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Investigating the Security Threats in Vehicular ad hoc Networks (VANETs): Towards Security Engineering for Safer on-road Transportation


Abstract and Figures

The state-of-the-art improvements in cellular communication and ubiquitous availability of internet have led to significant breakthroughs in intelligent transportation systems where connectivity, autonomous driving and infotainment play a pivotal role in the enhanced driving experience. The Vehicle ad hoc Networks (VANET) have emerged as a distinguished branch of wireless communication pertaining to transportation systems. VANET is intended to dispense on-road vehicle safety and to boost the comfort experienced by drivers, passengers and other commuters. Whereas VANET offers exciting applications and explores unfamiliar dimensions in transportation, concerns regarding VANET security also continue to intensify. Security of vehicular networks, the authenticity and integrity of data dissemination remains a concern of utmost significance in VANET deployment. VANET architecture, by virtue of an abundance of networked vehicles, is susceptible to illegal use, unauthorized access, protocol tunneling, eavesdropping, and denial-of-service as the vehicles are unknowingly exposed to illegitimate information from unidentified adversaries. This paper investigates the security aspects of VANET and the attacks and vulnerabilities the VANET architecture is prone to. The study of security features and flaws is expected to lead to developed broadcasting and routing services, adding to the quality-of-service. Due to mobility of vehicles, large scale networks, rapidly restructuring nodes and frequently changing topological structure; a fundamental requirement of VANETs is to ensure safe transmission of the time critical data. The paper examines various security threats in VANETs, analyses how they are implemented and their impact on the VANET security architecture. A few gaps in the VANET security frameworks have also been highlighted which can be worked upon in the future.
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Investigating the Security Threats in Vehicular ad hoc
Networks (VANETs): Towards Security Engineering
for Safer on-road Transportation
Parul Tyagi
Research Scholar
JECRC University
Jaipur, India
Dr. Deepak Dembla
HoD, Dept. of IT, JECRC University
Jaipur, India
Abstract— The state-of-the-art improvements in cellular
communication and ubiquitous availability of internet have led to
significant breakthroughs in intelligent transportation systems
where connectivity, autonomous driving and infotainment play a
pivotal role in the enhanced driving experience. The Vehicle ad
hoc Networks (VANET) have emerged as a distinguished branch
of wireless communication pertaining to transportation systems.
VANET is intended to dispense on-road vehicle safety and to
boost the comfort experienced by drivers, passengers and other
commuters. Whereas VANET offers exciting applications and
explores unfamiliar dimensions in transportation, concerns
regarding VANET security also continue to intensify. Security of
vehicular networks, the authenticity and integrity of data
dissemination remains a concern of utmost significance in
VANET deployment. VANET architecture, by virtue of an
abundance of networked vehicles, is susceptible to illegal use,
unauthorized access, protocol tunneling, eavesdropping, and
denial-of-service as the vehicles are unknowingly exposed to
illegitimate information from unidentified adversaries.
This paper investigates the security aspects of VANET and the
attacks and vulnerabilities the VANET architecture is prone to.
The study of security features and flaws is expected to lead to
developed broadcasting and routing services, adding to the
quality-of-service. Due to mobility of vehicles, large scale
networks, rapidly restructuring nodes and frequently changing
topological structure; a fundamental requirement of VANETs is
to ensure safe transmission of the time critical data. The paper
examines various security threats in VANETs, analyses how they
are implemented and their impact on the VANET security
architecture. A few gaps in the VANET security frameworks
have also been highlighted which can be worked upon in the
Keywords: VANET, security, V2V, V2I, attacks,
vulnerabilities, safety.
Regardless of a striking operational life of over 40 years,
the existence and applications of internet and cyber-
infrastructure still continue to evolve. More than ever before,
the internet and wireless communication has affected our lives
by opening countless possibilities and opportunities [1]. The
recent trend in interdisciplinary research has been to embed
everyday objects with computers and communication
capabilities [2]. Of late, data transfer and information
processing has emerged as a widespread phenomenon,
permeating almost every type of object. One such category of
communication capable smart devices is intelligent vehicles,
intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and communication
capable roadside infrastructure. These smart vehicles function
based on the principles of Vehicle ad hoc Networks (VANET),
which is essentially a computer-to-computer network where
mobile nodes, i.e. vehicles, behaving as computers, connect
directly to each other, rather than to a server or hub. The
vehicles themselves form a temporary network, and the
participating vehicles also serve as a wireless router, acting
over an approximate range of 100-300 meters of each other. As
the nodes are mobile, they continuously fall out of the signal
range and drop out of a particular network, join in a
neighboring network, connecting vehicles to one another thus
maintaining a mobile internet [3]. The VANET architecture is
also extended to road side infrastructure, known as InfoStations
(IS) and Road Side Units (RSU) as depicted in figure 1. As
vehicles tend to move in an organized fashion, therefore the
interactions with RSU is also characterized fairly accurately.
