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An Adaptive Digital Forensic Framework for the Evolving Digital Landscape in Industry 4.0 and 5.0


Abstract and Figures

Digital forensics is one of the most challenging disciplines in the field of cybercriminals. This article examines the evolving landscape of digital forensic investigations, identifies the unique challenges posed by emerging technologies such as Industry 4.0, and outlines a comprehensive approach not only to confront these challenges, but also to pave the way for a seamless transition to Industry 5.0. The proposed framework focuses on the development of an adaptive digital investigation framework customized for the evolving digital landscape in emerging technology environments. The framework combines dynamic evidence collection techniques, advanced analytics technologies, and multi-stakeholder collaborative engagement to ensure the fidelity and admissibility of the collected digital evidence. The analysis of the proposed framework has been discussed in detail using real-life case studies to ensure that the framework can be implemented and deployed in real-life scenarios.
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An Adaptive Digital Forensic Framework for the
Evolving Digital Landscape in Industry 4.0 and 5.0
Norman Nelufule
Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR)
Defense and Security Cluster
Information and Cybersecurity Center
Pretoria, South Africa
Daniel Shadung
Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR)
Defense and Security Cluster
Information and Cybersecurity Center
Pretoria, South Africa
Tanita Singano
Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR)
Defence and Security Cluster
Information and Cybersecurity Centre
Pretoria, South Africa
Boitumelo Nkwe
Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR)
Defense and Security Cluster
Information and Cybersecurity Center
Pretoria, South Africa
Kele Masemola
Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR)
Defence and Security Cluster
Information and Cybersecurity Centre
Pretoria, South Africa
Japhtalina Mokoena
Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR)
Defense and Security Cluster
Information and Cybersecurity Center
Pretoria, South Africa
Abstract: Digital forensics is one of the most challenging
disciplines in the field of cybercriminals. This article examines
the evolving landscape of digital forensic investigations,
identifies the unique challenges posed by emerging technologies
such as Industry 4.0, and outlines a comprehensive approach not
only to confront these challenges, but also to pave the way for a
seamless transition to Industry 5.0. The proposed framework
focuses on the development of an adaptive digital investigation
framework customized for the evolving digital landscape in
emerging technology environments. The framework combines
dynamic evidence collection techniques, advanced analytics
technologies, and multi-stakeholder collaborative engagement
to ensure the fidelity and admissibility of the collected digital
evidence. The analysis of the proposed framework has been
discussed in detail using real-life case studies to ensure that the
framework can be implemented and deployed in real-life
Keywords: Digital Forensics, Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0,
Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Investigation
Methodologies, Industrial Revolution, Technological Evolution.
The rapid development of digital technology and the
growing interconnectivity of devices have created an ever-
evolving digital landscape. This landscape is characterized by
an increasing volume and complexity of data, making it
increasingly difficult to conduct digital forensic investigations
[1], [2]. Traditional digital forensics technologies are often
insufficient to respond to the challenges of this new
environment, especially in the context of emerging
technologies such as Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0. The
Industry 4.0, which is also called the Fourth Industrial
Revolution (4IR) has ushered in a new era of industrialization,
which is characterized by the integration of advanced
technologies into various aspects of industrial processes [1]
[3]. This integration is mainly manifested through the cyber
physical systems and the proliferation of devices on the
Internet of Things (IoT), which has led to an unparalleled
advances in efficiency and productivity [3]. The IoT
connectivity has also enabled multiple devices to seamlessly
generate and share massive amount of data which also include
sensitive personal data such as Personal Identifiable
Information (PII) and health data. The IoT landscape has also
transformed and advanced the way industries such as smart
factories, smart cities, smart homes, and hospital facilities,
functions. An example of the IoT transformation is also
depicted in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Applications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
However, the evolving digital landscape in Industry 4.0
and Industry 5.0 presents significant challenges for digital
forensics investigations due to the vast and diverse data
sources, which demands efficient technologies to handle the
data acquisition, processing, and analysis at an incredible
speed. Traditional digital forensic tools may not be able to
handle the scale and variety of data generated in Industry 4.0
and Industry 5.0 environments. In any critical industrial
environments, there is often a need for a real-time analysis of
digital evidence to enable timely incident response and fast
decision-making. Traditional digital forensic processes may
be too slow for these requirements, potentially delaying
incident response and increasing the risk of further damage or
compromise. The continuous development of new
technologies through industrial revolutions, and the
emergence of highly sophisticated cyberattacks demand an
adaptable digital forensic technique to keep pace with the
evolving cyberthreats. Traditional digital forensic frameworks
may not be able to easily adapt to address these new
challenges, potentially leaving organizations vulnerable to
emerging attack vectors. The challenges of digital forensics in
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT-2024)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP24CV1-ART; ISBN: 979-8-3503-2753-3
979-8-3503-2753-3/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE 1686
2024 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT) | 979-8-3503-2753-3/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IDCIOT59759.2024.10467482
Authorized licensed use limited to: CSIR Information Svcs. Downloaded on April 01,2024 at 10:19:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 can have severe consequences
which include but not limited to delayed incident response,
insufficient evidence for legal proceedings, loss of Intellectual
Property and sensitive data.
