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Targeted bulk-loading of fluorescent indicators for two-photon brain imaging in vivo


Abstract and Figures

One of the challenges for modern neuroscience is to understand the rules of concerted neuronal function in vivo. This question can be addressed using noninvasive high-resolution imaging techniques like two-photon microscopy. This protocol describes a versatile approach for in vivo two-photon calcium imaging of neural networks, stained with membrane-permeant fluorescent-indicator dyes. It is based on a targeted pressure ejection of the dye into the tissue of interest and can be used for a large spectrum of indicator dyes, including Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-1 acetoxymethyl ester and Fura-2 acetoxymethyl ester. Through the use of dye mixtures and multicolor imaging, this technique allows the visualization of distinct neurons and glial cells up to 500 microm below the brain surface. It is suitable for staining the brain tissue of various different species (e.g., mouse, rat, cat and zebrafish) at all developmental stages. When combined with brain microendoscopy, it allows the monitoring of intracellular calcium signals in awake, behaving animals. The total time required to carry out the protocol, including dissection and cell staining, is approximately 2 h. Thereafter, imaging experiments might be performed for at least 6 h.
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380 | VOL.1 NO.1 | 2006 | NATURE PROTOCOLS
Targeted bulk-loading of fluorescent indicators for
two-photon brain imaging in vivo
Olga Garaschuk1, Ruxandra-Iulia Milos2 & Arthur Konnerth2
1Institut für Physiologie, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Pettenkoferstrasse 12, 80336 München, Germany. 2Institut für Neurowissenschaften, Technische
Universität München, Biedersteinerstrasse 29, 80802 München, Germany. Correspondence should be addressed to A.K. (
Published online 27 June 2006; doi:10.1038/nprot.2006.58
One of the challenges for modern neuroscience is to understand the rules of concerted neuronal function in vivo. This question can
be addressed using noninvasive high-resolution imaging techniques like two-photon microscopy. This protocol describes a versatile
approach for in vivo two-photon calcium imaging of neural networks, stained with membrane-permeant fluorescent-indicator
dyes. It is based on a targeted pressure ejection of the dye into the tissue of interest and can be used for a large spectrum of
indicator dyes, including Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-1 acetoxymethyl ester and Fura-2 acetoxymethyl ester. Through the use of dye
mixtures and multicolor imaging, this technique allows the visualization of distinct neurons and glial cells up to 500 µm below
the brain surface. It is suitable for staining the brain tissue of various different species (e.g., mouse, rat, cat and zebrafish) at
all developmental stages. When combined with brain microendoscopy, it allows the monitoring of intracellular calcium signals
in awake, behaving animals. The total time required to carry out the protocol, including dissection and cell staining, is ~2 h.
Thereafter, imaging experiments might be performed for at least 6 h.
This protocol describes an approach for in vivo two-photon
Ca2+ imaging of large neuronal circuits at a single-cell level of
resolution. Cells are stained by a brief ‘bolus’ injection of a mem-
brane-permeant Ca2+-indicator dye into the extracellular space
(Fig. 1). The injected dye diffuses into the cells of interest, where
it is hydrolyzed by intracellular esterases1. The activity-depen-
dent Ca2+ transients in stained cells are then monitored using
two-photon laser-scanning microscopy. This approach was ini-
tially developed for in v ivo imaging of the mouse cortex, and is
termed multicell bolus loading (MCBL)2. Over the past years, it
has been successfully applied to the cerebral and cerebellar cor-
tices of other species, such as rats and cats3–6. Interestingly, the
same staining protocol is applicable to lower vertebrates and was
used, for example, for in v ivo imaging of the spinal cord7, olfac-
tory bulb8 and tectal9 neurons in zebrafish larvae.
MCBL differs from other staining methods utilizing mem-
brane-permeant acetoxymethyl (AM) ester-based indicator
dyes10,11 in that the indicators are delivered for a short period
directly to the target cells (see also the method of Regehr and
Tank12). The targeted delivery minimizes the loss of the dye
due to diffusion, nonspecific and/or glial uptake, and so on.
MCBL can be applied at various developmental stages (Fig.
2). Remarkably, there is also efficient staining of neurons in
the adult and aged brain. This is in contrast to the more con-
ventional techniques of AM ester dye loading, which work well
only in the immature tissue10. Additional advantages of MCBL
include the need for only minor surgery, the possibility of re-
staining neurons and, thus, the ability to conduct long-lasting,
perhaps even chronic, recordings13.
While MCBL allows many cell bodies to be imaged simulta-
neously, the method is not sensitive enough to be used for the
analysis of subcellular structures. There are two obvious reasons
for this reduced sensitivity. First, the image contrast is reduced
due to the relatively high background staining of the surround-
ing neuropil. Second, the dye concentration in MCBL-loaded
cells is low, on average 20 µM of the indicator dye2. These limi-
tations restrict the use of MCBL to in vivo imaging of somatic
Ca2+ transients. Note, however, that Ca2+-indicator dyes also
act as Ca2+ buffers, the presence of which within the cells per-
turbs the amplitude and kinetics of the Ca2+ signals under
study14. From this point of view, low intracellular levels of indi-
cator dyes (such as those achieved using MCBL) become an
To study neuronal Ca2+ dynamics in awake, behaving ani-
mals, the MCBL technique was recently combined with in vivo
brain endoscopy15. A thin (diameter, 200 µm) optical fiber was
implanted into the brain area with cells stained using MCBL.
