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Neurocognitive Aging and the Compensation Hypothesis


Abstract and Figures

The most unexpected and intriguing result from functional brain imaging studies of cognitive aging is evidence for age-related overactivation: greater activation in older adults than in younger adults, even when performance is age-equivalent. Here we examine the hypothesis that age-related overactivation is compensatory and discuss the compensation-related utilization of neural circuits hypothesis (CRUNCH). We review evidence that favors a compensatory account, discuss questions about strategy differences, and consider the functions that may be served by overactive brain areas. Future research directed at neurocognitively informed training interventions may augment the potential for plasticity that persists into the later years of the human lifespan.
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Neurocognitive Aging and the
Compensation Hypothesis
Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz and Katherine A. Cappell
University of Michigan
ABSTRACT—The most unexpected and intriguing result
from functional brain imaging studies of cognitive aging
is evidence for age-related overactivation: greater acti-
vation in older adults than in younger adults, even when
performance is age-equivalent. Here we examine the hy-
pothesis that age-related overactivation is compensatory
and discuss the compensation-related utilization of neu ral
circuits hypothesis (CRUNCH). We review evidence that
favors a compensatory account, discuss questions about
strategy differences, and consider the functions that may
be served by overactive brain areas. Future research di-
rected at neurocognitively informed training interventions
may augment the potential for plasticity that persists into
the later years of the human lifespan.
KEYWORDS—plasticity; dedifferentiation; brain imaging;
working memory
Brain imaging has become a method of great importance for
studying cognitive aging, which makes sense because the latter
presumably results from neurobiological aging. Therefore,
brain-based measurements that can be linked to cognitive pro-
cesses expand the range of questions that can be addressed
about the aging mind. The emerging answers have prompted new
ways to think about the normal aging process and about func-
tional brain organization across the lifespan. Before the advent
of brain imaging, the behavioral methods and interpretive logic
of clinical neuropsychology guided brain-based theories of
cognitive aging. This approach assumes that minimal age
differences in performance imply minimal alterations in un-
derlying cognitive mechanisms and, by extension, age-invari-
ance in the neural substrates that mediate them. In our
assessment, one of the most far-reaching discoveries to have thus
far emerged from brain imaging studies of aging is that this as-
sumption is erroneous.
The initial neuroimaging studies of cognitive aging, which
measured brain activation via the distribution of a radioactive
isotope (i.e., positron emission tomography, PET; Grady et al.,
1994), noted that older adults display activation in regions that
are not activated by younger adults performing the same tasks. In
some studies, sites of overactivation co-occur with regions that
are underactive relative to young er adults. In other studies,
regions of overactivation are the only indication that older brains
function differently than younger brains (for reviews , see Grady
& Craik, 2000; Reuter-Lorenz, 2002). The terms overactivation
and underactivation are purely relative, referring to sites that
senior adults activate more or less, respectively, than their
younger counterparts (Fig. 1). Overactivation is frequently ob-
served in prefrontal sites (Cabeza et al., 2004; Reuter-Lorenz
et al., 2000). Overactivation in seniors is often found in regions
that approximately mirror act ive sites in younger adults but in
the opposite hemisphere (e.g., Cabeza, 2002; Reuter-Lorenz
et al., 2000; see the lower left panel of Fig. 1). This pattern of
reduced asymmetry in older adults has been referred to as
hemispheric asymmetry reduction in older age, or HAROLD for
short (Cabeza, 2002).
Age-related underactivation is typically interpreted as a sig n
of impairment due to poor or underutilized strategies or due to
structural changes such as atrophy. However, the cognitive and
neural mechanisms associated with age-specific regions of
overactivation are more ambiguous. Determining whether
overactivations are neural correlates of processes that are ben-
eficial, detrimental, or inconsequential to cognitive function is
the crux of many research efforts in the cognitive neuroscience
of aging (Reuter-Lorenz & Lustig, 2005).
Because overactivation has been found for a broad range of
tasks, across a variety of brain regions, with or without age
differences in performance, and with or without concurrent
underactivation, it is highly unlikely that all instances stem from
a single cause. Unsurprisingly, when overactivation is found in
association with poor performance, it is interp reted as impair-
Address correspondence to Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz, Department of
Psychology, University of Michigan, 530 Church Street, Ann Arbor,
MI 48109-1043; e-mail:
Volume 17—Number 3 177Copyright r 2008 Association for Psychological Science
ment and is typically attributed to any of several potentially
related mechanisms: the use of multiple and/or inefficient cog-
nitive strategies; disinhibition because communication between
the left and right hemispheres declines; or dedifferentiation,
whereby the specificity and selectivity of neural processors
break down.
In many studies, however, overactivation is accompanied by
age-equivalent performance, raising the possibility that the
additional activity serves a beneficial, compensatory function
without which performance decrements would result (see Fig. 1).
Regardless of whether performance matching is achieved by
selecting younger and older subgroups that perform at equiva-
lent levels, providin g different amounts of training, adopting
age-tailored stimulus parameters, or otherwise altering task
demands for each age group, overactivation has been foun d
consistently across perceptual, motoric, mnemonic, verbal, and
spatial domains. The compensation hypothesis predicts that,
even while performance is matched at the group level, overac-
tivation across individuals should be correlated with higher
performance in the older group. Although significant correla-
tions may sometimes be lacking due to insufficient variability or
a lack of statistical power, positive activation–performance
correlations have been reported, lending support to the com-
pensatory account of age-specific overactivations (Fig. 1; Ca-
beza et al., 2004; Reuter-Lorenz & Lustig, 2005).
