Nicklas Guldåker

Nicklas Guldåker
Lund University | LU · Department of Human Geography

PhD in Human Geography
Senior Lecturer, Docent (Reader), Lund University


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Nicklas Guldåker is Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer at Lund University with special interest in the research fields of risk and crisis management, methods of risk and vulnerability analysis, critical infrastructure, urban studies of social unrest and social risks, crime mapping and crime prevention, fire mapping and fire prevention, data driven analysis, geovisualization and geographical information systems (GIS).


Publications (49)
Two key challenges for governing and managing critical infrastructure risk and resilience are interdependencies between infrastructures and the multi-actor setting in which they operate. This paper looks beyond the Critical Infrastructure (CI) field of research to identify and discuss cross-disciplinary approaches to address these challenges. It ex...
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This paper presents a theoretically and methodologically grounded GIS-based model for the measurement and mapping of an index of living conditions in urban residential areas across Sweden. Further, the model is compared and evaluated using the Swedish Police's assessment of crime-exposed areas. The results indicate that the geographically measured...
Deprived neighborhoods in Sweden in which criminal networks have a negative impact on local residents are labeled as “vulnerable neighborhoods” by the police. The method used by the police to classify such neighborhoods is largely based on perceptions, which raises issues of subjectivity and potential biases. The present study explores the characte...
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This chapter addresses the benefits of geo-statistical approaches in fire prevention processes, especially in the prevention of residential fires in urban areas. The aim is to demonstrate how residential fire incidents can be theorized and placed in a context where geo-statistical techniques and an area-based approach can support the emergency serv...
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This study adds to knowledge on place-based fear of crime. First, by proposing a method to coordinate and code unsafe locations from an open-ended question in a random sample survey among residents of Uppsala, Sweden. The method is performed through an automated script in R with manual work steps. Second, by identifying types of functional location...
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Current local or regional flood risk assessments, as required by the EU flood risk directive, rarely account for cascading effects due to interdependencies between critical infrastructures. However, it is essential to consider these effects, as they may severely impact areas outside the immediate flood risk area. The main purpose is to present and...
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This paper presents a theoretically and methodologically grounded GIS-based model for the measurement and mapping of an index of living conditions in urban residential areas across Sweden. Further, the model is compared and evaluated using the Swedish Police's assessment of crime-exposed areas. The results indicate that geographically measured vuln...
This chapter addresses the benefits of geo-statistical approaches in fire prevention processes, and especially in the prevention of residential fires in urban areas. The aim is to demonstrate how residential fire incidents can be theorized and placed in a context where geo-statistical techniques and an area-based approach can support the emergency...
Deprived neighborhoods where criminal networks have a negative impact on local residents are in Sweden labeled as vulnerable neighborhoods by the police. The method used by the police to classify such neighborhoods is largely based on police perceptions, which raises issues around subjectivity and potential biases. The present study explores the ch...
Experiment Findings
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Analytiska kartor över människors livsvillkor i relation till gängkriminalitet i utsatta områden i Sverige. Boken tilldelades det Stora Fackbokspriset 2020
Technical Report
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Abstract:The craft brewery industry on Gotland is particularly vital and well known in Sweden, but nonetheless holds significant development potential. The main purpose of this study has been to construct a situational awareness of the craft beer value chain on Gotland, and to identify its key actors. Furthermore, in order for the craft breweries t...
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Swedish emergency services still have relatively limited resources and time for proactive fire prevention. As a result of this, there is an extensive need for strategic working methods and knowledge to take advantage of spatial analyses. In addition, decision-making based on visualizations and analyses of their own collected data has the potential...
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This chapter in the book (in Swedish) - To reverse the trend: From vulnerable areas to security and participation (my translation) - presents a model for assessing and measuring people's living conditions based on a geographical context and visualized through geographical information systems (GIS) in what is called a strategic map. In swedish: I de...
I detta kapitel i boken Geografisk information Behandling beskrivs och behandlas metoder för hur geografisk data analyseras. Kapitlet omfattar såväl geografisk teori som exempel på tillämpningar. Geografisk informationsbehandling baseras på insamling, lagring, analys och visualisering av geografiska data. Denna indelning utgör också grunden för bo...
Experiment Findings
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Interactive map of over 300 microbreweries in Sweden. Map includes point data, tabular information, network lines, socio-economic data and metadata (in Swedish). Visit our web-based GIS dashboard on
Technical Report
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Denna rapport är resultatet av ett projekt vars syfte har varit att bygga upp en forskningsdatabas över och kartera svenska mikro-/hantverksbryggerier verksamma under främst 2000-talet. Sammanställningen har skett genom insamling, systematisering, lagring, analys och visualisering av bryggeridata utifrån geografiska platser. Forskningsdatabasens an...
