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Handling nonlinearities and uncertainties of fed-batch cultivations with difference of convex functions tube MPC

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Abstract and Figures

Bioprocesses are often characterized by nonlinear and uncertain dynamics. This poses particular challenges in the context of model predictive control (MPC). Several approaches have been proposed to solve this problem, such as robust or stochastic MPC, but they can be computationally expensive when the system is nonlinear. Recent advances in optimal control theory have shown that concepts from convex optimization, tube-based MPC, and difference of convex functions (DC) enable stable and robust online process control. The approach is based on systematic DC decompositions of the dynamics and successive linearizations around feasible trajectories. By convexity, the linearization errors can be bounded tightly and treated as bounded disturbances in a robust tube-based MPC framework. However, finding the DC composition can be a difficult task. To overcome this problem, we used a neural network with special convex structure to learn the dynamics in DC form and express the uncertainty sets using simplices to maximize the product formation rate of a cultivation with uncertain substrate concentration in the feed. The results show that this is a promising approach for computationally tractable data-driven robust MPC of bioprocesses.
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Niels Krausch
Technische Universität Berlin
Bioprocess engineering
ACK24, Ackerstr. 76, 13355 Berlin, Germany
Martin Doff-Sotta
University of Oxford
Department of Engineering Science
Parks Road, Oxford, UK
Mark Cannon*
University of Oxford
Department of Engineering Science
Parks Road, Oxford, UK
Peter Neubauer
Technische Universität Berlin
Bioprocess engineering
ACK24, Ackerstr. 76, 13355 Berlin, Germany
Mariano Nicolas Cruz Bournazou
Technische Universität Berlin
Bioprocess engineering
ACK24, Ackerstr. 76, 13355 Berlin, Germany
December 7, 2023
Bioprocesses are often characterized by nonlinear and uncertain dynamics. This poses particular
challenges in the context of model predictive control (MPC). Several approaches have been proposed
to solve this problem, such as robust or stochastic MPC, but they can be computationally expensive
when the system is nonlinear. Recent advances in optimal control theory have shown that concepts
from convex optimization, tube-based MPC, and difference of convex functions (DC) enable stable
and robust online process control. The approach is based on systematic DC decompositions of the
dynamics and successive linearizations around feasible trajectories. By convexity, the linearization
errors can be bounded tightly and treated as bounded disturbances in a robust tube-based MPC
framework. However, finding the DC composition can be a difficult task. To overcome this problem,
we used a neural network with special convex structure to learn the dynamics in DC form and express
the uncertainty sets using simplices to maximize the product formation rate of a cultivation with
uncertain substrate concentration in the feed. The results show that this is a promising approach for
computationally tractable data-driven robust MPC of bioprocesses.
Keywords Robust tube MPC ·Data-driven control ·Convex optimization ·Bioprocesses
Corresponding author
DC-TMPC for cultivations PREPRINT
1 Introduction
1.1 Rapid bioprocess development
The accelerating demand for cost-effective production of biologic drugs and sustainable biomaterials intensifies the
need for rapid bioprocess development. This is particularly true in the early project stages, characterized by limited
process information and a broad spectrum of potential optimal conditions. Advanced control approaches like MPC
coupled with online parameter estimation of the model have proven to be successful even when incomplete process
information is available (Krausch et al., 2022), but have been restricted to relatively stable process conditions. For
example, Kager, Tuveri, Ulonska, Kroll, and Herwig (2020) were able to increase total product formation in a fungal
process, but their approach is limited to the nominal case. Mowbray, Petsagkourakis, Del Rio Chanona, and Zhang
(2022) used Neural Networks (NN) to deal with uncertainties but required heavy offline training.
