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Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a rare but potentially serious complication of hyperthyroidism characterized by muscular weakness and hypokalemia in a patient with thyrotoxicosis. It is predominantly seen in Asian males.The etiology of thyrotoxicosis in most of the cases of TPP is Graves’ disease. We present a case of a 19-year-old male who presented in emergency with paraparesis. Investigations revealed hypokalemia and thyrotoxicosis related to toxic nodular goitre. Diagnosis of thyrotoxic periodic paralysis was made and patient was treated with potassium replacement, propranolol and antithyroid treatment.
Case Report
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Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis as a
Presentation of Thyrotoxicosis: A Case
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a rare but potentially serious complication of
hyperthyroidism characterized by muscular weakness and hypokalemia in a patient
with thyrotoxicosis. It is predominantly seen in Asian males.The etiology of
thyrotoxicosis in most of the cases of TPP is Graves’ disease. We present a case of a
19-year-old male who presented in emergency with paraparesis. Investigations
revealed hypokalemia and thyrotoxicosis related to toxic nodular goitre. Diagnosis of
thyrotoxic periodic paralysis was made and patient was treated with potassium
replacement, propranolol and antithyroid treatment.
Periodic paralysis is a group of neuromuscular disorders of different etiologies
characterized by paroxysmal, short-lasting hypo-reflexic skeletal muscle weakness of
limbs without any sensory involvement and loss of consciousness. These disorders
can be classified into familial or primary periodic paralysis and secondary periodic
paralysis. Primary periodic paralysis is due to single-gene mutations leading to
abnormalities of sodium, potassium, calcium and chloride channels on membranes of
muscle cells. Hence, they are also called as channelopathies.1 Secondary periodic
paralysis may be due to known causes such as thyrotoxicosis, chronic renal failure,
paramyotonia congenita or may be associated with the use of drugs like ACE
inhibitors, angiotensin-II-receptor blockers or diuretics. The serum potassium levels
are usually altered during attacks in both primary and secondary periodic paralysis
which may be low, high or normal. In primary periodic paralysis the potassium levels
are normal in between the attacks, whereas it may remain abnormal in secondary
periodic paralysis in the inter-ictal period.2 Primary hpokalemic periodic paralysis has
been reported to be the commonest among all types of periodic paralysis. Thyrotoxic
periodic paralysis (TPP) is the most common cause of secondary or acquired periodic
Case Report
A 19-year-old male patient presented to the medical emergency with history of
sudden onset of weakness of both lower limbs. As per the patient’s history, he slept
at night normally but on waking up in the morning he was not able to stand or walk.
There was no history of preceding fever, vomiting, diarrhea, trauma or seizures. He
was a nonsmoker and nonalcoholic. On examination, patient was conscious and
oriented, his pulse rate was 104 beats/min and BP was 110/70 mmHg and rest of
general physical examination was unremarkable. Systemic examination revealed
power of 0/5 in all muscle groups in both the lower limbs and 3/5 in all muscle
groups in upper limbs. Examination of other systems was normal. Routine
investigations were normal except for the presence of severe hypokalemia with a
serum potassium of 1.6 meq/L (normal range 3.5–5.0 meq/L), serum phosphorus
level of 3.4 mg/dL (normal range 3–4.5 mg/dL) and mild hypomagnesemia with
serum magnesium level of 1.5 mg/dL (normal range 1.8–3.0 mg/dL). ECG showed
Naresh Kumar
, Sanjay
Pandit2, Pratap Singh3
1,2Associate Professor,
Department of Medicine,
Maulana Azad Medical
College, New Delhi-2.
3Associate Professor,
Department of Medicine,
Post Graduate Institute of
Medical Education and
Research and associated
Ram Manohar Lohia
Hospital, New Delhi.
Correspondence to:
Dr Naresh Kumar, Associate
Professor of Medicine,
16/554, Joshi Road Karol
Bagh, New Delhi-110005.
E-mail Id: drnareshmamc@
How to cite this article:
Kumar N, Pandit S, Singh P.
Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis
as a Presentation of
Thyrotoxicosis: A Case
Report. J Adv Res Med 2016;
3(2&3): 18-21.