VANETs have succeeded in addressing a number of today's
traffic challenges and enable drivers to have better awareness
of their driving environment and take timely and evasive
actions in response to abnormal situations. VANETs lend a
valuable contribution to solve many traffic and road-safety
problems and in the recent years, the road transportation
system with the help of VANET is being evolved into a safer
and efficient establishment [4].
The growth of internet and its extension to vehicles has
made our lives convenient, but it has also led to abuse of
technology and misuse through cyber crimes. With
advancements in technology and the advent of VANET, the
prevalence of cybercrimes in the domain has augmented to
include cyber-espionage, eavesdropping, pranksters, and
phishing schemes. With maximum appreciation to the
progressive bias, depth and scope of ceaseless internet utilities
and VANET applications, it is equally necessary to envisage
the security and data confidentiality challenges encountered in
the VANET architecture. Despite the advantages of VANET,
there are many challenges, especially in the aspects of security
978-1-4799-3080-7/14/$31.00 c
2014 IEEE
and privacy. Inter-vehicle communication (IVC) continues to
grow as an indispensable futuristic component, and this paper
investigates a comprehensive overview of the security threats
and vulnerabilities observed in VANET architecture. The focus
here is on the prevalent bottlenecks and security threats
encountered in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-
infrastructure (V2I) communication. Security requirements and
necessity in VANET architecture and security threats and
attacks in VANET [5] [6] are discussed.
This paper is structured in six sections: section I is the
introduction and the identified sources of attacks. Malicious
exploitation in VANET is presented in section II. Section III
elaborates attacks against routing protocols. Section IV
demonstrates an execution of black hole attack, and outlines a
general methodology adopted by attackers. Conclusions are
given in section VI.
Figure 1. Extensive VANET communication architecture
VANET is prone to several vulnerabilities and attacks.
These vulnerabilities deteriorate the functioning of the
network, stimulate severe problems in the network and pose
potential security threats. The severity of attacks launched by
the attackers can vary based on the motive of the attack and the
potential impact on the victim. The following section gives a
general overview of VANET vulnerabilities.
Jamming: Interfering transmissions are deliberately
generated by jammer to prevent VANET
communication among vehicles in a given reception
range [7].
Forgery: Forgery in VANET architecture
compromises the correctness, validity and timely
receipt of transmitted data. The transmission of false
hazard warnings and those being received and acted
upon by all vehicles leads to chaos in the driving zone
and is a major vulnerability [7].
Impersonation: Any vehicle owner deliberately and
hideously taking on the identity of another vehicle and
attributing it to his own vehicle or vice-versa is known
as impersonation. It also involves fake message
fabrication, message alteration and message replay.
For e.g., an attacker appearing falsely as an
emergency vehicle and misleading other vehicles to
useless or harmful consequences is an impersonation
attack [7].
Privacy: Privacy is an issue in VANET, as the illegal
monitoring of driver’s personal data could violate
their privacy. Attacks on driver privacy are a severe
vulnerability in VANET due to the periodic and
frequent nature of vehicular traffic. Driver’s personal
data can be retrieved by means of illegal in-transit
traffic tampering of safety and traffic related messages
sent by the driver, management messages, or even
from transaction based communications such as
automated payments [7].
Such frauds and deceptive scams have been on an increase
especially among networked devices as cyber criminals get an
opportunity to send spurious messages to any device on the
network [8]. Whereas VANET was initially intended to
integrate mobile connectivity amongst vehicles to expedite data
transfer while traveling, vehicles in VANET have been victims
to viruses, forged messages, phishing, identity thefts and many
other threats. An issue of paramount concern in vehicular
environment is security, where a wrong message may directly
affect human life, especially in the light of the public
acceptance of the technology [9]. Since the vehicular network
is open and accessible from everywhere in the given DSRC
range, it is expected to be an easy target for malicious users
[10]. Apart from network attacks, disabling or tinkering with
the vehicle on-board units, tampering with the road side
infrastructure, removing, dislocating or destroying them is
another security issue in VANET. OBUs are tampered in a
manner similar to that of modifying an odometer in earlier
vehicles [11]. Use of magnets, electric fields and malicious
software to damage OBUs is a source of concern that needs to
be addressed for safer and secure VANET communication.
Although the OBUs could be subject to periodic examinations
and inspections for any signs of tampering, limitations exist in
relation to the frequency of inspection and the honesty of
technicians performing the inspections. To ensure reliable and
secure V2I communication, it is required that the roadside
equipment is not damaged o purpose.
VANET is a promising vehicular networking technology which
enhances road safety, traffic management and information
dissemination for drivers and passengers. The success of
VANET relies heavily on efficient dynamic routing protocols
due to the rapidly and constantly changing network topology.
