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Sürdürülebilir Toprak Verimliliği

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... Tuzluluk veya topraktaki tuz konsantrasyonu, doymuş eriyiğin (özüt, çözelti ) elektriksel iletkenliğiyle belirlenir. Bir çözeltinin elektriksel iletkenliği oransal olarak onun tuz içeriğine bağlıdır [6]. Topraktaki tuz içeriğinin belirlenmesinde saturasyon ekstraktında elektriksel iletkenlik değerlerinin ölçülmesi kullanılan yöntemler arasındadır. ...
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GİRİŞ Toprak tuzluluğu; özellikle kurak ve yarı kurak iklim bölgelerinde yıkanarak yeraltı suyuna karışan çözünebilir tuzların yüksek taban suyuyla birlikte kapillarite yoluyla toprak yüzeyine çıkması ve buharlaşma sonucu suyun topraktan ayrılarak tuzun toprak yüzeyinde ve yüzeye yakın bölümünde birikmesi olayıdır [1, 2, 3]. Tuzluluk problemi tüm dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemiz topraklarında da karşılaşılan en büyük sorunlardan biridir. Ülke genelinin içinde bulunduğu sıcak ve kurak iklim koşulları, düşük yağış miktarı ve özellikle tarımsal ve peyzaj uygulamalarında yapılan yanlış sulama uygulamaları sonucu drenaj probleminin yaşandığı bu tip alanlarda tuzluluk problemi ortaya çıkmaktadır. Abiyotik stres faktörlerinden biri olan tuzluluk hem tarım yapılan toprakları olumsuz etkilemekte hem de tuzluluk tehdidi altındaki topraklarda yetişen bitkilerde pek çok olumsuzluklara neden olmaktadır [4]. Son yıllarda küresel iklim değişikliği nedeniyle su kaynakları sınırlanmaktadır. Bu durum gerek sulu tarım uygulamalarında, gerekse peyzaj uygulamaları ve ormancılık faaliyetlerinde (ağaçlandırma vs) iyi kalitede sularla birlikte diğer su kaynaklarının da kullanılmasına Özet Kurak ve yarı kurak alanlarda tuzluluk önemli bir sorun teşkil etmektedir. Özellikle son yıllarda küresel iklim değişikliğinin etkisi ile tuzluluk sorunu daha da önem kazanmıştır. Kurak alanlarda artan sıcaklık ve azalan yağışın etkisi sonucu tuz yıkanamayarak üst toprakta birikmektedir. Bu durum bitki köklerinin gelişmesini kısıtlamakta, bitkilerde abiyotik stres oluşmasına neden olmaktadır. Özellikle kurak bölge tuzlu topraklarında yapılan tarım uygulamalarında tahıl bitkilerinin kökleri kısalmakta, su alımı ile terleme azalmaktadır. Ayrıca yanlış sulama sonucunda yetiştirilen bitkilerde tuzluluk sorunu meydana gelmekte ve bitkide tuz stresine neden olmaktadır. Tuz stresi ciddi fizyolojik fonksiyon bozuklukları yarattığı için bitkinin vejetatif ve reprodüktif büyümesini kısıtlamakta, döllenme bozukluklarına, meyvelerin küçük olmasına ve bitkinin yok olmasına neden olmaktadır. Bitkilerin tuz konsantrasyonuna karşı gösterdikleri dayanıklılıkları farklıdır. Bu nedenle tuz probleminin olduğu alanlarda yapılacak olan tarımsal ve ormancılık faaliyetlerinde tuzluluğa dayanıklı türler seçilmelidir. Bu nedenle bu araştırmada, kurak ve yarı kurak alanlarda tuzluluğun bitki örtüsü üzerindeki etkileri, bitkilerin tuz stresi faktörüne karşı gösterdikleri dayanıklılık mekanizmaları incelenmiş ve toprak ve bitki ilişkileri açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Abstract Salinity constitute a significant problem in arid and semiarid areas. Especially due to the effect of global climate change, in recent years salinity problem has become an important. As a result of the effect of increasing temperature and decreasing rainfall in arid areas, salt is unwashed and accumulate in upper soil. This situation restricts the development of plant roots, causes the formation of abiotic stress in plants. Especially, agricultural practices in saline soil in arid region, grain plants roots shortened, water intake and transpiration decreased. Also, as a result of improper irrigation, salinity problem occur in grown plants and causes salt stress on plants. So, salt stress caused serious physiological dysfunction, Restricts the plant's vegetative and reproductive growth, reproduction disorders, causes fruits to be smaller and to the destruction of the plant. Resistance of the plants against salt concentration is different. For this reason, in agricultural and forestry activities, which will be made in areas with the problem of salt, salt-resistant species should be selected. Therefore in this study, effects of salinity on vegetation in arid and semi-arid areas, resistance mechanisms of plants against salt stress factors were assessed via examining the soil and plant relationships.