Establishing that overactive sites in older adults contribute to
and are necessary for successful performance would provide
especially strong support for the compensation hypothesis.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a technique that
applies a series of focally directed magnetic pulses to the scalp to
stimulate the underlying neural tissue. TMS can be applied in
either a deactivating or an activating mode. In the deactivating
mode, TMS temporarily disrupts the underlying neural signals,
producing a virtual, transient lesion. Using this mode, Rossi
et al. (2005) showed that overactive sites in seniors contributed
to performance success: Older adults, who typically show bi-
lateral prefrontal activation during recognition memory, were
impaired by TMS to either hemisphere, suggesting that recog-
nition relies on both sides. Younger adults, who activate uni-
laterally during recognition memory, were impaired by TMS to
only one side. When used in the activating mode, TMS increases
the contribution of the underlying tissue. Another study found
that, when TMS was applied prefrontally in the activating mode,
a group of low-performing elderly showed improvement; fur-
thermore, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
showed their brain activation to be unilateral before TMS and
bilateral after TMS, in association with their improved perfor-
mance (Sole-Padulles et al., 2006).
The compensation hypothesis assumes that overactive sites in
older adult brains are ‘‘working harder’’ than the corresponding
regions in their younger counterparts. In the aging brain, a
network may work harder, and thus overactivate, to make up
either for its own declining efficiency or for processing defi-
ciencies elsewhere in the brain. Although definitive support for
the first possibility is currently lacking , such support could come
from work using multiple measures to assess structural and
functional integrity within the same subjects. For example,
volumetric measures could reveal age-related atrophy in a re-
gion that also displays overactivation. When also coupled with
preserved performance, such a pattern would suggest that in-
creased recruitment compensates for decline (cf., Persson et al.,
Alternatively, a network may need to work harder and thus
becomes overactive because the input it receives is degraded or
compromised. By this account, overactivation is compensating
for functional declines elsewhere. We see three types of evidence
as being consistent with this possibility. First, several studies
Fig. 1. Results typically referred to as ‘‘underactivation’’ (top) and
‘‘overactivation’’ (bottom). When older adults activate a brain region at
lower levels or show a smaller extent of activation compared to younger
adults, as illustrated in the top pair of images, the results are often inter-
preted to indicate that the older group is functionally deficient in the
processing operations mediated by this region. The overactivation pattern
in the bottom pair of images illustrates the hemispheric asymmetry re-
duction in older age (or HAROLD) effect: Younger adults show activation
that is lateralized to the left hemisphere, whereas the older adults are
activating homologous brain regions in the opposite hemisphere also. See
Reuter-Lorenz and Lustig (2005) for examples of studies reporting these
age-specific activation patterns.
178 Volume 17—Number 3
Neurocognitive Aging and the Compensation Hypothesis
report overactive sites accompanied by, and in some cases in-
versely correlated with, sites of underactivation (Reuter-Lorenz
& Lu stig, 2005). For exampl e, in a study of incidental memory
for complex scenes, Gutchess et al. (2005) compared the neural
correlates of successfully remembered items to those of forgotten
items in younger and older adults. Compared to the older group,
successful memory in younger adults was associated with greater
activation in medial temporal lobe (MTL) regions. In contrast,
when older adults were successful, the prefrontal cortex was
overactivated and was inversely correlated with MTL activation.
Prefrontal activity appears to compensate for MTL declines to
support successful memory with age. Likewise, in a recent study
using functional connectivity analyses to measure intercorre-
lations between brain regions (Daselaar, Fleck, Dobbins, Mad-
den, & Cabeza, 2006), younger adults were more confident in
their memory performance and showed greater connectivity
between the hippocampus and a posterior, midline network as-
sociated with detailed, contextual memory; older adults with
equal but less confident memories showed more activation and
greater connectivity in a different network that included the
prefrontal cortex and was associated with familiarity. A tendency
to rely more on familiarit y signals in the aging brain presumably
serves to compensate for decreased availability of hippocam-
pally mediated context memory.
Second, overactivation may compensate for increased ‘‘noise’’
or the declining precision of perceptual processes. For example,
representational codes or receptive field properties may be less
specific in senior adults. Single-uni t recordings in aged animals
and brain-imaging studies in older huma ns reveal broader tun-
ing curves and declining precision of attribute- and category-
specific coding in posterior cortices (Reut er-Lorenz & Lustig,
2005). Consequently, higher cogni tive operations that utilize
these codes may have to ‘‘work harder’’ to perform the same
tasks. Consistent with this possibility, Denise Park’s group has
shown that deficient domain selectivity in ventral visual asso-
ciation cortex in older adults is associated with overactive pre-
frontal cortex (Payer, Marshuetz, Sutton, Hebrank, Welsh, &
Park, 2006) in a visual working memory task (see also Cabeza
et al., 2004; Grady et al., 1994; Madden et al., 1996). Likewise,
greater noise or interference may result from age-related d iffi-
culties suppressing or inhibiting irrelevant information due to
alterations in top-down, controlled processing (e.g., Gazzaley,
Cooney, Rissman, & D’Esposito, 2005).
Finally, the aging brain may also have to contend with noise
from nonperceptual processes. A growing body of evidence in-
dicates that older adults have difficulty attenuating activity in
the so-called ‘‘default network.’’ This network shows correlated
activations during nontask periods (e.g., passive fixation base-
line or rest) and deactivations during engagement in experi-
mental tasks. The default network is thought to mediate
unconstrained self-referential thought about past and future
events that occurs when cognition is not being dictated by ex-
ternal demands, such as those imposed by an experimental task.
