Olga G Nanova

Olga G Nanova
Research and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies · Department of Health Care of Moscow, Russian Federation



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My primary research interest is evolutionary morphology of mammals, especially Carnivora and Rodentia orders. My work focuses on interaction morphological disparity and morphological modularity of skull and teeth with historical, ecological and ontogenetic factors. I am also interested in learning and helping to develop morphometric approaches and methods that relate form integration and disparity to phylogeny, ecology, and ontogeny.
Additional affiliations
January 2011 - May 2017
Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Researcher
  • Geometric morphometrics and finite element analysis (FEA) in biology
November 2010 - present
Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Researcher
September 2006 - September 2009


Publications (63)
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Aim Our aim was to assess the population structure, genetic diversity and demographic history of the wolverine (Gulo gulo) throughout its entire Eurasian range. Additionally, we aimed to contextualize and put into perspective the state of the endangered Fennoscandian population by emphasizing its connectivity to other populations. Location The mai...
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The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) exhibits geographic variability and phylogenetic intraspecific relationships. Previous morphological studies have suggested the existence of multiple lynx subspecies, but recent genetic research has questioned this classification, particularly in Central Asia. In this study, we aimed to analyse the geographic and genet...
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Radiomics is the newest and promising direction in modern radiographic diagnostics. The number of head and neck cancer studies with employing radiomics is increasing every year. We performed a systematic review of recent publications (20212023) on computed tomography (CT)-based head and neck malignancies. The search for articles was carried out in...
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Rationale and objectives: Post-COVID condition (PCC) is associated with long-term neuropsychiatric symptoms. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in PCC examines the brain metabolism, connectivity, and morphometry. Such techniques are not easily available in routine practice. We conducted a scoping review to determine what is known about the routine M...
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Geographic variations in the shape of the upper cheek toothrow were studied using geometric morphometrics. For this, 288 specimens from 19 localities (North America, Eurasia, and Pacific and Arctic islands) were employed. Monomorphism of the toothrow for mainland foxes, both from North America and Eurasia, as well as the foxes from Greenland and St...
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Tiger subspecific taxonomy is controversial because of morphological and genetic variation found between now fragmented populations, yet the extent to which phenotypic plasticity or genetic variation affects phenotypes of putative tiger subspecies has not been explicitly addressed. In order to assess the role of phenotypic plasticity in determining...
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Circumpolar variations in the size and shape of the skull in the Arctic fox, Vulpes lagopus L. 1758 was studied based on 31 linear measurements of 326 specimens. The specimens were collected from the mainland parts of North America and Eurasia, as well as from several islands within the native range of the Arctic fox, namely, Greenland, Iceland, Sv...
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Circumpolar variations in the size and shape of the skull in the Arctic fox Vulpes lagopus L. 1758 was studied based on 31 linear measurements of 326 specimens. The specimens were collected from the mainland parts of North America and Eurasia, as well as from several islands within the native range of the Arctic fox, namely, Commander Islands (Beri...
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The Arctic foxes, Vulpes lagopus, from the Commander Islands are known to be well differentiated in skull morphology from the mainland population. Our study is the first to compare this differentiation with interspecies variations in the family Canidae. The level of skull variations between the Arctic foxes of the Commander Islands and the mainland...
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The lower molar (m1) of cave bears from Late Pleistocene localities of the Urals was studied employing the methods of traditional morphometry and geometric morphometrics. On the basis of the size and shape variation of m1, the small cave bear (Ursus ex gr. savini-rossicus) was found to have been a part of the faunas from the caves Skazka, Viasher,...
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The dormice (Gliridae) represent a relatively small family of rodents, but exhibit considerable variation in their cranial anatomy. The skull morphology of almost all genera of dormice was described from osteological specimens in an earlier publication. However, the rare desert dormouse, Selevinia betpakdalaensis, was only assessed using previous d...
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Circumpolar variation in the size and shape of the skull in the Arctic fox Vulpes lagopus L., 1758 was studied based on 31 linear measurements of 326 specimens. The specimens were collected from the mainland parts of North America and Eurasia, as well as from several islands in the native range of Arctic fox, namely Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard, St...
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The Arctic foxes, Vulpes lagopus, from the Commander Islands are known to be well differentiated in skull morphology from the mainland population. Our study is the first to compare this differentiation with interspecific variations in the family Canidae. The level of skull variation between the Commander Islands’ Arctic foxes and the mainland arcti...
