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A Novel Approach based on Commonsense Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Open World for Intelligent Ambient Assisted Living Services


Abstract and Figures

The next generation of ambient assisted living services will be based on eco-systems or organizations of intelligent artificial agents embodied in companion robots and smart objects. To provide, anywhere and anytime, smart assistance services to people, these agents need to be endowed with advanced knowledge representation, reasoning and communication capabilities. In this paper, we propose a distributed cognitive architecture allowing to integrate seamlessly the actors of the ambient system and an expressive model for commonsense knowledge representation and reasoning on events. This model allows a common description of the actors in an open world and a management of interactions with humans using natural language. A scenario dedicated to the cognitive assistance of frail people is implemented and analyzed for validation purposes of the proposed approach.
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A Novel Approach based on Commonsense Knowledge Representation
and Reasoning in Open World for Intelligent Ambient Assisted Living
N. Ayari1, A. Chibani1, Y. Amirat 1and E. T. Matson 2
Abstract The next generation of ambient assisted living
services will be based on eco-systems or organizations of intelli-
gent artificial agents embodied in companion robots and smart
objects. To provide, anywhere and anytime, smart assistance
services to people, these agents need to be endowed with
advanced knowledge representation, reasoning and communi-
cation capabilities. In this paper, we propose a distributed cog-
nitive architecture allowing to integrate seamlessly the actors of
the ambient system and an expressive model for commonsense
knowledge representation and reasoning on events. This model
allows a common description of the actors in an open world
and a management of interactions with humans using natural
language. A scenario dedicated to the cognitive assistance
of frail people is implemented and analyzed for validation
purposes of the proposed approach.
With the emergence of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in
our everyday life, the interaction between human users and
their environment is becoming ubiquitous. According to this
vision, ambient-assisted living spaces can be seen as smart
spaces composed of pervasively distributed entities (devices,
sensors, actuators, smartphones, appliances, etc.) offering
heterogeneous capabilities abstracted as software services.
According to the paradigm of context awareness, such sys-
tems will be able to monitor humans, and provide them
services according to their context. To provide, anywhere and
anytime, smart assistance services to people, these agents
need to be endowed with advanced knowledge representa-
tion, reasoning and communication capabilities [3], [9], [15].
One of the most important challenges in ambient intelli-
gence is to have a common description of the world, shared
by actors of the ambient environment, such as human users
and artificial agents. This description is often based on the
closed world assumption where agents take into account only
what is modeled before execution. However, these agents
operate in an open world where they can discover new
entities that are unknown before execution such as new
objects and new words. To address these challenges, an
automatic update of the commonsense knowledge is required.
Building efficient cognitive models for better handling
human-environment-robots interactions requires a suitable
architecture allowing to coordinate between different cog-
nitive entities. Another important challenge is to allow these
1N. Ayari, A. Chibani and Y. Amirat are with LISSI
Laboratory, University of Paris-Est Cr´
eteil (UPEC), France
2E. T. Matson, M2M Lab/Rice Center, Purdue University, USA
ematson at
cognitive entities to collaborate seamlessly. This poses some
specific requirements. The first requirement regards the com-
munication capabilities and distributed intelligence for ratio-
nal decision making. The second requirement is related to
natural human-environment interactions which are addressed
in this paper through the natural language modality.
In terms of application, this study focuses on cognitive
assistance of dependent people at home. According to previ-
ous social studies, two kinds of cognitive assistance services
appear of major importance in ambient assisted living en-
vironments. The first one concerns the notification services
to notify a person about important events such as: a product
in the refrigerator is missing, remind an elderly person to
take medicine, etc. The second kind of service involves a
natural language interaction between the assisted person and
the system. Such a service aims to help a person to know
what is in, what is missing or what is happening in their
living environment and, what is the possible cause of a given
event or situation. To address these challenges, expressive
and efficient knowledge representation and reasoning models
for the open world are required to render assistive agents
more autonomous and able of taking context aware decisions
based on the current context/situation of the assisted person.
In this paper, a novel approach for commonsense knowl-
edge representation and reasoning in the open world is
proposed. The resulting model exploits both the narrative
knowledge representation language (NKRL) [7] and Col-
lective Intelligence [20]. The contributions of the paper
can be summarized as follows: (i) a distributed cognitive
architecture allowing to integrate seamlessly the actors of the
ambient system, (ii) an expressive model for commonsense
knowledge representation and reasoning on events. This
model allows a common description of the actors in the open
world and a management of interactions with humans using
natural language.
The paper is structured as follows: Section II presents a
review of related works concerning, on the one hand, the
integration of heterogeneous and distributed components in
network robot systems, and on the other hand, ontology-
based knowledge representation and reasoning in the robotics
field. Section III describes the different layers of the proposed
distributed architecture for human-robot-agents interaction.
Section IV describes the novel approach for commonsense
knowledge representation and reasoning in open world. Sec-
tion V details the implementation and the evaluation of the
proposed approach through a scenario of cognitive assistance
of frail people. This paper is concluded with a short review
of the proposed approach and a summary of the ongoing
Integrating, into one uniform system, robots, devices,
everyday objects, and humans is an important topic that
has been addressed these latest years in ambient intelligence
and robotics communities. Multi-agents and Service Oriented
Computing paradigms have inspired numerous approaches.
