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Role of Artificial Intelligence in Transforming the Justice Delivery System in COVID 19 Pandemic


Abstract and Figures

Artificial intelligence is programmed on computers to depict human intelligence. It has created a huge hype and has evolved to revolutionize almost every profession including legal sector. New lawful simulated AI programming software like Ross intelligence and Catalyst along with Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing give viable fight goals, better legitimate clearness, and better permission to justice and new difficulties to ordinary law firms offering legal assistance utilizing leveraged cohort correlate model. Also, AI enabled lawyer bots are performing tasks that normally requires human intellect and needs to be performed by lawyers. In such a situation, a question strikes-Will these lawyer bots replace human lawyers? This question becomes all the more important in the present scenario when the whole globe is facing challenges imposed by global pandemic "Covid 19". How is COVID-19 going to change the justice delivery system, and what does it look like? Therefore, this study is conducted to evaluate the role of artificial intelligence in transforming the justice delivery system post Covid-19. The study tries to examine the various areas in which AI is affecting the legal profession, evaluate the extent of its impact on the legal employment, assess the tasks in legal sector which cannot be undertaken by AI, and discuss the legal issues in the implementation of AI. The study also suggests the way forward with regards to the future of legal sector to help practitioners and researchers.
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Chandra et al., International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 344-350(2020) 344
International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 344-350(2020)
ISSN No. (Print): 0975-8364
ISSN No. (Online): 2249-3255
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Transforming the Justice Delivery System
in COVID 19 Pandemic
Geetanjali Chandra1, Ruchika Gupta2 and Nidhi Agarwal3
1Associate Professor, Amity Law School, Amity University Dubai, UAE.
2Professor, Amity Business School, Amity University Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh), India.
3Principal, Integrated School of Education, INMANTEC, Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh), India.
(Corresponding author: Ruchika Gupta)
(Received 22 February 2020, Revised 18 April 2020, Accepted 20 April 2020)
(Published by Research Trend, Website:
ABSTRACT: Artificial intelligence is programmed on computers to depict human intelligence. It has created
a huge hype and has evolved to revolutionize almost every profession including legal sector. New lawful
simulated AI programming software like Ross intelligence and Catalyst along with Machine Learning and
Natural Language Processing give viable fight goals, better legitimate clearness, and better permission to
justice and new difficulties to ordinary law firms offering legal assistance utilizing leveraged cohort correlate
model. Also, AI enabled lawyer bots are performing tasks that normally requires human intellect and needs
to be performed by lawyers. In such a situation, a question strikes- Will these lawyer bots replace human
lawyers? This question becomes all the more important in the present scenario when the whole globe is
facing challenges imposed by global pandemic “Covid 19”. How is COVID-19 going to change the justice
delivery system, and what does it look like? Therefore, this study is conducted to evaluate the role of
artificial intelligence in transforming the justice delivery system post Covid-19. The study tries to examine
the various areas in which AI is affecting the legal profession, evaluate the extent of its impact on the legal
employment, assess the tasks in legal sector which cannot be undertaken by AI, and discuss the legal issues
in the implementation of AI. The study also suggests the way forward with regards to the future of legal
sector to help practitioners and researchers.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, COVID-19, Lawyers, Legal Sector, Machine Learning, Natural language
Processing, Justice system & dispensation.
Abbreviations: AI, artificial intelligence.
At whatever point another innovation is acquainted with
the World, each part and industry are offered the
likelihood to receive that to upgrade their tasks. One
model is of PCs and how they immediately developed
being used, taking over a large number of the manual
desk work, and how they have become basic today in
pretty much every office and calling. Law firms are no
exemption to that, where innovation has consistently
been bleeding edge and discovers its way into
supporting the lawyers, paralegals, specialists and
customers the same which are related with the calling
Artificial Intelligence or AI is headed to changing the
legitimate calling in different manners, helping Law firms
deal with their activities just as enlarging and decreasing
a large number of the errands that were recently
depended upon people to do, sparing valuable time and
labor that can be in any case utilized for increasingly
beneficial undertakings [6, 8, 10, 12].
However, many predicted during the industrial revolution
that automation would lead to mass unemployment in
industries dependent on manual labor. Developing more
advanced robots and artificial intelligence leads to a
similar debate and only now are intelligent jobs at risk.
This also includes justice delivery system occupations,
such as lawyers and judges [13, 15].
Furthermore, the current global pandemic COVID-19
has brought transformation in all spheres of life and
have totally reshaped the way we used to work earlier.
Law has tirelessly clung to conventional methods for
getting things done. Significantly after the worldwide
money related emergency, the law firms balanced at the
edges—vacations, diminished rack rates, and interior
cost-cutting measures. This time thing will be unique;
the progressions will be wide, profound, and
persevering. The coronavirus has turbocharged law's
transition to a virtual workforce so as to keep up social
distancing. The all-round strengthened dividers of
opposition have been penetrated with stunning velocity.
Justice delivery system has not, obviously, had the
opportunity to process this, however it has exhibited that
it can, when pushed, adjust dug in strategies for
teaching and conveying administrations [19, 17, 28].
A judicial system powered by artificial intelligence (AI)
will ensure that nothing hangs during the COVID 19
pandemic. That could be a major obstacle in the justice
delivery system for victims' access to justice and in
protecting the interests of the convicted. In light of the
COVID 19 pandemic, the Chief Justices of various legal
systems have provided instructions to the trial courts
requiring immediate orders to modify or cancel court
operations. In addition to these steps, the modern
Artificial Intelligence technology may be beneficial
during these days, and can be used to ensure access to
justice such as social media, where possible.
