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Students’ Information Processing Skills for Each Learning Style on Cell Biology Lectures

  • Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Abstract and Figures

Information processing skills are one of the skills students need to have. These skills are included in thelifelong learning standards. This study investigated the learning preferences (visual, aural, read/write,kinesthetic) and comparing differences of information processing skills in each learning style on structureand function of cell membranes concept. Students’ learning styles were analyzed from the-VARK-questionnaire version 7.8. Students' information processing skills were analyzed from the students’worksheet when learning using VARK approach. Students’ worksheets are prepared according toinformation processing standards. The result showed that there are fourteen learning styles are grouped intofour categories, namely unimodal (9,09%), bimodal (40,91%), trimodal (31,82) and quadmodal (18,18%).Information processing skills of the students who have multimodal is better than unimodal ones.Information processing skills of the students with bimodal learning styles are better than the students withother learning styles. Information processing skills of the students with bimodal learning styles in five sub-concept (phospholipids stucture, cholesterol structure, membrane protein, passive transport, and activetransport) are better than the students with other learning styles, ex cept for the sub-concept of cellmembrane structure, students with trimodal learning styles are better than the others.
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Students’ Information Processing Skills for Each Learning Style on
Cell Biology Lectures
Nengsih Juanengsih1, Adi Rahmat2, Ana Ratna Wulan2 and Taufik Rahman2
1Biology Education Department,Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jl.Ir. H.Juanda No.95 Ciputat,
Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
2Biology Education Department, Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Information processing skills, learning style, VARK.
Abstract: Information processing skills are one of the skills students need to have. These skills are included in the
lifelong learning standards. This study investigated the learning preferences (visual, aural, read/write,
kinesthetic) and comparing differences of information processing skills in each learning style on structure
and function of cell membranes concept. Students’ learning styles were analyzed from the-VARK-
questionnaire version 7.8. Students' information processing skills were analyzed from the students’
worksheet when learning using VARK approach. Students’ worksheets are prepared according to
information processing standards. The result showed that there are fourteen learning styles are grouped into
four categories, namely unimodal (9,09%), bimodal (40,91%), trimodal (31,82) and quadmodal (18,18%).
Information processing skills of the students who have multimodal is better than unimodal ones.
Information processing skills of the students with bimodal learning styles are better than the students with
other learning styles. Information processing skills of the students with bimodal learning styles in five sub-
concept (phospholipids stucture, cholesterol structure, membrane protein, passive transport, and active
transport) are better than the students with other learning styles, except for the sub-concept of cell
membrane structure, students with trimodal learning styles are better than the others.
Currently teaching thinking skills is a topic that
receives a lot of attention. One reason is that
changes in society are increasing so quickly, that it
is difficult to predict precisely what content should
be taught to students if we define content as factual
knowledge (Marzano & Arredondo, 1986). Some
information produced by the community has risen to
such a level that individuals cannot control more
than a small part of it. The information available to
us doubles every ten years (Luckner, 1990).
Especially now in the 21st century, the rapid
development of technology that contributes to
information sources. Based on these facts, it is
necessary to have skills that can process
According to cognitive psychology human mind
creates meaning through the stages of input which is
processing the information it receives, the output
that is developing responses, and how in turn output
can influence the next input (David, Miclea, & Opre,
2004). In cognitive learning theory this is called
information processing theory. This theory discusses
how information is processed in the mind and how
information is presented so that it can be processed
in working memory (Luckner, 1990).
According to information processing theory when
students learn, their brains bring information in,
manipulates it, and stores it ready for future use. As
shown in Figure 1, in information processing theory,
when students receive information, the information
is first stored briefly as sensory storage; then it will
be moved to short-term memory or working
memory; and then forget or moved to long-term
memory, such as: semantic memories (general
concepts and information); procedural memory
(process); and pictures. Thus when students learn,
they are actually showing information processing
Juanengsih, N., Rahmat, A., Ratna Wulan, A. and Rahman, T.