1.2 Tube-based MPC with difference of convex functions
A popular approach in advanced control to deal with uncertain dynamic systems is tube-based MPC (TMPC). TMPC has
been mainly applied to linear systems because nonlinear robust MPC requires online solution of nonconvex optimization
problems, which can be computationally expensive. A common strategy for applying TMPC to nonlinear systems is
to treat the nonlinearity as bounded disturbances of the system and perform successive linear approximations around
predicted trajectories. These approaches, nevertheless, rely on conservative estimates of the linearization error and can
lead to poor performance (Yu, Maier, Chen, & Allgöwer, 2013). Recent studies have shown that tighter bounds on the
linearization error can be achieved if the problem can be expressed as a difference of convex functions (Doff-Sotta
& Cannon, 2022). This is based on the observation that the necessarily convex linearization error is maximum at the
boundary of the set on which it is evaluated. Tight bounds can thus be derived and treated as disturbances in a robust
TMPC framework. Moreover, the DC structure of the dynamics is attractive as it results in a sequence of convex
programs that can be solved with predictable computational effort. Even though any twice continuously differentiable
function can be expressed in DC form, finding such functions can be a difficult task. To solve this problem, we have
harnessed an NN by restricting the kernel weights to non-negative values and used a convex activation function (ReLU)
leading to a so-called input-convex NN (ICNN) (Amos, Xu, & Kolter, 2017). Two ICNNs can thus be stacked and
their output subtracted to learn the dynamics of the function in DC form (Sankaranarayanan & Rengaswamy, 2022).
Moreover, in the context of TMPC, the parameterization of the tube plays an important role in the computational
complexity of the optimization problem. Doff-Sotta and Cannon (2022) propose state tube cross sections parameterized
by elementwise bounds, yielding
the number of states) inequality constraints and causing a significant
computational burden for large number of states. In this regard, using simplex tubes is a computationally efficient
alternative with only
nx+ 1
inequality constraints. Hence, this contribution describes a TMPC algorithm leveraging a
NN for learning the dynamics in DC form, implementing a simplex tube and optimizing product formation in a case
study of a fed-batch bioreactor for the production of penicillin.
2 Modelling and DC approximation with neural networks
Let us consider a perfectly mixed isothermal fed-batch bioreactor, a popular case study example from Srinivasan,
Bonvin, Visser, and Palanki (2003). The model states are the cell concentration X [
g L1
], product concentration P
[g L1], substrate concentration S [g L1] and volume V [L]. The input is the feed flow rate F [L h1] of S. The inlet
substrate concentration Si[180,220] g L1is an uncertain parameter. The dynamics of the system are given by
P=vX F
µ(S) = µmax S
denotes the maximal growth rate (0.02
the affinity constant
of the cells towards the substrate (0.05
g L1
an inhibition constant which inhibits growth at high substrate
concentrations (5
g L1
), v the production rate (0.004
L h1
the yield coefficient of biomass per substrate (0.5
) and
the yield coefficient of product per substrate (1.2
). The initial conditions are
X(0) = 1 g L1
DC-TMPC for cultivations PREPRINT
S(0) = 0.5 g L1,P(0) = 0 g L1and V(0) = 120 L.
An NN framework was used to approximate the nonconvex dynamics as a difference of convex functions by
subtracting the outputs of two ICNN subnetworks. An ICNN with
layers is characterized by a parameter set
θ= Θ1:L1,Φ0:L1, b0:L1and input-output map given by zL=f(y;θ), defined l {0, . . . , L 1}by
zl+1 =σlzl+ Φlx+bl)(2)
is the input,
is the layer activation,
are positively constrained kernel weights
({Θl}ij )0l
{1, ..., L 1}
are input passthrough weights,
are bias and
is a convex activation function (ReLU). Each
layer of an ICNN thus consists in the composition of a convex function with a nondecreasing convex function, which
implies that
zl+1 =f(y;θ)
is convex with respect to
. Choosing
zl+1 = ˙x
y= (x, u)
, where
x= (X, S, P, V )
are the state and input of (1), two ICNN whose outputs are subtracted can be trained simultaneously to learn
the nonconvex dynamics in (1) as a difference of (elementwise) convex functions f1,f2:
˙x=f1(x, u)f2(x, u)(3)
The two ICNNs each consist of a single input layer, two hidden layers with 64 nodes each and an output layer. The
network was implemented in Keras and trained over 10 epochs with the RMSProp optimizer on 100,000 random
samples of (1), which were divided into 80% training and 20% validation sets. Convexity of the models was evaluated
by checking the numerical Hessian matrix of the functions for positive semidefiniteness, i.e.
2fi(x, u;θ)0,x
. Figure 1 depicts a 3D projection of the DC decomposition for fixed values of the states and input.
As illustrated, the NN was able to obtain a good fit (MAE: 0.016) for the predictions of the ODEs (blue dots and blue
surface), and the DC form of the decomposition is apparent (orange and green surfaces).
