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Two new species of Infundibulicybe (Omphalinaceae, Agaricales) from northern China



Infundibulicybe confusa sp. nov. and I. phaeocentralis sp. nov. were described based on specimens from Shanxi Province in northern China. Morphologically, I. phaeocentralis is similar to I. rufa but the latter is differentiated by its isolated phylogenetic position and varied colors of the basidiomata. Infundibulicybe confusa is similar to I. alkaliviolascens, but I. alkaliviolascens has a pileus that turns violet to purplish pink in KOH and long basidiospores. Our morphological and phylogenetic analyses supported the taxonomic position of the two new species in Infundibulicybe. Additionally, a key to the species of Infundibulicybe in Shanxi Province is provided.
Phytotaxa 649 (2): 193–210
Copyright © 2024 Magnolia Press Article PHYTOTAXA
ISSN 1179-3155 (print edition)
ISSN 1179-3163 (online edition)
Accepted by Genevieve Gates: 4 May 2024; published: 20 May 2024
Two new species of Infundibulicybe (Omphalinaceae, Agaricales) from northern
1College of Life Sciences, Capital Normal University, Xisanhuanbeilu 105, Haidian, Beijing 100048, China
2Department of Life Sciences, National Natural History Museum of China, Tianqiaonandajie126, Dongcheng, Beijing, 100050, China
*Corresponding author:
Infundibulicybe confusa sp. nov. and I. phaeocentralis sp. nov. were described based on specimens from Shanxi Province
in northern China. Morphologically, I. phaeocentralis is similar to I. rufa but the latter is differentiated by its isolated
phylogenetic position and varied colors of the basidiomata. Infundibulicybe confusa is similar to I. alkaliviolascens, but
I. alkaliviolascens has a pileus that turns violet to purplish pink in KOH and long basidiospores. Our morphological and
phylogenetic analyses supported the taxonomic position of the two new species in Infundibulicybe. Additionally, a key to the
species of Infundibulicybe in Shanxi Province is provided.
Key words: clitocyboid, multigene, novel taxa, taxonomy
The genus Infundibulicybe Harmaja (2003:215) (Omphalinaceae, Agaricales) was proposed to accommodate those
species with lacrymoid basidiospores that traditionally were placed in Clitocybe (Fr.) Staude (1857:122). However, the
classification status of the genus was not widely accepted until the advent of molecular phylogenetics. Matheny et al.
(2006) recognized the genus in the Agaricales and as a sister group of the Tricholomatoid clade, based on a multilocus
analysis of a six-gene region. Binder et al. (2010) conducted a phylogenetic study of the Agaricomycetidae using a
six-gene combination, which further confirmed that Infundibulicybe was a distinct genus independent of Clitocybe, if
Clitocybe is not typified by Clitocybe infundibuliformis (Schaeff.) Quél (1872:88) (He et al. 2023, He & Yang 2023).
The species of Infundibulicybe are mainly characterized by a slightly depressed to infundibuliform pileus, decurrent
lamellae, and smooth, cyanophobic and lacrymoid basidiospores with confluent base. Furthermore, the basidiospores
do not adhere in tetrads and the mycelium is incapable of reducing nitrate (Harmaja 2003, Vizzini et al. 2011, Xu
et al. 2022, Vizzini et al. 2024). Except for I. geotropa (Bull.) Harmaja (2003:216) (Harmaja 2003, Akata et al.
2012, Ali et al. 2020), species of Infundibulicybe are saprobes, mainly occurring in leaf or needle litter, sometimes
in remnants of herbaceous plants (Harmaja 2003), and mainly occur in temperate, boreal and alpine regions of the
Northern Hemisphere (Harmaja 2003, Kirk et al. 2008, Vizzini et al. 2011, Zhao et al. 2016, Ishaq et al. 2019, Ali et
al. 2020, Vizzini et al. 2024). Currently, a total of 31 binomials are listed in Index Fungorum (www. indexfungorum.
org/Names/Names.asp), but only 25 species are currently classified in this genus. In China, eight Infundibulicybe
species have been reported and confirmed (Wei et al. 2015, Zhao et al. 2016, Liu et al. 2019, Xu et al. 2022, He &
Yang 2023), including I. alkaliviolascens (Bellù) Bellù (2012:6), I. bispora Z.M. He & Zhu L. Yang (2023:702), I.
ellipsospora Z.M. He & Zhu L. Yang (2023:703), I. gibba (Pers.) Harmaja (2003:207), I. hongyinpan L. Fan & H. Liu
(2018:277), I. rufa Q. Zhao, K.D. Hyde, J.K. Liu & Y.J. Hao (2016:136), I. squamulosa (Pers.) Harmaja (2003:217)
and I. trachyspora J.Z. Xu, J.C. Qin & Yu Li (2022:2).
During the study of the macrofungal flora of Shanxi Province, northern China, specimens of Infundibulicybe have
been collected since 2017. Based on morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses, we found some specimens
194 Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press
representing two taxa new to science. The aim of this paper is to describe and illustrate the two new species occurring
in Shanxi Province.
Materials and methods
Site description
The specimens we studied were collected in Shanxi Province, northern China. The Guancen Mountains are situated
in the northwest of Shanxi Province which has a northern temperate continental climate being cold and dry, with an
annual average temperature of 7.9 °C–11.7 °C, and an annual rainfall of 700–800 mm. Heyeping is the highest peak
with an elevation of 2,784 m. The vegetation mainly includes Betula spp., Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii
(Mayr) Pilg. (1926:327), Picea asperata Mast. (1906:419), Picea meyeri Rehder & E.H.Wilson (1914:28) and Picea
wilsonii Mast. (1903:133). The soil types mainly include mountain brown soil, mountain cinnamon soil, subalpine
meadow soil and brown forest soil.
The Guandi Mountain range is in the west of Shanxi Province, and experiences a temperate continental climate.
The average annual temperature is 3.5 °C, the annual precipitation is 830 mm, and the highest point has an elevation
of 2,831 m. The vegetation mainly includes Betula spp., Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii, Picea spp., Pinus
tabuliformis Carrière (1867:510) and Populus spp.
Morphological studies
The fresh basidiomata were photographed in the field and macroscopic characteristics were recorded. ColorHexa (https:// was used to match colors. The specimens were dried in a fruit drier at 40–45 °C and deposited
in BJTC (Herbarium Biology Department, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China). Microscopic characteristics
were examined from sections of dried material, rehydrated in distilled water, and then mounted in either 3 % KOH,
Congo Red, Melzer’s reagent or Cotton Blue. All measurements were made in Congo Red. For each specimen at
least 30 spores and 15 basidia were measured. Spore measurements exclude apiculus. Basidia measurements exclude
sterigmata, which are given separately. The dimensions of basidiospores are given by (a–)b–c(–d). The range ‘b–c’
covers a minimum of 90 % of the measured values. Extreme values ‘a’ and ‘d’ are given in parentheses. Q refers to the
length/width ratio in the profile view of basidiospores, and Qm refers to the average Q of all basidiospores ± sample
standard deviation.