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The Commander Island arctic foxes Vulpes lagopus are well differentiated in skull morphology from the mainland arctic fox. This differentiation was compared with interspecific variation in Canidae family in our study for the first time. The level of skull variation between the Commander Islands arctic foxes and the mainland arctic foxes was compare...
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Arctic foxes, Vulpes lagopus living on Mednyi Island suffered a drastic decline in population size in the late 1970s due to an outbreak of mange epizootic. This dramatic fall in numbers rendered the subspecies endangered, and the concomitant loss of variability resulted in a population bottleneck. Here, we investigate whether differences in cranial...
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The Midday jird Meriones meridianus sensu lato is a widely distributed and highly variable species complex, whose taxonomy is still controversial despite several genetic and morphological studies. Dzungaria is a crucial region for understanding the phylogeny and phylogeography of this species complex. In this work, the genetic variation of M. merid...
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Phenotypic integration and modularity influence morphological disparity and evolvability. However, studies addressing how morphological integration and modularity change for long periods of genetic isolation are scarce. Here, we investigate patterns of phenotypic integration and modularity in the skull of phenotypically and genetically distinct pop...
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Populations of Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) in the Commander Islands, in the Russian Bering Sea, have been isolated since the Pleistocene and differ substantially in their cranial features from their mainland counterpart. Small rodents, the main prey of mainland Arctic foxes, are not found in the Commander Islands, where the main food source for Arc...
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Island subspecies of the Arctic fox Vulpes lagopus differ morphologically from the mainland subspecies. In particular, differences in cranial form may reflect varied biomechanical adaptations associated with hunting and feeding behaviours. We tested the hypothesis that the observed cranial differences between two island foxes (living on two North P...
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Представлены результаты применения метода геометрической морфометрии для изучения измен-чивости популяций у представителей двух семейств мезопелагических рыб Южной Атлантики – Sternoptyx diaphana (Sternoptychidae) и Ceratoscopelus warmingii (Myctophidae), у которых в предыдущих исследованиях была обнаружена почти полная генетическая изоляция в пред...
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We present the results of application of geometric morphometrics for studies of variability in populations of the members of two families of South Atlantic mesopelagic fishes, Sternoptyx diaphana (Sternoptychidae) and Ceratoscopelus warmingii (Myctophidae), in which an almost complete genetic isolation was previously discovered within the borders o...
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New methods of identification of the Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus), Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and Corsac fox (Vulpes corsac) were developed, based on mandible size and its fragments in the adults, with mclust analysis, discriminant analysis and scatter diagrams performed and compared. Original data and centroid size corrected data were employed. The Re...
Conference Paper
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Vulpes lagopus Командорских островов – популяции острова Медный и острова Беринга-изолированы с плейстоцена незамерзающими водами Берингова моря. Основ-ным кормовым ресурсом песцов на Командорских островах являются морские птицы, в основном, глупыш Fulmarus glacialis, и ресурсы лежбищ морских млекопитающих, в то время как на материке основным кормо...
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We examined geographic variation in the shape of lower and upper rows of cheek teeth and variation in their morphological integration in Arctic foxes Vulpes lagopus (L., 1758). We found similarity in the structure of the variation in shape and morphological integration. Mednyi Island Arctic foxes (V. lagopus semenovi Ognev, 1931) were distinct from...
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The identification of cattle breeds without a modern reference collection is a challenging task when conducting zooarchaeological studies. This preliminary study was carried out on modern Hungarian Grey and Charolais cattle to establish a methodology for a larger study and to investigate shape and size differences of metacarpal and metatarsal bones...
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Cranial variation was studied across the geographical range of the Meriones meridianus species complex using 665 specimens from 112 localities. Morphometric results were compared with previously published data on genetic variation. Unsupervised model-based clustering analysis implemented in Mclust software was employed to identify the number and co...
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Could studying of a single bone’s morphological variation and growth provide some additional information? For addressing this question a configuration of 13 landmarks from the middle part of the upper facial skeleton was digitized by Microscribe 3D digitizer on 25 skulls of Cercocebus torquatus and 16 skulls of Procolobus verus of different age and...
This work is directed to the solution of the methodological problem of whether or not the data on the variation and growth of individual bones provide some additional information as compared to those on "general" configuration or conventional modules. The configuration of 13 landmarks from the middle part of the upper facial skeleton of 25 skulls o...
