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Balancing the scales: the interplay of diet, exercise, GLP-1 receptor agonists, and obesity in shaping male reproductive health



Open in new tabDownload slide The January 2023 Journal Club was dedicated to a study by Andersen et al. (2022), inspiring discussion about the effects of diet-induced weight loss on male infertility, the long-term strategies to maintain improved semen parameters following weight loss and GLP-1 receptor agonist medications as a strategy for clinical management of obesity-related infertility. Figure created with BioRender. GLP-1: glucagon-like peptide-1, GLP-1 RA: glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist, HPG axis: Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.
Balancing the scales: the interplay of diet, exercise, GLP-1
receptor agonists, and obesity in shaping male
reproductive health
Omar F. Ammar
, Kashish Sharma
, George Liperis
, Juan J. Fraire-Zamora
, Munevver Serdarogullari
Zoya E. Ali
, Ranjith Ramasamy
, Sandra Laurentino
, Adam Watkins
, and Mina Mincheva
Biomaterials Cluster, Bernal Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
School of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
HealthPlus Fertility Center, HealthPlus Network of Specialty Centers, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Westmead Fertility Centre, Institute of Reproductive Medicine, University of Sydney, Westmead, NSW, Australia
EUGIN Group, R&D, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Cyprus International University, Northern Cyprus, Nicosia, Turkey
Research & Development Department, Hertility Health Limited, London, UK
Desai Sethi Urology Institute, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA
Centre of Reproduction and Andrology, Institute of Reproductive and Regenerative Biology, University of Mu¨ nster, Mu¨ nster, Germany
Lifespan and Population Health, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Independent Researcher, Maidenhead, UK
*Correspondence address. Independent Researcher, Maidenhead, UK. E-mail:
The January 2023 Journal Club was dedicated to a study by Andersen et al. (2022), inspiring discussion about the effects of diet-induced weight loss
on male infertility, the long-term strategies to maintain improved semen parameters following weight loss and GLP-1 receptor agonist medications
as a strategy for clinical management of obesity-related infertility. Figure created with BioRender. GLP-1: glucagon-like peptide-1, GLP-1 RA: glucagon-
like peptide-1 receptor agonist, HPG axis: Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.
CThe Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please email:
Human Reproduction, 2023, 1–5
Peer Perspectives
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The term ‘obesity’ refers to an excessive amount of fat accumu-
lating within the body and a high BMI 30 and has been linked to
a range of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases
and cancer (WHO, 2021). The surge in obesity rates has coincided
with a steady decline in sperm quality, particularly sperm counts
reported over the last 50 years (Levine et al., 2017,2023). The vari-
ous processes involved in reproduction, such as hormone produc-
tion, gametogenesis, fertilization, and embryo development, can
be adversely affected by obesity and its associated metabolic dis-
orders. Data from animal studies strongly indicate that high-fat
diet-induced obesity and its associated metabolic disease nega-
tively affect fertility and reproduction (Pini et al., 2021). There is a
lack of data about the link between obesity and human reproduc-
tion due to the complicated interactions between obesity, dyslipi-
daemia, hyperinsulinemia, and the reproductive axis, so its effect
on fertility has not been fully studied. The evidence regarding the
impact of obesity on human semen parameters and male repro-
ductive function remains controversial (Craig et al.,2017;
Bellastella et al., 2019). Nevertheless, meta-analyses investigating
the association between BMI and sperm parameters have
reported negative correlations between BMI and sperm concen-
tration, total sperm count, sperm motility, and sperm morphol-
ogy (Sermondade et al., 2013;Guo et al., 2017;Salas-Huetos et al.,
2021). An association between obesity and severe sperm count
deficit, such as azoospermia, has also been shown, with over a
100% increase (OR: 2.04) in the odds of being azoospermic for
men with a BMI above 40 kg/m
(Sermondade et al., 2013). It is
usually regarded that men with BMI >29 kg/m
are likely to have
reduced fertility and that patient-specific weight management
should be considered to improve overall health and fertility
(National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2018,2023).
However, the question whether weight loss per se improves male
fertility, and sperm parameters in particular is still open (Best
et al.,2017). Consequently, it is unclear if the assumed potential
benefits of diet and/or exercise-induced weight loss on sperm
parameters are sustained in the short and the long-term run.
To fill in gaps on the topic, a recent study by Andersen et al.
