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A dynamic harmony search-based fuzzy clustering protocol for energy-efficient wireless sensor networks



In the development of cluster-based energy-efficient protocols for wireless sensor networks (WSNs), a particularly challenging problem is the dynamic organization of sensors into a wireless communication network and the routing of sensed information from the field sensors to a remote base station (BS) in a manner that prolongs the lifetime of WSNs. This paper presents a new energy-efficient clustering protocol for WSNs, which can minimize total network energy dissipation while maximizing network lifetime. The protocol is divided into two parts. The first deals with constructing an infrastructure for the given WSN. A newly developed algorithm, based on a harmony search (HS), automatically determines the optimal number of clusters and allocates sensors into these clusters. This algorithm also eliminates the need to set the number of clusters a priori. The second part is concerned with the process of sending sensed data from nodes to their cluster head and then to the BS. A decentralized fuzzy clustering algorithm is proposed, where the selection of cluster heads in each round is locally made in each cluster during the network lifetime. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed protocol can achieve an optimal number of clusters, prolong the network lifetime and increase the data delivery at the BS, when compared to other well-known clustering-based routing protocols.
Ann. Telecommun.
A dynamic harmony search-based fuzzy clustering protocol
for energy-efficient wireless sensor networks
Osama Moh’d Alia1
Received: 15 June 2017 / Accepted: 1 October 2017
© Institut Mines-T´
ecom and Springer-Verlag France SAS 2017
Abstract In the development of cluster-based energy-
efficient protocols for wireless sensor networks (WSNs),
a particularly challenging problem is the dynamic organi-
zation of sensors into a wireless communication network
and the routing of sensed information from the field sen-
sors to a remote base station (BS) in a manner that prolongs
the lifetime of WSNs. This paper presents a new energy-
efficient clustering protocol for WSNs, which can minimize
total network energy dissipation while maximizing network
lifetime. The protocol is divided into two parts. The first
deals with constructing an infrastructure for the given WSN.
A newly developed algorithm, based on a harmony search
(HS), automatically determines the optimal number of clus-
ters and allocates sensors into these clusters. This algorithm
also eliminates the need to set the number of clusters a
priori. The second part is concerned with the process of
sending sensed data from nodes to their cluster head and
then to the BS. A decentralized fuzzy clustering algorithm
is proposed, where the selection of cluster heads in each
round is locally made in each cluster during the network
lifetime. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed
protocol can achieve an optimal number of clusters, prolong
the network lifetime and increase the data delivery at the
BS, when compared to other well-known clustering-based
routing protocols.
Osama Moh’d Alia
1Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and
Information Technology, University of Tabuk, PO box 741,
Tabuk 71491, Saudi Arabia
Keywords Wireless sensor networks ·Energy-efficient
routing protocols ·Harmony search algorithm ·Fuzzy
1 Introduction
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have potential appli-
cations in civilian and military domains, including envi-
ronmental monitoring, surveillance, healthcare, intelligent
building control, traffic control and object tracking [13].
WSNs consist of a large number of autonomous sensor
nodes equipped with sensing capabilities, wireless com-
munication interfaces and limited processing and energy
One or more powerful base stations (BSs) act as the final
destination of the data. WSNs are used for distributed and
cooperative sensing of physical phenomena and events of
interest [4].
Energy consumption needed to pass sensory data to the
final destination for each node is a major concern when
designing WSN routing protocols [57]. Economical usage
of sensor nodes is paramount in order to prolong the oper-
ational lifetime of the network. Moreover, the sensor nodes
are equipped with limited energy sources (lightweight bat-
tery); therefore, replacing these batteries may be inappli-
cable or impossible [810]. Thus, optimal battery energy
usage can prolong use and improve performance efficiency
of WSNs. Designing routing algorithms, which can con-
sume less energy, while maintaining the efficiency and
robustness of WSNs, is hence highly desirable.
During the last decade, WSN researchers have focused on
solving the above-mentioned problem by proposing power
management protocols alongside the evolution of hardware-
based solutions [1113]. Cluster-based techniques, which
Ann. Telecommun.
are some of the most innovative techniques in this aspect,
have been proven to be scalable and efficient [13,14].
In such techniques, all sensors are organized into clusters.
Each cluster center, called the cluster head (CH), performs
specific tasks to acquire data from sensors within its own
cluster, carry out data aggregation and transmit fused data
directly to the BS. This allows most nodes to transmit across
small distances and reduce the amount of data sent through
the network to save battery energy. Furthermore, the pro-
cess of alternating the role of being a CH between cluster
member nodes further reduces energy consumption, since
non-CH member nodes can go into sleep mode for a longer
period of time.
In the last few years, a relatively large number of clus-
tering routing protocols have been developed for WSNs,
such as [1421]; for more references, see [13,22]. One pio-
neering approach was presented by [23,24] and involves
a low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH). A
LEACH essentially selects sensor nodes as CHs by rotation,
such that the high-energy dissipation in communicating with
the BS is spread to all sensor nodes in the network. This
distribution enables the LEACH to be superior to other pro-
tocols since: (1) each node equally shares the load imposed
upon CHs to some extent; and (2) non-CH member nodes
can manage their communication interfaces in compliance
with their allocated time slots, hence avoiding excessive
energy dissipation [13]. However, a LEACH also has a few
drawbacks, as follows: (1) to some extent, it is not applica-
ble to large region networks, since it performs the single-hop
inter-cluster routing method;(2) it cannot ensure real load
balancing when dealing with sensor nodes with different
amounts of initial energy;(3) it is hard for predetermined
CHs to be uniformly distributed throughout the network
since CH election is performed in terms of probabilities;
and (4) the idea of dynamic clustering brings with it extra
overheads [13].
These disadvantages have inspired other researchers to
improve subsequent clustering routing protocols. Among
the popular ones are hybrid energy-efficient distributed
clustering [25], distributed energy-efficient clustering
(DEEC) [26], power-efficient gathering in sensor informa-
tion systems [27], the threshold-sensitive energy-efficient
sensor network [28], the stable election protocol [29], the
neuro-fuzzy energy-aware clustering scheme [30], distance-
based and low-energy adaptive clustering [31], the energy-
efficient distributed clustering algorithm based on the fuzzy
approach with nonuniform distribution [32], the distributed
clustering protocol using voting and priority [33], priority-
based congestion control dynamic clustering [34] and the
distributed energy-efficient clustering protocol [35]. Other
protocols are discussed in the work of [13,22].
Despite improvements, many of these protocols ignore
the problem of determining the optimal number of clusters
for the given WSN. Naturally, clustering algorithms require
the number of clusters to be determined by the network
designer before the clustering process begins [3638].
Ensuring the longevity of the WSN is a critical factor,
given that, if there are fewer clusters, non-CH nodes prob-
ably consume too much energy when transmitting sensory
data to their CHs because most clusters will have to be
large. Conversely, if there are too many clusters, the energy
consumed by non-CH nodes in order to transmit data to
their CHs decreases. At the same time, there is a possi-
bility that more energy will be consumed by CHs, where
CHs are required to fuse the sensory data and transmit them
over a large distance to the BS [39]. Therefore, in order to
minimize energy consumption and prolong the WSN’s life-
time, the clustering scheme must be able to find the optimal
number of clusters before the clustering process begins.
To create an efficient and energy-aware routing protocol
in WSNs, while avoiding the above-mentioned weaknesses,
we seek mechanisms from nature and adapt them to suit
the challenges of WSNs. Since clustering problems can be
classified as optimization problems[4042], meta-heuristic
algorithms are widely believed to be among the best types of
clustering algorithms. Such algorithms are able to solve NP-
hard problems with satisfactory near-optimal solutions and
significantly less computational time than exact algorithms
[38]. The HS algorithm is a relatively new meta-heuristic
algorithm developed by Geem et al. [43] to solve opti-
mization problems. Ever since its inception, the HS has
encouraged many researchers to develop HS-based applica-
tions for many optimization problems [14,44,45]. In a HS,
a candidate solution to an optimization problem corresponds
to a musical harmony composed of notes played by a group
of musicians. Each decision variable in a candidate solution
is quite similar to when a musician plays a note. In this con-
text, the value range of each decision variable is equivalent
to the pitch range of each note.
