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Vulnerability and adaptability of wheat production in different climatic zones of Pakistan under climate change scenarios


Abstract and Figures

Ten wheat production sites of Pakistan were categorized into four climatic zones i.e. arid, semi-arid, sub-humid and humid to explore the vulnerability of wheat production in these zones to climate change using CSM-Cropsim-CERES-Wheat model. The analysis was based on multi-year (1971–2000) crop model simulation runs using daily weather series under scenarios of increased temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) along with two scenarios of water management. Apart from this, sowing date as an adaptation option to offset the likely impacts of climate change was also considered. Increase in temperature resulted in yield declines in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zone. But the humid zone followed a positive trend of gain in yield with rise in temperature up to 4°C. Within a water regime, increase in CO2 concentration from 375 to 550 and 700ppm will exert positive effect on gain in wheat yield but this positive effect is significantly variable in different climatic zones under rainfed conditions than the full irrigation. The highest response was shown by arid zone followed by semi-arid, sub-humid and humid zones. But if the current baseline water regimes (i.e. full irrigation in arid and semi-arid zones and rainfed in sub-humid and humid zones) persist in future, the sub-humid zone will be most benefited in terms of significantly higher percent gain in yield by increasing CO2 level, mainly because of its rainfed water regime. Within a CO2 level the changes in water supply from rainfed to full irrigation shows an intense degree of responsiveness in terms of yield gain at 375ppm CO2 level compared to 550 and 700ppm. Arid and semi-arid zones were more responsive compared to sub-humid and humid zones. Rise in temperature reduced the length of crop life cycle in all areas, though at an accelerated rate in the humid zone. These results revealed that the climatic zones have shown a variable intensity of vulnerability to different scenarios of climate change and water management due to their inherent specific and spatial climatic features. In order to cope with the negative effects of climate change, alteration in sowing date towards cooler months will be an appropriate response by the farmers.
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Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142
DOI 10.1007/s10584-009-9559-5
Vulnerability and adaptability of wheat production
in different climatic zones of Pakistan under climate
change scenarios
Humaira Sultana ·Nazim Ali ·M. Mohsin Iqbal ·
Arshad M. Khan
Received: 22 February 2008 / Accepted: 29 December 2008 / Published online: 24 February 2009
© Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009
Abstract Ten wheat production sites of Pakistan were categorized into four climatic
zones i.e. arid, semi-arid, sub-humid and humid to explore the vulnerability of wheat
production in these zones to climate change using CSM-Cropsim-CERES-Wheat
model. The analysis was based on multi-year (1971–2000) crop model simulation runs
using daily weather series under scenarios of increased temperature and atmospheric
carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) along with two scenarios of water management.
Apart from this, sowing date as an adaptation option to offset the likely impacts
of climate change was also considered. Increase in temperature resulted in yield
declines in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zone. But the humid zone followed a
positive trend of gain in yield with rise in temperature up to 4C. Within a water
regime, increase in CO2concentration from 375 to 550 and 700 ppm will exert
positive effect on gain in wheat yield but this positive effect is significantly variable in
different climatic zones under rainfed conditions than the full irrigation. The highest
response was shown by arid zone followed by semi-arid, sub-humid and humid zones.
But if the current baseline water regimes (i.e. full irrigation in arid and semi-arid
zones and rainfed in sub-humid and humid zones) persist in future, the sub-humid
zone will be most benefited in terms of significantly higher percent gain in yield
by increasing CO2level, mainly because of its rainfed water regime. Within a CO2
level the changes in water supply from rainfed to full irrigation shows an intense
degree of responsiveness in terms of yield gain at 375 ppm CO2level compared to
550 and 700 ppm. Arid and semi-arid zones were more responsive compared to sub-
humid and humid zones. Rise in temperature reduced the length of crop life cycle
in all areas, though at an accelerated rate in the humid zone. These results revealed
that the climatic zones have shown a variable intensity of vulnerability to different
H. Sultana (B)·N. Ali ·M. M. Iqbal ·A. M. Khan
Global Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC), National Centre for Physics (NCP) Complex,
Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamabad, -44000, Pakistan
124 Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142
scenarios of climate change and water management due to their inherent specific and
spatial climatic features. In order to cope with the negative effects of climate change,
alteration in sowing date towards cooler months will be an appropriate response by
the farmers.
1 Introduction
Wheat is the staple food crop of Pakistan which is grown almost all over the country
despite the fact that Pakistan has a highly diversified climate. The inland areas
get as hot as 52C while the temperature in the mountains drops to well below
freezing point. Most of the areas in central and southern Pakistan, considered as
granary of the country, are arid whereas the Northern part of the country is humid
except the extreme northern mountains which are dry (Quadir et al. 2004). These
areas have different geographic features that attribute them their specific climatic
The wheat productivity in the country has been increasing as a result of green
revolution during the past four decades. There are, however, increasing concerns that
abiotic and biotic stresses may put strains on sustainable productivity. Among the
abiotic stresses threatening food security in Pakistan as well in South Asia, climate
change is a major factor. That is why; food security will be at top of the agenda in
Asian countries in the near future, mainly due to two reasons; growing population
and many direct and indirect effects of climate change (IPCC 2001).
If average temperature were to increase by 2.5C, heat stress would reduce wheat
yields by as much as 60% (Pakistan Country Report 1994). The dependence of
agriculture on climatic factors (light, heat, water) implies that the crop production
will be significantly affected by changes in climate (Parry 1978; Thompson 1975;
World Meteorological Organization 1979). In some regions climate change may lead
to prolonged dry spells or more intensified heat waves, seriously damaging crop
production by causing moisture or thermal stress (Rounsevell et al. 1999 in the IPCC
2001). Climate change would not only increase the water demand for agricultural
crops due to increased evapo-transpiration but would also adversely affect the water
availability for crops (Ullah et al. 2001). It is also well known that water limitation
tends to enhance the positive crop response to elevated CO2,comparedtowell
water conditions (Chaudhuri et al. 1990; Kimball et al. 1995). Because of recent
climatic variations, the arid zone of the country is facing severe scarcity of water,
which has tremendously affected human life, ecology and economic activities. Thus
understanding the possible impacts of climate change are of utmost importance from
the national and regional point of view (Quadir et al. 2004).
The extent and nature of negative impacts induced by climate change can be
managed by effective adaptation. In the context of climate change, adaptation refers
to adjustments in human and natural systems to respond to actual or expected climate
impacts. In general, the preferred adaptation strategies are actions with multiple
economic and environmental benefits for current and future conditions and needs,
based on sound scientific assessment. The range of practices that can be used to adapt
to climate change is diverse, and includes changes in behavior, structural changes,
Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142 125
policy based responses, technological responses or managerial responses (FAO,
Climate Change Adaptation <>).
