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Toward the estimation of absolute quality of individual protein structure models


Abstract and Figures

Motivation: Quality assessment of protein structures is an important part of experimental structure validation and plays a crucial role in protein structure prediction, where the predicted models may contain substantial errors. Most current scoring functions are primarily designed to rank alternative models of the same sequence supporting model selection, whereas the prediction of the absolute quality of an individual protein model has received little attention in the field. However, reliable absolute quality estimates are crucial to assess the suitability of a model for specific biomedical applications. Results: In this work, we present a new absolute measure for the quality of protein models, which provides an estimate of the 'degree of nativeness' of the structural features observed in a model and describes the likelihood that a given model is of comparable quality to experimental structures. Model quality estimates based on the QMEAN scoring function were normalized with respect to the number of interactions. The resulting scoring function is independent of the size of the protein and may therefore be used to assess both monomers and entire oligomeric assemblies. Model quality scores for individual models are then expressed as 'Z-scores' in comparison to scores obtained for high-resolution crystal structures. We demonstrate the ability of the newly introduced QMEAN Z-score to detect experimentally solved protein structures containing significant errors, as well as to evaluate theoretical protein models. In a comprehensive QMEAN Z-score analysis of all experimental structures in the PDB, membrane proteins accumulate on one side of the score spectrum and thermostable proteins on the other. Proteins from the thermophilic organism Thermatoga maritima received significantly higher QMEAN Z-scores in a pairwise comparison with their homologous mesophilic counterparts, underlining the significance of the QMEAN Z-score as an estimate of protein stability. Availability: The Z-score calculation has been integrated in the QMEAN server available at:
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[12:50 28/1/2011 Bioinformatics-btq662.tex] Page: 343 343–350
BIOINFORMATICS ORIGINAL PAPER Vol. 27 no. 3 2011, pages 343–350
Structural bioinformatics Advance Access publication December 5, 2010
Toward the estimation of the absolute quality of individual protein
structure models
Pascal Benkert1,2, Marco Biasini1,2and Torsten Schwede1,2,
1Biozentrum, University of Basel and 2SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Basel, Switzerland
Associate Editor: Alfonso Valencia
Motivation: Quality assessment of protein structures is an important
part of experimental structure validation and plays a crucial role
in protein structure prediction, where the predicted models may
contain substantial errors. Most current scoring functions are
primarily designed to rank alternative models of the same sequence
supporting model selection, whereas the prediction of the absolute
quality of an individual protein model has received little attention in
the field. However, reliable absolute quality estimates are crucial to
assess the suitability of a model for specific biomedical applications.
Results: In this work, we present a new absolute measure for
the quality of protein models, which provides an estimate of the
‘degree of nativeness’ of the structural features observed in a model
and describes the likelihood that a given model is of comparable
quality to experimental structures. Model quality estimates based
on the QMEAN scoring function were normalized with respect to the
number of interactions. The resulting scoring function is independent
of the size of the protein and may therefore be used to assess
both monomers and entire oligomeric assemblies. Model quality
scores for individual models are then expressed as ‘Z-scores’ in
comparison to scores obtained for high-resolution crystal structures.
We demonstrate the ability of the newly introduced QMEAN
Z-score to detect experimentally solved protein structures containing
significant errors, as well as to evaluate theoretical protein models.
In a comprehensive QMEAN Z-score analysis of all experimental
structures in the PDB, membrane proteins accumulate on one side of
the score spectrum and thermostable proteins on the other. Proteins
from the thermophilic organism Thermatoga maritima received
significantly higher QMEAN Z-scores in a pairwise comparison
with their homologous mesophilic counterparts, underlining the
significance of the QMEAN Z-score as an estimate of protein stability.
Availability: The Z-score calculation has been integrated in the
QMEAN server available at:
Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at
Bioinformatics online.
Received on August 27, 2010; revised on November 3, 2010;
accepted on November 29, 2010
In homology modelling, the quality of a model is largely dictated
by the evolutionary distance of the protein of interest (target)
To whom correspondence should be addressed.
to the available template structures. The sensitivity of tools for
detecting remote homologues with very low sequence identity has
increased significantly in recent years due to the development of
sophisticated algorithms (Altschul et al., 1997; Dunbrack, 2006;
Soding, 2005) and growth in sequence databases (Bairoch et al.,
2005; Tramontano and Morea, 2003). However, with decreasing
sequence similarity, an increasing amount of structural divergence
is observed (Chothia and Lesk, 1986; Rost, 1999), and the resulting
models may contain significant inaccuracies, especially models built
on distant templates. Typical sources of errors range from misplaced
side chains, incorrect loop conformations, backbone distortions,
alignment errors, to choice of a template with incorrect fold (Baker
and Sali, 2001; Bordoli et al., 2009; Koh et al., 2003).
Ultimately, the accuracy of a protein model determines its
suitability for biomedical applications. However, at the time of
modelling the quality of a model is unknown and has to be predicted
as well. For this purpose, scoring functions have been developed
that evaluate different structural features of protein models in
order to generate a quality estimate. Most scoring functions are
primarily designed to rank alternative models of the same protein
sequence (Benkert et al., 2008; Eramian et al., 2008; Marti-Renom
et al., 2000; McGuffin, 2008; Melo and Feytmans, 1998; Pettitt
et al., 2005; Randall and Baldi, 2008; Samudrala and Moult, 1998;
Tosatto, 2005; Wallner and Elofsson, 2003; Zhou and Zhou, 2002).
However, variability in model quality between different target
proteins is typically by far larger than the variability within the
ensemble of models generated by different prediction methods for
a given protein (Battey et al., 2007; Koh et al., 2003; Moult et al.,
2007). Therefore, relative ranking of alternative models for a given
protein is insufficient for determining its usefulness for biomedical
applications such as drug design, mutagenesis experiments, analysis
of functional sites, etc. Reliable absolute quality estimates are crucial
for the scientist intending to use computational models (Schwede
et al., 2009).
The prediction of absolute model quality has rarely been
addressed in the literature: the pioneering tool ProSA (Sippl, 1993)
has primarily been developed to evaluate experimental structures
and estimates the statistical significance of a structure by comparing
its knowledge-based score to random structures with the same
sequence. The ProSA Z-score can hardly be used as a measure
of absolute model quality as it is highly dependent on the protein
size (i.e. the energy gap between the native fold and random decoy
structures increases with protein size). Eramian et al. (2008) apply
support vector regression to estimate the quality of models based
on other modelling cases with similar properties selected from a
large database of precompiled structure-model pairs generated by the
© The Author(s) 2010. Published by Oxford University Press.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
by-nc/2.5), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
[12:50 28/1/2011 Bioinformatics-btq662.tex] Page: 344 343–350
P.Benkert et al.
same method. Wang et al. (2009) express the agreement of a model
with several structural features predicted from the primary sequence
as a reliability measure using the SCRATCH suite (Cheng et al.,
2005). Most current scoring functions operate on individual protein
chains and are not able to deliver quality estimates for biological
In this work, we introduce a method for the estimation of
the absolute quality of individual protein structure models which
is independent of protein size and can be used to both assess
isolated chains as well as entire oligomeric assemblies. The absolute
quality is estimated by relating the model’s structural features
to experimental structures of similar size. Based on our recently
introduced composite scoring function QMEAN (Benkert et al.,
2008, 2009), we analyse different geometrical aspects of proteins.
