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An Open Source Vision Pipeline Approach for RoboCup Humanoid Soccer


Abstract and Figures

We are proposing an Open Source ROS vision pipeline for the RoboCup Soccer context. It is written in Python and offers sufficient precision while running with an adequate frame rate on the hardware of kid-sized humanoid robots to allow a fluent course of the game. Fully Convolutional Neural Networks (FCNNs) are used to detect balls while conventional methods are applied to detect robots, obstacles, goalposts, the field boundary, and field markings. The system is evaluated using an integrated evaluator and debug framework. Due to the usage of standardized ROS messages, it can be easily integrated into other teams' code bases.
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An Open Source Vision Pipeline Approach for
RoboCup Humanoid Soccer
Niklas Fiedler, Hendrik Brandt, Jan Gutsche,
Florian Vahl, Jonas Hagge and Marc Bestmann
Hamburg Bit-Bots, Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg,
Vogt-K¨olln-Straße 30, 22527 Hamburg, Germany
{5fiedler, 8hbrandt, 7gutsche, 7vahl, 5hagge, bestmann}
Abstract. We are proposing an Open Source ROS vision pipeline for
the RoboCup Soccer context. It is written in Python and offers sufficient
precision while running with an adequate frame rate on the hardware
of kid-sized humanoid robots to allow a fluent course of the game. Fully
Convolutional Neural Networks (FCNNs) are used to detect balls while
conventional methods are applied to detect robots, obstacles, goalposts,
the field boundary, and field markings. The system is evaluated using
an integrated evaluator and debug framework. Due to the usage of stan-
dardized ROS messages, it can be easily integrated into other teams’
code bases.
Keywords: RoboCup; Open Source; Computer Vision
1 Introduction
In RoboCup Humanoid Soccer, a reliable object recognition is the foundation
of successful gameplay. To keep up with the rule changes and competing teams,
continuous development and improvement of the detection approaches is nec-
essary [2]. The vision pipeline we used previously was neither easily adapt-
able to these changes nor to our new middleware, the Robot Operating System
(ROS) [15]. Additionally, it was hard for new team members to contribute.
Thus, we developed a completely new vision pipeline using Python. In the
development, we focused on a general approach with high usability and adapt-
ability. Furthermore, our team offers courses for students as part of their studies,
in which they are able to work with our existing code base. Therefore, the code
has to be optimized for collaboration within the team. It needs to be easily un-
derstandable, especially because the team members change regularly while the
code base has to be actively maintained. In addition to that, it allows new par-
ticipants to work productively with a short training period and thus providing
a sense of achievement.
Fulfilling the requirements of our domain is made possible by versatile mod-
ules (see 3.1), which are designed to solve specific tasks (e. g. color or object
2 N. Fiedler, H. Brandt et al.
detection), but are also applicable in more generalized use cases. Since we want
to promote further development and encourage collaboration, we publish our
code under an Open-Source license. Due to this and the usage of the ROS mid-
dleware as well as standardized messages [5], the vision pipeline can be integrated
into code bases used by other teams.
2 Related Work
RoboCup Soccer encourages every participating team to continuously enhance
their systems by adapting the laws of the game [2]. Thus, the number of teams
using neural networks as a classifier for batches of ball candidates and even the
amount of those employing Fully Convolutional Neural Networks (FCNNs) in
their vision pipeline is increasing. This section is based on the team descrip-
tion papers submitted by all qualified teams for the RoboCup Humanoid Soccer
The most frequently used methods for object detection are single shot detec-
tors (SSDs), based on existing models such as You Only Look Once (YOLO) [16].
In addition to the Hamburg Bit-Bots [4] (our team), the Bold Hearts [18] and
Sweaty [7] are using fully convolutional neural networks (FCNNs) in their vi-
sion pipeline. With their FCNN [6], the Bold Hearts are detecting the ball and
goalposts. Team Sweaty is additionally able to detect several field markings and
robots with their approach [19]. In the Humanoid KidSize League, the process-
ing hardware is restricted due to the size and weight limits. While the basic
structure of a Convolutional Neural Network for classification is similar between
teams (e.g. [1]), the candidate acquisition varies. The EagleBots.MX team uses a
cascade classifier with Haar-like features [12]. Rhoban detects regions of interest
by using information about the robot’s state and “a kernel convolution on an
Integral Image filter” [1]. The team Electric Sheep uses a color based candidate
detection and relies solely on “number of pixels, ratio of the pixels in the candi-
date area and the size of the candidate area” [3] to classify them. In contrast to
this, [11] proposes a method of candidate acquisition and classification for the
Standard Platform League (SPL) based on high-contrast regions in grayscale
images without the need of color.
