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Assessing the Role of Carbon Taxes in Driving Low-Carbon Transformations: A Comparative Analysis of Implementation Policies

  • Associate Researcher of National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
  • the national agency for research and inovation, RoI


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Assessing the Role of Carbon Taxes in Driving Low-Carbon Transformations: A
Comparative Analysis of Implementation Policies
Rumanintya Lisaria Putri1*, Desak Nyoman Sri Werastuti2, Ni Wayan Rustiarini3, Agung Sutoto1, Eko Wahyono4,
Budi Wardono1, Armen Zulham1, Amos Lukas5, Raden Djoko Goenawan6, Sofia Anita7, I. Ketut Ardana1,
I. Nyoman Normal1 , Moehar Daniel1 , Lisa Yuniarti4 , Khojin Supriadi8, Dodi Al Vayed9
1 Research Center for Cooperative, Corporation and People's Economy, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN),
Jakarta Pusat 10340, Indonesia
2 Department of Accounting, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali 81117, Indonesia
3 Department of Accounting, Universitas Mahasaraswati, Bali 81117, Indonesia
4 Research Center for Social Welfare, Village, and Connectivity, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Research
Center for Social Welfare, Village and Connectivity National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta Pusat 10340, Indonesia
5 Research Center for Agroindustry, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta 10340, Indonesia
6 Research Center for Climate and Atmospheri, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta 10340, Indonesia
7 Department of Chemistry, Universitas Riau, Riau 28293, Indonesia
8 Research Center for Food Crops, Research Organization for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency
(BRIN), Jakarta 10340, Indonesia
9 Master of Government and Administrative Affairs, Jusuf Kalla School of Government, Muhammadiyah University,
Yogyakarta 57169, Indonesia
Corresponding Author Email:
Copyright: ©2024 The authors. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license
Received: 5 June 2023
Revised: 24 November 2023
Accepted: 1 December 2023
Available online: 29 March 2024
Innovations in the utilization of alternative energy sources to replace coal and oil-based
production methods have a direct impact on the volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
released into the atmosphere and subsequently contributing to the greenhouse effect.
Addressing these negative externalities of greenhouse gas emissions is most effectively
achieved through a universal global carbon tax system applied uniformly across all nations.
This study seeks to explore the implementation of a carbon tax as an alternative policy for
curbing carbon emissions and promoting a transition to a sustainable green economy. The
research adopts a qualitative approach with a focus on comparative analysis, examining
carbon tax policies across various countries in Europe, America, and Asia. Research data was
primarily gathered through an extensive review of relevant literature, with a major data source
being the World Bank's reports on the status and trends of carbon pricing. The study's findings
underscore the efficacy of a carbon tax as a policy instrument to reduce carbon emissions.
Furthermore, it has the potential to induce shifts in both household and industrial decision-
making behaviors, leading to reduced energy consumption with high emissions. Ultimately,
this policy approach can foster sustainable development and facilitate the transition to a green
economy characterized by low-carbon practices, resource efficiency, and social inclusivity.
These policies are instrumental in addressing environmental and social challenges, thus
safeguarding the well-being of future generations.
carbon emmissions, cost-effectiveness,
carbon tax, transformation, carbon
emissions, sustainable development and
green economy
Innovations in alternative energy use from coal and oil
production are impacting increased carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions into the atmosphere and trapping heat, posing
potential threats to the economy and the environment, such as
rising sea levels, risks to human health, reduced agricultural
productivity, damage to ecosystems and climate change risks
[1]. Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gas emissions
have increased significantly over the past 50 years, from 312
parts per million (ppm) in 1950 to 401 parts per million (ppm)
in 2015 [2]. Climate change can cause disastrous
consequences for human survival and socio-economic
activities that ultimately affect global economic output.
Externalities are the impact of a person's or one party's
economic actions on another person or party without being
accompanied by a flow of compensation [3]. Negative
externalities deserve joint attention considering the
importance of air as the main support for human, animal and
plant life, as well as its characteristics which are public goods
[4]. Efforts to reduce the impact of external diseconomies such
as climate change due to production and consumption actions
International Journal of Sustainable Development and
Vol. 19, No. 3, March, 2024, pp. 1171-1180
Journal homepage:
that are not environmentally friendly within the framework of
the concept of sustainable development, can be carried out
through three methods; First, through direct regulation,
namely setting certain standards that require supervision.
Second, through voluntary measures, namely by providing
incentives without penalty, while at the same time reducing
monitoring costs. The third is market instruments (market
economic instruments), namely encouraging efficient
behavior based on the dynamics of supply and demand through
market price mechanisms, such as taxes [5].
One type of market economy approach to address the
external diseconomies of carbon emissions is a carbon tax. A
carbon tax is an environmental tax on the consumption of fuels
(coal, oil and gas) and is one of the important aspects of
environmental accounting. The goal of this carbon tax is to
reduce emissions, especially carbon, and eliminate the use of
fossil fuels due to human activities in the production process
Debuted in 1991, Sweden implemented one of the world's
earliest carbon taxes, second only to Finland's, which was
established a year prior. Sweden imposes the highest global
carbon tax rate at SEK 1,190 (equivalent to US $126) per
metric ton of CO2. This taxation primarily pertains to fossil
fuels utilized for heating and transportation.
In the three decades since the carbon tax was introduced in
Sweden, the country has seen carbon emissions fall alongside
steady economic growth. Although carbon tax revenues
remain significant, they have declined slightly over the past 10
years. It should be noted that Sweden's carbon tax only covers
about 40% of total national greenhouse gas emissions due to
various exemptions. Some of these exempted industries are
subject to the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU
ETS), which typically imposes a lower carbon price, while
others are not affected by any pricing mechanism Which
carbon? Implementing a uniform carbon tax across all sectors
could rectify these disparities and potentially result in further
emission reductions. It's worth noting that Sweden administers
various environmental levies, including the energy tax,
aviation tax, and vehicle tax, and also actively participates in
the EU ETS [7].