The HS approach is a successful meta-heuristic algo-
rithm, which can explore the search space of the given
data set (i.e., WSN) in a parallel optimization environ-
ment, where each solution (harmony) vector is generated by
intelligently exploring and exploiting a search space.
This paper proposes a new energy-efficient clustering
protocol for WSNs,1can minimize total network energy
dissipation, while maximizing network lifetime. The pro-
tocol is divided into two parts. In the first part, a newly
Dynamic Clustering algorithm using the HS for WSNs,
termed DCHS-WSN, is proposed. This algorithm automat-
ically determines the number of clusters that can result in
minimum total network energy dissipation. This algorithm
1The initial version of the proposed protocol, which was presented in
Ann. Telecommun.
builds the appropriate infrastructure for the given WSN
by allocating sensor nodes to their most appropriate clus-
ters. Note that this part is only performed once at the
beginning of the protocol at a BS, with the resultant infras-
tructure remaining the same without any changes during the
network’s lifetime.
The second part of the proposed protocol deals with send-
ing sensed data from nodes to their CHs, and then to the
BS. It runs into rounds, with each round subdivided into
a CH selection phase and a steady-state phase. In the CH
selection phase, the role of the CH is rotated between the
cluster nodes to evenly distribute the energy load among the
sensor nodes in each cluster. The selection process for the
new CHs is performed locally in each cluster, where a new
multi-criteria objective function is proposed to enhance the
quality of the selected CHs. In the steady-state phase, each
sensor node senses the targeted environment, then transmits
the sensed data to the cluster head to which it belongs. Then,
the cluster heads, in turn, aggregate and send the sensed data
to the BS.
To summarize the contribution of this research, one can
say that the proposed protocol should minimize total net-
work energy dissipation while maximizing the network’s
lifetime. The following key factors can highlight the pref-
erences of the proposed protocol over other competitor
protocols, such as a LEACH [23,24]. First, the optimal
number of clusters can be determined automatically with-
out any intervention from a network designer; second, the
sensor nodes can be evenly distributed to most proper clus-
ters; and third, the CH selection is selected locally in each
cluster, based on the residual energy and the geographical
location of each candidate sensor with regard to the BS and
every other cluster’s member.
This paper is arranged as follows. Section 2sets out
the preliminaries of the network and the radio model being
explored. Section 3provides an overview of the HS algo-
rithm. A detailed description of the proposed protocol is
giveninSection4. A simulation study is presented in
Section 5. We conclude our findings in Section 7.
2 Preliminaries
This section presents the assumptions and radio dissipation
model of the network under consideration.
2.1 Assumptions
1. The BS is located far from the sensor nodes and immo-
2. All nodes in the network are homogeneous and energy-
3. The channel propagation is symmetric.
4. Nodes have location information with respective energy
5. Nodes have no mobility.
2.2 Radio energy dissipation model
In the radio energy model used in this work, as presented
in [23,24], the transmitter dissipates energy to run the
radio electronics and the power amplifier, while the receiver
dissipates energy to run the radio electronics. The energy
consumption for transmitting a message of bbit over a
distance dis:
ETx =Eelec ×b+Efs ×b×d2,dd0(1)
ETx =Eelec ×b+Emp ×b×d4,d>d
For receiving this message:
ERx =Eelec ×b(3)
where Eelec is the energy expended to operate the
transceiver circuit, and Efs and Emp are the energy expen-
ditures of transmitting 1 bit of data to achieve an acceptable
bit error rate, which depends on the transmission distance
in the case of the free space model and multipath fading
model, respectively [23,24]. If the transmission distance is
less than the threshold of d0, the free space model is applied;
otherwise, we use the multipath model. The threshold d0is
calculated by equating the two expressions in Eqs. 1and 2
at d=d0as follows:
d0=Efs/Emp (4)
Data aggregation, which is performed by the CH to
reduce the total amount of sent data is calculated as Eda =5
nJ/bit/message. This is based on the assumption that the
data from neighboring sensors will often be highly corre-
lated; therefore, the overall data collected by a cluster of n
nodes, where each node collects bbits of data, can be com-
pressed to bbits, regardless of the number of nodes in that
cluster [47].
A new parameter is proposed in this paper to represent
the energy consumption of CH when the selection of a new
CH for the next round takes place. We assume that the CH
selection energy expenditure is set as ECHElec =5nJ ×
No.Above.Ave,whereN o.Above.Ave represents the num-
ber of candidate CHs within a cluster, which are above the
average energy of alive nodes.
3 Harmony search algorithm
As mentioned, the HS algorithm mimics the improvisa-
tion process of musicians in an intelligent way. Just as
Ann. Telecommun.
musical harmony is improved over time, the solution vec-
tor is improved, iteration by iteration. In general, the HS
algorithm has five steps [48], which can be described as
Step 1: Initialize the HS and optimization problem
The optimization problem is treated as a minimization (or
maximization) problem. Minimize (or maximize) f(a)sub-
ject to aiAi,i=1,2,...,N,wheref(a) is the
objective function, (a) is the set of decision variables (ai),
Ais the set of possible ranges of any decision variable,
Ai=ai(1), ai(2),...a
i(M),(M) is the number of possible
ranges for each decision variable, and (N) is the num-
ber of decision variables. Then, the parameters of the HS
are initialized. These parameters are the harmony mem-
ory size (HMS), the harmony memory consideration rate
(HMCR), the pitch adjustment rate (PAR) and the number
of improvisations (NI).
Step 2: Initialize the harmony memory
The harmony memory (HM) is a matrix of solutions with
aHMS,asshowninEq.5. In this step, the solutions are
randomly constructed and rearranged in reverse order to the
HM, based on the objective function values.
HM =
2··· a1
2··· a2
.··· .
2··· aHMS
Step 3: Improvise a new harmony
In this step, the HS generates (improvises) a new harmony
vector, aNew =aNew
Nbased on
three operators, which are the memory consideration, ran-
dom consideration and pitch adjustment. In the memory
consideration, the values of the new harmony vector are
randomly inherited from the historical values stored in the
HM with the probability of HMCR. The value of the deci-
sion variable aNew
1is chosen from a1
which is stored in the HM. The next decision variable,
2, is chosen from a1
2, while the other
variables, aNew
4,..., are chosen consecutively in the
same manner with the probability of HMCR ∈[0,1].The
HMCR parameter is a probability of selecting one value
from the decision variable, aNew
i, based on the historical
values stored in the HM. The usage of the HM is analo-
gous to the step where the musician uses his or her memory
to ‘generate’ an excellent tune. This important step ensures
that good harmonies are considered as the elements of the
new harmony vectors.
All of this is a cumulative process. Other values that are
not chosen according to memory considerations are chosen
according to their possible range by random consideration
with a probability of 1-HMCR. This step is called random-
ization, which increases the diversity of the solutions and
drives the system to further explore various diverse solu-
tions, thereby attaining global optimality. Furthermore, the
new vector components that are selected out of the memory
consideration operator are examined to be pitch-adjusted
with a probability of the PAR ∈[0,1],asinEq.6.
i)±rand() bw (6)
Here, bw is an arbitrary distance bandwidth used to
improve the performance of the HS. The PAR parameter
simulates the music by ‘changing the frequency’, which
means generating a slightly different value for the new har-
mony vector component. The PAR explores more solutions
in the search space for that purpose.