Telephonic arguments or lawyers may appear remotely
through video [38].
Chandra et al., International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 344-350(2020) 345
Basically, law is based on two important aspects:
predictability and precedence. Artificial Intelligence can
greatly help align these processes and provide high
quality analytical data, while also assisting the legal
sector in a number of other areas, particularly in
reducing the amount of time spent over monotonous
process of reviewing and managing legal documents. AI
enables lawyers to invest time in more critical activities
like advising clients, preparing to appear in court and
negotiating deals. The impact of technology on the legal
sector is not new, the evolution of the internet, emails
and legal databases online have been there for quite a
time now [22, 25, 27]. What is interesting is the extent to
which Artificial Intelligence is thought to be a threat to
displacing the lawyers. Therefore, the objectives of this
paper are:
To examine the various areas in which AI is affecting
the legal profession
– To evaluate the extent of its impact on the legal
To assess the tasks in legal sector which cannot be
undertaken by AI
– To discuss the legal issues in the implementation of AI
– To suggest the way forward with regards to the future
of legal sector post COVID-19.
“The science and engineering of making intelligent
machines, especially intelligent computer programs.”
John McCarthy
Defining AI: The term “Artificial Intelligence”, or AI, has
been coined since 1950s by the father of AI, John
McCarthy. During the era, there was a period of
declining funding and research interest around artificial
intelligence, called the “AI winter” [27]. Ever since then,
AI has created a huge hype and has evolved to
revolutionize almost every aspect of our life. Simply put,
artificial intelligence is programmed on computers to
depict human intelligence. The software is programmed
over mathematical operations using vector graphs.
These algorithms enable computers to learn and train
itself from data and experiences, called Machine
Learning. Through neural networks, AI is able to
produce predictive models used for image and sound
recognition, autonomous cars and virtual agents [21, 29,
30]. AI is widely classified into two: weak and strong.
Weak & Deep AI: It is also referred to as rules
engines, knowledge graphs, expert
systems, or symbolic AI. This AI was usually referred to
as Weak AI, which was required only to perform a
certain set of tasks.
Strong AI: It is a self-improving AI which understands
itself well enough. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI),
which has cross-domain capabilities (like humans), can
benefit from a range of (like humans) experiences [7].
“Weak” AI as a rule alludes to that it has no
mindfulness. “Strong” or “Deep” as a rule alludes to
what is commonly called ‘Artificial General Intelligence’
which would imply that the AI made would coordinate or
surpass that human knowledge which incorporates the
aptitudes to join the capacity to reason, plan, learn,
convey and incorporate these towards a shared
objective for the accomplishment of a specific
assignment [31].
AI contains propelled calculations that follow a scientific
capacity, which can deal with higher procedures like
people. Examples include:
– Machine learning, - deep learning, predictive analytics
– NLP – translation, classification, info extraction
Expert systems, robotics, neural networks, algorithm,
data mining, big data, pattern & image recognition,
automation, problem solving.
Judiciary System: Every single human choice is
vulnerable to partiality and every judicial system
experience the ill effects of oblivious inclination, in spite
of good motives. Algorithms that can disregard factors
that don't legitimately bear on singular cases, for
example, sexual orientation and race, could evacuate a
portion of those failings. One of the most significant
contemplations for judges is whether to give bail and to
what extent jail sentences ought to be. These choices
are generally directed by the probability of reoffending.
Algorithms are currently ready to settle on such choices
by giving a proof based examination of the dangers, as
opposed to depending on the abstract dynamic of
individual appointed authorities. In spite of these
conspicuous points of interest, it is a long way from
clear who might give oversight of the AI and check their
choices are not defective. Also, increasingly wary
eyewitnesses caution that AIs may take in and emulate
inclination from their human creators or the information
they have been trained with [23, 39, 35].
Legal Dimension of COVID: COVID-19 influenced all
three State bodies, the Senate, the Executive and the
Judiciary. It has disrupted supply chains, leading to the
closure of several manufacturing facilities worldwide;
serious disruption of air and sea traffic and the closure
of vital air routes, such as the one between the United
States and Europe. This turn has led to the collapse of
worldwide stock markets leading to the loss of billions of
dollars, which was wiped out in a matter of days. A
convergence of all these causes has led to a fall in the
total level of global economic activity and has pushed
the world economy into a potential recession [36, 39].
Torchbearers of AI in Law: A polymath, distributed
'Dissertatio de arte combinatoria' (On the Combinatorial
Craftsmanship) in 1666 in which he imagined his
trademark universalis, i.e. a universal language that
would be beer to lessen enlargement to computations.
This thought should be the main driver of the
improvement of Artificial Intelligence throughout the
hundreds of years. Leibniz is viewed as one of the
granddads of AI and in his different speculations of
Philosophy of Mind he claimed that delivered the
possibility of AI by method for consolidating science with
thinking. He said, "The best way to address our thinking
is to cause them as unmistakable as the
mathematicians' with the goal that we to can discover
our blunder initially, and when there are differences
between individuals, how about we figure and see who
is correct!"
The application of legal informatics to AI has been the
fundamental reason behind the possibility of using AI in
law. Lee Loevinger, Layman E. Allen, L. Mehl after Bruce
G. Buchanan and Thomas E. Headrick were
torchbearers of various ideas that led to the application
of AI in law [31, 32, 33].