Crop models are tools that can be used to evaluate agricultural production risk as
a function of climatic variability, assess regional yield potential across a wide range of
environmental conditions, and determine suitable management factors for increasing
production (Egli and Bruening 1992; Meinke et al. 1993; Aggarwal and Kalra 1994;
Meinke and Hammer 1995). Models can thus be used to extend research results
both spatially and temporally to estimate the performance of crops under changing
climatic and environmental conditions (Pannkuk et al. 1998). Apart from this they
also have ability to test certain adaptation options in order to offset the impacts of
climate change.
This study was designed with the objective of evaluating the relative sensitivity
of wheat production in different climatic zones of Pakistan under climate change
scenarios of temperature and CO2increase, using simulation modeling. The extent
and nature of negative impacts imposed by climate change can be managed by
effective adaptation. The results of the vulnerability assessment were further used to
evaluate shifts in sowing dates as adaptation option that could reduce the potential
negative effects of climate change assuming that it will be a no-cost decision by the
This study will not only help to analyze the comparative advantage of different
climatic zones in the production of wheat crop and allocation of resources at current
and under climate change situations but also to device some coping mechanism to
reduce yield losses.
2 Physiography of Pakistan
Pakistan is geographically situated between 24–37N latitudes and 62–75E longi-
tude and lies on the western margin of one of the climatic regions of the world, the
monsoon region. It is a land of varied landscapes ranging from perpetually snow
capped peaks of Himalayan Range like the Karakoram, K-2 elevation 28,265 ft.
(8,615 m) to lush green canal irrigated plains and the hot dry deserts of Sindh
and Baluchistan where summer temperatures can exceed 50C (Framji et al. 1982).
Pakistan is divided into five physiographic regions, each with a number of sub-
regions: (1) the Himalayas, (2) the Hindukush and the Western Mountains, (3) the
Pothwar Plateau and the Salt Range, (4) the Indus Plain, and (5) the Balochistan
Plateau. In addition, the coastal zone and the offshore Exclusive Economic Zone in
the Arabian Sea can be considered physiographic regions. The climate of Pakistan
varies widely, from temperate in the north to hot and dry tropical in the south. The
country is characterized by wide variations in both temperatures and precipitation.
Temperatures reach as low as –26C over the northern mountains, and as high as
52C over the central arid plains. The mountainous and sub-mountainous areas of
the northeast receive over 1,700 mm of precipitation annually, in contrast to the arid
plains of southwest Balochistan, which receive an average of only 30 mm per annum.
Pakistan receives rainfall in both the summer and the winter. In general, the Punjab
126 Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142
and Sindh provinces receive more rainfall in the summer, whereas Balochistan and
NWFP receive more rain in the winter (O’Brien 2000).
3 Methodology
3.1 Wheat production sites/climatic zones
Ten sites (Fig. 1) were selected from the entire Pakistan based on availability of data
and their ability to represent different climatic zones. These sites were categorized
into four climatic zones mainly based on Thornthwaite’s Precipitation Effectiveness
index (Eq. 1) (Thornthwaite 1931) by using climatic data of 30 year (1971–2000).
PE Index =
1.65 PkTk+12.20.9(1)
Where, “PE” stands for precipitation effectiveness, PK stands for total amount of
precipitation (mm) in kth year and Tk stands for average daily temperature of kth
year. Figure 1shows the latitude, longitude, elevation and PE index value of each
selected site.
Apart from PE Index, the horizontal and vertical proximity of sites was also kept
in consideration, because it is possible that two sites having no horizontal and vertical
proximity get grouped into one zone, based on the PE Index value.
The climatic zones identified were arid, semi-arid, sub-humid and humid with their
PE index values of less than 16, 16–31, 32–63, 64–127 respectively. Arid zone is the
driest zone, with 30-year annual average rainfall of 186 mm, while the semi-arid, sub-
humid and humid zones have an annual average rainfall of 516, 1,062 and 1,776 mm
Fig. 1 Pakistan map showing
the location of ten sample
meteorological stations with
their altitude and precipitation
effectiveness index value
Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142 127
Tempeature (oC)
Rainfall (mm)
Tmax Tmin Total rainfall
Fig. 2 The 30-year mean monthly maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) temperature and rainfall
(1971 to 2000)
respectively. The mean monthly variations in maximum and minimum temperature
and rainfall are shown in Fig. 2. Humid zone has the lowest minimum and maximum
temperatures and the highest rainfall compared to other zones.
3.2 CSM-Cropsim-CERES-Wheat model
In this study, the CSM-Cropsim-CERES-Wheat model (Ritchie et al. 1998; Jones
et al. 2003) that is part of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer
(DSSAT) Version 4.0 (Tsuji et al. 1994; Hoogenboom et al. 2004) was used. CERES-
Wheat is a dynamic and mechanistic crop growth model that simulates the duration
of vegetative and reproductive stages, accumulation and partitioning of biomass, and
grain yield for a specific cultivar (Hoogenboom et al. 1994; Ritchie et al. 1998). The
model is capable of simulating the impact of the main environmental factors, such
as weather and soil type, and also can provide farmers with information for their
management decisions (Tsuji et al. 1998).
128 Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142
3.3 Input data
For genetic characteristics, optimized coefficients of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum
L.) cultivar ‘Inqlab 91’ were used (Iqbal et al. 2008). This cultivar covers about 70%
of the total area under wheat production in Pakistan and has excellent characteristics
for wider adaptation. It is a general purpose variety that is suitable for both early and
late sowing.
For the ten sites (Fig. 2), time series daily data of rainfall and minimum and
maximum temperatures, covering the period 1971–2000, were obtained from Pak-
istan Meteorological Department. Data on solar radiation was computed by using
‘Donatelli and Bellocchi’ (DB) model (Donatelli and Bellocchi 2001)ofRadEst
software v 3.0 (Donatelli et al. 2003) which estimates the daily total radiation using
maximum and minimum temperature. For parameterization of the model, observed
data on solar radiation for some scattered number of years at Islamabad, Faisalabad,
Bahawalpur and Shangla were used. These parameterizations were used in such a
way that 30 year (1971–2000) solar radiation data for Islamabad and Jhelum were
estimated with the help of coefficients optimized from Islamabad site; for Faisalabad
and Sheikhupura the optimized coefficients at Faisalabad were used; for Bahawalpur,
Hyderabad, Jacobabad, and D.I. Khan, the optimized coefficients obtained from
Bahawalpur site were used, and for Murree, the coefficients derived from Shangla
were used. In this way for the parameterization of model a separate representative
site for each climatic zone of available observed data of solar radiation was used.
For all simulation runs, nitrogen dosage was kept constant at 100 Kg ha1at the
time of sowing. Each site had its own soil information collected from Soil Survey of
Pakistan based on the criteria that the soil series possibly should most extensively
represent the area and it must be suitable for the crop production (land capability
classification not lower than 3).
Sowing dates varied, depending on the climatic conditions of the area, and the time
of harvest of the previous crop. For this purpose, each zone was assigned a different
sowing date based on the dates used by farmers in these areas. Sowing dates were
set as 1st November, 15 November, 30 November and 15 December for humid, sub-
humid, semi-arid and arid zones respectively.
