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A Rate-Splitting Strategy to Enable Joint Radar Sensing and Communication with Partial CSIT



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A Rate-Splitting Strategy to Enable Joint Radar
Sensing and Communication with Partial CSIT
Rafael Cerna-Loli, Onur Dizdar and Bruno Clerckx
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Imperial College London, London, U.K.
Email: {rafael.cerna-loli19, o.dizdar, b.clerckx}
Abstract—In order to manage the increasing interference
between radar and communication systems, joint radar and
communication (RadCom) systems have attracted increased at-
tention in recent years, with the studies so far considering
the assumption of perfect Channel State Information at the
Transmitter (CSIT). However, such an assumption is unrealistic
and neglects the inevitable CSIT errors that need to be considered
to fully exploit the multi-antenna processing and interference
management capabilities of a joint RadCom system. In this work,
a joint RadCom system is designed which marries the capabilities
of a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar with Rate-
Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA), a powerful downlink commu-
nications scheme based on linearly precoded Rate-Splitting (RS)
to partially decode multi-user interference (MUI) and partially
treat it as noise. In this way, the RadCom precoders are optimized
in the presence of partial CSIT to simultaneously maximize the
Average Weighted Sum-Rate (AWSR) under QoS rate constraints
and minimize the RadCom Beampattern Squared Error (BSE)
against an ideal MIMO radar beampattern. Simulation results
demonstrate that RSMA provides the RadCom with more robust-
ness, flexibility and user rate fairness compared to the baseline
joint RadCom system based on Space Division Multiple Access
Index Terms—Radar-communication (RadCom), MIMO radar,
rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA), Alternating Direction
Method of Multipliers (ADMM), partial channel state informa-
tion (CSI) at the transmitter (CSIT).
Radar systems are vital in public safety and military appli-
cations, where it is necessary to identify relevant targets with
a high resolution estimation of their associated angle, range
and velocity. This requires that radar systems are allocated
sufficient electromagnetic (EM) spectrum resources to collect
all the necessary information with a single radar pulse [1].
On the other hand, next generation wireless communication
systems, such as the 5G-New Radio (NR) mobile commu-
nication networks and Internet of Things (IoT), also demand
large spectrum resources to offer high data rate services with a
guaranteed Quality-of-Service (QoS) level. Due to insufficient
available bandwidth, specially in sub-10 GHz bands, increased
spectrum congestion and inter-system interference is expected
without careful simultaneous deployment planning of radar
and communication systems [2]. This spectrum congestion
issue is the focus of Communication and Radar Spectrum
Sharing (CRSS) research [3], where different studies have
recently been made in order to optimize different perfor-
mance metrics of spectrum sharing radar and communication
(RadCom) systems by employing techniques such as interfer-
ence mitigation, beamforming, and optimum waveform design.
Nevertheless, these efforts can generally be classified into two
categories: coexistent RadComs and joint RadComs.
Coexistent RadCom design considers that the radar and
communication parts are deployed separately, with indepen-
dent hardware and signal processing units, but share substan-
tial information between each other in order to optimize their
individual performance [4]. To achieve this, the RadCom may
employ a control center or mediator to relay the necessary
information and keep them synchronized. Although theoreti-
cally functional, including this external element would greatly
increase hardware costs and required computational power.
This issue is bypassed with a joint RadCom design as radar and
communication modules are deployed with unified hardware
and signal processing units [5]. Thus, this approach is also the
most suitable for a long-term development of wireless systems
and EM spectrum allocation. Advantages of a joint design
also include highly-directional beamforming, minimum delay,
enhanced security and privacy, and dynamic computational
resource allocation.
This paper follows our earlier work in [6] and extends
it to optimize the precoders of a joint RadCom system in
the more realistic and important partial CSIT setting for the
first time. In order to achieve this, a Rate-Splitting Multiple
Access (RSMA) communications module is considered to
operate jointly with a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)
radar module. As it will be demonstrated in the following
sections, RSMA constitutes a robust interference manage-
ment framework in the presence of CSIT errors that aims
to mitigate multi-user interference (MUI) by splitting the
user data streams into common streams decoded by all users
(partially decoding MUI), and private streams decoded only
by its intended user (partially treating MUI as noise) [7].
In the context of a joint RadCom design with partial CSIT,
RSMA offers a special advantage as the beampattern of
the common stream can be used to approximate a highly-
directional transmit beampattern, which greatly increases the
detection capabilities of the MIMO radar module, while also
providing flexibility to comply with QoS rate constraints.
Consider a joint RadCom, with a uniform linear array of
Nttransmit antennas and a total available transmit power Pt,
arXiv:2105.00633v1 [eess.SP] 3 May 2021
that serves Ksingle antenna communication users, indexed
by the set K={1, . . . , K}, and tracks a single radar target
as depicted in Fig. 1. It employs an RSMA communications
module and a mono-static MIMO radar module that share
information, such as transmit communication signals and radar
target parameters, to perform joint precoder optimization.
