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Effectiveness of the Fitness Program «WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE

  • Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University

Abstract and Figures

The article analyzes the results of testing the effectiveness of the author’s fitness program “WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE” and identifies its impact on physical and morphofunctional indicators of student development during quarantine restrictions. The study involved 149 students aged 17-19 of Khmelnytskyi of Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy. Methods: Analysis of scientific and methodological sources, pedagogical modeling, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation, methods of functional state research (Ruffier test, Stange, Genchi, Yarotskyi, Recovery time after 20 squats), methods of physical condition research (running on the spot for 10 seconds; squats for 30 seconds, hyperextension, twisting the log scale (cm), lifting the torso to the buttocks from a supine position behind the head for 30 seconds, maintaining the position of the stop lying on the forearm, maintaining balance while standing on one leg with arms outstretched), methods of mathematical statistics. Results: The students of the experimental group improved their functional indicators of the development of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and vestibular stability. The increase was: the Stange test + 7.3 ±0.5 (s) (p <0.001) girls, + 9.2 ±0.4 (s) (p <0.001) boys; Genchi test + 4.6 ± 0.5 (s) (p <0.01) girls, + 5.4 ± 0.7 (s) (p <0.01) boys; Yarotskyi test + 7.5 ±0.4 (s) (p <0.001) girls, + 7.9 ±0.7 (s) (p <0.001) boys; recovery time after exercise improved - 8.5 ±2.5 (s) (p <0.01) girls and - 7.5 ±1.5 (s) (p <0.01) boys. The developed program contributed to the development of flexibility, improvement of speed-power and coordination abilities of students. Conclusions: Analysis of the dynamics of indicators of morphofunctional and physical condition of students shows the effectiveness of the program “WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE”.
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International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(5): 833-840, 2021
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2021.090501
Effectiveness of the Fitness Program «WAY TO A
Maryna Khmara1, Oleksandr Mozolev1,*, Inna Yashchuk2, Oleksandr Alieksieiev3, Vasil Kravchuk4,
Yuriy Dolynniy5, Ihor Tomkiv 6, Oleksandr Binkovskyi6, Vasyl Prontenko7
1Department of Tourism, Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Valeology of Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical
Academy, Ukraine
2Department of Pedagogy, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
3Department of Sport and Sport Games, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko, Ukraine
4Department of Logistics, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytsky,
5Department of Physical Education and Sports, Donbas State Machine-Building Academy Kramatorsk, Ukraine
6Department of Managerial Personnel Training of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of
Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
7Department of Physical Education, Special Physical Training and Sport, S. P. Koroliov Zhytomyr Military Institute, Zhytomyr,
Received April 30, 2021; Revised June 4, 2021; Accepted July 19, 2021
Cite This Paper in the following Citation Styles
(a): [1] Maryna Khmara, Oleksandr Mozolev, Inna Yashchuk, Oleksandr Alieksieiev, Vasil Kravchuk, Yuriy Dolynniy,
Ihor Tomkiv, Oleksandr Binkovskyi, Vasyl Prontenko , "Effectiveness of the Fitness Program «WAY TO A HEALTHY
LIFE»," International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 833 - 840, 2021. DOI:
(b): Maryna Khmara, Oleksandr Mozolev, Inna Yashchuk, Oleksandr Alieksieiev, Vasil Kravchuk, Yuriy Dolynniy, Ihor
Tomkiv, Oleksandr Binkovskyi, Vasyl Prontenko (2021). Effectiveness of the Fitness Program «WAY TO A HEALTHY
LIFE». International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 9(5), 833 - 840. DOI:
Copyright©2021 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract The article analyzes the results of testing the
effectiveness of the author’s fitness program “WAY TO A
HEALTHY LIFE” and identifies its impact on physical and
morphofunctional indicators of student development
during quarantine restrictions. The study involved 149
students aged 17-19 of Khmelnytskyi of
Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy. Methods: Analysis
of scientific and methodological sources, pedagogical
modeling, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical
observation, methods of functional state research (Ruffier
test, Stange, Genchi, Yarotskyi, Recovery time after 20
squats), methods of physical condition research (running
on the spot for 10 seconds; squats for 30 seconds,
hyperextension, twisting the log scale (cm), lifting the torso
to the buttocks from a supine position behind the head for
30 seconds, maintaining the position of the stop lying on
the forearm, maintaining balance while standing on one leg
with arms outstretched), methods of mathematical statistics.
Results: The students of the experimental group improved
their functional indicators of the development of the
cardiovascular, respiratory systems and vestibular stability.
The increase was: the Stange test + 7.3 ± 0.5 (s) (p <0.001)
girls, + 9.2 ± 0.4 (s) (p <0.001) boys; Genchi test + 4.6 ±
0.5 (s) (p <0.01) girls, + 5.4 ± 0.7 (s) (p <0.01) boys;
Yarotskyi test + 7.5 ± 0.4 (s) (p <0.001) girls, + 7.9 ± 0.7 (s)
(p <0.001) boys; recovery time after exercise improved
- 8.5 ± 2.5 (s) (p <0.01) girls and - 7.5 ± 1.5 (s) (p <0.01)
boys. The developed program contributed to the
development of flexibility, improvement of speed-power
and coordination abilities of students. Conclusions:
Analysis of the dynamics of indicators of
morphofunctional and physical condition of students
shows the effectiveness of the program “WAY TO A
Keywords Fitness Program, Online Platforms,
Morphofunctional Indicators, Indicators of Physical
Development, Students
834 Effectiveness of the Fitness Program «WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE»
1. Introduction
Physical activity is one of the main factors determining
the level of physical health of young people. Regular
physical activity has a positive effect on the state of the
whole organism - promotes mental and physical health,
forms vital motor skills, abilities and physical qualities,
health culture, increases interest in motor activities and is
a mandatory component of full value development of a
person [1-2].