3.4 Model validation
For validation purpose the observed data on two crop components (grain yield
and harvest date) of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar ‘Inqlab 91’ were
acquired form National Uniform Wheat yield Trials (NUWYT) (Mustafa et al. 1998,
2000,2001). The data were of 3 years (1997–1998, 1999–2000 and 2000–2001) at four
locations Faisalabad, Bahawalpur, D.I. Khan and Islamabad. Grain yield and length
of crop life cycle were simulated by the crop growth model by using of measured
inputs on respective soil, crop management and meteorological data.
Apart from the percentage difference of simulated values from observed values,
the d-index (index of agreement) and RMSE (root mean square error) were used as
statistical criteria for model validation.
Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142 129
The d-index (Willmott 1982) was computed as
(Pi Oi)2/
Where Oiand Piare observed and predicted values respectively for the i-th data
pair, Pi=Pi O)andOi=Oi O,whereOis the average of the observed. The
value for the d-index ranges from zero to one, for good model performance it should
approach unity.
RMSE (Willmott 1982) was computed as
(Pi Oi)20.5
Where Nis the number of observed values and Oi and Pi are observed and predicted
values for the i-th data pair.
Simulated grain yield was compared with observed grain yield in Fig. 3a. On the
average, the model yields were overestimated by 6% however, yield was underesti-
mated by 4% and 19% at two points (year 1997–1998 and 2000–2001 at Faisalabad
location); the reason for this underestimation remains unexplained. The value of
RMSE (386 Kg/ha1) and of d-index (0.90) suggest a reasonable estimate of grain
yield by the model.
Days to maturity (length of crop life cycle) were estimated with the help of
respective sowing and harvesting dates in the respective years and locations. The
length of crop life cycle was underestimated by the model in all the cases (Fig. 3b).
Underestimation was, on average, of 22 days (ranges from 12–31 days) with RMSE of
Observed yield (ton ha-1)
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
Simulated yield (ton ha-1)
D.I Khan
Observed days to maturity
140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Simulated days to maturity
D.I Khan
(a) (b)
Fig. 3 Scatter plot showing observed and simulated grain yield (a) and length of crop life cycle (b)
at Faisalabad, Bhawalpur, D.I. Khan and Islamabad
130 Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142
23 days and value of d-index 0.57. This systematic underestimation can be attributed
to the gap between harvest date and physiological maturity date as simulated by
the model. If the observed values are corrected for the systematic error (i.e., the
observed values are lowered by 12 days in order to bring them down from harvest
date to physiological maturity), the RMSE was reduced to 11 days with d-index of 1.
If this is corrected by the factor of 22 (average underestimation between observed
and simulated) then the RMSE was reduced to 5 days with d-index of 1. So, by
introducing the correction factor, the fit between the simulated and observed days
to maturity is generally considered satisfactory.
3.5 Simulation scenarios
The long-term (1971–2000) solar radiation, maximum and minimum temperature
and rainfall at the representative sites were used as baseline climatic data. The
weather series for simulations in the changed climate was obtained by a direct
modification of observed series assuming a uniform change in temperature and CO2
over a study area. For CO2, three scenarios were used: 375 (recent), 550 (double of
pre-industrial CO2concentration) and 700 ppmv (almost 2.5 times the pre-industrial
CO2concentration). For temperature, six scenarios (0–5C with steps of +1Cper
scenario) were used. Though these are synthetic scenarios but range covers well the
IPCC projections for temperature and CO2change to the end of twenty-first century.
These scenarios also seek to evaluate model’s responses to incremental changes in
temperature and CO2both individually and in combination.
Changes in the hydrological regimes in which crops grow are likely to change with
global warming. Although Global Circulation Models (GCMs) predict an overall
increase in mean global precipitation with an unequal spatial distribution yet in some
areas it will decrease. The crop water regime may further be affected by changes
in seasonal precipitation, within-season pattern of precipitation, and inter-annual
variation of precipitation (O’Brien 2000). Because of this uncertain pattern, two
scenarios of water supply i.e. rainfed (with no artificial supplies of water) and full
irrigation (water supply as per requirement of crop) were considered.
In this way, for climate change impacts, we took four factors (temperature, CO2,
water and climatic zones) to design experiment for simulation runs. Temperature
has six levels (0C, 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, and 5C), CO2has three levels (375, 550 and
700 ppmv), water has two levels (rainfed and full irrigation) and ten sites, forming a
total of 360 treatments, each treatment was run for 30 years (1971 to 2000) of time
series climatic data.
In order to provide reference points with which to compare both scenarios of
future climate and their modeled effects on crop productivity, climatological baseline
was set at 375 ppm CO2by using climatic baseline data as mentioned above, this
baseline remains same for all the climatic zones. But the second baseline that
represents the present-day levels of management and technology varies in terms of
water regimes and sowing dates in all climatic zones. Arid and semi-arid zones are
dominantly irrigated so full irrigation is assumed as baseline water regime in these
zones, but sub-humid and humid zones are rainfed so, rainfed condition is assumed
as their baseline water regime. Regarding sowing dates; the respective sowing dates
in all zones as mentioned in Section 3.3 are taken as baseline sowing dates.
Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142 131
Apart from this, alterations in the current baseline sowing dates of the respective
zones was also considered to see the sowing date as an adaptation option to offset
the likely impacts of climate change. For this purpose, each zone was run for six
sowing dates (15-Oct, 1-Nov, 15-Nov, 30-Nov, 15-Dec and 30-Dec), assuming that
in future the baseline water regimes of the respective zones will remain same. For
climate scenarios, apart from baseline climate, two scenarios of climate change were
considered that are 550 ppm CO2concentration with 3C rise in temperature and
700 ppm CO2concentration with 5C rise in temperature with the assumption that
these might be the most plausible combinations of CO2and temperature increase in
In the Section 4, wherever found necessary, the significance of the results is
supported at medium confidence level (alpha value 0.05) using Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) and Least Significance Difference (LSD).
4 Results and discussion
4.1 Grain yield of wheat at baseline scenario
In the respective baseline scenarios of the specified zones, average yield was the high-
est in semi-arid zone followed by arid, sub-humid and humid zones respectively. This
trend is also confirmed from the observed statistical yields (Fig. 4). For this purpose
the 12 year (1983–1994) statistically reported yields (GoP 1983–1984-to-1994–1995)
in the same areas (except for Murree, which is replaced with Dir based on their
similarities in climatic features) as used in this study were used keeping in view
simulated obs. stat. obs. NUWYT
Yield (ton ha-1)
semi-arid arid sub-humid humid
Fig. 4 In the baseline scenario, grain yield comparisons in simulated, obs. Stat (yields from
agricultural statistics) and obs. NUWYT (yields from National Uniform Wheat Yield Trial) sources
in semi-arid, arid, sub-humid and humid zones
132 Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142
their water supply mode. Though the observed yields didn’t match simulated yields
in magnitude but the trend is similar for all zones in both observed and simulated
Apart from this, the NUWYT data (as described in Section 3.4) were also grouped
into zones. We don’t have yield data of all sites under study in the experiment, but
only of four locations in which two locations (Bahawalpur and D.I. Khan) represent
the arid zone, Faisalabad represent the semi-arid zone and Islamabad represent the
sub-humid zone while no data for humid zone was available. These experimental
yields also have the same pattern of change in yield with respect to zones as those of
simulated (Fig. 4).