Chandra et al., International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 344-350(2020) 346
As per Meng Jianzhu, former Head of Legal and
Political affairs at the Chinese Communist Party,
Artificial Intelligence have a high capability to improve
accuracy, predictability and efficiency of the legal sector
with precision and speed unmatchable by humans [35].
Law is based on two important aspects: predictability
and precedence. Artificial Intelligence can greatly help
align these processes and provide high quality analytical
data, while also assisting the legal sector in a number of
other areas, particularly in reducing the amount of time
spent over monotonous process of reviewing and
managing legal documents. AI enables lawyers to invest
time in more critical activities like advising clients,
preparing to appear in court and negotiating deals [9].
The effect of technology on the legal sector is not
recent, the advancement of the internet, emails and
electronic legal databases has been around for quite
some time now. What is interesting is the extent to
which Machine learning is thought to be a threat to
displacing the lawyers. In this section, we examine the
various areas in which AI is affecting the legal
profession, and the extent of its impact on the legal
employment [14, 21].
It started out as a way to understand natural intelligence
through the construction of artificial agents and this has
by now generated a wealth of methods and techniques
for adding intelligence to information systems. Some of
these techniques are associated with knowledge-
oriented intelligence: reasoning, knowledge
representation, (precision) language processing,
symbolic machine learning, whereas others are related
to behavior-based or data-oriented processing such as
adaptive control, neural networks, data-oriented
machine learning, statistical NLP. Knowledge-oriented
intelligence is associated with conscious human
intelligence whereas data-oriented intelligence is
associated with subconscious mental activity [35].
Precedent: Precedent, in law, a judgment or choice of
a court that is referred to in a resulting contest for
instance or relationship to legitimize choosing a
comparable case or purpose of law in the equivalent
manner. A significant hidden incentive in the Dutch
legitimate system is lawful certainty. It holds that the
activities of the government ought to be unsurprising. In
any case, this doesn't imply that judges consistently
need to stick to the specific stated purpose of the law. In
some cases, lawmakers purposefully leave space for
understanding or even permit judges to ignore the
stated aim of the law so as to guarantee a sensible and
fair result [23].
Prediction: Specialists from the UK have attempted
to foresee choices by the ECHR (European Court of
Human Rights) by utilizing common language handling
and AI. The forecasts accomplished a 79 percent
exactness rate in anticipating whether there would be a
human rights infringement. The technique for examining
content to make expectations appears to be successful,
however the scientists didn't plan to structure a system
that can completely assume control over the appointed
authority's activity [4, 23].
AI used in the justice delivery system is yet considered
to be the “weak” (or “shallow”) (or narrow) AI on grounds
that it has no self-awareness. Several examples of the
application of AI are given:
Table 1: Application and Examples of AI in Legal Sector.
Legal application Description Example
Document Drafting Drafting contracts, form filling using chatbots LegalZoom
Contract Review &
Identify issues/risks
Provide standard clauses when drafting
Kira Systems
KM Standards
Document Management Storing & easy retrieval, auto template creation & scanning
docs using OCR Docubot by 1 Law
E-Discovery/ Document
Search for necessary (other) facts from internet for analysis &
decision. Use keywords. Predictive coding EVA
Due Diligence Review background inf ormation and prior cases
Highlight and classify essential clauses
Kira Systems
Legal Research Find arguments and reasoning reported in the past for
assessing similar arguments
Ross Intelligence
Thomson Reuters- W estlaw
Smart Contract provides an easy way to reference and trigger an Ethereum-
based smart contract to manage contractual promises. OpenLaw
As indicated by Yuen Thio, AI can't yet recreate support,
exchange, or organizing of complex arrangements. The
New York Times proposed that undertakings like
prompting customers, composing briefs, arranging
arrangements, and showing up in court were past the
scope of computerization, in any event for some time. AI
likewise isn't yet generally excellent at the sort of
experimental writing in an Incomparable Court brief
or then again a film content [11, 13]. Some of the tasks
which cannot be undertaken by AI and needs lawyers
are given:
– In the event that, after some time, the appointed
authority settles on various choices when confronted with
a similar case attributes, the AI model won't fit the
information and it will have constrained prescient force
(as befits an unusual adjudicator). What's more, the
model's prescient capacity is limited to cases that are
Chandra et al., International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 344-350(2020) 347
commonly like the judges' past cases on which the
model was assessed. On the off chance that the past
cases all included female plaintiffs, the model may not
effectively foresee the appointed authority's choice on
the off chance that with a male plaintiff.
All the more by and large, AI models—evaluated
factual models—experience issues preparing
possibilities that lie outside the information on which they
were trained.
There are, at long last, a noteworthy number of lawful
undertakings that are too perplexing to be in any way
demonstrated by any arrangement of directions (at any
rate right now). Unscripted human cooperation falls into
this class since it frequently relies upon planning
reactions to unforeseen inquiries and proclamations.
This requires perceiving the more extensive setting
where words are being utilized—the encompassing
words yet the character and inspiration of the speaker
and the reason for the correspondence.
