with those of the automated part of the IMS. This
is one of the traditional issues dealt with by researchers in human engineering (Lemoine, M. P.,
Debernard, Crevits, and Millot, 1996), (Trentesaux, Moray, & Tahon, 1998).
Related to the previous point is the feeling of the need to cooperate. The need to cooperate may
appear when humans feel overloaded and need assistance. If the workload is below a given
threshold, the human does not perceive any need to cooperate and feels capable of performing the
task alone. If the workload increases or may increase over the next few minutes, the human needs to
cooperate despite the extra load due to the cooperation itself (Millot & Pacaux-Lemoine, 2013).
Lastly, an important human aspect concerns willingness to cooperate. Willingness to cooperate is
related to relations between humans, as well as between humans and assistance systems with regards
to self-confidence and trust (Millot & Pacaux-Lemoine, 2013). Willingness to cooperate can be seen
as an increasing function of trust in the system and a decreasing function of self-confidence. So, the
more the human trusts the assistance system, the more the human will be willing to cooperate. The
more the human is self-confident, the less the human wants to cooperate. This seems consistent with
a study conducted by (J Lee & Moray, 1992) on function allocations between humans and
automated control systems. Moreover, (Rajaonah, Tricot, Anceaux, & Millot, 2008) showed that
trust also plays a role in the interaction.
3. Proposal of a human-centered design framework in IMS
From these specifications, it is, of course, impossible to develop a generic model that complies with
all the previous principles for each possible case. Despite this, we can propose a human-centered
design framework for researchers in IMS, and industrial systems in general, with some ideas to limit
the magic human effect in their control systems. For this purpose, Figure 2 presents a global
framework that is an improved version of an initial partial framework presented in (Trentesaux &
Millot, 2016). This framework features some of the specifications introduced previously and is to be
compared with Figure 1. We detail here some aspects of the suggested framework relevant to these
First, as suggested in one of the specifications presented previously, the structure is symmetric and
has been decomposed into 3 levels for each of the actors: operational (in the short term, directly
connected to command), tactical (at a higher hierarchical level to achieve intermediate objectives),
and strategic level (the highest decisional level, to plan intermediate objectives).
Cooperation between the human operator and the intelligent manufacturing control system is
achieved through exchange of information at strategic, tactical, or operational level. In addition,
decisions and requests are exchanged between two levels. For example, a strategic decision for the
human operator may be to increase the importance of energy consumption in the system. A
corresponding tactical decision for the human operator could be to delay some products to even out
energy consumption, while an operational decision would be to immediately turn on or off a robot
given the evolution of the instantaneous total energy consumption. Cooperation with the intelligent
manufacturing control system at each level would facilitate the definition of the new energy cost
(strategic level), the list of products to delay (tactical level), and the robot to be turned on/off. It is
important to note that due to possible fast reaction times at operational level, cooperation must be
limited at this level. However, this does not mean that the system is fully automated. We can
therefore consider system automation in 3 subsets. One subset is fully automated, but the human can
intervene if necessary to modify or correct conveyors and product positions. A second one is
partially automated, but feedback of experience enables procedures to be designed that the human
must follow (a kind of human automation). The last subset is neither automated nor foreseen and
therefore must be achieved using human inventive capabilities. This requires paying particular
attention when designing the whole system so that humans can give their very best, especially when
no technical solution is available.
Figure 2. Human-centered IMS design approach
Second, a key proposal is related to the integration of mutual observation (through the cooperation
process) that undertakes to investigate the limited reliability of either the human or the intelligent
manufacturing control system. For that purpose, each cooperating “agent” (the human operator or the
intelligent manufacturing control system) has a behavioral model of the other. Detailing these
behavioral models in depth is not within the scope of this paper but one can imagine different
solutions and ways to define such models. For example, the human operator’s behavioral model of
the intelligent manufacturing control system can be constructed through programming, learning, and
teaching experiences. The second behavioral model of the human operator integrated into the
intelligent manufacturing control system may contain knowledge about normal/abnormal locations
for the human operator to be in the manufacturing system depending on the actual location and tasks
of intelligent robots and AGV (automated guided vehicle), or about his/her current set of tasks with
their average completion time (including technics inspired from the dead man’s vigilance device),
etc. More elaborate behavioral models of the human operator may include a model of his/her
creativity, emotional behavior, stress, and trust (Martínez-Miranda & Pavón, 2010).
Some other specifications cannot really be represented in Figure 2 but are considered in the
suggested framework. This is typically the case for those dealing with Levels of Automation (LoA).
(Sheridan, 1992) proposed well-known guidelines based on 10 levels. At level 1, control is
completely manual while at level 10, it is fully automated. Intermediate level 4 corresponds to the
decision support system (the control selects a possible action and proposes it to the human operator).
At level 6, the control leaves the human operator a limited amount of time to counterbalance the
decision before its automatic execution. This can be specified for each level (strategic, tactical, and
operational). For example, nowadays it is conceivable that the Intelligent Manufacturing Control
system depicted in Figure 2 changes the operational decision level itself from levels 1 to 4 to level 10
because of the need to react within milliseconds to avoid an accident, while it leaves the tactical
decision level unchanged at an intermediate level. Researchers in aeronautics and driving addressed
Tactical level
Operational level command
Behavioral model of the
intelligent manufacturing
control system
Strategic level
Tactical level
Limited observat ions
Human operator
Behavioral model of
the human operator
Strategic level
Intelligent Manufacturing Control
“Human-in-the-loop” Intelligent Manufacturing Control Systems
& con straints
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Exchange Information
Operational level
Information exchang e
Information e xchange
Information exchange
Information e xchange
adaptive automation, which could inspire research in IMS and industrial engineering in general
(Inagaki, 2003; Kaber & Endsley, 2004).
The suggested framework encompasses several aspects relating to cooperation, decision levels,
levels of automation, etc. As introduced in Figure 2, cooperation is at the heart of the framework and
is one of its key elements. Moreover, current technology enables innovative cooperation schemes to
be designed. For these reasons, the remainder of the paper focuses on this aspect.
3.1. Human-machine cooperation principles in the suggested framework
Work on Human-Machine Cooperation is very promising as current technology allows more and
more decisional capabilities to be embedded in both material (e.g., machines, products) and
immaterial (e.g., production orders) holons, transforming them into efficient assistance systems to
help humans enhance performance. In this context, it is suggested that each of these assistance
systems embed individual as well as cooperative capabilities. Such capabilities, and also tools, that
can support cooperation among holons and the human operator are now presented.
