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Abstract and Figures

Internet of Things (IoT) is fast becoming a disruptive technology business opportunity, with standards emerging primarily for wireless communication between sensors, actuators and gadgets in day-to-day human life, all in general being referred to as 'Things'. This offers the capability to measure for understanding environment indicators. This paper addresses the internet of things (IoT) as the main enabling factor of promising paradigm for integration and comprehensive of several technologies for communication solution, Identification and integrating for tracking of technologies as wireless sensor and actuators. IoT as envisioned is billion sensors connected to the internet through the sensors that would be generate large amount of data which need to analyzed, interpreted and utilized. Context aware capturing enables modeling, interpreting and storing of sensor data which is linked to appropriate context variable dynamically. Building or home automation, social smart communication for enhancement of quality of life, that could be considered as one of the application of IoT where the sensors, actuators and controllers can be connected to internet and controlled. This paper introduces the concept of application for internet of things and with the discussion of social and governance issues that arise as the future vision of internet of things.
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Principle Application and Vision in Internet
of Things (IoT)
Mohsen Hallaj Asghar
School of computer and information science
Hyderabad Central University
Hyderabad, India
Atul Negi
Prof.of Computer and Information Science
Hyderabad Central University
Hyderabad, India
Nasibeh Mohammadzadeh
School Of Computer and Information Science
Hyderabad Central University
AbstractInternet of Things (IoT) is fast becoming a disruptive
technology business opportunity, with standards emerging
primarily for wireless communication between sensors, actuators
and gadgets in day-to-day human life, all in general being referred
to as “Things”. This offers the capability to measure for
understanding environment indicators. This paper addresses the
internet of things (IoT) as the main enabling factor of promising
paradigm for integration and comprehensive of several technologies
for communication solution, Identification and integrating for
tracking of technologies as wireless sensor and actuators.
IoT as envisioned is billion sensors connected to the internet
through the sensors that would be generate large amount of data
which need to analyzed, interpreted and utilized. Context aware
capturing enables modeling, interpreting and storing of sensor data
which is linked to appropriate context variable dynamically.
Building or home automation, social smart communication for
enhancement of quality of life, that could be considered as one of
the application of IoT where the sensors, actuators and controllers
can be connected to internet and controlled. This paper introduces
the concept of application for internet of things and with the
discussion of social and governance issues that arise as the future
vision of internet of things.
Keywords—Internet of Things (IoT), radio frequency identification
(RFID), Electronic Product Code (EPC).
The internet of things (IoT) is the novel paradigm which has
rapidly spread in the scenario of the emerging modern wireless
communication. IoT represents a target and vision to extend the
internet into the real world by embracing the everywhere,
everyday object [1]. Physical device are no longer disconnected
from the virtual world but it can be
controlled remotely from anywhere and the capability of device
and physical item can act as physical access point to the internet
service provider.Unquestionably the main consistency of the IoT
idea is the collaboration in high impact for several aspects of
everyday-life and manner of potential user.
The most signally effectiveness of IoT in point of view is
introduction domestic fields in the subject, assisted living, e-
health, industrial, social internet of Things, agriculture and
Home automation also rise of learning a few instance of possible
application scenario and achieve to the new paradigm will be
useful for role of the IoT in near feature. Similarity, from
another perspective for business users, the most obvious
resultant will be light way in such as automation in individual
and logistic, business management also for smart transportation
of assets and goods. McKinsey global institute announced by
2025 internet endpoint will touch every physical things around,
furniture, cars, personal device and more, it’s highlight future
will be arise by combined the technology with the interactive of
human environment and extension diffusion of the internet of
things. “Smart” object plays the main roles in the IoT vision
[2].Whereas the information technology and embedded
technology would have potential to revolutionize the uses of this
objects. Using the sensor, they are capable to understand the
context and would be to communicate with each other “digitally
upgrading “ordinary of object in this way should enhance their
physical function by adding ability to digital object [3].
Precursor development are more and more obvious today such as
washing machines, exercise bike, electric toothbrushes also
electronic metric that all occupied with the network interface. In
other application domain in IoT, will estimated the network
connectivity of everyday objects can be used and track remotely
from anywhere and collect-up-the information from the smart
object from anytime to analyze the data as cloud smart device.
