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National conference on "Conservation, Cultivation and Utilization of medicinal and Aromatic plants" (College of Horticulture, Mudigere Karnataka, 2018) Seed propagation studies in Embelia ribes burm. F

  • ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research

Abstract and Figures

Embelia ribes, commonly known as Vidanga or false pepper is a commercially important threatened medicinal plant of the Tropics belonging to the family Myrsinaceae which yields embelin, a highly valuable quinine derivative. Regeneration of the crop is poor due to over exploitation, diminishing forest area, dormant seeds, abortive embryos and hard seed coat. Seeds were subjected to several pre-soaking treatments i.e, soaking in water, aqueous solutions of GA3 at different concentrations, acid scarification using HCl, H2 SO4 and combination of acid scarification and GA3. Seeds treated with GA3 750 ppm for 24 hours and H2SO4 scarified seeds treated with GA3 750 ppm for 12 hours exhibited superior results compared to the untreated control. The shoot length (8.82 cm), root length (8.03 cm), and total dry biomass (70.21mg) were maximum in seeds treated with GA3 750 ppm whereas, germination percentage (87.5) and seedling vigour (1410.42) were maximum in H2SO4 scarified seeds treated with with GA3 750 ppm.
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; SP3: 380-383
E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
JPP 2018; SP3: 380-383
Aparna PM
College of Horticulture,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Suryanarayana MA
ICAR- Indian Institute of
Horticultural Research,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Rajasekharan PE
ICAR- Indian Institute of
Horticultural Research,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Bhanuprakash K
ICAR- Central Plantation Crops
Research Institute, Kasaragod,
Kerala, India
Umesha K
College of Horticulture,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Maruthi Prasad BN
College of Horticulture,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Aparna PM
College of Horticulture,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
National conference on “Conservation, Cultivation and
Utilization of medicinal and Aromatic plants"
(College of Horticulture, Mudigere Karnataka, 2018)
Seed propagation studies in Embelia ribes burm. F.
Aparna PM, Suryanarayana MA, Rajasekharan PE, Bhanuprakash K,
Umesha K and Maruthi Prasad BN
Embelia ribes, commonly known as Vidanga or false pepper is a commercially important threatened
medicinal plant of the Tropics belonging to the family Myrsinaceae which yields embelin, a highly
valuable quinine derivative. Regeneration of the crop is poor due to over exploitation, diminishing forest
area, dormant seeds, abortive embryos and hard seed coat. Seeds were subjected to several pre-soaking
treatments i.e, soaking in water, aqueous solutions of GA3 at different concentrations, acid scarification
using HCl, H2 SO4 and combination of acid scarification and GA3. Seeds treated with GA3 750 ppm for
24 hours and H2SO4 scarified seeds treated with GA3 750 ppm for 12 hours exhibited superior results
compared to the untreated control. The shoot length (8.82 cm), root length (8.03 cm), and total dry
biomass (70.21mg) were maximum in seeds treated with GA3 750 ppm whereas, germination percentage
(87.5) and seedling vigour (1410.42) were maximum in H2SO4 scarified seeds treated with with GA3 750
Keywords: Embelia ribes, pre-sowing treatments, GA3, HCl, H2SO4
Embelia ribes is a red listed, large woody climbing shrub belonging to the family Myrsinaceae
[10]. It is one of the 32 medicinal plants selected by National Medicinal Plants Board for its
large scale cultivation due to its commercial value [16-17]. It is mainly distributed in warmer
regions of northern and southern hemisphere. Most of the genera and species are tropical.
Genus Embelia, represented by more than 100 species, is distributed in Tropical Asia, Africa
and Australia and Pacific islands. The fruits, leaves, bark and root of Embelia ribes is of
immense value to the Traditional systems of medicine. It is an antipyretic, anticonvulsant,
antibacterial, antioestrogenic, antihelmintic, carminative, laxative, diuretic, and astringent [9]. It
is used in treatment of skin fungal infections, leprosy, hemorrhoids, obesity, lung diseases,
cancer, mental disorders and heart diseases [8, 2, 13]. The benzoquinone embelin obtained from
berries have proven antispermatogenic effects. Embelia ribes is one such plant which is
overexploited for commercial purpose. The threats faced by forest from humanshas eventually
led to the threatened status of medicinal plants like Vidanga. Regeneration of E. ribes from
seeds is poor, embryos are very small when present and most of the seeds are abortive. For the
survival and growth of E. ribes specific habitat conditions are essential. The propagation and
conservation of this important medicinal plant requires special attention.