The researches conducted during the quarantine
restrictions on the organization of the process of physical
education indicate changes in the usual way of life,
reduced physical activity, changes in the development of
motor skills and health of young people [3].
The vast majority of students do not consider physical
education during the pandemic and distance learning as a
necessary part of their lives. They do not understand that
physical education acts as a means of relaxation,
rehabilitation and restoration of their vital forces [4]. That
is why the educational process on physical education
currently has low efficiency.
In order to increase the level of students’ interest in
physical education, it is necessary to modernize the types
of physical activity used in the educational process of
higher education institutions. The process of improving
the technology of physical education requires the search
for new, more rational and interesting forms of physical
activity for young people, the introduction of
non-traditional means of organizing classes on the basis of
developed experimental programs [5-7].
The introduction of the most attractive and relevant for
today fitness technologies, which differ significantly from
other forms by their efficiency, comprehensive impact on
the body, accessibility for all into the system of physical
education of students, especially during the pandemic
COVID-19, in our opinion, is one of the main and urgent
tasks of modernization of traditional technologies of
teaching physical culture.
The hypothesis of the research was that the use of
modern fitness technologies of the author’s program
“WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE” at home will help
improve the level of development of physical qualities and
morphofunctional indicators of the student body during
quarantine restrictions caused by the COVID-19
The development of the author’s fitness program
“WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE” was based on the use of
the algorithm for making individual fitness programs for
independent classes of students [8-9]. During the
development of the program, we made the following
the possibility of using the program “WAY TO A
HEALTHY LIFE” for students who have outgrown
the availability and variability of the fitness program;
the ability to choose the content module of the fitness
program in accordance with the individual needs of
the student;
the use of online platforms ZOOM, Google Meet,
Viber, Telegram to provide methodological assistance
and control;
the safety of movements in a limited space;
the possibility of using household items (water bottles,
chairs, bed, rugs, etc.) instead of stationary sports
To study the changes that occurred in students who
were engaged in the author’s program “WAY TO A
HEALTHY LIFE” and the generally accepted method of
conducting physical education classes during quarantine
restrictions, we monitored the physical and
morphofunctional condition of students and compared it
with the indices at the initial stage of the research.
The objective of the article is to study the impact of
the author’s fitness program “WAY TO A HEALTHY
LIFE” on the physical and morphofunctional indicators of
student development during quarantine restrictions.
To achieve the objective of the study, we needed to
solve the following tasks:
1. Development of the program “WAY TO A HEALTHY
LIFE” in accordance with the advances requirements
(April - May 2020) Tasks: to develop a set of physical
exercises to perform at home. The program consists of
three content modules:
a) Content module 1. “SUPER ABDOMINAL
BUTTOCK” - includes sets of shaping exercises
to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, leg
muscles and buttocks;
b) Content module 2. “STRONG FLEXIBLE
BODY” includes sets of exercises for different
types of fitness: bodyflex, stretching and
c) Content module 3. “STRONG ARMS,
includes sets of shaping exercises to strengthen
the muscles of the arms, chest and back.
2. Approbation of the program on a group of students
(June-July 2020). Tasks: to check the possibility of
performing exercises at home using the online
platforms ZOOM, Google Meet, Viber, Telegram;
3. Making adjustments and refinement of the program
(August 2020) Tasks: replacement of some exercises
that cause difficulties in the implementation at home);
4. Conducting an experimental study
(September-December 2020). Tasks: checking the
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(5): 833-840, 2021 835
effectiveness of the fitness program “WAY TO A
5. Processing of the results of the experimental research
(January 2021);
6. Development of recommendations for the
implementation of the fitness program “WAY TO A
HEALTHY LIFE” (February 2021).
2. Materials and Methods
The research work was conducted on the basis of
Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy
(Ukraine). The subject of the study was 149 students aged
17-19. They were divided into: experimental group (EG) -
76 students and control group (CG) - 73 students. The
groups were divided according to the requirements of
representativeness. The main indicator was the initial level
of physical fitness of students, which was determined by a
ten-point scale of doing physical exercises for speed,
strength, agility and flexibility.
Organization of the Research
The experimental research to test the effectiveness of
the fitness program “WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE” was
conducted for 4 months and included the following stages:
1. Theoretical and formative stage (1-2 weeks). The task
of the stage is to form skills of performing fitness
program exercises. Classes are of
theoretical-explanatory and test-developmental nature.
2. The first training and developmental stage (6-7 weeks).
The task of the stage is purposeful physical training of
speed, strength, agility, flexibility, development of
special skills of independent performance of exercises.
Classes are educational-training in nature.
3. Control and corrective stage (1-2 weeks). The task of
the stage is to check the effectiveness of the fitness
program, make timely adjustments to the program of
individual physical development.
4. The second training and developmental stage (5-6
weeks). The task of the stage is purposeful physical
training with the use of new motor actions according to
the individual needs of students. Classes are
educational-training in nature.
5. Control-comparative stage (1-week). The task of the
stage is to check the indicators of physical and
morphofunctional development of students. Carrying
out a comparative analysis of the studied indicators of
students of the experimental and control groups.
The training program at the first and the second stages
of the research included exercises of mixed type of energy
supply, which are aimed at improving coordination of
movements, vestibular stability, strength, endurance and
flexibility in students. Particular attention was paid to the
formation of skills of independent performance of
program exercises at home.
