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As the reach of the internet expands to cover ever broader aspects of our economic and social welfare, cyber security is emerging as a major concern for researchers and practitioners, dealing as it does with privacy, confidentiality, user authentication, etc. E-learning systems epitomize computing systems and networks of the internet generation, since they involve multiple stakeholders, geographically distributed resources and data, and special requirements for confidentiality, authentication, and privacy. In this paper, we discuss the application of a cyber security metric to E-learning systems, in light of their standard architecture, their well-defined classes of stakeholders, and their specific security requirements. I. SECURITY ISSUES IN E-LEARNING : A LITTERATURE REVIEW E-learning concept is the use of technology to deliver information for training. This modern education is useful and interesting as it creates interactions between learners and instructors, or learners and learners regardless of time and space [2]. Also, it is an educational system where the instructor and the learner are at distance, collaborate and communicate using the technology. E-learning is the delivery of a learning, training or education program by electronic means as it involves the use of a computer or electronic device in some way to provide training, educational or learning material [3]. Nowadays, E-learning has become a popular way of learning for schools and businesses, it has increased exponentially in recent years [4]. The E-learning has gone through a spectacular development during the past years. In today's internet age, education requires the share and the distribution of information. We need a system or a platform, and then we call this an E-learning system or distance learning system or the E-learning platform which supports the online and / or the live and / or the blended learning processes. When they support only live learning process they can be an electronic support for course.
Quantifying Security Threats for E-learning Systems
Latifa Ben Arfa Rabai, Neila Rjaibi
Department of computer science
Tunis, Tunisia,
Anis Ben Aissa
Department of computer science
Tunis, Tunisia
Abstract—As the reach of the internet expands to cover ever
broader aspects of our economic and social welfare, cyber
security is emerging as a major concern for researchers and
practitioners, dealing as it does with privacy, confidentiality, user
authentication, etc. E-learning systems epitomize computing
systems and networks of the internet generation, since they
involve multiple stakeholders, geographically distributed
resources and data, and special requirements for confidentiality,
authentication, and privacy. In this paper, we discuss the
application of a cyber security metric to E-learning systems, in
light of their standard architecture, their well-defined classes of
stakeholders, and their specific security requirements.
Keywords- Risk management; information security; e-
learning; threats analysis; mean failure cost; quantification.
E-learning concept is the use of technology to deliver
information for training. This modern education is useful and
interesting as it creates interactions between learners and
instructors, or learners and learners regardless of time and
space [2]. Also, it is an educational system where the instructor
and the learner are at distance, collaborate and communicate
using the technology. E-learning is the delivery of a learning,
training or education program by electronic means as it
involves the use of a computer or electronic device in some
way to provide training, educational or learning material [3].
Nowadays, E-learning has become a popular way of learning
for schools and businesses, it has increased exponentially in
recent years [4].
The E-learning has gone through a spectacular development
during the past years. In today's internet age, education requires
the share and the distribution of information. We need a system
or a platform, and then we call this an E-learning system or
distance learning system or the E-learning platform which
supports the online and / or the live and / or the blended
learning processes. When they support only live learning
process they can be an electronic support for course.
A variety of E-learning systems are widespread, the number
of commercial E-learning is more than 250 sources and 45 of
them are Open Source Software (OSS) [5].These standard
systems support either a partially or completely the on line
education. We cite WebCT (1997) [6], Ilias (1997), Blackboard
(1997) [7], Claroline (2000), Moodle (2002) [5, 8] and SAKAI
(2004) as the most used E-learning systems [5, 6, 9 and 10].
Moodle is popular and recommended among the variety of
open source free product of the market, the teacher can produce
high quality on-line courses and he/she is well assisted by its
rich documentation and support.
E-learning system is complex as it guarantees the
satisfaction of the learner and the good image of the learning
process. Fundamental assessment dimensions are discussed,
they form the content, the human resources and the learning
platform which covers network equipments and security. Other
external dimensions cover financial, culture, policy and
standards. This aspect is essential to make E-learning system
successful. By the openness, the heterogeneity and the
widespread of an E-learning system, dangerous threats increase
and security issues become an important challenge to guarantee
a safe environment. It is of our interest to focus on the security
of E-learning platform in order to study its integrity,
confidentiality and availability. In consequence having a stable
platform without technical problems leads to have a learning
process with higher quality [11, 22], an important increase in
adequate cash, profitability and commercial image.