One of the 2018 Nobel Economics recipients, William D.
Nordhaus stated that the most efficient remedy for dealing
with negative externalities of greenhouse emissions is the
global carbon tax scheme which is applied uniformly in all
countries [8]. Previously, Fischhoff, a professor of public
policy at Carnegie Mellon University, also advocated a carbon
tax approach. Fischhoff argues that taxes are simpler, more
transparent, and more reliable, and are likely to produce an
immediate response to established goals. According to He et
al. [9], economists favor carbon prices because they are less
technologically prescriptive, easier to administer, and do not
use public funds. They like carbon pricing because it gives
emitters the flexibility to find their own ways to reduce
emissions. It is important to understand that polluters who
release greenhouse gases must pay for the impact they have on
climate change [10].
The application of a carbon tax directly or indirectly reduces
economic activities that pollute the environment and prevents
environmental damage by encouraging environmentally
friendly production/consumption methods. The
implementation of a carbon tax aims to initiate a greener
economic transition and reduce future emissions faster.
Additionally, carbon taxes are necessary to protect
environmental integrity to facilitate sustainable economic
growth. This is consistent with the principle of sustainable
development, which states that future generations should have
economic prospects at least equal to those of the present
generation, thereby allowing them to build on their economic
well-being. Green economic transformation or green economy
means that the economy is not aimed at continuous growth and
development but is an economy in stable, socially (human)
friendly conditions that are not threatening other species or the
planet itself.
In the 2015 Paris Agreement, 196 countries agreed to
combat climate change and increase efforts to limit
temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius. No fewer than 57
countries have imposed a price on carbon, through the System
emissions trading system (ETS) or through the Emissions
Trading System (ETS) or by collecting a tax on carbon
emissions (carbon tax). A 2015 study of a carbon tax in British
Columbia found that the tax reduced greenhouse gas emissions
by 5 to 15% [11]. The British Columbia Sustainable Prosperity
Report for 2013 shows that since the carbon tax was enacted
in 2008, there has been a decrease in fossil fuel consumption
of 17.4% per capita and this does not endanger economic
growth. A carbon tax survey showed several developed
countries such as Finland, Denmark and Sweden showing that
these countries were able to reduce emissions ranging from
about 1.5% to almost 6% by using carbon taxes. Japan was
also able to reduce carbon emission levels by 8.2% from 2013.
Likewise, based on the 2018 Carbon Tax Center (CTC), the
United Kingdom has succeeded in reducing their carbon
emission levels by using carbon taxes. In 2015-2016, the UK's
carbon emissions fell from 600 MtCO2e to 374 MtCO2e or
around 7%. Overall, from 1990-2016 UK CO2 emissions have
decreased by 37%. There is also Ireland witness a reduction in
emissions more than 15% since 2008. Experts say the
country's emissions fell by 6.7% in 2011 even though it
experienced little economic growth.
Based on the study and the success of other countries in
implementing a carbon tax, the researchers wanted to conduct
an analysis of how a carbon tax is an alternative policy to
address the external economic problem due to carbon
emissions and its impact on a green and sustainable economy
2.1 Externality concept
The consideration of external factors, also known as
“spillover effects”, originated from a formal investigation by
two British economists, namely Henry Sidgwick (1838-1900)
and Arthur C. Pigou (1877-1959), who established the concept
of external factors externalities. As Duan et al. [12] elaborates,
externalities represent either costs that need to be assumed or
indirect advantages conferred by a party as a consequence of
economic actions. These externalities arise from disparities
between the item's marginal cost and marginal benefit [13].
Externalities manifest when the manufacturing and use of a
product have a direct impact on enterprises or individuals who
are not engaged in the purchase and sale procedures. These
effects result from overflow impacts that are not represented
in market prices. In the context of natural resources and the
environment, the presence of externalities leads to an
inefficient and suboptimal allocation and administration of
these resources [14].
Baharuddin et al. [15] classifies externalities based on their
impact into two, namely as follows:
a. Positive Externalities (external economies) occurs when
one person's activity benefits another indirectly. Positive
externalities provide external advantages that cannot be
reflected in market prices [16].
b. Negative Externalities (external diseconomies) occurs
when the activities of one person cause harm to another.
Negative externalities raise external costs which are costs
to third parties that cannot be reflected in market prices
[17]. Natural resource and environmental problems
include negative externalities (detrimental externalities).
2.2 Global public goods concept
The concept of global public goods is an extension of
American economist Paul Samuelson's classic idea of public
goods in a globalized economy. Global natural conditions such
as a good atmosphere are global public goods. Likewise with
environmental elements such as water, air, and others that can
be enjoyed by every living thing and it is impossible to prevent
someone from consuming these public goods [16].
2.3 Stakeholder theory
The concept of stakeholder theory aims to help companies
strengthen relationships with external parties and cultivate
competitive advantage. Stakeholder theory involves granting
each stakeholder privileged access to information related to
corporate actions that can influence corporate decision making.
Stakeholders also have the right to choose not to use this
information and not to hold a direct position in the company.
Disclosure of information related to social and environmental
responsibility can effectively engage stakeholders, leading to
their support for the company. In turn, this support can affect
the sustainability of the business [17].
2.4 Signaling theory
Signaling theory, initially introduced by Spence in his
research on the job market signaling, posits that the party
possessing the information aims to convey pertinent
information to the recipient through signaling. The recipient
subsequently adapts their actions based on their interpretation
of the signal. Information made public as an announcement
serves as a signal in the decision-making process. When the
announcement conveys a positive value, it is anticipated that
the market will respond upon receiving the announcement [18].
Offering transparent price data regarding carbon tax represents
a form of informative signaling since it has the potential to
influence the decision-makers' behavior.
2.5 Decision making theory
According to the Big Science Dictionary, decision making
is a form of choosing from many different actions that can be
chosen, this process goes through a certain mechanism in the
hope of making the best decision. Effective decisions are
shown by the absence of resistance to implementers and
parties directly related to decisions [19].