At the third stage of the research, the program provided
for changes in the training process and the selection of
new exercises in accordance with the individual needs of
At the fourth stage the classes were complex and
contained two components: the first - the combination of
concentric movements with eccentric and neuromotor
movements in different planes with and without additional
loads, aerobic exercise was directed to strengthen the
cardiovascular and respiratory systems; the second
component is the performance of physical exercises that
take into account the individual needs of students and
included the development of muscle groups in certain
parts of the body.
At the fifth stage of the research, the morphofunctional
condition and physical development of students in the
control and experimental groups were assessed. The
comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the fitness
program “WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE” was conducted.
3. Methods
To obtain the necessary information, we used general
scientific research methods, namely: analysis of scientific
and methodological sources, pedagogical modelling,
pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation,
research methods of functional and physical condition of
students, methods pulsometry, theory of motor tests,
methods of mathematical statistics.
The analysis of scientific and methodological sources
was used to study the current state of views of scientists
on the problem of exercise of mature women, determining
the requirements for the organization of fitness classes.
Pedagogical modelling was used during the development
of experimental versions of the content of health fitness
classes, which took into account previously obtained
information about the functional and physical condition of
the subjects [10]. Pedagogical observation was performed
to obtain current information about morphofunctional
changes and the state of health of students, to determine
the impact of exercise on the body of students [11-13].
Methods of studying the functional state of students were
used to obtain scientifically sound indicators of the state
of the cardiovascular, respiratory and autonomic
vegetative nervous system [14-17]. The methods of
physical condition research were used to obtain objective
indicators of physical development of students at different
stages of learning [18-19]. The pedagogical experiment
was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the
author’s fitness program “WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE”
[20]. The methods of mathematical statistics were used to
reliably determine the level of development of motor
capacities and morphofunctional state of students [21-22].
836 Effectiveness of the Fitness Program «WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE»
The level of physical health, functionality and physical
fitness of students, which we determined at the first, third
and fifth stages of the study, is important for the diagnosis
of students’ physical development. Assessment of the
morphofunctional state of students was performed using
the express method [23], which involved obtaining results
in the following indices:
Ruffier test (determination of the functional reserve of
working capacity of the cardiovascular system);
Stange test (assessment of the respiratory system with
breast holding during inhalation);
Genchi test (assessment of the respiratory system with
breast holding during exhalation);
Yarotskyi test (assessment of vestibular stability).
Recovery time after 20 squats (assessment of the
recovery processes of the cardiovascular system).
Physical fitness tests were performed at the beginning
of the experiment and at the third and fifth stages of the
research, using the system of tests that allowed us to
assess the functional state of students and determine the
level of development of their motor skills. [24-25]. The
test system included:
a) running on the spot for 10 seconds (number of steps) -
b) squats for 30 seconds (number of performed
movements) - leg muscle strength;
c) hyperextension for 30 seconds (number of performed
movements) - back muscle strength;
d) twisting the log scale (cm) - flexibility in the shoulder
e) lifting the torso to the buttocks from a supine position
behind the head for 30 seconds (number of performed
movements) - speed and power abilities;
f) maintaining the position of the stop lying on the
forearm plank (seconds) - strength endurance;
g) balance while standing on one leg with arms
outstretched (seconds) - coordination skills.
4. Results
The analysis of the dynamics of indicators of
morphofunctional state of students of control and
experimental groups testifies to the effectiveness of the
author’s program “WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE”.
The students of the experimental group in comparison
with the control group had a process of gradual
development of the respiratory system, as indicated by the
analysis of the dynamics of the Stange test, which
improved in girls from 38.1 7.8 to 45.4 7.5 (s) (p
<0.001); in boys from 42.0 8.2 to 51.2 8.4 (s) (p
<0.001). This fact confirms the analysis of the dynamics
of the Genchi test, which gradually improved in students
of the experimental group: in girls from 18.7 5.3 to 23.3
4.8 (s) (p <0.01); in boys from 22.8 5.7 to 28.2 6.2
(s) (p <0.01). It should be noted that in the students of the
control group these, indicators did not undergo significant
The analysis of Ruffier tests showed positive tendency
of improving the efficiency of the cardiovascular system
in students of the experimental group. During the research,
the Ruffier test index changed in girls from the
experimental group from 8.54 1.37 to 7.92 1.24 (unit)
(p <0.05), in boys from 8.38 1.36 to 7.84 1.22 (unit)
(p <0.05). Recovery time after exercise improved from
64.5 8.5 to 56.09.5 (s) (p <0.01) in girls and from 53.5
9.5 to 46.0 8.0 (s) (p <0.01) in boys, which also
confirms the presence of positive changes in the
functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Table 1. Dynamics of morphofunctional condition of students at different phases of the experiment (n = 149)
Control group of girls (n=38)
Experimental group of girls (n=40)
Ruffier test (unit)
Stange test (s)
Genchi test (s)
Yarotskyi test (s)
Recovery time after 20 squats (s)
Control group of boys (n=35)
Experimental group of boys (n=36)
Ruffier test
Stange test (s)
Genchi test (s)
Yarotskyi test (s)
Recovery time after 20 squats (s)
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(5): 833-840, 2021 837
Table 2. Dynamics of indicators of physical development of students at different phases of the experiment (n = 149)
Control group of girls (n=38)
Experimental group of girls (n=40)
test a (ns)
test b (npm)
test c (npm)
test d (cm)
test e (npm)
test f (s)
test g (s)
Control group of boys (n=35)
Experimental group of boys (n=36)
test a (ns)
39.42 ±4.77
test b (npm)
test c (npm)
test d (cm)
test e (npm)
test f (s)
test g (s)
The developed program “WAY TO A HEALTHY
LIFE” helped to improve the vestibular stability of
students, which provides stability in the performance of
techniques and exercises. Analysis of Yarotskyi test
shows the improvement of vestibular stability in students
of the experimental group from 22.1 7.9 to 29.6 7.5 (s)
(p <0.001) in girls and from 24.8 5.2 to 32.7 5.9 (s) (p
<0.001) in boys. These indicators did not undergo
significant changes of the students of the control group.
