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Germination shields in Scutellospora (Glomeromycota: Diversisporales, Gigasporaceae) from the 400 million-year-old Rhynie chert

  • SNSB-Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie

Abstract and Figures

Glomeromycotan spores from the Lower Devonian Rhynie chert provide the first evidence for germination shields in fossil fungi and demonstrate that this complex mode of germination was in place in some fungi at least 400 millionyears ago. Moreover, they represent the first direct marker relative to the precise systematic position of an Early Devonian endomycorrhizal fungus. In extant fungi, germination shields occur exclusively in the genus Scutellospora (Glomeromycota: Diversisporales, Gigasporaceae). These structures are regarded as a derived feature within the phylum Glomeromycota, and hence their presence in the Rhynie chert suggests that major diversification within this group of fungi occurred before the Early Devonian.
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Germination shields in Scutellospora (Glomeromycota:
Diversisporales, Gigasporaceae) from the 400
million-year-old Rhynie chert
Nora Dotzler &Michael Krings &Thomas N. Taylor &
Reinhard Agerer
Received: 13 March 2006 / Revised: 27 June 2006 /Accepted: 29 July 2006
#German Mycological Society and Springer 2006
Abstract Glomeromycotan spores from the Lower Devo-
nian Rhynie chert provide the first evidence for germina-
tion shields in fossil fungi and demonstrate that this
complex mode of germination was in place in some fungi
at least 400 million years ago. Moreover, they represent
the first direct marker relative to the precise systematic
position of an Early Devonian endomycorrhizal fungus. In
extant fungi, germination shields occur exclusively in the
genus Scutellospora (Glomeromycota: Diversisporales,
Gigasporaceae). These structures are regarded as a derived
feature within the phylum Glomeromycota, and hence their
presence in the Rhynie chert suggests that major diversifi-
cation within this group of fungi occurred before the Early
Keywords Arbuscular mycorrhiza .Evolution .
Germination .Pragian (Early Devonian) .Spore wall
The Early Devonian Rhynie chert has provided a wealth of
insights into the diversity of fungal life some 400
million years ago. As a result, members of the Chytridio-
mycota, Zygomycota, Glomeromycota and Ascomycota are
today known in great detail from this palaeoecosystem;
many of the Rhynie chert fungi have also been demon-
strated in various interactions with other organisms (sum-
marised in Taylor et al. 2004 and Taylor and Krings 2005).
Among these interactions are several examples of arbus-
cular mycorrhizae (e.g. Remy et al. 1994; Taylor et al.
1995,2005). The fungal partners consist of aseptate hyphae
that enter the rhizomatous axes of various land plants and
extend through the intercellular system of the outer cortex.
The formation of intracellular arbuscules within a well-
defined region of the cortex (termed the mycorrhizal
arbuscule zone) substantiates these fungi as endomycor-
rhizal. The mycorrhizal fungi from the Rhynie chert have
been assigned to the Glomeromycota based on structural
similarities to extant representatives in this phylum of
fungi and corresponding mode of mycorrhiza formation
(cf. Taylor et al. 1995; Helgason and Fitter 2005);
however, to date, none has been classified in greater detail
and related to a particular modern taxon.
Glomeromycota is a monophyletic phylum that includes
the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (Schüßler et al.
2001; Helgason et al. 2003; Corradi et al. 2004). It is
estimated that more than 80% of vascular plants today live
in symbiosis with these fungi (Smith and Read 1997).
Molecular clock estimates based on amino acid sequences
suggest that the Glomeromycota separated from other
Mycol Progress
DOI 10.1007/s11557-006-0511-z
Taxonomical novelties
Scutellosporites Dotzler, M. Krings, T.N. Taylor and Agerer
Scutellosporites devonicus Dotzler, M. Krings, T.N. Taylor and Agerer
Stürmer 1998
N. Dotzler :M. Krings (*)
Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie und
Richard-Wagner-Straße 10,
80333 Munich, Germany
N. Dotzler :R. Agerer
Department Biologie I und GeoBio-Center
Bereich Biodiversitätsforschung: Mykologie,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,
Menzinger Straße 67,
80638 Munich, Germany
M. Krings :T. N. Taylor
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
and Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center,
The University of Kansas,
Lawrence, KS 66045-7534, USA
fungal groups 1,200 myBP (Heckman et al. 2001); more
conservative estimates place the divergence at about 600
700 myBP (Berbee and Taylor 2001). Despite the proposed
antiquity of the Glomeromycota, early fossil representatives
are rare. Thick-walled spores suggested to be those of
Glomeromycota have been reported from Precambrian
sediments (Pirozynski and Dalpé 1989 and references
therein). Similar spores are known from the Ordovician of
North America (Redecker et al. 2000,2002). In none of
these accounts, however, is there any information regard-
ing associations with plants. Glomeromycotan spores in
tissues of late Palaeozoic land plants have been described
from the Upper Devonian of Canada (Stubblefield and
Banks 1983) and the Carboniferous of North America
(Wagner and Taylor 1982). Moreover, hyphae or hyphae-
like structures, aggregated in cortical tissues of the
underground parts of several Carboniferous plants have
variously been interpreted as arbuscules (e.g. Weiss 1904;
Osborn 1909;Halket1930; Agashe and Tilak 1970);
however, most of these reports have later been questioned
and the structures re-interpreted as non-fungal (coalesced
cell contents) or non-mycorrhizal (cf. Stubblefield and
Taylor 1988). The earliest persuasive evidence for glo-
meromycotan mycorrhizae in seed plants occurs in the
form of non-septate hyphae, vesicles, arbuscules and
clamydospores in silicified roots of the Triassic cycad
Antarcticycas schopfii Smoot, T.N. Taylor and Delevoryas
(Stubblefield et al. 1987; Phipps and Taylor 1996). Thus,
the Rhynie chert mycorrhizae represent the earliest fossil
evidence for Glomeromycota in symbiosis with land plants
(Remy et al. 1994; Redecker 2002).
