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The sixth sense is involved in noise-induced stress responses and vascular inflammation: Evidence for heightened amygdalar activity in response to transport noise inman



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The sixth sense is involved in noise-induced
stress responses and vascular inflammation:
evidence for heightened amygdalar activity
in response to transport noise in man
Thomas Mu¨nzel
*, Sebastian Steven
, Omar Hahad
, and
Andreas Daiber
Center for Cardiology, Cardiology I, University Medical Center Mainz, Mainz, Germany;
German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), Partner Site Rhine-Main, Mainz,
Germany; and
Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH), University Medical Center Mainz, Mainz, Germany
This editorial refers to ‘A neurobiological mechanism link-
ing transportation noise to cardiovascular disease in
humans’, by M.T. Osborne et al., doi:10.1093/eurheartj/
Noise: an important
cardiovascular risk factor
Risk factors in the physical as well as the psychosocial environment
are gaining more and more importance for the development and
pathogenesis of non-communicable disease, with a new research
topic termed the ‘exposome representing the totality all of environ-
mental exposures, internal changes of biochemical pathways, and the
associated health impacts.
This concept is strongly supported by
the report of the ‘Lancet Commission on pollution and health’ and
the WHO associating 9–12.6 million premature deaths worldwide
with all forms of pollution.
Air pollution [e.g. ambient particulate
matter with a diameter <2.5 lm(PM
)] is the leading physicochemi-
cal environmental risk factor and is responsible for 8.79 million pre-
mature deaths mostly due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular
Whereas the association between air pollution exposure
(in particular for PM
) and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is
widely accepted and is accordingly discussed in the European
Guidelines for prevention of cardiovascular diease (CVD)
and for
the diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes,
transportation noise is not mentioned in any of the guidelines of the
European Society of Cardiology or in the report ‘Health at a Glance
Europe 2018’. This is even more concerning since 100 million peo-
ple in the EU were estimated to be exposed to traffic noise levels and
70 million people to be exposed in the EU to road traffic noise
exceeding the L
and the L
indicator noise threshold of 55
dB(A) and since there is growing body of evidence linking traffic noise
to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality (for reviews, see
Mu¨nzel et al.
). The European Community estimates that the social
cost of noiseand air pollution is up to e1 trillion every year. The obvi-
ous gaps between insufficient noise research, an underestimated
noise health impact, and also insufficient legal protection were high-
lighted by the recent WHO environmental noise guidelines for the
European Region, urging for more mechanistic as well as large-scale
epidemiological studies on noise–health interactions.
Noise causes stress responses
According to the noise reaction model introduced by Babisch,
can be the result of an activation of a so-called ‘indirect pathway,’
where lower levels of noise disturb sleep, communication, and activ-
ities, with subsequent emotional and cognitive responses and annoy-
ance. The resulting initial acute psychosocial stress response is
characterized by the activation of the sympathetic nervous system,
causing the release of the catecholamine neurotransmitters adren-
aline and noradrenaline from the adrenal medulla and of noradren-
aline from sympathetic nerve terminals. Activation of the
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis follows, with a delayed in-
crease in circulating cytokines, including interleukins IL-6 and IL-1b.
The HPA axis relies on three major hormones to influence the feed-
back reactions between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and the
adrenal glands: corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF or CRH), adreno-
corticotropic hormone (ACTH or corticotropin), and the major
glucocorticoid in humans, cortisol (with the bioactive fraction found
The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the Editors of the European Heart Journal or of the European Society of Cardiology.
* Corresponding author. University Medical Center Mainz, Center for Cardiology, Cardiology I, Geb. 605, Langenbeckstr. 1, D-55131 Mainz, Germany. Tel: þ49 6131 175737,
Fax: þ49 6131 17 6615, Email:
Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. V
CThe Author(s) 2019. For permissions, please email:
European Heart Journal (2019) 0, 1–3 EDITORIAL
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in saliva). Furthermore, chronic stress reactions in response to noise
may also generate cardiovascular risk factors on their own, including
increased blood pressure, glucose levels, blood viscosity and blood
lipids, and activation of blood coagulation, which may ultimately lead
to manifestation of CVD including myocardial infarction, chronic cor-
onary syndromes, heart failure, and stroke.
