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Maladaptation to the transition period and consequences on fertility of dairy cows



After parturition, dairy cows undergo a plethora of metabolic, inflammatory, and immunologic changes to adapt to the onset of lactation. These changes are mainly due to the homeorhetic shift to support milk production when nutrient demand exceeds dietary intake, resulting in a state of negative energy balance. Negative energy balance in postpartum dairy cows is characterized by upregulated adipose tissue modeling, insulin resistance, and systemic inflammation. However, half of postpartum cows fail to adapt to these changes and develop one or more types of clinical and subclinical disease within five weeks after calving, and this is escorted by impaired reproductive performance in the same lactation. Maladaptation to the transition period exerts molecular and structural changes in the follicular and reproductive tract fluids, the microenvironment in which oocyte maturation, fertilization, and embryo development occur. Although the negative effects of transition diseases on fertility are well‐known, the involved pathways are only partially understood. This review reconstructs the mechanism of maladaptation to lactation in the transition period, explores their key (patho)physiological effects on reproductive organs, and briefly describes potential carryover effects on fertility in the same lactation.
Reprod Dom Anim. 2022;00:1–12.
1© 2022 Wiley- VCH GmbH.
All organisms develop through the natural selection of small, in-
herited features that enhance the individual's ability to compete,
survive, reproduce, and thrive (Dar win, 1985). However, conditions
imposed by humans have forced domestic animals to undergo var-
ious adaptative processes. Improvements in nutritional strategies
and thorough genetic selection have exponentiated the milk yield
of modern dairy cows, which led mechanisms of maintenance,
production, and reproduction to face physiological adjustments
(VandeHaar et al., 2016). In other words, high milk produc tion dras-
tically increases the metabolic rate of dairy cows, making them more
susceptible to inadequate management and thus disease.
Health, milk production, and fer tility are the three significant
determinants of dairy cow profitability, and they are also strongly
associated with each other. For many years now, some have been
concerned about the negative association between high milk produc-
tion and reproductive performance, mostly because the genetic se-
lection of dairy cows being too narrowly focused on milk production
traits (Walsh et al., 2011). However, no primary data supports this
hypothesis (LeBlanc, 2010b). The fact is that due to high milk yield,
catabolism of reproductive hormones increases, having important
implications for the reproductive biology of dairy cows (Lucy, 2001).
Furthermore, maladaptation from the non- lactating pregnant state
to the lactating non- pregnant state, commonly referred to as “transi-
tion period” (Drackley, 1999), all too often results in clinical and sub-
clinical disease. Remarkably, half of the transition cows develop one
or more types of clinical and subclinical disease within 5 weeks after
calving, and this is escorted by impaired reproductive performance
in the same lactation (LeBlanc, 2010a). Although the negative effect
of transition diseases on fertility is well- known, their pathophysi-
ological link to fertility is only partially understood. This narrative
Received: 2 May 2022 
Accepted: 8 June 2022
DOI : 10.1111/r da.14176
Maladaptation to the transition period and consequences on
fertility of dairy cows
Osvaldo Bogado Pascottini1,2 | Jo L. M. R. Leroy2| Geert Opsomer1
1Department of Internal Medicine,
Reproduction and Population Medicine,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent
University, Merelbeke, Belgium
2Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry,
Department of Veterinary Sciences,
University of Antwerp, Wilrij k, Belgium
Osvaldo Bogado Pascottini, Department
of Internal Medicine, Reproduction
and Population Medicine, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University,
9820 Merelbeke, Belgium.
Funding information
Osvald o Bogado Pas cottini was funded by
a grant from Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk
Onderzoek– Vlaanderen (FWO, Research
Foundat ion, Flanders) under the project
number 12Y5220N.
After parturition, dairy cows undergo a plethora of metabolic, inflammatory, and im-
munologic changes to adapt to the onset of lactation. These changes are mainly due to
the homeorhetic shift to support milk production when nutrient demand exceeds di-
etary intake, resulting in a state of negative energy balance. Negative energy balance
in postpartum dairy cows is characterized by upregulated adipose tissue modelling,
insulin resistance, and systemic inflammation. However, half of the postpartum cows
fail to adapt to these changes and develop one or more types of clinical and subclini-
cal disease within 5 weeks after calving, and this is escorted by impaired reproductive
performance in the same lactation. Maladaptation to the transition period exerts mo-
lecular and structural changes in the follicular and reproductive tract fluids, the mi-
croenvironment in which oocyte maturation, fertilization, and embryo development
occur. Although the negative effects of transition diseases on fertility are well- known,
the involved pathways are only partially understood. This review reconstructs the
mechanism of maladaptation to lactation in the transition period, explores their key
(patho)physiological effects on reproductive organs, and briefly describes potential
carryover effects on fertility in the same lactation.
follicle, hypocalcaemia, metabolic stress, oocyte, reproduction, systemic inflammation, uterus
review reconstruct s the mechanism of maladaptation to lactation in
the transition period, explores their key (patho)physiological effects
on reproductive organs, and briefly describes potential carryover ef-
fects on fertilit y in the same lactation.
We have recently reviewed key hormonal, metabolic, and inflamma-
tory events from the dr y- off until the end of pregnancy (Pascottini,
Leroy, et al., 2020). Here, we emphasize adaptative phenomena
happening from calving until breeding. Hypocalcaemia, lipolysis,
and systemic inflammation are common events following parturi-
tion. Basically, all high- yielding dair y cows experience a certain
degree of each of these events after calving, while these events
are clinically imperceptible in healthy cows (successful adaptation).
Conversely, maladaptation to one or more of these events results in
clinical (or subclinical) disease with potentially long- lasting effects
on fertility. In this section, we briefly elaborate on the physiolog y
behind key adaptive events and on potential causes that trigger
2.1  | Clinical and subclinical hypocalcaemia
2.1.1  |  Adaptation
In mammals, the great majority of calcium (Ca) is stored within the
bones, and the total reserve of Ca in a dairy cow is estimated to be
approximately 10 kg (Martin- Tereso & Martens, 2014). Thus, while
postpartum cows have plenty of Ca reserves, the problem lies in the
non- immediate availability of it. To illustrate this notion, transition
dairy cows are challenged by a 6- fold increase in Ca requirements
within 24 after calving (Couto Serrenho et al., 2021). This sudden C a
drain is mainly associated with the parturition itself (uterine contrac-
tions) and colostrum production. The former is dif ficult to estimate
but to produce 1 L of colostrum, approximately 2.5 g Ca is needed
(twice as much Ca compared to mature milk; Puppel et al., 2019),
and a dairy cow produces 6– 8 L of colostrum within 1 h after calving
(Mann et al., 2016). The circulating availability of Ca in an adult dairy
cow is 2– 4 g (Martin- Tereso & Martens, 2014). Therefore, no transi-
tion dairy cow has immediate availability of circulating Ca fulfill its
requirements within 72 h after calving. The key to successful adap-
tation is the speed of bone Ca mobilization and Ca gastrointestinal
absorption (assuming adequate diet formulation). In this regard, Ca
homeostasis is controlled by hormonal signals, like parathormone
and calcitriol, which modulate renal Ca reabsorption, Ca transport
in the gastrointestinal epithelium, and bone Ca turnover (Martin-
Tereso & Martens, 2014). Thus, adaptation to high Ca demands in
the early postpartum is associated with an interplay between eu-
tocic parturition, adequate feed intake, hormonal balance, and ef-
ficient Ca mobilization and absorption.
2.1.2  |  Maladaptation
Postpar tum hypocalcaemia is the consequence of an increased re-
quirement of Ca that is not immediately available from stor age pools.
Ionic intracellular Ca concentrations are generally low and promptly
exhausted at high demands. However, Ca may be rapidly incorpo-
rated into the cell via intramembrane channels (Martin- Tereso &
Martens, 2014). In the bloodstream, Ca can be bound to proteins,
complexed to proteins and anions, or ionized (Neves et al., 2018).
Ionized Ca is the biologically active form and account s for half of
the total C a in blood under normal conditions (Neves et al., 2018).
Yet, protein- bound Ca may be affected by blood albumin concentra-
tions, hydration status, and electrolyte balance, typical conditions
that are unstable in early postpar tum dairy cows (Neves et al., 2018;
Piccione et al., 2011). Clinical hypocalcaemia is the acute unavailabil-
ity of (ionized) Ca clinically charac terized by muscle tremor, paresis,
and ultimately paralysis. Subclinical hypocalcaemia (SCH) however
occurs when blood Ca concentrations are below a certain level (gen-
erally <2.0 mmol/L of tot al Ca, but controversy exist s on the exact
threshold) within 72 h after calving (Couto Serrenho et al., 2021). By
this time, most of the circulating Ca has been used for colostrum
production and the calving process or its biologically active form is
not fully available due to protein and electrolyte imbalance. Hence,
cows that fail to absorb and mobilize Ca from the bones quickly will
experience clinical signs of hypocalcaemia, including compromised
neuromuscular and circulatory functions and depression of con-
sciousness (Couto Serrenho et al., 2021). Clinical hypoc alcaemia is
a life- threatening disease per se, though its prevalence is relatively
low (<5%). Conversely, SCH runs without clinical symptoms, and its
importance is associated with its high prevalence (approximately
50% in multiparous cows) and its strong association with impaired
postpartum health of dairy cat tle, as was recently described in de-
tailed by Couto Serrenho et al. (2021).