To address the challenges of digital forensics in Industry
4.0 and Industry 5.0, this paper proposes an adaptive digital
forensic framework designed to be dynamic, scalable, and
adaptable to the ever-evolving nature of the industrial
environments. The framework encompasses several key
components or elements including the continuous monitoring
and adaptation, integration with industrial systems, real-time
advanced data processing and analysis, digital evidence
preservation and Chain of Custody, adaptable digital evidence
analysis techniques, cross border jurisdiction collaboration,
multi stakeholder collaboration. Using these pillars,
investigators can effectively navigate the complexities of
digital environments, ensuring accurate and comprehensive
forensic investigations.
The proposed framework is novel in its emphasis on
adaptability, integration with industrial systems, and real-time
data processing and analysis. It provides a comprehensive and
adaptable approach to digital forensics in the evolving digital
landscape of the Industry 4.0 and the Industry 5.0, effectively
addressing the challenges posed by vast and diverse data
sources, the real-time requirements, the distributed and
heterogeneous systems, and the evolving technologies and
security threats. What distinguishes the proposed framework
is its holistic approach to digital forensic investigations in the
context of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0. In essence, the
proposed adaptive digital forensic framework represents a
significant advancement in the field of digital forensics,
addressing the unique challenges and opportunities posed by
the evolving digital landscape of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0.
Its adaptability, integration capabilities, real-time data
processing, and emphasis on evidence preservation make it a
valuable tool for organizations operating in these
Existing digital forensic frameworks primarily focus on
traditional computing environments and lack the adaptability
required for the complex and dynamic digital landscape of
Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 [4][7]. Research on digital
forensics in industrial settings is still in its early stages, with a
growing need for comprehensive and adaptable frameworks
[8][13]. The field of digital forensics has a long history from
the period of visual inspection of questioned documents and
has seen significant evolution over the past several decades
[7], [14], [15]. Initially focused on computer systems, it has
expanded to encompass a wide range of digital devices and
platforms such as mobile forensics, database forensics, IoT
forensics, network forensics, ransomware forensics and many
others. Traditional forensic methods as depicted in
Fig. 4, primarily designed for static environments and are now
faced with intricate challenges in keeping pace with the
dynamic nature of the modern digital ecosystems due to the
forever evolving landscape of technology through the
industrial revolution [8], [16][25]. During the Industry 3.0
era, there were not so many challenges pertaining to the
investigations of digital crimes because not many devices
connected through the Internet unlike currently. The 4IR
brings about a new era of communication in which devices are
connected and massive data can be generated and processed at
high speed through IoT technology.
Fig. 2. The Overview of Industrial Revolutions
In Industry 4.0, there is a new paradigm shift in industrial
processes, characterized by the integration of IoT devices,
advanced analytics, and automation, which plays a crucial role
in the current world development [3]. This transformation not
only brought about unprecedented levels of efficiency and
productivity, but has also introduced complexities in the
digital forensics process, with a surge in the volume and
diversity of data sources, privacy, and security of data, and the
lack of legal frameworks for cross-border jurisdictional digital
crimes. The sheer scale of interconnected devices, as depicted
in Fig.
3, coupled with the heterogeneity of data sources, necessitates
innovative investigative frameworks, tools, and technologies.
These emerging technologies and tools are good for increasing
production in industrial settings, healthcare, and research, but
they have also created a platform for cybercriminals to create
malicious intelligence software much faster than before. The
real-time incident response has also added further complexity,
requiring agile and efficient forensic procedures.
Fig. 3. Overview of some emerging technologies
The imminent transition to Industry 5.0, which introduces
a human-centric approach to technology development
focusing on collaboration between humans and machines, has
also introduced more complex challenges for digital forensic
investigators [26][31]. This evolution necessitates another
shift in the focus of digital forensics toward human-machine
interaction analysis. In addition to this, the integration of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and collaborative robotics in
Industry 5.0 brings forth new challenges and opportunities for
digital investigations.
Existing digital forensic techniques and technologies as
depicted in Fig.