This interface has many aspects of real world can be observed at
unattained case at trivial cost. The use of word internet of things,
which stands for vision above can be seen either simply a
metaphor- in the direction way will be soon communicate with
each other, uses service, purvey information and generate value-
or explanation in several technical sense , IP protocol stack will
be used by smart objects. The term of IoT was published by
work of Auto-ID center at Massachusetts institute technology
(MIT), which in 1999 started the prototype of RFID
infrastructure at 2002 the co-founder and former head Kevin
Ashton touched it “we need an internet of things to
standardization of computer to realize the real world” [4].
Nowadays the phenomenon of IoT is rapidly increase and
academic, industrial and people know this is the emerging and
phenomenon of new IT technology. European Union and
politicians initially used the term in the context of RFID
technology that they tried to link the RFID with the internet of
things as key component of IoT. Finally in 2009 the EU
commission alluded to action plan ultimately Internet of Things
as general evaluation forum for network of interconnected
computers to the physical cyber world as interconnected object
There are several application domains which will be compact by
the emergence of internet of things. The application can be
classified into the various network availability, scale, coverage
and repeatability of use involvement.figure.1 [6].
Figure 1.Application in IoT
We categorize the application relevant into six kind of domain,
smart home and smart building automation, mobile
communication Enterprise and smart business, healthcare,
utilities.Smart home communication, IoT products power usage
data and make it available to the house electricity for
communication of smart object through the ubiquitous power
supply for each node that attached in things and it should act as
save energy for home utilities. Utilities, company and enterprise
which can be save the energy and optimizing energy in the
industrial, Mobile-customer by using communication with the
intelligence cloud and data center
Smart Home/Smart Building
home appliance with advanced Iot technology can help in both
optimization energy by reducing the consumption and resource
associated to the building such as (electricity and water).
Building automation system(BAS) generally focuses on energy
saving in Heating ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC)
system and lighting in addition to management of security,safety
and other application.the sensors,controllers and actuators of
BAS are connected by standard communication, standards such
as BAS net and Lon-Work.Building automation systems are
designed and optimized for cost-effectiveness and efficiency.The
building control networks usually exchange small sized packets
to get real-time response.The sensor collected data is utilize only
by individual user and who directly interested the network
connection, usually Wi-Fi is access for higher bandwidth
data(video) and transfer as well as higher sampling rate(sound).
Control of home appliance such as air conditioners, washing
machines, refrigerators and etc, will alluded for better
consuming energy for the saving money of appliance to getting
more benefits and optimization energy to order of reduce cost of
living and create pace of mind [7].The main purpose of home
automation is to control all smart device in the location of home,
this work will bring the satisfaction for customer and owner.
One of the greatest in automation home is user can protect
against of some bad case like, fire or any disaster, user can
control light and temperature by using the phone, tablet,
computer. Future of home automation will be shown as more
security, comfortable energy efficiency and convenience.
Nowadays home automation becomes more and more affordable
by using operating system which is less complex, so owner can
be master to control of all smart devices to order of security and
safety [8].
There are some number of application in healthcare sector in IoT
technologies.On the other hand,they can used to increase the
current associated life and enhance the living solutions.Each
patients will carry smart medical sensors to monitor some many
body parameter such as, body temperature,
breathing,blood pressure.In smart healthcare there are other
sensors like,wearable sensors(Gyroscopes) and fixed
sensors(proximity).These both sensors categories can gathered
data by used of monitor patient activity through their living
space and environs environment. Recent activity of scientists is
to give a perfect platform of IoT to realizing the sensor body and
transfer data to the server for analyzing information [9].
1. Tracking of objects and people (staff and patients):
Is the target at the identification of person or anybody sensor in
the motion, Like case patient monitoring improve workflow in
the hospital. Tracking in the motion is the vital points in smart
healthcare such as connect to the ambulance and also availability
and maintenance of material to prevent during surgery such as
blood packet [10].
2. Identification of patients with smart authentication:
It’s introduce the point identification for prevent and protect of
the patient from harmful Accident such as (wrong drug ,does and
time)also for patient specially case of old person ,monitoring by
comprehensive electronic medical record for analyzing the
maintenance and monitoring of the patients ,both case of
identification and authentication is improve the frequently used
of urgent access of addressing of patients issue and it useful for
security process to avoid of losing the important data of patients
and instrument products.