The principles of Human-Machine Cooperation (HMC) have been stipulated with a focus on
Dynamic Task Allocation, and generic concepts have been proposed to identify all kinds of
interactions between one or several human operators and one or several assistance systems (Millot &
Hoc, 1997; Millot & Mandiau, 1995). Human-Machine Cooperation principles have been applied to
several domains: air traffic control (Jean-Michel Hoc & Lemoine, 1998), robotics (Pacaux et al.,
2011) , fighter aircraft (M P Pacaux-Lemoine & Loiselet, 2002), and car driving (M.-P. Pacaux-
Lemoine, Simon, & Popieul, 2015). One objective of this contribution is to assess the usefulness of
such principles in the context of IMS. Stemming mainly from the global presentation of the Human-
machine Cooperation approach used in different domains in (Marie Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine, 2014),
this paper focuses on the use and adaptation of the models in IMS to design assistance systems.
Situations of cooperation may arise between at least two “agents”. In this paper, the term “agent” is
used in a general sense to define a decisional entity and denotes, for example, a human operator, an
intelligent control system (e.g., a single holon or a full holonic control architecture), or a Decision
Support System. The basic definition used to study cooperation is: “Two agents in a system are in a
situation of cooperation if (a) each strives to reach goals while interfering with the others’ goals (at
least regarding resources or procedures), and (b) they try to manage such interference to make the
others’ activities easier” (M.-P. Lemoine & Hoc, 1996). So, cooperative agents, interacting and
involved in controlling the same IMS process, perform both individual and cooperative tasks. The
abilities corresponding to each type of task are called “know-how” and “know-how-to-cooperate”,
respectively (Millot & Lemoine, 1998) (cf. Figure 3).
Figure 3. Model of a cooperative agent
Agent know-how (KH) is an agent’s ability to control the process without taking into account
exchanges with other agents, and can be divided into two parts: internal and external know-how.
Internal know-how relates to the agents skills and capacity to control the process and deal with
problem solving, i.e. analyzing situations and making decisions. Capabilities are related more to the
agents’ abilities to solve problems with regard to their experience and expertise. So, problem solving
can be based on the agent’s skills if the problem is well known, the agent’s rules if the problem is
clearly identified and predefined rules can be used, or the agent’s knowledge if the problem is new
and the agent has to analyze it to find a new solution (Rasmussen, 1983). Processing abilities relate
to the agents’ capacity to solve the problem. The solution is identified but agents can be overloaded
or have no more resources to implement it. External know-how is associated with the ability to
obtain information from the process and the ability to act on the process (i.e. agent input/output with
the process). This know-how enables tasks or functions to be identified, shared, and allocated to
agents in order to reach a common goal.
Agent know-how-to-cooperate (KHC) is also divided into two parts: internal and external. Internal
know-how-to-cooperate allows an agent to build a model of other agents (their know-how and know-
how-to-cooperate) in order to facilitate cooperation with them. External know-how-to-cooperate is
the ability to exchange information with others (i.e. input/output with others). Know-how-to-
cooperate enables interactions between agents to be managed and helps mutual understanding and
KH and KHC can be seen as two functions used by agents in turn or at the same time, with varying
priority as regards the state of the system, type of activity, and agent’s workload for instance. Figure
4 focuses on a human and an assistance system working in cooperation on one level (whereas Figure
2 deals with three levels). KH functions are described according to the models proposed by
(Parasuraman, Sheridan, & Wickens, 2000; Rasmussen, 1983). KHC functions are based mainly on
the definition of cooperation (Jean-Michel Hoc & Lemoine, 1998). “Assistance system” is a generic
term used to deal with any kind of non-human agent; it can be a decision support system, a robot, a
holon, etc. In Figure 4, between the KH and KHC of the human and the assistance system, the light
blue rectangle represents the Common Work Space (CWS), which can propose a representation of
past, current, and future states of the process, as well as agents’ individual and cooperative activities
Know-how (KH)
Internal ability to solve problems (regarding the process)
capabilities: knowledge, rules, skills / experience, expertise
processing abilities: workload, fatigue, distraction…
External ability to:
get information (from the process and the environment)
act (on the process)
Know-how-to-cooperate (KHC)
Internal ability to:
build a model of other agents (KH and KHC)
deduce the other agents’ intentions
analyze the task and identify the cooperative organization
produce a common plan regarding tasks and coordination
External ability to communicate:
understanding other agents
providing other agents with information
(Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine & Debernard, 2002). It also facilitates the exchange of information
between agents and helps improve team situation awareness (Millot & Pacaux-Lemoine, 2013).
Figure 4. Human-Machine cooperation model based on (Marie Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine, 2014)
According to the capabilities of the humans and the assistance systems, they can cooperate to “gather
information”, “analyze information”, “make decisions”, and “implement actions”. Such sub-
functions can be shared, traded, and combined by the KHC function control via the slider on each
scale displayed in the CWS. The closer the slider is to the human side, the greater the authority of the
human and the greater the responsibility for the sub-function. The closer the slider is to the assistance
system side, the greater the authority of the assistance system to control the sub-function. However,
it is still currently difficult to deal with assistance system responsibilities. Most of the time,
assistance system designers are not concerned with these responsibilities. The position of the slider is
managed as a result of KHC functions, meaning that the human as well as the assistance system can
accept, refuse or negotiate the proposal of the other (M.-P. Pacaux-Lemoine & Debernard, 2002).
Figure 4 presents cooperation between a human and an assistance system with the same objective.
However, this representation can also be used to study or design cooperation among several humans,
among several humans and assistance systems (as in a holonic manufacturing control architecture) or
even among several assistance systems (usually decision support systems at tactical and strategic
levels and holons at operational level). This representation can be used to study and design
cooperation between levels of activity or hierarchical levels (cf. Figure 5).
Assistant system
Manufacturing system
gathering Action
gathering Action
Human Know-How
Assistance system Know-How
Info. gathering on
the other agent Interference
detection Interference
management Cooperative
Info. gathering on
the other agent Interference
detection Interference
management Cooperative
Assistance system Know-How-to-Cooperate
Human Know-How-to-Cooperate
Raw data Command
Figure 5. Multi-level cooperation based on (M. P. Lemoine et al., 1996)
Humans and assistance systems can cooperate with regard to each sub-function and the
complementary objectives of each level of activity. These can be called the horizontal extension and
the vertical extension, respectively, of the shared control concept in (M.-P. Pacaux-Lemoine & Itoh,
3.2 Implementation of the suggested Human-Machine cooperation approach in the proposed
Human-machine cooperation principles considering multi-level aspects can be extremely helpful to
identify current human and system capabilities in IMS and to propose improvements with regard to
those capabilities. The following example stems from a study conducted subsequent to the
publication of a set of initial ideas suggested by (Zambrano Rey et al., 2013). Herein, the idea is to
evaluate the impact of a human-centered design on manufacturing system performance (e.g., energy
used, production completed in a fixed time…) compared to a techno-centered design. Other
performance indicators related to human aspects (workload, ease of use…) will also be assessed.