We found out that the indicators of physical
development of students in the control group, engaged in
the constant training program, did not change significantly
and was within the statistical error.
The developed program “WAY TO A HEALTHY
LIFE” promoted the development of speed, leg muscle
strength, back muscle strength, flexibility in the shoulder
joint, strength endurance and improved speed, strength
and coordination skills. Analysis of the dynamics of
indicators of physical development of students in the
experimental group showed significantly positive changes
in the following exercises: running on the spot for 10
seconds (speed) + 6.05 ± 0.53 (ns) (p <0.001) in girls, +
5.07 ± 0.73 (ns) (p <0.001) in boys; squats for 30 seconds
(leg muscle strength) + 4.86 ± 0.68 (npm) (p <0.01)) in
girls, + 3.88 ± 0.50 (npm) (p <0.01) in boys;
hyperextension for 30 seconds (back muscle strength) +
3.49 ± 1.56 (npm) (p <0.01) in girls, + 3.17 ± 0.75 (npm)
(p <0.01) in boys; twisting the log scale (flexibility in the
shoulder joint) - 4.6 ± 2.1 (cm) (p <0.05) in girls, - 3.4 ±
1.2 (cm) (p <0.05) in boys; lifting the torso to the side
from a supine position with the hands behind the head for
30 seconds (speed and power abilities) + 2.82 ± 0.63 (npm)
(p <0.05) in girls, + 2.49 ± 0.41 (npm) (p <0.05) in boys;
maintaining the position of the stop lying on the forearm
“plank” (strength endurance) + 9.4 ± 0.7 (s) (p <0,01) in
girls, + 16.4 ± 3.3 (s) (p <0,01) in boys; maintaining
balance while standing on one leg with arms outstretched
(coordination abilities) + 5.5 ± 0.9 (s) (p <0.05) in girls, +
4.5 ± 2.2 (s) (p <0.05) in boys.
5. Discussion
The characteristic difference of the developed author’s
fitness program “WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE” was the
inclusion of three components into its content: “SUPER
BACK”. They are logically interconnected and
complementary. The special feature of physical education
classes was the use of online platforms ZOOM, Google
Meet, Viber, Telegram, as the element of feedback
between a student and a teacher, providing the necessary
methodological assistance and monitoring the
implementation of physical exercises. The practical test of
the theoretical provisions of the author’s program “WAY
TO A HEALTHY LIFE” was conducted.
The research was based on the views of the modern
scientists who have considered the problem of organizing
fitness training of students in the following areas: analysis
of modern approaches to the organization and conduct of
838 Effectiveness of the Fitness Program «WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE»
physical education classes [26-27]; research of indicators
of physical health of students at different stages of
training [12], [22], [31]; study of morphofunctional
indicators of physical development of students in the
conditions of restrictions of motor activity caused by
pandemic COVID-19 [28-29]; introduction of various
fitness programs into the educational process [6], [21],
[25]; conducting of the comparative analysis of curricula
in physical education [30-31]; introduction of the most
effective and popular among young people modern sports
activities, taking into account various restrictions [20],
[33-34]; conducting physical education classes based on
value-oriented learning [35-37]; taking into account
current tendencies in the development of physical
education and timely changes in the training of specialists
in the sphere of physical culture and sports [38-39].
Analysis of the obtained results of our research
confirms the research [2], [12], [21], [26] on the priority
of improving health and personal attractiveness in the
value system of young people during fitness. The research
data [7], [15], [19], [33] on the introduction of various
fitness systems as a health and correctional type of
physical training of students, establishing its positive
impact on the level of physical health of the subjects has
been expanded. The results of our research confirm the
researches [11], [13], [20], [25] on the effectiveness of the
combined training on improving the functionality and
development of the muscular system of students, the
correction of their body shape.
According to the results of our research, the data on the
practical application of the method of conducting classes
on the complex combination of various modern fitness
technologies were extended, namely: shaping, bodyflex,
Pilates, and stretching [5], [6], [22]. The conducted
research confirmed and expanded the scientific views of
scientists [7], [8], [21], [24] on the need for systematic
assessment of physical health, functional status and
physical fitness of students at each stage of the sstudy,
which allows for timely changes and make adjustments in
the organization of fitness classes.
6. Conclusions
1. The use of the author’s program “WAY TO A
HEALTHY LIFE” allowed to make classes flexible
and varied, to take an individual approach to each
student, which helped to increase their physical fitness
and efficiency, improve the functional state of the body,
physical health and psycho-emotional state.
2. Analysis of the dynamics of indicators of
morphofunctional state of students of the experimental
group in comparison with the control group shows
positive impact of the author’s program “WAY TO A
HEALTHY LIFE”. The students of the experimental
group improved the functional indicators of the
development of the cardiovascular, respiratory
systems and vestibular stability. The increase was: in
the Stange test + 7.3 ± 0.5 (s) (p <0.001) in girls, + 9.2
± 0.4 (s) (p <0.001) in boys; Genchi tests + 4.6 ± 0.5 (s)
(p <0.01) in girls, + 5.4 ± 0.7 (s) (p <0.01) in boys;
Yarotskyi tests + 7.5 ± 0.4 (s) (p <0.001) in girls, + 7.9
± 0.7 (s) (p <0.001) in boys; recovery time after
exercise improved - 8.5 ± 2.5 (s) (p <0.01) in girls and
- 7.5 ± 1.5 (s) (p <0.01) in boys.
