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Empowering Metaverse Through Artificial Intelligence



New technologies have made it a necessity for virtual worlds to be a part of the real world. Online actions that started with COVID-19 are increasing the demand for virtual reality worldwide. Metaverse, popular with web 3.0, is a digital world where users interact as a combination of the physical and digital worlds, and it works with a blockchain-based system. Many advantages can be achieved in various sectors by integrating new technologies into this digital world. As a result of the integration of blockchain technology with artificial intelligence (AI), conventional business models can radically change, and a transformative result could be achieved in society. In this study, the literature that brings together the cyber world in Metaverse and the blockchain technology developed with artificial intelligence has been examined and the potentials that can be used in the future have been determined. The contribution of blockchain technology to Metaverse, by strengthening it with artificial intelligence, has been examined. There are many scientific studies dealing with the integration of AI and blockchain technologies. On the other hand, there are very few studies dealing with the use of these technologies in the Metaverse environment. For this reason, our aim is to provide a background for the research to be made to realize the potential of the mentioned technologies in the Metaverse environment.
2nd International Conference on Engineering and
Applied Natural Sciences
October 15-18, 2022, Konya, Turkey
Empowering Metaverse Through Artificial Intelligence
İlkim Güven *, Osman Balli 2
1Architecture, Malatya Turgut Ozal University, Turkey
2Computer Engineering, Malatya Turgut Ozal University, Turkey
*( Email of the corresponding author
Abstract New technologies have made it a necessity for virtual worlds to be a part of the real world.
Online actions that started with COVID-19 are increasing the demand for virtual reality worldwide.
Metaverse, popular with web 3.0, is a digital world where users interact as a combination of the physical
and digital worlds, and it works with a blockchain-based system. Many advantages can be achieved in
various sectors by integrating new technologies into this digital world.
As a result of the integration of blockchain technology with artificial intelligence (AI), conventional
business models can radically change, and a transformative result could be achieved in society. In this
study, the literature that brings together the cyber world in Metaverse and the blockchain technology
developed with artificial intelligence has been examined and the potentials that can be used in the future
have been determined. The contribution of blockchain technology to Metaverse, by strengthening it with
artificial intelligence, has been examined.
There are many scientific studies dealing with the integration of AI and blockchain technologies. On the
other hand, there are very few studies dealing with the use of these technologies in the Metaverse
environment. For this reason, our aim is to provide a background for the research to be made to realize the
potential of the mentioned technologies in the Metaverse environment.
Keywords Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Literature review, Metaverse
New concepts such as artificial intelligence,
machine learning, virtual reality, and blockchain
have entered our lives with the use of technological
advances for commercial purposes. One of the new
concepts brought about by this process is Metaverse
[1]. The Metaverse is a kind of imaginary world that
offers more interaction than the familiar internet.
Users here communicate with each other
simultaneously [2]. It represents a digital universe
accessible through virtual environments. It is a
world established by combining the physical
universe and digital reality [3]. Metaverse provides
its users with an endless space where they can spend
their time, shop, have fun, meet new people, and
create their avatars [4]. Leading technology
companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, Apple,
Google and many game companies have ambitious
plans for Metaverse use [5].
The Metaverse ecosystem relies on the blockchain
to ensure user integrity, confidentiality, and
accounting for their content and transactions [6].
Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger
technology that stores, validates, and transmits
network data through its own distributed nodes
without relying on third parties [7]. Blockchain data
does not need any center or authority. It is very
important for Metaverse that it is a recording
technology that is stored on network systems in a
distributed manner.
Another topic that has become an important issue
in the use of the metaverse and blockchain is
artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is
defined as performing tasks related to the higher
logic processes of a computer or computer-assisted
Güven et al., Empowering Metaverse Through Artificial Intelligence, ICEANS 2022, Konya, Turkey
machine (such as human-specific qualities, finding
solutions, understanding, inferring, generalizing,
and learning from past experiences) [8]. Artificial
intelligence is used in many areas such as education,
entertainment, and security. The work of Metaverse
in these areas, as in the real world, has allowed
artificial intelligence to be used in Metaverse.
