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Automated Classification of Normal and Premature Ventricular Contractions in Electrocardiogram Signals


Abstract and Figures

The objective of this project was to improve the accuracy of cardiac arrhythmia detection by using advanced signal processing and machine learning methods. The proposed Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system classified Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC) and normal Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using unsupervised machine learning algorithms. The classification quality was measured and expressed as accuracy, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), sensitivity and specificity. The ECG records, which were used to establish the CAD system quality, were obtained from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. These signals were analyzed in four stages. The pre-processing stage standardized and improved the ECG signals by subjecting them to Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) based noise reduction. The second stage used Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for dimension reduction. The third stage assessed the extracted features with Student's t-test to determine if the features were discriminative enough to serve as classifier input. At the last stage, two unsupervised classifiers, k-means and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM), were used to find clusters. The proposed system achieved: accuracy = 80.94%, sensitivity = 81.10% and specificity = 80.1%.
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Automated classification of normal and premature
ventricular contractions in electrocardiogram
Nam Zheng Ning Jenny1, Oliver Faust2, Wenwei Yu3
1Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore 599489
2School of Science and Engineering, Habib University, Karachi-Pakistan
3Department of Medical System Engineering, Chiba University, Chiba, 263-8522 Japan
The objective of this project was to improve the accuracy of cardiac arrhythmia
detection by using advanced signal processing and machine learning methods.
The proposed Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system classified Premature Ven-
tricular Contraction (PVC) and normal Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using un-
supervised machine learning algorithms. The classification quality was measured
and expressed as accuracy, Positive Predictive Value (PPV), sensitivity and speci-
ficity. The ECG records, which were used to establish the CAD system quality, were
obtained from the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. These signals were analyzed in
four stages. The pre-processing stage standardized and improved the ECG signals
by subjecting them to Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) based noise reduction.
The second stage used Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for dimension re-
duction. The third stage assessed the extracted features with Student’s t-test to
determine if the features were discriminative enough to serve as classifier input. At
the last stage, two unsupervised classifiers, k-means and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM),
were used to find clusters. The proposed system achieved: accuracy = 80.94%,
sensitivity = 81.10% and specificity = 80.1%.
Keywords: Premature ventricular contraction, Electrocardiogram, Computer aided
diagnosis, Discrete wavelet transform, Independent component analysis, Fuzzy C-
1 Introduction
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is an important medical problem, because of its high
incidence and prevalence [1]. One of the complications of CVD, among many others,
is atrial and ventricular arrhythmias which occur due to cardiac rhythm disturbances.
Arrhythmia is a collective term for a heterogeneous group of conditions where the heart
exhibits abnormal electrical activity. Heart arrhythmia is the medical term for irregular
heartbeat or palpitations, caused by deficiencies in the heart’s electrical system [2]. Ar-
rhythmias can lead to complications, like stroke, heart failure and Alzheimer’s disease
[3]. In medical terms, the disease can be classified into one of two groups: Bradycar-
dia (abnormally slow heartbeat) and Tachycardia (abnormally fast heartbeat) [3]. The
four main types of arrhythmia include premature beats, supra-ventricular arrhythmias,
ventricular arrhythmias, and brady-arrhythmias. Arrhythmias, like Ventricular Tachy-
cardia (VT) and Atrial Flutter (AFL), are life threatening medical emergencies which
result in cardiac arrest, hemodynamic collapse and sudden cardiac death [4]. There
are many causes for arrhythmias, but the majority of them is related to CVD. Cardiac
arrhythmias can endanger life when a normal ventricular ectopic, with an underlying
heart diseases, gradually leads to VT or ventricular fibrillation. Arrhythmias can occur
at anytime, during exercise, working or even when sleeping. A person, with this dis-
ease, may just collapse. The need to understand and treat patients with this condition
has encouraged studies which aim to find diagnosing methods that pick up early signs
of potentially deadly cardiac arrhythmias [5].
Electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis, with the aim of detecting different heartbeat
types, is of major importance for the diagnosis of cardiac dysfunctions [6]. The main
feature of ECG signals is the P-QRS-T wave which contains information about the
heart condition [7]. Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems use signal processing
algorithms to extract relevant information from ECG signals [8]. This information forms
the basis for an automated diagnosis which is established through machine learning
algorithms [9]. To ensure practicality and usefulness, the quality of such CAD systems
must be evaluated with statistical and classification tests [10]. These tests instill trust
into the systems.
In this paper, we propose an ECG based CAD system for Premature Ventricu-
lar Contraction (PVC). The proposed system uses Independent Component Analy-
sis (ICA) to extract features for k-means and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) classification. The
results show that ICA together with FCM outperforms the combination of ICA and k-
means. The proposed system can be used effectively as a non-invasive tool for the
classification of cardiac arrhythmias. It can be applied to ECG monitoring systems and
electronic pacemakers. The CAD system can help doctors to pick up early signs of
arrhythmias quickly, which can lead to an immediate lifesaving treatment. Through its
digital nature, the system is readily deployable and very versatile, therefore it can be
used for mass screening programs. It saves time and effort for both doctors and health-
care professionals, since they do not need to go through the ECG recordings of every
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides the medical background
on arrhythmias. Section 3 introduces the materials and methods used to construct
the proposed CAD system. Section 4 provides the performance assessment results.
The discussion section relates the work done in this project to studies from the wider
research community. Section 6 concludes this work.
2 Background
This section provides a brief overview of the electrical activity of the heart. This electri-
cal activity is captured in ECG signals which can be used for medical diagnosis [11, 12].
One disease class, that can be diagnosed with ECG signal analysis, are arrhythmias.
Section 2.2 introduces arrhythmias with a special focus an PVC.