2.6 Carbon emissions
Carbon emissions are gases resulting from the combustion
of compounds containing carbon and hydrogen, which are
discharged into the Earth's atmosphere. The primary
contributor to carbon emissions is the combustion of fossil
fuels, accounting for 67% of global emissions [18].
Carbon emissions, commonly known as greenhouse gases,
represent the gases that have the potential to cause global
warming [19]. Remarkably, all of these greenhouse gases
released into the atmosphere are byproducts of human
activities. The escalation of carbon emissions has experienced
a substantial surge since the onset of the initial industrial
revolution in 1751. This rise in carbon emissions persisted
through the second industrial revolution and continues to the
present day.
2.7 Carbon tax
The level of carbon content of each fuel will determine the
value of the tax. Taxes on fossil fuels will trigger an increase
in the price of these fuels. In theory, one would use less fuel
when the price went up. In other words, the government can
protect the environment by implementing this tax measure
Carbon taxis a type of environmental tax and one of the
important aspects of environmental accounting apart from
insurance and regulations and external financial information.
He et al. [9] stated that environmental taxes are included in
monetary environmental accounting. Environmental
accounting describes efforts to incorporate environmental
benefits and costs into economic decision making.
Environmental Management Accounting: Procedures and
Principles explains the classification of environmental costs
and revenues, in this case output, taxes and costs incurred by
companies based on the volume of air emissions.
2.8 Sustainable development and the green economy
Co-published by World Nature (WWF) in 1980. It gained
widespread recognition through the report of the World
Commission on Environment and Development, titled "The
Bruntland Report: Our Common Future ta", published in 1987.
Sustainable development is defined as the result of improving
current well-being without reducing prospects for future
prosperity. In simpler terms, this implies that future
generations should benefit from at least the same economic
opportunities as the current generation to ensure their own
economic well-being [21].
The term “green economy” was first introduced in 1989
when a group of prominent environmental economists, in their
report titled “Towards a Green Economy”, presented it with
the British government. In a green economy, the emphasis is
not on continuous growth but on achieving a stable economy
in which human societies coexist harmoniously with other
species and government. This crystal, the main goal of the
green economy is to improve human well-being, ensure equity,
minimize environmental damage and facilitate economic
development within the ecological limits of the environment.
This research is a qualitative research using a
phenomenological research approach comparative analysis,
namely an analysis that describes and compares carbon tax
policies in several countries. This research was conducted in
10 countries that have successfully implemented carbon taxes
in the European, American and Asian continents, which
consist of Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, British
Columbia, Ireland, Japan, England, Mexico and France.
Research data obtained by literature study from various
literatures with the main data source being the state and trends
of carbon pricing report issued by the World Bank.
Analysis of Carbon Tax as an Alternative Policy in Reducing
Carbon Emission External Diseconomies
a. Carbon Tax Policy Design
Since the carbon tax places a price on every ton of
greenhouse gas emitted, it will send price signals that
gradually cause market responses throughout the economy,
creating incentives and flexibility for emitters to find their own
ways of reducing emissions [22].
In implementing carbon tax, the government must decide
which fuel or resource to be taxed and whether to place the tax
on the upstream or downstream emission sources [23]. Taxing
upstream sources of emissions that are less subject to tax can
provide an administratively efficient tax collection method,
while taxing downstream such as electricity consumption can
provide a more direct signal to consumers but may incur
greater administrative costs. The following Table 1 relates to
the basis for the imposition of carbon tax in various countries
based on the emission sources covered and exceptions, as
Table 1. Basic tax imposition in various countries
Covered Sectors and/or Fuels
CO2 Emissions, All Fossil Fuels
mainly from the Industry,
Transportation and Building
CO2 Emissions, All Fossil Fuels
mainly from the Transportation
and Building sectors
GHG emissions from all sectors,
including liquid and gaseous
fossil fuels
GHG emissions are mainly from
the building and transportation
sectors, applicable to all fossil
GHG emissions from all sectors,
Taxes cover all fossil fuels and
tires burned for heat or energy.
CO2 emissions from all sectors,
covering all BBF
CO2 emissions from all sectors,
covering all BBF
CO2 emissions from the power
CO2 emissions for all sectors,
including all fossil fuels except
natural gas
CO2 emissions mainly from the
industrial, building and
transportation sectors, apply to all
fossil fuels
Source: Carbon Pricing Dashboard World Bank, 2018; *background note carbon tax.
Table 2. GHG emission rate (MtCO2e), share of covered emissions (MMT %), and price rates in various countries
Jurisdiction / Country
% MMT Covered
Country MtCO2e (2012)
British Columbia, Canada
English (United Kingdom)
Source: World Bank Carbon Pricing Dashboard, 2018
Table 3. Global carbon tax revenue system
Carbon Tax
Income per
Share of
Revenue 2018
Source: Carl and Fedor, 2016; *Carbon Pricing Dashboard World Bank, 2018.
It is important to recognize the potential impacts of
upstream and downstream sources when designing a carbon
tax. The tax should be applied to upstream coal suppliers,
natural gas processing facilities and refineries, rather than to
electric utilities or industries, households and vehicles uses a
lot of energy. According to research, if tariffs are placed
“upstream” in the energy chain, there will in principle be many
different market options for responding to price signals.
Additionally, monitoring costs can be relatively low because
many resources can be used.
1) Tax Rates
Theoretically, tax rates are applied to fuels that contain
carbon or are related to CO2 emissions from industry or
domestic consumers [24]. This theory also suggests that tax
rates will increase as the rate of increase in marginal damages
from emissions increases. In practice, carbon tax rates vary
across countries depending on the theoretical regulations,
functions, and objectives the tax needs to achieve [25]. Higher
carbon tax rates can provide a stronger signal of changing
people's behavior, while lower tax rates are less likely to
change behavior but can provide funding for programs Carbon
taxes aim to reduce carbon emissions. The government has an
objective in determining tax rates, namely to maximize social
welfare or minimize the total amount of pollution [26]. In the
Inter-Agency Panel on the Social Cost of Carbon (2010), tax
rates were determined by estimating the social cost of carbon.