E-learning systems are large, dynamic with a variety of
users and resources. The top three types of security attacks
according to a security survey are: insider abuses of network
access, viruses and laptop/mobile device theft [12]. The focus
reclines on vulnerabilities and risks specific to e-learning, all
the components of E-learning system such as web services,
server computer systems, client computer systems, database
systems can be threatened. Possible vulnerabilities that may
affect the security of the online teaching learning system are
summarized as follows [13]:
DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service): the attacker
tries to lock the server using a high-speed connection,
it jams the network card, or blocks the legit traffic.
Search-SPAM: similar to the DDOS attack, a
hacker may submit a lot of “dummy” searches
using our internal search engine, using two or three
letter words with high frequency (such as
“of”,”for”,”and”,”in” etc) The result pages being a
lot, these searches consume the most CPU time, both
by Apache web service, PHP page generator and the
MySQL database server .
Key loggers may be installed by students who can steal
teachers’ passwords and modify their own grades.
978-1-4673-2225-6/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE
2012 International Conference on Education and e-Learning Innovations
Mohd Alwi et al.[14] present issues related to the security
of E-learning environment which are legal and ethical issues,
piracy and the accessibility, security with the learning
platforms and technologies, authentication of students and
copyright and ownership of institution material
Organizations are exponentially threatened; security is a
current issue for them. Some statistics show that organizations
are currently investing on security resources. Through 2005,
the total global revenue for security products and service
vendors amounted to $21.1 billion, from 1999 to 2000, the
number of organizations spending more than $1 million
annually on security nearly doubled, it represents 12% of all
organizations in 1999 to 23% in 2000 [15]. Organizations are
obliged to put emphasis on security risk management in order
to measure and assess security risk and provide a good plan for
risk mitigation.
One very important question that may be asked in security
management is: why should we quantify security threats? It is
clear that by quantifying variables, meaningful indication about
risk assessment and good business decision makers are
provided. Furthermore Mohd Alwi et al. [16] also suggest that
security information management is useful in increasing
competition, adequate cash, profitability and commercial
image. Results of analysis security threats may also be useful in
a practical plan to provide us pertinent information in order to
implement a secure environment.
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we review
related research on security risk management approaches in
order to give a proper context to our work. In section 3, we
present the metric for cyber security. In sections 4 and 5 we
discuss how this metric can be specialized to E-learning
systems in light of specific attributes of such systems, such as:
their standard architecture, their standard deployment over the
internet infrastructure, their typical stakeholders, and their
specific security requirements. Finally, in section 6 we
conclude by summarizing our results, highlighting strength of
the cyber security measure and sketching directions of further
E-learning shares similar characteristics with other e-
services according to Mohd Alwi et al. [16], there are three
main characteristics which are: the accessibility of service via
internet, the consumption of service by a person via internet
and the payment of a service by the consumer. Therefore,
management security approaches to quantify security threats in
E-learning are common with other e-services. However, some
particularities are noted according to Nickolova et al. [17], we
found in E-learning system:
A variety of users, multiple applications and
information to download and upload.
An important communication between the computer
users and E-learning portal
A dynamic nature of the E-learning system
A complex architecture.
In the first step it is necessary to define the terms ‘risk’ and
‘threat’ in order to emphasize on their different features.
According to Bruce Schneier [18] a threat is defined as: “a
potential way an attacker can attack a system”. Commonly
known, threats for computers are viruses, network penetrations,
theft and unauthorized modification of data, eavesdropping,
and non-availability of servers. A threat is also defined as a
category of object, person or other entities that present a danger
like spam, Trojan horse and fishing [19, 20].
A risk is the product of the probability that a particular
threat will occur and the expected loss. According to Bruce
Schneier [18], when we talk about risk, it is the likelihood of
the threat and the seriousness of its successful attack. For
example a threat is more serious because it is more likely to
occur. The risk of security threat as a quantitative measure is a
suitable input to decision making [21]. Therefore, the purpose
of considering risk as a financial measure leads to making
decision from business perspective. For example, the return on
security investment: ROI measure [22, 23] and the mean failure
cost (MFC) measure presented in [22, 24].
It is of our need to adopt a security risk management
process to determine the worthiest attack and the ignored one,
it is one way to focus on the serious attacks, to better manage
the budget and find the best way to use it [18, 21]. In a
quantitative security risk management there are two input
variables that needed to be fixed but they are difficult in the
priori phase: the probability that a threat may occur and the loss
suffered from a successful attack [22].
E-learning security management is a hot topic which
coincides with the development and the use of E-learning by
schools and businesses throughout the world. Much research
has been conducted in this perspective but we noted a lack in
quantitative approaches. Recently, the strength of Mohd Alwi
et al. model resides in presenting a full recent qualitative model
depending on vulnerabilities categories, threats, the 22 system
applications, whereas the second which is Nickolova et al.
qualitative model only depends on threats [17, 16].
