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Optimization of Aedes albopictus rearing procedures for combined sterile insect techniques (SIT) and Wolbachia-based laboratory studies in Sri Lanka



The establishment of a laboratory colony is an essential first step for conduction of laboratory studies on the biology and control of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Therefore, with the objective of generating high quality mosquitoes as research material for utilization in ongoing vector control studies and to disseminate authenticated, high-quality Ae. albopictus mosquito rearing information to the research community, maintenance of an Ae. albopictus mosquito colony was initiated at the Molecular Medicine Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. A self-mating colony was established from eggs of the F1 progeny of individuals collected as free-living larvae in Narahenpita (Western Province), Sri Lanka. The mean temperature of 28 °C (± 2 °C) and relative humidity of 80% (± 5%) was constantly maintained inside the insectary. Lighting was provided by fluorescent lights, regulated with 12:12 h continuous dark and light period. Pest insects were controlled manually. Mosquitoes were maintained on bovine blood provided via an artificial membrane feeding system and a continuous supply of 10% sugar supplements. Larvae were maintained in deoxygenate water and fed with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recommended diet of tuna meal, bovine liver powder, and brewery yeast in a ratio of 37.5:27:10.5 in 1 L. Data on fecundity, fertility, larvae death, pupation, adult emergence, adult mosquito longevity were recorded. Adhering to bio-safety, all discarded materials were boiled thoroughly and incinerated if required. This report on the establishment and maintenance of a laboratory colony of Ae. albopictus will be of value for identifying the critical requirements essential under artificial conditions.
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International Journal of Tropical
Insect Science
e-ISSN 1742-7592
Int J Trop Insect Sci
DOI 10.1007/s42690-020-00134-7
Optimization of Aedes albopictus rearing
procedures for combined sterile insect
techniques (SIT) and Wolbachia-based
laboratory studies in Sri Lanka
Y.I.N.Silva Gunawardene,
R.S.Dassanayake, et al.
1 23
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Optimization of Aedes albopictus rearing procedures for combined
sterile insect techniques (SIT) and Wolbachia-based laboratory
studies in Sri Lanka
N. D. A. D. Wijegunawardana
&Y. I. N. Silva Gunawardene
&W. Abeyewickreme
&T. G. A. N. Chandrasena
R. S. Dassanayake
&A. Manamperi
Received: 28 November 2019 / Accepted: 5 March 2020
#African Association of Insect Scientists 2020
The establishment of a laboratory colony is an essential first step for conduction of laboratory studies on the biology and control
of Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Therefore, with the objective of generating high quality mosquitoes as research material for
utilization in ongoing vector control studies and to disseminate authenticated, high-quality Ae. albopictus mosquito rearing
information to the research community, maintenance of an Ae. albopictus mosquito colony was initiated at the Molecular
Medicine Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. A self-mating colony was established from eggs of
the F1 progeny of individuals collected as free-living larvaein Narahenpita (Western Province), Sri Lanka. The mean temperature
of 28 °C (± 2 °C) and relative humidity of 80% (± 5%) was constantly maintained inside the insectary. Lighting was provided by
fluorescent lights, regulated with 12:12 h continuous dark and light period. Pest insects were controlled manually. Mosquitoes
were maintained on bovine blood provided via an artificial membrane feeding system and a continuous supply of 10% sugar
supplements. Larvae were maintained in deoxygenate water and fed with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recom-
mended diet of tuna meal, bovine liver powder, and brewery yeast in a ratio of 37.5:27:10.5 in 1 L. Data on fecundity, fertility,
larvae death, pupation, adult emergence, adult mosquito longevity were recorded. Adhering to bio-safety, all discarded materials
were boiled thoroughly and incinerated if required. This report on the establishment and maintenance of a laboratory colony of
Ae. albopictus will be of value for identifying the critical requirements essential under artificial conditions.
Keywords Aedes albopictus .Laboratory colonization .Optimum rearing conditions
The mosquito genus Aedes consist of over 950 species which
are native to temperate and tropical habitats worldwide (Yi
et al. 2014). Forty eight different species of Aedes were found
to prevail in Sri Lanka in 2013 (Sirisena and Noordeen 2013).
Of them, Ae. albopictus, a secondary vector of dengue in Asia
(Christofferson 2015) is the predominant mosquito species in
Sri Lanka.
Ae. albopictus has a wide geographical distribution, as it is
particularly resilient, and can survive in both rural and urban
environments (Benedict et al. 2007). The mosquitoseggsare
highly resistant and can remain viable throughout the dry sea-
son (Cunze et al. 2016). This mosquito species can also sur-
vive in cooler temperate regions of Europe (Cunze et al.
albopictus is prevalent in large parts of the United States,
Brazil and Europe (Lambrechts et al. 2011; Delatte et al.
2009; Medlock et al. 2012;Carvalhoetal.2014).