– Understanding setting as often as possible requires
perceiving the effect of the individual creation the
announcement. Certainly, progress has been made in
the field of "emotional figuring," empowering PCs to
perceive a client's effect by estimating physiological
states and outward appearances. Yet, as a pioneer of
the field explains, it is one thing to separate between
"client is disappointed" and "client isn't baffled," or even
to separate between fundamental passionate states, for
example, outrage, dread, misery, and love. It is very
another, and substantially more troublesome, for a PC to
perceive and mark the unending exhibit of progressively
complex passionate states that we ourselves can once in
a while name, yet that we all things considered explore
utilizing the implicit abilities of enthusiastic knowledge.
Such assignments need adequate structure to be
demonstrated as a lot of deductive or information driven
guidelines and can't be robotized as of now.
Pace: Innovation has been creating at the fastest rate
since the Industrial Revolution; snappier than the law
can pace. Along these lines, when legitimate issues
emerge, usually, they are an instance of initial
introduction. Lawyers who have an AI case fall into their
lap will step into a strange area, without a guide, and
attempting cases before judges who may not
understand the innovation.
Liability: If a mishap includes AI, attempting to locate
the obligated party resembles playing a sci-fi rendition of
Sign. A shrewd vehicle hits a passerby, who is the
blameworthy party? The developer in the workplace with
the source code? The proprietor out and about with the
vehicle? The maker in the lab with the testing
conventions? For instance, the issue of liability hasn't
been settled at this point for Google's driverless
vehicles, however specialists, for example, UCLA
teacher John Villasenor and others contend that item
liability could cover any driverless auto crashes [16, 20].
Liability (civil): As AI is sorted out to legitimately
influence the world, even truly, liability for hurts brought
about by AI will increment in remarkable quality. The
possibility that AI will carry on in manners fashioners
don't expect difficulties the prevailing supposition inside
tort law that courts just make up for predictable wounds.
Courts may self-assertively appoint liability to a human
on-screen character in any event, when liability is better
found somewhere else for reasons of fairness or
proficiency. On the other hand, courts could decline to
discover liability in light of the fact that the litigant under
the steady gaze of the court didn't, and proved unable,
anticipate the damage that the AI caused. Liability would
then fall as a matter of course on the exemplary
casualty. The job of item liability—and the duty that
tumbles to organizations fabricating these items—will
probably develop when human on-screen characters
become less liable for the activities of a machine.
Liability (criminal): If tort law anticipates that
damages should be predictable, criminal law goes
further to expect that damages be proposed. US law
specifically appends incredible significance to the idea
of mensrea—the proposing mind. As AI applications
take part in conduct that, were it done by human, would
establish a wrongdoing, courts and other lawful
entertainers should bewilder through whom to consider
responsible and on what hypothesis [1].
Variations/bias: AI frequently needs to distinguish
items, for example, vehicles, or individuals. Be that as it
may, on the grounds that AI depends on cameras and
coding, things like complexity, shading, and picture
thickness influence AI's "thinking" considerably more
significantly than people'. An individual would not
probably miss a white semi-trailer "against a brilliantly lit
sky." A human would not botch an example of spots or
lines for a starfish. AI additionally can reflect inclinations
of the engineer; as observed in numerous product
projects' propensities to create racial predispositions.
Recognizing and moderating predisposition in AI
systems is basic to building trust among people and
machines that learn. As AI systems discover,
comprehend, and call attention to human irregularities in
dynamic, they could likewise uncover manners by which
we are incomplete, parochial, and psychologically one-
sided, driving us to embrace progressively unbiased or
populist sees. During the time spent perceiving our
inclination and showing machines our normal qualities,
we may improve more than AI. We may very well
develop ourselves [19, 23].
(a) Employment Law for AI: The driver behind the
advancement of AI is the interest and requirement for
robotization. With the target of expanding effectiveness,
organizations over the world have endorsed to the act of
using AI as a substitution of the human workforce. This
rush of computerization is making a hole between the
current business laws and the developing utilization of
AI in the work environment.
For example, can an AI claim advantages, for example,
fortunate reserve installments or tip under existing
business enactment or sue an organization for
illegitimate end of work? Such inquiries likewise hold
pertinence for the human workforce, as in many cases,
AI expects people to work and the failure of business
laws to have clearness as to the above may
antagonistically effect such people, too [34].
(b) Contractual relationship/ Smart Contracts:
Another worry is the capacity of an AI to execute and be
limited by contracts. W hile worldwide laws have
perceived self-upholding contracts, there is a
requirement for an extensive enactment regarding the
matter. Under Indian law just a "legitimate individual"
can be skillful to enter a substantial agreement.
Chandra et al., International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 344-350(2020) 348
The general standard up to this point has been that an
AI may not qualify as a lawful individual. Subsequently,
an agreement went into independently may not be
viewed as a substantial agreement in India. Resultantly,
steps should be taken to guarantee that innovation
norms are created to satisfactorily direct agreements
went into by AI [12, 13].
(c) Privacy: AI as of now tracks and predicts people's
shopping inclinations, political inclinations, and areas.
The information collected and shared between these
innovations has just made numerous discussions inside
the legitimate field. In any case, AI is beginning to
handle progressively disputable subjects, [9] for
example, anticipating sexuality and penchant to carry
out a wrongdoing. W ill these forecasts have the option
to be utilized in preliminary? Or then again will the AI fill
in as specialists, to be interrogated to decide the
legitimacy of their conclusions?
With regards to AI, there are as of now more lawful
inquiries than answers. In any case, don't stress; robots
may have legitimate responses for us soon enough.
When they do, will we be prepared to tune in? Law,
including AI lawyers, is nevertheless one territory to be
disturbed by AI.
