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White Blood Cell Classification Using Multi-Attention Data Augmentation and Regularization


Abstract and Figures

Accurate and robust human immune system assessment through white blood cell evaluation require computer-aided tools with pathologist-level accuracy. This work presents a multi-attention leukocytes subtype classification method by leveraging fine-grained and spatial locality attributes of white blood cell. The proposed framework comprises three main components: texture-aware/attention map generation blocks, attention regularization, and attention-based data augmentation. The developed framework is applicable to general CNN-based architectures and enhances decision making by paying specific attention to the discriminative regions of a white blood cell. The performance of the proposed method/model was evaluated through an extensive set of experiments and validation. The obtained results demonstrate the superior performance of the model achieving 99.69 % accuracy compared to other state-of-the-art approaches. The proposed model is a good alternative and complementary to existing computer diagnosis tools to assist pathologists in evaluating white blood cells from blood smear images.
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Citation: Bayat, N.; Davey, D.;
Coathup, M.; Park, J. White Blood
Cell Classification Using
Multi-Attention Data Augmentation
and Regularization. Big Data Cogn.
Comput. 2022,6, 122.
Academic Editors:Nadav Rappoport,
Yuval Shahar and Hyojung Paik
Received: 18 September 2022
Accepted: 19 October 2022
Published: 21 October 2022
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big data and
cognitive computing
White Blood Cell Classification Using Multi-Attention Data
Augmentation and Regularization
Nasrin Bayat 1, Diane D. Davey 2, Melanie Coathup 2and Joon-Hyuk Park 1,*
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, USA
2College of Medicine, University of Central Florida, 6850 Lake Nona Blvd, Orlando, FL 32827, USA
Abstract: Accurate and robust human immune system assessment through white blood cell eval-
uation require computer-aided tools with pathologist-level accuracy. This work presents a multi-
attention leukocytes subtype classification method by leveraging fine-grained and spatial locality
attributes of white blood cell. The proposed framework comprises three main components: texture-
aware/attention map generation blocks, attention regularization, and attention-based data augmen-
tation. The developed framework is applicable to general CNN-based architectures and enhances
decision making by paying specific attention to the discriminative regions of a white blood cell.
The performance of the proposed method/model was evaluated through an extensive set of exper-
iments and validation. The obtained results demonstrate the superior performance of the model
achieving 99.69 % accuracy compared to other state-of-the-art approaches. The proposed model is
a good alternative and complementary to existing computer diagnosis tools to assist pathologists
in evaluating white blood cells from blood smear images.
Keywords: attention mechanism; medical image analysis; deep learning; blood cell detection; convo-
lutional neural networks
1. Introduction
The general health condition of a patient can be learned through a quantitative and
qualitative examination of blood components, such as cell counts. Blood cells are primar-
ily classified into two categories: leukocytes or White Blood Cells (WBCs) and erythro-
cytes or Red Blood Cells (RBCs). WBCs are further divided into four nucleated subtypes,
namely eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils, as shown in Figure 1, [
WBC counts and their subtype proportions contain critical information about the status
of infectious diseases and chronic processes, e.g., inflammatory, leukemia, malnutrition,
and white cell proliferative conditions [2].
The traditional WBC analysis includes differentiation of subtypes through micro-
scopic observation of the blood smear and assessment of the morphological characteristics
of the cell nucleus and cytosol. Such techniques is highly dependent on the experience level
of the analyst and, at the same time, it could be labor intensive and time consuming [
Additionally, a completely automatic blood cell analyzer has been used to perform WBC
analysis. However, they frequently have high requirements for test samples and are expen-
sive, which prevents them from being widely used at point-of-care settings or in township
hospitals [4].
Therefore, researchers in the community have devised automatic yet faster approaches
for analysis of leukocytes leveraging computer vision techniques [
]. Given the recent
advancement of machine learning and computer vision, several approaches have been
proposed for leukocyte classification and segmentation, ranging from more conventional
machine learning models such as support vector machine [
] and Naïve Bayesian [
to more advanced deep learning methods [
]. Within deep learning methods, Convolu-
tional Neural Networks (CNNs) have shown exemplary performance in medical image
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122 2 of 15
processing [
], while computer-aided approaches allow a faster, economic and repro-
ducible means for WBC classification, automating the computational process to reach
the clinical level of accuracy and reliability in WBC classification is still in development.
(a)Eosinophils (b)Lymphocytes (c)Monocytes (d)Neutrophils
Figure 1. Example of different white blood cell types.
In this study, we demonstrate an advanced white blood cell classification by approach-
ing it as a fine-grained visual classification problem, where the main goal was to iden-
tify the subordinate-level categories of WBC by tackling few challenges as the following.
First, there is a substantial variance in the characteristics associated with cell morphology,
i.e., size, shape, texture, nucleus, etc., [
] of each cell subtype. Second, there is a small
variance between images of different cell types, making it a challenging classification
task. Such subtle differences between different cell types hinder accurate leukocytes
classification. Therefore, it is desirable to capture more discriminative regions of the cell
to access more enriched feature space which, in turn, can improve the classification accuracy.
By imposing extra supervision on instance interpretation during the learning process us-
ing an attention-based data augmentation method, the model is compelled to pay more
attention to the regions of interest in order to accomplish this goal [16,17].
This work presents a data augmentation and regularization framework based on multi-
attention mechanism to force CNN-based models to extract more discriminative features
to enhance leukocyte subtype recognition. The presented framework is specifically de-
signed to produce an enriched feature space by extracting texture-related information and
deep features. Specifically, the proposed model employs attention-based augmentation
and regularization to focus on various regions within the WBC image to learn more dis-
criminative features. The presented framework is applicable to other CNN-based backbone
architectures to achieve better performance. The effectiveness of the proposed method is
assessed through a large number of WBC microscopic image samples, and the classification
performance was compared with other state-of-the-art methodologies.
The proposed model is a good alternative and complementary to existing computer-
aided diagnosis tools to assist pathologists in evaluating white blood cells from blood
smear images. The primary contributions of this work are summarized as follows:
The WBC classification task is considered as a fine-grained visual classification problem
for which a multi-attention framework for efficient WBC classification has been developed.
The presented method captures texture-aware information from shallow layers and deep
features from deep layers to ensure that the model learns only discriminative features
through attention-based augmentation and regularization mechanisms.