In [1], Ben Aissa et al. introduce the concept of Mean
Failure cost as a measure of dependability in general, and a
measure of cyber security in particular. To compute the values
of the mean failure cost for each stakeholder, we need to fill 3
matrixes and a vector as follow:
A. Stakes Matrix (ST)
We consider a system S and we let H1, H2, H3,…Hk, be
stakeholders of the system, i.e. parties that have a stake in its
operation. We let R1, R2, R3,…Rn, be security requirements
that we wish to impose on the system, and we let STi,j, for
1ik and 1jn be the stake that stakeholder Hi has in
meeting security requirement Rj.
B. Dependency Matrix (DP)
We consider the architecture of system S, and let C1, C2,
C3,…Ch, be the components of system S. Whether a particular
security requirement is met or not may conceivably depend on
which component of the system architecture is operational. If
we assume that no more than one component of the
architecture may fail at any time, and define the following
Ei, 1ih, is the event: the operation of component Ci
is affected due to a security breakdown.
Em+1: No component is affected.
Given a set of complementary events E1, E2, E3,… Eh, Eh+1,
we know that the probability of an event F can be written in
terms of conditional probabilities as:
() ( | ) ( ).
We instantiate this formula with F being the event: the
system fails with respect to some security requirement. To this
effect, we let Fj denote the event that the system fails with
respect to requirement Rj and we write (given that the
probability of failure with respect to Rj is denoted by PRj:
(|) ().
C. Impact Matrix (IM)
Components of the architecture may fails to operate
properly as a result of security breakdowns brought about by
malicious activity. In order to continue the analysis, we must
specify the catalog of threats that we are dealing with, in the
same way that analysts of a system’s reliability define a fault
model. To this effect, we catalog the set of security threats that
we are facing, and we let T1, T2, T3, … Tp, represent the
event that a cataloged threat has materialized, and we let Tp+1,
be the event that no threat has materialized. Also, we let PT
be the vector of size p+1 such that:
PTq, for 1qp, is the probability that threat Tq has
materialized during a unitary period of operation (say,
1 hour).
PTp+1 is the probability that no threat has materialized
during a unitary period of operation time.
We introduce the Impact (IM) matrix, which has h + 1
rows and p + 1 columns, and where the entry at row k
and column q is the probability that component Ck fails
given that threat q has materialized (or, for q = p + 1,
that no threat has materialized),
We introduce vector PT of size p + 1, such that PTq is
the probability of event Tq, then we can write :
Matrix IM can be derived by analyzing which threats affect
which components, and assessing the likelihood of success of
each threat, in light of perpetrator behavior and possible
counter-measures. Vector PT can be derived from known
perpetrator behavior, perpetrator models, known system
vulnerabilities, etc. We refer to this vector as the Threat
Configuration Vector or simply as the Threat Vector.
D. Summary of MFC formula
Given the stakes matrix ST, the dependency matrix DP, the
impact matrix IM and the threat vector PT, we can derive the
vector of mean failure costs (one entry per stakeholder) by the
following formula: MFC = ST DP IM PT (5)
Where matrix ST is derived collectively by the
stakeholders, matrix DP is derived by the systems architect,
matrix IM is derived by the security analyst from architectural
information, and vector PT is derived by the security analyst
from perpetrator models.
A. List of stakeholders
E-learning system as a popular online learning environment
adapts a variety of stakeholders. The list of the needed actors
includes the system administrator, the teacher, the student and
the technician [10, 11, 25 and 26].
B. E learning system architecture
The Online environment involves several dimensions in
their architecture in order to support the various needs of
stakeholders. The architecture is the integration of several
technological components. According to [10] they are not a
unique architecture for E-learning system. Consequently, there
is no independent architecture, but we recognize for MOODLE
and WebCT the two popular and well known E-learning
systems that actors are common like teacher, student,
knowledge manager and administrator. Also, architectural
components are common like browser, database server and
web server.
Based on the architecture diagram presented by Selvi et al.
[27], we recognize six architectural components which are:
The browser as the client user interface [27],
The Web server which hosts the Content Management
System (CMS) Applications for managing students and
their academic and financial situations [25, 27],
The application server which incorporates the E-
learning platform; the request sent by the web server is
forwarded to the application server; therefore the
database concentrates on the storage, retrieval and
analysis of data. It hosts online courses and is
considered as the web server application programming
interface which forms a standard web browser related
to the organization [25, 27].
The database server: is the core database and some
extension tables of the E-learning system [27],
The firewall server secures internet input and output
traffic and filters high-risk codes, such as viruses [25],
The mail server covers email application and user’s
mail boxes [25].