The optical fiber was used both for transmitting the excitation
light and for collecting the emitted light. The authors detected
fluorescence signals with a single photomultiplier and, thus,
monitored the compound activity of a large neuronal popu-
lation. Such an optical fiber can be implanted at any desired
depth, allowing the detection of calcium responses in deep
and/or hidden brain regions. This approach can be developed
further by substituting a single optical fiber with fiber bundles
and/or gradient refractive index (GRIN) fibers16. Such new
approaches might soon allow the monitoring of behavior-relat-
ed Ca2+ signals in individual neurons of any brain region.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
NATURE PROTOCOLS | VOL.1 NO.1 | 2006 | 381
• Experimental animals (see REAGENT SETUP)
• Anesthetic agent (e.g., isoflurane, ketamine/xylazine or urethane)
• Local anesthetic agent (e.g., lidocaine)
Membrane-permeable calcium-indicator dye (e.g., Oregon Green 488
BAPTA-1 AM (OG-1 AM), Calcium Green-1 AM, Fura-2 AM, Fura-PE3
AM, Fluo-4 AM or Indo-1 AM from Molecular Probes or TefLabs)
• Sulforhodamine 101 (SR101; Sigma)
20% Pluronic F-127 in DMSO (e.g., 2 g Pluronic F-127 in 10 ml DMSO;
Sigma) ! CAUTION Strong detergent; skin, eye and respirator y system
irritant. Wear suitable protective clothing
• Standard pipette solution: 150 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM KCl and 10 mM HEPES
Standard external saline: 125 mM NaCl, 4.5 mM KCl, 26 mM NaHCO3,
1.25 mM NaH2PO4, 2 mM CaCl2, 1 mM MgCl2, 20 mM glucose, pH 7.4,
when bubbled with 95% O2 and 5% CO2
• Low melting point agarose (Invitrogen GmbH)
Recording chamber with central access opening: custom-made from a
standard tissue-culture dish (diameter, 35 mm2)
• Glass capillaries (e.g., from Hilgenberg GmbH)
• Pipette puller (e.g., PP830 from Narishige)
• Brain atlas (e.g., from Academic Press)
Surgical equipment, including a stereotaxic instrument, drill and
warming blanket to ensure a constant body temperature; available from
many providers (e.g., TSE-Systems)
• LN-Mini manipulator (Luigs & Neumann GmbH)
• Picospritzer II (General Valve) or pneumatic drug-ejection system (NPI)
• Patch-clamp amplifier (e.g., from HEKA)
Two-photon laser-scanning microscope commercially available from
several providers (e.g., Zeiss)
• Felt polisher (e.g., from Dr. Ihde Dental)
• Cyanoacr yl glue (available from many providers; e.g., UHU GmbH)
• Millipore filter (Millipore)
Experimental animals So far, the protocol has been tested in mice, rats,
cats and zebrafish. ! CAUTION All experiments must be performed in
accordance with the relevant authorities’ guidelines and regulations.
Anesthesia unit Including a chamber for pre-anesthetic medication, a flow
meter and a vaporizer (the latter items are for volatile anesthetic agents
only). Consult the literature (e.g., ref. 17) for the best choice of anesthesia
for each species.
Anesthesia-monitoring system Used to measure the blood pressure,
arterial oxygen concentration, body temperature, and respiratory and
pulse rate of the animal. The monitoring equipment is available from
many providers, but it is not always suitable for small laboratory animals
(e.g., mice and neonatal rats). We use equipment from ADI Instruments
to monitor the respiratory and pulse rate, body temperature and blood
pressure in mice.
Manipulator and pressure-application device To inject the staining
solution into the brain we use the LN-Mini manipulator and either
Picospritzer II or the pneumatic drug-ejection system.
Patch-clamp amplifier Used to monitor the resistance of the pipette
during dye injection. Monitoring of the pipette resistance is not
mandator y, but is advisable because it allows pipette clogging to be
recognized and the point when the pipette reaches the surface of the cortex
to be estimated.
Two-photon laser-scanning microscope We use a custom-built
microscope based on a mode-locked laser system operating at 710–920
nm wavelength (MaiTai, Spectra Physics) and a laser-scanning system
(Fluoview, Olympus) coupled to an upright microscope (BX51WI,
Olympus). Such a custom-built system can be assembled following the
instructions in refs. 18,19.
Brain atlas Used to obtain stereotaxic coordinates of the respective brain
region (for example, see refs. 20,21).
1| Anesthetize the animal and place it onto a warming blanket (38 °C) in front of the oxygen supply22. Affix the sensors
of the anesthesia-monitoring system. Ensure that the surgical level of anesthesia has been reached (e.g., by testing the
pinch withdrawal and the eyelid reflex). We anesthetize mice by inhalation of isoflurane (1–1.5% (vol/vol) in pure O2).
Alternatively, adult mice can be anesthetized with either ketamine/xylazine or urethane (0.1/0.01 and 1.9 mg per g body
weight, respectively, i.p.).
Figure 1 | Experimental arrangement for in vivo
staining of neuronal populations with Ca2+-
indicator dyes. (a) A custom-made recording
chamber is glued to the skull to allow head
fixation and the use of a water-immersion
objective. The chamber is perfused with warm
(37 °C) standard external saline. Two small
craniotomies are performed: one for the insertion
of the staining-patch micropipette (obligatory)
and one above the field of view for improvement
of the imaging depth (optional). Cells, stained
using MCBL, are shown in green. The stained area
has a diameter of 200–400 µm. Modified from
ref. 2. (b) Photograph of the recording chamber
(upper panel) and schematic drawing of its cross-
section (lower panel). Note that a circular region
around the perforation is thinned to fit the
curvature of the animal’s skull.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
382 | VOL.1 NO.1 | 2006 | NATURE PROTOCOLS
2| Use a stereotaxic device to identify the location of
the brain area of interest. Inject ~ 50 µl local anesthetic
agent (e.g., 2% lidocaine; 20 mg lidocaine in 1 ml standard
external saline) subcutaneously at the location where the
skin is to be removed (optional).
3| Remove the skin above the desired brain area. Decide
whether to image through the skull; the stability of the
preparation is higher when imaging through the skull (lower
impact of heart beat and breathing artifacts), but the
efficiency of photon detection is higher when the skull is
removed (images are crisper and imaging depth is greater).
