Niyaz Gabdrakhmanov

Niyaz Gabdrakhmanov
National Research University Higher School of Economics | HSE · Institute for Educational Studies



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Publications (54)
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Габдрахманов Нияз Камилевич — кандидат географических наук, доцент, научный сотрудник проектно-учебной лаборатории «Развитие университетов» Института образования, Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики». E-mail: (контактное лицо для переписки) Карачурина Лилия Борисовна — кандидат географических наук...
This research article aims at evaluating the results of the school graduates’ educational strategy transformation with the help of digital footprint data. The analysis of official and unofficial Internet communities of universities in the social network «VKontakte» shows that their active users are school graduates, who thus receive the necessary i...
This chapter presents mathematical and cartographic methods used in the demographic research. Particular attention is paid to consider the issues of integrated presentation of spatially coordinated information on the population. This work discusses the possibility of organic integration of mathematical and cartographic models and the inexpediency o...
This book gathers selected papers presented at the International Scientific Conference “Economics in the Changing World,” held on June 26-27, 2018 at the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russia). The conference featured contributions by leading specialists in the field of management, territorial dev...
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The article discusses the effects of concentration of students in the system of higher education in the regions of Russia and methodological approaches to their assessment. The issues of accessibility and inequality in higher education are increasingly being put on the agenda by a number of researchers. Historically, universities are located in lar...
This paper discusses innovation as the key to economic growth, an assessment of the innovation sphere, and justified way innovative activities of economic subjects. The experience of industrialized countries shows conclusively that sustained economic growth in modern conditions is not the result of primitive production capacity factors, but their i...
This paper shows the features of spatial development of branding in various regions of the Russian Federation. The ways of development and promotion of territorial brands both in large and in small towns of Russia were considered. Based on the description of a large number of Russian regional brands, the paper presents a comparative analysis and sh...
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Considering the dry and hot climate governing Isfahan province, development of winter tourism (tourism development and providing the conditions for tourism) can bring in a different attraction for this province adding to its tourism potentialities i.e. the countless historical and cultural tourism attractions. The availability of high mountainous r...
This study is devoted to assessing the supply chain management impact on universities promotion and efficiency in international and Russian universities' ratings on their development. The peculiarity of the study is that it considers both universities participating in the competitive recovery program and presented in international rankings, as well...
This article deals with the problems of development and promotion of territorial brands on the level of countries, provinces and cities. Such states as Australia and Germany, the Austrian Tyrol and the city of China Hong Kong are the examples of territorial brands, showing their strengths and opportunities for the "advancement" of respective territ...
In modern world, also in Russia, tourism is dynamic, independent branch of the economy. The tourism expands the boundaries of commercial offers and deepens specialization. Landscape, environment and space are the foundation for the tourism development. The potential of Russia's tourism industry, as one of the most important factors of regional deve...
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The paper considers the peculiarities of the development of halal tourism in Russia. It reveals the history, basic requirements, problems and development prospects of the tourism destinations. We used analytical, synthetic, and statistical methods for writing the paper. The potential of the international market of Halal products is growing along wi...
The concepts of an image, state, region and cities turned out to be an effective instrument in the tourist industry since it handles these concepts. Tourism has an advantageous multiplier effect and serves as an accelerator of the social-economic development. As the social development is taking place within the territory and the change of the funct...
This article shows the features of a territorial brand in the Russian Federation in the case of the Republic of Tatarstan. The basic rules for creating regional brands. Much attention is paid to the processes of formation of regional brands and co-branding. Co-branding is one of the most effective methods used in the development and promotion of te...
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This paper refers to the evolution and development of halal tourism in Russia. To disclose the historical background, basic requirements, problems and prospects of tourism destination development, analytical, synthetic and statistical methods of investigation have been used. The international market of halal products is gaining its potential togeth...
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Authors offered a hypothesis that influence of a tourist cluster on regional economy will depend, first of all, on efficiency of its organization and functioning. Layout and spatial (territorial) organization and placement of a cluster objects becomes a key factor. Use of such approach to the territorial organization of a tourist cluster allows sol...
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Today, there are problems associated with the need to preserve the natural and geographical landscape of the Republic of Tatarstan, with the disclosure and promotion of the tourism and recreational potential, as well as of the development of environmental education among all segments of the population. In this regard, there arose an urgent need to...
This paper presents the problem of interdependence and interconditionality of the concepts "sustainable tourism" and "sustainable development of tourism". The relevance of the topic chosen is associated with the problem of sustainability of tourism development in the conditions of global instability as the modern tourism is a rapidly developing soc...
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This article deals with the author's vision of teaching students-athletes the discipline "Natural-science foundations of physical culture and sports: Physics" (hereinafter, physics) based on the integration of module, personal-activity, competence, historical, concentrated, problematic approaches. The modular approach involves division of education...