C. List of requirements
E-learning systems share similar security requirements with
other e-services related to the accessibility of service via
internet, the consumption of service by a person via internet
and the payment of a service by the consumer [16, 17]. The
basic security requirements are classified into six aspects [28]:
Authentication: is required to identify the application
user of the platform and to give him the right to access
to the application with his own account [25].
Confidentiality: is required to ensure that data and
resources available on the platform are accessible only
by those with right of access [5].
Integrity: is required to ensure that the information like
data and resources are available on the platform and
can be modified only by authorized entities [28].
Availability: is a very important subject, it is required
to ensure that the web application is always available
and operational when the user needs it [5, 28].
Non-repudiation: is needed to ensure that no party in
an operation can deny participating in the operation.
We can also define the mechanism of non-repudiation
as the mechanism that ensures that the sender of the
message can’t deny having sent the message in the
future [28].
Privacy: is necessary to ensure non-
disclosure of information [28].
D. List of threats
E-Learning systems allow multiple users or applications to
download, upload and exchange distributed information.
Communication issues between end-users’ computers and E-
learning site in these systems are very important, as the systems
are defined by widely dispersed elements in terms of network
topology and physical geography. Additionally, the systems
often allow many-to-many communication which provides
powerful capabilities and allows many systems nodes to have
the same communication at any given time. As noted in [16] a
system can be attacked by a lot of threats that we can
summarize the most important as follows:
Viruses (VS),
Denial of service (DoS),
Acts of human error or failure like accidents (AH),
Unauthorized access and/or data collection (DST),
Deliberate acts of sabotage or vandalism (destruction
of information or system) (DSV),
Deliberate acts of theft (illegal confiscation of
equipment or information) (TH),
Compromises to intellectual property (piracy,
copyright, infringement) (CIP),
Quality of Service deviations (QoS),
Blackmail for information disclosure (BID).
A. The stakes matrix (ST)
Each row of the matrix presented in Table I below is filled
by relevant stakeholders who have internal or external usage
for the platform, each cell expressed in dollars monetary terms
and it represents loss incurred and/or premium placed on
requirement. To fill ST Matrix we did a survey for EVT.
ST (Hi, Rj): Is the stake that stakeholders Hi has in meeting
requirement Rj.
B. The dependency matrix (DP)
Each row of the matrix presented in Table II below is filled
by system architects; each cell represents probability of failure
with respect to a requirement given that a component has
failed. DP (Rj, Ck): is the probability that the system fails to
meet requirement Rj if component Ck is compromise. To fill
this matrix we have used the values from [29].
ST Matrix Security Requirements
Stakeholders Confidentiality Integrity Availability Non-repudiation Authentication Privacy
Administrator 40 30 60 10 10 50
Teacher 20 20 60 20 30 40
Student 0 5 5 0 5 0
Technician 10 7 15 5 5 15
C. The impact matrix (IM)
Each row of the matrix presented in Table III is filled by
V&V Team; each cell represents probability of compromising
a component given that a threat has materialized, it depends on
the target of each threat, and likelihood of success of the threat.
To fill this matrix we have used the values from [29]. IM (Ck,
Th): is the probability that Component Ck is compromised if
Threat Th has materialized.
D. The threat vector (PT)
Each row of the vector presented in Table IV is filled by
security team; each cell represents probability of realization of
each threat, it depends on perpetrator models, empirical data,
known vulnerabilities, known counter-measures. PT (Ti): The
probability that threat Ti materialized for a unit of operation
time (one hour of operation). Using this data, we can now
compute the vector of MFC.
Table V. presents the MFC for each stakeholder, therefore
the system administrator stand to lose 0.785 $/ hour if the
system is threatened, also the teacher lose about 0.743 $/ hours.
For student and technician it can appear insignificant but for a
failure to long-term they are significant.