4.2 Effect of temperature increase on grain yield of wheat
Compared to the respective baseline scenario of each zone, yield declined in all
the zones with each unit rise in temperature except in the humid zone (Fig. 5).
The magnitude of decline was the highest in sub-humid zone followed by semi-
arid and arid zones (Fig. 6).The percentage decline in yield in arid and semi-arid
zones is found to be statistically insignificant. But a significant difference exists in
sub-humid zone from arid zone. The higher percentage decline in sub-humid zone
compared to arid and semi-arid zone can be attributed to their different water
regimes, as the sub-humid zone is rainfed while arid and semi-arid zones are run
under irrigated conditions. To cross test this reasoning, these three zones when run
under homogeneous water regimes i.e. either rainfed or full irrigation, the percentage
change in yield with increasing temperature became insignificant among these zones.
Temperature change (°C)
Yield (ton ha-1)
Arid Semi-arid Sub-humid Humid
Fig. 5 Trends in simulated wheat yields with temperature changes at 375 ppm CO2concentration in
arid, semi-arid, sub-humid and humid zones
Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142 133
Percent change
Temperature change (oC)
Arid Semi-arid Sub-humid Humid
Fig. 6 Percentage change in yield from base yield in response to temperature changes at 375 ppm
CO2concentration in arid, semi-arid, sub-humid and humid zones
The decrease in yield can largely be attributed to shortened growth periods as
discussed in the following Section 4.4. This is because of accelerated phenology under
increased air temperatures. Grain filling in wheat is a critical stage for high temper-
ature injury (Johnson and Kanemasu 1983). If the crop observes high temperature
at reproductive stages, it hampers normal grain development and leads to shriveled
grain and subsequently the drastic yield losses (Sultana 2003). Results are also in
accordance with the findings of Bender et al. (1999), who reported that a constant 1C
increase in temperature over the whole season would decrease yields by 6–10% due
to shorter duration of crop growth. Qureshi and Iglesias (1994) have also reported
based on their modeling work that higher temperatures will drastically reduce yields
in Pakistan. This suggests that these zones are vulnerable to increase in temperature,
especially given their existing water shortages and the high temperatures that already
approach tolerance limits (CGIAR 2004–2005; Parry et al. 1988).
In the scenario of temperature increase, humid zone is an optimistic zone. In this
zone beneficial effects are likely to ensue with higher temperatures. Yield follows a
positive trend of gain with rise in temperature up to 4C(Fig.6). On the average,
there was 20% gain in yield from base yield by increasing temperature up to 5C
(Fig. 4). Though the length of crop life cycle also gets reduced in this zone but this
shortening is beneficial. Husssain and Mudasser (2007) have also reported based
on econometric analysis that shortening of the length of crop life cycle could be
beneficial for the mountain areas above 1,500 m altitude and they may therefore
expect yield increases because warmer temperatures will make it more likely that
the crop will mature earlier.
In this zone low temperature (cold stress) is a constraint for wheat crop. The spring
wheat crop grown in winter season is subject to cold stress. So, rise in temperature is
134 Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142
in favor of this zone in terms of yield gain. A similar trend was simulated by Sultana
et al. (2005), who studied wheat crop grown in sub-humid and humid zones and
reported inverted yield trends in these zones. In spite of this positive yield trend
with increase in temperature, the humid zone has low average base yields compared
to the average base yields of arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zones. At temperature
increase of 1C, it has approximately approached the yield level of sub-humid zone
but lower than the yields of arid and semi-arid zones.
The comparatively lower yield in the humid zone may be attributed also to non
availability of cold tolerant winter or facultative cultivars in this zone (Hashmi and
Shafiullah 2003). The expected future increases in temperature caused by global
warming would, however, render the varieties of arid and semi-arid zones unsuitable
there and these could be introduced in the humid zone. Rosenzweig (1985) found
that for United States the major effect of climate change would be regional shifts in
the use of wheat cultivars.
4.3 Interactive effects of increase in temperature and CO2along with change in
water supply on grain yield of wheat
In the scenario of baseline water regimes, increased concentrations of CO2from
the baseline level of 375 to 550 and 700 ppm exerted substantial positive effect on
wheat yield in all climatic zones. This positive impact has compensated the negative
impact arising due to increased temperatures up to 2–3Cby550ppmandupto3
4C by 700 ppm in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zones (Fig. 7a, b). In these zones,
increase in temperature beyond 2–4C could not sustain baseline yields and nullified
the beneficial effects of enhanced carbon dioxide concentration. Kalra et al. (2003)
Temperature change (°C)
012345 012345
Yield (ton ha-1)
Arid Semi-arid Sub-humid Humid
(a) (b)
Fig. 7 Trends in simulated wheat yields with changes in temperature at 550 (a) and 700 ppm (b)
CO2concentration in arid, semi-arid, sub-humid and humid zones. (Dotted line with same symbol
represent constant base yield of respective zone)
Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142 135
also reported that increasing temperature nullifies the beneficial effects of enhanced
In humid zone, the pattern of yield gain with rise in CO2concentration (550 and
700 ppm) was similar to the pattern of yield gain at 375 ppm CO2. Changing CO2
concentration level from 375 to 550 and 700 ppm has not changed the trend but
only affected the magnitude of yield positively at varying temperature regimes. It
implies that at the CO2concentration level of 375, 550 or 700 ppm, a 4C increase
in temperature in humid zone is the optimal one where maximum yield could be
obtained. In the arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zones, the temperature optima shift
slightly upwards with increasing CO2concentration from 550 to 700 ppm.
Within a water regime, increase in CO2concentration from 375 to 550 and
700 ppm exerted positive effect on gain in wheat yield but this positive effect is
significantly variable in different climatic zones under rainfed conditions. The highest
response in terms of percentage gain in yield by increasing CO2level from 375 to
550 and 700 ppm respectively was shown by arid zone (77% and 147%) followed by
semi-arid (66%, 125%), sub-humid (22%, 35%) and humid zones (11%, 18%). This
suggests that increased CO2can increase water use efficiency. Chaudhuri et al. (1990)
and Kimball et al. (1995) have also reported that crop response to elevated CO2is rel-
atively greater when water is a limiting factor, compared to well-watered conditions.