Approaches to reduce dengue infection include reduction
of mosquito abundance, prevention or minimizing mosquito-
human contact, genetic manipulation of vector mosquitoes to
reduce vector efficacy and vaccines (Eisen et al. 2009; Gubler
*Y. I. N. Silva Gunawardene
Molecular Medicine Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Kelaniya, Ragama, Sri Lanka
Department of Bioprocess Technology, Faculty of Technology,
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, General Sir John
Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Kelaniya, Ragama, Sri Lanka
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of
Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
Author's personal copy
1988). In the absence of a satisfactory vaccine for dengue, the
only available control strategies are mosquito based. (http://
q_and_a/en/,CDC2017). Thus, investigations for more
effective mosquito control methods has become a priority.
Scientific experiments related to the mosquito biology and
control require laboratory reared uninfected mosquitoes for
testing. Therefore, rearing facilities for mosquitoes need to
be established at the onset of such investigations with main-
tenance of quality to guarantee a high production rate of
healthy mosquitoes to be utilized in research. The combined
Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) and Wolbac h ia-based approach
(Incompatible Insect Technique IIT) are new tools that have
much potential in the integrated vector management strategies
planned against Ae. albopictus mosquitoes in Sri Lanka
(Wijegunawardana et al. 2017). These methods require a con-
tinuous supply of massive quantities of laboratory bred mos-
quitoes for interventions with Wol b ach ia and or ionizing radi-
ation. Thus large scale mosquito rearing facilities need to be
established for application of the above vector control
methods. In addition, the success of these methods are largely
dependent on the survival, dispersal and mating competitive-
ness of the treated male mosquitoes with those in the target
zone. If these fitness parameters are comparable or better than
those of wild mosquitoes, the suppression of the wild mosqui-
to population could be achieved by way of reproductive in-
compatibility in the long term (Benelli et al. 2016). Therefore,
optimization of Ae. albopictus rearing facility is a primary
requirement for healthier mosquitos. Secondly, optimization
of rearing facilities and procedures facilitates synchronized
development of mosquitos which has a greater production
value in terms of, cost and time. Thus this study was aimed
at gaining information on the best practices and procedures
required for optimization of Ae. albopictus rearing and we
report the optimized protocol with the intention of sharing
the knowledge within the research community working in a
similar field and for those intending to set up insectary facility
in their institutions. The optimized protocol highlighted in this
article provide authenticated, high-quality Ae. albopictus mos-
quito rearing information and technology.
Materials and methods
Insectary facilities and environmental conditions
All research work outlined in this manuscript was undertaken
at the insectary of the Molecular Medicine Unit (MMU),
Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
From the onset, the internal environment of the insectary
was carefully regulated to better suit the colonization of Ae.
albopictus mosquito. The mean temperature of 28 °C (± 2 °C)
and relative humidity (RH) of 80% (± 5%) was constantly
maintained inside the insectary with air conditioning and a
humidistat for auto-control of the humidifier (Deffensor
D505, Cat. No., OT2099B, Condair, USA). Lighting was pro-
vided by fluorescent lights, controlled with a 12:12 h contin-
uous scoto and photo periods (Higgs and Beaty 1996). Pest
insect were eliminated manually ensuring the essential ab-
sence of ants and cockroaches. Application of insecticides or
repellents were not allowed within the insectary for any pur-
pose. This was done to avoid any harm to the mosquito colo-
nies either directly or by contamination with toxicants
transported by pests. An optimally functional adult mosquito
trap was placed inside the insectary and was monitored for
released mosquitoes. The level of cleanliness inside the insec-
tary was consistently maintained. Written guidelines were giv-
en to each person assigned to a particular task inside the in-
sectary facility.
Insectary operations
Direct insectary operations included rearing of Ae. albopictus
larvae, pupae and adult for routine colony maintenance; facil-
itate egg laying for adults after blood feeding; egg collection,
counting and hatching. Number of Ae. albopictus eggs on
each egg paper (Seed germination papers/Filter paper, Grade
6 S/N, Cat. FT-2-314-580,580) was counted and recorded be-
fore starting the egg hatching process. Preparation of hatching
bottles were done on the afternoon of the day prior to the start
of egg hatching. Hatching bottles were filled with boiled dis-
tilled water and the lids were immediately tightened for com-
plete elimination of oxygen from the water. After allowing the
hatching bottles to cool to room temperature, egg papers were
sub-merged in the hatching bottle for a maximum of 2 days
with regular inspection for egg hatching.
After 2 days of hatching, the larvae that emerged from the
eggs were put into larvae rearing trays (size W400 x D300 x
H80 mm, plastic, white, heat resistant up to 70 °C) half filled
with de-chlorinated water. Larvae were fed with International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recommended diet of tuna
meal, bovine liver powder, and brewery yeast and vitamin in
a ratio of 37.5:27:10.5: g in 1 L up to 1 week (IAEA 2017).