The field boundary is usually detected by computing the convex hull around
the largest accumulation of green pixels detected by a field color mask. The
team MRL is working on a neural network based approach for field boundary
detection [13]. For localization purposes, some teams detect field markings by
color [4] while others are relying on the detection of landmarks, such as line
crossings or the penalty marks [19].
1 last accessed: 2019-06-14
An Open Source Vision Pipeline Approach for RoboCup Humanoid Soccer 3
3 Overview and Features
The vision pipeline is implemented as an adaption of the pipe-and-filter pat-
tern [14]. Every module implements one or multiple filters. The data flow is
defined in the main vision module. To accommodate the nonlinear data flow and
to optimize the runtime performance, the output of filters is stored in the mod-
ules. This includes intermediate results of related tasks (e. g. when red robots are
detected, general obstacle candidates are stored in the module, too). The stored
measurements are invalidated as soon as a new image is received. Using launch
scripts, the whole vision pipeline, as well as provided tools, can be started with a
single command in a terminal. Additional parameters allow launching the vision
pipeline with additional debug output, without the FCNN, or to be used in a
simulation environment (rosbags or the Gazebo simulator).
Fig. 1: Exemplary debug image. The detected field boundary is marked by a
red line, field markings are represented as a set of red dots. Around detected
obstacles, boxes are drawn (red: red robot, blue: blue robot, white: white
obstacles i. e. goalposts). The best rated ball candidate and discarded candidates
are indicated by a green circle or red circles respectively. [4]
3.1 Modules
The following subsections present modules currently used in our vision pipeline
by giving a general overview of their function. Some modules contain multiple
implementations of the same task as more efficient ones were developed and
required evaluation. Modules which are no longer in use because they were re-
placed (e. g. a Hough-circle ball candidate detection and a classifier) are left out
of this paper but kept in the repository.
Color Detector As many of the following modules rely on the color classifica-
tion of pixels to generate their output, the color detector module matches their
color to a given color space. These color spaces are configured for the colors of
4 N. Fiedler, H. Brandt et al.
field boundary
detection ROS message
generation debug
ball-FCNN FCNN candidate
Fig. 2: Schematic representation of the vision pipeline. After the image acquisi-
tion, the pipeline is split into two threads. One handles conventional detection
methods and the other handles the FCNN detecting the ball. Afterward, ROS
messages and debug output are generated. The debug step is optional. Modules
marked with an * implement the Candidate Finder class.
the field or objects like goalposts and team markers. Two types of color space
definitions are implemented: Either it is defined by minimum and maximum
values of all three HSV channels or by predefined lookup tables (provided as
a Pickle file or YAML, a data-serialization language). The HSV color model is
used for the representation of white and the robot marker colors, red and blue.
The values of the HSV channels can be easily adjusted by a human before a
competition to match the white of the lines and goal or the team colors of the
enemy team respectively. This is necessary as teams may have different tones of
red or blue as their marker color. On the other hand, the color of the field is
provided as a YAML file to include more various and nuanced tones of green.
These YAML files can be generated using a tool by selecting the field in a video
stream (in the form of a live image or a ROS bag). Additional tools visualize
included colors or increase the density of color spaces by interpolation between
points in the RGB space.
The latest change of rules [17] also allowed natural lighting conditions. There-
fore, pixels in the image mainly surrounded by pixels whose color is already in
the color space are added.
However, only colors without any occurrences above the field boundary are
chosen to ensure a stable adaptation to changes in shade and lighting. In Figure 3,
the images in the left column show an erroneous detection of the field boundary
while the dynamic color space module has been deactivated. The color lookup
table was deliberately chosen to be a bad representation of the green of this field
which can be seen in the resulting color mask on the left. A few seconds after the
activation of the dynamic color space using the dynamic reconfiguration feature,
the field mask marks most of the field, which leads to an increased detection
precision of the field boundary and therefore of obstacles. The dynamic color
space feature is implemented in a separate ROS node and runs parallel to the
main vision to increase runtime performance. It then publishes the updated color
space for the vision.