Technical Report
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This report presents and analyse differences of residential fires within and between Swedish metropolitan areas and municipalities from a statistical perspective (report in Swedish). I denna rapport presenteras skillnader i brandförekomst inom och mellan olika storstadsområden mellan åren 2007 och 2015 i de räddningstjänstförbund, storstadsområde...
Technical Report
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This report presents and analyses the development of residential fires between 2007 and 2015 in the three largest metropolitan areas i Sweden. Significant geographical clusters of residential fires in Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö are visualised and analysed. The report also discuss how and why various categories or subtypes of residential fires di...
Technical Report
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This report presents and analyses the preventive fire safety work that is carried out and evaluated in several emergency services associations in Sweden. The review covers various preventive activities and factors that affect the fire safety work with a primary focus on residential fires. The report also presents a research-based proposal on how an...
Technical Report
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This report focuses on home visits as preventative fire protection work and how it can be evaluated. A theoretical model for evaluation of home visits is empirically tested. (report in Swedish) Hembesök är en arbetsmetod som används av flera räddningstjänster i Sverige. Samtidigt finns det få utvärderingar av hur den fungerar och dess effekter. D...
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Although there have been significant advances in the research field of critical infrastructures and vital societal functions during the last decade, there still exist many challenges in implementing and carrying out studies in practice. One of these challenges is a feasible method for mapping, analysing and visualising the cascading consequences th...
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Critical infrastructures today are highly interdependent and increasingly important in providing services to the rest of the society. At the same time, each type of infrastructure requires specialised knowledge to design and manage. Therefore, to get a better understanding of how the infrastructures and the effect of interdependencies work as a who...
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The aim with this paper is to examine how different GIS-based visualization methods can be applied and come to practical uses in the emergency service’s fire preventive work. These techniques motivate and facilitate various forms of fire prevention such as selection of areas or neighborhoods, blocks or buildings before home visits, identification a...
Technical Report
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The purpose of this report is to provide a theoretical framework about how residential fires i metropolitan areas can be understood and analyzed. (in Swedish) Syftet med denna rapport är att ge en teoretisk ram kring hur bostadsbränder i storstadsområden kan förstås och analyseras.
Technical Report
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Konsekvenser till följd av stora översvämningar och andra geografiskt utbredda händelser är ett återkommande fenomen världen över. Befolkningstäta områden med sammanflätade nätverk av kritiska infrastrukturer och samhällsviktiga verksamheter tillhör de mest drabbade. De komplexa beroendena mellan olika former av samhällsviktiga verksamheter kan led...
Technical Report
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I denna rapport presenteras bostadsbrandutvecklingen mellan åren 2007 och 2015 i de räddnings-tjänstförbund, storstadsområden och kommuner som ingår i studien. Rapporten kommer att belysa den generella bostadsbrandsutvecklingen över tid och rum och redogöra för hur vanligt förekom-mande olika kategorier av bostadsbränder är i olika storstadsområden...
Technical Report
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The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of international data-driven methods for smart firefighting and how these methods can be developed within the framework of Swedish emergency services' strategic fire safety work (report in Swedish) Syftet med denna rapport är att ge en översikt över internationella datadrivna metoder för smart b...
Conference Paper
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A method is presented aiming at enabling more holistic flood risk management efforts by accounting for cascading effects that arise in critical infrastructure and vital societal functions in flooding events. The method is under development but shows promise in guiding national, regional and local risk management efforts in Sweden towards flooding e...
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I denna rapport jämförs och analyseras utvecklingen av bostadsbränder i Sveriges storstadsområden mellan åren 2007-2015. Fokus ligger på ett urval av främst tätbebyggda områden inom Sveriges tre storstadsområden och omfattar räddningstjänstförbunden Räddningstjänsten Syd, Räddningstjänsten Storgöteborg, Storstockholms brandförsvar, Södertörns brand...
Technical Report
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Syftet med rapporten är att analysera i vad mån skillnaderna i statistiken gällande bostadsbränder i storstadsområdena Malmö, Göteborg, Södertörn och Stockholm kan förklaras av olikheter i hur inrapporteringen av bostadsbränder går till. Perioden som studeras är 2007-2013.
Technical Report
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Decision-making based on large amounts of data and different data sources constitutes a growing challenge for many actors in society. An increased flow of information from social media and open data sources means that decentralized decision-makers such as regions, municipalities and cities are forced to change, adapt, and modify their existing deci...
Ett resilient hushåll, som är väl förberett för en kris, ökar krishanteringsförmågan för samhället i stort när katastrofen är ett faktum – och mildrar konsekvenserna. Trots att hushåll på landsbygden drabbades hårt av stormen Gudrun 2005 var de väsentliga för krishanteringen som helhet, inte minst för överlevnad och mellanmänsklig omsorg. Hur såg d...
