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Abstract and Figures

Web service composition is one of the most promising and challenging ideas underlying service oriented applications, particularly in case that the components are them-selves structured business processes specified in languages such as WS-BPEL. The manual development of the new composite service is a time consuming and error prone task since it must be driven by the analysis of the interaction protocols of the component services. The automated generation of the composition, on the other side, requires the specification of complex requirements that have to capture all the relevant aspects of the composition. In this paper we propose an iterative semi-automated development process for web ser-vice composition which dramatically reduces the effort for the composition task. The pro-posed approach automatically generates both the internal executable process (executable WS-BPEL) and its user interface (WSDL and abstract WS-BPEL). The composition pro-cess starts from composition requirements that can be easily specified through an intuitive graphical notation, and that can be incrementally refined on the basis of the results of the automated composition.
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An Iterative Approach
for the Process-level Composition of Web Services.
Annapaola Marconi, Marco Pistore, and Paolo Traverso
via Sommarive 18, Trento, Italy
Abstract. Web service composition is one of the most promising and challenging ideas
underlying service oriented applications, particularly in case that the components are them-
selves structured business processes specified in languages such as WS-BPEL. The manual
development of the new composite service is a time consuming and error prone task since
it must be driven by the analysis of the interaction protocols of the component services.
The automated generation of the composition, on the other side, requires the specification
of complex requirements that have to capture all the relevant aspects of the composition.
In this paper we propose an iterative semi-automated development process for web ser-
vice composition which dramatically reduces the effort for the composition task. The pro-
posed approach automatically generates both the internal executable process (executable
WS-BPEL) and its user interface (WSDL and abstract WS-BPEL). The composition pro-
cess starts from composition requirements that can be easily specified through an intuitive
graphical notation, and that can be incrementally refined on the basis of the results of the
automated composition.
1 Introduction
Developing composite processes interacting with complex real world web services requires a
time consuming analysis of the component services, both for what concerns their interaction
protocol and the data structure of their messages. Moreover, it requires a detailed implementation
of the new composite service that takes into account all the possible interaction evolutions (faults,
The ability to automatically compose web services is an essential step to substantially de-
crease time and costs in the development, integration, and maintenance of web services. To be
used in practice, automated composition should handle the complexity of real world component
web services and being able to generate an executable, ready to run and possibly easy refining
new web process. This ability is particularly relevant in those composition scenarios where com-
ponent services are stateful processes [1] that require to follow complex interaction protocols
specified in languages such as WS-BPEL [2].
Several works address the problem of the composition of stateful services, see, e.g., [1, 3–5].
However, the key problem of the practical applicability of these approaches in real composition
scenarios is still open. Addressing this problem requires to answer questions such as how to
specify the stateful behavior of the component services, how to specify the business requirements
that define the goal of the composition, and whether the composition techniques are powerful
enough to scale to scenarios of realistic size.
In [6] we’ve shown that the features offered by our composition framework - in particular the
possibility to define complex, structured business requirements for the composition ([7–9]) and
the very efficient underlying composition techniques ([10]) - are adequate for handling real world
composition problems, such as the generation of an e-Bookstore composite service interacting
with Amazon E-Commerce Services and the e-payment service offered by Banks of Monte dei
Paschi di Siena.
The experiments with the e-Bookstore scenario considered in [6] highlite the need of extend-
ing our composition techniques in order to improve their applicability.
In this paper we propose an iterative development process that dramatically reduces the effort
for the composition by automatically generating both the internal executable composite process
(executable WS-BPEL) and its user interface (WSDL and abstract WS-BPEL). The approach, ex-
tending the sophisticated techniques described in [7, 10, 8], is able to handle real world compo-
sition problems.
The proposed composition process consists of two phases. The aim of the first phase is
to obtain a preliminary version of the composite process starting from initial composition re-
quirements. During this phase the developer analyses the component service protocols (abstract
WS-BPEL and WSDL) and specifies control flow and data flow requirements through an intu-
itive graphical notation. Given the description of the component services and the requirements
specification we automatically generate the internal executable composite process (executable
WS-BPEL) and its user interface (WSDL and abstract WS-BPEL).
This preliminary version of the composite service can be iteratively enhanced in the second
phase of the process. During this phase the developer, on the basis of the automated compo-
sition outcomes, can refine both the composition requirements and the customer interface and
automatically re-compose.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we give an overview of the pro-
posed approach and describe a composition scenario that we will use as a reference example.
Then we describe in details each step of the proposed composition process: from control flow
and data flow composition requirements specification (Section 3 and Section 4 respectively), to
automated composition (Section 5) and requirements refinement (Section 6). Finally, Section 7
concludes the paper with some concluding remarks and a discussion on future work.
2 An overview of the proposed composition process
In this Section we give an overview of the proposed approach, present the different phases of the
development process and briefly describe a composition scenario that we will use as a reference
example in the rest of the paper.