For normalization, the QMEAN score of a model is compared to
distributions obtained from high-resolution structures solved by
X-ray crystallography. The resulting ‘QMEAN Z-score’ provides
an estimate of the ‘degree of nativeness’ of the structural features
observed in a model and indicates whether the model is of
comparable quality to experimental structures. The Z-scores of the
individual terms of the scoring function indicate which structural
features of a model exhibit significant deviations from the expected
‘native’ behaviour, e.g. unexpected solvent accessibility, back-bone
geometry, inter-atomic packing, etc.
We first describe normalized statistical potential terms and
introduce the length-corrected QMEAN scores. We then calculate
normalized QMEAN scores on all experimental structures from the
PDB, and provide an analysis of proteins exhibiting unusually low
and high values. We finally introduce the concept of the QMEAN
Z-score and demonstrate the strength of the new score for evaluating
both experimental structures and theoretical models.
QMEAN is a scoring function consisting of a linear combination of six
structural descriptors as described elsewhere in more detail (Benkert et al.,
2008, 2009). In short, two distance-dependent interaction potentials of
mean force based on C-βatoms (i.e. residue-level) and on all atom types
are used to assess long-range interactions—both are secondary structure
dependent; a torsion angle potential over three consecutive amino acids
is applied to analyse the local back-bone geometry of the structure and
a solvation potential to describe the burial status of the residues; finally,
the agreement of predicted and calculated secondary structure and solvent
accessibility is included in the form of two agreement terms. Secondary
structure prediction is performed by PSIPRED (Jones, 1999) and solvent
accessibility prediction with ACCpro (Cheng et al., 2005). The secondary
structure and solvent accessibility of the model are calculated by DSSP
(Kabsch and Sander, 1983). While the agreement terms have a significant
impact on the performance of QMEAN on theoretical models, they do
not add additional information when experimental structures are evaluated.
Evaluations on experimental structures are therefore based on the normalized
QMEAN4 score (i.e. statistical potential terms only).
The optimization of the weighting factors for the terms contributing to
QMEAN has been performed on models from the seventh round of the CASP
experiment (CASP7) (Moult et al., 2007). To evaluate the performance on
an independent dataset, QMEAN has been applied on all server models
submitted to CASP8. The length-normalized statistical potentials scores are
calculated as follows: the scores of single body potentials (solvation potential
and torsion angle potential) are normalized by the number of residues and the
scores of the non-bonded interaction potentials (all-atom and C-βpotential)
are divided by the total number of interactions.
GDT_TS values for the benchmark were parsed from the CASP8
website and quality assessment predictions downloaded from:
2.2 Datasets
PDB training set’: the statistical potentials were extracted from a non-
redundant set of high-resolution structures from the PDB (Berman et al.,
2000) selected using the PISCES server (Wang and Dunbrack, 2003). A
pairwise sequence identity cut-off of 20% is applied and only structures
solved by X-ray crystallography with a resolution better than 2 Å and R-value
below 0.25 are included, resulting in a total number of 3544 chains.
CASP7 training set’: the weighing factors of the QMEAN composite
score were optimized based on CASP7 models (human and server) (Moult
et al., 2007) using the GDT_TS score as target variable (Zemla, 2003). From
the initial set of 47 214 evaluated models, incomplete models covering <95%
of the target sequence or lacking side-chain atoms for >10% of the amino
acids were removed. The final CASP7 training set contains 34 322 models
from various modelling servers.
CASP8 test set’: a total of 31 491 server models from CASP8 were used
as an independent test set for the comparison of different implementations
of QMEAN and for assessing the performance of the QMEAN Z-score.
PDB reference set’: a non-redundant reference set of high-resolution
PDB structures for the QMEAN Z-score calculation was generated by
PISCES using to following criteria: structures longer than 30 amino acids
solved by X-ray crystallography, with pairwise sequence identity below
40% and resolution better than 2.5 Å were included, resulting in 9766
structures. Proteins annotated as transmembrane proteins (White, 2009) were
excluded. Also, 18 low-scoring outliers showing a normalized QMEANscore
(without agreement terms) deviating by more than 3 standard deviations were
excluded from the PDB reference set.A complete list of these structures with
high scores is provided as Supplementary Data Table S1. The final ’PDB
reference set contains 9451 entries.
‘Biological unit reference set’: this set contains the biological assemblies
of all chains from the PDB reference set. The PISA database (Krissinel
and Henrick, 2007) was used to assign the most likely oligomeric state
and generate the coordinates of the assembly for all entries of the
dataset. The resulting set contains biological units from 9062 unique PDB
identifiers—2999 of them are monomers. A‘biological active assembly’ may
contain multiple chains from the non-redundant chain list.
2.3 QMEAN Z-score
To calculate the QMEAN Z-score, the normalized raw scores of a given
model (composite QMEAN score and individual mean force potential
terms) are compared to scores obtained for a representative set of high-
resolution X-ray structures of similar size (number of residues of query
proteins ±10%). For the analysis of isolated chains, the ‘PDB reference
set’ is used and oligomeric assemblies are evaluated against the ‘biological
unit reference set’. The same procedure is applied to calculate Z-scores
for the agreement terms, i.e. for each structure in the two reference
sets PSIPRED and ACCpro have been applied to model the background
distribution of expected secondary structure and solvent accessibility
prediction accuracy.
The raw QMEAN score and the individual terms have different scales
and algebraic signs: QMEAN and agreement terms range from 0 to 1
and the statistical potential terms deliver pseudo energies with negative
values for energetically favourable states. In the Z-score calculations,
we adjusted the sign of the statistical terms such that higher Z-score
consistently relate to favourable states, i.e. higher QMEAN Z-score means
better agreement with predicted features and lower mean force potential
[12:50 28/1/2011 Bioinformatics-btq662.tex] Page: 345 343–350
Absolute quality of individual protein structure models
2.4 Cross-validation
In order to investigate the saturation of the statistics in the QMEAN score
calculation and to exclude over-training, a cross-validation experiment has
been performed in the form of a leave-1/3-out experiment on the original
dataset used to extract the statistical potentials (i.e. the PDB training set).
We trained the statistical potentials on 2/3 of the proteins from the original
training set and applied the QMEAN score on the remaining 1/3 of the
structures. We randomly selected 31 complete SCOP fold classes making up
roughly 1/3 of the original set (1523 PDB chains). This results in two sets
having no overlap in terms of folds. If the statistics is saturated, the predicted
scores of a structure from the test set should not differ considerably between
the two potentials implementations, i.e. the one based on the full and the
reduced training set. The cross-correlation coefficient between the original
QMEAN and the QMEAN score trained on 2/3 of the training set is 0.88
which underlines that the QMEAN score calculation is robust and does not
change strongly if applied on folds not used in the generation of the statistical
potentials (Figure S7 in the Supplementary Data).
2.5 Comparison of predicted protein stability between
thermophilic and mesophilic organisms
The dataset of pairs of homologous proteins as described in Robinson-
Rechavi and Godzik (Robinson-Rechavi and Godzik, 2005) has been used.