This study was based on the specific artificial self-organizing intelligent control of a flexible
manufacturing system (FMS). Artificial self-organizing (ASO) systems are a possible way of
implementing IMS principles and are considered in the remainder of this paper. They have been
selected for their potential reactivity in the face of human interventions. The ASO manufacturing
control system (ASO-MCS) proposed is based on holonic and bio-inspired paradigms (Barbosa,
Leitão, Adam, & Trentesaux, 2015). In a techno-centered design approach, the system interprets
human intervention as an external disturbance. However, since the behavior of the ASO is highly
reactive and hard to predict by the human, the human-centered approach must address the following
questions: How can the human supervise the ASO-MCS? How can the ASO-MCS perceive the
intervention of the human as help and not a disturbance?
We tried to answer these questions by implementing a technical solution of the proposed human-
centered design framework with the Human-Machine cooperation principles presented previously.
Instead of focusing on ASO and operational level, three levels of activity were analyzed to assist the
humans and manage interactions between levels. Figure 6 details the strategic, tactical, and
operational levels. Each level is described according to the cooperation model presented in the
previous section. In this example, we consider that the humans present at each level are different
people, but it could be the same person depending on the size of the ASO and the organization of the
manufacturing system.
Strategic level definition of the plan
Tactical level application of the plan by triggering tasks
Operational level control of the process
Agent x1Agent xn
Agent y1Agent yn
Agent z1Agent zn
Agent z2
Agent y2
Cooperation inside level
between levels
Number of agents
Figure 6. Multi-level cooperation in IMS
At strategic level, the human knows or defines the global objectives of the manufacturing system in
terms of performance to be attained using information provided by the ERP. In the example, we try
to control the number of products and energy consumption, i.e. the human’s strategic KH. Based on
these objectives, a strategic decision assistance system proposes a manufacturing plan to the human;
this is the system’s KH. The human and the assistance system exchange information via the
Common Work Space (CWS), a visual interface for exchanging information between each agent
involved in the manufacturing management system. The CWS is global at strategic level, but focuses
in more detail on smaller parts of the manufacturing system at tactical level and even more so at
operational level. At strategic level, the CWS allows the human to give the decision assistance
system objectives. However, to be able to do this the human needs a model of the assistance system;
this is his/her KHC. Through this ability to cooperate, he/she can provide information that the
assistance system can compute correctly. Conversely, the assistance system provides its analysis and
decision making, and displays a set of decisions via the CWS. The assistance system also needs a
KHC in order to display decisions that are visible, understandable, and acceptable by the human.
At tactical level, the human and the assistance system know the manufacturing plan provided at
strategic level. The local objectives of the human are to supervise the progress of the plan controlled
by the ASO-MCS, and so the human is expected to redress or update the manufacturing plan after a
negative trend. This is the human’s tactical KH. Nevertheless, as explained above, ASO systems are
complex and highly reactive systems that humans may understand little and manage without
stopping the process. In order to avoid such an extreme situation, an ASO-MCS with a tactical
assistance system able to use the current ASO state and provide decisions is presented in Figure 7. In
the ASO-MCS proposed, the ASO is comprised of products and machines. Products are modeled as
holons (PH1,…PHn) that can decide for themselves on which machine holon (MH1,…,MHm) their
Manufacturing system
KH: Modification/correction of conveyors or products
KH: Definition of commands for each product
CWS: Subparts of Self-Organizing System
Operational level
Objectives Conveyors and products
Output Input /
KH: Supervision of plan progress
KHC: Providing orders
KH: Analysis of Self-Org. System and proposal of potential fields
KHC: Sharing and explanation of decisions
CWS: Self-Organizing System
Tactical level
Local objectives
Constraints Potential fields
Orders / Decisions
Global objectives
Strategic level
KH: Definition of plan
KHC: Providing objectives and understanding system decisions
KH: Proposal of plan
KHC: Providing set of decisions
CWS: Global manufacturing system
Number of products
Energy consumption
Orders /
Manufacturing plan
Human A
Strategic Decision Assistance System
Human B
Human C
Tactical Decision Assistance System
Self-Organizing System: Holons
next operation will be processed. In addition, PHs can dynamically decide which routing path,
composed of successive conveyor segments (and nodes), will be used to reach the selected MH.
These decisions are based on the evolution of a specific set of variables propagated through the
conveying system that represent machine attractiveness, and indicate the routes from each node to
any machine. The design of these variables is based on the potential fields (PF) emitted by machines:
the greater the potential field, the more attractive the machine or the conveying segment propagating
the field. The value of the potential field is sensed by the products and helps them to choose their
next machine/direction. The PF increases or decreases dynamically, depending on the status of the
machine for example (available, unavailable, busy…). Potential fields are propagated through the
routing network and mitigated depending on the distance (the farther the machine, the less interesting
it is for a product; the busier the routing path, the greater the mitigation). The reader can find more
information in (Pach, Berger, Sallez, & Trentesaux, 2015).
Figure 7 describes the interaction between the ASO, the assistance system, and the human operator at
tactical level. The assistance system contains an emulation of the manufacturing system to be
controlled. The emulation is a “mirror” of reality and so it can help the human supervise the progress
of the plan (tactical level, KH in Figure 6). This will help the human make the right decisions and
issue the right orders that will be applied to the real FMS through the real MCS (tactical level, KHC
in Figure 6). For this purpose, the assistance system enables possible decisions to be tested using the
emulator. Hence, by updating the product state (PSn) and machine state (MSm) in the emulator, the
human operator can use the assistance to improve his/her understanding and to explain the behavior
of the ASO (tactical level, KHC in Figure 6), before actually making a decision in the real MCS. The
possible decision of the operator is an input parameter of the assistance system and an estimation of
the Objective Functions (OF) provides the human with valuable information via the CWS. The
human’s KHC is to provide the assistance system with the right information. The assistance system’s
KHC is to provide decisions that meet the human’s requests and to justify them in a way that the
human can understand and accept. Therefore, as presented in Figure 6, the main purpose of the ASO-
MCS with a tactical assistance system is to enable the analysis and comprehension of the self-
organizing system and, in this case, the possibility of using potential fields to help the system recover
after a perturbation. Consequently, the human’s interaction with the tactical assistance system allows
him/her to make more informed decisions before actually making them in the real system.
Figure 7. The ASO-MCS with tactical assistance
At operational level, the human shares the physical area with the ASO-MCS components. Hence, the
consequences of any decision or action made by the human will be reflected immediately. For
instance, the human’s functional objectives are to intervene if a problem occurs that is likely to cause
a deadlock such as a mechanical or electrical problem with conveyors, machines, or products. The
human, therefore, must act because the ASO-MCS cannot manage such an issue by itself. The ability
of the human to address such specific issues in the right way is his/her KH. The human, therefore,
focuses on one or a few elements of the ASO-MCS (e.g., a machine holon under maintenance), and
is unaware of the global functioning of the ASO-MCS. At this level, without assistance, the human
has no KHC to help him/her intervene on part of the ASO-MCS without disturbing it because he/she
is unable to build a representation of such a reactive system (which means that in Figure 2 there is no
“Behavioral model of the intelligent manufacturing control system box in this situation). From the
ASO-MCS point of view, the same situation may occur. Given the distributed decision-making in the
ASO-MCS, the system does not have a global view of itself and does not give the human a global
representation of itself. In addition, the ASO-MCS may consider the human’s actions as a
disturbance, and it cannot take him/her into account in a positive way (which means that in Figure 2
there is no “Behavioral model of the human operator” box in this situation). The absence of
cooperation at this level may be resolved by an assistance system and cooperation at tactical level.