The presented attention-based mechanism is composed of three main components:
texture-aware/attention map generation blocks, attention regularization and attention-
based data augmentation. The presented multi-attention framework is applicable
to all other existing CNN-based models for WBC classification.
An extensive set of experiments are conducted to assess the performance of the model
from different perspectives. The obtained results demonstrated the surpassing perfor-
mance of the model, achieving 99.69% classification accuracy, compared to existing
state-of-the-art approaches.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122 3 of 15
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Recent related studies on white blood
cell classification are discussed in Section 2. Section 3presents the outline of the proposed
attention-based WBC classification approach. Model evaluation settings, including im-
plementation specifics, evaluation metrics, and the employed WBC dataset are described
in Section 4. The obtained WBC subtype detection results are presented and discussed
in Section 5, with their implications in comparison with existing methods and results
from other studies. Finally, concluding remarks are drawn in Section 6.
2. Related Work
Various deep learning models have been developed and used to perform WBC classifi-
cation of automatic detection of leukocytes [
]. For example, Togacar et al., presented
a WBC subclass separation framework based on the AlexNet model [
]. Wang et al.,
proposed to learn spectral and spatial features from microscopy hyperspectral images
using deep convolution networks [
]. A CNN model with loss enhancement with regular-
ization was presented that reduced the processing time [
]. Further, Jiang et al., employed
residual convolution structure with batch normalization to improve activation function
for enhancing feature extraction in the WBC classification [
]. Furthermore, Yao et al., in-
troduced weighted optimized deformable CNN for WBC classification [
] while Khan et al.,
proposed multi-layer convolutional features with an extreme-learning machine for a similar
WBC identification task [24].
In addition, using hybrid approaches such as an ensemble of several models have
been studied. For example, Çınar and Tuncer [
] employed two feature extraction models,
namely AlexNet and GoogleNet, for white blood cell feature extraction and classification
using support vector machine model. Özyurt [
] used several well-known pre-trained
models as a feature extractor and used Extreme Learning Machines (ELM) classifiers
to classify the fused features. Patil et al., [
] proposed the extraction of overlapping
and multiple nuclei patches using a combination of CNN and recurrent neural networks.
Baghel et al., [
] presented a two-stage classification approach to perform mononuclear
and polymorphonuclears identification and associated subtypes based on a CNN model.
Table 1summarizes the literature in chronological order to provide a better under-
standing of the current status of the WBC classification methods along with the model
architectures employed. As can be seen from the table, most previous methods highly
relied on CNN-based architectures, such as AlexNet, MobileNet, etc., due to their efficiency
in analyzing images, while these approaches have shown good performance in the WBC
classification [
], extracting the features associated with distinct regions of the cell is
still difficult to achieve. There exist subtle discrepancies among different cell types, which
tend to be retained in textural information of shallow features. On the other hand, different
regions of WBC images have different textural patterns, which should be maintained as im-
portant discriminative information throughout the pooling operation. Hence, identification
and intensification of such a small difference between cell types and the associated features
are critically important to achieving more accurate and reliable classification with greater
efficiency (shorter processing time). This requires the model to focus more on the distinctive
regions within the cell. To address this limitation, we proposed an attention-based data
augmentation and regularization approach which was implemented and validated for WBC
classification. In addition, recent studies [
] show that deep layers of network capture
high-level semantic information but messy details, while it is the opposite for shallow
layers. In our experiments, we noticed that incorporating texture features besides the deep
features improves the overall model performance.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122 4 of 15
Table 1. Summary of WBC classification methods in chronological order.
Year Authors Model Description
2017 Razzak [30] CNN combined with ELM
2017 Yu et al. [31] Ensemble of CNN’s
2018 Jiang et al. [23]Residual convolution
2018 Liang et al. [32]Combination
of Xception-LSTM
2019 Hegde et al. [33] AlexNet and CNN model
2019 Huang et al. [34]MFCNN CNN with
hyperspectral imaging
2019 Togacar et al. [20] AlexNet with QDA
2020 Abou et al. [35] CNN model
2020 Banik et al. [36] CNN with feature fusion
2020 Basnet et al. [22]DCNN model with modified
2020 Baydilli et al. [37] capsule networks
2020 Kutlu et al. [28]Regional CNN with
a Resnet50
2020 Özyurt [25]Ensemble of CNN models
with ELM classifier.
2021 Baghel et al. [27] CNN model
2021 Çinar et al. [7]
Ensemble of CNN models and
2021 Khan et al. [24] AlexNet model and ELM
2021 Yao et al. [6]Deformable convolutional
neural networks.
2022 Cheuque et al. [8]Faster R-CNN with
MobileNet model
2022 Girdhar et al. [9] CNN model
3. Methodology
This section provides a detailed description of the above-mentioned attention-based
white blood cell classification framework, while attention-based approaches can improve
the performance of the backbone models in various vision tasks, a dual-attention mecha-
nism was employed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of WBC classification. The mo-
tivation behind using the attention mechanism for WBC classification is that all parts
of the WBC image may not carry distinguishing information, rather they are mutual
across different cell types. Therefore, it is important to mimic cognitive attention and
utilize the most relevant parts of the input WBC image. The attention mechanism enables
the traditional deep learning networks to have the flexibility to utilize different regions
of the input image in the run-time using a weighted combination of all the encoded input
images. The most relevant regions scored the highest weights. The presented framework is
applicable to CNN-based backbone models and is composed of three main components:
an attention generation module, an attention regulation module, and an attention-based
data augmentation module. The general pipeline of the presented attention-based white
blood cell detection approach is illustrated in Figure 2. While attention-based data augmen-
tation methods can improve the performance of the model by enhancing discriminative
feature space, it could also lead to performance degradation if multiple attention maps
focus on a single region and ignore other discriminative regions. Therefore, each attention
map was made sure to be non-overlapping and cover only a specific region from all input
blood smear images. The generalizability of the proposed approach and its impact on im-
proving the classification accuracy and efficiency (computational time) were demonstrated,
which supports its validity and applicability for use in the WBC classification.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122 5 of 15
Block 1
Block 2
residual block
feature map 𝑇
Generation Block
Attention Maps
Deep Feature Maps
Attention Layer
Shallow Layer
feature matrix
feature matrix
WBC Images 𝐼
Eosinophil Lymphocyte Monocyte Neutrophil
Baseline Model
Figure 2. Overall framework of the proposed attention-based white blood cell classification ap-
proach. It is composed of three main components, including texture-aware residual block, attention
generation, and attention-based data augmentation through element-wise multiplication and nor-
malized average pooling. The presented framework is generalizable to different backbone models.