4| Thin the skull and polish it with a felt polisher. Imaging
through the thinned skull provides optimal results when the
skull is thinned down to 10–20 µm2. We suggest stopping
thinning as soon as the bone bends when gently touched
with the tweezers. If the skull is to be removed, less thinning
is necessary.
CRITICAL STEP The skull thinning must be performed as
gently as possible; never press onto the skull. Inaccurate
thinning often causes brain damage.
5| Use cyanoacryl glue to adhere the custom-made recording chamber to the skull.
6| Transfer the animal into the recording set-up (we use a set-up similar to that described in ref. 23, equipped with a
two-photon laser-scanning microscope; see above) and place it onto a warming blanket (38 °C). Affix the sensors of the
anesthesia-monitoring system. If necessary, adjust supply of anesthetic to keep physiological levels of monitored parameters.
CRITICAL STEP The quality of recordings critically depends
on the good condition of the experimental animal. Therefore,
starting now, continuously monitor the following vital
parameters: respiratory and pulse rate, body temperature,
arterial oxygen concentration and blood pressure.
7| Perfuse the recording chamber with a warm (37 °C)
standard external saline.
8| Perform a craniotomy above an area devoid of large
blood vessels. This should be small (0.5 mm) for imaging
through the skull and larger (or two small craniotomies
should be performed near each other; Fig. 1) for ‘open-
access’ imaging.
CRITICAL STEP Do not remove the dura mater; removal
is not required for cell staining and strongly enhances
movement artifacts. The stability of recordings also
critically depends on the diameter of the craniotomy.
Thus, openings larger than 1 mm in diameter are often
accompanied by large movement artifacts occurring at the
heartbeat frequency.
Staining neurons with a calcium-indicator dye
9| Dissolve AM ester of the preferred indicator dye (e.g.,
OG-1 AM) in the solution containing 20% Pluronic F-127
in DMSO (e.g., 2 g Pluronic F-127 in 10 ml DMSO) to yield
a dye concentration of 10 mM. Dilute this solution 1/10
to 1/100 with the standard pipette solution to prepare the
Newborn (P8)
Juvenile (P23)
Adult (2 month old)
Aged (1-y-old)
Figure 2 | MCBL allows staining of cortical tissue at various developmental
stages. The microphotographs illustrate layer 2/3 cells in the visual cortex
of mice at different ages. Cells were stained using OG-1 AM and images were
taken using a 60× Nikon water-immersion objective (1.0 NA).
a b
Figure 3 | Assessment of the staining quality. (a,b) High-magnification
images of cells in layer 1 (upper panels) and in layer 2/3 (lower panels)
taken at two different locations in the visual cortex of a 64-d-old mouse.
Both areas were stained using the same protocol, but in (b) a large brain
vessel was damaged prior to staining.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
NATURE PROTOCOLS | VOL.1 NO.1 | 2006 | 383
staining solution. The same recipe is used to dissolve other
Ca2+-indicator dyes (e.g., Fura-2 AM, Fluo-4 AM, Calcium
Green-1 AM, Indo-1 AM, Fura-PE3 AM, Fura Red AM and
Magnesium Green AM)2,7.
CRITICAL STEP Note that the standard pipette solution
(a simplified Ca2+-free Ringer’s solution) is designed to
minimize precipitation of the dye. Filter the staining
solution if necessary (we use a Millipore filter with a pore
diameter of 0.45 µm).
10| Pull a staining micropipette from a glass capillary
using a pipette puller (we use standard-patch pipettes with
a resistance of 6–9 M when filled with standard pipette
solution). Fill with staining solution. Insert the pipette
into the cortex (under an angle of, for example, 30°) while
monitoring the pipette resistance with a patch-clamp
amplifier. The pipette resistance can increase slightly (up
to 15 M) when penetrating the dura mater, but must
decrease to the initial level either immediately thereafter
or, at the latest, upon the application of ejection pressure
(see below). Advance the pipette along its axis until it
reaches the desired depth (Fig. 1). With the dye-application pipette located 150–200 µm below the cortical surface, all
cortical cells between the surface and a 400-µm depth are stained2. For staining the cells in deeper cortical layers, the
pipette is positioned 650–750 µm below the pia3. Apply a pressure pulse (1 min, 70 kPa) to eject ~400 femtoliters staining
solution near the cells of interest (see ref. 3 for the slightly modified protocol for labeling deep cortical layers). Remove
the pipette.
PAUSE POINT Wait ~1 h to obtain a stable maximal fluorescence level in stained cells2. This protocol yields a stained
area with a diameter of 200–400 µm.
Figure 4 | Spontaneous Ca2+ transients in the visual cortex of an adult mouse.
Spontaneously occurring Ca2+ transients (lower panel) in seven individual layer
2/3 neurons, marked with corresponding numbers in the upper panel. Data are
derived from a series of time-lapse images recorded at 10 Hz.
Figure 5 | Ca2+ transients in the individual cortical neurons evoked by sensory stimulation. Line-scan recordings of Ca2+ transients (sampled at 200 Hz; right
panel) in two layer 2/3 neurons of the mouse visual cortex marked with the respective numbers in the left panel. The vertical broken line in the right panel
marks the beginning of a brief (100 ms) light flash. Note that whereas cell 2 responded reliably to this stimulus, no responses were seen in the neighboring
cell 1, which instead exhibited frequent spontaneous Ca2+ transients.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
384 | VOL.1 NO.1 | 2006 | NATURE PROTOCOLS
Two-photon imaging of stained cells
11| Choose the wavelength of the
excitation light (depends on the
indicator dye used). Consult ref. 24
for two-photon excitation spectra
of common Ca2+-sensitive dyes.