A. RSMA-RadCom Signal Model
In this subsection, the operation of the RSMA communica-
tions module is described. The intended message for user-k
Wkis split into a common part Wc,k and a private part Wp,k.
Then, the common parts of all Kusers {Wc,1, . . . , Wc,K }
are encoded into a single common stream sc, while the
private parts {Wp,1, . . . , Wp,K}are encoded into Kdifferent
private streams {s1, . . . , sK}. The data stream vector s=
[sc, s1, . . . , sK]TC(K+1)×1is linearly precoded using the
precoder P= [pc,p1,...,pK]CNt×(K+1), where pcis
the common stream precoder and pkis the private stream
precoder for user-k. The transmitted signal xCNt×1is then
given by
x=Ps =pcsc+
It is proposed that the communication signal in (1) is also
used for MIMO radar purposes following the work in [8]. It
is shown in [8] that the optimum design of the transmit signal
covariance matrix Rxof a MIMO radar can be achieved in a
simplified manner by generating the transmitted signal xas a
linear combination of independent signals, which effectively
matches the signal model in (1). In this way, optimization of
Rxis reduced to optimization of the precoder matrix P.
The signal received by user-kis then given by
kPs +nk
z }| {
where hkCNt×1is the channel between the RadCom and
user-k, and nk CN (0, σ 2
n,k)is the Additive White Gaussian
Noise (AWGN) at user-k. Without loss of generality, it is
assumed that σ2
n,k =σ2
n= 1,k K.
The Signal-to-Interference-and-Noise Ratio (SINR) of the
common stream at user-kis given by
γc,k =|hH
Pk∈K |hH
After decoding the common stream, Successive Interference
Cancellation (SIC) is applied to remove the obtained estima-
tion from the received signal ykand then decode the private
stream. The SINR of the private stream at user-kis then given
Pj6=k,j∈K |hH
Therefore, the achievable rate of the common stream for user-
kis Rc,k(P) = log2(1 + γc,k)and the achievable rate of
Fig. 1. Proposed joint RadCom system model.
its corresponding private stream is Rk(P) = log2(1 + γk).
In order to ensure that all Kusers are able to decode the
common stream, it must be transmitted at a rate no larger
than Rc(P) = min{Rc,1(P), . . . , Rc,K (P)}, with the portion
of the total common stream rate assigned to user-kbeing given
by Ck, such that Pk∈K Ck=Rc(P).
B. Channel State Information Model
The Channel State Information (CSI) is modeled by H=
H, where H= [h1,...,hK]is the real channel,
H= [ˆ
hK]is the estimated channel at the RadCom,
and ˜
H= [˜
hK]is the estimation error matrix. It is also
assumed that hk,ˆ
hkand ˜
hkhave i.i.d complex Gaussian en-
tries drawn from the distributions CN (0, σ2
k),CN (0, σ 2
and CN (0, σ 2
e,k)respectively, for each k K. The parameter
e,k ,σ2
tis the CSIT error power for user-k, where
α[0,)is the CSIT quality scaling factor [9]. α
corresponds to perfect CSIT while α= 0 represents partial
CSIT with finite precision. In this work, perfect Channel
State Information at the Receiver (CSIR) and partial CSIT
are assumed, where the latter indicates that the RadCom
only knows ˆ
Hand the conditional CSIT error distribution
In this section, the performance metrics for communications
and radar sensing are introduced and used to define the joint
RadCom optimization problem.
A. Communications Metric: Average Weighted Sum-Rate
To achieve maximum user rates, (3) and (4) need to be
jointly maximized. However, computation of the exact pre-
coders that maximize the common and private SINRs is not
possible with partial CSIT. On one hand, a naive strategy
would be to treat the estimated channel ˆ
Has perfect CSIT,
which would result in increased MUI, inefficiency in the
precoder power allocation and, ultimately, transmission at
undecodable rates. On the other hand, a more resilient strategy
is to adapt the precoder matrix ˆ
H)to send
the common stream and the private streams at their Ergodic
Rates (ERs), representations of the long-term rates over all
channel states for the distribution fH(H). The ERs for user-
kare given by EH{Rc,k}and EH{Rk}for the common and
private stream respectively. Additionally, the common ER to
guarantee successful decoding by all Kusers is given by
Although the ERs cannot be directly maximized without
perfect CSIT, optimization of the ERs under partial CSIT can
be achieved by maximizing the average Rates (ARs), short-
term measures of the expected performance over fH|ˆ
of the common and private streams for each channel esti-
mate ˆ
H. The ARs for user-kare then given by ¯
Rc,k ,
H}and ¯
H}for the common and
private stream respectively. Additionally, the common AR for
all users is given by ¯
k=1. The
Average Weighted Sum-Rate (AWSR) metric is then defined
P) = X
where µkis the weight assigned to user-k.