By using the social cost of carbon to determine the initial tax
rate, tax rates can be set at a relatively low level and increased
over time to minimize economic disruption. Carbon pricing
tariff programs are implemented at the country, region, state,
or even city level with varying rates (see Table 2).
Border Adjustment Rates, Prohibitions, and Exception
Rates: Several policies have been proposed to address the
problem of competitive disadvantage resulting from one
country adopting a carbon tax while another does not [27].
Proposed policies to encourage countries to implement carbon
taxes include adjusting border taxes, trade tariffs and trade
bans. Adjusting border tax rates according to Shen et al. [28]
shows that in this case exports will be tax refunded, while
imports will be taxed according to the national carbon tax rate.
Schultes et al. [29] also revealed that, to accommodate the
carbon tax for domestic use, fuel imports would be taxed and
exports would be eligible for a tax credit refund.
A tax exemption or exemption would reduce tax rates for
certain fuels or sectors, reducing the economic effectiveness
of the carbon tax and leading to increased tax rates for other
sectors in order to achieve the target reduce emissions.
Research shows that the costs associated with exemptions or
exclusions can be so significant that even if the industry's
market share were fully released, economic activity would
reduce emissions carbon to a small extent. However,
eliminating tax exemption rates could be relatively costly for
industries that benefit from these exemptions.
2) Income Distribution
Carbon tax revenue is targeted in a variety of ways.
Managing the revenue generated by a carbon tax is an
important factor in increasing the acceptability and possibly
even the cost-effectiveness of other instruments. Fiscal
neutrality aims to change people's behavior while reducing
other taxes. Greater savings can also be achieved when tax
revenues are repaid through deductions from other distorted
taxes (such as income taxes) rather than when they are repaid
as cash or used for other public expenditures. These results
have been proven by economic theory and supported by
numerical simulations [30]. Research results show that
revenue from a global carbon pricing system is used for
various purposes. Below is Table 3 regarding the global
carbon tax revenue system with additional government
revenue values in 2018, as follows:
3) Impact on Consumers
A carbon tax might be more easily accepted if the revenues
were used to promote other social concerns. In this case, the
impact on low-income households is considered due to
concerns about the regressive nature of a carbon tax,
specifically the disproportionate negative impact on low-
income households. low income. One of the main obstacles to
a carbon tax is that the burden will fall more heavily on the
poor (low-income consumers). Low-income consumers tend
to spend more than their income to meet basic needs (such as
heating and electricity) and lack options to replace these needs
Several policies, including income tax cuts and credits for
low-income households, could be used to alleviate these
concerns. For example, British Columbia offers a climate
action tax credit (a 5% tax reduction on the first two personal
income tax rates) and proposes to give northern and rural
property owners a subsidy, grants of up to 200 Canadian
dollars (CAD) to the people, the most vulnerable, and high-
income households (Ministry of Finance, British Columbia,
2008). Similarly, in France, the country proposed a plan to
return all income to households and businesses through tax
deductions [32].
Carbon taxes also have an impact on businesses. Companies
may choose carbon taxes for their carbon mitigation policies
because they provide a long-term price signal and are therefore
more relevant and easier to incorporate into carbon spending
forecasts. To address concerns about the impact of a carbon
tax on businesses, certain regulations allow businesses to
reduce tax rates. Sweden cut tax rates for businesses by 0.8%,
while in Denmark, about 40% of tax revenue is used for
environmental subsidies and 60% is allocated to industry.
4) Ensuring Emissions Reduction
Ensure emissions reductions can be achieved by earmarking
carbon tax revenue to fund climate change mitigation.
According to Semieniuk et al. [33], voters want to allocate tax
revenue and use it to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Governments can help by providing effective information on
emissions trends, distributional impacts of taxes and co-
benefits. An example is the French carbon tax introduced in
2014: in the first year, 100% of revenues were earmarked for
the green transition plan, but the allocation decreased over
time, to 44% in in 2015 and 38% in 2016, with the remaining
percentage of tax revenue going to the general fund. In this
case, governments remain committed to spending a certain
amount of money to reduce emissions, although there may be
competition between actual spending needs and increased
revenue. Some countries also occasionally increase carbon tax
rates, but no country has implemented a policy of
automatically increasing tax rates if emissions reduction goals
are not met. For example, British Columbia's carbon tax is
expected to be phased in over four years, and the government
has said it will revise the tax over time to meet carbon
emissions targets. However, no efforts have been made to
change tax rates [34].
b. Carbon Tax Policy Design
Based on the policy design given earlier, it shows that
carbon tax provides certainty in terms of the marginal costs
faced by emitters per tCO2e. Carbon tax is applied through a
tax that is added to the selling price of a product or service
according to the amount of greenhouse gas emissions
contained (emitted during production and/or use). There is
much agreement among economists, financial experts, and
climate experts that carbon taxes are the most efficient and
effective way to curb climate change, with the least
detrimental impact on the economy [35]. In former research,
how accountants support carbon tax due to the positive impact
it has on the environment.
Several studies revealed that compared to reducing fuel
subsidies in terms of costs, with the same amount of budget,
the implementation of carbon taxes produces better value and
impacts on income inequality and poverty, as well as being
faster and more effective in reducing emissions. carbon
dioxide (CO2).
Other approaches often focus on specific emission sources
such as electricity, heating or transport. In contrast, a carbon
tax could be applied to all fossil fuels, thereby covering the
major sources of emissions. Second, carbon taxes provide a
distinct price signal to businesses and households, allowing
them to make more informed choices in their purchases and
investments. Thaller et al.’s [36] research shows that when
provided with transparent detailed information on carbon
pricing, consumers and businesses are more likely to take
energy-saving measures and increase investments in
technologies energy saving. Therefore, carbon taxes can
increase their influence on consumer behavior by providing
accurate price signals. Additionally, a carbon tax could
generate two economic benefits. One benefit is minimizing the
harmful side effects of fossil fuels. This implies that additional
benefits of a carbon tax will arise when the revenue generated
by the tax offsets other tax revenues. This benefit is often
referred to as the “double dividend” and is an important feature
of carbon taxes [37]. Carbon taxes can maximize their impact
on consumer behavior by providing clear price indications.
