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Identifying cycling-inducing neighborhoods: A latent class approach


Abstract and Figures

Understanding how spatial attributes of cities and neighborhoods induce cycling is relevant for urban planning and policy making. In this work, ordered logit and latent class models are specified and estimated to analyze how the built environment affects bicycle-commuting frequency. Data come from a survey to 1,487 people in the city of Santiago, Chile, including sociodemographic information, travel behavior patterns and place of residence and work. Using geographic information systems tools, the built environment was characterized with variables calculated for a 500-m-radius buffer around the residential and work locations of each individual. Two models are estimated, first an ordered logit model confirms that built environment variables effect on cycling is similar to what has been reported in the literature, with some new findings such as an increase in cycling when public transport accessibility is low and the role of built environment attributes at the destination. Second, a latent class ordered logit is used to identify two classes of neighborhood in term of their cycling patterns, as a function of their density, presence of cycling infrastructure and distance to the main activity center of the city. This result allows to map the class membership probabilities, potentially helping to identify neighborhoods that encourage cycling and providing relevant information for policy making and infrastructure decisions.
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Identifying cycling-inducing neighborhoods: A latent class approach
Ignacio Oliva
, Patricia Galilea
, and Ricardo Hurtubia
Departamento de Ingenier
ıa de Transporte y Log
ıstica, Vicu~
na Mackenna, Macul, Santiago, Chile;
School of Architecture, Ponticia Universidad
olica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Received 6 June 2017
Revised 19 January 2018
Accepted 20 January 2018
Understanding how spatial attributes of cities and neighborhoods induce cycling is relevant for urban
planning and policy making. In this work, ordered logit and latent class models are specied and
estimated to analyze how the built environment affects bicycle-commuting frequency. Data come from a
survey to 1,487 people in the city of Santiago, Chile, including sociodemographic information, travel
behavior patterns and place of residence and work. Using geographic information systems tools, the built
environment was characterized with variables calculated for a 500-m-radius buffer around the residential
and work locations of each individual. Two models are estimated, rst an ordered logit model conrms
that built environment variables effect on cycling is similar to what has been reported in the literature,
with some new ndings such as an increase in cycling when public transport accessibility is low and the
role of built environment attributes at the destination. Second, a latent class ordered logit is used to
identify two classes of neighborhood in term of their cycling patterns, as a function of their density,
presence of cycling infrastructure and distance to the main activity center of the city. This result allows to
map the class membership probabilities, potentially helping to identify neighborhoods that encourage
cycling and providing relevant information for policy making and infrastructure decisions.
Bicycle commuting; built
environment; GIS; latent class
model; ordered logit
1. Introduction
Due to its characteristics, cycling has been identied as a trans-
portation mode likely to solve several problems cities are facing
and will face in the future. It does not require any kind of fuel,
being a carbon zerotransportation mode (Chapman, 2007);
it improves populations health (Pucher & Buehler, 2010) and
can solve trafc congestion problems (Pucher & Dijkstra,
2003). Based on these facts, urban planning and the design of
public spaces should encourage cycling.
The inuence of the built environment in travel behavior
has been widely researched. In particular, mode choice and
the intensity of the use of nonmotorized modes have been
studied, conrming that the built environment has a strong
inuence in travel patterns (Cao, Mokhtarian, & Handy,
2009). For example, Cervero (2002) analyzes the inuence
of built environment on mode choice, while Handy, Boar-
net, Ewing, and Killingsworth (2002) found that certain
aspects of built environment promote more cycling and
walking among the population.
Notwithstanding the extensive literature linking built envi-
ronment and bicycle usage, we identify some aspects that have
not been deeply analyzed and that could provide a better
understanding of this phenomenon. First of all, most literature
focuses on bicycle usage for any purpose, mixing commuting,
utilitarian, and strolling trips. Only few studies focus exclu-
sively in commuting trips, which have distinctive characteris-
tics, such as occurring during specic hours and being longer
than utilitarian and strolling trips. In addition, the focus on
bike usage has been placed mostly on the probability of choos-
ing this mode over others instead of, for example, the frequency
of its usage.
Since strolling and utilitarian trips tend to be made within
the users neighborhood, the built environment characteristics
at the place where people work or study are not usually ana-
lyzed. Analyzing built environment characteristics at the desti-
nation might also be relevant when analyzing commuting trips
between different neighborhoods, as found by Winters, Brauer,
Setton, and Teschke (2010).
Additionally, most of the studies found in the literature refer
to cities located in Europe, the United States, and Canada,
whereas investigation applied to cities in developing countries
falls short. Developing countries exhibit different trip patterns,
with a lower modal split for motorized modes and a great
potential to increase bicycle usage. Therefore, it is interesting to
analyze how built environment affects bicycle usage in cities in
emerging countries.
Taking these aspects into consideration, we hereby propose
to model the weekly bicycle commuting frequency as a function
of socioeconomic characteristics and built environment varia-
bles, for both the origin and the destination points. In addition,
we estimate a latent class model (LCM) where the class mem-
bership function depends on attributes of the users residential
location. Hence, classes will describe neighborhoods instead of
type of users.
CONTACT Ignacio Oliva Departamento de Ingenier
ıa de Transporte y Log
ıstica, Vicu~
na Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago 7820436, Chile.
Color versions of one or more of the gures in the article can be found online at
© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
2018, VOL. 0, NO. 0, 113
In this study, we identify relevant variables inuencing bicy-
cle usage in the city of Santiago. Most of these variables conrm
trends reported in literature, but some reveal new factors that
are correlated with bicycle usage, such as the accessibility to
public transport at the origin and ofce density at the destina-
tion. After performing a latent class analysis, we nd types of
neighborhoods which seem to induce different cycling behav-
iors among their population. The results of this analysis are
consistent with patterns identied in previous studies, yet they
propose a new way to dene classes in this kind of analysis, as a
function of built environment attributes.
This article is organized as follows: Section 2reviews existent
literature on built environment and bicycle usage. Section 3
describes the methodology developed for this studys purpose.
Section 4describes the case study, the data collection process
and analyzes some relevant statistics for the sample. Section 5
shows model estimation results. Finally, Section 6summarizes
the conclusions and suggests future research.
2. Built environment and cycling
Several studies have analyzed the relationship between built envi-
ronment and travel behavior. Many of them, conducted in the
United States (Badoe & Miller, 2000;Cervero,1988,1996;Ewing&
Cervero, 2001;Frank&Pivo,1994; Frank, Stone, & Bachman,
2000; Kitamura, Mokhtarian, & Laidet, 1997; McNally & Kulkarni,
1997; Rajamani, Bhat, Handy, Knaap, & Song, 2003), suggest the
built environment has an important inuence on transport mode
choice. Specically, higher residential densities and more diverse
land uses in the territory are related with a reduced use of car and a
higher use of transit, walking, and cycling. These variables are also
occupant vehicles. Studies conductedinEuropehavefoundsimilar
results (van Wee & Handy, 2016).
Further studies have analyzed whether there is self-selection
when analyzing the built environment and travel behavior. Peo-
ple with particular travel habits may choose a certain kind of
neighborhood that suits their mobility preferences. In this con-
text, Krizek (2003) found that households that relocate change
their travel patterns, in part due to the changes in their nearby
built environment. In addition, cross-sectional studies have
been conducted in neighborhoods in different cities from the
United States (Cao, Handy, & Mokhtarian, 2006; Handy, Cao,
& Mokhtarian, 2005)nding that, after controlling for self-
selection, the effect of built environment on travel behavior can
be proven for different modes and travel purposes.