2.2  | Negative energy balance
2.2.1  |  Adaptation
Following parturition, the nutrient demands of dairy cows increase
dramatically as peak lactation yield is approached and typically ex-
ceeds dietary intake, resulting in a state of negative energy balance
(NEB). As a result, a modern, high- yielding lactating dairy cow needs
to take in 4 times as much total energy as she needs for her main-
tenance requirements alone (VandeHaar et al., 2016). To cope with
this situation, adipose tissue remodelling is a critical physiological
feature of adaptation to the commencement of lactation. Essentially
all high- yielding dairy cows experience NEB in the early postpartum
period with insulin resistance as an inherent part of this adaption in
support of lactation (Sordillo & Raphael, 2013). Insulin resistance is a
condition where a physiological concentration of insulin results in a
declined biological response in insulin- sensitive tissues (De Koster &
Opsomer, 2013). In brief, the chronological set of events in the early
postpartum occurs as follows: initiation of lactation accompanied by
a transient reduction in dry matter intake after calving that causes
hypoglycaemia (nearly all the available glucose in the body is redi-
rected to the udder for lactogenesis). The reduction in blood glucose
results in lower insulin concentrations, which initiates fat mobiliza-
tion (Sordillo & Raphael, 2013). Adipose tissue breakdown via the ac-
tion of lipases (adipose triglyceride lipase, hormone- sensitive lipase,
and monoacylglycerol lipase; De Koster, Nelli, et al., 2018), produces
non- esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and glycerol. In the liver, glycerol
is biotransformed to glucose, while NEFA can be re- esterified to tri-
glycerides or undergo β- oxidation to generate ATP through oxidative
phosphorylation in the mitochondria of the hepatocytes (Sordillo &
Raphael, 2013). If adequate amounts of energy are generated, a neg-
ative feedback loop to regulate the degree of lipolysis is activated by
adequate glycaemia (and insulinaemia). In other words, during the
early postpartum period homeostasis consists of the constant blood
glucose concentrations needed for lactogenesis without excessive
NEFA in the blood. The maintenance of homeostasis of the pro-
cesses described above are further fine- tuned by somatotropin and
thyroid gland hormonal activities that have an impor tant position
in determining cell metabolism intensity, the metabolism of lipids
and carbohydrates, as well as the maintenance of lactation (Fiore
et al., 2015; Gulay et al., 2004).
2.2.2  |  Maladaptation
Prepartum over conditioning is the main driver for NEB maladap-
tation in postpartum dairy cows (Kim & Suh, 2003; Pascottini,
Bruinje, et al., 2021). NEB maladapt ation starts with an insufficient
dry matter intake accompanied by excessive lipolysis that results in
an intense NEFA flux into the liver and a consequent incapacity of
the hepatocytes to cope with triglycerides esterification and their
exportation (Sordillo & Raphael, 2013). This is because excessive
triglyceride accumulation in the liver results in reduced fatty acid
oxidation (the liver is saturated; Sordillo & Raphael, 2013). Although
most high- yielding dairy cows experience a certain degree of he-
patic lipidosis in the early postpartum (Fiore et al., 2017; Giannuzzi
et al., 2021), extreme accumulation of triglycerides in the liver may
result in fatty liver disease (Herdt, 2000). The fact is that impaired
hepatic gluconeogenesis limits blood glucose bioavailability for opti-
mal milk production and thereby fur ther contribute to the energetic
short fall in the transition cow. As a result, more fat is mobilized to
support the constantly high energy demand. Furthermore, ketone
bodies (β- hydroxybutyrate [BHB], acetone, and acetoacetate) are
produced in an alternative pathway as a consequence of the sur-
plus of acetyl- CoA (after beta- oxidation) together with a shortage
of oxaloacetate (used for glucogenesis). Ketones are intermediate
products of free fat ty acid metabolism when an animal is in a low-
glucose status and, when released into the bloodstream, can be used
as energy substrates, especially by the muscles and the brain (Herdt,
2000). During NEB maladaptation, excessive accumulation of ketone
bodies in the blood is referred to as ketosis, and this occurs when
the rate of ketogenesis surpasses its body usage. Thus, blood ketone
bodies reflect the completeness of oxidation of fatty acids in the
liver (LeBlanc, 2010a). On the other hand, blood NEFA represents
the magnitude of fat tissue mobilization, directly linked with milk
production and dry matter intake (LeBlanc, 2010a). Both high blood
NEFA and BHB are primary markers for NEB maladaptation in tran-
sition dairy cows and are important risk factors for metabolic and
infectious diseases as well as for (poor) reproductive performance.
2.3  | Systemic inflammation
2.3.1  |  Adaptation
The traditional textbook explanation is that inflammation results
from injur y or disease. However, there is growing evidence that in-
flammation is not only a reaction to injur y or infection but inflam-
mation may also be associated with metabolic stress (also known as
metabolic inflammation; Medzhitov, 2008) and can therefore be a
precursor or significant contributor to disease. Postpartum systemic
inflammation in dairy cows is the consequence of the plasmatic rise
of pro- inflammatory factors and acute- phase proteins originating
from the inflammatory response in the reproductive tract coupled
with the increased metabolism outside the reproductive tract (i.e.,
adipose tissue mobilization and hepatic function). Briefly, inflamma-
tion is an inherent, necessary element of uterine healing after calv-
ing (Pascottini & LeBlanc, 2020a). The passage of the calf through
the birth canal and the process of placental detachment are both
accompanied by inflammatory events (inflammation associated
with mechanical injur y). As a result, there is local production of cy-
tokines and chemokines by endothelial and immune cells. Most of
the chemokines and cytokines at this stage are pro- inflammatory,
including interleukin (IL)- 1β, IL- 8, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- α
(LeBlanc, 2012). Interleukin- 1β collaborates with nuclear factor
kappa- light- chain- enhancer of activated B cells (NF- κB), TNF- α, and
interferon γ to cause an inflammatory response (Shen et al., 2019).
On the other hand, IL- 8 can induce chemotaxis of neutrophils, which
increases their adhesion to the vascular endothelium and further ac-
celerate s inflammatory ce ll activation (C aswell et al., 1999). Although
these pro- inflammatory factors are produced locally, they also leak
into the bloodstream contributing to systemic inflammation associ-
ated with metabolic stress. We described that NEFA are the main
product of lipolysis. However, adipose tissue triglycerides break-
down is also accompanied by the release of pro- inflammatory cy-
tokines (IL- 6 and TNF- α), mainly by the macrophages trapped within
(visceral) fat storages (De Koster, Strieder- Barboza, et al., 2018). The
response in the liver stimulated by these proinflammatory cytokines
is measurable by changes in serum concentrations of acute- phase
proteins, including increased haptoglobin (Hp) and decreased albu-
min (Gabay & Kushner, 1999). Thus, Hp results from a non- specific
inflammatory response. Haptoglobin has the function of binding free
hemoglobin and thus minimizing oxidative damage. Furthermore, Hp
seques ters iron from bac teria contribut ing to its antibac terial activi ty
(Huzzey et al., 2009). Furthermore, the complex Hp- hemoglobin also
triggers the produc tion of anti- inflammatory mediators such as IL- 10
by macrophages (Ceciliani et al., 2012). The point is that the increase
in the production of Hp is considered an unsuccessful attempt by the
cow to regulate the degree of inflammation because, at this stage,
the origin of inflammation is sterile. Reduced albumin is the conse-
quence of the hepatic redirection towards the produc tion of Hp and
the increased fatty acid metabolism. This condition is the so- called
systemic inflammation and is generally well- regulated in cows that
successfully adapt to the onset of lactation.
2.3.2  |  Maladaptation
By maladaptation, we mean inflammation whose degree or duration
impairs rather than improves health (and fertilit y). Maladaptation to
systemic inflammation is a consequence of dystocia, infection in or
outside the reproductive tract, excessive fat mobilization, or a com-
bination of these factors. Excessive production of pro- inflammator y
cytokines blocks the intracellular signaling of insulin and so con-
tributes to insulin resistance, which in turn exacerbates the release
of NEFA from stored body fat as has been explained above (Shi
et al., 2019; Tilg & Moschen, 2008). Additionally, NEFA may directly
contribute to greater inflammation by binding to toll- like receptor
(TLR)- 4 (the sensor for lipopolysaccharide [LPS], the primary toxin
from gram- negative bacteria, important players in some infectious
diseases) activating the NF- κB pathways and thus, a (sterile) inflam-
matory response (Hotamisligil & Erbay, 2008). Furthermore, the ex-
cessive storage of NEFA as triglycerides compromises liver function
even more, and β- oxidation intensifies the decrease of feed intake
that often occurs in the early postpartum. Fluctuation in the feed
intake limits the availability of nutrients, but it may also transiently
produce sub- acute ruminal acidosis (Garcia et al., 2017) that is ex-
acerbated by the high content of energy in the diet of fresh cows.
