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Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Kidney -A Case Report And Review Of Literature

International Journal of Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Pharma Research Vol. 12, No. 4, Oct-Dec 2023 Online ISSN: 2250-3137
Print ISSN: 2977-0122
©2023Int. J. LifeSci.Biotechnol.Pharma.Res.
Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of
Kidney - A Case Report And Review Of
Dr. Pardeep Garg1, Dr. Sheenu Priya2, Dr. Navik Goyal3
1Associate Professor and Head, 2,3Senior Resident, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Guru Gobind Singh Medical
College and Hospital, Faridkot, India
Corresponding Author
Dr. Navik Goyal
Senior Resident, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Guru Gobind Singh Medical College and Hospital, Faridkot,
Received: 07 December, 2023 Accepted: 30 December, 2023
Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) of the Kidney is a rare variety of Renal Cell Carcinoma. Patients present with
inconclusive signs and symptoms and thus diagnosis is unsuspected. Therefore, these patients land in advanced stage disease
and have poor prognosis. Here we present a Case of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Kidney, who presented in advanced stage,
his workup and the treatment done. A 52-year-old male presented with left flank pain and fever. A computerized tomography
(CT) scan showed nephrolithiasis and chronic inflammation in the left kidney and a soft tissue heterogenously enhancing
lesion at the upper pole causing hydronephrosis . He underwent Radical Nephrectomy and Histopathological examination
revealed an invasive, moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma involving renal parenchyma, perinephric tissue, fat
and hilar lymph nodes (stage 3). Thereafter, patient was treated with Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy ,then he was planned
for metronomic chemotherapy. Primary Renal squamous cell carcinomas are very rare tumours which are often not clinically
suspected or diagnosed. These tumours require thorough clinical examination, radiological workup, aggressive approach
towards treatment to add years in their life owing to worse prognosis and highly proliferative variety of the primary.
Keywords: Nephrolithiasis, Primary Renal squamous cell carcinoma, Radicalnephrectomy, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy
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Primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the
kidney is a rare occurrence, accounting for only 0.5
7.0% of upper urinary tract tumors[15]. These tumors
are aggressive in nature with worse prognosis. As
SCC Kidney is rare as well as presentation is not like
common Renal tumors, diagnosis is delayed and this
adds to disease progression. This case discusses
Squamous cell carcinoma of the Kidney incidentally
diagnosed after nephrectomy for a chronically injured
kidney with nephrolithiasis and hydronephrosis.
A 52-year-old male patient presented to the
Department of Oncology with a one-month history of
intermittent, localized, dull left flank pain, which
was associated with nausea, vomiting and fever. He
did not have macroscopic hematuria and had no other
urinary symptoms. On admission, physical
examination revealed left renal angle tenderness.
There was no abdominal distension, and there were no
palpable mass. Contrast enhanced CT scan showed
left kidney with calculi and a large heterogenously
enhancing lesion measuring 7*8 cm at the upper pole
causing hydronephrosis (figure 1). Careful imaging
study ruled out the presence of other systemic
involvement. Radical nephrectomy was performed
and histopathological examination revealed presence
of normal looking glomeruli and renal tubules along
with squamous carcinomatous component and keratin
pearls confirming diagnosis of SCC of kidney(figure
2). Renal capsule and perinephric adipose tissue and
hilar lymph nodes were involved with tumor (stage 3).
He was taken for Radiotherapy in view of localized
disease and given left flank radiation 40Gy /20#/4weeks
( Phase I ) and 16Gy /8#/2 weeks (Phase II) (Radiation
plan - figure 3).Thereafter, in view of persisting
residual disease and lymph nodal mets, he was given
6 Cycles of palliative systemic Chemotherapy -
Docetaxel (80mg/m2) and Carboplatin (AUC 6). He
was re- evaluated for disease status via PET-CT
Scan which showed disease progression with
International Journal of Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Pharma Research Vol. 12, No. 4, Oct-Dec 2023 Online ISSN: 2250-3137
Print ISSN: 2977-0122
©2023Int. J. LifeSci.Biotechnol.Pharma.Res.
appearance of pulmonary metastasis. He was planned
for Metronomic Chemotherapy Geftinib 250 mg OD
and Capecitabine 1000 mg BD and his disease
remained stable for around 3 months. Few months
after, he developed breathlessness for which he was
on palliative treatment after which he died of
pulmonary failure. He remained alive for around 18
months post diagnosis .
Figure: 1-Computed tomography scan of the patient on presentation showing soft tissue lesion at upper
pole of the kidney causing significant hydronephrosis.
Figure: 2- Histopathological finding showing squamous cell carcinoma of the kidney.
International Journal of Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Pharma Research Vol. 12, No. 4, Oct-Dec 2023 Online ISSN: 2250-3137
Print ISSN: 2977-0122
©2023Int. J. LifeSci.Biotechnol.Pharma.Res.
Figure: 3- Showing the radiation field taken for treatment of post op bed Normal kidney was shielded.
8590% of Urinary tract cancers are urothelial /
transitional cell carcinomas, while pure squamous
cell carcinomas (SCC) are rare, accounting for only
0.57.0% of them and is known to arise from the
collecting system [17,9,18].