ISSN: 2349-7181
J. Adv. Res. Med. 2016; 3(2&3) Kumar N et al.
19 ISSN: 2349-7181
hypokalemic changes with prolonged PR interval,
increased P-wave amplitude and widened QRS
complexes. He was managed with intravenous
potassium infusion followed by oral potassium
supplementation. He had complete recovery from
weakness within 12 hours of starting the therapy.
After recovery his history was reviewed in detail which
revealed symptoms of weight loss, increased appetite
and intermittent palpitations since last 4 months. There
was also a history of sudden death in family where his
elder brother died 2 years back and his mother was on
levothyroxine replacement therapy for primary
hypothyroidism since last 5 years. Detailed examination
revealed a multinodular goiter which was confirmed on
ultrasonography. Thyroid function tests revealed Free T4
of 55.3 pmol/L (normal range: 10–23 pmol/L), freeT3 of
11.6 pmol/L (normal range: 2–7 pmol/L) and a TSH level
of <0.15mIU/L (normal range: 0.5–4.7 mIU/L).
Radioactive iodine uptake scan showed a toxic nodule
(increased iodine uptake in the nodule). There was no
exophthalmos, sensory or cranial nerve deficits. He was
managed with oral potassium supplements and
propranolol. The patient showed dramatic improvement
of his symptoms. The patient was discharged on tablet
Carbimazole 10 mg three times a day, with the dose
being monitored based on FT4 level regularly. His final
diagnosis was thyrotoxic periodic paralysis secondary to
toxic nodular goiter. His thyroid function tests returned
to normal after 6 weeks of antithyroid therapy.
Potassium supplements and propranolol were stopped
after 2 weeks of discharge and antithyroid therapy was
continued. His potassium levels have been maintained
within normal limits since then and there has been no
further episode of weakness.
TPP is a rare syndrome characterized by muscular
weakness and paralysis associated with hypokalemia in
a predisposed patient with thyrotoxicosis.3 TPP can
occur in any ethnicity but majority of cases are seen in
Asian males, in the age group of 20–40 years.4,5
Although hyperthyroidism is more common in females,
TPP is seen more commonly in males with a male-to-
female ratio of 20:1 or higher.6 The incidence of TPP is
approximately 2% in patients with thyrotoxicosis of any
cause.7 In an Indian study on 30 cases of hypokalemic
periodic paralysis, thyrotoxicosis was found in 16.7% of
all cases.8 Although TPP is most commonly seen in
Graves’ disease, it can occur with thyrotoxicosis of any
cause and it is not related to severity or duration of
thyrotoxicosis.7 The etiology of thyrotoxicosis in our
case was toxic nodular goitre.
Precipitating factors of TPP include high carbohydrate
diet, rest after strenuous exercise, cold exposure,
infection, alcohol and emotional stress. Weakness in
majority of cases develop at night or early morning.4
There is also a seasonal predilection for patients of TPP
to develop the crisis in warmer months.4,7 TPP most
commonly presents in third to fourth decade of life as
rapid onset, transient, symmetrical muscular weakness
associated with hypokalemia. The lower limbs are
predominantly affected but it can involve all four limbs.
Proximal muscle groups are more severely affected than
the distal muscle groups in the limbs.9,10 The paralysis is
reversible with correction of hypokalemic and
hyperthyroid state; however, the condition is potentially
life-threatening as severe hypokalemia can result into
arrhythmia and respiratory failure may ensue due to
bulbar and diaphragmatic weakness.