The ecology of physically embedded intelligent system
(PEIS Ecology) [2] and GiraffPlus system [18] are the
most popular middleware approaches and a good example
of the application of these paradigms. In [10], an agent-
based approach along with belief models based on first-
order logical predicates and automated planning components
are used for coordination in Human-Robot Teams. Authors
propose in [17] an approach to endow robots with capability
to discover the evolving world and update their common-
sense knowledge by proactively cooperating with humans.
In [8], by using the design pattern of proxies, the author
proposes a representation of the properties and capabilities
of humans inhabitants in a network robot system in a similar
way as of other network components. Most of the proposed
approaches addresses the problem of interoperability in terms
of service accessibility or uses multi-agent systems for a
more flexible management of systems with respect to their
intrinsic complexity.
Semantic knowledge management using ontologies has
been intensively studied in the fields of ambient intelligence,
pervasive computing, and recently in robotics as a mean
to endow Ambient Assited Living (AAL) and robots with
advanced cognitive capabilities for reasoning on contexts
and situations. Most of these approaches concern the use
of the Web Ontology Language (OWL). With respect to the
field of assistive & service robotic, most of the proposed
approaches suggest the use of OWL and RDF Schema (RDF-
S) for defining and representing standard semantic models
with conceptual query tools for managing commonsense
knowledge. Managing commonsense knowledge is relevant
for planning robots’ tasks and handling their dialogues with
humans. In [11], the authors propose the Cognitive Robot
Abstract Machine (CRAM) software for the implementation
and control of complex mobile manipulation robotic tasks.
The KNOWROB (KNOWledge processing for ROBots)
component has been used in CRAM and recently in the
RoboEarth infrastructure [12], as a platform enabling the
robots to share and manage an abstract and consistent view
of the observable world and plans by using computable pred-
icates expressed in SPARQL according to an OWL Ontology.
The latter is a domain ontology that extends a subset of the
concepts introduced in the OpenCyc upper ontology. In [17],
authors propose an ontological platform, called OpenRobots
Common Sense Ontology (ORO), dedicated for grounding
robots natural interaction with humans and resolving in
some cases the ambiguities in dialog situations. Most of
the aforementioned approaches are valuable for describing
easily the entities composing the real world and their mutual
relations. However, the unary and binary structures of the
predicates in OWL and RDF-S result in complex models
when they are used to describe the semantics of dynamic
entities omnipresent in the interactions between humans,
robots and other objects of an ambient intelligent space,
namely, events, actions, situations, circumstances [7]. In-
deed, the highly dynamic nature of Ambient Intelligence
spaces, poses an important challenge to encode spatio-
temporal relations between static and dynamic entities. The
application of the concept of reification to express these
relations renders knowledge representation models and their
associated reasoning models more complex and less efficient
[1]. The literature shows that merging n-ary ontologies
and the reasoning with multi-agent system has not been
investigated in the field of cognitive robots. Besides, natural
language based interactions between human users and robots
or smart systems have also not been sufficiently investigated
due to the lack of expressiveness of the existing knowledge
representation models.
In this paper, a distributed cognitive architecture for
human-robot-agents interaction is proposed (Fig. 1). This
architecture is based on the HARMS model [19] and NKRL,
a knowledge representation model for narrative reasoning
and natural language processing. It includes four layers that
are embeded in each artificial agent.
Fig. 1. Distributed cognitive architecture
The Network layer represents the basic communication
between the actors of the system. Each system actor must
have basic capabilities to connect, via wired or wireless
network, to any other system actor and to send/receive
messages, using the standardized middleware technologies.
A group of actors is defined by a set Actor =
{H,A,R,M,S}where His a group of humans, Ais a group
of agents, Ris a group of robots, Mis a group of machines
and Sis a group of sensors. Indeed, an actor a1Actor
exchanges messages with any actor aiActor;i=2, ..., n.
The Communication layer enables the basic exchange
capability between any system actors by more focusing on
the encoding of messages’ content, which is defined by
elements such as lexicon, grammar, speech acts, semantics
and ontology. In this paper, we focus on two speech acts
types: declaration (e.g. information message) and directive
(e.g. requests and commands).
Formally, the messaging function N ot i f , represented in
Eq. 1, describes the fact that the actor exp is sending an
information MsgContent to the actor dest.
In f M sgexp Not i f (dest,MsgContent );
exp,dest Actor;(1)
The query function Query, Eq.2, describes the actor exp
asking the actor dest for an information QContent.
Questexp Query(dest,QContent );
exp,dest Actor;(2)
The Interaction layer provides a set of common techniques,
algorithms and technologies for group rational decision
The collective intelligence and organization layers are
independent from the other three layers. They concern team
work behaviors that involve a collection of agents, robots and
humans. Such a behavior can lean in a number of different
directions and quickly become a very complex aggregated
behavior. Moreover, the collective intelligence will not
only allow emergent behaviors, but also the connection of
multiple organizations into higher-level collectives such as
societies or organizations. An organization is defined by a
group of actors Awho have a capability Cto play a role R
in order to satisfy a set of goals G. Formally, it is defined
by O=hA,C,R,Gi
The concepts of indistinguishability and context awareness
are very important in the design of cognitive capabilities
of HARMS actors. Indistinguishability enables an actor to
choose between ndifferent options of minimally capable
actors relative to some task or goal [19]. Context awareness
refers to the ability of actors to take into account any
sensed information or recognized patterns that are essential
to characterize the situations of the actors themselves and/or
the situations concerning the actors with which they may
interact or communicate.