The latter disrupts the integrity of the ruminal epithelium, allowing
the absorption of ubiquitous bacterial LPS (Pascottini et al., 20 19).
Circulating LPS binds to LPS- binding protein, a positive acute- phase
protein that plays a role in neutralizing the effect of LPS to induce
inflammatory responses (Garcia et al., 2017). Hence, maladaptation
to systemic inflammation is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon
often associated with reproductive tract inflammatory diseases with
their well- known adverse effects on fertility.
It is increasingly evident that sound animal and human health, not
only at the time of conception or onset of pregnancy but also in the
period preceding conception, is imperative for optimal reproduc tive
performance. Ribeiro et al. (2016) described that dairy cow inflam-
matory conditions in the postpartum period have c arryover ef fects
on developmental biolog y, lasting up to 4 months after the diagnosis
of the condition. An extensive retrospective analysis performed by
Carvalho et al. (2014) has fur thermore shown that cows that sig-
nificantly lost body condition during the first 3 weeks postpartum
(as proof of severe NEB), had a dramatically lower first service con-
ception rate and yielded a lower proportion of viable embryos after
superovulation, in comparison to cows that maintained or gained
body condition during the same period. Furthermore, in a large epi-
demiological trial, we used machine learning models to study the
associations between postpartum inflammatory or metabolic condi-
tions (cows were diagnosed as either being sick, treated, or healed
within 35 days postpartum) and pregnancy risk until 210 days post-
partum (Pascottini, Probo, et al., 2020). We found that cows suf-
fering from inflammator y or metabolic conditions had a 20% lower
pregnancy rate in comparison to healthy cows even though all cows
were healthy at the moment of breeding. So, it is clear that metabolic
and inflammatory conditions many weeks (or even months) before
breeding may have long- lasting (carryover) effects on the odds of
a healthy pregnancy after insemination. However, the underlying
mechanisms of action remain rather obscure. In the following sec-
tion, we elaborate on the impact of maladaptation to the transi-
tion period on reproductive organs and its effects on early embryo
3.1  | Maladaptation to the transition period and
uterine (and oviductal) health
After parturition, the uterine lining is sloughed and must be regener-
ated, while essentially all dairy cows experience bacterial contam-
ination of the uterus in the first 23 weeks after calving (Sheldon
et al., 2008). Therefore, inflammation is a necessary component of
uterine involution. However, pathogenic bacteria may overcome
innate immune defences (insufficient response), or the severity or
duration of inflammation may impair rather than enhance fertility
(excessive response; Pascottini, Van Schyndel, Spricigo, C arvalho,
et al., 2020). It is not clear whether excessive or persistent inflam-
mation is provoked by the type or the extent of bacterial infection,
or rather by metabolic influences on immune function and regula-
tion, or both. It appears that systemic metabolic inflammation may
be at least as important as the local interactions of bacteria and the
concomitant inflammatory response by the host in the reproductive
tract . This fits the observation that subclinical endometritis is often
present in the absence of a con current bacterial infection (Pascottini,
Van Schyndel, Spricigo, Rousseau, et al., 2020). Neutrophils are es-
sential to the inflammator y process and host defense, as they rapidly
migrate to the injury or infection site. During infection, these inflam-
matory cells phagocyte and kill microorganisms through different
mechanisms that include the release of reactive oxygen species, pro-
teases, and the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs).
Unlike macrophages and dendritic cells, these phagocytes are short-
lived and, undergo cell death within a few hours or days after ac-
tivation (Paape et al., 2002). However, dysfunctional neutrophils
may persist in the uterine lumen until the breeding time (Pascottini
et al., 2017), creating a suboptimal environment for sperm transpor-
tation and early embryo development (Figure 1).
3.1.1  |  Maladaptation, innate immune function, and
uterine health
Hypocalcaemia has an indirect ef fect on postpartum uterine health.
Briefly, failure to expulse the placenta within 24 h after calving is
considered “retained placenta.” Retained placenta is a risk factor for
the uterine disease that in turn is associated with reduced reproduc-
tive performance (Kimura et al., 2006; Martinez et al., 2012). The
importance of Ca in the retained placenta phenomenon is linked
with impaired myometrial contractility and innate immune dysfunc-
tion. Myometrial contraction is triggered by a cytosolic increase
in free Ca due to a rapid Ca release from intracellular stores and
a transmembrane Ca influx from the extracellular space (Mar tin-
Tereso & Martens, 2014). The parturition process (from stage 1
to 3) lasts approximately 30 h, and during this time, high levels of
readily available Ca are necessary to sustain myometrial contrac-
tion. Thus, insufficient levels of extracellular Ca will hamper this
process. Furthermore, after fetal expulsion, the interconnection
caruncle- cot yledon is lost, and from this time on, the placenta is
considered a foreign body. To achieve complete placental detach-
ment, neutrophils should rapidly and robustly migrate to the uterine
lumen to degrade the placentome microvilli and facilitate placental
expulsion (Kimura et al., 2002). However, hypocalcaemia plays an
important role in neutrophil function. To sustain neutrophil activa-
tion and functionality, increased intracellular Ca is necessary. So,
fast Ca incorporation through transmembrane channels is neces-
sary to trigger chemotaxis, degranulation, and phagocy tosis (Immler
et al., 2018). In this regard, it was shown that cows developing re-
tained placenta had reduced chemotaxis and myeloperoxidase ac-
tivity (Kimura et al., 2002). Furthermore, metritis, considered the
main risk factor of retained placenta, was associated with impaired
phagocy tosis and oxidative burst in cows with SCH within 72 h after
calving (Martinez et al., 2012).
Maladaptation to NEB may affect uterine health in two differ-
ent ways, indirectly via dysfunction of the innate immune system
and direc tly via lipotoxicity. Hypoglycaemia, high NEFA, and hy-
perketonaemia in the early postpar tum are risk factors for uter-
ine disease (Cheong et al., 2011; Dubuc et al., 2010 ; Pascottini &
LeBlanc, 2020b). The main fuel for the neutrophil function is glu-
cose, and immunoactivation appears to be a dominant physiolog-
ical process for insulin- independent glucose redirection (Kvidera
et al., 2017). Despite the insulin- resistant state of the peripheral tis-
sues to support lactogenesis, decreased milk production is among
the first signs of infection in dairy c attle. Neutrophils appear to be
obligate glucose users, and reduction in milk synthesis is a strategy
to spare glucose to support neutrophil function (LeBlanc, 2020). It
was calculated that immunoactivation uses >1 kg of glucose within
720 min of its induction (Kvidera et al., 2017). Mitochondrial ATP
production is impor tant for initial neutrophil activation, but neu-
trophils then switch to glycolysis as the main source of ATP to sus-
tain an appropriate calcium influx to maintain oxidative burst and
degranulation (Bao et al., 2014). Fur thermore, the produc tion of
NETs depends on glucose uptake by GLUT1 (cellular uptake of glu-
cose in neutrophils is facilitated via the non- insulin- dependent glu-
cose transporter), which expression is enhanced after neutrophil
activation (Rodriguez- Espinosa et al., 2015). Actually, the energy
required for NETs formation is predominantly derived from glycol-
ysis (Xie et al., 2021). Serum NEFA >0.6 mmol/L in the week before
calving is associated with an increased risk of retained placenta
and metritis and high NEFA (>1.0 mmol/L) and BHB (>1.1 mmol/L)
in the early postpar tum period are risk factors for subclinical en-
dometritis 3– 4 weeks later (Dubuc et al., 2010; Seifi et al., 2011).
Several studies have also reported that NEFA alters oxidative
burst, apoptosis, and necrosis of neutrophils and macrophages in
vitro which may be responsible for host cell damage and death
via necrosis during early lactation (Hammon et al., 2006; Scalia
et al., 2006; Ster et al., 2012). Interestingly, a negative correla-
tion was found between serum NEFA concentrations and oxida-
tive burst in healthy postpartum dairy cows (Pascottini, De Koster,
et al., 2021). As for ketosis, it is unclear whether BHB alone is a
sufficient cause of impaired neutrophil function (Suriyasathaporn
et al., 1999). Regarding systemic inflammation, Dubuc et al. (2010)
FIGURE 1 Schematic illustration of the effects of transition
period maladaptation on neutrophil functionality. Hypocalcemia,
exacerbated negative energy balance, and excessive systemic
inflammation weaken neutrophil killing ability. Dysfunctional
neutrophils are not able to sustain the fight against invading uterine
pathogens (metritis and clinical endometritis) or may persist in the
uterine lumen until the breeding time (subclinical endometritis).
Both conditions create a suboptimal environment for sperm
transportation and early embryo development, impairing fertility
found serum Hp (>0.8 g/L) in the first week following parturition
to be a risk factor for purulent vaginal discharge and endometritis.