3. Data collection from sensors:
Automatic data collection is one of the issues in healthcare
system. Data should be transfer to the domain and analyzing data
help us to reduce the processing time, this function is relevant to
the RFID technology. RFID must collected data from RFID
reader to the domain of healthcare also clinical application
technologies is to purpose of the network and provide the
location of RFID for identification the location of patients.
Smart business
RFID technologies are used in various sectors such as inventory
management,supply and delivery chain.This relies on the
capability of RFID to identify and support for tracking goods
and assets.
RFID commonly is used to monitoring and managing the
movement goods through supply chain
management.Customarily RFID tags are attached to product.The
data can read by RFID readers [11]. By using sensors there are
several test Beds implemented and it’s plane to get the control of
network enterprise and eavesdropping .By using the secure
channel can do action against of hackers between enterprise in
different location. Nowadays some important part of enterprise
and governments are facing with the attacker such as military,
Nuclear power plant and factory that generated the energy, by
using the specific categories of smart sensors and actuators can
be protect their assets form attackers.
The information from the network in this application domain is
almost for service operation and optimization of consumer for
customer. Rather than it was by used of utilities organization
such as (smart metric) for calculate of the optimize cost. Utilities
have several extra expenses about the reading and analyzing the
consumer and management because the monitoring is the
strength and efficient resource of management. Measuring,
monitoring by control remotely it can case of saving time, cost
and headache of employees. Recently smart Grid and smart
metric are one of the potential IoT applications. Efficient energy
consumption by smart metric can be achieve the by several
monitoring in the house for electricity point and modify the
utilities consumption by the owner [12].This data is useful for
power plant and utilities organization with load balance of
energy in the city for ensuring the high quality of customer and
service. One of the important points in the IoT is monitoring of
drinking water. Sensors measuring the external parameter are
installed at necessary location to order ensuring the supply
quality of the water. The same network can be using in
agriculture for saving money and time by looking grading or
grass remotely. By monitoring solid and humidity can prevent
contamination and avoid on-watering with the help of IoT [13].
Transport of IoT is enabling by using the huge WSNs for online
monitoring at the travel times, by IoT can choice route, queue of
traffic, air pollution and noise emissions. The IoT is likely to
changing the traffic information and providing by sensor
network in existing traffic control systems. IoT can change the
algorithm of the urban traffic with using the mobile
communication and tacking the road as online service for the
quality of the service in the urban, Bluetooth technology (BT)
refers the IoT number of digital products such as (mobile,
parking and navigation system)Bluetooth technology is a signal
with the unique media access identification number which can
be by BT in crowded area [14]. Reader can be installed at the
different location in the city and can be capturing the signal of
cars in motion, for the purpose of speed in time of vehicle to
understanding the pick-up the time in traffic. This scenario also
is using in bus and other public transportation vehicles. Another
matter issue in mobile IoT domain is efficient management by
using of this paradigm can monitoring the item transport as well
as efficient transportation planning. Monitoring items is carry
out move location. This will be using the large scale of social
internet of things.
Smart environment monitoring/Smart Cities
IoT technology are suitable for applied to environment
monitoring application.Environmental monitoring can be case by
a key role which played by the capability of sensing and
distributed data.natural phenomena like (temperature, rainfall,
river height,wind) also seamlessly integration such data into
global application.Real-time data processing coupled by the
capability of a huge number of devices to home communication
among them.Smart cities can be used to translate the
cyberphysical system for eco-system emerging. Smart cities can
occurred by developing advanced environment and
infrastructure .By advanced services we can possible to
optimize the utilize of physical city infrastructure such as
(Road,network,Power grid.etc)and enhance of quality of life for
citizens.suppose small island like Singapore, without any natural
resources from 1977 tried an industrial economy towards to
information economy. Also integrating the national economy
with embrace the information technology.
Singapore with using the IoT could to be one of the smart cities
in the world.This country before 2000 could spread the least a
coaxical connection and national optical fiber to the
household.this country spend lots of research for infrastructure
and implement the information technology during the 1960 -
1997.estimation is showing the Singapore till 2019 will be
smartest country in global.
The IoT is not a single of novel technology for instance, there
are several inter-corporation technological developments which
taken together to help and take the bridge between the virtual
world to the physical world, such as:
I. Communication: object has to capability to network Resource
to make use of data, and upgrading that states, wireless sensor
technologies, such as actuators, Wi-Fi, GSM, Zigbee, all these
technology recently are under the development and standard for
a particular purpose of IoT.