A. Advanced Knowledge Representation
To take into account both the ’static’ and dynamic’ char-
acteristics of any entity populating the world, an ontological
model based on the Narrative Knowledge Representation
Language (NKRL) is proposed. While static characteris-
tics concern in general identity and structural description,
dynamic characteristics are used to describe what can be
observed or inferred in a specific context such as events,
actions and situations. Without ambitioning to provide any
sort of universal coverage, the model proposed in this work
describe in ’simplest and conceptual’ way any ’static’ or
’dynamic’ entity. Static entities and dynamic entities are
modeled, respectively, by using the hierarchy of classes
”NKRL HClass ontology” and the hierarchy of templates
”NKRL n-ary HTemp ontology”.
1) HClass: The first ontology, HClass, is a hierarchy of
binary classes close to any DL or RDF representation used
in the semantic web upper ontologies to describe plain/static
commonsense knowledge. This ontology is characterized
by the following common properties of semantic web on-
tologies: the generalization/specialization relationship (IsA
link) and individual (instantiate of concept). The relatively
semantic interpretation of IsA states that this relationship
among concepts, denoted (IsA C2C1), means that the concept
C2is a specialization of the more general concept C1. This
assertion can be expressed by formula 3, which means , for
instance, that any humanoid (C2) entity IsArobot (C1) entity
and if KOMPAI is a humanoid , then it is also a robot . This
relationship is implemented according to binary model.
x(C2(x)C1(x)) (3)
Furthermore, an individual is an instance I1of a concept C1
that is represented with the property InstanceOf and denoted
(InstanceOf I1C1). Instead of the relation IsA where the
subclass C2of C1denoted by C2C1, the instance I1of
the concept C1is denoted by I1C1. The HClass ontology
allows for the non-differentiation between instance or leaf
concept in the taxonomical hierarchy. This property is very
helpful during the pattern matching process of query an-
swering. The HClass ontology has an autonomous existence,
with respect to the description of the dynamic entities in
the HTemp ontology. This allows to take into account well-
defined classes of cognitive phenomena without considering
the specificities of their contexts.
2) HTemp: The second ontology, HTem p, is an nary
ontology that allows to define templates for representing
dynamic entities based on the notions of ”conceptual pred-
icate” and ”functional roles”. Recursive lists of symbolic
labels are used for representing correctly complex dynamic
entities and their relationships. Conceptual predicates are
used to represent the spatio-temporal context as temporally
ordered and logically/semantically coherent blocks of dy-
namic entities, called NKRL events. These predicates consist
of the description of a particular action, state, situation, etc.
They correspond to the syntactic/grammatical ”verbs”, also
they correspond to adjectives and nouns when they have a
predicative function. NKRL allows to represent in the best
way each context of the elementary events using a structured
n-ary scheme, whose ’core’ is denoted by Eq. 4:
(Li(Pj(R1a1)(R2a2)...(Rnan))) (4)
Liis a ”symbolic label” identifying the elementary event
to be represented (e.g., the event : ”The Robot moves
to Person’s Location”),
Pjis a ”conceptual predicate”, i.e., a deep level gener-
alization of a particular surface predicate, independent
from a specific natural language (e.g. the predicate
MOVE represents the action of moving from one
place to another or from one state to another).
Rkis a generic ”functional role”, like SUBJ(ect),
OBJ(ect), etc., i.e., the formalization of the relationship
between the predicate and one of its arguments akthat
explains the specific function of akin the context of the
global meaning of the elementary event.
aiis then a generic ”argument” of the predicate intro-
duced by a specific functional role. For instance, the
individuals ROBOT1and BILL, etc.
Let us consider another example where Julia’s smartphone
sends an information about Julia’s location. The semantic
description of this event is given in table I by the symbolic
label of the predicative occurrence (L=event2”). In this
case, the conceptual predicate (P=EX I ST )indicates
the presence of entities specifically a human. This human
entity is represented with the role (R=SUBJ)and its
argument (a=JULI A), an instance of the HClass concept
human being”.
event2: EXIST
date-1: 14/02/2015 12:25
3) Knowledge automated extraction: The automated ex-
traction of knowledge requires a reasoning model for map-
ping lexical/syntactic information, supplied by sensors and
humans, into an ontological knowledge. This model allows
the matching of patterns, created from the perception of
the real world, and the antecedent (condition part) of the
corresponding conversion rule, in the HClass ontology.
a) Unification Process based on Parallel Base Ex-
ploration:The unification process consists of matching
the syntactic tree of the NL statement with the antecedent
(condition part) of a conversion rule. In this paper, a parallel
implementation of the unification process is proposed in
order to minimize the response time. This process is based
on the semantic tree matching algorithm presented in [13].
When the syntactic tree of the NL statement is unified
with the antecedent of the conversion rule, patterns are
created from lexical/syntactic information to be mapped into
conceptual knowledge.
b) Pattern matching and disambiguation:The pattern
matching consists of checking the existence of the patterns
in the HClass ontology. Terms queries usually lead to
significant ambiguity. The main challenge for this pattern
matching model is to automate the resolution of ambiguities.