Ultimately, a carbon tax could generate two economic
benefits. One of these benefits comes from reducing harmful
side effects associated with fossil fuels. This implies that
additional benefits of a carbon tax will arise when the revenue
generated by the carbon tax offsets other tax revenues. This
aspect is often called the “double dividend and is an
important feature of carbon taxes [38].
Since the carbon tax places a price on each tonne of
greenhouse gas emitted, it will send price signals that
gradually cause a market response. Indeed, the imposition of a
carbon tax in a country can cause polemics because of the
potential for a tradeoff between the economy and carbon
levels. Like the application of taxes in general, carbon taxes
can reduce economic distortions. There are even studies which
state that carbon taxes can reduce economic growth, reduce
welfare, and undermine industrial competitiveness [39].
Therefore, before making a decision, it is important to study
and understand the design/implications of implementing
carbon tax in the target sectors (World Bank, 2017).
Even though it looks quite simply, the implementation of
this carbon tax really requires strong regulations and a
complete database. In many cases, the implementation of
carbon tax faces major obstacles in the field of regulation,
where challenges usually come from industry players and
other emission sources as tax objects. In some cases, carbon
taxes were developed in preparation for the full
implementation of the Emission Trading System.
Impact of Implementing Carbon Tax as an Alternative Policy
in Sustainable Development and Green Economy
Sustainable development includes many different elements
that are classified into three main aspects, namely
environmental, economic and social aspects or also known as
the triple bottom line (TBL). Carbon taxes encourage
individuals to use less fossil fuels and seek new energy sources
by increasing the cost of fossil fuel use, leading to a reduction
in carbon dioxide emissions through the price mechanism.
Carbon taxes thus allow for the internalization of negative
externalities caused by fossil fuel consumption [40]. The
existence of a market instrument-based carbon tax by creating
direct costs for emissions and taxing the carbon fuel content,
has supported the concept of sustainability [41].
The proper design of a carbon tax is actually significant as
a cost-effective instrument for reducing emissions. The
application of a carbon tax serves to initiate a "greener"
transformation of the economy and reduce emissions more
quickly in the future [42]. In line with this, the application of
a carbon tax will not only mitigate environmental externality
diseconomies due to carbon emissions, but also the results of
the carbon tax can be used strategically to provide long-term
and stable assistance in research and development efforts for
energy sources, energy use, and mitigation [43].
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (2001) shows that carbon taxes can be an
attractive policy option for maintaining environmental quality
in sustainable economic development. There are three main
indicators in sustainable development namely Environment,
Economy, and Social. Former research evaluated the design of
a carbon tax related to the impact on consumers. This refers to
social indicators on sustainable development.
a. Impact on Consumers
When designing a carbon tax, it is important to plan from
the outset how much the tax should be set, how the tax might
change over time, and its impact on consumers. A carbon tax
may be more easily accepted if the revenue is used to promote
other social concerns [44]. As in the previous discussion, the
principle used to determine the appropriate tax rate is
equivalent to the marginal social damage cost of one additional
ton of CO2 and the marginal social benefit of one ton of CO2
reduction [45]. Higher carbon tax rates can send a stronger
signal of changing people's behavior, while lower tax rates are
less likely to change behavior but can provide funding for tax
programs carbon to reduce carbon emissions.
Several policies, including income tax cuts and credits for
low-income households, could be used to alleviate concerns
about the regressive nature of carbon taxes. To make
incremental progress through recycling carbon tax revenues,
make: 4,444 one-time transfers distributed among households
in equal proportions (per capita) and one-time transfers
Eligible for an amount determined on an equitable scale, Low
Carbon subsidy/subsidy for low-income households, income
earner, households and public transport use [46].
b. Impact on Consumers
Economic Impact (Accounting) for the Use of Tax Revenue
Primary costs. A carbon tax would increase the price of fossil
fuels proportional to its carbon content. Rising fuel prices will
lead to higher production costs and ultimately higher prices for
goods and services across the economy. The main underlying
costs of a carbon tax include two types of economic
consequences: 4,444 production effects and substitution
effects. The production effect occurs when rising fossil fuel
prices reduce real wages and returns on investment, resulting
in less total economic output than needed. The substitution
effect occurs when changes in the composition of goods and
services consumed and in the way they are produced change
the relative demand for labor and physical capital (such as
housing) heavy machinery and equipment used to produce
Tax interaction costs are the consequences of a carbon tax
adding to the economic costs associated with existing taxes,
such as personal and corporate income taxes. The interaction
costs of a carbon tax can be significant relative to the baseline
costs of a carbon tax.
Burden on specific groups. The carbon tax burden, i.e., the
hardship caused by rising fossil fuel prices and emissions-
intensive goods and services as well as falling wages and
investment returns, will significantly affect some parties,
specifically can be low-income households, workers and
investors in high-emission industries and people living in areas
of the country that depend on high-emission industries for their
livelihoods or who use the most emissions-intensive fuels to
produce electricity production [47].
Previous research evaluated the design of carbon taxes
related to economic impacts, of which there are two, namely
competitiveness and distribution. To achieve sustainable
development related to economic indicators (competitiveness
and distribution impact). In more detail, it is explained as
1) Impact of Competitiveness
On a corporate level, competitiveness pertains to the
capacity of a company to uphold or enhance its market share
and financial performance, whether on the global or domestic
stage. A company's competitive standing is subject to various
influences, including cost considerations, product quality,
branding, service provisions, logistical networks, as well as
micro and macro elements, such as currency exchange rates
and trade regulations [48]. The influence of the carbon tax is
discernible in the company's cost framework, making it just
one of the determinants that impact competitiveness. The main
choice in designing a carbon tax on competitiveness issues so
that it can be considered reduced is to pay attention to the level
of taxation, border tax adjustments, recycling of carbon tax
fiscal revenues, and high exclusions in certain sectors.