Interestingly, Pascottini, De Koster, et al. (2021) found that serum
Hp was negatively associated with the release of reactive oxygen
species by neutrophils, however, it had a stimulatory effect on
neutrophil phagocy tosis. McCarthy et al. (2016) observed an as-
sociation of plasma Hp (<0.4 g/L) with impairment s in the oxidative
burst. Cooray et al. (2007) demonstrated that 10% of the granule
proteins ex tracted from leukocy tes, contain Hp. As Hp can also act
as an antioxidant (Tseng et al., 2004), it may somehow be involved
in cellular resistance to oxidative stress. Therefore, excessive pres-
ence of Hp during degranulation could negatively affect oxidative
burst. Conversely, in vitro studies have shown that a co- culture of
neutrophils with TNF- α (to mimic a pro- inflammatory state), stimu-
lates neutrophil phagocytosis (Kabbur et al., 1995). Thus, systemic
inflammation had opposite directions of associations with oxidative
burst and phagocytosis- related functions. The role of systemic in-
flammation on innate immune function remains however unclear.
Our research group has recently developed a technique to
flow cytometrically to evaluate the viability and functionality of
uterine neutrophils collected via the cytobrush technique (Lietaer
et al., 2021, 2022). In new, unpublished data collected from 32 dairy
cows at 9, 21, and 36 postpartum, we found that uterine neutro-
phils in the fifth week postpartum are mostly necrotic in healthy
cows, but viable and functional in cows with clinical endometritis.
Furthermore, uterine neutrophils isolated out of cows suffering from
subclinical endometritis at 36 days postpartum were mostly viable
but dysfunctional, as evidenced by their low phagocytic capacity.
The evaluation of uterine neutrophil function characteristics in the
early postpartum period provides a new avenue of research to bet-
ter understand the role of maladaptation in the transition period on
the development of uterine disease.
3.1.2  |  Uterine health and early embryo
When uterine involution is incomplete, both remaining bacterial
products, as well as endogenous inflammatory mediators, may
impair embryo development and interrupt pregnancy. The histo-
troph is composed of molecules synthesized and secreted by the
endometrial glandular and luminal epithelia as well as selectively
transported from blood (Ramos et al., 2015). Endometrial secre-
tion and transport of molecules to the uterine lumen are delicate,
spatially, and temporally programmed processes (Sponchiado
et al., 2017). A better underst anding of the physiology behind
early embryo- maternal crosst alk will be vital to reduce early em-
bryonic mortality in metabolically compromised individuals. Pre-
implantation embryo development requires optimal regulation of
cellular metabolism. Altered availability of nutrients may impair
metabolic homeostasis resulting in arrested embryonic develop-
ment or early embryonic mortality (Leese et al., 2008). More sub-
tle effects may lead to epigenetic alterations resulting in reduced
implantation, fetal malformations, and long- term health conse-
quences to the offspring (Wyman et al., 2008). Tight regulation
of the embr yonic milieu might not be assured in cows recovering
from metabolic disorders, since biochemical changes associated
with such disorders are reflected in the composition of uterine
and oviductal fluids (Jordaens et al., 2017). Jordaens et al. (2017)
proved that elevated NEFA concentrations disturb the metabo-
lism and barrier function of oviduct al epithelium, potentially im-
pairing the development of zygotes. In an elegant study, Rizos
et al. (2010) showed in a bovine embryo transfer model that the
oviduct in metabolically compromised cows is less capable to sup-
port the growth of a newly formed zygote. Animal models further
revealed that the metabolism of the dam can indeed affect the
quality, gene expression patterns, lipid content, and metabolism
of the pre- implantation embryo (Leroy et al., 2004; Wrenzycki
et al., 2000; Figure 2). Furthermore, Maillo et al. (2012) character-
ized the metabolic profile of postpar tum dairy cows specifically
induced by milk production and confirmed that the associated
maternal metabolic stress is linked with a compromised ability
of the reproductive tract to support early embryonic develop-
ment. These results are consistent with multiple observational
studies performed on lactating cows indicating that a significant
propor tion (almost 50%) of embryos are not viable at days 6– 7
(Cerri, Juchem, Chebel, et al., 2009; Cerri, Rutigliano, Chebel, &
Santos, 2009; Cerri, Rutigliano, Lima, et al., 2009) which explains
the lower conception rate that is generally observed in lactating
cows (25%40%) in comparison to nulliparous heifers (55%65%;
Lucy, 20 01). These data highlight the fact that although the oo-
cyte is clearly a key player in explaining subfertility in dairy cows
FIGURE 2 Schematic illustration of the
effects of transition period maladaptation
and consequences on fer tility. Excessive
negative energy balance and systemic
inflammation affect the reproductive
function at various levels, including
follicular development, oocyte quality, and
oviductal and uterine environments
(Leroy et al., 2008), an impor tant additive role of the reproduc-
tive trac t and the impact on the viability of the pre- implantation
embryo should not be neglected. A clear example hereof is the
compromised maintenance of pregnancy in cows that experienced
an inflammatory disease during the transition period and received
an embryo transfer af ter the voluntary waiting period (Ribeiro
et al., 2016).
3.2  | Maladaptation to the transition
period and the impact on the follicular environment
The ovaries of cows contain a finite store of primordial follicles
with oocytes arrested in development (prophase I; Fair, 2003). The
purpose of this nuclear arrest is to inactivate the DNA of the fe-
male gamete so that it may not be vulnerable to possible insults.
This is because insults or damage during this stage could compro-
mise the lifetime fertility of the cow. In pre- puberal heifers, small
antral follicles may develop. However, these follicles will not ovu-
late until the heifer reaches puberty (approximately 9– 12 months
in Holstein cows). Follicular development occurs in cohorts, and
there is always a large but finite pool of quiescent primordial folli-
cles within the ovarian cortex (Fair et al., 19 97). Primordial follicles
closer to the ovarian medulla develop first, and primitive granu-
losa cells surrounding the oocyte seem to trigger progression
(Fair, 2010). The difference between primordial and primary fol-
licles (this process lasts approximately 1 month) is associated with
the change in the morphology of the cells surrounding the oocyte,
from a flat to a cuboidal shape (Fair, 2003). It was described that
progression from the primary to the secondary stage takes ap-
proximately 30 days in cows (Fair, 2003). During this time, essen-
tial changes within oocytes occur (generation of zona pellucida,
synthesis of cortical granules, the onset of nucleolus reorganiza-
tion, and first RNA synthesis; Fair, 2010). The transition from the
secondary to the tertiary (antral) follicle also takes approximately
30 days (Fair, 2003). There is intensive oocyte mRNA and rRNA
transcription and organelle proliferation and organization during
this time (Fair, 2010). It is believed that oocytes and granulosa
cells are particularly sensitive to environmental stimuli during the
transition of primary to tertiar y follicles, and as described above,
this process may last approximately 60 days (Fair, 2010). On the
other hand, primordial follicles are quite resistant to environmen-
tal effects. As depicted in Section 2, major hormonal, metabolic,
and inflammatory changes occur at the onset of lactation. These
changes coincide with the sensitive window of oocytes and fol-
licles in development (Leroy et al., 2012). Thus, maladaptation to
the transition period may significantly affect oocyte quality and
granulosa cell function, with an adverse impac t on reproductive
performances at the moment of breeding. This section will focus
on metabolic and inflammatory event s associated with oocyte
quality and follicular development. However, because existing lit-
erature reviewing this topic is already available (Leroy et al., 2008,
2012), only significant and new insights will be discussed.
3.2.1  |  Inflammation, oocyte quality, and follicular
Excessive or chronic uterine inflammation in the postpartum pe-
riod is associated with impaired follicular development. Cows that
develop metritis within 21 days postpartum are less likely to ovu-
late the first dominant follicle (Sheldon et al., 2002). This is be-
cause high LPS and TNF- α concentrations associated with uterine
disease suppress granulosa cell estradiol aromatization and follicu-
lar growth (Figure 2; Bromfield et al., 2015; Gilbert, 2012; Sheldon
et al., 2002). Furthermore, systemic inflammation may also impair
LH secretion, mostly due to high endotoxin serum concentrations
originating from uterine infections (Peter et al., 1990). Interestingly,
Cheong et al. (2017) demonstrated higher endotoxin levels in fol-
licular fluid compared with blood. Cows with a robust initial uterine
inflammatory response (>35% neutrophils in endometrial cytology
within 24 h after calving), were more likely to have an ovulatory first
dominant follicle. This first rapid neutrophil uterine migration and
function are considered essential to eliminate potential pathogens at
their early stage of replication and are associated with better uter-
ine clearance after calving. Consequently, early ovulating cows had
lower intra- follicular levels of endotoxin than late- ovulating cows.
These results are in accordance with the hypothesis that a strong
but well- regulated inflammation following parturition is associated
with uterine health, and cows that fail to do so are at a higher risk
of developing the uterine disease (Pascottini & LeBlanc, 2020a).