An Open Source Vision Pipeline Approach for RoboCup Humanoid Soccer 5
Field Boundary Detector Detecting the boundary of the field is important
as it is used for obstacle and field marking detection and to adapt the field color
In order to determine an approximation of the field edge, the module searches
for the topmost green pixels in columns of the image. To increase runtime perfor-
mance not every pixel in every column is checked. Because of this, the resulting
field boundary is not perfectly accurate which can be seen by the smaller dents
in Figure 1 in situations in which field markings are close to the edge of the field.
These dents are too small to be classified as obstacles and therefore insignificant
compared to the improvement of runtime performance.
Depending on the situation different algorithms are used to find the topmost
green pixel. The first iterates over each column from top to bottom until green
is found. As the robot will be looking down on the field most of the time, the
field will be a large part of the image. Searching for it from the top is therefore
very reliable and fast in most cases. However, this poses the problem that the
robot might see green pixels in the background when looking up to search for
objects which are further away (e.g. goalposts). Then these would be detected
resulting in an erroneous measurement of the topmost point of the field.
To address this problem, a different algorithm iterates from the bottom of
a column to the top until a non-green pixel is found. As the white lines inside
of the field would then be falsely detected as the outer boundary, a kernel is
applied onto the input image to take surrounding pixels into consideration.
Due to the use of a kernel, the second method is significantly slower and
should only be used when necessary. It is therefore only chosen when the robots
head is tilted upwards by a certain degree, which makes it likely that the back-
ground will occupy a large portion of the image.
After finding the field boundary, its convex hull is calculated. This is nec-
essary because the actual border of the field might not be visible by the robot
since obstacles can partially obstruct it. As a convex hull eliminates the dents in
the detected field boundary that were caused by obstacles, it resembles a more
accurate representation.
Line Detector The Bit-Bots team uses field markings determined by the line
detector to locate the robot in the field [4]. Unlike other teams (e. g. [8]), it does
not output lines but points in the image which are located on a marking. This
approach reduces the computation effort necessary to gather the information
needed for the localization method. Pixels are randomly chosen in the image
below the highest point of the field boundary. Afterward, the color of the pixel
is matched to the color space representing the color of field markings via the
Color Detector.
To improve the performance of this method, the point density is adapted ac-
cordingly to their height in the image. Additionally, the point density is increased
in areas with line detections in the previous image.
Candidate Finder As multiple modules (FCNN Handlers and Obstacle Detec-
tors) detect or handle candidates which can be described in multiple ways (e.g.
6 N. Fiedler, H. Brandt et al.
coordinates of corner points, one corner point and dimensions or center point
and radius), a generalized representation is necessary. To approach this issue,
the Candidate and Candidate Finder classes are used.
The Candidate class offers multiple representations of the same candidate
as properties. Additionally, a function checking whether a point is part of the
candidate is provided.
The Candidate Finder is an abstract class which is implemented by modules
detecting candidates. It ensures a unified interface for retrieving candidates and
thereby increases adaptability.
Obstacle Detector Most obstacles obstruct the actual field boundary because
they are inside the field and have a similar height as the robot. Therefore, the area
between the convex hull of the field boundary and the detected field boundary
itself is considered an obstacle, if its size is greater than a threshold. Possible
objects in the field are robots of both teams, goalposts and other obstacles, like
the referee. The classification of an obstacle is based on its mean color, as a
goalpost will be predominantly white while robots are marked with their team
color (blue or red).
FCNN Handler The FCNN Handler module is used to preprocess images for a
given FCNN-model and to extract candidates from its output. The preprocessing
consists of a resize of the input image to fit the input size for the given model.
As FCNNs return a pixel-precise activation (two-dimensional output of contin-
uous values between 0 and 1), a candidate extraction is necessary. To optimize
the runtime performance, the candidate extraction is implemented in C++ and
accessed as a Python module.