The details of the assistance systems used during the short experiments are provided in the following
4. Initial steps to test the approach
The experiments were conducted on the flexible manufacturing system at the University of
Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis (named AIP-PRIMECA FMS). This system is an assembly cell
with conveyors on which products, fixed to moving shuttles, reach machines in order to obtain
manufacturing services (cf. Figure 8).
FMS Emulator
Input module
Output module
FMS structural
Product and
machine holons
Global Objectives
(eOF, aPF(MHm))
FMS status ASO
Human Operator
FMS actual
performance (CWS)
FMS real-time data
Assistance System
FMS actual
H-M data flow (online)
Data flow (online)
PF controller Human choicevalidation (online)
eOF : estimated obj ective function
aPF(MHm): Potentialfield
Recommendation for the mth
machine holon
rPF(MHm): Potentialfield set to
the mth machine holon
PS :Product state
MS: Machine state
rOF1: Actual value of objective
función 1
rOF2: Actual value of objective
función 2
PH :Productholon
MH: Machine holon
Figure 8. The flexible manufacturing system (FMS)
As introduced in the previous section, products are physically self-organizing holons composed of a
physical and an embedded informational part. As autonomous entities, they choose their own
trajectory according to potential fields. In the experiments, the human modified the potential fields
emitted by the resources to control product trajectories and targets. The tactical level was tested in
this paper. The following section describes the tactical decision assistance system implemented.
4.1. Description of the tactical decision assistance system implemented
As seen in Figure 7, the tactical assistance system here is composed of an instantiated emulator of
the manufacturing system to be controlled, an input module, a potential field controller, and an
output module (CWS). The emulator comprises three parts: the FMS structural model, the decisional
entities’ behavior, and the current status of the FMS. The FMS structural model corresponds to that
of the AIP-PRIMECA FMS (Figure 8 and bottom-right in Figure 7), and models physical
components, physical constraints, and managerial constraints. The decisional entities are created to
reflect the decision-making algorithms and relationships between products and machine holons
(ASO) as they are implemented on the AIP-PRIMECA FMS. Lastly, the current status of the FMS is
composed of a set of FMS parameters that may change according to the FMS conditions, e.g.,
machine availability, conveyor segment availability, and length of waiting lines. Hence, the first two
modules are not connected to the real FMS but are offline so the emulator can be updated if the AIP-
PRIMECA FMS changes. The third module requires the ASO-MCS to be connected so the emulator
can provide valid information. Nevertheless, an error of about 15% between the AIP-PRIMECA
FMS status (hardware) and the emulated FMS was accepted because of the stochastic behavior of
products and the lack of certain technical constraints (e.g. friction) considered in the emulator.
Through the input module, the human provides goals (system throughput and energy consumption as
introduced earlier). Such goals are transferred to the potential field controller in which a
proportional-integral controller was implemented to calculate the best recommended potential field
for each machine (aPF(MHm) in Figure 7) and to estimate the objectives (cf. eOF in Figure 7)
according to the requested goals. The tactical assistance system proposes such values to the human
by means of the output module (cf. the left side of Figure 9). The output module is a frame of
reference common to the human and the tactical decision assistance system, and it is used to design
Legend Machine node Routing node
Robot 1
Robot 2
Robot 3
Inspection unit
Recovery unit
Job input storage area
Unloading unit
the tactical level CWS. In the emulator, the human can also choose not to use the PF controller and
validate its own choices (cf. sliders in Figure 9). This can help the human to observe the
consequences of his/her decisions before interacting with the real FMS. Following this test, the KH
of the tactical decision assistance system was composed of the emulator and the evaluation of the
entire ASO-MCS according to the machines’ potential field values.
Figure 9. Common work space (CWS) in the tactical assistance system (the output module is highlighted by the red rectangle)
The human calculated the potential fields using the emulator, with or without assistance, then
cooperated with the real AIP PRIMECA by assigning the potential fields to the real machines
exploited by the machine holons via the ASO-MCS (rPF(MHm) in Figure 7). The consequences of
such decisions were then displayed by the actual values of the objective functions (rOF in Figure 7).
With this organization, the human is aware of the status, performance, and processing of the ASO-
4.2. Presentation of the experimental protocol
For this experimental protocol, the real FMS was not used, so the human operator was only
confronted with the emulator. The tactical decision assistance system was evaluated through short
experiments conducted with one participant. It was then, of course, impossible to conduct a statistical
analysis. However, our primary objective was to validate a complete feasible Human-Centered
Design approach based on the suggested framework and focusing on the issue of cooperation. For
this purpose, three experiments were designed:
Experiment 1 was performed with a techno-centered approach in which no human operator
was involved.
Experiment 2 was performed with a techno-centered approach. A human operator was
involved but no recommended potential fields were provided; the human made his own
choices based on his own perception of the environment.
Experiment 3 was performed with a human-centered approach. Recommended potential
fields from the PF controller were provided by the tactical decision assistance system and the
human was able to use these values or make his own choices.
The scenarios were performed by the participant. Subjective and objective results were obtained
from the data analysis.
Subjective data deal with workload evaluation and were collected using online and offline
questionnaires. The online questionnaire consisted in asking the participant to evaluate his workload
every 3 min on a scale from 0 and 7. The offline questionnaire consisted in using the NASA-TLX
method proposed by (Hart S. G. & Staveland L. E., 1988). The participant had to evaluate his
workload according to 6 different sources. The participant had to place a mark on each scale that
represented the magnitude of each factor of the task already executed (cf. Figure 10).
Figure 10. NASA-TLX rating scales
The next step of this method was to select the member of each pair that provided the most significant
source of task workload variation (cf. Figure 11).
Figure 11. NASA-TLX pair-wise comparison of factors
Objective data were calculated according to the expected performances of the manufacturing system,
namely throughput and energy consumption.