This study discusses methodological issues for evaluating the cultural and historical potential and possibilities of its application in development of the tourist industry in Republic of Tatarstan. Need for study historical and culture heritage explained by its importance in the overall structure of recreation and tourism. He advocates a kind of fo...
The study shows the main factors affecting the birth rate of the population. It demonstrates the birth rate effect on the formation of a new demographic situation in the republic. The research devoted to the description of birth rate difference between the most numerous nationalities presented in Tatarstan, Russians and Tatars. Analysis of data of...
In this paper tourism is considered by the authors as a geographical phenomenon which can be evaluated and used in a geographical perspective for understanding the forms and functions of tourism resources, together with the features of the demand for tourism. Tourism is one of the tools to achieve stable and balanced regional development. Separatel...
Tourism associated with visits to pristine natural areas for studying, visual enjoying by landscapes, animals, wild plants and the general natural heritage located in these areas, is gaining popularity. The natural tourism, including the desert kind of tourism, involves those activities that directly deal with natural resources and attractions. A l...
The concepts of an image, state, region and cities turned out to be an effective instrument in the tourist industry since it handles these concepts. Tourism has an advantageous multiplier effect and serves as an accelerator of the social-economic development. As the social development is taking place within the territory and the change of the funct...
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One of the most topical problems of modern theoretical geography is the development of its fundamental theses. The solution of this task is primarily connected with the generalization and systematization of the concepts of interaction of nature and society which goes on in geographic space and time. The authors of the paper describe the field theor...
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At present, the increased competition between countries and regions made the problem of study of competitiveness and positioning of regions in the system of the world and national economy relevant. This problem becomes even more important in conditions of the development of globalization and transition of countries to the post-industrial stage of d...
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Currently the competition of territories, including municipalities, for investment and innovation has increased. In this competition, the advantage is given to territories, which strive to increase their competitiveness as part of different territorial entities. The concept of competitiveness should be built on mutual balance of all principles of s...
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While solving the task of analysis and predicting behaviour of any complex systems one of the main approach is the defining the sufficient stable state of such a system according to the indicators emphasized as the basic ones DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3p669
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State city-planning policy and management should provide favorable conditions of human life and society through, in particular, integrated programs (projects) of development that determine the problems and priorities of the area under study. Functional zoning scheme is the starting point of design and planning decisions. In this work the potential...
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The solution of the problem of environmental management is connected with the capabilities of mathematical-geographic modelling on the basis of modern conceptual ideas the characteristic feature of which is the interpretation of environment as an entity determined by the dialectic unity of its natural and socio-economic components. It’s important t...
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A specific feature of the Tatarstan Republic is the fact that the people living there are characterized by polyethnicity and multireligiousness. The development of the locals is predetermined by close ethnic and cultural interconnections and interpenetration of traditions the people of various nations living on this territory observe. Traditionally...
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Modern international scientific community recognizes that the territorial paradigm is of great importance for development of the region. Its essence is in the fact that the territory is considered as an arena of interaction of various driving forces, the components of nature and society, i.e. as a resource, as well as the space organized in a parti...
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The current economic growth rate in the Republic of Tatarstan cannot serve as the only progress and welfare index of the region. This can be due to the fact that the continual economic growth of public welfare caused a number of adverse effects, such as environmental disorder, social strain intensification, etc. that is why it is necessary to reinf...
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Assessment and analysis of the main characteristics of the socio-economic development of regions are among the most important ones that allow to solve strategic issues of the choice of optimal solutions in the sphere of regional governance and development prospects. As a rule, the division of groups and corresponding to them types (classes) of dist...
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The changing conditions related to the reform of local self-government, land-property relations, transformation of the way of the population's life require detailed research and additions to theoretical and logical foundations. It is fixed rules on the legislative level by this time that must be followed during design under considering land issues...
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The global population and settlement processes have recently had a significant impact on the social and economic development of the region and its competitiveness. Therefore the areas of the concurrent use of the cartographic and mathematical methods to describe the settlement processes continue attracting attention. The gravity model of settlement...
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This article addresses the demographic situation in VFD regions which is viewed as important component of region's positioning. Author's method of calculation of demographic situation index is proposed, which was used for assessment of demographic situation in VFD regions. Performed analysis allowed to identify the set of indicators which correspon...


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