Excitation light of 800 nm can be used
for the initial visualization of neurons
stained with the following indicator dyes: Fura-PE3 AM, Fura Red AM, Indo-1 AM, Calcium Green-1 AM, OG-1 AM, Fluo-4 AM
and Magnesium Green AM.
12| Check the average power of the excitation light under the objective (must be at least 50–70 mW). Reduce the
excitation power to the minimum and focus the objective (for example Nikon, 60×, numerical aperture (NA) 1.0, water
immersion) of the two-photon microscope onto the brain surface. Raise the excitation power carefully (to avoid dye
bleaching) and inspect the upper cortical layers using high-resolution settings (frame rate, 1 Hz). The following structures
become clearly visible: large epithelial cells on the top of the cortex; layer 1 cells up to the depth of 100–200 µm,
depending on the age of the animal (Fig. 3a, upper panel); and layer 2/3 cells (Figs. 2–7). When imaging through the
Double staining
Depth profile
Figure 6 | Double staining and depth profile.
(a) Microphotographs of layer 2/3 cells in the
mouse visual cortex (30-d-old mouse) stained
simultaneously using a dye mixture containing
OG-1 AM and the glial marker SR101. The
fluorescence of OG-1 AM was directed to the
green channel (left) and the fluorescence
of SR101 was directed to the red channel
(middle). The merged image on the right shows
neurons in green and glial cells in yellow.
(b) Microphotographs of the visual cortex of a
juvenile (32-d-old) mouse taken at different
depths. The excitation light’s pulse width under
the objective was optimized by compensating
group-velocity dispersion with a pair of
Figure 7 | MCBL using a low concentration of the indicator dye. (a,b) High-
magnification images of layer 2/3 cells taken from neighboring locations in
the visual cortex of two different animals. Cells stained with 100 µM OG-1
AM are shown in the panels on the left, whereas cells stained with 1 mM
OG-1 AM are shown in the panels on the right. (c) Normalized histograms
showing the distribution of decay-time constants of spontaneous Ca2+
transients in cells stained with 1 mM OG-1 AM (black) and 100 µM OG-1
AM (red), respectively. (d) Bar graph illustrating the mean values of the
respective decay-time constants.
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
NATURE PROTOCOLS | VOL.1 NO.1 | 2006 | 385
thinned skull, individual cells can be well resolved up to 250 µm below the cortical surface. Removing the skull above the
imaging field further improves depth resolution. The maximal depth at which individual cells can be resolved depends on
the shape and density of cells, the density of blood vessels in the imaged region and the age of the animal. In juvenile
and young adult animals, the depth limit for single-cell imaging in the cortex is ~500 µm (Fig. 6b; consult ref. 25 for
optimization of the imaging depth). In general, all cells in the preparation are stained; the only dark areas correspond to
blood vessels, which are easily identified when focusing through the tissue. Furthermore, characteristic astrocytes often
surround the blood vessels (see below).
13| Monitor Ca2+ transients of interest, for example, with a frame rate of 10 Hz. Use online brightness-versus-time analyses
to monitor photobleaching. Adjust excitation power to levels just below the bleaching ‘threshold’. Use a commercially
available software package for collection of time-lapse images and online data analyses.
Dissection (Steps 1–8), 1h
Staining (Steps 9–10), 1h
Imaging (Steps 11–13), at least 6 h
See Table 1.
Figures 2–5 illustrate MCBL-stained layer 2/3 cells in the visual cortex of mice of different ages. At each age, stained
cortical neurons show spontaneous (Fig. 4) as well as light-evoked (Figure 5) Ca2+ transients. Data shown in Figure 4 are
derived from a series of time-lapse images recorded at 10 Hz. Light-evoked responses in Fig. 5 were recorded as a series
of line scans at 200 Hz. Note that in each case, the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient to allow individual non-averaged
somatic Ca2+ transients to be distinguished clearly from the background. As was shown by Kerr et al.3 in rat somatosensory
cortex, spontaneous Ca2+ transients reflect action-potential firing. Also, in the mouse visual cortex, both spontaneous
(Fig. 4) and light-evoked (Fig. 5) Ca2+ transients required firing of action potentials (O.G. and A.K., unpublished
As mentioned above, the MCBL technique is not cell-type specific. It provides a relatively homogeneous staining of
different cell types (although glial cells are generally brighter than neurons). An identification of the various cell types
can be achieved using additional markers (e.g., cell-type specific expression of green fluorescent protein) and multicolor
two-photon imaging. A versatile approach for distinguishing between neuronal cells and astrocytes was developed by
Nimmerjahn et al.5 and is based on the use of the astrocyte-specific marker SR101, which emits fluorescence light at
TABLE 1 | Troubleshooting table.
Step 9: the staining patch micropipette
gets clogged
Clean glass capillaries used to manufacture the pipettes; dissolve Ca2+-indicator dyes
immediately before use; filter the staining solution before use (e.g., with a Millipore filter;
pore diameter, 0.45 µm)
Step 12: cells are not, or are only
poorly, stained
There are two likely scenarios, either (i) the tissue is intact but the dye delivery failed, or (ii)
the tissue is damaged (Fig. 3); for (i) monitor the pipette resistance during dye injection
(a value above 20 M indicates that the pipette is clogged); for (ii) check the anesthesia
monitoring parameters, try to thin the skull as gently as possible, avoiding damage to large
blood vessels, and increase the speed of dissection and staining (the latter should be
accomplished in less than 2 h)
Step 13: recording conditions are
unstable; occurrence of high-frequency
vibrations of cells and/or slow drift of
the plane of focus
These problems are more profound when the skull is removed; cover the skull opening with
2% low melting point agarose (e.g., 20 mg in 1 ml standard external saline) and keep the
temperature of the external saline stable (with a precision of 0.1 °C); the high-frequency
vibrations are usually the result of heart-beat pulsation (compare with measurements of the
anesthesia-monitoring system) and are more profound in regions with a high density of
blood vessels
© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
386 | VOL.1 NO.1 | 2006 | NATURE PROTOCOLS
wavelengths (550–750 nm) that are significantly longer than those of common Ca2+ indicators. For targeted SR101
staining, we modify the protocol of Nimmerjahn et al.5. We dilute 1 mg SR101 in 4 ml standard pipette solution and use it
to dilute the concentrated solution containing 10 mM Ca2+ indicator (Step 9). The combined staining cocktail, containing
SR101 and the Ca2+-sensitive dye, is then injected into the brain (Step 10). This results in a good loading of neurons and
glia cells with the Ca2+ indicator, and specific staining of glia cells with SR101 in the same brain region (Fig. 6a).