The routing protocol security is important to be considered as
many of the VANET applications are safety-related. Routing is
the backbone of VANET communication and therefore routing
is also the most vulnerable part of VANET, susceptible to
attacks and malicious operations [12]. Malicious nodes in
VANET can exploit the co-operative routing algorithms to
launch routing attacks, similar to BH and rushing attacks.
Attacks against routing in VANET are broadly classified into
two categories: attacks on routing protocols and attacks on
packet delivery.
2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing,Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) 2085
Impersonating: This attack involves taking on the
credentials of another vehicle to spoof route
messages. It also involves advertising of fake route-
metrics to confuse the topology, forwarding a route
message with false sequence numbers to
suppress/delay other consistent messages. Flooding
the route discover unreasonably with DoS, modifying
a RREQ message to implant false routes, generating
bogus route error messages to disrupt a working route
or suppressing a valid route error to misinform other
vehicles is all further attacks that can be launched by
the impersonator [13].
Application Attack: Safety and comfort related
applications mark potential VANET applications.
Attacker target these application related messages to
exploit these for their own benefits, at the expense of
other users [14]. Attackers tamper with the contents of
the actual messages and forward wrong, modified,
incomplete, forged or fake messages to other vehicles
leading to severe traffic congestions or even
accidents. One of the most common types of
application attacks is the bogus information attack
where an attacker injects bogus information into the
network and these incorrect/fabricated messages
directly affect the behavior of vehicles on the road.
Another disastrous attack in this category is the
modification/alteration of warning messages, which
compromise the degree of truthfulness of a message in
the VANET architecture [15].
The other aspect of VANET applications, i.e. the
comfort applications primarily aims at making driving
a pleasant experience and to improve the traffic
system. Locating a car-parking space is one of the
most common comfort applications where the RSU
communicates the information about parking
availability to a vehicle OBU. In an attack on this
aspect, figure. 2 depicts an authentic vehicle ‘C’
requesting for a parking space at a particular
destination (say, near a shopping mall).
Figure 2. Attack on safety application
The RSU searches for available parking zone and
relays a message ‘parking slot available’ near the
shopping mall. As the vehicle ‘C’ is slightly out of the
radio range of the RSU, the RSU uses vehicles ‘A’
and ‘B’ as routers to send the message to vehicle ‘C’.
The vehicle ‘B’ is actually an attacker who intercepts
reads and alters this message to ‘no empty parking
slot’ and passes this message to vehicle ‘C’, thus
depriving it of available parking resource [16]. Such
attacks can undermine the importance of comfort
applications of VANET such as entertainment,
automatic toll collection, map download, locating
restaurant and gas stations, parking availability etc.
Timing Attack: In this attack, the attacker’s main
objective is to delay an original message by adding an
additional time slot to the original message. The other
contents of a message are not disturbed, but the delay
causes the messages to be received after the requisite
time, thus rendering them useless. VANET safety
applications are time critical applications, and even a
minor delay in message transmission could defeat the
objective of the message. figure. 3 depict a timing
attack scenario where an attacker ‘C’ receives a
warning message ‘Warning! Accident at location Y
from other vehicle ‘B’. Under normal operating
conditions, this message would have been transmitted
to a nearby vehicle ‘D’ instantly, but the attacker ‘B’
deliberately does so after some time, thus causing ‘D’
not to evade the sight [17].
Figure 3. Attack on comfort application
Social Attack: Social attacks are a class of attack
where the attackers modify/aggravate the behavior of
legitimate vehicles by sending immoral messages to
them. This is a kind of emotional and social attack
that indirectly creates problems in the network by
enticing legitimate users to show angry behavior
when they receive such kind of derogatory messages.
figure. 4 depict this scenario, where an attacker ‘B’
intentionally passes a message ‘You are Idiot’ to a
nearby vehicle ‘C’.
Figure 4. Timing attack in VANET
When ‘C’ receives this message, his driving behavior
is aggravated which results in an increase in the speed
of the vehicle.
The episode culminates in disturbing/distracting the
other users on the network.
2086 2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing,Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)
Monitoring Attack: Monitoring and tracking of the
vehicles, illegally listening to the communication
between V2V and V2I and misusing any confidential
information is the motive of this attack, figure.5
depicts this scenario.
Figure 5. Depiction of Social Attack
This section presents a detailed description of the attack
process in VANET. Figure. 6 represent the communication link
between the authentic VANET user, RSU and an attacker. The
steps to launch an attack are described as follows [18]:
An attacker initially launches an attack on other
vehicles in the network and also on the RSUs, based
on the motive and the extent of damage intended.
The attacker receives a valid message from another
vehicle/RSU expecting the attacker to forward/re-
route the message.
The attacker alters/intercepts the contents of the
message and passes this message to other vehicles/
The attacker might also impersonate/masquerade as
another vehicle, launches timing attacks or other types
of attacks on other vehicles.
Monitors the communication between the vehicles or
infrastructure and achieves his/her benefit
Table I lists different types of security attacks with
attacker types and respective security attributes.