Materials and Methods
Seed germination studies were conducted at Division of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
and Division of Plant Genetic Resources, ICAR- Indian Institute of Horticultural Research,
Hessaraghatta, and Bengaluru. The experiment was carried out in the Seed germination
Chamber where the day and night temperature were maintained at an average of 20 0C /30 0C.
The required seed materials were collected from the plants grown in the Field Gene Bank of
RET medicinal plants maintained at Division of Plant Genetic Resources, ICAR- IIHR,
Bengaluru. The fruits were subjected to floatation test, where the sinkers were collected and
floaters were discarded. Then the mucilaginous seed coat present in the seeds was removed.
The seeds were treated with mercuric chloride 0.1 per cent for 10 minutes, later washed with
water and shade dried for 24 hours. The extracted seeds were subjected to 16 different pre-
sowing treatments. Treated seeds were sown in protrays consisting of coir pith and kept in
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
seed germination chamber (alternate temperature of 200C
/300C, 80-85% humidity). The protrays were covered with
black polythene films to maintain high humidity and
temperature to facilitate seed germination.
Table 1: Pre-sowing treatments given to Embelia ribes to enhance seed germination.
Soaking in water
GA3 at 250 ppm (12 h)
GA3 at 500 ppm (12 h)
GA3 at 750 ppm (12 h)
GA3 at 250 ppm (24 h)
GA3 at 500 ppm (24 h)
GA3 at 750 ppm (24 h)
HCl 35% (1 min )
HCl 35% (1 min) + GA3 250 ppm ( 12 h)
HCl 35% (1 min) + GA3 500 ppm ( 12 h)
HCl 35% (1 min) + GA3 750 ppm ( 12 h)
H2SO4 10% (10 min)
H2SO4 10% (10 min) + GA3 250 ppm ( 12 h)
H2SO4 10% (10 min) + GA3 500 ppm ( 12 h)
H2SO4 10% (10 min) + GA3 750 ppm ( 12 h)
Fig1: a) Fruiting branch b) dried seeds c) ripe berries
Result and Discussion
The data pertaining to various germination parameters as
influenced by different pre-sowing treatments is summarized
in Table 2.
In this study the highest germination percentage (87.50) and
least number of days taken for initiation of germination (26)
was recorded in H2SO4 scarified seeds treated with GA3 500
ppm and H2SO4 scarified seeds treated with GA3 750 ppm
followed by seeds treated with GA3 750 ppm. The seedling
vigour was found to be highest in H2SO4 scarified seeds
treated with GA3 750 ppm (1410.42) and similar to that of
GA3 750 ppm (1372.70) followed by H2SO4 scarified seeds
treated with GA3 500 ppm. Other parameters like shoot
length, root length and total dry biomass of seedlings were
higher in seeds treated with GA3 750 ppm followed by
H2SO4 scarified seeds treated with GA3 750 ppm and
H2SO4 scarified seeds treated with GA3 500 ppm.
Table 2: Effect of preconditioning of seeds on days taken for initiation of germination and germination percentage.
Days taken for initiation
of germination
Root length
90 DAS (cm)
Total dry
biomass (mg)
T1- Soaking in water
30.50 (33.52)
T2- GA3 at 250 ppm (12 h)
42.50 (40.68)
T3- GA3 at 500 ppm (12 h)
44.00 (41.54)
T4- GA3 at 750 ppm (12 h)
47.50 (43.56)
T5- GA3 at 250 ppm (24 h)
60.50 (51.06)
T6- GA3 at 500 ppm (24 h)
78.00 (62.03)
T7- GA3 at 750 ppm (24 h)
81.50 (64.53)
T8- HCl 35% (1 min )
46.50 (42.99)
T9- HCl 35% (1 min) + GA3 250 ppm ( 12 h)
47.00 (43.27)
T10- HCl 35% (1 min) + GA3 500 ppm ( 12 h)
50.00 (45.00)
T11- HCl 35% (1 min) + GA3 750 ppm ( 12 h)
52.50 (46.43)
T12- H2SO4 10% (10 min)
50.50 (45.28)
T13- H2SO4 10% (10 min) + GA3 250 ppm ( 12 h)
73.00 (58.73)
T14- H2SO4 10% (10 min) + GA3 500 ppm ( 12 h)
85.00 (67.24)
T15- H2SO4 10% (10 min) + GA3 750 ppm ( 12 h)
87.50 (69.30)
T16- Control
29.50 (32.88)
S.Em ±
CD @ 5%
* Values in the parentheses are arcsine transformed value
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Fig 2: Effect of growth regulators and chemicals on days taken for
initiation of germination in E. ribes Burm. f. seeds
Fig 3: Effect of growth regulators and chemicals on shoot length and
root length in E. ribes Burm. f. seedlings at 90 days after sowing
Similar results were obtained in Embelia ribes where seeds
treated with GA3 500 ppm for 16 hours resulted in 80-85%
germination in 6-7 days [1, 18]. Reported that E. tsjeriam-
cottam seeds treated with 300 ppm GA3 recorded maximum
germination (52%) compared to control (13.20%). Seeds of
Embelia ribes when treated with GA3 500 ppm for 18 hours
recorded a germination percentage of 73.33 [5]. Treatment of
Vidanga seeds with GA3 750 ppm exhibited similar results in
case of early seed germination, germination rate, seedling
vigour, seedling height and number of leaves [19]. Gowda et al.