In this study, the features that enable both
technologies to solve their problems have been
determined by supporting blockchain technology,
which forms the basis of Metaverse, with artificial
intelligence technology. It is in question whether
this integration solves the problems in the
Metaverse and carries the potential for various
industries. With the literature review, the potential
of the use of AI-supported blockchain in the
Metaverse has been determined.
The literature review was conducted using
prestigious databases to determine the potential for
use of artificial intelligence-supported blockchain
technology in the Metaverse. The words “Artificial
intelligence” AND Metaverse” were searched in
IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and ScienceDirect databases.
3 of the 42 results in the IEEE Xplore database
addressed the integration of artificial intelligence
with Metaverse technology. 2 of the 57 documents
in the Scopus database were selected. Of the 109
results encountered in the Science Direct database,
3 of them were found to be worth examining
specifically for the selected keywords and topics.
A. Literature Review
Artificial intelligence, which is the core of
Industry 4.0, can be integrated in terms of its
development and powering the blockchain [9].
Artificial intelligence and blockchain will work
together to have industrial and academic benefits for
development, implementation, and business. [10].
Because of the integration of blockchain and
artificial intelligence, they produce a technology
that will revolutionize by complementing each other
in many areas [11].
Blockchain offers opportunities in identity,
communication, contracting, interoperability,
governance, security, and privacy without a central
administrator [12]. The integration of AI and
blockchain will provide reliable analysis and
decision-making environments without the
influence of third parties, as it will establish a
decentralized artificial intelligence system [11].
While AI and blockchain are used together with
various applications, while providing the unique
immutability and traceability features of the
blockchain, some systems identify patterns and
anomalies of artificial intelligence, which are useful
in detecting frauds and delays [13]. With the
implementation of artificial intelligence and
blockchain, there are integrated systems that
provide the immutability and traceability features of
the blockchain, while at the same time identifying
patterns and anomalies of artificial intelligence,
detecting frauds, revealing delays, and detecting
other events [13]. Decisions can be made by
analyzing large amounts of data [9]. Sharing the
data model is a problem for machine learning
developers who have difficulty controlling data
ownership and artificial intelligence training
models. Blockchain has the potential to solve these
problems as it has built-in security [14,15]. Thanks
to the immutability feature of the blockchain,
records can be recorded without manipulation [16].
In addition, it can close the security and privacy
gaps of artificial intelligence with its encryption
techniques [16].
Ethereum blockchain platforms define smart
contracts with a set of rules that must be followed
before transactions are made. These rules are
usually static. But modern applications need
dynamism and automation. With the integration of
blockchain and artificial intelligence, application
predictions will become reliable and will end
manipulations with the elimination of third parties
[17]. Blockchain provides a secure sharing
environment for artificial intelligence. It produces a
decentralized computing mechanism. It clarifies the
process and coordinates untrusted devices by
making explainable moves [11]. Decentralization
has been proposed as a solution to the problems
created by business items that require methodology,
knowledge, and talent in artificial intelligence [12].
With the decentralization brought by blockchain
technology, the personalized, privacy-protecting,
problem-solving evolution of artificial intelligence
is supported [12].
Understanding the behavior of AI algorithms is
difficult, although a clear understanding of decision-
making processes is required in systems where
decisions from AI are used. With the use of
blockchain, the decision chain could be followed by
Güven et al., Empowering Metaverse Through Artificial Intelligence, ICEANS 2022, Konya, Turkey
monitoring the training data. It is important to
determine whether the problem is caused by the
machine or humans by the errors that occur [13].
New technologies shifting from centralization to
decentralization; it has overcome many problems in
social sciences, management sciences, decision
sciences, economics, and information processing.
Decentralization, when used with artificial
intelligence; management, governance, and
economic research are gaining increasing attention
[12]. Customized services can be provided on
private information recorded on the blockchain with
artificial intelligence. Permitted analyses can be
performed by obtaining permission from the users.