Students’ Information Processing Skills for Each Learning Style on Cell Biology Lectures.
DOI: 10.5220/0009914306590666
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 659-666
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
Copyright c
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Information Processing Model
Information processing skills are one of the five
categories of lifelong learning standards, these skills
can be used in many situations through a person's
lifetime (Marzano, Pickering, & McTighe, 1993). In
this study information processing skills were
measured according to the four categories. The four
categories in the information processing standard,
that is; identification of information components;
interpret and synthesize information; assess the
relevance of information; use information to solve
new things (Marzano et al., 1993).
Individual learning style refers to style or
learning methods used in the process of learning
(Othman & Amiruddin, 2010). The learning styles of
each person are certainly different and it is important
to know to improve their learning abilities (M.
Renuga and V. Vijayalakshmi, 2013). Students
process incoming information in different ways,
hence lecturers need to vary their methods of
teaching to ensure that all students learn. While
alternative approaches to learning can be used
successfully, it is thought that students will learn
more quickly and easily if they are able to utilise
their preferred style. Learning strategies used in cell
biology lectures are VARK strategies.
Table 1: The Vark Learning Styles
Learning Styles Characteristics
Visual Preference for using visual resources such as diagrams, pictures and videos. Like to see
people in action.
Aural/Auditory Need to talk about situations and ideas with a range of people; enjoy hearing stories from
Read/Write Prolific note-taker; textbooks are important; extensive use of journals to write down the
facts and stories.
Kinesthetic Preference for hands on experience within a ‘real’
setting and for global learning.
VARK learning style, consists of four different
learning styles, namely Visual, Aural / Auditory,
Read / Write and Kinesthetic, where the VARK
system is proposed by Neil Flemming (Renuga &
Vijayalakshmi, 2013). The four characteristics of
learning preferences used in VARK can be easily
identified by students. These features allow students
to critically reflect on their field work experience to
improve learning as described in Table 1
(Robertson, Smellie, Wilson, & Cox, 2011). This
study investigated the learning preferences (visual,
aural, read/write, kinesthetic) and information
processing skills for each learning style in cell
biology lectures on the subject matter of the
structure and function of cell membranes. Two
reasearch questions were developed to investigated
the research problem:
1. What are students' learning preferences (VARK
learning style: visual, aural, read/write,
2. How are differences between information
processing skills in each learning style on
structure and the function of cell membranes
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
This study used one-group posttest only design. The
participants were 22 Biology undergraduate students
who enrolled in cell biology lectures at Universitas
Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, even
semester of the academic year 2017/2018. Their
ages ranged between 20-21 years. There were 18%
(n=4) males and 82% (n=18) females.
Two instruments were used for data collection in
this study:
1. The VARK questionnaire (Version 7.8) was
administered to the students to categorise the
different learning style and to give each
individual an idea of their perceived favoured
learning-style. The main reason the VARK
questionnaire was chosen was because it is
well recognised, straightforward and quick
toperform, and its results are easy to
understand. The instrument consists of 16
multiple choice questions with four alternative
answers. Each alternative answer represents
one of four modes of perception. each person
can choose more than one answer for each
question, which is needed to identify modes of
perception and learning (Shah, Ahmed,
Shenoy, & N, 2013). The VARK questionnaire
is available in
2. Student’s worksheet was administered to the
students to measure information processing
skills. there are four skills categories referring
to information processing standards, to assess
student worksheets by using an assessment
In the first stage, the students were asked to
take up the VARK questionnaire. The second
stage, the students attended cell biology
lectures on the subject of cell membrane
structure and function, where lectures used
VARK strategies.
VARK strategies applied in learning Cell
Biology were delivered in four learning steps to
facilitate visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic
learning style. The learning steps used in this study
can be seen in the Table 2.