II. Addressability: IoT object can be addresses by discovery
object-name-service (ONS) and have remotely integrated
III. Identification objects:
Objects have unique identification, such as RFID, EPC, NFC,
and automatically read the labels or bar codes, which technology
even the passive and active actuators. Identification can be
linked to information that achieved by sensors and can be send
data to the server or capturing the data by sensors or controllers.
IV. Sensing: Sensors should collect the data from the objects and
forward if the readers
V. embedded processing: Smart objects processing or micro
controllers, this device can be used to process sensor information
or product a “memory” of how they should be.
VI. Localization objects: smart things location is the physical
location. Mobile or any satellite (GPS) is more suitable to
achieve this (ultra, wide band), radio frequency (WSN, RFID
VII. User interface: The target of smart object is to communicate
with the people in a appropriate way (voice display, image).
Most application need a subset of this capacity because the
implementation of all is expensive and often required significant
technological and technical effort.
1. EPC(Electronic Product Code):
The first introduction of the IoT derives from a “things oriented”
perspective where thing is consider the things were very simple
items radio frequency identification (RFID) tags.
The concept of IoT architecture to several scenario like the
Auto-ID labs, EPC, object name service(ONS),all this concept
have target to architect the IoT with global designed.
The Aim of EPC is supporting use of RFID and spread it to the
world-wide network for modern future of network and also
creates the smart industry for standard global for EPC global
network. EPC was developed by Auto-ID from Massachusetts
institute of technology for purpose of sharing data in real time by
discovering a unique identifier and use RFID, wireless
communication technology through internet infrastructure and
EPC: It is a 96 bit code and it’s divided into four categories, first
partition is Header,0-7 bits which describe the numbers, types
and length of future information, the target of header is to
provide extensibility for subsequent and future information
Second partition is Manager, 8-35 bits, its defining responsibility
to maintenance two scenario, object type code and serial
numbers in their domain. Tired is Object Class,36–59 bits, the
duty of object class is to be used for much number otherwise any
other object -grouping which is developed by the EPC manager.
Fourth is Serial Number, 60- 95, its describe the encoding a
unique object identification number for all types, it provide
2^36 = 68,719,476,736, unique identifiers [15].
EPC have different element, EPC encoding, EPC tag, reader,
EPC savant, ONS server, PML, EPC-IS [16].
1. EPC encoding: It has four field composed including EPC
header, EPC manager, serial number, object classification the
coding length should for 64 bits, between 46 bit and 256 bit
which should be unique number for all goods in all of the world
2. EPC tags: It’s same as RFID tags ,it’s very simple and cheap
then all data should stored in EPC tags.EPC tags can divided in
two categories , read-only and read/write tags.
3. Reader: Is target is to getting and capture information from
EPC tags
4. EPC savant: Is manage and will deliver information that is
come to reader parts
5. Object Name service: In traditional internet any host address
should identified by querying appropriate server that called
domain name server(DNS).Objective of DNS provide IP address
for every host from certain and unique input name, but in case of
IoT communication will occur between object instead of hosts
therefore the concept of ONS introduce which integration and
description of specific object related to RFID tags
identifier.ONS is based on EPC encoding and users, to
determine which data are stored in EPC-IS
6. PML: physical markup language is developed from XML
adopted a common standard syntax to describe natural objects
7. EPC-IS: It target is storage and provide different product
information to the EPC code hence this information store in
PML format.
Figure2: The architecture of EPC network
The workmanship of EPC system, the reader should read EPC
data in EPC tags and send it to EPC savant, after the processing
and analyzing, that will occur in EPC savant for complexity,
savant try to look EPC product data in local EPC-IS then if the
savant find any data will directly and quickly send to EPC savant,
if not the EPC-IS will send query request used EPC cods for
getting keyword to the ONS server. When ONS returns IP
address of remote EPC-IS, local EPC-IS will send it the request
to the EPC-IS by query and to purpose of getting product data
and will pass to EPC savant and waiting for PML cache, hence
EPC savant is as core position
2. RFID Technology:
RFID technology is main factor in the embedded communication
technology,which is have simple design for purpose of wireless
data communication.RFID can help to the automatic
identification of object from positional.RFID is attached for
acting as an electronic barcode.RFID is the concept of using
radio signals to automatically detect an object for storing and
remotely retrieving data, generally component of RFID
Composed of:Tags, Tags Reader, Antenna, Information
management software, Database
Figure 3: RFID Reader block diagram
Data is moved and transferred between data sender and data
receiver device by radio waves [17]. The sender data piece is
known as tags and recipient information piece is called reader or
tag reader. Tags are usually placed on the objects. If we put tags
in categories based on the power supply, there would be three
main types of them;
Active tags,
Passive tags,
Semi-active tags
Active and passive tags are very different, but it can be noted
that active tags receive the energy needed from mobile battery,
while passive tags have no power supply by them, using the
energy of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the tag reader,
having less range and scope reading than active tags.
