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Sleeve Gastrectomy Recovering Disordered Brain Function in Subjects with Obesity: a Longitudinal fMRI Study

  • Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Abstract and Figures

Objective: Bariatric surgery could recover regional dysfunction of cerebral cortex. However, it is unknown whether bariatric surgery could recover the global-level dysfunction in subjects with obesity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of bariatric surgery on global-level dysfunction in subjects with obesity by resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Methods: Resting-state fMRI was used to investigate dysfunction of whole-brain in 34 subjects with obesity and 34 age-and gender-matched normal-weight subjects, in which 17 subjects with obesity received sleeve gastrectomy. Fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (fALFF) and functional connectivity (FC) among the whole brain were used to estimate the brain functional differences among the preoperative subjects, postoperative subjects, and the controls. Results: The preoperative subjects compared to controls had decreased resting-state activities in reward processing and cognitive control regions such as orbitofrontal cortex, middle frontal gyrus, superior frontal gyrus, and gyrus rectus. It was important that increased FC was also found in these regions. Correlation analysis showed that body mass index (BMI) was associated with these decreased activity and increased FC. More importantly, the dysfunction in these regions was recovered by the bariatric surgery. Conclusions: These results suggest that bariatric surgery-induced weight loss could reverse the global-level dysfunction in subjects with obesity. The dysfunction in these regions might play a key role in the development of obesity, which might serve as a biomarker in the treatment of obesity.
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Sleeve Gastrectomy Recovering Disordered Brain Function in Subjects
with Obesity: a Longitudinal fMRI Study
Panlong Li
&Han Shan
&Shengxiang Liang
&Binbin Nie
&Hua Liu
&Shaofeng Duan
&Qi Huang
Tianhao Zhang
&Guanglong Dong
&Yulin Guo
&Jin Du
&Hongkai Gao
&Lin Ma
&Demin Li
&Baoci Shan
#Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
Objective Bariatric surgery could recover regional dysfunction of cerebral cortex. However, it is unknown whether bariatric
surgery could recover the global-level dysfunction in subjects with obesity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of
bariatric surgery on global-level dysfunction in subjects with obesity by resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging
Methods Resting-state fMRI was used to investigate dysfunction of whole-brain in 34 subjects with obesity and 34 age-and
gender-matched normal-weight subjects, in which 17 subjects with obesity received sleeve gastrectomy. Fractional amplitude of
low-frequency fluctuation (fALFF) and functional connectivity (FC) among the whole brain were used to estimate the brain
functional differences among the preoperative subjects, postoperative subjects, and the controls.
Results The preoperative subjects compared to controls had decreased resting-state activities in reward processing and cognitive
control regions such as orbitofrontal cortex, middle frontal gyrus, superior frontal gyrus, and gyrus rectus. It was important that
increased FC was also found inthese regions. Correlation analysis showed that body mass index (BMI) was associatedwith these
decreased activity and increased FC. More importantly, the dysfunction in these regions was recovered by the bariatric surgery.
Conclusions These results suggest that bariatric surgery-induced weight loss could reverse the global-level dysfunction in
subjects with obesity. The dysfunction in these regions might play a key role in the development of obesity, which might serve
as a biomarker in the treatment of obesity.
Keywords Magnetic resonance imaging .Obesity .Bariatric surgery .Functional connectivity .Brain
Panlong Li and Han Shan contributed equally to this work.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
( contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
*Lin Ma
*Demin Li
*Baoci Shan
Department of Physics, Zhengzhou University,
Zhengzhou, Henan 450001, China
Division of Nuclear Technology and Applications, Institute of High
Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049,
Beijing Engineering Research Center of Radiographic Techniques
and Equipment, Beijing 100049, China
Department of Radiology, Chinese Peoples Liberation Army
General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China
Department of General Surgery, Chinese Peoples Liberation Army
General Hospital, Beijing, China
Department of Endocrinology, Chinese Peoples Liberation Army
General Hospital, Beijing, China
Department of General Surgery, the General Hospital of Chinese
Peoples Armed Police Forces, Beijing 100039, China
CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence
Technology, Shanghai, China
Department of Physics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100049, China
Obesity Surgery
Cross-sectional neuroimaging studies in humans have
shown that obesity is linked to disordered brain function
in brain areas governing reward processing, cognitive con-
trol, and feeding regulation [14]. These neuroimaging
studies remind us that the disordered brain function might
Relative to behavioral and pharmacological interventions,
surgical therapy is the most efficacy for weight loss in both a
short and long term. In recent years, great amount of re-
searchers have pointed out that the reduction in body weight
after bariatric surgery is likely due to physiological changes
more than purely restrictive gastric volume or malabsorption
[5,6]. There might be neural mechanisms underlying the bar-
iatric surgery. Therefore, great weight loss by bariatric surgery
provides an effective model to explore the neuromechanism
and treatment of obesity. Recent evidence has shown that the
bariatric surgery could change the neurocognitive and food
reward functions in subjects with obesity [7,8]. An fMRI
study found that the hypothalamic disordered functional con-
nectivity (FC) was recovered after the bariatric surgery in
people with obesity [9]. A somewhat similar study in females
found that stronger FC within the default mode network in
women with obesity was recovered by Roux-en Y gastric
bypass surgery [10]. A recent fMRI study reported that bariat-
ric surgery altered resting-state activity in the putamen, insula,
cingulate, thalamus, and frontal regions in females with obe-
sity [11]. Over all, these neuroimaging work has found the
reversibility of dysfunction in several regions which might
be associated with obesity.
Of note, FC of several region of interest (ROI) was chosen
to assess the effect of bariatric surgery. However, it was not
sure whether disordered FC existed in the residual regions
before the surgery, and the effect of bariatric surgery on the
FC of the residual regions was not sure. The whole-brain FC
analysis estimates the global-level FC which can provide more
comprehensive and identifiable information as it highlights
the irreducible nature of information integrated across the
whole brain [1214]. Though some studies assessed the brain
activity alterations after bariatric surgery by fMRI, it was not
sure whether these regions with altered activity also had dis-
ordered FC. In addition, combining the results of whole-brain
FC analysis and activity analysis could achieve mutual cor-
roboration to afford reliable inference.
Hence, in the current study, two distinct analytic
methods: fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctua-
tion (fALFF) and FC were used to evaluate the effect of
bariatric surgery on two aspects of brain function. First, we
predicted that subjects with obesity had dysfunction in
some brain areas. Second, we hypothesized that bariatric
surgery could recover some of the obesity-related dysfunc-
tion in some degree.
Standard Protocol Approvals and Participant
The protocol for this study was approved by the ethics com-
mittee of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army General
Hospital. All participants in this study were fully informed
of the study procedures and signed informed consent to par-
ticipate in the study.