4, while effective in traditional environments, face limitations
in the context of Industry 4.0 and the upcoming Industry 5.0.
These methodologies often lack the adaptability, real-time
capabilities, and collaborative frameworks required to
navigate the complexities of modern industrial ecosystems.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT-2024)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP24CV1-ART; ISBN: 979-8-3503-2753-3
979-8-3503-2753-3/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE 1687
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Fig. 4. Traditional Digital Forensic Investigation Process
Blockchain technology has also emerged as one of the best
technologies known for its immutability and transparency, and
is also being exploited in the digital forensic investigation
process [32][37]. Blockchain technology is crucial due to its
potential to ensure the integrity and authenticity of digital
evidence and is particularly relevant in environments where
evidence can be subject to manipulation or alteration [38]
The integration of machine learning (ML) and AI in digital
forensics is a burgeoning area of research, and can improve
the digital investigation process using AI powered digital
forensic processes such as smart evidence acquisition, smart
evidence extraction, smart evidence analysis, and also smart
evidence presentation and reporting as depicted in
Fig. 5. These technologies offer capabilities for automated
anomaly detection, pattern recognition, and contextual
analysis, significantly enhancing the efficiency and accuracy
of forensic investigations.
Fig. 5. An overview of the AI Powered Forensic Investigations
The importance of multidisciplinary collaboration in
digital forensics cannot be overstated. Engaging forensic
experts, legal professionals, industry stakeholders, and
technology providers fosters a comprehensive understanding
of the investigative landscape. This collaborative approach
ensures that a wide range of expertise and resources are used
for effective investigations.
Anticipating future trends is essential to ensure the
continued relevance and effectiveness of digital forensics
methodologies. Areas such as quantum computing, edge
computing, and the integration of augmented reality (AR) and
virtual reality (VR) technologies are poised to introduce new
challenges and opportunities for digital investigations. The
evolution of new technologies has already presented intricate
challenges in digital forensics, including cross-border
jurisdiction, emerging hardware, and software, IoT, and
forensic data pooling. Big IoT Data analysis, as summarized
in Fig.
Fig. 6. An overview of the future challenges in digital forensics
The background literature survey provides a
comprehensive overview of the key elements that influence
the evolution of digital forensics in the context of Industry 4.0
and Industry 5.0. It serves as the foundation for the proposed
methodology which addresses the unique intricate challenges
and opportunities presented by these evolving landscapes of
the industrial revolution.
The proposed framework offers several advantages due to
the combination of technologies used, as depicted in
Fig. 7. The technology in the proposed framework offers the
following key components:
A. AI-powered data acquisition component.
AI powered tools can automate the collection and
processing of large quantities of digital evidence and
significantly reduce the time and effort required by
researchers. This automation frees researchers to concentrate
on higher-level tasks such as analysis and interpretation.
AI algorithms can identify and extract relevant data from
a wide range of sources, including complex non-structured
data formats. This capability helps researchers quickly find
critical evidence that traditional methods can ignore.
AI can assist in determining and prioritizing large datasets
and enable researchers to focus first on the most relevant and
high-value evidence. This prioritization simplifies the
investigation process and helps ensure that investigators do
not miss important information.
AI algorithms can analyze large-scale data sets to identify
hidden patterns, anomalies and correlations that may indicate
malicious activity or data manipulation. This capability helps
to discover evidence that cannot be seen by the human eye.
AI can provide real-time insights into the data collected,
allowing researchers to make informed decisions quickly and
proactively address potential threats. This real-time analysis is
particularly valuable for time-sensitive research. The
acquisition of data by artificial intelligence reduces the risk of
human errors and biases, ensuring that evidence is collected
and processed consistently, objectively and impartially.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT-2024)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP24CV1-ART; ISBN: 979-8-3503-2753-3
979-8-3503-2753-3/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE 1688
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Artificial intelligence algorithms can adapt to new and
evolving data sources, ensuring that digital forensic tools
remain effective in changing the digital landscape.
AI-powered data acquisition tools can be integrated with
existing digital forensic tools to improve their capabilities and
provide a comprehensive solution for digital investigations.
Overall, AI-based data acquisition has transformed the
field of digital forensics and enabled researchers to collect,
analyze, and interpret large amounts of data more efficiently
and effectively. With the continued development of AI
technologies, its role in digital criminal justice is expected to
grow further, increasing the ability to uncover hidden
evidence, identify malicious activities and protect sensitive
B. Blockchain-based data preservation component.
Blockchains can be used to create an immutable chain of
custody for digital evidence and ensure its integrity and
traceability. The inherent immutability of the blockchain
technology ensures that once data is recorded on the
blockchain it cannot be altered or modified. This creates a
record of all data audits that are performed and provides
indisputable records of its authenticity and integrity.