It supports “decentralization”, one of the basic
principles of blockchain, by enabling users to have
control over personal information [18]. Since the
blockchain cannot make decisions, thanks to its
integration with artificial intelligence, this gap is
closed, and a more secure and dynamic system is
provided [10]. The size of the distributed ledger
grows when data entry is large in blockchains.
That's why the files get heavy. With machine
learning, the burden of notebooks can be alleviated
by data normalization and cleaning methods [14].
Artificial intelligence technology provides
security and scalability for the blockchain. It offers
a customization facility that helps protect privacy. It
also provides automatic execution of transactions
and management [11]. Current blockchain
technologies focus on the smartness of smart
contracts. With AI, secure, risk-tolerant, auto-
coded, auto-audited smart contracts can be written
[12]. Artificial intelligence solves the problems
between incentive, consensus, security, and other
aspects that need to be balanced during the design
phase of the blockchain and helps to achieve higher
performance from blockchain systems [19].
Blockchain is one of the core infrastructures of
Metaverse. It can connect isolated small systems
and create a transparent, open, efficient, and secure
economic system for the Metaverse [19]. Without
blockchain technology, it is difficult to recognize
the values of resources or goods in the Metaverse or
have equivalent interactions in the real economy
[20]. Without the support of this technology, it will
be difficult to determine the commercial values of
resources and goods in cases where virtual elements
in the Metaverse interact with the real-world
economy [19].
The Metaverse is a cyber world where social and
economic activities can be carried out freely. In this
world, the application of Metaverse technology is
accelerated by the use of artificial intelligence and
blockchain technology [5]. Since the Metaverse
works by following the rules determined by its
designer, the existence of artificial intelligence is a
technology that will ensure the correct application
of the rules determined by this designer [21]. AI will
increase Metaverse's operational efficiency and
intelligence. For example, with smart voice
services, technical support such as voice recognition
and communication can be provided for Metaverse
users [19].
Recently, city designs using virtual and
augmented reality based on large-scale data-driven
artificial intelligence systems in Metaverse have
become a trend in data-driven smart urbanism [22].
Artificial intelligence technologiesespecially
deep learninghave great potential for the
Metaverse in terms of automated operations and
design. For this reason, it performs better than
traditional approaches [19].
Big data is produced in Metaverse, which is
thought to be used by a large number of users in the
future. For this reason, security issues are at the
forefront. Since the actions of the users affect
another user, a stable security strategy is needed in
the Metaverse [23]. Artificial intelligence and
machine learning provide technical support to
Metaverse systems by aiming to reach or even
exceed the learning level of humans [19].
With the development of the cyber economy, it
has become difficult to manage large-scale assets
and detect fraudulent transactions. At this point,
artificial intelligence creates and manages digital
assets and controls transactions between giant
databases [24]. Artificial intelligence provides
privacy protection with algorithms that
automatically detect the privacy preferences of
users in Metaverse. In this way, a Metaverse and AI-
supported security system are formed [24].
When used with Metaverse deep learning, it
offers a high recognition performance and a more
natural generation model [25]. Artificial
intelligence can work in the background of the
Metaverse to generate improvements from the
Güven et al., Empowering Metaverse Through Artificial Intelligence, ICEANS 2022, Konya, Turkey
actions and user interactions of digital twins [26].
The next step in the use of artificial intelligence in
Metaverse is the transformation of Metaverse,
which has become smart with artificial intelligence
algorithms, into Metaverse, which builds smart
hardware with AI algorithms [24].
Overall, the articles covered suggest that the main
benefit of blockchain and AI integration, in general,
is solving security issues. Details of the reviewed
literature are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Sum of literature review
Main Point
Making Smart Contracts Smarter
AI solves
Overview: Technology Roadmap of the Future
Trend of Metaverse based on IoT, Blockchain,
AI Technique, and Medical Domain Metaverse
The use of AI
and blockchain
technologies in
the Metaverse
has potential in
many ways.
AI-Enabled Grouping Bridgehead to Secure
Penetration Topics of Metaverse
Park et al.
minimizes the
security risks in
the system.