2.1 Electrical activity of the heart
Ventricular ectopic beats are also called PVC, because the majority of these beats
occur just before the Normal Sinus Rhythm (NSR). These beats are triggered by the
heart itself and they are caused by abnormalities in the electrical conductance system
of the heart ventricles [13]. In contrast Atrial Premature Contractions (APCs) are char-
acterized by premature heartbeats originating in the atria. The Sino Atrial (SA) node,
together with the Atrioventricular (AV) node and the Purkinje fibers, execute the main
electrical activity of the heart. The SA node is located at the upper portion of the right
atrium. The AV node is located near the bottom of the right atrium, around the septum
region. The Purkinje fibers are located at the walls of the ventricles [14]. The SA node
is the natural pacemaker of the heart. Every time it triggers, electrical signals are sent
out to the atria and they stimulate the muscles to contract. At this instance, blood is be-
ing pumped to the ventricles. This electrical activity is recorded as ‘P’ wave in the ECG
[15]. Subsequently, the signal arrives at the AV node. It slows down or delays for an in-
stant so that the heart’s right and left ventricles can fill with blood. This delay is crucial,
because it allows blood to flow effectively from the atria to the ventricles. Without this
delay, both atria and ventricles would contract at the same time. This delay produces
the so called ‘PR’ segment in the ECG signal. Once the signal is released, it moves
along a pathway called the bundle of His, which is located in the walls of the heart
ventricles. The bundle of His divides into two branches and these branches spread
further out to form numerous Purkinje fibers [16]. The Purkinje fibers connect directly
to the myocardial cells and stimulate them to contract. The spread of electrical activity
through the ventricles wall shapes the ‘QRS’ complex in the ECG. The last event of
one cardiac cycle is de- and repolarization of the ventricles. This is represented by
the ‘ST’ segment and the ‘T’ wave respectively. The impulses travel from the atrium to
the center of the heart, then to the ventricles [17]. In a healthy heart, this process will
go smoothly, however interruptions or other problems with the signal distribution can
cause arrhythmias [18].
2.2 Arrhythmias
VT is characterized by a fast heart rate, which can go up to more than 100 beats per
minute [19]. It occurs when the heart beats with rapid, erratic electrical impulses. This
causes the ventricles to quiver uselessly instead of pumping blood. It usually indicates
a serious underlying heart disease and in many cases it requires prompt or emergency
treatment, because without an effective heartbeat, blood pressure plummets, cutting
off blood supply to vital organs. Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) is also one of the deadly
arrhythmias. A person with VF will collapse within seconds and soon won’t be breathing
or have a pulse [20]. During Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB) the right ventricle is not
directly activated by the electrical impulses traveling through the right bundle branch.
Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB) describes a similar condition for the left ventricle. In
Figure 1: Block diagram of the PVC detection system.
ECG signal
Noise reduction with DWT
Feature Extraction with ICA
Statistical Analysis with the t-test
Normal PVC
Atrial Fibrillation (AF), the electrical impulses from the SA node are overwhelmed by
disorganized electrical impulses which usually come from the roots of the pulmonary
veins, leading to irregular conduction of the ventricles. A Nodal Escape Beat (NEB) is a
delayed and a Nodal Premature Beat (NPB) is an early heartbeat. A Paced Beat (PB)
is induced by a pace maker. In Atrial Tachycardia (AT) the electrical impulse originates
from an ectopic atrial pacemaker rather than from the SA node .
PVC is easily seen in the time domain representation of the ECG signal [21]. Dur-
ing PVC, the electrical impulses in the ventricles travel eccentrically or backwards.
Therefore, the ECG will show wild and bizarre shapes. PVC is a common abnormality
and in most cases it does not cause a problem, unless the patient has a history of
heart diseases. Although PVC may not cause any serious problems, regular signs and
symptoms should not be ignored.
3 Materials and Methods
This section introduces the materials and methods used to construct the proposed ar-
rhythmia CAD system. The blockdiagram, in Figure 1, shows the algorithm structure
used to construct the system. The ECG signal flows through a sequence of algorithms
and at the end of this process, a classifier decides whether the signal is normal or
PVC. In the first step, the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is used for noise re-
duction. Subsequently, the ICA algorithm extracts features from these noise reduced
signals. The t-test analysis provides statistical information about the feature quality.
Only the most discriminative features were used to assemble a feature vector for the
classification step. In this classification step, the feature vectors, from all ECG signals,
form training and test sets which were used to assess the classification algorithms.
3.1 Data Used
The ECG signals, used for this project, were taken from the MIT-BIH arrhythmias
database. They were obtained from 47 subjects. The MIT-BIH arrhythmia database
contains 48 half-hour excerpts of two-channel ambulatory ECG-Holter recordings, which
were digitized at 360 samples per second per channel with 11-bit resolution over a
10 mV range [22]. The subjects were 25 men aged 32 to 89 years. In this analysis,
we have chosen several recordings with ventricular ectopic beats (PVC) and normal
ECG beats. Lead II data were taken, because it is the most sensitive and accurate
lead. 1000 normal ECG and 1000 PVC data samples were randomly selected to run
the test.
3.2 Denoising
Different methods have been developed for ECG signal conditioning [23]. The general
concept of denoising ECG signals in a transform domain is to find a set of coefficients
which represent the noise and a set of coefficients which represent the signal. Once
these sets are established, only the coefficients that represent the signal are used in
subsequent processing steps [24].
The wavelet transform has been widely used in signal processing applications, be-
cause this method can separate signal information from noise [25, 26]. Unlike the
Fourier transform, the wavelet transform can be used to analyze non-stationary sig-
nals. The DWT algorithm is a fast implementation of the wavelet transform. It has
a low computational complexity, thus it reduces both processing time and processing
resource requirements. In DWT, the signal is analyzed by passing it through a series
of filters with different cut-off frequencies at different scales. This technique is called
multi-resolution analysis. Multi-resolution analysis enables us to analyze the signal in
different frequency bands; therefore we can observe any movement or change in both
domains [27]. As a consequence, it offers perfect resolution in both time and frequency
One way of thinking about ECG is that the signal is composed from wavelets that are
non-stationary and non-periodic, hence we can use DWT to analyze and subsequently
to reduce noise in ECG signals [28]. Scientists demonstrated that DWT can be used
as a tool to isolate relevant properties of the waveform morphology from the noise
and other unwanted signal components, such as baseline drift, and amplitude variance
of the original ECG signal [29, 30]. They achieved high classification accuracy by
using the downsampled wavelet coefficients, that were extracted from ECG signals, as
their feature set, rather than the original waveform itself. Their findings were based
on multi-resolution techniques, which were used to find average features and specific
signal details. For example, the sharp spikes in an ECG signal, which make up the
‘QRS’ wave have a high frequency. Therefore, they can be separated from noise by
decomposing the ECG signal into different DWT levels. The multi-resolution technique
comprises of low- and high-pass filtering [31].