The attention-based data augmentation mechanism helps the model not only focus on more robust
features but also forces the model to pay attention to different parts of the input image to obtain more
discriminative features from texture-aware shallow features.
3.1. Attention Generation
For every given input WBC image
, the feature map from the
layer of the backbone
can be represented as
, where the number of channels,
height, and width of the feature map are represented by
, and
, respectively.
Then, the extracted feature maps from particular layers are used to generate attention maps
from mutually exclusive regions of the input image using attention generator block
fg(·)as described in Equations (1) and (2).
A=fg(F) =
fg(·) = Linear(Norm(Conv1D(·))) (2)
represents one attention map corresponding to
region of the input image from a predefined attention layer
of the model, that is selected
for attention map generation. As aforementioned, it is important to preserve textural
information of shallow features to capture subtle discrepancies among different cell types.
To maintain and intensify those subtle differences, a feature-level residual block along
with densely connected convolution layers are utilized to obtain feature maps as depicted
in Figure 3. Shallow layer
is specifically selected to extract feature maps that
represent textural information of different cell types. The obtained texture-aware feature
map contains critical discriminative information about subtle differences in cell-types that
could boost the performance of the backbone model.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122 6 of 15
Average Pooling
Dense Layers
Shallow Layer 𝐿!
Feature Map
Feature Map
Figure 3. Texture-aware residual block helps preserve and enhance the texture information of shallow
feature maps at layer
through average pooling, feature-level residuals, and densely connected
convolution layers.
Having generated attention maps from attention layer
and texture-aware feature
maps from shallow layer
, two sets of attention-based representative feature could be
obtained, i.e., texture-aware feature matrix
and global feature matrix
. Texture-aware
feature matrix and global feature matrix could be calculated through element-wise multi-
plication of attention maps with texture-aware feature maps from the shallow layer and
network’s last layer feature map, respectively. The process of element-wise multiplication
of texture-aware feature maps from shallow layer
with specific attention map and
normalized average pooling
is shown in Figure 4. The obtained discriminative features
are concatenated and fed into the classifier.
𝑔(𝐴"𝑇) 𝑔(𝐴#𝑇) 𝑔(𝐴$𝑇)
Set of 𝑀
attention maps
from attention
feature maps
Texture-aware/global feature
matrix to be fed to classifier
Figure 4. Texture-aware discriminative feature extraction through attention analysis and normalized
average pooling. Discriminative features are pooled using localized feature maps, which are the product
of element-wise multiplication of texture-aware feature maps with unique attention maps.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122 7 of 15
3.2. Attention Regularization
In the attention-based data augmentation process, if all attention maps focus on the same
regions and ignore exploring different regions of the image, the network may fail to capture
the necessary information. Furthermore, it is expected that each attention map always refers
to the same semantic region, rather than random parts of the input image. Inspired by [
and to keep attention maps non-overlapping and forcing them to focus on specific regions
of theinput image, an attention-based loss function LAL is utilized, as shown in Equation (3).
2min (yi), 0+
2, 0(3)
is a semantic feature vector obtained through element-wise multiplication
of pooled feature map,
indicates class label,
denotes the number of attentions,
indicates feature and feature center’s margin,
is the margin between feature centers,
is the feature center. Feature centers are updated in each iteration using Equation (4).
ct=ct1α ct11
denotes the feature center update rate at each iteration and
represents the batch
size. The first component of Equation (3), i.e.,
2min (yi), 0
is responsible for reducing intra-class loss through pulling
closer to feature center
whereas the inter-class loss i.e.,
2, 0
, is responsible
for increasing the distance between feature centers. Ultimately, the final loss function is
a combination of attention-based loss function
and the traditional cross-entropy loss
LCE as written in Equation (5).
L=LCE +LAL (5)
3.3. Attention-Based Data Augmentation
While random data augmentation techniques generate high background noise, the ob-
tained attention maps from different layers of the model can be helpful for better data aug-
mentation. The attention-based data augmentation mechanism makes sure that the model
gets exposed to additional variations of the original input within the training process.
This helps the model to not only learn the original representation of a given input but also
learn additional variations of the input through the augmentation process [
]. For each
sample from the training WBC image set, a unique attention map
is randomly selected
and normalized as kth augmentation map, A
k, as shown in (6).
The augmentation map is utilized as a regulation weight between the degraded image
, which is generated through Gaussian blur, and the original image as
. The augmentation map can be employed from two dif-
ferent perspectives to help train the model. First, it can pay more attention to regions
with high attention scores through input image cropping, which forces the model to learn
more robust features from the most discriminative parts of the image. Second, it can
be utilized to allow the model to produce different attention maps focusing on different
regions by discarding regions with higher attention scores. Figure 5shows some examples
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122 8 of 15
of attention-based cropping and dropping methods for a sample input image from different
white blood cell classes.
Eosinophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Neutrophils
Input sampleAttention croppingAttention dropping
Figure 5. The obtained attention maps could be utilized to force the model to focus on different
regions of the input image for more discriminative feature extraction. First, it is forced to pay more
attention to regions with high attention scores through input image cropping. Second, the model is
encouraged to explore different regions of the image by dropping regions with high attention scores.
4. Evaluation Settings
In this section, general evaluation settings, e.g., white blood cell datasets, preprocessing
steps, implementation specifics, and evaluation metrics are described in detail.
4.1. Dataset
This study uses a publicly available dataset consisting of four different cell categories,
i.e., Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophil, and Neutrophils [
]. The dataset contains
12,444 images of white blood cells with approximately equal distribution across each class
Table 2. Different experiments are carried out with different number of blood smear images
in train and test sets. This experiment will demonstrate how well the model performs
even through training on smaller training sets. Train and test sets are randomly selected
from each cell type separately to ensure the data distribution is intact.
Table 2. Statistical specifics of WBC dataset utilized in this study. Three different experiments with
different train/test split ratios are designed to evaluate the generalizability of the proposed method.