Two types of larval diet supplementation methods were prac-
ticed under similar larval rearing conditions. The first method
consisted of supplements of IAEA standard larvae diet mix
1.5 μl per larvae up to pupation and the second method in-
cluded supplement of larvae diet according to following reg-
imen; 1.5 μl day one, 1.5 μl; day two, 1.55 μl; day three,
1.6 μl; day four, 1.65 μl and day five, 1.7 μl to facilitate
maximum larval growth and thereafter again decrease to stan-
dard volume of diet (1.5 μl/larvae) (Balestrino et al. 2014).
The trays were covered with fine nets in order to avoid egg-
laying by adult mosquitoes from different sources. Cultures of
mosquito larvae were monitored daily and precautions were
taken to avoid the growth of a bacterioneuston layer, a thin
Int J Trop Insect Sci
Author's personal copy
organic surface microlayer that covers the water surface which
has a negative impact on oxygen intake leading to high mor-
tality rate of the larvae (Norkrans 1980). Therefore the
microlayers formed were regularly removed by scraping a
tissue paper across the water surface.
Pupation started after the fifth day of egg hatching and
ended by the 7th day. Number of pupa were counted and their
gender was recorded. Sex determination of pupa was done
using size variation. For purposes of quality control micro-
scopic identification was performed among randomly selected
samples and length and width of pupal cephalothorax were
measured and recorded (OPTIKA Srl, V2.0, Italy). At the
same time any identifiable phenotypic variations on pupae
were recorded. An equal number of male and female pupa
(minimum of 150 and maximum of 500 from each sex) were
counted and put into pupa cup and kept inside the adult Bug
Dorm cages (30 × 30 × 30 cm
allowing the adults to emerge.
After emergence adults were fed on a 10% sucrose solu-
tion. As females required a blood meal for maturation and egg
laying, blood feeding was started from 4th day onwards with
bovine blood. Feeding was done for about 1 h per cage with
1000 mosquitoes with a 1:1 male female ratio using an artifi-
cial membrane feeder. Egg laying cups were kept 2 days after
the blood feeding and collection of egg laying papers were
done on the fourth day post-feeding. Egg papers were dried
for a minimum of 3 days at room temperature prior to the start
of the hatching process. Adult mosquito cages were blood fed
every 4th day after emergence from pupa and for purposes of
quality control each adult cage was blood fed only thrice and
there after supplementation with 10% sugar solution was con-
tinued until the death of all adult mosquitoes.
Records on larval feeding, larvae tray maintenance and
cleaning charts, adult feeding (both sugar solution and blood)
and insectary cleaning were maintained on a daily basis. Data
recorded included rates of egg laying, egg hatching, larvae
death, pupation, adult emergence, egg laying and adult mos-
quito death with respect to sex and time difference.
Appropriate safety precautions were followed with regard to
insectary waste disposal. For purposes of bio-safety all
discarded material from larvae trays, egg laying cupsand adult
cages were thoroughly boiled to facilitate total destruction of
contaminant mosquito eggs in the discarded material. All oth-
er infectious materials such as cotton pads soaked with bovine
blood, feeding membranes and gloves were incinerated. For
safety and security reasons insectary access was restricted to
authorized staff who were trained in mosquito handling and
waste disposal, etc.
Data analysis
Frequency data were angle transformed (arcsine sqrt) while
count data log transformed (Log10 (n + 1) before testing for
normality (Anderson-Darling test) and homogeneity of vari-
ances (Levenes test) prior to statistical analysis. Differences
in measured parameters among Ae. albopictus (e.g, pupae
size) were analyzed using one-way ANOVAs. The General
Linear Models were used to evaluate the impact of larval diet
on growth parameters (e.g., pupae size). Means were separat-
ed by Tukeys Post hoc test. For pairwise comparison, the
Student ttests or the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U tests
were used. All statistical analyses were performed using
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software
(IBM® SPSS® Statistics) with alpha level of 0.05. Unless
otherwise stated, back-transformed values (mean and 95%
confidence interval (CI) are presented in the text and figures
to aid interpretability.
Performance indicators for Ae. Albopictus mosquito
colony from G#1 to G#14
Performance indicators (egg production and hatching rates
and pupation rates) of the up scaled colony of Ae. albopictus
were compared for each generation up to the 14th generation
with those prior to upscaling of colony maintenance as shown
in in Table 1. Accordingly, there was a significant effect on the
rates of the egg laying, egg hatching and pupation up to the G
# 14 for the laboratory bred Ae. albopictus colony after the
upscaling with standard rearing practices.