2.1. Inuence of built environment on bicycle usage
The relationship between built environment and bicycling has
also been widely investigated. First of all, it has been shown
that the presence of bike lanes is related with higher rates of
cycling (Buehler & Dill, 2015; Heinen, van Wee, & Maat, 2010),
especially in the presence of well interconnected networks
(Buehler, 2012; Titze, Stronegger, Janschitz, & Oja, 2008). In
addition, larger travel distances imply longer travel times and a
higher effort to be made by the user, making bicycle less attrac-
tive. Therefore, longer travel distances, more likely found in
low density or spread cities, have a negative effect on bicycling
(Cervero & Duncan, 2003; Cui, Mishra, & Welch, 2014; Handy
& Xing, 2011).
A positive relation between residential density and bicycle
usage has been established (Pucher & Buehler, 2006; Sallis et al.,
2013), with cycling becoming more attractive due to the trafc
congestion associated to higher density (Forsyth, Oakes,
Schmitz, & Hearst, 2007). Land use diversity is also associated
with more cycling, since this implies there are activities and serv-
ices provided at short distances, making the use of bicycle more
attractive (Ewing & Cervero, 2010; Moudon et al., 2005). Never-
theless, land use mix has been associated with less bicycle usage
in one case: the city of Curitiba, Brazil (Hino, Reis, Sarmiento,
Parra, & Brownson, 2014). In this case, neighborhoods with a
higher diversity in land uses were also located in high-income
areas of the city, where people were more likely to travel by car.
Other interesting ndings are that zones of the city with bet-
ter overall accessibility show a positive correlation with bicycle
usage (Cui et al., 2014; Kockelman, 1997; Rajamani et al.,
2003). Also, neighborhoods with more intersections seem to
induce more cycling (Sallis et al., 2013; Winters et al., 2010).
This can be explained because a more permeable urban form,
or denser road network, allows cyclist to nd shorter routes,
making this transport mode more attractive.
Nevertheless, as mentioned before, sociodemographic varia-
bles play a key role when explaining bicycle usage. For example,
men tend to cycle more than women (Heinen, Maat, & van
Wee, 2011; Rodr
ıguez & Joo, 2004). When it comes to age, the
studies reviewed present contradictory results (Heinen et al.,
2010; Pucher & Buehler, 2010) and, in some cases, it is a non-
signicant variable (Kitamura et al., 1997; Plaut, 2005). When
it comes to income, contradictory results are also found (Cer-
vero & Kockelman, 1997; Cui et al., 2014; Fern
ıaz, & Monz
on, 2016; Kitamura et al., 1997). The same
situation is detected when controlling for education level (Cer-
vero & Gorham, 2009; Handy, Xing, & Buehler, 2010; Kockel-
man, 1997; Piatkowski & Marshall, 2015; Plaut, 2005). These
contradictory ndings can be explained by historical and cul-
tural differences between the places where the studies were con-
ducted. Last, but not least, car ownership or access is related
with a lower use of the bicycle, while bicycle possession has the
opposite effect (Buehler, 2012; Cervero & Duncan, 2003).
2.2. Built environment analysis
Over the last few decades, several indicators have been pro-
posed to characterize the built environment. For example, Cer-
vero and Kockelman (1997) proposed to categorize these
indicators into three categories: density,”“diversity,and
design.Twelve years later, two additional categories of indi-
cators were proposed: destinations accessibilityand distance
to public transport(Cervero, Sarmiento, Jacoby, Gomez, &
Neiman, 2009). As reviewed by Ewing and Cervero (2010),
these make the ve Dscategories for analyzing the built envi-
ronment and have been used in several studies (Larra~
Rizzi, Arellana, Strambi, & Cybis, 2016; Sehatzadeh, Noland, &
Weiner, 2011; Stewart & Moudon, 2014; Winters et al., 2010).
Under this analysis, density corresponds to the amount of
one activity in a determined area(Handy et al., 2002); diversity
is the number of different land uses in a determined area
(Ewing & Cervero, 2010); design is the shape conformed by
blocks, streets, and sidewalks which compose a specic neigh-
borhood or area; destination accessibility indicates how easy is
to reach attractive places in the destination area; and distance
to public transport, as its name states, corresponds to the dis-
tance a person has to travel in order to access to public trans-
port services.
3. Methodology
We propose to use ordered logit to models to measure the rela-
tion of weekly cycling frequency with built environment attrib-
utes and socioeconomic characteristics. These models are
coherent with the ordinal nature of the dependent variable and,
besides providing a benchmark, are used to verify if the behav-
ior of the individuals in our case study is consistent with what
is reported in the literature. We also propose to use LCMs to
account for heterogeneity in user behavior, under the assump-
tion that, instead of users characteristics, what explains hetero-
geneity are neighborhood attributes.
3.1 Model for cycling frequency
An ordered logit model (McKelvey & Zavoina, 1975) is used to
model cycling frequency and following the notation used by
Sawkins, Seaman, and Williams (1997), the latent preference
of an individual can be modeled as:
where bis a vector of parameters to be estimated, xis the vector
of characteristics of the individual and built environment
attributes at the origin and destination of her trip. The term, e
is an error term accounting for measuring errors and unob-
served factors, If ycorresponds to an ordered discrete variable,
it can be assumed that its value will vary according to certain
thresholds of perceived achieved utility mk:
yDKif mk¡1<y
In our case of study, ygoes from 0 to 5, which corresponds
to the amount of work days a person can commute to work,
not considering weekends.
Assuming a logistic standard distribution for the error term,
the probability of observing yDk, where kis the amount of
days commuted by bike, can be written as follows:
1Cexp ¡mkCb0xn
1Cexp ¡mk¡1Cb0xn
From Eq. (3) a maximum log-likelihood function can be
derived and maximized in order to estimate the parameters b
and thresholds mk. A detailed explanation of this can be found
on Greene (2003).
3.2. Latent class models
LCMs introduce taste heterogeneity by probabilistically seg-
menting the decision makers into groups of homogeneous
behavior. Thus, a specic set of parameters can be estimated
for each group or class (Kamakura & Russell, 1989). LCMs are
an interesting and powerful modeling instrument, because they
allow the capture of unobserved heterogeneity (Walker & Ben-
Akiva, 1999) in a way that is easier to interpret than other
approaches such as mixed logit or latent variable models (Hess,
Shires, & Jopson, 2013; Hurtubia, Nguyen, Glerum, & Bierlaire,
Due to their characteristics, LCMs have been widely used for
marketing studies. Nevertheless, during recent decades,
researchers have been using them to segment populations and
improve travel behavior analysis. For instance, Ben-Akiva et al.
(1999) highlight the opportunity this methodology presents in
hybrid choice models. In addition, LCM segmentation has been
used successfully to classify population by their characteristics,
lifestyle, and beliefs in studies of residential choice (Walker &
Li, 2007), car ownership (Bhat & Guo, 2007), route selection
(Greene & Hensher, 2003), and bicycle demand (Motoaki &
Daziano, 2015).
We have found few studies linking built environment and
travel behavior using class membership models. For example,
HOSHINO (2010), Olaru, Smith, and Taplin (2011), and Meng,
Taylor, and Scrafton (2016) indentify behavioral classes associ-
ated to stated and revealed residential location preferences, while
Smith and Olaru (2013) identify classes related to different life-
stageswhich have different sensitivities to built environment
attributes. To the extent of our literature review, no author has
yet proposed a LCM where segmentation responds explicitly to
built environment variables. Instead of segmenting population,
we propose to segment residential neighborhoods according to
their attributes. As there are aspects of individuals which we are
not able to see, segmentating by urban attributes while keeping
socioeconomic characteristics as explanatory variables may help
to understand how different urban congurations are related to
certain travel behavior patterns.