Cell Type Distribution (%) Exp. 1 (60/40) Exp. 2 (70/30) Exp. 3 (80/20)
Train Test Train Test Train Test
Eosinophil 25.10 1872 1248 2184 936 2496 624
Lymphocytes 24.93 1862 1240 2174 930 2482 620
Monocytes 24.84 1855 1236 2164 927 2473 618
Neutrophils 25.10 1874 1249 2187 936 2499 624
Total 100 7463 4973 8707 3729 9950 2486
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122 9 of 15
4.2. Baseline Architectures
The presented attention-based white blood cell identification approach is applicable
to different baseline models. In the following, three state-of-the-art deep learning networks
used in this study are explained, and refer interested readers to the original references.
In this study, these three models are utilized as baseline models.
ResNet Structure. A type of deep convolutional neural network called Residual
Networks (ResNets) [
] that skip convolutional layer blocks while utilizing shortcut
connections. The downsampling procedure in this architecture occurs at the convolutional
layers with a stride of 2, followed by batch normalization and a ReLU activation function.
The architecture consists of 101 layers in total, including a fully connected layer with
softmax activation at the end of the network [42].
Xception Structure. Xception is a convolutional neural network with residual con-
nections based on separable convolutions. This model has 71 deep layers. The feature
extraction base of the network in the Xception architecture is composed of 36 convolutional
layers. With the exception of the first and last modules, the 36 convolutional layers are
structured into 14 modules which contain linear residual connections arround them [43].
EfficientNet Structure. EfficientNet is a convolutional neural network design and
scaling technique that uses a compound coefficient to consistently scale all depth, width,
and resolution dimensions. The goal, which may be expressed as an optimization prob-
lem, is to maximize the model accuracy for any given resource constraints. Model scal-
ing attempts to increase the network length
, width
, and/or resolution
without altering the baseline network’s predefined
. This is in contrast to standard Con-
vNet designs, which primarily focus on identifying the ideal layer architecture
The EfficientNets family of models are created using neural architecture search [
] to de-
velop a new baseline network, and scaling it up. The 8 models in the EfficientNet model
range from B0 to B7, with each model number denoting a version with additional parame-
ters and greater accuracy. Transfer learning is a technique used by the EfficientNet design
to speed up the process. As a result, it offers higher accuracy than other competitor models.
This is a result of the ingenious depth, width, and resolution scaling used [46].
4.3. Implementation Specifics
All baseline models along with associated attention-analysis are implemented using
machine learning library and trained using Stochastic Gradient Descent
optimizer [
] with a learning rate of 5
. a momentum value of 0.9, and 10
weight decay. The model training is performed for 15 epochs using a mini-batch size of 64
to minimize the predefined loss function. A Lambda Quad deep learning workstation
is used to implement, train and test the models. The machine is equipped with Ubuntu
20.04.3 LTS operating system, Intel Core™ i7-6850K CPU, 64 GB DDR4 RAM, and 4 NVIDIA
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).
4.4. Evaluation Metrics
The confusion matrix and associated evaluation metrics were computed to evaluate
the performance of the proposed approach. A confusion matrix is composed of True
Positive (TP), True Negative (TN), False Negative (FN), and False Positive (FP) values.
Performance of the model is evaluated against different evaluation metrics, including
accuracy rate, recall, and F1-score.
5. Results & Discussion
The performance of the proposed attention-based white blood cell classification ap-
proach is investigated through an extensive set of experiments. The obtained results are
presented and discussed as follows. The presented attention-based method for WBC classi-
fication is implemented on three different well-established CNN models. These models
were then trained and tested using three different train/test split set sizes. The obtained
results from these analyses are shown in Figure 6which indicate a satisfactory WBC
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122 10 of 15
classification accuracy above 99% even with the smallest training set (60/40
) across
all backbone models. For example, the detection rate has dropped only less than 1%
when the training set is cut down from 80/20 to 60/40 in the Xception backbone model.
and the classification performance of the proposed method using the aforementioned back-
bone architectures for three different train/test ratios at each epoch is illustrated in Figure 7.
As can be observed all three backbone architectures achieve a high classification accuracy af-
ter only 15 epochs. For example, a configuration of the model with EfficientNet architecture
offers state-of-the-art classification performance, i.e., 99.69%, only after 15 epochs in Exp. 3.
To provide additional insight into the class-specific performance of the proposed approach,
confusion matrix of different configurations of the presented WBC detection model are
illustrated in Figure 8. Each confusion matrix demonstrates the classification performance
of the model on the test set. It can be seen that while Lymphocytes and Monocytes have
been classified more accurately, most of the mislabeled samples belong to Eosinophils
and Neutrophils.
ResNet XceptionNet EfficientNet
Accuracy rate (%)
Exp. 1
Exp. 2
Exp. 3
Figure 6. Performance comparison between different architectures used in the presented attention-
based white blood cell detection, with varying train/test split sizes. Here, Exp. 1, Exp. 2, and Exp. 3
represent 60/40, 70/30, and 80/20 split sizes for train/test sets, respectively.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
accuracy (%)
Exp. 1
Exp. 2
Exp. 3
(a)Backbone architect: ResNet
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
accuracy (%)
Exp. 1
Exp. 2
Exp. 3
(b)Backbone model: Xception
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
accuracy (%)
Exp. 1
Exp. 2
Exp. 3
(c)Backbone model: EfficientNet
Figure 7. Performance of the proposed attention-based WBC detection approach while using afore-
mentioned backbone architectures and three different ratios of train/test splits for the test set.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122 11 of 15
(a)Backbone model: ResNet
(b)Backbone model: Xception
(c)Backbone model: EfficientNet
Figure 8. Confusion matrix of the presented WBC classification model using different backbone
configurations. Note that E: Eosinophils, L: Lymphocytes, M: Monocytes, and N: Neutrophils.
5.1. Attention-Based Data Augmentation
To investigate the impact of the proposed attention-based data augmentation frame-
work on the overall performance of the backbone models are compared with and without
attention-based data augmentation Figure 9. To be in line with the literature and for com-
parability purposes, the rest of the experiments are conducted with a train/test set of 80/20
split rations. It was seen that the presented attention-based framework evidently im-
prove the performance of the WBC classification. For instance, the WBC classification
model using EfficientNet architecture is able to achieve a classification accuracy of 99.69%
using the proposed attention-based data augmentation mechanism. It should be noted
that integration of the presented attention-based data augmentation approach with each
of the backbone models results in the improvement of their performance, showing its
generalizability to potentially enhance the classification performance in other applications
Table 3.