B. Radar Sensing Metric: Beampattern Squared Error
As shown in [8], the detection capabilities of a MIMO radar
can be improved by appropriately designing the covariance
matrix RxCNt×Ntof the transmitted signal xto approxi-
mate a highly directional transmit beampattern Pd. Thus, the
radar sensing metric, the Beampattern Squared Error (BSE),
can be defined as PM
m=1 |αPd(θm)aH
where αis the scaling factor of Pd,Mis the total number
of azimuth angle grids, θmis the mth azimuth angle grid,
at(θm) = [1, ej2πδ sin(θm, . . . , ej2π(Nt1)δsin(θm)]TCNt×1
is the transmit antenna array steering vector at direction θm
and δis the normalized distance in units of wavelengths
between antennas. In the context of the proposed RadCom
transmission, the BSE is then given by
P) =
where Pt(θm) = aH
PHat(θm) =
cat(θm) + PK
k=1 aH
the RadCom transmit beampattern gain at direction θm,
which is formed by the sum of the individual beampattern
gains corresponding to the common and private data streams.
C. Problem Formulation
The RadCom optimization problem with partial CSIT can
then be defined for a given channel estimate ˆ
Has follows:
α, ¯
P),k K,(7b)
diag( ˆ
PH) = Pt1
α > 0,(7e)
P)) ¯
k,k K,(7f)
where ¯
c= [ ¯
C1,..., ¯
+is the variable vector
that contains the portions of the common stream AR, ¯
allocated to the communication users, λis the regularization
parameter to prioritize either communications (maximizing the
AWSR) or radar sensing (minimizing the BSE), and ¯
the minimum average rate for user-k. Constraint (7b) ensures
that ¯
Rc(P)is decodable by all Kusers. Constraint (7c)
forces the entries of ¯
cto be positive for feasible partitioning
of ¯
Rc(P). Also, constraint (7d) is introduced as an average
power constraint at each transmit antenna to avoid saturation
of transmit power amplifiers in a practical scenario. Finally,
constraint (7f) is the optional QoS rate constraint to guarantee
user rate fairness.
Based on the work presented in [6], it is proposed that
the non-convex optimization problem in (7) is solved in an
alternating manner by employing the method of Alternating
Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM).
The new optimization variable v= [α, ¯
cT,vec( ˆ
R++ ×RK×1
+×CNt(K+1)×1is introduced to handle all
optimization variables in (7). Then, selection matrices
are defined as Dp= [0(K+1)Nt×(K+1),I(K+1)Nt],
Dc= [0Nt×(K+1),INt,0Nt×K Nt]and Dk=
[0Nt×(K+1+kNt),INt,0Nt×(Kk)Nt]k K, and selection
vectors fk= [01×k,1,01×[(K+1)Nt+Kk]]Tk K, which
are used to extract ¯
The user ARs and ¯
P)are expressed as Rc,k(ˆ
P) =
ηc,k(vec( ˆ
P)) = ηc,k(Dpv)and Rk(ˆ
P) = ηk(vec( ˆ
P)) =
ηk(Dpv). Then, (7) is reformulated in an ADMM expression
as follows:
v,ufc(v) + gc(v) + fr(u) + gr(u)
where uR++ ×RK×1
+×CNt(K+1)×1is a new optimization
variable introduced to fit the ADMM optimization definition
and it is initialized as u=v. The functions fc(v)and fr(u)
are defined as fc(v) = Pk∈K µk(fkv+ηkDpv)and
fr(u) = λPM
m=1 |αPd(θm)aH(θm)DcuuHDH
Pk∈K DkuuHDH
ka(θm)|2. Also, gc(v)is the
indicator function of the communication feasible set
Pk∈K fT
kvηc,k(Dpv)o, and gr(u)
is the indicator function of the radar feasible set
diag DcuuHDH
c+Pk∈K DkuuHDH
Finally, (8) is solved in an iterative updating manner as
vt+1 := arg min
vfc(v) + gc(v)
+ (ρ/2)||Dp(vut) + dt||2
ut+1 := arg min
uf(u) + gr(u)
+ (ρ/2)||Dp(vt+1 u) + dt||2
dt+1 :=dt+Dp(vt+1 ut+1),(11)
where dCNt(K+1)×1is the ADMM scaled dual variable
and ρis the ADMM penalty parameter that controls the
optimization convergence speed. The methods to perform the
v-update and the u-update are explained next.
A. AWSR Maximization Sub-problem
The v-update sub-problem in (9) is reformulated as follows:
P)] + ρ
2|| vec( ˆ
P),k K,
diag( ˆ
PH) = Pt1
P)) ¯
k,k K.
Due to partial CSIT, the problem in (12) is stochastic in
nature. To solve it, the method proposed in [9] is adapted.
Therefore, (12) is first converted into a deterministic problem
by employing the Sampled Average Approximation (SAA)
method. Then, it is further transformed into a convex problem
by applying the Weighted Minimum Mean Squared Error
(WMMSE) approach and solved by using the Alternating
Optimization (AO) algorithm.