3. Analysis of the physical condition of students at the
beginning and at the end of the experiment shows that
the students of the experimental group in comparison
with the control group had significant changes in
speed + 6.05 ± 0.53 (ns) (p <0.001) in girls, + 5.07 ±
0.73 (ns) (p <0.001) in boys; leg muscle strength +
4.86 ± 0.68 (npm) (p <0.01) in girls, + 3.88 ± 0.50
(npm) (p <0.01) in boys; back muscle strength + 3.49 ±
1.56 (npm) (p <0.01) in girls, + 3.17 ± 0.75 (npm) (p
<0.01) in boys; flexibility in the shoulder joint - 4.6 ±
2.1 (cm) (p <0.05) in girls, - 3.4 ± 1.2 (cm) (p <0.05) in
boys; improvement of speed and power abilities + 2.82
± 0.63 (npm) (p <0.05) in girls, + 2.49 ± 0.41 (npm) (p
<0.05) in boys; improvement of strength endurance +
9.4 ± 0.7 (s) (p <0.01) in girls, + 16.4 ± 3.3 (s) (p <0.01)
in boys; improvement of coordination abilities + 5.5 ±
0.9 (s) (p <0.05) in girls, + 4.5 ± 2.2 (s) (p <0.05) in
Conflicts of Interest
No conflicts of interest exist.
Ethical Approval
All procedures performed in studies involving human
participants were in accordance with the ethical standards
of the institutional and/or national research committee and
with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later
amendments or comparable ethical standards.
Informed Consent
Informed Consent Informed consent was obtained from
all individual participants included in the study. All
subjects of the institutional survey gave consent for
anonymised data to be used for publication purposes.
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... Однією з перспективних технологій дистанційного навчання з фізичного виховання, на наш погляд, є програма «Шлях до здорового життя» [6]. Характерною особливістю фітнес програми «Шлях до здорового життя» було те, що вона базувалася на використанні фізичних вправ сучасних фітнес-технологій, які можна використовувати в домашніх умовах та обмеженому просторі. ...
... Дана технологія заснована на оздоровчих видах гімнастики. Програма тренувань передбачає виконання вправ змішаного типу енергозабезпечення, які направленні на покращення координації рухів, вестибулярної стійкості, сили, витривалості та гнучкості у студентів [6,10]; ...
... Базова фітнес програма «Шлях до здорового життя» включає три змістових модуля: «Супер прес, стрункі ноги та досконалі сідниці»; «Сильне гнучке тіло»; «Сильні руки, пружні груди та міцна спина», які пов'язані між собою та доповнюють один одного [6]. Нами було доповнено та розширено зміст програми «Шлях до здорового життя», які включали впровадження двох нових змістових модулів: «Пріоритетний розвиток окремої рухової здібності» та «Комплексне тренування» з використанням методів варіативної вправи. ...
В статті проаналізовано зміст технологій фізичного самовдосконалення студентів, що успішно використовувались під час дистанційного навчання в період дії карантинних обмежень Covid-19. Авторами розроблена нова технологія «Шлях самостійного фізичного удосконалення», яка ґрунтується на перевагах фітнес-програми «Шлях до здорового життя». Нова технологія доповнена двома змістовими модулями та має значно більшу кількість фізичних вправ, які можна виконувати як в приміщенні, так і на свіжому повітрі, одноосібно або у складі групи. У дослідженні прийняли участь 476 студентів (229 жінок, 247 чоловіків) з чотирьох вищих навчальних закладів. Мета статті - дослідження ефективності фітнес технології «Шлях самостійного фізичного удосконалення» на розвиток рухових здібностей та функціональних показників стану здоров’я студентів під час дистанційного навчання. Методи дослідження включали: аналіз наукових та методичних джерел, опитування, педагогічний експеримент, педагогічне спостереження, метод експертної оцінки, методи дослідження показників функціонального та фізичного стану студентів, порівняльний аналіз, методи математичної статистики. Результати проведеного експерименту показали, що з шості досліджуваних показників функціонального стану студентів покращення відбулось у чотирьох показниках, інші залишились на попередньому рівні. З сьомі показників розвитку рухових здібностей покращення відбулось у трьох показниках, інші залишились на попередньому рівні. Висновки. Технологія «Шлях самостійного фізичного удосконалення» здійснює позитивний вплив на розвиток рухових здібностей та функціональних показників стану здоров’я студентів і може впроваджуватись під час дистанційного навчання.
... Specialists in physical culture and sports in Ukraine during the transition to distance learning tried to develop and implement various programs for the physical improvement of young people in the educational process. As a rule, the basis of these programs was various fitness programs that can be used at home during distance learning [6][7][8][9]. The implemented distance learning programs in physical education only partially solved the problems of compensating for the low motor activity of young people and contributed to the development of certain physical qualities. ...
... Conducting physical education classes is impossible without taking into account the individual characteristics of the students' bodies obtained with the help of medical and biological research methods [7,21]. The basis of physical education classes is exercises aimed at increasing the functional capabilities of the body, strengthening health and increasing the level of physical fitness of students [2,8,9,28]. Some researchers propose the methodology for developing physical education programs aimed at improving the functional capabilities of students bodies based on establishing their somatotype. ...