The distributed nature of the blockchain makes it
transparent to all authorized participants, enabling them to
follow the chain of custody of digital evidence. This
transparency promotes trust and cooperation between
researchers and stakeholders and ensures that no one can
manipulate evidence without being detected.
The decentralized storage model of the blockchain
eliminates the need for a single point of failure, making it
highly resistant to manipulation and data loss. Data is
distributed over multiple nodes and reduces the risk of data
loss and unauthorized access.
In legal proceedings, the integrity and authenticity of
digital evidence are crucial for its admissibility. Blockchain's
tamper-proof nature and transparent chain of custody
strengthen the credibility of digital evidence, making it more
likely to be accepted by courts.
Blockchain technology is platform independent, allowing
it to process data from various sources such as computers,
mobile devices, IoT devices, and cloud storage systems. This
versatility makes it a valuable tool for digital legal research
involving multiple data sources.
Blockchain architecture is scalable and can accommodate
increasing amounts of data with increasing complexity in
digital legal investigations. In addition, its adaptability allows
it to integrate with emerging technologies and developing
criminal law methods.
Overall, blockchain-based data storage provides
promising solutions to the challenges of data integrity,
transparency, and security in digital forensics. As blockchain
technology matures, adoption in the field of digital forensics
is expected to increase, thereby improving the reliability and
effectiveness of digital investigations.
C. Edge Computing for Advanced Data Analysis
Edge computing allows a real-time or near-real-time
analysis of digital data, reducing latency and improving
response time. This is crucial for time-sensitive investigations
to enable investigators to make timely decisions and respond
more effectively to potential threats.
By processing data closer to the source, the edge
calculation significantly reduces the amount of data to be
transferred to the network and minimizes bandwidth
consumption and associated costs.
Edge computing maintains the location of sensitive data,
reducing the risk of data breach and unauthorized access
during transmission. This increased security is particularly
important for investigations of confidential or sensitive
Edge computing can be distributed, and computing
resources can be located near data sources. This scalability
enables efficient processing of large amounts of data and
allows for the expansion of legal capabilities to remote
locations. Edge computing allows offline data analysis in
environments where network connectivity is limited or absent.
This ability is particularly valuable in research in remote areas
and in situations where network damage occurs.
Edge computing facilitates the integration of IoT devices
and their generated data into digital forensics investigations.
This integration provides a comprehensive view of the digital
landscape, enabling investigators to identify potential
correlations and uncover hidden evidence.
Edge computing allows real-time threat detection and
response, so that researchers can identify and neutralize
cyberattacks when they occur. This capability is essential to
prevent further damage and protect sensitive data.
Edge computing reduces dependence on cloud
infrastructure, minimizes the risks associated with cloud
failures or data privacy concerns. This self-reliance allows
greater control over data security and availability.
Overall, edge computing is a transformational approach
for advanced data analysis in digital forensics. By bringing
computer resources closer to data sources, edge computing
enables real-time analysis, reduces latency, improves security,
and improves overall efficiency. As the volume and
complexity of digital data continues to increase, edge
computing is ready to play an increasingly important role in
digital forensic investigation.
D. Collaborative Multistakeholder Engagement component.
By bringing together experts from various organizations
and disciplines, the collaboration of multi-stakeholders
facilitates the integration of knowledge and resources, thereby
solving complex digital legal challenges that may exceed any
organization's capabilities.
Collaboration engagement promotes data sharing between
organizations, provides investigators with a more
comprehensive view of the digital landscape and enables them
to identify patterns and correlations that are not apparent from
isolated data sets.
Cooperation between the stakeholders promotes the
development and adoption of standardized methods,
regulation, and governance procedures, ensures coherence in
digital criminal investigations, and improves the admissibility
of digital evidence in legal proceedings.
Collaborative cooperation enables organizations to share
threat information and coordinate response to cyberattacks
more effectively. This cooperation will allow the detection,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT-2024)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP24CV1-ART; ISBN: 979-8-3503-2753-3
979-8-3503-2753-3/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE 1689
Authorized licensed use limited to: CSIR Information Svcs. Downloaded on April 01,2024 at 10:19:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
control, and resolution of cyberattacks to be faster and reduce
the impact on businesses and individuals.
Cooperative multi-stakeholder engagement promotes a
culture of innovation and knowledge sharing, resulting in the
development of new tools, techniques, and best practices for
digital forensics.