The reason for the higher endotoxin concentrations in the follicu-
lar fluid may be associated with the intimate anatomic relationship
between the ovarian ar teries and uterine veins that is indispensable
for the loc al transfer of prostaglandin from the endometrium to the
ovary (Knickerbocker et al., 1988). However, this anatomic al pecu-
liarity may also facilitate the transfer of inflammatory and bac terial
products to the ovaries, in this way affecting the follicular environ-
ment (Gilbert, 2012). This theory suppor ts the field data that dem-
onstrate that cows with metritis or endometritis are less likely to
ovulate early, and if they ovulate, follicles are smaller and secrete
less oestradiol (Galvão et al., 2010). Ovulation of such follicles also
produces smaller corpora lutea with lower progesterone secretion
(Sheldon et al., 2002). Additionally, in vitro studies demonstrated
that TNF- α or LPS supplementation to the maturation medium in-
duced alterations in the gene expression profile of oocytes (Piersanti
et al., 2019). This may lead to impaired oocyte maturation, embr yo
development, and survival, partially explaining the lower fertility in
cows experiencing inflammatory conditions postpartum.
3.2.2  |  NEB, oocyte quality, and follicular
Previous studies have revealed that the follicular fluid partially mirrors
the circulating concentrations of NEFA and that in vitro supplementa-
tion of NEFA (e.g., palmitic, stearic, and oleic acid) to the maturation
medium resulted in a reduction in subsequent embryo development
(and qualit y) to the blastocyst stage (Van Hoeck et al., 2011). However,
the absolute NEFA concentrations remain up to 60% lower in the fol-
licular fluid in comparison to the peripheral circulation, but the NEFA
composition of the follicular fluid in dair y cows during NEB seems to
contain more unsaturated fatty acids than serum (Leroy et al., 2015).
Interestingly, oleic acid (the most abundant unsaturated NEFA in the
follicular fluid) can prevent lipotoxicity induced by saturated NEFA
(Aardema et al., 2011). However, when supplemented alone, palmitic
and stearic acids (saturated NEFA) have a dose- dependent negative
impact on the oocyte development al capacit y (Aardema et al., 2011;
Leroy et al., 2005; Wu et al., 2011 ). Cumulus cells appear to protect the
oocy te against elevated l evels of NEFA by conversion of the pote ntially
toxic NEFA into lipid droplets (A ardema et al., 2017). Though, expo-
sure of cumulus cells to pathophysiological concentrations of palmitic
acid- induced pro- apoptotic unfolded protein responses, mitochondrial
and metabolic dysfunctions, and increased apoptotic pathways (Marei
et al., 2019), resulting in impaired granulosa cell viability and steroido-
genic capacity (Vanholder et al., 2005). This is in line with the lower es-
trogenic capacity of dominant follicles in lactating versus non- lactating
cows (Leroy et al., 2012). Furthermore, severe hypoglycaemia during
NEB may play a role here. It was shown that hypoglycaemia is asso-
ciated with an inhibited GnRH secretion by the hypothalamus lead-
ing to an inadequate LH pulse mechanism (Lopez et al., 2004; Sartori
et al., 2004). Field studies have shown impaired follicular growth pat-
terns in cows under NEB, probably due to hampered steroidogenic
capacity (Bilodeau- Goeseels & Panich, 2002; Lequarre et al., 2005).
Oocytes obtained from follicles during NEB (in vivo) also have a de-
creased developmental competence, accompanied by a reduced ability
to be fertilized and develop to the blastocyst stage (Leroy et al., 2012,
2015). Remarkably, it was demonstrated that resultant blastocysts
matured under “lipotoxic” conditions via the addition of fatty acids to
the maturation medium and then transferred to cows, have carry- over
effects in the transcriptomic landscape of day 14 elongating embr yos,
displaying a malfunction in pathways involved in insulin signaling, en-
ergy metabolism, and interferon- tau production (Figure 2; Desmet
et al., 2020). However, it is important to mention that not all studies
are univocal when it comes to the importance of oocy te quality in
the dair y cow subfertility problem linked to NEB and metabolic stress
(Matoba et al., 2012).
The classic dogma of causal associations of systemic concentrations
of biomarkers such as Ca for hypocalcaemia, NEFA and BHB for
NEB, and Hp for systemic inflammation above a certain threshold
regarding postpartum health and fertilit y is valuable from a practi-
cal point of view. However, it is essential to be aware of the fac t that
multiple adaptive and maladaptive events in the early postpartum
period happen simultaneously. There may be synergic or antago-
nistic ac tions of more than one biomarker that can exacerbate the
maladaptation to the transition period. Therefore, it is challenging
to identif y players and study their exact mechanism of action for
the carryover effect of maladaptation to the transition period in
vivo. On the other hand, in vitro studies may help us to unravel the
exact effect of specific biomolecules under controlled conditions.
Yet, most in vitro studies are not able to investigate long- term ex-
posure windows or the importance of specific carryover effects.
Omics technology such as transcriptomics, lipidomics, proteom-
ics, and metabolomics gives an insight into how genes collectively
work for a specific biological function (Zhu et al., 2022). Using this
approach, we can get a broader picture of how metabolic and in-
flammatory adaptations in the transition period affect the oocyte
and embr yo in its environment. For example, it was recently con-
firmed that hyperketonaemia in postpartum cows (using thin- layer
chromatography and gas chromatographic techniques) is associated
with mobilisation of body resources, increase in anaerobic fermen-
tation, alteration in lipid metabolism, and oxidative stress (Fiore
et al., 2020). This metabolic profile proposes that a lack of gluco-
genic substrates resulted in a potential alteration of the electron
transport chain (Lisuzzo et al., 2022). Thus, ketosis in dairy cows is
also indic ative of a possible alteration of inflammatory processes
that may be reflected in changes in the composition of the follicular
and reproductive tract fluids, the microenvironment in which oocyte
maturation, fertilization, and embryo development occur. However,
omics technology often results in an overwhelming amount of data
that can be challenging to unravel into an applicable approach at the
field level.
Recent studies shed light on new forms of cell- to- cell commu-
nication via the deliver y and/or exchange of extracellular vesicles,
newly identified information carriers that exist in the follicular, ovi-
ductal, and uterine fluids. Extracellular vesicles consist of bilayer li-
pidic membrane bodies that contain cargo such as proteins, lipids,
and RNA that can exert essential physiological and pathological ef-
fects on both recipient and parent cells. An important characteristic
of extracellular vesicles is that they can protect their cargo mole-
cules from enzymatic degradation during their transit through ex-
tracellular environments due to their unique structural composition.
Future studies should focus on the effect of maladaptation to the
transition period on the follicular, oviductal, and uterine fluid's ex-
tracellular vesicles cargo composition. However, the main problem
in this approach will be to determine the specific cellular origin of
extracellular vesicles since eukar yotic and prokaryotic cells use ex-
tracellular vesicles as a way of communication.
Conceptualization, Osvaldo Bogado Pascottini; writing— original
draft preparation, Osvaldo Bogado Pascottini; writing— review and
editing, Geert Opsomer and Jo L. M. R . Leroy. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
None of the authors have any conflict of interest to declare.
Data sharing is not applicable to this ar ticle as no new data were cre-
ated or analyzed in this study.
Osvaldo Bogado Pascottini https://orcid.
Jo L. M. R. Leroy
Geert Opsomer
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How to cite this article: Pascottini, O. B., Leroy, J. L. M., &
Opsomer, G. (2022). Maladapt ation to the transition period
and consequences on fer tility of dairy cows. Reproduction in
Domestic Animals, 00, 112. ht tps://doi.o rg/10.1111/
rd a.14176
... Furthermore, the considerable physiological changes and immense acceleration of metabolism and milk synthesis during the transition period add extra pressure on the cows. Local inflammation of the reproductive tract, induced by calving in combination with increased metabolism and mobilization of body tissues, has been associated with systemic inflammation (Medzhitov 2008;Pascottini et al. 2022). At the same time, the function of the immune system is reduced during the weeks around calving (Goff & Horst, 1997;Abuelo et al. 2023). ...
... For the most part, these changes are physiological and necessary, and most cows adapt. However, some cows fail to adapt, making them susceptible to a number of disorders of metabolic (e.g., ketosis, displaced abomasum, retained placenta, and milk fever), inflammatory (e.g., endometritis), and infectious (e.g., mastitis and metritis) nature, as reviewed by Esposito et al. (2014) and Pascottini et al. (2022). This is manifested as a rise in disease incidence in the time period around calving ( Figure 4). ...
... Several health disorders have also been found to be connected to decreased fertility, with carry-over effects of several months (Ribeiro et al. 2016). It is debated whether common transition diseases are in part caused by, or in fact themselves partly cause, the energy deficit in dairy cows, by reducing feed intake and increasing energy consumption of the immune system (Roche et al. 2009;Horst et al. 2021;Pascottini et al. 2022). Either way, extending the VWP makes transition periods less frequent, both for the individual cow and on herd level, which may be beneficial for both cow health and welfare. ...