Visual strategies used were presenting 2-
dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) images,
and showing animated videos, the aural strategies
used were explaining the concepts discussed, In the
read / write stage, students were asked to read and to
make a brief summary of the structure and function
of cell membranes. The kinesthetic strategy used
that students conducted simple experiments related
to the function of cell membranes. The third stage,
the students were asked to fill out student
worksheets, where students answered a number of
questions developed based on indicators from
information processing standards.
Data of learning style were reported as
percentages of students in each category of learning
style preference. The number of students who
preferred each mode of learning was divided by the
total number of responses to determine the
percentage. Data of information processing skills
were reported as values on a scale of 0-100, with
categories for each value range 80-100 (very well),
66-79 (good), 56-65 (medium), 40-55 (poor), 0-39
Table 2: VARK learning steps used in the structure and function of cell membranes concept
Learning Step Activities carried out by lecturers
a. Presenting 2D and 3D images of Davson & Danielli cell membrane models and
Robertson models
b. Presenting 2D, 3D, and animation of cell membranes of the Singer & Nicolson model
(fluid mosaics), and asking the students to identify the structures that make up the cell
c. Presenting images of the stages of frozen-fracturing techniques that prove the Singer &
Nicolson model, then asking the students to mention the stages of the freeze-break
d. Presenting 2D images of membrane lipid structures, and asking the students to
differentiate structures that cause phospholipids to be hydrophilic and hydrophobic
e. Presenting 2D images of phospholipid movements, and asking the students to mention
four types of movement of membrane lipids (flip-flops, lateral diffusion, rotation,
f. Presenting 2D images of cholesterol molecular structure, and asking the students to
identify the part of cholesterol structure and its location in phospholipids.
g. Presenting 2D images of phospholipid membranes, and asking the students to compare
the properties of unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbon chains, determining which
hydrocarbon chains can cause membrane fluidity.
Ask questions:
Students’ Information Processing Skills for Each Learning Style on Cell Biology Lectures
Learning Step Activities carried out by lecturers
1) What is the condition of phospholipids at low temperatures?
2) What is the condition of phospholipids at body temperature?
3) What structure maintains the fluidity of the cell membrane at low or high
h. Presenting 2D and 3D images of membrane protein structure, and asking the students
to identify the structure of membrane proteins in cell membranes. Ask questions :
1) Does the protein on the membrane have the same structure? Based on the
picture, how many types of membrane proteins are there?
2) Does the type of membrane protein determine the function of cell
3) Are membrane proteins amphiphatic, as is in phospholipids?
4) How do membrane proteins associate with lipid bilayers? (integral &
i. Presenting 2D and 3D images mixing mice hybrid cell membrane proteins with
Ask questions:
1) What evidence can be obtained from the experiment?
2) Can membrane proteins move in lipid bilayers? (parallel rotation diffusion,
perpendicular rotation diffusion, lateral diffusion)
j. Presenting 2D image of the membrane carbohydrate structure, and asking the students
to mention the structure of any carbohydrates present in the membrane (glycolipids,
glycoproteins, transmembrane proteoglycans)
k. Presenting 2D images of asymmetric deployment of phospholipids and glycolipids, and
asking the students to compare the types of phospholipids that make up the inner and
outer monolayers.
l. Asking the students to make conclusions about the structure of cell membranes that
follow the fluid mosaic model. Asking the students to explain again the meaning of the
word mosaic and the word fluid
m. Asking the students to observe the permeability chart of lipid bilayers. Asking
the students to identify, molecular classes that can and cannot pass through lipid
n. Presenting diagrams and animations of substance transport mechanisms.
Ask questions :
1) What distinguishes channel protein and carrier protein ?
2) What is the difference between active and passive transport?
3) What is the difference between primary and secondary active transport?
o. Presenting diagrams and animations of macro molecular transport through membranes.