The amygdala provides the link
between noise stimulus and
adverse cardiovascular effects
So far we have been missing the ‘cerebral link’ between the noise
stimulus and the subsequent stress reactions. The study by Osborne
et al. in this issue of the European Heart Journal
provides evidence
that the amygdala, a limbic centre involved in stress perception and
emotional control, participates in the stress responses to noise. It is
important to note that higher amygdalar metabolic activity has al-
ready been demonstrated to be associated with increased CVD risk
through a mechanism involving heightened arterial inflammation.
To test whether this may also be the case in response to transporta-
tion noise stress, 498 adults without CVD or active cancer under-
went clinical [
F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomo-
graphy/computed tomography ([
F]FDGPET/CT) imaging. The
results indicate that over a median of 4.06 years, 40 individuals expe-
rienced major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). Higher noise
exposure [per 5 dB(A) increase] predicted MACE and remained ro-
bust to multivariable adjustments. Higher noise exposure was associ-
ated with increased amygdalar activity and arterial inflammation (Take
home figure). Mediation analysis suggested that higher noise exposure
associates with MACE via a serial mechanism involving heightened
amygdala activity and arterial inflammation that accounts for 12–26%
of this relationship. These findings clearly indicate that noise expos-
ure associates with MACE via a mechanism that begins with increased
stress-associated limbic (amygdalar) activity and eventually leads to
heightened arterial inflammation and therefore atherosclerosis.
The presented results showing increased stress responses and ad-
verse haemodynamic and vascular effects induced by transportation
noise are in agreement with results from epidemiological studies (for
reviews, see Mu¨nzel et al.
) and from human field studies where
healthy subjects, but also patients with established coronary artery
disease, were exposed to simulated aircraft noise leading to impaired
endothelial function (measured by flow-mediated dilation, FMD) that
was improved by the antioxidant vitamin C, being compatible with
increased oxidative stress in the vascular tissue.
Subsequent ani-
mal studies revealed that aircraft noise but not white noise increased
oxidative stress produced by the phagocytic NADPH oxidase
(NOX-2) and an uncoupled endothelial nitric oxide synthase
(eNOS) and neuronal NOS (nNOS) along with heightened inflamma-
tion of the vasculature and the brain (Take home figure).
Importantly, neurohormonal stress responses, blood pressure
increases, oxidative stress, inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction
were eliminated in Nox2 knockout animals, indicating a crucial role
for reactive oxygen species (ROS)-producing inflammatory cells such
as granulocytes and macrophages in mediating the cardiovascular
side effects in response to noise stress.
Further studies revealed
that night-time but not daytime noise is most responsible for the
noise-induced cardiovascular side effects, indicating that too short
sleep and the fragmentation of sleep may lead to more pronounced
stress responses.
Despite the exciting observation of increased activation of this
part of the limbic system,
the study has several limitations which in-
clude (i) the retrospective nature of the study; (ii) the very specific
Take home figure Mechanistic data on noise-induced neuroactivation of the endocrine systems, neuroinflammation, and cerebral oxidative
stress leading to dysregulated circadian and vascular gene expression, highblood pressure, vascular inflammation and oxidative stress, and endothelial
dysfunction, representing major triggers of cardiometabolic disease as revealed by studies in mice.
Proof-of-concept translational study in man of
noise-induced adverse key processes such as cerebral (amygdalar) activation and arterial inflammation increasing MACE.
Images are modified from
Kroller-Schon et al.
and Osborne et al.
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subject population; (ii) the uncontrolled follow-up; (iv) noise expos-
ure data from a period after the study was finished; (v) not having all
relevant confounders available on the individual level; and (vi) not
providing fully adjusted models. Future studies should address in par-
ticular whether night-time noise has more pronounced stimulatory
effects on amygdalar activity than daytime noise, which may explain
why the cardiovascular side effects of noise are substantially more
pronounced when there is too short or fractionated sleep.
What are the consequences for
Thus, results from epidemiological studies, more recent noise re-
search data, and the new WHO noise guidelines contain a message
that is loud and clear. This should be the catalyst for revised policies
and actions to ensure that there is an equitable balance between eco-
nomic benefit from transportation and the adverse side effects of
transportation noise for health and well-being. The cost and long-
term consequences of inaction will be considerable.