As distributed systems, E-learning systems epitomize the
security concerns that such systems raise, including: Privacy of
student and teacher personal records, Confidentiality
(protection from exposure) and integrity (protection from
alteration) of student performance records and transcripts,
authentication and access rights to course materials, grade
records, etc. These systems present a relatively uniform
architecture, and a common set of stakeholders as such these
systems are prime candidates for the MFC as a measure of
cyber security, which offers the following attributes:
DP Matrix Components
Requirements Browser Web server Application server DB
Firewall server Mail server No failure
Confidentiality 0.2 0.333 0.333 0.5 1.0 0.333 0.0
Integrity 0.2 0.333 0.333 0.0 1.0 0.333 0.0
Availability 1 0.333 0.333 0.0 1.0 0.333 0.0
Non-repudiation 0.2 0.333 0.333 0.0 1.0 0.333 0.0
Authentication 0.2 0.333 0.333 0.5 1.0 0.333 0.0
Privacy 0.2 0.333 0.333 0.5 1.0 0.333 0.0
IM Matrix Threats
Components VS DoS AH DST DSV TH CIP QOS DIE No Threats
Browser 0.004 0.005 0.100 0 0 0.300 0 0.200 0.200 0
Web Server 0.004 0.001 0 0 0 0 0.001 0.500 0 0
Application server 0.054 0.010 0.030 0.200 0.200 0.300 0.001 0.400 0 0
Database server 0.054 0.010 0.030 0.200 0.200 0.300 0.030 0.400 0 0
Firewall server 0.010 0.050 0.010 0 0 0.01 0 0.010 0 0
Mail server 0.054 0.010 0.030 0.200 0.200 0.300 0 0.400 0.400 0
No Failure 0.600 0.700 0.500 0.600 0.500 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.700 1
Stakeholders Mean Failure Cost $ /hour
System administrator 0.785
Teacher 0.743
Student 0.056
Technician 0.223
Threats Probability/hour
VS 5.04 10-3
DoS 3.08 10-3
AH 0.1 10-3
DST 0.42 10-3
DSV 2.31 10-3
TH 2.5 10-3
CIP 0.7 10-3
QOS 2.5 10-3
BID 1.4 10-3
No Threats 0,9819
MFC varies by stakeholders: The mean failure cost is
not a characteristic of the system but rather depends on
the system and the stakeholder/ user of the system.
MFC varies by stakes: the same stakeholder may have
different stakes in meeting different security
MFC is cognizant of the system architecture: The
mean failure cost is calculated by estimating the
probability of failure of each component of the system,
and the probability that failure of each component may
affect each security requirement.
MFC is cognizant of the threat configuration: The
mean failure cost is calculated by cataloging the list of
threats that the system is vulnerable to, the probability
that each one of these threats may materialize within a
unitary operation time, and the probability that each
threat, if it materializes, will affect each component of
the architecture.
MFC is quantified in economic terms: The mean
failure cost is computed as a monetary value per unit of
operational time, and measure the amount of risk that
each stakeholder is incurring as a result of security
threats and system vulnerabilities. As such, it provides
adequate support for quantitative decision-making.
We envision to broaden the application of MFC to the
analysis of the security attributes of E-learning systems, by
refining the catalog of threats, collecting empirical information
that help us better estimate the matrices that are needed to
compute MFC, and explore more opportunities for security
related decision-making using MFC.
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... In General, e-university has to solve issues related to student authentication, unfair task performance, plagiarism, as well as the protection of the copyrighted material, placed on the web. So both the integrity of eresources and smooth functioning of the educational computer systems must be protected [2]. ...
... During verification, a student's submitted password is hashed and compared to the hash value retrieved from the database, the system then 'authenticates' the student if the student is legitimate. With this form of authentication, e-learning application platforms encounter several challenges: (1) each sub-application needs to implement its own authenticate process against its student log file (2) there are also drawbacks from a usability standpoint, as the number of e-learning platforms grows. Because there are multiple passwords for multiple systems, due to long-term memory limitations it becomes a problem to remember all the passwords for these systems, as a result students have the habit of writing 2 down passwords and sharing their password with others during unexpected situations. ...
... For instance, it is essential for complex or ultra large systems to guarantee safety, quality and good image which could be made possible with the MFC model as a relevant and suitable device for quantitative decision-making. The MFC is a measure of cyber security suitable for eservices, complex and ultra large systems such a seLearning, e-Goverenment, it considers variations by stakeholders, security requirements, architectural components, and threats [9,10] to derive 3 matrices and a vector. The result will be a vector of the Mean failure cost per stakeholder. ...
... The loss of operation ($/H) for each stakeholder is computed. This quantitative model is a cascade of linear models to quantify security threats in term of loss that results from system vulnerabilities as [9]: ...
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The Mean failure Cost (MFC) is a cascade of linear models that quantify security threats by taking into consideration the system’s stakeholders, security requirements, architectural components and threats. This quantitative cyber security model monetizes system’s security in terms of cost which may be lost due to security failure. The lack of quantitative security models in security decision making is a way to discover strengths and uniqueness of the MFC cyber security model. This paper intends to extend this measure into a security risk management model for ultra large systems and to exploit the previously presented MFC model’s characteristics in security decision making relying on a rigorous and quantifiable analysis of financial returns. In fact, we intend to provide a possible solution to security problems using the MFC model in order to set the highest security priorities and choose the suitable countermeasures as well as computing the profitability of the proposed security countermeasures through the Return on Investment (ROI) based on the MFC’s values for each stakeholder. This will lead to monitoring the effectiveness of the proposed security countermeasures, ensuring the best solution choice by saving both time and money and providing a security decision maker with adequate justification to perform his security choice. The practical investigation is to be conducted thought the context of e-learning platforms.