The MCBL technique was originally designed to apply 400 femtoliters of the concentrated Ca2+-indicator dye-containing
solution (yielding a final pipette concentration of the dye of 1 mM). Because membrane-permeant Ca2+-indicator dyes are
dissolved in DMSO, the staining solution also contained 10% DMSO (vol/vol). Although similar and/or higher detergent
concentrations are routinely used to stain intact tissues with indicator dyes11,26,27, we recently found that such a high
dye/detergent concentration is not needed. As shown in Figure 7a,b, the MCBL protocol can provide high-quality staining
of the mouse cortex with 100 µM OG-1 AM and 1% DMSO (vol/vol)-containing pipette solution. However, the use of the
lower dye concentration imposes higher demands on the quality of preparation. The time constants of spontaneous Ca2+
transients were, on average, 0.81 ± 0.04 s (n = 123) in cells stained with 100 µM OG-1 AM and 1.10 ± 0.08 s (n = 88)
in cells stained with 1 mM OG-1 AM (Fig. 7c,d). This similarity suggests that the intracellular indicator levels obtained
with 100 µM OG-1 AM-containing staining solutions are nearly as high as those reached with 1 mM OG-1 AM-containing
solutions (in the range of 20 µM2).
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank M.A. Busche for help with experiments
shown in Figure 6b. This work was supported by grants from the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 391 and SFB 596) and the Bundesministerium für
Bildung und Forschung (NGFN-2).
COMPETING INTERESTS STATEMENT The authors declare that they have no
competing financial interests.
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© 2006 Nature Publishing Group
... Fluorescent dyes represent a valuable tool for microscopy because they allow to non-invasively investigate neural cell structure and activity without affecting brain function [99]. ...
... In particular, astrocytes could be visualized using f luorescent dyes injected into the cells of interest. Usually, several dyes such as Lucifer yellow, Alexa Fluor, biocytin, Fura-2, etc., are used for cell labeling [45,99]. For instance, the f luorescent dye Fura-2AM (Fura-2-acetoxymethyl ester) is used for measuring intracellular Ca 2+ concentration due to its high sensitivity and specificity as well as ability to permeate cell membranes [100]. ...
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Astrocytes are the most common type of glial cells that provide homeostasis and protection of the central nervous system. Important specific characteristic of astrocytes is manifestation of morphological heterogeneity, which is directly dependent on localization in a particular area of the brain. Astrocytes can integrate into neural networks and keep neurons active in various areas of the brain. Moreover, astrocytes express a variety of receptors, channels, and membrane transporters, which underlie their peculiar metabolic activity, and, hence, determine plasticity of the central nervous system during development and aging. Such complex structural and functional organization of astrocytes requires the use of modern methods for their identification and analysis. Considering the important fact that determining the most appropriate marker for polymorphic and multiple subgroups of astrocytes is of decisive importance for studying their multifunctionality, this review presents markers, modern imaging techniques, and identification of astrocytes, which comprise a valuable resource for studying structural and functional properties of astrocytes, as well as facilitate better understanding of the extent to which astrocytes contribute to neuronal activity.
... Similar collagenase pretreatment had been used in a previous study by Zhu et al. (2002). The cotton tips were left on the dura for approximately 30 minutes, during which time the calcium indicator was prepared following a protocol described in previous studies (Stosiek et al. 2003;Garaschuk et al. 2006;Grienberger and Konnerth 2012). Briefly 50 μg of the calcium-sensitive dye Oregon Green™ (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. ...
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Cochlear Implants (CI) are an effective neuroprosthesis for humans with profound hearing loss, enabling deaf adults to have phone calls without lipreading and babies to have successful language development. However, CIs have significant limitations in complex hearing situations, motivating the need for further research, including studies in animal models. Here, we demonstrate the usefulness of wide field Ca++ imaging in assessing different CI stimulation strategies. One major challenge in electrophysiology in CI animals lies in excluding the CI electric artifacts from the recording, since they are orders of magnitude larger than the amplitude of action potentials. Also, electrophysiology can rarely sample large areas of neuropil at high spatial resolution. To circumvent these problems, we have set up an imaging system allowing us to monitor neural activity in the auditory cortex (AC) of CI supplied rats using the Ca++ sensitive dye OGB. Here we describe an initial experiment with this setup, in which we recorded cortical responses to 4 different stimulation patterns which were delivered across 3 CI channels to the contralateral ear. We then investigated two parameters that have been shown to affect intelligibility in CI users: pulse rate and relative pulse timing across CI channels. While pulse rate had only a very modest effect on the discriminability of the neural responses, the stimulation mode had a major effect, with simultaneous pulse timing, perhaps surprisingly, allowing much better pattern discrimination than interleaved sampling. The result suggests that allowing collisions of pulses on neighboring channels may not always be detrimental, at least if partial overlaps of pulses, in which anodic and cathodic pulse phases might cancel, are avoided.