Definition, Roles, and Potential Research Issues
of the Metaverse in Education: An Artificial
Intelligence Perspective
Hwang and
AI is essential
as a regulator
and controller.
Roadmap Toward the Metaverse: An AI
Cheng et al.
solves many
problems in the
Challenges and Research Directions for
Blockchains in the Internet of Things.
et al.
solves the
problems in the
When Deep Learning Meets Smart Contracts
AI blocks
security issues
in the
Metaverse is a new Internet age that takes the
physical world to a different dimension. It is a
technology that will bring new perspectives and
opportunities to the sectors it is connected to. For
this reason, the opportunities it creates and the
potentials it has for the future are very high. The fact
that the Metaverse universe works with the
blockchain takes it to the next level in terms of
technology, while the problems brought by the
blockchain are solved by artificial intelligence (AI).
Moreover, this is not a one-sided benefit.
Blockchain, with its features, provides solutions to
the dilemmas of AI. In this case, the integration of
Metaverse, blockchain, and AI creates solid
potential in terms of technology. In this study,
positive and negative situations that will be
encountered when Metaverse technology is
integrated with blockchain, and AI are discussed.
The potential of this integrated technology was
Since Metaverse technology is new and open to
development technology, research topics for future
studies are quite wide. However, there are
deficiencies in the application point. Our suggestion
for future studies is to determine the advantages of
artificial intelligence use by making a case analysis
on the examples where Metaverse and AI have been
Güven et al., Empowering Metaverse Through Artificial Intelligence, ICEANS 2022, Konya, Turkey
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Full-text available
The Metaverse, a virtual reality (VR) space where users can interact with each other and digital objects, is rapidly becoming a reality. As this new world evolves, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in shaping its development. Integrating AI with emerging technologies in the Metaverse creates new possibilities for immersive experiences that were previously impossible. This paper explores how AI is integrated with technologies such as the Internet of Things, blockchain, Natural Language Processing, virtual reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Extended Reality. One potential benefit of using AI in the Metaverse is the ability to create personalized experiences for individual users, based on their behavior and preferences. Another potential benefit of using AI in the Metaverse is the ability to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time and resources for more complex and creative endeavors. However, there are also challenges associated with using AI in the Metaverse, such as ensuring user privacy and addressing issues of bias and discrimination. By examining the potential benefits and challenges of using AI in the Metaverse, including ethical considerations, we can better prepare for this exciting new era of VR. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of AI and its integration with other emerging technologies in the Metaverse, as the Metaverse continues to evolve and grow, it will be important for developers and researchers to stay up to date with the latest developments in AI and emerging technologies to fully leverage their potential.
Full-text available
Science and technology transform the frontiers of knowledge and have deep and powerful impacts on society, demonstrating how social reality varies with each era of the world. As a set of fictional representations of technologically driven future worlds, the Metaverse is increasingly shaping the socio-technical imaginaries of data-driven smart cities, i.e., the outcome of radical transformations of dominant structures, processes, practices, and cultures. At the core of the systematic exploration of science and technology is the relationships between scientific knowledge, technological systems, and values and ethics from a wide range of perspectives. Positioned within science of science, this study investigates the complex interplay between the Metaverse as a form of science and technology and the wider social context in which it is embedded. Therefore, it adopts an analytical and philosophical framework of STS, and in doing so, it employs an integrated approach to discourse analysis, supported by a comparative analysis of the Metaverse and Ambient Intelligence. This study shows that the Metaverse as a scientific and technological activity is socially constructed, politically driven, economically conditioned, and historically situated. That is, it is inherently human and hence value-laden, as well as can only be understood as contextualized within the socio-political-economic-historical framework that gives rise to it, sustains it, and makes it durable by material effects and networks. This view in turn corroborates that the Metaverse raises serious concerns as to determinism, social exclusion, marginalization, privacy erosion, surveillance, control, democratic backsliding, hive mentality, cyber-utopianism, and dystopianism. This study argues that, due to the problematic nature of the Metaverse in terms of its inherent ethical and social implications, there need to be more explicit processes and practices for enhancing public participation and allowing a more democratic public role in its shaping and control, especially early in the decision-making process of its development—when the opportunity for effective inputs and informed choices is greatest. The novelty of this study lies in that it is the first of its kind with respect to probing the link between the Metaverse and data-driven smart cities from an STS perspective. The main contribution of this study lies in deepening and extending social scientific critiques and understandings of the imaginaries of data-driven smart cities based on the analysis and evaluation of the Metaverse and the warning signals and troubling visions it conveys and animates in order to help construct desirable alternative futures for the greater good of all citizens. The ultimate goal is to structure the Metaverse in ways that are morally acceptable and collectively the most democratically beneficial for society.