The main idea underlying web service composition is the definition of new services (compos-
ite service) that provide new functionalities by interacting with pre-existing services (component
services). We assume that component services are described using standard languages. In particu-
lar, we require that each component service is specified through its abstract WS-BPEL, describing
the interaction protocol, and its WSDL, specifying all interaction details (data types, messages,
operations, bindings, etc.). The aim of the proposed composition process is the development of
a ready to run new composite process published as a web service. Thus the outcome of the com-
position is the composite service internal implementation (executable WS-BPEL) and its external
interface (abstract WS-BPEL and WSDL).
The composition scenario, that we use as a reference example in the paper, is the Purchase
and Ship (P&S) case study.
Example 1 (The P&S composition scenario).
The P&S example consists in providing a furniture purchase & ship service by combining
two independent existing services, a furniture producer Producer and a delivery service Ship-
per. This way, a potential customer, may directly ask the composite service P&S to purchase a
given item and deliver it at a given place (for simplicity, we assume that the shipment origin is
fixed and leave it implicit).
The interactions with the existing services have to follow specific protocols. We assume that
the component protocols are published through their WSDL and abstract WS-BPEL specifi-
cations. For instance, the interactions with the Shipper (see Figure 31) start with a request for
transporting a product of a given size to a given location. This might not be possible, in which
case the requester is notified through an error message. Otherwise, a delivery cost is computed
and sent back to the requester. Then the Shipper waits for either an acceptance or a refusal of
the offer from the invoker. Similarly the Producer protocol (see Figure 3) starts with a request
for ordering a given quantity of a specific item. If the order can be fulfilled, the Producer sends
back an offer message carrying the information about the total cost and the size of the package.
Otherwise, the requester is notified through a message carrying the unavailability details. Then
the Producer waits for either an acceptance or a refusal of the offer from the requester.
The P&S high level goal is to sell home-delivered furniture interacting with the Shipper and
Producer services according to their protocols.
The composition approach we propose consists of two phases. The aim of the first phase is
to obtain a first version of the composite process starting from initial composition requirements.
This preliminary version is iteratively enhanced in the second phase of the process.
Figure 1 presents an high level view of the proposed composition process, while Figure 2
presents a schematic description of each step of the proposed process.
Data Flow Requirements
Control Flow Requirements
Specification Composite Service
Generation Composition Requirements
Fig. 1. The Proposed Web Service Composition Process
During the first phase, we require to specify composition requirements through an intuitive
graphical notation. The approach clearly separates control flow from data flow requirement spec-
ification (as described in [8]).
In the control flow requirement specification step the developer defines termination condi-
tions and transactional issues by simply annotating the component service abstract WS-BPEL
with semantic information. If we consider P&S case study, we have that the main goal of the
1In all figures, labels of input transitions start with a “?”, labels of output transitions start with a ”!”, other
transitions correspond to internal operations performed by the services.
Control Flow requirements specification
Objective: Define the control flow requirements for the composition problem.
Automated VS Manual: Semi-automated.
Input: Component service abstract WS-BPEL.
Output: Component service annotated abstract WS-BPEL, control flow requirements.
Description: Semantic annotation of the component abstract WS-BPEL (manual), specification
of the termination requirements (manual), translation of the termination require-
ments in the internal formal language (automated).
Data Flow requirements specification
Objective: Define the data flow requirements for the composition problem.
Automated VS Manual: Semi-automated.
Input: Component service interfaces (WSDL and abstract WS-BPEL).
Output: Composite service WSDL, data flow requirements (data net).
Description: Specification of requirements concerning data manipulation and exchange
through the data net graphical notation (manual), specification of the composite
service WSDL (automated).
Composite service generation
Objective: Generate the composite service internal executable process and customer inter-
Automated VS Manual: Automated.
Input: Component service interfaces (WSDL and abstract WS-BPEL), composite ser-
vice interface (composite service WSDL and, not mandatory, abstract WS-BPEL),
control flow requirements, data flow requirements (data net).
Output: Composite service executable process (WS-BPEL) and, if not given in input, com-
posite service interface (abstract WS-BPEL).
Description: Development of the composite service executable process in WS-BPEL (auto-
mated), specification of the composite service interface in abstract WS-BPEL
Composition requirements refinement
Objective: Refine the composition requirements on the basis of the automated composition
Automated VS Manual: Semi-automated.
Input: Component service interfaces (WSDL and abstract WS-BPEL), composite ser-
vice interface (WSDL and abs WS-BPEL), composite service executable process
(executable WS-BPEL), control flow requirements, data flow requirements (data
Output: Composite service interface (WSDL and abs WS-BPEL), control flow require-
ments, data flow requirements (data net).
Description: Analysis of the automated composition results and refinement of the control flow
requirements, data flow requirements and composite service interface.
Fig. 2. The Main Steps of the Proposed Web Service Composition Process.
new composite service is to sell home-delivered furniture. This amount to say that both the ship-
ment and purchase services have been confirmed. However, since this goal cannot always be
guaranteed (e.g. the shipping service may be unavailable for a given location) there is the need to
specify recovery goals that must be considered in case the main goal fails. In the P&S example
we do not want to book a shipment if we’re not sure that the required furniture is available (and
vice-versa). Thus, the recovery goal states that there must not be single commitments.