To observe any reaction to alkali, a drop of 5 % KOH and a drop of distilled water (as the control) were applied
separately to the dried pileus. White filter paper was placed beneath the specimen as a background to better observe
any color change. Each species was subjected to three replications of the test.
DNA extraction, PCR amplification and DNA sequencing
Dried basidiomata were crushed by shaking for 45 s at 30 Hz 2−4 times (Mixer Mill MM301, Retsch, Haan, Germany)
in a 1.5 mL tube together with 3 mm diam tungsten carbide balls; total genomic DNA was extracted using the modified
CTAB method (Gardes & Bruns 1993). The ITS region was amplified using the primers ITS1F/ITS4 (White et al.
1990, Gardes & Bruns 1993), primers LR0R and LR5 were employed for nrLSU (Vilgalys & Hester 1990), primers
EF1-983F and EF1-1953R were used to amplify the TEF1(Rehner & Buckley 2005), primers RPB1-Af and fRPB1-Cr
were used to amplify the RPB1(Matheny et al. 2002), primers bRPB2-6F and bRPB2-7.1R were used to amplify the
RPB2 (Matheny 2005), and primers ATP6-3 and ATP6-6r were used to amplify ATP6 (Kretzer & Bruns 1999, Binder
& Hibbett 2003).
Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR) for all regions were performed in 25 µL reaction containing 2 µL DNA
template, 1 µL primer (10 µM) each, 12.5 µL of 2 × Master Mix [Tiangen Biotech (Beijing) Co.], 8.5 µL ddH2O.
PCR reactions were implemented as follows: for the ITS region: an initial denaturation at 94 ℃ for 3 min, followed
by 35 cycles at 94 ℃ for 45 s, 55 ℃ for 45 s, 72 ℃ for 1 min, and a final extension at 72 ℃ for 10 min. For the other
five regions the protocols described by He & Yang (2023) were followed. The PCR products were sent to Beijing
Zhongkexilin Biotechnology Co. Ltd. for purification, sequencing, and editing. Validated sequences were deposited
in GenBank ( Other sequences of Infundibulicybe and related species were selected
TWO NEW SPECIES OF INFUNDIBULICYBE FROM CHINA Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press 195
mainly from those used by Walther et al. (2005), Matheny et al. (2006), Maeta et al. (2008), Bjorbaekmo et al. (2010),
Vizzini et al. (2011), Geml et al. (2012), Osmundson et al. (2013), Tian et al. (2015), Tomáš et al. (2016), Zhao et al.
(2016), Vu et al. (2018), Ishaq et al. (2019), Liu et al. (2019), Ali et al. (2020), Giusti et al. (2021), He & Yang (2022),
Xu et al. (2022), and He & Yang (2023). The accession numbers of new and downloaded sequences stored in the NCBI
database ( are provided in Table 1 and Supplementary Table 2.
TABLE 1. Infundibulicybe specimens used in molecular phylogenetic analyses and their GenBank accession numbers (ITS).
Newly generated sequences are in black bold.
Species Voucher Locality ITS References
Clitopaxillus fibulatus KUN-HKAS 115964 China: Gansu OP964650 He & Yang (2023)
I. alkaliviolascens KUN-HKAS 115938 China: Xinjiang OP983898 He & Yang (2023)
I. alkaliviolascens KUN-HKAS 115942 China: Xinjiang OP983901 He & Yang (2023)
I. alkaliviolascens LUGO:ECC17121604 Spain MW376672 Unpublished
I. alkaliviolascens 13243 Italy JF907807 Osmundson et al. (2013)
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM1383 China: Shanxi PP492517 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM4108 China: Shanxi PP492512 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM3164 China: Shanxi PP492508 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM2324 China: Shanxi PP492515 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM2106 China: Shanxi PP492511 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM2363 China: Shanxi PP492507 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM2965 China: Shanxi PP492504 This study
I. alkaliviolascens HSA123 China: Shanxi PP492516 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM3396 China: Shanxi PP492506 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM3298 China: Shanxi PP492514 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM2910 China: Shanxi PP492509 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM1458 China: Shanxi PP492503 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM3081 China: Shanxi PP492505 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM1653 China: Shanxi PP492497 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM910 China: Shanxi PP492496 This study
I. alkaliviolascens HSA120 China: Shanxi PP492501 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM1658 China: Shanxi PP492500 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM1890 China: Shanxi PP492499 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM1708 China: Shanxi PP492498 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM2690 China: Shanxi PP492510 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM604 China: Shanxi PP492502 This study
I. alkaliviolascens BJTC FM1540 China: Shanxi PP492513 This study
I. bispora KUN-HKAS 115961 China: Jilin OP983927 He & Yang (2023)
I. bispora KUN-HKAS 115962 China: Jilin OP983928 He & Yang (2023)
I. bispora KUN-HKAS 115963 China: Gansu OP983929 He & Yang (2023)
I. bispora Z7 China: Hei Longjiang GU134502 Unpublished
I. bresadolana Mushroom Observer 470945 USA OM980624 Unpublished
I. bresadolana 16016 Italy JF907810 Osmundson et al. (2013)
I. catinus I France HM631720 Vizzini et al. (2011)
I. confusa (holotype) BJTC FM1281 China: Shanxi PP492518 This study
I. confusa BJTC FM1285 China: Shanxi PP492519 This study
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 114671 China: Yunnan OP983917 He & Yang (2023)
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 70065 China: Yunnan OP983918 He & Yang (2023)
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 105353 China: Yunnan OP983919 He & Yang (2023)
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 115959 China: Tibet OP983920 He & Yang (2023)
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 54633 China: Yunnan OP983921 He & Yang (2023)
......continued on the next page
196 Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Species Voucher Locality ITS References
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 56928 China: Yunnan OP983922 He & Yang (2023)
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 56965 China: Yunnan OP983923 He & Yang (2023)
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 116251 China: Tibet OP983924 He & Yang (2023)
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 57667 China: Yunnan OP983925 He & Yang (2023)
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 115960 China: Yunnan OP983926 He & Yang (2023)
I. geotropa ALV4344 KT122792 Unpublished
I. geotropa IZS189 Italy MZ005561 Giusti et al. (2021)
I. geotropa AODJ.161.15 MZ374498 Unpublished
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 81200 China: Yunnan MZ718993 Unpublished
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115948 China: Yunnan OP983907 He & Yang (2023)
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115950 China: Jilin OP983909 He & Yang (2023)
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115951 China: Liaoning OP983910 He & Yang (2023)
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 53323 China: Yunnan MZ718994 Unpublished