Step 4: Update the HM
The generated harmony vector, aNew =
N, replaces the worst har-
mony in the HM, but only if its fitness value (measured in
terms of the objective function) is better than that of the
worst harmony.
Step 5: Check the stopping criterion
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until the maximum NI is reached. x
4 The proposed protocol
As mentioned earlier, the proposed protocol is divided into
two parts. The first part builds the appropriate network
infrastructure. The description of this part is given in the
following section. The second part of the proposed protocol
deals with sending sensed data from sensor nodes to their CHs
and then to the BS. This is given in the next section as well.
The flowchart of the proposed protocol is given in Fig. 1.
4.1 Building network infrastructure (DCHS-WSN)
The proposed DCHS-WSN algorithm is the first part of our
protocol to construct the infrastructure of the WSN, where
the optimal number of clusters, as well as the membership of
each node to these clusters, is determined. Suppose a WSN
consists of Nrandomly distributed nodes over an area of
M×Mmeters. These sensor nodes send a short message
called an advertisement message to the BS with information
Ann. Telecommun.
Fig. 1 An overview of the proposed protocol
about their geographical location. Based on the information
received from the sensor nodes, the DCHS-WSN algo-
rithm automatically determines the appropriate number of
clusters at the BS, then allocates sensor nodes into these
This infrastructure becomes permanent during the life-
time of the network, where each node retains its location
from one cluster to another, while the role of the CH is
rotated between cluster nodes to evenly distribute the energy
load among sensor nodes in each cluster. The selection pro-
cess of the new CHs for the upcoming rounds is performed
locally in each cluster and independently from the BS, as
described in the CH selection phase. A full description of
the DCHS-WSN algorithm is given in the following section.
4.1.1 DCHS-WSN algorithm
This section describes how the DCHS-WSN algorithm is
designed and applied to optimally cluster the WSNs. As
with the HS, DCHS-WSN has five steps. These steps are
described as follows:
4.1.2 Step 1: Initialize the DCHS-WSN parameters
The DCHS-WSN has the same parameters as the HS: HMS,
4.1.3 Step 2: Initialization of the HM
Each HM vector encodes the CHs of the given WSN. How-
ever, since the number of these CHs is unknown for the
given WSN, the range of the possible number of clusters that
the given WSN may possess is tested. Therefore, the length
of each HM vector can vary according to the randomly gen-
erated number of clusters for each vector. To initialize the
HM with feasible solutions, which is the index of a sensor
node that refers to the actual node location, each HM vector
initially encodes a number of CHs, denoted by CHno,such
CHno =(rand ×(CH M ax N o CH MinNo)) +CHMinNo (7)
where rand is a function that generates a random number
[0,1],CHMaxNo is an estimate of the maximum number
of clusters (upper bound) and CHMinNo is the minimum
number of clusters (lower bound). In this simulation, the
value of the upper bound is set to N,whereNis the num-
ber of nodes in the given WSN, as recommended by the
authors in [49], while the value of the lower bound is set to
2. Therefore, the number of clusters CHno will range from
CHMinNo to CHMaxNo. Even though the vector length
is allowed to vary, for a matrix representation, each vector
length in the HM must be made equal to the maximum num-
berofclusters(CHMaxNo). As a result, the remnants of
unused vector elements (referred to as “unused”) are repre-
sented with the $ sign. For example, if we have a WSN with
100 nodes, covering an area of 200m×200m, then the upper
bound will be 100 =10 and the HM vector may be as
follows: $,5,29,$,$,78,50,41,66,$.
This vector means that the given WSN can be clustered
into six clusters, where, for instance, the actual geograph-
ical location, x-axis and y-axis, for index 29 can be {120,
60},{10, 90}for index 66, and so on for the rest. These
indices represent the geographical location of the candidate
CHs encoded in this sample vector.
Ann. Telecommun.
After the HM is generated with a different number of
candidate CHs in each HM vector, the goodness of each
vector is measured as the quality of the clustering result,
which each HM vector represents, calculated by the pro-
posed objective function and saved in the HM, as explained
in the following subsection (i.e., Evaluation of Solutions).
4.1.4 Step 3: Improvise a new harmony
The new harmony vector, aNew =(aNew
CHMaxNo), is a vector with the candidate CHs, while
the values of this vector are generated depending on the
improvisation rules of the HS, which are modified to fit the
nature of the WSN. Each new harmony vector aˆ{New}
inherits the values of its components from the vectors
stored in the HM, with the probability of HMCR. For
example, the value of aNew
1is chosen randomly from its
possible range, which is a1
it is chosen randomly from its possible range, which is
2; it continues in the same manner for
the rest of the components. In the opposite case of the proba-
bility of 1-HMCR, the values of the new vector components
are selected from the possible range R, which represents the
indices of the sensor nodes. This process can be summarized
as follows:
aNew aNew a1,a
aNew Rw.p(1HMCR)
The selected new vector components (out of the memory
consideration operator) are examined to see if they are pitch-
adjusted with the probability of the PAR. If a generated
random number, rand ∈[0,1], is within the probability
of the PAR, then the new candidate CH will be adjusted to
the nearest node, based on the minimum Euclidean distance
between the new candidate CH and the other nodes in the
given WSN. The pitch adjustment process is summarized as
imin N
i=1CH niw.p HM CR
No change w.p (1HMCR)
Another important issue worth mentioning is that, when
the inherited components of the new harmony vector have
unused values (‘$’), no pitch adjustment takes place. Once
the new harmony vector is generated, a count is performed
on the generated number of CHs in the new vector. If it is
less than the minimum number of CHs, i.e., ‘CHMinNo’,
the new vector will be rejected. Otherwise, the new vector
will be accepted and an objective function computed using a
cluster validity measurement, as described in the following
subsection (i.e., Evaluation of Solutions).
4.1.5 Step 4: Update the HM
In this step, the new vector is compared with the worst HM
solution in terms of the fitness function. If it is better, the
new vector is included in the HM, while the worst harmony
is excluded. Note that Steps 3 and 4 are repeated until the
maximum number of improvisations (NI) is reached.
4.1.6 Step 5: Check the stopping criteria
After the NI is reached, the best solution determined by the
maximum value of the fitness function of each HM solution
vector is finally selected to be the best solution vector.
4.2 Evaluation of solutions
The evaluation of each HM vector indicates the degree of
goodness of the solution it represents. In order to evaluate
the goodness of each HM vector, the unused elements (‘$’)
that may appear in the harmony vector are removed and
the remaining components representing the CHs are used to
cluster the given WSN. In this paper, we use the fuzzy tech-
nique in the clustering process, where the sensor node, xi,is
assigned to one or more clusters with a membership grade.
The fuzzy membership value for each node is calculated as
follows: [50]:
uij =1
where Crepresents the actual number of CHs used to
cluster the given WSN, and mis the fuzziness value of
fuzzy clustering, which is set to 1.5. Since each generated
vector holds a number of CHs, which are used to clus-
ter the given WSN, the quality of the vector is measured
using one of the clustering validity indices. This is because
the clustering validity indices have the ability to measure
the quality of the clustering results by calculating what is
called the inter-cluster distances, which refer to the sepa-
ration between clusters and the intra-cluster distances, i.e.,
the compactness within the cluster members. Therefore, the
validity index measurement is used as the fitness function in
this study.
In this case, the objective is to maximize the separation
measurement and minimize the compactness measurement.
This, in turn, helps to minimize the energy required by
sensor nodes to pass sensed data to their CH. It is worth
mentioning that, at this stage of building the infrastructure
of the given WSN, all nodes have the same energy level, as
Ann. Telecommun.
assumed in this study. Therefore, this factor is not involved
in the fitness calculation.