Three protein structures have in the meantime been superseded by newer
entries in the PDB: 1un7 has been replaced by 2vhl, 1nrh by 1u8x and 1jsv
by 2afb. One pair of homologues of the original dataset has been excluded
(1g6p from T.maritima,1c9o from Bacillus caldolyticus) since both are from
thermophilic organisms. The final dataset consist of 72 protein pairs.
As in the work of Robinson-Rechavi and Godzik, proteins were shortened
according to a structural alignment (FATCAT w/o flexibility, (Ye and Godzik,
2003)) in order to get homologous protein pairs of similar size.
2.6 Implementation
The current version of the QMEAN scoring function has been implemented
based on the open source molecular modelling and visualization framework
OpenStructure ( (Biasini et al., 2010).
3.1 Normalization of the statistical potentials
Statistical potential scores are calculated as a sum of microstates
and therefore have a strong dependence on the size of the assessed
protein structure and larger proteins tend to have lower energies
(i.e. higher QMEAN scores). As long as similarly sized models are
compared, the strong size dependence does not present an issue.
However, it renders the prediction of absolute quality difficult when
only looking at single models.
In this work, we introduce normalized statistical potential
QMEAN terms. In order to correct for the length dependence of
the statistical potentials scores, the scores of single body potentials
(solvation potential and torsion angle potential) are normalized
by the number of residues and the scores of the two non-bonded
interaction potentials (all-atom and C-βpotential) are divided by the
total number of interactions considered in the calculation. Figure 1
shows the effect of the normalization on the all-atom potential. The
all-atom energies of a non-redundant set of 9766 protein structures
(single chains) solved by X-ray crystallography are calculated as
normalized and non-normalized scores.
A clear correlation with protein size is observed (Fig. 1, left)
for the standard all-atom potential whereas the average energy per
interaction of the normalized potential converges to an average value
Fig. 1. Comparison between traditional (A) and normalized all-atom
interaction score (B) on a non-redundant set of 9766 high-resolution PDB
of 0.0058±0.0017 (Fig. 1, right). This is in accordance with
recent results of Thomas et al. (Thomas et al., 2010) who report
an average stability value for protein folds. Smaller proteins adopt a
wider range of average per-interaction energies in accordance with
the fact that small peptides often exist as a diverse ensemble of
conformations or are stabilized in larger complexes. Indeed, the
peptides with the highest, i.e. most unfavourable, energies in the
dataset are the ribosomal protein THX [PDB:2vqe, (Kurata et al.,
2008)] and the disordered protein hypocretin presented on a MHC
class II protein [PDB:1uvq (Siebold et al., 2004)]. On the other side
of the energy spectrum, we observe three peptide hormones namely
hepcidin [PDB:3h0t (Jordan et al., 2009)], endothelin-1 [PDB:1edn
(Janes et al., 1994)] and relaxin [PDB:6rlx (Eigenbrot et al., 1991)]
with predicted per-interaction energies far below the average value
reported above. Energy values and their interpretation are given in
Table S2 in the Supplementary Data.
We analysed protein chains with more than 100 amino acids
having high predicted interaction energies. The 27 protein chains
with highest average interaction values (more precisely those with
positive per-interaction energies) all are membrane proteins. These
results confirm that the structural features of membrane proteins do
not follow the same distribution as proteins in solution, i.e. atomic
interactions in membrane proteins and their solvation properties
differ considerably from those found in soluble proteins. We decided
that these proteins are better treated in a specialized mean force
potential. A variant of the QMEAN score for membrane proteins is
currently underdevelopment.
In analogy to the all-atom term, the other three statistical
potentials of QMEAN have been normalized and for larger proteins
show convergence to an average per residue energy, although with
a higher variance (see Figure S1–S3 in the Supplementary Data).
The same is true for the composite score of the four statistical
potentials scores (QMEAN4, Fig. 2). In the course of the article,
‘QMEAN’ denotes the complete scoring function consisting of six
terms based on normalized potentials. The version of the scoring
function based on statistical potentials only is denoted as QMEAN4
in the following.
3.2 PDB reference set and QMEAN Z-score concept
In analogy to the average energy per interaction, the average
normalized QMEAN4 score is constant over a wide range of
protein sizes, i.e. experimental structures adopt a relatively narrow
distribution of QMEAN4 scores. While the average normalized
[12:50 28/1/2011 Bioinformatics-btq662.tex] Page: 346 343–350
P.Benkert et al.
Fig. 2. Normalized QMEAN score composed of four statistical potential
terms (QMEAN4) of 9766 high-resolution structures. Red crosses indicate
chains belonging to membrane proteins, blue crosses denote other proteins
deviating by more than 3 standard deviations (see Supplementary Table S1
for details).
score is constant, the variance of the distribution depends on protein
size (Fig. 2).
These observations lead to the idea to use a non-redundant set of
protein structures as a reference to evaluate the quality of individual
protein structures and models, i.e. the PDB reference set. The dataset
contains 9451 non-redundant high-resolution structures, excluding
membrane proteins and energetic outliers (highlighted in Fig. 2). A
QMEAN Z-score for a given model is thereby calculated from its
normalized QMEAN score by subtracting the average normalized
QMEAN score and divided by the standard deviation of the observed
distribution. In analogy, Z-scores are calculated for all individual
terms of the composite score. In order to facilitate the interpretation,
we standardize the algebraic sign of the calculated Z-scores such that
higher Z-scores relate to more favourable models.
In the following, we first illustrate the application of QMEAN
Z-score for quality estimation on two example proteins, representing
a ‘good’ and a ‘bad’ experimental structure. We then extend our
analysis on the entire PDB (single chains) and report outliers. The
QMEAN Z-score concept is then extended from chains to entire
biologically relevant oligomeric assemblies. Finally, we show that
the new score can be used as a measure of absolute model quality
in the assessment of theoretical models.
3.3 QMEAN Z-score analysis of experimental
We have applied QMEAN Z-scores to experimental structures from
the PDB database (Berman et al., 2000). Table 1 and Supplementary
Figure S5 show the Z-scores analysis of two experimental structures
solved by X-ray diffraction: bacteriophage T4 lysozyme [PDB:2lzm,
(Weaver and Matthews, 1987)] and Dengue virus NS3 serine
protease [PDB:1bef, (2009; Murthy et al., 1999)]. The QMEAN
Z-score of the lysozyme structure is 0.5, i.e. the score of the structure
is clearly within the expected quality range as it deviates less
than 1 standard deviation from the mean score in similar sized
high-quality proteins from the reference dataset. In contrast, the
structure of the NS3 serine protease has a QMEAN score deviating
Table 1. Z-score analysis of the T4 bacteriophage lysozyme (2lzm, chain
A) and the Dengue virus NS3 serine protease (1bef, chain A)
PDB QMEAN C-βAll-atom Solvation Torsion
T4 lysozyme, 2lzm 0.5 0.6 1.1 0.7 0.3
Serine protease, 1bef
Both the QMEAN Z-score as well as the Z-scores of individual statistical potential terms
are reported. All structural properties of 1bef deviate significantly from expectation
values obtained from high-resolution structures. In the meantime, the structure has
been retracted from the PDB.
by more than 5 standard deviations indicating that there is clearly
something wrong with this structure. Both the composite QMEAN
score, as well as all individual terms deviate strongly from expected
values (Figure S5, Supplementary Data and Table 1). Indeed, this
structure, as well as several other structures from the same group,
have been identified as fabricated and have been retracted (see A QMEAN Z-score analysis of
all affected structures can be found in Supplementary Table S3.