Female fecundity and egg viability (fertility)
Fecundity and fertility rates for each generation of the Ae.
albopictus isgiveninFig.1. Accordingly, fecundity varied
from 25 to 110 within a generation from the beginning of
the first generation, while giving an average of 42. After
the 6th generation onwards the mean difference of the fe-
cundity between the generations was reduced up to a range
of 48 to 59 (Fig. 1). Similarly, fertility rate increased ini-
tially from 77% to 98% within a maximum time period of
24 h. For better identificationoffirststage(L1)larvae
hatching bottles were kept for a further 24 h without any
disturbances. However, a significant difference in egg
hatching/fertility rates were not observed between each
generation (p=0.000)asdepictedinFig.1.
Rate of larvae survival and pupation
High survival rates in transition from larvae to pupa was
achieved with many challenges since this step depended on
both the environmental conditions and larval diet regi-
mens. Initially a small number of larvae per tray were used
and diet regimen and tray cleanliness were regularly
Int J Trop Insect Sci
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maintained. Even though the number of dead larvae per
tray decreased from 40 to 7 it again increased when the
number of larvae reared per tray and number of days that
the larvae tray was maintained increased (Fig. 2). The red
colour circles in Fig. 2indicate the number of larvae reared
in each tray with the corresponding value along with the
number of days larvae tray was maintained until the pu-
pation of final active larvae. As a result of careful moni-
toring of these data finally 94% larval survival rate was
achieved by maintaining 1000 larvae per tray up to maxi-
mum of 7 days.
Pupation was initiated 5 days after larval emergence and it
took almost another 5 days to achieve 100% pupation.
Following optimization of larval diet and larval tray mainte-
nance time, 100% pupation was achieved successfully within
5 to 6 days after larval emergence. Rate of pupation ranged
from 0.49 to 1 from 1st generation to 14th generation, while
recording an average pupation rate of 0.84. Pupation rate was
more stable after the 4th generation and resulted in an average
pupation rate of 0.90 (Table 2) within the first 6 days after
larval emergence. Difference of both the rate and frequency of
male and female pupation was not statistically significant
Fecundity 42 39 54 34 44 35 48 56 51 52 58 55 52 59
Fertility 77 80 77 89 77 92 85 88 97 89 89 90 87 98
Rate of female fecundity &
egg viability (fertility)
Fig. 1 Rate of female fecundity
and egg viability (fertility) with
respect to the corresponding gen-
eration of the Ae. albopictus
mosquito colony
Table 1 Results of tests between-
subjects effects of rates of egg
laying, hatching and pupation for
the Ae. albopictus mosquito
colony for each of 14 generations
Source Dependent Variable Type III Sum
of Squares
df Mean
Corrected Model EGGs 80,835.539
13 26,945.180 34.867 .000
Hatch rate 2.490
13 .830 9.147 .000
Rate of pupation .922
13 .307 5.724 .001
Intercept EGGs 895,731.234 1 895,731.234 1159.072 .000
Hatch rate 101.962 1 101.962 1123.820 .000
Rate of pupation 128.706 1 128.706 2397.573 .000
Treatment EGGs 80,835.539 13 26,945.180 34.867 .000
Hatch rate 2.490 13 .830 9.147 .000
Rate of pupation .922 13 .307 5.724 .001
Error EGGs 265,070.432 343 772.800
Hatch rate 31.120 343 .091
Rate of pupation 18.413 343 .054
Total EGGs 1,261,248.000 347
Hatch rate 161.754 347
Rate of pupation 207.330 347
Corrected Total EGGs 345,905.971 346
Hatch rate 33.609 346
Rate of pupation 19.335 346
R Squared = .234 (Adjusted R Squared = .227)
R Squared = .074 (Adjusted R Squared = .066)
R Squared = .048 (Adjusted R Squared = .039)
Int J Trop Insect Sci
Author's personal copy
within and between generations (Fig. 3). However, there was a
significant difference (H = 6.300, df = 1, P< 0.01) between
sexes for pupal cephalothorax measurements. Female speci-
mens were larger (mean 3.29 mm ± SD 0.12) than males
(2.58 mm ± 0.60). The impact of the larval diet regimens on
size variation between two sexes were not significantly differ-
ent (P> 0.05) with the two larvae diet supplement methods
and the correlation was not statistically significant at a pvalue
of 0.05.
The rate of adult emergence and survival
A 100% survival rate of pupated larvae up to adult emergence
was achieved within 2 days following the onset of pupation.
With the increase of larvae diet, rates of female emergence
increased more than the males from the 6th generation on-
wards as shown in Table 2. Adult survival rate up to the
12th day was 95.5%. There was no significant difference of
adult longevity between the sexes up to the first 12 days of
emergence. However, the approximate life span for males
(~17 days) was lower than the females (~ 25 days) and the
mortality was regular throughout all generations (G1 to G14).