We initially recruited 40 subjects with obesity from the
inpatient in Chinese Peoples Liberation Army General
Hospital and Beijing Armed Police Corps Hospital, as well
as 36 healthy participants from four communities in
Beijing. The exclusion criteria for all participants included
any neurological or psychiatric disorders, smoking, sub-
stance abuse, as well as drugs acting on the central nervous
system by clinical interviews, medical history, and blood
testing. As the majority of participants seeking bariatric
history of diabetes, the subjects with obesity who had well-
controlled diabetes and were not taking insulin were includ-
ed in this research. One subject with obesity was excluded
from the study due to thyroid cancer, as revealed by
presurgical medical examination. Another one subject with
obesity was excluded from the study due to congenital ce-
rebrovascular malformations, as revealed by MRI.
Furthermore, one subject with obesity was excluded from
the study due to too much body fat that prevented him from
fitting into the magnetic resonance coil comfortably. In ad-
dition, two healthy and three subjects with obesity were
excluded from the study due to unqualified imaging
resulting from poor scanning compliance. Therefore, 34
participants with obesity (mean age = 27.8 years, range
from 17 to 42 years; mean BMI = 40.0 kg/m
, range from
30.3 to 55.4 kg/m
; 16 women) and 34 age -and sex -
matched normal-weight participants (mean age =
21.8 kg/m
, range from 18.5 to 25.0 kg/m
were included in this study. Seventeen of them underwent
laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), and three of them
underwent gastric bypass (GB) at two surgical sites which
are Chinese Peoples Liberation Army General Hospital
and Beijing Armed Police Corps Hospital. Fourteen of
them dropped out from the study prior to the postoperative
scan or did not undergo the surgery. To exclude the possible
confounding effects of different surgical technique, we only
included 17 postoperation subjects with LSG in this study.
The weight of the postoperative participants had a signifi-
cant loss about 4 months after the surgery (paired ttest
showed the P< 0.0001). Postsurgical MRI scanning was
carried out about 4 months after the surgery. The sample
size in each step was given out in Fig. 1.Table1showed the
demographic information of participants.
MRI Data Acquisition
All MRI data were acquired on a 3 Tesla GE scanner
(DISCOVERY MR750) at the Chinese Peoples Liberation
Army General Hospital. Participants were instructed to relax
but not fall asleep. During scanning, their eyes were kept
closed, and their ears were fitted with soft earplugs. After
the experiment, each participant was confirmed not having
fallen asleep during scanning. One hundred and eighty
resting-state volumes were collected using a multi-slice gradi-
ent-echo EPI sequence [echo time (TE), 30 ms; repetition time
(TR), 2000 ms; flip angle, 90°; slice thickness, 4 mm; number
of slices, 36; no slice gap, field of view (FOV), 240 mm ×
240 mm; matrix size, 64 × 64; voxel size, 3.75 × 3.75 ×
] covering the whole brain.
Data Preprocessing
All resting-state fMRI data were preprocessed using DPARSF
(Data Processing Assistant for Resting-State fMRI; http:// A MATLAB toolbox for Bpipeline^data
analysis of resting-state fMRI. To avoid the non-equilibrium
effects of magnetization, the first ten volumes of the functional
scans were removed. The data preprocessing was referred to
previous research [15]. Specifically preprocessing steps in-
cluded (i) slice time correction; (ii) head motion correction
(if the head motion was larger than 1 mm and in any direc-
tion, the data was discarded); (iii) normalizing to MNI
(Montreal Neurological Institute) space (voxel size 3 × 3 ×
); (iv) 6 mm full width at half-maximum (FWHM)
spatial smoothing; (v) linear detrending; (vi) band pass tem-
poral filtering (0.010.08 Hz); and (vii) regressing out nui-
sance covariates (6 head motion parameters, global mean sig-
nal, whiter matter signal, cerebrospinal fluid signal). The
preprocessed data were used to calculate the fALFF and FC
FALFF Analysis
The fALFF is an improved approach to detect amplitude of
low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF) for resting state fMRI,
which reflects the intensity of regional spontaneous brain ac-
tivity [16]. The fALFF map of each participant was calculated
by REST software ( Two-sample t
test was performed by SPM12 software (http://www.fil.ion. to determine the fALFF differences within
the whole brain between the normal and preoperative
subjects as well as the normal and postoperative subjects. To
exclude the confounding effects of sample size different in
preoperative group and postoperative group, paired-sample t
test was performed to detect the fALFF differences between
the pre- and postsurgical status. Results were considered sig-
nificant at P< 0.05 (cluster size bigger than 50) after corrected
for multiple comparisons with the false discovery rate method
Functional Connectivity Analysis
Through fALFF analysis, we have detected altered activity in
the brain of subjects with obesity. But fALFF analysis only
gave out the activity of isolated region. We further used the
whole-brain FC analysis to indicate abnormal information in-
tegration between brain areas [9].
Fig. 1 Sample size in each step.
PC poor compliance, TC thyroid
cancer, CCM congenital
cerebrovascular malformations,
TMBF toomuchbodyfat
Functional connectivity defines temporal correlation
between blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals
of distinct brain areas which reflect information integra-
tion between brain areas [17]. In this research, the
Anatomic-Automatic-Labeling (AAL) atlas [18] was used
to divide the whole brain into 90 regions [19,20]. Each
regions time-course was extracted, and then the correla-
tions between the time-courses of each region were calcu-
lated. The correlations were used for further statistical
As in the fALFF analysis, two-sample ttest was used to
calculate the differences in FC between the normal-weight
preoperative subjects as well as the normal-weight postoper-
ative subjects. Paired-sample ttest was applied to detect the
FC differences between pre- and postsurgical status. The sta-
tistical threshold was set at P<0.0005.
Correlation Analysis
To test whether these alterations were associated with obesity,
we also calculated the Pearson correlation coefficient between
BMI and fALFF and FC. The statistical threshold was set at
Two distinct analytic methods were used to evaluate the
impact of obesity and weight loss on the brain function in
subjects with obesity: fALFF and functional connectivity
MRI (fcMRI).
Decreased Brain Activity in Subjects with Obesity
Compared with normal-weight participants, the preoperative
subjects showed decreased fALFF in bilateral orbitofrontal
cortex (medial orbitofrontal cortex and superior orbitofrontal
cortex), superior frontal gyrus, and gyrus rectus (Fig. 2a). All
of these regions concentrated in the prefrontal cortex. No
increased fALFF region was found. It was noticeable that
subjects with obesity had significant weight loss (paired t
test showed the P< 0.0001) (Table 1), and the decreased
fALFF in those regions recovered to normal level (Fig. 2a)
about 4 months after the bariatric surgery. In addition, the
comparison between the post- and presurgical fALFF
shows great consistency in the location of areas (Fig. 2b).
See Supplementary Table 1fortheclustersize,MNIcoor-
dinates, and Tvalues for each area. Overall, these results
indicated decreased cerebral cortex activity in the preoper-
ative subjects in resting-state, and the reversibility of these
decreased cerebral cortex activity after weight loss was
caused by bariatric surgery.