Covid 19 Pandemic effects all over the world in each
and every sector but the two major categories have
major injustice during pandemic situation."Coronavirus
has taught workers that distance matters, "Professor S
Irudaya Rajan at the Centre for Development Studies,
Thiruvananthapuram. IrudayaRajan, one of India's
leading population studies experts and pioneer of the
annual Kerala Migration Survey, says the lesson
learned from the 2008 global economic crisis was that
"employment matters." The virus has given a new
distance lesson and could lead to a considerable
reduction in long-distance migration, he says.
Lacking jobs and money, and shutting down public
transportation, hundreds of thousands of migrants were
forced to walk hundreds of miles back to their
hometowns – with some dying along the way.
On May 2020, Moody's Investors Service said the steps
announced by the government for financial institutions
as part of the Rs 20 lakh crore-economic package would
help ease their asset risk, but will not entirely account
for the negative effect of the COVID-19 outbreak. The
government declared aRs 3.70 lakh crore funding
package for the micro, small and medium-sized
enterprises (MSME) industry, Rs 75,000 for non-bank
companies. Moreover, the MSME sector was still under
financial pressure before the coronavirus outbreak due
to the steady downturn in India's economic growth over
the past 18 months. As a result, it has limited ability to
survive another economic shock, according to Moody's.
"The deeper and broader economic downturn in India's
economy, the more liquidity stress the MSMEs will face,
leading to asset-quality problems.
The J Turner (2018) believes will thrive as what he
terms the “zero-sum” or “distributive” activities. That is,
they not so much create as distribute resources
throughout the economy. Among these, for example,
are lawyers “who protect intellectual property rights”; tax
accountants and lawyers who minimize tax payments;
and “financial regulators and the increasing army of
compliance officers and auditors” [23]. The effects of
relentless automation are growth in personal service
jobs, e.g. nurses, chefs, care aides, some of which
might be able to command higher salaries, others not,
as people leave the jobs which are being automated.
There will also be an increase in returns to monopoly
capital, of all kinds, and rent seeking skills like creative
industries and exploiting intellectual property [23]. These
shifts and outcomes raise the demand for professionals,
the zero-sum specialists, who will be managing the
distribution of rights and property. Lawyers are essential
to these activities and so will not fade away. A key
question will be: what is the optimum number of lawyers
and other professionals in an automating economy?
Turner argued that zero-sum activities will increase, but
over time the tasks being done by such specialists will
themselves become subject to automation through
developments in AI, blockchain and the like. Thus, an
increase in professionals could be followed by an
eventual decrease in numbers [15, 12].
The legal practice requires strong problem-solving skills
and emotional intelligence — skill sets that cannot be
directly replaced by machines. In addition, we are
operating in a complex and ever-evolving global
environment. A single wave of tech solutions is unlikely
to replace the legal landscape. After all, AI tools are
based on human intelligence and are only as smart as
we make them [18].
Eventually, obviously, undue weight ought not be put on
Legitimate AI alone. Lawyers keep on assuming an
imperative job in key lawful work for a long time to
come. Innovation isn't intended to be (nor without a
doubt is it presently fit for being) utilized as an
independent instrument.
The objective is to utilize AI in addition to people (as
airplane pilots use autopilot). Together, they can
guarantee that agreements are inspected significantly
more precisely — and more reliably — than a human
alone. This will keep on bringing more selection of the
bunch lawful innovation arrangements, that empower
lawyers to carry out their responsibilities all the more
Justin Earthy colored, Accomplice at Earthy Colored
Siblings Law, another member in the analysis in the
examination, put it along these lines: "As a chess player
and lawyer I will take from Grandmaster VishyAnand
and state the eventual fate of law is 'human and PC'
versus (another) 'human and PC.' Either working alone
is substandard compared to the mix of both. I see AI
and innovation as energizing new devices that would
take into account such day laborer work to be done
quicker and all the more effectively”.
Existing technology already allows us to use ML tools to
predict judicial outcomes based on previous cases. A
“robot clerk” based on these technologies has the
potential for alleviating the overwhelming caseloads of
routine decisions in many jurisdictions. Moreover, by
providing some input and analysis of an individual
Chandra et al., International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11(3): 344-350(2020) 349
judge’s decisions, the robot clerk might help human
decision makers identify their weak spots and learn to
understand and mitigate their prejudices. ~But these
promises do not lead to a robot serving as final legal
decision-taker. The choices of current calculations are a
black box and can't be explained to legitimate members
or general society. There is no guaranteed approach to
cleanse previous inclination from the machine-
anticipated choices. What's more, there are major
mechanical and political difficulties to creating and
actualizing system that would peruse the laws and
attempt to execute socially ideal strategies.
~Nevertheless, the state-of-the-art existence of
legitimate computerization has arrived [24, 26].
It is up 'til now uncertain which of these advances may
get across the board and how various governments and
legal authorities will decide to screen their utilization.
The day when innovation will turn into the appointed
authority of good and awful human conduct and dole out
suitable disciplines despite everything lies some path
later on. Be that as it may, lawful systems frequently
give perfect instances of administrations that could be
improved, while preliminaries are probably going to
profit by better information examination.
The law frequently requires a preliminary to start a trend
so keep an eye out for the experiment of AI as judge
The next step of this study is to evaluate various
Artificial intelligence tools and techniques to understand
their applicability in the Judicial Delivery System. The
use cases from different countries around the globe also
to be considered.
Conflict of Interest. There is no Conflict of Interest in
this work.