Several cluster validity indices for the fuzzy clustering
assessment have been proposed (e.g., see [51,52] and refer-
ences therein). In this paper, we use the PBMF index [49],
which is defined as:
where Cis the number of clusters. Here:
DC=maxi,l CHiCHl(13)
where CHiis the center of the i-th cluster, while the power
p’, which is used to control the contrast between the dif-
ferent cluster configurations, is set at 2. E1is a constant
term for a particular WSN, which is used to prevent the
index value approaching 0; it is set at 10,000. The value
of m, which is the fuzziness weighting exponent, is exper-
imentally set at 1.5. Dcmeasures the maximum separation
between two clusters over all possible pairs of clusters. EC
measures the sum of Cwithin-cluster distances (compact-
ness). The maximum value of the PBMF index indicates the
correct clustering results, i.e., the correct number of CHs
that can be gained. Consequently, maximization of the fit-
ness function is desirable in order to achieve a near-optimal
4.3 Sensing and sending data
As mentioned earlier, the second part of the proposed proto-
col deals with sending sensed data from nodes to their CHs
and then to the BS. The proposed protocol involves running
into rounds, with each round subdivided into a CH selection
phase and a steady-state phase.
In the CH selection phase, the role of the CH is rotated
between the cluster nodes to evenly distribute the energy
load among the sensor nodes in each cluster. The selection
process of the new CHs is performed locally in each cluster,
where a new multi-criteria objective function is proposed to
enhance the quality of the selected CHs. Meanwhile in the
steady-state phase, the sensing and transmitting of data from
each sensor node to their cluster head are performed where
cluster heads in turn aggregate and send the sensed data to
the BS. More details of these two phases are given in the
following sections.
4.4 Phase 1: CH selection phase
After the infrastructure of the WSN is developed by the
DCHS-WSN algorithm in the BS, the CHs’ selection pro-
cess for the upcoming rounds is performed locally in each
cluster. Each CH (the one that is elected from the previous
round) will calculate the average energy level of all alive
nodes in that cluster. Only the nodes with residual energy
that is higher than the average level qualify as a candidate
CH, cdiCDc. The competition between candidate nodes
to become a CH is based on the following factors:
Residual energy
Location of each candidate node within a cluster
Location of each candidate node with regards to the BS.
These factors are the main components of our proposed
objective function,2which is used in the selection process
of CHs. The proposed objective function is described as
CHobj =max
α×f1+(1α) ×f2(14)
In this objective function, Ecdiis the residual energy of
the candidate cluster head cdicluster c. The higher the
value of this parameter, the greater the probability of a node
to become a CH. The term qis a constant term for a par-
ticular WSN and is used to avoid the objective function to
approach zero; q=1000. f1is the Euclidean distance of
all nodes in a particular cluster c,xiicluster c,totheir
candidate cluster head cdi. This factor, f1, is responsible to
measure the intra-cluster distance (compactness) of a partic-
ular cluster when a candidate cluster head cdiis chosen to
be a CH. This in turn affects the energy expenditure required
to pass the sensed data from each sensor node to their CH.
Therefore, the minimization of f1is desired, while choos-
ing a cdithat minimizes this factor is also desirable. The
other factor, f2, is the Euclidean distance from the candidate
cluster head cdito the network BS. This in turn affects the
energy expenditure required by the CH to pass the aggre-
gated data to the network BS. Therefore, minimization of
this factor, f2, is desirable, as well as choosing the cdithat
minimizes this factor. The last factor of this objective func-
tion is the constant α, which represents the amount of the
influence of f
1sand f
2son the objective function.
2The initial version of the proposed objective function was presented
in [46,53]
Ann. Telecommun.
Overall, finding the maximum value of the objective
function CHobj in each round of the proposed protocol for
each cluster Cis desirable, as it indicates that the candidate
cluster head cdiis the best among other candidate competi-
tors. It is worth mentioning here that the cost of finding the
optimal candidate CH in each cluster is calculated as men-
tioned earlier in Section 2B, where the CH selection energy
expenditure is set to ECHElec =5nJ ×N o.Above.Ave.
After the optimal CHs are selected, a joint message is
sent by the current CHs to all alive sensor nodes in their
respective clusters, which contain information about the
new CHs, as well as the time schedule to transfer the data.
Once the joint message reaches a sensor node, the node
extracts the new CH identifier and transmission time sched-
ule, then stores this information in its memory to forward
data during the steady-state phase.
4.5 Phase 2: Steady-state phase
Once all nodes receive the joint message, and the transmis-
sion schedule is initialized, the sensor nodes activate their
radio component for a very short period of time to perform
data sensing and transmission to the CHs. At that time, the
CHs must be awake so as to receive the data from the nodes
in their clusters. Once the CHs receive all the data, they per-
form data aggregation, where all individual signals in each
cluster are combined into a single representative signal. This
process, as assumed in this study, is to enhance the common
signal and reduce the uncorrelated noise among the signals.
The resultant data are sent from the CHs to the BS. This
reduces the amount of information being transferred and, in
turn, reduces energy consumption.
Both the CH selection and steady-state phases are
repeated in each round of the proposed protocol throughout
the network’s lifetime.
5 Simulation results
The simulation results presented in this section are divided
into three parts as follows. The first demonstrates the effect
of the number of clusters on the performance of clustering-
based WSN protocols. The second part highlights the effec-
tiveness of the proposed DCHS-WSN algorithm in finding
the optimal number of clusters and choosing the appropriate
cluster members for various WSN settings. The final part of
this section demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed pro-
tocol compared to other state-of-the-art protocols in terms
of two main factors: (1) first and last node death; and (2)
packets sent to BS.
Before going any further, a description of the WSN settings is
given toenablea better understanding of the experimental setup.
6 Experimental setup
Two different simulations were run using MATLAB ver-
sion R2010a. The first simulation involved a WSN with 100
sensor nodes scattered randomly across a 300m×300mnet-
work (Fig. 4). The second simulation was performed with
a WSN with 200 sensor nodes scattered randomly across
a 500m×500mnetwork (Fig. 6). In these two simula-
tions, two nodes were not allowed to be in a same location,
meaning that the horizontal and vertical coordinates of each
sensor node were randomly selected between 0 and the
maximum value of the dimension (i.e., 300 for the first sim-
ulation and 500 for the second simulation). The allowed
minimum distance between each sensor node was set to
eight meters in the first simulation and 10 meters in the sec-
ond simulation. The BS location for the first simulation was
set at 175,400, while, in the second simulation, it was set at
In both simulations, the coefficient αfrom Eq. (10) was
set at α=0.75 in order to give the compactness factor
more influence than the location of the candidate cluster
head cdiwith regard to the BS. Similar to [23,24], the
radio energy parameters used in both simulations were set
at: Eelec =50pJ/bit,Efs =10pJ /bit/m2,andEmp =
0.0013pJ/bit/m4. The size of the message that nodes sent
to their cluster heads, as well as the size of the (aggre-
gate) message that a cluster head sent to the BS, was set at
b=4,000bits/message. The packet header for each type
of packet was 25 bytes in length. The DCHS-WSN param-
eters were also experimentally set at: HMCR =0.85,
PAR =0.30, HMS =50 and NI =100000.
6.1 Impact of the number of clusters on WSN protocols
In this part, the impact of the number of clusters on the per-
formance of WSN protocols was investigated, based on the
two simulation network areas, 300m×300mand 500m×
500m. The numbers of clusters varied between one and 15,
while the clustering protocol was run for 10 different topolo-
gies (random scattering of sensor nodes on the simulated
area) for each simulation. Figures 2and 3, which show the
number of rounds when the first node died as a function of
the number of clusters, show that the simulation agrees with
the assumptions stated in the introduction section (i.e., the
number of clusters has a major impact on the performance
of the clustering-based WSN protocols).
Figure 2shows that the optimum number of clusters was
around three to five for the 300m×300mnetwork. By way
of illustration, in the simulation ‘run # 7’, the first node died
after approximately 700 rounds, when the number of clus-
ters was four. When there was only one cluster, the first
node died after 143 rounds. This is because the non-cluster
Ann. Telecommun.