The data flow requirement specification step concerns the specification of how incoming and
outgoing messages must be used by the composite service (from simple forwarding to complex
data manipulation). During this step the developer also specifies messages received from and
sent to the composite service user. For instance, in the P&S example we need to specify that the
information on the item to be purchased that are sent to the Producer must be obtained from the
P&S customer. While the information concerning the size of the package that the P&S sends to
the Shipper must be the same received in the Producer offer.
Given the description of the component services and the composition requirements, the fi-
nal step of the first phase is the development of the new composite service. The outcome of
this completely automated phase is the executable WS-BPEL implementing the internal behavior
of the new process and description of the interaction protocol that the new service expects its
customers to follow ( WSDL and abstract WS-BPEL ).
During the second process phase, on the basis of the first phase outcomes, the developer
can modify and gradually refine composition requirements and automatically re-generate the
composite service. Requirements refinement doesn’t involve only control flow and data flow
requirements, but also the composite service customer interface, which can be modified and
given in input to the automated composition tool as a further composition constraint.
In the rest of the paper we will describe in details each step of the proposed composition
process by means of the P&S composition scenario.
3 Control flow requirements specification.
Given the description (i.e. the WSDL and abstract WS-BPEL) of the component services (e.g. the
Producer and Shipper in our reference example), the first step is the formal specification of the
control flow composition requirements.
The P&S service main goal is to “sell home-delivered furniture”. This means we want the
P&S service to reach a situation where its customer has confirmed his order, and the correspond-
ing sub-orders have been confirmed to the Producer and Shipper services. However, it may be
the case that the product is not available, that the shipping is not possible, or that the customer
doesn’t accept the offer. We cannot avoid these situations, therefore we cannot ask the composite
service to guarantee this requirement. In case this requirement cannot be satisfied, we do not
want the P&S to confirm orders without being sure that our customer accepts the offer, as well
as we do not want displeased customers that have payed items that are not available or cannot be
delivered. Thus, our global termination requirement must take into account the transactionality
of each component service within the overall composition. The control-flow requirement should
be something like: do whatever is possible to “sell home-delivered furniture” and if something
goes wrong guarantee that there are “no single commitments”.
In the specification of each service abstract WS-BPEL protocol we require (see Figure 3) to
mark some states as successful (symbol ) and others as failing (symbol ×). Consider for in-
?ack ?nack
?ack ?nack
Fig. 3. PandS case study: Specification of control flow requirements
stance the Shipper service. When it receives an acknowledge message confirming the acceptance
of the offer these means that a delivery contract has been defined and the protocol terminates with
success. While it terminates with failure in the case of unavailability of the shipment or refusal
of the delivery offer.
These annotations are used to specify the transactional requirements of the composition prob-
lem. In particular, if we consider the P&S scenario, the specification is the following:
Producer Shipper PandS
Primary  
Secondary × × ×
The specification distinguishes two different requirements: a primary and a secondary one. The
primary requirement is to reach a situation where all the services are in a successful state (in
our case it models the condition “sell home-delivered furniture”). The secondary requirement
(modeling the condition “no single commitments”) is to reach a situation where all the services
are in a failing state. During the execution of the composite service, a state may be reached from
which it is not possible to satisfy the primary requirement, e.g., since the delivery is not possible.
When such a state is reached, the primary requirement fails and the secondary requirement, in
our case “no single commitments”, must be guaranteed.
Notice that, while specifying control flow requirements, the developer models also the trans-
actional nature of the new composite service. In particular, in the PandS example we are saying
that the composite service is in a successful state when its interaction with the component ser-
vices (Producer and Shipper) is such that both of them have reached a successful state, while
the PandS is in a failing state when both the component services fail. If we consider real-world
composition scenario (e.g. the Amazon-MPS example considered in [6]) we can have more com-
forwarder: simply forwards data received on the input node to the output node
function: upon receiving data on all input nodes, computes the function result and forwards it to the output node
fork: forwards data received on the input node to all the output nodes
merge: forwards data received on some input node to the output node, preserving temporal order
+cloner: forwards, one or more times, data received from the input node to the output node
?filter: receives data on the input node and either forwards it to the output node or discards it
Table 1. Elements of the data-flow requirements specification language.
plex transactional requirements. For instance it can be the case that the failure of a component
service doesn’t affect the success of the overall composition: the other components and the com-
posite service can still be in a successful state.
Our approach thus provides the developer with the ability to specify with a simple tabular
notation control-flow requirements that are then automatically translated into a formal internal
notation that is hidden to the developer.
4 Data flow requirements specification.
The termination requirements presented in the previous section are only a partial specification of
the constraints that the composition should satisfy. Indeed, we need to specify also requirements
on the data flow. In order to provide consistent information, the P&S service needs to exchange
data with the components and its customer in an appropriate way. For instance, when invoking
the Producer service, the information about the requested item must be those that the P&S
receives from its customer; the size information that the P&S sends to the Shipper must be the
one received in the offer of the Producer. And so on.