(2003) [6] reported that GA 400 ppm considerably improved
germination (48%) than control (12%) in E. tsjeriam-cottam.
Lavandula dentate seedstreated with gibberellic acid at 1000
ppm marked a maximum germination of 67% compared to the
control which did not exceed 1 per cent [3].
Among the different germination inducing treatments, the
seeds treated with gibberellins responded well with high seed
germination and vigorous seedling growth. Initiation of
germination was also earlier in GA3 treatment at different
concentrations. Paleg (1960) reported that, gibberellic acid
originating from the embryo is responsible for the hydrolysis
of starch reserves in the endosperm during germination of
grains. GA3 induces the de-novo synthesis of proteolytic
enzymes like α-amylase and ribonuclease. Amylases in turn
hydrolyse starch in the endosperm, providing the essential
sugars for the initiation of growth processes [4].
Low germination percentage in seeds may be due to physical
or chemical barriers like hard seed coat and dormancy. When
both these factors act together it’s a tough job for water to
penetrate and trigger germination. Acid scarification followed
by treatment with growth regulators like GA3 can easily solve
this problem. Here, highly appreciable results were obtained
in less time compared to that of GA3 treatment alone. Acid
treatment brings about softening of hard seed coat by
dissolution of pectic substances, lipids and high density
waxes, which is a common cause for hard seededness [7, 18].
This softens the seed coat in and makes it permeable to water
and gases. Futher, the GA3 treatment induces hydrolysis of
starch reserves which leads to germination of seed. Vidanga
seeds scarified with H2SO4 10% and then treated with GA3
500 ppm recorded the least number of days taken for
germination (26.00) with better germination (85%) whereas,
highest germination (87.5 %) and seedling vigour (1410.42)
was observed in H2SO4 scarified seeds treated with GA3 750
Patwardhan et al. (2014) [12] reported that pre-sowing
treatment of 10 percent H2SO4 for 10 minutes + GA3 4000
ppm is the best treatment for Embelia ribes with 40%
germination. Pipinis et al. (2011) [14] observed higher
germination percentage (90.83) in Paliurus spina-christi Mill.
Seeds when scarified with H2SO4 (90 min) and then treated
with GA3 2000 ppm. Acid scarification considerably
increased the germination from 29.50 percent in control to 50
per cent. There was improvement in seedling parameters such
as total dry biomass (42.26 mg) and seedling vigour (453.53).
The seeds of Zanthoxylum armatum DC when treated with
diluted (50 %) H2SO4 (15 min) resulted in maximum
germination (93.3 %) along with mean germination time
(MGT) of 149.5 days [15]. Sharma et al. (2011) [18] reported
better germination (34%), rate of germination (0.95) and
vigour index (357) in E. tsjeriam-cottam seeds when treated
with concentrated H2SO4 for one minute. Though the seeds
soaked in water alone did not show appreciable results in this
experiment it might have aided the germination process along
with acids and GA3 by converting the insoluble food into
soluble form for its translocation to the embryo and by
bringing dissolved oxygen. We know that seedling emergence
is primarily a function of moisture availability and optimum
temperature to the seed. The tropical species require high
temperature and relative humidity for their germination [7].