Fig. 2 The effect of the number
of clusters on the lifetime of the
Number of Clusters
run #1 First Node Died run #4 First Node Died
run #5 First Node Died run #7 First Node Died
head nodes often had to transmit data over very long dis-
tances to reach the CH node. This drained energy; and, when
there were more than six clusters, not as much local data
aggregation was performed. In Fig. 3, the optimum num-
ber of clusters was shown to be around four to six for the
500m×500mnetwork. Here, for instance, the simulation
‘run# 1’ found the optimal number of clusters for the given
network to be five when the first node died after approxi-
mately 90 rounds. The first node, on the other hand, died
after approximately 20 rounds when the number of clusters
was between four and eight. It is noteworthy that the first
node died after 700 rounds in the optimal case of the first
simulation, while it took 90 rounds in the second simulation.
This is because, in both simulations, the initial energy for
each sensor node was equally set to 2, while the location of
the BS and the sensors’ coverage area were both different.
6.2 Simulations of the DCHS-WSN algorithm
This part evaluates the performance of the proposed DCHS-
WSN algorithm in finding the optimal number of clusters.
Since the HS is heuristic in nature, we performed 30 tri-
als with several random network topologies in order to
obtain the best solution. Figure 4shows how 100 sen-
sor nodes were randomly deployed in the 300m×300m
network. Figure 5shows how the DCHS-WSN algorithm
clustered the given network and how their infrastructure was
built. Figure 6shows how 200 sensor nodes were randomly
deployed in the 500m×500mnetwork. Figure 7shows how
the DCHS-WSN algorithm clustered the given network and
built their infrastructure. Figure 8shows the number of clus-
ters obtained by the DCHS-WSN algorithm in each trail for
both simulations. From the result of the 300m×300mWSN
Fig. 3 The effect of the number
of clusters on the lifetime of the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Number of Clusters
run #1 First Node Died run #3 First Node Died
run #4 First Node Died run #7 First Node Died
Ann. Telecommun.
Fig. 4 Unclustered 300m×300mnetwork
simulation shown in a blue color in Fig. 8, it can be seen
that the number of clusters obtained by the DCHS-WSN
algorithm varied between three and five; note that this is the opti-
mal range as mentioned in the previous section. Furthermore,
from the result of the 500m×500mWSN simulation shown
in a red color in Fig. 8, it can be seen that the number of clusters
obtained by the DCHS-WSN algorithm varied between four
and six, which is also the optimal range as mentioned in the
previous section. The plot confirms that the proposed algo-
rithm can produce the optimal number of clusters, which in
turn results in greater energy savings in the network.
6.3 Comparative simulations with clustering-based
routing protocols
After the optimal number of clusters was obtained by
DCHS-WSN, a demonstration of the system lifetime,
Fig. 5 DCHS-WSN clustered 300m×300mnetwork
Fig. 6 Unclustered 500m×500mnetwork
defined by the first and last dead nodes, was considered.
When the nodes use up their limited energy during the
course of the simulation, they can no longer transmit or
receive data. For these simulations, energy is consumed
whenever a node transmits or receives data, or performs data
aggregation or CH selection. Furthermore, we tracked the
rate at which the data packets are transferred to the BS. The
more data the BS receives, the more accurate its view of the
remote environment will be.
Figure 9-a and -b show how the DEEC and LEACH pro-
tocols compare with our protocol DCHS-WSN in terms of
the number of rounds before the occurrence of a first dead
node, as well as the number of rounds until the last dead
node. It can be seen from the figures for both simulations
that the network lifetime for the DCHS-WSN protocol was
significantly better than for the DEEC and LEACH pro-
tocols. Figure 9-a, which represents the simulation in the
Fig. 7 DCHS-WSN clustered 500m×500mnetwork
Ann. Telecommun.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
Obtained Number of Clusters by DCHS-WSN
Optimal Number of Clusters (300mX300m)
Optimal Number of Clusters(500mX500m)
Fig. 8 Obtained number of clusters using the DCHS-WSN algorithm
for the two simulations
300m×300marea network, shows that the first node died
after 45 rounds for the DEEC protocol and after 176 rounds
for the LEACH protocol, while the first node died after 440
rounds for the DCHS-WSN protocol. Figure 9-a also shows
First and Last Node Died in 300mx300m Network
First Node Died Last Node Died
21 14
First and Last Node Died in 500mx500m Network
First Node Died Last Node Died
Fig. 9 Comparison of the first and last dead nodes for the two
Total Packets Sent to BS
Total Packets sent to BS (300mX300m) Total Packets sent to BS (500mX500m)
Fig. 10 Total data delivered to the BS for the two simulations
that the last node died after 1,101 rounds for the DEEC
protocol and after 1,756 rounds for the LEACH protocol; for
the DCHS-WSN protocol, it occurred after 2,319 rounds.
The performance of the DCHS-WSN, in terms of its
capability to deliver data to the BS and energy efficiency,
was compared with the DEEC and LEACH protocols.
Figure 10 shows the total data received by the BS for the dif-
ferent simulated networks. It can be seen that, in both cases
of the different network area, the DCHS-WSN achieved bet-
ter data delivery than the DEEC and LEACH protocols. For
instance, Figure 10 shows the number of packets delivered
to the BS by the DCHS-WSN protocol, with 5,224 packets
for the 300m×300marea network simulation, compared to
2,605 packets for the 500m×500marea network simula-
tion. The difference is obvious, especially when the initial
energy for each node in both simulations is known to be the
same (e.g., 2J). However, it can also be seen that, in both the
300m×300mand 500m×500mcases, the DCHS-WSN
protocol exploited the network energy as much as possible,
compared to the other protocols, which in turn resulted in
better data delivery. Thus, the DCHS-WSN protocol rep-
resents a worthy approach for the efficient utilization of
network energy resources.
In WSNs, it is very important to develop routing protocols
that can conserve the energy of the nodes as much as pos-
sible in order to improve the network lifetime. In response,
we designed a new dynamic clustering protocol for WSNs
based on the HS algorithm. The proposed protocol elimi-
nates the need to determine the number of clusters in the
simulation a priori. This number is considered a key fac-
tor, which may affect the performance of clustering-based
WSN protocols. Furthermore, a decentralized cluster-based
protocol is proposed, where the selection process of cluster
Ann. Telecommun.
heads in each simulation round is conducted within each
cluster, instead of the BS. This is predicated on a new
multi-objective function, in which the network energy con-
sumption, intra-cluster distance and cluster-to-BS distance
are its main factors. Simulation results have shown that
the proposed algorithm can generate an optimal number of
clusters in each round during the simulations. Moreover,
the proposed protocol offers an improvement in the net-
work lifetime compared to other popular algorithms, such
as LEACH and DEEC.
This improvement is based on different factors. Firstly,
significant energy saving is achieved by the DCHS-WSN
algorithm through the use of dynamic clustering, where the
optimal number of clusters is chosen and each node joins the
most appropriate cluster. This is based on the strength of the
HS algorithm in terms of exploring the search space (sen-
sor nodes) and discovering the most appropriate network
infrastructure. The objective function used in the DCHS-
WSN algorithm is also oriented towards minimizing the
distance from non-cluster head nodes to cluster heads, as
well as the distance from cluster heads to the BS. Sec-
ondly, the decentralized technique proposed in our protocol
leads to lower network energy expenditure. This is due to
the reduction in energy required to send control messages
from alive nodes to their cluster head, where the process
of selecting a new CH is performed, as opposed to the BS
giving information about their residual energy. Thirdly, the
multi-objective function adopted in our proposed protocol
attempts to produce a set of good compromises or trade-offs,
where the values of all the objective functions are accept-
able to the system requirements. As a result, this protocol
can obtain an optimal set of cluster heads that are evenly
distributed across the network with optimal network con-
figuration, which further reduces the total network energy
Acknowledgments The author gratefully acknowledges the support
received in the course of this study from the Sensor Networks and
Cellular Systems Research Center, the University of Tabuk, and the
Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia.