2) Distribution Impact
Distribution considerations pose a significant challenge
within the context of implementing carbon taxes within a
political framework. Research on fiscal policy highlights
substantial opposition to the introduction of taxes targeting
households with lower incomes. The impact of carbon taxation
on distribution can be assessed from various perspectives,
including the distribution among households with differing
income levels, various household types, rural and urban
households, and disparities across generations. Most of the
research conducted to date has concentrated on examining the
distributional consequences concerning varying income
groups [49].
According to Schultes et al. [29], there are four factors
impacting the distribution of carbon tax, which are as follows:
i. The structure of household spending includes direct
energy purchases (oil, coal, natural gas, motor fuel) as
well as purchases of goods from production that require
large quantities of fossil fuels for the production
ii. Who is effective in shouldering the tax burden, i.e., will
the carbon tax be passed entirely on to consumers
through higher prices for energy and used products or
will fuel producers and workers Will fossil fuel use in
turn bear the brunt of falling incomes and wages?
iii. Distribution benefits from better environmental quality.
A carbon tax has two environmental benefits: first, CO2
emissions are reduced, thereby reducing damage
caused by climate change. Second, the environmental
benefits of reducing fossil fuel consumption, can
improve air quality, by reducing emissions of air
iv. Using tax revenue generated from a carbon tax could
reduce the regressive impact.
3) Impact on the Environment
The main reason for implementing a carbon tax is the
possibility of achieving environmental goals, especially
overcoming the external economic situation and reducing
carbon dioxide emissions, while increasing economic
efficiency. For example, price signals provided by taxes can
be taken into account in future investment decisions when they
are replaced by new technologies. The environmental
effectiveness of a carbon tax will also depend on at least two
other factors, namely:
i. Use revenue from carbon tax. In terms of
environmental efficiency, two main options can be
considered. First, carbon tax revenues could be used to
subsidize renewable energy. In the second option, tax
revenues could be used to invest in energy efficiency
and research and development.
ii. Basis for applying carbon tax. If tariffs were placed
upstream in the energy chain, there would in principle
be many market options for responding to price signals.
Additionally, monitoring costs can be relatively low
due to the many transmission sources.
Benefits and Costs of Carbon Tax
Regarding the realm of accounting, it is essential to
recognize the costs and advantages associated with
environmental and social matters and, where applicable,
undertake the measurement and quantification of these aspects
[45]. Financial reporting concerning carbon tax adheres to the
guidelines outlined in the International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) as promulgated by the International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The specifications for
acknowledging and quantifying carbon tax-related account
entries, including income, inventory, and liabilities, are in
compliance with the guidelines articulated in IAS 37.
In principle, in the absence of other taxes, there is no
spillage of emissions to other areas, and there are no benefits
or costs unrelated to CO2 (beyond the net environmental costs
reflected in the social costs of carbon and the primary
economic costs of carbon taxes as elucidated. If there is no
uncertainty regarding the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC), setting
an identical carbon tax rate for the SCC would be considered
"efficient" from a global economic perspective. However, in
reality, the economically efficient carbon tax rate is contingent
on how policymakers utilize tax revenues, the extent of
emissions leakage, and the additional benefits and costs
stemming from taxation [46].
Based on the research results obtained, it can be concluded
as follows:
1. Carbon Taxis the right policy in overcoming external
diseconomies (negative externalities) to the environment
due to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from
human activities (Production and Consumption) through
the burning of fossil fuels (petroleum, natural gas, and
coal). The principle is that whoever produces the emission
must pay for each equivalent ton of CO2 emitted
(expressed per tCO2e). In addition to being able to reduce
emissions, Carbon tax also generates additional benefits
but depends on how to recycle fiscal revenues such as
offsetting other tax revenues for example income tax. This
additional benefit is called a double dividend. This double
dividend then has a positive impact on economic growth,
creating new jobs, and developing technology.
2. Implementing a carbon tax has emerged as an appealing
policy choice to safeguard environmental integrity during
the transition towards a green economy and sustainable
economic progress. The adoption of a carbon tax is
grounded in its classification as an environmental tax and
its utilization as a market-driven instrument, facilitated by
price mechanisms. Consequently, this approach bears
consequences on factors such as competitiveness,
distributional effects, and environmental outcomes. The
study's findings reveal that sustainable development
entails creating a society characterized by high social
standards, economic viability, the preservation of life-
sustaining ecosystems on a long-term basis, and the
ability to ensure the well-being of future generations.
Furthermore, the transition to a green economy denotes a
shift towards development that is both low in carbon
emissions, efficient in resource utilization, and socially
inclusive. This transformation is envisioned to serve as a
public policy to rectify misallocation of resources and
address environmental and societal concerns.
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Woody biomass has gained increased attention as a source of renewable energy. However, its categorization as a sustainable source of energy remains controversial, as its carbon neutrality depends on its end use, moisture content, bulk density, and the distance between the source of biomass and its end use. Due to these mediating factors, policies largely shape its sustainability and ability to mitigate emissions. This paper organizes and evaluates the current state of research through a systematic review of global literature from 2011 to 2021 (n = 345) on the governance of the production, transportation, sale, and use of woody biomass for energy. Peer-reviewed literature emphasizes the role of woody biomass as a decentralized energy source for individual households and communities, focusing on its harvest, transport, and localized energy conversion. Policies primarily address land management and energy infrastructure rather than direct emissions reduction. Research gaps in policy within the Global South underscore the need to examine biomass regulation in regions with limited energy diversity. The key factors that drive the sustainable uptake of woody biomass include strict sustainability criteria, fiscal incentives, technological development, and wood utilization from across its value chain. Effective policy implementation increases rural employment, boosts rural economies, provides energy security to remote areas, improves overall environmental sustainability, reduces emissions, and improves land management practices. Our systematic review reveals that future research should focus on improving conversion efficiencies in small-scale systems, reducing emissions in the international trade of woody biomass, and using the wood value chain to increase the profitability of bioenergy products.