Activity in task-related regions is inversely correlated with de-
fault-network activity, suggesting that default-network quies-
cence focuses neura l and cognitive resources on the task at
hand: More demanding cognitive tasks are associated wit h
greater levels of deactivation. However, across a variety of
cognitive tasks, older adults show less deactivation of the default
network than their younger counterparts do. Moreover, age
differences in deactivation magnitudes increase at higher levels
of task demand (Persson, Lustig, Nelson, & Reuter-Lorenz,
2007), indicating that older brains are particularly deficient at
silencing the default network when faced with tasks requiring
greater cognitive effort.
Are patterns of overactivation observed in the aging brain
‘‘equivalent’’ to those found when the younger brain contends
with increased task demand? Although this model is surely
incomplete, it may accurately characterize some aspects of
neurocognitive aging. In our lab, using variable verbal working
memory loads, we found that older adults activated regions of the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex at lower loads, whereas younger
adults activated these same sites only at higher loads. Impor-
tantly, at the lower loads, age differences in performance were
minimal. At the higher loads, activation in the younger grou p
exceeded that observed in the older group, and elderly perfor-
mance was relatively deficient as well (Cappell, Gmeindl, &
Reuter-Lorenz, 2006). Mattay et al. (2006) report a similar result
using a different verbal task. At the lowest level of task demand,
senior adults overactivate the prefrontal cortex while performing
equivalently to younger adults. With increasing demand, this
prefrontal site becomes underactivated in seniors, and perfor-
mance becomes impaired.
These studies have several important implications. First,
some sites of overactivation displayed by older adults are neu-
rologically ‘‘normal’ in that they are also activated by younger
adults. Older adults merely recruit them sooner in the load-ac-
tivation function. Some overactivations may therefore reflect the
brain’s response to increased task difficulty by which ‘‘reserve’’
resources are recruited (Stern et al., 2005). Second, at lower
levels of task demand, region-specific overactivation in seniors
is associated with good performance and presumably is com-
pensatory because performance differences are minimal despite
activation differences. Third, beyond a certain level of task
demand, the senior brain falls short of sufficient activation lev-
els, and performance declines relative to the younger group. We
(e.g., Reuter-Lorenz & Lustig, 2005; Cappell et al., 2006) have
referred to this tradeoff as the compensation-related utilization
of neural circuits hypothesis (or CRUNCH; see Fig. 2). Ac-
cording to CRUNCH, processing inefficiencies cause the aging
brain to recruit more neural resources to achieve computational
output equivalent to that of a younger brain. The resulting
Volume 17—Number 3 179
Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz and Katherine A. Cappell
compensatory activation is effective at lower levels of task de-
mand, but as dem and increases, a resourc e ceiling is reached,
leading to insufficient processing and age-related decrements
for harder tasks. Training, exercise, and other interventions
applied in older age or throughout the life course (Reuter-Lorenz
& Mikels, 2006) may increase available resources and com-
pensatory potential (e.g., cognitive reserve, Stern et al., 2005).
Conversely, sleep deprivation, neurological damage, or genetic
vulnerabilities may lower the resource ceiling, leading to un-
deractivation and performance decrements.
What cognitive operations are supported by sites of age-related
overactivation? Do older adults engage different cognitive
strategies than younger adults do, especially where the ‘‘younger
brain working harder’’ model will not suffice? Prefrontal regions
show the greatest evidence for age-related atrophy, and yet,
paradoxically, these are the sites where overactivation and evi-
dence for compensation tend to be most pronounced. Executive
control functions mediated by lateral and inferior prefrontal sites
(e.g., attentional selection, inhibition, rule switching, mainte-
nance, and context processing) can be recruited adaptively to
meet the challenges of changing environmental and task de-
mands. Executive recruitment may also be the primary means by
which the brain adapts both neurally and cognitively to its own
aging. Executive processes account for a wide range of indi-
vidual differences and are a likely source of age-related varia-
tions as well.
Yet, evidence linking age-related changes in activation to
specific age differences in cognitive strategies remains sparse.
Some tasks are not amenable to strategy analyses, and some
studies that have attempted to relate age differences in activa-
tion to differences in strategy have failed to find such links. One
example (Fera et al., 2005) comes from a weather-prediction task
that permitted strategy analysis. Despite pronounced age-re-
lated activation differences, including parietal overactivation
that correlated positively with performance in seniors, no age
differences in accuracy or strategy use were found.
Nevertheless, assuming that neural indices have cognitive
correlates, there must be some yet unidentified cognitive
differences that distinguish younger and older approaches to the
same tasks. Available imaging methods can be better utilized to
characterize age differences in neural activity and examine the
possibility of age-altered strategy use. New fMRI task designs
that can distinguish activation patterns sustained over a block of
trials from transient, within-trial changes in activity may be
successful in identifying age differences in strategies. As in the
study by Daselaar et al. (2006; see above), functional-connec-
tivity analyses can reveal dysfunctional or compensatory net-
works that can be linked to age-related changes in reliance on
different psychological processes.