Passive tags are less costly with long life, and also small
dimensions. Another type of tag is also semi-active that in
addition to its internal battery use, it can use the energy waves
emitted by the tag reader. Antenna is used for transmitting radio
signals between the tag reader and tag itself, being used for both.
There is information management software for data processing
and data collection. This software- usually on a local server-
allows the data exchanged by tag reader being collected and
accepted, stored and retrieved in a database in case of any need.
RFID technology can be a substitute for barcodes. In fact RFID
is more than a barcode because it has an automatic system of
scanner. These two technologies have major differences. The
main difference is that RFID technology is capable of handling
large volumes of data which necessary collected the data by tags
Internet has changed forcefully in the way of we live, and
interaction between people at virtual level in several context of
professional life to social relationships. IoT has potential
to new dimension by enabling the processing communication of
the smart objects, to achieve the vision of “, anywhere, anything,
anytime, any media” communication. In this paper we trying to
show absolute of the IoT should be as important part of future.
In this paper we effort to show the comprehensive vision of
application domain that is in IoT as well as Ring in our daily
lives. We show the important vision as capability the gap
between the virtual and physical world. Finally we show two
scenario of EPC, RFID as key component of IoT which can be
bring the sensors or any actuators from device and reader in
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... Despite these differences, one of the objectives of IoT is to support these systems irrespective of their underlying infrastructure. To realize this goal, IoT implements many techniques such as intelligent sensors, wireless communication, networks, data analysis technologies, and cloud computing [16]- [18]. Many of these technologies are in the early stages of development, and addressing the technical challenges they present, particularly those related to security and privacy across different domains, is crucial [19]. ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) emerged as a pervasive technology, facilitating the seamless interaction of devices, individuals, and services, enabling data exchange and task execution across various domains. While the impact of IoT is undeniably transformative, its extensive proliferation raised significant concerns surrounding security, privacy, and trust, which stand as critical barriers to the widespread adoption and advancement of IoT technology. This review article explores IoT security, privacy, and trust research using a 3-layer IoT architecture. After introducing the fundamental tenets of IoT security, privacy, and trust, it proceeds to examine the prevalent security requirements within IoT architectures and their associated challenges. Then, the survey investigates the recent trends in research dedicated to addressing security, privacy, and trust issues within IoT systems. Furthermore, this article reviews the latest advancements and methodologies designed to secure IoT systems against security breaches and protect the privacy of sensitive data. Finally, the survey outlines unresolved challenges within the IoT security landscape and potential solutions. By offering this consolidated insight, this article offers a bridge between foundational and advanced IoT security topics, providing researchers with an in-depth understanding of current IoT security, privacy, and trust challenges, as well as cutting-edge solutions tailored to address the security and trust-related obstacles faced by IoT applications. This comprehensive overview equips the IoT community with the knowledge necessary to navigate the complex terrain of security, privacy, and trust in IoT systems.
... Apart from that, there are many other security aspects that are either not properly addressed or remain unnoticed. This is because many recent and proven technologies, including M2M [46], RFID [171], and Ubicomp [172], are yet to be in complete convergence with the IoT paradigm. In this section, we identify those security problems and try provide some guidelines to design the appropriate solutions for them. ...