The pathogenesis of periodic paralysis in TPP is not clear
yet. Transcellular distribution of potassium is
maintained by the Na+/K+ATPase activity in the cell
membrane, and it is mainly influenced by the action of
insulin and beta-adrenergic catecholamines.11
Hypokalemia in TPP is thought to result from an
intracellular shift of potassium and not total body
depletion. It has been shown that the Na+/K+ ATPase
activity in platelets and muscles is significantly higher in
patients with TPP.12 Hyperthyroidism results in a hyper-
adrenergic state, which may lead to the activation of the
Na+/K+ ATPase pump which results in increased cellular
uptake of potassium.5,11 Thyroid hormones especially T3
may also directly stimulate Na+/K+ ATPase activity and
increase the number and sensitivity of beta
receptors.11,13 Cases of TPP associated with normal K
level have also been seen, which indicates the role of
some factors other than hypokalemia. Treatment of
these patients with beta blockers and antithyroid drugs
without potassium replacement prevents further
attacks in TPP indicating the involvement of thyroid
hormones in the pathogenesis of TPP.10,14,15 Patients
with TPP have also been found to have hyperinsulinemia
during episodes of paralysis and increased basal insulin
levels in between the attacks, which may be secondary
to the hyper-adrenergic state related to
hyperthyroidism.16 This may explain the attacks
occurring after high-carbohydrate meals. However,
weakness in TPP cannot be fully explained by these
mechanisms as TPP occurs only in minority of patients
with hyperthyroidism. Thus, additional factors, like
genetic predisposition are presumed to contribute and
may also explain the racial difference in prevalence of
this condition. Few genetic mutations in the K channel
gene (KCNE3) and several gene polymorphisms have
been reported in literature.3 A new gene KCNJ18 has
Kumar N et al. J. Adv. Res. Med. 2016; 3(2&3)
ISSN: 2349-7181 20
been identified which is located on 17p11.1-2 encodes
an inwardly rectifying potassium channel (Kir2.6). Kir2.6
mutations have been found in 33% of patients with TPP
and are thought to be leading to hypokalemia by
interfering with assembly of K channel.17 The diurnal
variation in potassium movement where there is
nocturnal potassium influx into skeletal muscle would
explain the tendency for thyrotoxic periodic paralysis to
occur at night.18
Hypokalemia is the most common electrolyte
abnormality seen during an acute crisis. Besides
hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia and hypomagnesemia
are also known to occur in association with thyrotoxic
periodic paralysis. The correction of hypophosphatemia
without phosphate administration supports the
possibility of intracellular shift of phosphate. The most
common arrhythmias in TPP are sinus tachycardia, atrial
flutter, atrial fibrillation, extrasystoles and paroxysmal
supraventricular tachycardia. Electrocardiographic
findings are supportive of a diagnosis of TPP rather than
sporadic or familial periodic paralysis are sinus
tachycardia, elevated QRS voltage and first-degree AV
block (sensitivity 97%, specificity 65%). In addition to ST-
segment depression, T-wave flattening or inversion and
the presence of U waves are typical of hypokalemia.19
The management of TPP includes treatment of acute
attack as well as treatment of the underlying condition
to prevent future attacks. The paralytic symptoms and
signs improve as potassium returns from intracellular
space back into the extracellular space.6 Rapid
administration of oral or intravenous potassium chloride
can abort an attack and prevent cardiovascular and
respiratory complications.5 A lower dose of potassium is
the treatment of choice for facilitating recovery and
reducing rebound hyperkalemia due to release of
potassium and phosphate from the cells on recovery.3
Rebound hyperkalemia occurred in approximately 40%
of patients with TPP, especially if they received >90
mmol of potassium chloride within the first 24 hours.
Additionally, propranolol, a nonselective blocker, which
prevents the intracellular shift of potassium and
phosphate by blunting the hyperadrenergic stimulation
of Na+/K+ ATPase, should be given as an adjunct for the
remission of the acute crisis and prevention of
recurrences till euthyroid state is established.20 The
definitive therapy forTPP includes treatment of
hyperthyroidism with antithyroid medications, surgical
thyroidectomy, or radioiodine therapy.21
TPP is a serious complication of thyrotoxicosis. It is the
commonest secondary cause of hypokalemic periodic
paralysis. This diagnosis must be considered in all cases
presenting with hypokalemic periodic paralysis as it
responds well to treatment and early diagnosis can
prevent potentially lethal complications of
Conflict of Interest: None
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Date of Submission: 10th Oct. 2016
Date of Acceptance: 10th Oct. 2016
... Thyroid hormones alter the permeability of plasma membrane to potassium by increasing the Na/K AT-Pase activity. 8 Skeletal muscles exhibit an increase in the β adrenergic receptors, with resultant increase the Na/K ATPase activity. 3 The Na/K ATPase pump is also activated by insulin, which may explain the link between ingestion of a high carbohydrate food load, and the paralytic attacks. ...