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 57657 China: Yunnan MZ718995 Unpublished
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 105606 China: Gansu MZ718996 Unpublished
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 73334 China: Yunnan MZ718997 Unpublished
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115952 China: Yunnan OP983911 He & Yang (2023)
I. gibba AFTOL-ID 1508 USA DQ490635 Matheny et al. (2006)
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 92032 China: Liaoning MZ675563 He & Yang (2022)
I. gibba BJTC FM99 China: Shanxi MH581237 Liu et al. (2019)
I. gibba TZ16 Czech Republic LN714556 Tomáš et al. (2016)
I. gibba PNGS/304 Poland KX882674 Unpublished
I. gibba CBS 128.42 Sweden MH856103 Vu et al. (2018)
I. gibba H01IK17 Germany HF675204 Unpublished
I. gibba CNF 1/7258 Croatia MK169232 Unpublished
I. gibba LUGO:ECC18071802 Spain MW376674 Unpublished
I. gibba AB 17-08-16 France MN661006 Unpublished
I. gibba M Italy HM631722 Vizzini et al. (2011)
I. gibba CM052 Algeria KP826742 Unpublished
I. gibba AR09751 Mexico KT875020 Unpublished
I. gibba ASIS22552 KF668316 Unpublished
I. gibba BJTC FM3133 China: Shanxi PP492455 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM1455 China: Shanxi PP492460 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM3476 China: Shanxi PP492464 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM723 China: Shanxi PP492461 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM2287 China: Shanxi PP492463 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM682 China: Shanxi PP492456 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM3121 China: Shanxi PP492454 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM1706 China: Shanxi PP492459 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM761 China: Shanxi PP492458 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM757 China: Shanxi PP492457 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM2104 China: Shanxi PP492462 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM2123 China: Shanxi PP492453 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM3367 China: Shanxi PP492468 This study
I. gibba HSA438 China: Shanxi PP492465 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM2052 China: Shanxi PP492466 This study
I. gibba HSA331 China: Shanxi PP492467 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM1879 China: Shanxi PP492469 This study
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TABLE 1. (Continued)
Species Voucher Locality ITS References
I. gibba BJTC FM2279 China: Shanxi PP492470 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM2283 China: Shanxi PP492451 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM1086 China: Shanxi PP492450 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM2535 China: Shanxi PP492452 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM1713 China: Shanxi PP492449 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM174 China: Shanxi PP492448 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM1492 China: Shanxi PP492471 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM2048 China: Shanxi PP492472 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM2471 China: Shanxi PP492475 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM1851 China: Shanxi PP492473 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM3016 China: Shanxi PP492474 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM3293 China: Shanxi PP492476 This study
I. gibba BJTC FM934 China: Shanxi PP492477 This study
I. hongyinpan KUN-HKAS 115955 China: Tibet OP983914 He & Yang (2023)
I. hongyinpan KUN-HKAS 115956 China: Yunnan OP983915 He & Yang (2023)
I. hongyinpan KUN-HKAS 105573 China: Gansu MZ718999 Unpublished
I. hongyinpan BJTC FM187 China: Shanxi MH581239 Liu et al. (2019)
I. hongyinpan BJTC FM394 China: Shanxi MH581238 Liu et al. (2019)
I. hongyinpan BJTC FM216 China: Shanxi MH581240 Liu et al. (2019)
I. hongyinpan iNAT:17303634 USA MZ146330 Unpublished
I. hongyinpan NBRC 30524 Japan AB301607 Maeta et al. (2008)
I. hongyinpan BJTC FM2504 China: Shanxi PP492482 This study
I. hongyinpan BJTC FM181 China: Shanxi PP492478 This study
I. hongyinpan BJTC FM294 China: Shanxi PP492479 This study
I. hongyinpan BJTC FM3202 China: Shanxi PP492483 This study
I. hongyinpan HSA391 China: Shanxi PP492485 This study
I. hongyinpan BJTC FM1469 China: Shanxi PP492481 This study
I. hongyinpan HSA171 China: Shanxi PP492484 This study
I. hongyinpan HSA244 China: Shanxi PP492480 This study
I. kotanensis LAH35902 Pakistan MN017278 Ishaq et al. (2019)
I. kotanensis LAH35902 Pakistan MN017274 Ishaq et al. (2019)
I. lateritia 19_N1F29_F35 Norway HQ445603 Bjorbaekmo et al. (2010)
I. lateritia 0731-39 Norway MW748452 Unpublished
I. lateritia KH74 Norway GU234109 Geml et al. (2012)
I. macrospora LAH35863 (holotype) Pakistan MN066565 Ali et al. (2020)
I. macrospora LAH35864 Pakistan MN066566 Ali et al. (2020)
I. macrospora SWAT0901356 Pakistan MT156434 Unpublished
I. macrospora SWAT0901357 Pakistan MT156435 Unpublished
I. mediterranea IZS118 Italy MZ005521 Giusti et al. (2021)
I. mediterranea O Italy HM631724 Vizzini et al. (2011)
I. phaeocentralis (holotype) BJTC FM2899 China: Shanxi PP492487 This study
I. phaeocentralis BJTC FM3215 China: Shanxi PP492486 This study
I. rufa KUN-HKAS 77865 China: Hubei MZ719000 Unpublished
I. rufa KUN-HKAS 57811 China: Tibet MZ719001 Unpublished
I. rufa KUN-HKAS 87741 China: Sichuan KX239806 Zhao et al. (2016)
I. rufa BJTC FM562 China: Shanxi PP492492 This study
I. rufa HSA134 China: Shanxi PP492493 This study
I. rufa BJTC FM2056 China: Shanxi PP492494 This study
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198 Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press
TABLE 1. (Continued)
Species Voucher Locality ITS References
I. rufa BJTC FM1271 China: Shanxi PP492495 This study
I. squamulosa CBS:128.63 France MH858237 Vu et al. (2018)
I. squamulosa 10423(9) KP226187 Tian et al. (2015)
I. squamulosa BJTC FM2353 China: Shanxi PP492488 This study
I. squamulosa BJTC FM2483 China: Shanxi PP492490 This study
I. squamulosa BJTC FM2452 China: Shanxi PP492491 This study
I. squamulosa BJTC FM2451 China: Shanxi PP492489 This study
I. trachyspora HMJU 744 China: Jilin MW736885 Xu et al. (2022)
I. trachyspora KUN-HKAS 78801 China: Hubei MZ719002 Unpublished
Omphalina pyxidata AMB:19294 Italy OR863467 Vizzini et al. (2024)
Omphalina pyxidata AMB:19295 Italy OR863468 Vizzini et al. (2024)
Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis KUN-HKAS 73390 China: Yunnan MZ718991 Unpublished
Phylogenetic analyses
The ITS dataset and the combined LSU-TEF1-RPB1-RPB2-ATP6 dataset were used to investigate the phylogenetic
positions of the Infundibulicybe species of Shanxi. Clitopaxillus fibulatus P.-A. Moreau, Dima, Consiglio & Vizzini
(2018a:116) and Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis (Bull.) Singer (1956:725) were chosen as outgroups (Alvarado et al.
2018b, He & Yang 2022). The sequences of the markers were aligned in MAFFT v.7.110 (Katoh & Standley 2013)
under default parameters. Ambiguously aligned sites were identified by Gblocks v.0.91b (Castresana 2000) with
default parameters.
Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI). Maximum
Likelihood (ML) was performed using RAxML 8.0.14 (Stamatakis 2014) by running 1000 bootstrap replicates under
the GTRGAMMAI model. Bayesian Inference (BI) was conducted using MrBayes v3.1.2 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck
2003) as an additional method of evaluating branch support. In the BI analysis, for the ITS dataset, we selected the
best substitution model (GTR+I+G) determined by MrModeltest v2.3 (Nylander 2004); for the combined dataset, a
partitioned mixed model was used by defining the sequences of LSU, TEF1, RPB1, RPB2 and ATP6 as five independent
partitions, and each gene was separately modeled with different parameters. The best-fitted substitution model for
each gene marker was determined through MrModeltest v2.3 (Nylander 2004) using Akaike Information Criterion
(AIC). GTR+I was chosen as the best model for LSU, GTR+I+G was chosen as the best model for TEF1, K80+I+G
was chosen as the best model for RPB1 and SYM+I+G was chosen as the best model for RPB2 whereas HKY+I was
selected as the best model for ATP6. We used two independent runs with four Markov chains Monte Carlo (MCMC)
for 1,215, 000 generations under the default settings. The average standard deviation of split frequencies (ASDSF)
values was far lower than 0.01 at the end of the runs. Trees were sampled every 100 generations after burn-in (25 %
of trees were discarded as the burn-in phase of the analyses, set up well after convergence), and 50 % majority-rule
consensus trees were constructed.
Clades with bootstrap support (BS) 70 % and Bayesian posterior probability (PP) 0.99 were considered
significantly supported (Hillis & Bull 1993, Alfaro et al. 2003). All phylogenetic trees were viewed with TreeView
(Page 2001).
Molecular phylogenetic analyses
In this study, 71 ITS sequences were newly generated from our specimens. The ITS dataset contained 16 taxa,
comprising 569 characters. ML and BI analyses yielded similar tree topologies and therefore only the tree inferred
from the ML analysis is shown (Fig. 1). According to the ITS phylogenetic tree, our specimens were resolved into
seven strongly supported branches, and five of them were identified as known species, i.e., I. alkaliviolascens, I. gibba,
I. hongyinpan, I. rufa and I. squamulosa, while the remaining two clade were independent, supporting they are new to
science, and these are described in this paper as I. confusa and I. phaeocentralis.
TWO NEW SPECIES OF INFUNDIBULICYBE FROM CHINA Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press 199
FIGURE 1. The ML phylogenetic tree based on the ITS sequences of Infundibulicybe. Clitopaxillus fibulatus and Pseudoclitocybe
cyathiformis are the outgroups. Values at the node represent ML bootstrap (≥ 70 % BS, left) and Bayesian posterior probability (≥ 0.99 PP,
right) support. Our specimen sequences are printed in bold and the new species sequences are highlighted in blue in the tree.
200 Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press
FIGURE 1. The ML phylogenetic tree based on the ITS sequences of Infundibulicybe. (Continued)
The combined LSU-TEF1-RPB1-RPB2-ATP6 dataset included 12 taxa and 4,102 characters (886 from LSU, 935
from TEF1, 1116 from RPB1, 728 from RPB2 and 437 from ATP6, gaps included). ML and BI analyses yielded similar
tree topologies and therefore only the tree inferred from the ML analysis is shown (Fig. 2). The multilocus phylogenetic
tree further determined that the two new species recognized in the ITS phylogeny were distinct species. Infundibulicybe
phaeocentralis sp. nov. was phylogenetically related to I. bispora and I. gibba, whereas, Infundibulicybe confusa sp.
nov, was related to I. alkaliviolascens.
TWO NEW SPECIES OF INFUNDIBULICYBE FROM CHINA Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press 201
FIGURE 2. The ML phylogenetic tree based on the combined LSU-TEF1-RPB1-RPB2-ATP6 sequences of Infundibulicybe. Clitopaxillus
fibulatus and Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis are outgroups. Values at the node represent ML bootstrap (≥ 70 % BS, left) and Bayesian
posterior probability (≥ 0.99 PP, right) support. Our specimen sequences are printed in bold and the new species sequences are highlighted
in blue in the tree.
Infundibulicybe confusa L. Fan & Y.X. Zhang sp. nov. Figs. 3, 4
Diagnosis:—Basidiomata small to medium; pileus 1.7–3.9 cm diam, infundibuliform; surface dry, smooth to finely
felty, brownish flesh to pale brown, center and margin always much lighter, pale brown to cream; stipe cylindrical,
coarser towards the base, hollow, surface with longitudinally fibrils, yellowish brown, base inflated with abundant
white tomentum, and shorter basidiospores (5–)5.5–6.5(–7) × 3.5–4.5 μm.
202 Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press
Etymology:—confusa, refers to this species being confused with Infundibulicybe alkaliviolascens due to the
appearance of the basidioma.
Holotype:—CHINA. Shanxi Province, Jiaocheng County, Guandi Mountain, Chailugou Village, on soil, in mixed
forest of Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii and Picea asperata, elev. 1,600 m, 111°24’2’’E, 37°47’25’’N, 29
July 2020, H. Liu, J. Yang LH970 (BJTC FM1281).
Description:—Basidiomata small to medium, clitocyboid. Pileus 1.7–3.9 cm diam, infundibuliform; dry, smooth
to finely felty, brownish flesh (#e0b89a) to pale brown (#c19472), center and margin always much lighter, pale brown
(#edceba) to cream (#d8d0bb), margin straight, sometimes slightly involute. Lamellae long-decurrent, white (#eef0e8)
to light cream (#f1f0de), moderately crowded, with lamellulae of 1 or 3 tiers, edges smooth and concolorous with faces.
Stipe 2.5–3.9 × 0.6–1 cm, central, cylindrical, coarser towards the base, hollow, longitudinally fibrillose, concolorous
with the pileus, base inflated with abundant white tomentum. 5 % KOH on the surface of the dried pileus produced no
color change.
FIGURE 3. Basidiomata of Infundibulicybe confusa. a, b. BJTC FM1281 (holotype). Scale bars: a, b= 10 mm. Photos by: Hong Liu.
FIGURE 4. Microscopic features of Infundibulicybe confusa. a. Basidiospores. b. Pileipellis. c. Basidia. Scale bars: a = 5 μm. b, c = 10
μm. Drawings by: Yuxin Zhang.
Basidiospores (5–)5.5–6.5(–7) × 3.5–4.5 μm, Q=1.4–1.6, Qm=1.5±0.1, ellipsoidal in face view, lacrymoid in
lateral view, hyaline, smooth, inamyloid, cyanophilous, color not changed in KOH. Basidia 21–37.5 × 4–7 μm,
clavate, hyaline, 4-spored or 2-spored, sterigmata 2–5 μm long. Cystidia absent. Lamellar trama regular; hyphae 3–8
µm wide, colorless, hyaline, cylindrical. Pileipellis a cutis composed of repent, cylindrical, subparallel, septate, thin-
walled hyphae, with intracellular yellowish brown pigment 3–11 μm wide. Stipitipellis a cutis composed of subparallel
cylindrical hyphae 5–8 μm wide. Clamp connections present in all parts of the basidiomata.