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... In a cluster, a node is elected as cluster head (CH) by running a certain approach, and then the CH aggregates the collected data from its cluster number nodes (CMs) and transmits it to the base station (BS) in single-or multi-hop mode. Great efforts have been made to improve the performance of clustering approaches and expected results have been achieved during the last decades [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. Low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) is the pioneer clustering protocol for WSNs [7], which performs five following processes including CH election, cluster formation, schedule creation, data forwarding and re-clustering. ...
... To make matters worse, no CH is elected. Therefore, many improved approaches have been proposed to select the optimal nodes as CHs such as weight calculation [8], particle swarm optimization [9], harmony search [10] and fuzzy logic control [11]. The optimization algorithms vary from different rules and characteristics [12]. ...
... Therefore, many variants of LEACH have been provided to improve its performance from one or more aspects mentioned above [6,10,13,18,20]. Especially, protocols based on LEACH forwarding data to the BS in multihop mode have been validated that they can improve the energy efficiency and scalability for WSNs much more than that of protocols in single hop communication [23]. ...
As an important kind of clustering protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), LEACH and its variants have been demonstrated to efficiently balance the energy consumption, simplify the routing task and extend the network lifetime. Especially, the multi-hop LEACH type protocols have proved to be effective approaches for high energy efficiency, reliability as well as scalability. However, data transmission in hop-by-hop mode increases the energy consumption and end-to-end delay. In this paper, an improved multi-hop LEACH protocol based on fuzzy logic called IMF-LEACH is proposed, which uses a fuzzy logic controller with residual energy, length of data, and distance to BS as fuzzy descriptors to determine the hop count. Moreover, the hop count is used for each CH to find its optimal next-hop intermediate CH with more residual energy and less number of members. Simulations are conducted in MATLAB to evaluate the performance of the proposed protocol, and the results show that IMF-LEACH maximizes the network lifetime and outperforms its counterparts consistently.
... Due to several drawbacks of LEACH such as predetermined number of CHs, probability-based selection of CHs, CM joining the nearest cluster, singlehop data forwarding between CH and BS, and period cluster maintenance in round, therefore, a large number of methods have been proposed to improve the whole network performance from one or more above mentioned aspects [3]. Generally, the optimal number of CHs can be determined by geometric computing [7], and intelligent computing such as harmony search [8], instead of preset in LEACH. Also, the optimal CHs selection can be achieved by improved threshold function definition with more parameters than LEACH [9], deterministic weight value [10], and intelligent computing such as fuzzy logic [11], particle swarm optimization (PSO) [12], genetic algorithm (GA) [13], chicken swarm optimization [14], and honey badger algorithm [15]. ...
... Afterwards, the population is updated by using Eqs. (7) and (8), and the quality of the particles is evaluated by using the fitness function Eq. (10). Accordingly, the values of p i best and gbest are also updated based on the fitness values of particles. ...
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Efficient energy conservation to maximize the network lifetime is always the most critical challenge in wireless sensor networks due to their energy-constrained nodes and harsh working environments. Clustering routing is considered the most popular method to lessen energy utilization at present. In this paper, a fuzzy logic and particle swarm optimization-based clustering routing protocol called PFCRE is proposed to improve energy efficiency, mitigate the energy holes and enhance the network lifetime as well. The proposed PFCRE considers energy minimum and balance to form clusters by using an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm. Moreover, a fuzzy inference system is employed to find the optimal route for each CH, which considers effective parameters including residual energy, distance to base station and number of being selected as relay so as to not only minimize energy consumption but also balance traffic load. Especially, the rules of the fuzzy inference system are tuned by another particle swarm optimization algorithm. Furthermore, an adaptive maintenance mechanism is used to organize the clusters instead of periodic clustering to further diminish computation and message overheads. The performance of PFCRE is evaluated by extensive experiments, and the results indicate that it outperforms IBRE-LEACH, EAUCA, DAPFL, IPSOGWO along with FMSFLA in terms of network lifetime, throughput, energy consumption, and standard deviation of CH’s traffic load.
... Multiple clustering techniques have recently been proposed [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. The Low Energy Adaptive Cluster Hierarchy (Reach) Protocol [11] identifies the appropriate number of clusters for a given WSN range. ...
... A centralised cluster-based protocol [19] based on fuzzy C-means (FCM) was successfully used for real-time environment operations. It was used in the WSN testbed for real-time fire detection in an interior building setting [20]. WSN sensor nodes confront unique data management and processing challenges due to limited computing power, connectivity, and storage. ...
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Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has many sensor nodes that connect with sync nodes. The sensor node's power is a limitation. The expense and difficulty of battery charging and replacement affect sensor node life and network length. Clustering reduces the cost of internal cluster communication, thereby conserving energy. Generally, researchers seek for low energy usage via providing data to monitor the cluster's energy use. Many of them are tied to network length. The Ant Group (TAS) technique is the first notion for establishing a cluster using the OC algorithm that saves electricity. Next, we use improved myopia (IM) to find the cluster head (CH). This minimises the number of clusters and the expense of internal communications. The proposed OC-TAS-IM algorithm attempts to enhance energy efficiency. In the network. The route is also conducted using a special algorithm in the low energy adaptive cluster range (reach). It contains Network Simulator implementation and simulation experiments to test specific OC-TAS-IM algorithms (NS2). Because of optimum clustering, the OC-TAS-IM method is stable in terms of energy clustering and grid lifespan.
... The clustering strategy described in Alia (2018) aims to increase WSN lifetime and minimize power usage. This strategy utilizes a decentralized fuzzy clustering method to build the WSN's infrastructure first and then automatically uses a harmony search-based algorithm to select the best clusters. ...
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Energy-efficient operation is one of the prime goals of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) because of the limited battery capacity and the harshness of the environment they are deployed in. Clustering techniques with multihop communication is one such technique that is suitable to achieve this goal. These approaches suffer from load balancing and hotspot issues because of the uneven energy consumption between cluster head (CH) nodes and member nodes (MNs). The Hierarchical Layer Balanced Clustering (HLBC) approach is a clustering framework that is highly effective in comparison to the current state of the art in addressing such issues. This work aims to optimize the process of CH selection and reduce intra-cluster communication distance (IACD) in the context of HLBC. For this purpose, Multi-Objective Optimization based on Ratio Analysis (MOORA) has been employed by considering three critical attributes, viz., residual energy, node centrality, and distance to relay, along with a Shannon entropy-based attribute weighting scheme for CH selection. The modified Dijkstra-based minimum spanning tree formation technique based on energy left, load, and distance to the relay node has been presented to reduce IACD and to distribute the load on MNs evenly. The proposed HCM scheme has been analyzed corresponding to two network scenarios, each for a homogeneous and heterogeneous network, based on three performance measures: node death rate, energy consumption, and network lifetime. The proposed framework has outperformed other state-of-the-art techniques for both homogeneous and heterogeneous cases in all considered scenarios. The First Node Death (FND) of EMUC, HLBC, and the proposed HCM approach are at rounds 201, 341, and 417 for scenario 1 and 254, 309, and 382 for scenario 2, respectively, for homogeneous cases. The proposed HCM protocol has achieved a percentage increase of [22–24]% in terms of FND corresponding to homogeneous network scenarios and a [23–27]% improvement in FND corresponding to heterogeneous network scenarios.