... Chemically engineered calcium indicators were first developed more than 30 years ago by Tsien (1988). These synthetic dyes are loaded in vivo via incubation or bolus injections into the brain (Sobel and Tank, 1994;Svoboda et al., 1999;Stosiek et al., 2003;Garaschuk et al., 2006) (Figures 1A-C). More recently, the field shifted almost completely to the use of GECIs. ...
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Calcium imaging is commonly used to visualize neural activity in vivo. In particular, mesoscale calcium imaging provides large fields of view, allowing for the simultaneous interrogation of neuron ensembles across the neuraxis. In the field of Developmental Neuroscience, mesoscopic imaging has recently yielded intriguing results that have shed new light on the ontogenesis of neural circuits from the first stages of life. We summarize here the technical approaches, basic notions for data analysis and the main findings provided by this technique in the last few years, with a focus on brain development in mouse models. As new tools develop to optimize calcium imaging in vivo, basic principles of neural development should be revised from a mesoscale perspective, that is, taking into account widespread activation of neuronal ensembles across the brain. In the future, combining mesoscale imaging of the dorsal surface of the brain with imaging of deep structures would ensure a more complete understanding of the construction of circuits. Moreover, the combination of mesoscale calcium imaging with other tools, like electrophysiology or high-resolution microscopy, will make up for the spatial and temporal limitations of this technique.
... One common issue in population Ca 2+ imaging in vivo was that neuronal signals were often contaminated by the adjacent neuropils. 45 To ensure that CVS labeling was not prone to such contamination, we randomly sampled the signals of several neurons and their adjacent neuropils ( Figures 5C-5E). The amplitude of broadband noise (BBN)-evoked responses from cell bodies were much higher than that from nearby neuropils ( Figures 5D and 5E, the amplitude of ''Neuron'': 1.38/1.14-1.80, the amplitude of ''Neuropil'': 0.13/ 0.09-0.18, ...
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Neocortical layer 6 (L6) is less understood than other more superficial layers, largely owing to limitations of performing high-resolution investigations in vivo. Here, we show that labeling with the Challenge Virus Standard (CVS) rabies virus strain enables high-quality imaging of L6 neurons by conventional two-photon microscopes. CVS virus injection into the medial geniculate body can selectively label L6 neurons in the auditory cortex. Only three days after injection, dendrites and cell bodies of L6 neurons could be imaged across all cortical layers. Ca2+ imaging in awake mice showed that sound stimulation evokes neuronal responses from cell bodies with minimal contamination from neuropil signals. In addition, dendritic Ca2+ imaging revealed significant responses from spines and trunks across all layers. These results demonstrate a reliable method capable of rapid, high-quality labeling of L6 neurons that can be readily extended to other brain regions.
... Before covering with a glass coverslip, the exposed brain was perfused with artificial cerebral spinal fluid (ACSF, in mM): 125 NaCl, 4.5 KCl, 26 NaHCO 3 , 1.25 NaH 2 PO 4 , 2 CaCl 2 , 1 MgCl 2 , 10 glucose, pH 7.3-7.4 saturated with 95% O 2 /5% CO 2 61 . Images were captured 1.5 h after dye loading. ...
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As a central part of the mammalian brain, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) has been implicated in regulating cocaine-induced behaviors including compulsive seeking and reinstatement. Although dysfunction of the PFC has been reported in animal and human users with chronic cocaine abuse, less is known about how the PFC is involved in cocaine-induced behaviors. By using two-photon Ca²⁺ imaging to simultaneously record tens of intact individual networking neurons in the frontal association cortex (FrA) in awake male mice, here we report that a systematic acute cocaine exposure decreased the FrA neural activity in mice, while the chemogenetic intervention blocked the cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. The hypoactivity of FrA neurons was critically dependent on both dopamine transporters and dopamine transmission in the ventromedial PFC (vmPFC). Both dopamine D1R and D2R neurons in the vmPFC projected to and innervated FrA neurons, the manipulation of which changed the cocaine-induced hypoactivity of the FrA and locomotor sensitization. Together, this work demonstrates acute cocaine-induced hypoactivity of FrA neurons in awake mice, which defines a cortico-cortical projection bridging dopamine transmission and cocaine sensitization.
... A major drawback of chemical indicators, however, is that after being loaded into cells, the indicator will diffuse out of cells over time and will no longer generate useful signals. As such, the use of chemical indicators is limited to acute surgical preparations and generally short (several hours) imaging timescales 12,13 . Because of these limitations, few 2PCI studies currently use chemical indicators. ...
In vivo two-photon calcium imaging (2PCI) is a technique used for recording neuronal activity in the intact brain. It is based on the principle that, when neurons fire action potentials, intracellular calcium levels rise, which can be detected using fluorescent molecules that bind to calcium. This Primer is designed for scientists who are considering embarking on experiments with 2PCI. We provide the reader with a background on the basic concepts behind calcium imaging and on the reasons why 2PCI is an increasingly powerful and versatile technique in neuroscience. The Primer explains the different steps involved in experiments with 2PCI, provides examples of what ideal preparations should look like and explains how data are analysed. We also discuss some of the current limitations of the technique, and the types of solutions to circumvent them. Finally, we conclude by anticipating what the future of 2PCI might look like, emphasizing some of the analysis pipelines that are being developed and international efforts for data sharing. Two-photon calcium imaging is a technique used for recording neuronal activity in the brain. In this Primer, Grienberger et al. outline the experimental design and execution of two-photon calcium imaging, providing examples of ideal preparations and how data are analysed.
... Of particular note was the development of an exceptionally good Ca 2þ indicator Oregon Green BAPTA-1 (OGB-1), and a clever scheme of delivering its AM ester form into thick tissues. 142 Thanks to large 2P absorption cross-section of OGB-1 and other synthetic Ca 2þ sensors, in vivo 2P Ca 2þ imaging has been widely adopted within the neuroscience community and used for studying of neuronal circuits in healthy cerebral [143][144][145][146][147] and cerebellar cortex, 148 spinal cord, 149 olfactory bulb, 150,151 in glial cells, [152][153][154] and in diseased brain. 155,156 Relative to synthetic indicator dyes, genetically encoded Ca 2þ indicators (GECIs; a.k.a. ...