In this paper, the disambiguation is based on the extraction
of semantic relations between the candidate terms. Roget
thesaurus, WordNet and Verbnet dictionaries and DBPedia
[4] are used to resolve these ambiguities.
c) Automatic commonsense knowledge extension:
To enable the matching of patterns, a large commonsense
knowledge base is required. However, a negative matching
may occur when knowledge is incomplete. In this case, the
HClass ontology requires to be updated with the discovered
To update the HCl ass ontology, the hypernym relation
is used to discover new commonsense knowledge. Discov-
ering commonsense knowledge consists of extracting the
generalization/specification relation of the term xin the
HClass ontology. The commonsense of this term, denoted
by HClass(x), is a sub class of the concept Cyif its hy-
pernym y, denoted HY P(x,y), is matched in HClass where
HClass(y) = Cy. Formally, Eq. 5 describes the fact that the
HClass(x)extracted from the term xis a specialization of
the concept Cyin HCl ass ontology.
HY P(x,y)(HClass(y) = Cy)HClass(x)Cy(5)
For example, the term mirror is not matched in the
HClass ontology. The term ob ject”, the hypernym of
mirror”, is matched with the concept ob ject ”. Thus, we
can automatically infer that the concept mirror is a new
specialization of the concept ob ject ”.
The extension of the commonsense knowledge through the
HClass ontology allows an advanced representation of the
knowledge in open world.
d) Example:Let us consider the following statement
that can be captured from an intelligent refrigerator: ”beer
is missing”. The creation of the NKRL annotation is done
through a positive semantic unification of the syntactic tree
of the NL statement with the antecedent (condition part) of
the conversion rule described in table II. The NKRL HTem p
template instantiated in this rule is Produce:Entity, which
means the creation of all sort of HClass entities including
documents, messages, news, etc. For this unification, we used
a parallel exploration based on a semantic tree matching
The event beer is missing is described in table III by
the predicative occurrence event1”.
B. Reasoning Techniques for Cognitive Actors
Each actor has reasoning capabilities to communicate and
interact with other agents regarding the capabilities of each,
and reason on. The main objectives of the introduced rea-
soning techniques are to create intelligent assistive services.
1) Context-based decision making: To model a context of
an AAL application, first of all, the different elements that
affect the application and allow to infer the context have to be
identified. In this paper, the states of all actors of the system
are used for modeling the context. The user profile is one
of those contextual attributes. As the actors act in dynamic
Condit ionPart(Antecedent):
(S (NN var3) (VP (S (NP (EX There)) (VP (RB not) (NN var1)))))
ConsequentPart :
OBJ notification message
TOPIC SPECIF(entity SPECIF(cardinality none ))
Produce:Entity (6.24)
Constraint Group :
var1=? ; var2=Gvar1 and HClass(var2) = food
HClass(var3)=human being; var4=Gvar3
HClass(var3)= electric/electronics equipment sector;
var4=SPECIF(Hvar3 detection )
event1: PRODUCE
TOPIC SPECIF(entity (SPECIF cardinality none ))
date-1: 02/08/2014 12:22
environments, a description of the world continuously up-
dated is required. The reasoning core of each actor supports
spatio-temporal reasoning about the changing locations of
humans and objects which are described using the HClass
ontology. For instance, a smart notification service can be
conceived using the context awareness paradigm and the
spatio-temporel reasoning. It allows a relevant notification
at the best moment and place.
Antecedant :
C1: EXIST SUBJ : var1 : var2
var1: human being
var2: supermarket building
C2: PRODUCE SUBJ: var3 :
OBJ : notification message
TOPIC: SPECIF (entity (SPECIF cardinality none ))
var3: basic food
Consequent :
OBJ notification message
BENF var1
TOPIC SPECIF( var2 (SPECIF cardinality none ))
var1: human being
var2: basic food
a) Example: Let us consider the transformation rule
depicted in table IV. The antecedent of this rule aims to
retrieve the information, in the knowledge base, concern-
ing the absence of a basic food and the presence of a
person near a supermarket. The event2, see table I, rep-
resents the following statement: ”Julia is beside a super-
market”. This event is matched with the first condition of
the antecedent C1 while JU LI A and CASI NO BUI LDING
are individuals respectively of the concepts human being
and supermarket building in the HClass ontology. In
addition, the event1 is matched with the second con-
dition of the antecedent C2 while the explicit variable
noti f icat ion messsage and the variable basic f ood are
matched with a predicative occurrence. The basic foods
are defined with respect to user profile. With respect to
the transformation rule, the variables of consequent are
substitutable by variables defined in the antecedent. The
consequent means that the robot notifies the missing foods to
the adequate person, who is in this case, Julia. The generated
predicative occurrence is an instance of the template Move :
GenericIn f or mat ion. This template allows to easily manage
communication and messages between actors. Thus, from
this predicative occurrence, a message content is generated
by the NL Generator module.
Figure 2 shows another case of smart notification where
”EDEN” is located near to ”LIDL supermarket” and ”milk
is missing”.
Fig. 2. The refrigerator notifies Eden that milk is missing
2) Reasoning based on collective intelligence: When a
knowledge is missing, an actor isn’t able to make any
decision. In this paper, we investigate the reasoning with
incomplete knowledge. A reasoning-based collective intelli-
gence model is proposed. Collective intelligence is defined
by Malone as a group of people and computers, connected
by the internet, collectively doing intelligent things [20].