... 9 Genetic predisposition plays a role in the pathogenesis of TTP and may also explain the racial difference in prevalence of this condition. 8 Mutations in the gene encoding Kir2.6, a skeletal muscle-specific Kir channel, have been found to be associated with TPP in some recent studies. 3 The diagnosis of TPP is based on the presence of clinical and biochemical evidence of hyperthyroidism with hypokalemia in a patient with a history of paralytic attacks. ...
Full-text available
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a rare condition related to thyrotoxicosis seen predominantly in men of Asian origin. Here I present a case of a 34-year-old Chinese man who presented with sudden onset weakness of his upper and lower extremities that resolved spontaneously. His investigations revealed elevated free thyroxin (FT4), free triiodothyronine (FT3), suppressed thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and hypokalemia, and he was diagnosed with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis. It is important to consider the diagnosis of TTP in patients presenting with acute onset of weakness. This report reviews the literature looking at pathophysiology, clinical features, and treatment for this rare complication of hyperthyroidism.
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Hyperthyroid periodic paralysis (HPP) is a rare life threatening complication of hyperthyroidism commonly occurring in young Asian males but sporadically found in other races. It is characterised by hypokalemia and acute onset paraparesis with prevalence of one in one hundred thousand (1 in 100000). The symptoms resolve promptly with potassium supplementation. Nonselective beta blockers like propranol can also be used to ameliorate and prevent subsequent paralytic attack. We report a case of 22 year old male presenting with hyperthyroid periodic paralysis (HPP) having very low serum potassium level. © 2016, Professional Medical Publications. All rights reserved.
Full-text available
Objective: The objective of this study was to present a case series of thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) in 8 males of Hispanic origin diagnosed at 1 hospital. Methods: This report summarizes the clinical presentations, laboratory values, treatments, and follow-up for a series of patients with TPP. The diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis was based on clinical features and laboratory criteria. The TPP diagnostic criteria were acute muscle weakness, thyrotoxic symptoms, and hypokalemia. Results: All 8 study patients with TPP were Hispanic males ranging in age from 25 to 36 years (mean ± SD, 31 ± 4.4 years). Six patients presented with upper and lower extremity weakness, while 2 patients had only lower extremity weakness. All TPP episodes occurred at night and in the early morning. TPP-associated weakness resolved within 24 hours, either spontaneously or following therapy with potassium chloride (40 to 120 mEq), beta blockers, and methimazole. Six patients had a history of at least 1 previous TPP episode. One patient had an episode 4 weeks after radioactive iodine treatment. Six patients self-reported either drinking large amounts of alcohol or consuming a heavy carbohydrate meal the previous day. In 7 patients, the mean ± SD serum potassium was 2.7 ± 0.7 mEq/L (normal range, 3.5 to 5 mEq/L), ranging from 1.5 to 3.4 mEq/L, with 1 patient measuring 3.9 mEq/L. All 8 patients met the clinical and laboratory diagnostic criteria for thyrotoxicosis, with a mean serum-free thyroxine level of 4.5 ± 1.4 ng/mL (range, 3.2 to 7.7 ng/mL; normal range, 0.58 to 1.64 ng/mL). For 5 patients, this was their first diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis. Thyrotoxicosis was caused by Graves disease (n = 7) or toxic multinodular goiter (n = 1). Among the 6 patients that received potassium chloride treatment, rebound hyperkalemia occurred in 3 patients. All patients received beta blocker and methimazole therapy. Conclusion: To our knowledge this study represents the first large case series of TPP reported in Hispanic males from a single hospital in the United States. TPP is a rare complication of hyperthyroidism. Physician awareness of TPP occurrence in males of Hispanic origin can increase its early recognition and treatment and potentially prevent associated fatalities. Abbreviations: K = potassium KCl = potassium chloride Na+/K+ATPase = sodium-potassium pumps RAI = radioactive iodine TPP = thyrotoxic periodic paralysis T3 = triiodothyronine