To introduce latent clases, we dene an ordinal preference
latent variable similar to that of Eq. (1), but conditional on
belonging to a class s, hence having a class-specic vector of
parameters bs. This means that the ordinal probability of
Eq. (3.3) will also be conditional on belonging to a class:
1Cexp ¡ms
1Cexp ¡ms
Since latent classes cannot be deterministically assigned to a
specic individual or land buffer in the case of this study,
the proposed methodology assumes that the class membership
is probabilistic, depending on characteristics of the built
environment in each individuals residential location BEn. This
relation can be expressed as a class membership equation fas
Fns Df BEn;gs
Cens (5)
where Fns is the continuous latent variable which relates to the
probability of belonging to class sand gsis a set of parameters
to be estimated. Assuming that ens distributes i.i.d EV (0,1), the
probability of individual nbelonging to a determined class sis:
PnsðÞDexp f BEn;gs
Xr2Sexp f BEn;gr
 (6)
Finally, from Eqs. (4) and (6), the probability of an individ-
ual nchoosing to perform kcommuting trips by bicycle in a
week can be written as:
nDkjsðÞPnsðÞ (7)
4. Case study and data collection
Santiago is a city with more than seven million inhabitants and is
the capital of Chile. It has experienced a dramatic increase in the
share of trips performed by bicycle, from 2% in 2001 to 4% in 2012
(SECTRA, 2015), adding up to approximately 750,000 daily trips
and still growing. Since 2010, a lot of cycling infrastructure has
been built in Santiago, which may explain this trend, together with
asignicant increase in congestion in central areas of the city.
However, the subdivision of the city in 37 independent administra-
tive zones (comunas) has produced signicant spatial heterogeneity
in the quantity and quality of the infrastructure and other cycling
oriented policies, as well as urban and transport planning in gen-
eral. This turns Santiago into an interesting case study, because the
location of the infrastructure does not necessarily respond to typi-
cal planning variables such as predicted demand (due to high den-
sity), road hierarchy or connectivity to activity centers. This
translates into a signicant heterogeneity of combinations of attri-
bute levels in the area of study, especially for relevant variables such
as density, zonal income, job accessibility and presence of cycling
Additionally, Santiago is still growing at a fast pace, with an
important densication of its central areas and urban sprawl in
its periphery. Therefore, it is relevant to know how to orient
this urban growth to induce more sustainable mobility patterns
in the near future. The models proposed in this research may
be used as tools for this objective.
Travel behavior and socioeconomic data for the estimation
of the proposed models were obtained from a survey specially
developed for this purpose. Land use and transport network
data describing locations and their built environment were col-
lected from secondary sources. The following subsections
describe these efforts.
4.1. Survey
The instrument developed consists of a 30 questions survey,
which was divided in four parts to be completed by the
interviewees in approximately 10 min. The rst section con-
sisted of socioeconomic information related to the inter-
viewees and their households. The second section gathered
information about their travel behavior, the place of resi-
dence and studies or work location. The last two sections
were part of a different research project (Rossetti, 2017),
consisting of a revealed preferences questionnaire about
bike lane design and questions about attitudinal and percep-
tual beliefs of the interviewee.
The survey was conducted between March 21 and April 26,
2016. This period corresponds to the transition between sum-
mer and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, guaranteeing a
good cycling environment characterized by warm tempera-
tures, sunny days, and a relative absence of rain.
In order to get cyclist and noncyclist commutersinformation, a
three-step strategy was designed. First, cyclists were intercepted in
11 different bike lanes in the city (Figure 1). Trained interviewers,
equipped with tablets, approached cyclists while they were passing
through the interception point and invited them to answer the sur-
vey. This eld work was conducted during three different time peri-
ods: between 07:30 and 09:30, between 13:00 and 15:00, and
between 18:00 and 20:00, corresponding to peak hours of the day.
If the cyclist did not have time to answer the survey, they were
offered to answer it later, through an e-mail sent to their personal
address. During this step, 1,050 answers were obtained on the eld
and 355 by e-mail. Interception points were placed around the his-
torical city center and the central business district. This allowed to
capture commuters coming in and out of the main activity centers
of the city.
The second and third steps were designed to capture infor-
mation about people who did not use the bicycle. In this con-
text, yers were distributed in households of selected
neighborhoods, among car drivers in intersections and by plac-
ing them in strategic places, such as parking lots. An additional
295 observations were obtained this way. Finally, the third step
consisted in an online survey distribution, reaching 905 people.
In total, 2,605 observations were collected. However, after data
cleaning, only 1,487 surveys were identied as correctly com-
pleted and included in the sample for estimation.
4.2. Sample statistics
Collected respondent data used as explanatory variables in the
models are gender, age, education, occupation, income, cars,
and bicycles per household and household size. The dependent
variable is the weekly number of commuting trips made by
bicycle, which goes from zero to ve. For this study, we did not
consider commuting trips during weekends. Descriptive varia-
bles of sociodemographic variables can be found in Table 1.
A modal share analysis shows that 59.94% of respondents
are bicycle commuters, as expected due to the way the survey
was applied (Table 2). A total of 7.29% corresponds to car com-
muters and 21.98 to transit commuters.
4.3. Built environment indicators
By using geographic information systems (GIS), households
and workplaces were georeferenced, as it can be seen in
Figure 2. With data from the National Census (INE, 2011),
OpenStreetMaps (OpenStreetMaps contributors, 2017), and the
National Tax Agency (SII, 2014), built environment indicators
were estimated within a 500-m-radius buffer. While this scale
has been used and validated in previous studies for active trans-
port (Cervero et al., 2009; Hino et al., 2014; Larra~
naga et al.,
2016; Winters et al., 2010; Zegras, 2010), we also explored other
possible buffer sizes (between 250 and 750 m). Preliminary esti-
mation results showed that variables calculated at the 500-m
scale allowed for much higher signicance of the parameters,
hence conrming that this was an adequate scale to describe
the built environment around each location.
As mentioned in Section 2.2, the variables are classied into
ve categories: density, diversity, design, accessibility and dis-
tance to public transport. We included a sixth category
measures of travel time and distance, which are relevant when
analyzing bicycle commuting (Handy & Xing, 2011; Yang &
Zacharias, 2016) and for short-term transport modeling (Ben-
Akiva & Bierlaire, 1999). This information is presented in
Table 3.
It is important to notice that Altitude difference corre-
sponds to the subtraction between the altitude at the desti-
nation minus the altitude at the origin, hence a positive
value indicates uphill cycling from home to work. This is
relevant since Santiagos altitude goes from 400 to 800 m
above sea level, from west to east in an approximately
30 km span.
The Entropy Index was built based on Zegras(2010) work
for the city of Santiago, which is similar to others found in
Figure 1. Survey interception points in Santiago.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics for the dependent and socioeconomic variables.
Dependent variable
Weekly commuting bicycle trips 3.11 2.21
Female (1,0) 0.37 0.48 548
Age (years) 32.10 10.54
Household size 3.32 1.73
Sons or daughters (1,0) 0.35 0.48 521
Occupation student (1,0) 0.25 0.43 372
Occupation formal or informal work (1,0) 0.70 0.46 1,048
Non occupation (1,0) 0.05 0.21 67
Low and middle educational level (1: elementary, high school comp/incomp, 0: other) 0.10 0.30 150
High educational level (1: college or higher education comp/incomp, 0: other) 0.73 0.44 1,085
Graduate educational level (1: postgraduate studies comp/incomp, 0: other) 0.17 0.38 252
Low income (1: <CLP 450.000, 0: other) 0.09 0.28 132
Middle income (1: CLP 450.000 to 1.000.000, 0: other) 0.31 0.46 461
Middle-high income (1: CLP 1.000.000 to 3.000.000, 0: other) 0.44 0.50 658
High income (1: CLP >3.000.000, 0: other) 0.16 0.37 236
One car at home (1, 0) 0.44 0.50 650
Two or more cars at home (1,0) 0.20 0.40 302
Bicycles at home 2.17 1.30
Corresponds to the percentage of the observations with a value of 1 in the categorical variable.
literature (Bhat & Gossen, 2004; Bhat & Guo, 2007; Rajamani
et al., 2003) and is presented in Eq. (8). In this index, scorre-
sponds to the entropy index, vto square meters of dwellings, c
to commerce, tto ofces, ito industry, eto education, and oto
others. Tcorresponds to the sum of these variables.