This was achieved by covering the protrays with black
polythene. The seed germination chamber was a boon for the
seedlings from the harsh summer condition. From this
experiment it is evident that Vidanga seeds treated with GA3
750 ppm for 24 hours and H2SO4 scarified seeds treated with
with GA3 750 ppm for 12 hours exhibited nearly similar
results superior to the other treatments and control. The first
one reduces the cost and probable hazards from acids, but
requires long duration of treatment (24 hours) meanwhile, the
second one reduces the time required for seed treatment by 12
hours and slightly increases the cost involved in purchase of
Fig 4: Seedlings raised from the best treatments 90 days after sowing
a) GA3 500 ppm b) H2SO4 + GA3 500 ppm
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Propagation techniques in a critically endangered medicinal plant species, Embelia tsjeriam-cottam, were standardised using seeds and hardwood stem or root cuttings. The seeds were subjected to several pre-soaking treatments i.e, soaking in cold and warm water, aqueous solution of GA 3 at different concentrations, polythene bag covering, cow dung slurry and acid scarification. Highest seed germination (50-52%) was recorded when seeds were treated with 300 or 400 ppm GA 3 in comparison to 13.2% in the untreated control. Rooting and shoot sprouting response of the root cuttings was also influenced by treatments of growth regulators like IBA, coumarin and Quic Root. Root cuttings treated with 2000 ppm IBA exhibited highest rooting percentage (35.8%) against 15.0% in the control. This IBA treatment also resulted in maximum field establishment (94.0%) of the sprouted root cuttings. Dipping of roots in commercial preparation of Quic Root solution for 45 sec. favoured better shoot sprouting (42.0%) and field establishment (91.5%). However hardwood stem cutting's failed to root even after five months of planting in soil.
Full-text available
Embelia ribes Burm. f. is one of the red listed medicinal plant belongs to the family Myrsinaceae. This threatened medicinal plant valued for its thermogenic, carminative, depurative and laxative property. E.ribes is now reported as vulnerable due to over exploitation. The main threat of this plant is its unsustainable and indiscriminate harvesting for commercial purposes. The regeneration from seedling of this plant is very poor. Traditional propagation techniques are not successful in large scale production of this valuable species. Only accessible way for the conservation of this species is vegetative propagation through stem cutting. Exogenous application of IBA and NAA has a significant positive effect on the percentage of rooting. Rooting ability of cuttings was mostly influenced by the type of cutting, retention of leaves and time of the year in which cuttings were taken. Semi hardwood cuttings with two or three leaves, treated with IBA in 3000mg/l concentration in season I (January – April) appears to be a successful method for vegetative propagation (100% rooting) for producing sufficient number of propagules of this species. Significant increase in number of new root, leaves and shoots and length of roots was recorded in stem cuttings treated with 3000mg/l IBA.
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Paliurus spina-christi seeds were subjected to several treatments in order to overcome dormancy and to maximize germination. Seeds were subjected to sulphuric acid scarification for 0, 30, 60 and 90 minutes and then were stratified at 3–5ºC for 0, 4, 8 and 12 weeks (1st experiment) or treated with 500, 1000 and 2000 ppm gibberellic acid (2nd experiment). In the first experiment, increasing scarification of non-stratified seeds from 30 to 60 or 90 minutes germination percentage increased significantly. Moreover, cold stratification treatments of non-scarified seeds resulted in very low germination percentages. The combination of acid scarification and cold stratification treatments improved significantly germination percentages. In the second experiment, treatment with gibberellic acid, regardless of concentration, of scarified seeds improved significantly germination percentages. The concentration of gib-berellic acid was found to effect germination only in 30 minutes scarified seeds. In treated seeds with 500 or 1000 ppm gibberellic acid, a significant increase of germination percentage together with the increase of time of scarification from 30 to 60 or 90 minutes was observed. The results revealed that scarification was more effective than cold stratification in improving seed germination when treatments were applied alone. The highest germination percentages were observed when acid scarification was followed by cold stratification or treatment with gibberellic acid.