Disordered Brain Functional Connectivity in Subjects
with Obesity
Two-sample ttest gave out the differences in functional con-
nectivity between preoperative subjects and normal-weight
participants (Fig. 3). In these results, right precentral cortex
had increased FC with bilateral superior frontal cortex, left
middle frontal cortex, and left medial superior frontal cortex;
right superior frontal cortex increased FC with bilateral
postcentral gyrus; right superior orbitofrontal cortex had in-
creased FC with left thalamus; left inferior frontal cortex had
Table 1 Demographic information of participants
Normal-weight subjects The preoperative obese The postoperative obese P1P2
N= 34, 15 females N= 34, 16 females
Mean SD Range Mean SD Range Mean SD Range
BMI (kg/m
) 21.8 1.8 18.525.0 40.0 6.5 30.355.4 34.4 5.9 27.4742.93 *** ***
Age (years) 26.7 6.8 1843 27.8 6.9 1742 NS NS
SDP (mmHg) 123.7 7.8 110150 142.9 15.5 125170 127.1 14.2 112165 *** NS
DBP (mmHg) 73.9 8.0 6585 87.5 7.9 80100 78.9 5.8 7089 *** NS
FG (mmol/l) 4.48 0.56 3.645.30 5.95 1.82 4.058.31 5.11 1.52 3.677.94 ** NS
TC (mmol/l) 3.98 0.36 3.634.78 5.14 1.11 3.437.18 4.90 0.91 3.417.00 ** **
Triglyceride (mmol/l) 1.04 0.34 0.571.57 2.20 1.18 0.994.98 1.32 0.56 0.662.18 ** NS
HDL (mmol/l) 1.34 0.18 1.041.7 1.03 0.16 0.831.31 1.06 0.25 0.811.47 *** **
LDL (mmol/l) 2.29 0.49 1.642.98 3.27 0.58 2.264.33 3.21 0.52 2.684.16 *** ***
P1 P values of two-sample ttest between the preoperative obese and normal-weight participants, P2 P values of two-sample ttest between the
postoperative obese and normal-weight participants. NS no-significant, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, FG fasting glucose,
TC total cholesterol, HDL high-density lipoprotein, LDL low-density lipoprotein
*P<0.05; **P< 0.01; ***P<0.001
increased FC with postcingulum; left supplement motro area
had increased FC with middle cingulum; left medial
orbitofrontal cortex had increased FC with right postcentral
gyrus; and right inferior occipital gyrus had increased FC with
right calcarine, left lingual gyrus, and right inferior temporal
gyrus (Fig. 3a). After the surgery, most of these increased FCs
were recovered (Fig. 3bb). The results in comparison between
post-and presurgery were largely conserved (Fig. 3c).
Consistency was found after comparing the brain regions
found in FC and fALFF findings (Fig. 4). The prefrontal cor-
tex which had decreased fALFF had increased FC with other
Correlation Relationship
Significant correlations have been found between fALFF and
BMI (Supplementary Table 1)aswellasFCandBMI
(Supplementary Table 3). In general, the fALFF which was
decreased in the preoperative obese had negative correlations
(P< 0.05) with BMI, and the FC which was increased in the
preoperative subjects had positive correlations (P< 0.0001)
with BMI. These indicated that the disordered brain function
was associated with obesity.
In this research, decreased cerebral cortex activity was found
mainly in the prefrontal cortex. These regions also had disor-
dered FC with other regions. After the bariatric surgery, the
decreased activity and disordered FC was recovered.
Compared to normal-weight participants, the subjects with
obesity had decreased fALFF in the orbitofrontal cortex,
superior frontal gyrus, and gyrus rectus. It was interesting that
these regions also had disordered FC. Besides, disordered FC
was found in thalamus and postcingulate gyrus in subjects
with obesity. The significant correlation between these disor-
dered brain function and BMI further indicated that the dys-
function in these regions was associated with obesity.
Previous studies also found that subjects with obesity had
decreased activity to food-related stimuli in superior frontal
gyrus [2123], middle frontal gyrus [2124], medial prefron-
tal cortex [2325], and orbitofrontal cortex [23,24]. These
areas were executive components of the brain circuit implicat-
ed in cognitive control (including decision making and inhib-
itory control) and reward processing [2629]. Disordered
brain activity and FC in these areas might indicate a weaker
cognitive control and reward processing system in subjects
with obesity [30]. Either disordered cognitive control or im-
paired reward processing system is substantially associated
with obesity. Several studies have shown that prefrontal cortex
transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) could reduce
food cravings and increase the self-reported ability to resist
food in adults [31,32]. The disordered cognitive control and
reward processing system made the subjects prone to take
more food ignoring self-status. The analysis above indicated
that obese-related disordered brain function might reflect an
obese-prone endophenotype, and the prefrontal cortex might
be a potential biomarker in the treatment of obesity.
Another remarkable finding was that the bariatric surgery
induced significant recovery of the disordered FC and brain
activity in subjects with obesity. Previous seed-based FC stud-
ies have reported that the bariatric surgery could partially re-
cover the hypothalamic dysfunction [9] and recover the disor-
dered FC within the default model network [10]insubjects
with obesity. Also, many studies support the notion of the
Fig. 2 Results of fALFF analysis. Color bar represents the tvalues. a
Group difference map illustrates clusters of significantly decreased
functional activity (red) in the subjects with obesity. bComparison
between post- and presurgical fAFLL. Clusters were threshold at
P< 0.05 after FDR correction, and cluster size threshold was bigger than
recovery of obesity-associated brain activity [810,33,34]. In
this research, most of the disordered FC and all of the de-
creased activities were recovered by bariatric surgery. This
indicated that the bariatric surgery not only reduced the capac-
ity of stomach or restricted the absorption of nutrition but also
recovered the disordered obesity-related brain function. It is a
common feature that subjects with obesity have less cravings
for food after bariatric surgery [10,35].Therecoveryofthe
disordered reward processing and cognitive control system
might make them sense more satiety from food and perform
better self-management [10,36].
In this research, global-level recovery of obesity-related
dysfunction was first found in subjects with obesity. Before
the surgery, decreased activity was found mainly in the pre-
frontal cortex. FC analysis further revealed disordered FC in
these regions. Besides, FC analysis detected some other re-
gions such as thalamus, postcingulate gyrus, and striatum,
which also had disordered FC with these regions. This indi-
cated that a single analytical method might miss some impor-
tant information. After bariatric surgery, the decreased activity
in subjects with obesity recovered to normal level, while most
of the disordered FC recovered to normal level. This might
indicate that the recovery of FC was fall behind the activity.
Longer time follow-up studies need to be carried out to inves-
tigate whether the disordered FC would be recovered
completely. One weakness of the study is that we investigated
the brain dysfunction in subjects with obesity in resting state.
No stimulus was provided, such as glucose ingestion and food
images. Another limitation of our study is that the control
group was only tested once. Considering the neurological sta-
tus of the healthy group was almost unchanged within half a
year in which, we did not make the second scan for the control
group. Some operated patients, if achieving satisfactory clin-
ical outcome with substantial weight loss and no discomfort,
might not be compliant to the follow-up routine and thus
missed the second scan. For the same reason, it was also very
hard for the healthy volunteers to be scanned twice in such a
short time. In fact, we only investigated the effect of LSG not
BG on the brain function. The effect of other surgery protocol
such as BG should be carried out in the future studies.