In [8] we propose a data flow modeling language whose main aim is to allow the specification
of complex requirements concerning data manipulation and exchange by means of an intuitive
and easy-to-define graphical notation. In particular, data flow requirements specify explicitly how
output messages (messages sent to component services) must be obtained from input messages
(messages received from component services). All these requirements are collected in a diagram
called data net, whose nodes are sources of input messages, consumers of output messages, or
internal variables for temporary storage of data, and whose arcs represent flow or manipulation
of data. Data nets are able to represent a variety of constraints on the flow of data, including
whether an input message can be used several times or just once, how several input messages
must be combined to obtain an output message, whether all messages received must be processed
and sent, and so on. In Table 1 we briefly describe the basic data net elements. Refer to [8] for a
complete and formal description of the language.
The approach presented in [8] requires to define data flow requirements starting from the
description of the component services and of the composite service customer interface. We have
extended the approach in order to deal with composition problems where the protocol of the new
composite service is not specified.
Starting from the description of the messages of the component services, the developer ex-
plicitly specifies how incoming messages must be composed, manipulated or simply forwarded
to obtain outgoing messages. During this phase the developer specifies also the messages that
it expects to receive from (and send to) his customer. The specification simply requires to add
new input-output nodes to the data net and associate them to a newly defined operation of the
composite service. When one of this node is connected, through a data net element, to other
nodes, the node type is automatically derived and used to appropriately generate its correspond-
ing WSDL message description. In this way, the WSDL description of the composite service in-
terface, specifying the service port types, operations and messages, is automatically generated
while specifying data flow requirements.
compute_cost request
?ack ?nack
?ack ?nack
Fig. 4. PandS case study: Specification of data flow requirements
The specification of the data net for the P&S example is presented in Figure 4, which we will
(partially) explain in the following example.
Example 2 (P&S data-flow requirements).
The Producer service, when invoked for a furniture purchase, expects to receive the item
and quantity information in the request message. Intuitively, these information must be ob-
tained by the P&S from its customer. Thus the developer specifies a new operation (request)
whose message is composed of two parts (item and quantity). The newly defined message parts
become additional input nodes of the data net and can be linked to the corresponding nodes in
the Producer interface through forwarder elements. The outcome of this operation is twofold:
new data flow requirements are specified and the following definitions are automatically added
to the P&S WSDL.
message name =”requestM sg
part name =”quantity type =”P roducer :quantityT ype/
part name =”itemtype =”P roducer :itemT y pe/
portType name =”C allP T
operation name =”request
input message =”req uestMsg/
Similarly, to send the request message to the Shipper we must obtain the package size informa-
tion and the delivery location information. The former must be the same that the P&S received
in the Producer offer, and thus we define a new forwarder data net element, while the latter
must be received in the customer request, and thus we add a new message part (location)to
the P&S customer request and define another forwarder element. The WSDL specification of the
P&S request message is automatically updated:
message name =”requestM sg
part name =”quantity type =”P roducer :quantityT ype/
part name =”itemtype =”P roducer :itemT y pe/
part name =”sizetype =”Shipper :sizeT ype/
The information received in the Producer and Shipper offers concerning respectively the pur-
chase cost and delivery cost, must be used to obtain the total cost of the service to be offered to
the P&S customer. This requires to define a new operation (offer) to the P&S interface carry-
ing the cost information within its message. Then a new function element is added to the data
net to model the fact the the cost information sent to the customer must be obtained by apply-
ing the compute cost internal P&S function to the cost information received in the Producer
and Shipper offers. The following code is automatically added to the WSDL specification of the
message name =”off erM sg
part name =”costtype =”P andS :costT y pe/
portType name =”C allbackP T
operation name =”off er
input message =”of f erMsg /
And so on.
Each operation arc in the datanet (e.g. compute cost in the P&S example) refers to an
internal function that the new composite service uses to manipulate data. Since our aim is to
automatically generate the executable WS-BPEL code implementing the composite service, the
specification of each internal function is given as an XML Path Language (XPath) expression,
which is the standard language used in WS-BPEL assignments.
Example 3 (Specifying Internal Functions). Consider for instance the function compute cost
used in the datanet of Figure 4 to obtain the cost of the service to be offered to the P&S customer.
The XPath specification of compute cost, defining how to obtain the total cost by aggregating
the costs received in the Producer and Shipper offers, is the following:
compute cost =
bpws :getV ariableD ata(Pr oducer of fer ,cost)+bpws :getV ariableData(S hipper off er,cost)
5 Composite service generation.
The approach we apply is based on the automated composition techniques described in [7, 8].
We extended these techniques in order to support the proposed web service composition process.
In particular the new automated composition approach, given the (WSDL and abstract WS-BPEL)
description of the component services and the specification of the composition requirements,
automatically generates both the executable WS-BPEL implementation and the abstract WS-BPEL
protocol of the composite service.