Requesting students to distinguish between endocytosis and exocytosis.
a. Explaining differences in Davson & Danielli cell membrane structures, Robertson
models and Singer & Nicolson models.
b. Explaining the structure of membrane lipids, the type of motion of lipid membranes,
the fluidity of lipid bilayers.
b. Explaining the structure of the membrane protein, the type of motion of the membrane
protein, the types of membrane proteins and their function.
c. Explaining the membrane structure of carbohydrates and the function of glycocalyx
(peripheral regions outside the carbohydrate-rich membrane).
d. Explaining the principles of active and passive transport, differences in channel and
carrier protein types, differences in primary and secondary active transport, differences
in endocytosis and exocytosis
Read / Write a. Asking the students to read plasma membrane material in textbooks
b. Asking the students to make a short resume regarding the structure and function of cell
Kinesthetic a. Asking the students to group (5 groups), and asking the students to conduct
experiments related to membrane transport (diffusion and osmosis).
Give problem questions:
1) How can solutes cross the cell membrane? Example in the case of soaking a
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Learning Step Activities carried out by lecturers
piece of potato inside colored solution. Asking the students to make a
hypotheses and their reasons.
2) What happens to plant cells stored in hypertonic and hypotonic
environments? Asking the students tomake a hypotheses and their reasons .
3) Does the temperature have an effect on the
substance content in soluble substances ?
Twenty-two students, 4 males (18%) and 18 females
(82%) completed the VARK questionnaire. The
responses were tallied and assessed for learning style
preference. As shown in Table 3, fourteen types of
learning preferences emerged from this study. All
fourteen learning styles are grouped into four
categories, namely unimodal (9,09%), bimodal
(40,91%), trimodal (31,82) and quadmodal
(18,18%). This result indicates that most of the
students prefer more than one learning style. It is
understood that almost all the students belong to
multimodal learning style.
Table 3: Descriptive Statistics Showing Students' Learning
Style (N = 22)
VARK mode Frequency Percent
Visual (strong) 1 4,55
Aural (mild) 1 4,55
Total 2 9,09
Aural & Kinesthetic (AK) 3 13,64
Aural & Read/Write (AR) 1 4,55
Aural & Visual (AV) 1 4,55
Read/Write & Aural (RA) 1 4,55
Read/Write & Kinesthetic
1 4,55
Kinesthetic & Aural (KA) 2 9,09
Total 9 40,91
Aural, Read/Write &
Kinesthetic (ARK)
2 9,09
Aural, Read/Write &
Visual (ARV)
1 4,55
Read/Write, Kinesthetic &
Aural (RKA)
2 9,09
Kinesthetic, Aural &
Visual (KAV)
2 9,09
Total 7 31,82
Read/Write, Aural,
Kinesthetic & Visual
1 4,55
VARK mode Frequency Percent
Visual, Aural, Read/Write
& Kinesthetic (VARK)
1 4,55
Total 2 18,18
In the bimodal learning style, from the 7
students (78%), one of their learning styles is aural.
In trimodal learning styles, from the 7 students
(100%), one of their learning styles is aural. In
quadmodal learning styles, from the 2 students
(100%), one of their learning styles is aural. thus it
can be said that aural is the most dominant learning
style possessed by students who attended cell
biology lectures.
In conducting information processing, the
students were asked to work on student worksheets
consisting of six questions related to the subject
matter of the structure and function of cell
membranes, and it was done within twenty-five
minutes. Table 4 shows the differences in students'
information processing skills based on learning
Based on the data in table 4, it can be seen that
the first, information processing skills of students
who have multimodal is better than unimodal ones,
this is consistent with previous research that students
will achieve the maximum benefit from a
combination of approaches to learning (Dyne,
Taylor, & Boulton-Lewis, 1994).