5. Results
In the following section, results are analyzed for two mod-
els. First, we estimate an ordered logit model (see Sec-
tion 3.1) to understand commuting bicycle frequency, as
explained by socioeconomic and built environment varia-
bles. Second, we estimate a LCM (see Section 3.2)to
understand the role of neighborhood types in cycling
5.1. Cycling frequency
First, a base-line model is proposed, explaining cycle frequency
as a function of individual and travel characteristics. After this
exercise, the effect on the built environment is included in the
As it can be seen in Table 4 (rst column), the availability of
different transport modes has a statistically signicant effect.
People who have one car at home is less likely to commute by
bicycle over the week. The effect of a second or more cars is
even bigger, since car availability per person increases. On the
other hand, households with more bicycles are more likely to
use them, probably for analogue reasons as the car. The size of
the household has a negative impact on bicycle commuting,
suggesting that larger homes have more complex trip patterns,
hence preferring other transport modes.
When analyzing the individualsoccupation, students and
workers, are signicantly more likely to use the bicycle for com-
muting. Finally, the effect of income and gender is conrmed
for Santiagos case, with high-income individuals and females
being less likely to frequently commute by bicycle. While the
reason behind the income effect is unclear, there are two possi-
ble explanations for the gender effect. First, women may be
more aware of the risks bicycling implies (Baker, 2009) and,
secondly, because of family dynamics (specially in developing
Table 2. Samples modal share.
Mode NPercent
Car 129 7.29%
Transit 229 21.98%
Bicycle 1,061 59.94%
Walking 139 7.85%
Taxi 32 1.81%
Other 20 1.13%
6jCj t
6jCj i
Figure 2. Origins and destinations of the sample (red dots) and origins and destinations of people who commutes by bike at least once a week (blue dots).
countries), women tend to deal with more household-related
responsibilities than men, such as shopping or taking care of
children, which are not compatible with bicycle commuting if
proper infrastructure is not provided.
The negative value of the parameter for altitude difference
means that a person is more likely to use the bicycle when the
trip to work is downhill, since a smaller effort is required and
the likelihood of sweating is reduced. As expected, longer trips
are less likely to be made by bicycle. However, an interesting
counter-effect takes place when commuting time by public
transport is high.
5.1.1. Cycling frequency explained by built environment
Having estimated the base-line model, built environment varia-
bles at the origin and destination are included (third column of
Table 4). It is important to notice that an incremental approach
was followed, rst including only origin attributes (second col-
umn of Table 4) in order to be coherent with most of the litera-
ture on built environment, which focuses on the surroundings
of dwellings.
When estimating the model with built environment varia-
bles, no signicant differences with the base-line model are
observed, with the exception of two parameters: household
size, which reduces its signicance, and the middle-high
income dummy variable, which becomes signicant.
There are three statistically signicant attributes at the ori-
gin: number of dwellings within the buffer (residential density),
distance to the nearest bus stop, and the average length of the
bike lanes intersecting the buffer. The positive effect of density
was expected, as denser zones tend to be more congested, mak-
ing more attractive to use nonmotorized modes (Forsyth et al.,
2007). Additionally, low-density zones tend to be related with
suburban parts of the city, which are generally far from the
main activity centers and with low access to public transport,
hence encouraging the use of car (Cervero, 1988).
Neighborhoods with more and longer bike lanes tend to
facilitate cycling to their inhabitants, especially if there is a well-
connected network (Buehler, 2012). On the other hand, with
longer distances to the nearest bus stop, the likelihood of cycling
decreases. This result should be analyzed together with the
(opposite) effect of commuting time by transit, and may be sug-
gesting that physical access to public transport is correlated with
overall accessibility, hence inducing cycling, while poor access to
opportunities through public transport has the opposite effect.
The inclusion of built environment variables describing the
destination zone strengthens the model in terms of t and
explanatory power. Four destination-specic and statistically
signicant variables are included. In this context, the only fac-
tor that promotes bicycle usage is ofce-density. For similar
reasons to residential density, places with a higher concentra-
tion of ofces may turn cycling into a good alternative to avoid
Table 3. Descriptives for built environment variables at the origin and destination of the trip.
Origin Destination
Mean SD Mean SD
Density variables
Number of dwellings 5,389.76 3,209.80 5,118.64 2,977.94
Number of ofces 96.87 102.81 121.75 112.81
Number of commerce stores 270.98 299.96 357.09 381.74
Diversity variables
Entropy index 0.41 0.15 0.51 0.13
Parks area (m
) 31,786.72 43,253.08 42,131.34 53,339.36
Design variables
Bike lane average length (m) 1,220.47 1,172.47 1,329.42 1,211.64
Meters of bike lanes within the buffer 737.20 689.72 729.31 639.75
Number of bike lanes 1.49 1.55 1.58 1.41
Distance to closest bike lane (m) 483.72 597.65 406.38 437.31
Street average length (m) 57.10 17.80 50.29 15.45
Meters of street within the buffer 16,926.88 3,912.09 17,442.23 3,566.10
Number of street intersections 39.66 25.86 46.93 31.43
SD of angles formed in every street intersection 101.55 10.20 101.30 8.97
SD street length 53.85 21.68 51.63 16.84
Average block size (m
) 41,863.90 245,035.30 23,106.03 54,702.97
Accessibility variables
Distance to AlamedaProvidencia Av. 5,497.77 38,543.44 3,645.34 17,392.51
Distance to central square 6,596.34 4,612.99 5,738.84 4,375.12
Distance to public transport
Metro stations within the buffer 0.49 0.66 0.82 0.74
Distance to closest metro station (m) 1,006.03 1,048.37 629.32 852.66
Number of bus stops within the buffer 16.94 6.99 17.56 7.43
Number of bus services within the buffer 60.49 42.67 73.23 51.82
Distance to closest bus stop (m) 101.17 122.87 93.88 90.99
Travel variables
Altitude difference (m) ¡3.62 79.72
Travel time by car (min) 16.78 7.13
Travel time by transit (min) 34.86 16.00
Travel time by walking (min) 86.25 52.98
Distance by car (km) 8.80 6.36
Distance by transit (km) 8.23 5.31
Distance by walking (km) 6.86 4.27
trafc congestion. As negative factors, the number of subway
(metro) stations within the buffer reveals to what extent indi-
viduals rely on this service in Santiago and how, for many,
cycling is not a competitive alternative. Distance to the closest
bike lane has, as expected, a negative effect meaning that (as in
the origin) the presence of a dense network of bike lanes
encourages cycling. This responds to the fact that people do
not want to ride without proper infrastructure (Buehler & Dill,
2015), especially in zones that tend to be congested and to have
narrow streets. Finally, entropy (land use mix) appears as a fac-
tor that discourages cycling, which contradicts the existing lit-
erature. One plausible explanation for this is that people prefer
not to use their bikes when they have the possibility (or need)
of conducting several different activities (Heinen, Maat, & van
Wee, 2013). However, this could also be because high-entropy
places are mostly located in the historical city center, which is
highly accessible through public transport.