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Quarantine restrictions of COVID-19 and the transition to distance learning have significantly affected the ability of teachers to conduct physical education classes and develop functional and motor abilities of students. Establishing the state of physical health of students allows the teacher to systematize the received information and, based on it, make a choice of forms, methods and means of physical education. 889 students aged 17-19, who studied for the 1st year at Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy (697 women and 192 men) took part in the research. The goal is to conduct a comparative analysis of changes in physical health indicators of students after the end of the quarantine of СОVID-19. Methods: analysis of scientific and methodological sources; survey; pedagogical observation; methods of studying the functional state of students; comparative analysis; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: women showed the following changes: increase in body weight (BW) +4.09%; increase in chest girth (ChG) +5.2%; decreased vital capacity of the lungs (VC) -4.51%; deterioration of the life index (LI) -8.77%; deterioration of the index of the reserve and the efficiency of the cardiovascular system (IR) +5.81%; increase in the rate of recovery of the cardiovascular system after physical exertion (RI) +7.93%. Men showed: increase in body weight (BW) +3.71%; increase in chest girth (ChG) +3.22%; decreased vital capacity of the lungs (VC) -3.36%; deterioration of the life index (LI) -6.84%; deterioration of the index of the reserve and the efficiency of the cardiovascular system (IR) +6.88%; increase in the rate of recovery of the cardiovascular system after physical exertion (RI) +7.31%. Conclusions: the comprehensive comparative analysis of the average statistical indicators of young people's state of health showed anthropometric, functional and morphofunctional changes in students' state of health, which indicate the appearance of excess weight, the deterioration of indicators of the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and as a result – decrease in the energetic potential of working capacity of girls and boys.
... The appearance of the video replay system had a positive impact on the development of volleyball. It quickly became an integral part of modern matches of professional teams [30][31][32]. At the same time, its high cost limits its implementation in all European Championships, in particular, it is not used in the regular championship of the Czech Republic. ...
... використання сучасних фітнес технологій розвитку фізичних якостей спортсменів [6,21]; ...
В статті проаналізовані ігри кращих волейбольних команд Чемпіонату України у сезоні 2022-2023 років. Загальна кількість ігор (n=20). Надана експертна оцінка результатів втручання головного тренера в тактичні дії команди під час тайм-аутів (n=207); ефективності замін гравців (n=438); використання відео повторів (n=171). Мета – проаналізувати можливості головного тренера впливати на тактичні дії волейбольної команди під час змагань. Встановлено, що тренер професійної волейбольної команди корегує тактичні і технічні дії гравців під час змагань в залежності від ігрової ситуації та дій суперника. Він має право проводити заміни гравців, брати тайм аути та вимагати від суддів відео повтори спірних епізодів гри. Своїми діями головний тренер впливає на темп гри, емоційне та психологічне налаштування гравців. Він використовує штучно створені паузи в грі для надання тактичних настанов та порад щодо дій гравців у складних епізодах. Використання тайм-аутів у професійному волейболі є одними з найбільш ефективних засобів оперативного управління командою. Під час тайм аутів головний тренер корегує тактичні моделі дій гравців волейбольної команди. Найчастіше він акцентує увагу на зміні схеми взаємодії гравців, визначенні особливостей розташування волейболістів під час складних подач суперника; доведення до гравців особливостей організації дій у захисті та нападі. Встановлено, що у 63,3 % увага головного тренера волейбольної команди акцентується на організації дій у захисті, у 35,3 % на ефективному завершенні атакуючих дій. Заміни гравців найчастіше проводяться з метою зміни тактичної моделі гри команди і проводиться з метою: урізноманітнення тактичних дій команди; вирішення окремих ігрових епізодів на свою користь; отримання додаткових тактичних пауз у грі. Відео перегляд спірних епізодів гри проводяться з метою зміни рішення суддів. Встановлено, що позитивне рішення мають 29,82 % відео переглядів. Використання системи відео повторів позитивно впливає на об’єктивність прийняття суддівських рішень.
... An equally important task of the coach is the psychological and pedagogical skills to set up the players to achieve a high sports result, to form the motivation of each player and the team as a whole for each game, individual competition and the national championship [31,32]. Under the condition of organization and maintenance of a positive psychological atmosphere in the team, it is possible to solve the sports tasks facing the team [33]. ...
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У монографії представлено теоретичні та практичні аспекти підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до організації індивідуальної роботи з учнями. Конкретизовано та проаналізовано суспільно-історичні передумови професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до організації індивідуальної роботи з учнями; визначено соціальні та педагогічні тенденції підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до організації індивідуальної роботи з учнями; здійснено контент-аналіз зарубіжного досвіду професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до реалізації диференційованого та індивідуального підходів у процесі фізичного виховання учнів. Узагальнено нормативно-правове забезпечення професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до організації індивідуальної роботи з учнями. Охарактеризовано методологічні та концептуальні засади професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до організації індивідуальної роботи з учнями. За результатами дослідження визначено педагогічні резерви вдосконалення професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до організації індивідуальної роботи з учнями.