ResNet XceptionNet EfficientNet
Accuracy rate (%)
Figure 9. Performance of the presented attention-based white blood cell detection method compared
with not using attention.
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122 12 of 15
Table 3. Comparison of classification performance from three CNN backbones. The best performance
was achieved using EfficientNet as the backbone with 99.69 % accuracy.
Backbone Metrics Class Specific Performance (%) Ave.
Eosinophils Lymphocytes Monocytes
ACC 98.71 99.43 99.11 98.71 98.99
Recall 96.80 98.87 98.70 97.59 97.99
F1 score 97.42 98.87 98.22 97.44 97.99
ACC 99.03 99.30 99.35 98.91 99.15
Recall 97.76 98.38 98.86 98.23 98.31
F1 score 98.07 98.62 98.70 97.84 98.31
ACC 99.51 99.95 99.75 99.55 99.69
Recall 98.72 100.00 99.51 99.35 99.40
F1 score 99.03 99.91 99.51 99.12 99.39
5.2. Comparison with Other SOTA Approaches
The performance of the proposed WBC classification method was compared with ex-
isting SOTA approaches. Table 4summarizes the comparison of the obtained results in this
work with that of other studies. It can be concluded that all configurations of the presented
attention-based WBC detection approach presented in this study outperform other previous
SOTA approaches used for WBC classification. In particular, the presented method was
able to achieve superior detection rates even with a smaller number of training samples and
fewer training epochs compared to other studies in the literature [
]. For example,
a configuration of the presented approach using EfficientNet backbone architecture could
achieve 98.59% and 99.69% accuracy rates after only 15 epochs of training with 60% and 80%
of the samples, respectively. These results demonstrate that the proposed method offers not
only better accuracy but also time and computational efficiency compared to other SOTAs
considered in WBC classification.
Table 4. A quantitative comparison of the performance of the presented WBC classification approach
with that of existing SOTA methods. NI: Not Indicated.
Authors Accuracy (%) Recall (%) F1 Score (%)
Abou et al. [35] 96.8 NI NI
Baghel et al. [27] 98.9 97.7 97.6
Baydilli et al. [37] 96.9 92.5 92.3
Banik et al. [36] 97.9 98.6 97.0
Basnet et al. [22] 98.9 97.8 97.7
Çinar et al. [7] 99.7 99 99.0
Hegde et al. [33] 98.7 99 99
Huang et al. [34] 97.7 NI NI
Jiang et al. [23] 83.0 NI NI
Khan et al. [24] 99.1 99.0 99
Kutlu et al. [28] 97 99.0 98
Liang et al. [32] 95.4 96.9 94
Özyurt [25]96.03 NI NI
Patil et al. [26] 95.9 95.8 95.8
Razzak [30] 98.8 95.9 96.4
Togacar et al. [20] 97.8 95.7 95.6
Wang et al. [21] 97.7 NI NI
Yao et al. [6] 95.7 95.7 95.7
Yu et al. [31] 90.5 92.4 86.6
Cheuque et al. [8] 98.4 98.4 98.4
Authors Accuracy (%) Recall (%) F1 Score (%)
Xception (Ours) 98.99 97.99 97.99
ResNet (Ours) 99.15 98.31 98.31
EfficientNet (Ours) 99.69 99.40 99.39
5.3. Limitation and Future Work
Over recent years, the use of deep learning has increasingly shown significant potential
to improve healthcare. We are now able to perform many tasks that were once the sole
Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022,6, 122 13 of 15
domain of humans. Theoretical advantages to this include accurate and early detection
of anomalies, increased diagnostic and therapeutic efficacy, and a reduction in medi-
cal error while also decreasing administrative workload and costs. This study focused
on the differential count of WBCs as it is one of the most common laboratory tests used.
Future work will enhance the framework to include other cells found within the peripheral
bloodstream, such as progenitor cells, immature/neoplastic/dysplastic cells; key cells that
also act as important indicators of many pathological conditions. The presented work
has further implications for other areas of cell and molecular biology where the detec-
tion and classification of different types and conditions are needed through microscopy.
The presented framework has demonstrated a surpassing classification accuracy rate after only
15 training epochs, even with a relatively small number of training samples, its performance
and transferability to other datasets need further exploration. In future work, the authors would
like to train the model on a WBC dataset and test its transferability on other datasets with
different distributions. In addition, the presented framework in this study is evaluated against
CNN-based backbone architectures. The extension of the proposed framework to other deep
learning architectures needs to be investigated in future work.
6. Conclusions
This work investigates the white blood cell type classification task and provides
an attention-based approach to improve the classification rate and efficiency of the clas-
sifier. More specifically, the proposed approach is composed of Attention regularization,
texture-aware/attention map generating blocks, and attention-based data augmentation.
The proposed approach helps the model to explore various regions of a given WBC image
to discover more distinguishing visual representations. Through this process the model
learns even tiny differences across different WBC types, leading to higher accuracy rate.
The generalizability of the presented method to other CNN-based architectures have been
demonstrated through three well-established networks. An extensive set of experiments
are carried out to evaluate the performance of the model. The obtained results demonstrate
that it could achieve state-of-the-art classification performance 99.69% after only 15 epochs,
surpassing its existing counterparts. The transferability of the proposed method to other
WBC datasets will be investigated in the future study.
Author Contributions: N.B. came up with the idea, ran the experiments, and wrote the manuscript. M.C.
and D.D.D. provided technical feedback. J.-H.P. provided technical feedback and revised the manuscript.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: Article processing charges were provided in part by the UCF College of Graduate Studies
Open Access Publishing Fund.
Data Availability Statement: Publicly available datasets were analyzed in this study. This data can
be found here: (, accessed on 1
May 2022).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... According to the experiments on the BCCD, they obtained 97.03% classification accuracy. Bayat et al. [50] suggested an attentionbased method for the WBCC. More specifically, this method consists of attention-based data augmentation, texture-sensitive/attention mapping blocks, and attention regularization. ...