The WS-BPEL processes defining the component services are modeled as state transition sys-
tems (STS). Intuitively a STS describes a dynamic system that can be in one of its possible states
(some of which are marked as initial states and/or as final states) and can evolve to new states as
a result of performing some actions. Actions are distinguished in input actions, which represent
the reception of messages, output actions, which represent messages sent to external services,
and internal actions, which represent internal evolutions that are not visible to external services,
i.e., data computation that the system performs without interacting with external services. A
transition relation describes how the state can evolve on the basis of inputs, outputs, or internal
actions. We have defined a translation that associates a state transition system to each component
service, starting from its WS-BPEL specification. We omit the formal definition of the translation,
which can be found at See Figure 3 for an example of the
STS modeling the Producer and Shipper services.
Similarly, the data net is encoded as a STS constraining the operations that the composite
service can perform to manipulate messages (refer to [8] for all the encoding details). In partic-
ular, input actions in the data net STS represent messages received by the component services,
output actions represent messages sent by the component services and internal actions represent
assignments that the composite process performs on its internal variables. A nice feature of our
approach is that this can be done compositionally, i.e., a “small” automaton can be associated to
each element of the data net, and the data net STS is obtained as the synchronized product of all
these small automata.
Together, the STSs of the component services and that of the data net define the composition
domain, i.e., they encode the constraints on the behavior of the composite service imposed by
component processes and by the additional constraints on the management of data represented
in the data net.
The main extension with respect to the automated composition approach presented in [7, 8]
is that the specification of the composite service interface is no more a mandatory input.
If the customer interface is not specified (first phase of the proposed approach) then we
encode within the composition domain the input and output operations specified in the composite
service WSDL as ’free’ input and output actions. With ’free’ we mean that these actions can be
used by the composite service whenever they are needed. To this extent we define a STS modeling
the most general customer interaction protocol: for each operation specified in the composite
service WSDL we define a transition that can be ’fired’ whenever required during the interaction
with the components. Figure 5 shows the STS for the PandS customer interface. Notice that
input operations (e.g. request in the PandS example) are preceded by special internal actions
(fire request) modeling the fact that, unlike in the STS of the components, not only outgoing
actions but also incoming actions can be activated exactly and only when needed.
If the customer interface is given as part of the composition constraints, then it is encoded as
an additional STS within the composition domain (as defined in [7, 8]).
Fig. 5. PandS case study: STS modeling the most general customer interface
The formal specification of the composition control-flow requirements (see Section 3) is
used as control goal. The automated generation of the composite service consists in generating
acontroller, i.e., an STS that interacts with the services encoded in the composition domain by
exchanging messages with them, guaranteeing the satisfaction of the control goal.
The work in [10] shows how to generate the controller using the “Planning as Model Check-
ing” approach, which is able to deal with large domains and complex termination requirements.
This approach exploit powerful BDD-based techniques developed for Symbolic Model Checking
to efficiently explore domains of large size.
Once the STS codifying the controller has been generated, it is translated into executable
WS-BPEL to obtain the new process which implements the required composition. The translation
is conceptually simple; intuitively, input/output actions in the controller model an interaction
of the composite service with one of the component services, while “synchronizations” with
actions in the STS modeling the data net correspond to manipulations of data by means of XPath
expressions and assignments.
The abstract WS-BPEL modeling the composite service interface (if not already given as an
input to the automated composition) is obtained by abstracting away all the interactions with
the component services and the internal manipulation of data, and considering only those inter-
actions involving the composite service customer. Automating this step is not obvious since it
requires to generate a WS-BPEL code which differs from the executable one for several structural
aspects. For instance, each branch of the executable composite process related to the receiving
of a specific message from a component service (an onMessage branch of a WS-BPEL pick op-
eration) must be modeled as a nondeterministic choice (a nondeterministic case in a WS-BPEL
switch operation) in the user interface.
Figure 6 shows a compact representation of the automated composition outcomes for the
P&S case study: the executable WS-BPEL description of the internal process and the abstract
WS-BPEL description of the P&S customer interface.
The proposed customer interface is very simple: the customer sends a request message con-
taining information about the furniture he wants to purchase and about the delivery location,
then he can either receive a purchase and ship offer or a message communicating the unavailabil-
ity of the requested service. Notice that the final states of the customer interface are annotated
with semantic information about the outcome (successful or failing) of the overall composition.
Such annotations are automatically obtained from the tabular specification of the control flow
requirements (see Section 3).
exec WS−BPEL
cost := compute_cost(P_cost,S_cost)
?P.offer(P_size,P_cost) ?P.notAvail(P_error)
P_quantity := quantity
P_item := item
error := P_error
S_size := P_size
S_location := location
error := S_error
Fig. 6. PandS case study: Automated composition outcome.
6 Composition requirements refinement and re-composition.
Clearly the developer had in mind a more sophisticated customer interface; in particular the
interaction protocol should allow the customer to evaluate the offer and then either accept it,
confirming the order, or refuse it.
Instead of modifying by hand the executable WS-BPEL code of the P&S process and the
abstract WS-BPEL customer interface, the developer can simply refine the composition require-
ments (the customer interface and control flow requirements in this case) and re-compose.
Figure 7 shows the refinement of the P&S customer interface. New operations (ack and
nack) have been added to the WSDL specification and have been used within the abstract WS-
BPEL to model a possible refusal of the offer. Finally the abstract WS-BPEL has been annotated
with semantic information in order to model the fact that the P&S is in a successful state if it
receives an acknowledge message from its customer, while it is in a failing state if the customer
refuses the offer.