Under full irrigation conditions the relative response of different zones is almost
similar. But if the current baseline water regimes (i.e. full irrigation in arid and semi-
arid zones and rainfed in sub-humid and humid zones) persist in future, the percent
gain in yield by increasing CO2level from 375 to 550 and 700 ppm was found to be
similar (insignificant differences) in arid, semi-arid and humid zones. But the sub-
humid zone will be most benefited (significantly higher gain in yield compared to
other zones). Reason of this can be that sub-humid zone is a rainfed zone while
arid and semi-arid zones are simulated under full irrigation. This relatively limited
water supply in sub-humid zone gets benefited from CO2enrichment. Because of
this reason when all the four areas were run under full irrigation; the differences
among zones in terms of percentage gain in yield by increase in CO2concentration
(550 and 700 ppm) became insignificant. The humid zone is also a rainfed zone but
less limited in terms of water supply (high rainfall, see Fig. 2) compared to sub-humid
zone. This is why it didn’t behave like sub-humid zone. Lawlor and Mitchell (2000)
also reported similar response in FACE (Free Air CO2Enrichment) studies, that is,
a greater effect of CO2enrichment on grain yield under drought conditions relative
to well watered conditions.
In all zones, at any specified CO2concentration, changes in the water supply from
rainfed to full irrigation resulted in yield gain, an indication that water supply is
normally a limitation to crop production in these zones.
Within a CO2level the changes in water supply from rainfed to full irrigation
shows an intense degree of responsiveness in terms of yield gain at 375 ppm CO2
level compared to 550 and 700 ppm. There was on average 324% and 195% gain in
yield in arid and semi-arid zones respectively by changing water supply from rainfed
to full irrigation in the scenario of 375 ppm CO2compared to 208% and 122% gain in
yield in the same zones at 550 ppm CO2and 150% and 87% gain in yield at 700 ppm
CO2. In sub-humid zone and humid zone this response was 31% and 18% at 375 ppm
CO2concentration; 16% and 15% at the scenario of 550 ppm CO2and 15% and 13%
at 700 ppm CO2respectively.
136 Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142
Reduction in lenght of crop life cycle (days) from base scenario
0 1020304050
Temperature change (°C)
Arid Semi-arid Sub-humid Humid
Fig. 8 Change in length of crop life cycle (days) from base scenario in respective climatic zones
4.4 Length of crop life cycle in the scenarios of climate change and water
Temperature is an important determinant of the rate at which a plant progresses
through various phenological stages towards maturity. Rise in temperature reduced
the length of crop life cycle in all areas, though at an accelerated rate in humid
zone (Fig. 8). Husssain and Mudasser (2007) have also reported that increased
temperatures correspond to an increase in Growing Degree Days (GDDs) and a
decrease in crop life cycle. O’Brien (2000) reported the highest change in GDDs in
humid regions and the lowest in arid regions. On average there were 4, 5, 6 and 9 days
reduction in the length of crop life cycle per degree centigrade rise in temperature in
arid, semi arid, sub-humid and humid zones respectively. Reduction in crop life cycle
from the base scenario was in the order of 12, 14, 18 and 27 days in arid, semi arid,
sub-humid and humid zones respectively. In humid zone, the accelerated shrinkage
of crop life cycle was on the expense of gain in yield. Apart from gain in yield, there is
probability in the shift of cropping pattern because at prevalent temperatures wheat
crop takes more than optimal time to complete its growth and development cycle.
As temperature rises there is chance that crop completes its life cycle in less time
thus might offer the possibility of growing successive crops (moisture conditions
permitting). Rosenzweig and Liverman (1992) have also reported these outcomes
in response to temperature increase for temperate regions. This behavior can help
Fig. 9 Cumulative probability function plots of wheat yields to different sowing dates under climate
scenarios in arid and semi arid zones. a,dat 375 ppm with no change in temperature; b,eat 550 ppm
with 3C rise in temperature; c,fat 700 ppm with 5C rise in temperature in arid and semi arid zones
respectively. Bold lines represent current sowing in the respective zone
Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142 137
Yield (tons ha-1)
3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0
Cumulative probability
Yield (tons ha-1)
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Cumulative probability
Yield (tons ha-1)
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Cumulative probability
Yield (tons ha-1)
3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2
Cumulative probability
Yield (tons ha-1)
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
Cumulative probability
Yield (tons ha-1)
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
Cumulative probability
15-Oct 1-Nov 15-Nov
30-Nov 30-Dec
138 Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142
Yield (tons ha-1)
0123456 87
Cumulative probability
Yield (tons ha-1)
Cumulative probability
Yield (tons ha-1)
Cumulative probability
Yield (tons ha-1)
Cumulative probability
Yield (tons ha-1)
Cumulative probability
Yield (tons ha-1)
Cumulative probability
15-Oct 1-Nov
30-Nov 15-Dec 30-Dec
Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142 139
Fig. 10 Cumulative probability function plots of wheat yields at different sowing dates under climate
scenarios in sub-humid and humid zones. a,dat 375 ppm with no change in temperature; b,eat
550 ppm with 3C rise in temperature; c,fat 700 ppm with 5C rise in temperature in sub-humid and
humid zones respectively. Bold lines represent current sowing in the respective zone
increase the cropping intensity. The areas of humid zone which are currently under
mono-cropping (one crop a year) because of short growing season can become
transitional cropping zone and those currently in transitional cropping zone can
become double cropping zone if moisture conditions permit.
In arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zones, the loss of yield with rise in tem-
perature is linked with the shrinkage of the length of crop life cycle. This effect might
be overcome by selection of slower-developing varieties where water is not limiting,
but such varieties would be undesirable in today’s environment (Lawlor and Mitchell
4.5 Alterations in the sowing date as an adaptation option to offset the likely
impacts of climate change
The results of Figs. 9and 10 depict that there is high probability of increased yield
in later sowing dates compared to earlier ones under climate change. This indicates
that the sowing date of wheat in arid, semi- arid, sub-humid and humid zones will
shift towards cooler months with climate change. But different zones have different
starting points of shift.
In arid zone the current dominant time of sowing wheat is mid of December, while
in semi-arid it is the end of November. As the climate changes, the yields decline
(as discussed in previous sections). In order to reduce these losses the changes in
sowing from mid December to late December in Arid zone while in Semi-arid from
late November (current practice of sowing) to earlier December will be beneficial in
order to reduce the vulnerability. Figure 9revealed that the probability lines of later
sowings distinctly twitter out from current practice of sowing for higher yield with
climate change.
In sub-humid zone, with the climate change, the probability line of sowing date
of mid November (dominant current practice) distinctly moves towards lower yields
while the sowing in late November and in December protruded out for higher yields
(Fig. 10a, b, c). In humid zone, in the baseline climate, the current practice of sowing
(1-Nov), lies behind the sowing of 15-Oct (Fig. 10d) in terms of higher yields. As the
temperature increases as a result of climate change (Fig. 10e), the sowing of 15-Nov
protrudes out for higher yield compared to earlier sowing. As climate changes further
(Fig. 10f), the probability lines of later sowings protrude out just behind the sowing
of 15-Nov, such that the probability line of 30-Nov sowing overlaps the sowing of
These results support the conclusion that the shift in the sowing date towards
cooler months can offer an opportunity to offset the likely impacts of climate change.