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Driven by the rapid escalation of its utilization, as well as ramping commercialization, Internet of Things (IoT) devices increasingly face security threats. Apart from denial of service, privacy, and safety concerns, compromised devices can be used as enablers for committing a variety of crime and e-crime. Despite ongoing research and study, there remains a significant gap in the thorough analysis of security challenges, feasible solutions, and open secure problems for IoT. To bridge this gap, we provide a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in IoT security with a critical investigation-based approach. This includes a detailed analysis of vulnerabilities in IoT-based systems and potential attacks. We present a holistic review of the security properties required to be adopted by IoT devices, applications, and services to mitigate IoT vulnerabilities and, thus, successful attacks. Moreover, we identify challenges to the design of security protocols for IoT systems in which constituent devices vary markedly in capability (such as storage, computation speed, hardware architecture, and communication interfaces). Next, we review existing research and feasible solutions for IoT security. We highlight a set of open problems not yet addressed among existing security solutions. We provide a set of new perspectives for future research on such issues including secure service discovery, on-device credential security, and network anomaly detection. We also provide directions for designing a forensic investigation framework for IoT infrastructures to inspect relevant criminal cases, execute a cyber forensic process, and determine the facts about a given incident. This framework offers a means to better capture information on successful attacks as part of a feedback mechanism to thwart future vulnerabilities and threats. This systematic holistic review will both inform on current challenges in IoT security and ideally motivate their future resolution.
... To aggregate all operations for manipulating, transforming and accumulating the data acquired from the sensors falls within the third moment of the implementation techniques. This amount raises the rate of data by expanding the range, capacity and density of data accessible for analysis, but aggregation is only possible through the adoption of multiple standards, which vary based on the IoT usages [12]. ...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is the recent research topic. The term “Internet of Things" (IoT) is a term that was conceived in 1999 by Kevin Ashton. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects or "things" that are embedded with devices, software, sensors, and networking in order to provide more value. By sharing data with the manufacturer, and by providing service operator or other devices that are linked, every single element is different. It is distinguishable due to its embedded computing system, but able to work together in the current internet. The IoT is being implemented in every hook and corner of industry and personal life of people. Governments are taking note and examining IoT from different perspectives. One aspect is how IoT system can help with performance, analytics and other tasks. Intelligence and decision making are the most important aspects. It combines various sensors and objects to interact directly with one another without human interference. This research paper focuses on the state of the art of IoT architecture. It has four significant layers, the Perception Layer, Network Layer, Middle Layer and Application Layer. The sensors can provide information on emerging health-care issues. Sensors have recently been considered as one of the most rapidly developing fields in physics, electronics, and biotechnology, and it is the one that has benefited the most from advances in individual microelectronics, optical, and computer sciences technologies.
... It can be hard to find a definitive answer on defining IoT in the literature. However, on a fundamental level, and not to get too technical in this paper, IoT is where one can connect daily objects to the Internet through receivers' interpreters and networking capabilities [17,18]. Those objects with these capabilities can communicate with other devices to distribute or receive specific information to function in a specific way [19,20]. ...
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This research aims to advance the understanding of the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) systems in interior design and the built environment. To assess the current state of research in this field, a systematic review method was used. Multiple databases were searched using keywords such as "smart homes," "smart houses," "IoT and interior design," "IoT," and "the built environment," yielding 475 articles. Following the application of inclusion criteria, 14 articles were chosen for analysis. The findings of this review indicate that, while IoT system integration in the built environment is still in its preliminary stages, it has significant potential for global development in the future. By investigating current and future approaches to IoT systems in interior design and the built environment, the paper adds to the body of knowledge.
... As there are constraints of resource allocation and data management policy in IoT infrastructure so another major research challenge in IoT is providing QoS to applications [10]. ...
Conference Paper
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The next wave in the era of computing will be outside the realm of desktop computing. In the IoT paradigm, objects surrounding us will communicate and share information. Advanced sensor technologies used in IoT will give rise to new challenges of generating an enormous amount of data that must be processed, transferred, and presented quickly and efficiently. To make the vision of IoT a reality, high-end computing devices are needed. So, cloud-based processing is required because cloud computing provides low-cost, on-demand, and high-availability computing. As an example, in this paper, we consider the scenario in which machines and servers become overheated after a long period of operation and enter a beyond-threshold temperature state, resulting in machine damage. So, the machine’s temperature needs to be looked at to make sure nothing dangerous happens. To solve this issue, we have developed an IoT application that is evaluated in the IBM Bluemix cloud that would sense the machine’s temperature under analysis and display the appropriate message based on whether that machine is beyond the threshold temperature or not. This, in turn, will help the system administrator prevent dangerous device conditions.