B. BSE Minimization Sub-problem
The u-update sub-problem in (10) is reformulated as fol-
2||Dpvt+1 pu+dt||2
s.t.diag K+1
where αu=u1is the first entry of the optimization variable
u,pu= [uK+2, uK+3 , . . . , u(Nt+1)×(K+1)]TCNt(k+1)×1,
and Dp,k = [0Nt×(k1)Nt,INt,0Nt×(K+1k)Nt]. Although
(13) is originally non-convex, it can be changed into a convex
expression by employing Semi-Definite Relaxation (SDR)
techniques [10].
C. ADMM Algorithm
The ADMM-based optimization algorithm is summarized
in Algorithm 1. The process is repeated iteratively until the
primal residual rt+1 and the dual residual qt+1 of the ADMM
algorithm converge to a value below a predefined threshold ν.
Algorithm 1: ADMM-based RadCom optimization
algorithm with partial CSIT
Input: t0,vt,ut,dt;
2vt+1 arg minvfc(v) + gc(v)+(ρ/2)||Dp(v
ut) + dt||2
3ut+1 arg minuf(u) + g(u) +
(ρ/2)||Dp(vt+1 u) + dt||2
2using SDR;
4dt+1 dt+Dp(vt+1 ut+1);
5rt+1 =Dp(vt+1 ut+1);
6qt+1 =Dp(ut+1 ut);
7tt+ 1;
8until ||rt+1||2νand ||qt+1 ||2ν
In this section, the joint RSMA-RadCom is evaluated in
terms of its Ergodic Weighted Sum-Rate (EWSR) and Ergodic
Root Beampattern Squared Error (ERBSE) trade-off, where
the average of the optimization results for 200 different
channel realizations are used. It is assumed that the radar
target is located at the azimuth direction, Pt= 20 dBm,
Nt= 4,δ= 0.5,K= 2,µk= 1/K k K,ρ= 1,
ν= 102, and the QoS rate constraint ¯
k= 1 bps/Hz,
k K. Also, σ2
k= 1,k K is used to generate the
user channel vectors, the CSIT quality scaling factor for all
Kusers is α= 0.6, and λ= [109,108,...,101]Tis
the regularization parameter vector, where increasing lambda
shifts the priority from communications to radar sensing.
In order to highlight the gains brought by empowering the
RadCom with RSMA, the use of Space Division Multiple
Access (SDMA) is considered. SDMA fully treats MUI as
noise, so SDMA operation is enabled by not allocating any
power to the common stream precoder in (1) and omitting ¯
in (5) [7]. Results for perfect CSIT optimization as described
in [6] are also included in order to demonstrate the robustness
of the RSMA-RadCom as the CSIT quality degrades.
The generated ergodic trade-off curves are plotted in Fig. 2
and the ergodic precoder power allocation is shown in Fig. 3.
With Perfect CSIT, the RSMA-RadCom and SDMA-RadCom
show similar EWSR levels when communications are priori-
tized. This is the effect of directly maximizing the instanta-
neous user rates by mainly employing the user private streams
Fig. 2. EWSR - ERBSE trade-off. Fig. 3. Ergodic Precoder Power Allocation.
as observed in Fig. 3. Nonetheless, the RSMA-RadCom still
presents a slightly better trade-off by employing its common
stream to jointly mitigate the MUI and approximate the desired
radar beampattern in cases where the communication users
are located in azimuth directions near the radar target. As
Radar is given more priority, it is observed that the ERBSEs
of the RadComs become more identical but the EWSR of the
SDMA-RadCom decays at a faster. This can be explained by
noticing from Fig. 3 that the RSMA-RadCom starts allocating
more power to the common stream to generate a directional
beampattern, which also assists in not increasing the MUI for
user-2 in the same level as the SDMA-RadCom. For full radar
priority, both RadComs achieve ERBSE = 0 but the EWSR of
the RSMA-RadCom is 1.75 bps/Hz larger than that of the
With partial CSIT, it is observed that the RSMA-RadCom
still outperforms the SDMA-RadCom and when contrasting
the trade-off curves with their Perfect CSIT counterparts, it is
seen that each of them is affected to a different degree. For
instance, the RSMA-RadCom now outperforms the SDMA-
RadCom by 0.47 bps/Hz for communications, and by 1.34
bps/Hz for radar. From Fig. 3, it can be noticed that the
RSMA-RadCom now employs the common stream to a larger
degree to combat MUI imposed by CSIT estimation errors and
by also forcing the MIMO radar beampattern generation. In
turn, the SDMA-RadCom has no other option but to allocate
more power to the precoder of user-1 to maximize the AWSR
and to generate the MIMO radar beampattern. This inevitably
increases the MUI to user-2 and, hence, it achieves a much
lower ergodic rate compared to user-1.