The ProSA (Wiederstein and Sippl, 2007) analysis of the two
structure can be found in Supplementary Figure S6. The lysozyme
structure receives a very low Z-scores of 8.7. The fabricated
structure 1bef, however, also deviates by almost 4 standard
deviations from random structures (Z-score = 3.74). In comparison
to QMEAN, the score of this model does not differ considerably from
many other structures in the PDB. In contrast to QMEAN, the ProSA
Z-score shows a clear correlation with protein size which limits
its application as an absolute quality measure. We therefore think
that a comparison to high-resolution structures instead of random
conformations is more meaningful.
We performed the QMEAN Z-score analysis on 144142 protein
chains from the PDB. Of these chains, 134 604 were solved by X-ray
diffraction, 7979 by NMR and 1559 by electron microscopy. The
Z-score distributions for structures derived by the three different
methods show considerable differences (Supplementary Figure S4).
The average QMEAN Z-scores are 0.58 for X-ray diffraction,
1.19 for NMR and 2.00 for EM. Among the protein chains solved
by X-ray crystallography we observed 1’048 chains (belonging to
417 PDB entries) with a QMEAN Z-score less than 5. The majority
of these proteins were either transmembrane or ribosomal proteins:
61 membrane proteins, 99 oxidoreductases, 109 proteins involved
in photosynthesis, 46 transporters and 55 ribosomal proteins. These
numbers underline the importance of a separate treatment of proteins
embedded in membranes or bound to RNA, e.g. ribosomes. The
remaining 48 proteins with unfavourable QMEAN Z-scores are
provided in the Supplementary Data (Table S4). The majority of
these structures are of quite low resolution: 79% of the proteins
were solved at a resolution <.
To this point, we have applied the Z-score formalism on isolated
protein chains. However, many proteins are part of oligomeric
complexes and analysing protein stability on the level of isolated
chains does not capture the physiologically relevant situation in the
cell. We have therefore extended our analysis to complete oligomeric
assemblies. Figure 3 illustrates this effect on the example of toxofilin
in complex with mammalian actin [PDB:2Q97, (Lee et al., 2007)].
In the complex toxofilin (chain T, blue) adopts a non-globular
conformation, which is meaningless in isolation. As expected, the
QMEAN Z-score of 3.3 for toxofilin (chain T) in isolation is
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Absolute quality of individual protein structure models
Fig. 3. Oligomeric complex of mammalian actin (in grey) with toxofilin
(chain T,blue) from toxoplasma gondii [PDB:2Q97; (Lee et al., 2007)]. In the
complex toxofilin adopts a non-globular conformation, which is meaningless
in isolation. As expected, the QMEAN Z-score of 3.3 for toxofilin in
isolation is unfavourable (Table 2).
Table 2. Z-score analysis of the toxofilin/actin both for the isolated chains
and as well as the biological assembly defined by PISA
Structure Size QMEAN C-βAll-atom Solvation Torsion
2q97A 354
2q97T 109
aMost probable assembly as proposed by PISA: a tetramer consisting of two copies of
the chains A and T.
Especially the solvation energy and C-βpotential terms exhibit large differences
between the Z-score of the isolated toxofilin monomer and the complex with actin.
unfavourable, especially the solvation and the C-βinteraction terms
exhibit large differences between the Z-score of the isolated toxofilin
monomer and the complex with actin (Table 2).
The biological unit reference set contains the most likely
biologically relevant oligomeric assembly generated by PISA
(Krissinel and Henrick, 2007). Figure 4 shows the QMEAN scores
of 9062 oligomeric entries of the biological unit reference set
(see Section 2). This dataset is used as a reference set for the
assessment of complexes and oligomeric proteins. All structures
with extraordinarily high QMEAN scores (Z-score >3 standard
deviations; 26 structures) are highlighted with green crosses.
Interestingly, 22 out of these 26 are proteins from thermophilic to
hyperthermophilic bacteria and archaea, two are designed proteins
optimized for stability, and the remaining two are structural
genomics targets of unknown function (Supplementary Table S5).
In summary, the proteins at the periphery of the QMEAN score
spectrum can be assigned to membrane proteins which exist in a
fundamentally different environment compared to soluble proteins
and extremely stable proteins found in thermophilic organisms.
3.4 Comparison of homologous proteins from
thermophilic and mesophilic organisms
The composite scoring function QMEAN seems to capture structural
features which distinguish thermostable proteins from proteins in
mesophilic organisms. In order to further investigate which terms
are most discriminative, we applied QMEAN on a published dataset
Fig. 4. QMEAN scores for all structures in the biological unit reference set.
Proteins with unusually high QMEAN scores (Z-score >3) marked in green
correspond almost exclusively to proteins from thermophilic organisms (see
also Supplementary Table S5).
Table 3. Analysis of 72 pairs of homologous proteins from Thermotoga
maritima and corresponding mesophilic organisms (Robinson-Rechavi and
Godzik, 2005)
Scoring function term Wilcoxon t-test
C-βinteraction potential 0.0029 0.0020
All-atom interaction potential 0.0322 0.0293
Solvation potential 0.0031 0.0020
Torsion potential 0.0051 0.0105
QMEAN 0.0001 0.0001
The P-values in two statistical tests (Wilcoxon and t-test) on paired samples are reported.
The proteins of thermophilic and mesophilic organisms differ significantly in terms of
all QMEAN components.
of pairs of proteins from Thermatoga maritima and corresponding
homologues from mesophilic organisms (Robinson-Rechavi and
Godzik, 2005). Out of 72 protein pairs, QMEAN assigns in
75% of the cases higher scores to the proteins from T.maritima.
Over the entire data set, the difference between the QMEAN
scores assigned to mesophilic and thermophilic proteins is highly
significant (P= 0.0001, see Table 3). The comparison is illustrated in
form of a diagonal plot in Supplementary Figure S8. These findings
indicate that the QMEAN score indeed may be understood as a
measure of protein stability.
In agreement with a study on Thermatoga maritima in which
the authors identified salt bridges and compactness as major
determinants of protein stability (Robinson-Rechavi et al., 2006),
we observe that the solvation potential and the interaction potentials
on residue-level are the most discriminative terms (P= 0.002 for
both terms in paired t-test).
3.5 Analysis of theoretical models using normalized
QMEAN scores and QMEAN Z-scores
In the following, the normalized QMEAN scoring function is applied
on theoretical models from CASP8 and its performance is compared
to other methods. We demonstrate the value of the QMEAN Z-score
as a statistically well-founded measure of absolute quality and end
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P.Benkert et al.
Fig. 5. Correlation between QMEAN and GDT_TS for all server models of
CASP8. (A) Scatter plot, (B) boxplot.
with a critical discussion of the limitations of this approach for
predicting absolute local per-residue errors.