The present work was supported by a vascular biology research
grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation for the collaborative
research group ‘Novel and neglected cardiovascular risk factors: mo-
lecular mechanisms and therapeutic implications’ to study the effects
of environmental risk factors on vascular function and oxidative stress
(A.D., S.S., and T.M.). The authors also acknowledge the continuous
support by the Foundation Heart of Mainz and the DZHK (German
Center for Cardiovascular Research), Partner Site Rhine-Main, Mainz,
Conflict of interest: none declared.
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Editorial 3
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... 8 Acutely, NP interferes with interpersonal communication, disturbs sleep, and promotes annoyance. 9,10 The resultant sympathetic and endocrine activation results in a catecholaminergic surge which causes higher blood pressure, abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism, increased blood viscosity, and prothrombotic factors-all of which drive systemic and CV inflammation. 8 This inflammation ultimately drives adverse CV remodeling. ...
... 8 This inflammation ultimately drives adverse CV remodeling. 9,10 Until now, AP and NP associated inflammation has been studied indirectly through serum biomarkers. 11 Positron emission tomography using 18 Ffluorodeoxyglucose (FDG PET) is well established to assess inflammatory and neoplastic processes. ...
... As outlined earlier, NP results in a stress response with a catecholaminergic surge and increased inflammatory cytokines. 9 This group has previously reported an association between increased traffic NP, amygdalar activity, and ArtInfl using the same cohort. 10 In their current study, there was no association between the number of pollutant exposure and amygdalar activity. ...
... myocardial infarction, heart failure, persistent hypertension, arrhythmia and stroke) [18,51]. Recent studies indicated a "cerebral" link between noise stimulus, vascular inflammation and adverse cardiovascular events [26] where transportation noise was associated with increased amygdala activity (part of the limbic system, and in general involved in stress perception and control of emotions), vascular inflammation and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) [26,52]. Field studies of transportation noise (aircraft and railway) revealed that noise exposure during a single night induces vascular (endothelial) dysfunction, a subclinical parameter for atherosclerosis [53,54], which was partially improved by the acute application of vitamin C (2g p.o.) suggesting an involvement of oxidative stress in inducing endothelial dysfunction [53,54]. ...
... Thus, preventive measures that reduce nighttime aircraft noise are severely warranted. 61,96 So far, it remains to be established whether for example, aircraft noise might have additive side effects on the cardiovascular and cerebral systems of animals with preestablished CVD. Thus, we studied the effects of angiotensin II infusion for 7 days with or without aircraft noise. ...
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The WHO reports that more than 1.6 million healthy life-years are lost yearly from traffic-related noise in Western Europe. In addition, the number of studies reporting health side effects in response to traffic noise is steadily growing, mainly cardiovascular disease (CVD), such as acute and chronic ischemic heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmia, and stroke. Pathophysiologically nighttime noise has been shown to cause sleep disturbances, including too short sleep periods and frequent interruption of sleep leading to an increase in the levels of circulating stress hormones and subsequently to a significant increase in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS; =oxidative stress) and inflammation in the vasculature and the brain. The consequence is arterial hypertension and vascular (endothelial) dysfunction, which may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. With the present review, we will give an overview of the “so-called” non-auditory cardiovascular health effects of noise, which have been proposed to be responsible for the future development of CVD. We will present epidemiological evidence but also evidence provided by translational human and experimental noise studies. Finally, we will discuss maneuvers to mitigate noise effectively.
... myocardial infarction, heart failure, persistent hypertension, arrhythmia and stroke) [18,51]. Recent studies indicated a "cerebral" link between noise stimulus, vascular inflammation and adverse cardiovascular events [26] where transportation noise was associated with increased amygdala activity (part of the limbic system, and in general involved in stress perception and control of emotions), vascular inflammation and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) [26,52]. Field studies of transportation noise (aircraft and railway) revealed that noise exposure during a single night induces vascular (endothelial) dysfunction, a subclinical parameter for atherosclerosis [53,54], which was partially improved by the acute application of vitamin C (2g p.o.) suggesting an involvement of oxidative stress in inducing endothelial dysfunction [53,54]. ...