... In general, e-universities must address concerns such as student authentication, unequal task performance, plagiarism, and the protection of copyrighted content on the Internet. As a result, both the integrity of resources and the proper operation of educational computer systems must be safeguarded (Haque, Faizanuddin and Singh, 2012) (Rabai, Rjaibi and Aissa, 2012). ...
E-Learning Education systems are gaining attention day-to-day because of their inclusive pertinence in the distance education system. Due to COVID-19, the online learning education system has become very popular. Most probably, all education systems have been using the IoT-based E-Learning system to continue the students’ education without hindrance during the COVID lockdown. Several E-Learning IoT schemes are explored that reflect privacy and security, but still, there is no detailed scheme; hence, it needs a sustainable, secure E-Learning IoT system. The characteristics and prospects of the Internet of Things are discussed in this article. By analyzing the various functions and capabilities of the Internet of Things, this article aims to provide an overview of the various advantages and challenges of using the platform for e-learning. This paper proposed the E-Learning IoT architecture with Blockchain technology, with layers of different IoT and Blockchain concepts to secure the online education system. Also, the block diagram of the proposed architecture demonstrates how students can securely access or interact with the online learning system through Blockchain technology. By implementing the proposed e-learning IoT architecture, universities and colleges can improve their distance learning programs and increase efficiency without affecting their academic activities. Finally, the study found that e-learning positively impacts students' learning experience and overall quality of education. It also exhibited a significant positive impact on their flexibility and academic productivity.
... 1. We define a set of primary stakeholders that are administrator, teacher, student and technician which are applicable to any e-learning product/technology [17]. 2. We define all security requirements for any software technology; these have been defined in such a way to encompass all product security requirements. ...
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A new predictive functional level security risk management model is proposed in order to quantify the security level perception and the level of risk involved. It helps in defining the assets, measuring economically the risk, managing the risk toward decisions making. It is out of implementation and based on a functional level architecture. The paper defines a simple predictive model, it relies on a few number of inputs which form the system’s security specifications and provides one output which is the average loss per unit of time ($/H) incurred by a stakeholder as a result of security threats. The obtained values represent how stakeholders perceived economically security risks and predict how it will change over time to implement in advance the needed security strategies. Our model is useful in any security context. We report it in practice originally to the level of e-Learning systems for current architectures because they lack a common measurable value and evidence of cyber security. Our model assists security experts from the early phases of system’s development to implement future safe and secure platforms.
... Such issues make participants doubt the confidentiality and data protection measures proposed by their affiliated institutions or learning content providers. Research evidence can be found in the study of [50]. ...
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Student monitoring, the most common practice in Learning Analytics (LA), has become easier and more efficient thanks to the use of tracking approach that consists of collecting data of users and of their interactions throughout learning platforms. While LA gives considerable assistance to the tutors in the tasks of monitoring online learning, it also creates major drawbacks for the learners. For instance, tracking approach in LA raises many privacy questions. As for the learners, knowing that their personal data are being used, even for educational purposes, they could radically change their perception on e-learning technologies. Not to mention that these concerns would have a strong impact, sometimes very negatively, on not only their behaviors but also their learning outcomes. To better understand the side effect of LA, more particularly the privacy issues in e-learning, the research effort presented in this paper covers two main aspects. First, it outlines various tracking approaches in e-learning. Second, it analyzes how the learners perceive the use of their personal data and the related privacy issues. To do so, an experiment has been carried out with the participation of students from three different universities in France and one university in Germany. The major contribution of this paper is the awareness-raising of privacy concerns in exploiting tracking data in e-learning, which are often overlooked by researchers and learning content providers.
... In addition, the software itself may have loopholes and a large number of malicious attacks happen, all these above greatly increase the possibility of service interruption. How to protect the high availability of software services and user application and how to provide convenience security management to the thin-client user have become one of the biggest challenges of cloud security [2]. Ensure the safety and privacy of user data: user data stored in the cloud system, for malicious attacks, the primary purpose is to get user privacy, and then to obtain economic benefits. ...
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Cloud computing is facing more and more challenges as it is spreading around the world. Additions of new devices are more threatening for the users of the cloud. Data security is the biggest challenges as it can be compromised or misused by cloud service provider, hackers, or over the network. The major problems are related with authentication, authorization and man in the middle attacks. To cater with high security of data, this work proposes to use a security key mechanism to be provided by authentication server created on the cloud or elsewhere. The users of the cloud will require proper authentication, authorization and security key to use the data from the provider services. This work proposes to apply high security of the data with high performance and provides an online implementation of the same.