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White blood cells (WBC), which are human peripheral blood cells, are the most significant part of the immune system that defends the body against microorganisms. Modifications in the morphological structure and number of subtypes of WBC play an major role in the diagnosis of serious diseases such as anemia and leukemia. Therefore, accurate WBC classification is clinically quite significant in the diagnosis of the disease. In last years, deep learning, especially CNN, has been used frequently in the field of medicine because of its strong self-learning capabilities and it can extract deeper features in images with stronger semantic information. In this study, a new CNN-based method is proposed for WBC classification. The proposed method (PM) is a hybrid method consisting of Inception module, pyramid pooling module (PPM) and depthwise squeeze-and-excitation block (DSEB). Inception module increases classification accuracy of CNNs by performing multiple parallel convolutions at different scales. PPM captures multi-scale contextual information from the input image by pooling features at multiple different scales. DSEB offers a structure where the network can selectively learn about informative features and remove useless ones. For the analysis of the classification results of the PM, experiments were carried out on three different datasets consisting of four classes (BCCD dataset), five classes (Raabin WBC dataset) and eight classes. As a result of the experimental studies, classification accuracy was obtained 99.96% in the BCCD dataset containing 4 classes, 99.22% in the Raabin WBC dataset containing 5 classes and 99.72% in the PBC dataset containing 8 classes. Compared with the state-of-the-art studies in the literature, the PM achieved the best accuracy in three datasets.
... Lökosit sınıflandırmasının manuel süreci oldukça zaman alıcıdır ve hematoloğun deneyimine bağlıdır. Daha sıklıkla, Lökosit sınıflandırmasını gerçekleştirmek için klinik olarak otomatik bir lökosit analiz cihazı kullanılmaktadır [6] [7]. Bu ticari analizörler, sınıflandırma için segmentasyon ve örüntü tanıma algoritmalarını kullanarak hızlı ve düşük maliyetli analizler gerçekleştirebilmektedir. ...
Periferik kan hücrelerinin sınıflandırılması anemi ve lösemi gibi birçok kan hastalığının teşhisinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu nedenle, doğru kan hücresi sınıflandırması hastalığın teşhisinde klinik olarak oldukça önemlidir. Son yıllarda, derin öğrenme, özellikle Evrişimsel sinir ağları, güçlü kendi kendine öğrenme yetenekleri sayesinde tıp alanında sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, kan hücre sınıflandırması için hesaplama maliyetini ve parametre sayısını azaltan derinlemesine ayrılabilir evrişim ile Inception modülünden oluşan yeni bir hibrit yöntem geliştirilmiştir. Bu yöntem, parametre sayısını ve hesaplama maliyetini azaltıp sınıflandırma doğruluğunu arttırmasıyla, standart evrişimsel sinir ağlarına göre bir avantaj sağlamaktadır. Geliştirilen yöntemin performansını test etmek için 8 sınıflı bir kan hücresi veri seti üzerinde yapılan deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda %98.89 doğruluk, %98.88 kesinlik, %98.85 duyarlılık, %98.86 F1-skoru elde edilmiştir. Literatürdeki çalışmalar ile karşılaştırıldığında yöntemimizin etkili olduğu görülmektedir.
... Lastly, five classes are created from the WBC photos using a ShufflenetV2 model. In [8] for accurate WBC classification, a multi-attention framework has been developed. Using attention in augmentation and regularization techniques, this method gathers texture information from upper layers and deep features from innermost layers which helps the model to learn only selective features. ...
Conference Paper
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Leukocytes, sometimes referred to as white blood cells (WBCs), are crucial to the healthy operation of the human body. WBC distribution in human body are biological markers that determine the immunity of human body to fight against infectious diseases. WBC detection and classification plays an important role in medical application. However, using manual microscopic evaluation is complicated and time consuming. To tackle the limitations associated with traditional methods, recently deep learning (D.L) based methods are much experimented and explored. In this paper, we implemented various D.L models for automatic classification of WBCs. A comparative study among pretrained networks namely Inceptionv3, MobileNetV3 and VGG-19 was performed using transfer learning on publicly available WBC images from Kaggle. Classification accuracy of WBC images using Inceptionv3, MobileNetV3 and VGG-19 is 99.76%, 99.25% and 86.50% respectively. Inceptionv3 was further compared with the existing works in the literature and is found to be superior.
... The first CNN classified the samples as normal white blood cells or abnormal ones, while the second CNN classified the abnormal samples into eight different subtypes. Bayat, et al. [24] designed an attention-based CNN with regularization techniques to classify white blood cells. The model could fuse texture features with global features from the blood cell images. ...
Blood cells play an important role in the metabolism of the human body, and the status of blood cells can be used for clinical diagnoses, such as the ratio of different blood cells. Therefore, blood cell classification is a primary task, which requires much time for manual analysis. The recent advances in computer vision can be beneficial to free doctors from tedious tasks. In this paper, a novel automated blood cell classification model based on the shifted window vision transformer (SW-ViT) is proposed. The SW-ViT architecture is firstly pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset and fine-tuned on the blood cell images for classification. Two transfer strategies are employed to generate better classification results. One is to fine-tune the entire SW-ViT, and the other is to only fine-tune the linear output layer of the SW-ViT while all the other parameters are frozen. A public dataset named BCCD_Dataset (Blood Cell Count and Detection) is utilized in the experiments. The results show that the SW-ViT outperforms several state-of-the-art methods in terms of classification accuracy. The proposed SW-ViT can be applied in daily clinical diagnosis.
... However, there are still some deficiencies in these models. Some of them would use handcrafted features [24][25][26][27], but these features could not be the ideal maps for blood cell diagnosis. Meanwhile, DL models could take a lot of time to complete the experiments because of the massive layers and parameters. ...
Background Blood is responsible for delivering nutrients to various organs, which store important health information about the human body. Therefore, the diagnosis of blood can indirectly help doctors judge a person’s physical state. Recently, researchers have applied deep learning (DL) to the automatic analysis of blood cells. However, there are still some deficiencies in these models. Methods To cope with these issues, we propose a novel network for the multi-classification of blood cells, which is called DLBCNet. A new specifical model for blood cells (BCGAN) is designed to generate synthetic images. The pre-trained ResNet50 is implemented as the backbone model, which serves as the feature extractor. The extracted features are fed to the proposed ETRN to improve the multi-classification performance of blood cells. Results The average accuracy, average sensitivity, average precision, average specificity, and average f1-score of the proposed model are 95.05%, 93.25%, 97.75%, 93.72%, and 95.38%, accordingly. Conclusions The performance of the proposed model surpasses other state-of-the-art methods in reported classification results.