Also, despite the low temporal resolution of fMRI, time-course
information alone or combined with event-related potential
methods can reveal the timing of age-related activation differ-
ences, thereby providing some insight into what mental opera-
tions they mediate. A recent study (Velanova, Lustig, Jaccoby, &
Buckner, 2006) demonstrated that prefrontal overactivity in
CRUNCH Activation Predictions
Level of Task Demand
Change from Baseline
(arbitrary units)
CRUNCH Performance Predictions
Level of Task Demand
Percent Accuracy
Fig. 2. Patterns of activation (in arbitrary units; left graph) and performance levels (right graph)
predicted by the compensation-related utilization of neural circuits hypothesis (CRUNCH). Increased
recruitment in response to increasing task demand is a ‘‘normal’’ neural response, evident in younger
adults; what varies with age, according to CRUNCH, is the slope of the function relating activation to
demand and the level at which activation asymptotes. The left graph shows how, relative to younger
adults, older adults progress from overactivation at lower levels of task demand to underactivation at
higher levels of task demand within the same region of interest. According to CRUNCH, compensatory
recruitment at low demand maintains seniors’ performance at levels that are equivalent to or mini-
mally different from younger adult levels. The right graph shows how, as task demands increase, older
adults reach a resource ceiling, and performance levels drop, especially in comparison to those of
younger groups. At peak levels of demand, errors may be sufficiently frequent that the task is met with
frustration or approached with ineffective strategies, or other factors may prevail that lead to un-
deractivation of this region compared to younger groups (cf. Mattay et al., 2006).
180 Volume 17—Number 3
Neurocognitive Aging and the Compensation Hypothesis
older adults was most evident in the latter part of a trial, sug-
gesting a shift in strategic, effortful processing operations from
earlier to later stages of the task. This temporal pattern suggests
that prefrontally mediated processes may be recruited ‘‘reac-
tively,’’ as if to perform clean-up operations due to failure to exert
adequate control in a proactive manner (Braver, Gray, & Bur-
gess, 2007).
As a dynamic biological process, aging reveals an enduring
neural capacity for functional reorganization or redistribution
of reso urces in response to metabolic and neurobiological de-
clines. As such, brain aging may share compensatory principles
with other neurobiological perturbations, including epilepsy
and stroke, developmental disorders such as attention-deficit-
hyperactivity disorder, and sleep deprivation. The brain is ex-
ceedingly clever, not only in the social, affective, and cognitive
states it supports, but in the neural strategies it invokes to de-
velop and maintain these states effectively over the lifespan. A
major research frontier concerns the neural effects of training
and practice of cognitive skills early in life, throughout life, and
late in life (e.g., Eriksen et al., 2007; Persson & Reuter-Lorenz,
in press). Can we foster cognitive success and resilience in later
life by discovering ways to forestal l or reverse declines, and
otherwise optimize the brain’s response to its own aging?
Recommended Reading
Cabeza, R., Nyberg, L., & Park, D. (2005). The cognitive neuroscience of
aging. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. An edited volume
that includes comprehensive contributions from major researchers
using neuroscientific approaches to cognitive aging.
Greenwood, P. (2007). Functional plasticity in cognitive aging: Review
and hypothesis. Neuropsychology, 21, 657–673. A thorough, up-to-
date treatment of the interplay between decline and compensation.
Hedden, T., & Gabrieli, J.D. (2005). Healthy and pathological processes
in adult development: New evidence from neuroimaging of the
aging brain. Current Opinion in Neurology, 18, 740–747. A com-
prehensive review of research addressing functional, structural,
pharmacological and genetic factors that characterize the fine line
between healthy and pathological aging.
Reuter-Lorenz, P.A., & Lustig, C. (2005). (See References). A highly
accessible overview of research on the cognitive neuroscience of
Reuter-Lorenz, P.A., & Mikels, J.A. (2006). (See References). A further
discussion of CRUNCH within a broad treatment of cognitive
aging that takes an interdisciplinary approach to analyze the
reciprocal interactions of cultural, psychological and biological
influences on development, decline, and compensation across the
Acknowledgments—We thank the members of the Reuter-
Lorenz, Lustig, and Jonides Laboratories at the University of
Michigan for useful discussion of ideas presented in this paper.
Preparation was supported by National Institutes of Health
Grant AG18286.
Braver, T.S., Gray, J.R., & Burgess, G.C. (2007). Explaining the many
varieties of variation in working memory. In A.R.A. Conway, C.
Jarrold, M.J. Kane, A. Miyake, & J.N. Towse (Eds.), Variation in
working memory (pp. 76–108). Oxford, UK: Oxford University
Cabeza, R. (2002). Hemispheric asymmetry reduction in older adults:
The HAROLD model. Psychology and Aging, 17, 85–100.
Cabeza, R., Daselaar, S., Dolcos, F., Prince, S.E., Budde, M., & Nyberg,
L. (2004). Task-independent and task-specific age effects on brain
activity during working memory, visual attention, and episodic
retrieval. Cerebral Cortex, 14, 364–375.
Cappell, K., Gmeindl, L., & Reuter-Lorenz, P.A. (2006, November). Age
differences in DLPFC recruitment during verbal working memory
maintenance depend on memory load. Paper presented at the an-
nual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA.
Daselaar, S., Fleck, Dobbins, I., Madden, D., & Cabeza, R. (2006).
Effects of healthy aging on hippocampal and rhinal memory
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Eriksen, K.I., Colcombe, S.J., Wadhwa, R., Bherer, L., Peterson, M.S.,
Scalf, P.E., et al. (2007). Training-induced plasticity in older
adults: Effects of training on hemispheric asymmetry. Neurobiol-
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Fera, F., Weickert, T.W., Goldberg, T.E., Tessitore, A., Hariri, A.,
Das, S., et al. (2005). Neural mechanisms underlying probabilistic
category learning in normal aging. Journal of Neuroscience, 25,
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normal aging. Nature Neuroscience, 8, 1298–1300.