... 9 In this context, the selection of CH through swarm intelligence algorithms are determined to be highly suitable and predominant, as it facilitates the option of preventing worst sensor nodes from being selected as CHs in the network. 10 In this field, diversified number of computational intelligence approaches that include swarm intelligent algorithms such as PSO and ACO, evolutionary algorithms, and artificial immune system is considered to play an anchor role in effective clustering that aids in attaining energy efficiency, stability, and prolonging network lifetime to the acceptable level. 11 But the existing CH selection schemes have their own benefits and limitations. ...
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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) plays an indispensable role in the human life by supporting a diversified number of applications that includes military, environment monitoring, manufacturing, education, agriculture, etc. However, the sensor node batteries cannot be replaced under its deployment in an unattended or remote area due to their wireless existence. Cluster‐based routing is significant in handling the issue of energy stability and network lifetime. The meta‐heuristic algorithms‐based cluster head (CH) selection is determined to be highly promising for attaining the objective of CH selection that results in acquiring an optimal network performance. In this paper, a Hybrid Grasshopper and Improved Cat Swarm Optimization Algorithm (HGICSOA)‐based clustering scheme is proposed for attaining potential CH selection and guarantee significant sink mobility‐based data transmission. The capability of GHOA that controls the rate of exploitation and exploration degree is utilized for CH selection. It specifically adopted OBL‐based GHOA for optimal CH selection based on the objective function, which is formulated using node density, residual energy, and distance between sensor node and sink. It incorporated new CSOA for mobility‐based data transmission for increasing population diversity. It also utilized the benefits of ICSOA with a predominant local search strategy for achieving better sink mobility‐based data transmission. Simulation and statistical results confirmed that the proposed HGICSOA is better in attaining maximum energy stability by 17.21% and improved network lifetime by 23.82%, compared to the benchmarked schemes used for investigation. Moreover, the prevention rate of worst sensor nodes selected as CH is improved by 21.38%, better than baseline approaches.
... The excessive node's energy consumption is caused by the direct data transmission and direct links with the base station (BS) [15]. Consequently, more energy efficiency is required in WSN to achieve longer lifetime and improve its performances [16]. To handle the problem of energy efficiency in the network, many researches Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708 ❒ 6441 have adopted clustering, which refers to group sensors into clusters mastered by a cluster head (CH). ...
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Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are made up of an important number of sensors, called nodes, distributed in random way in a concerned monitoring area. All sensor nodes in the network are mounted with limited energy sources, which makes energy harvesting on top of the list of issues in WSN. A poor communication architecture can result in excessive consumption, reducing the network lifetime and throughput. Centralizing data collection and the introduction of gateways (GTs), to help cluster heads (CHs), improved WSN life time significantly. However, in vast regions, misplacement and poor distribution of GTs wastes a huge amount of energy and decreases network's performances. In this work, we describe a reliable and dynamic with energy-awareness routing (RDEAR) protocol that provides a new GT's election approach taking into consideration CHs density, transmission distance and energy. Applied on 20 different networks, RDEAR reduced the overall energy consumption, increased stability zone and network life time as well as other compared metrics. Our proposed approach increased network's throughput up to 75.92% , 67.7% and 9.78% compared to the low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH), distributed energy efficient clustering (DEEC) and static multihop routing (SMR), protocols, respectively. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
To keep tabs on and document events over a big region, wireless sensor networks (WSN) link together a slew of nodes dispersed across it. Nodes in a WSN can function indefinitely without recharging their batteries, but eventually, they will run out of juice. This energy constraint reduces the network's expected lifetime. The purpose of the research is to find ways to cut down on energy use and make the network last longer. In order to encompass the life of a WSN, it is common practice to apply clustering and routing strategies. In this research, we apply the Aquila Optimization Algorithm (AOA) to choose the ideal cluster leader among a group of candidates. When deciding on a cluster leader, it is important to consider factors like available power and distance from sensor nodes. Using distance and remaining energy, the Honey Badger Algorithm (HBA) determines the optimal path among the cluster head and the base station. Competence of the projected process is measured in terms of consumption, network lifetime, and PDR. This cutting-edge method requires 34.2 percent less time, less energy, and a greater packet delivery ratio than the standard operating procedure.KeywordsAquila Optimization AlgorithmHoney Badger AlgorithmEnergy consumptionNetwork lifetime
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has huge amount of sensor nodes that randomly deployed in the interested region to monitor the environment. In WSN, the energy efficiency is considered as a challenging task during data transmission. The mahalanobis distance based cluster head selection is proposed to solve the issues related to the energy constraint. Next, ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol is used to find the optimal path between the source to base station via cluster heads. The performance of this mahalanobis method is analyzed in terms of energy consumption, throughput, packet loss ratio, End to End Delay (EED) and average delay ratio. The mahalanobis method is compared with Weighted Energy-efficient Clustering with Robust Routing (WECRR), improved Artificial Bee Colony (iABC), Adaptive Energy aware Cluster-based Routing (AECR), Evolutionary Multipath Energy-Efficient Routing (EMEER), K-means algorithm and Energy-aware Cluster-based Routing Protocol (ECRP). The energy consumption of the mahalanobis method is 0.641 J for 75 nodes, it is lesser than the existing methods.
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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are typically composed of thousands of sensors powered by limited energy resources. Clustering techniques were introduced to prolong network longevity offering the promise of green computing. However, most existing work fails to consider the network coverage when evaluating the lifetime of a network. We believe that balancing the energy consumption in per unit area rather than on each single sensor can provide better-balanced power usage throughout the network. Our former work—Balanced Energy-Efficiency (BEE) and its Multihop version BEEM can not only extend the network longevity, but also maintain the network coverage. Following WSNs, Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been proposed with higher degree of diversities in terms of communication abilities and user scenarios, supporting a large range of real world applications. The IoT devices are embedded with multiple communication interfaces, normally referred as Multiple-In and Multiple-Out (MIMO) in 5G networks. The applications running on those devices can generate various types of data. Every interface has its own characteristics, which may be preferred and beneficial in some specific user scenarios. With MIMO becoming more available on the IoT devices, an advanced clustering solution for highly dynamic IoT systems is missing and also pressingly demanded in order to cater for differing user applications. In this paper, we present a smart clustering algorithm (Smart-BEEM) based on our former work BEE(M) to accomplish energy efficient and Quality of user Experience (QoE) supported communication in cluster based IoT networks. It is a user behaviour and context aware approach, aiming to facilitate IoT devices to choose beneficial communication interfaces and cluster headers for data transmission. Experimental results have proved that Smart-BEEM can further improve the performance of BEE and BEEM for coverage sensitive longevity.
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Due to the high-energy efficiency and scalability, the clustering routing algorithm has been widely used in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In order to gather information more efficiently, each sensor node transmits data to its Cluster Head (CH) to which it belongs, by multi-hop communication. However, the multi-hop communication in the cluster brings the problem of excessive energy consumption of the relay nodes which are closer to the CH. These nodes’ energy will be consumed more quickly than the farther nodes, which brings the negative influence on load balance for the whole networks. Therefore, we propose an energy-efficient distributed clustering algorithm based on fuzzy approach with non-uniform distribution (EEDCF). During CHs’ election, we take nodes’ energies, nodes’ degree and neighbor nodes’ residual energies into consideration as the input parameters. In addition, we take advantage of Takagi, Sugeno and Kang (TSK) fuzzy model instead of traditional method as our inference system to guarantee the quantitative analysis more reasonable. In our scheme, each sensor node calculates the probability of being as CH with the help of fuzzy inference system in a distributed way. The experimental results indicate EEDCF algorithm is better than some current representative methods in aspects of data transmission, energy consumption and lifetime of networks.
