Nicolas Teyssandier

Nicolas Teyssandier
French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · Institut écologie et environnement (INEE), Laboratoire TRACES, UMR 5608



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Nicolas Teyssandier currently works at the Institut écologie et environnement (CNRS-INEE), Laboratoire TRACES, UMR 5608, French National Centre for Scientific Research. Nicolas does research in Archaeology.
Additional affiliations
January 2009 - January 2012
University of the Witwatersrand
  • Researcher
October 2007 - February 2016
French National Centre for Scientific Research
  • Senior Researcher
September 2005 - August 2007
Université Toulouse  II - Jean Jaurès
  • ATER


Publications (70)
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Between ca. 50,000 and 35,000 years ago, one of the most profound upheavals in the history of humanity occurred with the replacement of the so-called “archaic” groups (Neanderthals, Denisovans, Homo luzonensis) by anatomically modern humans. Distinct macro-regional technocomplexes have long been distinguished in the European archaeological record,...
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Quel est le point commun entre les grottes de Lascaux et les bouddhas de la vallée de Bâmiyân, entre Tombouctou et Notre-Dame de Paris ? Toutes ces merveilles du patrimoine mondial de l’humanité sont menacées par des phénomènes naturels ou par les actions humaines. Des scientifiques nous invitent à un tour du monde de ce patrimoine en danger à trav...
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France 5 a diffusé le 30 septembre 2021 le film Lady Sapiens ( Il présente une nouvelle image de la femme de la préhistoire. Une image présentée comme issue de la recherche scientifique. Et promouvant une nouvelle vision de nos a...
During Prehistory, human species challenged deep climatic and environmental changes in Europe and Northern Asia, where glacial-interglacial cycles were particularly intense. Understanding the way ancient societies faced these environmental conditions and how they adapted are critical issues for prehistorians. It is important to extract environmenta...
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Abstract The demise of Neanderthals and their interaction with dispersing anatomically modern human populations remain some of the most contentious issues in palaeoanthropology. The Châtelperronian, now generally recognized as the first genuine Upper Palaeolithic industry in Western Europe and commonly attributed to the Neanderthals, plays a pivota...
In a response to our initial demonstration of the extreme sensitivity of Bayesian models for the Western European Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition, Higham and Heep attempt to refute some of our arguments. They maintain that our modifications to their individual site models bear no meaningful impact and hence Higham et al.’s overall conclusio...
Since Prehistory, the evolution of societies is embedded in a context of deep environmental and climatic changes modifying human/environment interactions, resources and territories accessibilities. Understanding the way ancient societies faced environmental conditions and their changes are critical issues for prehistorians. However, establishing co...
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The time of the Aurignacian’s first appearance in the archeological record lies at the heart of debates on the emergence of European anatomically modern humans. Based on a re-study of Archeological Horizon (AH) 3 of Willendorf II, it has been claimed that the Early Aurignacian was present in the loess plains of Lower Austria by 43.5 ka (thousands o...
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Arte, Néandertal et le poisson d'avril... PAR LA RÉDACTION DE MEDIAPART ARTICLE PUBLIÉ LE DIMANCHE 2 AVRIL 2017 Arte, en guise de poisson d'avril, a diffusé un faux documentaire, un « documenteur », mais en tablant sur l'imposture canularesque pour susciter la réflexion chez les télespectateurs, ainsi que s'en explique d'une façon passionnante, pou...
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D’où vient l’humanité ? Cette question a longtemps été confisquée par la pensée religieuse et mythologique. Si l’essentiel semble dit depuis les travaux de Charles Darwin au xixe siècle, la découverte de nouveaux fossiles, les récentes analyses paléogénétiques et les études sur les comportements des Hommes de la préhistoire bousculent les scénarios...
Refining and interpreting the chronology of the so-called Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition continues to be a contentious issue, polarizing the opinion of archaeologists, anthropologists and dating experts alike. Bayesian modelling has become an important means for organizing and interpreting an increasing number of available radiocarbon date...
Conference Paper
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Le Protoaurignacien, industrie majeure pour le synthétotype aurignacien de G. Laplace, est souvent avancé comme première expression des sociétés d'Hommes anatomique-ment modernes (HAM) durant leur expansion en Europe occidentale. Ici, nous nous interrogeons sur la signification de cette industrie comme représentation d'une population « pionnière »...