Figure 1: DC decomposition. Depicted are the results from the actual model (blue dots), the results from the DC
(blue plane) and the respective DC part convex functions
(orange) and
(green) at
a given product concentration, volume and feed rate for two states. Left: Biomass
Right: Substrate
. Each in
dependence of different concentrations of Xand S.
3 DC-TMPC framework with simplices
Doff-Sotta and Cannon (2022) proposed a robust TMPC algorithm based on successive linearisation for DC systems.
The so-called DC-TMPC algorithm capitalises on the idea that the successive linearisation steps yield necessarily convex
linearisation error functions that can be bounded tightly and treated as disturbances by a robust MPC scheme. We
extend that approach to nonconvex systems learned in DC form and consider a state tube parameterized by simplices to
reduce computational burden. The system in DC form in (3) is discretized and successively linearized around previously
computed predicted trajectories
with state and input perturbations
. As per the
TMPC paradigm,
is parameterized by a two degree of freedom control law
is a feedback
gain and
is a feedforward control sequence computed at every time step. The sequence of sets
, defines the
cross sections of an uncertainty tube in which the system trajectories lie under all realisations of the uncertainty and
whose dynamics are given by
sk+1 = 1,k Φ2,k)sk+ (B1,k B2,k )ck+g1(sk, ckx
k, u
k)g2(sk, ckx
k, u
DC-TMPC for cultivations PREPRINT
where for
i= 1,2
k+sk, u
k, u
k)Φi,kskBi,k ck
are the (necessarily convex)
linearization errors of
fi, A(i, k) = ∂fi
∂x (x
k, u
Bi,k =∂fi
∂u (x
k, u
Φi,k =Ai,k +Bi,kKk
. While the approach
in Doff-Sotta and Cannon (2022) was to parameterize the tube with elementwise bounds, resulting in an exponential
increase of the inequality constraints, we consider here parameterizations of Skin terms of simplices
Q(sk)αk, Q =I
is the identity matrix,
is a vector of ones. The vector
is an optimization
variable. Consequently, the state perturbation dynamics can now be expressed as
nx+ 1
inequalities as follows,
combining (4) and (5)
s∈V(Sk)(Φ1,k sB1,k ck+f2(x
k+s, u
k, u
k)) [αk+1]1:nx
k+s, u
k, u
k)Φ2,ksB2,k ck)[αk+1 ]nx+1
where the simplex vertices are
V(Sk) = {−[αk]1:nx,[αk]1:nx+e1σk,...,[αk]1:nx+enσk}
σk= [αk]nx+1 +
, and
e1, . . . , en
are the standard basis vectors of
. To obtain (6), we exploited the convexity of
to obtain a tight lower bound on
. Moreover, we note that (6) are convex inequalities by convexity of
and that
each maximum operation can be reduced to a discrete search over the vertices
since the maximum of a convex
function on a polytope occurs at one of the vertices.
We design a TMPC controller to optimize the feedforward sequence
and tube sets
subject to (6) and
xk X
Rnx,uk U Rnu,k. At each iteration we solve
Q+ max
k {0, . . . , N 1},s V(Sk) : max
s∈V(Sk)(Φ1,k sB1,k ck+f2(x
k+s, u
k, u
k)) [αk+1]1:nx
k+s, u
k, u
k)Φ2,ksB2,k ck)[αk+1 ]nx+1
k+s X , u0
k+Kks+ck U, α0= 0
with a shrinking horizon
. The solution from (7) is used to update the state and input guess trajectories
(x, u)
next iteration with
sk+1 f(x
k, u
xk+1 f(x
k, u
We run (7) and (8) repeatedly until
k=0 ||ck||2< ϵtol
or a maximum number of iterations is reached. The control
input is then implemented at time
u[n] = u
. At time
n+ 1
, we set
0=x[n+ 1]
and the guess trajectory is
updated by
k+1 f(x
k, u
N1xr) + ur
N1, u
DC-TMPC for cultivations PREPRINT
4 Results and discussion
The proposed control algorithm was simulated on the batch reactor problem over a shrinking horizon of 20 h with a step
size of 1 h using CVXPY and solver MOSEK. As shown in Figure 2, the controller was able to maximize the product
concentration with parametric uncertainty of the substrate concentration in the feed, demonstrating the applicability
of this approach to complex nonlinear systems with monod-type nonlinear substrate affinity and substrate inhibition,
making the search for an optimal feed rate non-trivial. The presented DC-TMPC algorithm outperforms nominal MPC
approaches for this case study (Lucia & Engell, 2013), by considering the uneven substrate concentration in the feed by
augmenting the NN with the uncertain parameter, considering that the worst case scenario occurs at the vertices of the
parameter set. Further tuning is however necessary, to find an optimal trade-off between substrate concentration in the
reactor to avoid overfeeding (Pimentel, Benavides, Dewasme, Coutinho, & Wouwer, 2015).