Table 4: The Differences in Students' Information
Processing Skills Based on Learning Styles
Indicator of Information
Processing Skills
A* B* C* D*
Unimodal 64 40 17 18 35
Bimodal 72 73 44 37 56
Trimodal 72 71 31 27 50
Quadmodal 70 58 8 26 41
*A : Identification of information components
*B : Interpretation of information
*C : Relevance of information / relations between information
*D : Use information to solve new things
Students’ Information Processing Skills for Each Learning Style on Cell Biology Lectures
The second, Information processing skills of
the students with bimodal learning styles were better
than the students with other learning styles.
Although the value obtained was still in the medium
category. The Third, In indicators A and B, it can be
seen that values of the student with bimodal and
trimodal learning styles was in good categorized.
From the data obtained it is shown that learning
styles have a profound impact on learning
(Robertson et al., 2011).
In table 4, we can also obtain information that
for 2 indicators of information processing skills,
namely C and D, all students in the unimodal,
bimodal, trimodal and quadmodal learning style
groups had low scores. These results indicate that
students have difficulty in finding the relevance of
the information components they have discovered
from the object being observed. Likewise in using
the information that has been obtained to solve new
Figure 2: The Differences of Students Information Processing Skills Based on Learning Styles in Each Sub Concept.
Based on the data in Figure 2, it appears that
information processing skills of the students with
bimodal learning styles in five sub-concept
(phospholipids stucture, cholesterol structure,
membrane protein, passive transport, and active
transport) were better than the students with other
learning styles, except for the sub-concept of cell
membrane structure, the students with trimodal
learning styles were better than others.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
The data in Figure 2 shows that in general
students' information processing skills are still
categorized as poor (40-45) and failed (0-39). The
reason that is suspected to be the cause of low
information processing skills is the incompatibility
of the characteristics of concepts learned with
student learning styles. As previously known that the
most dominant learning style is aural (see Table 3),
while the characteristics of the cell membrane's
structure and function concept are visual. The point
of visual here is that to understand the concept of
cell membrane structure and function must be
through image observation or animation when it
relates to a process. So when students with an aural
learning style are asked to process information from
pictures, they will face difficulties. Thus it can be
said that the cognitive system of students is
burdened with tasks, as stated by Sweller that if in a
learning there are tasks that burden the cognitive
system of students it will cause cognitive load
(Sweller, 1988). If we connect it to information
processing, then when students process information
related to the concept of structure and function of
cell membranes, in student working memory or
short-term memory (short-term memory can only
accommodate seven pieces of information at a time)
received excess information. There is a limit to the
amount of information that students can follow and
process effectively. When too much information is
presented at one time, our short-term memory
becomes overwhelmed and unable to process it
(Luckner, 1990).
In accordance with cognitive load theory, total
cognitive load consists of three components of
cognitive load, namely intrinsic cognitive load
(ICL), extraneous cognitive load (ECL), and
germane cognitive load (GCL). ICL is related to the
burden of processing information received (Rahmat
& Hindriana, 2014). This component has
simultaneous interconnections with working
memory in constructing cognitive schemes (Moreno
& Park, 2010). Thus information processing skills in
this study can simultaneously show the ICL of
The results of this study indicate that even
though students have been facilitated with learning
that is appropriate to the learning style with VARK
strategy, the ICL of students is still high; it is
indicated by the value of information processing
skills which is generally poor and failed categorized.
ICL is a cognitive load formed due to the complexity
of high teaching material and the material has a high
interconnection (Sweller & Chandler, 1994).
On the subject of the structure and function of
cell membranes, students are expected to be able to
analyze each structure of the cell membrane
components, and relate it to its function. then
connect the function of each component to the
function of the cell membrane. seeing the
complexity of this subject matter, it is thought to be
the cause of the low information processing skills.
The implication of the results of this study is
that other efforts are needed to further simplify the
presentation of the structure and function cell
membrane concept, so that later it can more easily
receive information, process, store, and recall the
concepts learned in this case information processing
skills can be better. Some possible strategies that can
be done in learning the structure and function cell
membrane concept are, the first, present a small
amount of information and facilitate students to
practice after each section, so that what we teach can
be processed in working memory. The second is
reviewing or summarizing the main points of
information being studied. The third extensive
practice and frequent reviews are needed after the
material is first learned (Luckner, 1990).