The experimental protocol consisted in presenting the project objectives to the participant
(objectives, ASO-MCS, potential fields, FMS emulator) (10 min), and then training the participant to
Mental demand
Physical demand
Temporal demand
Own performance
Frustration level
Low High
Low High
Low High
Good Poor
Low High
Low High
Physical demand / Mental demand Temporal demand / Physical demand Temporal demand / Frustration level
Temporal demand / Mental demand Own performance / Physical demand Temporal demand / Effort
Own performance / Mental demand Frustration level / Physical demand Own performance / Frustration level
Frustration level / Mental demand Effort / Physical demand Own performance / Effort
Effort / Mental demand Temporal demand / Own performance Effort / Frustration level
use the system (15 min). The first scenario (Experiment 2) was conducted without the assistance
system (10 min), then the NASA-TLX questionnaire was completed (5 min). The second scenario
(Experiment 3) was conducted with the assistance system (10 min), and then the NASA-TLX
questionnaire was completed (5 min). Two scenarios with similar levels of difficulty were
developed. In each scenario, 6 machines could be used to successively perform operations on
products, and the machines could perform one or several types of operation. Three machines were
active at the beginning of the experiment; three others were inactive but available in case of machine
breakdowns. Unexpected events were triggered in order to make the ASO-MCS unstable and thus
necessitate human intervention. The unexpected event consisted in one machine breaking down in
each scenario. Therefore, the human had to select another machine according to its capabilities (type
of operation) and adjust the potential fields of all the machines, including the backup machine, to
reach production goals. In terms of productivity, herein, the purpose was not to maximize the
throughput but to keep it bounded between a lower limit (4 products per 300s) and an upper limit (6
products per 300s). Keeping the throughput bounded helps to keep energy consumption under
control, for which a maximum level was set to 20 kWh.
4.3. Results
A 2nd year Masters student from the University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis conducted
the experiment. This participant had no previous training on the flexible cell. The results presented in
this section were obtained following completion of the scenario and filling out the questionnaires.
Figure 12. Objective results: throughput
The results obtained from the number of products manufactured (throughput) underline the
usefulness of the assistance system and the human-centered approach (Experiment 3). Figure 12
underlines that when the ASO-MCS is completely autonomous (Experiment 1) and a machine breaks
down, the ASO-MCS can reorganize itself but reaches its limit because idle machines are not used
since the PF is set to zero. Hence, the remaining machines available cannot maintain the throughput
within the limits. When the human is in the loop, the human is aware of the situation and starts a new
machine and/or modifies the machines’ potential fields. Nevertheless, without the suggested tactical
decision assistance (Experiment 2), the human is unable to maintain the indicator within the limits,
Production time (Sec.)
Throughput without human (Experiment 1)
Throughput with human and techno-centered approach (Experiment 2)
Throughput with human and human-centered approach (Experiment 3)
as the number of products and thus the energy consumption threshold are exceeded. The best results
were obtained when the human was present and assisted (Experiment 3).
Figure 13. Objective results: energy consumption
Since the throughput and the energy consumption can be two opposite indicators, particular attention
was paid to energy consumption. Energy consumption is mainly considered according to machine
usage. Hence, when a machine breaks down, the first reaction is to start one or several idle machines.
However, a better approach might be to balance machine usage by modifying the potential fields of
currently available machines instead of turning more machines on. This second choice is not obvious
to the human, and the results in Figure 13 highlight the help provided by the assistance system in the
human-centered approach. Most of the time, the desired consumption limit (red line in Figure 13) is
exceeded without the assistance system (Experiment 2) but respected with the assistance system in
the loop (Experiment 3).
These results derived from the objective data highlight that the manufacturing system is much more
stable and the objectives are attained when the human is in the loop and helped by the cooperative
assistance system. However, even if performance is improved with the human-centered approach,
human factors such as workload must show that this good performance is due to good interactions
with the process, assistance system, and holons. In these experiments, the quality of the interaction is
given by two sets of subjective data evaluated as follows.
The first set of subjective data was obtained from the analysis of the completed NASA-TLX
questionnaire. The calculation of the global workload is based on equation (1). Ri stems from the
“NASA-TLX rating scales” questionnaire (Figure 10). Ri represents the position of the mark on the
100 millimeter line of the question linked to the workload factor “i”. αi stems from the “NASA-TLX
pair-wise comparisons of factors” questionnaire (Figure 11). αi is the number of occurrences of the
workload factor “i” proposed by the questionnaires.
     
 (1)
The global workload calculated using the NASA-TLX method is 42% without the assistance system
(Experiment 2) and 24.67% with the assistance system (Experiment 3). This drop by almost half is
mainly due to a decrease in mental demand as a result of the help provided by the assistance system
to anticipate the future behavior of the ASO, an increase in performance due to an increase in self-
Energy consumption with techno-centered approach (Experiment 2)
Energy consumption with human-centered approach (Experiment 3)
Production time (Sec.)
Watt per hour
confidence and trust in the assistance system, and a decrease in effort because the assistance system
performs part of the task.
The second set of subjective results addresses the participant’s online evaluation of the workload.
Figure 14 again underlines a quicker decrease in the workload using the assistance system. The high
value for the “with assistance system” condition (Experiment 3) at 300 and 600 seconds could be due
to the amount of training the participant received at the beginning of the experiment, which was
probably insufficient.
Figure 14. Subjective results: online evaluation of workload
4.4. Discussion
The objective of these experiments was to compare the benefits of the human-centered design
approach with the Techno-centered design approach to control an ASO-MCS-based intelligent
manufacturing system. The objective and subjective results underline the trend that a human-
centered design approach improves the global performance in the face of complex and conflicting
production objectives described in terms of energy consumption and throughput, as well as human
operator workload. Human-Machine Cooperation principles help to identify the elements that can
assist the human operator in controlling the IMS and more particularly, in the experiments, the ASO-
MCS. Indeed, the activity of the human operator today was analyzed and compared with the activity
he/she would have in the future with the ASO-MCS. This comparison highlights the necessity to
provide an assistance system that can assist ASO-MCS control when there are deadlocks or machine
breakdowns. This tactical assistance system was equipped with KH to analyze and make decisions
regarding the ASO-MCS, and KHC in order to transmit its analysis to the human operator. The
detailed model presented in Figure 4, and its adaptation to IMS and the multi-level aspects presented
in Figure 6, show the elements we needed to take into account as well as their interactions. So, the
trend towards an improvement in performance is due to a good balance between what the ASO-MCS
is able to do at operational level and what the human operator is able to do when assisted at tactical
level. Human operators and ASO take advantage of each other if the Human-ASO system is well
defined and cooperative. In addition, the trend towards a decrease in the human operator workload is
due to the ASO model the human operator was able to build owing to the ASO KHC and the
information it provides via the CWS. Nevertheless, ASO KHC is not currently able to model human
operator KH and KHC, which is a challenging perspective among others presented in the next
0 300 600 900 1200 1500
Online workload
Techno-centered approach (Experiment 2)
Human-centered approach (Experiment 3)
5. Conclusion and future research
The aim of this paper was to raise awareness of the risks linked to the greater complexity of
intelligent manufacturing systems, as well as removing humans from the control loop. Current
research has highlighted the impact of such risks through examples, and specific human factors have
been pointed out to control such risks. Nevertheless, some advanced research has already tackled
these aspects and several studies have been presented. Among these studies, one deals with
principles to develop human-system cooperation based on a human-centered design framework. This
approach has been detailed and applied to Intelligent Manufacturing systems. An assistance system
has been designed to help humans when they have to supervise and control an artificial self-
organizing manufacturing control system. The results of the experiments conducted on the flexible
manufacturing system at the University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis have been presented
and underline the positive contribution of human-machine cooperation in the design and supervision
of self-organizing manufacturing control systems.