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How to cite this article:
Chandra, G., Gupta, R.
and Agarwal, N.
(2020). Role of Artificial Intelligence in
Transforming the Justice Delivery System in COVID 19 Pandemic. International Journal on Emerging Technologies,
11(3): 344–350.
... The impact generated by technologies in the legal field is not new, as the increasing use of the internet, the use of e-mails and the storage of online legal databases have already been going on for quite some time (Chandra et al., 2020). According to Wischmeyer & Rademacher (2020) the omnipresence of so-called digitalisation in many spheres of human life is common; where artificial intelligence (AI), as part of intelligent information technology systems, has transcended in its role and impact on society. ...
... Such an effect of AI can be found in "bots" or robots that function as communication platforms, automated vehicle assistance, medical diagnosis and therapy, web search engines, expert traffic control systems and not so recently in automated judicial or administrative decision-making and many more. AI has been geared towards changing the legitimate vocation in different ways since, among its many applications, it allows law firms to better manage their activities, which not so long ago were carried out by people, enabling better time and work management, aspects that are valuable in the business sector (Chandra et al., 2020;Dhyani et al., 2019;Armour & Sako, 2020). ...
... The answer is Valenzuela-Fernández, L. A., Ocaña-Fernández, Y. J., Sánchez, M. A. F., Apaza, Y. C. L., Zubieta-Romero, E., Uribe-Hernández, Y. C. (2023). Law and Artificial Intelligence: Possibilities and Regulations on the Road to the Consummation of the Digital Verdict 4 provided by Chandra et al. (2020) that it has been the coronavirus pandemic that has accelerated the transition of law into the virtual workplace in order to maintain the familiar social distancing. AI is currently being developed through machine learning techniques (Huq, 2021;Yu 2020). ...
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Aim: The continuous growing influence of technologies based on artificial intelligence will continue to have an increasingly strong impact on various fields of society, which is evident in the generation of a great expectation in continuous evolution that revolutionises many activities, including those of the legal sector. Methodology: That is why this paper aims to shed light on those aspects of artificial intelligence in the legal field that are not very clear and on some of the most relevant implications that, despite not being well known, will have a considerable impact on society at various levels, such as the role of bots in law firms, algorithms to assist in the treatment of cases and dilemmas such as whether non-professional users can trust the decision(s) that such tools would recommend, among others. Results: It also examines the ethical criteria linked to the application and its development. Conclusion: It concludes with a critical exposition from an academic perspective, without neglecting the aspect of public access to artificial intelligence and how to bring together a process of globalisation of the regulatory framework of these technologies. Originality/Value: this study highlities technologies based on artificial intelligence.
... It has capacity to transform legal system by predicting the outcomes of court decisions based on past judgements (Kauffman & Soares, 2020). With Artificial Intelligence, possibility of efficiency in judicial system with high level of predictability and accuracy of case outcome exist (Mccarthy, 2020). It will also improve the quality of decisions and reduce time taken during trials and proceedings. ...
... Due to frequency of pattern of certain cases, a relatively large proportion of routine cases have a predictable outcome. In those cases, the court rulings are relevant for input data into AI-based application and future predictions judgment of other cases (Mccarthy, 2020;Reiling, 2020). Users of such AI software can easily predict the chances of wining a particular case even before filling it and make right decision. ...
... The judges will also have more informed decisions from such analysis. A close case of this research in UK by European Court of Human Rights detects human right infringement base on choices and language usage (Mccarthy, 2020). The success rate accomplished by the software is close to 80%. ...
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Technology is an essential component of the civilization of twenty-first-century society and one of the key forces influencing public sector organizations. Public infrastructures like transportation systems and important service delivery are managed using technology and powerful computing software. Artificial intelligence (AI) on the other hand helps to add intelligence to computing devices and applications through learning, reasoning, and perceiving things from data. However, the level of adoption or application of these technologies in the Nigerian judiciary seems to be low as seen during the covid-19 outbreak. The closed down of courts led to an increase in the backlog of cases due to the suspension of court proceedings. Even the option of filling cases using technology like WhatsApp could not function effectively. AI can This paper identifies some areas technology and AI can improve the performance of Nigeria’s judiciary and increase the speed of justice dispensation.
... Delivery of justice with the help of artificial intelligence is a current research interest [6]. Machine learning with natural language processing (NLP) can classify the types of sexual harassment experiences [7]. ...
... The result of standardized data can be seen in Fig.2. The calculation of the score based on the ROC curve uses equation (6). The score of naïve Bayes is 0.954935 and the score of KNN is 0.923682. ...
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Delivery of justice with the help of artificial intelligence is a current research interest. Machine learning with natural language processing (NLP) can classify the types of sexual harassment experiences into quid pro quo (QPQ) and hostile work environments (HWE). However, imbalanced data are often present in classes of sexual harassment classification on specific datasets. Data imbalance can cause a decrease in the classifier's performance because it usually tends to choose the majority class. This study proposes the implementation and performance evaluation of the synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE) to improve the QPQ and HWE harassment classifications in the sexual harassment experience dataset. The term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) method applies document weighting in the classification process. Then, we compare naïve Bayes with K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) in classifying sexual harassment experiences. The comparison shows that the performance of the naïve Bayes classifier is superior to the KNN classifier in classifying QPQ and HWE, with AUC values of 0.95 versus 0.92, respectively. The evaluation results show that by applying the SMOTE method to the naïve Bayes classifier, the precision of the minority class can increase from 74% to 90%.