... Attenuating frequencies using low pass Gaussian filters [31] results in a smoother image in the spatial domain. This process is formalized in the following equations: ...
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Object recognition systems are usually trained and evaluated on high resolution images. However, in real world applications, it is common that the images have low resolutions or have small sizes. In this study, we first track the performance of the state-of-the-art deep object recognition network, Faster- RCNN, as a function of image resolution. The results reveals negative effects of low resolution images on recognition performance. They also show that different spatial frequencies convey different information about the objects in recognition process. It means multi-resolution recognition system can provides better insight into optimal selection of features that results in better recognition of objects. This is similar to the mechanisms of the human visual systems that are able to implement multi-scale representation of a visual scene simultaneously. Then, we propose a multi-resolution object recognition framework rather than a single-resolution network. The proposed framework is evaluated on the PASCAL VOC2007 database. The experimental results show the performance of our adapted multi-resolution Faster-RCNN framework outperforms the single-resolution Faster-RCNN on input images with various resolutions with an increase in the mean Average Precision (mAP) of 9.14% across all resolutions and 1.2% on the full-spectrum images. Furthermore, the proposed model yields robustness of the performance over a wide range of spatial frequencies.
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The immune system is one of the most critical systems in humans that resists all diseases and protects the body from viruses, bacteria, etc. White blood cells (WBCs) play an essential role in the immune system. To diagnose blood diseases, doctors analyze blood samples to characterize the features of WBCs. The characteristics of WBCs are determined based on the chromatic, geometric, and textural characteristics of the WBC nucleus. Manual diagnosis is subject to many errors and differing opinions of experts and takes a long time; however, artificial intelligence techniques can help to solve all these challenges. Determining the type of WBC using automatic diagnosis helps hematologists to identify different types of blood diseases. This work aims to overcome manual diagnosis by developing automated systems for classifying microscopic blood sample datasets for the early detection of diseases in WBCs. Several proposed systems were used: first, neural network algorithms, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) and feed-forward neural networks (FFNNs), were applied to diagnose the dataset based on the features extracted using the hybrid method between two algorithms, the local binary pattern (LBP) and gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). All algorithms attained superior accuracy for WBC diagnosis. Second, the pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) models AlexNet, ResNet-50, GoogLeNet, and ResNet-18 were applied for the early detection of WBC diseases. All models attained exceptional results in the early detection of WBC diseases. Third, the hybrid technique was applied, consisting of a pair of blocks: the CNN models block for extracting deep features and the SVM algorithm block for the classification of deep features with superior accuracy and efficiency. These hybrid techniques are named AlexNet with SVM, ResNet-50 with SVM, GoogLeNet with SVM, and ResNet-18 with SVM. All techniques achieved promising results when diagnosing the dataset for the early detection of WBC diseases. The ResNet-50 model achieved an accuracy of 99.3%, a precision of 99.5%, a sensitivity of 99.25%, a specificity of 99.75%, and an AUC of 99.99%.
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Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown a strong ability in mining discriminative object pose and parts information for image recognition. For fine-grained recognition, context-aware rich feature representation of object/scene plays a key role since it exhibits a significant variance in the same subcategory and subtle variance among different subcategories. Finding the subtle variance that fully characterizes the object/scene is not straightforward. To address this, we propose a novel context-aware attentional pooling (CAP) that effectively captures subtle changes via sub-pixel gradients, and learns to attend informative integral regions and their importance in discriminating different subcategories without requiring the bounding-box and/or distinguishable part annotations. We also introduce a novel feature encoding by considering the intrinsic consistency between the informativeness of the integral regions and their spatial structures to capture the semantic correlation among them. Our approach is simple yet extremely effective and can be easily applied on top of a standard classification backbone network. We evaluate our approach using six state-of-the-art (SotA) backbone networks and eight benchmark datasets. Our method significantly outperforms the SotA approaches on six datasets and is very competitive with the remaining two.
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Humans can naturally and effectively find salient regions in complex scenes. Motivated by this observation, attention mechanisms were introduced into computer vision with the aim of imitating this aspect of the human visual system. Such an attention mechanism can be regarded as a dynamic weight adjustment process based on features of the input image. Attention mechanisms have achieved great success in many visual tasks, including image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, video understanding, image generation, 3D vision, multimodal tasks, and self-supervised learning. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of various attention mechanisms in computer vision and categorize them according to approach, such as channel attention, spatial attention, temporal attention, and branch attention; a related repository is dedicated to collecting related work. We also suggest future directions for attention mechanism research.
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The evaluation of white blood cells is essential to assess the quality of the human immune system; however, the assessment of the blood smear depends on the pathologist’s expertise. Most machine learning tools make a one-level classification for white blood cell classification. This work presents a two-stage hybrid multi-level scheme that efficiently classifies four cell groups: lymphocytes and monocytes (mononuclear) and segmented neutrophils and eosinophils (polymorphonuclear). At the first level, a Faster R-CNN network is applied for the identification of the region of interest of white blood cells, together with the separation of mononuclear cells from polymorphonuclear cells. Once separated, two parallel convolutional neural networks with the MobileNet structure are used to recognize the subclasses in the second level. The results obtained using Monte Carlo cross-validation show that the proposed model has a performance metric of around 98.4% (accuracy, recall, precision, and F1-score). The proposed model represents a good alternative for computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) tools for supporting the pathologist in the clinical laboratory in assessing white blood cells from blood smear images.
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On monitoring an individual's health condition, White Blood Cells play a significant role. The opinion on blood-related disease requires the detection and description of the blood of a patient. Blood cell defects are responsible for numerous health conditions. The conventional technique of manually visualizing White Blood Cells under the microscope is a time-consuming, tedious process and its interpretation requires professionals. There are significant medical applications for an automated method for detecting and classifying blood cells and their subtypes. This work presents an automatic classification method with the help of machine learning for blood cell classification from blood sample medical images. The proposed method can identify and classify the function of each segmented White Blood Cells cell image as granular and non-granular White Blood Cells cell type. It further classifies granular into Eosinophil, Neutrophil and non-granular into Lymphocyte, Monocyte in various forms. Because of its high precision, the proposed framework includes a neural network model to detect white blood cell types. To improve the accuracy of multiple cells overlapping and increase the robustness, data augmentation techniques have been used in the proposed system. Which has improved the accuracy in binary and multi-classification of blood cell subtypes.