The first aspect is to improve the experimental conditions. These initial results obviously need to be
reinforced through sound statistical studies by conducting more experiments with more participants.
The type of participant could also be an experimental variable to be investigated. Indeed,
experiments could be conducted with novice or experienced human operators, trained or not in the
use of ASO-MCS and assistance systems. Another experimental aspect to be improved is the realism.
In these experiments, the real FMS was not used and hence the human operator was only confronted
with the emulator. The next step would be to conduct experiments on the real FMS with several new
dimensions to control such as the size of the platform and the fact that the human operator does not
have an overview of the complete FMS (except with the assistance system), the real-time constraints
(controlled with the emulator), and technical problems with conveyors, shuttles or machines that
were avoided with the emulator but which are real aspects that need to be taken into account with a
real FMS. The last improvement concerns the evaluation method. A cooperative agent model can
also be used to evaluate interactions between a human operator and assistance systems by coding the
individual and cooperative activities of each one. KH and KHC models can code the activity during
experiments but also after experiments using a self-confrontation method (Jean-Michel Hoc &
Lemoine, 1998). Comparison of coding from several experiments may highlight interesting
information such as human operator misunderstandings or difficulties in using a new system.
A second aspect concerns improvements to the assistance system. In these experiments, assistance
system KHC, which provides the human operator with information through the common work space,
was limited. This KHC could be improved if the assistance system is able to build a representation of
the human operator. Of course, this aspect must be achieved using a multidisciplinary approach. The
assistance system could learn from human decision making, have information regarding his/her
workload, his/her position in the FMS… information that it could use to adapt its behavior to the
human operator’s needs or errors. Such a human operator representation may be used to anticipate
risks and to manage them through better human-machine task allocation. This must be done from an
organizational point of view but also in real time in order to avoid accidents.
In conclusion, in the context of sustainable development, this paper has highlighted the importance
of human-centered designs in IMS and the main ambition of the authors is to foster research in this
The authors would like to acknowledge T. Bonte, T. Laurain, and S. Boulnois for their contributions
to the system design and evaluation.
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... These approaches should encompass a comprehensive understanding of workers' physical, cognitive, and sensory capabilities, alongside the Operator 4.0 concept. This holistic approach is essential for ensuring a seamless and sustainable transition while accommodating pertaining socio-technical challenges [14,[26][27][28]. To achieve this, numerous industrial and manufacturing enterprises are progressively acknowledging the need of implementing human-centric production systems. ...
... Therefore, it is crucial to consider the needs and expectations of workers to foster and attain a more seamless collaboration between individuals and machines, leading to a more advanced level of intelligent interactions with manufacturing systems. In this context, UCD approaches play a significant role in helping industrial enterprises seamlessly integrate the user perspective into the design process, ultimately yielding user-friendly systems [26,27,33,34]. These approaches ensure that users' needs and expectations are factored in, contributing to the development of the factories of the future, where a harmonious human-machine symbiosis is realized. ...
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In the context of Industry 4.0, the Operator 4.0 paradigm plays a crucial role in seamlessly integrating new digital technologies into smart factories. These technologies are designed to accommodate workers with varying skills, capabilities, and preferences. To promote the adoption of these innovative digital tools and ensure high user acceptance, it is essential to prioritize human factors and place workers at the heart of the development process. This can be achieved through structured design strategies, such as those employed in user-centered design approaches. Within this framework, this paper introduces an innovative Augmented Reality tool designed to facilitate and streamline real-time inspection activities performed by operators on assembled products at the workplace. The development of this tool was based on a user-centered design approach, which actively engaged end-users at different stages of design and testing phases. User studies were conducted using a real case study to evaluate the usability and user acceptance of the proposed solution. The results are encouraging, indicating a promising path forward for the effective and valid implementation of this AR tool in an industrial setting.
... Others emphasize the opposite, claiming that I4.0 has re-calibrated the notion of human factors as a crucial link for optimal integration of technology into the overall manufacturing system (Romero et al., 2016;Zolotov a et al., 2020;Wan and Leirmo, 2023). In fact, it has been postulated that for advanced I4.0 technologies to work, they need to be integrated with, and facilitated by, human actions (Pacaux-Lemoine et al., 2017). Accordingly, besides investing in smart and efficient capabilities in the next generation of manufacturing systems, I4.0 should facilitate the same for the workforce that will operate them (Romero and Stahre, 2021). ...
... Another concern raised with regard to Operator 4.0 solutions is the notion that firms cannot succeed simply by acknowledging their dependence on humans while introducing new technologies to their workforce (Kaasinen et al., 2020). This is particularly so since the different technologies recommended for use by the Operator 4.0 concept seem to demand extreme skills (Pacaux-Lemoine et al., 2017). The implications of new technologies for operations processes are unclear, as Operator 4.0 is mostly analyzed in isolation (Neuman et al., 2021). ...