With each advance in sowing date the growing season length decreases compared to
the previous sowing (results not shown), in baseline scenario as well in the scenario
of climate change. This suggests that the alteration in sowing date might not interfere
with other crops grown during remainder of the year, but might offer an opportunity
of some additional time that can be utilized for land preparation or to grow an
140 Climatic Change (2009) 94:123–142
additional crop. Apart from this, cultivars that can take benefit of shorter durations
will be beneficial. Because of high economic concerns associated with adaptation
option, it will be easier to opt the alteration in sowing date as adaptation option as it
will most probably be a no cost decision, and the following and previous crops may
also not be affected.
5 Summary and conclusion
Higher temperatures have drastically reduced yields in arid, semi-arid and sub-
humid zones. But in humid zone, beneficial effects are likely to ensue with higher
temperatures up to 4C. This positive yield trend in humid zone can be a significant
research venture in view of the observed climatic change of temperature increase.
Increased concentration of CO2from the baseline level of 375 to 550 and 700 ppm
will have substantial positive effect on wheat yield in all climatic zones. This positive
impact will compensate the negative impact arising due to increased temperatures
of 3–4C in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zones. But in humid zone at the given
CO2concentration level of 375, 550 or 700 ppm, a 4C increase in temperature is the
optimal one where maximum yield could be obtained.
In the scenario of baseline water regimes and baseline CO2concentration, rising
temperatures will render the sub-humid zone the most vulnerable zone and the
humid zone will be least vulnerable when compared with their respective base yields.
If all zones have homogeneous water regime (either rainfed or irrigated) at baseline
CO2concentration then the three zones (arid, semi-arid, and sub-humid) will be
equally vulnerable in yield loss. Only humid zone will respond positively. In all zones,
changes in the water supply from rainfed to full irrigation are expected to respond
positively in yield gain.
Crop response to elevated CO2will be relatively greater when water is taken as
a limiting factor, compared to well-watered conditions. This suggests that increased
CO2can increase water use efficiency.
Rise in temperature has reduced the length of crop life cycle in all areas, though
at an accelerated rate in humid zone. This reduction at an accelerated rate can help
humid zone to increase the cropping intensity, if moisture conditions will permit.
Evaluation of sowing date as an adaptation option depicts that there is high
probability of increased yield in later sowing dates compared to earlier ones under
climate change. This implies that the sowing date of wheat in arid, semi-arid, sub-
humid and humid zones will shift towards cooler months with climate change.
Acknowledgements Authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Abdul Hameed Khan, Director,
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Mr. M. Asim, Scientific Officer, Wheat Programme, NARC for his help in the provision of data.
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... According to Hussain et al. [18], sub-mountain regions are becoming warmer with warmer days and cooler nights. Sultana et al. [19] observed that yields in arid, semi-arid, and sub-humid climate zones have decreased significantly due to rising temperatures and CO2 emissions, these seasonal variations have an impact on the water supply and food security. Regarding global warming and climate change, Zahid and Rasul [20] discovered a positive trend for heat waves of magnitude 40 °C and 45 °C for 5 and 7 consecutive days, respectively; a heat wave of 40 °C and 45 °C occurred in Punjab and Sindh for 10 consecutive days, and a rising trend was observed throughout the period in Balochistan. ...
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Antrhopogenic activities are responsible for exponential increase in temperature in recent dacades. To examine this variation, data from 30 meteorological stations in Pakistan's largest cities were examined to determine the annual average and highest temperatures between 1981and 2020. A combination of parametric and non-parametric tests, including Sen's slope estimator, the Mann-Kendall trend test, and linear regression, were utilized for the analysis. NASA Power Data Access Viewer provides historical climatic datasets which are reliable and provide promising results. We extracted historical footprints of climatic data from NASA website and mapped the trends. About 90% of the meterological stations had rising annual temperature trends, whereas 10% had declining trends. The average annual temperature increased by 0.49 °C per decade in Gilgit, Hyderabad, Quetta, and Lasbela, which was the largest rate of change. Chitral, Gilgit, Nawabshah, and Quetta experienced the biggest increase in annual temperature that was0.34°C per decade. Various indicators e.g., simple linear regression and the Mann-Kendall test, respectively, revealed that the yearly average temperature was rising at a 0.001 % (at the 0.06level). Annual temperatures were increasing at 27stations and 23stations were experiencing0.002level of significance (at the 0.06level). Overall, the findings indicated that all climatic parameters were increasing, but during the study period, the annual average temperature was increasing more quickly than the annual maximum temperature.
... Pothowar Plateau in Pakistan (32.10º to 34.9ºN latitude and 71.10º to 73.55º E longitude) has an area of 1.82 million hectares and is a significant rainfed region with enormous agricultural, economic, and cultural significance [86][87][88][89]. It has distinct climatic conditions, such as fluctuating air temperatures from below 0ºC in the winter to above 40ºC in the summer, as well as variable rainfall patterns [28,[89][90][91][92][93]. The climate of Pakistan is so diverse that it permits the cultivation of nearly all temperate tropical and subtropical fruits [94]. ...
... Droughts, with different characteristics, can occur in all climatic zones for short and long time depending on the situation of that region. In Pakistan, droughts occur frequently in Sindh and Baluchistan region due to low rainfall in the region and other socioeconomic situations [52]. Drought is complex phenomenon because of its closer links to socio-economic conditions and is usually also closely related to poverty and non-adaptive land, water and agricultural practices leading to the overexploitation of groundwater, deforestation and the depletion of grazing land [9]. ...
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The paper in hand is a review of scientific findings focusing on vulnerability of Pakistan in the context of climate change (CC). Since last decade, head to head episodes of natural disasters especially floods, leave the country`s people highly vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change due to its geographical location and socioeconomic conditions making it susceptible to natural disasters. In this paper we conclude the state of the art research by discussing and clarifying different conceptual definitions of vulnerability and its association with CC. Further the paper highlights vulnerability and exposure of Pakistan towards natural hazards such as floods, droughts and cyclones stating that the country is vulnerable to numerous hazards, both natural and human induced due to a direct consequence of the country's high variability and regional contrast in terms of geology, topography and meteorology. Next, the paper outlines exposure and vulnerability among the poorest by summarizing that in most cases poorest of the poor communities are hard hit by climate change due to their high exposure and low adaptive capacity and the final part of the paper concludes discussion that for Pakistan, as a hazard-prone country, it is the need of time to actively address natural hazards at all scales by engaging local communities and organizations to better withstand natural disasters.