... Such issues make students doubt the confidentiality and data protection measures proposed by their affiliated institutions or learning content providers. Research evidence can be found in the study of (Ben Arfa Rabai et al., 2012). ...
... The related systems' stakeholders enter the data of the stake matrix with respect to security requirements; they specified a premium on each relevant clause ( Rabai et al., 2012) as presented in Table 2. Each row in this matrix is filled by relevant stakeholders who have internal or external usage for the platform, each cell expressed in monetary terms and represents the loss incurred and/or premium placed on requirement. ...
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This chapter presents a quantitative security risk management cybersecurity measure namely the Mean Failure Cost (MFC). We illustrate it to quantify the security of an e-Learning application while taking account of its respective stakeholders, security requirements, architectural components and the complete list of security threats. Moreover, in the mean time, security requirements are considered as appropriate mechanisms for preventing, detecting and recovering security attacks, for this reason an extension of the MFC measure is presented in order to detect the most critical security requirements to support the quantitative decision-making. Our focus is widespread to offer a diagnostic of the non secure system's problems and a depth insight interpretation about critical requirements, critical threats and critical components. This extension is beneficial and opens a wide range of possibilities for further economics based analysis. Also this chapter highlights the security measures for controlling e-Learning security problems regarding the most critical security requirements.
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In earlier works, we present the quantification of security threats of e-learning systems using an economic measure abridged by MFC (Mean Failure Cost). It allows an analyst to estimate the security of a system in terms of the loss that each stakeholder stands to sustain as a result of security breakdowns. This paper provides an understanding of the security problems and risks related to e-learning systems. Then to control the MFC matrix, in particular its first matrix (the stake matrix) and to reduce its values we propose a classification of security problems versus the security requirements taxonomy of the MFC cybersecurity model. The strength of the paper is in designing and deploying security measures and solutions to requirements.
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Security is an important issue in the actual educational context where e-learning increases in popularity and more and more people are taking online courses. There are many important elements that must be taken into account: authentication, access control, data integrity, content protection, etc. Information security can be obtained using methods such as cryptography and network protocols. In this paper we will highlight some key security issues that must be taken into consideration in developing and using an e-learning platform. We will also examine some security aspects of one of the most popular open-source e-learning systems: Moodle.
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In [2], Boehm et al. discuss the nature of information system dependability and highlight the variability of system dependability according to stakeholders; the dependency patterns of this model are analyzed in [5]. In [1] we present a stakeholder dependent quantitative security model, in which we quantify security for a given stakeholder by the mean of the loss incurred by the stakeholder as a result of security threats; we show how this mean can be derived from the security threat configuration (represented as a vector of probabilities that reflect the likelihood of occurrence of the various security threats). We refer to our security metric as MFC, for Mean Failure Cost. In this extended abstract, we analyze Boehm's model from the standpoint of the proposed metric, and show whether/ to what extent/ and how our metric addresses the issues raised by Boehm's Stakeholder / Value definition of system dependability [2].
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Using the Internet to enhance e-learning has become a trend in modern higher education institutes. E-learning systems are increasingly becoming an important part of the strategy for delivering online and flexible e-learning. The main advantage of e-learning is the opportunity for students to interact electronically with each other and their teachers during forums, on discussion boards, by e-mail and in chat rooms. Though recognizing that the world at large will continue to use terminology in different and often ambiguous ways, the term of Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) is used to refer to the on-line interactions of a variety of kinds that take place between learners and instructors. There are many pieces of software available that provide VLE systems, both commercial and Open Source Software (OSS). One such system that has been gradually gaining worldwide popularity is known as Moodle. This paper focuses on this platform and on a comparison between VLE (Moodle) and other VLE systems in order to discover their strengths and limitations. The comparative study is in two phases. The first phase is based on the features and capabilities of VLE tools and the second phase is based on the technical aspects of the VLE platforms.
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The paper presents a part of the results of the research performed in 2007 and 2008 concerning the modern way of learning and development of professional abilities by using an e-Learning platform especially conceived for this purpose at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. At present, the e-Learning platform is operational and online at: , and is unique in the agronomic field in Romania. The platform, which is the object of the research, has already few hundreds of users, most of them students in three universities with many faculties, a few courses and three forms of learning: daily, reduced frequency and distance learning. The present paper makes the synthesis of the one-year experience regarding a few variables to be analyzed: the efficiency of the e-Learning system compared to the classic learning system; the effect of the diversification strategy for the e-Learning platform modules on universities, faculties, courses and forms of learning; the degree of student's involvement dependant on the domain of study, faculties and universities. The work refers also to three components of the security of the e-Learning system: vulnerabilities; classification of attacks; new methods of prevention of the attacks and diminishing the vulnerabilities of the e-Leering System. Finally, the work proposes quantifiable indicators for measuring the security degree of the e-Learning system and makes appreciations about foreseen trends in this field.