Also present in the Rhynie chert are different types
of fungal spores. However, these remains have been
largely neglected as a source of information about the
diversity of fungi in this palaeoecosystem. In this study,
we describe glomeromycotan spores from partially de-
graded axes of the Rhynie chert land plant Asteroxylon
mackiei Kidst. and W.H. Lang that display a complex mode
of germination involving the formation of a germination
shield. The fossil spores can be directly related to a
particular modern taxon because, in extant fungi, this
mode of germination is restricted to species in the genus
Scutellospora C. Walker and Sanders (Glomeromycota:
Diversisporales, Gigasporaceae).
Materials and methods
The Rhynie chert Lagerstätte, an in situ silicified Early
Devonian palaeoecosystem, is located in the northern part
of the Rhynie outlier of Lower Old Red Sandstone in
Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The cherts occur in the upper part
of the Dryden Flags Formation, in the so-called Rhynie
Block, a few hundred metres northwest of the village of
Rhynie. The Lagerstätte consists of at least 10 fossiliferous
beds containing lacustrine shales and cherts that are
interpreted as a series of ephemeral fresh water pools
within a hot springs environment. The chert-bearing
formation is Pragian in age and has been radiometrically
dated to 396±12 Ma. Detailed information about the
geology and palaeontology of the Rhynie chert Lagerstätte
can be found in Trewin and Rice (2004).
Spores were identified in petrographic thin-sections
prepared by cementing a thin wafer of the chert to a glass
slide and then grinding the rock slice with silicon carbide
powder until it becomes sufficiently thin for examination in
transmitted light (cf. Hass and Rowe 1999). Slides are
deposited in the Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläonto-
logie und Geologie, Munich (Germany), under accession
numbers BSPG 1964 XX 625 and 631, and BSPG 1964
XX 31.003, 31.005 and 31.006. For comparison, spores of
Scutellospora castanea C. Walker (BEG 1: produced on
onion, in neutral soil) were fixed and embedded in PVLG
(Polyvinyllactoglycerol) according to a procedure outlined
in Walker (1979) and studied in transmitted light.
Spores with germination shield occur in cortical tissues of
partially degraded axes of the early lycophyte Asteroxylon
mackiei; a total of 12 specimens of this type of spore have
been discovered to date. Spores are globose to subglobose,
260350 μm in diameter and possess a non-ornamented
surface (Fig. 1a). The spore wall is subdivided into two
wall groups. The outer wall group is well preserved, up to
18 μm thick and two- or three-layered. A distinct dark layer
(3to4μm thick; cf. arrow in Fig. 1a) occurs on the inner
surface of the outer wall group. This layer either represents
the inmost part of the outer wall group or the outmost layer
of the inner wall group. The original thickness and
composition of the inner wall group are difficult to
estimate. A translucent region, up to 30 μm thick, occurs
between the dark layer and outer surface of the spore
lumen. It is not entirely clear, however, whether this region
represents the original thickness of the inner wall group or
is the result of shrinkage of both the inner wall group layers
and spore lumen during fossilisation. The germination
shield extends along the inner surface of the dark layer
(Fig. 1ae); the original location of the shield is difficult to
reconstruct due to the lack of details about the composition
of the inner wall group. The germination shield is round or
oval in outline, 140 μm in diameter and up to 15 μm high.
It is distinctly lobed, with each of the lobes 2533 μm
wide, or displays a complex infolding along the margins
(appearing in section to consist of compartments,
Mycol Progress
cf. Fig. 1a,b). In one of the spores, the connection of the
germination shield to the spore lumen is apparent
(Fig. 1ac). Another specimen shows what we interpret as
a germ tube that is formed by the germination shield and
penetrates the outer wall group (Fig. 1e). Unfortunately,
none of the spores with germination shield displays a
subtending hypha or suspensor-like base. However, in
one of the A. mackiei axes, a structurally similar but
somewhat smaller (i.e. 190×150 μm in diameter) spore
without germination shield occurs that is attached to a
slightly bulbous subtending hypha (Fig. 1f), which is up to
18 μm in diameter and remotely resembles the character-
istic suspensor-like base seen in extant Scutellospora
species (e.g. Fig. 1g).
The fossil spores are similar to spores produced by species
in the extant genus Scutellospora (Glomeromycota: Diver-
sisporales, Gigasporaceae). Scutellospora consists of some
20 species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, all of which
Fig. 1 Scutellosporites devonicus Dotzler et al. from the Rhynie chert
(af) and spores of the extant Scutellospora castanea C. Walker (gk).
aSection through a fossil spore with germination shield. Arrow
indicates the distinct dark layer that either represents the inmost
portion of the outer wall group or outmost layer of the inner wall
group. Bar=50 μm. bDetail of a, focusing on the germination shield.