By engaging with stakeholders of various backgrounds,
including law enforcement agencies, industry, universities and
civil society, cooperation with multiple stakeholders promotes
transparency and accountability and increases public trust and
confidence in the digital forensics process.
The challenges of digital forensics often cross-national
borders and require collaboration between stakeholders
around the world. The multistakeholder collaboration
facilitates international cooperation in addressing global
cybersecurity threats.
Collaboration between stakeholders can promote the
development and adoption of ethical and responsible digital
forensic practices and ensure investigations are carried out in
accordance with privacy, data integrity and the rule of law.
Overall, collaboration with multi-stakeholder engagement
plays an important role in improving the effectiveness,
efficiency and credibility of digital forensics investigations.
By bringing together experts from various fields and
organizations, the cooperation will promote knowledge
exchange, standardize practices, improve threat response, and
ultimately contribute to a safer and safer digital environment
for everyone.
Fig. 7. An overview of the AI Powered Digital Forensics
The proposed framework addresses not only the current
challenges in digital forensic investigations but also future
proof discipline for the impending transition to Industry 5.0.
By incorporating real-time evidence collection, advanced
analytics, and collaborative engagement, investigators are
equipped with a versatile toolkit to navigate the complexities
of evolving digital environments, making the proposed
framework more prominent over traditional digital forensic
The analysis of the proposed framework has been
discussed in detail by using real-life case studies to ensure that
the framework can be implemented and deployed in real-life
scenarios. The discussions are based on the cyber incident that
occurred in Industry 4.0 environments so that it can be
determined if significant improvements in the efficiency and
accuracy of digital forensic investigations can be realized. The
main emphasis on the chosen case studies is based on dynamic
evidence collection and preservation strategies to ensure the
integrity of evidence, advanced analytics, and artificial
intelligence to enhance investigative capabilities, and
collaborative multistakeholder engagement that further
enriches the investigative process, bringing diverse expertise
to the table.
A. Analysis of Challenges
The evolving digital landscape in Industry 4.0 and
Industry 5.0 presents significant challenges for digital
forensics investigations, including:
Vast and diverse data sources:
The sheer volume and diversity of data generated by
interconnected devices and industrial processes pose
challenges in data acquisition, processing, and analysis.
Traditional digital forensic tools may not be able to handle the
scale and variety of data generated in Industry 4.0 and Industry
5.0 environments.
Real-time requirements:
In critical industrial environments, there is often a need for
real-time or near-real-time analysis of digital evidence to
enable timely incident response and decision-making.
Traditional digital forensic processes may be too slow for
these requirements, potentially delaying incident response and
increasing the risk of further damage or compromise.
Distributed and heterogeneous systems:
Industrial systems often involve distributed and
heterogeneous networks, making it difficult to trace digital
evidence across multiple locations and platforms. Traditional
digital forensic frameworks may not be designed to handle
these complex network architectures, hindering the ability to
effectively reconstruct events and identify the root cause of
Evolving technologies and security threats:
The continuous introduction of new technologies and the
emergence of sophisticated cyberattacks demand adaptable
forensic methodologies to keep pace with evolving threats.
Traditional digital forensic frameworks may not be able to
adapt quickly enough to address these new challenges,
potentially leaving organizations vulnerable to emerging
attack vectors.
B. Analysis of Opportunities
The challenges posed by the evolving digital landscape in
Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 also present opportunities for
innovation and advancement in digital forensics including:
Development of specialized data acquisition
techniques for handling the vast and diverse data
generated by industrial systems.
Real-time analysis capabilities to enable timely
identification and investigation of security incidents.
Integration with emerging technologies in industrial
environments to gain a comprehensive view of the
digital landscape.
This work is funded by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI).
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT-2024)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP24CV1-ART; ISBN: 979-8-3503-2753-3
979-8-3503-2753-3/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE 1690
Authorized licensed use limited to: CSIR Information Svcs. Downloaded on April 01,2024 at 10:19:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Collaborative research and development efforts to
address the challenges and opportunities of digital
forensics in Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0.
A. Case 1: Stuxnet Attack on Iranian Nuclear Facilities
In the year 2010, a Stuxnet, which has been described as a
sophisticated computer worm, targeted the supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems at an Iranian
nuclear facility. The main objective of the cyber incident was
to disrupt the uranium enrichment processes.
To mitigate the incident, the cyber incident response team
implemented real-time evidence collection mechanisms to
analyze the behavior of the detected malware as it unfolded
from time to time. Cybersecurity experts around the world
also collaborated on this incident to perform a real-time
analysis of Stuxnet malware employing advanced analytics to
understand its code structure and functionality.