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Located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, the Balkan Peninsula occupies a strategic geographic position regarding the various scenarios for the dispersal of anatomically modern humans (AMH). The aim of this paper is to compare two lithic assemblages from the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic, one in the Middle East (Yafte...
This paper aims to review current evidence and to develop new ideas and hypotheses concerning the status of the Chatelperronian in the context of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition. Attention is focused on archeostratigraphy and lithic evidence from South-Western France. The stratigraphic evidence can no longer be used to affirm a Chatelper...
This paper aims to review current evidence and to develop new ideas and hypotheses concerning the status of the Châtelperronian in the context of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition. Attention is focused on archeostratigraphy and lithic evidence from South-Western France. The stratigraphic evidence can no longer be used to affirm a Châtelper...
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The Aurignacian has long been interpreted as the culture that corresponded to the arrival of modern humans in Europe and, along with them, all the constituent elements of the Upper Paleolithic. In addition to noting the profound technological changes, we emphasize in particular the systematization and diversification of personal ornaments and the e...
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The Aurignacian has long been interpreted as the culture that corresponded to the arrival of modern humans in Europe and, along with them, all the constituent elements of the Upper Paleolithic. In addition to noting the profound technological changes, we emphasize in particular the systematization and diversification of personal ornaments and the e...
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The article puts together the contributions of fourteen researchers, specialists of the most diverse sectors of the African archaeology (palaeolithic industries, néolithisation, history of the breeding, rock art, emergence of the complex societies, ferrous metallurgy, developments of soils, on concerning subjects of regions very contrasted and scat...
We present the results of a technological analysis of the Howiesons Poort and MSA III lithic artifacts from Cave 1A at Klasies River. We studied most of the debitage and retouched pieces from Deacon's excavations (about 3000 pieces) and all the cores and retouched pieces from three layers of Singer and Wymer excavations (640 pieces). Our analysis s...
Conference Paper
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Diffusion et exploitation d'un traceur lithologique au cours du Paléolithique supérieur dans le sud de la France : l'exemple du type Chalosse Summary The authors propose a petroarchaeological approach to understanding the exploitation of the environment and its resources by prehistoric groups. Petroarchaeology broadly defined includes the geologica...
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Fouillé dans les années soixante, le Piage est un gisement de référence pour le Paléolithique supérieur ancien du sud-ouest de la France. L’analyse récente des séries lithiques a conduit à réviser l’interprétation de sa séquence archéostratigraphique sur deux points : absence d’interstratification Aurignacien/Châtelperronien/Aurignacien ; présence,...
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The emergence of the Upper Paleolithic is traditionally envisioned in terms of a clear rupture with the Middle Paleolithic. From this perspective, the Aurignacian is interpreted as the culture that would realize the systematization of numerous innovations and become the instrument of victory of Modern Humans over Neandertal populations. In this pap...
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The Aurignacian is a historical concept, defined in a masterly manner by H. Breuil in the early twentieth century. Using H. Breuil's original conceptions as a starting point, we shall attempt to show that our notions about what supposedly characterizes this technocomplex are constraining and actually operate as epistemological obstacles. With the h...
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L'Aurignacien est un concept historique magistralement mis en place par H. Breuil au début du XXe siècle. En repartant de la conception que H. Breuil a défendue, nous essaierons de montrer comment nos représentations de ce qui caractérise ce technocomplexe fonctionnent aujourd'hui comme des obstacles épistémologiques. À travers quelques exemples pr...
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La mise en place du Paléolithique supérieur est traditionnellement envisagée sous l’angle de la rupture. De ce point de vue, l’Aurignacien est interprété comme “ LA ” culture qui consacrerait la généralisation de nombreuses innovations et représenterait l’instrument de la conquête européenne de l’Homme moderne et du remplacement des populations néa...
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Westward Ho? Building on a re-assessment of the major Aurignacian sequences found in central Europe and the Balkans, this book picks up the trail of the earliest anatomically-modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) across Europe. The analysis of the lithic production from Geissenklösterle in Germany, Willendorf and Krems in Austria, and Bacho Kiro in...