In conclusion, the bariatric surgery in subjects with obesity
could recover the disordered brain function in areas governing
reward processing and cognitive control. These results sug-
gested that the obese-related brain dysfunction might indicate
an obese-prone endophenotype, and the recovery of the dis-
ordered reward processing and cognitive control system might
play a role in body mass reduction.
Acknowledgements The authors thank the patients and healthy volun-
teers who took part in this study.
Funding This work was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China [grant numbers 81471741, 81471728, and
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
Ethical Statement All procedures performed in studies involving hu-
man participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the
institutional and national research committee and with the 1964
Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical
Consent Statement Informed consent was obtained from all individual
participants included in the study.
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ric surgery reverses insulin-induced increases in brain glucose me-
tabolism of the morbidly obese. Diabetes. 2013;62(8):274751.
35. Faulconbridge LF, Ruparel K, Loughead J, et al. Changes in neural
responsivity to highly palatable foods following roux-en-Y gastric
bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, or weight stability: an fMRI study.
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2016;24(5):105460.
36. Lepping RJ, Bruce AS, Francisco A, et al. Resting-state brain con-
nectivity after surgical and behavioral weight loss. Obesity (Silver
Spring). 2015;23(7):14228.
... Patients with obesity and normal weight cohorts exhibit differences in rsfMRI activity (García-García et al., 2013;Kullmann et al., 2012), and brain regions important for cognitive control, inhibition motivation, reward, and salience are involved in the neuropathology of obesity (Dong et al., 2015;Lepping et al., 2015;Zhang et al., 2015). Spontaneous low-frequency (0.01-0.08 Hz) fluctuations (LFFs) of bloodoxygen-level-dependent fMRI signals (Biswal et al., 1995) are closely related to the spontaneous neuronal activities occurring during the resting-state (Lu et al., 2007;Mantini et al., 2007), and numerous studies have used fractional amplitude of lowfrequency fluctuations (fALFF) to quantify brain activity changes following VSG and RYGB (Li et al., 2018;Zeighami et al., 2021). Furthermore, shared neural activity differences post-bariatric surgery, including VSG and RYGB, also involve reward processing regions including the default mode network, salience network, and control regions (Li et al., 2018;Zeighami et al., 2021). ...
... Spontaneous low-frequency (0.01-0.08 Hz) fluctuations (LFFs) of bloodoxygen-level-dependent fMRI signals (Biswal et al., 1995) are closely related to the spontaneous neuronal activities occurring during the resting-state (Lu et al., 2007;Mantini et al., 2007), and numerous studies have used fractional amplitude of lowfrequency fluctuations (fALFF) to quantify brain activity changes following VSG and RYGB (Li et al., 2018;Zeighami et al., 2021). Furthermore, shared neural activity differences post-bariatric surgery, including VSG and RYGB, also involve reward processing regions including the default mode network, salience network, and control regions (Li et al., 2018;Zeighami et al., 2021). This evidence contributes to our hypothesis that brain connectivity changes in the reward network are involved in obesity pathogenesis and reward connectivity alterations post-bariatric surgery likely contribute to sustained weight loss post-operatively. ...
... Similar to others (Li et al., 2018;Wiemerslage et al., 2017;Zeighami et al., 2021), we used a voxel-level metric fALFF to normalize ALFF, as it has been found to be more sensitive to physiological noise (Yu-Feng et al., 2007). The fALFF calculations were carried out using the CONN toolbox. ...
Background Plausible phenotype mechanisms following bariatric surgery include changes in neural and gastrointestinal physiology. This pilot study aims to investigate individual and combined neurologic, gut microbiome, and plasma hormone changes pre- versus post-vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), and medical weight loss (MWL). We hypothesized post-weight loss phenotype would be associated with changes in central reward system brain connectivity, differences in postprandial gut hormone responses, and increased gut microbiome diversity. Methods Subjects included participants undergoing VSG, n = 7; RYGB, n = 9; and MWL, n = 6. Ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide-1, peptide-YY, gut microbiome, and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI; using fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations [fALFF]) were measured pre- and post-intervention in fasting and fed states. We explored phenotype characterization using clustering on gut hormone, microbiome, and rsfMRI datasets and a combined analysis. Results We observed more widespread fALFF differences post-bariatric surgery versus post-MWL. Decreased post-prandial fALFF was seen in food reward regions post-RYGB. The highest number of microbial taxa that increased post-intervention occurred in the RYGB group, followed by VSG and MWL. The combined hormone, microbiome, and MRI dataset most accurately clustered samples into pre- versus post-VSG phenotypes followed by RYGB subjects. Conclusion The data suggest surgical weight loss (VSG and RYGB) has a bigger impact on brain and gut function versus MWL and leads to lesser post-prandial activation of food-related neural circuits. VSG subjects had the greatest phenotype differences in interactions of microbiome, rsfMRI, and gut hormone features, followed by RYGB and MWL. These results will inform future prospective research studying gut-brain changes post-bariatric surgery.
... Few resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI) studies have examined changes in spontaneous neural activity following bariatric surgery using various methods including the amplitude of low frequency fluctuations (ALFF), fractional-ALFF (fALFF), or regional homogeneity of neural activity (ReHo) ( Rullmann et al., 2017 ;Wiemerslage et al., 2017 ;Zhang et al., 2019 ;Li et al., 2018 ). fALFF measures the contribution of the lowfrequency oscillations within a voxel relative to the entire detectable frequency rang ( Zou et al., 2008 ), and represents a marker of regional brain activity ( Zuo et al., 2010 ). ...
... However, when restricting the analysis to significant GM clusters, they found that changes in GM density over the first year after surgery were significantly associated with elevated ReHo in the same regions. Li et al. observed increased fALFF values 4 months after sleeve gastrectomy (SG) in superior and orbitofrontal areas ( Li et al., 2018 ). Applying regions-of-interest analyses, a recent study found decreased ALFF in the hippocampus and increased ALFF in the posterior cingulate cortex one month following SG . ...
... Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia) to detect neural activity ( Jiang and Zuo, 2016 ;Xu et al., 2020 ;Sun et al., 2020 ;Zhou et al., 2019 ). However, very few studies have previously examined the effect of bariatric surgery on spontaneous neural activity as assessed with fALFF or ReHo ( Rullmann et al., 2017 ;Wiemerslage et al., 2017 ;Zhang et al., 2019 ;Li et al., 2018 ). We found widespread increase in fALFF 4 and 12 months after surgery, with greater increases in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, precuneus, occipital as well as middle temporal regions. ...