Adopting this definition in the application context of this
study, actors’ system, humans, robots, agents, machines
and sensors are collectively reacting to give the missing
knowledge that is indispensable for decision making.
Task selection based on capabilities:
In order to reason about which capabilities are needed
for performing an action, agents have a semantic de-
scription of their capabilities such as navigation, com-
munication or object recognition. In this study, a task
selection model is able to check which capabilities can
be acquired to achieve a task. Formally, a task selection
consists of a tuple Π=hA,K,C,Tiwhere Ais a group
of actors, Kis a set of tasks, and Cis a set of capabilities
evolving over the time T.
Selecting a particular task kfor an actor aiconsists of
determining the probability P
kaithat reflects how large
a part its capability is out of the sum of the capabilities
of all the tasks known to that actor.
The capability Cai
kof each actor encodes the capability
of the task stimulus as perceived by specific actors. This
depends on various parameters: the urgency φkof the
task k; the distance dbetween the actor and the task; and
the skill Sai
kof the actor, indicating the correspondance
of the actor aiwith respect to task k.
Knowledge Exchange:
As each actor has some capabilities enabling only to
sense specific information, the actors need to exchange
the information captured by each one. Exchanging
knowledge allows to complete missing knowledge for
decision making and answering correctly to queries. Ex-
changing knowledge could also, significantly speed-up
commonsense knowledge extraction using a distributed
The formulation below defines a set of actors ai;(i=1,
..., n)having a required capability Caiat time Tto answer.
These actors cooperate together by exchanging information
... Query(an,Qan);
NKRL rules define the capability of each actor and allow to
manage the interactions between actors to solve a specific
3) Causal reasoning: Different formalisms have been de-
veloped to model action preconditions and effects, and solve
both deduction and abduction problems about a multitude
of commonsense reasoning phenomena. In this paper, the
NKRL model is used to establish a linear time structure
enabling temporal reasoning to infer the intervals in which
certain events hold. In addition, the NKRL model includes a
second structure called binding occurrences, such as GOAL
and CAU SE , allowing to easily model a cause, and its
effects. In order to answer ”what is the possible cause”
question, the high-level inference based on hypothesis rules
is used. This inference mechanism is able to infer causality
relationships from a set of observed elementary events, and
provide plausible answers.
A. Cognitive assistance scenario
To validate the proposed approach and its concepts such
as context-based decision making and reasoning in open
world, a cognitive assistance scenario is proposed. In this
scenario, Bill, a frail person, is living alone in a smart home
equipped with a companion robot, called Kompai, and smart
objects that cooperate together to assist him in different
daily tasks. Julia, Bill’s sister, is responsible for monitoring
the smart house from which she receives notifications. In
this scenario, a smart refrigerator is used as actor able to
determine the status of basic foods specified in the user
profile. The refrigerator sends the status of these foods
to the adequate actor at the appropriate time and place
before asking for this information. Another important issue
addressed in this scenario concerns the capability of actors
to reason with incomplete knowledge by exchanging the
missing knowledge. For example, when the human asks
for an item such as cheese, the refrigerator has explicit
knowledge about that. The robot, which is endowed with
more reasoning capabilities than the refrigerator, can look
for and interact with the closest actor that has the ability
to provide this knowledge. The aforementioned examples
show different complexities in how the reasoning and the
interaction among actors can be ascertained.
B. General description of the implementation
The proposed approach has been implemented as a Java
service component that can be easily instantiated in a cloud
platform. Sensing, actuation and interaction with smart ob-
jects and the robot are implemented in the same software
layer by using the Ubistruct middleware. The description of
the living lab and the middleware are reported in the follow-
ing video Accord-
ing to the scenario, the refrigerator is able to detect that a
basic food, such as beer, is missing through the correlation
of events concerning the absence of the RFID tag placed on
the beer bottle, within the coverage area of the RFID reader
attached on the refrigerator. A communication module is
implemented as web service to poll the RFID area coverage
and send an event of tag absence after a given timeout.
This work is reported in a multimedia video file that can be
downloaded from
C. Evaluation and discussion
To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach,
several experiments have been conducted. We have tested
255 examples of queries including 471 messages. The pro-
cessing of each query implies firing at most 5 inference rules,
that allow to handle the basic operations concerning the man-
agement of actors’ local knowledge bases. In these tests, the
queries are in natural language under the form of a written
message or vocal message through the companion robot. The
number of accesses to the commonsense knowledge, HClass,
is proportional to the search patterns. During these tests, an
increase of the knowledge base of each actor is observed.
The execution time of each module is independent of the
size of the knowledge base due to the parallel computing
of the NKRL annotation production and reasoning. These
tests show that the proposed distributed cognitive architecture
achieves a success rate about 90 %, improving significantly
the performance obtained in our previous work where the
success rate was about 75% [14]. Some errors that occurred
during these experimentations are due to the limited sen-
sitivity of the microphone embedded into the companion
robot. In addition, implementing the communication module
as service instead of XMPP message allows a message
exchange between actors without transmission errors.