An ADMM-based algorithm is introduced which optimizes
the precoders of a joint RadCom to simultaneously maximize
the AWSR and minimize the BSE against a desired highly-
directional transmit beampattern in the presence of partial
CSIT. Analysis of the ergodic performance of the RadCom re-
veals that a RSMA-aided approach enables a more robust and
flexible joint operation to comply with QoS rate constraints
than SDMA. These benefits are due to mainly employing
the common stream to mitigate the MUI introduced by CSIT
inaccuracies and to approximate a directional MIMO radar
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... In essence, the most noticeable improvement in median PSLR due to interleaving occurs at small code rates and block lengths. However, in this regime, differences in other metrics like the detection and false-alarm probabilities depend on the target scenario 22 . To explore this notion, we first consider the same target setup from Section IV-B, for which Fig. 8 plots the detection and false-alarm probability curves 23 for BICM and uninterleaved c.c.s for N = 128. ...
... To explore this notion, we first consider the same target setup from Section IV-B, for which Fig. 8 plots the detection and false-alarm probability curves 23 for BICM and uninterleaved c.c.s for N = 128. We observe 22 The PSLR is attractive precisely because it allows an evaluation of sensing performance that is independent of the target scenario. 23 In Figs. 8 and 9, we have omitted the curves for the OFDM waveform to avoid cluttering the figure, as they coincide with the single-carrier curves. ...
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A key challenge for common waveforms for Integrated Sensing and Communications – widely regarded as a resource-efficient way to achieve high performance for both functionalities – lies in leveraging information-bearing channel-coded communications signal(s) (c.c.s) for sensing. In this paper, we investigate the range-Doppler sensing performance of c.c.s in multi-user interference-limited scenarios, and show that it is affected by sidelobes whose form depends on whether the c.c.s modulates a single-carrier or OFDM waveform. While uncoded signals give rise to asymptotically zero sidelobes due to the law of large numbers, it is not obvious that the same holds for c.c.s, as structured codes (e.g., linear block codes) induce dependence across codeword symbols. In this paper, we show that c.c.s also give rise to asymptotically zero sidelobes – for both single-carrier and OFDM waveforms – by deriving upper bounds for the tail probabilities of the sidelobe magnitudes that decay as exp(-O(coderate×blocklength)). Consequently, for any code rate, c.c.s are effective sensing signals that are robust to multi-user interference at sufficiently large block lengths, with negligible difference in performance based on whether they modulate a single-carrier or OFDM waveform. We verify the latter implication through simulations, where we observe the sensing performance (i.e., the detection and false-alarm probabilities) of a QPSK-modulated c.c.s (code rate =120/1024, block length =1024 symbols) to match that of a comparable interference-free FMCW waveform even at high interference levels (SIR of -11dB), for both single-carrier and OFDM waveforms.
... Recent works [35], [36] have tackled the interference management problem in MIMO DFRC systems by employing RSMA, however, without any considerations for EE or interference due to imperfect CSIT. In [37], [38], the authors deal with the sum-rate (SR) maximization of a DFRC system employing RSMA under imperfect CSIT, without considering the EE performance, low-resolution DACs or the problem of RF chain selection. In [39], the authors investigate a DFRC system with low-resolution DACs under a total transmit power constraint and compare the performance of RSMA with that of SDMA, again with perfect CSIT assumption. ...
... which is convex for given ω and g, and can be solved by interior-point methods. We note the abuse of notation in (37) , where v r and p i,l are used interchangeably for the sake of simplicity, although they both represent the precoder coefficients to be optimized. ...
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Dual-Functional Radar-Communication systems enhance the benefits of communications and radar sensing by jointly implementing these on the same hardware platform and using the common RF resources. An important and latest concern to be addressed in designing such systems is maximizing the energy-efficiency. In this paper, we consider a Dual-Functional Radar-Communication system performing simultaneous multi-user communications and radar sensing, and investigate the energy-efficiency behaviour with respect to active transmission elements. Specifically, we formulate a problem to find the optimal precoders and the number of active RF chains for maximum energy-efficiency by taking into consideration the power consumption of low-resolution Digital-to-Analog Converters on each RF chain under communications and radar performance constraints. We consider Rate-Splitting Multiple Access to perform multi-user communications with perfect and imperfect Channel State Information at Transmitter. The formulated non-convex optimization problem is solved by means of a novel algorithm. We demonstrate by numerical results that Rate Splitting Multiple Access achieves an improved energy-efficiency by employing a smaller number of RF chains compared to Space Division Multiple Access, owing to its generalized structure and improved interference management capabilities.
... Consequently, the state-of-the-art works primarily concentrate on designing suboptimal algorithms that can attain nearly optimal performance. These algorithms draw inspiration from various techniques, such as the weighted minimum mean square error (WMMSE) approach [6][7][8], successive convex approximation (SCA), [8][9][10], semidefinite relaxation (SDR) [11,12], and the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) [13][14][15]. However, their practical applicability remains limited due to the computational complexity associated with iterative use of CVX optimization solvers [16]. ...
... It not only better manages interference between communication users, but also acts as a radar sequence to match the transmit beampattern. Further, [3] showed the advantages of RSMA-assisted ISAC in a practical scenario of partial channel state information (CSIT) and moving communication users. [4] extended RSMA-assisted ISAC from terrestrial communications to satellite communications. ...