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In an earlier series of works, Boehm et al. discuss the nature of information system dependability and highlight the variability of system dependability according to stakeholders. In a recent paper, the dependency patterns of this model are analyzed. In our recent works, we presented a stakeholder dependent quantitative security model, where we quantify security for a given stakeholder by the mean of the loss incurred by the stakeholder as a result of security threats. We show how this mean can be derived from the security threat configuration (represented as a vector of probabilities that reflect the likelihood of occurrence of the various security threats). We refer to our security metric as MFC, for Mean Failure Cost. In this paper, we analyze Boehm’s model from the standpoint of the proposed metric, and show whether, to what extent, and how our metric addresses the issues raised by Boehm’s Stakeholder/Value definition of system dependability.
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As a measure of system reliability, the mean time to failure falls short on many fronts: it ignores the variance in stakes among stakeholders; it fails to recognize the structure of complex specifications as the aggregate of overlapping requirements; it fails to recognize that different components of the specification carry different stakes, even for the same stakeholder; it fails to recognize that V and V actions have different impacts with respect to the different components of the specification. Similar metrics of security, such as MTTD (mean time to detection) and MTTE (mean time to exploitation) suffer from the same shortcomings. In this paper we advocate a measure of dependability that acknowledges the aggregate structure of complex system specifications, and takes into account variations by stakeholder, by specification components, and by V and V impact.
E-learning provides the opportunity to student to interact electronically with each other as well as with their teachers. This interaction can be via e-mail or on discussion board or in chat rooms. Though recognizing that the world at large will persist to use language and terminology in different ways, so the term of virtual learning environments (VLE) is used to refer to the on-line interactions of a variety of kinds that take place between students and teachers. There are many software systems available that provide VLE systems. This software is in both forms, commercial and open source software (OSS). Moodle is the one of them systems that has been increasingly gaining worldwide popularity in e-learning system. LMS Moodle has much vulnerability like authentication, availability, confidentiality and integrity attacks. So, it is necessary to develop a mechanism that defends these security flaws of LMS Moodle. We present most common security flaws and suggest optimal security settings of Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) LMS and the server itself. Specifically, we will focus on authentication attack from above mentioned flaws. We further classify design and session attack. Design attack on moodle can be broadly categorized as password prediction and user name prediction. Session attack on moodle is session hijacking. Moodle is an open source software e-learning platform that provides educators tools to create a course web site. Through the last few years, LMS Moodle imposed itself as the best solution, and is becoming one of the most common used systems. The open source learning management, LMS Moodle has been adopted by many people and organizations around the world because it offers a tightly integrated set of tools said to be designed from a social constructive perspective. Moodle has been developed under the general public license and many of its components were developed without a specific design documentation including its security services. Object oriented model of Moodle using an analysis of its security services as well as solutions to its security vulnerabilities.
Conference Paper
Over the last few years, information and communication technologies have been increasingly used in higher education. Likewise, virtual learning environments are largely replacing traditional teaching methods. Implementing complex e-learning systems requires both creating a reliable hardware infrastructure and using high-performance software platforms. This paper presents a few solutions for optimizing these two components, taking into account the changes occurring throughout the use of an e-learning platform, such as: increase in the number of users, web content, data trafficking, exceeding servers' load degree, as well as hardware equipment. At the same time, it presents a few measures for ensuring the security of the information system within which this platform is operated.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate and define the information security threats within an e-learning environment. A threat analysis has been conducted for each application in the managed learning environment (MLE) system used in the case of e-learning. Furthermore, the threats analysis was conducted according to the approach adapted by Microsoft. The findings of this study are a list of information security threats on a per-application basis used in e-learning, and a matrix of threats' risks for e-learning. This study focuses on vulnerabilities in relation to the application system and does not cover the vulnerabilities in terms of host and network in e-learning. Thus, this study reveals the information security threats specifically for applications in e-learning environment. The practical implication of the results of the threats analysis can be used as guide for e-learning providers in terms of implementing e-learning security strategy. The results can also act as a guide for e-learning users with the purpose of increasing their awareness with regard to the potential threats within the e-learning environment. This paper is innovative in the area of information security research, as it highlights details of information security threats in the case of e-learning.