3.3 Independent component analysis (ICA)
ICA is a nonlinear dimension reduction method. It is good for finding underlying fea-
tures or components from multi-dimensional data. The need for these abilities is en-
countered often in signal processing applications, where the signal needs to be decom-
posed into its independent components. This decomposition process is also known
as blind source separation [32]. ICA can be applied to many medical and biological
applications like the Electroencephalogrphy (EEG) and ECG, because these signals
originate from different sources, i.e. they are composed out of multiple independent
signals [33].
The algorithm description starts by defining a random observation vector X.Xhas
mixtures [x1, x2, ..., xn], let sbe the source vector [s1, s2, ..., sn]and let Adenote the
weight matrix with elements aij . The ICA model assumes that the signal x, in our case
the DWT coefficients in a specific sub-band, was linearly mixed with the source signals
[34]. Another assumption, which underpins the ICA method, is that the original signals
are non-Gaussian. The entropy of a random variable is the measure of the information
that can be obtained by observing that variable. The more unlikely it is to observe a
random variable the more information is gained by observing it. A random variable
with a normal distribution has maximum entropy. That means, entropy can be used
as a measure of non-gaussianity [34]. One of the most commonly used measures for
entropy is known as Negentropy. Using the Negentropy concept, the FastICA algorithm
uses the following formula to measure non-gaussianity:
The ICA model itself is given by:
x=As =
We need to solve for the elements of Ato solve the ICA problem. The source signal is
expressed in terms of mixed signals as:
s=W x (3)
The goal of ICA is to find the unmixing matrix W; where Aand Ware the inverse of
each other, which will give Y, the best possible approximation of S:
Y=W X S(4)
The ICA method assumes that the original signals are statistically independent. These
assumptions might not always hold for practical applications, but they are important for
finding the principal components s1and s2.
ICA uses centering (zero mean), whitening and dimensionality reduction as pre-
processing steps in order to simplify and reduce the complexity of the problem and
transform the observed signals into a suitable numeric format [34].
3.4 Student’s t-test
The t-test assesses whether or not the means of two groups are statistically different
from each other [35]. This analysis is appropriate whenever it is necessary to compare
the means of two groups. Like other tests, the t-test has various assumptions that must
be met to ensure the validity of the test. For the t-test there are four assumptions:
1. One variable is continuous, and the other is dichotomous.
2. The two distributions have equal variances.
3. The observations are independent.
4. The two groups are normally distributed.
For this project, independent two-sample t-test was used, because it is suitable for
unequal and equal sample sizes as well as unequal variances. This test is known as
Welch’s t-test, and it is particularly applicable when the two population variances are
assumed to be different (the two sample sizes may or may not be equal), hence they
must be estimated separately [36]. The tstatistic, to test whether or not the population
means are different, is calculated as:
Here, s2is an unbiased estimator of the variance of the two samples, niindicates the
number of participants in group iand iis equal to 1 or 2. Note that in this case s2
not a pooled variance. For use in significance testing, the distribution of the test statistic
is approximated as an ordinary Student’s tdistribution with the degrees of freedom (df)
calculated using:
df =(s2
1)2/(n11) + (s2
2/n2)2/(n21) (7)
Advantages of the t-test:
Works well with two means.
Excellent for ratio data.
Detects significant differences.
More economical, because only a small number of samples is needed.
Disadvantages of the t-test:
Does not work well if the means are too large, because any difference may appear
Subjected to practice effects tests needed to run a few times and results will
tend to improve.
3.5 K-means clustering
This algorithm aims to classify or group objects, based on attributes or features, into
k groups, where k is a positive integer [37]. K-means clustering features in a large
number of applications, such as unsupervised learning neural networks, pattern recog-
nition, classification analysis, artificial intelligence, image processing, machine vision,
etc. [38].
The grouping is done by minimizing the squared sum of distances between a data
point and the corresponding cluster centroid. Thus, the k-means clustering has the
ability to classify data without the intervention of a trainer [38, 39].
The k-means algorithms executes three basic steps:
1. Determine the centroid coordinates.
2. Determine the distance of each object to the centroids.
3. Group the object based on minimum distance (find the closest centroid).
The k-means algorithm will repeat these three steps until convergence. Each object,
represented by one attribute point, is an example to the algorithm and it is assigned
automatically to a cluster.
3.6 Fuzzy C-means (FCM) clustering
FCM clustering is an unsupervised method, which is derived from fuzzy logic. It is
suitable for solving multiclass and ambiguous clustering problems. Therefore, it has
been a very important tool for image processing, especially for clustering objects in
an image. Furthermore, it is frequently used in pattern recognition [40]. FCM gives
excellent results for overlapping data sets and for some applications it is better then
the k-means algorithm. Unlike k-means, where a data point exclusively belongs to one
cluster center, in FCM a data point is assigned membership to each cluster center, as
a result data points may belong to more than one cluster center [41].
The FCM algorithm assigns membership to each data point corresponding to each
cluster center based on the distance between cluster center and data point [42]. The
closer a data point is to a particular cluster center the higher ranks the membership
of this cluster [43]. The main objective of the algorithm is to minimize the following
J(U, V ) =
µij ||xivj||2(8)
where, ||xivj|| is the Euclidean distance between the ith data point and the jth
cluster center. Fuzzy partitioning is carried out through an iterative optimization of the
objective function, shown in Equation 8. The membership update µij and the cluster
centers vjare defined in the following two equations [36]:
µij =1
k=1 ||xicj||
i=1(µij )mxi
i=1(µij )m,j= 1,2, ..., C (10)
where, Nis the number of data points, vjrepresents the jth cluster center, mis the
fuzziness index m[1,],µij represents the membership of ith data to jth cluster
center, dij represents the Euclidean distance between ith data and jth cluster center.