L'Aurignacien est classiquement associé à la migration initiale des hommes modernes en Europe. Ces hommes, d'un type nouveau sur le continent européen, porteraient avec eux un cortège d'innovations techniques et de nouvelles pratiques symboliques et artistiques qui caractériseraient dans leur ensemble le Paléolithique supérieur et le différencierai...
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First excavated during the 1960's, Le Piage is a key site for the Early Upper Palaeolithic in southwestern France. A recent analysis of the classic lithic assemblages led us to modify two aspects of the published stratigraphic sequence: first, there is no interstratification of Chatelperronian and Aurignacian levels, and second, between the Chatelper...
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The Chalosse region, and more particularly the area around Audignon, is well-knwon for a long time for its richness in lithic raw materials and archaeological industries. In this paper, we report the results of an archaeological survey carried on around the Laudon river in Banos (Landes). This work leads useful informations on the Upper Paleolithic...
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For several decades, it has been commonly admitted that the Aurignacian was an homogeneous techno-complex related to the first diffusion of modern humans in Europe. The typo-technological Pan-European homogeneity of the Aurignacian has been explained on the basis of bone and lithic specific tools currently known since the Near East to the Atlantic...
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L'Aurignacien est associé à une série d'innovations majeures qui caractérisent, plus largement, l’ensemble du Paléolithique supérieur. Cela concerne notamment l’avènement de manifestations artistiques (mobiles ou pariétales), le développement de la parure et d’un équipement en matières dures animales. Notre propos a pour ambition de réfléchir à la...
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Zusammenfassung: Zunächst werden verschiedene Modelle diskutiert, die sich mit der Ausbreitung anatomisch moderner Menschen in Europa sowie mit den Ursprüngen des Aurignacien befassen. Aus- gangspunkt für die im Anschluss daran präsentierte Sicht des Autors bilden seine technologischen Analysen frühjungpaläolithischer Steinartefaktinventare von vie...
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Discussion à partir des sites de Geissenklösterle, Willendorf II, Krems-Hundssteig et Bacho Kiro. Thèse soutenue le 9 février 2004 à l'université Paris X-Nanterre sous la direction de Jean-Michel Geneste
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Willendorf II is one of the rare sites to offer a good chronostratigraphic framework for the period between 45,000 and 25,000 B.P. in Central Europe. Located in the Wachau on a lower terrace of the Danube, it has yielded 9 archaeological layers classically ascribed to the early Upper Palaeolithic, the Aurignacian and the Gravettian. This paper deal...
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The Geißenklösterle cave site (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) has achieved celebrity for having yielded several rich Aurignacian occupation levels, among the earliest in central Europe. Recently, the coherence of J. Hahn’s archaeostratigraphic subdivisions has been called into question, and doubts raised about the validity of the earliest Aurignacian...
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La prise en compte des processus post-dépositionnels devient une part intégrante de l'archéologie paléolithique. Cette première étude relate les résultats d'une expérimentation conduite sur l'enfouissement d'amas de silex taillés. Notre attention s'est principalement portée sur les micro-artefacts dans une perspective essentiellement taphonomique....
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Le gisement du Closeau (Rueil-Malmaison, Hauts-de-Seine) situé à cinq kilomètres en aval de Paris, constitue une découverte fondamentale dans l'extension des recherches sur les périodes tardiglaciaires postérieures au Magdalénien. Il permet notamment de documenter l'évolution des groupes aziliens dans le sud du Bassin parisien. Au sud du gisement,...
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Nous présentons les principaux résultats d’une analyse technique de l’industrie lithique aurignacienne du secteur II de Barbas (Creysse, Dordogne). La production, essentiellement laminaire, permet de distinguer un débitage de grandes lames d’une part, de moyennes et petites lames d’autre part. Deux autres schémas opératoires autonomes et respective...
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This paper places the current research on the Aurignacian of the Upper and Middle Danube region in a broader European context. Technological and typological studies show that the Swabian Aurignacian, particularly as documented in the well-dated deposits from Geißenklösterle, closely resemble the assemblages of Peyrony’sAurignacian I. We use the ter...
The Early or Typical Aurignacian (I) has long been equated with the first fully Upper Paleolithic cultural entity in Europe. Moreover, it is commonly assumed that the appearance of the Upper Paleolithic was the result of an east-west dispersal of anatomically modern humans (AMH) into Europe. Central Europe thus plays a key role for understanding th...


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