(2022) provides supporting evidence of the hypothesis that diet-
induced weight loss has a beneficial effect on sperm concentra-
tion and sperm count. This sub-study of the S-LiTE trial (acronym
for ‘Synergy effect of LiragluTide and Exercise on maintenance of
weight loss and health after a low-calorie diet’; Jensen et al., 2019;
Lundgren et al., 2021) examined the effects of diet-induced weight
loss on semen parameters. The study included 47 male partici-
pants who underwent an 8-week low-calorie diet (800 kcal/day)
and were subsequently randomized into four intervention groups
for 52 weeks: placebo, exercise, liraglutide (a glucagon-like pep-
tide-1 receptor agonist, GLP-1 RA), or a combination of exercise
and liraglutide. Semen analysis was performed before (T0) and
after (T1) the 8-week diet period, and after 52 weeks of random-
ized intervention (T2). The study found an improvement in sperm
concentration and total sperm count at T1 (1.49- and 1.41-fold,
respectively). Importantly, these improvements were maintained
after 52 weeks (T2) only in men who sustained weight loss above
the median cut-off of 11.7 kg, regardless of the intervention
group. This suggests that exercise and/or liraglutide may aid in
maintaining improved sperm parameters following diet-induced
weight loss.
The study has potential clinical implications for addressing
obesity-induced male infertility and raises questions about the
effects of weight loss management on spermatogenesis and the
safety of pharmacological interventions for infertility in men
with obesity. These issues were discussed during the January
2023 ESHRE Journal Club.
What are the effects of exercise- and diet-
driven weight loss on reproductive health
and sperm quality?
The causes for obesity-induced negative effects on male repro-
ductive health are complex and multifactorial. It is well docu-
mented that obesity leads to hormonal imbalances, as men with
obesity often present with secondary hypogonadism (Fernandez
et al., 2019). Perturbed hormonal profiles due to increased periph-
eral aromatization of testosterone to oestrogen adversely affect
sperm production and quality (Craig et al., 2017). Obesity is also
associated with a pro-inflammatory environment that is likely
detrimental for spermatogenesis and sperm function (Leisegang
et al., 2021). Obesity-associated co-morbidities, such as metabolic
syndrome and increased scrotal temperature in case of increased
abdominal adiposity, are amongst other causal mechanisms
impacting the male reproductive axis and semen parameters
(Craig et al.,2017;Bellastella et al., 2019;Cazzaniga et al., 2020;
McPherson and Tremellen, 2020). Obesity not only impacts sperm
parameters but also influences sperm DNA integrity and epige-
netics (Craig et al., 2017;Bellastella et al., 2019). It has been dem-
onstrated that men with obesity display distinct sperm
epigenetic signatures compared to healthy-weight counterparts
(Donkin et al., 2016;Soubry et al., 2016;Keyhan et al., 2021), poten-
tially due to adiposity-induced oxidative stress damaging sperm
DNA (Shukla et al., 2014). Whilst studies have shown higher levels
of sperm DNA fragmentation in men with obesity (Dupont et al.,
2013;Cazzaniga et al., 2020) the most recent meta-analysis con-
cluded that there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate a clear
association between BMI and DNA fragmentation (Sepidarkish
et al., 2020).
Considering the complexity of mechanisms by which obesity
and associated co-morbidities affect reproductive fitness, it is
equally important to understand the implications of weight loss
on male fertility. The challenge of showing concrete evidence to
link diet and/or exercise with improved semen parameters in
men with obesity is attributed to the difficulty to control for a
number of confounding factors associated with such studies.
Obesity can be associated with unfavourable socioeconomic sta-
tus (Han et al., 2015;Newton et al., 2017) as well as with a range of
unhealthy modifiable lifestyle factors, including low level of
physical activity, poor diet, and smoking that may affect fertility
(Han et al., 2015;Salas-Huetos et al., 2017;Chen et al., 2022). Also,
some supplements intake, such as vitamin D, are known to be
positively associated with male fertility (Jensen, 2014;Tania et al.,
2023) and could create masking effects if taken by study partici-
pants. The current paucity of evidence does not allow for definite
answers about the direct effect of diet and exercise-based weight
reduction strategies on male infertility (Best et al., 2017). While
Andersen and colleagues provide new data to support the posi-
tive impact of diet-induced weight loss on semen parameters, it
is difficult to judge what impact weight loss and its maintenance
had on reproductive hormones since they were not measured in
the study (Andersen et al., 2022). Though it is known that obesity
is associated with reduced levels of reproductive hormones
(Salas-Huetos et al., 2021), very few studies have evaluated the
effects of diet-driven weight loss on the hypothalamic–pituitary–
gonadal (HPG) axis (Bellastella et al., 2019). To the best of our
knowledge only one study assessed the effect of combined diet-
and exercise-induced weight loss on both semen parameters and
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some reproductive hormones, showing an increase in total tes-
tosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin following interven-
tion (Ha˚ konsen et al., 2011). Previous studies have also shown an
association between increased insulin sensitivity and testoster-
one levels (Bellastella et al., 2019). Andersen et al demonstrated a
reduction in the percentage of men with oligozoospermia after
the initial 8-week diet weight loss from 17% (8/47) to 13% (6/47)
(Andersen et al., 2022). They further reported reduced glycated
haemoglobin levels after the 8-week diet period, which were
maintained in the combined—exercise and liraglutide—interven-
tion group. However, the mechanisms by which weight loss and
weight maintenance interventions may have influenced sperm
production and semen parameters in those men with oligozoo-
spermia cannot be ascertained without a comprehensive analysis
of the HPG axis hormones at baseline and after interventions.