Ecology and distribution:—associated with the mixed forest of Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii and Picea
asperata, at elevation 1,600 m, only known from Shanxi Province, northern China.
TWO NEW SPECIES OF INFUNDIBULICYBE FROM CHINA Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press 203
Additional specimen examined:—CHINA. Shanxi Province, Jiaocheng County, Guandi Mountain, Chailugou
Village, on soil, in mixed forest of Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii and Picea asperata, elev. 1,600 m,
111°24’2’’E, 37°47’25’’N, 29 July 2020, H. Liu, J. Yang LH974 (BJTC FM1285).
Notes:—In the ITS phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1), Infundibulicybe confusa and I. bresadolana are phylogenetically
closely related to each other, but I. bresadolana has smooth basidiomata, more reddish colors, brownish gills in mature
basidiomata, longer and narrower basidiospores (5.5–8.0 × 3.1–4 μm), which are usually lacrymoid, or ellipsoid to
oblong, and usually grows on grasslands associated with Dryas sp. (Harmaja 1969). Morphologically, I. alkaliviolascens
shares similarities with I. confusa in the yellowish brown basidiomata, but it can be differentiated from the latter by the
violet to purplish pink reaction to KOH on the dried pileus, and long basidiospores (6–8.5(9) × (3)3.5–4.5 μm) (He &
Yang 2023).
Infundibulicybe phaeocentralis L. Fan & Y.X. Zhang sp. nov. Fig. 5
Diagnosis:—Basidiomata small to medium; pileus 2.6–5.4 cm diam, infundibuliform, dry, smooth, brick red to reddish
brown, stipe hollow, yellowish brown, surface with inconspicuous longitudinal fibrils; shorter basidiospores (6–)6.5–
8(–8.5) × 4–6 μm and bigger basidia 25–40 × 6–7.5 μm.
Etymology:—phaeocentralis, refers to the darker center of the pileus.
Holotype:—CHINA. Shanxi Province, Guancen Mountain, on soil, in mixed forest of Larix gmelinii var. principis-
rupprechtii and Picea asperata, 2 September 2022, J.Z. Cao CF1197 (BJTC FM2899).
Description:—Basidiomata small to medium, clitocyboid. Pileus 2.6–5.4 cm diam, infundibuliform; dry, smooth,
glabrous, brick red (#c2847a) to reddish brown (#8c564a), center and margin always darker, deep reddish brown
(#67393b), margin straight. Lamellae long-decurrent, yellowish white (#f2f6b6) to deep cream (#d2b86b), moderately
crowded, with 1 to 4 tiers of lamellulae, edges smooth and concolorous with faces. Stipe 3.7–5.7 × 0.6–0.9 cm,
centrally attached, cylindrical, coarser towards the base, hollow, surface with inconspicuous longitudinal fibrils,
yellowish brown (#a97e3d), base inflated with abundant white tomentum. 5 % KOH on the surface of the dried pileus
produced no color change.
FIGURE 5. Infundibulicybe phaeocentralis. a. Basidiomata (BJTC FM2899, holotype). b. Basidia. c. Pileipellis. d. Basidiospores. Scale
bars: a = 10 mm, b, c, d = 5 μm. Photos by: Jinzhong Cao, drawings by: Yuxin Zhang.
204 Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press
Basidiospores (6–)6.5–8(–8.5) × 4–6 μm, Q=(1.2)1.3–1.6(1.8), Qm=1.4±0.1, ellipsoidal to broadly ellipsoidal in
face view, lacrymoid in lateral view, hyaline, smooth, inamyloid, cyanophilous, color not changing in KOH. Basidia
25–40 × 6–7.5 μm, clavate, hyaline, usually 4-spored, sometimes 2-spored, sterigmata 2.5–5 μm long. Cystidia
absent. Lamellar trama regular; hyphae 4–10 µm wide, colorless, hyaline, cylindrical. Pileipellis a cutis composed of
repent, cylindrical, subparallel, septate, thin-walled hyphae containing yellowish brown pigment 4.5–11.5 μm diam.
Stipitipellis a cutis composed of subparallel cylindrical hyphae 4–10 μm diam. Clamp connections present in all parts
of the basidiomata.
Ecology and distribution:—on soil of a mixed forest of Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii and Picea
asperata, only known from Shanxi Province, northern China.
Additional specimens examined:—CHINA. Shanxi Province, Ningwu County, Guancen Mountain, on soil, in
mixed forest of Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii and Picea asperata, 14 August 2017, H. Liu 1-LH170731
(BJTC FM402); CHINA. Shanxi Province, Ningwu County, on soil, in mixed forest of Larix gmelinii var. principis-
rupprechtii and Picea asperata, 5 July 2022, H. Liu LH1563 (BJTC FM2067); CHINA. Shanxi Province, Ningwu
County, Luya Mountain, elev. 2,293m, 111°58’17’’E, 38°47’58’’N, 16 August 2023, H.Y. Fu, H.M. Ji MS270 (BJTC
FIGURE 6. Basidiomata of Infundibulicybe species. a–c. I. alkaliviolascens (BJTC FM1653, BJTC FM1658, BJTC FM3396). d–f. I.
gibba (BJTC FM682, BJTC FM757, BJTC FM1706). g–j. I. hongyinpan (BJTC FM187, BJTC FM216, HSA391, BJTC FM394). k. I. rufa
(BJTC FM562). l–m. I. squamulosa (BJTC FM2451, BJTC FM2452). Scale bars: a–m = 1cm. Photos by: Hong Liu, Jinzhong Cao.
TWO NEW SPECIES OF INFUNDIBULICYBE FROM CHINA Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press 205
Notes:—Infundibulicybe phaeocentralis formed an isolated position in our phylogenetic trees (Figs. 1, 2), which
strongly supported its uniqueness. The new species is very similar to the samples of I. rufa that are also characterised
by a red-brown cap (Zhao et al. 2016). We also recognized the occurrence of I. rufa in the northern region of Shanxi
Province in this study. However, most of the Shanxi samples of I. rufa supported by our molecular analysis clearly
lack the red-brown in the cap, and are, instead, brown or yellow-brown, and sometimes a shade of purple-brown (Fig.
6, k). Thus, both of the two species are easily separated from each other by the color of the basidiomata in the area of
Shanxi Province. Infundibulicybe squamulosa, originally described from Europe, and confirmed from China before
this study (He & Yang 2023), is another species similar to Infundibulicybe phaeocentralis in morphology, and this
species is also distributed in Shanxi Province (Fig. 6, l–m). Actually, the two species are impossible to separate from
each other by morphology alone based on the examination of the Shanxi samples in this study. However, I. squamulosa
has been recorded only in the forest of pure Pinus tabuliformis in the lowland area in Shanxi Province, whereas I.
phaeocentralis is exclusively found in the mixed forest of Picea sp. and Larix sp. in alpine or subalpine regions in
this province. Infundibulicybe bispora and I. gibba are phylogenetically related to I. phaeocentralis according to the
multilocus phylogeny (Fig. 2). Morphologically, Infundibulicybe bispora can be distinguished from I. phaeocentralis
by its white lamellae, mostly 2-spored basidia, longer sterigmata (4–10 μm) and longer basidiospores (6–11.5 × 4–6
μm) (He & Yang 2023). I. gibba is differentiated by its tan, pinkish tan, or flesh-colored pileus, whitish, off-white, or
very pale stipe and smaller basidiospores (5–9 × 3.5–6 μm) (Harmaja 2003).