Purpose Despite increased interest in the Operator 4.0 concept, there has been scarce attention on practice-oriented frameworks that can assist firms in reaping the potential benefits of technologies within the I4.0 framework. The purpose of this paper is to provide an integrative framework on how to engage Operator 4.0 effectively. Design/methodology/approach Following meta-synthesis logic and integrative conceptual analysis, this study synthesizes and integrates experimental case studies on Operator 4.0 solutions. The analysis is conducted on 24 cases retrieved from peer-reviewed articles. Findings The analysis revealed several factors that determine the type and extent of benefits that can be realized within a human-cyber-physical system. However, enhancing these capabilities is not straightforward, as several factors can inhibit the realization of these capabilities. Firstly, the benefits vary depending on the type of Operator 4.0. Secondly, the interoperability of the introduced I4.0 solution with the existing systems is crucial. Thirdly, the adaptability of the solution to serve multiple purposes is crucial, as it tends to increase technology acceptance. Research limitations/implications The studies reviewed in this research were based on experimental cases, with limited implementation of the solutions they proposed. As such, their implications when implemented on a larger scale are tentative. Originality/value The present study has synthesized existing experimental cases and developed an integrative framework to guide the implementation of Operator 4.0. By gathering primary insights from these experiments, we have clarified when and how Operator 4.0 and the required interactions can lead to successful implementation. Interesting because; Understanding the techno-centric and human-centric approach within the context of Industry 4.0 is important when enacting Operator 4.0. However, some scholars claim that the human element in Industry 4.0 is being ignored. Building on this discourse our study accentuates how Industry 4.0 can be characterized as a complex sociotechnical system, as it is dependent on dynamic interactions between operators, technologies, and organizational features, and thus is anchored in a human-centric system. Hence, a better comprehension of these interactions plays a pivotal role of the Operator 4.0 implementation and success. Theoretical value; This paper offers an aggregated framework that identifies critical factors for empowering Operator 4.0, such as support from solution providers and learning by doing. Furthermore, the framework provides a nuanced understanding of the dynamics influencing human-cyber-physical interactions by incorporating contingent factors like the interoperability of Industry 4.0 solutions and the type of Operator 4.0. This approach enables a detailed examination of how different factors contribute to organizational and operator outcomes. For example, the framework suggests that solutions prioritizing the operator's well-being are particularly effective in promoting a healthy working environment, while those focusing on a social operator enhance collaboration and information sharing among operators. This differentiated understanding lays a solid theoretical foundation as it delineates the specific conditions under which various outcomes can be expected. Practical value; The study informs managers on how to appreciate and address inherent interdependencies and contingencies amongst operators, technologies, and their organizational settings. For instance, neglecting physical and cognitive aspects such as operators’ psychological safety, perceived usefulness of I4.0 technology, as well as architectural design can evoke sociotechnical challenges in the manufacturing system. In particular, the developed 5-step methodology can assist managers on how to 1) address current work processes, operators actual needs and experiences with (new) technology solutions, 2) identify the limitations of their current systems and potential integration opportunities, 3) develop a relevant and enhanced Operator 4.0 solution (where ease of use, privacy concerns and benefits to the operators should be in focus), 4) facilitate testing and usability of the solution (where solution-refinement is in accordance with potential concerns) and 5) implementation.
... Thus, the importance of human-centered design is emphasized [32,34,35]. For example, Pacaux-Lemoine addressed the importance of designing a system based on human-machine cooperation principles and tested the workloads of the different systems using NASA-TLX (Task Load Indicator) [36]. Cimini stated that the development of new smart technologies should occur together with the developments in the human-related aspects [37]. ...
... An additional 15 participants (mean age = 26.20 years old, range [19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36] were recruited to complete the same tasks in the same setting, but without any diagnosis support system, i.e., neither the FTd system nor the AId system was used in these experiments. This additional experimental result helps to identify the impact of the diagnosis support systems during the maintenance activity. ...
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The advancement in digital technology is transforming the world. It enables smart product–service systems that improve productivity by changing tasks, processes, and the ways we work. There are great opportunities in maintenance because many tasks require physical and cognitive work, but are still carried out manually. However, the interaction between a human and a smart system is inevitable, since not all tasks in maintenance can be fully automated. Therefore, we conducted a controlled laboratory experiment to investigate the impact on technicians’ workload and performance due to the introduction of smart technology. Especially, we focused on the effects of different diagnosis support systems on technicians during maintenance activity. We experimented with a model that replicates the key components of a computer numerical control (CNC) machine with a proximity sensor, a component that requires frequent maintenance. Forty-five participants were evenly assigned to three groups: a group that used a Fault-Tree diagnosis support system (FTd-system), a group that used an artificial intelligence diagnosis support system (AId-system), and a group that used neither of the diagnosis support systems. The results show that the group that used the FTd-system completed the task 15% faster than the group that used the AId-system. There was no significant difference in the workload between groups. Further analysis using the NGOMSL model implied that the difference in time to complete was probably due to the difference in system interfaces. In summary, the experimental results and further analysis imply that adopting the new diagnosis support system may improve maintenance productivity by reducing the number of diagnosis attempts without burdening technicians with new workloads. Estimates indicate that the maintenance time and the cognitive load can be reduced by 8.4 s and 15% if only two options are shown in the user interface.
... Achieving human-machine synergy in an HCPS requires a holistic methodology that combines human expert knowledge with advanced technological solutions (i.e., BDA and IIoT) to analyze large volumes of process data [8]. However, this synergy is difficult to achieve under industrial conditions, especially in real-time process data analysis [1], [2] for predictive maintenance, processing, and product quality control. ...
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In recent years, researchers and practitioners have focused on Industry 4.0, emphasizing the role of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) in manufacturing. However, the operationalization of Industry 4.0 has presented many implementation challenges caused by the inability of available technologies to meet industry needs effectively. Furthermore, Industry 4.0 has been criticized for the absence of focus on the human component in CPSs impact-ing the concept of sustainability in the long run. Responding to this critique and building on the foundation of the Industry 5.0 concept, this article proposes a holistic methodology empowered by human expert knowledge for human-cyber-physical system (HCPS) implementation. The proposed novel HCPS methodology represents a more sustainable solution for companies that consists of five phases to promote the integration of human expert knowledge and cyber and physical parts empowered by big data analytics for real-time anomaly detection. Specifically, real-time anomaly detection is enabled by industrial edge computing for big data optimization, data processing, and the industrial Internet of Things (IIoTs) real-time product quality control. Finally, we implement the developed HCPS solution in a case study from the process industry, where automated system decision-making is achieved. The results obtained indicate that an HCPS, as a strategy for companies, must augment human capabilities and require human involvement in final decision-making, foster meaningful human impact, and create new employment opportunities. Index Terms-Artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics (BDA), edge computing, industrial Internet of Things (IIoTs), Industry 5.0, smart manufacturing.
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Companies have implemented Lean to increase efficiency and competitiveness. However, the importance of Ergonomics is often neglected, resulting in ergonomic problems and lower profitability and acceptance of Lean. This study presents a comprehensive approach to Operations and Production Management (OPM) considering sociotechnical synergies. For Lean and Ergonomics, literature-based main methodologies and categories are defined. These main methodologies/categories are used as search-term combinations in a further literature search. This literature is divided into “Production worker” (PW), “Physical environment” (PE), “Industry 4.0 technology” (i4.0), “Company culture” (CC), and “Manufacturing methods” (MM) based on a metric, the sociotechnical system (STS) concept. This makes it possible to determine the percentage of participation in Lean and Ergonomics articles by STS category. The main differences can be seen in PE (Lean: 10%; Ergonomics: 24%) and i4.0 (Lean: 29%; Ergonomics: 15%). However, for PW (Lean: 18%; Ergonomics: 21%), CC (Lean: 19%; Ergonomics: 20%), and MM (Lean: 26%; Ergonomics: 20%), there are similarities between Lean and Ergonomics. The OPM user should manage the PW, CC, and MM factors equally with Lean and Ergonomics, as the objective is the same. For PW, CC, and MM measures, a professional separation into Lean/OPM and Ergonomics/Occupational Medicine does not make sense. Concerning i4.0, there is a danger that the human factor in (especially innovation-oriented) OPM will be unjustly neglected and that too much emphasis will be placed on supposedly human-free technology.