In agreement with others the hatching of Ae. albopictus mos-
quito eggs appears to be induced under anoxic conditions
generated by boiled water than normal tap water (mean hatch
rate of A. albopictus eggs in anoxic water was 87% (n=14)
and normal tap water was 63% (n = 14) (Borg and Horsfall
1953; Judson 1960; Fallis and Snow 1983). Thus, in large
scale laboratory rearing of Ae. albopictus an anoxic hatching
medium is recommended which would synchronize the egg
hatching within the first 24 h after its onset. An anoxic condi-
tion in the hatching medium can be easily achieved by boiling
the water as described in this report. Alternative methods such
as bubbling nitrogen gas through the water (Fallis and Snow
1983), adding ascorbic acid (Schwan and Anderson 1980;
Mulla and Chaudhury 1968), yeast (Morlan et al. 1963;
Farnesi et al. 2009) or Nutrient Broth (Bellini et al. 2007)to
the hatching medium has also been practiced.
Female fecundity (mean ± SE) was at an acceptable level
for sustain the mosquito colony (48 ± 3 eggs per female) with
a mean value ranging from 33 to 58. This was comparable to
other studies investigating the first gonotrophic cycle of the
mosquito (mean value ranging from 42 to 143 eggs per female
(Deng et al. 2012; Hawley 1988) but was higher than that
reported by Balestrino et al. 2014 (13 ± 1 eggs per female).
An interplay of several factors have been associated with the
high variations in female fecundity. These factors include the
size of mosquito (modulated by the colonization process or
the larval rearing conditions), blood meal source, blood feed-
ing method, availability of carbohydrates, age of mosquito,
mating conditions and suitability of oviposition sites (Deng
et al. 2012; De Jesus and Reiskind 2016). The low variation in
female fecundity observed in the current study as compared to
others confirmed that the rearing conditions between genera-
tions were more or less constant.
Table 2 Rate of pupation, adult emergence and survival with respect to
each generation of the Ae. albopictus laboratory mosquito colony
Generation Rate of (%)
Pupation Adult emerge Adult survival
Male Female Male Female
1 0.49 0.51 0.49 0.96 0.9
2 0.68 0.6 0.4 0.94 0.94
3 0.63 0.54 0.46 0.97 0.94
4 0.87 0.61 0.39 0.97 0.97
5 0.91 0.52 0.48 0.94 0.95
6 0.81 0.42 0.58 0.94 0.93
7 0.84 0.48 0.52 0.99 0.96
8 0.95 0.5 0.5 0.93 0.93
9 0.94 0.4 0.6 0.86 0.95
10 0.99 0.43 0.57 0.88 0.91
11 1 0.46 0.5 4 0.93 0.89
12 0.83 0.48 0.52 0.96 0.86
13 0.86 0.44 0.56 0.91 0.94
14 0.94 0.45 0.55 0.95 0.96
Average no. of dead
larvae per tray
No. of days
Fig. 2 Average number of dead
larvae per tray with respect to the
number of days of Ae. albopictus
larval rearing under the insectary
rearing condition. Further red
colour circles highlighted the
fluctuation of dead larvae count
along with the variation of the
total number of larvae reared per
larvae tray
Int J Trop Insect Sci
Author's personal copy
The rate of pupation, adult emergence and adult sur-
vival was also at an acceptable rates for sustainable pro-
duction of mosquito colony with the optimized rearing
condition in the current study. However, there was a sex-
ual size dimorphism in Ae. albopictus mosquito pupae.
Literature indicates that this may be an influence of the
larvae diet (Castro et al. 1994; Consoli and Lourenço-de-
Oliveira 1994;Couretetal.2014). Since pupal stage is a
non-feeding stage, the diet during the larval period criti-
cally influences pupal size and development (Consoli and
Lourenço-de-Oliveira 1994;Couretetal.2014). As the
pupal size is regarded as an indicator of the mosquito
gender (IAEA 2017) and thus used as a parameter in the
application of sex separation required for SIT and
Wolb a chi a based approach an attempt was taken to mea-
sure the impact of larvae diet on pupal size. However,
with the two larvae diet regimens tested a significant cor-
relation was not observed. Therefore, continuation with
the standard IAEA diet mix with 1.5 ml/larvae is recom-
mended until a cheaper comparable IAEA diet option is
Absence of a significant difference in adult longevity be-
tween adult males and females within first 12 days of emer-
gence indicate the existing insectary conditions are favorable
for rearing Ae. albopictus in Sri Lanka. Thus, this article will
be of assistance in identifying the critical requirements for the
establishment and maintenance of a colony of Ae. albopictus
under artificial conditions in Sri Lanka and in other similar
Acknowledgements Financial support received through NRC TO 14/04,
IAEA RAS 5047 and WHO/TDR grant HQTDR1409931 (TIMS ID:
B40098) are greatly acknowledged.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
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Int J Trop Insect Sci
Author's personal copy
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... It is plausible that the number of breeding generations of the reared colony is associated with the size variations, which affects the productivity yield and female presence once sex-sorted. Size fluctuations have already been observed in adults held in cages over generations [36,71], as well as in pupae when the strain was maintained or the strains were cross-bred [19,72,73]. ...