Full-text available
Thyrotoxicosis can lead to thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP), an endocrine channelopathy, and is the most common cause of acquired periodic paralysis. Typically, paralytic attacks cease when hyperthyroidism is abolished, and recur if hyperthyroidism returns. TPP is often underdiagnosed, as it has diverse periodicity, duration and intensity. The age at which patients develop TPP closely follows the age at which thyrotoxicosis occurs. All ethnicities can be affected, but TPP is most prevalent in people of Asian and, secondly, Latin American descent. TPP is characterized by hypokalemia, suppressed TSH levels and increased levels of thyroid hormones. Nonselective β adrenergic blockers, such as propranolol, are an efficient adjuvant to antithyroid drugs to prevent paralysis; however, an early and definitive treatment should always be pursued. Evidence indicates that TPP results from the combination of genetic susceptibility, thyrotoxicosis and environmental factors (such as a high-carbohydrate diet). We believe that excess T(3) modifies the insulin sensitivity of skeletal muscle and pancreatic β cells and thus alters potassium homeostasis, but only leads to a depolarization-induced acute loss of muscle excitability in patients with inherited ion channel mutations. An integrated etiopathophysiological model is proposed based on molecular findings and knowledge gained from long-term follow-up of patients with TPP.
The electrocardiograms (ECGs) of 30 patients with hypokalaemic thyrotoxic periodic paralysis during and after paralysis were studied. During paralysis, typical features of hypokalaemia were seen in all patients with serum potassium levels of 2.8mmol/l or less; above this level, the ECGs varied from non-diagnostic to those showing typical features of hypokalaemia. It was not possible to accurately predict the serum potassium level from the ECG except when either sinus arrest or heart block was present. Although extrasystoles have been reported to be common in hypokalaemia, none of the patients in this study had extrasystoles. Sinus arrest occurred in two patients and second degree atrio-ventricular block occurred in three patients, a finding which has not been reported in hypokalaemia.
Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis (TPP) is a rare and life threatening condition commonly occurring in young Asian males. It is characterized by acute paralytic attacks and hypokalemia in association with thyrotoxicosis. Serum potassium levels may be normal in rare cases of TPP. The diagnosis of normokalemic TPP may be overlooked and/or delayed in most cases. Here, we describe a 32-year-old Iranian man with normokalemic TPP misdiagnosed as somatization disorder with the correct diagnosis made one year after the onset of symptoms.
Papadopoulos KI, Diep T, Cleland B. Lunn N W (Fairfield Hospital, Wetherill Park, Australia) Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis: report of three cases and review of the literature (Case report. Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a neuromuscular disoder that, in a global perspective, only affects a small percentage of patients with thyrotoxicosis of any aetiology, but is a fairly common phenomenon in Asian populations where it predominantly ouucrs in males. Three typical cases are presented here. All three patients were Asian males, one being the first Laotian patient reported to have this disorder. In one case prodromal symptoms of TPP occurred during a relapse of the thyrotoxicosis. The epidemiology, clinical manifestations, aetiology and treatment of this relatively rare condition are discussed. As oriental races are now frequently ecnountered in the Western world, it is imperative that TPP is included in the differential diagnosis of muscle weakness in order to avoid the life-threatening complications of hypokalaemia and thyrotoxicosis.