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Disasters such as the storms that affected Sweden in 2005 and 2007 showed that citizens initially conducted a large part of the disaster response, such as clearing roads, giving psychosocial support to affected neighbours and repairing power lines in collaboration with power companies. As a result of these storms, an Emergent Citizen Group (ECG) wa...
Technical Report
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The aim of this Deliverable 2.2 on Urban Decision-making and Expert Integration is to provide an overview of existing approaches, processes, tools and techniques to urban decision-making, and the usage of expert knowledge as well as data and more and more ‘big data’ to support decisions. The
Technical Report
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Decisions makers in cities and urban areas continuously have to make important decisions to react or proactively identify new challenges, problems and conflicts. But as cities and urban areas have become more complex, well‐founded decisions have also become more difficult to make. Decisions cannot be purely based on intuitions but require a basis f...
Technical Report
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The work package (WP) 2 on Basic Exploration, Stakeholder Studies and Requirement Analysis created the scientific fundament of the project and produced essential knowledge for the conceptualisation of UrbanData2Decide. Task 2.5 brought together the previous research results and elaborated an integrated research model as well as a stakeholder requir...
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Under de senaste trettio åren har Sverige och Europa genomgått en dramatisk omvandling. Geopolitiska förändringar i kombination med globalisering har förändrat näringsliv och politik i grunden. Därmed har efterkrigstidens hot och risker ersatts av andra och i vissa fall mer diffusa samhällsrisker. Även sociala frågor har kommit att diskuteras och b...
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Since the end of the 1990s, the number of fires has increased dramatically in Malmö, a city in the southernmost part of Sweden. Between 1998 and 2009, the increase was 215%, and a large number of the fires were intentional. The aim of this paper is to deepen our understanding of the underlying causes of the spatial and spatio-temporal distribution...
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Människor som lever under social utsatthet bor ofta i särskilda delar av städer. I grannskap som präglas av strukturella riskfaktorer som arbetslöshet, otrygg boendemiljö, trångboddhet och territoriell marginalisering (utsatta bostadsområden), tenderar också befolkningen att utsättas för social stress, ohälsa, social oro och oönskade sociala händel...
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Under de senaste trettio åren har Sverige och Europa genomgått en dramatisk omvandling. Geopolitiska förändringar i kombination med globalisering har förändrat näringsliv och politik i grunden. Därmed har efterkrigstidens hot och risker ersatts av andra och i vissa fall mer diffusa samhällsrisker. Även sociala frågor har kommit att diskuteras och b...
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Syftet med denna rapport och vägledning är att beskriva ett arbetssätt, Områdesbaserad risk- och sårbarhetsanalys (ORSA), för kommuner och andra aktörer som vill använda geografisk information och analys som stöd och utveckling av sitt RSA-arbete.
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Since the end of the 1990s, the number of fires increases dramatically in the city of Malmö. Between 1998 and 2009, the increase was 215 %. A growing number of the fires are intentional and take place outdoors. Most of the fires are also concentrated in a limited number of neighborhoods. Furthermore, many schools are affected. Between 2000 and 2011...
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Vårt syfte med detta kapitel är att beskriva och analysera krisförberedande arbeten i en landsortsby från en lokal risk- och sårbarhetsgrupps perspektiv samt tydliggöra olika drivkrafter, förutsättningar och relationer med myndigheter och andra aktörer. Underlaget för kapitlet utgörs av en intervju med representanter för den lokala gruppen i en soc...
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Severe crises and disasters such as the Hurricane Gudrun and their consequences will probably occur in the future. However, there are many uncertainties concerning disasters and their effects. New scientific approaches and methods for crisis and disaster research must be developed to increase the knowledge and ability of societies to manage known a...
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Större kriser och katastrofer som stormen Gudrun och dess konsekvenser är sannolikt att vänta i framtiden. Det råder dock ovisshet om vilka kriserna kommer att vara och under vilka förutsättningar. Nya och kompletterande vetenskapliga studier och metoder inom kris- och katastrofforskningen måste till för att öka samhällets kunskap om och förmåga at...
Severe crises and disasters such as the Hurricane Gudrun and their consequences will probably occur in the future. However, there are many uncertainties concerning disasters and their effects. New scientific approaches and methods for crisis and disaster research must be developed to increase the knowledge and ability of societies to manage known a...
Geografiska informationssystem (GIS) är ett av de snabbaste växande tillämpningsområdena inom informationstekniken. Denna bok presenterar ett antal aktuella tillämpningsexempel, från trafik- och riskplanering till globala miljöproblem. Den ska ses som ett komplement till den lärobok i geografisk informationsbehandling, som forskningsrådet Formas ti...
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(* Nicklas Guldåker hette Nicklas Olofsson före 2006) Abstrakt: De senaste årens utveckling har visat på behovet av att bygga upp en förmåga att hantera väntade såväl som oväntade påfrestningar på samhället. På kommunal nivå karakteriseras situationen av att kommunerna, genom sektors- och områdesansvaret, har ett långtgående ansvar för kommuninvån...
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Abstract (English)* This licentiate thesis is the result of the project ‘The vulnerable society. About households daily life and preparedness’, financed by Swedish Agency for Civil Emergency Planning (ÖCB). This work incorporate three elements: two written parts and one Internet-based method. The primary aim of this licentiate treatise is therefo...


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