Bar=35 μm. cGermination shield in near median longitudinal section.
Bar=35 μm. dGermination shield in oblique surface view, showing
lobes/infoldings along the margin. Bar=20 μm. eGerm tube
penetrating the outer wall group. Bar=30 μm. fSlightly bulbous base
of a smaller glomeromycotan spore in Asteroxylon mackiei.Bar=20μm.
gSame as f, but from the extant S. castanea. Bar=30 μm. hSpore of S.
castanea with germination shield. Bar=50 μm. iDetail of h, focusing
on the germination shield. Bar=30 μm. jGermination shield of a second
S. castanea spore in optical longitudinal section. Bar=30 μm.
kGermination shield in oblique surface view. Arrows indicate the
margins of the shield. The infoldings are visible as narrow dark lines.
Bar=30 μm
Mycol Progress
produce large spores (between 120 and 640 μmin
diameter) with multi-layered walls. Germination includes
the formation of a germination shield, which is a
specialised structure that distinguishes Scutellospora from
the closely related genus Gigaspora Gerd. and Trappe
(Walker and Sanders 1986) and all other members of the
Glomeromycota. There are several other genera within the
Glomeromycota, e.g. Acaulospora Gerd. and Trappe
(Diversisporales, Acaulosporaceae) and Pacispora Oehl
and Sieverd. (Glomerales, Glomeraceae), in which spore
germination also includes the formation of a specialised
structure between two layers of the spore wall (e.g. Stürmer
1998; Stürmer and Morton 1999; Oehl and Sieverding
2004). However, this structure, termed the germination
orb, is more delicate, usually smaller (e.g. 1426×20
38 μminP. franciscana Oehl and Sieverd., cf. Oehl and
Sieverding 2004), less complex and clearly distinguishable
morphologically from the germination shields produced by
the Rhynie chert spores and extant Scutellospora. It is still
being debated whether germination orbs and germination
shields are heterologous structures or synapomorphies of
the Diversisporales lineage.
For comparison of the fossils with extant representa-
tives of Scutellospora, specimens of Scutellospora casta-
nea C. Walker were analysed (Fig. 1hk). A complete
description of S. castanea is provided in Walker et al.
(1993) and we restrict our discussion to a brief character-
ization of the germination shield: In S. castanea, this
structure is oval in outline (Fig. 1k) and occurs on the inner
spore wall group. It is up to 210 μm long, 185 μm wide,
1015 μm high and characterised by a complex infolding
along the margins (appearing in optical section to consist of
compartments, cf. Fig. 1hj). Optical longitudinal sections
through shields of S. castanea are virtually indistinguish-
able from sections through the fossil germination shields
(compare Fig. 1a,b with Fig. 1i,j).
Based on the striking similarities in germination shield
morphology between the fossils and S. castanea, as well as
other species of Scutellospora detailed in the literature (e.g.
Koske and Walker 1986; Walker and Sanders 1986; Walker
and Diederichs 1989; Walker et al. 1998; Herrera-Peraza et
al. 2001), we interpret the fossils as belonging to an early
member of the genus Scutellospora. However, the fossil
spores only provide an incomplete picture of this fungus.
For example, none of the spores with germination shields
display a subtending hypha or specialised base. Because
extant Scutellospora spores are always borne on a charac-
teristic bulbous, suspensor-like base (Fig. 1g), documenta-
tion of this feature would strengthen the proposed affinities
of the fossil spores. A somewhat smaller fossil spore
(lacking germination shield), which co-occurs with the
large spores with germination shield, displays a slightly
bulbous base (Fig. 1f). We cannot establish at present
whether this spore belongs to the fungus that produced the
spores with germination shield. As a result, we refrain from
including the fossil spores with germination shield in
Scutellospora, but rather introduce a new genus, for which
the name Scutellosporites is proposed.
Glomeromycota C. Walker and A. Schüßler
Diversisporales C. Walker and A. Schüßler
Gigasporaceae J.B. Morton and Benny
Scutellosporites Dotzler, M. Krings, T.N. Taylor and
Agerer, gen. nov.
Derivation of generic name. The name underscores the
similarity to the extant genus Scutellospora; the ending -ites
is used to designate a fossil taxon.
Generic diagnosis. Spores globose to subglobose, up to
350 μm in diameter, with non-ornamented surface; spore
wall composed of two wall groups; outer wall group >15 μm
thick, two- or three-layered; distinct dark layer present on
inner surface of outer wall group; germination by means of
germination shield extending along inner surface of dark
layer; shield round or oval, >100 μm long and >10 μmhigh,
distinctly lobed or with infolded margins.
Type species.Scutellosporites devonicus Dotzler et al.
Scutellosporites devonicus Dotzler, M. Krings, T.N.
Taylor and Agerer, spec. nov. Fig. 1af
Specific diagnosis. As for the genus
Derivation of specific epithet. Indicating the geologic
age of the fossil.