5.2. Latent class model
A LCM was estimated to categorize neighborhoods according
to their cycling behavior, as a function of built environment
characteristics of the residential location of users. Considering
the available variables, several different model specications
were explored until nding the one with the best goodness of
t and coherent segmentation. Models with more than two
classes were specied and estimated, but none rendered signi-
cant or meaningful parameters. As a result, a two latent classes
specication was selected as the nal one, where the class mem-
bership model is a function of the number of dwellings (resi-
dential density) within the buffer, the distance to the main
activity center of the city,
and the logarithm of the total length
of bike lanes that pass through the buffer. Estimation results
are shown in Table 5.
Interpretation of the parameters allows to label each class.
Locations belonging to latent class 1 (LC1) are characterized for
being further away from the main activity centers, having a
higher dwelling density and lower presence of bike lanes than
those of latent class 2 (LC2). Dwellers of places belonging to LC1,
despite being less sensible to distance and slope, are less likely to
commute by bike under several socioeconomic circumstances
(being female, of high income, having a car or a large household).
This can be interpreted as bicycle users that are less diverse. Nev-
ertheless, they seem to be willing to bike longer distances (which
is expected since these neighborhoods tend to be far from activity
Table 4. Bicycle frequency to work explained by built environment variables.
Base-line model Origin variables Origin and destination variables
Variable Value t-test Value t-test Value t-test
Socioeconomic variables
1 Car at home ¡0.303 ¡2.390 ¡0.276 ¡2.170 ¡0.293 ¡2.290
2 or more cars at home ¡0.677 ¡3.880 ¡0.632 ¡3.610 ¡0.718 ¡4.210
Number of bicycles at home 0.531 10.580 0.532 10.560 0.503 10.690
Student 1.160 3.890 1.140 3.820 1.370 4.540
High income ¡0.724 ¡4.040 ¡0.746 ¡4.140 ¡0.732 ¡4.020
Middle-high income ¡0.230 ¡1.88
¡0.260 ¡2.090 ¡0.270 ¡2.150
Female ¡0.500 ¡4.490 ¡0.520 ¡4.650 ¡0.513 ¡4.520
Household size ¡0.084 ¡2.210 ¡0.065 ¡1.68
Employed 1.870 6.500 1.860 6.380 1.880 6.490
Destination built environment variables
Number of ofces within the buffer/1,000 ————1.480 2.610
Distance to closest bike lane (km) ————¡0.795 ¡6.170
Entropy ————¡1.590 ¡3.280
Number of metro stations within the buffer ————¡0.174 ¡1.990
Origin built environment variables
Number of dwellings within buffer 1,000 ——0.037 2.020 0.044 2.400
Distance to closest bus stop (km) ——¡0.001 ¡2.120 ¡0.001 ¡2.000
Average length of bike lanes that go through the buffer (km) ——0.109 2.310 0.119 2.500
Travel variables
Altitude difference (km) ¡3.990 ¡5.440 ¡3.330 ¡4.360 ¡3.280 ¡4.230
Distance (km) ¡0.141 ¡7.010 ¡0.145 ¡7.090 ¡0.128 ¡6.070
Commuting time by transit (min) 0.021 3.940 0.026 4.750 0.028 4.740
(one trip) 0.587 1.76
0.371 2.740 0.330 0.77
(two trips) 0.107 5.150 0.021 5.150 0.113 5.150
(three trips) 0.168 6.660 0.026 6.660 0.178 6.660
(four trips) 0.370 10.440 0.036 10.440 0.391 10.450
(ve trips) 0.441 11.930 0.037 11.930 0.461 11.940
Final log likelihood ¡1,697.257 ¡1,688.579 ¡1,658.152
0.179 0.183 0.198
Adjusted r
0.171 0.173 0.186
Not signicant at 95%.
Not signicant at 90%.
Conformed by Alameda, Providencia, and Apoquindo avenues, which concen-
trate most work places in the city (Niehaus, 2016), including the historical city
center and several business districts.
centers) and are less sensitive to slope. Therefore, we assign the
label Homogeneous Riders Neighborhoodsto LC1.
On the other hand, LC2 corresponds to lower density
neighborhoods with a good presence of bicycle infrastruc-
ture and closer to the main activity center. Dwellers of LC2
places are not affected in a negative way by any socioeco-
nomic characteristic, suggesting more diverse cycling com-
muters are spawn from these areas. However, they are more
sensitive to distance and slope, probably because they are
likely to dwell in places that are already close to activity
centers. We assign the label Diverse Riders Neighbor-
hoodsto LC2.
When analyzing the value of thresholds, an unexpected neg-
ative value for d2in LC1 is found, which is not coherent with
an ordered logit model. Nevertheless, it is not statistically sig-
nicant, which implies its real value is cero. Therefore, for LC1,
commuting by bike 2 or 3 days a week is considered as the
same in this model. A similar situation is detected for d1in
LC2, implying that commuting by bike once or twice a week is
statistically the same for this class.
We conclude that LC2 denotes a type of neighborhood that
is friendlier for cycling, inducing it in a more diverse group of
users. All but one of the spatial variables explaining member-
ship to this class are consistent in this regard to what is found
in the literature, since residential density is systematically
reported as an inducer of cycling and walking, which contra-
dicts our results. However, Santiagos high-rise residential
buildings are not characterized by being very friendly with
cycling, often lacking safe street-level parking and forcing its
dwellers to park their bikes in locked-down underground facili-
ties or to carry their bikes up and down through elevators or
stairs. Therefore, living in a high-rise residential building in
Santiago often discourages cycling. Moreover, Santiago is quite
polarized in this regard, with high density explained mostly by
high rise. We believe that this particular characteristic of the
residential supply of Santiago explains the negative parameter
for density in the membership to the class that encourages
more cycling (LC2).
The estimation of a LCM based on built environment attrib-
utes may be controlling for residential self-selection since it
mimics, to some extent, the location choice process of individu-
als. While choosing to locate in a LC2 neighborhood may be
due to preexisting preferences for cycling commuting, we know
that the remaining (socioeconomic and travel) variables are
likely to be free of self-selection bias. This, however, requires
further validation.
This approach should allow to explore differences
within differences,for example, by analyzing the role of
density within each latent class (already dened by density).
This was attempted but results were not satisfactory due to
correlation issues that triggered numerical estimation prob-
lems. Further research will explore methods to achieve this.
5.3. LC1 and LC2 distribution in the city of Santiago
The latent class segmentation analysis was applied for the
whole city of Santiago. The city was divided in a squared grid
where each edge is 500 m long. In the centroid of each cell, var-
iables within a 500-m-radius buffer were calculated. Once vari-
ables where calculated for each cell, the class membership
probability was estimated using Eq. (3.6) and the parameters
from Table 5.
Results of this analysis are shown in Figure 3.Adarkercolor
represents a higher probability of belonging to LC2. It is interest-
ing to notice the inuence of bike lanes, which can be clearly seen
in dark orange in the map. This conrms that investment in
Table 5. Latent class model estimation.