Table 1 Different types of security attacks in VANET with attacker types and respective security attributes .
Name of the Attack Adversary/Attacker type Security attributes and
n types
Bogus Information Insider Data Integrity/
No V2V
Denial of Service
Malicious, active, insider,
network attack
Availability Yes/No V2V/V2I
Masquerading Active, insider Authentication Yes V2V
Black Hole (BH) Passive, outsider Availability Yes V2V
Malware Malicious, insider Availability No V2V/V2I
Spamming Malicious, insider Availability Yes V2V
Timing Attack Malicious, insider Data Integrity No V2V/
GPS Spoofing Outsider Authentication No V2V
Man-in-the-middle Insider, monitoring attack Data integrity,
confidentiality, privacy
Yes V2V
Sybil Insider, network attack Authentication, privacy Yes V2V
Outsider, malicious,
monitoring attack
Yes/No V2V
Illusion attack Insider, Outsider Authenticity, data integrity Yes V2V/V2I
Insider Privacy, confidentiality Yes V2V
Social Attack Insider, e.g. “you are idiot” Data integrity, trust Yes/No V2V
Monitoring attack Monitoring the road activity Privacy, authenticity Yes/No V2V/V2I
2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing,Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) 2087
Figure 6. A simple attack mechanism adopted by attackers in VANET [12]
Black Hole Attack Illustration: Consider the network in figure
7 and illustrate how an intruder can launch a black hole or grey
hole attack. Suppose nodes v9 and v4 each need routes to
nodes v13 and v7 respectively. Therefore, nodes v9 and v4
broadcast RREQs and the initial ow of RREQs is shown in
figure 8. Now assume node v6 is an intruder and wants to
capture the routes in the network to cause either a black or grey
hole attack, by using false RREP packets in the following way
The two RREQs from nodes v9 and v4 will be heard by node
v6, which then checks its current destination sequence numbers
for v13 and v7.
Intruder v6 prepares RREP packets for these RREQs
with destination sequence numbers higher than the
current destination sequence number for nodes v13
and v7.
V6 sends these false RREPs back to the source nodes
v9and v4 as shown in figure 9.
After receiving the false RREPs, source nodes v9 and v4 will
select the route through v6, since the received RREPs suggest
that v6 has the freshest routes. By repeating this process,
intruder v6 can successfully capture other routes in the network
and force most of the network trafc ow through itself. Now
the intruder v6 is in control of the network data trafc and can
drop data packets to cause either black hole or grey hole
attacks. For instance, source nodes v9 and v4 will send data
packets to their destination node which will reach node v6;
instead of forwarding these data packets, v6 can drop them all,
causing a black hole attack as shown in figure 10.
Figure 7. Network initially without any attack
Figure 8. Network after an intruder generates a malicious RREQ fromV9 &V4
Figure 9. Network without any attack:intruder sending false RREP
to source node V9 & V4
Figure 10. Node v6 drop all data packets to create black hole
Despite a tremendous potential and application to enhance
road safety and to facilitate traffic management, VANET
suffers from a range of security and privacy issues that have
dramatically restricted their applications as yet. The research
confirms that whereas VANET has emerged as an active area
of research, standardization, and development due to its
tremendous potential to improve vehicle and road safety,
2088 2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing,Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)
improve traffic efficiency and enhance driving comfort, a
strong emphasis needs to be laid on designing novel VANET
architectures and implementations. VANET suffers from
considerable threats to security of the users, and therefore
research needs to be focused on specific areas including
routing, broadcasting, QoS and security. This paper describes
attack process mechanism and illustration of Black hole attack,
which investigate how intruder capture the route and send a
false message to other nodes. It also compares different types
of security attacks in VANET with attacker types and
respective security attributes which shows the effect of
different types of attack in various environments.
As the network evolution is nudging towards a more
wireless future, VANET devices (vehicles and RSUs) are
characterised as resource-constrained devices that need highest
levels of security, connectivity, scalability and efficient data
handling, among other things. As the fundamental element of
VANETs is internet, VANET opens a lot of insecure and
vulnerable end-points. The smart vehicles and internet capable
RSUs generate a huge amount of data originating from
disparate sources. This offers the attackers and hackers with an
opportunity to mine these rich resources and repositories of
data to gain unauthorized insight into confidential data that can
have profound impact on the adoption of VANET technology.
The advanced VANET routing protocols such as context-aware
policy routing not only allow the VANET components
(vehicles and RSUs) to transmit data, but also to share certain
links. As far as the genuine RSU and on-board unit (OBU)
messages are concerned, the VANET appears to be safe, but
sharing of links by malicious attackers is far more dangerous.