This cyber incident has triggered international
collaboration between cybersecurity professionals, private
cybersecurity companies, and government law enforcement
agencies to share their findings and develop robust
The collection of real-time evidence, advanced analytics,
and collaborative engagement contributed to a deeper
understanding of the Stuxnet malware. Although the Stuxnet
cyberattack had severe consequences, the collaborative
response helped to improve global cybersecurity awareness,
leading to better cybersecurity defence mechanisms against
sophisticated cyberattacks.
B. Case 2: NotPetya Ransomware Attack (2017)
In 2017, there were reports that NotPetya ransomware
attacks had affected numerous organizations around the world
and disrupted many critical infrastructures, causing millions
of dollars in financial losses.
The cybersecurity incident response team from affected
organizations implemented a real-time network traffic
analysis to identify the spread of ransomware and its
communication patterns. They used advanced analytics tools
to analyze the behavior of the NotPetya to identify affected
systems and understand the attack vectors and the rate of
spread. Most of the organizations that were hit by the
NotPetya malware actively shared their threat intelligence
findings, allowing other similar organizations to better
understand and defend against the evolving nature of the
Real-time evidence collection and advanced analytics
helped affected organizations respond quickly to the NotPetya
cyber incident. Strong multistakeholder collaborative
engagement has also facilitated the sharing of information and
digital evidence, and this has contributed to the development
of effective remediation strategies and improved
cybersecurity practices.
C. Case 3: Triton/Trisis Malware Attack (2017)
In 2017, another malware attack named Triton / Trisis
malware had targeted industrial control systems (ICS) in the
critical infrastructure with the intention of causing physical
damage by manipulating safety systems within the critical
The cybersecurity incident response team of the affected
critical infrastructure implemented real-time monitoring of
industrial control systems to identify anomalies and potential
safety breaches. The cybersecurity incident response team
also performed advanced analytics tools and technologies on
the behavior of Triton / Trisis malware so that they can
understand the specific impact and the rate of spread across
safety systems. The team shared any relevant and crucial
information about Triton/Trisis with other industrial
organizations to enable a strong multistakeholder
collaborative effort to develop cybersecurity countermeasures
and strengthen the digital forensic investigative team.
In this cyber incident, real-time evidence collection and
advanced analytics technologies had helped mitigate the
Triton/Trisis cyber incident. Collaborative efforts within
industry experts have led to improved awareness of
vulnerabilities in critical industrial infrastructure
vulnerabilities and the development of proactive security
D. Case 4: SolarWinds Supply Chain Attack (2020)
In 2020, another cyber incident was described as the
SolarWinds supply chain attack, which was used to
compromise supply chain software, and this has led to the
infiltration of numerous government and private
The Supply Chain Monitoring and Cyber Incident
Response Team used real-time monitoring technology in
supply chain software to detect anomalies and unauthorized
modification of software packages. Advanced analytics
technologies were used to analyze the behavior of
compromised systems and identify unusual patterns that
indicate infection from the SolarWinds cyber attack. Multi-
stakeholder collaboration between affected organizations,
cybersecurity firms, and government agencies facilitated the
sharing of the threat intelligence report and the development
of effective cybersecurity incident response strategies and
strengthened digital forensic investigation processes.
Generally, in response to the incident, the real-time
evidence collection tools, advanced analytics technologies,
and multi-stakeholder collaborative engagement played a
crucial role in the mitigation of the SolarWinds incident. The
coordinated response helps affected entities identify and
quickly remove compromised software from their systems,
preventing further damage.
These case studies highlight the importance of using real-
time evidence collection, advanced analytics, and
collaborative engagement to effectively respond to and
mitigate cyber incidents in smart factories within the Industry
4.0 landscape. Integration of these strategies is essential to
safeguard critical industrial processes and maintain the
resilience of smart manufacturing environments.
The evolution of digital forensics investigations is
inseparable from rapid advancements through Industry 4.0
and 5.0 technological processes. The proposed framework
provides a comprehensive and adaptive framework that not
only confronts the challenges of Industry 4.0 but also sets the
stage for a seamless transition to Industry 5.0, by leveraging
emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, and edge
computing that have the potential to address these challenges
and enable more effective digital forensic investigations of
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (IDCIoT-2024)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP24CV1-ART; ISBN: 979-8-3503-2753-3
979-8-3503-2753-3/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE 1691
Authorized licensed use limited to: CSIR Information Svcs. Downloaded on April 01,2024 at 10:19:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
cyberattacks, data breaches, and other incidents in Industry 4.0
environments. Through a framework that merges dynamic
evidence collection, advanced analytics technologies, and
collaborative multi-stakeholder engagement, digital forensic
investigators can confidently navigate the complexities of the
evolving digital landscape with emerging technology
In the future, the focus of this research will be on further
developing and refining the proposed framework, exploring
new applications of AI, blockchain and edge computing in
digital forensics, and investigating the implications of
Industry 5.0 and Industry 6.0 for digital forensic
The authors extend their gratitude to the Department of
Science and Innovation (DSI) for their funding support.
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Internet-of-Things and blockchain technology are surging technologies that enhance the digital world by reusability of current network architecture. Internet-of-Things has cooperated with the objects and things surrounding us daily, maintaining intelligent and internet-connected communication between them that captures a massive amount of physical data that integrates the digital and physical worlds. Due to concerns about the privacy and security of the Internet-of-Things, IoT devices lead to require the decentralised data storage. Hence, blockchain comes into play that provides a secure and trustworthy platform for IoT devices providing security, transparency, privacy, authentication, etc. This work investigates the mobility of blockchain with context of digital evidence preservation. Blockchain technology comes up as another level in research and technology to work with the emergence in various fields and internet-of-things forensics yet to be discovered. The motivation of this study is to particularly review research and studies in the field of blockchain-based evidence preservation in IoT forensics. A systematic research technique used to complete the review followed regulations in conducting standardized yet exploratory analyses.
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As organizations strive to be compliant in a digitally evolving world, they need to ensure that they are forensically ready. Digital forensic readiness ensures compliance in legal, regulatory, functional, and operational structures. A literature review revealed a gap in detailed and comprehensive guidance on how such readiness ought to be accomplished. This is as a result of unfamiliar concepts and terms that revolve around digital forensic readiness. This research paper highlights and elaborates on a framework that can be achieved from research within focus groups. The insights drawn from the focus groups are used to critically assess the issues affecting practitioners in achieving complete digital forensic readiness.
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Blockchain technology, initially known for its applications in the financial industry, has emerged as a promising solution for various other domains. One prominent area for the use of blockchain-based solutions is forensics, specifically the chain of custody maintenance and control. While there have been numerous research projects exploring the use of blockchain technology in digital forensics, limited attention has been given to its application in controlling of the physical evidence chain of custody. In this research, we aim to explore the literature on the use of blockchain technology to solve problems related to the physical evidence chain of custody. Through a systematic literature review (SLR), we analyzed 26 resources discussing blockchain-based solutions for evidence chain of custody issues, based on requirements that could be applied to both physical and digital evidence. The results showed that there is a lack of studies involving the use of blockchain technology to solve problems related to the physical evidence chain of custody, and future research should focus on solving the issue.
Technical Report
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This document summarizes research performed by the members of the NIST Cloud Computing Forensic Science Working Group and aggregates, categorizes, and discusses the forensics challenges faced by experts when responding to incidents that have occurred in a cloud-computing ecosystem. The challenges are presented along with the associated literature that references them. The immediate goal of the document is to begin a dialogue on forensic science concerns in cloud computing ecosystems. The long-term goal of this effort is to gain a deeper understanding of those concerns (challenges) and to identify technologies and standards that can mitigate them.
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The Industrial Revolution can be termed as the transformation of traditional industrial practices into new techniques dominated by the technologies available at that time. The first three industrial revolutions were driven respectively by mechanization, electrification, and automation which had gradually transformed the agrarian economy into a manufacturing-based economy. It helped in enhancing the lifestyle of the factory workers and the healthcare system, which improved the overall quality of living. The industries that adapted to the change witnessed a tremendous increase in the production of goods, competitive advantage, and cross-border business opportunities. While we are currently living to see the fourth industrial revolution (also known as Industry 4.0) unfolding around us, the world is poised for the next big leap, the fifth industrial revolution or Industry 5.0. Hence, the first half of the paper outlines the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 and conceptualizes how they would act as the foundation for the fifth industrial revolution. The socio-economic challenges of the technologies and the need for Industry 5.0 technologies are also discussed. The second half of the paper outlines the prospective technologies of Industry 5.0, their potential applications from the perspective of industry leaders and scholars and conceptualizes how they can overcome the challenges of Industry 4.0. The definition of “sustainability trilemma” a new term coined by the authors, and the reasoning for calling the next industrial revolution “Industry 4.0S” (another new term) rather than Industry 5.0 are also presented.