The composite PandS process resulting from the automated re-composition with the refined
composition requirements is shown in Figure 8.
?ack ?nack
Fig. 7. PandS case study: Refinement of composition requirements
The refinement of the composition requirements, that for the PandS example involves only
the user interface, can concern also the data flow and control flow requirements.
7 Conclusions and Future Works
In this paper we have presented a semi-automated composition process that, extending and im-
proving the sophisticated composition techniques in [7, 10,8], dramatically reduces the effort for
the composition task and can scale up to realistic composition problems (e.g. the Amazon e-
Bookstore described in [6]). The proposed approach automatically generates both the composite
internal executable process (executable WS-BPEL) and its user interface (WSDL and abstract
WS-BPEL) starting from composition requirements that can be iteratively refined on the basis
of the automated composition outcomes.
The work presented in this paper has been implemented within the ASTRO toolset
( that has been designed as an extension of ActiveBPEL De-
signer [11], a commercial software for designing and developing WS-BPEL processes which is
based on the Eclipse platform. The ASTRO toolset supports all the phases of web service auto-
mated composition: from the specification of control-flow and data-flow requirements (by means
of graphical tools for drawing data net diagrams and specifying control-flow requirements) to the
deployment and execution of the new composite service on the Active BPEL engine.
Several works address the problem of the automated synthesis of process-level compositions.
However, most of them do not take into account data flow specifications. This is the case of the
work on synthesis based on automata theory that is proposed in [1, 3, 4], and of work within
the semantic web community, see, e.g., [12]. For what concerns the specification of the control
flow requirements that the new composite service should satisfy, most of the existing approaches
specify them as reachability conditions (e.g. [13]). Some other approaches, see, e.g., [14], are
cost := compute_cost(P_cost,S_cost)
?P.offer(P_size,P_cost) ?P.notAvail(P_error)
P_quantity := quantity
P_item := item
error := P_error
S_size := P_size
S_location := location
error := S_error
?ack ?nack
exec WS−BPEL
Fig. 8. PandS case study: Automated re-composition outcome.
limited to simple composition problems, where component services are either atomic and/or de-
terministic. The work described in [5], proposes an approach to service aggregation that takes
into account very simple data flow requirements. As far as we know, none of the existing ap-
proaches is able to deal with real world composition scenarios and to support the entire life cycle
of the proposed composition process.
Future work will include the possibility to automatically derive (part of) the data net spec-
ification starting from the semantics of the data used in the component services, and to detect
failures or changes in the component services, check the realizability according to the composi-
tion requirements, and re-configure the composite process.
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2. Andrews, T., Curbera, F., Dolakia, H., Goland, J., Klein, J., Leymann, F., Liu, K., Roller, D., Smith,
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3. Berardi, D., Calvanese, D., Giacomo, G.D., Lenzerini, M., Mecella, M.: Automatic composition of
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4. Berardi, D., Calvanese, D., Giacomo, G.D., Mecella, M.: Composition of Services with Nondetermin-
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5. Brogi, A., Popescu, R.: Towards Semi-automated Workflow-Based Aggregation of Web Services. In:
Proc. ICSOC’05. (2005)
6. Marconi, A., Pistore, M., Traverso, P.: Automated Web Service Composition at Work: the Ama-
zon/MPS Case Study. In: Proc. ICWS’07. (2007)
7. Pistore, M., Traverso, P., Bertoli, P., A.Marconi: Automated Synthesis of Composite BPEL4WS Web
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8. Marconi, A., Pistore, M., Traverso, P.: Specifying Data-Flow Requirements for the Automated Com-
position of Web Services. In: Proc. SEFM’06. (2006)
9. Pistore, M., Marconi, A., Traverso, P., Bertoli, P.: Automated Composition of Web Services by Planning
at the Knowledge Level. In: Proc. IJCAI’05. (2005)
10. Pistore, M., Traverso, P., Bertoli, P.: Automated Composition of Web Services by Planning in Asyn-
chronous Domains. In: Proc. ICAPS’05. (2005)
11. Designer, A.: (The Active Endpoints BPEL Designer -
12. McIlraith, S., Son, S.: Adapting Golog for Composition of Semantic Web Services. In: Proc. KR’02.
13. Narayanan, S., McIlraith, S.: Simulation, Verification and Automated Composition of Web Services.
In: Proc. WWW’02. (2002)
14. Ponnekanti, S., Fox, A.: SWORD: A Developer Toolkit for Web Service Composition. In: Proc.
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... This paper presents a framework for composing asynchronous ws-bpel processes which is clearly framed within the context of a long-standing research line on service composition using planning techniques, developed at the IRST institute. Such a research line started in 2004 with [71,95], continued with [78,79,74,61,62,60,63,64], and is still evolving to date [72,21]. Indeed, this paper summarizes and significantly extends a large portion of the wealth of work cited above, acting as well as a useful pointer to further possible extensions and studies of the approach. ...