... Qin et al. (2014) have demonstrated that heat stress has a discernible impact on the agricultural production of winter crops. For instance, Sultana et al. (2009) suggested that the cultivation of wheat, which serves as a primary dietary source for a majority of the Pakistani population, might potentially see a reduction ranging from 5% to 25% due to the impacts of climate change. Majid and Zahir (2014) found comparable outcomes in their examination of the effects of climate change on agricultural productivity and socioeconomic vulnerabilities in the regions of Punjab and Sindh. ...
Climate diplomacy's responsibility is to assure the successful and timely development of several complex international regimes, as well as its operation and monitoring to handle emerging difficulties. Climate diplomacy bridges the fundamental gap between regional interest disputes and cross-border cooperation. This review article is based on a secondary literature review where the climate diplomacy practices of the South Asian Nations have been critically evaluated based on treaties regarding climate issues and level of engagement in global climate forums, the impact of climate migration-related consequences, and the political responses and impact of regional geo-political practices. The historical occurrence of political and economic instability in South Asian countries has consistently resulted in the phenomenon of migration. Due to climate change, the rates of negative migration have further escalated. The primary focus of the essay is to illustrate the similarities and differences in various practices throughout South Asian countries, with each country's part being assessed individually based on the aforementioned elements. Furthermore, the objective of this essay is to assess the extent of potential collaboration initiatives in the future between these neighboring nations, taking into account geopolitical considerations.
... These temperature shifts are particularly pronounced in the northern glacial and mountainous regions, affecting snow and ice melt patterns, which in turn influence water availability for agricultural and domestic use. The observed warming trends necessitate robust climate adaptation and mitigation strategies to safeguard water resources and agricultural productivity, ensuring food security and livelihoods for the population [45,46]. ...
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Satellite precipitation products (SPPs) are undeniably subject to uncertainty due to retrieval algorithms and sampling issues. Many research efforts have concentrated on merging SPPs to create high-quality merged precipitation datasets (MPDs) in order to reduce these uncertainties. This study investigates the efficacy of dynamically weighted MPDs in contrast to those using static weights. The analysis focuses on comparing MPDs generated using the “dynamic clustered Bayesian averaging (DCBA)” approach with those utilizing the “regional principal component analysis (RPCA)” under fixed-weight conditions. These MPDs were merged from SPPs and reanalysis precipitation data, including TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) 3B42V7, PERSIANN-CDR, CMORPH, and the ERA-Interim reanalysis precipitation data. The performance of these datasets was evaluated in Pakistan’s diverse climatic zones—glacial, humid, arid, and hyper-arid—employing data from 102 rain gauge stations. The effectiveness of the DCBA model was quantified using Theil’s U statistic, demonstrating its superiority over the RPCA model and other individual merging methods in the study area The comparative performances of DCBA and RPCA in these regions, as measured by Theil’s U, are 0.49 to 0.53, 0.38 to 0.45, 0.37 to 0.42, and 0.36 to 0.43 in glacial, humid, arid, and hyper-arid zones, respectively. The evaluation of DCBA and RPCA compared with SPPs at different elevations showed poorer performance at high altitudes (>4000 m). The comparison of MPDs with the best performance of SPP (i.e., TMPA) showed significant improvement of DCBA even at altitudes above 4000 m. The improvements are reported as 49.83% for mean absolute error (MAE), 42.31% for root-mean-square error (RMSE), 27.94% for correlation coefficient (CC), 40.15% for standard deviation (SD), and 13.21% for Theil’s U. Relatively smaller improvements are observed for RPCA at 13.04%, 1.56%, 10.91%, 1.67%, and 5.66% in the above indices, respectively. Overall, this study demonstrated the superiority of DCBA over RPCA with static weight. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use dynamic variation of weights in the development of MPDs.
... These temperature shifts are particularly pronounced in the northern glacial and mountainous regions, affecting snow and ice melt patterns, which in turn influence water availability for agricultural and domestic use. The observed warming trends necessitate robust climate adaptation and mitigation strategies to safeguard water resources and agricultural productivity, ensuring food security and livelihoods for the population [45,46]. ...
... [24], [31], [32], noted that food-crop production is exposed to population pressure and several climatic factors including changes in rainfall and temperature patterns, harvesting time, and water stress. All these factors have the potential to alter agriculture productivity and yield, and thus have substantial implications for food security, [33], [34], [35]. ...
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Climate change's effects on food crop production are a serious concern due to its linkages with food insecurity. This study attempts to investigate the question of whether and to what extend climate volatility has affected the yield of a major staple crop, the wheat, in the District Faisalabad, the largest agricultural city in Pakistan. Daily base data of temperature and rainfall over the past 33 years is collected, and the average and volatility measures of climate conditions are calculated for the whole crop period as well as for the vegetative and reproductive stages of crop growth. The quantile regression technique is utilized to estimate the influence of climate volatility on wheat yield distribution. The results provide convincing evidence that climate volatility is more damaging to food crops as compared to the gradual changes in rainfall and temperature. Besides, climate volatility is found to have significant effects on both the vegetative and reproductive stages of wheat crop growth. This research unravels the heterogeneous impact of temperature and rainfall across the vegetative and reproductive stages of wheat crop growth. It is hoped that the findings are important to guide policymakers to cope with uncertain climate shocks.
The objective of this chapter is to review all the details of wheat responses to climate change (CC). First of all, CC and global warming should not be used interchangeably. Global warming started a long time ago (about 100 years) and is the result of climate change. Moreover, climate change means a change in the parameters that make up the climate in the long term. Available scientific data show that the temperature of earth will annually increase by an average (1.4–5.8) °C by the end of 2100, and this can affect plants, ecology, ecosystem, ecosystem balance, many other ecological/climatic parameters, etc. to different levels. In particular, CC worsens plant development by causing an increase in ambient temperature, humidity, plant growth stages, soil properties, photosynthesis rate and capacity, water use efficiency (WUE), earliness, maturity, harvestability, harvesting and threshing, and some agronomic traits such as plant height, 1000 grain weight, and tillering. When growth factors such as light, temperature, and humidity are inadequate in areas where wheat landraces are grown, factors associated with various chemical and physiological properties are of great importance in developing mechanisms to minimize the effect of CC. Generally speaking, the effect of CC in wheat cultivation is mostly caused by “high temperature” and/or “drought.” As it is known, wheat is the most strategic of more than 400,000 cultivated plants in the world; it is consumed by a wide range of human and animal populations; it can easily adapt to changing climatic conditions, and it can grow where no other plant grows, with its flexibility in terms of this feature. Therefore, in order to reduce the vulnerability associated with CC and wheat, adaptation strategies should be applied as much as possible and emphasis should be given to the use of wild relatives (CWR) and landraces, agronomy, plant breeding, tissue culture techniques, and genetic engineering applications as “parent(s)” or “genitor” in selection(s) or hybridization program(s) with a multidisciplinary approach for yield and yield components associated with various physiological and morphological traits.