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Digital greening synergistic transformation (DGST) is a new engine for achieving dual carbon targets. Using panel data from 281 Chinese cities between 2003 and 2019, this study investigates the effect and transmission mechanism of the DGST on carbon emission performance. It is based on the quasi-natural experiments of the dual pilot projects “Broadband China” and “Low-carbon City”, as well as the multi-period difference-in-difference method. The empirical findings are as follows: (1) DGST, represented by the dual pilot projects, effectively enhances carbon emission performance. Compared to the isolated “Broadband China” and “Low-Carbon City” pilot projects, establishing dual pilot projects generates a more pronounced carbon emission reduction effect through synergistic effects. (2) In terms of dynamic effects, the carbon emission reduction effect in dual pilot cities appears in the first year following initiation, indicating a certain temporal aspect to this effect. (3) Mechanism analysis reveals that the impact of DGST on carbon emission performance is channeled through two pathways: industrial structural adjustment and low-carbon technology innovation. (4) The positive impact of DGST on carbon emission performance exhibits heterogeneity, primarily present in cities with higher levels of financial technology, human capital, and new infrastructure development. It implies that the implementation of DGST necessitates adequate human, financial, and material support. In conclusion, this research contributes empirical evidence for further exploring policy synergies, offering support for achieving dual carbon targets through DGST.
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This research investigates the factors influencing carbon emission intensity in 94 countries during 2018 using two qualitative methods: necessary condition analysis (NCA) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). The study covers variables related to economics, human geography, energy, and institutions, showing significant variations among them. The NCA model identifies economic complexity and fossil energy consumption as necessary conditions for high-carbon emission intensity. On the other hand, the fsQCA model reveals sufficient conditions for both high- and low-carbon emission intensity, presenting different causal combinations of variables. For high-carbon emission intensity, nine causal solutions are identified, emphasizing the roles of economic growth, urbanization, fossil energy consumption, and institutional quality. Reducing carbon emission intensity requires addressing economic complexity and reducing reliance on fossil energy consumption. Policymakers should focus on sustainable economic development, environmentally friendly urbanization, and transitioning to renewable energy sources. This research’s originality lies in its qualitative approach, going beyond traditional regression methods to explore necessary and sufficient conditions for carbon emission intensity. It offers valuable insights into the complex interplay of variables, providing multiple causal configurations for both high- and low-carbon emission intensity.
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As the second largest CO2 emission department, transportation industry’s carbon peak and carbon reduction are very important for China to smoothly achieve carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. This paper analyzes the influencing factors from the perspectives of population, economy, technology and transportation equipment structure, subdivides 20 scenarios to predict the carbon emissions of the transportation industry of the whole China and various regions based on scenario analysis method, explores the carbon peak path, and puts forward corresponding policy recommendations. The study found that (1) from the overall trend of carbon emissions, the total carbon emissions of China’s transportation industry showed an overall upward trend from 2010 to 2019 while the growth rate of carbon emissions showed a downward trend. (2) From the perspective of influencing factors, population size, urbanization rate, economic scale, traffic development, traffic carbon intensity, and highway mileage have positive effect on the growth rate of China’s transportation CO2 emissions. The increase in the proportion of energy structure and railway cargo turnover has the negative effect on carbon emissions in the transportation industry. (3) From the prediction results at the national level, technological breakthroughs have a limited effect on carbon emission reduction in China’s transportation industry, while structural equipment optimization has the most significant effect on its emission reduction. When technological breakthroughs and equipment structure optimization are carried out simultaneously, the carbon emission reduction effect is the best. The carbon peak of China’s transportation industry would achieve as early as 2030, with a peak range of 70,355.54–84,136.17 million tons. (4) From the perspective of prediction results at the regional level, the provinces with rapid population growth and per capita GDP growth, the provinces with rapid population growth and per capita GDP growth, and the provinces with low population growth and per capita GDP growth should control their average annual growth rate of carbon emissions of the transportation industry to 1.13%, 0.72% and 0.58% respectively in 2019–2030, in order to ensure the achievements of the carbon peak target.
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Industrial structure low-carbon restructuring is an essential channel to accelerate China’s economic growth and fulfilling carbon emission reduction goals. Whether carbon emission trading pilot policy, as an influential carbon reduction instrument, fosters industrial structure low-carbon restructuring is of major significance to green economic development. This paper empirically investigates the shock of the carbon emission trading pilot policy on industrial structure low-carbon restructuring using the differences-in-differences (DID) and synthetic control method (SCM). Statistics reveal that sectors with low carbon productivity, such as electricity, steam, and hot water production and supply, ferrous metal smelting and pressing, etc., and sectors with high carbon productivity, such as electrical equipment and machinery, electronics and telecommunication equipment, etc. The industrial structure did not develop a stable trend of change before the 12th Five-Year Plan, but a stable trend of low-carbon restructuring emerged after such a period. Carbon emission trading pilot policy significantly facilitates industrial structural low-carbon restructuring. Carbon emission trading pilot policy inhibits energy-intensive industries in the industrial sector significantly, which promotes industrial structure low-carbon restructuring. Therefore, policymakers need to develop a nationwide carbon emission trading market that includes more industries to guide production factors to industrial sectors with high carbon productivity for industrial restructuring and dual carbon goals.