3.7 Classification assessment
Classification performance measures include True Negative (TN), True Positive (TP),
False Negative (FN), False Positive (FP), Positive Predictive Value (PPV), specificity,
sensitivity and accuracy. These measures are defined as follows:
TP defines the number of correct positive results, that occurred among the
entire positive sample during the test.
FP defines the number of incorrect positive results, which occurred among the
entire negative sample during the test.
TN defines the number of correct negative results, that occurred among the
entire negative sample during the test.
FN defines the number of incorrect negative results, which occurred among the
entire positive sample during the test.
Accuracy is defined as the ratio of the number of correctly classified samples in
each class to the total number of samples:
Accuracy =TP +TN
TP +FP +TN +FN ×100% (11)
Sensitivity is another name for the true positive rate. It measures the number of
actual positives that are identified correctly. It is also the probability that indicates
which test will produce a positive result when it is used on a diseased population.
Therefore, tests with a high sensitivity are reliable indicators when a result is negative.
The sensitivity is defined as:
Sensitivity =TP
TP +FN ×100% (12)
Specificity is another name for the true negative rate that measures the number of
negative results that were identified correctly. It states the probability, with which a test
will produce a negative result, when used on a disease free population. Therefore,
higher specificity results in lower false positive rate. Specificity is defined as:
Specificity =TN
TN +FP ×100% (13)
PPV specifies the number of patients who are correctly diagnosed with a positive
result. It shows the probability, with which a positive test indicates an underlying con-
dition. The PPV is defined as:
TP +FP ×100% (14)
4 Results
12 lead ECG was used to measure the electrical signals from the heart. The DWT
based noise reduction played an important role in eliminating unwanted signal compo-
nents and the denoised data improved accuracy. 10 features were extracted from the
ECG signals with the ICA method. Due to the random and nonlinear characteristic of
heart signals, statistical analysis was used to assess the features. Only the features
with the highest statistical relevance were selected to form feature vectors. These fea-
ture vectors were fed to the two classifiers. Table 1 shows that all extracted features
were distinctive. However, only 8 out of 10 measurements were clinically significant
with a p-value below 0.05.
K-means and FCM classifiers were tested with the following performance param-
eter: accuracy, PPV, sensitivity and specificity. The results, presented in Table 2,
indicate an average accuracy of 80.60%, average PPV of 80.94%, average sensitivity
of 81.10% and specificity of 80.10% for the FCM algorithm. Similarly, the k-means al-
gorithm achieved an average accuracy of 60.20%, average PPV of 60.18%, average
sensitivity of 60.00%, and specificity of 60.40%.
Table 1: Student’s t-test results. clinically significant features with a p-value below
0.05, which were used as input to the classifiers.
Normal PVC
Mean σMean σ p-value
ICA1 -0.2859 0.4486 -0.1998 1.3405 0.0542
ICA2 -0.1686 0.2814 0.0508 1.3780 0.0000
ICA3 -0.2915 0.5533 -0.0903 1.2944 0.0000
ICA4 0.2500 0.4455 -0.2588 1.2938 0.0000
ICA5 -0.2265 0.3618 0.3677 1.3017 0.0000
ICA6 0.8304 0.8364 -0.1623 0.8996 0.0000
ICA7 0.4964 0.3635 0.5299 1.3672 0.4543
ICA8 -0.2492 0.3151 -1.2286 1.1927 0.0000
ICA9 -0.8310 1.2232 -0.9252 0.7081 0.0351
ICA10 1.0588 0.9225 0.5351 1.0068 0.0000
Table 2: Classifier performance.
No of features Accuracy PPV Sensitivity Specificity
FCM 8 80.60% 80.94% 81.10% 80.10%
K-means 8 60.20% 60.18% 60.00% 60.40%
5 Discussion
Table 3 puts the performance results of the FCM classifier alongside quality measures
from other studies. The other studies were also concerned with computer based ar-
rhythmia detection for medical diagnosis. The results we report are not the highest, but
unlike all the other PVC detection work, we have used unsupervised learning classi-
fiers. That means, our results are inherently objective, only the classification assess-
ment was based on human experience.
Unsupervised learning develops classification labels automatically. It seeks out sim-
ilarities between data in order to determine whether or not they can be characterized
as forming a group. These groups are called clusters. Apparently, unsupervised learn-
ing results may vary widely and they may be completely off if the first steps are wrong.
However, cluster analysis has the ability to introduce grouping at a higher interpretative
level. Thus cluster analysis is a very promising tool.
The performance measures fur this project and indeed all the performance mea-
sures reported in Table 3 were obtained by testing models. In order to build physical
problem solutions, these models must be implemented [62]. This implementation is
the result of a design process which turns the theoretical model into a practical CAD
system, which benefits patients [63]. To achieve the promise of a certain quality, estab-
lished through model performance measures, the design process must be formal and
systematic [64]. This process is cost intensive and to follow through with this process
requires even stronger evidence. The current study was based on data from 47 sub-
jects. However, this sample size is insufficient to represent all current and future PVC
patients. To build a stronger case, which justifies the high development cost, the CAD
system must be tested with more cases that reflect all known facets of the disease.
Table 3: Arrhythmia detection systems. indicates not reported, No S. indicates num-
ber of subjects taking part in the study, No F. indicates the number of features.
Year Arrhythmia No S. No F. Acc Sn Sp
This study 2013 NSR, PVC 47 8 80.94 81.10 80.10
Martis et al. [44] 2013 NSR, AF 47 10 99.33 99.32 99.33
Martis et al. [45] 2013 NSR, AF,
48 10 97.65 98.16 98.75
Martis et al. [46] 2013 NSR, RBBB,
12 93.48 99.27 98.31
Sufi and Khalil
2011 NSR, APC,
50 11 97
Huang et al.
2011 NSR, AF 48 4 96.1 98.1
Lim [49] 2009 NSR, PVC 3 48 99.80
Sarkar et al.
2008 NSR, AF, AT 307 96 94
Inan et al. [51] 2006 NSR, PVC,
47 42 95.16
Logan and
Healey [52]
2005 AF 96 89
Christov et al.
2005 NSR, PVC 48 11 75.4 80.9
Christov et al.
2004 NSR, PVC 48 26
Jekova et al.