Full-text available
As the latest buzzword, Metaverse has attracted great attention from both industry and academia. Metaverse seamlessly integrates the real world with the virtual world and allows avatars to carry out rich activities including creation, display, entertainment, social networking, and trading. Thus, it is promising to build an exciting digital world and transform a better physical world through the exploration of the metaverse. In this survey, we dive into the metaverse by discussing how Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) fuse with it by investigating the most related studies across the metaverse components, digital currencies, AI technologies, and applications in the virtual world, and blockchain-empowered technologies. Further exploitation and interdisciplinary research on the fusion of AI and Blockchain towards the metaverse will definitely require collaboration from both academia and industries. We wish that our survey can help researchers, engineers, and educators build an open, fair, and rational future metaverse.
Full-text available
Metaverse (MS) is a digital universe accessible through a virtual environment. It is established through the merging of virtually improved physical and digital reality. Metaverse (MS) offers enhanced immersive experiences and a more interactive learning experience for students in learning and educational settings. It is an expanded and synchronous communication setting that allows different users to share their experiences. The present study aims to evaluate students' perception of the application of MS in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for medical-educational purposes. In this study, 1858 university students were surveyed to examine this model. The study's conceptual framework consisted of adoption constructs including Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Personal innovativeness (PI), Perceived Compatibility (PCO), User Satisfaction (US), Perceived Triability (PTR), and Perceived Observability (POB). The study was unique because the model correlated technology-based features and individual-based features. The study also used hybrid analyses such as Machine Learning (ML) algorithms and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The present study also employs the Importance Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) to assess the importance and performance factors. The study finds US as an essential determinant of users’ intention to use the metaverse (UMS). The present study's finding is useful for stakeholders in the educational sector in understanding the importance of each factor and in making plans based on the order of significance of each factor. The study also methodologically contributes to Information Systems (IS) literature because it is one of the few studies that have used a complementary multi-analytical approach such as ML algorithms to investigate the UMS metaverse systems.
The traditional tourism industry is facing severe challenges and it urgently needs digital technology to improve the quality of service experience and storage security. Blockchain, as an emerging technology, brings new opportunities to the tourism industry as it provides a trusted platform for travel companies and tourists. This paper aims to address the challenges and for a real-world prototype development, it has proposed Gemiverse, a blockchain-based professional certification and travel platform that offers specialized solutions to meet challenges and focuses on building immersive experiences. Finally, three development stages of Gemiverse and conduct scene application tests is proposed.
With the advent of the big data era, security issues in the context of artificial intelligence (AI) and data analysis are attracting research attention. In the metaverse, which will become a virtual asset in the future, users’ communication, movement with characters, text elements, etc., are required to integrate the real and virtual. However, they can be exposed to threats. Particularly, various hacker threats exist. For example, users’ assets are exposed through notices and mail alerts regularly sent to users by operators. In the future, hacker threats will increase mainly due to naturally anonymous texts. Therefore, it is necessary to use the natural language processing technology of artificial intelligence, especially term frequency-inverse document frequency, word2vec, gated recurrent unit, recurrent neural network, and long-short term memory. Additionally, several application versions are used. Currently, research on tasks and performance for algorithm application is underway. We propose a grouping algorithm that focuses on securing various bridgehead strategies to secure topics for security and safety within the metaverse. The algorithm comprises three modules: extracting topics from attacks, managing dimensions, and performing grouping. Consequently, we create 24 topic-based models. Assuming normal and spam mail attacks to verify our algorithm, the accuracy of the previous application version was increased by ∼0.4%–1.5%.