In this study, seven species of Infundibulicybe have been recognized from Shanxi Province, northern China (Fig. 1).
Besides the two new species described in this paper, the other species are Infundibulicybe alkaliviolascens, I. gibba, I.
hongyinpan, I. rufa. and I. squamulosa. Both I. alkaliviolascens and I. gibba are the most frequently encountered and
widely distributed species in Shanxi Province. They occur from the lowland of the south to the high mountainous area
of the north in this province, and from early summer to late fall. They can grow under both conifer and broad-leaved
trees. Both I. hongyinpa and I. rufa are also often found, and grow under a mixed forest of Larix and Picea but only in
the mountainous area in the northern region where the climate is normally colder. I. squamulosa is a rarely collected
species, currently observed from the central area of this province and only grows in the forest of Pinus tabuliformis.
The color of the basidiomata of Infundibulicybe species varies greatly according to our observations, which leads
to misidentification of species in the field. For example, the surface of the pileus and stipe of I. alkaliviolascens
are usually yellow-brown, but white basidioma and basidioma with a white stipe are not uncommon in this area.
Another example is that the stipe of I. gibba is usually pale, and it is an important feature to differentiate it from I.
alkaliviolascens in the field, but basidiomata with a yellow-brown stipe are also observed. We also noted that white I.
gibba was recorded by He & Yang (2023). Infundibulicybe rufa, a species originally described from Sichuan Province
of southwestern China, is characterised by the red-brown color of both the pileus and the stipe (Zhao et al. 2016).
However, this species showed a wide range of colors in Shanxi Province, ranging from red-brown to pale yellow-
brown and even presents with purple tints. In general, in Shanxi Province, I. hongyinpan is easily recognized as it has
extremely large basidiomata, while the other six species of Infunbulicybe are nearly the same in their small to medium
basidiomata, and actually they are often confused with each other in the field although the color combination of the
pileus and stipe can be used to tell them apart. Consequently, an accurate examination of the species of Infudibulicybe
has to be accompanied with DNA analysis.
Species of Infundibulicybe have been traditionally harvested for food in the northern region of Shanxi Province by
locals for many hundreds of years, particularly among the people living around Wutai and Guancen Mountain, which
is another reason for investigating the taxonomy of this genus.
Key to the species of Infundibulicybe from Shanxi Province of northern China
1. Pileipellis with intracellular pigment only .........................................................................................................................................2
1. Pileipellis with incrusting pigment .....................................................................................................................................................3
2. Pileus brick red to reddish brown ..............................................................................................................................I. phaeocentralis
2. Pileus brownish flesh to pale brown ..................................................................................................................................... I. confusa
3. Pileipellis with faint incrusting pigment .................................................................................................................................. I. gibba
3. Pileipellis with conspicuous incrusting pigment ................................................................................................................................4
4. Pileus finely scaly .......................................................................................................................................................... I. squamulosa
206 Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press
4. Pileus not scaly ...................................................................................................................................................................................5
5. Pileal surface produces a positive reaction to KOH ................................................................................................I. alkaliviolascens
5. Pileal surface produces a negative reaction to KOH ..........................................................................................................................6
6. Pileipellis an ixocutis ..................................................................................................................................................................I. rufa
6. Pileipellis a cutis ............................................................................................................................................................ I. hongyinpan
The study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 32370010). We thank the two
anonymous reviewers for their suggestions and corrections to improve this paper.
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Supplementary TABLE 2. Infundibulicybe specimens used in molecular phylogenetic analyses and their GenBank accession
numbers (other five gene). Newly generated sequences are in black bold.
Species Voucher Locality LSU TEF1 RPB1 RPB2 ATP6
Clitopaxillus fibulatus KUN-HKAS 115964 China: Gansu OP962073 OP966740 OP966741 OP966742 OP966743
I. alkaliviolascens KUN-HKAS 115938 China: Yunnan OP972477 OQ030273 OQ030303 OQ030335 OQ030366
I. alkaliviolascens KUN-HKAS 115939 China: Xinjiang OP972478 OQ030274 OQ030304 OQ030336 OQ030367
I. alkaliviolascens KUN-HKAS 115940 China: Xinjiang OP972479 OQ030275 OQ030305 OQ030337 OQ030368
I. alkaliviolascens KUN-HKAS 115942 China: Xinjiang OP972480 OQ030276 OQ030306 OQ030338 OQ030369
I. alkaliviolascens KUN-HKAS 115943 China: Yunnan OP972481 OQ030277 OQ030307 OQ030339 OQ030370
I. alkaliviolascens KUN-HKAS 115944 China: Yunnan OP972482 OQ030278 OQ030308 OQ030340 OQ030371
I. bispora KUN-HKAS 115961 China: Jilin OP972506 OQ030300 OQ030332 OQ030363 OQ030395
I. bispora KUN-HKAS 115962 China: Jilin OP972507 OQ030301 OQ030333 OQ030364 OQ030396
I. bispora KUN-HKAS 115963 China: Gansu OP972508 OQ030302 OQ030334 OQ030365 OQ030397
I. confusa (holotype) BJTC FM1281 China: Shanxi PP492520 PP496079 PP496067 PP496073 PP496061
I. confusa BJTC FM1285 China: Shanxi PP492521 PP496080 PP496068 PP496074 PP496062
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 114671 China: Yunnan OP972496 OQ030291 OQ030322 OQ030353 OQ030385
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 70065 China: Yunnan OP972497 OQ030292 OQ030324 OQ030354 OQ030386