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The sterile insect technique (SIT) is a biologically based method of pest control, which relies on the mass production, sterilization, and release of sterile males of the target species. Since females can transmit viruses, it is important to develop a mass rearing system to produce a large number of males with a low presence of females. We evaluated the effects of different strains, larval diets and sexing tools on male productivity and residual female presence for the application of SIT against Aedes albopictus. Strains coming from Italy, Germany, Greece, and Montenegro, with different levels of colonization, were reared with three larval diets: IAEA-BY, BLP-B and SLP-BY. Developed pupae were sexed using two different mechanical methods: sieve or Fay-Morlan separator. The results proved that adoption of the Fay-Morlan separator increased the productivity and limited the female presence. The IAEA-BY diet showed the lowest female contamination. Strains with a high number of breeding generations showed a decreased productivity and an increased female presence. Increased female presence was found only in extensively reared strains and only when the sorting operation was conducted with sieves. We hypothesize that extensive colonization may determine a size reduction which limits the sexing tool efficiency itself.
... In the last few years, several studies have been conducted to evaluate, introduce, improve, and optimize the SIT against Aedes invasive mosquitoes [32][33][34][35]. Not only the cost of the larval diet but also the wide availability on the market and the standardization of the diet components are crucial to improve mass-rearing procedure. ...
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Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1895) is an invasive important medical and veterinary pest species. The sterile insect technique (SIT) involves the mass rearing of males, and their sterilization and release into the habitat to compete with wild males. Our research objective was to compare the effectiveness of three larval diet recipes (IAEA-BY, BCWPRL, and MIX-14) in the laboratory rearing of Ae. albopictus males to evaluate the available economical feeding alternatives. The separation of sexes was done in the pupal stage by sieving. Reared males were tested for flight capacity and longevity. The application of the BCWPRL diet resulted in a higher portion of sieved male pupae than females, but the development of males was the slowest, and the number of obtained males (pupae and adults) was lower compared to the other two diets. The adult mean survival time was the highest in males fed with MIX-14 and the lowest in males fed with IAEA-BY. Males fed by IAEA-BY also demonstrated higher initial mortality in the adult stage. The diets BCWPRL and MIX-14 are economically more convenient than IAEA-BY (2.28 and 5.30 times cheaper, respectively). The cheapest diet, MIX-14, might represent a candidate for replacing the effective but still expensive IAEA-BY larval diet, providing lower costs of sterile male production.
Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease mainly transmitted by Aedes aegypti and disease control is primarily reliant on mosquito vector control strategies. In the failure of conventional vector control strategies, new strategies are being developed which specifically require the maintenance of mosquito colonies in the laboratories. Blood-feeding is an essential part of the routine colony maintenance of Ae. aegypti. Therefore, the current study was focused on developing a simplified artificial membrane-feeding device, "Hemocup" feeder out of affordable material. viz., plastic cups, styrofoam insulation system, parafilm-M, and preheated water to facilitate the Ae. aegypti artificial blood feeding. The performance of the device was compared to that of a commercially available blood-feeding device, "Hemotek", by assessing the blood-feeding rate, fecundity, and egg hatchability. Similar blood feeding rates were observed for Hemocup and Hemotek methods (91.8 ± 1.6 and 94.3 ± 1.6 respectively>0.05) as well as comparable fecundity between the two methods (20.8 ± 0.7 and 22.0 ± 1.5 respectively; p > 0.05). Furthermore, there was no statistically significant difference in egg hatchability between the two methods (91.9 ± 1.4 and 93.8 ± 1.4, respectively; p > 0.05). The results indicate that this simple Hemocup blood-feeding system can be used for routine colonization of laboratory strains of Ae. aegypti and for mass-rearing purposes.
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Nanotechnology has revolutionized a wide array of disciplines with its explicit applications in various important fields related to human health and environment. Utilization of nanoparticles to control mosquito menace is one of the most important output of nano research. Mosquitoes are a threat to the worldwide population as they serve as vectors for a variety of diseasecausing organisms. They are responsible for numerous diseases like malaria, dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, West Nile fever, Japanese encephalitis, etc. Conventional control methods use various chemicals and physical agents which are unable to fulfill the current demand of mosquito control strategy. From the decades, the application of these chemicals are causing a continuous harm to biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem. Therefore, recent studies are focusing on the novel and safe nanotool that are proving a boon to control measures against mosquito population.Plant mediated nanoparticles approach has shown impressive results in the field of mosquito control biology.Green synthesis of copper, zinc and silver nanoparticles have shown their toxic effects against mosquito.The review provides an insight of green revolution of rapidly growing nano research as a green nanotool control tactics to minimize the damage caused due to mosquito borne diseases.