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Worldwide, up to 8.8 million excess deaths/year have been attributed to air pollution, mainly due to the exposure to fine particulate matter (PM). Traffic-related noise is an additional contributor to global mortality and morbidity. Both health risk factors substantially contribute to cardiovascular, metabolic and neuropsychiatric sequelae. Studies on the combined exposure are rare and urgently needed because of frequent co-occurrence of both risk factors in urban and industrial settings. To study the synergistic effects of PM and noise, we used an exposure system equipped with aerosol generator and loud-speakers, where C57BL/6 mice were acutely exposed for 3d to either ambient PM (NIST particles) and/or noise (aircraft landing and take-off events). The combination of both stressors caused endothelial dysfunction, increased blood pressure, oxidative stress and inflammation. An additive impairment of endothelial function was observed in isolated aortic rings and even more pronounced in cerebral and retinal arterioles. The increase in oxidative stress and inflammation markers together with RNA sequencing data indicate that noise particularly affects the brain and PM the lungs. The combination of both stressors has additive adverse effects on the cardiovascular system that are based on PM-induced systemic inflammation and noise-triggered stress hormone signaling. We demonstrate an additive upregulation of ACE-2 in the lung, suggesting that there may be an increased vulnerability to COVID-19 infection. The data warrant further mechanistic studies to characterize the propagation of primary target tissue damage (lung, brain) to remote organs such as aorta and heart by combined noise and PM exposure.
... adverse metabolic effects. Of note, the authors previously demonstrated a link between heightened amygdalar metabolic activity and arterial inflammation as well as increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in response to transportation noise, clearly implicating that transportation noise-induced cardiometabolic effects begins, at least partially, with a neuronal mechanism that is centered on increased stress-associated limbic (amygdalar) activity (Munzel et al., 2020b;Osborne et al., 2020). In the present study, in a sample of adults without cardiovascular disease or active cancer who underwent clinical 18 F-FDG-PET/CT imaging, transportation noise exposure was cross-sectionally (N = 238) and prospectively (N = 67) associated with greater visceral adipose tissue as well as incident type 2 diabetes mellitus (N = 224) after a follow-up of up to two years. ...
Objective: To investigate the effect of incorporating noise-canceling headphones into the delivery process for natural childbirth puerperae. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of clinical data encompassing natural childbirth puerperae in the People’s Hospital of Suzhou New District from January 2021 to February 2023. The implementation of routine noise reduction management was done from January 2021 to January 2022. During this interval, 69 natural childbirth puerperae were selected as subjects, with 7 excluded, resulting in 62 participants constituting the reference group. Subsequently, noise-canceling headphones were distributed to natural childbirth puerperae from February 2022 to February 2023. In this phase, 66 subjects were selected, and 6 were excluded, resulting in 60 participants forming the observation group. Following admission, both groups underwent corresponding nursing management. Emotional states, pain levels, and various indicators were systematically collected and meticulously compared. Results: The observation group exhibited significantly lower Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale scores than the reference group before delivery and during the first stage of labor ( P < 0.05). The observation group demonstrated significantly lower visual analog scale scores and substance P, nitric oxide, and prostaglandin E2 levels than the reference group during the first stage of labor ( P < 0.001). During the second stage of labor, the visual analog) scale scores were significantly lower in the observation group than in the reference group ( P < 0.05). The durations of first and second labor stages were significantly shorter in the observation group than in the reference group ( P < 0.05). No significant difference existed in Apgar scores between the two groups ( P > 0.05). Conclusion: The utilization of noise-canceling headphones emerges as an effective intervention, alleviating anxiety, reducing pain during T1, and abbreviating total labor time in natural childbirth puerperae, suggesting its substantial clinical application value and potential as a beneficial addition to maternity care practices.
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Transportation noise is a ubiquitous urban exposure. In 2018, the World Health Organization concluded that chronic exposure to road traffic noise is a risk factor for ischemic heart disease. In contrast, they concluded that the quality of evidence for a link to other diseases was very low to moderate. Since then, several studies on the impact of noise on various diseases have been published. Also, studies investigating the mechanistic pathways underlying noise-induced health effects are emerging. We review the current evidence regarding effects of noise on health and the related disease-mechanisms. Several high-quality cohort studies consistently found road traffic noise to be associated with a higher risk of ischemic heart disease, heart failure, diabetes, and all-cause mortality. Furthermore, recent studies have indicated that road traffic and railway noise may increase the risk of diseases not commonly investigated in an environmental noise context, including breast cancer, dementia, and tinnitus. The harmful effects of noise are related to activation of a physiological stress response and nighttime sleep disturbance. Oxidative stress and inflammation downstream of stress hormone signaling and dysregulated circadian rhythms are identified as major disease-relevant pathomechanistic drivers. We discuss the role of reactive oxygen species and present results from antioxidant interventions. Lastly, we provide an overview of oxidative stress markers and adverse redox processes reported for noise-exposed animals and humans. This position paper summarizes all available epidemiological, clinical, and preclinical evidence of transportation noise as an important environmental risk factor for public health and discusses its implications on the population level.