CASP data is a good testing ground for scoring functions since
it includes models spanning a wide range of quality generated
by a variety of different modelling algorithms. Figure 5 shows
the global correlation between the size-normalized QMEAN score
and the GDT_TS distance to the native structure of all CASP8
server models. A global correlation coefficient of 0.77 overall
CASP8 models is obtained. QMEAN6 scores perform significantly
better than QMEAN4 to estimate the quality of predicted structures
(correlation on CASP8 data was 0.77 versus 0.66). While for
assessing experimental structures, the agreement terms do not
provide additional value, these terms are especially effective in the
medium to low model quality range (Rykunov and Fiser, 2010).
Table 4 shows a comparison of the normalized QMEAN scoring
function (denoted as QMEANnorm) with methods participating in
the quality estimation category of CASP8 (Cozzetto et al., 2009).
Only scoring functions operating on individual models are used
(i.e. no consensus methods and methods using structural information
from homologous proteins). Compared to the original QMEAN
scoring function, the normalized QMEAN shows a considerably
better global correlation to GDT_TS which forms the basis for
absolute quality predictions. The new version is also significantly
better in ranking the models (P= 0.017) while the difference in
picking the good models (mean delta GDT_TS of selected and best
model) is not significant (P= 0.43). MetaMQAP and MULTICOM-
REFINE have a slightly better global rbut the former performs
significantly worse in model ranking/selection. In terms of global
correlation, the three methods perform equally well on easy targets
(mean GDT_TS of top 5 models greater than 50) but QMEAN
performs worse on the harder ones (see Supplementary Tables S6
and S7). The performance of QMEAN with respect to other state-
of-the-art methods such as ProSA (Sippl, 1993) and DFIRE (Zhou
and Zhou, 2002) has also been recently assessed in an independent
study (Rykunov and Fiser, 2010). QMEAN was found to be the best
performing method in terms of the selecting the best model.
The robustness of the QMEAN Z-score on experimental structures
lead us to apply the same concept to describe the absolute quality of
theoretical protein structure models. Large deviations from expected
values of experimental reference structures may be an indicator for
modelling errors. The significance of the deviation as expressed
by the QMEAN Z-score provides a quantitative and statistically
well-founded measure of model reliability and therefore represents
an absolute quality estimate of the model. (Note that the Z-score
Table 4. Comparison of normalized QMEAN potentials (QMEANnorm)
with single model scoring function of CASP8
Group name Targets Global Mean P-value Mean P-value
MULTICOM-REFINE 122 0.786 0.729 0.258 0.093 0.936
GS-MetaMQAP 121 0.779 0.708 2.13E-005 0.132 0.004
QMEANnorm 122 0.774 0.738 0.093
QMEANfamily 107 0.751 0.755 0.0016a0.089 0.260
QMEAN 121 0.750 0.724 0.017 0.088 0.430
MULTICOM-CMFR 122 0.740 0.759 0.063 0.083 0.227
Bilab-UT 121 0.728 0.693 2.71E-005 0.107 0.239
MULTICOM-RANK 122 0.711 0.708 0.004 0.082 0.178
ModFOLD 122 0.686 0.616 6.24E-022 0.137 0.001
BMF_PP 96 0.683 0.615 9.25E-019 0.197 2.06E-007
SIFT_consensus 117 0.678 0.686 5.16E-007 0.106 0.117
circle 122 0.665 0.712 0.002 0.111 0.143
Pcons_ProQ 122 0.656 0.667 4.55E-010 0.129 0.003
DistillSN 120 0.655 0.476 6.60E-027 0.207 2.76E-012
MUFOLD-QA 122 0.583 0.645 2.14E-010 0.117 0.051
DISTILLF 118 0.581 0.650 2.07E-011 0.141 0.001
MODCHECK-HD 122 0.506 0.304 3.76E-043 0.155 2.40E-006
SELECTpro 122 0.503 0.635 3.22E-014 0.153 6.75E-005
Fiser-QA 121 0.502 0.564 5.24E-019 0.186 4.82E-008
Fiser-QA-COMB 121 0.478 0.521 7.94E-023 0.228 1.31E-010
SIFT_SA 112 0.469 0.636 8.98E-011 0.115 0.086
Fiser-QA-FA 121 0.331 0.524 2.96E-029 0.191 2.91E-007
qa-ms-torda-server 117 0.106 0.058 1.22E-052 0.487 2.92E-034
ProtAnG_s 121 0.081 0.124 4.31E-059 0.139 0.001
Global r: correlation against GDT_TS over all models from all targets; mean r:r
averaged over individual targets; mean GDT_TS: average deviation of model with
best score and best model. The statistical significance of the difference is measures with
a paired t-test on common targets (significantly better performance of QMEAN marked
in italic, significance level: 0.05).
aQMEANfamily is significantly better than QMEAN in ranking models.
Performance of the methods described in this work (QMEANnorm) is highlighted in
formalism does not affect QMEAN’s ability to rank and select
Figure 6 visualizes the differences in the QMEAN6 Z-score
distributions between experimental structures of the PDB reference
set (black line) and the CASP8 server models coloured according
to model quality ranges (i.e. the GDT_TS distance to the native
structure). The Z-score distribution of low-quality models with
GDT_TS below 40 is clearly shifted towards lower Z-scores
compared to experimental structures (mean Z-score = 3.85). Only
a small overlap of the distributions is observed: 85% of the
bad models with a Z-score above 2 are small structures below
150 residues. As can be seen in Figure 2, the variance of the
QMEAN score increases with decreasing size and as a consequence
the separation between good and bad structures becomes less
pronounced (see also Supplementary Figure S9). Another reason
for the overlap of the distributions is that 36% of the overlapping
bad models are incomplete with <80% residues resolved which
lowers the GDT_TS score but not the normalized QMEAN score.
The ‘good’ models depicted in green reach QMEAN Z-scores
comparable to experimental structures (mean Z-score = 0.65) and
the ‘medium’ quality models (in blue) are located in between
(mean Z-score = 1.75). A clear correlation between the GDT_TS
distance of the model to target structure and the QMEAN Z-score
for all CASP8 server models larger than 150 residues is observed
[12:50 28/1/2011 Bioinformatics-btq662.tex] Page: 349 343–350
Absolute quality of individual protein structure models
Fig. 6. Density plot visualizing the QMEAN Z-score distribution of
theoretical protein structure models. Z-scores for models from CASP8 are
shown in relation to scores of experimental reference structures (black line).
The models are split into three quality ranges with low-quality models in
red, medium-quality models in blue and good models in green.
underlining the suitability of the QMEAN Z-score as an estimate of
model quality (Fig. 5 and Supplementary Fig. S10).
The prediction of local (per-residue) error estimates is an active
field of research. For our previously introduced local QMEAN
score (QMEANlocal) (Benkert et al., 2009), normalized interaction
potentials lead to a slight performance increase (data not shown).
However, the precision of current local scoring functions applied on
single models is not sufficient as reliable absolute quality estimate.