2004 NSR, PVC 48 6 94.6 98
Zhou [55] 2003 NSR, PVC 25 10
Tateno and
Glass [56]
2001 NSR, AF 48 2 86.6 84.3
Wang et al. [57] 2001 AF, VF, VT 180 6 96 97 98
Al-Nashash [58] 2000 NSR, PB,
14 20 98.1 94.7
Cerutti et al.
1997 NSR, AF 7 5 96 81
Slocum et al.
1992 NSR, AF 73 87.8 68.3
Charles Oliver
1971 NSR, PVC 34 3 78
6 Conclusion
This paper introduces a processing structure for an ECG based PVC diagnosis sup-
port system. The first processing step subjects the ECG signals to DWT based noise
reduction. Processing step number two employed ICA to reduce the data dimensional-
ity. Students t-test was used to determine the most discriminative ICA results. These
results were used in the classification step to determine whether or not the ECG signal
shows signs of PVC. We have studied a large number of pre-classified ECG signals
to assess the proposed system and indeed we have used these signals to answer vital
questions, such as the ones revolving around feature selection. During the assess-
ment, we found that eight features were clinically significant and these features were
used as input to the classifiers. With these features the FCM algorithm achieved an
accuracy of 80.94%. Sensitivity and specificity of the same classifier were measured
as 81.10% and 80.10% respectively.
This technique of recognizing cardiac arrhythmias in ECG recordings is very useful
for patients who live in countries where the level of medical expertise is vastly different
between metropolitan centers and rural areas. The reason for this beneficial effect
comes from the fact that an initial assessment of ECG signals can be done by less
skilled personal. This also reduces the work load for experienced practitioners. As a
direct consequence, this reduces the need to travel from an underdeveloped country
side to a metropolitan area with medical expertise. This safes travel cost and it reduces
patient discomfort. Hence, this automated screening method can help to bring quality
diagnosis to the less fortunate.
7 Acronyms
AF Atrial Fibrillation
AFL Atrial Flutter
APC Atrial Premature Contraction
AT Atrial Tachycardia
AV Atrioventricular
CAD Computer-Aided Diagnosis
CVD Cardiovascular Disease
DWT Discrete Wavelet Transform
ECG Electrocardiogram
EEG Electroencephalogrphy
FCM Fuzzy C-Means
FN False Negative
FP False Positive
ICA Independent Component Analysis
LBBB Left Bundle Branch Block
NEB Nodal Escape Beat
NPB Nodal Premature Beat
NSR Normal Sinus Rhythm
PB Paced Beat
PPV Positive Predictive Value
PVC Premature Ventricular Contraction
RBBB Right Bundle Branch Block
SA Sino Atrial
TN True Negative
TP True Positive
VF Ventricular Fibrillation
VT Ventricular Tachycardia
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... Ventricular ectopic beats, also known as premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), happen prior to the normal sinus rhythm (NSR) [1]. An early beat featuring an abnormal QRS complex, and lacking a preceding P wave, is a distinguishing feature of PVCs [2]. ...
... The PhysioNet/CINC 2020 and 2021 Challenges [17,18] provide an opportunity to discuss the complexities of ECG classification from several perspectives and the impact of analysing large numbers of leads. Algorithms for ECG classification can be divided into two groups: morphologybased methods [1,[13][14][15][19][20][21][22][23] and deep learning-based methods [16,[24][25][26][27][28][29][30]. ...
... Rizal et al. employed a technique based on multilevel wavelet entropy to differentiate premature ventricular contraction (PVC) beats [19]. Jenny et al. [1] utilised Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to extract features, which is one of the most reliable techniques in this domain and is based on the assumption that most measured signals must be mixtures of independent signals. Dong et al. [20] proposed a wavelet transform and a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm for classifying PVCs. ...
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Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) is among the most prevalent forms of arrhythmia diagnosed in clinical settings. Arrhythmias can be recognised by analysing the ECG signal. However, it takes a lot of time for cardiologists to analyse these long-term ECG signals. The fast and accurate identification of PVCs is crucial in the treatment of cardiac diseases Here; we propose a simple and promising method for detecting PVCs in long-term ECG signals. The method is based on Chebyshev polynomial coefficients and the k-nearest neighbour (KNN) classifier. The proposed approach has been experienced on the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database and the results of the experiments indicate high levels of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, with a 99.35% accuracy rate, 99.86% sensitivity rate, and 85.11% specificity rate. The results are highly pleasing, taking into account the straightforwardness of the classification system. It is possible that the suggested approach to classification could serve as an effective means of diagnosing arrhythmias.
... Premature ventricle contraction (PVC), caused by the initial depolarization of myocardia originated from ventricle area. PVC is also known as ventricular ectopic beat as its beat occur before normal sinus rhythm (NSR) [4]. It is mostly found in adult persons and increase risk of sudden death [5]. ...
... The proposed method excels in the number of processes used in feature extraction. From Table 3, it can be seen that the feature reduction methods used include PCA, ICA, SOM, with several variations in the use of discrete wavelet transforms for signal decomposition and rough theory for feature subset selection [4][6] [8]. Meanwhile, the features used such as Shannon entropy, Renyi entropy, wavelet entropy and RR beat parameters the ECG signal. ...
This study observes one of the ECG signal abnormalities, which is the Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC). Many studies applied a machine learning technique to develop a computer-aided diagnosis to classify normal and PVC conditions of ECG signals. The common process to obtain information from the ECG signal is by performing a feature extraction process. Since the ECG signal is a complex signal, there is a need to reduce the signal dimension to produce an optimal feature set. However, these processes can remove the information contained in the signal. Therefore, this study process the original ECG signal using a Convolutional Neural Network to avoid losing information. The input data were in the form of both one beat of normal ECG signal or PVC with size 1x200. The classification used four layers of convolutional neural network (CNN). There were eight 1x1 filters used in the input. Simultaneously, 16 and 32 of 1x1 filters were used in the second and the fourth convolutional layers, respectively. Thus the system produced a fully connected layer consisted of 512 neurons, while the output layer consisted of 2 neurons. The system is tested using 11361 beats of ECG data and achieved the highest accuracy of 99.59%, with the 10-fold cross-validation. This study emphasizes an opportunity to develop a wearable device to detect PVC since CNN can be implemented into an embedded system or an IoT based system.