Background Metabolic disorders associated with obesity could lead to alterations in brain structure and function. Whether these changes can be reversed after weight loss is unclear. Bariatric surgery provides a unique opportunity to address these questions because it induces marked weight loss and metabolic improvements which in turn may impact the brain in a longitudinal fashion. Previous studies found widespread changes in grey matter (GM) and white matter (WM) after bariatric surgery. However, findings regarding changes in spontaneous neural activity following surgery, as assessed with the fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuations (fALFF) and regional homogeneity of neural activity (ReHo), are scarce and heterogenous. In this study, we used a longitudinal design to examine the changes in spontaneous neural activity after bariatric surgery (comparing pre- to post-surgery), and to determine whether these changes are related to cardiometabolic variables. Methods The study included 57 participants with severe obesity (mean BMI=43.1 ± 4.3 kg/m²) who underwent sleeve gastrectomy (SG), biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD), or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), scanned prior to bariatric surgery and at follow-up visits of 4 months (N = 36), 12 months (N = 29), and 24 months (N = 14) after surgery. We examined fALFF and ReHo measures across 1022 cortical and subcortical regions (based on combined Schaeffer-Xiao parcellations) using a linear mixed effect model. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) based on T1-weighted images was also used to measure GM density in the same regions. We also used an independent sample from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) to assess regional differences between individuals who had normal-weight (N = 46) or severe obesity (N = 46). Results We found a global increase in the fALFF signal with greater increase within dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, precuneus, inferior temporal gyrus, and visual cortex. This effect was more significant 4 months after surgery. The increase within dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, temporal gyrus, and visual cortex was more limited after 12 months and only present in the visual cortex after 24 months. These increases in neural activity measured by fALFF were also significantly associated with the increase in GM density following surgery. Furthermore, the increase in neural activity was significantly related to post-surgery weight loss and improvement in cardiometabolic variables, such as blood pressure. In the independent HCP sample, normal-weight participants had higher global and regional fALFF signals, mainly in dorsolateral/medial frontal cortex, precuneus and middle/inferior temporal gyrus compared to the obese participants. These BMI-related differences in fALFF were associated with the increase in fALFF 4 months post-surgery especially in regions involved in control, default mode and dorsal attention networks. Conclusions Bariatric surgery-induced weight loss and improvement in metabolic factors are associated with widespread global and regional increases in neural activity, as measured by fALFF signal. These findings alongside the higher fALFF signal in normal-weight participants compared to participants with severe obesity in an independent dataset suggest an early recovery in the neural activity signal level after the surgery.
... Overall, studies reported heterogeneous regions of interest and altered FC strength/direction between groups. However, several studies reported that the OFC presented consistently increased FC with other regions [33,39,47,56,62,64] especially with the left middle frontal and temporal gyri [37,53,55] (Fig. 1). Other areas, such as the insula, presented decreased FC in individuals with obesity relative to controls [23,31,39,[53][54][55] (Fig. 1). ...
... However, several studies reported that the OFC presented consistently increased FC with other regions [33,39,47,56,62,64] especially with the left middle frontal and temporal gyri [37,53,55] (Fig. 1). Other areas, such as the insula, presented decreased FC in individuals with obesity relative to controls [23,31,39,[53][54][55] (Fig. 1). Decreased pairwise FC was Figure 1b shows the number of studies reporting altered FC represented as a ratio. ...
... Decreased pairwise FC was Figure 1b shows the number of studies reporting altered FC represented as a ratio. Figure 1c shows the number of studies reporting altered ALFF findings represented as a ratio also reported involving the ACC in several studies [53][54][55][56] (Fig. 1). ...
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Obesity is the second most common cause of preventable morbidity worldwide. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been used extensively to characterise altered communication between brain regions in individuals with obesity, though findings from this research have not yet been systematically evaluated within the context of prominent neurobiological frameworks. This systematic review aggregated resting-state fMRI findings in individuals with obesity and evaluated the contribution of these findings to current neurobiological models. Findings were considered in relation to a triadic model of problematic eating, outlining disrupted communication between reward, inhibitory, and homeostatic systems. We identified a pattern of consistently increased orbitofrontal and decreased insula cortex resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with obesity in comparison to healthy weight controls. BOLD signal amplitude was also increased in people with obesity across studies, predominantly confined to subcortical regions, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and putamen. We posit that altered orbitofrontal cortex connectivity may be indicative of a shift in the valuation of food-based rewards and that dysfunctional insula connectivity likely contributes to altered homeostatic signal processing. Homeostatic violation signals in obesity may be maintained despite satiety, thereby ‘hijacking’ the executive system and promoting further food intake. Moving forward, we provide a roadmap for more reliable resting-state and task-based functional connectivity experiments, which must be reconciled within a common framework if we are to uncover the interplay between psychological and biological factors within current theoretical frameworks.
... Few resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI) studies have examined changes in spontaneous neural activity following bariatric surgery using various methods including the amplitude of low frequency fluctuations (ALFF), fractional-ALFF (fALFF), or regional homogeneity of neural activity (ReHo) (30,(34)(35)(36). fALFF measures the contribution of the low-frequency oscillations within a voxel relative to the entire detectable frequency range (37), and represents a marker of regional brain activity (38). ...
... However, when restricting the analysis to significant GM clusters, they found that changes in GM density over the first year after surgery were significantly associated with elevated ReHo in the same regions. Li et al. observed increased fALFF values 4 months after sleeve gastrectomy (SG) in superior and orbitofrontal areas (36). Applying regions-of-interest analyses, a recent study found decreased ALFF in the hippocampus and increased ALFF in the posterior cingulate cortex one month following SG (35). ...
... Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia) to detect neural activity (40,41,60,61). However, very few studies have previously examined the effect of bariatric surgery on spontaneous neural activity as assessed with fALFF or ReHo (30,(34)(35)(36). We found widespread increase in fALFF 4 months after surgery, with greater increases in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, precuneus, occipital as well as middle and inferior temporal regions. ...