Patients present between the fifth to seventh decades
[1,4,5]. Some studies confirm that there is a female
predominance and the most common age group of
presentation is 5070 years [8]. SCC of Kidney is
associated with renal stones, chronic infection and
infammation, which leads to squamous metaplasia,
dysplasia and eventually SCC [3-7,10,11]. SCC of the
Kidney is infrequently suspected or diagnosed
preoperatively due to its rarity and the non-specific
symptoms, signs and radiological findings [4,5, 8].
Histopathologically, squamous components in SCC of
kidney are similar to other SCCs and consist of
features of keratin pearls, intercellular bridges and
keratotic cellular debris. If the urothelial dysplastic
element is identifed along with urothelial carcinoma
in situ, the tumour should be classifed as primary
urothelial carcinoma with squamous differentiation.
Squamous metaplasia of urothelium with chronic
irritation is thought to cause SCC of the Kidney. [7,8,19]
Radiological fndings of renal pelvis SCC include a
solid renal pelvic or ureteric mass, hydronephrosis,
calcifcations or regional lymphadenopathy[4,7,8]. In our
case, Contrast enhanced CT scan of abdomen and
pelvis revealed a solitary renal mass without any
obvious other sites of lesion which could arise
possibility of renal metastasis. Also Solitary Renal
pathology was identified in the parenchyma sparing
the renal pelvis. Microscopically, primary renal SCC
resembles squamous cell carcinomas at other sites. In
the present case, the tumour was identifed in sections
of renal pelvis, adjacent perinephric tissue and hilar
lymph nodes. Extensive tumour necrosis is
documented in such cases with lymphovascular and
perineural invasion. Patients with renal SCC tend to
present at an advanced stage, usually at least T3 or
higher [14, 7]. The patient in the current case report
had stage III disease. Tumour recurrences have been
shown to typically develop rapidly, which was the case
in our patient [9,10]. The overall survival for patients
with SCC of the upper urinary tract is much worse in
comparison with patients with urothelial carcinoma
(UC) [1 4,12,13,14] . However, when compared stage for
stage, there is no disease specifc 5- year survival
diference between SCC and UC [2,13]. There is
currently no standardized treatment protocol for
management of patients with primary Renal SCC.
The mainstay of treatment has been surgery by either a
radical nephrectomy or nephroureterectomy [1,49].
Most patients with loco-regional disease do not have
accurate lymph node staging.[13] Further studies are
required to determine whether chemotherapy or
radiotherapy will improve patient survival[15].
Although prognosis of SCC is the same in stage-wise
as urothelial cancers, they usually occur in advanced
stages. [16,17,20]
Some benefit has however been suggested with
adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with urothelial
carcinoma of the upper urinary tract [13]. Primary renal
squamous cell carcinomas are very uncommon
International Journal of Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Pharma Research Vol. 12, No. 4, Oct-Dec 2023 Online ISSN: 2250-3137
Print ISSN: 2977-0122
©2023Int. J. LifeSci.Biotechnol.Pharma.Res.
tumours which are often not clinically suspected or
diagnosed. On Comparing with previous case
reports, most patients die around 6 weeks of surgery
but the patient in the current study survived for more
than 18 months post radical nephrectomy possibly
because of localised treatment effect of radiotherapy
and taxanes plus platinum based chemotherapy. Even
in metastatic tumours, Radical nephrectomy and
Lymph nodal dissection have a role. Anti-EGFR
therapy is under study for such cases.
Primary Renal squamous cell carcinomas are very
rare tumours which are often not clinically suspected
or diagnosed. These tumours require thorough clinical
examination, radiological workup, aggressive
approach towards treatment to add years in their life
owing to worse prognosis and highly proliferative
variety of the primary. Currently, Radical
Nephrectomy with lymph nodal dissection is the
mainstay but Radiotherapy for localised disease and
chemotherapy for palliative treatment is observed to
increase survival in these patients.
Conflicts of Interest-The authors have no confict of
interest to declare.
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Full-text available
Although the second most common malignancy after urothelial carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the renal pelvis is a rare entity. It has strong association with nephrolithiasis thus emphasizing prompt treatment of renal calculi. Because of rarity and nonspecific clinical and radiological findings, it mostly presents at pT3 or higher stage. We report SCC of renal pelvis that was missed two times on non-contrast CT scans and was diagnosed incidentally in a nephrectomy specimen. Its prognosis is similar to that of urothelial carcinoma of comparable stage. Owing to its rarity, no standard treatment guidelines are available; however radical nephrectomy with lymph node dissection is the initial treatment which can be curative in an early stage disease. Adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy are usually ineffective.
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Background: Renal squamous cell carcinoma is a rare neoplasm with poor prognosis. Chronic irritation from nephrolithiasis and/or pyelonephritis is the leading cause. Case presentation: We described a 51-year-old male patient who was admitted because of left flank pain. Ultrasonography showed a renal cyst containing calculus. However, contrast-enhanced ultrasonography and CT scan revealed an irregular-shaped mass derived from a calculi-containing cyst. Ultrasound guided biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of renal squamous cell carcinoma. The patient refused any further therapeutic management and died six months later. Conclusions: Our present case emphasizes that the careful diagnostic work-up and use of multiple imaging modalities in cases of unusual renal calculi is quite necessary, since they may carry the risk of co-existing hidden malignancy.