Nevertheless, a distinction between more and less deviating regions
is still possible. Supplementary Figures S11 (boxplot) and S12 (ROC
analysis) show the performance of QMEANlocal in estimating
per-residue errors on all CASP8 models. Only a weak correlation
between local score and C-αdeviation exists. The ROC analysis
shows that QMEANlocal is able to enrich residues from the models
with low deviation from the native structure. More than half of the
residues with a calculated C-αdeviation below 2.5 Å are identified
among the 10% best scoring residues.
In this work, we present a new method for estimating the
absolute quality of a single protein structure, i.e. without including
additional information from other models or alternative template
structures. The measure is based on the composite scoring function
QMEAN which evaluates several structural features of proteins.
The absolute quality estimate of a model is expressed in terms
of how well the model score agrees with the expected values
from a representative set of high resolution experimental structures.
The resulting QMEAN Z-score is a measure of the ‘degree of
nativeness’ of a given protein structure. The Z-scores of the
individual components of the composite QMEAN score point to
structural descriptors that contribute most to the final score, and
thereby indicate potential reasons for ‘bad’ models.
A large-scale benchmark of experimental structures revealed
two groups of proteins on the periphery of the QMEAN score
distribution: on one side there are membrane proteins whose
structural integrity is maintained by the lipid bilayer and as a
consequence their physico-chemical properties differ considerably
from those of soluble proteins. On the other side of the
QMEAN score spectrum, proteins from thermophilic organisms
are predominant. In a direct comparison of pairs of homologous
proteins, proteins from thermophilic organisms receive significantly
higher QMEAN scores compared to their mesophilic counterparts.
Finally, we show that the QMEAN Z-score is a useful measure
for the description of the absolute quality of theoretical models and
is a valuable measure for identifying experimental structures with
significant errors. Compared to most existing scoring functions,
QMEAN Z-scores can be both applied on isolated chains or
biological assemblies.
The QMEAN Z-score calculation has been integrated in the
QMEAN server ( (Benkert
et al., 2009), and the ‘Structure Assessment’ tools of SWISS-
MODEL Workspace (Arnold et al., 2006; Schwede et al., 2003)
( stand-alone version is
available on request from the authors.
The authors thank Florian Kiefer for his support with generating the
oligomeric assemblies from PISA and all members of the group for
fruitful discussions.
Funding: The development of QMEAN Z-score has been supported
by the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics; Biozentrum der
Universität Basel, Switzerland.
Conflict of Interest: none declared.
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Supplementary resource (1)

... Hélice α Espiral Aleatoria Para la obtención del QMEAN (Figura 4) se comparan con las puntuaciones obtenidas para un conjunto representativo de estructuras de rayos X de alta resolución de tamaño similar (número de residuos de proteínas de consulta ±10%) y se realiza un contraste que determina la puntuación final a partir de la cual es posible identificar la favorabilidad del modelo (35). Por otra parte, se evaluaron los ángulos de torsión que se representan mediante el mapa de Ramachandran, el cual permite la identificación de los puntos más favorables para los ángulos φ y ψ. ...
... En la figura 4 es posible la identificación de un fragmento significativo en verde oscuro, presente en dos segmentos del mapa que pertenecen a las regiones más favorables para los ángulos φ y ψ, ya que no presentan impedimento estérico entre sus moléculas lo que permite que sus átomos roten con facilidad mientras que, las regiones de valores límite o permitidas se muestran en verde claro (34,35 Al realizar la búsqueda en NCBI se eligio la caspasa 3GJQ, al considerarla la más conveniente según el tipo de estudio a realizar, ya que se encontraba en Homo sapiens, con un sistema de expresión de escherichia coli y una clasificación de apoptosis, en la investigación de la cual es procedente la estructura, se pretendía estudiar la caspasa -3 y su unión a los residuos de Asp en péptidos mediante cristalografía y modelado estructural (36). ...
... Resultados estadísticos obtenidos simulación: a) Puntuación QMEAN4: Modelo energético cuantitativo correspondiente al péptido Tma1. b) Mapa de Ramachandran: Evaluación de los ángulos de torsión del modelo 3D.El resultado obtenido del QMEAN4 fue de 0,75±0,11, el cual demuestra una favorabilidad del modelo, al considerar que entre más cercano se encuentra el valor a 1 mejor será la favorabilidad de este y una energía de fuerza potencial más baja(35). ...
Full-text available
El cáncer de cérvix y el de próstata se clasifican como algunos de los canceres con mayor incidencia a nivel mundial y afectan a miles de personas anualmente en Colombia, estos dos tipos de cáncer tienen en común su mediación por la caspasa -3 y se pueden tratar mediante diferentes estrategias terapéuticas, sin embargo, algunas de ellas impiden el desarrollo de la calidad de vida del paciente o no presentan medidas de efectividad destacables debido a la no discriminación de células cancerosas y sanas. Es por ello, que el presente trabajo de investigación pretende estudiar la interacción del péptido Tma1 que se encuentra en el veneno de escorpión Tityus macrochirus, y la caspasa -3, y si esta interacción es capaz de inducir la apoptosis en células derivadas de cáncer. La metodología desarrollada para resolver el objetivo del trabajo emplea múltiples herramientas bioinformáticas, las cuales aportaron a la predicción de la estructura terciaria obtenida por medio de SwissModel, y determinando un modelo favorable, de acuerdo con la evaluación con GMQE (Estimación de la calidad del modelo global) con un puntaje de 0,80, puntaje de MolProbity=1,30 y favorabilidad de Ramachandran de 95,0. Una vez obtenida la estructura tridimensional del péptido Tma1 e identificada la caspasa -3 y el sustrato DEVD en su estructura tridimencional, se realizaron tres acoplamientos moleculares con HADDOCK 2.4 entre el péptido Tma1, la caspasa -3 y el sustrato DEVD, de cada uno de ellos se evaluaron las interacciones obtenidas con el fin de identificar cambios entre las interacciones o conformacionales de las proteínas que pudieran presentarse al momento de la unión del péptido o el sustrato a la proteína. Las interacciones fueron evaluadas por Biovia Discovery Studio, de las cuales se obtuvieron interacciones en su mayoría de tipo no covalentes. Por último, se realizaron tres dinámicas moleculares con cada una de las estructuras resultantes de los acoplamientos moleculares, con el fin de realizar la comparativa en los cambios y las interacciones evaluadas previamente, los cambios identificados al igual que las interacciones demostraron favorabilidad para la inducción de la apoptosis en la caspasa -3 mediante el péptido Tma1, además de demostrar un desplazamiento del sustrato en el sitio activo de la caspasa, elucidando así un posible mecanismo de acción de la caspasa -3 ante el péptido Tma1 del escorpión T. macrochirus
... The 3D structure of FruA was [34]. To assess quality, the Ramachandran diagram was generated through SAVES v6.0 [35], and the results were analysed by QMEAN [36,37]. Virtual molecular docking experiments were conducted utilizing AutoDock 4 and AutoDock Vina, in accordance with the methodologies outlined by Joshi et al. [38] and Wang et al. [39]. ...
... SWISS-MODEL was used to construct a FruA (fructose PTS transporter) 3D model. The model with high sequence similarity is considered to be the best [36]. Therefore, FruA (V6Z463.1. ...