... For this purpose; rotation of plant production and controlled soil tilling is suggested. Organic matter content of most of the soils in Turkey is lower (less than 2%) ( Karaman et al., 2007;Zengin, 2017). Therefore; soil fertilizing, using farm fertilizer or synthetic fertilizers, is very important component of plant production in Turkey. ...
The amount of organic matter plays an important role in the structural improvement of soils and ensuring sustainable soil fertility. In this study, the effects of cattle and sheep fertilizer applications at different doses on soil physical properties, and in parallel with, the effects on rooting and shoot development of vine cuttings were investigated. In this study, 10%, 20% and 30% cattle and sheep fertilizer was mixed into the soil as rooting medium, and the rooting and shooting performances of Karaerik and Narince grape varieties were evaluated in greenhouse conditions. During the experiment, the bud burst rates of the cuttings were recorded, and at the end of the experiment, the aggregate stability values, water permeability, bulk density, total porosity of the soil and plant parameters such as the root length, the root number, shoot length and the leaf number of the grapevines were determined. In this study, it was determined that the increase in the amount of organic matter improves the physical properties of the soil and increases the aeration capacity, and has a significant effect on the bud burst rate, rooting and shooting performance of the cuttings. As a result of the study, it was determined that sheep fertilizer was more effective in root development and cattle fertilizer in shoot development of Karaerik grape variety. It has been revealed that sheep fertilizer gives more positive results on both root and shoot development than cattle fertilizer in Narince grape variety.
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Toprakların sürdürülebilir yönetimi için organik toprak düzenleyicileri yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Toprak düzenleyilerinin etkisinin hem toprak hem de bitki verimi üzerine değerlendirilmesi oldukça önemli bir konudur. Bu çalışmada; 0 (H0), 1(H1), 2(H2), 4(H4) lt da-1 seviyelerinde humik asit uygulamasının toprak kalitesi ve maş fasulyesi (Vigna radiata L.) verimi üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Hümik asit uygulaması toprak fiziksel kalite özellikleri üzerinde en etkili yarayışlı su içeğinde belirlenmiştir. Kontrol toprağında (H0) % 13.91 olan yarayışlı su içeriği H2 uygulamasıyla % 15.80 olarak tespit edilmiştir. H0 uygulamasında % 1.86 olan toprak organik madde içeriği H4 uygulamasıyla % 2.26’ya yükselmiştir. Toprakların besin elementi içerikleri incelendiğinde humik asit uygulamasıyla N, P ve K seviyelerinde istatistiksel olarak önemli değişimler (p
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The presence of water in the soil, movement, evaporation and air capacity, decomposition events, microbiological activity, root respiration and vegetative activity are all under the influence of soil temperature. In this study, it is aimed to estimate the soil temperature values using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) method. Monthly average soil temperature values and other meteorological data in different soil layers (5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 cm) of the Central Black Sea region provinces were obtained from the General Directorate of Meteorology for the years 1971-2015. A three-layer feed-forward ANN structure was created and the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm was applied for ANN learning. Monthly meteorological data education data, monthly data test data from 1991-2000, monthly data between 2001-2015 were used as validation data. Based on climate data and soil layer, 10 different ANN models were created. For the results obtained at different depths in all stations, the coefficient of determination (R²) is between 0.85-0.99, the standard deviation of the estimation error (RMSE) is between 0.24-3.74 and the mean absolute error (MAE) is between 0.01-2.33. As a result of the study, it was observed that ANN models yielded successful results in the monthly soil temperature calculations of Middle Black Sea Provinces.