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Mosquitoes represent the major arthropod vectors of human disease worldwide transmitting malaria, lymphatic filariasis, and arboviruses such as dengue virus and Zika virus. Unfortunately, no treatment (in the form of vaccines or drugs) is available for most of these diseases and vector control is still the main form of prevention. The limitations of traditional insecticide-based strategies, particularly the development of insecticide resistance, have resulted in significant efforts to develop alternative eco-friendly methods. Biocontrol strategies aim to be sustainable and target a range of different mosquito species to reduce the current reliance on insecticide-based mosquito control. In this review, we outline non-insecticide based strategies that have been implemented or are currently being tested. We also highlight the use of mosquito behavioural knowledge that can be exploited for control strategies.
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The Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus, native to South East Asia, is listed as one of the worst invasive vector species worldwide. In Europe the species is currently restricted to Southern Europe, but due to the ongoing climate change, Ae. albopictus is expected to expand its potential range further northwards. In addition to modelling the habitat suitability for Ae. albopictus under current and future climatic conditions in Europe by means of the maximum entropy approach, we here focused on the drivers of the habitat suitability prediction. We explored the most limiting factors for Aedes albopictus in Europe under current and future climatic conditions, a method which has been neglected in species distribution modelling so far. Ae. albopictus is one of the best-studied mosquito species, which allowed us to evaluate the applied Maxent approach for most limiting factor mapping. We identified three key limiting factors for Ae. albopictus in Europe under current climatic conditions: winter temperature in Eastern Europe, summer temperature in Southern Europe. Model findings were in good accordance with commonly known establishment thresholds in Europe based on climate chamber experiments and derived from the geographical distribution of the species. Under future climatic conditions low winter temperature were modelled to remain the most limiting factor in Eastern Europe, whereas in Central Europe annual mean temperature and summer temperatures were modelled to be replaced by summer precipitation, respectively, as most limiting factors. Changes in the climatic conditions in terms of the identified key limiting factors will be of great relevance regarding the invasive potential of the Ae. albopictus. Thus, our results may help to understand the key drivers of the suggested range expansion under climate change and may help to improve monitoring programmes. The applied approach of investigating limiting factors has proven to yield valuable results and may also provide valuable insights into the drivers of the prediction of current and future distribution of other species. This might be particularly interesting for other vector species that are of increasing public health concerns.
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Background Adult mosquito density is a critical factor in the transmission of arboviruses by container Aedes spp. mosquitoes. Female fecundity drives population growth, and therefore contributes to adult mosquito density. Previous studies have focused on female body size as the major determinant of fecundity, paying little attention to male condition. In this study, we examined the effects of male body size on the abundance of sperm in spermatheca, depletion of sperm over time, and female fecundity. Methods We generated males in two size classes using different larval densities, and allowed them to mate with females generated from a moderately dense larval environment. We counted sperm in female spermatheca in a sample of females immediately after mating, then every week for four weeks post-mating. We provided weekly blood meals to females and determined their fecundity over four weeks after the initial blood meal. ResultsWe found significantly more sperm in Aedes albopictus females than in Aedes aegypti, and detected depletion of sperm in Ae. aegypti, but not in Ae. albopictus. We did not see significant differences in number of sperm in spermathecae in relation to male body size in either species over subsequent gonotrophic cycles. We found a significant effect of male body size on fecundity in Ae. albopictus, but not Ae. aegypti, with a 46 % increase in fecundity for female Ae. albopictus offered four blood meals. Conclusions Our results suggest substantial differences in the mating biology of these ecologically similar species and the importance of considering males in understanding female fecundity. The substantial increase in fecundity in Ae. albopictus has implications for population growth, estimating vector density, and modeling the transmission of pathogens.
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The mosquito larval rearing unit developed at the Insect Pest Control Laboratory (IPCL) of the FAO/IAEA Joint Division was evaluated for its potential use for Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1895) mass rearing in support of the development of a sterile insect technique (SIT) package for this species. The use of the mass rearing trays and rack did not adversely affect larval development, pupation and survival rates and allowed the management of large larval rearing colonies with reduced space requirements in comparison with classical individual trays. The effects of larval density, water temperature and diet composition on pupal production and size differentiation for sex separation efficacy were analyzed for individual mass rearing trays as well as multiple trays stacked within the dedicated rack unit. Best results were obtained using eighteen thousand larvae per tray at a density of 3 larvae per ml of deionized water at a temperature of 28°C on a diet consisting of 50% tuna meal, 36% bovine liver powder, 14% brewer's yeast and, as an additive, 0.2 gr of Vitamin Mix per 100 ml of diet solution. Pupae were harvested on the sixth day from larval introduction at L1 stage and males were separated out by the use of a 1400 µm sieve with 99.0% accuracy with a recovery rate of ca. 25% of the total available males. With the use of this larval rearing unit, an average production of 100,000 male pupae per week can be achieved in just 2 square meter of laboratory space. Compared to previous laboratory rearing method, the same pupal production and sex separation efficacy could only be achieved by use of ca. 200 plastic trays which required the space of two 5 square meter climatic-controlled rooms.