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working memory task. NeuroReport, 17, 487–491.
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182 Volume 17—Number 3
Neurocognitive Aging and the Compensation Hypothesis
... To account for conflicting findings in terms of brain activation during semantic memory tasks and the relative preservation of semantic memory in normal aging, a possible explanation is to consider it the result of adaptive mechanisms captured within the CRUNCH model (Compensation-Related Utilization of Neural Circuits Hypothesis) [28]. According to this hypothesis, the level of task demands impacts performance and neurofunctional activation in both younger and older individuals; the effects of aging can then be thought of as the expression of increasing task demands earlier than in younger adults. ...
... At the same time, and as part of the age-related neurofunctional reorganization, neural resources may migrate from the default mode network (DMN) toward more urgent task requirements, which can be expressed as underactivation in areas subserving "redundant" tasks [28]. Indeed, the more task demands increase, the more DMN activation is expected to decrease; however, this ability to "silence" the DMN is reduced in older adults [35]. ...
... Indeed, the more task demands increase, the more DMN activation is expected to decrease; however, this ability to "silence" the DMN is reduced in older adults [35]. Both overand underactivation are relevant terms referring to comparisons with the optimal patterns of activation seen in younger adults [28]. Although the CRUNCH model describes compensatory neural mechanisms, it is not without its limits. ...
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Semantic memory representations are generally well maintained in aging, whereas semantic control is thought to be more affected. To explain this phenomenon, this study tested the predictions of the Compensation-Related Utilization of Neural Circuits Hypothesis (CRUNCH), focusing on task demands in aging as a possible framework. The CRUNCH effect would manifest itself in semantic tasks through a compensatory increase in neural activation in semantic control network regions but only up to a certain threshold of task demands. This study compares 39 younger (20–35 years old) with 39 older participants (60–75 years old) in a triad-based semantic judgment task performed in an fMRI scanner while manipulating task demand levels (low versus high) through semantic distance. In line with the CRUNCH predictions, differences in neurofunctional activation and behavioral performance (accuracy and response times) were expected in younger versus older participants in the low- versus high-demand conditions, which should be manifested in semantic control Regions of Interest (ROIs). Our older participants had intact behavioral performance, as proposed in the literature for semantic memory tasks (maintained accuracy and slower response times (RTs)). Age-invariant behavioral performance in the older group compared to the younger one is necessary to test the CRUNCH predictions. The older adults were also characterized by high cognitive reserve, as our neuropsychological tests showed. Our behavioral results confirmed that our task successfully manipulated task demands: error rates, RTs and perceived difficulty increased with increasing task demands in both age groups. We did not find an interaction between age group and task demand, or a statistically significant difference in activation between the low- and high-demand conditions for either RTs or accuracy. As for brain activation, we did not find the expected age group by task demand interaction, or a significant main effect of task demand. Overall, our results are compatible with some neural activation in the semantic network and the semantic control network, largely in frontotemporoparietal regions. ROI analyses demonstrated significant effects (but no interactions) of task demand in the left and right inferior frontal gyrus, the left posterior middle temporal gyrus, the posterior inferior temporal gyrus and the prefrontal gyrus. Overall, our test did not confirm the CRUNCH predictions.
... To date, neuroimaging research has examined task-based functional activation and resting-state functional connectivity (FC) in aging adults as compared to young adults. Predominant theories of brain functional activation in the aging process include, 1) the hemispheric asymmetry reduction in older adults (HAROLD) characterized by less focal activation and increased bilateral hemispheric activation compared to younger adults during task performance (10), and 2) the compensation-related utilization of neural circuits hypothesis (CRUNCH) which suggests that the brain will recruit additional neural circuits to compensate for age-related declines in functioning (11). Both theories implicate more diffuse brain activation in aging as compared to young adults and align with FC findings of reduced network efficiency and increased integration of brain networks with greater age (5)(6)(7)9). ...
Healthy aging is associated with deficits in cognitive performance and brain changes, including in the cerebellum. Yet, the precise link between cerebellar function/structure and cognition in aging remains poorly understood. We explored this relationship in 138 healthy adults (aged 35-86, 53% female) using resting-state functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI), cerebellar volume, and cognitive and motor assessments in an aging sample. We expected to find negative relationships between lobular volume for with age, and positive relationships between specific lobular volumes with motor and cognition respectively. We predicted lower cerebellar fcMRI to cortical networks and circuits with increased age. Behaviorally, we expected higher cerebello-frontal fcMRI cerebellar connectivity with association areas to correlate with better behavioral performance. Behavioral tasks broadly assessed attention, processing speed, working memory, episodic memory, and motor abilities. Correlations were conducted between cerebellar lobules I-IV, V, Crus I, Crus II, vermis VI and behavioral measures. We found lower volumes with increased age as well as bidirectional cerebellar connectivity relationships with increased age, consistent with literature on functional connectivity and network segregation in aging. Further, we revealed unique associations for both cerebellar structure and connectivity with comprehensive behavioral measures in a healthy aging population. Our findings underscore cerebellar involvement in behavior during aging.
... Various explanations for this shift from episodic to semantic detail production in aging have been proposed. Older adults may produce more semantic content in their narratives to compensate for episodic recollections that are impoverished due to the episodic decline typical of aging (Devitt et al., 2017; for a more general view on compensatory processes in aging, see Festini et al., 2018;Reuter-Lorenz & Cappell, 2008). However, the connection between a decrease in episodic detail production and an increase in semantic elements has not been consistently established. ...