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 105353 China: Yunnan OP972498 OQ030293 OQ030329 OQ030355 OQ030387
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 115959 China: Tibet OP972499 OQ030294 OQ030325 OQ030360 OQ030388
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 54633 China: Yunnan OP972500 OQ030289 OQ030330 OQ030356 OQ030389
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 56928 China: Yunnan OP972501 OQ030295 OQ030331 OQ030357 OQ030390
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 56965 China: Yunnan OP972502 OQ030296 OQ030323 OQ030358 OQ030391
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 116251 China: Tibet OP972503 OQ030297 OQ030326 OQ030361 OQ030392
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 57667 China: Yunnan OP972504 OQ030290 OQ030327 OQ030362 OQ030393
I. ellipsospora KUN-HKAS 115960 China: Yunnan OP972505 OQ030298 OQ030328 OQ030359 OQ030394
I. geotropa GLM 45881 Germany AY207154 DQ067938
I. geotropa ALV4344 KT122793
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115945 China: Yunnan OP972483 OQ030279 OQ030309 OQ030341 OQ030372
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 80468 China: Yunnan MZ719004 MZ753646
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 81200 China: Yunnan MZ719005 MZ753647
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115946 China: Yunnan OP972484 OQ030280 OQ030312 OQ030343 OQ030373
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115947 China: Yunnan OP972485 OQ030281 OQ030313 OQ030344 OQ030374
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115948 China: Yunnan OP972486 OQ030282 OQ030310 OQ030342 OQ030375
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115949 China: Yunnan OP972487 OQ030283 OQ030311 OQ030345 OQ030376
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115950 China: Jilin OP972488 OQ030284 OQ030314 OQ030346 OQ030377
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115951 China: Liaoning OP972489 OQ030285 OQ030315 OQ030347 OQ030378
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 53323 China: Yunnan MZ719006 MZ753648 MZ753621 MZ753630 MZ753638
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 57657 China: Yunnan MZ719007 MZ753649 MZ753622 MZ753631 MZ753639
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 105606 China: Gansu MZ719008 MZ753650 MZ753623 MZ753640
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 73334 China: Yunnan MZ719009 MZ753651 MZ753624 MZ753632 MZ753641
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 73336 China: Yunnan MZ719010 MZ753652 MZ753625 MZ753633 MZ753642
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115952 China: Yunnan OP972490 OQ030286 OQ030316 OQ030348 OQ030379
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 115953 China: Yunnan OP972491 OQ030287 OQ030317 OQ030349 OQ030380
I. gibba AFTOL-ID 1508 USA DQ457682 GU187759 DQ447913 DQ472727
I. gibba KUN-HKAS 92032 China: Liaoning MZ675574 MZ681874 MZ681885 MZ681895 MZ681904
I. hongyinpan KUN-HKAS 115954 China: Gansu OP972492 OQ067523 OQ030318 OQ030381
I. hongyinpan KUN-HKAS 115955 China: Tibet OP972493 OQ067524 OQ030319 OQ030350 OQ030382
I. hongyinpan KUN-HKAS 115956 China: Yunnan OP972494 OQ030288 OQ030320 OQ030351 OQ030383
I. hongyinpan KUN-HKAS 105573 China: Gansu MZ719011 MZ753653 MZ753626 MZ753634 MZ753643
I. hongyinpan KUN-HKAS 115957 China: Gansu OP972495 OQ067525 OQ030321 OQ030352 OQ030384
......continued on the next page
210 Phytotaxa 649 (2) © 2024 Magnolia Press
Supplementary TABLE 2. (Continued)
Species Voucher Locality LSU TEF1 RPB1 RPB2 ATP6
I. phaeocentralis
(holotype) BJTC FM2899 China: Shanxi PP492523 PP496082 PP496070 PP496076 PP496064
I. phaeocentralis BJTC FM3215 China: Shanxi PP492524 PP496084 PP496072 PP496078 PP496066
I. phaeocentralis BJTC FM402 China: Shanxi PP492525 PP496083 PP496071 PP496077 PP496065
I. phaeocentralis BJTC FM2067 China: Shanxi PP492522 PP496081 PP496069 PP496075 PP496063
I. rufa KUN-HKAS 77865 China: Hubei MZ719012 MZ753654
I. rufa KUN-HKAS 57811 China: Tibet MZ719013 MZ753655 MZ753627 MZ753635 MZ753644
I. squamulosa CBS:128.63 France MH869837 MH858237 MH869837
I. trachyspora HMJU 744 China: Jilin MW880692 OL677427 OL677428
I. trachyspora KUN-HKAS 78801 China: Hubei MZ719014 MZ753656 MZ753628 MZ753636 MZ753645
Omphalina pyxidata AMB:19294 Italy OR863534 OR828282
Omphalina pyxidata AMB:19295 Italy OR863535 OR828283
cyathiformis KUN-HKAS 73390 China: Yunnan MZ719003 MZ681907 MZ753620 MZ753629 MZ753637
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The phylogenetic position of several clitocyboid/pleurotoid/tricholomatoid genera previously considered incertae sedis is here resolved using an updated 6-gene dataset of Agaricales including newly sequenced lineages and more complete data from those already analyzed before. Results allowed to infer new phylogenetic relationships, and propose taxonomic novelties to accommodate them, including up to ten new families and a new suborder. Giacomia (for which a new species from China is here described) forms a monophyletic clade with Melanoleuca (Melanoleucaceae) nested inside suborder Pluteineae, together with the families Pluteaceae, Amanitaceae (including Leucocortinarius), Limnoperdaceae and Volvariellaceae. The recently described family Asproinocybaceae is shown to be a later synonym of Lyophyllaceae (which includes also Omphaliaster and Trichocybe) within suborder Tricholomatineae. The families Biannulariaceae, Callistosporiaceae, Clitocybaceae, Fayodiaceae, Macrocystidiaceae (which includes Pseudoclitopilus), Entolomataceae, Pseudoclitocybaceae (which includes Aspropaxillus), Omphalinaceae (Infundibulicybe and Omphalina) and the new families Paralepistaceae and Pseudoomphalinaceae belong also to Tricholomatineae. The delimitation of the suborder Pleurotineae (= Schizophyllineae) is discussed and revised, accepting five distinct families within it, viz. Pleurotaceae, Cyphellopsidaceae, Fistulinaceae, Resupinataceae and Schizophyllaceae. The recently proposed suborder Phyllotopsidineae (= Sarcomyxineae) is found to encompass the families Aphroditeolaceae, Pterulaceae, Phyllotopsidaceae, Radulomycetaceae, Sarcomyxaceae (which includes Tectella), and Stephanosporaceae, all of them unrelated to Pleurotaceae (suborder Pleurotineae) or Typhulaceae (suborder Typhulineae). The new family Xeromphalinaceae, encompassing the genera Xeromphalina and Heimiomyces, is proposed within Marasmiineae. The suborder Hygrophorineae is here reorganized into the families Hygrophoraceae, Cantharellulaceae, Cuphophyllaceae, Hygrocybaceae and Lichenomphaliaceae, to homogenize the taxonomic rank of the main clades inside all suborders of Agaricales. Finally, the genus Hygrophorocybe is shown to represent a distinct clade inside Cuphophyllaceae, and the new combination H. carolinensis is proposed.