Additional experiments driven by different users have been
conducted in the living-Lab of LISSI- UPEC. 25 people
(19 single people and 6 couples) agreed to test assistive
services involving the Kompai robot for one day each. These
people have almost a similar daily agenda where they are
present in their office all day with a lunch break where
they go to buy foods from supermarket and put them in
the refrigerator. Each person has filled a form to indicate
her/his preferred food items. During the experiments, ob-
servations and questionnaires have been used as evaluation.
The evaluation consists of collecting a qualitative feedback
that provides valuable data about the user perception and
satisfaction. The obtained satisfaction rate is 70%. All users
describe the experiments as an enjoyable experience. Some
appreciations from the end users reflect the added value
of the provided service: ”Interesting services”, ”Oh, great
services, I always forget to buy coffee capsules”.
In this paper, we presented a semantic approach for robots
proactively interacting with humans, agents and systems in
ubiquitous environments using natural language. Its principle
consists of advanced commonsense knowledge represention
and reasoning in open world. It exploits both the narrative
knowledge representation language (NKRL) and collective
intelligence to reason with incomplete knowledge. The sce-
nario dedicated to the cognitive assistance of frail people
showed promising results in terms of pertinence of the
provided service. The ongoing works address the extention
of the proposed approach for spatial modeling and reasoning
with the aim to endow the system actors with additionnal
capabilities to improve their perception of the context and
allow a better decision making.
[1] A. Chibani, A. Bikakis, T. Patkos, Y. Amirat, S. Bouznad, N. Ayari, L.
Sabri, ”Using Cognitive Ubiquitous Robots for Assisting Dependent
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... Various research works have been proposed in recent years to improve interoperability between heterogeneous IoT devices using semantic web technologies [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] . In reference 9 , a novel framework for the Semantic Web of Things based on a backward-compatible extension of the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is proposed. ...
... In reference 14 , Sensor Markup Language (SenML) 15 and Resource Description Framework (RDF) are adopted to represent devices' parameters. In reference 16 , a semantic approach is proposed for robots interaction with humans, agents and systems using natural language. In reference 17 , an ontology-based framework is proposed to discover, search, use and share information and services of residential environment devices. ...
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The Internet of Things is a natural continuity of the Ambient Intelligence where smart and ambient environments are built by integrating a large number of interconnected smart objects with heterogeneous capabilities abstracted as software services. The aim is to design cross-domain applications that compose and select most relevant services, which best match user requirements and closely meet the specified quality-of-service level. However, semantic description and representation of such smart devices, including their hosted services and their provided real world data, is still a challenging issue. Semantic Web technologies are seen as a promising tool for this purpose. Indeed, applying these technologies in the Internet of Things enables smart objects to efficiently share their data, exchange their services and cooperate to better satisfy both functional and non-functional user requirements. In this paper, we propose a new semantic model for smart objects description and users request resolution using ontological techniques combined with description logics. Such a model facilitates intelligent functions, including reasoning over service data and semantic interoperability enabling among devices. A case study for smart environment monitoring has been proposed to illustrate the effectiveness and usability of our approach.
... Generate and execute a cooking plan based on the current environment and a requested meal • Environment Exploration (Pangercic et al., 2012;Kanjaruek et al., 2015;Jäger et al., 2018;Vassiliades et al., 2020;Zhang et al., 2021): Interacting with parts of the environment (objects, doors, cupboards, etc.) to gather (new) knowledge • Hole Digging (Javed et al., 2016): Dig a hole in the garden • Intention Inference (Liu et al., 2015;Liu and Zhang, 2016;De Silva et al., 2022): Identify the intention of a human with a certain object/command to react fittingly when the command cannot be executed (e.g., the robot should fetch the human some juice, which is not available. • Location Detection (Welke et al., 2013): Categorize the location based on the recognized objects (e.g., the robot detects milk and juice and concludes that the location is a fridge) • Navigation (Shylaja et al., 2013;Li et al., 2022): Navigate to a specific location • Object Delivery (Lam et al., 2012;Riazuelo et al., 2013; Mühlbacher (Daoutis et al., 2012;Pratama et al., 2014;Kümpel et al., 2020;Chiatti et al., 2022): Recognize a specific object based on its properties • Pick and Place (Al-Moadhen et al., 2013;Javia and Cimiano, 2016;Mitrevski et al., 2021): Pick an object up and place it at a different location • Reminiscence Therapy (Wu et al., 2019): Asking questions about provided pictures to get the human to remember and socialize • Table Setting (Salinas Pinacho et al., 2018;Haidu and Beetz, 2019): Set the table for a meal scenario (and maybe also clean up afterwards) • Tidy Up (Aker et al., 2012;Skulkittiyut et al., 2013): Bring a specified part of the environment in order by removing unusual objects • Tool Substitution (Zhu et al., 2015;Thosar et al., 2020;2021;Dhanabalachandran et al., 2021;Xin et al., 2022): Recognizing a specific object as a suitable substitute for a missing tool • Warehousing (Ayari et al., 2015;Pradeepani et al., 2022): ...