Extension of the voluntary waiting period (VWP) before first insemination after calving, could decrease the frequency of demanding transition periods both at cow and herd level. In the initial study of this thesis, the cows were randomized to an extended (155-205 d) or conventional (35-85 d) VWP and assessed during their first and second lactation. In a later study on customized extended VWP, cows expected to be suited for extended VWP were selected based on high genomic persistency index, calving difficulties or disease in early lactation, and high early lactation yield, and then randomly allocated to extended (≥185) or conventional (≤90) VWP. For cows with randomized extended compared with conventional VWP, milk yield per day in the calving interval was maintained during the first lactation and higher during the second lactation, milk yield before dry-off was lower and reproductive performance was improved. Cows with customized extended VWP showed similar improvements compared with cows expected to be suited for an extended but receiving conventional VWP, but in contrast to the randomized study, the dry period was not longer for cows randomized to customized extended VWP. Extending the VWP had no effect on disease incidence and culling rate. Extended VWP for primiparous cows in high-yielding herds can thus make use of modern dairy cows’ great potential for milk production and fertility, thereby potentially increasing flexibility and resilience in dairy herds.
... Researchers O.V. Pascottini et al. (2022) claim the development of maladaptive mechanisms in cows in the postpartum period due to a negative energy balance, characterized by increased resistance of uterine tissues to insulin and excessive formation of adipose tissue. Another researcher, D.C. Wathes (2022), came to similar conclusions, but he also emphasizes the importance of genetic programming during pregnancy for structural and physiological modifications to the future female's fertility. ...
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The decrease in productivity in cows is directly related to the pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system that occur at the end of the transit period, therefore it is important to improve the methods of diagnosis and preventive therapy of cows in this period. The purpose of the work was to establish the forms of pathologies that occur in the transit period in cows, their interrelationship and the causes that cause them in terms of seasonal dynamics. When conducting research, morphological, clinical (examination, palpation), laboratory (bacteriological studies of the uterus), and statistical (statistical reliability) methods were used. The research was conducted in the limited liability company “Milk of the Fatherland” in 2 departments where unattached housing is used. The occurrence of subinvolution of the uterus against the background of litter retention and persistent corpus luteum was established by 9.5% more in the 1st department. A 43.5% correlation of the prevalence of delayed involution with endometritis was revealed. An increase, 12.8% in January and up to 14.1 in February, of cases of subinvolution of the uterus was established, while in May the similar indicator was 5.0%. The prevalence of persistent corpus luteum was established up to 16.8%, luteal cyst – up to 1.7%, ovarian follicular cyst – 2.1%. The presence of microflora in the uterine cavity (E. coli, Ps. aeruginosa and S. aureus – 49.8% S. aureus and E. coli – 33.5%, Pr. vulgaris and E. coli – 16.7%) provoked the occurrence inflammatory processes: chronic endometritis – 10.4%, vulvovaginitis – 18.1%, cervicitis – 21.4%. Research results can be used to develop new and improve existing methods of treatment of cows with pathology of genital organs in the transit period in farms of different forms of ownership
... The genetic characteristics of cows associated with the rapid growth of milk productivity at the beginning of lactation is one of the reasons for the negative energy balance, which leads to a decrease in the fertility of cows. O.B. Pascottini et al. (2022) believe that about half of the cows after calving fail to adapt to the changes of the transit period and within 5 weeks they develop one or more clinical and subclinical diseases, which is accompanied by a violation of reproductive capacity. Rapid recovery of cows after calving is very important to ensure efficient reproduction. ...
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After calving, changes occur in the reproductive system of cows, aimed at restoring the ability to reproduce. These processes occur against the background of exhaustion from childbirth, lactation, and a negative energy balance, which often leads to violations of the reproductive function, so the search for methods that contribute to its restoration is urgent. The aim of the work was to investigate the effect of the drug with nerotropic-metabolic action as a stimulator of postpartum recovery in cows and improvement of fertility. The drug included L-arginine, sodium succinate, sodium glutamate and carboxylates of food acids (Fe, Ca, Mn, Cu, Zn). The study was conducted by the method of groups on cows of the Holstein breed. A control and two experimental groups of 15 heads each were formed. Cows of experimental group 1 were given injections in the subcaudal fold on the 5th, 7th and 9th day after calving, dividing the active substance into 3 parts. Cows of experimental group 2 were administered the drug intraparenterally in the first 1.5-2 hours after calving in a full dose once 21st days after calving, the cows of the experimental groups did not show any deviations in blood biochemical parameters compared to the reference values. But there was a tendency to decrease the amount of calcium, phosphorus, protein and carotene, compared to cows of the control group, which indicates the presence of an influence on metabolic processes. The content of total protein in the blood of cows of experimental group 2 was close to the lower limit of the physiological norm. No placental retention was observed in the cows of the experimental groups, while in the control group this disorder was present in 33% of cows. The introduction of the drug made it possible to reduce the frequency of endometritis by 20%, to shorten the period until the beginning of the first oestrus by 7th and 10th days, to increase fertility after the first insemination by 6 and 13 percentage points, and to shorten the service period by 16th and 22nd days. The second experimental group obtained a higher efficiency of using the drug. It is advisable to use the results of research on dairy farms. Intraparenteral administration of the drug 1.5-2 hours after calving will improve the process of restoring the sexual function of cows and their fertility
... The transition period is critical for dairy cows [6,7]. The endocrine and metabolic changes that occur in the pre and postpartum periods are responsible for a series of imbalances that predispose cows to diseases such as hypocalcemia, ketosis, retained placenta, metritis, mastitis, and abomasal displacement [8][9][10]. ...
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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of parity, body condition score (BCS) at calving, and milk yield on the metabolic profile of Gyr (Zebu) cows. Healthy cows in late pregnancy were grouped according to parity (primiparous, biparous, and multiparous); to BCS scale at calving (high—HBCS and normal—NBCS); and to milk yield (high—HP and moderate—MP production). BCS was assessed, and blood samples were collected on −21, −7, 0, 7, 21, and 42 days relative to parturition. The concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), cholesterol, glucose, total protein (TP), albumin, total calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), and magnesium (Mg); and activities of aspartate aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyltransferase were measured. Data were analyzed by two-way repeated measures ANOVA. The frequencies of high lipomobilization, subclinical ketosis, subclinical hypocalcemia (SCH), and the occurrence of diseases during early lactation were established. Regardless of grouping, NEFA, BHB, and cholesterol increased during early lactation; glucose showed higher values at calving; TP and albumin were higher at 21 and 42 DIM; and Ca, P, and Mg were lower at calving. Parity had little effect on the metabolic profile, HBCS did not differ from NBCS cows, and HP did not differ from MP cows in most metabolites. High lipomobilization in early lactation and SCH at calving were the most common imbalances but were not related to postpartum diseases. High-yielding Gyr cows have a balanced metabolic profile during the transition period, with few biologically relevant effects of parity, BCS at parturition, or milk yielded.
... An example is the high-producing lactating dairy cow, where severe NEB postcalving is linked to impaired fertility through various mechanisms, for example, irregular cycles, delayed first ovulation, decreased oocyte quality, uterine inflammation/disease, impaired embryo development, and metabolic disorders, thus reduced conception and pregnancy rates. 18,19 In the dog, knowledge about the adverse outcomes of undernourishment is generally limited to the peripartum and postpartum periods. ...
Ideal body condition and nutritional status in dogs is essential for quality of life, including reproductive health. Herein, we review the implications body condition, particularly fat, has on puberty, fertility, pregnancy, and parturition in dogs. Ideal body condition at puberty is necessary for dogs to achieve sexual maturity and reproduce. Moreover, over and under conditioned female dogs have increased risk of adverse pregnancy, parturition, and neonatal outcomes. Less is known about body condition and male dog fertility but some evidence is provided in this article. Finally, recommendations for maintaining an ideal body condition in intact adult dogs for optimal fertility are provided.
The transition period is one of the most challenging periods in the lactation cycle of high-yielding dairy cows. It is commonly known to be associated with diminished animal welfare and economic performance of dairy farms. The development of data-driven health monitoring tools based on on-farm available milk yield dev has shown potential in identifying health-perturbing events. As proof of principle, we explored the association of these milk yield residuals with the metabolic status of cows during the transition period. Over 2 years, 117 transition periods from 99 multiparous Holstein Friesian cows were monitored intensively. Pre- and postpartum dry matter intake was measured and blood samples were taken at regular intervals to determine BHB, NEFA, insulin, glucose, fructosamine and IGF1 concentrations. The expected milk yield in the current transition period was predicted with 2 previously developed models (nextMILK and SLMYP) using low-frequency test day (TD) data and high-frequency milk meter (MM) data from the animal's previous lactation, respectively. The expected milk yield was subtracted from the actual production to calculate the milk yield residuals in the transition period (MRT) for both TD and MM data, yielding MRTTD and MRTMM. When the MRT is negative, the realized milk yield is lower than the predicted milk yield, in contrast, when positive, the realized milk yield exceeded the predicted milk yield. First, blood plasma analytes, dry matter intake and MRT were compared between clinically diseased and non-clinically diseased transitions. MRTTD and MRTMM, postpartum dry matter intake and IGF1 were significantly lower for clinically diseased versus non-clinically diseased transitions, whereas BHB and NEFA concentrations were significantly higher. Next, linear models were used to link the MRTTD and MRTMM of the non-clinically diseased cows with the dry matter intake measurements and blood plasma analytes. After variable selection, a final model was constructed for MRTTD and MRTMM, resulting in an adjusted R2 of 0.47 and 0.73, respectively. While both final models were not identical the retained variables were similar and yielded comparable importance and direction. In summary, the most informative variables in these linear models were the dry matter intake postpartum and the lactation number. Moreover in both models, lower and thus also more negative MRT were linked with lower dry matter intake and increasing lactation number. In the case of an increasing dry matter intake, MRTTD was positively associated with NEFA concentrations. Furthermore, IGF1, glucose and insulin explained a significant part of the MRT. Results of the present study suggest that milk yield residuals at the start of a new lactation are indicative of the health and metabolic status of transitioning dairy cows in support of the development of a health monitoring tool. Future field studies including a higher number of cows from multiple herds are needed to validate these findings.