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Twenty-eight soil samples were collected in this research to investigate the productivity of the soils of Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Kalecik Research and Application Farm. Physical and chemical properties, and nutrient contents of the soil samples were analysed. According to these analyses; the majority of soils were found fine textured (92.9%) slightly alkaline, middle limy (63.3%) and they contain medium amount of organic matter and low salt. While the total nitrogen (N) (75.7% of the soils), extractable phosphorus (P) (85.7% of the soils), water-soluble boron (B) (99.4% of the soils) were mostly showed deficiency in certain level, all of the soils of the farm contained deficient amount of extractable iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn). Available zinc (Zn) (63% of the soils) and copper (Cu) (all of the soils) contents are insufficient level. Based on the correlation analysis; positive relations between clay-K, clay-Fe, clay-Cu, OM-N, OM-P, OM-Mn, EC-N, EC-P, EC-K, N-P, P-K, P-Mn, Fe-K, Cu-K, Cu-Fe, Cu-Zn, and negative relations between OM-pH, pH-EC, lime-K, lime-Cu were determined. As a conclusion, site specific fertilization programme is recommended for this farm
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A detailed soil survey has become necessary for precision farming practices and accurate production planning in Haymana Research and Application Farm of Faculty of Agriculture in Ankara University. Sixty five soil samples were collected to investigate the fertility of farm soil. Physical, chemical properties and nutrient content of the soil samples were analysed. According to these analysis; the majority of soils were found heavy structured, slightly alkaline, saltless, limy and they contain insufficient amount of organic substance. Total nitrogen (N), extractable potassium (K), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) contents are found sufficient while their extractable phosphorus (P) (58.91% of the soil), extractable iron (Fe) (All of the soil), extractable manganese (Mn) (All of the soil) and water-soluble boron (B) (95.91% of the soil) content are found inadequate. Based on the results of correlation analysis, it is determined that there is a negative correlation between clay-silt, clay-sand, sand-Fe, lime-Zn-Cu while there is a positive correlation between lime-Fe, sand, OM- EC, OM- B, OM- Fe, OM- Zn, pH- EC, EC- K, EC- B, EC- Fe, EC- Zn, EC- Cu, EC- Mn, P- K, P- Zn, P- Cu, K- B, K- Zn, K- Cu, K- Mn, B- Fe, B- Zn, B- Cu, B- Mn, Fe- Zn, Fe- Cu, Fe- Mn, Zn- Cu, Zn- Mn..
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Large dams produce important changes in flow regime and sediment deposition and distribution in rivers. When inundation starts with the building of dams, water surface area increases, flow rate decreases, and sediment carried by the river is deposited in the reservoir. However, there is a lack of research on the physical and chemical properties of recently deposited sediment in reservoirs of large dams. We aimed to fill this gap in the literature by providing valuable data on the initial formation of sediment deposition areas in reservoirs. Therefore, the aim of this study conducted within the Borçka Dam reservoir was to estimate some physical and chemical properties of deposited sediment, including grain size distribution, penetration resistance, water-stable aggregate, moisture content, organic matter content, and pH at two depths (0–10 cm and 10–20 cm). Another objective was to analyze the distribution of these properties across the sampling site. For this purpose, one of the aforementioned sediment deposition areas, approximately 3.6 ha, was designated as the study site; the study site was further divided into intersecting transects of 10 × 50 m. The penetration resistance values were determined in the field and 182 sediment samples were taken at 91 intersection points of transects, both from the surface (0–10 cm) and subsurface (10–20 cm) layers for laboratory analysis. Data gathered were evaluated using descriptive statistics and ANOVA, while geostatistical analyses were used for calculating spatial variability in the data. Results indicated that the most common texture classes were loam in the surface layer and silty loam in the subsurface layer. Moreover, the penetration resistance values, sand content, and water-stable aggregate values in the surface layer were significantly (P < 0.01) higher than in the subsurface layer, and moisture content, clay and silt content, pH, and organic matter were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in the subsurface layer than in the surface layer. Geostatistical analyses showed that all properties were described by the isotropic variogram and the ranges were lower in the subsurface layer than in the surface layer. This study revealed that the analyzed physical and chemical properties of the recently deposited sediments showed significant differences between the layers.
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