Holotype. BSPG 1964 XX 631 (Fig. 1a in this paper)
Type locality. Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, National
Grid Reference NJ 494276
Age and stratigraphic position. Early Devonian (Pragian,
400 myBP)
Remark. Glomeromycotan spores that resemble Scutel-
losporites devonicus have been described from degraded
tissues of various Rhynie chert plants by Kidston and Lang
(1921)asPalaeomyces gordoni Kidst. and W.H. Lang.
However, in none of these spores is a germination shield
obvious. Because it is most likely that there existed more
than one taxon of mycorrhiza-forming glomeromycotan
fungi in the Rhynie chert, we refrain from assigning the
spores with germination shields specifically to P. gordoni.
One of the remarkable discoveries in the Early Devonian
Rhynie chert is the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizae
that are strikingly similar to mycorrhizae today and were
produced by the same group of fungi, i.e. members of
Mycol Progress
the Glomeromycota (Remy et al. 1994; Taylor et al. 1995;
Helgason and Fitter 2005). Despite the detailed analyses
that have been carried out on these ancient mycorrhizae,
an exact systematic placement of the fungal partners has
not been possible to date, due primarily to the fact that
diagnostic features necessary in establishing the affinities
of a glomeromycotan fungus (e.g. spore wall structure
and colour, auxilliary cells) could not be determined with
the fossils.
The prominent germination shields described in this
study correspond to germination shields produced by the
extant Gigasporaceae genus Scutellospora,andthus
represent the first direct diagnostic marker that can be used
to determine the systematic position of one of the Rhynie
chert mycorrhizal fungi. In extant Glomeromycota, prom-
inent and well-recognizable germination shields are known
to occur exclusively in Scutellospora. Similar pre-germina-
tion structures (germination orbs) found in genera such as
Pacispora and Acaulospora are much more delicate and
become rarely visible, even in broken specimens or after
specific preparations of the inner wall (Spain 1992; Oehl
and Sieverding 2004). Members of Scutellospora display a
complex mode of germination, in which, before germ tube
formation, a germination shield is developed between two
layers of the spore wall. The position of the germination
shield varies between species of Scutellospora and may
occur between the individual layers of the inner wall group
(e.g. in S. scutata C. Walker and Dieder., cf. Walker and
Diederichs 1989) or on the surface of the inmost wall layer
(e.g. in S. castanea, cf. Walker et al. 1993). At maturity,
the germination shield produces one to several germ
tubes that penetrate the outer portion of the spore wall
(Walker and Sanders 1986). A satisfactory interpretation
with regard to the nature and function of the germination
shields has not been published to date. One interpretation is
that they are either sexual or parasexual, or perhaps asexual
vestiges of some previously sexual structure (C. Walker,
personal communication).
Because germination shields represent complex struc-
tures that consistently occur between distinct layers of
the spore wall, this feature is regarded as derived within
the Glomeromycota (Bentivenga and Morton 1996). As a
result, the presence of spores with germination shield in
the Rhynie chert suggests that major diversification
within this group of fungi occurred before the Early
Devonian. It is interesting to note, however, that the
derived state of the germination shield in the family
Gigasporaceae (i.e. Gigaspora and Scutellospora) has been
questioned based on molecular studies (Simon et al. 1993;
Redecker 2002). These authors hypothesise that Gigaspora
is an advanced rather than a plesiomorphic genus; species
in Gigaspora form a very narrow clade compared to the
large variation within Scutellospora (Schwarzott et al.
2001). It has also been suggested that Scutellospora may
be paraphyletic (Redecker 2002). Berbee and Taylor (2001)
estimate the divergence time between Gigaspora and two
species in the genus Glomus Tul. and C. Tul. at approxi-
mately 300 myBP based on a nucleotide substitution rate of
1.26%. Although Scutellospora was not included in their
data set, the occurrence of spores with germination shields
in deposits that are 100 million years older than the
estimated divergence of Gigaspora from other Glomero-
mycota supports the hypothesis that the germination shield
is an ancestral feature within the Gigasporaceae. If in fact
Gigaspora is advanced, the mode of germination involving
a germination shield was lost during the evolution of this
genus (Redecker 2002). In addition, the complex system of
spore walls composed of one to several wall groups seen in
Scutellospora was also lost because members of Gigaspora
display a much simpler wall organisation (Walker and
Sanders 1986). The inner wall group in Scutellosporites
devonicus is not preserved, and thus its original thickness is
difficult to estimate. However, we suggest that the inner
wall group was quite massive because one of the spores
(the holotype specimen) clearly shows that the germination
shield does not occur close to the surface of the spore
lumen, but rather appears stalked (Fig. 1a). This suggests
that the shield had to pass through a massive inner wall
group before extending along the inner surface of the dark
layer. The fact that the surface boundary lines of both the
spore lumen and erect portion of the shield (stalk) are not
wrinkled or otherwise unnaturally distorted (cf. Fig. 1ac)
indicates that the erect portion of the shield does not
represent a preservational artefact. As a result, this feature
substantiates that the inner wall group was of considerable
thickness because the stalkof the germination shield
could not be explained if the inner wall group were only a
few micrometre thick. In extant representatives of Scutello-
spora the inner wall group is usually only 0.62μm thick
(INVAM homepage). However, for a few species, up to
18 μm thick inner wall groups have been recorded, but
these are based on material mounted in PVLG, which
results in expansion of the wall (e.g. from 2 to 15 μm
within a few minutes in S. spinosissima C. Walker and
Cuenca, cf. Walker et al. 1998). The considerable thickness
of the inner wall group of S. devonicus in comparison to
that seen in extant Scutellospora suggests that perhaps the
inner wall group was gradually reduced and eventually lost
in Gigaspora.