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One of the big challenges in robotics is the generalization necessary for performing unknown tasks in unknown environments on unknown objects. For us humans, this challenge is simplified by the commonsense knowledge we can access. For cognitive robotics, representing and acquiring commonsense knowledge is a relevant problem, so we perform a systematic literature review to investigate the current state of commonsense knowledge exploitation in cognitive robotics. For this review, we combine a keyword search on six search engines with a snowballing search on six related reviews, resulting in 2,048 distinct publications. After applying pre-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria, we analyse the remaining 52 publications. Our focus lies on the use cases and domains for which commonsense knowledge is employed, the commonsense aspects that are considered, the datasets/resources used as sources for commonsense knowledge and the methods for evaluating these approaches. Additionally, we discovered a divide in terminology between research from the knowledge representation and reasoning and the cognitive robotics community. This divide is investigated by looking at the extensive review performed by Zech et al. (The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2019, 38, 518–562), with whom we have no overlapping publications despite the similar goals.
... As we explicitly address dynamic knowledge, the concepts and principles of truth maintenance systems [2], techniques for intentional forgetting [8], and the research in the field of Ambient Assisted Living [1] are therefore of interest for our approach, too. In order to retract CK from our knowledge base, we utilise the External Statement feature of the ASP solver Clingo. ...
Conference Paper
Incorporating commonsense and coping with dynamic knowledge are key capabilities of service robots to efficiently interact with humans. In the presented system, we demonstrate how to equip service robots with commonsense knowledge and the dynamic reasoning capabilities of Answer Set Programming (ASP). We investigated the response of our system to basic human needs and evaluated the viability and scalability of the combination of the commonsense knowledge database ConceptNet 5 and the ASP solver Clingo. Our results show the flexibility and versatility of our approach. Further, we identified the need for research on scalability in case of environments that are abundant with objects.
... In (Yachir et al., 2016b), a service-oriented, usercentered and event-aware Framework for service discovery and selection in IoT is proposed. In (Ayari et al., 2015), a semantic approach is proposed for robots interaction with humans. In (Han and Crespi, 2017), a service provisioning architecture for smart objects with semantic annotation is proposed to enable the integration of IoT applications into the Web. ...
... In [5] the authors propose a methodology for e-Health system that is oriented towards e-Health interacting information and that do not take into account SE as discussed in this paper. Approaches such as [8] or [2] are important contributions to the SE methodological challenge. The differences with the approach proposed in this paper are the focus on sensors/effectors and monitored/controlled phenomenon and the integration of multiple expertness. ...
This paper presents a methodological approach for the engineering of Smart Environments based upon Multi-Agent Systems. This approach is an extension of an existing MAS methodology, namely ASPECS. The extension of ASPECS is allowed by the Situational Method Engineering principles underlying ASPECS and takes the form of several existing modified activities and corresponding meta-model elements. The key elements that are targeted by the contribution are: the identification of goals hierarchy, the expression of detailed requirements and associations of goals to sensors/effectors, different levels of ontologies to describe on the one hand, the problem conceptualization, and, on the other hand, the several involved expertness. The remaining, existing activities, refine the models in order to identify organizational structures/behaviours and theirs agentification. The approach is illustrated through a case study that consists in a platform dedicated to the Monitoring of patients with heart failures.
The emergence of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) approach, together with Autonomic Network Management (ANM), have improved the provision of eHealth services. However, proposals must evolve in order to ensure that eHealth data be transported with quality assurance and delivered with quality information. This perspective substantiates our proposal and the respective validation of a Quality of Experience (QoE) Management model in a Future Internet Architecture. A knowledge representation model of QoE was incorporated into a service delivery platform oriented to user’s needs, thus measuring UX (User Experience). An experimental environment was configured to provide eHealth services from an AAL environment to a healthcare facility. Experiments were performed to verify whether the components of the proposed approach had better quality performance in service provision when compared to the components of the native approach of the SDN controller. Experimental results pointed out that, with a 95% confidence interval, all eHealth services utilizing components of the proposed model showed superior quality when compared with those from the native approach.
Internet of Things’ (IoT) services represent a great interest research topic for both academic and industrial communities due to their large application domains. New dynamic and automatic development approaches are created in order to improve their effectiveness based on service composition process. Indeed, they allow the aggregation of smart object’s services to meet complex requirements from various application areas. This paper provides an architecture that describes a framework for service composition in IoT. Moreover, it proposes a rule-based reasoner where several facts and rules (knowledge base) are inferred to satisfy user queries. This approach is designed and implemented using SysML and Prolog platform respectively. The use-cases scenario and extensive tests show clearly the interest, feasibility, and suitability of the rule-based system for service composition in the IoT.
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Beliefs play an important role in human-robot teaming scenarios, where the robots must reason about other agents' intentions and beliefs in order to inform their own plan generation process, and to successfully coordinate plans with the other agents. In this paper, we cast the evolving and complex structure of beliefs, and inference over them, as a planning and plan recognition problem. We use agent beliefs and intentions modeled in terms of predicates in order to create an automated planning problem instance, which is then used along with a known and complete domain model in order to predict the plan of the agent whose beliefs are being modeled. Information extracted from this predicted plan is used to inform the planning process of the modeling agent, to enable coordination. We also look at an extension of this problem to a plan recognition problem. We conclude by presenting an evaluation of our technique through a case study implemented on a real robot.