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Older adults tend to describe experiences from their past with fewer episodic details, such as spatiotemporal and contextually specific information, but more nonepisodic details, particularly personal semantic knowledge, than younger adults. While the reduction in episodic details is interpreted in the context of episodic memory decline typical of aging, interpreting the increased production of semantic details is not as straightforward. We modified the widely used Autobiographical Interview (AI) to create a Semantic Autobiographical Interview (SAI) that explicitly targets personal (P-SAI) and general semantic memories (G-SAI) with the aim of better understanding the production of semantic information in aging depending on instructional manipulation. Overall, older adults produced a lower proportion of target details than young adults. There was an intra-individual consistency in the production of target details in the AI and P-SAI, suggesting a trait level in the production of personal target details or consistency in the narrative style and communicative goals adopted across interviews. Older adults consistently produced autobiographical facts and self-knowledge across interviews, suggesting that they are biased toward the production of personal semantic information regardless of instructions. These results cannot be easily accommodated by accounts of aging and memory emphasizing reduced cognitive control or compensation for episodic memory impairment. Nevertheless, future work is needed to fully disentangle between these accounts.
... However, the relationship between right PFC and attentional performance is not entirely straightforward. Increased right PFC activation by populations with impaired top-down control, such as older adults, is sometimes associated with relatively preserved performance, but also with greater impairment [10][11][12][13]. Right PFC activation has been shown to increase with load until it reaches a "crunch point", after which performance and activation decline [14][15][16]. ...
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While recent advancements have been made towards a better understanding of the involvement of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in the context of cognitive control, the exact mechanism is still not fully understood. Successful behavior requires the correct detection of goal-relevant cues and resisting irrelevant distractions. Frontal parietal networks have been implicated as important for maintaining cognitive control in the face of distraction. The present study investigated the role of gamma-band power in distraction resistance and frontoparietal networks, as its increase is linked to cholinergic activity. We examined changes in gamma activity and their relationship to frontoparietal top–down modulation for distractor challenges and to bottom–up distractor processing. Healthy young adults were tested using a modified version of the distractor condition sustained attention task (dSAT) while wearing an EEG. The modified distractor was designed so that oscillatory activities could be entrained to it, and the strength of entrainment was used to assess the degree of distraction. Increased top–down control during the distractor challenge increased gamma power in the left parietal regions rather than the right prefrontal regions predicted from rodent studies. Specifically, left parietal gamma power increased in response to distraction where the amount of this increase was negatively correlated with the neural activity reflecting bottom–up distractor processing in the visual area. Variability in gamma power in right prefrontal regions was associated with increased response time variability during distraction. This may suggest that the right prefrontal region may contribute to the signaling needed for top–down control rather than its implementation.
... Previous reading meta-analyses failed to integrate RH activations into an organic description of the functional lateralization of the reading network: either they refrained from proposing any functional significance for these clusters (Jobard et al., 2003;Turkeltaub et al., 2002), or, in the case of fronto-parietal RH clusters, they proposed an explanation of their involvement related to coping with attentional and/or executive task demands (Cattinelli et al., 2013;Murphy et al., 2019;Taylor et al., 2013). This interpretation seems to assume a functional compensation standpoint for the RH involvement during reading, whereby the RH would be engaged during particularly challenging computations to facilitate the job of the LH (see also Reuter-Lorenz & Cappell, 2008). In this case other interpretations might be adopted, depending on alternative assumptions on the nature of RH brain activity during an fMRI reading study. ...
... Although asymmetry reduction in older adults is commonly interpreted as a compensatory mechanism [5,6], the diminished lateralization in CON and LAN did not directly influence speech in noise perception in ONM in the present study. This suggests neural inefficiency [54] or neural dedifferentiation [2] rather than compensation. Instead, when confronted with speech-in-noise tasks that require high cognitive demand, older adults necessitate additional neural recruitment from alternative pathways that compensate for their performance, which younger individuals do not typically utilize. ...
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Musical training can counteract age-related decline in speech perception in noisy environments. However, it remains unclear whether older non-musicians and musicians rely on functional compensation or functional preservation to counteract the adverse effects of aging. This study utilized resting-state functional connectivity (FC) to investigate functional lateralization, a fundamental organization feature, in older musicians (OM), older non-musicians (ONM), and young non-musicians (YNM). Results showed that OM outperformed ONM and achieved comparable performance to YNM in speech-in-noise and speech-in-speech tasks. ONM exhibited reduced lateralization than YNM in lateralization index (LI) of intrahemispheric FC (LI_intra) in the cingulo-opercular network (CON) and LI of interhemispheric heterotopic FC (LI_he) in the language network (LAN). Conversely, OM showed higher neural alignment to YNM (i.e., a more similar lateralization pattern) compared to ONM in CON, LAN, frontoparietal network (FPN), dorsal attention network (DAN), and default mode network (DMN), indicating preservation of youth-like lateralization patterns due to musical experience. Furthermore, in ONM, stronger left-lateralized and lower alignment-to-young of LI_intra in the somatomotor network (SMN) and DAN and LI_he in DMN correlated with better speech performance, indicating a functional compensation mechanism. In contrast, stronger right-lateralized LI_intra in FPN and DAN and higher alignment-to-young of LI_he in LAN correlated with better performance in OM, suggesting a functional preservation mechanism. These findings highlight the differential roles of functional preservation and compensation of lateralization in speech perception in noise among elderly individuals with and without musical expertise, offering insights into successful aging theories from the lens of functional lateralization and speech perception.