For debug-purposes and to continue the processing of the FCNN-output in
another ROS node, a generation of a ROS message containing the output in the
form of a heatmap is included.
Currently, we are using an FCNN to locate the soccer ball in the image. It is
based on the model proposed in [20] and trained on images and labels from the
Bit-Bots ImageTagger2[9].
Debugging and Evaluation To improve the results of the vision pipeline, it is
essential to analyze and evaluate the results of algorithms and parameters in the
pipeline. This is achieved by using ROS bags, the debug module, the Evaluator
node and by analyzing messages between nodes.
To ease debugging, the debug module allows the user to create a debug image
(the current input image with all detected features drawn into) via a simple
interface, resulting in live insights into the vision pipeline (see Figure 1).
To measure the runtime of specific components, external profilers and internal
time measurements are used. The neural networks are evaluated separately. To
analyze the performance of the whole vision pipeline, we developed an external
Evaluator node, which is presented in Section 4.
2 last accessed: 2019-06-14
An Open Source Vision Pipeline Approach for RoboCup Humanoid Soccer 7
Fig. 3: Demonstration of the dynamic color detector. A deliberately badly fitting
color space was used on the top left image. The resulting color mask is shown in
the bottom left. White pixels represent field-color detections. The dynamic color
space adapted the original color space which resulted in the improved field-color
detection depicted in the bottom right color mask which is based on the input
image in the top right.
3.2 Configuration
Currently, the vision pipeline configuration consists of 80 parameters. Parameters
are used to define variables which can have different optimal values depending on
the environment (e.g. color definitions or stepsizes in scanline approaches). All
parameters are defined in a single file in the YAML format. The ROS parameter
server manages these parameters and parses the configuration file. Parameters
are stored in the vision module to improve performance. Via its dynamic re-
configuration server, ROS allows the adaption of parameters in a graphical user
interface while the module is running. A change of the value of a parameter
triggers a callback in the vision pipeline which propagates the change to the
modules. The dynamic configuration, which is applicable to all parameters, al-
lows users to inspect the effect of the changed parameters with a minimal delay.
The results are drawn into the debug image. Thereby, the user is able to adapt
parameters intuitively based on runtime and detection performance.
4 Evaluation
To evaluate the vision pipeline, the Evaluator node from the bitbots vision tools
package is used. The Evaluator reads a YAML file containing image names and
corresponding object annotations from a whole image set. A corresponding ex-
port format and test data is provided in the Bit-Bots ImageTagger[9]. Afterward,
8 N. Fiedler, H. Brandt et al.
the annotations are verified and preprocessed. Sequentially, it feeds the images
into the vision pipeline (as ROS messages) and waits for the vision output.
On a Jetson TX2, the system processes 8.1 images per second without debug
output generation. Our vision pipeline is not separated into several ROS nodes
(except the dynamic color space node which is actively adapting the parameters
of the pipeline) because of the delay in the message generation and passing pro-
cess and because multiple modules require common information (e. g. the color
module). ROS nodelets [22] cannot be used as they are currently not supported
in rospy, the ROS interface for Python.
To determine the precision of a detection, the Jaccard-Index (Intersection
over Union, see [21] is used. Two masks are generated for each annotation type.
One mask is based on the label created or at least verified by a human and the
other one on the output of the vision pipeline. A Jaccard-Index of 1 signifies a
perfect detection, while 0 represents a completely wrong detection.
The results of our evaluation are presented in Table 1. The values are the
mean of the Jaccard-Indices of all labels for each detection class. In this evalua-
tion, a fully labeled and publicly available set3of 707 images was used.
Table 1: The mean Jaccard-Indices of the detections separated by detection
class ball field
boundary line goalpost robot
Jaccard-Index 0.677 0.925 0.021 0.183 0.149 0.380
The context of RoboCup Humanoid Soccer required compromising detection
precision for runtime performance. For example, while the height of an obstacle
is not relevant to avoid collisions, it has a significant impact on the used metric.
The low rating for line detection is owed to our point based detection method
compared to line based labels. In our case, we assume that the detected line
points are sufficient for their purpose in the robot self-localization. The indices
of the goalpost, robot and especially the obstacle detections are positively biased
due to high numbers of negative samples included in the data set.