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The issue of climate change caused by global warming has become a major concern and challenge around the world, requiring comprehensive countermeasures. Agriculture is the most affected part of climate change and Iran’s agriculture economy is at risk because of hot and dry and damages due global climate changes. This study investigates the effects of climatic variables temperature, such as precipitation, carbon and dioxide emission on total crop production in Iran from 1971 to 2020 using a fully modified conventional least squares econometric model (FMOLS). Chemical fertilizer and crop area variables, as well as fixed capital in agricultural have machinery, also been used as indicators of technology. The results showed that all variables had a significant effect on production. The average annual temperature and total annual rainfall its had an inverse U-shaped relationship with production, and were significant. Fertilizer and crop area variables had a positive effect, while CO2 had a negative relationship on total crop production in Iran. The findings of this study can be used to provide strategic plans for policymakers in the face of climate change. It is suggested that the government invest more in the mechanization of the agricultural sector and provide facilities and credits with priority given to farmers’ education and the use of temperature-resistant varieties, and also act regionally against climate change. Keywords: climate change, Iran total crop production, agricultural economics, CO2.
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Climate factors are pivotal for agriculture productivity and unremittingly climatic change are really harmful for agriculture productivity. Farm level adaptation measures preforms effective role to cope up with climate challenges. This research aims to focus on the farmers’ perception and awareness about climate changes and their vulnerable impacts on agriculture productivity. Additionally, this research also explore the farmer’s satisfaction on adaptation strategies to handle the climate change in Punjab, Pakistan. The 360 respondents were selected to get the questionnaire based data from the farmers located in Punjab province. The survey is conduct through multi-stage, random, and convenient sampling procedure for face to face interviews. For empirical analysis, this research was applied frequency analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) through factor analysis to account the farmers’ perception about climate change and satisfaction on adaptive measures. The results show that younger farmers have more knowledge about climate change and adaptation measures. The empirical results indicates that climate change increases the vulnerability of farmers and reducing the per hectare yield over the time. Variation in temperature, pattern of precipitation, mutable sowing and harvesting time creates alarming situation for agriculture productivity in Punjab, Pakistan. Most of the farmers are not happy with and demanding heat resistant and drought resistant seed varieties. Agriculture extension services are fails to increase the farmer’s perception and satisfaction about climate change. The results show that farmer are not satisfied with performance of climate resilient institutions of Punjab, government laws and regulation, public private partnership (PPP), the efforts of Research Institutions and NGOs, initiatives of international organizations, community level interventions and poor climate resilient funds. It is recommended that government, research institutions and climate resilient instructions should focus on to educate the farmers and predict new sowing and harvesting patterns, water technology, introduce the new climate zones and suitable crops for particular zone.
Three important studies were initiated in the 19708 to investigate the relation­ ship between climatic variations and agriculture: by the National Defense University (1980) on Crop Yields and Climate Change to the Year eooo, by the U.s. Department of Transportation (1975) on Impacts 0/ Climatic Change on the Biosphere and by the U.s. Department of Energy (1980) on Environmental and Societal Consequences 0/ a Possible CO -Induced Climatic Change (the ClAP 2 study). These were pioneering projects in a young field. Their emphasis was on measuring likely impacts of climatic variations rather than on evaluating possible responses, and they focused on first-order impacts (e.g., on crop yields) rather than on higher-order effects on society. A logical next step was to look at higher-order effects and potential responses, as part of a more integrated approach to impact assessment. This was undertaken by the World Climate Impact Program (WCIF), which is directed by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The WCIF is one of four aspects of the World Ciimate Program, which was initiated in 1979.
A mechanistic crop growth simulation model, wtgrows, is developed for use in analyzing effects of climatic variables and crop management on productivity of wheat in tropical and sub-tropical wheat regions of India. The model, written in csmp and fse, simulates daily dry matter production as a function of radiation and temperature, and water and nitrogen availability. Crop aspects of the model are arranged in submodels covering development, photosynthesis, respiration, carbohydrate partitioning, dry matter production, leaf area, grain growth and transpiration. A soil water balance model is attached to simulate water uptake and to determine water stress. Another submodel determines nitrogen uptake, distribution and N stress. Water and nitrogen stresses, depending upon their severity, affect various physiological processes. The model requires inputs relating to site, daily weather, soil physical characteristics and crop management. Switches allow water and/or nitrogen stresses to be terminated to establish climatically determined potential grain yield.Various aspects of the model were validated using a large number of independent experiments. Comparison of simulated and measured quantities indicated satisfactory performance of the model in reference to water and nitrogen uptake, dry matter growth and grain yield in potential as well as Water- and N-limited environments. The model appears useful as a tool for optimizing use of water and nitrogen.
Forty-eight peat deposits from the Hot Weather Creek basin, Fosheim Peninsula, were sampled to determine if accumulation rates were higher during certain parts of the Holocene than today. Twenty-two sections ≥50 cm thick with stratigraphy exposed by erosion were described and sampled. Three of these showed bryophyte accumulations ≥200 cm thick. Thirty-seven radiocarbon dates were obtained from these deposits. To compare modern and Holocene rates of accumulation of organic material, 24 surface sites with criteria favourable for organic accumulation were also sampled. All had bryophyte deposits less than 40 cm thick. Modern summers on Fosheim Peninsula are too arid and continental and evaporation is too strong to enhance bryophyte accumulation in soils. Results demonstrate that although peat accumulation was greater during the middle Holocene in the Arctic, it was not exclusive to that time. Results confirm the absence of large bryophyte deposits when all factors required for such accumulations are not present.
The objective of the CERES crop simulation models is to predict the duration of growth, the average growth rates, and the amount of assimilate partitioned to the economic yield components of the plant. With such a simulation system, optimizing the use of resources and quantifying risk related to weather variation is possible. The cereal crops included in the DSSAT v3 models are maize, wheat, barley, sorghum, millet and rice. A feature of each model is its capability to include cultivar specific information that make possible prediction of the cultivar variations in plant ontogeny and yield component characteristics and their interactions with weather. Biomass growth is calculated using the radiation use efficiency approach; biomass produced is partitioned between leaves, stems, roots, ears and grains. The proportion partitioned to each growing organ is determined by the stage of development and general growing conditions. The partitioning principles are based on a sink source concept and are modified when deficiencies of water and nutrient supplies occur. Crop yields in the CERES models are determined as a product of the grain numbers per plant times the average kernel weight at physiological maturity. The grain numbers are calculated from the above ground biomass growth during a critical stage in the plant growth cycle for a fixed thermal time before anthesis. The grain weight in all the CERES models is calculated as a function of cultivar specific optimum growth rate multiplied by the duration of grain filling. Grain filling is reduced below the optimum value when there is an insufficient supply of assimilate from either the daily biomass production or from stored mobile biomass in the stem. The CERES models have been tested over a wide range of environments. Although there are improvements that can be made in the simulation procedures, results have shown that when the weather, cultivar and management information is reasonably quantified, the yield results are usually within acceptable limits of ±5% to 15% of measured yields.