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The objective of the research was to test the effectiveness of the fitness program «WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE». Indicators of morphofunctional and physical condition of students during quarantine restrictions were studied. The total number of respondents was 926 students (474 girls and 452 boys) from four higher education institutions in Ukraine. To implement the fitness program, the authors developed a model of physical education of students for the period of distance learning. To obtain the necessary information, we used general scientific research methods, namely: analysis of scientific and methodological sources, pedagogical modeling, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation, research methods of functional and physical condition of students, expert evaluation method, mathematical statistics methods, SWOT analysis. Five tests characterizing morphofunctional indicators were selected by the method of expert assessment (Stange test; Genchi test; body mass index; Ruffier-Dickson’s index; Harvard step test) and seven tests that characterize the indicators of physical development of students (exercises for arm strength; exercise for dexterity, exercise for speed; exercise for the development of abs; exercise for endurance, standing long-jump, Burpie’s test). The experimental research showed that out of five tests that characterize the level of development of morphofunctional signs of the body’s activity, the girls had improvement in four and the boys in three indicators. Other morphofunctional indicators remained at the previous level. Of the seven tests that characterize the level of development of different physical qualities, significant positive changes were observed in the performance of four exercises in girls and two exercises in boys, maintenance of the level of physical development occurred in the performance of two exercises in girls and four exercises in boys. Only the performance of endurance exercises in girls and boys showed negative dynamics. The SWOT-analysis showed the effectiveness of using the fitness program «WAY TO A HEALTHY LIFE» during distance learning.
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Introduction The article presents the technology of using technical equipment to develop the accuracy of ballistic movements, spatial-dynamic sensitivity during ballthrows and rebounds, as well as speed and strength qualities to improve jumping movements, implementation of fast breakthroughs, strong and long passes in basketball. Methods The research involved 96 female students aged 17-23 years forming the experimental (EG, n = 54) and control (CG, n = 42) groups. The female students of EG played basketball in the conditions of group physical education training sessions using the exercise machines developed by us, and the female students of the CG were engaged in basketball playing according to the traditional program without the use of developed exercise machines and had an initial level of basketball technique. The EG was divided into EG1 (n = 37) and EG2 (n = 17) subgroups, which included female students having initial and high levels of basketball technique mastery, respectively. Female basketball players with an initial level of training (EG1 and СG) had experience of up to 3 years, athletes with a high level of training (EG2) - playing experience of more than 10 years. The technology of technical equipment application in basketball is built on the basis of the use of designed portable exercise machines to implement the tasks of motor and technical training of female basketball players of different levels of training. Results The results of the conducted experiment showed that the accuracy of throws from the average distance increased by 40.9% and 29.4% in the EG1 and EG2 female students, and it grew by 9.9% in the CG; from the long distance – by 61.5%, 37.0% and 31.3% respectively; the level of development of speed and strength qualities of female students of all groups improved i. e. the rate of growth in the results of the long jump made 9.7%, 3.2% and 6.5%, respectively; the rate of growth in the results of the high jump made 20.0%, 6.3% and 8.7%, respectively. Conclusion Experimental testing of the technology of using designed exercise machines for the development of motor skills of female basketball students confirmed its effectiveness in terms of improving the spatial and dynamic accuracy of movement, speed and strength, as well as game performance of basketball players at competitions of various levels.
Conference Paper
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С.75-90. ВІТЧИЗНЯНА ПРОФЕСІЙНО ОРІЄНТОВАНА МЕДІАОСВІТА У ГІРНИЧО-ВИДОБУВНИХ ГАЛУЗЯХ: ШЛЯХИ ПОСТУПУ Білецький Володимир Стефанович, доктор технічних наук, професор,НТУ «Харківський політехнічний інститут» ORCID: 0000–0003–2936–9680 Онкович Ганна Володимирівна, доктор педагогічних наук. професор,Київський медичний університет ORCID.iD 0000-0001-9493-9104 Торопчинова Катерина Леонідівна, Науковий співробітник ДНУ "Енциклопедичне видавництво" Останнім часом у різних навчальних закладах почали викладатися спецкурси з професійно орієнтованої медіаосвіти. Одним із перших став приватний вищий навальний заклад «Київський медичний університет», де цей курс викладається вітчизняним (українською мовою) й іноземним (англійською мовою) студентам .Досвід столичного вишу зацікавив медіадидактів в інших вишах України й не тільки. Зокрема, два спецкурси – для майбутніх медіапрацівників і правників – запропоновано студентам університеті Гурама Таварткіладзе (Тбілісі, Грузія). Як підсумок наших занурень у проблему, нами було запропоновано проблематику низки спецкурсів. Зокрема, опрацьовано і викладено в науковий обіг Тематичний план Спецкурсу «ПРОФЕСІЙНО ОРІЄНТОВАНА МЕДІАОСВІТА в нафтогазовій інженерії», який орієнтований на магістрів, аспірантів і докторантів , «Професійно орієнтована медіаосвіта» у розвитку фахової компетентності майбутніх працівників гірничої та нафтогазової галузей» , «Професійно орієнтована медіаосвіта у розвитку фахової компетентності майбутніх бакалаврів та магістрів інженерних спеціальностей в галузі автоматики» . У статтй йдеться про шляху поступу вітчизняної професійно орієнтованої медіаосвіти у гірничо видобувних галузях.
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Objective: The aim: Is to investigate the dynamics of the morphofunctional development and physical health of students who were engaged in strength sports while studying at university. Patients and methods: Materials and methods: The study involved 360 male students of different faculties between the ages of 17 and 20. Two groups of students were formed: experimental and control groups. The EG students (n=40) were engaged in strength sports (powerlifting, athletics, Crossfit); the CG students (n=320) were training according to the current program of physical education. The study of the morphofunctional development of students was carried out taking account of the indicators of body length, body weight, handgrip test, heart rate, blood pressure, and vital capacity. The level of students' health was examined according to the methodology of the assessment of the physical health level by G. L. Apanasenko. Results: Results: It was established that strength sports at university affect physical development, functional abilities of the major systems of an organism, and the health state of future doctors in a more efficient way than the current program of physical education. It was found that the influence on the indicators of handgrip test, vital capacity, and heart rate of the EG students was the most prominent positive effect of sports. The evaluation of the calculated indexes (power index, life index) and the level of physical health confirmed this trend. Conclusion: Conclusions: The conducted research asserts the necessity of introducing the sports-oriented form of the physical training organization at the medical higher education institutions of Ukraine to strengthen the students' health and to maintain the efficiency of the future doctors' professional activity.