In this paper, we initiate the study of rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA) for a mono-static integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system, where the dual-functional base station (BS) simultaneously communicates with multiple users and detects multiple moving targets. We aim at optimizing the ISAC waveform to jointly maximize the max-min fairness (MMF) rate of the communication users and minimize the largest eigenvalue of the Cram\'er-Rao bound (CRB) matrix for unbiased estimation. The CRB matrix considered in this work is general as it involves the estimation of angular direction, complex reflection coefficient, and Doppler frequency for multiple moving targets. Simulation results demonstrate that RSMA maintains a larger communication and sensing trade-off than conventional space-division multiple access (SDMA) and it is capable of detecting multiple targets with a high detection accuracy. The finding highlights the potential of RSMA as an effective and powerful strategy for interference management in the general multi-user multi-target ISAC systems.
Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) has emerged as a powerful multiple access, interference management, and multi-user strategy for next generation communication systems. In this tutorial, we depart from the orthogonal multiple access (OMA) versus non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) discussion held in 5G, and the conventional multi-user linear precoding approach used in space-division multiple access (SDMA), multi-user and massive MIMO in 4G and 5G, and show how multi-user communications and multiple access design for 6G and beyond should be intimately related to the fundamental problem of interference management. We start from foundational principles of interference management and rate-splitting, and progressively delineate RSMA frameworks for downlink, uplink, and multi-cell networks. We show that, in contrast to past generations of multiple access techniques (OMA, NOMA, SDMA), RSMA offers numerous benefits: 1) enhanced spectral, energy and computation efficiency ; 2) universality by unifying and generalizing OMA, SDMA, NOMA, physical-layer multicasting, multi-user MIMO under a single framework that holds for any number of antennas at each node (SISO, SIMO, MISO, and MIMO settings); 3) flexibility by coping with any interference levels (from very weak to very strong), network loads (underloaded, overloaded), services (unicast, multicast), traffic, user deployments (channel directions and strengths); 4) robustness to inaccurate channel state information (CSI) and resilience to mixed-critical quality of service; 5) reliability under short channel codes and low latency . We then discuss how those benefits translate into numerous opportunities for RSMA in over forty different applications and scenarios of 6G, e.g., multi-user MIMO with statistical/quantized CSI, FDD/TDD/cell-free massive MIMO, millimeter wave and terahertz, cooperative relaying, physical layer security, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, cloud-radio access network, internet-of-things, massive access, joint communication and jamming, non-orthogonal unicast and multicast, multigroup multicast, multibeam satellite, space-air-ground integrated networks, unmanned aerial vehicles, integrated sensing and communications, grant-free access, network slicing, cognitive radio, optical/visible light communications, mobile edge computing, machine/federated learning, etc. We finally address common myths and answer frequently asked questions, opening the discussions to interesting future research avenues. Supported by the numerous benefits and applications, the tutorial concludes on the underpinning role played by RSMA in next generation networks, which should inspire future research, development, and standardization of RSMA-aided communication for 6G.
Rate splitting multiple access (RSMA) is a promising non-orthogonal transmission strategy for next-generation wireless networks. It has been shown to outperform existing multiple access schemes in terms of spectral and energy efficiency when suboptimal beamforming schemes are employed. In this work, we fill the gap between suboptimal and truly optimal beamforming schemes and conclusively establish the superior spectral and energy efficiency of RSMA. To this end, we propose a successive incumbent transcending (SIT) branch and bound (BB) algorithm to find globally optimal beamforming solutions that maximize the weighted sum rate or energy efficiency of RSMA in Gaussian multiple-input single-output (MISO) broadcast channels. Numerical results show that RSMA exhibits an explicit globally optimal spectral and energy efficiency gain over conventional multi-user linear precoding (MU-LP) and power-domain non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA). Compared to existing globally optimal beamforming algorithms for MU-LP, the proposed SIT BB not only improves the numerical stability but also achieves faster convergence. Moreover, for the first time, we show that the spectral/energy efficiency of RSMA achieved by suboptimal beamforming schemes (including weighted minimum mean squared error (WMMSE) and successive convex approximation) almost coincides with the corresponding globally optimal performance, making it a valid choice for performance comparisons. The globally optimal results provided in this work are imperative to the ongoing research on RSMA as they serve as benchmarks for existing suboptimal beamforming strategies and those to be developed in multi-antenna broadcast channels.
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Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) has emerged as a powerful multiple access, interference management, and multi-user strategy for next generation communication systems. In this tutorial, we depart from the orthogonal multiple access (OMA) versus non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) discussion held in 5G, and the conventional multi-user linear precoding approach used in space-division multiple access (SDMA), multi-user and massive MIMO in 4G and 5G, and show how multi-user communications and multiple access design for 6G and beyond should be intimately related to the fundamental problem of interference management. We start from foundational principles of interference management and rate-splitting, and progressively delineate RSMA frameworks for downlink, uplink, and multi-cell networks. We show that, in contrast to past generations of multiple access techniques (OMA, NOMA, SDMA), RSMA offers numerous benefits. We then discuss how those benefits translate into numerous opportunities for RSMA in over forty different applications and scenarios of 6G. We finally address common myths and answer frequently asked questions, opening the discussions to interesting future research avenues. Supported by the numerous benefits and applications, the tutorial concludes on the underpinning role played by RSMA in next generation networks, which should inspire future research, development, and standardization of RSMA-aided communication for 6G.
Rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA) has emerged as a novel, general, and powerful framework for the design and optimization of non-orthogonal transmission, multiple access (MA), and interference management strategies for future wireless networks. By exploiting splitting of user messages as well as non-orthogonal transmission of common messages decoded by multiple users and private messages decoded by their corresponding users, RSMA can softly bridge and therefore reconcile the two extreme interference management strategies of fully decoding interference and treating interference as noise. RSMA has been shown to generalize and subsume as special cases four existing MA schemes, namely, orthogonal multiple access (OMA), physical-layer multicasting, space division multiple access (SDMA) based on linear precoding (currently used in the fifth generation wireless network–5G), and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) based on linearly precoded superposition coding with successive interference cancellation (SIC). Through information and communication theoretic analysis, RSMA has been shown to be optimal (from a Degrees-of-Freedom region perspective) in several transmission scenarios. Compared to the conventional MA strategies used in 5G, RSMA enables spectral efficiency (SE), energy efficiency (EE), coverage, user fairness, reliability, and quality of service (QoS) enhancements for a wide range of network loads (including both underloaded and overloaded regimes) and user channel conditions. Furthermore, it enjoys a higher robustness against imperfect channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) and entails lower feedback overhead and complexity. Despite its great potential to fundamentally change the physical (PHY) layer and media access control (MAC) layer of wireless communication networks, RSMA is still confronted with many challenges on the road towards standardization. In this paper, we present the first comprehensive tutorial on RSMA by providing a survey of the pertinent state-of-the-art research, detailing its architecture, taxonomy, and various appealing applications, as well as comparing with existing MA schemes in terms of their overall frameworks, performance, and complexities. An in-depth discussion of future RSMA research challenges is also provided to inspire future research on RSMA-aided wireless communication for beyond 5G systems.
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Joint radar and communication (JRC) technology has become important for civil and military applications for decades. This paper introduces the concepts, characteristics and advantages of JRC technology, presenting the typical applications that have benefited from JRC technology currently and in the future. This paper explores the state-of-the-art of JRC in the levels of coexistence, cooperation, co-design and collaboration. Compared to previous surveys, this paper reviews the entire trends that drive the development of radar sensing and wireless communication using JRC. Specifically, we explore an open research issue on radar and communication operating with mutual benefits based on collaboration, which represents the fourth stage of JRC evolution. This paper provides useful perspectives for future researches of JRC technology.
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Sharing of the frequency bands between radar and communication systems has attracted substantial attention, as it can avoid under-utilization of otherwise permanently allocated spectral resources, thus improving efficiency. Further, there is increasing demand for radar and communication systems that share the hardware platform as well as the frequency band, as this not only decongests the spectrum, but also benefits both sensing and signaling operations via the full cooperation between both functionalities. Nevertheless, its success critically hinges on high-quality joint radar and communication designs. In the first part of this paper, we overview the research progress in the areas of radar-communication coexistence and dual-functional radar-communication (DFRC) systems, with particular emphasis on the application scenarios and the technical approaches. In the second part, we propose a novel transceiver architecture and frame structure for a DFRC base station (BS) operating in the millimeter wave (mmWave) band, using the hybrid analog- digital (HAD) beamforming technique. We assume that the BS is serving a multi-antenna user equipment (UE) over a mmWave channel, and at the same time it actively detects targets. The targets also play the role of scatterers for the communication signal. In that framework, we propose a novel scheme for joint target search and communication channel estimation relying on omni-directional pilot signals generated by the HAD structure. Given a fully-digital communication precoder and a desired radar transmit beampattern, we propose to design the analog and digital precoders under non-convex constant-modulus (CM) and power constraints, such that the BS can formulate narrow beams towards all the targets, while pre-equalizing the impact of the communication channel. Furthermore, we design a HAD receiver that can simultaneously process signals from the UE and echo waves from the targets. By tracking the angular variation of the targets, we show that it is possible to recover the target echoes and mitigate its potential interference imposed on the UE signals, even when the radar and communication signals share the equivalent signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The feasibility and the efficiency of the proposed approaches in realizing DFRC are verified via numerical simulations. Finally, our discussions are summarized by overviewing the open problems in the research field of communication and radar spectrum sharing (CRSS). <br/
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Space-division multiple access (SDMA) utilizes linear precoding to separate users in the spatial domain and relies on fully treating any residual multi-user interference as noise. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) uses linearly precoded superposition coding with successive interference cancellation (SIC) to superpose users in the power domain and relies on user grouping and ordering to enforce some users to fully decode and cancel interference created by other users. In this paper, we argue that to efficiently cope with the high throughput, heterogeneity of quality of service (QoS), and massive connectivity requirements of future multi-antenna wireless networks, multiple access design needs to depart from those two extreme interference management strategies, namely fully treat interference as noise (as in SDMA) and fully decode interference (as in NOMA). Considering a multiple-input single-output broadcast channel, we develop a novel multiple access framework, called rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA). RSMA is a more general and more powerful multiple access for downlink multi-antenna systems that contains SDMA and NOMA as special cases. RSMA relies on linearly precoded rate-splitting with SIC to decode part of the interference and treat the remaining part of the interference as noise. This capability of RSMA to partially decode interference and partially treat interference as noise enables to softly bridge the two extremes of fully decoding interference and treating interference as noise and provides room for rate and QoS enhancements and complexity reduction. The three multiple access schemes are compared, and extensive numerical results show that RSMA provides a smooth transition between SDMA and NOMA and outperforms them both in a wide range of network loads (underloaded and overloaded regimes) and user deployments (with a diversity of channel directions, channel strengths, and qualities of channel state information at the transmitter). Moreover, RSMA provides rate and QoS enhancements over NOMA at a lower computational complexity for the transmit scheduler and the receivers (number of SIC layers).