Variable Value t-test Value t-test
Socioeconomic characteristics
1 or more car at home ¡0.805 ¡3.1 ——
Number of bicycles at home 0.95 5.89 0.266 2.88
Female ¡1.27 ¡4.66 ——
Household size ¡0.277 ¡3.41 ——
High income ¡1.05 ¡3.58 ——
Travel variables
Altitude difference (km) ¡2.96 ¡1.9
¡8.01 ¡4.95
Distance (km/10) ¡0.571 ¡2.01 ¡1.49 ¡4.73
Class membership variables
ASC_2 ——0.542 1.12
Number of dwellings within the buffer/1,000 ——¡0.15 ¡2.37
Distance to main activity centers (m/100) ——¡0.00699 ¡3.18
LN of sum of length of bike lanes that pass through the buffer ——0.083 2.59
m0(one trip) ¡1.35 ¡3.58 ¡1.77 ¡3.88
d1(two trips) 0.11 2.07 0.113 1.79
d2(three trips) ¡0.367 ¡1.67
0.713 3.17
d3(four trips) 0.275 2.36 0.475 4.24
d4(ve trips) 0.439 3.4 0.483 4.08
Final log likelihood ¡1,727.159
Adjusted r20.153
Not signicant at 95%.
Not signicant at 90%.
dedicated bicycle infrastructure is crucial for making cycling more
attractive for a wider group of users. The spatial distribution of the
variables considered in the latent class are shown in Figure 4.
Finally, it is interesting to see how the LCM relates with
what is actually seen in the city of Santiago in terms of cycling
behavior. Figure 5 shows the bicycle daily trip-generation rates
per person for each comuna of the city. As it can be seen, there
are larger trip-generation rates in central and eastern comunas.
Especially in those which are close to the main city axis. If com-
pared with the LCM results (Figure 3), there is some similarity
between zones with a higher probability to belong to LC2 and
communes with higher bike trip-generation rates.
6. Conclusions
After controlling for sociodemographic variables and trip dis-
tance, the effect of the built environment on bike commuting
frequency was analyzed. The inuence will vary depending on
the type of analyzed location: residential place (trip origin) or
work place (trip destination).
From the ordered logit model, it was found that, at the ori-
gin, residential density and bike lanes length have a positive
effect on cycling commuting, conrming previous ndings
from the literature. A novel contribution of this work is the
exploration of the effect of built environment attributes on the
destination (work locations), nding that presence of bike lanes
and high density of ofces are likely to induce frequent com-
mute by bicycle.
Another contribution is the specication and estimation of a
LCM based on residential neighborhoods characteristics. This
methodological innovation explores a new way to segment and
identify neighborhoods, according to the cycling behavior
observed in them, as a function of built environment attributes.
Two latent classes were identied. The Homogeneous
Riders Neighborhoodsare likely to have more male, single
and lower income commuters who are willing to cycle for lon-
ger distances. The Diverse Riders Neighborhoods are likely to
have more miscellaneous commuters and to be friendlier to
cycling in general, as they are closer to activity centers and have
a higher presence of cycling infrastructure. An interesting result
is the fact that this type of neighborhood also tends to be of
lower density, which may be explained by the way in which
high-density materializes in Santiago.
Results conrm the importance of cycling infrastructure as
an element that induces cycling, although residential self-selec-
tion could be playing a role in this. However, the use of latent
classes applied to locations may be controlling for this effect.
Figure 4. Graphic representation of the class membership variables in the city of Santiago.
Figure 5. Bicycle trips per person generated in communes of Santiago.
Figure 3. Probability of belonging to LC2 for Santiago de Chile.
Further research will explore and validate this, together with
the inclusion of latent variables related to individual indicators
of attitudes toward cycling (already collected in the survey). As
studied by Heinen and Handy (2012), these variables have a
signicant effect in the decision of commuting by bicycle and
might help to account for self-selection (Mokhtarian & Cao,
Future research should attempt to include more variables
describing urban design, such as qualitative attributes of urban
spaces or type of cycling infrastructure, which may also have a
relevant inuence on cycling behavior (Rossetti, 2017; Rossetti,
Saud, & Hurtubia, 2017)
Finally, as identied by Aldred, Woodcock, and Goodman
(2015) for the city of London, more cycling among the popula-
tion does not necessarily imply further diversity of cyclists.
Taking this into consideration, future research should analyze
how the built environment affects specic groups, nding ways
to encourage cycling in those that are currently less likely to do
it, such as women and children.
The authors want to thank to Tom
as Cox for his valuable help with the cal-
culation of built environment variables. This research was partially funded
by FONDECYT (Project number 1180605), the Complex Engineering Sys-
tems Institute (ICM: P-05-004-F, CONICYT:FBO16) the Center for Sus-
tainable Urban Development (CEDEUS, CONICYT/FONDAP 15110020)
and supported by the BRTCCentre of Excellence funded by the Volvo
Research and Educational Foundations (VREF).
Fondo de Fomento al Desarrollo Cient
ıco y Tecnol
ogico (1180605).
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... Tačiau vienintelis dokumentas, nurodantis būsi mus dviračių srautus mieste, yra VJDP, kuris teigia, kad dviračių srautas mieste, nepriklausomai nuo teritorijos, turi išaugti iki 7,5 %. Mokslinėje literatūroje nustatyta, kad naudojimasis dviračiu priklauso nuo miesto teri torijos užstatymo būdo (Akar et al., 2016;Oakil et al., 2016;Oliva et al., 2018;Hou et al., 2020). Todėl planuo jamą dviračių infrastruktūrą ir jos pasiskirstymą miesto teritorijoje reikia vertinti nevienodai, o priklausomai nuo užstatymo būdo bei traukos vietų lokacijos. ...
... Vilniuje dviračiais atlie kamų kasdienių kelionių skaičius sieks 7,5 %, tačiau prie išsikelto tikslo nurodoma, jog tai yra labai am bicingas siekis. Iškelto siekio sunkų įgyvendinimą pagrindžia ir mokslinė literatūra, kurioje nustatyta, kad naudojimasis dviračiu priklauso nuo miesto teri torijos užstatymo būdo (Akar et al., 2016;Oakil et al., 2016;Oliva et al., 2018, Hou et al., 2020. Atsižvelgi nat į skirtingo užstatymo būdo teritorijas mieste, jose esantį netolygų gyventojų skaičių bei netolygias trau kos vietas, tikėtina, kad šis siekis nėra įgyvendinamas. ...
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Vilniaus miesto darnaus judumo plane Vilniuje 2030 m. prognozuojama, kad dviračiais atliekamų kasdienių kelionių dalis sudarys 7,5 % nuo bendro kasdienių kelionių skaičiaus. Atsižvelgiant į darbo vietų, gyvenamųjų vietų išsidėstymą miesto teritorijoje ir žemės naudojimo būdą, akivaizdu, kad dviračių srautai mieste nėra pasiskirstę tolygiai. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinus miesto funkcines zonas, esamą ir prognozuojamą dviračių srautų pasiskirstymą, sudaryti dviračių srautų pasiskirstymo kartogramą, kuri leistų įvertinti prognozuojamus dviračių srautus skirtingose miesto funkcinėse zonose. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia dviračių srautų pasiskirstymą miesto centrinėje, vidurinėje ir periferinėje zonose. Straipsnyje gauti rezultatai naudingi vertinant dviračių takų plėtrą, parenkant dviračių takų techninius parametrus.
... A study by Kweon (2021) found that the presence of a sidewalk, buffers, and street trees positively influenced the willingness to walk to school in the USA [47]. Meanwhile, Oliva et al. (2018) found a positive correlation between the length dedicated to the bicycle lanes and people's willingness to bicycle in Chile [48]. Another study from Taiwan showed that good network connectivity was favorable for AT. ...
... A study by Kweon (2021) found that the presence of a sidewalk, buffers, and street trees positively influenced the willingness to walk to school in the USA [47]. Meanwhile, Oliva et al. (2018) found a positive correlation between the length dedicated to the bicycle lanes and people's willingness to bicycle in Chile [48]. Another study from Taiwan showed that good network connectivity was favorable for AT. ...