Full-text available
Bacteria utilize intercellular communication to orchestrate essential cellular processes, adapt to environmental changes, develop antibiotic tolerance, and enhance virulence. This communication, known as quorum sensing (QS), is mediated by the exchange of small signalling molecules called autoinducers. AI-2 QS, regulated by the metabolic enzyme LuxS (S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase), acts as a universal intercellular communication mechanism across gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and is crucial for diverse bacterial processes. In this study, we demonstrated that in Streptococcus suis ( S. suis ), a notable zoonotic pathogen, AI-2 QS enhances galactose utilization, upregulates the Leloir pathway for capsular polysaccharide (CPS) precursor production, and boosts CPS synthesis, leading to increased resistance to macrophage phagocytosis. Additionally, our molecular docking and dynamics simulations suggest that, similar to S. pneumoniae , FruA, a fructose-specific phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system prevalent in gram-positive pathogens, may also function as an AI-2 membrane surface receptor in S. suis . In conclusion, our study demonstrated the significance of AI-2 in the synthesis of galactose metabolism-dependent CPS in S. suis . Additionally, we conducted a preliminary analysis of the potential role of FruA as a membrane surface receptor for S. suis AI-2.
... Protein structure crashes and amino acid positioning at the active site were checked using the Swiss model [39]. The generated models were validated with inspection of the Ramachandran plots [40,41], which analyze the distribution of the torsion angles of the backbone ɸ and ψ responsible for the stereochemical quality of a protein as well as the QMEAN factor [42]. ...
Full-text available
With the growing demand for sustainable and safe agricultural practices, plant compounds emerge as a solution for biological activities. Here, we evaluated the potential of using Morinda citrifolia essential oil to induce plant resistance and to control phytopathogens (Curvularia lunata) and insect pests (Daubulus maidis). We conducted a chromatographic analysis to unveil the essential oil components. We also quantified the activity levels of antioxidant enzymes and chitinase for resistance induction. The antifungal action was evaluated through disease progression and the inhibition of mycelial growth in addition to in silico studies that made it possible to predict the interaction site between the fungal protein and the compounds. We assessed the toxicity and repellent actions towards the D. maidis. Octanoic acid (58.43%) was identified as the essential oil major compound. Preventive treatment with essential oil and octanoic acid (25.0 µL mL−1) increased not only the plant defense activities (i.e., the activity of the enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, phenol peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, and chitinase) but also controlled Curvularia leaf spot. The stable interactions between octanoic acid and tyrosine-tRNA ligase from C. lunata suggested protein synthesis inactivation. The essential oil inhibited 51.6% of mycelial growth, and this effect was increased to 75.9% with the addition of adjuvants (i.e., angico gum). The essential oil reduced 76% of the population of D. maidis adults and repelled 50% of the number of D. maidis after 48 h under field conditions. The repellency effect in the field reduced the population of D. maidis adults, transmitters of the stunting complex, by 50%. The results highlight the potential of M. citrifolia as a resistance activator, fungicide, insecticide, and an effective biorational alternative.
... is a crucial element in structure validation study and plays an important role in protein structure prediction, where the predicted model may contain significant errors [30] and it shows the reliability of the structure for further study. ...
... Subsequently, the missing loop regions were carefully filled in using OpenStructure and the ProMod3 modeling algorithm (Studer et al., 2021). The accuracy and reliability of the final EBOV-GP model was checked using the Qualitative Model Energy ANalysis (QMEAN) assessment function to ensure that the final model was of high quality and suitable for the intended advanced computational analyses (Benkert et al., 2011). ...
... d. Estimating Model Quality: The QMEAN scoring function has been used to evaluate the global and perresidue model quality [25]. For improved performance, weights of the individual QMEAN terms have been trained specifically for SWISS-MODEL, as shown in Fig. 8. ...
... The prediction of trans-membrane helices was analyzed used Phyre 2 online server (, the data used from the topology sequence [22]. The prediction of trans-membrane analyzed for all of somatic embryogenesis genes of oil palm. ...
Conference Paper
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Somatic embryogenesis (SEs) is the capacity of plant-generated embryo structures to form a somatic cell. SEs in oil palm is one of the techniques used to produce clones with superior characteristics. It can maximize the oil palm crop's productivity, whose demand increases every year. The identification of the structure of proteins can optimize the efficiency of the selection of the embryogenic culture. The somatic embryogenesis genes were collected from GeneBank at the NCBI. This study successfully describes the protein modeling of tree somatic embryogenesis genes in oil palms by Phyre 2 and the Swiss model software. The ENOD93, HOX1 and RIk-OPff with the varied protein prediction the protein model of ENOD93 was detected with confidence of 81.5% by Phyre 2 , sequence identity of 76.6% with a range of 3-96 amino acids, and sequence similarity of 0.63 by Swiss-model. The sequence similarity of HOX1 was detected at 100% with a confidence level of 99.7% by the Swiss model. The protein model of RIk-OPff was predicted with 100% confidence in the range of 30-536 amino acids, and only in these genes were the trans-membrane helices.
SNCA was the first gene to be linked to Parkinson's disease (PD). Pathogenic variations in the corresponding neuronal protein α-synuclein are known to induce its aggregation to cytotoxic oligomers that ultimately manifest as Lewy bodies, the histopathological hallmark lesions of PD. Previously we evaluated the protein structural effects of subset of PD associated pathogenic variants of the α-synuclein. This data revealed that a protein segment 32 aa – 58 aa (aa: amino acids) within N-terminal domain of α-synuclein plays a critical role in PD pathogenesis through epistatic effect of missense variants. The present study evaluates the protein structural effects of six recently reported PD associated missense variants of α-synuclein. Previously, comparative protein structural modeling revealed the significant conformational deviations of five PD-causing missense variants of α-synuclein (A30P, E46K, H50Q, G51D, and A53T) from wild-type protein structure. In line with our previously reported data, a major protein conformational deviation of these recently reported missense variants was noticed within protein segment 32 aa-58 aa of SNCA protein. Protein–protein interaction analysis revealed that residues within this segment of α-synuclein participate in direct interaction with STXBP1, a protein that is involved in early-onset neurocognitive conditions. The present results taken together with our previously reported data demonstrate that the N–terminally located protein segment (32 aa – 58 aa) might be crucial for the proper conformation of the α-synuclein and harbor critical interaction sites. These findings may facilitate clarifying molecular mechanisms underlying the synucleinopathies and identification of novel therapeutic targets.