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The importance of noise exposure as a major environmental determinant of public health is being increasingly recognized. While in recent years a large body evidence has emerged linking environmental noise exposure mainly to cardiovascular disease, much less is known concerning the adverse health effects of noise on the brain and associated neuropsychiatric outcomes. Despite being a relatively new area of investigation, indeed, mounting research and conclusive evidence demonstrate that exposure to noise, primarily from traffic sources, may affect the central nervous system and brain, thereby contributing to an increased risk of neuropsychiatric disorders such as stroke, dementia and cognitive decline, neurodevelopmental disorders, depression, and anxiety disorder. On a mechanistic level, a significant number of studies suggest the involvement of reactive oxygen species/oxidative stress and inflammatory pathways, among others, to fundamentally drive the adverse brain health effects of noise exposure. This in-depth review on the cerebral consequences of environmental noise exposure aims to contribute to the associated research needs by evaluating current findings from human and animal studies. From a public health perspective, these findings may also help to reinforce efforts promoting adequate mitigation strategies and preventive measures to lower the societal consequences of unhealthy environments.
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Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are fatal for more than 38 million people each year and are thus the main contributors to the global burden of disease accounting for 70% of mortality. The majority of these deaths are caused by cardiovascular disease. The risk of NCDs is strongly associated with exposure to environmental stressors such as pollutants in the air, noise exposure, artificial light at night and climate change, including heat extremes, desert storms and wildfires. In addition to the traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as diabetes, arterial hypertension, smoking, hypercholesterolemia and genetic predisposition, there is a growing body of evidence showing that physicochemical factors in the environment contribute significantly to the high NCD numbers. Furthermore, urbanization is associated with accumulation and intensification of these stressors. This comprehensive expert review will summarize the epidemiology and pathophysiology of environmental stressors with a focus on cardiovascular NCDs. We will also discuss solutions and mitigation measures to lower the impact of environmental risk factors with focus on cardiovascular disease.
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Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are fatal for more than 38 million people each year and are thus the main contributors to the global burden of disease accounting for 70% of mortality. The majority of these deaths are caused by cardiovascular disease. The risk of NCDs is strongly associated with exposure to environmental stressors such as pollutants in the air, noise exposure, artificial light at night and climate change, including heat extremes, desert storms and wildfires. In addition to the traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as diabetes, arterial hypertension, smoking, hypercholesterolemia and genetic predisposition, there is a growing body of evidence showing that physicochemical factors in the environment contribute significantly to the high NCD numbers. Furthermore, urbanization is associated with accumulation and intensification of these stressors. This comprehensive expert review will summarize the epidemiology and pathophysiology of environmental stressors with a focus on cardiovascular NCDs. We will also discuss solutions and mitigation measures to lower the impact of environmental risk factors with focus on cardiovascular disease.
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Aims: Ambient air pollution is a major health risk, leading to respiratory and cardiovascular mortality. A recent Global Exposure Mortality Model, based on an unmatched number of cohort studies in many countries, provides new hazard ratio functions, calling for re-evaluation of the disease burden. Accordingly, we estimated excess cardiovascular mortality attributed to air pollution in Europe. Methods and results: The new hazard ratio functions have been combined with ambient air pollution exposure data to estimate the impacts in Europe and the 28 countries of the European Union (EU-28). The annual excess mortality rate from ambient air pollution in Europe is 790 000 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 645 000-934 000], and 659 000 (95% CI 537 000-775 000) in the EU-28. Between 40% and 80% are due to cardiovascular events, which dominate health outcomes. The upper limit includes events attributed to other non-communicable diseases, which are currently not specified. These estimates exceed recent analyses, such as the Global Burden of Disease for 2015, by more than a factor of two. We estimate that air pollution reduces the mean life expectancy in Europe by about 2.2 years with an annual, attributable per capita mortality rate in Europe of 133/100 000 per year. Conclusion: We provide new data based on novel hazard ratio functions suggesting that the health impacts attributable to ambient air pollution in Europe are substantially higher than previously assumed, though subject to considerable uncertainty. Our results imply that replacing fossil fuels by clean, renewable energy sources could substantially reduce the loss of life expectancy from air pollution.