When the voluntary waiting period (VWP), defined as the days between calving and when the cow is eligible to receive the first insemination, is extended, high-yielding dairy cows may have better opportunities to regain energy balance before first insemination. This study investigated the effect of an extended (145-215 DIM, n = 280) or conventional (25-95 DIM, n = 251) VWP treatment on fertility, disease incidence, and culling rate in cows during their first lactation. The cows were also followed through a second lactation without intervention regarding VWP, during which the farmers could decide when they wished to start the inseminations. This was done in a randomized-controlled study on 16 high-yielding commercial herds in southern Sweden containing a total of 531 primiparous cows of the Holstein (HOL) and Red Dairy Cattle (RDC) breeds. Data from the Swedish national dairy herd recording scheme (SNDRS) collected between August 2018 and September 2021 were used in the analysis, including records on breed, calvings, estrus intensity, inseminations, disease, somatic cell count (SCC), culling date, and culling reason. During first lactation, more cows receiving the extended VWP treatment showed strong estrus intensity (score 4-5, 55% vs. 48%), and fewer showed moderate estrus intensity (score 3, 35% vs. 43%), at first insemination, compared with cows receiving the conventional VWP treatment. First service conception rate (FSCR) was higher (67% vs. 51%) and number of inseminations per conception (NINS) was lower (1.6 vs. 2.0), during the first lactation, for cows receiving the extended compared with the conventional VWP treatment. For disease incidence rate or culling rate expressed as number of events per cow-time in the study, there were no differences between the cows receiving the 2 VWP treatments in any lactation. Calving to first service interval (CFI) during second lactation was longer (86 vs. 74 d) for cows with extended compared with conventional VWP. In conclusion, primiparous cows with extended VWP showed improved reproductive functions, in the form of higher estrus intensity, higher FSCR, and lower NINS, during the first lactation. However, there was no apparent effect on these fertility measures during the following lactation (without VWP intervention), and no differences in disease prevalence or culling between cows receiving the 2 VWP treatments in either lactation. Compliance with the planned VWP treatment was lower for cows with planned extended compared with planned conventional VWP treatment. We studied the "intention-to-treat" effect, i.e the results for all cows randomized to each treatment regardless of whether the planned VWP was achieved or not, to identify any bias arising due to degree of compliance. However, we found no difference in culling rate between cows randomized to an extended VWP compared with those randomized to a conventional VWP. These findings can be used to support management decisions on VWP length in high-yielding dairy herds.
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In brief Clinical and subclinical endometritis are different manifestations of reproductive tract inflammatory disease in dairy cows. This review addresses the genesis of clinical and subclinical endometritis considering metabolic stress, innate immune dysfunction, and shifts in the composition of the uterine microbiota in the postpartum period. Abstract Up to half of dairy cows may develop one or more types of reproductive tract inflammatory disease within 5 weeks after calving. Clinical endometritis (CE) results from uterine bacterial dysbiosis with increased relative abundance of pathogenic bacteria associated with luminal epithelial damage. These bacteria cause endometrial stromal cell lysis, followed by massive polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) migration, and pyogenesis. CE is defined as endometrial inflammation accompanied by purulent discharge. Purulent discharge is not always accompanied by uterine inflammation (being (rarely) vaginitis or (commonly) cervicitis), hence referred to as purulent vaginal discharge (PVD). Subclinical endometritis (SCE) is an asymptomatic uterine disease defined by a threshold of PMN on cytology that is associated with worse reproductive performance; it has not been linked with bacterial dysbiosis. Current evidence suggests that SCE is a result of metabolic and inflammatory dysfunction that impairs innate immune function and the ability of endometrial PMN to undergo apoptosis, necrosis, and ultimately achieve resolution of inflammation. CE and SCE are diagnosed between 3 and 5 weeks postpartum and commonly overlap, but they are considered distinct manifestations of reproductive tract inflammatory disease. This review addresses the genesis of CE and SCE in postpartum dairy cows considering metabolic stress, innate immune dysfunction, and shifts in the composition of the uterine microbiota.
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Due to their unique multi-gastric digestion system highly adapted for rumination, dairy livestock has complicated physiology different from monogastric animals. However, the microbiome-based mechanism of the digestion system is congenial for biology approaches. Different omics and their integration have been widely applied in the dairy sciences since the previous decade for investigating their physiology, pathology, and the development of feed and management protocols. The rumen microbiome can digest dietary components into utilizable sugars, proteins, and volatile fatty acids, contributing to the energy intake and feed efficiency of dairy animals, which has become one target of the basis for omics applications in dairy science. Rumen, liver, and mammary gland are also frequently targeted in omics because of their crucial impact on dairy animals’ energy metabolism, production performance, and health status. The application of omics has made outstanding contributions to a more profound understanding of the physiology, etiology, and optimizing the management strategy of dairy animals, while the multi-omics method could draw information of different levels and organs together, providing an unprecedented broad scope on traits of dairy animals. This article reviewed recent omics and multi-omics researches on physiology, feeding, and pathology on dairy animals and also performed the potential of multi-omics on systematic dairy research.
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The mobilization of body reserves during the transition from pregnancy to lactation might predispose dairy cows to develop metabolic disorders such as subclinical ketosis or hyperketonemia. These conditions are not easily identifiable and are frequently related to other diseases that cause economic loss. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serum metabolome differences according to the β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentration. Forty-nine Holstein Friesian dairy cows were enrolled between 15 and 30 days in milk. According to their serum BHB concentration, the animals were divided into three groups: Group 0 (G0; 12 healthy animals; BHB ≤ 0.50 mmol/L); Group 1 (G1; 19 healthy animals; 0.51 ≤ BHB < 1.0 mmol/L); and Group 2 (G2; 18 hyperketonemic animals; BHB ≥ 1.0 mmol/L). Animal data and biochemical parameters were examined with one-way ANOVA, and metabolite significant differences were examined by t-tests. Fifty-seven metabolites were identified in the serum samples. Thirteen metabolites showed significant effects and seemed to be related to the mobilization of body reserves, lipids, amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism, and ruminal fermentation.
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Metabolic disorders, including hepatic lipidosis and ketosis, severely affect animal health status and welfare with a large economic burden in dairy herds. The gold standard for diagnosing hepatic lipidosis is the liver biopsy, which is impractical and invasive for the screening at farm level. Ultrasound (US) imaging is a promising technique for identifying liver dysfunction, but standardized specifications in physiological conditions are needed. Herein, we described the features of four US measurements, namely the liver predicted triacylglycerol (pTAG) content, liver depth (LD), and portal vein area (PVA) and depth (PVD) and we investigated their associations with a set of hematochemical (HC) indicators in 342 clinically healthy Holstein Friesian dairy cows. Liver pTAG content was negatively associated with hematocrit and positively with globulin, whereas PVA was negatively associated with thiol group levels, and LD positively with ceruloplasmin. We found significant interactions between some HC parameters and parity: in particular, creatinine, thiol groups and globulin for PVA, and aspartate aminotransferase, paraoxonase and ceruloplasmin for PVD. This study offers new insights on variations in liver function occurring after calving and pave the way for the potential use of minimally invasive techniques for prompt detection of metabolic disorders in dairy herds.
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Postpartum dairy cows experience impaired peripheral polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) functionality, which has been associated with reproductive tract inflammatory diseases. However, it has not been elucidated yet whether endometrial PMN functionality is (equally) impaired. We developed a method for endometrial PMN isolation and flow cytometric assessment of their viability and functionality. We also evaluated PMN immunolabeling, using a specific bovine granulocyte marker, CH138A. Blood and endometrial cytobrush samples were collected in duplicate from seventeen clinically healthy Holstein-Friesian cows between 9 and 37 days in milk. The proportion of viable, apoptotic, and necrotic PMN in endometrial samples roughly ranged from 10 to 80%, indicating highly dynamic endometrial PMN populations in the postpartum uteri. Endometrial PMN functionality testing revealed that PMN immunolabeling increased the accuracy, although this protocol might influence the median fluorescence intensity of the sample. Phagocytosis seemed the most stable and reliable endometrial PMN function and could be assessed satisfactorily without prior CH138A immunolabeling. However, the interpretation of oxidative burst and intracellular proteolysis tests remains challenging. The correlation between peripheral and endometrial PMN functionality was poor. Further research is warranted to unravel the role of uterine PMN viability and functionality in bovine uterine health.