... Premature ventricle contraction (PVC), caused by the initial depolarization of myocardia originated from ventricle area. PVC is also known as ventricular ectopic beat as its beat occur before normal sinus rhythm (NSR) [4]. It is mostly found in adult persons and increase risk of sudden death [5]. ...
... The proposed method excels in the number of processes used in feature extraction. From Table 3, it can be seen that the feature reduction methods used include PCA, ICA, SOM, with several variations in the use of discrete wavelet transforms for signal decomposition and rough theory for feature subset selection [4][6] [8]. Meanwhile, the features used such as Shannon entropy, Renyi entropy, wavelet entropy and RR beat parameters the ECG signal. ...
This study observes one of the ECG signal abnormalities, which is the Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC). Many studies applied a machine learning technique to develop a computer-aided diagnosis to classify normal and PVC conditions of ECG signals. The common process to obtain information from the ECG signal is by performing a feature extraction process. Since the ECG signal is a complex signal, there is a need to reduce the signal dimension to produce an optimal feature set. However, these processes can remove the information contained in the signal. Therefore, this study process the original ECG signal using a Convolutional Neural Network to avoid losing information. The input data were in the form of both one beat of normal ECG signal or PVC with size 1x200. The classification used four layers of convolutional neural network (CNN). There were eight 1x1 filters used in the input. Simultaneously, 16 and 32 of 1x1 filters were used in the second and the fourth convolutional layers, respectively. Thus the system produced a fully connected layer consisted of 512 neurons, while the output layer consisted of 2 neurons. The system is tested using 11361 beats of ECG data and achieved the highest accuracy of 99.59%, with the 10-fold cross-validation. This study emphasizes an opportunity to develop a wearable device to detect PVC since CNN can be implemented into an embedded system or an IoT based system
... Lek-uthai et al. extracted the four features based on cardiac electrophysiology: R-R interval, pattern of QRS complex, width of QRS complex, and ST-segment (the end of the QRS complex to the beginning of the T wave) level [17]. Jenny et al. suggested using the independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm to extract features and applying t-test analysis to evaluate these features [18]. Nuryani et al. redefine the width and the gradient of the QRS wave and regarded them as features [19]. ...
Full-text available
Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), common in the general and patient population, are irregular heartbeats that indicate potential heart diseases. Clinically, long-term electrocardiograms (ECG) collected from the wearable device is a non-invasive and inexpensive tool widely used to diagnose PVCs by physicians. However, analyzing these long-term ECG is time-consuming and labor-intensive for cardiologists. Therefore, this paper proposed a simplistic but powerful approach to detect PVC from long-term ECG. The suggested method utilized deep metric learning to extract features, with compact intra-product variance and separated inter-product differences, from the heartbeat. Subsequently, the k-nearest neighbors (KNN) classifier calculated the distance between samples based on these features to detect PVC. Unlike previous systems used to detect PVC, the proposed process can intelligently and automatically extract features by supervised deep metric learning, which can avoid the bias caused by manual feature engineering. As a generally available set of standard test material, the MIT-BIH (Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Beth Israel Hospital) Arrhythmia Database is used to evaluate the proposed method, and the experiment takes 99.7% accuracy, 97.45% sensitivity, and 99.87% specificity. The simulation events show that it is reliable to use deep metric learning and KNN for PVC recognition. More importantly, the overall way does not rely on complicated and cumbersome preprocessing.
... Kaya and Pehlivan used several data reduction methods and several classifiers with the highest accuracy of 99.56% using 20 features [14]. Meanwhile, in another study, eight features from the ICA process with FCM were used for PVC classification and normal ECG [18]. The highest accuracy achieved is 80.1% using FCM better than using K-mean which results in an accuracy of 60.2%. ...
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Deep learning has become a significant tool in the healthcare industry with the potential to change the way care is provided and enhance patient outcomes. With a focus on personalised medicine, ethical issues and problems, future directions and opportunities, real-world case studies, and data privacy and security, this review article investigates the existing and potential applications of deep learning in healthcare. Deep learning in personalised medicine holds enormous promise for improving patient care by enabling more precise diagnoses and individualised treatment approaches. But it's important to take into account ethical issues like data privacy and the possibility of bias in algorithms. Deep learning in healthcare will likely be used more in the future to manage population health, prevent disease, and improve access to care for underprivileged groups of people. Case studies give specific examples of how deep learning is already changing the healthcare industry, from discovering rare diseases to forecasting patient outcomes. To fully realize the potential of deep learning in healthcare, however, issues including data quality, interpretability, and legal barriers must be resolved. Remote monitoring and telemedicine are two promising areas where deep learning is lowering healthcare expenses and enhancing access to care. Deep learning algorithms can be used to analyse patient data in real-time, warning medical professionals of possible problems before they worsen and allowing for online discussions with experts. Finally, when applying deep learning to healthcare, the importance of data security and privacy cannot be understated. To preserve patient data and guarantee its responsible usage, the appropriate safeguards and rules must be implemented. Deep learning has the ability to transform the healthcare industry by delivering more individualised, practical, and efficient care. However, in order to fully realize its promise, ethical issues, difficulties, and regulatory barriers must be solved. Deep learning has the potential to significantly contribute to enhancing patient outcomes and lowering healthcare costs with the right safeguards and ongoing innovation
Accurate and early detection of cardiac arrhythmia present in an electrocardiogram (ECG) can prevent many premature deaths. Cardiac arrhythmia arises due to the improper conduction of electrical impulses throughout the heart. In this paper, we propose an improved RR interval-based cardiac arrhythmia classification approach. The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and median filters were used to remove high-frequency noise and baseline wander from the raw ECG. Next, the processed ECG was segmented after the determination of the QRS region. We extracted the primary feature RR interval and other statistical features from the beats to classify the Normal, Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC), and Premature Atrial Contraction (PAC). The K-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), Naïve Bayes (NB), and Random Forest (RF) classifier were utilised for classification. Overall performance of SVM with Gaussian kernel achieved Se % = 99.28, Sp % = 99.63, +P % = 99.28, and Acc % = 99.51, which is better than the other classifiers used in this method. The obtained results of the proposed method are significantly better and more accurate.