There are fourteen learning styles grouped into
four categories, namely unimodal (9,09%), bimodal
(40,91%), trimodal (31,82) and quadmodal
(18,18%). It is understood that almost all the
students belong to multimodal learning style.
Information processing skills of the students who
have multimodal is better than unimodal ones.
Information processing skills of the students with
bimodal learning styles are better than the students
with other learning styles. Information processing
skills of the students with bimodal learning styles
in five sub-concept (phospholipids stucture,
cholesterol structure, membrane protein, passive
transport, and active transport) are better than the
students with other learning styles, except for the
sub-concept of cell membrane structure, the students
with trimodal learning styles are better than others.
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Information-Processing Approach to the Human Mind:
Basics and Beyond. Journal of Clinical Psychology,
60(4), 353–368.
Dyne, A. M., Taylor, P. G., & Boulton-Lewis, G. M.
(1994). Information processing and the learning
context: an analysis from recent perspectives in
cognitive psychology. British Journal of Educational
Psychology, 64(3), 359–372.
Students’ Information Processing Skills for Each Learning Style on Cell Biology Lectures
Luckner, J. L. (1990). Information Processing:
Implications for Educators. The Clearing House,
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M. Renuga and V. Vijayalakshmi. (2013). Applying Vark
Principles To Impart Interpersonal Skills To The
Students With Multimodal Learning Styles. Life
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Using the Dimensions of Learning Model.
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Othman, N., & Amiruddin, M. H. (2010). Different
perspectives of learning styles from VARK model.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 7(2), 652–
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Mahasiswa Dalam Pembelajaran Fungsi Terintegrasi
Struktur Tumbuhan Berbasis Dimensi Belajar. Jurnal
Ilmu Pendidikan, 20(1), 66–74.
Robertson, L., Smellie, T., Wilson, P., & Cox, L. (2011).
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perspectives. New Zealand Journal of Occupational
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Shah, K., Ahmed, J., Shenoy, N., & N, S. (2013). How
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
... For the Kinaesthetic step, students carry out simulation activities related to the discussed material. The details of the steps of the VARK learning on the structure and function of cell membranes are available from previous research (Juanengsih, Rahmat, Wulan & Rahman, 2018b). ...
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This study aims to analyse students’ extraneous cognitive load (ECL) in cell biology lectures. Participants in the study were 31 students of the Biology Education Department who attended the Cell Biology course from a university in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Cell Biology lectures include fours topics. The data of ECL were measured using questionnaires with a semantically differential scale, containing statements about students’ mental efforts in understanding the information received in the lectures. The data obtained were then tabulated, categorised according to the mental effort rubric, and made into percentage for each step of the VARK (Visual, Aural, Read/write, Kinaesthetic) approach. The results of the data analysis show that students' mental effort (ECL) in understanding each concept in Cell Biology lectures through the VARK approach is generally in the lower category. This is indicated by the very high percentage in the low category for visual, aural, read/write, and kinaesthetic steps. Keywords: Extraneous cognitive load, cell biology, VARK;
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The Student Cognitive Load in Teaching and Learning of Plant Function Integrated with Plant Structure Using Learning Dimensions. This study measured the student cognitive load in teaching and learning of plant fuction integrated with plant structure using learning dimensions. The subjects were 64 students divided into two classes. The experimental class was conducted using learning dimensions, while the control class using regular teaching strategy. Cognitive load was measured on Intrinsic Cognitive Load (ICL), Extraneous Cognitive Load (ECL), and Germane Cognitive Load (GCL). The data were ana­lyzed by t-test to compare the two classes. Correlation-regression test was used to draw the relationship among three components of cognitive load. The results indicated that ICL and ECL showed a close rela­tionship with GCL. In the experimental class, GCL was considered as a power of the lower charge of ICL; in the control class, GCL reflected the impact of higher level of ECL. Keywords: cognitive load, integrated teaching and learning, learning dimensions, plant