It is widely accepted that physical activity has significant ben-
efits for general health (Bull et al., 2020) and it has been demon-
strated that low-to-moderate exercise has favourable impact on
male reproductive function in healthy males (Hajizadeh Maleki
et al., 2017;Riachy et al., 2020;Minas et al., 2022). As such, the ef-
fect of exercise on male obesity is seen as a positive factor for the
restoration of multiple physiological systems (endocrine, meta-
bolic, testicular function, oxidative stress) back to a healthy state
(Shaw et al., 2006;Hajizadeh Maleki et al., 2017;Riachy et al., 2020;
Minas et al., 2022). Therefore, exercise-driven weight loss in men
with obesity is considered a positive step for both general health
and for reproductive fitness. However, various factors such as
age and co-morbidities may modulate the effects exercise has on
sperm production, sperm quality, and steroidogenesis (Riachy
et al., 2020;Minas et al., 2022). Most importantly, type, volume, in-
tensity, and duration of exercise play a major role in how it will
affect male reproductive function in the short and long term
(Hajizadeh Maleki et al., 2017;Sansone et al., 2018;Riachy et al.,
The question remains open as to whether the observed
improvements in semen parameters are due to reduced calorie-
induced weight loss itself or the specific diet regimen, similarly to
the effects seen with exercise. Two major aspects, calorie restric-
tion and diet composition, would need to be accounted for to un-
ravel the effect of diet-induced weight loss on the reproductive
fitness of men with obesity. Increasing evidence from both ani-
mal and human studies indicates that the type of diet as well as
certain diet nutrients and nutritional supplements may play a
crucial role in modulating male reproduction (Salas-Huetos et al.,
2017;Pini et al., 2021). In experimental settings for diet-induced
obesity, most of the evidence comes from rodent dietary models
which focus on elevated levels of a single macronutrient, fat or
sugar (Pini et al., 2021). While such studies underlie important
effects of obesity on male reproduction, they do not allow for in-
terpretation of the complex, interacting effects of dietary macro-
nutrients (Pini et al., 2021). Subsequently, the single nutrient
approach limits the ability to draw conclusions on the most opti-
mal diet for healthy reproductive function. As regards to dietary
patterns and fertility, adherence to Mediterranean diet and simi-
lar healthy diets, which are rich in favourable fatty acids (unsatu-
rated and omega-3 polyunsaturated), antioxidants, and
micronutrients are associated with improved fertility parameters
(Karayiannis et al., 2016;Salas-Huetos et al., 2018,2019). The
Mediterranean diet—characterized by a high consumption of ol-
ive oil, fruit, nuts, legumes, vegetables, and whole cereals; a mod-
erate intake of fish and poultry; and a low consumption of full fat
dairy products, red meat, processed meats, and sweets—has con-
sistently been linked to better semen parameters in several
systematic reviews and meta-analyses (Giahi et al., 2016;
Karayiannis et al., 2016;Salas-Huetos et al., 2017,2019).
Clinical management of infertility in men
with obesity: do weight loss prescription
medications hold promise for male
Arbitrary BMI thresholds, above which fertility treatment or pub-
licly funded assisted conception is not supported, have been put
in force or considered by some programs and national health sys-
tems (Penzias et al., 2021). However, BMI calculation does not di-
rectly measure body fat since it is based on the height
ratio; other anthropometric indicators, such as waist circumfer-
ence, body fat percentage, and lean mass (Liu et al., 2021), need to
be taken into account when considering obesity. Nevertheless,
obesity is a significant factor considered ahead of medically assis-
ted reproduction (MAR) and its management has clinical rele-
vance in the context of infertility.
Regarding clinical management of obesity-related male infer-
tility, weight loss through a combination of diet and exercise is
accepted as an effective weight loss intervention (Shaw et al.,
2006) since weight loss can ameliorate obesity-related infertility
(Cabler et al., 2010;Leisegang et al., 2021). Lifestyle changes can
improve overall health, and thus, exert a positive impact on re-
productive hormones (Fernandez et al., 2019;Leisegang et al.,
2021). Medical management of infertility in men with obesity is
directed to either treatment of obesity by addressing weight loss,
or by mitigation of obesity-related effects on the male reproduc-
tive system. The latter is used towards optimizing androgenic
hormonal pathways such as administering aromatase inhibitors
and short-acting testosterone formulations (Cabler et al., 2010;
Craig et al.,2017). Most weight loss medications mainly work
through temporary suppression of appetite, and hence would re-
quire patients to reduce energy intake and/or increase energy ex-
penditure for weight loss maintenance in the long term (Penzias
et al., 2021). Weight loss medications may be beneficial when
used in conjunction with lifestyle interventions and are consid-
ered for patients with a history of unsuccessful weight loss
(Penzias et al.,2021).
Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is a hormone released by in-
testinal enteroendocrine L cells in response to food intake and is
involved in glucose homeostasis (Comninos et al., 2014;Madrid
et al., 2022). It is thought that GLP-1 slows gastric emptying and
stimulates GLP-1 receptors in the gut to reduce food intake, while
also having an immunomodulatory activity (Jensen et al., 2019;
Madrid et al., 2022). Although the highest expression of the GLP-1
receptor is reported in the lung and pancreas, followed by the
stomach, intestine, kidney, heart, and brain (Jensterle et al., 2019),
there is very limited evidence for GLP-1 receptor expression in the
human testis (Jensterle et al., 2019;Caltabiano et al., 2020). It has
been shown that GLP-1 receptor agonists (Ras) facilitate weight
reduction, improve metabolic health, and reduce systemic in-
flammation; however, the mechanism of GLP-1 Ras action on
weight loss is not fully understood (Drucker, 2018;Jensen et al.,
2019;Madrid et al., 2022). The role of GLP-1 and GLP-1 Ras in re-
production is even less clear and is largely unaddressed in clinical
studies (Jensterle et al., 2019). Liraglutide (a GLP-1 RA) is approved
as an adjunct to diet and exercise for weight management in case
of failure of lifestyle modifications, for individuals with a BMI of
30 kg/m
or with a BMI of 27 kg/m
and co-morbidities, and for
male patients with a waist circumference above 102 cm
(Fernandez et al., 2019;Madrid et al., 2022). Comprehensive
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evidence synthesis on the efficacy of liraglutide and other GLP-1
Ras as a strategy to induce weight loss is imminent (Madrid et al.,
2022). In this light, evidence by the study of Andersen and col-
leagues about the use of liraglutide in combination with exercise
for the long-term maintenance of diet-induced weight loss is very
promising (Lundgren et al., 2021;Andersen et al., 2022). It is worth
noting that very few of the weight loss prescription medications
have been investigated in the context of reproductive function,
fertility, and their effects on offspring health in either women or
men with obesity (Jensterle et al., 2019;Penzias et al., 2021). GLP-1
Ras such as liraglutide deserves special attention given increas-
ing evidence around the modulatory activity of GLP-1 in repro-
duction (Comninos et al., 2014).
Current evidence suggests that preconception treatment with
GLP-1 Ras might provide new strategies in the management of
weight and infertility in men with obesity, but full understanding
of the complex mechanisms linking metabolism and reproduc-
tion is required. Future studies addressing the effects of weight
loss per se on male reproductive function should include larger
cohorts from more diverse geographical areas and longer follow-
up periods. Additionally, monitoring of the HPG axis hormonal
profile, in conjunction with repeated semen analysis including
extended examination of sperm quality, such as sperm DNA in-
tegrity and epigenetics, would be necessary. Several clinically rel-
evant questions are yet to be addressed: Where are GLP-1
receptors expressed in male reproductive tissues? Is the impact
of GLP-1 RA in reproduction mainly mediated through weight
loss or by direct interactions with the GLP-1 receptors in the tes-
tis? What are the potential effects of preconception treatment
with GLP-1 RA in men with obesity on embryonic metabolism,
gene expression, and offspring health? These questions provide
the grounds for future studies considering the implementation of
liraglutide in MAR and reproductive health management for men
with obesity.
Data availability
No datasets were generated or analysed in the current article.
The authors would like to thank all the participants of ESHRE
journal club on Twitter for their contribution to the discussion.
Authors’ roles
O.F.A. and M.M. conceptualized the discussion topics; K.S., G.L.,
J.J.F.-Z., and M.S. wrote the discussion questions; O.F.A. and M.M.
revised the discussion questions; O.F.A. organized the discussion;
K.S., G.L., J.J.F.-Z., M.S., Z.E.A., and M.M. moderated the discus-
sion; O.F.A. prepared and led the discussion material and moder-
ation; R.R., S.L., and A.W. contributed intellectually to the
discussion as an expert; O.F.A. drafted the manuscript introduc-
tion; O.F.A. and M.M. prepared the graphical abstract; K.S., G.L.,
J.J.F.-Z., M.S., R.R., S.L., and A.W. provided outlines for the manu-
script content; and M.M., compiled and wrote the manuscript
and led the publication process. All authors provided critical revi-
sion to the manuscript and approved the final version.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Conflict of interest
All authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Furthermore, it is crucial for subsequent studies to explore the efficacy of various GLP-1 RAs in the treatment of MFI, as the current literature has not yet explored this. These questions lay the foundation for future studies exploring the implementation of GLP-1 RA in assisted reproduction and reproductive health management for men with obesity [69]. ...