Despite the drawbacks of the metric, it allows a quantitative analysis of
changes in parameters and algorithms. We propose this method of evaluation
as it allows different vision pipelines to be automatically tested under the same
conditions. Therefore whole vision pipelines are comparable to each other within
the same metric with one conveniently usable tool, given they are using ROS [15]
and standardized messages [5].
3 last accessed: 2019-06-
An Open Source Vision Pipeline Approach for RoboCup Humanoid Soccer 9
5 Conclusion and Further Work
We presented a state of the art vision pipeline for the RoboCup Soccer context.
Through its implementation in Python, the system trades runtime perfor-
mance for high adaptability and expandability while maintaining a usable frame
rate and offering a state of the art neural network based ball-detection method.
It is a starting point for new teams and teams transitioning to Python or ROS.
Additionally, the modules can be integrated into existing vision systems. The
Evaluator node offers a novel approach to analyze the complete vision pipeline
while existing approaches solely evaluate isolated parts of the system. Thus,
changes in a single module and their effect on other modules and overall perfor-
mance can be evaluated.
In the future, we are planning to improve our FCNN to detect multiple ob-
ject classes efficiently. In particular, the performance of our Neural Networks
can be improved as we believe that our Jetson TX2 is not used to its full capac-
ity. To achieve this and detect very distant objects reliably we are considering
implementing the method proposed in [10].
Additionally, we are going to investigate the applicability of using more ex-
ternal information (e. g. the robot pose or a world model) in the vision pipeline
for further optimizations.
We invite other teams to use (and adapt) the presented vision pipeline or
modules in their own software stacks. The project is publicly available on GitHub
Acknowledgments. Thanks to the RoboCup team Hamburg Bit-Bots, espe-
cially Timon Engelke and Daniel Speck, as well as Norman Hendrich. This re-
search was partially funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the
National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in project Crossmodal Learning,
TRR-169. We are grateful to the NVIDIA corporation for supporting our re-
search through the NVIDIA GPU Grant Program (https://developer.nvidia.
com/academic_gpu_seeding). We used the donated NVIDIA Titan X (Pascal)
to train our models.
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... Currently computer vision used in humanoid robotics (and especially in the RC context) is transitioning from handcrafted model-based algorithms (Fiedler et al. 2019) to more robust and powerful data-driven ones (Vahl et al. 2021). The model-based approaches include conventional methods like the usage of color lookup tables or color clustering for simple segmentation tasks (Freitag et al. 2016), Hough lines for line fitting (Szeliski 2010), or filtering in the frequency domain to generate regions of interest for later classification. ...
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Robotics researchers have been focusing on developing autonomous and human-like intelligent robots that are able to plan, navigate, manipulate objects, and interact with humans in both static and dynamic environments. These capabilities, however, are usually developed for direct interactions with people in controlled environments, and evaluated primarily in terms of human safety. Consequently, human-robot interaction (HRI) in scenarios with no intervention of technical personnel is under-explored. However, in the future, robots will be deployed in unstructured and unsupervised environments where they will be expected to work unsupervised on tasks which require direct interaction with humans and may not necessarily be collaborative. Developing such robots requires comparing the effectiveness and efficiency of similar design approaches and techniques. Yet, issues regarding the reproducibility of results, comparing different approaches between research groups, and creating challenging milestones to measure performance and development over time make this difficult. Here we discuss the international robotics competition called RoboCup as a benchmark for the progress and open challenges in AI and robotics development. The long term goal of RoboCup is developing a robot soccer team that can win against the world’s best human soccer team by 2050. We selected RoboCup because it requires robots to be able to play with and against humans in unstructured environments, such as uneven fields and natural lighting conditions, and it challenges the known accepted dynamics in HRI. Considering the current state of robotics technology, RoboCup’s goal opens up several open research questions to be addressed by roboticists. In this paper, we (a) summarise the current challenges in robotics by using RoboCup development as an evaluation metric, (b) discuss the state-of-the-art approaches to these challenges and how they currently apply to RoboCup, and (c) present a path for future development in the given areas to meet RoboCup’s goal of having robots play soccer against and with humans by 2050.