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Background: Monkeypox has emerged as a noteworthy worldwide issue due to its daily escalating case count. This illness presents diverse symptoms, including skin manifestations, which have the potential to spread through contact. The transmission of this infectious agent is intricate and readily transfers between individuals. Methods: The hypothetical protein MPXV-SI-2022V502225_00135 strain of monkeypox underwent structural and functional analysis using NCBI-CD Search, Pfam, and InterProScan. Quality assessment utilized PROCHECK, QMEAN, Verify3D, and ERRAT, followed by protein-ligand docking, visualization, and a 100-nanosecond simulation on Schrodinger Maestro. Results: Different physicochemical properties were estimated, indicating a stable molecular weight (49147.14) and theoretical pI (5.62) with functional annotation tools predicting the target protein to contain the domain of Chordopox_A20R domain. In secondary structure analysis, the helix coil was found to be predominant. The three-dimensional (3D) structure of the protein was obtained using a template protein (PDB ID: 6zyc.1), which became more stable after YASARA energy minimization and was validated by quality assessment tools like PROCHECK, QMEAN, Verify3D, and ERRAT. Protein-ligand docking was conducted using PyRx 9.0 software to examine the binding and interactions between a ligand and a hypothetical protein, focusing on various amino acids. The model structure, active site, and binding site were visualized using the CASTp server, FTsite, and PyMOL. A 100 nanosecond simulation was performed with ligand CID_16124688 to evaluate the efficiency of this protein. Conclusion: The analysis revealed significant binding interactions and enhanced stability, aiding in drug or vaccine design for effective antiviral treatment and patient management.
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Ore mineral and host lithologies have been sampled with 89 oriented samples from 14 sites in the Naica District, northern Mexico. Magnetic parameters permit to charac- terise samples: saturation magnetization, density, low- high-temperature magnetic sus- ceptibility, remanence intensity, Koenigsberger ratio, Curie temperature and hystere- sis parameters. Rock magnetic properties are controlled by variations in titanomag- netite content and hydrothermal alteration. Post-mineralization hydrothermal alter- ation seems the major event that affected the minerals and magnetic properties. Curie temperatures are characteristic of titanomagnetites or titanomaghemites. Hysteresis parameters indicate that most samples have pseudo-single domain (PSD) magnetic grains. Alternating filed (AF) demagnetization and isothermal remanence (IRM) ac- quisition both indicate that natural and laboratory remanences are carried by MD-PSD spinels in the host rocks. The trend of NRM intensity vs susceptibility suggests that the carrier of remanent and induced magnetization is the same in all cases (spinels). The Koenigsberger ratio range from 0.05 to 34.04, indicating the presence of MD and PSD magnetic grains. Constraints on the geometry of the intrusive source body devel- oped in the model of the magnetic anomaly are obtained by quantifying the relative contributions of induced and remanent magnetization components.
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Post-transcriptional modifications at the first (wobble) position of the tRNA anticodon participate in precise decoding of the genetic code. To decode codons that end in a purine (R) (i.e. NNR), tRNAs frequently utilize 5-methyluridine derivatives (xm(5)U) at the wobble position. However, the functional properties of the C5-substituents of xm(5)U in codon recognition remain elusive. We previously found that mitochondrial tRNAs(Leu(UUR)) with pathogenic point mutations isolated from MELAS (mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes) patients lacked the 5-taurinomethyluridine (taum(5)U) modification and caused a decoding defect. Here, we constructed Escherichia coli tRNAs(Leu(UUR)) with or without xm(5)U modifications at the wobble position and measured their decoding activities in an in vitro translation as well as by A-site tRNA binding. In addition, the decoding properties of tRNA(Arg) lacking mnm(5)U modification in a knock-out strain of the modifying enzyme (DeltamnmE) were examined by pulse labeling using reporter constructs with consecutive AGR codons. Our results demonstrate that the xm(5)U modification plays a critical role in decoding NNG codons by stabilizing U.G pairing at the wobble position. Crystal structures of an anticodon stem-loop containing taum(5)U interacting with a UUA or UUG codon at the ribosomal A-site revealed that the taum(5)U.G base pair does not have classical U.G wobble geometry. These structures provide help to explain how the taum(5)U modification enables efficient decoding of UUG codons.
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The BLAST programs are widely used tools for searching protein and DNA databases for sequence similarities. For protein comparisons, a variety of definitional, algorithmic, and statistical refinements permits the execution time of the BLAST programs to be decreased substantially while enhancing their sensitivity to weak similarities. A new criterion for triggering the extension of word hits, combined with a new heuristic for generating gapped alignments, yields a gapped BLAST program that runs at approximately three times the speed of the original. In addition, a method is described for automatically combining statistically significant alignments produced by BLAST into a position-specific score matrix, and searching the database using this matrix. The resulting Position Specific Iterated BLAST (PSLBLAST) program runs at approximately the same speed per iteration as gapped BLAST, but in many cases is much more sensitive to weak but biologically relevant sequence similarities.
The Protein Data Bank (PDB; ) is the single worldwide archive of structural data of biological macromolecules. This paper describes the goals of the PDB, the systems in place for data deposition and access, how to obtain further information, and near-term plans for the future development of the resource.
For a successful analysis of the relation between amino acid sequence and protein structure, an unambiguous and physically meaningful definition of secondary structure is essential. We have developed a set of simple and physically motivated criteria for secondary structure, programmed as a pattern-recognition process of hydrogen-bonded and geometrical features extracted from x-ray coordinates. Cooperative secondary structure is recognized as repeats of the elementary hydrogen-bonding patterns “turn” and “bridge.” Repeating turns are “helices,” repeating bridges are “ladders,” connected ladders are “sheets.” Geometric structure is defined in terms of the concepts torsion and curvature of differential geometry. Local chain “chirality” is the torsional handedness of four consecutive Cα positions and is positive for right-handed helices and negative for ideal twisted β-sheets. Curved pieces are defined as “bends.” Solvent “exposure” is given as the number of water molecules in possible contact with a residue. The end result is a compilation of the primary structure, including SS bonds, secondary structure, and solvent exposure of 62 different globular proteins. The presentation is in linear form: strip graphs for an overall view and strip tables for the details of each of 10.925 residues. The dictionary is also available in computer-readable form for protein structure prediction work.
We describe a new approach, based on the energy of non-local interactions, to assess protein structures. The method uses a very sensitive and accurate atomic mean force potential (AMFP) to calculate the non-local energy profile (NL-profile) of a proteins structure. Several protein models, built using the comparative modeling technique and containing several errors, were evaluated. These models exhibit a good stereochemistry and have been previously checked with different, widely used, methods that failed to detect the errors. The AMFP-derived energy profiles are able to correlate high scores with point errors and misalignments in the models. The point errors are frequently found in loops or regions of structural differences between the template and the target protein. The misalignments are clearly detected with very high scores.
The X-ray crystal structure of relaxin at 1·5Åresolution is reported for the physiologically active form of the human hormone. Relaxin is a small, two-chain polypeptide that is a member of the protein hormone family that also includes insulin and the insulin-like growth factors IGF-I and IGF-II. These hormones have biologically diverse activities but are structurally similar, sharing a distinctive pattern of cysteine and glycine residues. The predicted structural homology of relaxin to insulin is confirmed by this structural analysis; however, there are significant differences in the terminal regions of the b-chain. Although relaxin, like insulin, crystallizes as a dimer, the orientation of the molecules in the respective dimers is completely different. The region of the relaxin molecule proposed to be involved in receptor binding is part of the dimer interface, suggesting that some of the other residues contained in the dimer contact surface might be receptor binding determinants as well. The proposed receptor binding determinants for insulin likewise include residues at its dimer interface. However, because the dimer contacts of relaxin and insulin are quite different, it appears that these two structurally related hormones have evolved somewhat dissimilar mechanisms for receptor binding.