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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) form an important part of industrial application. There has been growing interest in the potential use of WSNs in applications such as environment monitoring, disaster management, health care monitoring, intelligence surveillance and defence reconnaissance. In these applications, the sensor nodes (SNs) are envisaged to be deployed in sizeable numbers in an outlying area, and it is quite difficult to replace these SNs after complete deployment in many scenarios. Therefore, as SNs are predominantly battery powered devices, the energy consumption of the nodes must be properly managed in order to prolong the network lifetime and functionality to a rational time. Different energy-efficient and energy-balanced routing protocols have been proposed in literature over the years. The energy-efficient routing protocols strive to increase the network lifetime by minimizing the energy consumption in each SN. On the other hand, the energy-balanced routing protocols protract the network lifetime by uniformly balancing the energy consumption among the nodes in the network. There have been various survey papers put forward by researchers to review the performance and classify the different energy-efficient routing protocols for WSNs. However, there seems to be no clear survey emphasizing the importance, concepts, and principles of load-balanced energy routing protocols for WSNs. In this paper, we provide a clear picture of both the energy-efficient and energy-balanced routing protocols for WSNs. More importantly, this paper presents an extensive survey of the different state-of-the-art energy-efficient and energy-balanced routing protocols. A taxonomy is introduced in this paper to classify the surveyed energy-efficient and energy-balanced routing protocols based on their proposed mode of communication towards the base station (BS). In addition, we classified these routing protocols based on the solution types or algorithms, and the input decision variables defined in the routing algorithm. The strengths and weaknesses of the choice of the decision variables used in the design of these energy-efficient and energy-balanced routing protocols are emphasised. Finally, we suggest possible research directions in order to optimize the energy consumption in sensor networks.
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Clustering is an effective technique used to reduce energy consumption and extend the lifetime of wireless sensor network (WSN). The characteristic of energy heterogeneity of WSNs should be considered when designing clustering protocols. We propose and evaluate a novel distributed energy-efficient clustering protocol called DCE for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks, based on a Double-phase Cluster-head Election scheme. In DCE, the procedure of cluster head election is divided into two phases. In the first phase, tentative cluster heads are elected with the probabilities which are decided by the relative levels of initial and residual energy. Then, in the second phase, the tentative cluster heads are replaced by their cluster members to form the final set of cluster heads if any member in their cluster has more residual energy. Employing two phases for cluster-head election ensures that the nodes with more energy have a higher chance to be cluster heads. Energy consumption is well-distributed in the proposed protocol, and the simulation results show that DCE achieves longer stability periods than other typical clustering protocols in heterogeneous scenarios.
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In this paper, we propose an effective and robust decentralized tracking scheme based on the square root cubature information filter (SRCIF) to balance the energy consumption and tracking accuracy in wireless camera sensor networks (WCNs). More specifically, regarding the characteristics and constraints of camera nodes in WCNs, some special mechanisms are put forward and integrated in this tracking scheme. First, a decentralized tracking approach is adopted so that the tracking can be implemented energy-efficiently and steadily. Subsequently, task cluster nodes are dynamically selected by adopting a greedy on-line decision approach based on the defined contribution decision (CD) considering the limited energy of camera nodes. Additionally, we design an efficient cluster head (CH) selection mechanism that casts such selection problem as an optimization problem based on the remaining energy and distance-to-target. Finally, we also perform analysis on the target detection probability when selecting the task cluster nodes and their CH, owing to the directional sensing and observation limitations in field of view (FOV) of camera nodes in WCNs. From simulation results, the proposed tracking scheme shows an obvious improvement in balancing the energy consumption and tracking accuracy over the existing methods.
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Wireless sensor network topology optimization is a highly important issue, and topology control through node selection can improve the efficiency of data forwarding, while saving energy and prolonging lifetime of the network. To address the problem of connecting a wireless sensor network to the Internet in cyber-physical systems, here we propose a geometric gateway deployment based on a competitive swarm optimizer algorithm. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm has a continuous search feature in the solution space, which makes it suitable for finding the geometric center of gateway deployment; however, its search mechanism is limited to the individual optimum (pbest) and the population optimum (gbest); thus, it easily falls into local optima. In order to improve the particle search mechanism and enhance the search efficiency of the algorithm, we introduce a new competitive swarm optimizer (CSO) algorithm. The CSO search algorithm is based on an inter-particle competition mechanism and can effectively avoid trapping of the population falling into a local optimum. With the improvement of an adaptive opposition-based search and its ability to dynamically parameter adjustments, this algorithm can maintain the diversity of the entire swarm to solve geometric K-center gateway deployment problems. The simulation results show that this CSO algorithm has a good global explorative ability as well as convergence speed and can improve the network quality of service (QoS) level of cyber-physical systems by obtaining a minimum network coverage radius. We also find that the CSO algorithm is more stable, robust and effective in solving the problem of geometric gateway deployment as compared to the PSO or Kmedoids algorithms.
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In the development of cluster-based energy-efficiency protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), a particularly challenging problem is how to dynamically organize the sensors into a wireless communication network and route sensed information from the field sensors to a remote base station in a matter that prolongs the lifetime of WSNs .This paper presents a new energy-efficient dynamic clustering algorithm for WSNs that automatically organizes the sensors into an appropriate number of clusters in the network. This algorithm, which is based on Harmony Search Algorithm, music based meta-heuristic optimization algorithm, eliminates the need to set the number of clusters a priori. In addition, a multi-objective approach is utilized in the cluster head selection algorithm in order to select the best set of cluster heads. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve an optimal number of clusters, as well as prolong the network lifetime and increase the data delivery at the base station when compared to other well-known clustering-based routing protocols.
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In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the location of the base station (BS) relative to sensor nodes is an important consideration in conserving network lifetime. High energy consumption mainly occurs during data communication between sensor nodes and the BS, in both single and multi-hop infrastructures. A WSN design with dynamic BS relocation is therefore desirable as this may prolong the network operational lifetime. However, positioning the BS next to each sensor node may cause data gathering latency. The reorganization of sensor nodes into clusters and the choice of a delegate node from each cluster, known as a cluster head (CH), as a ‘communicator’ between each cluster and the moving BS appears to avoid this latency problem and enhance the energy utilization in WSNs. In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient network model that dynamically relocates a mobile BS within a cluster-based network infrastructure using a harmony search algorithm. First, this model allocates sensor nodes into an optimal number of clusters in which each sensor node belongs to the most appropriate cluster. Following this, the optimal CHs are chosen from the other clusters’ sensors in order to evenly distribute the role of the CHs among the sensors. This infrastructure changes dynamically based on the number of alive nodes, so that load balancing is achieved among sensor nodes. Subsequently, the optimal location of the moving BS is determined between the CHs and the BS, in order to reduce the distances for communication. Finally, sensing and data transmission takes place from each sensor node to their respective CH, and CHs in turn aggregate and send this sensed data to the BS. Simulation results show very high levels of improvements in network lifetime, data delivery and energy consumption compared to static and random mobile BS network models.
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Coverage, one of the most important performance metrics for wireless sensor networks, reflects on how well a sensor field is monitored. Coverage problem is a devoted study of a node placement optimization problem in the coverage configuration before network deployment, where the objective is to find the optimal locations to place sensor nodes such that the number of nodes (or the network cost) can be minimized and the coverage requirements can be satisfied. In this paper, we propose a Harmony Search (HS)-based deployment algorithm that can locate the optimal number of sensor nodes, as well as their optimal locations for maximizing the network coverage and minimizing the network cost. The ability of HS is modified to automatically evolve the appropriate number of sensor nodes as well as their optimal locations. This can be accomplished by integrating the concept of adaptable length encoding in each solution vector to represent a variable number of candidate sensor nodes. Network coverage ratio, number of sensor nodes and minimum distance between sensor nodes are the chief elements of a new objective function that has been offered to confirm the choice of the optimal number of sensor nodes and their positions. Experimental results show the ability of the proposed algorithm to find the appropriate number of sensor nodes and their locations. Furthermore, a comparative study with a metaheuristic Genetic-based algorithm and a random deployment technique has also been conducted and its results confirm the superiority of the proposed algorithm.