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Purpose of review This manuscript reviews the epidemiological data linking psychosocial stress to cardiovascular disease (CVD), describes recent advances in understanding the biological pathway between them, discusses potential therapies against stress-related CVD, and identifies future research directions. Recent findings Metabolic activity of the amygdala (a neural center that is critically involved in the response to stress) can be measured on ¹⁸F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (¹⁸F-FDG-PET/CT) yielding a neurobiological signal that independently predicts subsequent CVD events. Furthermore, a serial pathway from ↑amygdalar activity → ↑hematopoietic tissue activity → ↑arterial inflammation → ↑CVD events has been elucidated, providing new insights into the mechanism linking stress to CVD. Summary Psychosocial stress and stress conditions are independently associated with CVD in a manner that depends on the degree and duration of stress as well as the individual response to a stressor. Nevertheless, the fundamental biology remains incompletely defined, and stress is often confounded by adverse health behaviors. Thus, most clinical guidelines do not yet recognize psychosocial stress as an independent CVD risk factor or advocate for its treatment in CVD prevention. Clarification of this neurobiological pathway provides a better understanding of the underlying pathophysiology and suggests opportunities to develop novel preventive strategies and therapies.
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Aims: Aircraft noise causes endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Transportation noise increases the incidence of coronary artery disease, hypertension, and stroke. The underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Herein, we investigated effects of phagocyte-type NADPH oxidase (Nox2) knockout and different noise protocols (around-the-clock, sleep/awake phase noise) on vascular and cerebral complications in mice. Methods and results: C57BL/6j and Nox2-/- (gp91phox-/-) mice were exposed to aircraft noise (maximum sound level of 85 dB(A), average sound pressure level of 72 dB(A)) around-the-clock or during sleep/awake phases for 1, 2, and 4 days. Adverseeffects of around-the-clock noise on the vasculature and brain were mostly prevented by Nox2 deficiency. Around the clock aircraft noise of the mice caused the most pronounced vascular effects and dysregulation of Foxo3/circadian clock as revealed by next generation sequencing (NGS), suggesting impaired sleep quality in exposed mice. Accordingly, sleep but not awake phase noise caused increased blood pressure, endothelial dysfunction, increased markers of vascular/systemic oxidative stress, and inflammation. Noise also caused cerebral oxidative stress and inflammation,endothelial and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (e/nNOS) uncoupling, nNOS mRNA and protein downregulation, and Nox2 activation. NGS revealed similarities in adverse gene regulation between around-the-clockand sleep phase noise. In patients with established coronary artery disease, night-time aircraft noise increased oxidative stress, and inflammation biomarkers in serum. Conclusion: Aircraft noise increases vascular and cerebral oxidative stress via Nox2. Sleep deprivation and/or fragmentation caused by noise triggers vascular dysfunction. Thus, preventive measures that reduce night-time aircraft noise are warranted.
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To update the current state of evidence and assess its quality, we conducted a systematic review on the effects of environmental noise exposure on the cardio-metabolic systems as input for the new WHO environmental noise guidelines for the European Region. We identified 600 references relating to studies on effects of noise from road, rail and air traffic, and wind turbines on the cardio-metabolic system, published between January 2000 and August 2015. Only 61 studies, investigating different end points, included information enabling estimation of exposure response relationships. These studies were used for meta-analyses, and assessments of the quality of evidence using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE). A majority of the studies concerned traffic noise and hypertension, but most were cross-sectional and suffering from a high risk of bias. The most comprehensive evidence was available for road traffic noise and Ischeamic Heart Diseases (IHD). Combining the results of 7 longitudinal studies revealed a Relative Risk (RR) of 1.08 (95% CI: 1.01-1.15) per 10 dB (LDEN) for the association between road traffic noise and the incidence of IHD. We rated the quality of this evidence as high. Only a few studies reported on the association between transportation noise and stroke, diabetes, and/or obesity. The quality of evidence for these associations was rated from moderate to very low, depending on transportation noise source and outcome. For a comprehensive assessment of the impact of noise exposure on the cardiovascular and metabolic system, we need more and better quality evidence, primarily based on longitudinal studies.