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Cardiac arrhythmias impose a significant burden on the healthcare environment due to the increasing ratio of mortality worldwide. Arrhythmia and abnormal ECG heartbeat are the possible symptoms of severe heart diseases that can lead to death. Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) is a common form of cardiac arrhythmia which begins from the lower chamber of the heart, and frequent occurrence of PVC beat might lead to mortality. ECG signals are the noninvasive and primary tool used to identify the actual life threat related to the heart. Nowadays, in society, the computer-assisted technique reduces doctors' burden to evaluate heart disease and heart arrhythmia automatically. Regardless of well-equipped and well-developed health facilities that are available for monitoring the cardiac condition, the success stories are yet unsatisfactorily due to the complexity of the cardiac disorder. The most challenging part in ECG signal analysis is to extract the accurate features relevant to the arrhythmia for classification due to the inter-patient variation. There are many morphological changes present in the ECG signals. Hence, there is a gap in the usage of appropriate methods for the extraction of features and classification models, which reduce the biased diagnosis of PVC arrhythmia. To predict PVC arrhythmia accurately is a quite challenging task owing to (a) QRS negative (b) long compensatory pause (c) p-wave (d) biased diagnosis of PVC detection due to the small feature set. This study presents a new approach for PVC prediction using derived predictor variables from the electrocardiograph (ECG-MLII) signals: R–R wave interval, previous R–R wave interval, QRS duration, and verification of P-wave whether it is present or absent using threshold technique. We propose the machine learning-data mining MACDM integrated approach using five different models of multiple logistic regression and four classifiers, namely, Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Support vector machine (SVM), and Naïve Bayes (NB). The experiment was conducted on the public benchmark MIT-BIH-AR to evaluate the performance of our proposed MACDM technique. The multiple logistic regression models constructed as a function of all independent variables achieved an accuracy of 99.96%, sensitivity 98.9%, specificity 99.20%, PPV 99.25%, and Youden's index parameter 98.24%. Thus, it is proved that this computer-aided method helps our medical practitioners improve the efficiency of their services.
Cardiac arrhythmias impose a significant burden on the healthcare environment due to the increasing ratio of mortality worldwide. Arrhythmia and abnormal ECG heartbeat are the possible symptoms of severe heart diseases that can lead to death. Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) is a common form of cardiac arrhythmia which begins from the lower chamber of the heart, and frequent occurrence of PVC beat might lead to mortality. ECG signals are the noninvasive and primary tool used to identify the actual life threat related to the heart. Nowadays, in society, the computer-assisted technique reduces doctors' burden to evaluate heart disease and heart arrhythmia automatically. Regardless of well-equipped and well-developed health facilities that are available for monitoring the cardiac condition, the success stories are yet unsatisfactorily due to the complexity of the cardiac disorder. The most challenging part in ECG signal analysis is to extract the accurate features relevant to the arrhythmia for classification due to the inter-patient variation. There are many morphological changes present in the ECG signals. Hence, there is a gap in the usage of appropriate methods for the extraction of features and classification models, which reduce the biased diagnosis of PVC arrhythmia. To predict PVC arrhythmia accurately is a quite challenging task owing to (a) QRS negative (b) long compensatory pause (c) p-wave (d) biased diagnosis of PVC detection due to the small feature set. This study presents a new approach for PVC prediction using derived predictor variables from the electrocardiograph (ECG-MLII) signals: R-R wave interval, previous R-R wave interval, QRS duration, and verification of P-wave whether it is present or absent using threshold technique. We propose the machine learning-data mining MACDM integrated approach using five different models of multiple logistic regression and four classifiers, namely, Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Support vector machine (SVM), and Naïve Bayes (NB). The experiment was conducted on the public benchmark MIT-BIH-AR to evaluate the performance of our proposed MACDM technique. The multiple logistic regression models constructed as a function of all independent variables achieved an accuracy of 99.96%, sensitivity 98.9%, specificity 99.20%, PPV 99.25%, and Youden's index parameter 98.24%. Thus, it is proved that this computer-aided method helps our medical practitioners improve the efficiency of their services.
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The classification of the electrocardiogram registration into different pathologies diseases devises is a complex pattern recognition task. The traditional methods of diagnosis and classification present some inconveniences; seen that the precision of credit note one diagnosis exact depends on the cardiologist experience and the rate concentration. Due to the high mortality rate of heart diseases, early detection and precise discrimination of ECG arrhythmia is essential for the treatment of patients. In this paper, a new cardiology system has been proposed for diagnosis, consultation, and treatment. The aim of this method is to help to practitioner doctor. During the recording of ECG signal, different forms of noise can be superimposed in the useful signal. This model consists of three subsystems. The first subsystem divides into suppression of base line and filtering the ECG recorded from different forms of noise that can be superimposed in the useful signal. The second subsystem realizes the extraction of RR interval using wavelet transform, and pre-classification based on FCMC technique. The third subsystem classifies the output clusters centers of the second using artificial neural network (ANN). In addition, FCMC-HRV is a new method proposed for classification of ECG. In this study, a combined classification system has been designed using fuzzy c-means clustering (FCMC) algorithm and neural networks. FCMC was used to improve performance of neural networks which was obtained very high performance accuracy to classify RR intervals of ECG signals. The ECG signals taken from MIT-BIH ECG database are used in training and testing data to classify four different arrhythmias (Atrial Fibrillation Termination). The test results suggest that HRV-FCMCNN structure can generalize better and is faster than other structures. Correct classification rate was found as 99.99% using proposed combination of Fuzzy CMeans Clustering Neural Networks (FCMCNN) method.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is widely used as a diagnostic tool to identify atrial tachyarrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation. The ECG signal is a P-QRS-T wave representing the cardiac function. The minute variations in the durations and amplitude of these waves cannot be easily deciphered by the naked eye. Hence, there is a need for computer aided diagnosis (CAD) of cardiac healthcare. The current paper presents a methodology for ECG based pattern analysis of normal sinus rhythm and atrial fibrillation (AF) beats. The denoised and registered ECG beats were subjected to independent component analysis (ICA) for data reduction. The weights of ICA were used as features for classification using Naive Bayes and Gaussian mixture model (GMM) classifiers. The performance and the upper bound on probability of error in classification were analyzed using Chernoff and Bhattacharyya bounds. The Naive Bayes classifier provided an average sensitivity of 99.32%, specificity of 99.33% and accuracy of 99.33%, while the GMM provided an average sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 99% and accuracy of 99.42%. The probability of error during classification was less for GMM compared to Naive Bayes classifier (NBC) as GMM provided higher performance than the NBC.