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Background: Metabolic disorders associated with obesity could lead to alterations in brain structure and function. Whether these changes can be reversed after weight loss is unclear. Bariatric surgery provides a unique opportunity to address these questions because it induces marked weight loss and metabolic improvements which in turn may impact the brain in a longitudinal fashion. Previous studies found widespread changes in grey matter (GM) and white matter (WM) after bariatric surgery. However, findings regarding changes in spontaneous neural activity following surgery, as assessed with the fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuations (fALFF) and regional homogeneity of neural activity (ReHo), are scarce and heterogenous. In this study, we used a longitudinal design to examine the changes in spontaneous neural activity after bariatric surgery (comparing pre- to post-surgery), and to determine whether these changes are related to cardiometabolic variables. Methods: The study included 57 participants with severe obesity who underwent sleeve gastrectomy (SG), biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD), or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), scanned prior to bariatric surgery and at follow-up visits of 4 months (N=36), 12 months (N=29), and 24 months (N=14) after surgery. We examined fALFF and ReHo measures across 1022 cortical and subcortical regions (based on combined Schaeffer-Xiao parcellations) using a linear mixed effect model. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) based on T1-weighted images was also used to measure GM density in the same regions. We also used an independent sample from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) to assess regional differences between individuals who had normal-weight (N=46) or severe obesity (N=46). Results: We found a global increase in the fALFF signal with greater increase within dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, precuneus, inferior temporal gyrus, and visual cortex. This effect was more significant 4 months after surgery. The increase within dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, temporal gyrus, and visual cortex was more limited after 12 months and only present in the visual cortex after 24 months. These increases in neural activity measured by fALFF were also significantly associated with the increase in GM density following surgery. Furthermore, the increase in neural activity was significantly related to post-surgery weight loss and improvement in cardiometabolic variables, such as insulin resistance index and blood pressure. In the independent HCP sample, normal-weight participants had higher global and regional fALFF signals, mainly in dorsolateral/medial frontal cortex, precuneus and middle/inferior temporal gyrus compared to the obese participants. These BMI-related differences in fALFF were associated with the increase in fALFF 4 months post-surgery especially in regions involved in control, default mode and dorsal attention networks. Conclusions: Bariatric surgery-induced weight loss and improvement in metabolic factors are associated with widespread global and regional increases in neural activity, as measured by fALFF signal. These findings alongside the higher fALFF signal in normal-weight participants compared to participants with severe obesity in an independent dataset suggest an early recovery in the neural activity signal level after the surgery.
... The Amplitude of low frequency fluctuations (ALFF) method is applied in three reviewed BS studies [111][112][113] and characterizes spontaneous low-frequency brain activity by estimating the magnitude of these fluctuations in a small frequency band (e.g., from 0.01 to 0.08 Hertz [114]) for each voxel coordinate. Initially, the average square root of the power in this frequency band of a given voxel's time series divided (i.e., standardized) by the average of this parameter across all voxels was used as voxel ALFF measure [115]. ...
... FC for prediction has also been computed based on time series averaged across voxels located in anatomical atlas regions [111,[128][129][130][131][132]. Using averaged regional time series requires less priori knowledge as one can simply compute the FC between all atlas regions. ...
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Obesity is a worldwide disease associated with multiple severe adverse consequences and comorbid conditions. While an increased body weight is the defining feature in obesity, etiologies, clinical phenotypes and treatment responses vary between patients. These variations can be observed within individual treatment options which comprise lifestyle interventions , pharmacological treatment, and bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery can be regarded as the most effective treatment method. However, long-term weight regain is comparably frequent even for this treatment and its application is not without risk. A prognostic tool that would help predict the effectivity of the individual treatment methods in the long term would be essential in a personalized medicine approach. In line with this objective, an increasing number of studies have combined neuroimaging and computational modeling to predict treatment outcome in obesity. In our review, we begin by outlining the central nervous mechanisms measured with neuroimaging in these studies. The mechanisms are primarily related to reward-processing and include "incentive salience" and psychobehavioral control. We then present the diverse neuroimaging methods and computational prediction techniques applied. The studies included in this review provide consistent support for the importance of incentive salience and psychobehavioral control for treatment outcome in obesity. Nevertheless, further studies comprising larger sample sizes and rigorous validation processes are necessary to answer the question of whether or not the approach is sufficiently accurate for clinical real-world application.
... Several approaches have been proposed to manage obesity and "diabesity", from life-style and diet interventions to bariatric surgery [2]; however, most of the times these are associated with a transient weight-loss [3]. Interestingly, weight-loss dietary interventions and bariatric surgery are both associated with changes in brain functional connectivity (FC) [4,5]. ...
... T0 (adjusted mean Z 87.7 kg, se Z 4.7 kg) to T1 (adjusted mean Z 85.5 kg, se Z 4.1 kg, c 2 Z 15.7, p < .001, Cohen's d Z .70), ...
Background and Aims Deep repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (deep rTMS) over the bilateral insula and prefrontal cortex (PFC) can promote weight-loss in obesity, preventing cardiometabolic complications as Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). To investigate the changes in the functional brain integration after dTMS, we conducted a resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) study in obesity. Methods and Results This preliminary study was designed as a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study: 9 participants were treated with high-frequency stimulation (realTMS group), 8 were sham-treated. Out of the 17 enrolled patients, 6 were affected by T2D. Resting-state fMRI scans were acquired at baseline (T0) and after the 5-week intervention (T1). Body weight was measured at three time points [T0, T1, 1-month follow-up visit (FU1)]. A mixed-model analysis showed a significant group-by-time interaction for body weight (p=.04), with a significant decrease (p<.001) in the realTMS group. The rsFC data revealed a significant increase of degree centrality for the realTMS group in the medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC) and a significant decrease in the occipital pole. Conclusion An increase of whole-brain functional connections of the mOFC, together with the decrease of whole-brain functional connections with the occipital pole, may reflect a brain mechanism behind weight-loss through a diminished reactivity to bottom-up visual-sensory processes in favor of increased reliance on top-down decision-making processes. Trial registration number NCT03009695.
... In our study, the activity of DLPFC and ACC decreased at the end of lowly-controlled phase III, suggesting that for weight maintenance, it is important to enforce the activity of and the connection between DLPFC and ACC. Long-term follow-up studies have shown significant changes in reward network during weight loss (Murdaugh et al., 2012;Li et al., 2018). However, we did not observe significant alterations in the activity of reward network during the short-term IER intervention, suggesting that the reward network might be involved in a long-term dietary intervention. ...
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Objective Intermittent energy restriction (IER) is an effective weight loss strategy. However, little is known about the dynamic effects of IER on the brain-gut-microbiome axis. Methods In this study, a total of 25 obese individuals successfully lost weight after a 2-month IER intervention. FMRI was used to determine the activity of brain regions. Metagenomic sequencing was performed to identify differentially abundant gut microbes and pathways in from fecal samples. Results Our results showed that IER longitudinally reduced the activity of obese-related brain regions at different timepoints, including the inferior frontal orbital gyrus in the cognitive control circuit, the putamen in the emotion and learning circuit, and the anterior cingulate cortex in the sensory circuit. IER longitudinally reduced E. coli abundance across multiple timepoints while elevating the abundance of obesity-related Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Parabacteroides distasonis, and Bacterokles uniformis. Correlation analysis revealed longitudinally correlations between gut bacteria abundance alterations and brain activity changes. Conclusions There was dynamical alteration of BGM axis (the communication of E. coli with specific brain regions) during the weight loss under the IER.
... Moreover, investigations on familial predisposition and genetic risk for obesity revealed that higher neural response to food cues could be detected in non-obese individuals at risk for obesity (Carnell et al., 2017;Kühn et al., 2016). However, other longitudinal investigations have also revealed obesity-specific resting state dysfunction in the OFC to recover after bariatric surgery (Li et al., 2018). After such a surgery, functional connectivity between regions related to cognitive control over food and bodily perception was reshaped and participants showed a reduction in rewarddriven behavior (Olivo et al., 2017), suggesting these aberrations in reward processing to be byproducts of the obese state. ...