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This narrative literature review summarizes findings regarding the associations of clinical and subclinical hypocalcemia with postpartum health, reproduction, and milk production. To better understand the effects of hypocalcemia, we reviewed clinical and subclinical presentations of the condition and the dynamics of blood Ca concentration in the early postpartum period. We summarize and discuss the associations between hypocalcemia and performance of dairy cows. Up to 50% of dairy cows suffer from at least one disease event in the transition period. The important roles of calcium in muscle contraction and immune function make it a key component of metabolism, inflammation, and defense against infection. Although the effect of clinical hypocalcemia (milk fever) on health and performance is clear, the definition of subclinical hypocalcemia (SCH) and its consequences for health and performance are still ambiguous. Differences in study designs, sampling protocols, Ca concentration thresholds, and sample sizes that may be underpowered for health and reproduction outcomes lead to inconsistent conclusions on the effects of SCH. On current evidence, classification of SCH should be based on at least 2 measurements of blood calcium, using cutpoints supported with relevant data, which may vary depending on the outcome of interest. Arbitrary or poorly supported interpretative thresholds for blood Ca concentrations should be abandoned. Transient SCH appears to be associated with greater milk yield, whereas SCH that is present several days after calving is associated with lesser production and greater disease risk. However, when blood calcium is measured days after calving, primary effects of calcium metabolism may be confounded by feed intake, inflammation, or disease, which might either contribute to or be a consequence of hypocalcemia. Additional research is needed to refine sampling schemes to classify SCH, and to better inform the goals and means of prevention of SCH.
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the associations of serum markers for systemic inflammation, liver, mineral, and energy status, and blood neutrophil counts with the function of circulating neutrophils in postpartum dairy cows. Blood samples were collected from 21 healthy Holstein cows at 5, 10, 14, and 21 d postpartum. Serum samples were used to measure concentrations of total calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, total protein, albumin, globulin, cholesterol, urea, glucose, gamma-glutamyl transferase, aspartate aminotransferase, glutamate dehydrogenase, haptoglobin (Hp), β-hydroxybutyrate, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), and insulin-like growth factor-1. The shift of percentage of activated neutrophils for phagocytosis (PPC) and oxidative burst (POB) and the median fluorescence intensity (MFI) for PC (MFIPC), OB (MFIOB), and endocytic and proteolytic degradation measured via DQ-ovalbumin (MFIDQ) were evaluated using flow cytometry. Mixed linear regression models were used to assess the associations of serum concentrations of metabolites and blood neutrophil counts with each neutrophil function assay outcome accounting for d postpartum, parity, and body condition score. Pearson correlation tests (r) were used to describe the relationships of metabolites and neutrophil counts with neutrophil function assays that were significant in the regression models. Greater serum concentrations of Hp were associated with lesser OB function (POB and MFIOB; r = -0.2 for both), but greater PPC and MFIDQ (r = 0.3 for both). Greater serum NEFA and cholesterol were associated with lesser (r = -0.3) and greater (r = 0.2) POB function, respectively. Blood neutrophil counts were associated with PPC (r = -0.2) and MFIDQ (r = -0.3). At 5 d postpartum, greater serum total protein was associated with greater OB function (POB and MFIOB; r = 0.4 for both). Other markers were not associated with neutrophil function. Some metabolic and inflammatory markers in healthy postpartum dairy cows were associated with circulating neutrophil function. However, these associations only explained a small proportion of the variance in neutrophil function. Serum Hp concentration was most associated with neutrophil function changes but had opposite directions of association with OB- and PC-related functions. Future studies should focus on understanding the mechanisms by which Hp and other metabolic indicators affect neutrophil function in healthy and diseased postpartum dairy cows.
The aim of the present study was to assess the counts, viability, and functionality of circulating and endometrial polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) isolated from fourteen clinically and metabolically healthy multiparous dairy cows in the peripartum period. For this, blood samples were collected at −5, +9, +21 and + 37 days (d) relative to calving. Cytology samples were collected from the vagina, cervix, and uterus at +9, +21 and + 37 d, using the cytobrush technique. Additional vaginal samples were collected at −5 d. Cytology smears were prepared and the PMN-to-all nucleated cell proportions (PMN%) were calculated. The uterine cytobrush samples were also used for flow cytometric assessment of endometrial PMN (ePMN) viability and functionality. Functionality tests for circulating PMN (cPMN) included phagocytosis (PC), oxidative burst, and intracellular proteolytic degradation. For ePMN, we evaluated PC only. The effect of day relative to calving on PMN viability and functionality were fitted in linear regression models, accounting for repeated measures. The endometrial PMN% were higher at +9 d (23.5 ± 0.4%; least-squares means ± standard error) and +21 d (8.5 ± 0.3%) than at +37 d (1.4 ± 0.3%). No changes in PMN% were found on either vaginal or cervical cytology along the peripartum period. The PMN blood counts were higher pre- (6.2 ± 0.4 x 10⁶/mL) than postpartum (4.9 ± 0.4 x 10⁶/mL). Upon viability analysis, only the percentage of viable cPMN tended to be lower at −5 d (90.1 ± 1.5%) than at +37 d (94.1 ± 1.4%), and no other changes in the percentage of apoptotic and necrotic cPMN, nor in their functionality were found during the peripartum period. Analysis of ePMN viability showed that the percentage of viable ePMN did not change over time. In marked contrast, the percentage of apoptotic ePMN was higher at +9 d (37.8 ± 5.1%) than at +21 d (20.9 ± 5.1%) and +37 d (11.9 ± 5.3%), while the percentage of necrotic ePMN was lower at +9 d (27.0 ± 6.3%) than at +37 d (54.9 ± 6.6%). The percentage of ePMN PC was higher at +9 d (27.5 ± 3.4%) than at +37 d (13.3 ± 4.9%). In conclusion, during the peripartum period ePMN in the healthy postpartum uterus are highly dynamic in terms of counts, viability, and functionality compared to their circulating counterparts.
Neutrophils largely contribute to the first line of defense against the invasion of pathogens. They kill pathogens basically by the following mechanisms: phagocytosis and proteolytic degradation, the release of enzymes with bactericidal activities, and the production of fibers to entrap pathogens, also known as neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). NETs capture pathogens as a mechanism of immune protection and have been studied in-depth in various fields of human medicine. However, research about NETs in cattle is relatively scarce. The present article reviews the generation mechanisms, structural composition, signal pathways, advantages (and disadvantages) of NETs, and summarizes the latest findings of NETs in cattle health and disease.
Overconditioning is a risk factor for upregulated pre- and postpartum fat mobilization. Therefore, we hypothesized that overconditioning at the end of pregnancy leads to the accumulation of lipids in the liver and modifications of the hepatic gene expression pattern. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of normal- versus overconditioning on the hepatic transcriptomic profile of dairy cows at the end of pregnancy. Ten dry multiparous Holstein cows were killed 2 wk before expected calving. Body condition score (BCS) and backfat thickness (BFT) were evaluated, and blood samples for nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) were taken before cows were killed. After cows were killed, liver biopsy samples were collected for further assessment of total lipids and RNA sequencing. Five cows were classified as normal-conditioned (median BCS = 3, range 2.75–3.5) and 5 as overconditioned (median BCS = 4, range 4–5). Regression models confirmed that normal-conditioned cows had lower BFT (1.29 ± 0.29 cm) and serum NEFA (0.16 ± 0.04 mmol/L) in comparison to overconditioned cows (3.14 ± 0.43 cm and 0.38 ± 0.07 mmol/L for BFT and NEFA, respectively). Total liver lipid percentage tended to be lower in normal- versus overconditioned cows (4.63 ± 0.40% and 6.06 ± 0.44%, respectively). In comparison to the mean liver lipid percentage of the normal- and overconditioned cows, 1 overconditioned cow had a relatively low (5.21%) and 1 normal-conditioned cow had a relatively high (6.07%) liver lipid percentage. Differentially expressed genes analysis (edgeR quasi-likelihood method) showed that normal-conditioned cows presented 11 upregulated and 12 downregulated genes in comparison to overconditioned cows. Linear discriminant analysis effects size revealed 133 differentially expressed genes between normal- versus overconditioned cows. Notably, the liver of normal-conditioned cows had upregulated genes associated with liver functionality (ALB, SELENOP, IGF1, and IGF2). On the other hand, overconditioned cows had upregulated genes associated with the acute-phase response (C3, HPX, and, LBP). High basal lipolysis in overconditioned cows at the end of pregnancy increased liver lipid content, and this may alter the hepatic gene expression pattern to a pro-inflammatory state.
Introduction When on board H.M.S. ‘Beagle,’ as naturalist, I was much struck with certain facts in the distribution of the inhabitants of South America, and in the geological relations of the present to the past inhabitants of that continent. These facts seemed to me...