Full-text available
Primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the renal parenchyma is a very unusual entity which needs to be differentiated from primary SCC of renal pelvis, SCC from another primary site, and urothelial carcinoma with extensive squamous differentiation. We are most probably describing the second case of primary SCC of the renal parenchyma in a 51-year-old male who presented with heaviness of right upper abdomen with intermittent pain in right flank. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) revealed a mass in the right lower pole of the kidney and histopathology following nephrectomy displayed the features of well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma without urothelial involvement.
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Carcinomas of the renal pelvis and ureter are rare diseases, accounting for only about 1% of all urogenital malignancies. Previous reports suggest that squamous cell histology is associated with inferior survival. We present the largest population based analysis to date of survival in patients with upper urinary tract malignancies. We analyzed the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results database for cancer specific survival rates in patients with renal pelvis and ureteral malignancies who were diagnosed between 1973 and 2003 in the SEER catchment geographic areas. The primary exposure of interest was the underlying histology, squamous cell versus transitional cell differentiation. We performed descriptive statistics, non parametric survival analysis, and cox proportional hazard analysis. We identified 13,213 eligible patients, 7,716 renal pelvis and 5,497 ureteral carcinomas. Among this cohort, 179 patients had squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 12,395 had transitional cell carcinoma (TCC), including 121 papillary, and 619 had other histologies. Overall, patients with SCC histology fared worse. The median overall survival time was 10 months for SCC and 63 months for TCC. The cox analysis revealed a HR 3.7 (95% CI 3.0-4.5) for SCC when compared to TCC and corrected for decade of diagnosis, age, gender, prior treatment, and race. The difference between the two groups was entirely attributable to survival differences in patients with loco-regional disease. However, when stratified by lymph node involvement this difference disappeared for patients with locally involved lymph nodes (P = 0.84) and for patients with clear lymph nodes (P = 0.92). SCCs of the upper urinary tract present at a higher clinical stage and appear to represent more aggressive disease when compared to other histologies. However, when appropriately staged according to lymph node status, the survival of TCC and SCC of the upper urinary tract is identical when compared stage by stage.
Full-text available
Squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis is a rare neoplasm, often unsuspected clinically due to its rarity and ambiguous clinical and radiological features, and hence patients present at advanced stages resulting in poor prognosis. We report here four cases of incidentally diagnosed primary renal squamous cell carcinoma, treated at our hospital over a short span of one year, and review the relevant literature. Mean age of the patients (3 males, 1 female) was 60 years. All suffered from staghorn stones. Interestingly, renal carcinoma was unsuspected clinically in all patients. In one case, a computerised tomography scan showed a suspicious nodule. All underwent nephrectomy for nonfunctioning kidney. In just two cases, tumor was identified on gross examination, while the other two only showed thickened pelvis. Our series emphasises the need for pelvicalyceal biopsy during treatment for long-standing nephrolithiasis, and thorough sampling of the renal pelvis in nephrectomy specimen of such patients.
Primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the renal pelvis is rare because SCC represents only 0.5% to 0.8% of malignant renal tumors. Chronic irritation, inflammation, and infection induce squamous metaplasia of the renal collecting system, which may progress to dysplasia and carcinoma in most of affected individuals. Nephrolithiasis, especially formation of staghorn calculi, is the most common risk factor for SCC, which usually occurs in older adults (age 50-70 years) with no sex predilection. Clinical features include flank or abdominal mass, weight loss, hematuria, or paraneoplastic syndromes, such as hypercalcemia. Radiologically, SCC of the renal pelvis may appear as a solid mass, hydronephrosis, or calcifications. The radiologic differential diagnosis includes primary and secondary renal neoplasms and xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. Squamous cell carcinomas of the renal pelvis are usually large, necrotic, and ulcerated, with gross invasion of the renal parenchyma and perinephric soft tissue. Most SCCs of the renal pelvis are moderately or poorly differentiated and typically present at an advanced stage. Surgical resection and adjuvant chemoradiotherapy are rarely curative. The prognosis is dismal with a 5-year survival rate of less than 10%.
A 70-year-old female with a long-standing history of kidney calculi presented with vague abdominal pain. Work-up included a CT and MRI of the kidneys. A mass was demonstrated in the superior pole of the left kidney. The mass was biopsied percutaneously under CT guidance. Pathology revealed a poorly differentiated carcinoma, but was inconclusive for a definitive cell type. The patient subsequently underwent a nephrectomy that revealed squamous cell carcinoma of the renal collecting system. She had an uneventful postoperative recovery. Chronic renal calculi pose a risk for the development of squamous metaplasia that may lead to squamous cell carcinoma. Although this malignancy is rare in the upper urinary tracts, patients with long-standing nephrolithiasis should be monitored. This diagnosis should be included in one's differential when evaluating a renal mass that is associated with chronic inflammatory conditions.