... [55][56][57] It has been reported that there can be discrepancies in brain activation without significant differences in behavioral task performance. [55][56][57] 60 However, ...
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INTRODUCTION Identifying individuals at risk of developing dementia is crucial for early intervention. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and subjective memory complaints (SMCs) are considered its preceding stages. This study aimed to assess the utility of functional near‐infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) in identifying individuals with MCI and SMC. METHODS One hundred fifty‐one participants were categorized into normal cognition (NC); amnestic MCI (aMCI); non‐amnestic MCI (naMCI); and mild, moderate, and severe SMC groups. Task‐related prefrontal hemodynamics were measured using fNIRS during a visual memory span task. RESULTS Results showed significantly lower oxyhemoglobin (HbO) levels in aMCI, but not in naMCI, compared to the NC. In addition, severe SMC had lower HbO levels than the NC, mild, and moderate SMC. Receiver operating characteristic analysis demonstrated 69.23% and 69.70% accuracy in differentiating aMCI and severe SMC from NC, respectively. DISCUSSION FNIRS may serve as a potential non‐invasive biomarker for early detection of dementia. Highlights Only amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), but not non‐amnestic MCI, showed lower oxyhemoglobin (HbO) than normal individuals. Reduced HbO was observed in those with severe subjective memory complaints (SMCs) compared to normal cognition (NC), mild, and moderate SMCs. Functional near‐infrared spectroscopy measures were associated with performance in memory assessments. Prefrontal hemodynamics could distinguish aMCI and severe SMC from NC.
... addition to attention, processing speed, cognitive flexibility, and working memory. These age-related findings during SCWT-ic in PFC may indicate the possible neural compensatory mechanisms (Yap et al., 2017;Udina et al., 2020), or compensation-related utilization of neural circuits hypothesis (CRUNCH) for relatively more challenging tasks (Reuter-Lorenz and Cappell, 2008). When the cognitive demand increases, more cortical resources are activated. ...
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Background Age-related decline in cognitive function is often linked to changed prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity and heart rate variability (HRV). Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a transitional stage between normal aging and dementia, might have further degeneration beyond aging. This study aimed to investigate the differences between young and older adults with or without MCI in cognitive functions, task-induced PFC activation and HRV changes. Methods Thirty-one healthy young adults (YA), 44 older adults (OA), and 28 older adults with MCI (OA-MCI) were enrolled and compared in this cross-sectional study. Each participant received a one-time assessment including cognitive and executive functions, as well as the simultaneous recording of PFC activity and HRV during a cognitive task paradigm. Results We observed age-related decrease in global cognitive functions, executive functions, HRV, and increase in PFC activity. The MCI further deteriorated the global cognitive and executive performances, but not the HRV or the prefrontal activation. Conclusion Older people showed lower performances in general cognitive function and executive function, compensatory increase of PFC activity, and reduced HRV. Older people with MCI had further deterioration in cognitive performance, but not in PFC activation and HRV.
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This chapter shows how all working memory (WM) theorists agree that control processes are a critical component of WM function. The general theoretical framework is the dual mechanisms of control (DMC): proactive control and reactive control. They can be differentiated on the basis of their information-processing characteristics, computational properties, temporal dynamics, and underlying neural systems. Regardless of the source of WM variation, the proximal mechanisms of variation remain the same and have the same impact on brain activity and behavior. Thus, the DMC framework provides a unifying account that has the potential to synthesize and integrate a large body of literatures on WM function. By recognizing that there are multiple alternative routes to cognitive control, investigators may be in a better position to explore and investigate the complexity of empirical findings.
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Positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have revealed age-related under-activation, where older adults show less regional brain activation compared to younger adults, as well as age-related over-activation, where older adults show greater activation compared to younger adults. These differences have been found across multiple task domains, including verbal working memory (WM). Curiously, both under-activation and over-activation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) have been found for older adults in verbal WM tasks. Here, we use event-related fMRI to test the hypothesis that age-related differences in activation depend on memory load (the number of items that must be maintained). Our predictions about the recruitment of prefrontal executive processes are based on the Compensation-Related Utilization of Neural Circuits Hypothesis (CRUNCH; Reuter-Lorenz and Cappell, 2008). According to this hypothesis, more neural resources are engaged by older brains to accomplish computational goals completed with fewer resources by younger brains. Therefore, seniors are more likely than young adults to show over-activations at lower memory loads, and under-activations at higher memory loads. Consistent with these predictions, in right DLPFC, we observed age-related over-activation with lower memory loads despite equivalent performance accuracy across age groups. In contrast, with the highest memory load, older adults were significantly less accurate and showed less DLPFC activation compared to their younger counterparts. These results are considered in relation to previous reports of activation-performance relations using similar tasks, and are found to support the viability of CRUNCH as an account of age-related compensation and its potential costs.