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Background Any contamination in the human body can prompt changes in blood cell morphology and various parameters of cells. The minuscule images of blood cells are examined for recognizing the contamination inside the body with an expectation of maladies and variations from the norm. Appropriate segmentation of these cells makes the detection of a disease progressively exact and vigorous. Microscopic blood cell analysis is a critical activity in the pathological analysis. It highlights the investigation of appropriate malady after exact location followed by an order of abnormalities, which assumes an essential job in the analysis of various disorders, treatment arranging, and assessment of results of treatment. Methodology A survey of different areas where microscopic imaging of blood cells is used for disease detection is done in this paper. Research papers from this area are obtained from a popular search engine, Google Scholar. The articles are searched considering the basics of blood such as its composition followed by staining of blood, that is most important and mandatory before microscopic analysis. Different methods for classification, segmentation of blood cells are reviewed. Microscopic analysis using image processing, computer vision and machine learning are the main focus of the analysis and the review here. Methodologies employed by different researchers for blood cells analysis in terms of these mentioned algorithms is the key point of review considered in the study. Results Different methodologies used for microscopic analysis of blood cells are analyzed and are compared according to different performance measures. From the extensive review the conclusion is made. Conclusion There are different machine learning and deep learning algorithms employed by researchers for segmentation of blood cell components and disease detection considering microscopic analysis. There is a scope of improvement in terms of different performance evaluation parameters. Different bio-inspired optimization algorithms can be used for improvement. Explainable AI can analyze the features of AI implemented system and will make the system more trusted and commercially suitable.
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White blood cells (WBC), which form the basis of the immune system, protect the body from foreign invaders and infectious diseases. While the number and structural features of WBCs can provide important information about the health of people, the ratio of the subtypes of these cells and observable deformations are a good indicator in the diagnostic process. The recognition of cells of the type of lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes is critical. In this article, Deep Learning based Hybrid CNN (Convololutional Neural Network) model is proposed for classification of eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils WBCs. The model presented is based on pretrained Alexnet and Googlenet architectures. The feature vector in the last pooling layer of both CNN architectures has been merged, and the resulting feature vector is classified by the Support Vector Machine. To determine the superiority of the proposed method, the classification was also performed and compared using pretrained Alexnet and Googlenet. Hybrid Alexnet-Googlenet-SVM model provides higher accuracy than pretrained Alexnet and Googlenet. The proposed method has been tested with WBC images from Kaggle and LISC database. Accuracy and F1-score were 99.73%, 0.99 and 98.23%, 0.98 for both data sets, respectively.
The human immune system consists of White Blood Cells that are responsible for fighting of disease pathogens. In the field of medical imagining, white blood cells is of great importance. Analysis of white blood cells can be helpful to medical experts in many of the cases such as viral infection or cancer infection. In this paper, the classification of White Blood Cell using a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) is proposed. The proposed approach is able to classify the type of cell in much less epochs/time than other approaches. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated on Kaggle dataset. The overall accuracy obtained from the proposed approach is 98.55%.
As important immune cells in the human body, white blood cells play a very significant role in the auxiliary diagnosis of many major diseases. Clinically, changes in the number and morphology of white blood cells and their subtypes are the prediction index for important, serious diseases, such as anaemia, malaria, infections, and tumours. The application of image recognition technology and cloud computing to assist in medical diagnosis is a hot topic in current research, which we believe have great potential to further improve real-time detection and improve medical diagnosis. This paper proposes a novel automatic classification framework for the recognition of five subtypes of white blood cells, in the hope of contributing to disease prediction. First, we present an adaptive threshold segmentation method to deal with blood smear images with nonuniform colour and uneven illumination. The method is designed based on colour space information and threshold segmentation. After successfully separating the white blood cell from the blood smear image, a large number of features, including geometrical, colour, and texture features are extracted. However, redundant features can affect the classification speed and efficiency, and in view of that, a feature selection algorithm based on classification and regression trees (CART) is designed to successfully remove irrelevant and redundant features from the initial features. The selected prominent features are fed into a particle swarm optimisation support vector machine (PSO-SVM) classifier to recognise the types of white blood cells. Finally, to evaluate the performance of the proposed white blood cell classification methodology, we build a white blood cell data set containing 500 blood smear images for experiments. The proposed methodology achieves 99.76% classification accuracy, which well demonstrates its effectiveness.
White blood cells (WBCs) are the main component of the immune system that have a major role in protecting the body against different types of infections arising due to viruses, bacteria, fungi, and so on. The WBCs are generally referred to as 5 main subtypes: lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. Recognizing and counting each type of WBC is important for diagnosing and treating various disorders, such as infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, immune deficiencies, leukemia, etc. To this end, a fast and accurate WBC classification model is crucial. This study offers a new model that works with a deep neural network—namely, multi-layer (ML) convolutional features of the AlexNet architecture followed by a feature selection (FS) strategy (MLANet-FS) for WBC-type identification. The proposed model exploits multi-layer convolutional features from different layers of the AlexNet model to provide rich discriminative detail, because different convolutional layers contain different visual characteristics of WBCs, and thereafter, linear fusion of these features occurs automatically. FS strategy is used to select the most distinguishing features from the feature fusion pool. Next, an extreme-learning machine (ELM) is employed to learn a discriminative model of WBC type identification. The proposed MLANet-FS-ELM model was evaluated in extensive experiments on the WBC benchmark dataset. It achieved 99.99% training accuracy and 99.12% testing accuracy, demonstrating that the proposed model outperforms alternative methods in the literature developed for WBC identification.
Attention has arguably become one of the most important concepts in the deep learning field. It is inspired by the biological systems of humans that tend to focus on the distinctive parts when processing large amounts of information. With the development of deep neural networks, attention mechanism has been widely used in diverse application domains. This paper aims to give an overview of the state-of-the-art attention models proposed in recent years. Toward a better general understanding of attention mechanisms, we define a unified model that is suitable for most attention structures. Each step of the attention mechanism implemented in the model is described in detail. Furthermore, we classify existing attention models according to four criteria: the softness of attention, forms of input feature, input representation, and output representation. Besides, we summarize network architectures used in conjunction with the attention mechanism and describe some typical applications of attention mechanism. Finally, we discuss the interpretability that attention brings to deep learning and present its potential future trends.