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Background and objective—Obesity is a prevalent health concern that notably impairs male fertility through hormonal disruptions and other pathophysiological alterations. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) can significantly reduce weight. This narrative review synthesizes the existing literature discussing the impact of glucagon-like peptide-GLP-1 RAs on the male reproductive system, particularly on the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis and spermatogenesis, highlighting their potential impact on male fertility. Material and methods—PubMed database was used for the retrieval of English-language articles published up to November 2023. This non-systematic literature review predominantly concentrates on both pre-clinical and clinical studies pertaining to GLP-1 RAs, specifically exploring their impact on male reproductive hormones and sperm parameters. Results—GLP-1 receptors have been identified within the male reproductive system according to the existing literature. While the exact mechanisms are not well understood, they appear to be involved in glucose homeostasis and energy metabolism, both vital processes in spermatogenesis. Multiple clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of GLP-1 RAs for promoting weight loss. Recent studies show that the use of GLP-1 RAs in obese males may enhance sperm metabolism, motility, and insulin secretion in vitro, along with positive effects on the human Sertoli cells. Recent clinical trials discussed in this review demonstrate weight loss associated with GLP-1 RAs is correlated with improvements in sperm count, concentration, and motility. However, the direct impact of GLP-1 RAs on male reproductive hormones remains unclear, necessitating further research to confirm their potential role in treating male infertility. Conclusions—This narrative review summarizes the existing literature discussing the potential impact of GLP-1 RA on the male reproductive system, emphasizing their potential therapeutic role in addressing idiopathic infertility in obese men. Despite numerous studies exploring the influence of GLP-1 and GLP-1 RAs on reproductive hormones, testicular function, and spermatogenesis, further clinical trials are crucial to validate initial evidence. Longer follow-up periods are essential to address uncertainties regarding the long-term repercussions and outcomes of GLP-1 RA use. While this holds true, the current literature suggests that GLP-1RAs show promise as a potential therapeutic approach for improving sperm parameters in obese men.
... In a broader context, Ammar et al. suggested that GLP-1 RAs might offer new strategies f or managing weight and inf ertility in obese men, a premise supported by Zhang et al.'s study that demonstrated the attenuating ef fects of a GLP-1 RA, exenatide, on reduced sperm quality and increased testicular inf lammation in obese mice 58,59 . ...
Obesity, typified by the disproportionate accumulation of body fat, constitutes a burgeoning global health dilemma with far-reaching impacts on numerous facets of human well-being, prominently inclusive of reproductive health. The pervasive effects of this worldwide health predicament are both direct and indirect, having a compelling influence on fertility, thus underlining the exigency for efficacious therapeutic interventions. FDA-approved anti-obesity pharmaceuticals, comprising metformin, orlistat, phentermine, and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists such as liraglutide and semaglutide, have been substantiated to facilitate weight loss and enhance metabolic indices. However, despite their promising roles in mitigating obesity, the extent of our understanding of these drugs' implications for reproductive health remains inadequate.This thorough review endeavors to aggregate and scrutinize the present corpus of evidence relating to the influence of these anti-obesity drugs on fertility. By exploring the prospective direct and indirect impacts of these pharmaceuticals on reproductive health, we aspire to illuminate their multifunctional roles extending beyond the sphere of weight regulation. In the female population, obesity has been correlated with menstrual abnormalities, infertility, and complications during gestation, frequently concurrent with an increased incidence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). In the male counterpart, obesity has been associated with compromised semen quality and erectile function, often compounded by Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) and hormonal disequilibrium.This exhaustive analysis seeks to equip physicians with a framework for refining their therapeutic approaches, appreciating the intricate interplay between obesity treatment and reproductive health. We aim to afford a broader and more nuanced comprehension of the complex interrelations between obesity, anti-obesity medications, and reproductive well-being. The intention is to empower healthcare practitioners with the insights necessary to deliver bespoke care strategies to those grappling with obesity and attendant fertility complications. Ultimately, this initiative augments our evolving understanding of the complex mechanisms operating at the juncture of obesity and fertility, thereby paving the way for future investigations in this critical field of study.