The service-oriented paradigm promises a novel degree of interoperability between business processes, and is leading to a major shift in way distributed applications are designed and realized. While novel and more powerful services can be obtained, in such setting, by suitably orchestrating existing ones, manually developing such orchestrations is highly demanding, time-consuming and error-prone. Providing automated service composition tools is therefore essential to reduce the time to market of services, and ultimately to successfully enact the service-oriented approach.
... Its goal is to enable the orchestration of WSs, which support business transactions [11]. In this context, Marconi et al. [14] presented a semi-automated development process to support the composition task that is able to generate the appropriate WSDL-and BPEL-Files. ...
A service-oriented architecture (SOA) for web applications is often implemented using web services (WSs) and consists of different operations the executions of which are perceived as events. The order and time-appropriateness of occurrences of these events play a vital role for the proper functioning of a real-time SOA. This paper presents an event-based approach to modeling and testing of functional behavior of WSs by event sequence graphs (ESG). Nodes of an ESG represent events, e.g., “request” or “response”, and arcs give the sequence of these events. For representing parameter values, e.g., for time-out of operation calls, ESG are augmented by decision tables. A case study carried out on a commercial web system with SOA validates the approach and analyzes its characteristic issues. The novelty of the approach stems from (i) its simplicity and lucidity in representing complex real-time web applications based on WSs in SOA, and (ii) its modeling that considers also testing and thus enables a comfortable fault management leading to a holistic view.
... The ASTRO approach conceives the automated synthesis of the composite process as a step of a more complex iterative process that covers the different phases of the composition problem. In particular, the ASTRO composition process [8] consists of two phases (seeFigure 1). The aim of the first phase is to obtain a preliminary version of the composite process starting from initial composition requirements. ...
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) enables the creation of distributed applications from independently developed and deployed services. As with any component-based system, the overall performance and quality of the system is an aggregate function of its component services. In this article, we present a novel approach for managing bottom-up faults in service-based systems. Bottom-up faults are a special case of system-wide exceptions that are defined as abnormal conditions or defects occurring in component services, which if not detected and/or managed, may lead to runtime failures. Examples of bottom-up faults include network outage, server disruption, and changes to service provisioning (e.g., new operation parameter required) that may have an impact on the way component services are consumed. We propose a soft-state signaling-based approach to propagate these faults from participants to composite services. Soft-state refers to a class of protocols where the state of a service is constantly refreshed by periodic messages, and user/service takes up the responsibility of communicating and maintaining its state. Soft-state-based protocols have a number of advantages including implicit error recovery and easier fault management, resulting in high availability for systems. Although soft-state has been widely used in various Internet protocols, this work is the first (to the best of our knowledge) to adopt soft-state for fault management in composite services. The proposed approach includes protocols for fault propagation (pure soft-state and soft-state with explicit removal) and fault reaction (rule-based). We also present experiment results to assess the performance and applicability of our approach.
Conference Paper
Web services (WS) empower centralization of computer-based services for broadly offering them over a network. Additionally, WSs can be combined to implement new services which are called composite WSs. This enables enterprises and private users to realize complex Web applications by putting different, existing services together. The objective of this paper is to generate test cases for testing interactions of WSs within a composite WS. Dependencies among transferred data as well as conditions in control flow and real-time constraints are modeled by concurrent event sequence graphs (cESG) which are augmented by decision tables (DT). This novel approach allows a precise fault modeling that leads to an efficient test process. Thus, the novelty of the approach stems from (i) its simplicity and lucidity in representing complex real-time composite WSs, (ii) its modeling that considers a comfortable fault management and (iii) its unique systematic methodology for testing composite WSs.
Conference Paper
A service-oriented architecture (SOA) for Web applications is often implemented using Web service (WS) standards and consists of different functions the executions of which are perceived as events. The order and time-appropriateness of occurrences of these events play a vital role for the proper working of a real-time SOA. This paper presents an event-based approach for modeling and testing of functional behavior of WS in SOA by event sequence graphs (ESG). Nodes of ESG represent events, e.g., "request" or "response", and arcs give the sequence of these events. For representing parameter values, e.g., for time-out of function calls, ESG are augmented by decision tables (DT). A case study carried out on a commercial Web system with SOA validates the approach and analyzes its characteristic issues. The novelty of the approach stems from (i) its simplicity and lucidity in representing complex real-time Web applications based on WS in SOA, and (ii) its modeling that considers a comfortable fault management.
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The emerging paradigm of electronic services promises to bring to distributed computation and services the flexibility that the web has brought to the sharing of documents. An understanding of fundamental properties of e-service composition is required in order to take full advantage of the paradigm. This paper examines proposals and standards for e-services from the perspectives of XML, data management, workflow, and process models. Key areas for study are identified, including behavioral service signatures, verification and synthesis techniques for composite services, analysis of service data manipulation commands, and XML analysis applied to service specifications. We give a sample of the relevant results and techniques in each of these areas.