Linking and subsequently clicking of these links has changed
the VANET landscape, and malware can be now spread more
effectively using pervasive VANET devices. ‘Masquerading’
and ‘trust’ act as the social bait where a hacker, masquerading
as a known vehicle sends malicious links, trusting the
transmitter makes the victim to click on the posted information
links. The hacker can send links containing messages about
popular topics, intended not for the driver but for other
travellers in the cars, willing to access the infotainment
services. Once the links are activated, they can disrupt the
entire VANET network or disconnect that vehicle from the
network. Some malicious extensions can appear on the
infotainment systems disabling the antivirus/ encryption
systems of the targeted vehicles.
Besides focusing on the network vulnerability protection,
making the VANET networks more resilient to security threats
could prevent a lot of damages to the technology, as follows:
Theft of data: This consists not only of driver
information or financial data related to parking slot
reservations, but also consists of credit card numbers,
drivers’ sensitive information and in some cases
drivers’ intellectual property or marketing plans. The
attacks have the most profound impact on the
user/driver credentials. Stolen driver credentials
coupled with installation of malware on the target
vehicle can lead to that vehicle being added on a
botnet that caused the attack, causing it to grow even
more powerful. These attacks can deactivate the
encryption settings on the targeted device and also
manipulate sensitive information [20].
Loss of time: It can usually take a great deal of time to
recover from security attacks in VANET, or even
from the suspicion of an attack. Data might be
needed to be reframed, recovered or extensively
Monetary loss: Theft of data is often accompanied by
monetary losses due to maligned intentions of the
hackers and attackers.
Disabled and crippled services: Protesters and some
governments may encourage discontinued use of the
technology, in case frequent cases of attacks and
information misuse are reported. This is possible
considering the extent of malicious intent of the
Legal exposure: any of the above mentioned cases
might expose an enterprise (such as a taxi firm or a
car rental company) to law suits for loss of data or
money entrusted to them.
The impact of VANET attacks is not restricted to vehicles
and RSUs, but with the advent of smart cities, all the connected
devices that have a VANET device in one of the connected
stages might suffer the consequences of a VANET attack. The
vehicular ad hoc networks can be seen as a crucial component
of the emerging field of Internet of Things (IoT) and the
disastrous impacts of security breach in VANET can adversely
affect the various connected devices. With IoT, more and more
objects ranging from smart homes and smart cities to including
household gadgets, health monitors, palmtops and smart
phones, doors and safety systems etc. have digital
representations that allow them to be accessed and controlled
from anywhere. These devices can be interconnected using the
wireless LAN networks similar to VANET, or might have an
interlinked VANET network. The VANET attacks discussed
above can hamper the operation of the ‘device intelligence
everyday things’ architecture. With widespread ubiquity of
internet, the attackers are also finding innovative ways to break
into the network and harness the resources, and to maliciously
corrupt the data and effective communication between various
elements of the integrated architecture. With increasing number
of vehicles being added to the VANET, it is important to
approach security threats from a more comprehensive point of
view, analysing all the requirements that need to be met for a
secure network [21].
It is understood that attacks and incursions are going to
happen. In the future work, we plan to outline a framework for
network security resiliency, in order to detect, access, predict
and mitigate the damage from VANET attacks as they happen.
The authors propose to gain an expert understanding of how
attacker work, how attackers think, and attacks are launched
and executed and which node in the network is the most
vulnerable. NCTuns simulator will be used to create realistic
2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing,Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) 2089
scenarios that emulate real-world attack traffic. This would
include vulnerability testing, where attacks will be mounted
against the targeted node using databases of known malware,
incursions, intrusions and other attacks.
It is concluded that regardless of the encryption and secure
routing protocols, the VANET architecture continues to
remain potentially insecure as the attacker can listen in even
without gaining traceable physical access. The investigation
reveals a few practices and theoretical constructs employed to
mitigate the insecurities in VANET their drawbacks are
highlighted. Major security flaws in VANET and their
adversaries are also presented in the paper. We arrive at a
conclusion that amidst the evolving network environment,
VANET needs to be supported with more secure architecture,
with privacy of the users being acknowledged as the foremost
exponent of VANET requirements. The study of security
features and flaws is expected to lead to developed
broadcasting and routing protocols, adding to the quality-of-
service. Due to mobility of vehicles, large scale networks,
rapidly restructuring nodes and frequently changing
topological structure; a fundamental requirement of VANETs
is to ensure safe transmission of the time critical data. This
paper examines various security threats in VANETs, analyses
how they are implemented and their impact on the VANET
security architecture. It also describe attack process
mechanism , illustration of Black hole attack and compared
different types of security attacks in VANET with attacker
types and respective security attributes. Safer on road
transportation refers to methods and measures for reducing
the risk of a person using the road network being killed or
seriously injured. The highest possible degree of safety shall
be ensured when transporting goods by road. It is of vital
importance to monitor and validate the road transportation
safety, including comprehensive checks on drivers, vehicles
and safety processes.