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Study question: Does diet-induced weight loss improve semen parameters, and are these possible improvements maintained with sustained weight loss? Summary answer: An 8-week low-calorie diet-induced weight loss was associated with improved sperm concentration and sperm count, which were maintained after 1 year in men who maintained weight loss. What is known already: Obesity is associated with impaired semen quality. Weight loss improves metabolic health in obesity, but there is a lack of knowledge on the acute and long-term effects of weight loss on semen parameters. Study design, size, duration: This is a substudy of men with obesity enrolled in a randomized, controlled, double-blinded trial (the S-LITE trial). The trial was conducted between August 2016 and November 2019. A total of 56 men were included in the study and assigned to an initial 8-week low-calorie diet (800 kcal/day) followed by randomization to 52 weeks of either: placebo and habitual activity (placebo), exercise training and placebo (exercise), the Glucagon Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) analogue liraglutide and habitual activity (liraglutide) or liraglutide in combination with exercise training (combination). Participants/materials, setting, methods: Inclusion criteria were men who delivered semen samples, 18 to 65 years of age, and a body mass index between 32 and 43 kg/m2, but otherwise healthy. The study was carried out at Hvidovre Hospital and at the University of Copenhagen, and the participants were from the Greater Copenhagen Area. We assessed semen parameters and anthropometrics and collected blood samples before (T0), after the 8-week low-calorie dietary intervention (T1), and after 52 weeks (T2). Main results and the role of chance: The men lost on average 16.5 kg (95% CI: 15.2-17.8) body weight during the low-calorie diet, which increased sperm concentration 1.49-fold (95% CI: 1.18-1.88, P < 0.01) and sperm count 1.41-fold (95% CI: 1.07-1.87, P < 0.01). These improvements were maintained for 52 weeks in men who maintained the weight loss, but not in men who regained weight. Semen volume, sperm motility and motile sperm count did not change. Limitations, reasons for caution: The S-LITE trial was a randomized controlled trial of weight loss maintenance. Analysis of semen was preregistered to explore the effects of weight loss and weight loss maintenance on semen parameters, but definite inferences cannot be made. Wider implications of the findings: This study shows that sperm concentration and sperm count were improved after a diet-induced weight loss in men with obesity. Our findings indicate that either or both liraglutide and exercise as weight maintenance strategies may be used to maintain the improvements in sperm concentration and count. Study funding/competing interest(s): This work is supported by an excellence grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF16OC0019968), a Challenge Programme Grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF18OC0033754) and a grant from Helsefonden. The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research is an independent research centre at the University of Copenhagen, partially funded by an unrestricted donation from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF18CC0034900). Saxenda (liraglutide) and placebo pens were provided by Novo Nordisk. Cambridge Weight Plan diet products for the 8-week low-calorie diet were provided by Cambridge Weight Plan. E.A.: shareholder, employee of ExSeed Health Ltd. Grant Recipient from ExSeed Health Ltd and listed on Patents planned, issued or pending with ExSeed Health Ltd; J.J.H.: consultant for Eli Lilly A/S and Novo Nordisk A/S. Lecture fees for Novo Nordisk A/S. Listed on Patents planned, issued or pending with the University of Copenhagen, Advocacy group for Antag Therapeutics and Bainan Biotech; S.M.: lecture fees for Novo Nordisk A/S. Recipient of Support for attending meetings from Novo Nordisk A/S. Advisory boards of Novo Nordisk A/S; Sanofi Aventis and Merck Sharp & Dohme. S.S.T.: research grant recipient Novo Nordisk. The remaining authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. Trial registration number: The trial was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Capital Region of Denmark (H-16027082) and the Danish Medicines Agency (EudraCT Number: 2015-005585-32). identifier (NCT number): NCT04122716. Trial registration date: 11 May 2016. Date of first patient’s enrolment: August 2016.
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Objective To examine the trends in obesity and adiposity measures, including body mass index, waist circumference, body fat percentage, and lean mass, by race or ethnicity among adults in the United States from 2011 to 2018. Design Population based study. Setting National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2011-18. Participants A nationally representative sample of US adults aged 20 years or older. Main outcome measures Weight, height, and waist circumference among adults aged 20 years or older were measured by trained technicians using standardized protocols. Obesity was defined as body mass index of 30 or higher for non-Asians and 27.5 or higher for Asians. Abdominal obesity was defined as a waist circumference of 102 cm or larger for men and 88 cm or larger for women. Body fat percentage and lean mass were measured among adults aged 20-59 years by using dual energy x ray absorptiometry. Results This study included 21 399 adults from NHANES 2011-18. Body mass index was measured for 21 093 adults, waist circumference for 20 080 adults, and body fat percentage for 10 864 adults. For the overall population, age adjusted prevalence of general obesity increased from 35.4% (95% confidence interval 32.5% to 38.3%) in 2011-12 to 43.4% (39.8% to 47.0%) in 2017-18 (P for trend<0.001), and age adjusted prevalence of abdominal obesity increased from 54.5% (51.2% to 57.8%) in 2011-12 to 59.1% (55.6% to 62.7%) in 2017-18 (P for trend=0.02). Age adjusted mean body mass index increased from 28.7 (28.2 to 29.1) in 2011-12 to 29.8 (29.2 to 30.4) in 2017-18 (P for trend=0.001), and age adjusted mean waist circumference increased from 98.4 cm (97.4 to 99.5 cm) in 2011-12 to 100.5 cm (98.9 to 102.1 cm) in 2017-18 (P for trend=0.01). Significant increases were observed in body mass index and waist circumference among the Hispanic, non-Hispanic white, and non-Hispanic Asian groups (all P for trend<0.05), but not for the non-Hispanic black group. For body fat percentage, a significant increase was observed among non-Hispanic Asians (30.6%, 29.8% to 31.4% in 2011-12; 32.7%, 32.0% to 33.4% in 2017-18; P for trend=0.001), but not among other racial or ethnic groups. The age adjusted mean lean mass decreased in the non-Hispanic black group and increased in the non-Hispanic Asian group, but no statistically significant changes were found in other racial or ethnic groups. Conclusions Among US adults, an increasing trend was found in obesity and adiposity measures from 2011 to 2018, although disparities exist among racial or ethnic groups.