Acute flaccid paralysis is a common neurological emergency with diverse causes and variable outcome. There is a paucity of reports documenting the spectrum of hypokalaemic paralysis in neurological practice. To report the clinical features, aetiology, and outcome of patients with hypokalaemic paralysis in a tertiary care teaching hospital in India. Consecutive patients with acute flaccid paralysis with hypokalaemia from 2008 to 2010 were included in the study. Patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome, porphyria, polio and non-polio enterovirus infection and myositis were excluded. Detailed clinical examination, urinalysis, renal function tests, arterial blood gas analysis, thyroid hormones, and electrocardiogram were carried out. Patients received intravenous or oral potassium supplementation and their underlying causes were treated. Thirty patients aged 17-52 years, including three females, were included. Secondary causes of hypokalaemic paralysis were present in 13 patients and included thyrotoxic paralysis in five and renal tubular acidosis (RTA) and Gitelman syndrome in four each. All the patients had quadriparesis and 10 had severe weakness (MRC grade <2). Tendon reflexes were reduced in eight and brisk in four patients. Respiratory paralysis was present in six patients and one needed artificial ventilation. Fifteen patients had severe hypokalaemia (<2 mmol/l), four had acidosis, and six had alkalosis. The secondary group had more severe hypokalaemia and needed longer time to recover. 43.3% of patients with hypokalaemic paralysis had a secondary cause for their condition. Patients with severe hypokalaemia with acidosis or alkalosis should be investigated for secondary causes as their management differ.
Thyrotoxic hypokalemic periodic paralysis (TPP) is characterized by acute attacks of weakness, hypokalemia, and thyrotoxicosis of various etiologies. These transient attacks resemble those of patients with familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis (hypoKPP) and resolve with treatment of the underlying hyperthyroidism. Because of the phenotypic similarity of these conditions, we hypothesized that TPP might also be a channelopathy. While sequencing candidate genes, we identified a previously unreported gene (not present in human sequence databases) that encodes an inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) channel, Kir2.6. This channel, nearly identical to Kir2.2, is expressed in skeletal muscle and is transcriptionally regulated by thyroid hormone. Expression of Kir2.6 in mammalian cells revealed normal Kir currents in whole-cell and single-channel recordings. Kir2.6 mutations were present in up to 33% of the unrelated TPP patients in our collection. Some of these mutations clearly alter a variety of Kir2.6 properties, all altering muscle membrane excitability leading to paralysis.
Familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis (FHOPP) is a rare, dominantly inherited disease, the diagnosis of which may require the induction of paralysis. We studied whether the increase in plasma potassium concentration during exercise can be used in the diagnosis of FHOPP. Potassium concentration increased 0.3 +/- 0.1 mEq/l in patients with FHOPP and 0.6 +/- 0.1 mEq/l in healthy controls (p < 0.001) during a 10-minute bicycle exercise test, and 0.3 +/- 0.1 mEq/l in patients with FHOPP and 0.8 +/- 0.2 mEq/l in healthy controls (p < 0.001) during a 30-minute bicycle exercise test. We conclude that the potassium exercise test may be useful in the diagnosis of FHOPP.
Although hypokalemic periodic paralysis is a common complication of hyperthyroidism among Asian populations, it is an uncommon problem in the United States. The recent experience in an American medical center with 7 patients with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is reviewed. Compared to most descriptions of this disorder, which tend to reflect the international experience with this disease, patients with TPP in the United States reflect the ethnic makeup of the local population: the predisposition of patients of Asian origin is very evident, but whites are more frequently affected than most previous reports have recognized. Hispanics and American Indians also appear to be at increased risk, and blacks have also been affected. Except for the fact that hyperthyroidism is an absolute requirement for expression of the disease, TPP is identical to familial periodic paralysis (FPP) in its clinical presentation. TPP affects predominantly males (to an even greater degree than FPP), is rarely associated with a positive family history, and has a later onset of presentation than FPP (reflecting the need for hyperthyroidism to occur before the disorder can be expressed). Graves disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in affected patients, but any cause of thyrotoxicosis (including administration of excessive amounts of exogenous thyroid hormone) can trigger attacks of TPP in susceptible subjects. Clinical features of thyroid disease may be very subtle or virtually nonexistent; as a result, thyroid function tests should be routinely monitored in patients with features of hypokalemic paralysis. The pathophysiology of the disorder is not well understood. Definitive treatment of hyperthyroidism leads to cessation of periodic hypokalemic paralysis, but symptoms can return with recurrence of the hyperthyroid condition. Potassium administration during an acute attack will shorten the duration of the episode, and treatment with propranolol, potassium supplementation, or spironolactone may prevent attacks in some patients.