Figure 2: Results from the DC-TMPC optimization.
5 Conclusion
In this study, we show that successive linearization robust tube MPC can be an adequate tool to optimize a bioprocess
under parametric uncertainty. Our approach was to decompose the nonconvex dynamics as a difference of convex
functions (DC) using a neural network with convex structure and treat the necessarily convex linearization errors as
bounded disturbances. Crucially, by convexity, these bounds are tight and the resulting controller is less conservative
than classical TMPC based on successive linearization. This approach is relatively new and has so far only been applied
to problems that already exist in DC form. Moreover, by using tubes parameterized with simplex sets, the computational
effort could be significantly reduced, making it attractive for real-time optimization. Future work will incorporate more
complex models and test it in a real-world bioprocess with online optimization of production in a fast-growing E. coli
Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF) (project no. 01DD20002A KIWI Biolab) and the EPSRC (UKRI) Doctoral Prize scheme (grant
reference number EP/W524311/1).
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of the 34th international conference on machine learning (Vol. 70, pp. 146–155). PMLR. Retrieved from
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DC-TMPC for cultivations PREPRINT
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Full-text available
Modern biotechnological laboratories are equipped with advanced parallel mini‐bioreactor facilities that can perform sophisticated cultivation strategies (e.g. fed‐batch or continuous) and generate significant amounts of measurement data. These systems require not only optimal experimental designs that find the best conditions in very large design spaces, but also algorithms that manage to operate a large number of different cultivations in parallel within a well‐defined and tightly constrained operating regime. Existing advanced process control algorithms have to be tailored to tackle the specific issues of such facilities such as: a very complex biological system, constant changes in the metabolic activity and phenotypes, shifts of pH and/or temperature, and metabolic switches, e.g., by induction of product formation, to name a few. In this work we implement a model predictive control (MPC) framework to demonstrate: 1) the challenges in terms of mathematical model structure, state and parameter estimation, and optimization under highly nonlinear and stiff dynamics in biological systems, 2) the adaptations required to enable the application of MPC in High Throughput Bioprocess Development (HTBD), and 3) the added value of MPC implementations when operating parallel mini‐bioreactors aiming to maximize the biomass concentration while coping with hard constrains on the Dissolved Oxygen Tension profile. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Neural networks with ReLU activation function have been shown to be universal function approximators and learn function mapping as non-smooth functions. Recently, there is considerable interest in the use of neural networks in applications such as optimal control. It is well-known that optimization involving non-convex, non-smooth functions are computationally intensive and have limited convergence guarantees. Moreover, the choice of optimization hyper-parameters used in gradient descent/ascent significantly affect the quality of the obtained solutions. A new neural network architecture called the Input Convex Neural Networks (ICNNs) learn the output as a convex function of inputs thereby allowing the use of efficient convex optimization methods. Use of ICNNs for determining the input for minimizing output has two major problems: learning of a non-convex function as a convex mapping could result in significant function approximation error, and we also note that the existing representations cannot capture simple dynamic structures like linear time delay systems. We attempt to address the above problems by introduction of a new neural network architecture, which we call the CDiNN, which learns the function as a difference of polyhedral convex functions from data. We also discuss that, in some cases, the optimal input can be obtained from CDiNN through difference of convex optimization with convergence guarantees and that at each iteration, the problem is reduced to a linear programming problem.
Reinforcement Learning (RL) controllers have generated excitement within the control community. The primary advantage of RL controllers relative to existing methods is their ability to optimize uncertain systems independently of explicit assumption of process uncertainty. Recent focus on engineering applications has been directed towards the development of safe RL controllers. Previous works have proposed approaches to account for constraint satisfaction through constraint tightening from the domain of stochastic model predictive control. Here, we extend these approaches to account for plant-model mismatch. Specifically, we propose a data-driven approach that utilizes Gaussian processes for the offline simulation model and use the associated posterior uncertainty prediction to account for joint chance constraints and plant-model mismatch. The method is benchmarked against nonlinear model predictive control via case studies. The results demonstrate the ability of the methodology to account for process uncertainty, enabling satisfaction of joint chance constraints even in the presence of plant-model mismatch.