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Obesity is associated with alterations in brain structure and function, particularly in areas related to reward processing. Although brain structural investigations have demonstrated a continuous association between higher body weight and reduced gray matter in well-powered samples, functional neuroimaging studies have typically only contrasted individuals from the normal weight and obese body mass index (BMI) ranges with modest sample sizes. It remains unclear, whether the commonly found hyperresponsiveness of the reward circuit can (a) be replicated in well-powered studies and (b) be found as a function of higher body weight even below the threshold of clinical obesity. 383 adults across the weight spectrum underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging during a common card-guessing paradigm simulating monetary reward. Multiple regression was used to investigate the association of BMI and neural activation in the reward circuit. In addition, a one-way ANOVA model comparing three weight groups (normal weight, overweight, obese) was calculated. Higher BMI was associated with higher reward response in the bilateral insula. This association could no longer be found when participants with obesity were excluded from the analysis. The ANOVA revealed higher activation in obese vs. lean, but no difference between lean and overweight participants. The overactivation of reward-related brain areas in obesity is a consistent finding that can be replicated in large samples. In contrast to brain structural aberrations associated with higher body weight, the neurofunctional underpinnings of reward processing in the insula appear to be more pronounced in the higher body weight range.
... Since obesity is associated with altered RSFC, researchers have assessed whether weight loss after BS can reverse these changes and if that predicts the efficacy of the interventions. After surgery, obese participants showed increased resting-state activity in the DLPFC, SFG, ITG, visual cortex, PCC; and decreased activity in the claustrum, precentral gyrus, putamen, insula, thalamus, and HIPP (127,(184)(185)(186). BS also increased RSFC of VMPFC-DLPFC, PCC/precuneus-caudate/DLPFC, HIPP-insula which is affected by ghrelin, reward network-MPFC, mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD)-precuneus/habenular; and decreased RSFC of VMPFC-HIPP/PHIPP, putamen-lateral hypothalamus, between regions involved in food-related saliency attribution and reward-driven eating behavior, and the nodes within and between DMN, SN and FPN (127,(187)(188)(189)(190)(191)(192)(193). These latter RSFC patterns appear to be normalizing a pre-BS hyperconnected state, which might alter control of eating behavior. ...
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Obesity has tripled over the past 40 years to become a major public health issue, as it is linked with increased mortality and elevated risk for various physical and neuropsychiatric illnesses. Accumulating evidence from neuroimaging studies suggests that obesity negatively affects brain function and structure, especially within fronto-mesolimbic circuitry. Obese individuals show abnormal neural responses to food cues, taste and smell, resting-state activity and functional connectivity, and cognitive tasks including decision-making, inhibitory-control, learning/memory and attention. In addition, obesity is associated with altered cortical morphometry, a lowered gray/white matter volume, and impaired white matter integrity. Various interventions and treatments including bariatric surgery, the most effective treatment for obesity in clinical practice, as well as dietary, exercise, pharmacological, and neuromodulation interventions such as transcranial direct current stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation and neurofeedback have been employed and achieved promising outcomes. These interventions and treatments appear to normalize hyper-and hypoactivations of brain regions involved with reward processing, food-intake control and cognitive function, and also promoted recovery of brain structural abnormalities. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review of the recent neuroimaging advances on the underlying neural mechanisms of both obesity and interventions, in the hope of guiding development of novel and effective treatments.
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Objective To investigate the effects of sleeve gastrectomy (SG) on diabetes-related cognitive decline (DCD) in rats with diabetic mellitus (DM). Methods and methods Forty Wistar rats were randomly divided into control (CON) group (n=10), diabetes mellitus (DM) group (n=10), sham operation (SHAM) group (n=10) and SG group (n=10). DM model was established by high-fat diet (HFD) combined with intraperitoneal injection of streptozocin (STZ). Behavioral evaluation was given using Morris water maze test and Y-maze. In addition, PET-CT, TUNEL assay, histological analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Western blot analysis were used to evaluate the alleviating effects and potential mechanisms of SG on DCD in DM rats. Results Compared with the sham group, SG induced significant improvement in the metabolic indices such as blood glucose and body weight. Besides, it could attenuate the insulin resistance compared with SHAM group. In addition, SG could improve the cognitive function of DM rats, which were featured by significant decrease in the escape latency (P<0.05), and significant increase in the time in target quadrant and platform crossings (P<0.05) compared with the SHAM group. SG induced significant elevation in the spontaneous alternation compared with SHAM group (P<0.05). Moreover, SG could improve the arrangement and biosynthesis of hippocampus neuron. Moreover, SG triggered the inhibition of apoptosis of hippocampus neurons, and Western blot analysis showed SG induced significant increase in the ratios of Bcl-2/Bax and Caspase3/cleaved Caspase 3. TEM demonstrated SG could significantly improve the microstructure of hippocampus neurons compared with the SHAM group. Western blot and IHC confirmed the significant decrease in the phosphorylation of tau at Ser404 and Ser396 sites in the SG group. Furthermore, SG activated the PI3K signaling pathway by elevating the phosphorylation of PI3K and Akt and GSK3β compared with the SHAM group. Conclusion SG attenuated the DCD in DM rats, which may be related to the activation of PI3K signaling pathway.
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Background/objective Obesity has been associated with brain alterations characterised by poorer interaction between a hypersensitive reward system and a comparatively weaker prefrontal-cognitive control system. These alterations may occur as early as in adolescence, but this notion remains unclear, as no studies so far have examined global functional connectivity in adolescents with excess weight. Subjects/methods We investigated functional connectivity in a sample of 60 adolescents with excess weight and 55 normal weight controls. We first identified parts of the brain displaying between-group global connectivity differences and then characterised the extent of the differences in functional network integrity and their association with reward sensitivity. Results Adolescent obesity was linked to neuroadaptations in functional connectivity within brain hubs linked to interoception (insula), emotional memory (middle temporal gyrus) and cognitive control (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) (pFWE < 0.05). The connectivity between the insula and the anterior cingulate cortex was reduced in comparison to controls, as was the connectivity between the middle temporal gyrus and the posterior cingulate cortex and cuneus/precuneus (pFWE < 0.05). Conversely, the middle temporal gyrus displayed increased connectivity with the orbitofrontal cortex (pFWE < 0.05). Critically, these networks were correlated with sensitivity to reward (p < 0.05). Conclusions These findings suggest that adolescent obesity is linked to disrupted functional connectivity in brain networks relevant to maintaining balance between reward, emotional memories and cognitive control. Our findings may contribute to reconceptualization of obesity as a multi-layered brain disorder leading to compromised motivation and control, and provide a biological account to target prevention strategies for adolescent obesity.