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Abstract Purpose. The article focuses on the influence of recreational fitness exercises on the level of adult females’ physical qualities and morpho-functional state development. Methods. Overall, 32 women aged 30–45 years took part in the research, based on the authors’ program combining various types of fitness exercise. One-hour workouts were conducted 2 times per week at Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy for 9 months. The morpho-functional state of the participants was determined by measuring their height, weight, lung capacity, heart rate, arterial blood pressure, body parts circumferences, and skin folds. The level of physical qualities development was assessed with the following tests: sitting forward bend, running in place for 10 seconds, rope skipping for 30 seconds, bench push-ups for 30 seconds, sit-ups for 30 seconds, plank exercise, maintaining balance while standing on one leg. Results. A confirmed improvement of the morpho-functional state indicators and physical qualities development of the participants of the pedagogical experiment (p < 0.05) was established. The most significant effect referred to body mass decrease, enhancement of cardiorespiratory system functional capabilities, as well as improvement of power and coordination abilities. Conclusions. The implemented authors’ program, combining different types of fitness exercise, made the workouts flexible and varied, allowed to find an individual approach to each woman, and thus contributed to an increase of their physical condition by improving the morpho-functional state of the body and the level of physical health. Key words: fitness techniques, morpho-functional state, physical qualities, adult females
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The article examines the influence of physical education classes conducted on the basis of Polish and Ukrainian basic training programs on the level of physical fitness and physical development of pupils in secondary schools aged 9-10 years. The main features of the Polish and Ukrainian basic training programs are revealed, a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each program has been performed. The study involved 132 pupils of 4 forms of three schools in Khmelnytskyi (Ukraine), who were divided into control (CG) and experimental (EG) groups. CG pupils (n=67) were engaged in sports activities in accordance with the requirements of the Ukrainian basic training program in physical education, pupils of EG (n=65) – in accordance with the requirements of the Polish basic training program. The level of physical fitness of pupils was determined by the exercises that characterize different physical qualities and physical development – by the indices: power, speed, speed-power, endurance, agility. According to the results of the conducted researches it is established that indicators of physical development of EG and CG pupils have a steady tendency for improvement during the study period, which testifies to the effectiveness of both Polish and Ukrainian basic training programs in physical education. KEYWORDS Physical Education, Basic Training Programs, Physical Development, Pupils
If you’re serious about your sport, you’re serious about conditioning. Now, with one small device, you can apply the latest technology, science, and research to take the guesswork out of training, monitor progress, and see results. Heart RateTraining will show you how! From functions, features, and operational advice for your device to interpreting and applying the results, Heart RateTraining is a step-by-step guide to optimizing performance. You’ll learn how, when, and why monitors can, and should, be incorporated into your workouts, training, and conditioning program to produce maximum results. In Heart Rate Training, authors Roy Benson and Declan Connolly show you how to determine deficiencies in training and performance, create targeted programs to increase endurance, raise lactate threshold, increase speed and power, and monitor your recovery between workouts. And the sample programs allow you to manipulate the training components to design a long-term training plan across eight endurance sports: walking, running, cycling, swimming, triathlon, rowing, cross-country skiing, and team sports. When you’re ready to take training and performance to the next level, turn to Heart Rate Training and achieve your personal best.
Objective: The aim is to carry out a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the traditional system of physical education of students in higher pedagogical education establishments and authors'methodical system of fitness technologies application. Patients and methods: Materials and methods: Two hundred thirty two students of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University (n=232; 88 males and 144 females) aged from 18 to 20 years old took part in the research. Two experimental groups (EG, 47 males and 71 females) and two control groups (CG, 41 males and 73 females) were formed. Students were offered thefollowing modern types of fitness technologies: power fitness, aerobics, Pilates, swimming, yoga, tae-bo. Results: Results: The positive effect of the authors' methodical system of fitness technologies application in comparison with the traditional system of physical education has been achieved - according to all the criteria of the research, the indicators of EG students (both males and females) are significantly better than those of the students from CG. Conclusion: Сonclusions: It proves the necessity for the modern fitness technologies application in the educational process of physical education in higher education pedagogical establishments with the aim of improving the state of physical fitness, health of students and increasing their motivation for independent physical exercises and healthy lifestyles in the future.
Objective: Introduction: The level of health and physical fitness of the students of Ukrainian higher educational institutions has worsened in recent years. It conditions the search for effective solutions to this problem and determines the significance of the investigation. The aim: To investigate the level of physical development and functional state of the students of agricultural educational institutions during study. Patients and methods: Materials and methods: The investigation was conducted in Zhytomyr National Agroecological University in 2016-2018. Seventy three students (38 male and 35 female students) took part in the investigation. The level of physical development and functional state of students was defined according to the next tests: body length, body weight, wrist dynamometry, lung capacity, heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The level of students' physical health was examined according to the methodology by G. L. Apanasenko and determined the interrelation of the levels of physical health of the students of different genders during the investigation. Results: Results: It is determined that the majority of the students' investigated indicators are not improved during the first and the second years of study (p>0.05). The level of the students' physical health remained unchanged during study. Moreover, the health level of both male and female students is rated as low during all stages of the investigation. Conclusion: Сonclusions: The conducted analysis proves the necessity of the current physical education system improvement at Ukrainian higher educational institutions in order to improve the students' physical development and functional state, health and efficiency of the educational and future professional activity.