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The government-led Chinese economic development system determines that local government competition is a significant factor affecting the economic low-carbon transition. Driving an economic development mode with green technology innovation as the core is the critical path to realizing an economic low-carbon transition. Consequently, it is of significant practical relevance to investigate the impact of local government competition and green technology innovation on the economic low-carbon transition under the government-led Chinese economic development system. This paper systematically explores the nexus between green technology innovation and economic low-carbon transition in terms of local government competition perspective using the system generalized method of moments, panel threshold model, and geographically weighted regression on the basis of a dataset of 30 provincial administrative areas in China from a period of 2006–2019. The results indicate that green technology innovation significantly promotes the economic low-carbon transition. Local government competition not only significantly dampens the economic low-carbon transition but also considerably inhibits the positive effect of green technology innovation on the economic low-carbon transition. A significant N-shaped association is evident between green technology innovation and the economic low-carbon transition when green technology innovation is applied as a threshold, while such association is insignificant when local government competition is used as a threshold. Compared with high-competition intensity areas, green technology innovation promotes economic low-carbon transition weaker in low- competition intensity areas, while local government competition inhibits economic low-carbon transition stronger. However, local government competition significantly inhibits the positive effect of green technology innovation on the economic low-carbon transition in low-competition intensity areas, while insignificant in high-competition intensity areas. The geographically weighted regression technique as a whole also verified the above results. Therefore, policymakers should not only increase research and development investment in green technologies, but also develop a regionally linked low-carbon emission reduction system to avoid ineffective competition among governments to facilitate the earlier fulfillment of the “dual carbon” goal.
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As an emerging driving factor, the positive impact of renewable energy technology innovation (RETI) on inclusive low-carbon development (ILCD) may be undervalued or even neglected. This paper develops an evaluation system to measure China’s ILCD by using provincial panel data from 2006 to 2020. Based on the combined perspective of spatial spillover effect and threshold effect, this paper examines the spatial spillover effects and the regional boundary of RETI on ILCD in different periods and further analyzes five heterogeneities. The results show that (1) RETI and ILCD are increasing steadily, presenting a spatial pattern of “high in the east and low in the west.” (2) Overall, RETI significantly promotes ILCD in local and neighboring areas. RETI in the growth period inhibits local ILCD, which in the mature period promotes local and neighboring ILCD. (3) The spatial spillover boundary of the whole RETI is 1400 km, that of RETI in the growth period is 1000 km, and that of RETI in the mature period is 1600 km. (4) The promotion effect of RETI on ILCD enhances over time and shows a spatial pattern of “eastern > central > south > north > western.” It is further found that RETI strongly promotes ILCD in non-resource-based, high marketization, and strong environmental regulation areas. Therefore, it is necessary to break down administrative and market barriers, strengthen inter-regional cooperation and interconnection of resource elements, and establish a dynamic management mechanism of “one province, one policy” according to the regional heterogeneity for providing decision-making reference in promoting global energy transition and climate governance.
Disruptive policy packages that fundamentally change the current unsustainable passenger transport structures and enable low-carbon mobility transformation are inevitable. This implies the use of more stringent and multiple restrictive (i.e. push) measures. To enable successful implementation, public acceptance is critical, but what drives this acceptance? In this study, two main hypotheses were tested using survey methods that combined a two-group framing with a conjoint experiment: (1) The acceptance of push measures decreases as disruption increases; (2) disruptive push measures are less likely to be rejected when communicated as part of a policy package that included complementary pull measures (i.e. incentives). We conducted this survey with a quota-representative sample of 1,032 respondents from Austria. Two main findings emerge: First, we find low public acceptance of push measures, but observe differences based on the level of disruption (i.e. the measures’ intensity or rapidity of implementation). The more disruptive the measure (e.g. a fuel price increase), the more negatively these measures were evaluated by survey respondents. Interestingly, this trend was not seen for registration bans, where an earlier introduction is more acceptable than a later one. Second, our results indicate the need to communicate and implement high-impact, more restrictive push measures (e.g. car bans) as part of policy packages that include acceptance-boosting pull measures. • Key policy insights • Acceptance levels of push measures are generally low, but acceptance differs depending on how disruptive the respective policy is, with the more disruptive policies being less well accepted. • This does not hold true for a registration ban for cars with an internal combustion engine (ICEVs), where an earlier introduction is favoured. • In addition to banning ICEV registration, acceptable combinations of push measures may include higher parking fees, car-free city centres, and street redesign to, e.g. prioritize non-motorized modes of transport. • Successful and acceptable mitigation policies for low-carbon mobility require multiple push measures that are communicated in policy packages together with pull measures. • Responses to the presented push measures vary across society, with frequent car users showing higher levels of rejection, underlining the need to tailor policies for specific contexts.
With the increasing requirements for environmental protection, authorities have enacted different carbon policies to promote sustainable practices. This study considers the competition among different manufacturers and multiple demand markets in the supply chain network. We examine and compare their equilibrium decision conditions under three common carbon policies: carbon cap, carbon cap‐and‐trade, and carbon tax. Results suggest that under lower carbon caps, manufacturers greatly reduce their carbon emissions by reducing production quantities, which causes a decrease in profits. However, an appropriate carbon cap size can not only motivate manufacturers to reduce carbon emissions but also improve their profits. Under a certain price for carbon credit, the effectiveness of a carbon cap‐and‐trade policy is similar to that of a carbon cap policy, but it has more flexibility. Carbon tax is effective, but it brings more tax burden to manufacturers. We provide implications for companies to optimize their production methods to achieve sustainability.
This study takes a supply chain network composed of manufacturers, retailers and demand markets as the research object and analyses the impact of the government’s carbon trading price (CTP), carbon tax (CT) and low-carbon product subsidy (LPS) policies on the supply chain network equilibrium. We determine the equilibrium state of members by using variational inequality and then construct a network equilibrium model that considers these three policies. A modified projection algorithm is used to verify and solve the model. The results show that a higher CTP helps to reduce carbon emissions but reduces the transaction quantity of products. Further, when the CTP increases, the system’s profits increase only under the LPS policy. However, regardless of the CTP level implemented, if the CT rate is higher than the subsidy level, carbon emissions are lower. Notably, under the same levels of LPS and CT, LPS has a greater effect on the system.