stucture & function Abstrak: Beban Kognitif Mahasiswa dalam Pembelajaran Fungsi Terintegrasi Struktur Tumbuhan Berbasis Dimensi Belajar. Penelitian ini mengukur beban kognitif mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan fungsi terintegrasi struktur tumbuhan dengan strategi pembelajaran berbasis dimensi belajar. Subjek adalah 64 mahasiswa peserta mata kuliah Fisiologi Tumbuhan, dibagi menjadi dua kelas. Kelas ekperimen meng­gunakan strategi pembelajaran terintegrasi berbasis dimensi belajar, sedangkan kelas kontrol menggunakan strategi pembalajaran reguler. Beban kognitif diukur pada aspek Intrinsic cognitive load (ICL), Extraneous cognitive load (ECL), dan Germane cognitive load (GCL). Data dianalisis dengan uji t untuk melihat per­bedaan komponen beban kognitif dan uji korelasi-regresi multivarian untuk melihat hubungan antarkom­ponen beban kognitif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ICL dan ECL pada kelas ekperimen dan kelas kontrol menunjukkan hubungan yang erat dengan besarnya GCL. Pada kelas ekperimen GCL lebih disebabkan rendahnya ICL, sedangkan pada kelas kontrol GCL lebih dikarenakan tingginya ECL. Hasil ini meng­gambarkan bahwa penggunaan strategi pembelajaran berbasis dimensi belajar telah menurunkan beban kognitif mahasiswa. Kata kunci: beban kognitif, pembelajaran terintegrasi, dimensi belajar, struktur & fungsi tumbuhan
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Learning style differs from person to person; some learn best by watching videos and listening to audio or lecture; some learn by reading and others by doing some hands- on activities. It is not only good but also essential to know an individual's preferred learning style to improve his/her learning abilities. Therefore, it is important for teachers and trainers consider the students' learning style while framing the syllabus to achieve the optimum level of education. Many literature surveys are being carried out to know the experts' opinions on multimodal learning and the learner with multimodal learning styles. This paper aims at comparing the benefits of using lecturing method and VARK method to train the students with multimodal learning styles in interpersonal skills using J.K.Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.' In order to estimate the level of achievement, a test has been conducted and the results have been verified. The marks of both the methods of teaching reveal that there is a significant enhancement in the learner's perception and the acquisition of skills using VARK method. The students have reported very favourably on multimodal learning elements and have realised that using video, audio, reading and kinesthetic mode to teach soft skills has helped them understand and enhance their knowledge about interpersonal skills better and can be utilised for their practical life especially in their work place.
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Teachers have a role in ascertaining the implementation of quality lessons. As such, teachers are required to have capacity to create a learning process which stimulates students, in order to attract attention to the subject taught. This working paper will discuss on the advantages of VARK (Visual, Aural, Reading or Write and Kinesthetic) model as an effective learning style.
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The experiments reported in this article flow from the following assumptions concerning our cognitive processes: (a) Schema acquisition and automation are major learning mechanisms when dealing with higher cognitive activities and are designed to circumvent our limited working memories and emphasize our highly effective long-term memories. (b) A limited working memory makes it difficult to assimilate multiple elements of information simultaneously. (c) Under conditions where multiple elements of information interact, they must be assimilated simultaneously. (d) As a consequence, a heavy cognitive load is imposed when dealing with material that has a high level of element interactivity. (e) High levels of element interactivity and their associated cognitive loads may be caused both by intrinsic nature of the material being learned and by the method of presentation. (f) If the intrinsic element interactivity and consequent cognitive load are low, the extraneous cognitive load is critical when dealing with intrinsically high element interactivity materials. These assumptions are the basic points of cognitive load theory. They were used to suggest that, when learning to use equipment such as computer applications, learning might be facilitated by not having the equipment present, if the material that needed to be learned had an intrinsically high degree of element interactivity. A series of four experiments supported this hypothesis. It was concluded that an analysis of both intrinsic and extraneous cognitive load can lead to instructional designs generating spectacular gains in learning efficiency.