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This paper considers the Sum-Rate (SR) maximization problem in downlink MU-MISO systems under imperfect Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT). Contrary to existing works, we consider a rather unorthodox transmission scheme. In particular, the message intended to one of the users is split into two parts: a common part which can be recovered by all users, and a private part recovered by the corresponding user. On the other hand, the rest of users receive their information through private messages. This Rate-Splitting (RS) approach was shown to boost the achievable Degrees of Freedom (DoF) when CSIT errors decay with increased SNR. In this work, the RS strategy is married with linear precoder design and optimization techniques to achieve a maximized Ergodic SR (ESR) performance over the entire range of SNRs. Precoders are designed based on partial CSIT knowledge by solving a stochastic rate optimization problem using means of Sample Average Approximation (SAA) coupled with the Weighted Minimum Mean Square Error (WMMSE) approach. Numerical results show that in addition to the ESR gains, the benefits of RS also include relaxed CSIT quality requirements and enhanced achievable rate regions compared to conventional transmission with NoRS.
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The idea of spectrum sharing between radar and wireless communication systems arise be-cause of the need for extra bandwidth for wireless communication systems. Due to strong and ever growing economic, political, social, and technological driving factors, realization of this vision is inevitable in near future. Therefore, novel solutions for the efficient and fair sharing of the spectrum is needed. In this paper, we present a concise review of the state of the art on radar and communication system coexistence and bandwidth sharing.
The paper proposes a cooperative spectrum sharing scheme for a MIMO communication system and a matrix completion (MC) based, colocated MIMO (MIMO-MC) radar. MIMO-MC radars perform sub-Nyquist sampling at the receive antennas. To facilitate the co-existence, and also deal with clutter, both the radar and the communication systems use transmit precoding. For waveform flexibility, the radar uses a random unitary waveform matrix. We prove that for such waveforms and any precoding matrix, the error performance of matrix completion is guaranteed. The radar transmit precoder, the radar sub-sampling scheme, and the communication transmit covariance matrix are jointly designed in order to maximize the radar SINR, while meeting certain communication rate and power constraints. The joint design is implemented at a control center, which is a node with whom both systems share physical layer information, and which also performs data fusion for the radar. We also provide efficient optimization algorithms for the proposed optimization problem, along with insight on the feasibility and properties of the proposed design. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme significantly improves the spectrum sharing performance in various scenarios.
Methods for transmit beamforming in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar based on the design of multiple correlated waveforms have been proposed. This paper points out that this approach couples the spatial (beamformer) and temporal (waveform) parts of the problem, significantly complicating the design. It is shown here that the most general form of transmit beamforming can be achieved in a decoupled form, using orthogonal (uncorrelated) waveforms and a multi-rank transmit beamformer. This formulation allows the use of standard beamformer design procedures. Examples are provided to illustrate the design of multi-rank beamformers for search and tracking applications. The examples include single and multiple beamformers, adaptive beamformers, and wide beams for illumination. These examples are illustrated by simulation results.
A multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar system, unlike a standard phased-array radar, can choose freely the probing signals transmitted via its antennas to maximize the power around the locations of the targets of interest, or more generally to approximate a given transmit beampattern, and also to minimize the cross-correlation of the signals reflected back to the radar by the targets of interest. In this paper, we show how the above desirable features can be achieved by designing the covariance matrix of the probing signal vector transmitted by the radar. Moreover, in a numerical study, we show that the proper choice of the probing signals can significantly improve the performance of adaptive MIMO radar techniques. Additionally, we demonstrate the advantages of several MIMO transmit beampattern designs, including a beampattern matching design and a minimum sidelobe beampattern design, over their phased-array counterparts.