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Bangladesh has emphasized active transportation in its transportation policies and has encouraged its population, especially the youth and students, towards bicycling. However, there is a scarcity of studies that have examined the factors important to the choice of active transportation that can be referenced to support the initiative. To address this research gap, in this study, we explore the influence of sociodemographics and latent perceptions of a built environment on the choice to walk and bicycle among students and nonstudents in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. In Rajshahi, we conducted a household survey between July and August, 2017. We used a modeling framework that integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) models to effectively incorporate the latent perception variables in the choice model, addressing measurement error and endogeneity bias. Our models show that students are influenced by perceptions of safety from crime, while nonstudents are influenced by their perceptions of the walkability of a built environment when choosing a bicycle for commuting trips. For recreational bicycle trips, students are more concerned about the perceptions of road safety, whereas nonstudents are concerned about safety from crime. We find that road safety perception significantly and positively influences walking behavior among nonstudents. Structural equation models of the latent perception variables show that females are more likely to provide lower perceptions of neighborhood walkability, road safety, and safety from crime. Regarding active transportation decisions, overall, we find there is a difference between student and non-student groups and also within these groups. The findings of this study can assist in developing a sustainable active transportation system by addressing the needs of different segments of the population. In this study, we also provide recommendations regarding promoting active transportation in Rajshahi.
... Considering that the HMS-2019 included the location of every household, we could compute spatial-related information for each household, using the R package sf v.0.9-8 (Pebesma, 2018). The density-related variable was defined as the average number of households per hectare around the household (reported directly by the UAECD), and we calculated this in a radius of 500 m around each household, following the successful applications of Oliva et al. (2018) and Gutierrez et al. (2020). ...
... When assessing the need for cycling infrastructure in the city, it can be seen that the type of land use has an impact on daily cycling trips. It has been extensively studied and established in the scientific literature that the type of land use has an impact on cycling accessibility (Akar et al., 2016;Oliva et al., 2018). Heinen et al. (2010) pointed out that travel distance, land use type, the presence of cycle paths and other factors are important in the choice to make a trip by bicycle, but of these, the most important factor is travel distance. ...
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Sustainable urban development is one of the most pressing issues in urban planning, and such development requires the promotion of sustainable traffic and the use of non-motorised means of transport. The main problem encountered is the lack of a methodology to easily identify existing cycling flows in the study area. Taking into account the lack of such a methodology, the paper analyses 3 methodologies for determining the bicycle flow in different land use areas of Vilnius city. A survey of the residents of the analysed areas was carried out in order to identify the factors that determine the choice of cycling trips. The study found that the proposed methodologies for determining cycling flow have a 20–40% error margin. The main factor that influences the choice to cycle is the attitude towards cycling as a leisure activity.
... Hurtubia (2021, 2022), manage latent segmentations of residential locations based on place-specific attributes and observed location choices in Santiago, Chile. Oliva et al. (2018) estimate a SLC model for the frequency of bicycle commuting, where class membership depends on built environment attributes of the neighborhood of residence of each traveler. Beyond providing a richer understanding of the relationship between the built environment and cycling, the results identify neighborhoods that facilitate or discourage cycling, helping to define and geographically target policies to incentivize bicycle use. ...
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We propose a method to estimate mode choice models, where preference parameters are sensitive to the spatial context of the trip origin, challenging traditional assumptions of spatial homogeneity in the relationship between travel modes and the built environment. The framework, called Spatial Latent Classes (SLC), is based on the integrated choice and latent class approach, although instead of defining classes for the decision maker, it estimates the probability of a location belonging to a class, as a function of spatial attributes. For each Spatial Latent Class, a different mode choice model is specified, and the resulting behavioral model for each location is a weighted average of all class-specific models, which is estimated to maximize the likelihood of reproducing observed travel behavior. We test our models with data from Portland, Oregon, specifying spatial class membership models as a function of local and regional accessibility measures. Results show the SLC increases model fit when compared with traditional methods and, more importantly, allows segmenting urban space into meaningful zones, where predominant travel behavior patterns can be easily identified. We believe this is a very intuitive way to spatially analyze travel behavior trends, allowing policymakers to identify target areas of the city and the accessibility levels required to attain desired modal splits.
Non-commuting travel is essential for people to meet daily demands and regulate mental health, which is greatly disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To explore non-commuting intentions during COVID-19 across different groups of residents, this paper uses online survey data in Nanjing and constructs a hybrid latent class choice model that combines sociodemographic characteristics and psychological factors. Results showed that the respondents can be divided into two groups: the "cautious" group versus the "fearless" group. The "cautious" group with lower willingness to travel tend to be older, higher-income, higher-educated, female and full-time employees. Furthermore, the "cautious" group with higher perceived susceptibility is more obedient to government policies. In contrast, the "fearless" group is significantly affected by perceived severity and is more inclined to turn to personal protection against the pandemic. These results suggested that non-commuting trips were influenced not only by individual characteristics but also by psychological factors. Finally, the paper provides implications for the government to formulate COVID-19 management measures for the heterogeneity of different groups.
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面对自行车交通在公共健康和环保方面优势较大和分担率较低的现状,全球许多城市都在开展自行车复兴工作。自行车 友好设施是自行车出行最重要的影响因素之一。国外研究与规划实践对我国存量规划时代和街区制指导下的相关规划有 重要参考意义。针对国外自行车设施对出行行为影响研究的方法、主要结论和有待进一步研究的方面进行综述,梳理总结 自行车友好设施的类型及其体现的精细化分配空间的街道设计趋势,分析欧美代表性城市相关规划(包括自行车总体规 划和“完整街道”改造)的特点,指出“回归慢行和日常”是自行车交通及设施规划的主题。基于国际经验总结,讨论我 国未来自行车友好设施规划设计的一些关键问题。 With the sustainability and health benefits of cycling as a transport mode and the low cycling rate in most cities, promoting cycling has been recognized by researchers and cities worldwide. Cycling-friendly infrastructure has been found as a major factor affecting cycling behaviors. China's current planning policies are emphasizing regenerative approaches and small-block urban form. Thus, international research and practice on cycling infrastructure are meaningful for China's transport planning and street design. In this article, I firstly conduct a literature review on the impacts of cycling infrastructures on cycling behaviors, including their results, approaches and research gaps. Secondly, I summarize the treatments of cycling-friendly infrastructures, and how they reflect the street design trends. Following is an analysis of some typical bicycle master plans and complete street projects in Europe and North America. It is pointed out that 'back to active and daily transport' is the common objective in cycling transport development and infrastructural planning. The article concludes with a discussion on take-home values and important issues of cycling-infrastructure planning in China.
Active travel choice analysis in response to policies related to sustainability and urban sprawl has been considered in past research. Recent research emphasizes the importance of attitudinal variables in explaining underlying travel preferences. However, these studies lack detailed econometric analysis of attitudinal preferences impact on active and non-active transport choices for non-work travel activities explicitly. In this study, travel diary data from a Netherlands-based mobility panel survey is utilized. Bicycle-oriented and car-loving attitudinal indicators along with travel time and sociodemographic variables are incorporated in a simultaneous integrated choice and latent variable model for non-work travel activities. It is found that latent preferences for bicycle and car significantly impact the choice of active and non-active modes, respectively, for non-work travel activities. Bicycle choice probability is found to be more elastic to the latent car-loving attitude as compared to bicycle-oriented attitude. Both auto and bicycle choice probabilities are found to be more elastic to their respective latent preferences as compared to their respective travel times. Current research aims to contribute toward the dialogue on policies for promotion of active travel. This study provides empirical support for strategies that consider persuasive techniques and incentive mechanisms to enhance active transport usage through information technologies. Since the current empirical research advocates the influence of attitudes on the active transport choice for non-work activities, there is a high probability that such policies can be implemented and would be preferred by the individuals.