... Despite the promising advancements that AI technologies offer in legal settings, their integration presents significant challenges. Key concerns include the transparency of AI algorithms, accountability for AI-assisted decisions, and the ethical implications of deploying such technology in susceptible areas [11]. This study tackles these difficulties by comprehensively analyzing AI's technological and ethical aspects in the legal field. ...
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This integrative literature review (ILR) examines the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on legal systems, focusing on technologies such as natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and AI-driven decision support systems. The research problem addresses the need to understand how AI enhances efficiency, precision, and data handling in legal operations, transforming tasks like document analysis and decision-making procedures. The ILR aims to comprehensively understand AI integration in legal systems, considering its advantages and difficulties. It is guided by a conceptual framework based on AI, legal analytics, and decision support systems to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. Using a systematic methodology, the review integrates and examines existing research, evaluating AI's tangible benefits and ethical implications. The findings indicate that while AI can revolutionize legal systems, the study underscores the importance of continuous oversight, frequent evaluations, and developing AI models with the ability to identify and correct biases. Future research should prioritize longitudinal studies to assess AI's enduring effects, address ethical considerations, and encompass various legal and geographical contexts. Encouraging cross-disciplinary cooperation and utilizing diverse research methodologies is crucial to ensure that AI improves legal services while maintaining the integrity and impartiality of judicial procedures, and it makes the audience feel included and part of the AI revolution in legal systems.
... The software is programmed using vector graphs for mathematical operations. Known as machine learning, these algorithms allow computers to educate themselves through data and experiences (Chandra, et al., 2020). ...
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In recent years, the legal system has used artificial intelligence technology extensively. Artificial intelligence for judicial purposes is more efficient, knowledgeable, and impartial than human judges. It has its limitations, largely based on big data, algorithms, and computing power rather than organic intelligence. Judiciary artificial intelligence cannot completely replace human judges because of differences in conceptual framework, application scenario, and ability and potential. Unambiguously stating that judicial artificial intelligence is never a replacement for human judges is crucial. The study aims to investigate the legal issues and the various ways that AI impacts the legal system. The research methodology is qualitative, inductive and descriptive.
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This article explores the revolutionary landscape of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and their profound implications for the future of money. CBDCs, digital representations of a country's national currency, are rapidly gaining traction as central banks worldwide navigate the intricate intersection of technology and finance. As traditional forms of currency encounter new challenges, CBDCs emerge as a pivotal solution, promising enhanced efficiency, security, and financial inclusion. The analysis delves into the motivations driving central banks to explore CBDC adoption, ranging from the need to counter the rise of cryptocurrencies to the pursuit of monetary policy objectives. Examining the potential impact on financial ecosystems, the article explores how CBDCs could reshape the dynamics of banking, payment systems, and cross-border transactions. Furthermore, the article scrutinizes the technological underpinnings of CBDCs, shedding light on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies as key enablers. The discussion extends to the regulatory landscape, addressing concerns related to privacy, security, and the coexistence of CBDCs with existing forms of money. As we stand at the cusp of this financial evolution, understanding the implications of CBDCs becomes imperative. This article aims to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of CBDCs, elucidating their role in shaping the future of money and the broader economic landscape. By exploring the potential benefits and challenges, we strive to contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding CBDCs and their transformative impact on the global monetary system.
A pandemic is an exceptional context involving radical disruptions for organizations and society. Ethical considerations evolve among individuals and organizations, and the way technology is used is an important factor in this evolution. We explore how key actors in the accounting space—namely, the Big 4 firms, the professional accounting associations, and the audit regulators—responded to the conjunction of the pandemic, ethics, and technology. We contextualize our documentation analysis referring to the ETHOs framework, which integrates ethics and technology. Findings suggest that ethics and technology are significant for the professional accounting associations and the audit regulators during the pandemic. In contrast, the Big 4 appear to overlook this importance, focusing instead on gains to be obtained from technology, applying a commercial logic above a professional logic. Our study underscores the importance of considering ethics in the future design and utilization of technology to maintain trust in the accounting profession. Data Availability: Data are available from the public sources cites in the text.
In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, humanity faced unprecedented challenges that necessitated innovative technological solutions. The Role of AI, IoT, and Blockchain in Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 explores the transformative influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain technologies in combating the pandemic's effects. Key themes: Technological Pandemic Response: This book delves into how technology played a pivotal role in enabling social distancing, remote monitoring, contact minimization, telecommuting, online education, virus analysis, and predictive modeling, effectively aiding the fight against the coronavirus. Data Precision: Accurate and reliable data are essential for tracking virus spread. The book demonstrates how AI, IoT, and Blockchain can establish digital databases that ensure data accuracy, accessibility, and real-time monitoring, addressing the challenges faced by public healthcare systems. Innovative Applications: Chapters in this book cover a wide array of applications, from AI-driven models for COVID-19 analysis and prediction to the use of 3D printing technologies, IoT tools for virus control, and the impact of AI and IoT in healthcare. It also explores the role of social media in promoting social distancing. Advanced AI Techniques: Readers gain insights into cutting-edge AI techniques applied to COVID-19 in areas such as treatment, diagnosis, prognosis, chest X-ray and CT analysis, pandemic prediction, and pharmaceutical research. Industry 4.0: The book discusses Industry 4.0 technologies and their contribution to sustainable manufacturing, efficient management strategies, and their response to the challenges posed by the pandemic. Contributed by a distinguished panel of national and international researchers, with multidisciplinary backgrounds specializing in Artificial Intelligence, biomedical engineering, machine learning, and healthcare technology, public health and industrial automation. Each contribution includes derailed references to encourage scholarly research. This book serves as a valuable resource for academic and professional readers seeking to understand how modern computing technology has been harnessed to address the unique challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It offers insights into technological innovations and their potential for the betterment of society, especially in times of crisis. Readers will be introduced to computing techniques and methods to measure and monitor the impacts of medical emergencies similar to viral outbreaks and implement the necessary infection control protocols.