Time estimates for the appearance of individual
lineages and taxa within the Glomeromycota are typically
based on molecular and genetic studies of modern taxa.
In many cases the more general results from these
studies are supported by the fossil record (e.g. Simon et
al. 1993; Helgason and Fitter 2005; Taylor and Krings
2005). At a finer scale of resolution, however, the fossil
Mycol Progress
record has to date mostly failed in producing suitable
evidence in support for or against hypotheses based on
molecular data, due primarily to the inherent incomplete-
ness of the fossil record. As a result, Scutellosporites
devonicus from the Rhynie chert is an important discovery
because it displays the first direct marker that can be used
to establish the precise systematic position of an Early
Devonian mycorrhizal fungus. As the molecular phylogeny
of the Glomeromycota is continuously refined, it will be
interesting to see how the characters attributed to S.
devonicus fit character states based on molecular data.
Acknowledgements This study was supported in part by funds from
the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation (V-3.FLF-DEU/1064359 to
M.K.) and the National Science Foundation (EAR-0542170 to T.N.T.
and M.K.). We thank A. Schüßler and C. Walker for providing
valuable information that contributed to this study and two anony-
mous reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions.
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Mycol Progress
... Spores can have variable shapes, with globose, ovoid, or irregular outlines, and can have walls with complex organization comprising multiple distinct layers (Schüssler et al., 2001). However, depending on the specific taphonomic and diagenetic history of specimens, in some cases only some of these layers are preserved in fossil spores , which present a thicker outer layer and a thinner inner layer, with the space between these two layers thought to correspond to another layer that is rarely preserved (Dotzler et al., 2006). ...
... However, the most detailed and diverse accounts of glomeromycete fossils and their interactions with plants have been reported from the Early Devonian Rhynie Chert . These reports include the earliest preserved endomycorrhizal associations (Taylor et al., 1995;Taylor and Krings, 2005;Strullu-Derrien et al., 2014), as well as fossil material representing the three main modes of spore formation known in the group (glomoid, acaulosporoid, and gigasporoid) (Dotzler et al., 2006Harper et al., 2020). Aside from their interactions with plants, Rhynie Chert glomeromycetes have also been documented in interactions with chytrid-like fungi that parasitize them (Krings et al., , 2010Krings and Harper, 2018). ...
... Several early land plants of the Lower Devonian Rhynie Chert of Scotland have been shown to include in their tissues glomeromycetes (Boullard and Lemoigne, 1971;Taylor et al., 1995;Dotzler et al., 2006Dotzler et al., , 2009Strullu-Derrien et al., 2014;Harper et al., 2020) and there is strong indication that the Glomeromycota were associated with all types of land plants in Rhynie Chert paleoecosystems (Krings et al., 2011a;Taylor et al., 2015). A number of reports from the Rhynie Chert (Table 1) reveal excellent preservation of the morphological features of glomeromycotan spores and their associated structures, as well as of their interactions with host plants (Krings et al., 2012;Taylor et al., 2015). ...
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Fossil assemblages in the fluvial to coastal deposits of the Early Devonian Battery Point Formation (400–395 Ma; Gaspé Bay, Quebec, Canada) are among the most diverse occurrences of Early Devonian permineralized plants worldwide. The plants host microbial and fungal material, which was studied in cellulose acetate peels and thin sections. The fossil fungal material includes spores that show affinities to the Glomeromycotina, preserved in trimerophyte axes. The spores fall into two size categories, both characterized by complex wall layering and hyphal attachments. Spores in the small category (40–65 μm) occur in a single axis and exhibit few informative features. The most frequently occurring type is the large spores (90–240 μm) that are placed into the new species Glomites oqoti. These spores exhibit four wall layers (when well preserved), of which two are always present: a thick, dark layer and a thin, membranous layer. Several lines of circumstantial evidence suggest that the spores were metabolically active within their plant hosts at the time of fossilization and that the plants were alive at the time of colonization. These observations, along with comparisons with other fossil glomeromycetes and the life history traits of living glomeromycetes, suggest that G. oqoti held an endomycorrhizal role. The Battery Point Formation fossils represent the only Early Devonian glomeromycete occurrence documented outside the Rhynie Chert hot spring deposits. Their occurrence in fluvial-coastal environments and their putative mycorrhizal role suggest that glomeromycetes were relatively ubiquitous symbionts of tracheophytes, like their extant counterparts, by the Early Devonian.
... Partnerships formed between land plants and mycorrhizal fungi are among the most widespread and important symbioses on Earth. Mycorrhizal fungi have played a key role in the formation and functioning of global ecosystems by enhancing plant access to mineral nutrients and facilitating the movement of plants onto land >400 Ma [1][2][3][4] . Symbiotic associations with fungi are the ancestral state of terrestrial plants -by the time roots evolved from simple thalli and rhizoids, plants had already been associating with mycorrhiza-forming fungi for some 50 million years 4 . ...
For more than 400 million years, mycorrhizal fungi and plants have formed partnerships that are crucial to the emergence and functioning of global ecosystems. The importance of these symbiotic fungi for plant nutrition is well established. However, the role of mycorrhizal fungi in transporting carbon into soil systems on a global scale remains under-explored. This is surprising given that ∼75% of terrestrial carbon is stored belowground and mycorrhizal fungi are stationed at a key entry point of carbon into soil food webs. Here, we analyze nearly 200 datasets to provide the first global quantitative estimates of carbon allocation from plants to the mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi. We estimate that global plant communities allocate 3.93 Gt CO2e per year to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, 9.07 Gt CO2e per year to ectomycorrhizal fungi, and 0.12 Gt CO2e per year to ericoid mycorrhizal fungi. Based on this estimate, 13.12 Gt of CO2e fixed by terrestrial plants is, at least temporarily, allocated to the underground mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi per year, equating to ∼36% of current annual CO2 emissions from fossil fuels. We explore the mechanisms by which mycorrhizal fungi affect soil carbon pools and identify approaches to increase our understanding of global carbon fluxes via plant-fungal pathways. Our estimates, although based on the best available evidence, are imperfect and should be interpreted with caution. Nonetheless, our estimations are conservative, and we argue that this work confirms the significant contribution made by mycorrhizal associations to global carbon dynamics. Our findings should motivate their inclusion both within global climate and carbon cycling models, and within conservation policy and practice.
... Spores can have variable shapes, with globose, ovoid, or irregular outlines, and can have walls with complex organization comprising multiple distinct layers (Schussler et al. 2001). However, depending on the specific taphonomic and diagenetic history of specimens, in some cases, only some of these layers are preserved in fossil spores (Walker et al. 2018), which present a thicker outer layer and a thinner inner layer, with the space between these two layers thought to correspond to another layer that is rarely preserved (Dotzler et al. 2006). ...
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The plant roots are invariably colonized by an extent of tiny microorganisms including arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) which support plant health in multiple ways. The symbiotic relationship with host plants is achieved through various signaling mechanisms and metabolic pathways which guide their mutual survival. Besides their plant growth-promoting activities, they communicate with other soil microbes to improve plant fitness during unfavorable circumstances. Rhizobium and mycorrhization helper bacteria (MHB) interaction with AM fungi provides us with new insight for enhanced protection of plants against abiotic factors. In addition to that, the alteration of host nutrition, modifications in root physiology and morphology, increase plant defense. Thus, remodeling of the rhizospheric microbial community by AM fungi activates their multifaceted mechanisms in host plants against phytopathogens insect pests, nematodes, and phanerogamic parasites. It modifies the host physiology which ultimately benefits plants. The current knowledge about AM fungi with their potentiality in crop production and protection is discussed in detail.KeywordsAM fungiBiotic stressPlant immunitySymbiosis
... Most fungi described to date from the Rhynie cherts were, in some form or another, associated with early land plants. Glomeromycota figure prominently in research on land plant-fungal relationships in the Rhynie paleoecosystem because of their importance for our understanding of the evolutionary history of mycorrhizal symbioses (Remy et al., 1994b;Taylor et al., 1995Taylor et al., , 2005bDotzler et al., 2006Dotzler et al., , 2009Karatygin et al., 2006;Krings et al., 2017b;Brundrett et al., 2018;Walker et al., 2018Walker et al., , 2021Harper et al., 2020). However, often cooccurring with the Glomeromycota are articulated specimens, but far more frequently sterile mycelia and detached reproductive units (e.g., spores, sporangia), of a variety of other fungi, which thrived as parasites of the plants or the mycorrhizal fungi, or were endophytes or saprotrophs (e.g., Taylor et al., 1992Taylor et al., , 2005aRemy et al., 1994a;Krings et al., 2007Krings et al., , 2010aKrings et al., , 2016aKrings et al., , 2016bKrings et al., , 2017aKrings and Taylor, 2015;Strullu-Derrien et al., 2015Harper et al., 2017;Harper, 2018, 2020;Krings, 2022a). ...
... (Taylor et al. 1995); ii. similar to the extant genus Scutellospora C. Walker & F.E. Sanders (Dotzler et al. 2006); and iii. with germination shield usually tongue-shaped with infolded margins as in the modern genus Acaulospora Gerd. ...
Fungi are an essential component of any ecosystem and have diverse ecological roles, ranging from endophytes to epiphytes and pathogens to saprobes. The current estimate of fungal endophytes is around 1 million species, however, we estimate that there is likely over 3 million species and only about 150,000 fungal species have been named and classified to date. Endophytes inhabit internal plant tissues without causing apparent harm to the hosts. Endophytes occur in almost every plant from the coldest climates to the tropics. They are thought to provide several benefits to host plants and improve the hosts’ ability to tolerate several abiotic and biotic stresses. Endophytes produce secondary metabolites with biotechnological, industrial and pharmaceutical application. Some endophytes appear to be host-specific, while some are associated with a wide range of hosts. We discuss the importance of endophytes. The ability to switch lifestyles from endophytes to pathogens or saprobes is discussed. Interactions between endophytes and hosts based on fossil data is also highlighted. Factors that influence the specificity in endophytes are discussed. We argue that the endophytic lifestyle is a common strategy in most fungi and that all fungi have endophytic ancestors. We critically evaluate the influence of co-evolution based on fossil data. We hypothesise the influence of specificity on the estimated number of endophytes and overall species numbers, and present examples of metabolites that they produce. We argue that studying endophytes for novel compounds has limitations as the genera recovered are limited. However, if saprobes were chosen instead, this would result in a much higher species diversity and undoubtedly chemical diversity
... The Pteridophytes were commonly classi ed as ferns, horsetails, and lycophytes, and nearly all 48 families of pteridophytes are included in the data pole, except for Matoniaceae, Thyrsopteridaceae, and Rhachidosoraceae (Lehnert et al. 2009). Fossilized records were also found for the interactions of microbes (e.g., mycorrhiza) with pteridophytic plant samples (Dotzler et al. 2006;Remy et al. 1994). Microbial interactions with plants not only show harmful effects on plants but also some direct bene ts, including resistance to harsh environments, nutrient absorption, and diversi cation of ecological interaction. ...
... Darüber hinaus findet man die Sporen der Glomeromyzeten Abb. 5;DOTZLER et al. 2006DOTZLER et al. , 2009KRINGS et al. 2017b;HARPER et al. 2020;WALKER et al. 2018WALKER et al. , 2021. Diese Sporen sind meist einfache, kugelige Gebilde, zwischen 20 und > 500 µm im Durchmesser, die sich aus Aufblähungen von Hyphenspitzen entwickelten (Abb. ...
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In: Jahresbericht 2021 und Mitteilungen der Freunde der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie München e.V. 50, 53–68.
... The Pteridophytes were commonly classi ed as ferns, horsetails, and lycophytes, and nearly all 48 families of pteridophytes are included in the data pole, except for Matoniaceae, Thyrsopteridaceae, and Rhachidosoraceae (Lehnert et al. 2009). Fossilized records were also found for the interactions of microbes (e.g., mycorrhiza) with pteridophytic plant samples (Dotzler et al. 2006;Remy et al. 1994). Microbial interactions with plants not only show harmful effects on plants but also some direct bene ts, including resistance to harsh environments, nutrient absorption, and diversi cation of ecological interaction. ...
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This chapter discusses various direct or indirect associations of plants and their crosstalks within the ecological niches they inhabit. To understand these associations, it is important to study the method of interaction between the participating organisms. Molecular communication occurs as systems of certain specific compounds are synthesized by either the plant or the microbes. The most common association found naturally is that of algae and fungi, also known as lichens. The formation of associations between bacteria and fungi involves the chemotactic movement of both moieties toward a mutualistic relationship. The fungal association with the plant's roots increases the surface area of the root hair, thus increasing the nutrient availability of the plant. In multispecies associations of microbes, a common pool of nutrients is formed where the efficient species show overexpression of a gene to provide the other with the necessary nutrient and benefit from the externally secreted product of the other.
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Book Description: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are considered enormously important in contemporary agriculture and horticulture due to their important role in nutrient, biotic and abiotic stress management apart from enhancing plant health and soil fertility, etc. AMF is one of the important fungi for soil aggregation, which helps in drought management. Hence this proposal brings out an exclusive text on AMF for sustainable rice production. This book will provide a comprehensive up-to-date knowledge on AMF in rice cultivation. It provides knowledge about AM fungi for sustainable rice production in different ecologies without damaging environment. Salient Features: 1. Covers all the aspects of AMF in rice cultivation from diversity to applications 2. Documents AMF diversity based on metagenomic approach in rice ecosystem 3. Explains the importance of AMF in soil aggregation, which helps in drought management 4. Provides new unravelling knowledge about AM fungi for sustainable rice production in different ecologies without damaging environment 5. Discusses AMF role in induction of resistance in rice plants against some pests. Table of Contents: 1. Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Rice Ecosystem by Debashree Dalai and Muktipada Panda. 2. Metagenomics to Explore Mycorrhizal Diversity in Rice Ecosystem by Shokufeh Moradi, Bahman Khoshru and Debasis Mitra. 3. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: for Nutrient Management in Rice by Anuprita Ray and Shuvendu Shekhar Mohapatra. 4. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: A Sustainable Approach for Enhancing Phosphorous and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rice Cultivation by Wiem Alloun and Debasis Mitra. 5. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and its Role in Plant Growth Promotion in Rice by Ankita Priyadarshini, Suchismita Behera, Debasis Mitra, Ansuman Senapati, Swagat Shubhadarshi, Sucharita Satapathy, Subhadra Pattanayak and Periyasamy Panneerselvam. 6. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Strigolactone: Role, Application and Effects of Synthetic Strigolactone in Plant Growth Promotion by Partha Chandra Mondal, Shreosi Biswas, Puranjoy Sar and Biswajit Pramanik. 7. The Beneficial Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Their Associated Bacteria for Plant Growth Promotion and Nutrient Management in Rice Cultivation by Bahman Khoshru and Debasis Mitra. 8. An Insight of Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal – Rice Symbiosis in Stress Alleviation by Chaithra Manju, Amit Kumar Dutta, Mahwish Firdous and Debasis Mitra. 9. Arbuscular Mycorrhiza and its Role in Rice Production Under Drought Stress by Biswajit Pramanik, Puranjoy Sar, Shreosi Biswas and Partha Chandra Mondal. 10. Arbuscular Mycorrhiza and its Role in Rice Production Under Salinity Stress by Shampa Purkaystha, Biswajit Pramanik and Anamika Das. 11. Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Alleviation of Heavymetal Stress on Rice by E. Janeeshma, Joy M. Joel, A.M. Shackira, Riya Johnson and Thomas T. T. Dhanya. 12. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Association and its Activation of Defense Response to Plant Protection by Khushneet Kaur, Kritika Gupta and Shivangi Singh. 13. Management of Rice Phytopathogens Through Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi by Shraddha Bhaskar Sawant, Ankita Behura and S. R. Prabhukarthikeyan. 14. Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Rice Insect and Nematode Management by Guru-Pirasanna-Pandi G., Swagatika Sahoo and Sampriti Mohanty. 15. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Associated Bacteria and Their Role in Plant Protection in Rice Cultivation by Mamun Mandal, Abhijit Sarkar. 16. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and its Association for Bioremediataion in Rice Cultivation by Shuvendu Shekhar Mohapatra, Anuprita Ray, Sonali Panda, Sucharita Satapathy and Nutan Moharana. 17. AM Fungi Interactions in Rice Seedling Production by Nurudeen Olatunbosun Adeyemi, Oni Olanrewaju Emmanuel and Debasis Mitra. 18. AM Fungi Role in Soil Health Management by Priyanka Adhikari, Kuldeep Joshi and Pooja Thathola. 19. OMICS Sciences for Deciphering Plant – Mycorrhizal Symbiosis by Aishwarya Purohit, Debashish Ghosh, Rajesh Kumar and Amar Jyoti Das. 20. AM Fungi: Mass Production, Quality Control and Application by Sucharita Satapathy, Shuvendu Shekhar Mohapatra, Puranjoy Sar, Ankita Priyadarshini, Debasis Mitra and Subhadra Pattanayak. 21. AM Fungi Production Upscaling, Government Regulations, Marketing and Commercialization by Wiem Alloun, Somya Sinha and Debasis Mitra. 22. Rice Seed Priming with AMF and AMF-Associated Bacteria for Crop Enhancement by R. Djebaili, B. Farda, G. Capoani, G. Pagnani and M. Pellegrini. 23. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Control of Fungal Diseases in Rice by Jorge Poveda. 24. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Role in Bioremediation in Rice in the Context of Climate Change by Sarah González Henao and Thaura Ghneim-Herrera. 25. Rice - Mycorrhizal Interaction: Enhances the Biocontrol Efficiency Through Integrated Approaches by Wiem Alloun, Izdihar Ferhat, Hadjer Kecies, Aya Rehouma and Abdelkader Mahrouk.
Arbuscular mycorrhizae are the most ubiquitous of mycorrhizal fungi, that have formed mutualistic relationships with virtually almost all major groups of vascular plants. Five genera of arbuscular endomycorrhizal fungi are currently delineated, but fossil arbuscular mycorrhizae have been allied with only two, Glomus and Sclerocystis. A Triassic arbuscular mycorrhiza described inhabiting the roots of Antarcticycas was originally allied with Glomus. It is now known to be a mixed colony comprised of fungi attributable to the suborders Glomineae and Gigasporineae of the Glomales, described as two new species. The fossil Gigasporinean mycorrhiza is characterized by irregularly swollen intercellular and intracellular hyphae that are coiled extensively within the cells. Arbuscules have thick trunks and narrow branches. In the Glominean form, hyphal diameter is more uniform, with coiling rarely present. Arbuscules have thin trunks and fine branches. Vesicles may be lateral or terminal. Spores are not present; therefore, the probability of more than one species of each suborder being represented cannot be conclusively demonstrated. This provides the first fossil representative of the Gigasporineae and supports current rDNA estimates of the age of the lineage. Moreover, it is the first reported instance of a mixed colony of arbuscular endomycorrhizae in the fossil record.
Fungal reproductive structures were found within aerial axes of the Late Devonian trimerophyte, Psilophyton dawsonii Banks, Leclercq and Hueber from Quebec, Canada. Specimens are spherical to oval, up to 175 μm in maximum diam, and exhibit two distinct wall layers. They are restricted to the inner cortical region of infected axes. The fungal bodies resemble species of Palaeomyces from the well-known Rhynie Chert flora, and are also similar to the chlamydospores commonly found in Pennsylvanian coal ball plants. Among extant organisms they are most similar to oomycetous oogonia and endogonaceous chlamydospores.
Silicified roots from the Triassic of Antarctica show features of extant vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM). Nonseptate fungal hyphae occur within and between well-preserved parenchymatous cells of the central cortex. Terminal and intercalary swellings comparable to chlamydospores and vesicles are also present within the roots. In addition, three-dimensionally branched structures nearly fill the host cell and resemble modern day arbuscles. Although possible mycorrhizae have been reported as early as the Devonian, and are widely accepted, fossil arbuscles, the most definitive feature of VAM, have not been previously described. The fungi associated with the Antarctic roots provide the most complete and convincing evidence for pre-Pleistocene VA mycorrhizae in the fossil record.
We report structure and properties of fossil hyphae and spores from the Ordovician Guttenberg formation of Wisconsin. The fossils strongly resemble present-day arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomales) and are described as Palaeoglomus grayi gen. et spec. nov.