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An attempt has been made to influence seed germination in Zanthoxylum armatum DC, a medicinally important plant that produces seeds with hard coat and low natural regeneration. Pretreatment of seeds with concentrated (98 %) or diluted (50 %) sulfuric acid (H2SO4) for various time periods (1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 min) and subsequent sowing in the soil (under polyhouse conditions) resulted in considerable improvement in germination as a result of some treatments. Treatment with diluted (50 %) H2SO4 (15 min) resulted in maximum germination (93.3 %) along with mean germination time (MGT) of 149.5 days. The other treatments (50 % H2SO4 for 5, 10, 20 and 25 min) also improved germination, but to a lesser extent (15–40 %) with MGT of 130–160 days. The values were significantly (P
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Embelia ribes Burm F. is large scandent shrub, disturbed throughout India and belongs to the family Myrsinacae. It is commonly known as false black pepper or Vidanga. E. ribes grows in semievergreen and deciduous forests at an altitude of 1,500m found in central and lower Himalayas, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh throughout India. Embelia ribes has been proven to have great pharmacological potential with a great utility and usage as folklore medicine. The root, berries and leaves of Embelia ribes is used in herbal formulas. It is used as antibacterial, antifertility activities, antiprotozoal, abdominal disorders, lung diseases, constipation, indigestion, fungus infections, mouth ulcer, sore throat, pneumonia, heart disease and obesity, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and formulations of Embelia ribes are Ardrakakhandavaleha, Eranda paka, Krimighna kashaya churna, Vidangadi churna, Taramandura guda, Guduchi lauha, Abhayarishta, Kumari asava, Manibhadra yoga, Pippalyasava, Kaishore guggulu, Vyoshadi guggulu, Saptavishantika guggulu, Eladi ghrita, Kasisadi ghrita, Chandraprabha vati, Wdangadi lauha, Vidanga taila.
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The comparative floral ontogeny of five species belonging to the primuloid clade of the Ericales are investigated, viz. Maesa japonica, M. perlarius, Aegiceras corniculatum, Embelia laeta and E. ribes. All five species basically show 2/5-spiral phyllotaxis of the sepal primordia, although with some minor modification (particularly in Embelia, where the flowers are predominantly tetramerous). The phyllotaxis of the common petal-stamen primordia is also 2/5-spiral in the Maesa and Aegiceras species investigated, but appears to be unidirectional in Embelia. All five species develop common petal-stamen primordia in which the resultant petal primordia are larger than the stamen primordia, and in which the stamens develop proximally on the adaxial flank of the common primordia. Growth of the placenta in Maesa and Aegiceras partially embeds the ovules, but in Embelia the ovules are almost fully immersed in placental tissue at maturity. A comprehensive review of all previously published studies of floral ontogeny of primuloid genera is presented, and the phylogenetic significance of the variation between genera is evaluated with reference to recently published cladograms.
Although Morocco has long been considered a reservoir rich in medicinal and aromatic plants, this heritage is still under exploitation. In fact the diversity of the Moroccan seed bank in medicinal and aromatic plants requires a particular interest through the optimization of the production of some species, such as Thymus satureioides.L and Lavandula dentata. To do this, an experiment was carried out on seeds of these species at the Laboratory of Biology of Plants and Microorganisms of the Faculty of Sciences in Oujda to study the effect of gibberellic acid on their germinations. The experimental protocol includes four treatments on Thymus satureioides and six treatments on Lavandula dentata. The comparison of the different results shows that the treatment of the seeds of Thymus satureioides L and Lavandula dentata significantly improved the germination's percentage and kinetics. The highest effect observed in the treatment which was treated with 50 ppm AG3 for Thymus satureioides.L showed an increase of 27% in the germination's percentage compared to the control and that the seeds of the Lavandula dentata treated with gibberellic acid at 1000ppm marked a maximum germination of 67% compared to the control which did not exceed 1%.
Embelia ribes Burm f. is a threatened species found in Western Ghats, which is an important medicinal plant, fruits of which are used in variety of ayurvedic formulations. Natural regeneration through seeds is very difficult due to small embryo and abortive nature. Propagation through cuttings is also very difficult due to very poor rooting. Therefore, the work was initiated during 2015-16 to standardize seed and vegetative propagation of this medicinal plant. Among the different germination inducing treatments, the seed treated with GA3 750 ppm recorded early germination (30 days), highest germination rate (2.07%), seedling vigour (2258.13), seedling height (44.57 cm), number of leaves (23.33), etc. In case of vegetative propagation, hard wood cuttings were used and treated with IBA, NAA and combination of IBA and NAA. Among the treatments, IBA and combination of IBA and NAA had a significant positive effect on the percentage of rooting. Hardwood cuttings with two or three leaves, treated with IBA in 3000 mg/l concentration appeared to be a successful method for vegetative propagation (36% rooting) for producing sufficient number of propagules of this species. Significant increase in number of new root, leaves and shoots and length of roots were recorded in stem cuttings treated with 3000 mg/l IBA. © 2016, Gaurav Society of Agricultural Research Information Centre. All rights reserved.