We would like to express sincere gratitude to JECRC
University for providing us with a platform to work on this
project. We are thankful to JU for granting us access to
laboratories and library, which has been pivotal in
successfully carrying out this research.
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2090 2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing,Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)
... Furthermore, ref. [32] delves into the investigation of secure transmission strategies for multiple-input signal-output (MISO) vehicular relay networks. These strategies are devised to shield infrastructure nodes from potential jamming and eavesdropping attacks originating from vehicles situated outside the protected zone. ...
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With the rapid development of wireless communication technology, positioning technology, and modern smart devices, Internet of Vehicles (IoVs) smart vehicles have brought great convenience to human production and life. Meanwhile, privacy and security issues are becoming extremely serious, with serious consequences if sensitive data such as vehicle location and trip patterns are leaked. This paper focuses on the demands for vehicular network security, especially privacy protection and existing privacy-protection techniques, including common cryptography methods and cryptography-based advanced technologies. At the same time, this paper also analyzes the advantages and challenges of these technologies in protecting privacy and network security in the Internet of Vehicles, such as the challenges of computational resource requirements and security efficiency in the implementation process, as well as the complexity of realizing effective privacy protection in the interactions among different entities. Finally, this paper envisions the development of privacy-preserving application scenarios and the prospects for crypotography-based privacy-preserving technologies.
... IDS continuously monitors the in-vehicle network, detecting any suspicious network events generated by electronic control units (ECUs) which is an important part of AVs [2]. However, traditional IDS solutions may have limitations in effectively detecting evolving threat models that were not considered during the design phase [4]. To overcome this limitation, machine learning-based IDS solutions have gained popularity [5]. ...
Conference Paper
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are revolutionizing transportation by offering unparalleled efficiency and reshaping the way people travel. However, this technology also raises concerns due to its susceptibility to unwanted control by unauthorized users, which can result in significant damage. The importance of in-vehicle networks has gained attention from researchers who are working to protect Controller Area Networks (CAN), an integral part of AVs. Despite the presence of various techniques proposed by researchers to protect these CANs, there are still many issues, such as addressing new, unseen attacks and protecting against AI-based attacks. To address these challenges, this study proposes an approach that can effectively handle diverse attacks, including AI-based attacks, using a machine learning approach. We utilize a dataset from our previous study, which consists of hybrid traffic comprising original attack traffic and AI-based attack traffic generated by CTGAN. The proposed approach incorporates the concept of transfer learning, where we leverage a trained CNN to extract valuable feature patterns. These CNN-based features are then used to train machine learning algorithms. Our results demonstrate that Random Forest models achieved significant success, with an accuracy score of 0.92 and very low computational training and testing times of 78.5501 and 2.2262, respectively.
... The IDS continuously monitors the in-vehicle network, detecting suspicious network events generated by ECUs in real-time. However, traditional IDS may only prove effective against specific threat models considered during their design stages [6]. In response to this limitation, machine learningbased IDS has gained prominence, particularly in traditional communication networks [7]. ...
Conference Paper
Cybersecurity poses a growing threat to technology infrastructure, especially raising concerns for automobile technology. Modern vehicles, reliant on connectivity, face a critical challenge in safeguarding their in-vehicle networks from cyber-attacks. Although the Controller Area Network is a standard for in-vehicle networks, its lack of security features exposes vehicles to vulnerabilities. Especially, the use of AI for offensive purposes further intensifies the threat to automotive technology infrastructure to protect it from cyber-attacks. This study proposes an approach to enhance in-vehicle network security, employing machine learning algorithms to protect against both AI-based generated attacks and traditional attacks. The Conditional Tab-ular Generative Adversarial Network (CTGAN) is utilized to generate in-vehicle network traffic, which is then combined with benchmark in-vehicle network traffic to create a complex and diverse scenario. The Random Forest model achieved a significant accuracy score for both benchmark in-vehicle network traffic and AI-based traffic, with scores of 0.93 and 0.89, respectively.
... Since the information transmitted is distributed in an openaccess environment, security and privacy are among the most critical issues related to VANETs. Hence, any VANET must satisfy the security services and privacy requirements [2], as illustrated in Table 1 and Table 2, for an efficient and reliable system. It must guarantee that the exchanged messages are not inserted or modified by any attackers (e.g., insider/outsider, malicious/rational, local/extended, active/passive attackers). ...
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Over the past few decades, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) has become a vital and extensive element of daily human life and activity. Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) have become the most promising components of ITS, which promises to enhance transport efficiency, passenger safety, and comfort by exchanging traffic and infotainment information to intelligent vehicles. Moreover, VANETs have emerged with new paradigms (e.g., Cloud, SDN (Software-Defined Networking), Fog computing, Blockchain, and AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques) to provide strategic and secure communications to increase their reliability. Therefore, efficient and robust mechanisms, such as trust management, are essential requirements in VANETs. This survey provides an extensive overview of the VANET and trust management’s main concepts. After that, we briefly review existing surveys, followed by the significant challenges of security and trust in VANETs. Then, we identify, review, classify, summarize, and compare related approaches. Finally, we give some future research directions.