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There is mounting evidence that obesity has negative repercussions for reproductive physiology in males. Much of this evidence has accumulated from rodent studies employing diets high in fat and sugar (“high fat” or “western” diets). While excessive fats and carbohydrates have long been considered major determinants of diet induced obesity, a growing body of research suggests that the relationships between diet composition and obesity are more complex than originally thought, involving interactions between dietary macronutrients. However, rodent dietary models have yet to evolve to capture this, instead relying heavily on elevated levels of a single macronutrient. While this approach has highlighted important effects of obesity on male reproduction, it does not allow for interpretation of the complex, interacting effects of dietary protein, carbohydrate and fat. Further, the single nutrient approach limits the ability to draw conclusions about which diets best support reproductive function. Nutritional Geometry offers an alternative approach, assessing outcomes of interest over an extended range of dietary macronutrient compositions. This review explores the practical application of Nutritional Geometry to study the effects of dietary macronutrient balance on male reproduction, including experimental considerations specific to studies of diet and reproductive physiology. Finally, this review discusses the promising use of Nutritional Geometry in the development of evidence-based pre-conception nutritional guidance for men.
Objective Vitamin D has been hypothesized to have a potential role in altering sperm motility and metabolism. However, experimental studies have demonstrated inconsistent results between vitamin D and sperm parameters. This study aims to investigate the role of vitamin D supplementation to improve sperm parameters in infertile men. Methods This is a systematic review and meta-analysis study. We comprehensively conducted a search on,, Europe PMC, and PubMed and collected published studies on vitamin D supplementation and sperm parameters for infertile men. The risk of bias was assessed by using Risk of Bias version 2 (RoB v2) and the statistical analysis was performed by using Review Manager 5.4 software. Results Five trials with a total of 648 infertile men were included. Our meta-analysis showed that supplementation with vitamin D may significantly improve total sperm motility [mean difference 4.96 (95% CI 0.38, 9.54), p = 0.03, I² = 69%], progressive sperm motility [mean difference 4.14 (95% CI 0.25, 8.02), p = 0.04, I² = 89%], and normal sperm morphology [mean difference 0.44 (95% CI 0.30, 0.57), p < 0.00001, I² = 0%] better than placebo in infertile men. However, total sperm count (p = 0.15), sperm concentration (p = 0.82), and semen volume (p = 0.83) did not differ significantly between two groups. Conclusions Vitamin D supplementation may improve sperm motility, progressive sperm motility, and morphology in infertile men. Vitamin D supplementation may be considered in managing male fertility issue.
BACKGROUND Numerous studies have reported declines in semen quality and other markers of male reproductive health. Our previous meta-analysis reported a significant decrease in sperm concentration (SC) and total sperm count (TSC) among men from North America–Europe–Australia (NEA) based on studies published during 1981–2013. At that time, there were too few studies with data from South/Central America–Asia–Africa (SAA) to reliably estimate trends among men from these continents. OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE The aim of this study was to examine trends in sperm count among men from all continents. The broader implications of a global decline in sperm count, the knowledge gaps left unfilled by our prior analysis and the controversies surrounding this issue warranted an up-to-date meta-analysis. SEARCH METHODS We searched PubMed/MEDLINE and EMBASE to identify studies of human SC and TSC published during 2014–2019. After review of 2936 abstracts and 868 full articles, 44 estimates of SC and TSC from 38 studies met the protocol criteria. Data were extracted on semen parameters (SC, TSC, semen volume), collection year and covariates. Combining these new data with data from our previous meta-analysis, the current meta-analysis includes results from 223 studies, yielding 288 estimates based on semen samples collected 1973–2018. Slopes of SC and TSC were estimated as functions of sample collection year using simple linear regression as well as weighted meta-regression. The latter models were adjusted for predetermined covariates and examined for modification by fertility status (unselected by fertility versus fertile), and by two groups of continents: NEA and SAA. These analyses were repeated for data collected post-2000. Multiple sensitivity analyses were conducted to examine assumptions, including linearity. OUTCOMES Overall, SC declined appreciably between 1973 and 2018 (slope in the simple linear model: –0.87 million/ml/year, 95% CI: –0.89 to –0.86; P < 0.001). In an adjusted meta-regression model, which included two interaction terms [time × fertility group (P = 0.012) and time × continents (P = 0.058)], declines were seen among unselected men from NEA (–1.27; –1.78 to –0.77; P < 0.001) and unselected men from SAA (–0.65; –1.29 to –0.01; P = 0.045) and fertile men from NEA (–0.50; –1.00 to –0.01; P = 0.046). Among unselected men from all continents, the mean SC declined by 51.6% between 1973 and 2018 (–1.17: –1.66 to –0.68; P < 0.001). The slope for SC among unselected men was steeper in a model restricted to post-2000 data (–1.73: –3.23 to –0.24; P = 0.024) and the percent decline per year doubled, increasing from 1.16% post-1972 to 2.64% post-2000. Results were similar for TSC, with a 62.3% overall decline among unselected men (–4.70 million/year; –6.56 to –2.83; P < 0.001) in the adjusted meta-regression model. All results changed only minimally in multiple sensitivity analyses. WIDER IMPLICATIONS This analysis is the first to report a decline in sperm count among unselected men from South/Central America–Asia–Africa, in contrast to our previous meta-analysis that was underpowered to examine those continents. Furthermore, data suggest that this world-wide decline is continuing in the 21st century at an accelerated pace. Research on the causes of this continuing decline and actions to prevent further disruption of male reproductive health are urgently needed.