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We examined age-related changes in object and spatial visual processing in two separate experiments. Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured in young and old subjects with positron emission tomography and H2(15)O during tests of face matching, location matching, and a control task. The task demands in the two experiments were identical, but the stimuli in Experiment II were constructed to equalize stimulus complexity across all three tasks. The old subjects performed more slowly than the young subjects in both experiments, and showed significantly slower reaction times during location matching compared to face matching in Experiment II. Both young and old subjects showed occipitotemporal rCBF activation during face matching and occipitoparietal activation during location matching when these conditions were compared to the control task. However, in both experiments and in both tasks, young subjects showed greater activation of prestriate cortex (Brodmann's area 18), and old subjects had larger rCBF increases in occipitotemporal cortex (area 37). Areas in prefrontal cortex, as well as in inferior and medial parietal cortex, were more activated in the old subjects during location matching in both experiments. These results demonstrate that reliable age-related changes during visual processing can be found in rCBF patterns, suggesting more efficient use of occipital visual areas by younger subjects and more reliance by older subjects on one or more cortical networks, particularly for spatial vision, perhaps to compensate for reduced processing efficiency of occipital cortex. Both the differentially increased reaction times and the more widespread prefrontal activation in the old subjects during location matching suggest that spatial vision may be affected to a greater degree by aging than is object vision.
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Over the years, a large body of literature has shown that humans display losses in memory with age, but that not all types of memory are affected equally. Similarly, recent evidence from functional neuroimaging experiments has revealed that, depending on the task, older adults can display greater or lesser activity in task-relevant brain areas compared with younger adults. Recent behavioral and neurophysiological experiments are furthering our understanding of the effects of aging on cognition. It appears that some brain changes seen with age may be compensatory.
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Age-related decline in working memory figures prominently in theories of cognitive aging. However, the effects of aging on the neural substrate of working memory are largely unknown. Positron emission tomography (PET) was used to investigate verbal and spatial short-term storage (3 sec) in older and younger adults. Previous investigations with younger subjects performing these same tasks have revealed asymmetries in the lateral organization of verbal and spatial working memory. Using volume of interest (VOI) analyses that specifically compared activation at sites identified with working memory to their homologous twin in the opposite hemisphere, we show pronounced age differences in this organization, particularly in the frontal lobes: In younger adults, activation is predominantly left lateralized for verbal working memory, and right lateralized for spatial working memory, whereas older adults show a global pattern of anterior bilateral activation for both types of memory. Analyses of frontal subregions indicate that several underlying patterns contribute to global bilaterality in older adults: most notably, bilateral activation in areas associated with rehearsal, and paradoxical laterality in dorsolateral prefrontal sites (DLPFC; greater left activation for spatial and greater right activation for verbal). We consider several mechanisms that could account for these age differences including the possibility that bilateral activation reflects recruitment to compensate for neural decline.
Although aging is broadly characterized by decline, the potential for new learning and plasticity persists well into the later decades of life. Scientific advances are yielding a deeper understanding of the limitations that biological aging imposes on cognitive function, as well as new insights into how the human mind and brain respond adaptively to the aging process. Neurocognitive investigations of the reciprocity between mind and brain reveal new avenues to influence and shape neural processes that underlie mental fitness, especially in the golden years. We explore these ideas to illustrate the co-constructivist framework in operation across neural, cognitive, behavioral, and cultural dimensions as they influence late-life development. Overview: The persistence of behavioral adaptation and plasticity (i.e., modifiability) in later life has been recognized by the field of cognitive aging for several decades (e.g., Baltes, 1997). Training procedures of various sorts have been shown to enhance cognitive performance and produce long-term gains, even for older adults well into their seventies (e.g., Willis & Nesselroade, 1990). With the recent advances in genetics, in the basic neurosciences, and in brain imaging technologies, the scope and potential of age-related reorganizational processes have attained a new level of analysis and persuasion, especially for researchers whose theoretical orientation is closely linked to brain correlates of plasticity (Park, Polk, Mikels, Taylor, & Marshuetz, 2001; Reuter-Lorenz, 2002).
Functional brain-imaging data document overlapping sites of activation in prefrontal cortex across memory tasks, suggesting that these tasks may share common executive components. We leveraged this evidence to develop a training regimen and a set of transfer tasks to examine the trainability of a putative executive-control process: interference resolution. Eight days of training on high-interference versions of three different working memory tasks increased the efficiency with which proactive interference was resolved on those particular tasks. Moreover, an improved ability to resolve interference was also transferred to different working memory, semantic memory, and episodic memory tasks, a demonstration of far-transfer effects from process-specific training. Participants trained with noninterference versions of the tasks did not exhibit transfer. We infer that the transfer we demonstrated resulted from increased efficiency of the interference-resolution process. Therefore, this aspect of executive control is plastic and adaptive, and can be improved by training.
We used H215O PET to investigate adult age differences in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) during the performance of a visual word identification task. The study participants were 20 healthy, right-handed men: 10 young adults between 18 and 27 years of age, and 10 older adults between 63 and 75 years of age. The word identification task comprised six blocks of test trials representing four task conditions; subjects responded manually. The task conditions varied with regard to whether semantic retrieval was required (e.g., word/nonword discrimination vs simple response to each stimulus) and with regard to the difficulty of visual encoding (e.g., words presented normally vs words with asterisks inserted between adjacent letters). Each subject performed all six trial blocks, concurrently with each of six H215O PET scans. Analyses of quantitative CBF data obtained from the arterial time-activity curve demonstrated a significant age-related decline in global CBF rate. Analyses of the changes in rCBF between task conditions indicated that retrieval of semantic information sufficient to distinguish words from nonwords is mediated by a ventral occipitotemporal cortical pathway. Specific areas within this pathway were also associated with visual encoding processes. Several rCBF activations were significantly greater for young adults than for older adults, indicating an age-related decline in processing efficiency within this ventral occipitotemporal pathway. Although the performance data demonstrated a greater age-related slowing for visual encoding than for semantic retrieval, these age-related performance changes were not associated with corresponding changes in rCBF activation.