Centralization has dominated classic scientific, social, and economic developments. Decentralization has also received increasing attention in management, decision, governance, and economics, despite its incomparability in AI. Going beyond centralized and distributed AI, this article reviews and delineates the conceptual map, research issues, and technical opportunities of decentralized AI and edge intelligence. The complementarity and metasynthesis between centralized and decentralized AI are also elaborated. We further assess where decentralized AI and edge intelligence can enable and promote smart blockchain, Web3, metaverse and decentralized science disciplinarily, technically, practically, and more broadly.
The metaverse has been recognized as one of the technologies with the greatest potential today. However, the use of the metaverse for educational purposes is seldom discussed. Most educators might be unaware of the features of the metaverse, not to mention the potential applications of this emerging technology. In this position paper, we aim to provide a clear definition of the metaverse. Potential applications and research issues of the metaverse in educational settings are also presented. Moreover, the roles of AI in the metaverse as well as metaverse-based education are discussed. It is expected that, via this paper, researchers from the fields of both computer science and educational technology would have a clear picture of what the metaverse is and how it can be used for educational purposes. More importantly, it is expected that more studies related to metaverse-based education can be reported in the near future.
20. yüzyılın sonlarına doğru insan yaşamının her alana müdahale eden dijitalleşme, her geçen gün adeta bir çığ gibi büyüyerek gelişmektedir. Özellikle Endüstri 4.0 ile yapay zeka, otonom robotlar, big data (büyük veri) ve veri madenciliği gibi kavramların hayat bulduğu teknolojik gelişmeler, bireyin algılama biçimine farklı bir yön vermektedir. Bu algı biçimine yeni bir bakış ise Endüstri 5.0 dönemi ile birlikte getirilmiştir. Bu dönemde hayat bulan ve Metaverse (kurgusal evren) olarak adlandırılan bu yeni algı biçimi, ticaret ve eğlenmenin de içerisinde barındığı sanal bir toplum olarak ifade edilmektedir. Bu noktada, bireylerin Metaverse’e olan ilgi düzeylerini belirlemek ve kavramın bilinirlik düzeyini tespit etmek çalışmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır. Amaç doğrultusunda, çalışmada Google Trends verilerinden yararlanılarak, Dünya genelinde 2016-2021 döneminde ‘Metaverse’ anahtar kelimesi "haberler" ve "alışveriş" alt kategorisinde karşılaştırmalı olarak analiz edilmektedir. Yapılan inceleme sonucunda, Metaverse kavramının, Dünya genelinde ve ilgili dönem kapsamında her geçen yıl arttığı ve dünyanın bu yeni sanal topluma hızlı adapte olabileceği öngörülmektedir. Bu hususta, çalışma hem sosyal bilimler literatürüne hem de Metaverse kavramı üzerine farklı bir bakış sunmakta ve sonraki çalışmalara referans olabilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Endüstri 5.0, Metaverse, Google Trends
Decentralized application (DApp) is an emerging technology designed to address distrust, privacy, and security issues. However, we note that the research community in human factors has not conducted in-depth research on user behavior in this unique distributed environment yet. In this paper, unlike a small sample of user interviews, we attempt to profile DApp users through publicly available data. Using Ethereum as an example, we build a series of datasets containing more than 73.8 million transactions generated by 230,000 addresses. By transforming hexadecimal addresses into readable application names, we analyze the behavioral characteristics of the user based on the categories of DApp. Furthermore, we apply an unsupervised clustering method on the 230,000 addresses to distinguish investors and players and analyze their behavioral patterns and sensitivity to blockchain markets, such as ETH prices. In addition, we implement heuristics to demonstrate how blockchain data mining can facilitate practical systems, including anomaly detection and recommend systems. Finally, we discuss future directions for studying human factors in a decentralized context and hope that this work will attract more research attention and support the development of DApp and further Metaverse ecosystems.