Overconfidence in situation awareness (SA) can lead to various detrimental consequences, including risky behaviors. This study investigates the influence of stress and attention allocation on SA in manufacturing. Specifically, this study aims to (1) examine the effects of stress on objective SA, (2) explore the relationship between SA levels and SA overconfidence, and (3) investigate the potential alleviation of SA overconfidence through attention allocation to more challenging SA levels. These findings demonstrate that stress impairs the comprehension aspect of SA. Moreover, SA overconfidence increases with the SA level. In exploring strategies to mitigate SA overconfidence, allocating attention specifically to the most challenging SA level—SA projection—proved effective in alleviating overconfidence. These findings contribute to future SA research by clarifying the relationship between stress and SA, uncovering the link between SA levels and SA overconfidence, and exploring methods to alleviate overconfidence and improve decision accuracy in manufacturing systems.
Introduction: Industry 4.0 has brought new paradigms to businesses based on high levels of automation and interconnectivity and the use of technologies. This new context has an impact on the work environment and workers. Nevertheless, these impacts are still inconclusive and controversial, requiring new investigative perspectives. This study aimed to investigate the requirements sought, the risk factors identified, and the adverse effects on workers caused by the characteristics of I4.0. Method: The methodology was based on a systematic literature review utilizing the PRISMA protocol, and 30 articles were found eligible. A descriptive and bibliometric analysis of these studies was performed. Results: The results identified the main topics that emerged and have implications for workers' Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and divided them into categories. The requirements are related mainly to cognitive, organizational, and technological demands. The most significant risk factors generated were associated with the psychosocial ones, but organizational, technological, and occupational factors were also identified. The adverse effects cited were categorized as psychic, cognitive, physical, and organizational; stress was the most cited effect. An explanatory theoretical model of interaction was proposed to represent the pathway of causal relations between the requirements and risk factors for the effects caused by I4.0. Conclusions and practical applications: This review has found just how complex the relationships between the principles of Industry 4.0 are (e.g., requirements, risk factors, and effects) and the human factors. It also suggests a pathway for how these relationships occur, bridging the gap left by the limited studies focused on connecting these topics. These results can help organizational managers understand the impacts of I4.0 on workers' safety and health.
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The techno-centred design approach, currently used in industrial engineering and especially when designing Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) voluntarily ignores the human operator when the system operates correctly, but supposes the human is endowed with “magic capabilities” to fix difficult situations. But this so-called magic human faces with a lack of elements to make the relevant decisions. This paper claims that the Human Operator’s role must be defined at the early design phase of the IMS. We try to show with examples of systems from manufacturing as well as from energy or transportation that the Human Centred Design approaches place explicitly the “human in the loop” of the system to be automated. We first show the limits of techno-centred design methods. Secondly we propose the principles of a balanced function allocation between human and machine and even a real cooperation between them. The approach is based on the system decomposition into an abstraction hierarchy (strategic, tactical, operational). A relevant knowledge of the human capabilities and limits leads to the choice of the adequate Level of Automation (LoA) according to the system situation.
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Order picking (OP) is one of the most labour- and time-intensive processes in internal logistics. Over the last decades, researchers have developed various mathematical planning models that help to increase the efficiency of OP systems, for example, by optimising storage assignments or by specifying routes for the order pickers that minimise travel distance in the warehouse. Human characteristics that are often a major determinant of OP system performance have, however, widely been ignored in this stream of research. This paper systematically evaluates the literature on manual OP systems and conducts a content analysis to gain insights into how human factors (HF) have been considered and discussed in the scientific literature. The results of the analysis indicate that management-oriented efficiency criteria dominated prior research on OP, and that there is a clear lack of attention to HF in the design and management of OP systems. This poses an opportunity for research and design of manual OP systems.
The introduction of CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) systems in the 1980s, aiming at integrating automatic workstations into fully automated factories, was not successful. The root causes of this failure were that the subsystems to be integrated were not suitably designed for easy integration into a larger system. This situation stimulated the authors to embark on a research programme on ‘design for the unexpected’. It defined how subsystems have to be designed so that integration into larger systems becomes easier and how such an integrated system can be controlled so that it can cope with change and disturbances. In the paper, the design principles and salient features of holonic manufacturing systems (HMS) are outlined. The PROSA reference architecture, defining the basic structure of any HMS, is described. It is further explained how coordination and control of the HMS is achieved by a holonic manufacturing execution system (HMES), based on the combination of the PROSA reference architecture and a biologically inspired Delegate Multiagent System (DMAS). Finally, the power and universality of the PROSA/DMAS system is demonstrated by some case studies from manufacturing, robotics and open air engineering. © 2017, Editorial Institution of Wrocaw Board of Scientific. All rights reserved.
The theme "Risk Management in Life Critical Systems" resulted from a cooperative work between LAMIH (French acronym for Laboratory of Industrial and Human Automation, Mechanics and Computer Science) at the University of Valenciennes (France) and Human-Centered Design Institute (HCDi) at Florida Institute of Technology (USA) within the framework of the Partner University Funds (PUF) Joint Research Lab on Risk Management in Life-Critical Systems co-chaired by me and Dr Guy A. Boy.
This book presents in-depth insights on the design of ICT systems and infrastructures coping with requirements and demands that are unknown at design time. It is generically applicable to execution systems managing activities on resources, illustrated on manufacturing control, logistics, fleet robotics, intelligent traffic ... Originally, the research addressed integration and interoperability discovering which mechanisms cause failure and how to design systems avoiding these mechanisms. Technically, a reference architecture and an architectural pattern reveal how to design for the unexpected, including how to predict the unexpected.
World becomes more and more densely populated, dynamic and interconnected. In order to support the increase of world demand, automation provides systems to improve efficiency, safety and comfort. But systems are often placed at human operators’ disposal or imposed on them without taking enough care. Ergonomic criteria, training and integration of future users into the design loop define some principals to provide a minimum of coherence in the future user activity. But more precautions must be taken to face the increase of the complexity of human organizations, systems and their interconnections, defining Life Critical Systems. Stability of these systems is more and more precarious and human could have to deal with crisis. The objective of the chapter is to partially respond to this problem by anticipating the occurrence of lacks of coherence in the interaction between humans and systems. Main foundations had been laid down by Human-Machine Cooperation principles with a focus on Dynamic Task Allocation issues (Millot, 1997), (Pacaux-Lemoine, 2002). But these principles usually concern task sharing between one or two human operators and one system. Both human operator and system are expressed according to their know-how and their know-how-to-cooperate. The know-how allows human or technical agent to supervise and control process. The know-how-to-cooperate allows agent to take into account other agents’ activities by building model of them and by developing code of communication. These definitions have been extended in order to model more kinds of interaction between more than two agents. New extensions also try to involve more precisely notions such as responsibility, authority, trust and willingness, and to benefit from levels of automation and adaptive automation researches. Some samples will be presented in order to illustrate this approach in Air Traffic Control, Fighter Aircraft Piloting, Robotics and Car driving.