... To achieve similar generalization capabilities for real-world approaches, however, a large amount of training data recorded in different scenarios is required. Using a neural network capable of detecting the field boundary [31], [35] or conventional approaches [36], [37] to remove all depth estimations above it can address the issue. However, this can negatively impact detections above or close to the field boundary, such as robots or goalposts. ...
Conference Paper
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We showcase a pipeline to train, evaluate, and deploy deep learning architectures for monocular depth estimation in the RoboCup Soccer Humanoid domain. In contrast to previous approaches, we apply the methods on embedded systems in highly dynamic but heavily constrained environments. The results indicate that our monocular depth estimation pipeline is usable in the RoboCup environment.
... While this lack of using existing datasets could simply result from missing knowledge about their existence, since they are often only mentioned briefly as a side note in the publications, this is not probable. In our experience, we chose to create a new dataset for our latest vision pipeline publication [14] since the other datasets did not include the object classes required. Another issue is a lack of variety in some sets, e. g. ...
We present a dataset specifically designed to be used as a benchmark to compare vision systems in the RoboCup Humanoid Soccer domain. The dataset is composed of a collection of images taken in various real-world locations as well as a collection of simulated images. It enables comparing vision approaches with a meaningful and expressive metric. The contributions of this paper consist of providing a comprehensive and annotated dataset, an overview of the recent approaches to vision in RoboCup, methods to generate vision training data in a simulated environment, and an approach to increase the variety of a dataset by automatically selecting a diverse set of images from a larger pool. Additionally, we provide a baseline of YOLOv4 and YOLOv4-tiny on this dataset. Keywords: Computer vision, Vision dataset, Deep learning
... Code sharing has become much easier and richer in content. Recent examples are the 3-D simulation base code (57), the 2-D simulation base code (58), and an open-source ROS vision pipeline (59). Sharing open-source codes has helped ensure even progress across all leagues [e.g., Hector SLAM (60) and several standard software modules (61) in the RoboCupRescue Robot League]. ...
Since its inception in 1997, RoboCup has developed into a truly unique and long-standing research community advancing robotics and artificial intelligence through various challenges, benchmarks, and test fields. The main purposes of this article are to evaluate the research and development achievements so far and to identify new challenges and related new research issues. Unlike other robot competitions and research conferences, RoboCup eliminates the boundaries between pure research activities and the development of full system designs with hardware and software implementations at a site open to the public. It also creates specific scientific and technological research and development challenges to be addressed. In this article, we provide an overview of RoboCup, including its league structure and related research issues. We also review recent studies across several research categories to show how participants (called RoboCuppers) address the research and development challenges before, during, and after the annual competitions. Among the diversity of research issues, we highlight two unique aspects of the challenges: the platform design of the robots and the game evaluations. Both of these aspects contribute to solving the research and development challenges of RoboCup and verifying the results from a common perspective (i.e., a more objective view). Finally, we provide concluding remarks and discuss future research directions. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, Volume 3 is May 3, 2020. Please see for revised estimates.
... In robotics, they are most prominently used for self-localization. One of the best known applications of particle filters [DM96] for self-localization in the ROS environment is the amcl-filter [20,21]. It is an adaptive version of the Monte-Carlo localization method which implements KLD-Sampling [Fox03]. ...
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In this thesis, a novel world model for setups of multiple mobile robots is presented. A measurement filtering and fusion system is developed for the RoboCup Humanoid Soccer environment. An architecture consisting of two filtering layers is designed. In each layer, one particle filter each is used to process a detection class. Thus, the system is able to filter local measurements of a robot and fuse the local filtering results with information gathered by other robots in the same environment. Additionally, tools for visualization and evaluation of several aspects of the system are developed. In the local layer, a novel heatmap based filtering approach is applied. The evaluation of the new filtering approach shows significant improvements over the conventional approach. Furthermore, the advantage of fusing detections of multiple observers is shown.
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Knowledge about the own pose in the world is essential for an autonomously acting robot. In this work a version of Monte Carlo Localization is developed, that is applicable in the RoboCup Humanoid Soccer League. It integrates several kinds of localization information which are retrieved from a 2D RGB image. The proposed approach was evaluated in terms of precision with four dierent information sources for localization and their combinations on simulated data. The results show that using the eld markings as input usually resulted in the most accurate pose estimation. Using several kinds of localization information could further improve the results. Which information source to add seems to depend on the task: nding the pose (localization) or keeping track of the pose. In the localization experiment including eld boundary detections reduced the error, while in the pose tracking experiment eld marking features as corners and t-crossings resulted in less erroneous pose estimates.