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Neurophotonics was launched in 2014 coinciding with the launch of the BRAIN Initiative focused on development of technologies for advancement of neuroscience. For the last seven years, Neurophotonics’ agenda has been well aligned with this focus on neurotechnologies featuring new optical methods and tools applicable to brain studies. While the BRAIN Initiative 2.0 is pivoting towards applications of these novel tools in the quest to understand the brain, this status report reviews an extensive and diverse toolkit of novel methods to explore brain function that have emerged from the BRAIN Initiative and related large-scale efforts for measurement and manipulation of brain structure and function. Here, we focus on neurophotonic tools mostly applicable to animal studies. A companion report, scheduled to appear later this year, will cover diffuse optical imaging methods applicable to noninvasive human studies. For each domain, we outline the current state-of-the-art of the respective technologies, identify the areas where innovation is needed, and provide an outlook for the future directions.
... This is in line with results obtained by Bakmand T. et al. [23] showing that a fluidic system maintained the characteristic cytoarchitecture seen in hippocampal slices far better than the tissue slices cultured by standard method of organotypic culture. Moreover, the huge presence of OGB living cells [37,38] combined with a change in color to light brownishtransparent of chip sections and outgrowth of cells from the edge chips slices during the first week [1], represent important criteria that show good viability of hippocampal slices inside brain slice-on-a-chips. ...
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Mouse brain slices are one of the most common models to study brain development and functioning, increasing the number of study models that integrate microfluidic systems for hippocampal slice cultures. This report presents an alternative brain slice-on-a-chip, integrating an injection system inside the chip to dispense a fluorescent dye for long-term monitoring. Hippocampal slices have been cultured inside these chips, observing fluorescence signals from living cells, maintaining the cytoarchitecture of the slices. Having fluorescence images of biological samples inside the chip demonstrates the effectiveness of the staining process using the injection method avoiding leaks or biological contamination. The technology developed in this study presents a significant improvement in the local administration of reagents within a brain slice-on-a-chip system, which could be a suitable option for organotypic cultures in a microfluidic chip acting as a highly effective bioreactor.
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Almost all physiological processes of animals are controlled by the brain, including language, cognitive, memory, learning, emotion and so forth. Minor brain dysfunction usually leads to brain diseases and disorders. Therefore, it' is greatly meaningful and urgent for scientists to have a better understanding of brain structure and function. Optical approaches can provide powerful tools for imaging and modulating physiological processes of the brain. In particular, optical approaches in the near‐infrared (NIR) window (700–1700 nm) exhibit excellent prosperities of deep tissue penetration and low tissue scattering and absorption compared with those of visible windows (400–700 nm), which provides a promising approach for scientists to develop desired methods of neuroimaging and neuromodulation in deep brain tissues. In this review, variable types of NIR light approaches for imaging and modulating neural ions, membrane potential, neurotransmitters, and other critical molecules for brain functions and diseases are summarized. In particular, the latest breakthrough research of brain imaging and brain regulation in the NIR‐II window (1000–1700 nm) are highlighted. Finally, we conclude the challenges and prospects of NIR light‐based neuroimaging and neuromodulation for both basic brain research and further clinical translation.
Just like we can identify friends based on physical characteristics (voice, appearance, etc.), so too can we identify synaptic proteins or neurons based on their electrophysiological characteristics. This chapter discusses different approaches to electrophysiologically identify specific synaptic receptors or specific neuronal types including examples in which these approaches have been implemented experimentally. Additionally, we discuss visual tags that have been used to monitor both presynaptic and postsynaptic functions. We first describe the postsynaptic visual tags that have been used to support or add additional information to electrophysiological experiments followed by a description of presynaptic markers and their advantages/disadvantages.The purpose of this chapter is to acquaint the beginning electrophysiologist with two concepts. First, electrophysiology can be used to identify receptors and/or neurons as well as measure the transfer of electrical information between cells or their intrinsic membrane excitability. Second, by including visual tagging experiments with electrophysiological research, powerful analysis of presynaptic and postsynaptic function is achievable.Key wordsCalcium-permeable AMPARs GluN2B Dopamine neurons Capacitance Input resistance Resting membrane potential Fluorescent dyes Fluorescent tags pHluorins
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The construction of a two-photon/confocal microscope system is described in detail. For two-photon illumination, a Ti:sapphire modelocked laser generating 62-fs pulses at 715 nm was used. The effect of the optical train on illumination pulse width was examined and the observed increase in pulse duration was almost completely removed by the addition/adjustment of a prism compressor system. The imaging capabilities of the two-photon microscope are demonstrated and it is shown that the imaging performance of the two-photon microscope is similar to that of a conventional confocal microscope. With two-photon illumination, the resolution (full width at half-maximum intensity) was 0.42 microM (x-y) and 0.81 microM axially, while with single-photon illumination (at 488 nm in the same instrument with a confocal pinhole detector) the resolution was 0.3 microM (x-y) and 0.75 microM axially. The results are discussed with regard to the general problem of femtosecond pulse distortion in an optical system and a simple procedure for optimal pulse restoration is described.