Abstract Within this work a nonlinear model predictive controller (MPC) was implemented in a Penicillium chrysogenum fed-batch process and compared to a PI(D) and an open loop feedback control scheme, referenced as model based control (MBC). The controllers were used to maintain predefined set-points of biomass specific glucose uptake rates, product precursor and nitrogen concentrations by manipulating the glucose, precursor and nitrogen feeds. As the critical component concentrations are not available for direct measurement a particle filter including measured oxygen uptake rate (OUR) and carbon evolution rate (CER) was deployed to estimate biomass, nitrogen and product precursor concentrations. State estimation and predictive control actions were based on a kinetic model which was retrieved from literature and adapted to the examined process and control tasks by simplifying the description of the hyphal compartmentalization and adding nitrogen as well as the measurable OUR and CER. Besides simulations, verification experiments of the developed control schemes were executed. Although the kinetic model used for state estimation and prediction does not reflect the overall biological complexity it could be successfully used to estimate and control the glucose uptake and the unmeasured component concentrations. During experimental verification, nonlinear process dynamics caused unstable PI(D) behavior. In comparison to PI(D) and MBC, the MPC efficiently avoided formation of by-products, which resulted in efficient substrate utilization and an overall product gain of 14%.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a robust nonlinear model pre-dictive control scheme and its application to a batch bioreactor. The approach is based on the description of the uncertainty evolution as a scenario tree. This makes it possible to take explicitly into account the future disturbances and control inputs leading to a non-conservative approach that is not based on the tracking of a nominal solution. The main challenge of the approach is that the size of the resulting optimization problem grows exponentially with the prediction horizon and with the number of uncertainties. The potential of the approach is demonstrated by simulation examples of a nonlinear penicillin fermentation process where the proposed scheme can fulfill the state and the input constraints for all the possible values of several uncertain parameters, improving the performance of existing robust approaches such as tracking of the necessary conditions of optimality.
The paper presents a tube model predictive control (MPC) scheme of continuous-time nonlinear systems based on robust control invariant sets with respect to unknown but bounded disturbances. The cost functional of the optimization problem is not necessarily quadratic. The scheme has the same online computational burden as the standard MPC with guaranteed nominal stability. Robust stability, as well as recursive feasibility, is guaranteed if the optimization problem is feasible at the initial time instant. In particular, we consider a scheme to obtain robust control invariant sets for a class of Lipschitz nonlinear systems, and to show the effectiveness of the proposed schemes by a simple example.
Conference Paper
An observer-based robust control strategy is proposed for controlling overflow metabolism cultures operated in fed-batch mode. In order to maximize the biomass productivity, the controller is designed to regulate the inhibitory by-product concentration at small levels keeping the substrate concentration close to its critical level. To this end, a reduced order nonlinear model of the bioprocess dynamics is obtained and a partial feedback linearizing strategy is applied. The resulting free linear dynamics is designed by means of a convex optimization problem aiming at mitigating the effects of non canceled nonlinearities and model uncertainties. An adaptive extended Luenberger observer is also designed for estimating the by-product concentration from the measurements of biomass and substrate concentrations. Realistic numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed observer based robust control strategy is able to maximize the biomass concentration despite large disturbances on the measurements (30 % for substrate and 15 % for biomass concentrations).
The main bottleneck in using optimization at the industrial level is the presence of uncertainty in the form of model mismatch and disturbances. The way uncertainty can be handled constitutes the subject of this series of two papers. The first part dealt with the characterization of the nominal solution and proposed an approach to separate the constraint-seeking from the sensitivity-seeking components of the inputs. This second part reviews various strategies for optimization under uncertainty, namely the robust and measurement-based optimization schemes. A novel scheme is proposed, where optimality is achieved by tracking the necessary conditions of optimality. The different approaches are compared via the simulation of a bioreactor for penicillin production.
Input convex neural networks
  • B Amos
  • L Xu
  • J Z Kolter
Amos, B., Xu, L., & Kolter, J. Z. (2017). Input convex neural networks. In D. Precup & Y. W. Teh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th international conference on machine learning (Vol. 70, pp. 146-155). PMLR. Retrieved from