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This chapter presents a telehealth system called GiraffPlus supporting independent living of elderly in their own home. GiraffPlus system is a complex system which monitors activities and physiological parameters in the home using a network of sensors. The elaborated information is presented to the primary user, the elderly, and to secondary users like health care and home care providers and possibly to family members as a help to assess possible health and wellbeing deterioration, provide acute alarms, and support health procedure. The secondary users can also visit the elderly via the Giraff, a teleoperated robot that can communicate and move in the home under the control of the secondary user. The chapter focusses in particular on the deployment of the system in six real homes in Sweden, Italy and Spain. The chapter outlines the technological various components used, the expectations of the users and the evaluation method.
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Hybrid reactive-deliberative architectures in robotics combine reactive sub-policies for fast action execution with goal sequencing and deliberation. The need for replanning, however, presents a challenge for reactivity and hinders the potential for guarantees about the plan quality. In this paper, we argue that one can integrate abstract planning provided by symbolic dynamic programming in first order logic into a reactive robotic architecture, and that such an integration is in fact natural and has advantages over traditional approaches. In particular, it allows the integrated system to spend off-line time planning for a policy, and then use the policy reactively in open worlds, in situations with unexpected outcomes, and even in new environments, all by simply reacting to a state change executing a new action proposed by the policy. We demonstrate the viability of the approach by integrating the FODD-Planner with the robotic DIARC architecture showing how an appropriate interface can be defined and that this integration can yield robust goal-based action execution on robots in open worlds.
Conference Paper
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The community-based generation of content has been tremendously successful in the World Wide Web - people help each other by providing information that could be useful to others. We are trying to transfer this approach to robotics in order to help robots acquire the vast amounts of knowledge needed to competently perform everyday tasks. RoboEarth is intended to be a web community by robots for robots to autonomously share descriptions of tasks they have learned, object models they have created, and environments they have explored. In this paper, we report on the formal language we developed for encoding this information and present our approaches to solve the inference problems related to finding information, to determining if information is usable by a robot, and to grounding it on the robot platform.
In this chapter we discuss the necessity to move beyond built-in monotonic semantic web based reasoning-architectures for endowing ubiquitous robots with cognitive capabilities, which are strongly required in ambient assistive living, towards new architectures that combine different reasoning mechanisms to achieve better context awareness and adaptability in dynamic environments. We also present practical reasoning approaches that we have developed during the last decade for ambient intelligence and robotics applications. Finally, we discuss future directions that should be investigated to implement high-level cognitive capabilities that can be supported by cloud computing platforms as reasoning backend for robots and connected devices in smart spaces. These will enhance the human-environment interaction using robots, emergency prevention, management and rescue.
The Ambient Intelligence (AmI) technologies have the potential to create intelligent environments with new generation of assistive services, enhanced with ubiquitous robots. These environments have the ability to be anticipatory, responsive and intelligent providers of assistive services anytime and anywhere. These services can assist frail persons e�ectively in their daily tasks. One of the main challenging research problems in assistive robotics is to endow ubiquitous robots with ability to pro-actively taking on some tasks to help humans in performing complex activities, by participating with them just as other humans do, in normal societies or organizations. In this paper, we propose a collective intelligence framework based on narrative reasoning and natural language processing. In the proposed approach, we propose a hybrid model that bridges together the Narrative Knowledge Representation Language (NKRL), from natural language processing �eld, and the HARMS (Humans, software Agents, Robots, Machines and Sensors) model, from multi-agent systems engineering �eld. This model is able to (i) drive the dialogues between humans, robots and smart devices, (ii) understand a com- plex situation, and (iii) trigger reactive actions, in the ubiquitous environment, according to given contexts. Two scenarios dedicated to the assistance of a frail person in a smart home equipped with a companion robot and smart objects are implemented and discussed for validation purposes of the proposed framework.
Robotic middlewares increasingly allow the seam-less integration of multiple heterogeneous robots into one distributed system. Unfortunately, very simple devices like tagged everyday objects and smart objects are left orphan in this otherwise pervasive trend. We claim that the inclusion of simple everyday objects as part of networked robot systems would have many advantages. We discuss our previous work on seamless integration of standard robots and simple off-the-shelf embedded devices, and extend our effort by proposing a design pattern to allow this inclusion for even simpler objects. An illustrative experiment demonstrates how tiny devices and everyday objects become part of a networked robot system by adapting the proposed techniques and cooperate to perform complex tasks.
In this paper, we evoke first the ubiquity and the importance of the so-called “non-fictional” narrative information. We show then that the usual knowledge representation and ontological techniques have difficulties in finding complete solutions for representing and using this type of information. We supply then some details about NKRL, a representation and querying/inferencing environment especially created for an ‘intelligent’ exploitation of (non-fictional) narratives. The paper will be illustrated with some examples concerning recent concrete applications of this language/environment.
Conference Paper
In this paper, we present a semantic framework that is intended to enable natural interactions between ubiquitous robots and humans in Ambient Intelligence(AmI) environments. The main contribution of this paper is the extension of the core of the Narrative Knowledge Representation Language (NKRL) framework with semantic modules to allow on one hand, converting robot interactions into formal n 􀀀 ary semantic annotations, and on the other hand, making semantic inferences for: (i) driving the humanrobot dialogue, (ii) inferring the spatio-temporal context of the overall dialogue and (iii) mapping the inferred context with the actions that should be triggered in the AmI environment. A scenario dedicated to the monitoring and cognitive assistance of elderly people is implemented and discussed for validation purposes of the proposed framework.