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In (3) we started studying an advanced form of service composition where available services were modeled as deterministic finite transition systems, describing the possible conversations they can have with clients, and where the client request was itself expressed as a (virtual) service making use of the same alphabet of actions. In (4) we extended our studies by considering the case in which the client request was loosen by allowing don't care nondeterminism in expressing the required target service. In the present paper we complete such a line of investigation, by considering the case in which the available services are only partially controllable and must be modeled as nondeterministic finite transi- tion systems, possibly because of our lack of information on their exact behavior. Notably such services display a "devilish" form of nondeterminism, since we want to model the inability of the orchestrator to actually choose between differ- ent executions of the same action. We investigate how to automatically perform the synthesis of the composition under these circumstances.
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The main focus of this paper is on automatic e-Service com- position. We start by developing a framework in which the exported behavior of an e-Service is described in terms of its possible executions (execution trees). Then we specialize the framework to the case in which such exported behavior (i.e., the execution tree of the e-Service) is rep- resented by a finite state machine. In this specific setting, we analyze the complexity of synthesizing a composition, and develop sound and com- plete algorithms to check the existence of a composition and to return one such a composition if one exists. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first attempt to provide an algorithm for the automatic syn- thesis of e-Service composition, that is both proved to be correct, and has an associated computational complexity characterization.
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We propose a novel planning framework for the automated composition of web services. We consider services that are specified and implemented in industrial standard lan- guages for business processes modeling and execution, like BPEL4WS. These languages describe web services whose behavior is intrinsically asynchronous. For this reason, the key aspect of our framework is the modeling of asynchronous planning problems. In the paper we describe the framework and propose a planning approach that is based on state of the art techniques for planning under uncertainty. Our ex- periments show that this approach can scale up to signifi- cant cases, i.e., to cases in which the manual development of BPEL4WS composed services is not trivial and is time con- suming.
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In this paper, we address the problem of the auto- mated composition of web services by planning on their "knowledge level" models. We start from de- scriptions of web services in standard process mod- eling and execution languages, like BPEL4WS, and automatically translate them into a planning do- main that models the interactions among services at the knowledge level. This allows us to avoid the explosion of the search space due to the usu- ally large and possibly infinite ranges of data val- ues that are exchanged among services, and thus to scale up the applicability of state-of-the-art tech- niques for the automated composition of web ser- vices. We present the theoretical framework, im- plement it, and provide an experimental evaluation that shows the practical advantage of our approach w.r.t. techniques that are not based on a knowledge- level representation.
Conference Paper
In this paper we propose a technique for the automated synthesis of new composite Web services. Given a set of abstract BPEL4WS descriptions of component services, and a composition requirement, we automatically generate an executable BPEL4WS process that, once deployed, is able to interact with the components to satisfy the requirement. We implement the proposed approach exploiting efficient synthesis techniques, and experiment with some case studies taken from real world applications and with a parameterized domain. We show that the technique can scale up to cases in, which the manual development of BPEL4WS composite services is not trivial and is time consuming.
The formidable problem of automatic or semi-automatic composition of existing Web services is the subject of much current attention. We address a particular subset of this problem with SWORD, a set of tools for the composition of a class of web services including ``information-providing'' services. In SWORD, a service is represented by a rule that expresses that given certain inputs, the service is capable of producing particular outputs. A rule-based expert system is then used to automatically determine whether a desired composite service can be realized using existing services. If so, this derivation is used to construct a plan that when executed instantiates the composite service. As our working prototype and examples demonstrate, SWORD does not require (but could benefit from) wider deployment of emerging service-description standards such as WSDL, SOAP, RDF and DAML. We also distinguish SWORD from some other plausible existing approaches, especially information integration. We show that although SWORD's expressive capabilities are weaker, the abstractions it exposes capture more appropriately the limited kinds of queries supported by typical Web services and thus result in simplicity and efficiency. (Word Count: 7950 words)
Conference Paper
Several works address the problem of the automated composition of stateful services, e.g., specified in WS-BPEL. However, the key problem of their practical applicability in real composition scenarios is still open. Addressing this problem requires to provide an easy and affordable way to specify behaviors of component services and composition requirements, as well as composition techniques that are powerful enough to scale to scenarios of realistic size. In this paper we provide a first step towards addressing this problem by evaluating the feasibility and efficiency of a state-of-the art approach to automating the composition task on a real scenario that entails a high level of complexity: the Amazon e-commerce services and an e-payment service offered by an important Italian banking Group (Monte dei Paschi di Siena). We show the feasibility of the specification of composition requirements and of the automated generation of complex executable WS-BPEL processes, and analyze the possibility of reducing the effort in the composition task.
Conference Paper
Service aggregation is one of the main issues in the emerg- ing area of service-oriented computing. The aim of this paper is to con- tribute to the long-term objective of lifting service aggregation from man- ual hand-crafting to a semi-automated engineered process. We present a methodology which, given a set of service contracts, tries to construct an aggregation of such services. Service contracts include a description of the service behaviour (expressed by a YAWL workflow), as well as an (ontology-annotated) signature. The core aggregation process basically performs a control-flow and an (ontology-aware) data-flow analysis of a set of YAWL workflows to build the contract of an aggregated service.