Conference Paper
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Нанова О.Г., Проа М., Евтеев А.А. Использование анализа конечных элементов в комплексе с методом геометрической морфометрии для морфофункционального анализа особенностей черепа песцов (Vulpes lagopus L., 1758) Командорских островов // Экология: традиции и инновации. Материалы конференции молодых ученых. Екатеринбург, 2012. С. 81-89.
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In total, 1406 samples of scat of 19 arctic fox families and 1755 prey remains collected near the dens of 32 families during the cub rearing period were analyzed. This is the first attempt to evaluate the food use in the population according to averaged data for a large number of families. After the population had passed through the bottleneck, the...
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Report at geometric morphometric workshop
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This paper presents the analysis of 1406 scats of 19 Arctic fox families and of 1755 prey remains collected near the dens of 32 families during the cub rearing period. This is the first attempt to evaluate the use of food by population based on the data obtained for representatives of a large number of families. After the population had passed thro...
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The direction and scale of late age variations for the mainland arctic fox (Alopex lagopus lagopus) from three localities and the Commander arctic fox (A. I. beringensis, A. I. semenovi), for males and females from each population were studied. Some new original tests for the morphometric analysis were first used to reveal differences in the direct...
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Исследована корреляционная структура щечных зубов большеухой лисицы (Otocyon megalotis), которая питается в основном насекомыми и имеет дополнительные моляры в зубной системе. Показано наличие тенденции объединения длин и ширин моляров в отдельные корреляционные плеяды, свойственное млекопитающим со специализированным типом питания. Структура корре...
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Correlation between cheek teeth in the bat-eared fox, Otocyon megalotis was studied. The strong correlation between not occluded upper and lower premolars was found, as well as between premolars of the same tooth row. The correlation between the upper and lower molars was also turned out to be rather weak. A trend of combination of length and width...
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The structure of morphological disparity of 14 skull measurements is considered in three carnivorous animals (Alopex lagopus, Vulpes vulpes, and Martes martes). It is defined as interrelations between different forms of variation. The forms considered include differences between species, geographic, age, and sex variation as well. Each form is char...
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Structure of morphological diversity in three species of extant Carnivora (MAMMALIA: Vulpes lagopus, V. vulpes, V. corsac) The patterns of morphological diversity (ratio between different types of inter- and intra-specific variations, morphological modularity, allometric patterns etc.) must be investigated to understand the processes of origin of t...
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Interrelations between some forms of group variation (FGVs) (age, sex, geographic, inter-species, differences among breeds) of 12 to 15 measurable skull traits are studied in 6 mammal species (pine marten, polar fox, Przewalskii horse, and 3 jird species) by means of dispersion analysis (model III, MANOVA). The above FGVs are considered as factors...
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The structure and variation of cheek teeth in the polar fox, Alopex lagopex, was analyzed on the basis of a sampling of 234 skulls, including two land and one island populations and using chi-square and Lilljefors criterion, and the variance analysis. The correlation matrices were compared by the Mantel test, and the entire set of correlation coeff...
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Several methods of minimizing size from overall variation are compared, which are shape variables of geometric morphometrics, two methods of data standardization (by character means and by specimen centroids), and principal component analysis. The original data are cheek teeth in three canid species (Alopex lagopus, Vulpes vulpes, V. corsac). The s...
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The differences in the check tooth row shape among 5 samples of the Eurasian polar fox, Alopex lagopus, were studied using geometric morphometry. The variation of the tooth row is not conspicuous, most differences being associated with the position of the 3 rd and 4 th premolars. The correlation between different parts of the tooth row is not high....
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Целью данной работы было исследовать фуражировочную экологию медновского песца, основываясь на анализе рационов отдельных семей и оценке распределения ресурсов на семейных участках. Кормовые ресурсы медновского песца обильны, концентрированны и предсказуемы по пространственно- временным характеристикам. Потенциальными кормовыми ресурсами песца на М...
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Летнее питание песца (Alopex lagopus semenovi Ognev, 1931) на о-ве Медный изучали на основе анализа 1793 экскрементов, собранных в 2003 году в южной части о-ва на территориях девяти семей. Впервые была сделана попытка подойти к оценке спектра кормов, учитывая возможную семейную специализацию в питании. Показано, что семьи песца существенно различаю...


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