Infertility is a worldwide issue impacting 15% of couples' population. Male‐related infertility results in almost 50% of these cases. Considering lifestyle factors associated with infertility, here in this literature review article, we aimed to discuss training/sport effects on male‐related infertility. Regarding this issue, human and animal model studies related to the subject were gathered and analysed. Exercise is well known as a general improving factor, however, excessive exercise can result in male infertility due to reduced hypothalamus–pituitary–gonadal axis (HPT) function, increased oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Consequently, these underlying impacts result in a low testosterone production, and reduced semen quality, and can lead to infertility. In contrast, it has been revealed that exercise can improve male fertility status in lifestyle‐induced infertility condition such as obesity and diabetes. Indeed, exercise, by increasing testicular antioxidant defence, reducing pro‐inflammatory cytokines level and enhancing the steroidogenesis process, leads to improved spermatogenesis and semen quality in lifestyle‐induced infertility. In fact, it seems that individual health status as well as exercise volume, intensity and duration are effective‐involved co‐factors that influence the impact that exercise will promote on male fertility. Regarding these findings, it is important to study exercise different impacts in further clinical trials in order to generate preservative guidelines for exercise and also considering exercise as a treatment option in lifestyle‐induced disease management.
The purpose of this American Society for Reproductive Medicine Practice Committee report is to provide clinicians with principles and strategies for the evaluation and treatment of couples with infertility associated with obesity. This revised document replaces the Practice Committee document titled “Obesity and reproduction: an educational bulletin” last published in 2015 (Fertil Steril 2015;104:1116–26).
Male reproduction is a complex biologic process, and male factor infertility is increasingly recognized as a biomarker for overall male health. Emerging data suggests associations between male reproduction and medical disease (genetic, infectious, chronic comorbid conditions), psychological disease, environmental exposures, dietary habits, medications and substances of abuse, and even socioeconomic factors. There is also evidence that a diagnosis of male fertility is associated with future disease risk including cancer, metabolic disease, and mortality. As such, there is a growing view that the male fertility evaluation is an opportunity to improve a man's health beyond his immediate reproductive goals, and also highlights the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach.
Background: Weight regain after weight loss is a major problem in the treatment of persons with obesity. Methods: In a randomized, head-to-head, placebo-controlled trial, we enrolled adults with obesity (body-mass index [the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters], 32 to 43) who did not have diabetes. After an 8-week low-calorie diet, participants were randomly assigned for 1 year to one of four strategies: a moderate-to-vigorous-intensity exercise program plus placebo (exercise group); treatment with liraglutide (3.0 mg per day) plus usual activity (liraglutide group); exercise program plus liraglutide therapy (combination group); or placebo plus usual activity (placebo group). End points with prespecified hypotheses were the change in body weight (primary end point) and the change in body-fat percentage (secondary end point) from randomization to the end of the treatment period in the intention-to-treat population. Prespecified metabolic health-related end points and safety were also assessed. Results: After the 8-week low-calorie diet, 195 participants had a mean decrease in body weight of 13.1 kg. At 1 year, all the active-treatment strategies led to greater weight loss than placebo: difference in the exercise group, -4.1 kg (95% confidence interval [CI], -7.8 to -0.4; P = 0.03); in the liraglutide group, -6.8 kg (95% CI, -10.4 to -3.1; P<0.001); and in the combination group, -9.5 kg (95% CI, -13.1 to -5.9; P<0.001). The combination strategy led to greater weight loss than exercise (difference, -5.4 kg; 95% CI, -9.0 to -1.7; P = 0.004) but not liraglutide (-2.7 kg; 95% CI, -6.3 to 0.8; P = 0.13). The combination strategy decreased body-fat percentage by 3.9 percentage points, which was approximately twice the decrease in the exercise group (-1.7 percentage points; 95% CI, -3.2 to -0.2; P = 0.02) and the liraglutide group (-1.9 percentage points; 95% CI, -3.3 to -0.5; P = 0.009). Only the combination strategy was associated with improvements in the glycated hemoglobin level, insulin sensitivity, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Increased heart rate and cholelithiasis were observed more often in the liraglutide group than in the combination group. Conclusions: A strategy combining exercise and liraglutide therapy improved healthy weight loss maintenance more than either treatment alone. (Funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and others; EudraCT number, 2015-005585-32; number, NCT04122716.).