The importance of precise temperature and humidity readings in a wide range of industries and scientific fields cannot be emphasized. They serve as the foundation for quality control, shelf-life evaluation, and yield optimization in industries like food, medicine, and agriculture. Real-time monitoring has entered a new era with the introduction of the ESP32 microcontroller technology, giving previously unheard-of capabilities with broad ramifications. Real-time data gathering and analysis are now possible because of the ESP32’s capability, enabling farmers to make wise decisions based on the most recent information about their crops and soil conditions. Because of this, they can quickly modify irrigation and fertilizer application, maximizing resource use and raising yields. Meanwhile, civil engineers use ESP32’s capabilities to improve construction projects’ efficiency, safety, and teamwork. The ESP32’s ability to integrate temperature and soil monitoring systems is a notable development in this area. It has the extraordinary ability to alter sectors by giving real- time, actionable knowledge.
With the increasing demand for security in various aspects of daily life, including homes, the need for reliable and costeffective security systems has increased. This paper presents an Internet of Things (IoT)-based approach to home security utilizing ultrasonic sensors and buzzer systems. The proposed system, implemented using Arduino microcontrollers, offers a wireless solution for detecting intruders within a specified range using ultrasonic sensors. Upon detecting an object, the system activates a piezoelectric buzzer, effectively acting as an alarm. Additionally, the sensor data is processed to generate a graphical representation, providing visual feedback on obstruction status. A servo motor is employed to rotate the ultrasonic sensor, extending the coverage area. The system's setup, working principle, advantages, drawbacks, and future scope are discussed, highlighting its potential for enhancing home security while offering flexibility for future enhancements and integration with advanced features.
This study presents the design of smart community environment using a feasible IoT solution. The smart community environment can be split into two phases. The first phase would be monitoring and the next phase would be controlling. In the monitoring phase, the basic environmental parameters like ambience, carbon monoxide level, gas leak level and pressure level are measured and analyzed using NODEMCU8266-12E module. In the controlling phase, a small variety of home appliances are controlled with the help of relay module. To manage the flow of data in ease, XAMPP server is used to maintain the database of each and every sensor node values. The PHP My Admin tool is used here to customize the database structure and to keep track of sensor values. All the authorized users would be able to view the status of surroundings in a particular area. The controlling and monitoring can be operated using an Android App that connects to the XAMPP database. In this study, the controlling of home appliances is also done via speech recognition. Here, Ionic framework is used to develop mobile application software which is hybrid in nature.
The reliance on the capabilities of the internet is evident in the deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors (have grown to be an Internet of Everything—IoE), devices and actuators for everyday life applications; from smart homes, smart cities, and healthcare services to agriculture. The interconnection of these sensors, actuators, devices and in general things incorporated with artificial intelligence and machine to machine communication algorithms forms the core norm of the IoT paradigm. Just like the wide use and application of the first version of the internet comes with some security and privacy concerns, so also the deployment of IoT in any environment. The degree of secrecy required to collect, process, transmit and store data collected from an individual increase higher in the deployment of IoT in eHealth because of the sensitivity of such data hence raises questions of how securely these devices could collect personal data and transfer it over an untrusted network and yet still maintain the privacy and security of the data. This challenge is also evident in sensor nodes and other things within an IoT as to protection of an individual’s privacy without divulging it to unauthorised users with malicious intents. The study identifies the challenges in the adoption of IoT and also analyze various privacy concerns, threats and vulnerabilities in the deployment of IoT in eHealth.
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This paper proposed an agricultural application of wirless sensor network. The main work is to implement two types of nodes and building sensor network. The hardware platform is constituted by data process unit, radio module, sensor control matrix, data storage flash, power supply unit, analog interfaces and extended digital interfaces. The software system adopts TinyOS which is composed of system kernel, device drivers and applications. Energy-saving algorithm is implemented in the software system. The monitoring network adopts two networking protocols. The Collection Tree Protocol is a tree-based collection protocol which consists in collecting the data generated in the network into a base station. The dissemination is the complementary operation to collection. The goal of a dissemination protocol is to reliably deliver a piece of control and synchronization instructions to every node in the network. The experimental results show us that the monitoring system is feasible for applications in precision agriculture.