With the continuously increasing number of security incidents targeting sensors, embedded devices, and other electronics appliances and systems that comprise the so-called Internet of things (IoT), the field of IoT forensics emerged as a branch of digital forensics focusing on the investigation of attacks in the IoT ecosystem. Digital evidence authenticity, integrity, confidentiality, and privacy are among the factors affecting the investigation process in IoT forensics, which can be addressed by employing the blockchain as the means not only for the preservation of digital evidence, but also for other steps of a digital forensics investigation process. The high-level goal of the paper is three-fold: to establish a holistic IoT forensics process as a reference point against which blockchain integration patterns and best practices will be identified in order to yield a robust, widely accepted and scalable architecture of the blockchain-enabled solution; to integrate the blockchain with the proposed IoT forensics process for addressing the above challenges; and to evaluate the overall solution highlighting improvements and potential performance bottlenecks. The proposed blockchain-enabled platform leverages multi-access edge computing and has been implemented with Hyperledger Fabric on an extensive virtualized testbed providing a realistic smart home environment. A thorough evaluation was conducted with real cyber-attacks generating digital evidence at high rates for testing the platform’s behavior at high load. The experimental results showed that the proposed platform achieved high throughput, excessively low latency, and zero error rate in the operation of the blockchain network.
Operational Technology (OT) systems have become increasingly interconnected and automated, consequently resulting in them becoming targets of cyber attacks, with the threat towards a range of critical national infrastructure (CNI) sectors becoming heightened. This is particularly the case for Industrial Control Systems (ICS), which control and operate the physical processes in CNI sectors such as water treatment, electrical generation and manufacturing. Unlike information technology (IT) systems, ICS have unique cyber-physical characteristics and related safety requirements, making them an attractive target for attacks given the physical consequences that can occur. As a result, the requirement to respond and learn from previous and new attacks is also increasing, with digital forensics playing a significant role in this process. The aim of this paper is to discuss the main issues and existing limitations related to ICS digital forensic. The field of ICS digital forensics is relatively under-developed and does not have the same levels of maturity as IT digital forensics. Although the amount of research on cyber security for ICS is increasing, many unique challenges still exist that pose as barriers to the development and deployment of ICS forensic capabilities. We provide an extensive discussion on these challenges, categorising them into technical, socio-technical, and operational and legal themes. Furthermore, the relationship between these challenge themes as well as the inter-challenge dependencies are also examined. Furthermore, this work discusses ICS forensic advances in relation to the digital forensics life chain, specifically forensic readiness and investigations. The areas of digital forensic training and processes models for ICS are given particular focus. Moreover, we assess the technologies and tools that have been either applied to or developed for ICS components and networks, giving special attention to forensic acquisition and analysis methods. An examination into the specific ICS digital forensic data sources and artefacts is also presented, highlighting that until recently, this was limited to descriptions of generic data formats. In addition, this paper provides an overview of several key ICS attacks, summarising the specific techniques used, data artefacts of interest, and proposing lessons learnt. Finally, this paper presents open discussions on future ICS digital forensics research directions and on-going issues, covering both short and long-term areas that can be addressed to improve the ICS digital forensics capability.
Smart manufacturing is being shaped nowadays by two different paradigms: Industry 4.0 proclaims transition to digitalization and automation of processes while emerging Industry 5.0 emphasizes human centricity. This turn can be explained by unprecedented challenges being faced recently by societies, such as, global climate change, pandemics, hybrid and conventional warfare, refugee crises. Sustainable and resilient processes require humans to get back into the loop of organizational decision-making. In this paper, we argue that the most reasonable way to marry the two extremes of automation and value-based human-driven processes is to create an Industry 4.0 + Industry 5.0 hybrid, which inherits the most valuable features of both - efficiency of the Industry 4.0 processes and sustainability of the Industry 5.0 decisions. Digital cognitive clones twinning human decision-making behavior are represented as an enabling technology for the future hybrid and as an accelerator (as well as resilience enabler) of the convergence of the digital and human worlds.
Presently, trillions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices are in use, with many more projected to join IoT networks in the future. These IoT devices create a massive volume of data, which cannot be transmitted over the network without proper security and privacy. Furthermore, as the amount of information and variety of interconnected devices grows, problems including excessive response time, bandwidth constraints, and scalability emerge in proper network design. To solve the constraints of today’s smart cities for next-generation networks, an effective, secure, and scalable distributed framework must be designed bringing computing and storage resources nearer to endpoints. In this paper, combining the strengths of Software-Defined Networks (SDN) and blockchain technology, an innovative adaptable network infrastructure for smart cities is developed. The network is divided into different domains in which SDN will detect potential attacks and transmit the secured data to the blockchain. Our in-depth experimental analysis on performance evaluation show that the proposed framework achieves 12.75% improvement over baseline methodologies.