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The Clitocybaceae is a recently established family. Currently, the infrafamilial divisions and relationships within the family are vague due to limited sampling and genes employed for phylogenetic analysis. Some mushrooms of the family contain the neurotoxic muscarine, which has caused many severe and even deadly poisonings worldwide. However, the taxonomic distribution and evolution of the toxin within the family is largely unknown. In this study, phylogenetic analyses based on nucleotide sequences of ITS and of six molecular loci (ITS, LSU, TEF1, RPB1, RPB2 and ATP6), plus a phylogenomic analysis based on 485 single-copy orthologous genes, were performed to reconstruct the framework of Clitocybaceae. BEAST analysis was used to estimate the divergence times within the family. Additionally, biochemical analysis for muscarine was conducted of 32 representative species. Based on these analyses, an updated classification of Clitocybaceae into six genera (Clitocybe, Collybia, Dendrocollybia, Lepista, Pseudolyophyllum, and Singerocybe) is proposed. The genus Collybia is emended to accommodate four subgenera (Collybia, Crassicybe, Leucocalocybe, and Macrosporocybe). Seventeen new Chinese species and 15 new combinations are proposed. Keys to the genera of Clitocybaceae and the subgenera of Collybia, as well as to the known species of Clitocybe and Collybia subgen. Collybia in China, are presented. In addition, muscarine was detected in 18 species, and these muscarine-containing species formed a major monophyletic clade within Collybia subgen. Collybia. Finally, our phylogenetic, phylogenomic, chemotaxonomic and molecular dating results indicate that the Clitocybaceae is a natural group estimated to have arisen some 60 million years ago, and in this family, muscarine has evolved only once circa 20 million years ago without later losses.
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In China, species of the genus Infundibulicybe are often confused with other taxa and misdeter-mined. Here we describe two newly discovered species, I. bispora and I. ellipsospora, and redescribe five known taxa of this genus present in China. These identifications are supported by both morphological and DNA-based phylogenetic evidence. Additionally, a key to all known species of Infundibulicybe is provided.
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Bonomyces, Harmajaea, and Notholepista are three newly established clitocyboid genera whose species have been rarely reported before in China. The present study describes two new species, B. squamulosus and N. fistulosa, and reports H. harperi from Northwestern China for the first time. These identifications are supported by both morphological and phylogenetic evidence.
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Infundibulicybe trachyspora is described as a new species from northeastern China. The species is characterized by clitocyboid to omphalioid habit, carneous, greyish-yellow to brownish pileus, brown to dark reddish-brown, longitudinally fibrillose-striate stipe, non-amyloid, non-smooth spores, the absence of cystidia and the presence of clamp connections. A comprehensive description of the species is provided together with photo-illustrations and comparisons with phenotypically similar and phylogenetically related species. The nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the nuclear, large subunit rDNA (nrLSU) region of the new species was sequenced and analyzed. The phylogenetic analysis supported the novelty of the species and its placement within the genus. Furthermore, a discussion on the proposal to establish a new section is made, and a key is provided for the Infundibulicybe species reported from China.
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This study aims at building an ITS gene dataset to support the Italian Health Service in mushroom identification. The target species were selected among those mostly involved in regional (Tuscany) poisoning cases. For each target species, all the ITS sequences already deposited in GenBank and BOLD databases were retrieved and accurately assessed for quality and reliability by a systematic filtering process. Wild specimens of target species were also collected to produce reference ITS sequences. These were used partly to set up and partly to validate the dataset by BLAST analysis. Overall, 7270 sequences were found in the two databases. After filtering, 1293 sequences (17.8%) were discarded, with a final retrieval of 5977 sequences. Ninety-seven ITS reference sequences were obtained from 76 collected mushroom specimens: 15 of them, obtained from 10 species with no sequences available after the filtering, were used to build the dataset, with a final taxonomic coverage of 96.7%. The other 82 sequences (66 species) were used for the dataset validation. In most of the cases (n = 71; 86.6%) they matched with identity values ≥ 97–100% with the corresponding species. The dataset was able to identify the species involved in regional poisoning incidents. As some of these species are also involved in poisonings at the national level, the dataset may be used for supporting the National Health Service throughout the Italian territory. Moreover, it can support the official control activities aimed at detecting frauds in commercial mushroom-based products and safeguarding consumers.
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Species identification lies at the heart of biodiversity studies that has in recent years favoured DNA-based approaches. Microbial Biological Resource Centres are a rich source for diverse and high-quality reference materials in microbiology, and yet the strains preserved in these biobanks have been exploited only on a limited scale to generate DNA barcodes. As part of a project funded in the Netherlands to barcode specimens of major national biobanks, sequences of two nuclear ribosomal genetic markers, the Internal Transcribed Spaces and 5.8S gene (ITS) and the D1/D2 domain of the 26S Large Subunit (LSU), were generated as DNA barcode data for ca. 100 000 fungal strains originally assigned to ca. 17 000 species in the CBS fungal biobank maintained at the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht. Using more than 24 000 DNA barcode sequences of 12 000 ex-type and manually validated filamentous fungal strains of 7 300 accepted species, the optimal identity thresholds to discriminate filamentous fungal species were predicted as 99.6 % for ITS and 99.8 % for LSU. We showed that 17 % and 18 % of the species could not be discriminated by the ITS and LSU genetic markers, respectively. Among them, ∼8 % were indistinguishable using both genetic markers. ITS has been shown to outperform LSU in filamentous fungal species discrimination with a probability of correct identification of 82 % vs. 77.6 %, and a clustering quality value of 84 % vs. 77.7 %. At higher taxonomic classifications, LSU has been shown to have a better discriminatory power than ITS. With a clustering quality value of 80 %, LSU outperformed ITS in identifying filamentous fungi at the ordinal level. At the generic level, the clustering quality values produced by both genetic markers were low, indicating the necessity for taxonomic revisions at genus level and, likely, for applying more conserved genetic markers or even whole genomes. The taxonomic thresholds predicted for filamentous fungal identification at the genus, family, order and class levels were 94.3 %, 88.5 %, 81.2 % and 80.9 % based on ITS barcodes, and 98.2 %, 96.2 %, 94.7 % and 92.7 % based on LSU barcodes. The DNA barcodes used in this study have been deposited to GenBank and will also be publicly available at the Westerdijk Institute's website as reference sequences for fungal identification, marking an unprecedented data release event in global fungal barcoding efforts to date.
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A new classification of several clitocyboid taxa is here proposed to accommodate results from multigenic phylogenetic inference. The analysis of ITS rDNA as well as a combined dataset including 18S and 28S rDNA, tef1 and rpb2 data, support significantly a shared monophyletic origin of the genera Pseudoclitocybe, Musumecia and Pogonoloma, and the species Clitocybe alexandri and C. harperi. The new family Pseudoclitocybaceae is here proposed to name this clade, characterized by the presence of loop-like clamp connections in most species, absence of cystidia, and parallel hymenophoral trama with broad, cylindrical hyphae with intracellular granulations. The new genera Clitopaxillus and Harmajaea are proposed to accommodate the type species C. alexandri and H. harperi, as well as the combination H. wellsiae. In addition, two new species are described: C. fibulatus has a differential distribution of clamp connections in the basidiome, while H. guldeniae is, by now, an exclusively European taxon with brownish pileus, somewhat decurrent gills, ovoid spores and basidia longer than those of H. harperi. Finally, the species concept within Pseudoclitocybe and Pogonoloma is discussed and descriptions of the most representative species are provided.
Infundibulicybe macrospora, a new species, is described and illustrated from the Himalayan moist temperate forests of Pakistan. The new species can be differentiated from close allies by its reddish orange to light orange pileus, whitish lamellae and stipe, and larger and broader basidiospores. The new species is also supported by molecular phylogenetic analysis inferred from internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region.