The goal of this introductory chapter is to provide a historical review of the assumptions underlying Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) and to place the theory into the broader context of the learning sciences. The chapter focuses on the theoretical developments that guided the research on cognitive load and learning for the past twenty years and is organized in the following way. First, we examine the nature of the cognitive load construct and compare it to similar psychological constructs. Second, we present a historical review of the development of CLT's assumptions in the following four stages: (a) extraneous cognitive load in problem solving, (b) intrinsic cognitive load and the first additivity hypothesis, (c) germane cognitive load and the second additivity hypothesis, and (d) the evolutionary interpretation of CLT. Finally, we conclude the chapter by examining the constructs and assumptions of CLT in relation to other theories in psychology and education. THE COGNITIVE LOAD CONSTRUCT CLT is a psychological theory because it attempts to explain psychological or behavioral phenomena resulting from instruction. Psychological theories are concerned with the possible relationships among psychological constructs or between a psychological construct and an observable phenomenon of practical consequence. A psychological construct is an attribute or skill that happens in the human brain. In CLT, the main constructs of interest are cognitive load, hence the name of the theory, and learning. CLT was developed to explain the effects of instructional design on these two constructs.
• See if a rubric from a different subject area can be adapted to fit your needs. Reading rubrics can often be used to assess listening, writing rubrics may be adapted to assess speaking, and fine arts rubrics can sometimes be applied to several different art forms. • Make sure the rubric is clear. • Use this criteria to evaluate the rubric. • Try the rubric out on some actual samples of student work. • See if you and your colleagues can usually arrive at consensus about what scores to assign a piece of student work. • Feel free to combine or modify rubrics to make them work better. Assessing Student Outcomes, by Robert Marzano, Debra Pickering, and Jay McTigue contains three chapters of generic rubrics that can be applied to many subject areas. The rubrics are organized by the particular thinking skill measured, using the Dimensions of Learning model. The rubrics address such areas as: • comparison • classification • induction • deduction • identifying and describing errors in information or processes • developing a well-articulated argument for a specific claim • abstracting • analyzing perspectives • decision making • investigation • problem solving • experimental inquiry and invention There are additional rubrics that deal with information processing, effective communication, collaboration and cooperation, and habits of mind, as well as rubrics designed specifically to help students evaluate their own work.
Biggs (1993) asked, ‘What framework has more to offer researchers, teachers, and staff developers: that derived from IP, or from SAL?’ His response was to argue that the Student Approaches to Learning perspective best accounts for the context specific motive and strategy components in students' approaches to learning, and their relationship to students' intentions, the teaching/learning context, and the quality of the learning outcome. In contrast, we believe that cross-fertilisation between the Information Processing and SAL perspectives can make a valuable contribution to the understanding of student learning. To illustrate this point, we examine how two more recent IP theories, namely Transfer Appropriate Processing theory and the item and relational information distinction, can inform our understanding of student learning. The major implications of these theories for the conceptualisation of student approaches to learning are: (a) student learning strategies are better classified according to whether they are ‘task-appropriate’ or ‘task-inappropriate’, rather than by the terms ‘deep’ or ‘surface’ strategies; and (b) students will achieve the maximum benefit from a combination of approaches to learning.
Cognitive psychology attempts to understand the nature of the human mind by using the information-processing approach. In this article, the fundamentals of the cognitive approach will be presented. It will be argued that the human mind can be described at three levels-computational, algorithmic-representational, and implementational-and that the cognitive approach has both important theoretical and practical/clinical implications. Finally, it will be suggested that the study of cognitive psychology can provide a foundation for other fields of social science, including the field of clinical psychology.