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Sidewalk cyclists are a major concern to planners in many cities around the world: they are considerable in numbers, and increase the risk of injury not only to pedestrians but also to themselves. Considering this, planners need evidence to design streets that nudge users into a more desirable behavior from a social perspective. This study analyzes a stated preferences survey that investigates commuters’ preferences for cycling at the sidewalk or street level. With this data, three models were calibrated: two Binomial Logit Models and an Integrated Choice and Latent Class Model. The three showed similar results in terms of preferences, with the ones including users’ characteristics providing richer behavioral insight and a better fit to observed results. On average, respondents prefer infrastructure located at the road level, especially if it is wide and not built next to bus routes. This preference for the road is even stronger in commuters that cycle to work often. We also conclude that building at the sidewalk level is not recommendable, especially in dense urban areas, and that design of cycling infrastructure can and should be informed by quantitative methods like the one proposed here.
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Marketing scholars commonly characterize market structure by studying the patterns of substitution implied by brand switching. Though the approach is useful, it typically ignores the destabilizing role of marketing variables (e.g., price) in switching behavior. The authors propose a flexible choice model that partitions the market into consumer segments differing in both brand preference and price sensitivity. The result is a unified description of market structure that links the pattern of brand switching to the magnitudes of own- and cross-price elasticities. The approach is applied in a study of competition between national brands and private labels in one product category.
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This paper applies and combines Latent Class discrete choice models and GIS models to analyse travel and residential location choice behaviour in a metropolitan rail corridor. The Latent Class models reveal the factors influencing residents’ choices and behaviour. The GIS model indicates future travel demand needs and patterns. The combined model demonstrates the complex relationships between travel behaviour, housing preference, socio-demographic and environmental factors and suggests market segmentation for potential travel and housing demands. It provides a case study application of an advanced tool for policy makers in creating efficient integrated transport and land use plans.
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Research linking bikeway infrastructure and cycling levels has increased significantly over the last 20 years — with the strongest growth since 2010. The research has evolved from the study of lanes and paths, to include analyses of the role of intersection treatments, and finally to studies that attempt to measure the whole bike network. Most studies suggest a positive relationship between bikeway networks or aspects of the network and cycling levels. Stated and revealed-preference studies suggest a hierarchy of cyclist and non-cyclist preferences may exist, favoring separate paths and/or lanes over cycling on roadways with traffic — particularly with high volumes of fast-moving motorized traffic. Revealed- and stated-route-choice studies indicate that intersections have negative effects on the cycling experience, but that certain features can offset this. The research correlating link and node characteristics to cycling implies that networks of such facilities would have positive effects, though very few empirical studies link complex measures of the network to cycling levels. In spite of an increase in studies and general agreement among findings, several important research gaps remain, including empirical studies using comprehensive network measures and studies of specific facility designs and new types of facilities (including intersection treatments). Improved research methods are necessary, including better sampling, longitudinal studies, greater geographic diversity, and incorporating more control variables, including policies.
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In low-cycling countries, cycling is not evenly distributed across genders and age groups. In the UK, men are twice as likely as women to cycle to work and cycling tends to be dominated by younger adults. By contrast, in higher cycling countries and cities, gender differences are low, absent, or in the opposite direction. Such places also lack the UK's steady decline in cycling among those aged over 35 years. Over the past fifteen years some UK local areas have seen increases in cycling. This paper analyses data from the English and Welsh Census 2001 and 2011 to examine whether such increases are associated with greater diversity among cyclists. We find that in areas where cycling has increased, there has been no increase in the representation of females, and a decrease in the representation of older adults. We discuss potential causes and policy implications. Importantly, simply increasing cycling modal share has not proved sufficient to create an inclusive cycling culture. The UK's culturally specific factors limiting female take-up of cycling seem to remain in place, even where cycling has gone up. Creating a mass cycling culture may require deliberately targeting infrastructure and policies towards currently under-represented groups.
Studies conducted in cities from developed countries reveal associations between travel behavior and built environment. A priori we would expect that most of these associations hold for cities from developing countries but we do not have any basis to suppose whether or not they will be quantitatively the same because of differences in the nature of urban form between cities of developed and developing countries, and potential differences in attitudes and travel preferences from their travelers. This paper analyses the relationship between walking patterns, travel attitudes and neighborhood's urban structure in Porto Alegre, Brazil, under the assumption that built environment affects travel attitudes, instead of the more typical assumption that goes the other way round. We develop a two-step ordered choice model enriched with attitudinal variables to integrate travel attitudes, built environment and travel behavior. A multiple indicator multiple cause (MIMIC) model is used to identify travel attitude as latent constructs that feed a frequency-of-walking ordered logit model with both the built environment and travel attitudes as explanatory variables.Our results support the a priori assumption that we would replicate many of the results already reported in the literature. However, we obtained same differences in the magnitudes of some key elasticities. The results of the elasticities computed for the number of walking trips with respect to the built environment variables were smaller than in other studies. Only the effect of population density on walking frequency seems to be marginally higher.
Problem: Localities and states are turning to land planning and urban design for help in reducing automobile use and related social and environmental costs. The effects of such strategies on travel demand have not been generalized in recent years from the multitude of available studies.Purpose: We conducted a meta-analysis of the built environment-travel literature existing at the end of 2009 in order to draw generalizable conclusions for practice. We aimed to quantify effect sizes, update earlier work, include additional outcome measures, and address the methodological issue of self-selection.Methods: We computed elasticities for individual studies and pooled them to produce weighted averages.Results and conclusions: Travel variables are generally inelastic with respect to change in measures of the built environment. Of the environmental variables considered here, none has a weighted average travel elasticity of absolute magnitude greater than 0.39, and most are much less. Still, the combined effect of several such variables on travel could be quite large. Consistent with prior work, we find that vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is most strongly related to measures of accessibility to destinations and secondarily to street network design variables. Walking is most strongly related to measures of land use diversity, intersection density, and the number of destinations within walking distance. Bus and train use are equally related to proximity to transit and street network design variables, with land use diversity a secondary factor. Surprisingly, we find population and job densities to be only weakly associated with travel behavior once these other variables are controlled.Takeaway for practice: The elasticities we derived in this meta-analysis may be used to adjust outputs of travel or activity models that are otherwise insensitive to variation in the built environment, or be used in sketch planning applications ranging from climate action plans to health impact assessments. However, because sample sizes are small, and very few studies control for residential preferences and attitudes, we cannot say that planners should generalize broadly from our results. While these elasticities are as accurate as currently possible, they should be understood to contain unknown error and have unknown confidence intervals. They provide a base, and as more built-environment/travel studies appear in the planning literature, these elasticities should be updated and refined.Research support: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
In this paper we analyze demand for cycling using a discrete choice model with latent variables and a discrete heterogeneity distribution for the taste parameters. More specifically, we use a hybrid choice model where latent variables not only enter into utility but also inform assignment to latent classes. Using a discrete choice experiment we analyze the effects of weather (temperature, rain, and snow), cycling time, slope, cycling facilities (bike lanes), and traffic on cycling decisions by members of Cornell University (in an area with cold and snowy winters and hilly topography). We show that cyclists can be separated into two segments based on a latent factor that summarizes cycling skills and experience. Specifically, cyclists with more skills and experience are less affected by adverse weather conditions. By deriving the median of the ratio of the marginal rate of substitution for the two classes, we show that rain deters cyclists with lower skills from bicycling 2.5 times more strongly than those with better cycling skills. The median effects also show that snow is almost 4 times more deterrent to the class of less experienced cyclists. We also model the effect of external restrictions (accidents, crime, mechanical problems) and physical condition as latent factors affecting cycling choices.