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The initial vision of the Internet of Things was of a world in which all physical objects are tagged and uniquely identified by RFID transponders. However, the concept has grown into multiple dimensions, encompassing sensor networks able to provide real-world intelligence and goal-oriented collaboration of distributed smart objects via local networks or global interconnections such as the Internet. Despite significant technological advances, difficulties associated with the evaluation of IoT solutions under realistic conditions in real-world experimental deployments still hamper their maturation and significant rollout. In this article we identify requirements for the next generation of IoT experimental facilities. While providing a taxonomy, we also survey currently available research testbeds, identify existing gaps, and suggest new directions based on experience from recent efforts in this field.
This paper addresses the Internet of Things. Main enabling factor of this promising paradigm is the integration of several technologies and communications solutions. Identification and tracking technologies, wired and wireless sensor and actuator networks, enhanced communication protocols (shared with the Next Generation Internet), and distributed intelligence for smart objects are just the most relevant. As one can easily imagine, any serious contribution to the advance of the Internet of Things must necessarily be the result of synergetic activities conducted in different fields of knowledge, such as telecommunications, informatics, electronics and social science. In such a complex scenario, this survey is directed to those who want to approach this complex discipline and contribute to its development. Different visions of this Internet of Things paradigm are reported and enabling technologies reviewed. What emerges is that still major issues shall be faced by the research community. The most relevant among them are addressed in details.
This book presents a selection of papers submitted to the 20th Tyrrhenian Workshop, which took place in September 2009 in Sardinia, Italy. The workshop focused on the "Internet of Things." This subject is quickly emerging in the wireless technology arena. It describes the pervasive presence of a variety of devices—such as sensors, actuators, and mobile phones—which, through unique addressing schemes, are able to interact and cooperate with each other to reach common goals. This novel paradigm, which originated from the idea of "smart" environments, will be sure to impact the future of logistics, Intelligent Transportation Systems, business and process management, assisted living, E-health, and other applications. The Internet of Things covers a wide array of essential topics related to this emerging paradigm, including infrastructures and applications, communication systems and network architectures, embedded systems, and location and tracking through navigation sensors. It also addresses the technological and social implications of this technology, as well as challenges that may arise.
In this article, we introduce an Internet of Things application, smart community, which refers to a paradigmatic class of cyber-physical systems with cooperating objects (i.e., networked smart homes). We then define the smart community architecture, and describe how to realize secure and robust networking among individual homes. We present two smart community applications, Neighborhood Watch and Pervasive Healthcare, with supporting techniques and associated challenges, and envision a few value-added smart community services.
Conference Paper
Advances in the areas of embedded systems, computing, and networking are leading to an infrastructure composed of millions of heterogeneous devices. These devices will not simply convey information but process it in transit, connect peer to peer, and form advanced collaborations. This “Internet of Things (IoT)” infrastructure will be strongly integrated with the environment. This paper focuses on researching on the architecture and key technology of Internet of Things. Moreover, the applications of Internet of Things are interpreted in this paper. Especially, the application of IoT in smart grid is emphasized. The work presented here proposes the principal characteristics for an effective integration of the Internet of Things in smart grid.
Internet of things (IoT) is fascinating; its future architecture is still under construction. Based on the analysis on the basic and essential characters of IoT, this paper deals with Future IoT architecture in two aspects: Unit IoT and Ubiquitous IoT. Focusing on a special application, the architecture of the Unit IoT is built from man like neural network (MLN) model and its modified model. Ubiquitous IoT refers to the global IoT or the integration of multiple Unit IoTs with "ubiquitous" characters, and its architecture employs social organization framework (SOF) model. The models for Future IoT are not only helpful to interpret the relationship between IoT and reality world, but also beneficial to the implementation of IoT in its current development milieu. Index Terms—Networks, architecture, Internet, Internet of things.
The actual development of the Internet of Things (IoT) needs major issues related to things' service discovery and composition to be addressed. This paper proposes a possible approach to solve such issues. We introduce a novel paradigm of "social network of intelligent objects", namely the Social Internet of Things (SIoT), based on the notion of social relationships among objects. Following the definition of a possible social structure among objects, a preliminary architecture for the implementation of SIoT is presented. Through the SIoT paradigm, the capability of humans and devices to discover, select, and use objects with their services in the IoT is augmented. Besides, a level of trustworthiness is enabled to steer the interaction among the billions of objects which will crowd the future IoT.