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Many environmental factors, biotic and abiotic interact to influence organismal development. Given the importance of Aedes aegypti as a vector of human pathogens including dengue and yellow fever, understanding the impact of environmental factors such as temperature, resource availability, and intraspecific competition during development is critical for population control purposes. Despite known associations between developmental traits and factors of diet and density, temperature has been considered the primary driver of development rate and survival. To determine the relative importance of these critical factors, wide gradients of conditions must be considered. We hypothesize that 1) diet and density, as well as temperature influence the variation in development rate and survival, 2) that these factors interact, and this interaction is also necessary to understand variation in developmental traits. Temperature, diet, density, and their two-way interactions are significant factors in explaining development rate variation of the larval stages of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. These factors as well as two and three-way interactions are significantly associated with the development rate from hatch to emergence. Temperature, but not diet or density, significantly impacted juvenile mortality. Development time was heteroskedastic with the highest variation occurring at the extremes of diet and density conditions. All three factors significantly impacted survival curves of experimental larvae that died during development. Complex interactions may contribute to variation in development rate. To better predict variation in development rate and survival in Ae. aegypti, factors of resource availability and intraspecific density must be considered in addition, but never to the exclusion of temperature.
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Despite the presence of dengue in Sri Lanka since the early 1960s, dengue has become a major public health issue, with a high morbidity and mortality. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are the vectors responsible for the transmission of dengue viruses (DENV). The four DENV serotypes (1, 2, 3, and 4) have been co-circulating in Sri Lanka for more than 30 years. The new genotype of DENV-1 has replaced an old genotype, and new clades of DENV-3 genotype III have replaced older clades. The emergence of new clades of DENV-3 in the recent past coincided with an abrupt increase in the number of dengue fever (DF)/dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases, implicating this serotype in severe epidemics. Climatic factors play a pivotal role in the epidemiological pattern of DF/DHF in terms of the number of cases, severity of illness, shifts in affected age groups, and the expansion of spread from urban to rural areas. There is a regular incidence of DF/DHF throughout the year, with the highest incidence during the rainy months. To reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with DF/DHF, it is important to implement effective vector control programs in the country. The economic impact of DF/DHF results from the expenditure on DF/DHF critical care units in several hospitals and the cost of case management.
The sea-air interface covers three-quarters of the world’s surface. The micro-layers formed at the interface by chemical and microbial constituents, however, represent only an infinitesimal part of the water body, easily housed within, what Maclntyre (1974a) calls, the “top millimeter of the ocean.” Probably due to this meager dimension, the real significance of microlayers was long disregarded. Not until their presence was highlighted by frequent oil spills was increasing attention paid to them. Their profound influence—even under unpolluted conditions—on several interrelated processes was revealed. The processes are summarized in Garrett’s (1972) classic diagram (Fig. 1). They affect the gaseous exchanges (Quinn and Otto, 1971; Liss, 1977; Quickenden and Barnes, 1978) and transport mechanisms from the water column to the atmosphere and vice versa. Dissolved substances, particles, and microorganisms are brought to the interface by simple diffusion, rising bubbles (Garrett, 1967; Jarvis, 1967), convection, and upwelling from sediments and subsurface water, and at the same time, the microlayer is a sink for fallout from the atmosphere (Duce et al., 1976).
Global warming has shortened mosquitoes’ lifecycle period and increased the disease transmission rates by mosquito vectors. We reviewed only three mosquito-borne diseases: malaria, dengue fever, and the Japanese encephalitis. Billions of people get infected with those diseases and millions of people die every year. Although we struggle to find the most effective way to control mosquitoes using various methods (including pesticides), mosquito-borne diseases are still among the most serious problems being faced. This paper, therefore, reviews the strategies for controlling mosquitoes. The use of pesticides to control mosquitoes might have more negative effects on humans and environments than benefits. Although the development of genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes raises new hopes for effective mosquito control, it will take longer to assess the risks to humans and environments. Furthermore, there has been concern about the possible adverse effects from the release of GM mosquitoes into the environment. The various mosquito traps may not be as effective at controlling only female mosquito populations. Therefore, new strategies for the control of mosquitoes are vital. The smart mosquito counter device was developed by Korean Centre for Disease Control (KCDC) in 2013. The mosquito pest control office is able to set up the appropriate mosquito control strategies by using quantitative mosquito information. The smart device will bring mosquito control in line with modern smart generation technology and the device will also soon be able to identify different mosquito species. This new strategy will change the methods of mosquito control and will provide beneficial effects toward sustainable nature and human health.