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Objective: This prospective, observational fMRI study examined changes over time in blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) response to high- and low-calorie foods (HCF and LCF) in bariatric surgery candidates and weight-stable controls. Methods: Twenty-two Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) participants, 18 vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) participants, and 19 weight-stable controls with severe obesity underwent fMRI before and 6 months after surgery/baseline. BOLD signal change in response to images of HCF vs. LCF was examined in a priori regions of interest. Results: RYGB and VSG participants lost 23.6% and 21.1% of initial weight, respectively, at 6 months, and controls gained 1.0%. Liking ratings for HCF decreased significantly in the RYGB and VSG groups but remained stable in the control group. BOLD response in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to HCF (vs. LCF) declined significantly more at 6 months in RYGB compared to control participants but not in VSG participants. Changes in fasting ghrelin correlated positively with changes in VTA BOLD signal in both RYGB and VSG but not in control participants. Conclusions: Results implicate the VTA as a critical site for modulating postsurgical changes in liking of highly palatable foods and suggest ghrelin as a potential substrate requiring further investigation.
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Significance Recently, it was shown that functional connectivity patterns exhibit complex spatiotemporal dynamics at the scale of tens of seconds. Of particular interest is the observation of a limited set of quasi-stable, whole-brain, recurring configurations—commonly referred to as functional connectivity states (FC states)—hypothesized to reflect the continuous flux of cognitive processes. Here, to test this hypothesis, subjects were continuously scanned as they engaged in and transitioned between mental states dictated by tasks. We demonstrate that there is a strong relationship between FC states and ongoing cognition that permits accurate tracking of mental states in individual subjects. We also demonstrate how informative changes in connectivity are not restricted solely to those regions with sustained elevations in activity during task performance.
Past studies utilizing resting-state functional MRI (rsfMRI), have shown that obese humans exhibit altered activity in brain areas related to reward compared to normal-weight controls. However, to what extent bariatric surgery-induced weight loss alters resting-state brain activity in obese humans is less well-studied. Thus, we measured the fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (fALFF) from eyes-closed, rsfMRI in obese females (n = 11, mean age = 42 years, mean BMI = 41 kg/m(2) ) in both a pre- and post-prandial state at two time points: four weeks before, and four weeks after bariatric surgery. Several brain areas showed altered resting-state activity following bariatric surgery, including the putamen, insula, cingulate, thalamus, and frontal regions. Activity augmented by surgery was also dependent on prandial state. For example, in the fasted state, activity in the middle frontal, and pre- and postcentral gyri was found to be decreased after surgery. In the sated state, activity within the insula was increased before, but not after surgery. Collectively, our results suggest that resting-state neural functions are rapidly affected following bariatric surgery and the associated weight loss and change in diet. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Background: The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) plays an important role in the regulation of food intake. Several previous studies demonstrated that a single session of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the DLPFC reduces food craving and caloric intake. Objectives: We hypothesized that repeated tDCS of the right DLPFC cortex may exert long-term changes in food craving in young, healthy adults and that these changes may differ between normal and overweight subjects. Methods: Thirty healthy individuals who reported frequent food cravings without a prior history of eating disorders were initially recruited. Subjects were randomized into an ACTIVE group who received 5 days of real tDCS (20 minutes, anode right-cathode left montage, 2 mA with current density kept at 0.06 mA/cm2, 1 min ramp-up/ramp-down), and a SHAM group, who received one day of real tDCS, on the first day (same parameters), followed by 4 days of sham tDCS. Food craving intensity was examined by Food Craving Questionnaires State and Trait and Food Craving Inventory before, during, (5-days) and one month (30-days) after tDCS. Results: Single session of tDCS significantly reduced the intensity of current food craving (FCQ-S). Five days of active tDCS significantly reduced habitual experiences of food craving (FCQ-T), when compared to baseline pre-stimulation levels. Furthermore, both current (FCQ-S) and habitual craving (FCQ-T) were significantly reduced 30 days after active tDCS, while sham tDCS, i.e. a single tDCS session did not have significant effects. Also, active tDCS significantly decreased craving for fast food and sweets, and to a lesser degree for fat, while it did not have significant effects on craving for carbohydrates (FCI). There were no significant differences between individual FCQ-T subscales (craving dimensions) after 5 or 30 days of either sham or active tDCS. Changes in craving were not significantly associated with the initial weight, or with weight changes 30 days after the stimulation in the subjects. Conclusions: The results confirm earlier findings that single session of tDCS has immediate effects in reducing food craving. They also show that repeated tDCS over the right DLPFC may increase the duration of its effects, which may be present 30 days after the stimulation. These results support further investigation of the use of tDCS in obesity.
Obesity is associated with lowered brain's grey (GM) and white matter (WM) density as measured by voxel-based morphometry (VBM). Nevertheless, it remains unknown whether obesity has a causal influence on cerebral atrophy. We recruited 47 morbidly obese subjects (mean BMI = 42.2, SD = 4.0, 42 females and five males) eligible for bariatric surgery and 29 non-obese subjects (mean BMI = 23.2, SD = 2.8, 23 females and six males) served as controls. Baseline scans were acquired with T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 1.5 Tesla; obese participants were scanned again six months after the surgery. Local GM and WM densities were quantified using VBM. Full-volume analyses were used for comparing baseline between-group differences as well as the effects of surgery-induced weight loss in the morbidly obese. Metabolic variables were used in linear models to predict WM and GM densities. Obese subjects had initially lower GM densities in widespread cortical areas including frontal, parietal, and temporal regions as well as insulae. Lower WM densities were observed throughout the WM. Bariatric surgery and concomitant weight loss resulted in global increase in WM density. Grey matter increase was limited to occipital and inferior temporal regions. Metabolic variables were associated with brain densities. We conclude that weight loss results in global recovery of WM as well as local recovery of grey matter densities. These changes likely reflect improved brain tissue integrity. Hum Brain Mapp, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Appetite and body weight regulation are controlled by the central nervous system (CNS) in a rather complicated manner. The human brain plays a central role in integrating internal and external inputs to modulate energy homeostasis. Although homeostatic control by the hypothalamus is currently considered to be primarily responsible for controlling appetite, most of the available evidence derives from experiments in rodents, and the role of this system in regulating appetite in states of hunger/starvation and in the pathogenesis of overeating/obesity remains to be fully elucidated in humans. Further, cognitive and affective processes have been implicated in the dysregulation of eating behavior in humans, and their exact relative contributions as well as the respective underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We briefly review each of these systems here and present the current state of research in an attempt to update clinicians and clinical researchers alike on the status and future directions of obesity research.
This review paper will discuss the recent literature examining the relationship between obesity and neurocognitive outcomes, with a particular focus on cognitive changes after bariatric surgery. Obesity is now recognized as an independent risk factor for adverse neurocognitive outcomes, and severely obese persons appear to be at even greater risk. Bariatric surgery is associated with rapid improvements in cognitive function that persist for at least several years, although the mechanisms underlying these improvements are incompletely understood. Assessment of cognitive impairment in bariatric surgery patients is challenging, and improved methods are needed, as poorer performance on neuropsychological tests of memory and executive function leads to poorer clinical weight outcomes. In addition to its clinical importance, further study in this area will provide key insight into obesity-related cognitive dysfunction and clarify the possibility of an obesity paradox for neurological outcomes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.