Smart and autonomous vehicles are inseparable parts of the future Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). However, ITS components, and especially its vehicles, are prone to cyber threats. Interconnectivity of different parts, ranging from in-vehicle communication of different modules to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure message exchanges open a window to the cyber attacks launched through these communication media. This paper introduces the concept of stealth virus or worm in smart and autonomous vehicles which can jeopardize the safety of passengers. Stealth attacks are designed to manipulate a system in a way that while the changes are not detectable by human, the system is negatively influenced over the time. A framework for Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is proposed afterward. The proposed IDS structure is scalable and easily deployable on current and future vehicles which are equipped with Controller Area Network (CAN) buses. Through a case study on car cruise control, a new stealth attack is presented. The attack is analytically discussed first. Then, it is shown how the proposed IDS can detect this kind of threats.
VANETs (vehicular ad hoc networks) have become an essential component of current intelligent transportation systems (ITS). However, under the influence of hostile mobile vehicles, security threats pose a threat to offloading vehicle duties to the cloud server. How to address the complicated computation offloading of vehicles while assuring the cloud server's high security is an essential research subject. We investigated the safety and offloading of a multi-vehicle ECCO system based on cloud blockchain in this research. To begin, we present a distributed hierarchical software-defined VANET (SDVs) framework to construct a security architecture in order to attain agreement in the vehicular context. Second, to increase offloading security, we suggest using blockchain-based access management, which protects the cloud from unauthorised offloading. Finally, we decide task offloading by jointly optimising offloading decisions, consensus mechanism decisions, computation resource allocation, and channel bandwidth to tackle the intense computing problem of approved vehicles.
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C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) est une nouvelle technologie qui contribue à la réduction des accidents de la circulation et à l'amélioration de la sécurité routière. VANET ( V ehicular A d hoc Networks) sont un système STI basé sur la communication inter-véhicules par la transmission de messages de sécurité de base (BSM), qui sont vulnérables à une variété de comportements inappropriés. Pour résoudre ce défi, nous avons développé dans cet article un système de détection de mauvais comportement (MDS) basé sur une approche d'apprentissage automatisé pour identifier et catégoriser les messages de mauvais comportement délivrés par un véhicule sur les VANET à l'aide de la base de données d'extension VeReMi. Cette étude examine différents types de classification : dans la classification binaire, toutes sortes d'inconduites ont été regroupées en une seule catégorie « inconduite » ; cependant, dans la classification multi-classes pour trois classes, la mauvaise conduite a été divisée en deux classes : les attaques et les fautes. Le classificateur a des problèmes substantiels lors de l'apprentissage à partir de données déséquilibrées wLorsque vous travaillez avec des problèmes multi-classes, cela devient considérablement plus complexe. Les relations entre les catégories ne sont plus bien définies et il est facile de perdre en efficacité dans une classe tout en s'améliorant dans une autre. En conséquence, les résultats ne sont pas cohérents dans l'approche d'apprentissage classique pour la classification multi-classes lors de la classification des comportements répréhensibles dans différents types de classes de comportements répréhensibles. Pour résoudre ce problème, nous avons développé une approche nouvelle et puissante appelée "Approche d'apprentissage guidé pour la classification multi-classes" pour réduire le nombre de classes en combinant des comportements inappropriés comparables en un seul. Selon les résultats, le classificateur Random Forest surpasse les autres classificateurs.
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Inter-vehicle communication systems are a new paradigm of networking. Largely related to mobile ad hoc networks and their distributed, self-organizing structure, they also introduce new threats. In order to assess these threats we introduce a model of attacks on an inter-vehicle communication system in this paper. This model is used to re-fine the system model of the NoW communication system and to find potential weaknesses during the specification phase of the NoW communication system. Our work shows that there are several interesting new challenges requiring novel solutions, some of which are out-lined at the end of this paper. Although this is still work in progress, it is the foundation for analysis and assessment of future work. As one of the main results of this paper, we identified sev-eral difficult to detect attacks on the hard-and software, and on the sensor input. We further point out system require-ments to thwart such attacks.
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Vehicular communication systems are on the verge of practical deployment. Nonetheless, their security and privacy protection is one of the problems that have been addressed only recently. In order to show the feasibility of secure VC, certain implementations are required. we discuss the design of a VC security system that has emerged as a result of the European SeVe-Com project. In this second article we discuss various issues related to the implementation and deployment aspects of secure VC systems. Moreover, we provide an outlook on open security research issues that will arise as VC systems develop from today's simple prototypes to full-fledged systems.
