Oihana Lujanbio

Oihana Lujanbio
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | UPV/EHU · Euskal Hizkuntza eta Komunikazioa Saila


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Publications (13)
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Goizuetako azentuera deskribatu asmoz idatzi da azentu-hiztegi hau. 2.400 sarrera inguru dituen hiztegia da, Nafarroa iparraldean egindako beste hiztegi batzuk oinarri hartuta osatu dena. Behin oinarri hori osatuta, Goizuetako azentu sistemari buruzko arau eta ezaugarri fisikoen azalpena egin da. Horretarako, orain arte Goizuetako azentuerari buruz...
The aim of this dictionary is to describe the accentual patterns of Goizueta Basque. This dictionary contains around 2,400 entries provided with accent marks. The selection of lexical items has been made on the basis of other dictionaries of northern Navarrese varieties. In addition to the dictionary, this contribution includes an explanation of t...
Nafarroako herri euskaldun batean gaur egun erabiltzen den hizkera aztertu du ikerketa honek, lupa aldaketan paratuta. Goizueta aztertu dugu, nafarreraren eta erdialdeko euskararen arteko zubi-hizkera dena.   Trantsizio-hizkerak aztertzea interesgarria da hizkuntza-aldakortasuna ikertzeko. Gainera, gure kasuan, azken hamarkadetan euskara batua h...
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Goizueta is a small town in northwestern Navarre, Spain, bordering Gipuzkoa. According to the most recent official figures, it has slightly over 800 inhabitants, about 95% of whom speak Basque (2001, Instituto de Estadística de Navarra). All inhabitants (except for young children) also speak Spanish. In the school system standard Basque and, to a l...
As we have shown in previous work, in the Basque dialect of Goizueta both the po-sition of the stress and the tonal contour that the stressed syllable bears are lexically con-trastive. In this paper we report on a perception test designed to examine the robustness of these contrasts. 40 native speakers of Goizueta Basque, including a balanced repre...
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Research in the past few decades has shown that Northern Bizkaian Basque possesses a pitch-accent system of the Tokyo Japanese type, with a contrast between lexically accented and unaccented words. There is, however, a separate area of the Basque-speaking territory where we also find tonal accent phenomena: Western Navarre. In comparison with North...
Herri batean datu soziolinguistiko ¿positibo edo negatibo- batzuk ditugunean... zabaldu behar al dira? Nori zabaldu behar zaizkio? Eta batez ere... nola zabaldu behar ditugu? Galdera hauek, eta beste asko izan ziren hizpide Pasaiako gazteen hizkuntza jokaerak ikerketa oinarri izanik SL Klusterrak landu duen proiektuaren emaitzak ezagutzera emateko...


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