Technical Report
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This team description paper presents the developments made by the joint team Hamburg Bit-Bots & WF-Wolves. We present new software approaches we programmed and evaluated, like the Dynamic Stack Decider (DSD), our advances in image processing and our improvements to the walking engine. Additionally the newly developed foot pressure sensors as well as our progress towards a reliable and fast servo control are introduced. We, the joint team of Hamburg Bit-Bots and WF Wolves, hereby apply for participation in the RoboCup 2019 in Sydney, Australia in the Humanoid KidSize Team Competition. The content of this paper is the same as the application for the TeenSize [5].
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Deep learning has revolutionised many fields, but it is still challenging to transfer its success to small mobile robots with minimal hardware. Specifically, some work has been done to this effect in the RoboCup humanoid football domain, but results that are performant and efficient and still generally applicable outside of this domain are lacking. We propose an approach conceptually different from those taken previously. It is based on semantic segmentation and does achieve these desired properties. In detail, it is being able to process full VGA images in real-time on a low-power mobile processor. It can further handle multiple image dimensions without retraining, it does not require specific domain knowledge to achieve a high frame rate and it is applicable on a minimal mobile hardware.
Conference Paper
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The need for labeled training data for object recognition in RoboCup increased due to the spread of deep learning approaches. Creating large sets of training images from different environments and annotating the recorded objects is difficult for a single RoboCup team. This paper presents our tool ImageTagger which facilitates creating and sharing such data sets. The tool is already being successfully used in RoboCup Soccer, and a large amount of labeled data is publicly available. Other leagues are invited to use this tool to create data for their contexts.
Technical Report
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This team description paper presents the specifications of the MRL KidSize humanoid robot system which contains different parts including system overview, robot vision, world modeling and motion control. MRL humanoid team is developed under the RoboCup 2019 rules to participate in the KidSize humanoid soccer league competition in Sydney, Australia and like the last years we will introduce a referee with sufficient knowledge of the rules available during the competitions. We use self-designed and self-constructed robots to participate in the competitions.
Conference Paper
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Software and hardware architectures are prone to modifications. We demonstrate how a mathematically founded powerful refinement calculus for a class of architectures, namely pipe and filter architectures, can be used to modify a system in a provably correct way. The calculus consists of basic rules to add and to remove filters (components) and pipes (channels) to a system. A networking example demonstrates some of the features of our calculus. The calculus is simple, flexible and compositional. Thus it allows us to build more complex and specific rules that e.g. embed models of existing architectures or define design patterns as transformation rules.
Conference Paper
For the RoboCup Soccer AdultSize League the humanoid robot Sweaty uses a single fully convolutional neural network to detect and localize the ball, opponents and other features on the field of play. This neural network can be trained from scratch in a few hours and is able to perform in real-time within the constraints of computational resources available on the robot. The time it takes to precess an image is approximately 11 ms. Balls and goal posts are recalled in 99 % of all cases (94.5 % for all objects) accompanied by a false detection rate of 1.2 % (5.2 % for all). The object detection and localization helped Sweaty to become finalist for the RoboCup 2017 in Nagoya.
Conference Paper
Abstract— This paper gives an overview of ROS, an open- source robot operating,system. ROS is not an operating,system in the traditional sense of process management,and scheduling; rather, it provides a structured communications layer above the host operating,systems,of a heterogenous,compute,cluster. In this paper, we discuss how ROS relates to existing robot software frameworks, and briefly overview some of the available application software,which,uses ROS.
Rhoban football club -team description paper
  • J Allali
  • L Gondry
  • L Hofer
  • P Laborde-Zubieta
  • O Ly
Allali, J., Gondry, L., Hofer, L., Laborde-Zubieta, P., Ly, O., et al.: Rhoban football club -team description paper. Tech. rep., CNRS, LaBRI, University of Bordeaux and Bordeaux INP (2019)