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In this paper, we propose a timestamp series approach to defend against Sybil attack in a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) based on roadside unit support. The proposed approach targets the initial deployment stage of VANET when basic roadside unit (RSU) support infrastructure is available and a small fraction of vehicles have network communication capability. Unlike previously proposed schemes that require a dedicated vehicular public key infrastructure to certify individual vehicles, in our approach RSUs are the only components issuing the certificates. Due to the differences of moving dynamics among vehicles, it is rare to have two vehicles passing by multiple RSUs at exactly the same time. By exploiting this spatial and temporal correlation between vehicles and RSUs, two messages will be treated as Sybil attack issued by one vehicle if they have the similar timestamp series issued by RSUs. The timestamp series approach needs neither vehicular-based public-key infrastructure nor Internet accessible RSUs, which makes it an economical solution suitable for the initial stage of VANET.
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We argue that the traditional notion of trust as a relation among entities, while useful, becomes insufficient for emerging data-centric mobile ad hoc networks. In these systems, setting the data trust level equal to the trust level of the data- providing entity would ignore system salient features, rendering applications ineffective and systems inflexible. This would be even more so if their operation is ephemeral, i.e., characterized by short-lived associations in volatile environments. In this paper, we address this challenge by extending the traditional notion of trust to data-centric trust: trustworthiness attributed to node-reported data per se. We propose a framework for data-centric trust establishment: First, trust in each individual piece of data is computed; then multiple, related but possibly contradictory, data are combined; finally, their validity is inferred by a decision component based on one of several evidence evaluation techniques. We consider and evaluate an instantiation of our framework in vehicular networks as a case study. Our simulation results show that our scheme is highly resilient to attackers and converges stably to the correct decision.
The chapter provides a survey of routing protocols in vehicular ad hoc networks. The routing protocols fall into two major categories of topology-based and position-based routing. The chapter discusses the advantages and disadvantages of these routing protocols, explores the motivation behind their design and trace the evolution of these routing protocols. Finally, it concludes the chapter by pointing out some open issues and possible direction of future research related to VANET routing.
In Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs), authentication is a crucial security requirement to avoid attacks to both inter-vehicle and vehicle-roadside communication. Vehicles have to be prevented from the misuse of their private data and the attacks on their privacy. In this paper, we investigate the authentication and privacy issues in VANETs. We propose a novel ID-based authentication framework with adaptive privacy preservation for VANETs. In this framework, adaptive self-generated pseudonyms are used as identifiers instead of real-world IDs. The update of the pseudonyms depends on vehicular demands. The ID-Based Signature (IBS) scheme and the ID-Based Online/Offline Signature (IBOOS) scheme are used, for authentication between the Road Side Units (RSUs) and vehicles, as well as authentication among vehicles, respectively. System evaluation has been executed using efficient IBS and IBOOS schemes. It shows that, the proposed authentication framework with privacy preservation is suitable to the VANET environment.
In the near future, most new vehicles will be equipped with short- range radios capable of communicating with other vehicles or with highway infrastructure at distances of at least one kilometer. The radios will allow new applications that will revolutionize the driv- ing experience, providing everything from instant, localized traf- fic updates to warning signals when the car ahead abruptly brakes. While resembling traditional sensor and ad hoc networks in some respects, vehicular networks pose a number of unique challenges. For example, the information conveyed over a vehicular network may affect life-or-death decisions, making fail-safe security a ne- cessity. However, providing strong security in vehicular networks raises important privacy concerns that must also be considered. To address these challenges, we propose a set of security primitives that can be used as the building blocks of secure applications. The deployment of vehicular networks is rapidly approaching, and their success and safety will depend on viable security solutions accept- able to consumers, manufacturers and governments.
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) represents a system of wireless mobile nodes that can freely and dynamically self-organize into arbitrary and temporary network topologies, allowing people and devices to seamlessly internetwork in areas without any preexisting communication infrastructure. While many challenges remain to be resolved before large scale MANETs can be widely deployed, small-scale mobile ad hoc networks will soon appear. Network cards for single-hop ad hoc wireless networks are already on the market, and these technologies constitute the building blocks to construct small-scale ad hoc networks that extend the range of single-hop wireless technologies to few kilometers. It is therefore important to understand the qualitative and quantitative behavior of single-hop ad hoc wireless networks. The first part of this chapter presents the taxonomy of single-hop wireless technologies. Specifically, we introduce the concept of Body, Personal, and Local wireless networks, and we discuss their applicative scenarios. The second part of the chapter focuses on the emerging networking standards for constructing small-scale ad hoc networks: IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth. The IEEE 802.11 standard is a good platform to implement a single-hop local ad hoc network because of its extreme simplicity. Furthermore, multihop networks covering areas of several square kilometers could be built by exploiting the IEEE 802.11 technology. On smaller scales, the Bluetooth technologies can be exploited to build ad hoc wireless Personal and Body Area Networks, i.e., networks that connect devices placed on a person's body or inside a small circle around it. The chapter presents the architectures and protocols of IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth. In addition, the performance of these two technologies is discussed.