Conference Paper
The electrocardiogram (ECG) signals not only provide effective diagnosis support information for physicians, but also receive growing attention in areas of human identity recognition as a new kind of biomedical signals. An improved method for ECG feature point detection based on wavelet transform has been proposed in this paper. First, the ECG signal is pre-processed to remove noises and base-line wander. Secondly, QRS complex is located by the improved method based on wavelet transform. Finally, P-wave and T-wave in ECG signal are determined through window search in the predefined range. In comparison, QRS complex is also located through differential threshold method. The proposed method has been tested on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. Experimental results show that QRS complex can be detected at the accuracy of up to 99% and the accuracy of the awkward P-wave and T-wave location can be 95% or more. The proposed method is effective and lay foundation for human identification using ECG signal.
This paper describes a computer-based identification system of normal and alcoholic Electroencephalography (EEG) signals. The identification system was constructed from feature extraction and classification algorithms. The feature extraction was based on wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) and energy measures. Feature fitness was established through the statistical t-test method. The extracted features were used as training and test data for a competitive 10-fold cross-validated analysis of six classification algorithms. This analysis showed that, with an accuracy of 95.8%, the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) algorithm outperforms naive Bayes classification (NBC), fuzzy Sugeno classifier (FSC), probabilistic neural network (PNN), Gaussian mixture model (GMM), and decision tree (DT). The 10-fold stratified cross-validation instilled reliability in the result, therefore we are confident when we state that EEG signals can be used to automate both diagnosis and treatment monitoring of alcoholic patients. Such an automatization can lead to cost reduction by relieving medical experts from routine and administrative tasks.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial flutter (AFL) are the two common atrial arrhythmia encountered in the clinical practice. In order to diagnose these abnormalities the electrocardiogram (ECG) is widely used. The conventional linear time and frequency domain methods cannot decipher the hidden complexity present in these signals. The ECG is inherently a non-linear, non-stationary and non-Gaussian signal. The non-linear models can provide improved results and capture minute variations present in the time series. Higher order spectra (HOS) is a non-linear dynamical method which is highly rugged to noise. In the present study, the performances of two methods are compared: (i) 3rd order HOS cumulants and (ii) HOS bispectrum. The 3rd order cumulant and bispectrum coefficients are subjected to dimensionality reduction using independent component analysis (ICA) and classified using classification and regression tree (CART), random forest (RF), artificial neural network (ANN) and k-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifiers to select the best classifier. The ICA components of cumulant coefficients have provided the average accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value of 99.50%, 100%, 99.22% and 99.72% respectively using KNN classifier. Similarly, the ICA components of HOS bispectrum coefficients have yielded the average accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and PPV of 97.65%, 98.16%, 98.75% and 99.53% respectively using KNN. So, the ICA performed on the 3rd order HOS cumulants coupled with KNN classifier performed better than the HOS bispectrum method. The proposed methodology is robust and can be used in mass screening of cardiac patients.
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is the P-QRS-T wave representing the information about the condition of the heart. The shape and size of the ECG signal may contain useful information about the nature of disease afflicting the heart. However, these subtle details cannot be directly monitored by the human eye and may indicate a particular cardiac abnormality. Also, the ECG is highly subjective, the symptoms may appear at random in the time scale. Hence computer assisted methods can help physicians to monitor cardiac health easily and accurately. The ECG signal is nonlinear and non-stationary in nature. These subtle variations can be captured using non-linear dynamical Higher Order Statistics (HOS) techniques. Bispectrum is the third order spectra which captures information beyond mean and standard deviation. In this work we have analyzed five types of beats namely: Normal, Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB), Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB), Atrial Premature Contraction (APC) and Ventricular Premature Contraction (VPC). The extracted bispectrum features are subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction. These principal components were fed to four layered feed forward neural network and Least Square-Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) for automated pattern identification. In our work, we have obtained highest average accuracy of 93.48%, average sensitivity and specificity of 99.27% and 98.31% respectively using LS-SVM with Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel. Our system is clinically ready to run on large amount of data sets.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the P, QRS, T wave indicating the electrical activity of the heart. The subtle changes in amplitude and duration of ECG cannot be deciphered precisely by the naked eye, hence imposing the need for a computer assisted diagnosis tool. In this paper we have automatically classified five types of ECG beats of MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. The five types of beats are Normal (N), Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB), Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB), Atrial Premature Contraction (APC) and Ventricular Premature Contraction (VPC). In this work, we have compared the performances of three approaches. The first approach uses principal components of segmented ECG beats, the second approach uses principal components of error signals of linear prediction model, whereas the third approach uses principal components of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coefficients as features. These features from three approaches were independently classified using feed forward neural network (NN) and Least Square-Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM). We have obtained the highest accuracy using the first approach using principal components of segmented ECG beats with average sensitivity of 99.90%, specificity of 99.10%, PPV of 99.61% and classification accuracy of 98.11%. The system developed is clinically ready to deploy for mass screening programs.
Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) of carotid atherosclerosis into symptomatic or asymptomatic is useful in the analysis of cardiac health. This paper describes a patented CAD system called Atheromatic™ for symptomatic versus asymptomatic plaque classification in carotid ultrasound images. The system involves two steps: 1) feature extraction using a combination of discrete wavelet transform and averaging algorithms and 2) classification using a support vector machine (SVM) classifier for automated decision making. The CAD system was evaluated using a database consisting of 150 asymptomatic and 196 symptomatic plaque regions which were labeled using the ground truth based on the presence or absence of symptoms. Threefold cross-validation protocol was adapted for developing and testing the classifiers. We observed that the SVM classifier with a polynomial kernel of order 2 was to achieve a classification accuracy of 83.7%.