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In Alzheimer's disease, amyloid-beta peptide aggregates in the extracellular space to form senile plaques. The process of plaque deposition and growth has been modeled on the basis of in vitro experiments in ways that lead to divergent predictions: either a diffusion-limited growth model in which plaques grow by first-order kinetics, or a dynamic model of continual deposition and asymmetrical clearance in which plaques reach a stable size and stop growing but evolve morphologically over time. The models have not been tested in vivo because plaques are too small (by several orders of magnitude) for conventional imaging modalities. We now report in vivo multiphoton laser scanning imaging of thioflavine S-stained senile plaques in the Tg2576 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease to test these biophysical models and show that there is no detectable change in plaque size over extended periods of time. Qualitatively, geometric features remain unchanged over time in the vast majority of the 349 plaques imaged and re-imaged. Intervals as long as 5 months were obtained. Nonetheless, rare examples of growth or shrinkage of individual plaques do occur, and new plaques appear between imaging sessions. These results indicate that thioflavine S-positive plaques appear and then are stable, supporting a dynamic feedback model of plaque growth.
Neurons in the cerebral cortex are organized into anatomical columns, with ensembles of cells arranged from the surface to the white matter. Within a column, neurons often share functional properties, such as selectivity for stimulus orientation; columns with distinct properties, such as different preferred orientations, tile the cortical surface in orderly patterns. This functional architecture was discovered with the relatively sparse sampling of microelectrode recordings. Optical imaging of membrane voltage or metabolic activity elucidated the overall geometry of functional maps, but is averaged over many cells (resolution >100 microm). Consequently, the purity of functional domains and the precision of the borders between them could not be resolved. Here, we labelled thousands of neurons of the visual cortex with a calcium-sensitive indicator in vivo. We then imaged the activity of neuronal populations at single-cell resolution with two-photon microscopy up to a depth of 400 microm. In rat primary visual cortex, neurons had robust orientation selectivity but there was no discernible local structure; neighbouring neurons often responded to different orientations. In area 18 of cat visual cortex, functional maps were organized at a fine scale. Neurons with opposite preferences for stimulus direction were segregated with extraordinary spatial precision in three dimensions, with columnar borders one to two cells wide. These results indicate that cortical maps can be built with single-cell precision.
We describe a method for filling presynaptic terminals and cell dendrites in adult brain slices with the fluorescent calcium indicator fura-2 by localized perfusion of the acetoxymethyl (AM) ester derivative. The method provides labeling selectivity, similar to that produced by intracellular microinjection of fura-2, with the simplicity of bath application of membrane-permeant AM esters. Application of the method to mossy fiber tracts in hippocampal region CA3 and parallel fiber tracts in cerebellum resulted in distant presynaptic terminals well labelled with fura-2 without concomitant postsynaptic labelling, allowing optical measurements of calcium concentration in individual presynaptic terminals. Application of the method to CA1 pyramidal cells produced intracellular loading of apical dendrites with fura-2. Dendritic calcium changes produced by afferent fiber stimulation were similar to those determined from cells filled with fura-2 by intracellular microinjection. The method appears to be general, and should provide a means to fill projecting axons and dendritic processes in many areas of the brain with fluorescent indicators, allowing optical measurements of ion concentration dynamics to be performed in brain slice that were previously impractical.
Present methods for measuring or buffering intracellular free calcium concentrations are almost entirely limited to robust and well anchored cells which can tolerate insertion of ion-selective microelectrodes or microinjection of calcium indicators or buffers into one cell at a time. A very few types of small cells can be loaded with buffers or indicators during controlled lysis, but such procedures grossly perturb membrane integrity and soluble cytoplasmic constituents. Liposome fusion releases only trace quantities of the trapped solute into the cytoplasm and incorporates foreign lipid into the target cell membranes. I now describe a simple technique which loads Ca2+-selective chelators into the cytoplasm of intact cells in suspension and avoids the disadvantages of previous methods. The chelators are made temporarily membrane permeable by masking their four carboxylates with special esterifying groups which then hydrolyse inside the cells, regenerating and trapping the original chelators. The method is demonstrated on red cells, mast cells and lymphocytes.
Experimental surgery in animal models often requires prolonged periods of general anesthesia. Animals undergoing these procedures may have difficulty maintaining normal ventilation and oxygenation and therefore may require physiologic monitoring and endotracheal intubation to avoid hypoxia that could adversely affect the results of the investigation. Monitoring has traditionally included measurements of PaO2, PCO2, pH, and oxygen saturation calculated from arterial blood. Endotracheal intubation and placement of arterial catheters necessary for the intraoperative collection of specimens for blood gas analysis are labor-intensive and time-consuming. In this study, rats undergoing thoracic laminectomy as part of a study on spinal cord injury were monitored by noninvasive pulse oximetry, with a reflectance transducer placed on the skin/fur of the neck overlying the cervical carotid artery. Comparison of these data with intermittent arterial blood gas measurements in the same animals indicated > 90% concordance with the pulse oximetry values. We also determined the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) that, delivered via facemask, can achieve at least the minimal normal oxygen saturation (SaO2) of 90%. These findings suggest that physiologic monitoring during experimental rodent surgery can be substantially simplified by pulse oximetry and by delivery of oxygen via facemask, eliminating the need for arterial blood gas determinations or endotracheal intubation.
The compound fura-2 (Grynkiewicz et al., J. Biol. Chem. 260, 3440-3450, 1985) is generally known as an indicator dye for measuring the concentration of free calcium ([Ca2+]) inside living cells. It should be appreciated, however, that this is not what it actually is. More accurately, it is a divalent metal ion chelator which changes its fluorescence properties upon complexation. Thus, [Ca2+] has to be inferred indirectly by means of the law of mass action. As a chelator, fura-2 may influence the quantity of interest, the Ca signal. On the other hand, the chelator action may be used for a number of other purposes, some of them more directly related to its molecular properties: as a chelator, competing with endogenous Ca buffers, it can be used to estimate endogenous buffers and their properties. When present at sufficiently high concentration, such that it outcompetes endogenous buffers, fura-2 reports total Ca changes and is a probe for Ca fluxes across the membrane. Here, theory and methodological considerations of such applications of fura-2 will be summarized and results on Ca buffer and Ca flux measurements derived from various methods will be compared.