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Noise has been found associated with annoyance, stress, sleep disturbance, and impaired cognitive performance. Furthermore, epidemiological studies have found that environmental noise is associated with an increased incidence of arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart failure, and stroke. Observational and translational studies indicate that especially nighttime noise increases levels of stress hormones and vascular oxidative stress, which may lead to endothelial dysfunction and arterial hypertension. Novel experimental studies found aircraft noise to be associated with oxidative stress-induced vascular damage, mediated by activation of the NADPH oxidase, uncoupling of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, and vascular infiltration with inflammatory cells. Transcriptome analysis of aortic tissues from animals exposed to aircraft noise revealed changes in the expression of genes responsible for the regulation of vascular function, vascular remodeling, and cell death. This review focuses on the mechanisms and the epidemiology of noise-induced cardiovascular diseases and provides novel insight into the mechanisms underlying noise-induced vascular damage.
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Aims: Epidemiological studies indicate that traffic noise increases the incidence of coronary artery disease, hypertension and stroke. The underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. Field studies with nighttime noise exposure demonstrate that aircraft noise leads to vascular dysfunction, which is markedly improved by vitamin C, suggesting a key role of oxidative stress in causing this phenomenon. Methods and results: We developed a novel animal model to study the vascular consequences of aircraft noise exposure. Peak sound levels of 85 and mean sound level of 72 dBA applied by loudspeakers for 4 days caused an increase in systolic blood pressure, plasma noradrenaline and angiotensin II levels and induced endothelial dysfunction. Noise increased eNOS expression but reduced vascular NO levels because of eNOS uncoupling. Noise increased circulating levels of nitrotyrosine, interleukine-6 and vascular expression of the NADPH oxidase subunit Nox2, nitrotyrosine-positive proteins and of endothelin-1. FACS analysis demonstrated an increase in infiltrated natural killer-cells and neutrophils into the vasculature. Equal mean sound pressure levels of white noise for 4 days did not induce these changes. Comparative Illumina sequencing of transcriptomes of aortic tissues from aircraft noise-treated animals displayed significant changes of genes in part responsible for the regulation of vascular function, vascular remodelling, and cell death. Conclusion: We established a novel and unique aircraft noise stress model with increased blood pressure and vascular dysfunction associated with oxidative stress. This animal model enables future studies of molecular mechanisms, mitigation strategies, and pharmacological interventions to protect from noise-induced vascular damage.
Aims: Chronic noise exposure associates with increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk; however, the role of confounders and the underlying mechanism remain incompletely defined. The amygdala, a limbic centre involved in stress perception, participates in the response to noise. Higher amygdalar metabolic activity (AmygA) associates with increased CVD risk through a mechanism involving heightened arterial inflammation (ArtI). Accordingly, in this retrospective study, we tested whether greater noise exposure associates with higher: (i) AmygA, (ii) ArtI, and (iii) risk for major adverse cardiovascular disease events (MACE). Methods and results: Adults (N = 498) without CVD or active cancer underwent clinical 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography imaging. Amygdalar metabolic activity and ArtI were measured, and MACE within 5 years was adjudicated. Average 24-h transportation noise and potential confounders were estimated at each individual's home address. Over a median 4.06 years, 40 individuals experienced MACE. Higher noise exposure (per 5 dBA increase) predicted MACE [hazard ratio (95% confidence interval, CI) 1.341 (1.147-1.567), P < 0.001] and remained robust to multivariable adjustments. Higher noise exposure associated with increased AmygA [standardized β (95% CI) 0.112 (0.051-0.174), P < 0.001] and ArtI [0.045 (0.001-0.090), P = 0.047]. Mediation analysis suggested that higher noise exposure associates with MACE via a serial mechanism involving heightened AmygA and ArtI that accounts for 12-26% of this relationship. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that noise exposure associates with MACE via a mechanism that begins with increased stress-associated limbic (amygdalar) activity and includes heightened arterial inflammation. This potential neurobiological mechanism linking noise to CVD merits further evaluation in a prospective population.