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The subject of this study is the analysis of the functioning of law firms during the Covid-19 pandemic. The lockdown introduced by the legislator resulted in the closure or limitation of the functioning of public administration bodies, including courts and related institutions, especially law firms (advocates or legal advisers). As a consequence, law firms significantly limited their activities and, moreover, were forced to equip their offices with ICT tools allowing for remote work and IT training for their employees. As a consequence, law firms experienced a drop in income, which was confirmed by the results of a survey conducted by the Supreme Bar Council. However, positive aspects of the changes caused by the pandemic should also be noted, including introducing flexible forms of work, greater use of ICT tools.
The security of Web applications is one noteworthy component that is often overlooked within the creation of Web apps. Web application security is required for securing websites and online services against distinctive security threats. The vulnerabilities of the Web applications are for the most part the outcome of a need for sanitization of input/output which is frequently utilized either to misuse source code or to pick up unauthorized access. An attacker can misuse vulnerabil�ities in an application’s code. The security of Web applications may be a central component of any Web-based commerce. The security of Web applications deals particularly with the security encompassing websites, Web applications, and Web administrations such as APIs. This paper gives a testing approach for vulnerability evaluation of Web applications to address the extent of security issues. We illustrate the vulnerability assessment tests on Web applications. Showing how with an aggregation of tools, the vulnerability testing broadcast for Web applications can be enhanced.
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Innovation technology in health care management is a significant challenge to the right to health and life. Access and affordability to healthcare have been a daunting task because of rising costs, case management, and adjudicating medical claims. We often contend to a status quoits society that adopts proven systems and technologies and depriving ourselves of the potential benefits of innovative technology. India ranks in the 60 th position at the Global Innovation Index (GII) 2017 in the adoption of innovative technology. It continues to import over 75 percent of medical devices. The innovation technology in health care management by our indigenous companies is a distant goal post in India. Therefore, it is high time to rethink to evolve a robust culture of innovation and new knowledge creativity in the era of knowledge economy by tapping the potentiality of the existing resources for sustainable economic growth. The innovation technology in health care management has shown commendable results in the referral and pre-certification services, digital imaging, and electronic medical records (EMRs). The ICT enabled e-healthcare model in primary health centers (PHCs) of some states in India heralded an innovative health delivery model. Taken as a whole, innovation and technology drivers have a marginal existence in the Indian healthcare delivery system and urgently need a paradigm shift to augur inclusiveness and sustainable development. 11(2) International Journal of Emerging Technologies 560-564 (2020)
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This Paper illustrates that all the projects to design or develop secure information system for processing classified information have had a formal mathematical model like graphs for security as part of the top level definition of the system.The different graphs models provide as precise description of the behaviour desired of the security relevant portions of the system.
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Author stressed that the core of web usage solutions were LMS or CMS (learning/course management systems), that facilitate the colleges in automating and managing the training events. It had been ascertained that universities provide a lot of attention to OS-LMS. The most objective of this study was to research and study OS-LMS. The model elect for the analysis within the analysis were Model and Iliac as each of them were open supply and were suggested by numerous institutes of international repute. When on-line comparison between a complete of forty two options and characters.
Conference Paper
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In the last few decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have been used extensively in numerous applications. Amongst AIs numerous techniques, the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) has dominated in its capability and applicability in different fields. Neural is a word derived from (animal) human nervous system which represents the nerve cells or neurons present in the brain. This paper however focuses on the review of ANN and its applications in forecasting. The basic concepts of ANN, its characteristics and applications were discussed. In addition, a comparison was made between ANN and other conventional methods. The conclusion of this review shows that ANN mostly performs better than other conventional techniques in solving real-life problems.
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Together with legal experts from all around the world the chair of Prof. Dr. Dr. Eric Hilgendorf is taking on an international perspective on the legal problems posed by digitization by analysing and discussing two significant issues in particular: The development of Artificial Intelligence Thursday and the Increasing Connectivity via the Internet Friday, March 15th
Conference Paper
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It is now clear to even the greatest doubters that AI is a powerful technology with considerable practical usage. But it has also become clear that this usage can be both positive and negative. AI can improve healthcare, aid environmental monitoring, support community formation, make culture more widely accessible, and do many other good things-always in combination of course with other digital technologies. But AI can also play a role in deceit and manipulation of public opinion, stoking societal divisions, enforcing senseless bureaucracy, cyberattacks, autonomous weapons, job loss, etc. Moreover the application and promises of AI appear to be premature in the face of autonomous cars going through red traffic lights, unacceptable decisions on granting parole, perpetuation of racial and gender bias in recruitment, etc. This discussion paper provides some ideas to foster positive uses of AI and guard us against negative ones, building further on the 'Barcelona Declaration for the Proper Development and Use of AI in Europe', which you can read and sign here: